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Indictment of donald trump. The federal judge overseeing trumps Election Fraud case has responded to a court filing from special counsel jack smith late last night. Smith wants a protective order after trump posted this last night. It says, quote, if you go after me, im coming after me. Smith wants the judge to stop trump and his legal team from publicly discussing sensitive evidence and hes citing that social media post as one reason why. The judge has given trump until monday. Smith called it an unnecessary delay when trump asked to push it back. A california democrat who served on the january 6th select committee, congressman, thank you for joining me. Your sense of what has been taking place over the last 24 hours, the special counsel is asking the judge to issue this protective order to restrict trump and his lawyers from publicizing sensitivity evidence. Theyre noting this social media post that came from trump yesterday evening essentially leveling a threat. An unspecified generic threat. I suppose some could infer that he was trying to send a warning to people involved in this case. Well, yes, it certainly is an obvious reading of that. Hes coming after people. I understand some of his supporters said it was in a political sense. But any ordinary person reading that would come to the conclusion that he would be coming after people he perceived as opposed to him. Seeking this Pregnantive Order is not unusual. Theres a protective order already in the florida documents case. It is not uncommon in criminal cases. If they are going to share all the evidence with the testimony, they need to be sure that wont be put out in the public to intimidate witnesses, make people afraid to speak. And we do know that the expresident has a record of threatening and demeaning other judges, their families, lawyers who are prosecuting. So this is not something that is just out of the air. And i think the Special Prosecutor has a legitimate concern that people who night speak up would be afraid, that witnesses testimony would be chilled. It doesnt prevent the president from speaking. It just prevents him from publicizing the evidence that he receives from the Special Prosecutor. Is it your sense, congresswoman, based on your work that the president will Start Playing these kinds of game and it may dove tail with his defense teams legal strategy. If he can go out there and stir up a hornets nest and it promise them to say to the judge, we need a protective order. You can see where ill going. The former president could do this from now until there is a trial and that would play into his play book, as you know all too well, of delay, delay, delay when he gets into legal hot water. Well, his game is delay. We know that. From the way he dealt with us in the january 6th committee. Always delaying matters, trying to prevent them from being heard. I think it is interesting that the trial judge did not allow delay. It as to be filed by day after tomorrow. Trumps lawyers asked for an extension. She denied it. So a decision will be made quite soon. Hes not going to be able to engage in unreasonable delay unless the Trial Court Judge goes along with it, and thats not her reputation. Shes no nonsense. Just a day after this arraignment, and this third criminal indictments, trump was joking that four may be his lucky number. Here what he said at a rally last night. Every time they file an indictment, we go way up in the polls. We need one more indictment to close out this election. One more indictment and this election is closed out. Nobody has even a chance. Its true that trump has remained the front runner and he seems to invite these indictments coming his way. What is your reaction to what hes saying . Well, i dont know what to make of it. I guess he believes that his supporters are further energized when hes charged with a crime. I think thats kind of weird. But perhaps its true. It has nothing to do with what kael of justice plan to do. They have to charge it. He doesnt have strong defenses on indictments. It looks lick his biggest to defense. And when you read the special counsels indictment, did you see a lot of the committees work essentially showing up, this very important document from the special counsel . Yes. I did, actually. Starting at the beginning, it was the tail that we were able to tell from the evidence we uncovered almost completely. There were a few things we did not uncover. For instance, mike pence would not talk to us so we didnt know he had taken contemporaneous notes. We didnt know that the president said he was too honest when he refused to go along with the president in overturning the election. We didnt know that there was a discussion about calling out the army to American Cities if he succeeded in overturning the election. For the most part, the scheme that the president , then president was at the center of, the multifaceted effort to overturn the election was uncover. I think it was upheld to the Special Prosecutor. He would have to interview the witnesses himself. He couldnt rely on our interviews. But it looks like he went ahead and did that. And it was a pretty quick process for a federal investigation. It was less than a year. Now we have these serious accusations that have been fail. What is your sense that the special counsel said that former trump essentially told mike pence, youre too honest . Does that say to you that you would have loved to have had him speak to the january 6th committee . Thats one of my questions. Doesnt it set the table, congresswoman, for the former Vice President to be perhaps the star witness, or one of the star witnesses at the former president s trial in this . Well, when i read that, the first thing i thought was pence Rebecause Theed to lie and violate his oath. We already knew that. I think it was really in essence to ask and to be part of the president s dishonest scheme. It is almost an admission of dishonesty from trump. We did hear from the Vice President s people and we did hear a lot. The other witness we dont know about, it doesnt look lake mark meadows fits the description of any of the cocould not spaer or thes that are mentioned in the indictment. Now, i dont know whether something about him is going to come later or whether hes a witness. If he is a witness, he did know a great deal. He was with drum throughout the riot, every step of the way as the the plot was made. He. And i assume mark meadows is someone you want taking the witness stand. He did cooperate to some extent with the january 6th committee until he stopped. He provided the very important. Mark meadows appears to be one of these individuals who do just be a fountain of information for the special counsel in making this case. Ive never really understood why mark meadows provided all of these documents, Text Messages and the like, and then decided not too cooperate. What happened . Whether President Trump, then President Trump prevail upon him, i dont know. Obviously, the information he did provide was very unlightening and we certainly wanted to follow up. If jack smith is able to do that, i believe he will find out a lot. All right. Thank you. A number of trumps defenders have started attacking americas Democratic Institutions. Next, a closer look at how right wing media is reacting to the indictments. And later, win or go home for the we wills soccer team. Theyve struggled a bit. How will they take down sweden . Brandi will be here to break it down. dont gooo dont go away preorder now and get a free storage upgrade. please dont go our ears connect us to the moments that matter. Give them the nutrients they need with lipo. 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What do you think, are net works like fox normalizing trumps actions, misleading viewers . A little bit of both . Thats exactly what theyre doing. If you were to turn on fox or right wing media, right wing radio like breitbart, you would language with these indictments. In world, joe biden is an evil force in that world and hes nefariously using the Department Of Justice as a weapon to target and unjustly imprison his political opponent. Of course, this is not what is happening. But in that world, millions of people are immersed. So theyre walking away with a very different picture of what is taking place with these trump indictments. It is really worrisome because this is the type of rhetoric that leads to violence. When people feel their Democratic Institutions have been taken over by people who dont believe in democracy, who have overthrown institutions, thats what leads them taking action into their own hands. Thats what you saw after january 6th when people felt the electricity was stolen. It raises alarm as trump is prosecuted for these various charges, if people feel that the Justice System is no longer representing american justice but has been weaponized and is, you know, at the hands of a tyrant. Weve been talking about it throughout this program. Just 24 hours after the arraignment, trump has already started to engage once again in this sort of incitement, this language that hes been using on social media. If you come after me, were going after you. And that just raises alarm bells all over again. Like we saw in the days before january 6th. He was saying, this could be wild. He does have an effect on his followers out there. And you know, what is remarkable about what youre saying about fox is that fox executives are said to be pressing trump to take part in the first republican debate. What are you hearing about that . The remarkable thing about this all is that fox is so firmly in trumps corner. They are dishonestly carrying his Talking Points to their millions of viewers. And trump seems to not like fox very much these days. He doesnt think its sufficiently loyal. So over the past year, youve seen him attack fox news, attack rupert murdoch, say the channel is becoming a leftist network is preposterous. So fox news now is hosting the first republican debates later this month and trump is effectively floating the idea of skipping it. Refusing to participate. So you have fox news executives, they dined with trump on the night of his third indictment and they tried to persuade the republican front runner to participate in their debate. But hes no longer seemingly a fan of that network and from his point of view, hes leading the republican field by a substantial number. Perhaps hes thinking, why risk that by going on stage with people who are trailing him significantly. It sounds like a ploy to make fox more trumpy, despite the huge settlement that they had to pay to dominion voting systems. Its remarkable to see the executives having dinner with him the other night. Incredible stuff. Great reporting as always. Thank you very much. In a new article for the atlantic, the Senior Editor Ron Brownstein writes, each time gop leaders have had the opportunity to move away from trump, the party has sped past the off ramp. And cnn Political Editor Ron Brownstein joins me now. Why do you say this could be a Step Toward Containing American Democracy . It seems perhaps convicting him might also be a necessary step. Necessary but not sufficient. The threat that trump has created and poses to american democracy is probably the most serious weve seen since the civil war. Since the years before the civil war. But its gone way beyond him. We certainly saw in 2020, republicans in the key state closest to the election, by and large with the integrity of their own state, and we saw there were people immediately around trump who are now raising alarms, certainly more visible like bill barr. In between the vast majority of elected officials and rank and File Republican voters, have lined up behind trump. We forget that the vast majority of House Republicans in 2020 voted to overturn the election. To reject the election results. Something like twothirds of the elected Attorneys General joined a spurious lawsuit to overturn the election results. We see in the polling, 70 of republicans, voters still say that joe biden was illegitimately elected. Now 60 say they describe january 6th as a legitimate protest. This is a broad strain in the party and it really does cause you to question whether if trump is the nominee and loses in november, whether there would be any more resistance in the Republican Party than there was in 2020 to him trying to overturn the election in anything short of another fullscale physical assault on the capitol itself. You write that the term of Election Denialism has spread so far throughout the Republican Party. You were just laying that out a few moments ago. Will it ever go away . I think the Election Denialism is rooted in the, tied to the core of American Politics. And i believe for the last 16 years or so, the fundamental fissure between the two parties is between those who are comfortable the way the country is changing dem graphically, economically, culturally, and those who are alienated or fearful of it. Trump has solidified the republican identity, solidified the republican reliance of the voters who are most uneasy about the way the country is changing. In one of his rallies after the election in 2020, in georgia, he was in front of all white rural audience. And he said this is our country. They are trying to take it away through stealing and rigging of elections. And it is clear that he ties this idea of Election Fraud in big cities to this broader concern among his predominantly white, predominantly nonurban, culturally conservative base, that they are losing control of the country. And i do believe that is something that will outlive trump, whatever happens to him legally or politically in 2024. It is now a part of the Republican Coalition that American Politics lfr to deal with for some time. And ron, he seems to be further inflaming what youre talking about here. If you look at what happened just 24 hours after his arraignment. He puts this post up on social media saying if you come after me, were coming after you. And that, of course, promise the special counsel to go to the judge and say, look what hes doing here. You have to be careful about sharing evidence with the Trump Defense team and the defend. Look what he does. Hes also put out a social media post about the Vice President , calling him deranged and so. On it doesnt sound like the judge, the legal system will put guardrails around the former president through this process. He seems to be delighting in all this and using it to inflame his base further. Well, the legal system will face the burden. Trump has taken the lesson from his eight years now on the National Stage that there is essentially no boundary he can cross that can cause a Critical Mass of other republicans to try to convince their voters that this is too far. If you think about all the behavior that is outlined in this indictment, even the discussion of using the army to quell protests if theres an attempt, if there was an attempt to overturn the election. Astonishingly few have said publicly, this is behavior that disqualifies you from being president again. Mike pence has suggested that, certainly. From a ron desantis or t scott, much more likely to echo trump saying he is the victim of a weaponized justice department. And i think he has clearly taken the lesson that there is no point that he can go to that other important voices in the party will try to, in effect, excommunicate him or say hes gone too far. He believes in the end, they will fall behind him and thats been a good bet so far and weve seen it with figures like ken mccarthy. The fear is that theyll be excommunicated by him. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Tomorrow morning, the u. S. Womens soccer team plays their first match in the all important Knockout Stage of the world cup. Will they win . Or will they be heading back . Well be talking with brandi chastain. Ru and our retailers ae there to help by giving millions of dollars in funding along with School S Supplies students need. 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What do you expect from tomorrows match . Well, i think weve got a battle royale. I love this matchup. Sweden and the u. S. Have gone after it many, many times in the past. The last being the olympics, didnt fare well for us. I dont feel this is a revenge game but i feel there is a lot of soccer we have left on the table and im hoping we will bring a better game plan and execution to this match come this early morning. After tying portugal in the last match, the u. S. Defender kelly ohaira giving what was seen as a firsty speech to her teammates. What do you think she was trying to do . Light a fire under them a little bit . What do you make of, when you hear news anchors like me and sportscasters say, the u. S. Team has struggled a little bit at times. They struggled to get to the Knockout Stage. Do you buy that . Or do you think the competition is fierce and theyre in some battles . I think it is a little bit of both. The objective is to get to the knockout round. They did that. As the fans, we dont like it. We want it to look better and feel better. Sometimes you have to get there how you get there. You have to play ugly sometimes and win ugly. And thats kind of what has happened. Wasnt perfect. We knew that wasnt going to be the case anyway. So now theyre in the position they wanted to be in, and a chance to play in the round of 16 and move on. So i think kelly ohaira said, weve done what we did and now lets move forward and look to the future. What we have in front of us is we need to see from the coach a game plan that the players look like theyre on the same page. Whether that be in the attacking half or the attacking third, or in the defensive half in the defensive third. We know sweden is very good on dead balls and set paces. We have to defend our box like it is the last defending we will do and we have to come out with our trail blazers. Alex morgan, sophia smith, trinity rodman. We have to be more aggressive. More like ourselves in this game than weve ever been. Weve only given up one goal but weve only scored four. So sweden has only begin up one as well and they scored nine. This game will go a battle. And im biting my finger nails and excited at the same time. Me, too. And feel free to tell me i dont know what im talking about here, but why is it that were not seeing as much of Megan Rapinoe . You can say that. A lot of people say that. Im sitting on my sofa saying wheres megan . If theyre not doing as well, put in megan. Shes had such a dominant rollover the years. Shes had an amazing role. I will say, what ive heard them say, we feel we have the right mix out there. And i think the continuity hes trying to manufacture hasnt shown up yet. But perhaps going through what theyve gone through will work. I wish i could be afully on the wall. In terms of megan, shes probably a 15 to 20minute player in this world cup. If were asking more from her, i dont necessarily think weve got the right tactics going on. We have to be, honestly, i think the number one thing is we have to show our mettle. We have to show we can have composure under pressure. We have to find a way to play through the midfield at times. It hasnt really been as much of a key component. And that will be difficult but maybe we have a chance to see savannah again, or ashley sanchez, who i think is the type of player who has just enough moxie to feel like she can run the show in the middle. I look forward to seeing the lineup. I think if we get to the end of the game, Megan Rapinoe could be a good player for us. It will be exciting to watch. Always great to talk to you about this. Were on the edge of our seat. We cant wait for it to start. Great to talk to you as always. Thanks so much. Thank you. Are the new indictments giving donald trump a boost with republicans . The latest polling on that, coming up next. 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We have new information about what republicans think of Donald Trumps three indictments. Cnns Senior Data Reporter joins us to break it all down. What are we learning . Do they buy it . Come on, jim. Weve been through this song and dance how many times . Four. Donald trump himself said, when he was first running for president , he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and get away with it. If you look at the polling right now, we look at the three indictments and whether trump should be charged according to republicans, they all look the same. 16 for the handling of unclassified documents. 14 in the efforts to overturn the 2020 election. They could charge him, i think, at this point with basically anything and would you still get about that 15 of republicans who think he should have been charged. The vast majority believe he should not be charged. Hes got that base wrapped around his finger like nothing ive basically have ever seen before. And trump has repeatedly and falsely claimed the 2020 election was stolen. Hes still doing it despite everything that is in this indictment. Do republicans still believe him . Are there any cracks now . No, no. I joust love looking at these. It was bidens win in 2020 legitimate . Then it was 72 . Just 29 say yes now. That is unchanged statistically from where we were just two years ago. 28 . Nothing has changed with regard to this and it just goes back to the fact that trump is the republican favorite right now to win the 2020 gop nomination. Thats why we were talking about, why would trump think he needs to go to rallies . He absolutely doesnt. And how about becoming the nominee in 2024 in. This is the great divide within the republican primary right now. If you believe that the 2020 election was legitimate, look, donald trump gets 27 of that vote. If you dont think bidens win was legitimate, he gets 64 of that vote. So there is the greatest divide. When i look at all the cross tabs, what you think about the 2020 election tells you everything you need to know about the 2024 primary and there are a lot of folks who make the argument. Trump might be a stronger general election candidate. The fact is, he might be a weaker primary candidate as these numbers show right here. Right. He cant come off that argument politically speaking even though it is a lie. The numbers dont lie there. Lets shift to something do i want to talk about. They had the Hall Of Fame Game the other night. The jets and the browns. It was a lot of fun. My Washington Commanders or whatever well call them, maybe they wont be the commanders, do they have any chance of winning the super bowl . As a lifelong super bowl fan, i know the answer to this question, too. Look, there is always a chance. Dumb and dumber, there is always a chance. You have a very small chance of winning the super bowl. You have a 1 chance. Thats generous. My Buffalo Bills yeah, its generous. My Buffalo Bills have a 10 chance of winning the super bowl. All im asking for is just one super bowl. Just one. I dont need the win that your team has. And miracles do happen. And i will not reminded you. I guess i will remind you. They did beat you. I would think the 10 number would be a little bit higher for the buffalo bill. They have a great team. They have an awesome team. Ive been waiting for this team to win one. We have 32 teams in the nfl. The chiefs are a favorite with a 14 chance of winning. Let see what happens and hopefully it is not a repeat when you beat us, 3724. Always there with the commanders. We have to have faith. If were going to talk football, well have you on every hour, by the way. Yes be sure to check out his podcast. Margins of error. A quick programming note. Tomorrow evening, ill be speaking live with republican president ial candidate asa hutchinson. 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Among those women taking the drug, 57 said they experienced huge improvements, 50 or more in their depressive symptoms over the course of two weeks. Compared with only 39 of those who took a placebo. And some of the women taking zuranolone even said they saw the symptoms improve within three days of taking the medication. Some women experienced side effects like drowsiness and dizziness. The drug was overall found to be safe and effective. And it is known that about one in eight women in the united states, about 17 of women globally, experience symptoms of Postpartum Depression after giving birth. So this is big news for them. Back to you. Jacqueline howard, thank you. This weekend, see how the face of cannabis has changed. Plants to replace pills. How are you . My wifes mother and sister and aunt, they had alzheimers. It scared her half to death. They progressed very slowly. Maybe four years ago, she cried for a halfhour every morning like clock work. This is full on crying . Crying. Did they try different medications . She had enough antidepressants to keep an elephant calm. And still, she cried. In 2019 they started a Pilot Program here at a Senior Living facility in florida. Iris was given cannabis. You look so beautiful today. Dr. Melanie run the program. We do cbd. All the different cbs in them. And this, one, two, three. She gave her one. She stopped crying. Done. Here we go, sweetie. She takes one in the morning, one at night. Its over. That sounds extraordinary. Magic. It was sompressive, how that worked. Dont miss the new episode of the whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow night at 8 00 right here on cnn. However r you see fit. Rosisie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patitio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. Stop waiting. Go to innovationrefunds. Com you really got the brows. Theyre off from school, but not really home. Images and videos. Social media, finetuned to suck them in. And steal them away. Alone you cant stop it. Together we will. We have a plan. Join us. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. Together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. Yaaay woo hoo ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. vo Verizon Small Business days are coming. From august 7th to the 13th. Now is the time to partner with our experts. Get started today with verizon business. Its your business. Its your verizon. We moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. But then he got us tmobile home internet. I was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. I mightve taken it a step too far. Chainsaw Revs tree crashes chainsaw continues daughter screams lets pretend for a second that you didnt let down your entire family. What would that reality look like . Well i guess i wouldve gotten us xfinity. And wed have a better view. Do you need mulch . What, we have a ton of mulch. An uninvited guest crashed a Sewing Bloggers video. It was all captured on camera. This is my sewing room. Reporter jen is a Sewing Blogger who was recording an instructional video when someone crashed her session, literally. You can do it with trim. It gives you lines where you can put the trim. Reporter things fell off the walls. Jen froze for a few seconds. Then ran to the rescue. Moments later, she was at the door of the car all i saw were airbags. I kept saying, are you okay . Reporter she was okay. Jen said the driver worked for a food delivery service. She got out of the car and walked outside her north port florida home using her phone. Cars are always flying into houses, it seems. You dont usually get to see it from the house point of view. Reporter here are both views. The trim, it gives you lines where you can put the trim reporter the car ran a stop sign. Then hit a Drainage Ditch that sent it airborne. It landed about four feet from the house. The ditch saved the day. One of the cops said, had it been less of an incline, it would have gone into the house. Reporter a Driving School asked to use the video as an example of an epic fail. Jen said the driver apologized again and again for landing in her yard. The funny part involved the painting with a bible verse i think the funniest thing was that the painting waited to fall off the wall. Oh, yeah, me, too reporter better a sewing video that leaves you in stitches rather than needing stitches. Jeanie moos, cnn new york. Glad everybody is okay. Thank you for joining me this thank you for joining me this evening. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com

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