Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

to book your free consultation. all right. good morning, everyone. it is the top of the hour. we're so glad you're with us on this monday and a busy one already. >> new polling, new arraignment. >> polls, polls, polls, and they all the same thing. >> that's the most important. they're not focused on one poll. i'll die on this hill. >> it's a good hill to die on. to the law this morning, a second trump employee scheduled to be arraigned in the classified documents probe, as the former president says he did not direct anyone to delete security footage at mar-a-lago. >> and will thousands of small-dollar donors to trump's political action committee care all the that their donations are being spent on legal fees. they've already spent $40 million this year and that's double what they spent last year and it's only july. and there's a giant "x" at twitter's headquarters. san francisco are investigating whether the sign is a permit violation. this hour of "cnn this morning" starts now. this morning, the property manager who allegedly said "the boss wanted the surveillance video servers deleted at mar-a-lago" will be at a miami courtroom to answer to four charges. carlos dol e oliveira is the th person indicted alongside president trump and walt nauta. he met up with nauta to scope out the surveillance cameras around the storage room where documents were moved in and out of. they say that de oliveira asked a different employee, quote, what are we going to do about the boss' request to delete footage. this comes as another mar-a-lago employee, yuscil taveras previously received a target letter from federal prosecutors. sources tell cnn that a taveras had met with investigators since the initial indictment, but what's not clear is whether he's cooperating with prosecutors or not and we should be very clear, he has not been charged. we're also following new details in other trump investigations. the special counsel's office dpets ready to meet with another committee witness in the fake electors scheme. and in georgia, the district attorney will decide whether to charge anyone by september 1st. we'll get to those new thread in a second. first, let's go to cnn's randi kaye, she's outside the courthouse where the property manager will be arraigned. randi, what are the expectations today? >> good morning, phil. well, what we're seeing now is that he is really caught up, apparently, in this alleged plot to try and destroy security camera footage of plea mar-a-la which would have sho these boxes of documents, some of them sified. we are waiting for him to appear here in court this morning. the official charges are pretty serious. he's facing conspiracy to obstruct justice, false statements that were made as well as two counts of concealing or destroying an object. now, we know he's going to appear here in court with his lawyer, john irvine, this is a washington, d.c.-based attorney. he will need a florida-based attorney insider to enter a plea. if he doesn't have a florida attorney this morning, his case could be delayed. and of course, all eyes are watching that, because that could weigh into whether or not donald trump could go to trial in this case before elections. so certainly, that is being closely watched. but also, as you mentioned, at the center of this new allegations, is this i.t. worker from mar-a-lago named yuscil taveras. what we understand from sources is that he was working with prosecutors, speaking with the fbi, and the investigators and apparently some of these new allegations against donald trump were based at least in part, phil, from some of this information, coming from yuscil taveras, this i.t. worker. so now, a fourth employee identified and all in this alleged plot to try to get ready of this security camera footage. phil? >> all right, randi kaye, thank you. well, also this morning, the georgia probe investigating efforts by donald trump and his allies to overturn georgia's 2020 presidential election result, that could be nearing its end. fulton county district attorney fani willis telling wxia that any announcement of an indictment would happen before september 1st. >> some people may not be happy with the decisions that i'm making and sometimes when people are unhappy, they act in way that could create harm. the work is accomplished. we've been working for two and a half years. we're ready to go. >> willis has previously signaled that she would make any charging announcements between july 31st and the end of august, meaning that they could come any day. and this comes after a judge scheduled an august 10th hearing on the trump team's motion to disqualify willis from the case and toss much of the evidence she has collected. trump's team is also trying to remove another judge in fulton county from presiding over that case. we're also waiting for another potential federal indictment against former president trump over efforts to overturn the 2020 election. former new york city police commissioner and trump ally, bernie kerik will meet with special counsel jack smith in a matter of days. kerik worked alongside rudy giuliani in the weeks after the 2020 election to try to search for evidence of fraud that could have shifted the election in trump's favor. kerik's attorney tells cnn that he's going to speak to jack smith and his team of prosecutors about the trump's team unfounded claims of voter fraud. earlier this month, you'll remember, kerik turned over lots of documents about those claims, after previously shielding some of them from congress and federal investigators on the grounds of attorney/client privilege. >> so you may have noticed in the process of the six and a half minutes we spent walking through all of the different elements of this, the president has a lot of legal issues. and that also means he has to spend a lot of money. his political action committee has to spend it, i should be very clear on that. more than $40 million on legal fees alone for the former president and his associates this year alone, according to a source familiar with the matter. that's more than double what he spent last year. the pac, which raises most of its funds through small dollar donation is expected to report to the fec this morning as the president's legal battles continue to mount. cnn's kristen holmes is live in washington this morning. kristen, i think maybe this question is, are they going to have a cash problem at some point during the campaign? this is a lot of money and i know they're trying to set up a separate legal entity. is this problematic for them from a mechanics organizational perspective, financially? >> it certainly seems like it could be, phil. and obviously, as you're laying out step after step, all of these legal pabattles, those co money. and they've spent $40 million so far this year. it is only july. the entirety of last year, they spent $16 million on these legal fees. and again, it is not just donald trump, it is all of these associates, these former and current aides, employees, anyone who was wrapped up in these investigations that his team gamed worthy to actually pay for those attorney fees. and there are a lot of them. you mentioned that mar-a-lago case. both of those co-defendants are represented by lawyers who have received an enormous amount of money from that save america pac. and it certainly looks like this could lead to a huge money issue here. this will not cover any of trump's legal fees, but it will cover some of those associate fees, those outside witnesses. unclear exactly how big the umbrella of this legal defense fund is going to be, but it is clearly something that they are taking into account right now, as they are hemorrhaging money for these legal fees. again, $40 million, and it is just july. and they are not wrapping up, these legal issues are not wrapping up anytime soon. in fact, they seem to be continuing and possibly mounting, getting worse. >> yeah, if you want to make $40 million, look at what every other candidate and their super pacs have raised. $40 million is a lot of money. kristen holmes, great reporting. thank you. florida governor ron desantis' presidential campaign is seizing on this news. hicaaign communication statement.rote this in a trump has spent over $60 million this year on two things,alsely attacking desantis and paying his own legal fees. not a cent on defeating joe biden. governor desantis' soul focus by contrast has been campaigning for this country's future, defeating biden, and reversing the decline of america, closed quote. desantis also responded himself. >> when he sits me with the juvenile insults, i think that helps me. i don't think voters like that. i think they look at it and they realize, like, you know what, that's not effective. and so i don't think it's effective. so i actually don't mind it at all. >> i think it's just a reminder why there's so many millions of voters who will never vote for him going forward. >> later today, desantis is going to hold a news conference, a press conference, focusing on his economic plan, trying to turn around those slipping poll numbers. joining us in rochester, new hampshire, he's talking to press outlets he never tukd before and now he's holding a prmess conference on the economy. a i think a question or two might be about how cdominant trump is in the polls. >> desantis is really trying to put the last few weeks behind him. there has been so much focus on staff cuts and an attempt at a reset on his campaign. he wants to get pack to introducing himself to voters, having one on one conversations with them, and really making the case that he is the best person to represent the party in 2024. over the weekend, he had a lot of intimate gatherings, like you said, a lot more media that's given access to him lately. and today, he gave an economic speech, which is really something we haven't heard him talk much about. he's so well known for being a culture warrior and his so-called war on woke, but we haven't so much seen him talk about these kind of kitchen table issues. he's going to do that later today, where he's going to give his economic policy speech. this is an issue, obviously, republicans six months ago thought it was one they were going to win on. however, with inflation cooling and the economy seeming to be doing better, democrats are feeling much better about their odds on that issue goingesantis interesting. >> thanks for the reporting. >> i mean, my questions will be about tax policy. >> i know they were. but you're here, not there. so you can't even ask them. >> that looks really good for a campaign trail. very put together for campaign correspondents. very sun eunsettling. president obama publicly acknowledging his seventh grandchild on friday. describing the situation as a family matter. reaction to statement, coming up ahead. for everyone who lives here. ♪ (vo) verizon small business days are coming. from august 7th to the 13th. 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significant is how much desantis has slipped since last july. the quinnipiac poll had him at 22%. and it's been dropping. trump has been rising. joining us now, white house correspondent at bloomberg news, kala gardner. also a buckeye, get excited, poppy. and cnn political analyst and white house correspondent at pbs "newshour," she's cool too, laura barone lopez, one of the best in the business. laura, i want to start with you on kind of the -- i think we have similar views in terms of one poll does not make everything. it's the consistency of these numbers and the kind of, at some point, we have to stop repeating over and over again, it's reheearly, it's early, it's early. we're getting there at this point. what's your read in the current state of the race? >> look, trump has a really strong grip on the republican base. and even a recent pbs/npr/marist poll we just had come out on friday said the exact same thing, which is that 58% of republicans say that despite his legal peril, despite all of these indictments that are piling up, they still are supporting him over other gop candidates. so right now, she's the one that the gop base wants, and ron desantis appears to be the second one that consistently is highest in polls, but hasn't been able to convince voters, either because he's more focused on policy and they want more emotions, which is what we've heard from voters, saying that they really are just still attached to trump and his ideologies and his -- the messaging that he's bringing, which is essentially one of grievance skand just all around his legal peril and all around election denialism, but that's what they're going for right now. >> the economic speech today, kayla, that desantis is going to give is going to focus on the economy and largely go after biden. not go after trump. the extent to which he's gone after trump has been like, hey, he spent $20 million, you know, sort of going after me and attacking me. that's as far as he will go. but do you have any indication that republican primary voters are thinking about electability in the general election, because that's what desantis is banking this whole thing on. >> absolutely. i think electability is top of mind here. and i think the speech today comes at a very crucial time in his campaign. we've seen back-to-back bad headlines for desantis. his campaign is in a cash crunch. he's laid off now two rounds of layoffs for his staff. and donors have been telling him, they want him to focus on more moderate issues. he became popular in florida because of his culture wars, but we really haven't seen him focus on these kitchen table issues. and the economy is top of mind for voters, it has been, and it will continue to be. and he really needs to prove himself on these issues to continue in this race. >> hey, laura, switching over to the democratic side, you know, our friend of all of us, jonathan martin at "the new york times" had a column -- sorry, he's now at the politico, a column about the potential for another democrat hopping into the race to challenge the incumbent president joe biden. deane phillips, a congressman from minnesota, i have thoughts on this, but i am intrigued by yours, in terms of who dean phillips is, how he's thought of inside the house democratic caucus. >> well, i know that we both know who dean phillips is, phil, because we've covered congress, i've talked to dean phillips a number of times, but i mentioned his name to a relative who does not live anywhere near d.c. and they said, who, yesterday? i don't think that he has any name recognition outside of d.c., among the democratic caucus, he is certainly respected, and they feel as though he's a very serious lawmaker for the short time that he's been in congress. he's someone that helped make their majority a few years ago, when they were in the majority in the house. but a lot of democrats they talked to are more concerned about third party candidates versus someone challenging joe biden within the primary. they're concerned about candidates like cornel west and having a jill stein effect, similar to 2016, when we saw that that really made the big difference in those key swing states and ultimately contributed to hillary clinton's loss. >> looking at it more broadly, not about can ken phillips win the nomination if he were to go up against biden, but act the fact that here you have him, a former businessman from minnesota turned politician who has spoken out against biden on a number of things, this isn't new. i wasn't shocked when i saw this. but you have him, you have joe manchin, you have whatever no labels is going to do. what does this all combined mean for biden? >> yeah. i certainly agree with laura that the bigger issue is these third party candidates. but the fact that a sitting lawmaker would challenge president biden is certainly significant. it would signal a breakdown in the democratic party, the fact that someone would feel comfortable enough to challenge the president. and what dean flips is bringing up here is something that i hear from voters a lot, which is that there's still hesitation about biden because of his age. and there are voters who are waiting to' who else will get in this race. >> hey, laura, if you were working on friday at about 5:00 p.m. and you thought were day was about to end, it didn't, pause the white house reid a statement to "people" magazine, acknowledging for the first time or saying that the president was acknowledging for the first time says seventh grandchild, hunter biden's child. the timing says a lot about this, right. for those who abe don't live in our world, if you're dropping something at 5:00 p.m. on a friday, you're doing that intentionally for people not to pay a lot of attention to it. why did they decide to go that route? >> i mean, because ultimately, phil, white house had to address this. reporters had been asking white house press secretary karine jean-pierre about whether or not the president was going to acknowledge this seventh grandchild of his. he's someone who prides himself on being a family man, someone who often used amtrak to get back to wlilmington, delaware, o be with his family. he often talked about his grandchildren and they needed to acknowledge this and they hadn't done so so far. and as you said, they clearly did it on a friday evening in order to try to bury it, make sure it didn't get the attention that it would if it were released earlier in the day. this is something he needs to address more andmore and this is how they ultimately decided to handle it. whether or not it goes away is a big question, because we know that republicans are going to continue to attack the president on this very issue. >> you were great. what feels like a summer cold could actually be covid, not again, but yes. what experts are saying and how extreme heat will be probably response for this uptick in covid cases. that's next. >> i'll do this one. the city of san francisco investigating elon musk for a new "x" sign above twitter's headquarters. sorry if we live across the street from that. we'll fill you in on the complain against musk, coming up. ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at ♪( please don't go by harry casey, richard raymond finch )♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (don't gooo) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (don't go away) ♪ pre-order now and get a free storage upgrade. ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a 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water, all of those are up between 10 to 20% over the last week of data. what's really important to put into context is that is off of the lowest base we've seen since the beginning of the pandemic. if you look at waste water data from biobot, you can see just there at the end, that little blue uptick is the sort of beginning of a potential surge we're talking about. and experts say even in these data and waste water levels, this is a leading indicator, and they're even starting to see that slow and perhaps even start to level off. we done know if this is really going to become something any bigger. >> why and how does the heat play in? >> the heat does seem to potentially have an effect on covid cycles. we've seen this in previous summers, where there has been a bump in cases. it's braecause people are so ho they're driven inside, and they're spreading covid. people are traveling a lot more right now. and a lot of us haven't had a booster lately, which makes sense, so we don't have as much immunity built up, particularly to infection. and maybe a lot of us haven't had covid recently, so that immunity isn't there as well. >> i've got four kids, which means i get literally everything that's going around. are there other things? just covid or other things? >> there are other things going around. data from biofire, which is a testing company, show that you're actuay more likely to have rhino virus if you've got a cold. coronavirus is rising to kind of intersect with that, but also adenovirus and norovirus are at higher levels than they were at this time last year. norovirus are really not fun things. they're gi symptoms. there's enough going on, you don't want to be sick. >> good luck for every parent out there with little kids who don't wash their hands. this morning, new developments in twitter's rebrand. elon musk has put a giant "x" on top of the company's san francisco headquarters, triggering a city investigation. so according to this new complaint, representatives for the city of san francisco have visited the headquarters twice since friday. they've issued a notice of olion alleging the flashing sign now on top of the building we up without a rm. in a statement to "the washington post," a spokesperson for the city's department of buildings said to ensure consistency with the historic nature of the biuilding and ensure the new additions are safely attached to the sign, the city requires a permit. cnn has reached out to the city and asked for comment. joining us now, axios senior media reporter, sarah fisher i don't know, doesn't seem like san francisco is going to make any of this very easy for elon musk, but he is set on staying there. he's not going to move it like they moved tesla headquarters. >> no, he is not, which comes as a surprise, poppy. you'll recall when he moved tesla's headquarters to austin, he had some not very nice things to say about operating business in the state of california, and in san francisco. but you can see why san francisco is frustrated with this. you can't just come and erect a major sign with connectivity to electricity and not inform pedestrians crossing the street underneath it that there's construction going on. so i could see where they're frustrated. and largely speaking, there have been issues with twitter and san francisco for months now. whether it's elon musk refusing to pay rent, not being a very fair member of the city in trying to advocate for reforms. i can see why they're frustrated with musk. >> there's a lot going on with elon musk and "x" ," to say the least. they have confirmed that elon musk over the last year threatened legal action against tech competitors. obviously, employees, people involved with twitter. he's also taking aim at on organization that studies hate speech. what do you know about this? >> yes, so the center for countering hate is a nonprofit and they put out a lot of research that shows how hate speech has evolved on the platf platform, and other platforms, but particularly they put out a lot of data about hate speech under elon musk on twitter. and this has been something that irked elon musk for a long time, in part because he doesn't believe that third-party researchers know what's happening on the platform better than he does. my argument would be, elon musk's just started to put twitter's api behind a pay wall. this is part of a larger problem for elon musk and twitter. he's trying to go after people who are researching the platform for hate instead of right to actually tackle the issues with hate speech. and that as we've spoken about on this show is a larger business problem for the company. >> one of the other pieces of reporting from "the times" that is so interesting is that there was a deal made back in june for the pentagon to buy some star link connectivity in ukraine. explain to people what star link is, why it has been so vital for ukraine in this war, and what it would mean for the pentagon to have this ownership. >> yes, massive report out from star link is an internet platform that allows people to get access to through satellite satellites. and it's pretty revolutionary. for a long time, that was ant reliable way to get internet access. elon musowns star link. and in february of 2022, ukraine urged elon musk to bring star link to ukraine. and without star link, ukraine would not have the huge critical advantage of connectivity in this war. the challenge, though, poppy, is that elon musk has discretion over where he puts these satellites. and the pentagon is growing concerned that if ukraine is so reliant on the private company star link and elon musk has the ability to say "no" to some of the requests or move satellites, then that would put ukraine and thus our national security in a pretty perilous situation. so what "the new york times" reported is that they're trying to buy some of these satellites from star link so it can unilaterally ensure that the connectivity remains in ukraine and that elon musk can't pull the rug out from underneath him. i will say, for all of the saga and drama that we talk about with elon musk, this is a very good example of ways of his innovation to help make the world better. >> it's a great point. >> if you lived across the street from twitter headquarters and you had a window, and it was nighttime and a massive glowing "x" was blinking in your face. >> nightlight. >> what would your response be? >> well, i mean, a lot of people would file complaints. that's the first and foremost problem. there's also noise complaints anytime you're erecting something like this. there's a lot of work buildings, i don't know that that's as much of the problem, i think the general frustration from the city that elon musk continues to act unilaterally without asking ferments or pes or permission a want to make sure that gets reigned in. >> she knows everything. >> it's frustrating and awesome at the same time. >> the drama never ends. >> your beat is certainly a beat where the drama never ends. sarah fisher, great to have you. thanks. >> thank you. more than ten players have been sidelined a to the world cup with acl injuries. what's behind that sudden increase? sanjay gupta reports next. what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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>> yes, but we do know that when women retire, the data shows that the risks for male is -- >> holly silvers is the chair of major league soccer's medical assessment research committee, and this is a disparity she's been trying to draw attention to for decades. >> what is going on? >> we started looking at this data literally 23 years ago. we had determined that there's anatomic respecters, hormonal risk factors, environmental risk factors, which take into consideration if you're playing on grass or turf or what kind of cleat your wearing. >> reporter: the anatomy is also interesting. women's acls are smaller than men and a greater "q" angle, the ratio of hip width to thigh length, which means this can happen. the body can more easily go into a knock-kneed position, making the ligament more vulnerable. >> just standing here, how are we different in terms of our biomechanics? >> we know that women tend to be a little bit more quad dominant, we tend to be a little bit less underdeveloped on our back muscle groups. also, when we tend to do things, we tend to do things more upright or erect than men do. >> reporter: easy fixes for anyone, holly says, an extra ten minutes, twice a week to reduce acl injuries by around 70%. >> if we were running and would go to the side, we would plant and cut, change direction, plant and cut. >> reporter: the idea, strengthen the muscles around the acl. play low and avoid the knock-kneed position. >> this is engaging these muscles, which is your glut medius, and that's a massively great muscle to help control your lumbar, spine, and pelvis when you're cutting and changing direction. this is called a nordic hamstring. >> i feel that. >> it's very hard. you'll feel your hamstrings engage. >> yes, i do. >> it's starting to catch on, but slowly. brian maddox, head athletic trainer for the women's professional soccer team, the north carolina courage, uses these concepts now with his own players. >> you're sort of watching movement, quality of movement, whether it's looks natural, you know, where they k look like they're not in control of their body is doing. >> and this is the type of attention and training that needs to start among the youngest players. >> one of the biggest pre-existing risks for an injury is if you've had that injury before. that's why the emphasis is on trying to prevent this at a younger age, so when they come to us, they're ready to perform at the level we expect them to perform. >> for now, spec recovers. we're told the operation went well. the hope that one day she returns to this. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. >> dr. sanjay gupta, thank you for that report. you know what's so sfpti ingfas about that, as a fan, i was so annoyed by the injury and some of those that weren't going to be in the world. >> because they get injured, you get annoyed. >> right. as a fan, it's all about you. but sanjay's report going into physiology, i find that to be utterly fascinating. >> and some things to help try to prevent it, because it's debilitating. >> yes, it is, and the recovery is debilitating. >> have you torn your acl? >> meniscus, rotator cuff. i'm an old man. >> not even 40 yet. scientists are scrambling to figure out why a chunk of ice the size of argentina is missing from antarctica. we'll talk to expert, up next. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save up to $500 on the new sleep number® smart bed. plus, 60 month financing on most smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. - i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short. - have a fun weekend. - ♪ unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. ♪ - was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. a single strand of mrna could change the way we fight respiratory diseases. and the company that's getting us there? moderna. this changes everything. at pnc bank, you can find us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there. because you call these communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. take a look at this video out of beijing. at least two people have died. more than 31,000 have been evacuated as a typhoon there has lashed china's northeastern region. the typhoon is the strongest storm to hit that region in 17 years. i mean, what we're showing you, you just saw a house floating away. since making landfall on friday, it has affected more than 800,000 people and caused more than $60 million in property damage, according to chinese state media. >> well, as millions here in the u.s. and around the world are facing record-setting summer heat, another climate record is being broken much further south. and in antarctica, to be clear. worrying flows for this time of year. the ice is around 1.6 million sqre kilometers below the previous winter record low set in 2022. in mid-july, the sea ice was 2.6 million square kilometers belove the 1981-t2010 average. that is an area nearly as large as argentina or texas, california, new mexico, arizona, nevada, u.s., and colorado combined. joining us now, a glacierologist and senior research scientist at the university of colorado boulder. i appreciate you joining us. the numbers are very alarming. and yet to some degree, they're also kind of amorphous -- they're so big, it's tough for people to get their heads around them. can you talk about what this actually means. >> yeah, the rate of growth around antarctica this winter has just been way slower than in previous years. and we've been able to monitor . we have a good idea of how the ebb and flow is supposed to go. well, it's fell back quite a bit this whole summer and as a result we're quite concerned about next summer in antarctica because when this sea ice retreats again close to the coast, it's going to expose a lot more of the ice sheet, the permanent ice, to wave action and potential warming. >> why does sea ice matter so much? >> it acts as a protective fringe around the continent, it also helps moderate the climate. it keeps the earth cool basically when because we have these polar areas that are bright white and frozen a lot of heat radiates back into space and doesn't go into warming the planet. if we lose a lot of the sea ice, first of all, the area around antarctica will get warmer, but then eventually antarctica itself, this gigantic ice sheet will begin to change. we might see higher sea level rise rates in the future. >> is there a single thing driving this or are there several factors? what gets us to this point? >> that's really a topic of research right now. believe me, the community is discussing this quite a bit. right now the best ideas are that this very warm ocean condition that we have globally has managed to stir into the water around antarctica near the surface, that's usually isolated from the rest of the world's ocean because it's a little bit fresher, it sits on top of normal ocean water, kind of like oil on water. now apparently some of this heat that's in the ocean globally is stirring into this layer and even a little bit of heat means it takes a longer time for that heat to come out during winter and freeze the top of the ocean. we think that's what's slowing it down. it could also be changes in the wind around antarctica, that's been going on for many decades actually. >> do you think the antarctic system will recover in the way it has recovered in the past years? >> that really is the big question. it has been a very variable system and we've been puzzling for many years prior to this last few years about why antarctica has seen steady or even slightly growing the sea ice area in past decades when the rest of the world was showing signs of warming. but it's been very variable but this drop downward is really spectacular, much bigger than any of the variations in the past decades. so personally i think we have finally tripped the switch in antarctica and we're going to see it participate in this general pattern of warming around the globe. >> it's very, very unfortunate. dr. ted scambos, thank you. >> thank you. cardi b. has had enough in the last incident of concertgoers throwing things at performers on stage. watch this. >> ♪ ♪ >> whoa. >> that happened in las vegas on saturday, someone in the audience threw a drink at her in the middle of her song. cardi clearly upset threw a microphone back into the crowd. security guards rushed on to the stage. >> drake, harry styles some of the other artists that have had objects from candy to jewelry to chicken -- >> a chicken nugget. >> throwing at them while performing. among the artists speaking out about this troubling trend, tim mcgraw who is gearing up for his own tour. cd cnn, quote, i think it's terrible. you could really injure somebody and miss and hit somebody in the audience and injure somebody. what happens if somebody gets hurt and it ruins the show for everybody? >> yeah, it needs to stop, that's for sure. head for us on cnn this morning, this -- >> it's going down, a plane is going down. >> terrible, a plane makes this crash landing in the water at a new hampshire beach. it's all caught on tape. how lifeguards and beachgoers jumped in to help. ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (don't gooo) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (don't go away) ♪ pre-order now and get a free storage upgrade. ♪ (please don't go) ♪ this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ ♪ hit it ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at i'm currently out of the office [typing] focusing on a little blue-sky thinking. i'll be taking meetings with family and friends. and checking voicemail as my activities permit. i'll connect with you after reconnecting with me. ♪ get 1.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on a 2023 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪ using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. for a limited time, save $400 on select stearns & foster mattresses. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort. now to your morning moment. this is incredible video captured of a single-engine plane towing a panner, it crashed into the ocean at a crowded beach in new hampshire. watch this. >> oh, my [ bleep ]. >> the plane hit the waters at hampton beach nose first on saturday, beachgoers witnessed all of it. >> it's going down. the plane is going down. it's crashed. >> the plane upside down, floating on the water. >> he's alive. this is key. the pilot, the only person on board was not even injured in that crash. the plane was towed away, the cause of the crash we investigated but there is your miracle moment for the morning. >> look, poppy, you might have some personal views on this, the top movies at the box office. >> i love it. >> take a guess. >> this is the best day ever. >> it is the best day before. do you guys ever think about dying. >> you contributed -- you contributed -- >> i contributed -- >> "barbie" dominating the box office. >> i contributed $57.50 to that. it's like 20 bucks to go see a movie. my kids loved it. i was telling sylvia to sit in the front row, people are buying them days in advance. >> i have not seen it yet. >> take the kids. take chelsea. it's great. it's great. >> okay. see you tomorrow, everyone. >> have a great day. ♪ ♪

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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to book your free consultation. all right. good morning, everyone. it is the top of the hour. we're so glad you're with us on this monday and a busy one already. >> new polling, new arraignment. >> polls, polls, polls, and they all the same thing. >> that's the most important. they're not focused on one poll. i'll die on this hill. >> it's a good hill to die on. to the law this morning, a second trump employee scheduled to be arraigned in the classified documents probe, as the former president says he did not direct anyone to delete security footage at mar-a-lago. >> and will thousands of small-dollar donors to trump's political action committee care all the that their donations are being spent on legal fees. they've already spent $40 million this year and that's double what they spent last year and it's only july. and there's a giant "x" at twitter's headquarters. san francisco are investigating whether the sign is a permit violation. this hour of "cnn this morning" starts now. this morning, the property manager who allegedly said "the boss wanted the surveillance video servers deleted at mar-a-lago" will be at a miami courtroom to answer to four charges. carlos dol e oliveira is the th person indicted alongside president trump and walt nauta. he met up with nauta to scope out the surveillance cameras around the storage room where documents were moved in and out of. they say that de oliveira asked a different employee, quote, what are we going to do about the boss' request to delete footage. this comes as another mar-a-lago employee, yuscil taveras previously received a target letter from federal prosecutors. sources tell cnn that a taveras had met with investigators since the initial indictment, but what's not clear is whether he's cooperating with prosecutors or not and we should be very clear, he has not been charged. we're also following new details in other trump investigations. the special counsel's office dpets ready to meet with another committee witness in the fake electors scheme. and in georgia, the district attorney will decide whether to charge anyone by september 1st. we'll get to those new thread in a second. first, let's go to cnn's randi kaye, she's outside the courthouse where the property manager will be arraigned. randi, what are the expectations today? >> good morning, phil. well, what we're seeing now is that he is really caught up, apparently, in this alleged plot to try and destroy security camera footage of plea mar-a-la which would have sho these boxes of documents, some of them sified. we are waiting for him to appear here in court this morning. the official charges are pretty serious. he's facing conspiracy to obstruct justice, false statements that were made as well as two counts of concealing or destroying an object. now, we know he's going to appear here in court with his lawyer, john irvine, this is a washington, d.c.-based attorney. he will need a florida-based attorney insider to enter a plea. if he doesn't have a florida attorney this morning, his case could be delayed. and of course, all eyes are watching that, because that could weigh into whether or not donald trump could go to trial in this case before elections. so certainly, that is being closely watched. but also, as you mentioned, at the center of this new allegations, is this i.t. worker from mar-a-lago named yuscil taveras. what we understand from sources is that he was working with prosecutors, speaking with the fbi, and the investigators and apparently some of these new allegations against donald trump were based at least in part, phil, from some of this information, coming from yuscil taveras, this i.t. worker. so now, a fourth employee identified and all in this alleged plot to try to get ready of this security camera footage. phil? >> all right, randi kaye, thank you. well, also this morning, the georgia probe investigating efforts by donald trump and his allies to overturn georgia's 2020 presidential election result, that could be nearing its end. fulton county district attorney fani willis telling wxia that any announcement of an indictment would happen before september 1st. >> some people may not be happy with the decisions that i'm making and sometimes when people are unhappy, they act in way that could create harm. the work is accomplished. we've been working for two and a half years. we're ready to go. >> willis has previously signaled that she would make any charging announcements between july 31st and the end of august, meaning that they could come any day. and this comes after a judge scheduled an august 10th hearing on the trump team's motion to disqualify willis from the case and toss much of the evidence she has collected. trump's team is also trying to remove another judge in fulton county from presiding over that case. we're also waiting for another potential federal indictment against former president trump over efforts to overturn the 2020 election. former new york city police commissioner and trump ally, bernie kerik will meet with special counsel jack smith in a matter of days. kerik worked alongside rudy giuliani in the weeks after the 2020 election to try to search for evidence of fraud that could have shifted the election in trump's favor. kerik's attorney tells cnn that he's going to speak to jack smith and his team of prosecutors about the trump's team unfounded claims of voter fraud. earlier this month, you'll remember, kerik turned over lots of documents about those claims, after previously shielding some of them from congress and federal investigators on the grounds of attorney/client privilege. >> so you may have noticed in the process of the six and a half minutes we spent walking through all of the different elements of this, the president has a lot of legal issues. and that also means he has to spend a lot of money. his political action committee has to spend it, i should be very clear on that. more than $40 million on legal fees alone for the former president and his associates this year alone, according to a source familiar with the matter. that's more than double what he spent last year. the pac, which raises most of its funds through small dollar donation is expected to report to the fec this morning as the president's legal battles continue to mount. cnn's kristen holmes is live in washington this morning. kristen, i think maybe this question is, are they going to have a cash problem at some point during the campaign? this is a lot of money and i know they're trying to set up a separate legal entity. is this problematic for them from a mechanics organizational perspective, financially? >> it certainly seems like it could be, phil. and obviously, as you're laying out step after step, all of these legal pabattles, those co money. and they've spent $40 million so far this year. it is only july. the entirety of last year, they spent $16 million on these legal fees. and again, it is not just donald trump, it is all of these associates, these former and current aides, employees, anyone who was wrapped up in these investigations that his team gamed worthy to actually pay for those attorney fees. and there are a lot of them. you mentioned that mar-a-lago case. both of those co-defendants are represented by lawyers who have received an enormous amount of money from that save america pac. and it certainly looks like this could lead to a huge money issue here. this will not cover any of trump's legal fees, but it will cover some of those associate fees, those outside witnesses. unclear exactly how big the umbrella of this legal defense fund is going to be, but it is clearly something that they are taking into account right now, as they are hemorrhaging money for these legal fees. again, $40 million, and it is just july. and they are not wrapping up, these legal issues are not wrapping up anytime soon. in fact, they seem to be continuing and possibly mounting, getting worse. >> yeah, if you want to make $40 million, look at what every other candidate and their super pacs have raised. $40 million is a lot of money. kristen holmes, great reporting. thank you. florida governor ron desantis' presidential campaign is seizing on this news. hicaaign communication statement.rote this in a trump has spent over $60 million this year on two things,alsely attacking desantis and paying his own legal fees. not a cent on defeating joe biden. governor desantis' soul focus by contrast has been campaigning for this country's future, defeating biden, and reversing the decline of america, closed quote. desantis also responded himself. >> when he sits me with the juvenile insults, i think that helps me. i don't think voters like that. i think they look at it and they realize, like, you know what, that's not effective. and so i don't think it's effective. so i actually don't mind it at all. >> i think it's just a reminder why there's so many millions of voters who will never vote for him going forward. >> later today, desantis is going to hold a news conference, a press conference, focusing on his economic plan, trying to turn around those slipping poll numbers. joining us in rochester, new hampshire, he's talking to press outlets he never tukd before and now he's holding a prmess conference on the economy. a i think a question or two might be about how cdominant trump is in the polls. >> desantis is really trying to put the last few weeks behind him. there has been so much focus on staff cuts and an attempt at a reset on his campaign. he wants to get pack to introducing himself to voters, having one on one conversations with them, and really making the case that he is the best person to represent the party in 2024. over the weekend, he had a lot of intimate gatherings, like you said, a lot more media that's given access to him lately. and today, he gave an economic speech, which is really something we haven't heard him talk much about. he's so well known for being a culture warrior and his so-called war on woke, but we haven't so much seen him talk about these kind of kitchen table issues. he's going to do that later today, where he's going to give his economic policy speech. this is an issue, obviously, republicans six months ago thought it was one they were going to win on. however, with inflation cooling and the economy seeming to be doing better, democrats are feeling much better about their odds on that issue goingesantis interesting. >> thanks for the reporting. >> i mean, my questions will be about tax policy. >> i know they were. but you're here, not there. so you can't even ask them. >> that looks really good for a campaign trail. very put together for campaign correspondents. very sun eunsettling. president obama publicly acknowledging his seventh grandchild on friday. describing the situation as a family matter. reaction to statement, coming up ahead. for everyone who lives here. ♪ (vo) verizon small business days are coming. from august 7th to the 13th. 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significant is how much desantis has slipped since last july. the quinnipiac poll had him at 22%. and it's been dropping. trump has been rising. joining us now, white house correspondent at bloomberg news, kala gardner. also a buckeye, get excited, poppy. and cnn political analyst and white house correspondent at pbs "newshour," she's cool too, laura barone lopez, one of the best in the business. laura, i want to start with you on kind of the -- i think we have similar views in terms of one poll does not make everything. it's the consistency of these numbers and the kind of, at some point, we have to stop repeating over and over again, it's reheearly, it's early, it's early. we're getting there at this point. what's your read in the current state of the race? >> look, trump has a really strong grip on the republican base. and even a recent pbs/npr/marist poll we just had come out on friday said the exact same thing, which is that 58% of republicans say that despite his legal peril, despite all of these indictments that are piling up, they still are supporting him over other gop candidates. so right now, she's the one that the gop base wants, and ron desantis appears to be the second one that consistently is highest in polls, but hasn't been able to convince voters, either because he's more focused on policy and they want more emotions, which is what we've heard from voters, saying that they really are just still attached to trump and his ideologies and his -- the messaging that he's bringing, which is essentially one of grievance skand just all around his legal peril and all around election denialism, but that's what they're going for right now. >> the economic speech today, kayla, that desantis is going to give is going to focus on the economy and largely go after biden. not go after trump. the extent to which he's gone after trump has been like, hey, he spent $20 million, you know, sort of going after me and attacking me. that's as far as he will go. but do you have any indication that republican primary voters are thinking about electability in the general election, because that's what desantis is banking this whole thing on. >> absolutely. i think electability is top of mind here. and i think the speech today comes at a very crucial time in his campaign. we've seen back-to-back bad headlines for desantis. his campaign is in a cash crunch. he's laid off now two rounds of layoffs for his staff. and donors have been telling him, they want him to focus on more moderate issues. he became popular in florida because of his culture wars, but we really haven't seen him focus on these kitchen table issues. and the economy is top of mind for voters, it has been, and it will continue to be. and he really needs to prove himself on these issues to continue in this race. >> hey, laura, switching over to the democratic side, you know, our friend of all of us, jonathan martin at "the new york times" had a column -- sorry, he's now at the politico, a column about the potential for another democrat hopping into the race to challenge the incumbent president joe biden. deane phillips, a congressman from minnesota, i have thoughts on this, but i am intrigued by yours, in terms of who dean phillips is, how he's thought of inside the house democratic caucus. >> well, i know that we both know who dean phillips is, phil, because we've covered congress, i've talked to dean phillips a number of times, but i mentioned his name to a relative who does not live anywhere near d.c. and they said, who, yesterday? i don't think that he has any name recognition outside of d.c., among the democratic caucus, he is certainly respected, and they feel as though he's a very serious lawmaker for the short time that he's been in congress. he's someone that helped make their majority a few years ago, when they were in the majority in the house. but a lot of democrats they talked to are more concerned about third party candidates versus someone challenging joe biden within the primary. they're concerned about candidates like cornel west and having a jill stein effect, similar to 2016, when we saw that that really made the big difference in those key swing states and ultimately contributed to hillary clinton's loss. >> looking at it more broadly, not about can ken phillips win the nomination if he were to go up against biden, but act the fact that here you have him, a former businessman from minnesota turned politician who has spoken out against biden on a number of things, this isn't new. i wasn't shocked when i saw this. but you have him, you have joe manchin, you have whatever no labels is going to do. what does this all combined mean for biden? >> yeah. i certainly agree with laura that the bigger issue is these third party candidates. but the fact that a sitting lawmaker would challenge president biden is certainly significant. it would signal a breakdown in the democratic party, the fact that someone would feel comfortable enough to challenge the president. and what dean flips is bringing up here is something that i hear from voters a lot, which is that there's still hesitation about biden because of his age. and there are voters who are waiting to' who else will get in this race. >> hey, laura, if you were working on friday at about 5:00 p.m. and you thought were day was about to end, it didn't, pause the white house reid a statement to "people" magazine, acknowledging for the first time or saying that the president was acknowledging for the first time says seventh grandchild, hunter biden's child. the timing says a lot about this, right. for those who abe don't live in our world, if you're dropping something at 5:00 p.m. on a friday, you're doing that intentionally for people not to pay a lot of attention to it. why did they decide to go that route? >> i mean, because ultimately, phil, white house had to address this. reporters had been asking white house press secretary karine jean-pierre about whether or not the president was going to acknowledge this seventh grandchild of his. he's someone who prides himself on being a family man, someone who often used amtrak to get back to wlilmington, delaware, o be with his family. he often talked about his grandchildren and they needed to acknowledge this and they hadn't done so so far. and as you said, they clearly did it on a friday evening in order to try to bury it, make sure it didn't get the attention that it would if it were released earlier in the day. this is something he needs to address more andmore and this is how they ultimately decided to handle it. whether or not it goes away is a big question, because we know that republicans are going to continue to attack the president on this very issue. >> you were great. what feels like a summer cold could actually be covid, not again, but yes. what experts are saying and how extreme heat will be probably response for this uptick in covid cases. that's next. >> i'll do this one. the city of san francisco investigating elon musk for a new "x" sign above twitter's headquarters. sorry if we live across the street from that. we'll fill you in on the complain against musk, coming up. ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at ♪( please don't go by harry casey, richard raymond finch )♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (don't gooo) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (don't go away) ♪ pre-order now and get a free storage upgrade. ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a 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water, all of those are up between 10 to 20% over the last week of data. what's really important to put into context is that is off of the lowest base we've seen since the beginning of the pandemic. if you look at waste water data from biobot, you can see just there at the end, that little blue uptick is the sort of beginning of a potential surge we're talking about. and experts say even in these data and waste water levels, this is a leading indicator, and they're even starting to see that slow and perhaps even start to level off. we done know if this is really going to become something any bigger. >> why and how does the heat play in? >> the heat does seem to potentially have an effect on covid cycles. we've seen this in previous summers, where there has been a bump in cases. it's braecause people are so ho they're driven inside, and they're spreading covid. people are traveling a lot more right now. and a lot of us haven't had a booster lately, which makes sense, so we don't have as much immunity built up, particularly to infection. and maybe a lot of us haven't had covid recently, so that immunity isn't there as well. >> i've got four kids, which means i get literally everything that's going around. are there other things? just covid or other things? >> there are other things going around. data from biofire, which is a testing company, show that you're actuay more likely to have rhino virus if you've got a cold. coronavirus is rising to kind of intersect with that, but also adenovirus and norovirus are at higher levels than they were at this time last year. norovirus are really not fun things. they're gi symptoms. there's enough going on, you don't want to be sick. >> good luck for every parent out there with little kids who don't wash their hands. this morning, new developments in twitter's rebrand. elon musk has put a giant "x" on top of the company's san francisco headquarters, triggering a city investigation. so according to this new complaint, representatives for the city of san francisco have visited the headquarters twice since friday. they've issued a notice of olion alleging the flashing sign now on top of the building we up without a rm. in a statement to "the washington post," a spokesperson for the city's department of buildings said to ensure consistency with the historic nature of the biuilding and ensure the new additions are safely attached to the sign, the city requires a permit. cnn has reached out to the city and asked for comment. joining us now, axios senior media reporter, sarah fisher i don't know, doesn't seem like san francisco is going to make any of this very easy for elon musk, but he is set on staying there. he's not going to move it like they moved tesla headquarters. >> no, he is not, which comes as a surprise, poppy. you'll recall when he moved tesla's headquarters to austin, he had some not very nice things to say about operating business in the state of california, and in san francisco. but you can see why san francisco is frustrated with this. you can't just come and erect a major sign with connectivity to electricity and not inform pedestrians crossing the street underneath it that there's construction going on. so i could see where they're frustrated. and largely speaking, there have been issues with twitter and san francisco for months now. whether it's elon musk refusing to pay rent, not being a very fair member of the city in trying to advocate for reforms. i can see why they're frustrated with musk. >> there's a lot going on with elon musk and "x" ," to say the least. they have confirmed that elon musk over the last year threatened legal action against tech competitors. obviously, employees, people involved with twitter. he's also taking aim at on organization that studies hate speech. what do you know about this? >> yes, so the center for countering hate is a nonprofit and they put out a lot of research that shows how hate speech has evolved on the platf platform, and other platforms, but particularly they put out a lot of data about hate speech under elon musk on twitter. and this has been something that irked elon musk for a long time, in part because he doesn't believe that third-party researchers know what's happening on the platform better than he does. my argument would be, elon musk's just started to put twitter's api behind a pay wall. this is part of a larger problem for elon musk and twitter. he's trying to go after people who are researching the platform for hate instead of right to actually tackle the issues with hate speech. and that as we've spoken about on this show is a larger business problem for the company. >> one of the other pieces of reporting from "the times" that is so interesting is that there was a deal made back in june for the pentagon to buy some star link connectivity in ukraine. explain to people what star link is, why it has been so vital for ukraine in this war, and what it would mean for the pentagon to have this ownership. >> yes, massive report out from star link is an internet platform that allows people to get access to through satellite satellites. and it's pretty revolutionary. for a long time, that was ant reliable way to get internet access. elon musowns star link. and in february of 2022, ukraine urged elon musk to bring star link to ukraine. and without star link, ukraine would not have the huge critical advantage of connectivity in this war. the challenge, though, poppy, is that elon musk has discretion over where he puts these satellites. and the pentagon is growing concerned that if ukraine is so reliant on the private company star link and elon musk has the ability to say "no" to some of the requests or move satellites, then that would put ukraine and thus our national security in a pretty perilous situation. so what "the new york times" reported is that they're trying to buy some of these satellites from star link so it can unilaterally ensure that the connectivity remains in ukraine and that elon musk can't pull the rug out from underneath him. i will say, for all of the saga and drama that we talk about with elon musk, this is a very good example of ways of his innovation to help make the world better. >> it's a great point. >> if you lived across the street from twitter headquarters and you had a window, and it was nighttime and a massive glowing "x" was blinking in your face. >> nightlight. >> what would your response be? >> well, i mean, a lot of people would file complaints. that's the first and foremost problem. there's also noise complaints anytime you're erecting something like this. there's a lot of work buildings, i don't know that that's as much of the problem, i think the general frustration from the city that elon musk continues to act unilaterally without asking ferments or pes or permission a want to make sure that gets reigned in. >> she knows everything. >> it's frustrating and awesome at the same time. >> the drama never ends. >> your beat is certainly a beat where the drama never ends. sarah fisher, great to have you. thanks. >> thank you. more than ten players have been sidelined a to the world cup with acl injuries. what's behind that sudden increase? sanjay gupta reports next. what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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>> yes, but we do know that when women retire, the data shows that the risks for male is -- >> holly silvers is the chair of major league soccer's medical assessment research committee, and this is a disparity she's been trying to draw attention to for decades. >> what is going on? >> we started looking at this data literally 23 years ago. we had determined that there's anatomic respecters, hormonal risk factors, environmental risk factors, which take into consideration if you're playing on grass or turf or what kind of cleat your wearing. >> reporter: the anatomy is also interesting. women's acls are smaller than men and a greater "q" angle, the ratio of hip width to thigh length, which means this can happen. the body can more easily go into a knock-kneed position, making the ligament more vulnerable. >> just standing here, how are we different in terms of our biomechanics? >> we know that women tend to be a little bit more quad dominant, we tend to be a little bit less underdeveloped on our back muscle groups. also, when we tend to do things, we tend to do things more upright or erect than men do. >> reporter: easy fixes for anyone, holly says, an extra ten minutes, twice a week to reduce acl injuries by around 70%. >> if we were running and would go to the side, we would plant and cut, change direction, plant and cut. >> reporter: the idea, strengthen the muscles around the acl. play low and avoid the knock-kneed position. >> this is engaging these muscles, which is your glut medius, and that's a massively great muscle to help control your lumbar, spine, and pelvis when you're cutting and changing direction. this is called a nordic hamstring. >> i feel that. >> it's very hard. you'll feel your hamstrings engage. >> yes, i do. >> it's starting to catch on, but slowly. brian maddox, head athletic trainer for the women's professional soccer team, the north carolina courage, uses these concepts now with his own players. >> you're sort of watching movement, quality of movement, whether it's looks natural, you know, where they k look like they're not in control of their body is doing. >> and this is the type of attention and training that needs to start among the youngest players. >> one of the biggest pre-existing risks for an injury is if you've had that injury before. that's why the emphasis is on trying to prevent this at a younger age, so when they come to us, they're ready to perform at the level we expect them to perform. >> for now, spec recovers. we're told the operation went well. the hope that one day she returns to this. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. >> dr. sanjay gupta, thank you for that report. you know what's so sfpti ingfas about that, as a fan, i was so annoyed by the injury and some of those that weren't going to be in the world. >> because they get injured, you get annoyed. >> right. as a fan, it's all about you. but sanjay's report going into physiology, i find that to be utterly fascinating. >> and some things to help try to prevent it, because it's debilitating. >> yes, it is, and the recovery is debilitating. >> have you torn your acl? >> meniscus, rotator cuff. i'm an old man. >> not even 40 yet. scientists are scrambling to figure out why a chunk of ice the size of argentina is missing from antarctica. we'll talk to expert, up next. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save up to $500 on the new sleep number® smart bed. plus, 60 month financing on most smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. - i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short. - have a fun weekend. - ♪ unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. ♪ - was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. a single strand of mrna could change the way we fight respiratory diseases. and the company that's getting us there? moderna. this changes everything. at pnc bank, you can find us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there. because you call these communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. take a look at this video out of beijing. at least two people have died. more than 31,000 have been evacuated as a typhoon there has lashed china's northeastern region. the typhoon is the strongest storm to hit that region in 17 years. i mean, what we're showing you, you just saw a house floating away. since making landfall on friday, it has affected more than 800,000 people and caused more than $60 million in property damage, according to chinese state media. >> well, as millions here in the u.s. and around the world are facing record-setting summer heat, another climate record is being broken much further south. and in antarctica, to be clear. worrying flows for this time of year. the ice is around 1.6 million sqre kilometers below the previous winter record low set in 2022. in mid-july, the sea ice was 2.6 million square kilometers belove the 1981-t2010 average. that is an area nearly as large as argentina or texas, california, new mexico, arizona, nevada, u.s., and colorado combined. joining us now, a glacierologist and senior research scientist at the university of colorado boulder. i appreciate you joining us. the numbers are very alarming. and yet to some degree, they're also kind of amorphous -- they're so big, it's tough for people to get their heads around them. can you talk about what this actually means. >> yeah, the rate of growth around antarctica this winter has just been way slower than in previous years. and we've been able to monitor . we have a good idea of how the ebb and flow is supposed to go. well, it's fell back quite a bit this whole summer and as a result we're quite concerned about next summer in antarctica because when this sea ice retreats again close to the coast, it's going to expose a lot more of the ice sheet, the permanent ice, to wave action and potential warming. >> why does sea ice matter so much? >> it acts as a protective fringe around the continent, it also helps moderate the climate. it keeps the earth cool basically when because we have these polar areas that are bright white and frozen a lot of heat radiates back into space and doesn't go into warming the planet. if we lose a lot of the sea ice, first of all, the area around antarctica will get warmer, but then eventually antarctica itself, this gigantic ice sheet will begin to change. we might see higher sea level rise rates in the future. >> is there a single thing driving this or are there several factors? what gets us to this point? >> that's really a topic of research right now. believe me, the community is discussing this quite a bit. right now the best ideas are that this very warm ocean condition that we have globally has managed to stir into the water around antarctica near the surface, that's usually isolated from the rest of the world's ocean because it's a little bit fresher, it sits on top of normal ocean water, kind of like oil on water. now apparently some of this heat that's in the ocean globally is stirring into this layer and even a little bit of heat means it takes a longer time for that heat to come out during winter and freeze the top of the ocean. we think that's what's slowing it down. it could also be changes in the wind around antarctica, that's been going on for many decades actually. >> do you think the antarctic system will recover in the way it has recovered in the past years? >> that really is the big question. it has been a very variable system and we've been puzzling for many years prior to this last few years about why antarctica has seen steady or even slightly growing the sea ice area in past decades when the rest of the world was showing signs of warming. but it's been very variable but this drop downward is really spectacular, much bigger than any of the variations in the past decades. so personally i think we have finally tripped the switch in antarctica and we're going to see it participate in this general pattern of warming around the globe. >> it's very, very unfortunate. dr. ted scambos, thank you. >> thank you. cardi b. has had enough in the last incident of concertgoers throwing things at performers on stage. watch this. >> ♪ ♪ >> whoa. >> that happened in las vegas on saturday, someone in the audience threw a drink at her in the middle of her song. cardi clearly upset threw a microphone back into the crowd. security guards rushed on to the stage. >> drake, harry styles some of the other artists that have had objects from candy to jewelry to chicken -- >> a chicken nugget. >> throwing at them while performing. among the artists speaking out about this troubling trend, tim mcgraw who is gearing up for his own tour. cd cnn, quote, i think it's terrible. you could really injure somebody and miss and hit somebody in the audience and injure somebody. what happens if somebody gets hurt and it ruins the show for everybody? >> yeah, it needs to stop, that's for sure. head for us on cnn this morning, this -- >> it's going down, a plane is going down. >> terrible, a plane makes this crash landing in the water at a new hampshire beach. it's all caught on tape. how lifeguards and beachgoers jumped in to help. ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (please don't go) ♪ ♪ (don't gooo) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (don't go away) ♪ pre-order now and get a free storage upgrade. ♪ (please don't go) ♪ this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ ♪ hit it ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at i'm currently out of the office [typing] focusing on a little blue-sky thinking. i'll be taking meetings with family and friends. and checking voicemail as my activities permit. i'll connect with you after reconnecting with me. ♪ get 1.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on a 2023 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪ using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. for a limited time, save $400 on select stearns & foster mattresses. 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, Glowing , Blinking , Complaints , Noise Complaints , Work Buildings , Frustration , Beat , Permission , Want , Pes , Ferments , Players , Acl Injuries , World Cup , Sanjay Gupta Reports Next , Ten , That S My Boy , Liberty Mutual , Son , Car Insurance , Pay , Freeways , Video Game Sound , Crystals , Throwback , Sfx , Emergen C , Crystals Pop , Diseases , Essential School Supplies , Schools , Funding , Students , School Supplies Students , Retailers , Subaru , Ninety Two , Car Company , Supporter , Brand , Impact , Adoptaclassroom Org , Subaru Love Promise , Forbes , Town , Home , Pace , Driving , Pods , Milestones , Coffee Subscription Box , Ink Rep , Narrator , Products , Gear , Customink Com , Bank , Inventory , Pain , Schedules , Orders , Payment , Alex , Help , Oven Explosion , Oven , Loans , Business Boom , U S Bank Business Essentials , Jumbo , Ginormous , 12 , Teams , Women S World Cup Soccer Team , Portugal , Eastern , 3 , Injury , Chief Medical Correspondent , Acl , Sanjay Gupta , Look , Injuries , Have , Game , Strategies , Athletes , Reporter , Hearing , Merideth Spec , Risk , Foot , Season , North Carolina College , Women , Many , Surgery , Halt , Meredith , Nine , Spec , Ligament , Career , Soccer , Knee , Tibia , Outside , Femur , Lateral Movement , Holly Silvers , Disparity , Chair , Assessment Research Committee , Major League Soccer , Anatomic Respecters , 23 , Risk Factors , Consideration , Anatomy , Grass , Cleat , Turf , Men , Body , Angle , Knock Kneed Position , Thigh Length , Ratio , Q , Hip Width , Acls , Back Muscle Groups , Biomechanics , Dominant , Holly , Fixes , Plant , Cut , Change Direction , 70 , Muscles , Idea , Glut Medius , Muscle , Position , Knock Kneed , Brian Maddox , Hamstring , Direction , Hamstrings , Pelvis , Lumbar , Spine , Nordic , Quality , Movement , Concepts , North Carolina Courage , Women S Professional Soccer , Type , Control , Training , Emphasis , Operation , Hope , Fan , Sfpti Ingfas , Physiology , Weren T , Recovery , Man , Scientists , Meniscus , Rotator Cuff , Scrambling , 40 , Ice , Antarctica , Expert , Argentina , Chunk , Size , Action Hero , Cabin , Gonna , Three , Problems , Paycom , Payroll , Neither , Down The Line , Cities , Communities , Towns , Pnc Bank , Typhoon , Video , Storm , Region , Northeastern Region , China S , Beijing , 31000 , State Media , Property Damage , Making Landfall , Chinese , 800000 , Summer Heat , Climate Record , South , 1 6 Million , Sea Ice , Winter Record , Mid July , 2 6 Million , Area , Average , Glacierologist , Colorado , Arizona , New Mexico , Nevada , Texas , 1981 , Research Scientist , Degree , University Of Colorado Boulder , Amorphous , Heads , Rate , Growth , Summer , Ebb And Flow , Warming , Ice Sheet , More , Wave Action , Coast , Continent , Areas , Climate , Fringe , Earth , Planet , Space , Itself , Doesn T Go Into Warming , Community , Sea Level , Factors , Rates , Topic , Bit , Ocean Condition , Ideas , Surface , The Ocean , Rest , Soil , Layer , Changes , Wind , Antarctic System , Big Question , System , Signs , Sea Ice Area , Drop , Switch , Variations , Globe , Pattern , Incident , Ted Scambos , Cardi B Has , Audience , Stage , Performers , Concertgoers , Middle , Drink , On Saturday , Las Vegas , Artists , Candy , Objects , Song , Microphone , Crowd , Security Guards , Jewelry , Cardi , Harry Styles , Drake , Somebody , Tim Mcgraw , Chicken , Chicken Nugget , Tour , Trend , Cd , Miss , Plane , Everybody , Head , , Terrible , Sure , Beach , Beachgoers , Water , Lifeguards , Tape , Crash Landing , Services , Infrastructure , Cyberattacks , Google , Thinking , Activities , Office , Friends , Typing , Meetings , Voicemail , Reconnecting , Apr , Purchase Allowance , 2023 , 1500 , 1 9 , 36 , Cadillac Financial , Comfort , Beautiful Mattress , Memory Foam , Ultra Conforming Innersprings , 400 , Stearns Foster Mattresses , Heart , Sail , Scenery , Landmarks , Treasures , Viking , Europe , Unpack Once , Viking Longship , Plane Towing , Panner , Waters , Bleep , Hampton Beach Nose , Upside Down , Box Office , Crash , Movies , Pilot , Miracle , Cause , Guess , Barbie , 7 50 , 57 50 , Movie , Advance , Sit , Front Row , 20 Bucks , Chelsea ,

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