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Toenails. Thats disgusting. Disgusting. We did pull your advice staff on this on whether youre allowed to wear shorts in the office, interestingly theres a split. They say its okay for women to wear shorts. But it is not okay for men to wear shorts. That feels a little sexist to me. But i dont know whats going on. I dont think such a rule would be allowed if it wasnt across the board. I believe inequality for the genders. Sure, harry, thanks very much. I dont know what that was about. The news continues, the source with Kaitlan Collins begins now. Straight from the source, tonight, you can potentially hear any moment from the judge overseeing the 2020 election interference case. As we wait, the Special Counsels team just swung back at trump and his lawyers after they complained in the Free Speech Rights could be limited, and theres a Nondisclosure Order over evidence in the case. Of course, this is also coming as we are learning more about a foiled plot in ukraine when it comes to ukrainian president zelenskyy, what we are hearing about this informant who was apparently passing along key intelligence about the ukrainian leader. Also tonight, we have one of the greatest athletes of alltime here to join us, Katie Ledecky has just swung her way into the world record books once again. Defeating Michael Phelps, taking out one of his titles that he wants previously held. Well talk to her live in just a moment. Im Kaitlan Collins, and this is the source. As we noted, tonight we are waiting to potentially hear any moment from the judge overseeing the 2020 election interference case. As we wait, the Special Counsels team has just responded to trump and his attorneys from a filing that they sent in just about three hours ago. Where they complain at his Free Speech Rights could be limited if there is a Nondisclosure Order over evidence in the case. They want the judge to put measures in place so trump cant publicly share some of that evidence. Jack smith is now arguing that the former president s team is basically trying to try the case in the press. Saying, quote, the defendant seeks to use the discovery of material to litigate this case, in the media. Smith shared complaints about the case that trumps newest Defense Attorney, john lauro, made in five different Television Interviews yesterday. This all came right after trumps post on friday night, where he wrote, in all capital letters, if you go after me, im coming after you. Trumps attorneys are now arguing that was a reference to political adversaries, not legal ones. All of this is coming as cnn is also learning tonight that security for judge chutkan has increased at the federal courthouse in washington, as trump is stepping up his attacks on her. Publicly insisting that she recuse herself from his case. Weve also learned exclusively that trump ally, bernie kerik, met with Special Counsel and their investigators today. He, of course, is the disgraced former new York City Police commissioner. And his Attorney Says that they mainly focused on what Rudy Giuliani was doing after the 2020 election. Of course, all of that means this investigation goes on. So what does this mean for trumps legal case . And how the judge here is planning to handle it. It could say a lot, about how she rules. Perspective now from retired California Superior Court judge, for Ladoris Hazzard cordell. Judge, thank you so much for joining me tonight. As i was noting just a few moments ago, we heard from the Special Counsel, they are responding to the trump team over this protective order. Part of what they said, and im quoting the Specials Team now, the defendant has proposed an unreasonable order to facilitate his plan to litigate this case in the media, to the detriment of litigating this case in the courtroom. They say normal order should prevail. Of course, this is a point they made repeatedly throughout the filing. What you make of that response . Well, its important to note that a protective order is asked for evidence that is being handed over in discovery. Discovery happens in a criminal case, prosecutors turn over information to the defense. Not all information in discovery is admissible in court. It might be deemed to be a relevant, or true prejudicial. So what trumps people want is to take all of this information, no matter what it is, whether or not it is admissible, and put it all out there for the world to see. And the problem with that, of course, is that what that does is inflame the jury. It gets potential jurors, and it gets them to see information that perhaps they would not ever see if they were selected as jurors to be in a trial. I presided over nearly 20 years i was on the bench. Over lots of criminal cases. Some of them got media attention. Never once did i ever have a defendant ever take discovery, and then go put it all out for everyone to see. It just doesnt happen. So i think its absolutely appropriate to issue a protective order in this case. Yeah, it sounds like that you think thats a genuine concern, that jack smiths team has here. Absolutely. All of this information just should not be put out. Its up to the judge to decide what information will come into the trial. So to put it all out there, theres only one purpose. That is to just inflame people into influence people who might be jurors in the case. Which is all inappropriate. The case should be tried in the courtroom, with decisions made about what evidence is admissible and what is not. I think you just made a really important point. I want to get to what trumps team is saying about this. You just made is a really important point. This is a protective order. This is not asking for a gag order, which would mean that he cant basically speak at all publicly. About this case. My understanding is that a protective order is a pretty standard move this early on in a criminal prosecutors like this. Absolutely. This is standard procedure. What people are seeing is a playbook for how to delay a criminal case. Just delay, delay, delay. Pick at everything. This is standard information. Again, the key is we want to have a fair trial for both sides. The only way to do that is for a judge to determine what is admissible evidence, and what is not. It cannot happen if all of the discovery is then just thrown out by trumps side and just everyone in the public and media gets to see it, when it may not even be relevant or appropriate in the case. Heres how trumps team is arguing. Their deadline was 5 00 today than, we just saw jack smiths team respond to what they said. Trumps team was basically arguing, and im quoting from their filing now, they say in a trial about first amendmen rights, the government seekso restrict First Amendment rights. Inner ministrations primary political opponent it during a prominenparty members and allies have campaigned on the indictment and proliferated its false allegations. How do you thi judge chutkan will read that argument from the trump team . Well, i dont think shes going to give it much merit at all. I hope she doesnt spend much time on it. An election is not a trial. There are two distinct things what they are basically saying is the First Amendment they clearly, his lawyers and trump, do not understand the meaning of the First Amendment. This has nothing to do with First Amendment. This has everything to do with making sure there is a fair trial. The only person in charge of doing it, its not trump, it is the judge in this case. Her rulings will determine how the trial will proceed. She will follow all of the rules, and therefore ensure that there is going to be a fair trial for both sides. Depending on how quickly she issues a response, what will you read into that . Its not just what she decides here. Its also the scope of it. But also how quickly she responds. Do you think that will signify, i mean, how quickly she plans to move this case along . Absolutely. Its a very good point. Just as she responded very quickly when they want to do a continuance, and she shut that down, i think her response is not going to be Come Back To Me and 90 days, ill give you a written decision. I think this judge understands that time is important. She also knows what kinds of issues are important. This is not a big deal. What the trump side has said, well, we want a compromise. No. Either my view, either the protective order gets granted or does not. My view is she will grant it. Because its not an infringement on anyones First Amendment rights. Prosecutors were arguing for this first on friday night, as we were talking about on the show then, they cited a post that trump had from friday night. The one we just read that was in all caps. Pretty bag, but threatening, saying mildly threatening, saying if you go after me, im coming after you. How much does Something Like that, if youre a judge making this decision, how much does that factor into her call here . Right, so i dont know necessarily that that quote impacts the protective order. But that certainly gets me thinking, if i were the trial judge, about a gag order, in this case. Its clearly a threat. And a good trial judge doesnt just look at the law. You use common sense. And anyone looking at common sense, looking at what he has posted, and the timing of when he posted it, raises another issue. Whether or not this person, and the team, should be told, and this is true on both sides, just to say we are going to have a mutual gag order. I would expect that may come next. Im afraid that after that, if indeed the gag order is issued, which is not a First Amendment issue at all, is basically saying dont talk about this outside of the courtroom. My guess is trump would violate it in a heartbeat. Then we will see what the judge does in terms of consequences for violating yet another court order. You think there will be a gag order here, at least you think that there should be . I absolutely can see it coming. This man cannot shut up. Hes a chatty charlie. Hes going to just talk and talk. He really doesnt care about rules, and about saying the rules that say you can speak or cannot speak. This is where the test of a good trial judge comes about. If youre gonna have a fair trial, its going to be by the rules set by that person in a black robe. If the rules are you do not talk about this other than in the court, because its not punishment, its to ensure a fair trial. If that does not happen, there have to be, there has to be immediate consequence to violating a court order. Only in that way, can everyone have respect for the system. Well, we know with the trump Team Response would be is that hes a candidate for president , hes running, he has his free speech right. We will see what the judge does decide here on the protective order first. Judge, thank you so much for joining us. Judge cordell. Sure. My pleasure. Im joined now by our panel of legal experts, Karen Friedman agnifilo, who is the chief assistant District Attorney under District Attorney science, also with us, nick ackerman, former assistant u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Thank you both for being here. Obviously a key question of what the judge is going to decide, which could be any moment, nick, its how broad the scope of this protective order is. Do you agree with the judge there that the points of it, the real concern about trump potentially sharing some of this evidence that jack smith said. Whats most amazing here kaitlan, whats most amazing is they agreed to the precise same order. Protective order in the miami case. Its the same protective order in an essence that went into effect in a new york prosecution. So this is just, as the judge said, nothing but a technique to try and delay this trial, and drag it out. Try and have hearings. Try and have more motions. I dont think the judge is going to put up with this. Let me ask you karen, we did just hear from the judge. She has signaled that shes going to hold a hearing this week on this dispute. On what restrictions should be imposed on what evidence is going to be shared. Shes told the parties to come by three pm tomorrow two options for when that hearing could be held. Are you surprised by any of this . Or is this what you expected to happen . Well, so, if you just back up a little bit, trump was just arraigned last week on this case. Right . He was just released from custody. Because when he was arrested, he was in custody. When he was released, the judge imposed certain conditions, right. One of them was dont commit any new crimes. Dont threaten. Just standard witnesses. Exactly. That night he tweets this law, if youre coming after me, im coming after you. I think it really flies in the face of just common sense that it he wasnt referring to them. Just like when he had the Baseball Bat Picture next to alvin braggs head. Then he says no, it was just American Made baseball bats. He says things that are just dont make any sense and i think this is like that as well. The judge, in another case, if it was not donald trump, if you had somebody who tried to steal an election, take over the capital, reopen the indictment, 78 charges, was released and then threatened the prosecutors and the judge . Any other defendant would be put in. He would be incarcerated. So this defendant is already being treated lenient lee, and differently than everybody else. And this jack smith going and saying we just want to have a protective order is a very mild step to try and protect his First Amendment rights while hes running for office but also protect the integrity of the case. Until we see what trump itself is arguing, we also know what his attorneys are arguing. John lauro is one of those who is on several networks, yesterday, making this argument. Specifically, this was about pets. And the role he plays in this. And what trump was pressuring pence to do, and asking him to do. This was john lauros defense of that. You are saying that asking is action. No, asking is aspirational. Asking is not action. Its called free speech. What President Trump did not do is direct Vice President pence to do anything. That contradicts a key point in the indictment. They say he did pressure him to do it. Of course he did. If he was asked volitional, sure he was aspiring to be a major crook. He was bypassing Richard Nixon in the crook book. He was essentially putting together a major scheme to steal the election from joe biden. He did that by the first of all setting up this elaborate scheme in all of the Battleground States with fake electors. That claim to be the legitimate electors for those states for trump so that mike pence could then go into the senate and count the vote, and basically count the fake electors, and declare the election for donald trump. Then, they changed the scheme after mike pence refused to do that. Then they tried to get him to send it back to the states, so the State Legislatures would vote in the thick electors. All of this is in the context of all of the pressure that was put on by donald trump on the various State Officials who he was trying to get to change the vote. And hes still going after pence also on social media. He posted yesterday talking about how hes gone to the dark side. Criticizing him. Its coming as john lauros arguing, mike pence could be their best witness. Can we go back to just the breaking news that we are getting about the judge scheduling the hearing this week . Basically giving them until three pm tomorrow to come up with two options and when that hearing can happen. Is that a hearing where trump would go into it, jack smiths team would go into it, and weve got a decision by the end of it over what this could look like on this . Potentially. She could rule from the bench, or she could rule afterward. We see shes been so swiftly ruling, and making decisions that i dont anticipate her allowing this to drag on. I mean, all judges now know that trumps number one tactic is to delay cases, right . He has filed countless numbers of civil cases all across the country. And in his criminal cases, he just wants to delay. He doesnt want to trial in court. He wants his trial, in the court of public opinion. Thats why they dont want this protective order, is that what you think it is . Exactly. Exactly. He wants to try this case in the court of public opinion. We will see what the judge decides. Well see when this hearing happens, potentially. As well, karen and nick, thank you both for being here. Another week, another Trump Indictment watch. A Georgia Grand Jury could be very close to a vote. We have someone who just was subpoenaed to testify before them, the states former republican lieutenant governor, geoff duncan, is here. Plus, a close call after ukraine foiled an alleged plot to assassinate president zelenskyy, Arresting A Female russian informant, what she was said to be doing, when they found her. That just dont smell clean . Downy unstopables inwash Scent Boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. If you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have Downy Unstopables inwash Scent Boosters. Evas about to learn her fear of missing out leads to overeating. I totally eat stuff to not miss out. 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Cnn has now learned that georgias former geoff duncan got a subpoena to testify before the grand jury this month. He is the third witness, the fourth witness that we know of now to have been subpoenaed and what is a clear sign indictments are potentially coming in this longrunning investigation and geoff duncan joins me now. Thank you so much for being here tonight. When did you get the subpoena and when it is asking for you to appear . Im going to certainly keep the details to myself, just to protect the integrity of the investigation but they are very clear subpoena that was delivered to us late last week. We will certainly answer the questions that theyve got for us and answer their call to show up for the grand jury. So, you got at least last week. What do you expect there are going to ask him. You know this, you witnessed a, what do you think theyre going to focus on with you . I certainly have no idea what their exact questions are and ive been an open book. Ive literally written a book about this. Ive tried to change the direction of the republican party. I saw this coming just hours after the 2020 election information of the deluge of false information starting to flow out. You know, its just part of the game. It was this angry visceral, loud, mistaken conservatism. Thats really what donald trump is confuse republicans around the country that the letter you are, the anger you are, the more conservative you are. That could be correct. Theres so many things that played out. For me, one of the pensacola broken moments in this whole process was too. Here we have this kind of cooked up fix Senate Hearing that shows over the Georgia Capital that Rudy Giuliani put on, for the sole purpose of releasing a slice of video that he sold as pretty much a steady stream video, and confused and created all kinds of rumors and Conspiracy Theories that ended up being 20, 30, 40 50 cuts of reality and delivered that. That really was a catalyst moment for this whole process. Hes got to take these folks are on the fence, good working hardworking republicans. President United States seeing this is a real video Rudy Giuliani saying this is real. Sure enough, it is not. It is just bits and pieces of misinformation. Is it clear who is behind the video at this point . Certainly i have no idea. Somebody certainly ordered is placed a video for a particular purpose. Im assuming. Someone paid for it. So, i think thats the type of information that is going to go through. Kaitlan, for me, in the moment, there is very few of us. I feel like i had a dixie cup reeling out water from a boat during this period of time trying to save the republican party. But, you, know the two things for me that continue to catch me offguard every minute of every day was how coordinated so many of these things felt, but also how sloppy they were. That, to me, is really what is going to unpack at the state and federal indictments. They are going to have to answer for these fly by the seat of their passes the seat of the hit, moments where they are trying to basically subvert democracy. A dixie cup bailing water out of the boat. Im going to have to use that one again. When you look at this and you think that that is going to be a big part of this, given that youre getting a letter the three other people have now also got a subpoena here, how close you suspect we are two charges for the investigation . You know anyone else who has gotten a subpoena . I am not aware of anyone else at this moment, and i certainly have no expectations as the timeline. I will make myself available to answer questions, but as a republican i sit here just really worried. I sense this anxiety of time is running out for us to do the right thing. You know, at some, point were all going to have to show up. Candidates running for president , sitting members of the congress, republican governors around the country are going to have to ban together and call for donald trump to step aside. These are really serious charges that we can act like theyre not, listen to the misinformation, the ten second sound, but at the end of the day, we are talking about trying to hire the next president of the United States. As a republican, i dont have to be joe biden. If donald trump is a nominee, it will continue to be joe biden for four more years. I want to ask you one more question about the 2024 party. Previously on, that call trump made to georgia Secretary Of State state george is a key part of this investigation, i want to remind everybody of what happened on that call and how trumps new Defense Attorney is describing it now. The ballots are corrupt and you will find that they are which is totally illegal. Its more illegal for you than it is for them, because you know what they did and you are not really reporting it. That will continue, that is a criminal offense. I want to find 11,780 votes which is one more we have because we won the state what he was asking for is a Secretary Of State to act appropriately and find these votes that were counted illegally. That was, hold on one second, that was an aspirational asked. Does that sound aspirational to you . It sounds dangerous and pathetic, in my opinion. In that moment, when i heard that audiotape for the first time, i had a sea of emotions were probably led by embarrassment. Here i was, at the time it takes you back runoff or two u. S. Senate seats that donald trump eventually lost for us because of this pathetic attempt. Look, like i said, weve got a lot of work to do and we got a lot of medicine to take. I think republicans, like many other people, of Donald Trumps past are going to regret ever being associate with him. You think they will though . Youre talking about governor standing up. Governor desantis is challenging trump. Youre talking about who dont we got about trump. Hes not acknowledging that trump did lose the election. I mean, that comes as cnn poll 69 of republicans and republicanleaning voters do not believe that bidens win was legitimate. Is it too late . I hope not. Im one of those optimistic folks that hope we can get our act together. I wish you wouldve gotten out of the game stronger as republican candidates. Its not like i havent been out there on the front lines and others talking about a gop two point oh a, better way forward. Like i said at the beginning of this kaitlan, donald trump is confused republicans from coast to coast. The anger and louder you are, the more conservative you are. The reality is, we talk about build the wall. The war was not built. We talk about drain the swamp, the swamp wasnt drained. We have a bigger message than Donald Trumps sudden and as a republican who wants to win the white house, we gotta do better and we got this. I think its going to take a herculean effort but im up for the task not to be on the team to help figure out a way to get as many people on the same side as this to call for donald trump to step down and get out of this race, not just for the good of the republican party, but for the good of the country. Geoff duncan, just got a subpoena, thank you for joining us to talk about what you could talk about. Thanks, caitlin. Meanwhile, overseas there is two information that we are getting tonight about a plot to kill premier Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the female suspect who is now in custody. Wow, you get to watch all your favorite stuff. Its to die for. And its all right here. Streaming was never this easy, you know. This is the way. You really went all out didnt you . Um, its called commitment. Could you turn down the volume . Here, you can try. 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The Ukrainian Security sources say that that informant was working to help a plan in russian airstrike that would kill ukrainian leader and identified the location of ukrainian Ammunition Stores. Key part of the entire counteroffensive and were overall. Investigators identify the informant as a former saleswoman from the region. They say they caught her redhanded possum tolerance on to the invaders. That is a quote from the Ukrainian Security service. This is the backdrop of course as Ukraine Continuing Counteroffensive targeting russian infrastructure. Authorities in russia saying that two bridges linking crimea to the russian occupied territory in ukraine were hit with explosions on sunday. Joining me now for all of this is retired u. S. Army major so glad to have you here, youre so good with The Big Picture about all this. On this assassination plot itself. Im surprised that they are trying to kill Volodymyr Zelenskyy but im also surprised theyre making this public. The ukrainians are. What do you read about this . I think this is a message they are something to this network that lightly exist within ukraine of russian spies telling him that i think the network down. This was a plot, it should have the weapon in her hand or anything like that. She was getting that information like you said very important Ammunition Stores as well, where he travels. He is a target, no question about, of the russians are pretty good at assassinations. I think this is a signal that the espy was selling to the russian spies saying that were on top of this hour going to continue working. Weve seen the intense measures that theyve gone to to protect it. He never appears live on camera and if he does its recorded. Chris christie was talking with the president ial palace looks like and the attempt security there. There is new threaten your dusty loitering drones that is it a drone . Were absolutely. Talking to somebody over the weekend about that. The number one thing from a nonlethal perspective right now is getting drones. Groups like Spirit Of America are ngo are trying to get enough information from for drones that are collecting information on russia. This is become a drone war. Thats the Name Of The Game right here. Not only the drones, but thermal energy type blankets that are protecting ukrainian soldiers that are forward, so the russians cannot protect them. They want to have so many data points being established. This has become a drone war. Thats really fascinating about the blankets are trying to spot them on the frontlines. Were also learning about the explosions that hit these key bridges of essentially tie crimea, which russia i legally 2014 with other parts of ukraine that are under russian control. How much of an impact does that have, and what does it say to you about where we are as we are approaching two months in this counteroffensive . We saw pictures in the hole on the bridges there, they are deciding to knock out that eastern artery of the logistics in the ground, lines of communication. I am not sure why they have not done it sooner. They lightly did not have the capacity to do it. They came from the store Shuttle Missiles probably from the uk that had that kind of range in order to do the. This is how ukraine can win if they can cut off crimea threaten crimea, keep it from being reinforced and then russias force of the negotiation table. The other part of this abrams tanks. We have been talking about these thanks so much and we now learned that the first shipment of them has been approved. Theyre expected to reach ukraine finally by september will see if they get there sooner. How critical will those be into shaping what this counteroffensive looks like . I think they have to hide where they are going to go, because that is going to be where they are going to focus their offensive when they get their. They are running out of time, the ukraine army is running out of time. If they do not get there and try to penetrate something within september sober timeframe that we get into the rainy season, in the wintertime within ukraine. Those roads are not going to be as passable as they were in the past. Vladimir putin has tried to hang on until the spring, when we are now in the midst of our president ial election and we have politicians arguing over whether or not we should support this. The only way ukraine is going to continue to even compete is getting u. S. Support for 23 years on the road. That could all get our cut off next spring. Well get in trouble. The u. S. And european officials are worried that putin is planning that in his were planning. Major mike lyons, thank you for breaking it down from us. Next guest is a decorative fema swimmer in history before breaking Michael Phelps world record. Now Katie Landeck he is the greatest, but she has more greatness to achieve and she is here to tell us about it next. We never just see the numbers. We see the people. Marcus detroit, its just changed so much. You can see what it once was. And then, i think about what it can be. As an entrepreneur, its about how i can give them the tools to empower themselves if we can just all do something small, All The Small Things will start to amount to something big. Thats why were here to help make it happen. David as we start a new school year, theres something new happening in californias public schools. Theyre called Community Schools. Leslie it really is shared leadership with families, students, educators, and communities. Jessie i feel like were really valued as partners. David its a more innovative, holistic approach. Grant in addition to academic services, we look at serving the whole family. Narrator wellness centers, food pantries, and parental education. Jessie theyre already making a difference. David californias Community Schools reimagining public education. Break that record . Thanks for having me tonight, its a lot of fun to talk to you tonight. It felt great. So much fun to represent team usa at International Levels again. Ive been used doing it for a while now and it doesnt get old when a gold medal for team usa and michael of someone who have known for a long time now. To break that record was just cool. I didnt know that i was gonna achieve it into a lot of people telling me i was, and it was a possibility. So, it was great to be able to do it and you some goals of myself this summer. You and Michael Phelps are both from maryland. Have you spoken to him since you broke his record . Did he have anything to say . Yes, he reached out and congratulated me. He was actually in at the World Championships for a few days. So, i got to see him and that was great. It was great to have a support that means a lot, i know he has continued to support team usa even though he is retired now. As you said, were both from maryland, so there is something in the water in maryland, thats for sure. Yeah, clearly. Ive been in d. C. For a long time i never caught that bug. Noted this crazy statistic that she were actually showing faster now than you were two years ago in tokyo, more than four seconds faster. I think Everyone Wants to know, how . How does that happen . Well, im continuing to train really hard. Im training with a really great Training Group down at university of florida. I have a great coach, coach nesty. Its just a really great place to be where i am thriving and loving every day. I have a smile on my face when i go to practice. Im around people that have similar goals, a lot of World Champions and olympic medalist in the pool with me every day. We have a lot of fun and we keep it light, but were also pushing towards paris and we have some really big goals over the next year. So, World Championships was a great steppingstone, but i hope im not done yet. I hope theres a lot more in the future and this year should be a really great one coming up. Of course i figured that. You mentioned training in florida, this is also another fascinating thing. Essentially what youre doing is trading with one of the top male distant swimmers in the world. What is a like and how does a different than how you are training before . How does it make you better, do you think . Yeah i know that i want to have people to chase every day and practice. Im suing with some of the best sprinters and distance swimmers in the world every day. I know that they will bring the best out of me and i tried to give them a run every day. I dont usually get them. I try to chase them and i know that it makes me better. At the rate youre going i have no doubt that she will. We were thinking about The Big Picture of this. Simone biles is another highly decorated female olympian. She just had this amazing comeback at the u. S. Classic and she is someone who has spoken very openly about mental health, and told being the kind of athletes at the two of you are on the world stage takes on you. I wonder how you balance that kind of pressure while also taking care of yourself . Ive been competing on the stage since i was 15 years old. Im twice six now and each year i think ive always strive to find my balance, find balance between school and swimming. I completed my degree a couple years ago at stanford, and through thats all i think ive really learned a lot. I learned a lot about time management, i learned a lot about doing things outside of the pool, and they have really great family and friends, teammates, coaches around me. Ive had that my whole career, and they feel very likely to have that and to continue to be motivated every day, to continue to have fun as i said at practice every day. I started swimming just for the fun of it, and that is something i never lose sight of even at the international stage. You said you hope that you are not done yet. Were less than a year away from the paris olympics, that could be your fourth olympics. Do you still get nervous . How do you feel when you are approaching Something Like that . I still get nervous. I am not nervous right now because i just came off the big meat, but i know that i have a big year ahead of me and a lot of hard work that i need to put in if i want to achieve the goals that i have for myself. So, i know that i want to be nervous when i get behind the blocks of paris because that means that i care about what i am doing. But, i know that at the end of the day im just going to smile and have a lot of fun while i am doing it. Thatll take care of the nerves and will give my best effort thats for sure. I love that you said the because when tony bennett passed away, we had one of his pianos to worked with him here on set and he actually said that tony but i had this advice about getting nervous and being a good thing because it means that you care, basically. Exactly, yeah. I think i would be concerned if i was not nervous. I really do care about what i do, i love what i do, i love the training, and i know that it is not just me it is the hard work of my coaches and my teammates and my family supports all these years. I do not want to let them down, i want to do it for them, and it is not just me when i dive in the pool, its a whole lot of people that support me. That is probably why i get nervous, because i want to make them proud, and just be able to look back and think about all those people when i touch the wall. Katie ledecky, im sure theyre very proud of you. Thank you for joining us tonight to talk about this. We are so proud of you and all of your success. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Meanwhile, a Riverfront Brawl in alabama. This was caught on tape. There is a News Conference that was just scheduled for tomorrow, hopefully more answers will come about how things turned violent over a boat parked in the wrong place and the simple request to move it. Rsv can be a dangerous virus. [sneeze]. For those 60 and older. Its not just a cold. And if youre 60 or older. You may be at increased risk of hospitalization. [coughing]. From this highly. Contagious virus. Not all dangers come with warning labels. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor. About getting vaccinated against rsv today. How do we decide what hotel to book . [ding] aargh fear not, i got you who are you . Im your fairy hotel mother. What is happening . Let me help you pick a hotel you feel good about. Choice hotels is a family of brands, with a hotel for every type of stay. 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An altercation between a group of white voters and a black employee escalated into a massive brawl that resulted in multiple arrests. Montgomery mayor steven reed is calling for justice to be served for attacking a man who is doing his job. It was an unfortunate incident, and is something we are investigating right now. Well continue to go through that process before we take any additional steps. It all began on the black employee was trying to clear the docks with a riverside cruise, the harriet cruz was docked. It needed space to dock. He was just doing his job. For some reason, they did not like it. They didnt want him on the boat. He decided to get physical with him. You can see in the video the black employee on the dock arguing with one of the men from the pontoon boat, another shirtless white man charging at the employee and hitting him in the face. Soon after that, you can see several other sworn in on the attack of the dock employee. In some of the videos which had gone viral with millions of views, people on the boat can be yelling for someone to go help the employee. At one point, you can see a young man who is jumped off the Boat Swimming to help the man who is being attacked. The boat got closer, the guys and the crew members everybody caught on, and thats when it happened. That is the reason why when they got off the boat they went to that smaller boat. Thats when more fighting ensues, turning into an all out brawl that included several people getting hit over the head with a folding chair. Soon after, officers started taking control, handcuffing people in the fight. They were the antagonist of the whole situation, arrest them because unfortunately when things happen, people of color are the first to be put in handcuffs. Many questions remain about the which appeared to be split across racial lines. We are fully engaged, and we are doing all Due Diligence to find out exactly what took place. Talking about the investigation right now, what we are told is full warrants have been issued. Of course we did see some people being detained yesterday in that video, but now were told for warrants have been taken out who they are looking for, but at some point youre probably gonna put handcuffs on somebody again in this case. Its really spread and taken and then at this point. Well see what we learned tomorrow about those potential unrest in this press conference, but what is amazing here is what we see about how many views this has. These videos have gone viral of people watching what was documented from several different angles here. When you think about, of the racial implications behind this, people really saw a man who was trying to do his job, and all those folks on the boat trying to come to his aid. The young man who jumped on the water as someone acting on the inter its not even funny. We learned season at the age of 18, he swam all the way across to help the worker. People try to figure what happened and why this escalated. Well see if we get answers tomorrow, ryan young, thank you. This just in, another republican in the 2020 race is qualified for the debate stage, the first Republican Debate later this month in milwaukee. They were cutting a close, well tell you what, is next. Justin, weve learned former Vice President mike pence as qualified for the first republican president ial debate later this month in milwaukee. Thats according to the campaign. A question of whether not he would meet the threshold for donors. In polling that candidates must meet to get on the stage. Of course that signed the loyalty pledge. This could set up a potential faceoff with former balls and running mate donald trump. We know trump so far as not agree to the debate yet. And right now, the team says it looks like he will not be there but we shall see. On another note, before we go tonight, the former Minneapolis Police officer. Now sends to nearly five years in prison. For Aiding And Abetting Second Degree manslaughter in the 2020 murder of george floyd. While the former officer george floyd, Chauvin Knelt on his neck. Thao, who was an officer for 11 years with the Police Department was seen holding back bystanders visibly upset with his arrest and will be. Thao had already been serving a three and a half year sentence on federal charges from a conviction for violating floyds civil rights. During his sentencing, tao quoted Bible Scriptures and says his conscience is clear. To which the judge responded with this. After three years of reflection, i was hoping for a little more remorse, regret, acknowledgment of some responsibility. And less preaching. He is now an added nearly five years. The judge noted, to more than three years since floyds murder. Sparking worldwide protests over police pathology. Thank you for joining us, the news continues right now here on cnn. Hello, welcome to our viewers joining us here in the United States and all around the world. Im rosemary ch

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