Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

ukraine where officials are hoping that evacuation efforts can assume resume in mariupol. those many civilians remain trapped inside the city's decimated steel plant. for the first time in nearly half a century, american women appear to be on the cusp of losing their constitutional right to save legal abortions. a draft opinion was drafted that appears poised to overturn roe vs. wade, which protects abortion rights nationwide. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity of the document. final ruling is not expected until june and abortion remains legal for now, but alarm is, sparking. protests have already begun while many republicans are celebrating the news. this would mark a major victory decades in the making for american conservatives. and this is all possible because of the three conservative justices appointed by former u.s. president donald trump who dramatically shifted the ideological make july of the top court. -- makeup of the top court. justin alito has long objected to roe vs. wade and writes that it was egregiously wrong from the start. its reasoning was exceptionally weak and the decision has damaging consequences and far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, roe and casey has inflamed debate. casey was a case that also upheld abortion rights. a legal analyst puts dit into perspective for us. >> this is seismic news coming from the supreme court. in a draft opinion obtained by politico, the court appears poised to overturn the landmark decision row v. wade that legalized abortion in the united states. this means that nearly 50 years of legal access to abortion in any state may soon change. states could have the option of banning abortion entirely once this ruling is officially handed down. a number of states already have laws ready to be enacted to limit or youtd routright ban ab. as the law stands now, states cannot ban abortions before about 23 weeks of pregnancy. the case at hand brought on by the state of mississippi will entirely change that precedent. what is also shocking is how we can to learn about this decision. normally we hear at the very end once a decision is complete from the supreme court. we hear from a majority and we hear from a dissent. but this first draft of the majority decision was made available in an entirely unprecedented way, and for some people, might further bring into question the legitimacy of the supreme court. according to politico, and our own reporting confirms this, chief justice john roberts would be a dissent in an opinion to overturn tturn roe v. wade. >> and planned parenthood, the organization that provides reproductive health care tweeted let's be clear, this is a draft opinion, it is outrageous, it is unprecedented, but it is not final. abortion is your right. and it is still legal. here is more from planned parenthood's president. >> what quewe have seen tonight not just a draft. we believe this is a roadmap for how they will take roe down and we have already seen it over these last nine months in texas. the devastation of what we have seen, patients traveling thousands of miles to get access to basic abortion care. but i will tell you, abortion is still legal right now. we are letting our patients know, patients who are seeking access to abortion, that they can still go and seek their provider right now. but what is happening right now in front of the court is unbelievable. >> and laura coates says if roe vs. wade is overturned, it would have far-reaching consequences on women's rights. >> this opinion can be, if true, narrowed down and defined quite simply, women are not viewed as equal to men. the right of privacy, a fancy way of talking about a fundamental right, meaning in a country where we talk about how we do not want people's rights to infringe on another's and your rights end and where my begin and consent of the govern, in this instance the court has already said that there are some areas if you believe fundamental rights include things like marriage and in-are a state travel, and things like contraception and the like, then surely you would believe that within that same umbrella of thought, that things related to one's health and agency over one's body should also be in that privacy sphere. but instead you have this justice, if this draft opinion is to be believed and to be actually followed to a conclusion of an official holding, then you have the cod if i indication that says when it comes to a woman's body, when it comes to agency overif i indication that says when it comes to a woman's body, when it comes to agency over our decisions over our bodies, we are simply not equal to men. >> jeffrey toobin says the publishing of a supreme court draft is unprecedented by the high court standards of secsecr. >> i can't emphasize enough as someone who has covered this court for 30 years, who has written two books on the court, there has never been a leak anything like this. there has never been a leak of a vote much less an actual opinion, much less in a case of this significance. the idea that decision of this magnitude could leak is really a shattering experience for the justices and the court. and i really don't know how the institution will recover. >> officials in california are already proposing legislation to protect the right of an abortion. the governor and leaders in the state legislature issued a joint statement saying california is proposing an amendment to enshrine the right to choose in our state constitution so that there is no doubt as to the right to abortion in this state. we know we can't trust the supreme court to protect reproductive rights, so california will build a firewall around the right in our state constitution, women will remain protected here. and don lemon spoke to two political experts earlier about the politico report and they say a supreme court decision potentially overturning roe vs. wade could impact the upcoming u.s. midterm elections. >> it is a category five, political and social hurricane in this country. as you point out, in one fell swoop, something that was a right for women for the last 50 years has been taken away. we do not know all the ramifications of this yet at this point. but i want to point out that this is something the republican party has worked on for decades. at the state level, at the federal level, in the judiciary, trying to get to this moment. and it is something as i think one of my colleagues pointed out earlier, that democrats while they talked about it a lot, have effectively said, you know, they didn't do it in the way republicans did. they didn't protect it in the way republicans fought it. and in the end now, you have this conservative majority on the court and the democrats are going to face a midterm election very soon, and then a presidential election, and they are going to have to decide how they battle this out, how they use this in order to get those voters out there to the polls to understand that elections have consequences. >> we haven't seen anything like this in our lifetime. the wholesale withdrawal of a basic right. and so it is really hard to think of a precedent for this. but i will say if you were a republican strategist privately right now, you would say this is not good. we do not need this. we were on the path to winning a big victory in the fall. the wholesale overturning of roe vs. wade may be the one thing that could change the dynamic because the people who have in polling expressed the strongest objection, and remember the vast majority of americans, 70% of americans or more, have said that they did not want this, but the people who were most low receiverous about this were people under 45, democrats, obviously women, and these were the voters who democrats were particularly worried about in the fall. will they come out, will they participate. there has been polling suggesting that the enthusiasm wasn't there. this could galvanize those voters, don. >> america will be waking up soon, so lots more reaction throughout the day. but for now, we'll cross to the latest on the situation in ukraine with isa who is in lviv. thanks very much. good morning to you, max. all eyes on mariupol this morning, and the bombed out steel plant where many civilians are still of course trapped inside. the city council says more evacuation efrltforts are due t resume, but it is not clear if it involves people inside the azovstal plant. around 100 were able to make it out on sunday, but another round of evacuations for monday never happened. a ukrainian commander inside the plant said that they have been under constant bombardment since early monday. and this video appears to confirm those reports. it shows a large plume of smoke rising over the city from an area near the plant. some evacuation did begin arriving in zaporizhzhia on monday. this is where often people fleeing go first. but the city's mayor says russia is making that journey even more difficult by forcing everyone who wants to enter ukrainian-controlled territory to pass through so-called filtration camps. he says people are often held there without food and claims many are deported to russia against their will. a u.s. official says they are aware of the claim and if true it would be a violation really of international law. u.s. and western officials believe vladimir putin could formally declare war on ukraine as soon as may 9. that is victory day in russia marking the defeat of nazis in world war ii. up to now you can remember russia called its actions in ukraine a special military operation, but there could be more. have a listen. >> translator: according to the most recent reports, we believe that russia will try to annex the donetsk people's republic ato russia. reports state that russia has plans to engineer referendum on joining russia sometime in mid may. and that moscow is considering a similar plan for kherson. >> troubling indeed. meanwhile russian forces appear to be pushing further to the west in ukraine. local officials report a number of russian missile stliks stris of russian missile on the city of odesa, a 14-year-old killed and another teen wounded in an attack. there are also signs that ukrainian forces are fighting back claiming to hold off 12 russian attacks in the past day and video shows the aftermath of the large explosion near kherson. neither side is commenting on the calls. after the russians aban ban conned their campaign in kyiv in march, some slowly started coming back. matt rivers has this report. >> reporter: an effigy twists in the breeze, a uniform stripped off a dead russian soldier stuffed and hung from a tree. people hate russia here because of what it did. the tiny town northwest of kyiv has been leveled. russian bombs, rockets, bullets destroyed streets after streets after streets. this was the site of some of the most intense fighting of the war so far. on their drive toward kyiv, the russians attacked soldiers and civilians alike here. ukrainian bunkers alongside ordinary houses shelled relentlessly to devastating febt. >> this was probably somebody's kitchen. you can see there is an oven there, pots and pans, a microwave. this is not a big city, but the scale of destruction in in village is on par with anything else we've seen across ukraine. this house gets hit with artillery, there is subsequent fire and just look, it is eviscerated. if there is a building in this village that hasn't been damaged in this fighting, we haven't seen it yet. >> translator: boom, boom, boom. fire, fire. it was everywhere. it is nightmare. >> reporter: this woman has lived in moschun for years and has never known war until it landed on her doorstep and forced her down into a neighbor's basement. how scared were you? >> translator: we were very scared. my heart was beating very fast. we thought we would die there. the russians fired indiscriminately. >> reporter: the fighting only eased when russia withdrew from the entire kyiv region. she emerged from the basement to find shell casings in her garden and whatever else the russians left behind. so all these things she says the russians left behind, so this washing your hands, another cup of some kind here, this some sort of life jacket that the russians used. and even here you've got old meal boxes everyone with certain things left inside there that you can see. for nearly two months after the fighting, residents stayed away. a trickle have now started to return. for them, russia's lasting effects here more than just bullet holes and boem mb crater. not only that people have to start from scratch, but there remain so many mines and pieces of unexploded ordinance that authorities are actually considering closing down the town for a few days until they can clear it. it is open for now though which meant that she could come back home for the first time in weeks. the weather was nice, so her niece and nephew played on the swing. different than the last time they were here when they hid in a basement as bombs destroyed everything above. is it difficult to think about that? >> translator: i don't even know what to say. >> reporter: what we can say is that this tiny town has turned into a symbol of sorts, a village mercilessly attacked that in the end stood its ground. a microcosm perhaps of the country in which it lies. matt rivers, cnn, moschun, ukraine. >> joining me now is a research fe fellow. and thank you for taking the time to speak to us. let me get your thoughts on what we heard from western officials that they believe that vladimir putin could formally declare war on ukraine as soon as may 9. what would that mean in reality? >> first of all, it is also the opinion much our intelligence services so a scenario that we are taking into account. of course it would be a factor in this war because it would mean mobilization of people and economy. but in the end with the statement made by the u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin last week that we need to decrease russian ability to threaten both ukraine and europe, we understand the level of the u.s. commitment and with u.s. and its allies, more than 50% of gdp comparing to 1% of world gdp. so it would be a turning point of the war if russia basically declare this is a war and start mobilization of both man and material. but with this level of western partner's commitment, we can withhold another round of connen fro tags and we would prevail because of the basic principles of international law. >> and we have seen in the last 24 hours ukraine forces repulsing i think 12 attacks across the country, we've seen as well ukrainian forces taking back several settlements around kharkiv. how do you see the push and pull of battle right now? >> well, first of all, you need to remember it also includes constant counter attacks, including constant shelling. and also counterattacks and definitely we are successful in operation around the donbas because it is two weeks past since it was declared that this battle started and it is only minor tactical incursions, only slow movement basically. as pentagon said, it proves that we conduct strategic defensive operations the same as we did around kyiv and with the constant supply of ammunition and equipment, we exhaust russian capabilities and we return territories. >> and what we have also been seeing is more attacks on the city of odessa, a missile hitting a church and dormitory, killing a 14-year-old boy. do you worry that this could be a prelude to further escalation there? >> first of all, the major action is in donbas. so the situation in south of ukraine is of secondary importance because russians clearly don't have the capabilities for simultaneous assaults toward odesa. so they weren't successful in the first stage when they were stopped in mykolaiv and also taking into account that we successfully destroy destroyed. so it is difficult to envision a major threat to odesa. >> and what you are suggesting obviously there is that what is happening in odesa is perhaps a distraction from the russians to what is happening everywhere else in the east of the country. let me ask you about mariupol. we have seen evacuations on sunday of 100 or so civilians from the azovstal steel plant. we understand evacuations are expected this morning for the rest of the city, for the city of mariupol, 100,000 or so being inside -- hiding inside. what can you tell us about those evacuations, have they begun, do you know what stage they are at? will further evacuations from the steel plant be taking place today as well? >> well, as you see russians have realized the previous agreement to ensure the major evacuation because mariupol is a kind of humanitarian leverage russia is using to create gains in political authorities to pressure people's psychology and that is why they are reticent to make it possible for people to leave, that is why it is only 100 people that made possible to reach zaporizhzhia. and so i think russia will continue to use these tactics to use this difficult humanitarian situation as a kind of leverage on people's psychologist and political leadership. >> i appreciate you taking time to speak to us. thanks very much. >> thanks. russia's top diplomat drags out a conspiracy theory about adolf hitler in an attempt to justify the russian invasion, and it is not going down very well. we'll explain, next. outrage is erupting around the world over comments that the russian foreign minister said about hitler and ukraine. sergey lavrov told italian tv that hitler had jewish blood and the most are jews. he was trying to say that the russian invasion was to de- de-nazify ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyy loudly denounced his remarks. this is what he said. >> translator: how could this be said on the eve of the anniversary of the victory over nad ziism? these words mean that russia's top diplomat is blaming the jewish people for nazi crimes. no words. such an anti-semitic thrust by their minister means russia has forgotten all the lessons of world war ii. or maybe they never studied those lessons. >> let's get more with clare sebastian from london. what does it mean for israel's stance on the war in ukraine right now? >> reporter: yeah, i think this puts israel in a tricky position because throughout this conflict, they have tried to maintain this delicate balance where, yes, they condemned the conflict and russia's actions in ukraine, they provided aid too ukraine, but they have stopped short of for example joining western sanctions against russia, that is because they have broader security concerns in the region. russia still has military presence this syria, iran, and all of that matters to israel. but they ever expressed overwhelming outrage over the comments. the prime minister said the goal is to accuse the jews themselves of the crimes. and even stronger words from the foreign minister who said this was an unforgiveable and outrageous statement as well as historical era. the russian ambassador has been summoned to the foreign ministry for an explanation and they also demanded an apology. and in the united states ned price called the comments by sergey lavrov despicable. so this does complicate the situation as far as israel is concerned. it remains to be seen how exactly it might shift their position, but it certainly makes neutrality a little more difficult going forward. >> let's talk about sanctions on oil and gas in particular. we heard germany tell cnn yesterday that they will support an eu oil embargo on russia. is the rest of europe aligned and readying sanctions against russia? >> i know that work on a sixth package of sanctions is under way. it has been reported that the proposals will be circulated to eu members today. so that has accelerated, partly because of what we saw last week with russia cutting off gas supplies to poland and bulgaria, really the first time they had weaponized their energy supplies. and part of the reason for this acceleration is because germany has now said it is on board, finance minister telling cnn on monday that they would be in favor of an oil embargo. of course they would rather have a phased-in approach that would give them time to sort of get organized and get alternative supplies in place. is the eu completely aligned on this? not yet. as far as we know hungary is still a holdout and said that they cannot cut off russian energy imports. but there are reports that the eu may be looking at some kind of carveout exemptions for countries like hungary. so work is accelerating and we expect to hear news if not today then in the coming days. >> and i know that you are staying on top of it. thanks very much, claire. still to come, we'll have much more of course on the breaking news on the supreme court draft opinion that might overturn roe v. wade. plus families are remembering loved ones killed in the russian invasion. we'll hear how they are coping with their grief. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. get $400 off an eligible samsung device with xfinity mobile. take the savings challenge at or visit your xfinity store and talk to our switch squad today. protests have erupted against the u.s. supreme court after a stunning report that american women may soon lose their constitutional right to end their pregnancies. politico says that it has obtained a draft opinion from the supreme court that would strike down roe vs. wade, the landmark ruling that legalized abortion at the national level. for decades abortion has remained one of the most contentious issues in the u.s., much to the shock of other western countries where it is not really a major issue. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity of the supreme court's draft opinion, but the release of the document appears to be an unre precedented breacf the top court's confidentiality. a final opinion is not expected until late june. the language can change before then, but it seems unlikely given the court's conservative majority. cnn conducted polling on abortion and overturning roe vs. wade earlier this year and the finding shows that just 30% of americans wanted the supreme court to overturn the landmark ruling. the vast majority, a whopping 69%, said no, they do not want to see the court take such actions. overall more than half the country, 52%, said that should the rulinging overturned, they would want their state to become a safe haven for women who want abortions but cannot get them where they live. meanwhile, conservatives who have long sought to overturn roe vs. wade are slamming the release of the supreme court's draft opinion. republican alabama governor kay ivey tweeted this is concerning, outrageous and a blatant attempt to manipulate the sacred procedures of the united states supreme court. my prayer is that roe vs. wade is overturned and that life prevails. and complete it could impact the upcoming locations. >> what did l. it mean for the midterm elections and the other side of the aisle who for a log time state that they care about the court but because some of these things have been on their side and the precedence has been on their side, roe and casey and some other things, i don't want people to send mail to me, but there has been a little bit of complacency about this. the conservatives have cared ab more about the court and changing things like this issue through the court than the liberals have been. >> democrats are promising to turn abortion rights in to a major campaign issue. the democratic national committee says make no mistake, reproductive rights will be on the ballot and this midterm election is more important now than ever before. a former democratic presidential candidate had this to say to our don lemon. >> if this opinion is issued, it will be against the wishes of 80% of americans who believe that women should have the right to make their own health care system. it would trigger the laws in over 20 states that have already said that they will outlaw abortion in their states. it will create a patchwork of laws across the country and my prediction, don, is that it will drive women to the polls and men, anyone, that 80% of the public who believes that health care decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor and not by ted cruz. >> pennsylvania governor tom wolfe tweeted abortion is and will remain legal in that state. and he vowed to veto what he called any anti-choice legislation that lands on his desk. we'll keep following that for you. let's get back to isa in lviv for the latest on ukraine. we have an update on the evacuation from mariupol. the city's mayor says an evacuation convoy has started moving toward ukrainian-held territory in zaporizhzhia, it reportedly includes many people evacuated from the bombed out azovstal steel place. but the mayor was less optimistic about those who remain trapped in the plant. and officials say another convoy that was due to leave the area today is still stuck near mariupol. meanwhile russian forces appear to be pushing further to the west. local officials report a number of russian missile strikes on the city of odesa. ukraine's president says a 14-year-old boy was killed and another teen wounded in the attack on a dormitory. but there are also signs ukrainian troops are holding their ground according to the latest update from ukraine's military, they have pushed back 12 russian attacks in the donbas region over the past day. meanwhile u.s. as well as western officials believe vladimir putin could formally declare war in ukraine as soon as may 9, that is victory day in russia and it marks the defeat of the nazis in world war ii. up to now, russia has called the, as in ukraine a special military operation. pope francis reportedly believes may 9 will bring something far different. according to the italian newspaper, the pope says hungary's prime minister told him russia plans to end its invasion of ukraine on may 9. the pope met with victor alban late last month and he says that it would explain the russian actions in the last weeks. and the balttle has left behind really a city of ruins in irpin and its citizens are grieving those they have lost. anderson cooper spoke to those honoring their military dead. >> reporter: in irpin's cemetery, they came to remember the people this country will never forget. women and men, civilians and soldiers, dozens are buried here in freshly dug graves. tatiana came to speak to her husband alexander, a taxi drive he turned soldier killed by a mortar march 13th. >> translator: we joked that we would die on the same day. and to be honest with you, it happened. but he is in the sky. and i am here. it is not living. >> reporter: you feel like you have died as well? >> translator: yes. together with him. when he died, i felt it. i knew something had happened. i got the call in the early morning, but i already felt it. it was the worst moment of my life. >> reporter: does it help to be here? >> translator: this is our tradition to come to this remembering day. but in general, we've come here every two or three days. i'm here to talk to him and i tell him what is going on in my life, how i'm living without him. >> reporter: there was heavy fighting in irpin for weeks and many ukrainian fighters died, holding back the russians and helping civilians escape. but even some of those evacuating came under attack. on this remembrance day, priests walked among the dead and volunteer soldiers came to pay their respects. touching the graves of their brothers in arms. >> translator: these people are heros, they were not trained military. they were ordinary men. they came to defend their city and gave their lives for this. for the city and civilians who were standing behind them. >> reporter: for this family, there is comfort in that. igor died march 21, his eldest son was wounded with him and is now in the hospital. his wife, ala, came with their other son. just 10, he is dressed in a uniform to honor his dad. how have you been able to go on? >> translator: all of us are staying in the hospital. i don't know how we manage. but now i know that in the hospital, it is easier for me because i know how to live there. but how to live outside the hospital, i don't know. we can't live at our house because it was destroyed. there are no windows, no heating, no water. on monday my eldest son will have an operation. but i believe that everything will be all right because i don't know how it could get any worse. >> reporter: what do you want people to know about your husband? >> translator: he was very strong, very brave, courageous. he told me, honey, everything is all right. i asked him will we win and he said sure, it can't be any other way. he was sure of it. it is a shame that he died one week before our city was liberated and he did not see it. >> reporter: while she spoke, her son cried silently at his father's grave. the loss is hard to comprehend. anderson cooper, cnn, irpin. >> so much loss and so much heartbreak there in irpin. and max will be back after the break with details from the house committee investigating the january 6 insurrection. i mean, obviously, 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cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rivnoq. voters go to the polls today in the u.s. state of ohio and former president donald trump looms large as republicans look to nominate a u.s. senate candidate. nearly all republicans campaigned for a trump endorsement, but only j.d. vance got it. polling shows him on top of a crowded republican field. but a rally in nebraska on sunday, the former president may have confused voters. he told the crowd he enjoyed j.d. mandel, a match-up of j.d. vance and josh mandel. and a jury has been selected to hear evidence about whether donald trump and others tried to interfere with the 2020 vote. the probe was launched after trump made his infamous phone call to the georgia secretary of state. >> so look, all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> on monday, 23 jurors and three alternates were seated. they will have investigative authority including subpoena power to compel people to testify. the georgia stdistrict attorney says her office will look into fake voters. the chairman of the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection tat the u.s. capitol is giving us unsight into testimony from the former president's daughter ivanka trump. house democrat bennie thompson tells cnn the testimony was not against donald trump himself but was useful in confirming other key testimony about what was going on inside the white house that day. thompson said this, there were questions asked about what was she doing at the time that the insurrection was occurring at the time capitol. and she told us that they asked certain questions about her awareness about what her father was doing, and she told us so in that respect we've been able to fill in a lot of the gaps. in addition to ivanka trump, her brother donald trump jr. was also expected to testify and work is under way to schedule his appearance. and still to come on cnn, we are tracking severe weather in the u.s. including this reported tornado in oklahoma. pedram javaheri will be joining us next. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across theountry. po, your personal moving and storage team. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature 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president kamala harris will be back in the white house after testing negative for covid-19. her spokesperson says that she will continue to wear a mask when around others for another five days. harris tested positive nearly a week ago. sounds like something out of a horror movie, but it actually happened. a shanghai care home resident was mistakenly sent to the morgue on sunday but was still alive. the person is now in stable condition. the video was posted on chinese social media triggering a wave of criticism. you can hear a person saying in chinese, the nursing home is such a mess. they sent a living person on hearses and said that they were dead. the undertaker staff said that they were still moving. can't believe such a thing happened. in response to the backlash, the shanghai government says four people were dismissed over the incident. tornadoes spun up in central oklahoma on monday. this one was captured near the town of omega. pedram javaheri is tracking it all for us. >> the ongoing threat for severe weather really an incredible pace the last several weeks. you take a look, we had four reports of tornadoes, vast majority about 70 of which related to strong winds, large hail and in fact if you work your way toward seminole, oklahoma, look at the hail stone measured 4 inches in diameter, that is softball-sized hail coming down across portions of oklahoma. very dangerous and certainly damaging there when it comes to what played out. at the height of the storm, we had over 90,000 lightning strikes in a 12 hour period as the storms roared across the central united states. but the good news is we do expect clearing skies across the landscape going into tuesday afternoon. but threat for severe weather shifts toward the east, southern tier a level one risk and then across the ohio valley, that is a slight risk, a level two on a scale of one to five. and biggest threats are damaging winds, large hail. certainly not as large as what we saw across the plains, but around louisville, cincinnati, pittsburgh, some of these areas could see some strong thunderstorms in the afternoon hours. again limited risk a little farther toward the south. going into wednesday, another round of storms back across oklahoma, a level three, large hail once again back in the forecast. and beneficial rainfall across the region as well at least the next couple days. and that does it here on "cnn newsroom." our coverage continues in "early start" with christine romans and laura jar ket. y jarrett. you are watching cnn. this mea- free cancellation on most bookokings. it's a bit functionalal. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free thanks, paul. my fellow xfinity customers! the biggest week in 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

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ukraine where officials are hoping that evacuation efforts can assume resume in mariupol. those many civilians remain trapped inside the city's decimated steel plant. for the first time in nearly half a century, american women appear to be on the cusp of losing their constitutional right to save legal abortions. a draft opinion was drafted that appears poised to overturn roe vs. wade, which protects abortion rights nationwide. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity of the document. final ruling is not expected until june and abortion remains legal for now, but alarm is, sparking. protests have already begun while many republicans are celebrating the news. this would mark a major victory decades in the making for american conservatives. and this is all possible because of the three conservative justices appointed by former u.s. president donald trump who dramatically shifted the ideological make july of the top court. -- makeup of the top court. justin alito has long objected to roe vs. wade and writes that it was egregiously wrong from the start. its reasoning was exceptionally weak and the decision has damaging consequences and far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, roe and casey has inflamed debate. casey was a case that also upheld abortion rights. a legal analyst puts dit into perspective for us. >> this is seismic news coming from the supreme court. in a draft opinion obtained by politico, the court appears poised to overturn the landmark decision row v. wade that legalized abortion in the united states. this means that nearly 50 years of legal access to abortion in any state may soon change. states could have the option of banning abortion entirely once this ruling is officially handed down. a number of states already have laws ready to be enacted to limit or youtd routright ban ab. as the law stands now, states cannot ban abortions before about 23 weeks of pregnancy. the case at hand brought on by the state of mississippi will entirely change that precedent. what is also shocking is how we can to learn about this decision. normally we hear at the very end once a decision is complete from the supreme court. we hear from a majority and we hear from a dissent. but this first draft of the majority decision was made available in an entirely unprecedented way, and for some people, might further bring into question the legitimacy of the supreme court. according to politico, and our own reporting confirms this, chief justice john roberts would be a dissent in an opinion to overturn tturn roe v. wade. >> and planned parenthood, the organization that provides reproductive health care tweeted let's be clear, this is a draft opinion, it is outrageous, it is unprecedented, but it is not final. abortion is your right. and it is still legal. here is more from planned parenthood's president. >> what quewe have seen tonight not just a draft. we believe this is a roadmap for how they will take roe down and we have already seen it over these last nine months in texas. the devastation of what we have seen, patients traveling thousands of miles to get access to basic abortion care. but i will tell you, abortion is still legal right now. we are letting our patients know, patients who are seeking access to abortion, that they can still go and seek their provider right now. but what is happening right now in front of the court is unbelievable. >> and laura coates says if roe vs. wade is overturned, it would have far-reaching consequences on women's rights. >> this opinion can be, if true, narrowed down and defined quite simply, women are not viewed as equal to men. the right of privacy, a fancy way of talking about a fundamental right, meaning in a country where we talk about how we do not want people's rights to infringe on another's and your rights end and where my begin and consent of the govern, in this instance the court has already said that there are some areas if you believe fundamental rights include things like marriage and in-are a state travel, and things like contraception and the like, then surely you would believe that within that same umbrella of thought, that things related to one's health and agency over one's body should also be in that privacy sphere. but instead you have this justice, if this draft opinion is to be believed and to be actually followed to a conclusion of an official holding, then you have the cod if i indication that says when it comes to a woman's body, when it comes to agency overif i indication that says when it comes to a woman's body, when it comes to agency over our decisions over our bodies, we are simply not equal to men. >> jeffrey toobin says the publishing of a supreme court draft is unprecedented by the high court standards of secsecr. >> i can't emphasize enough as someone who has covered this court for 30 years, who has written two books on the court, there has never been a leak anything like this. there has never been a leak of a vote much less an actual opinion, much less in a case of this significance. the idea that decision of this magnitude could leak is really a shattering experience for the justices and the court. and i really don't know how the institution will recover. >> officials in california are already proposing legislation to protect the right of an abortion. the governor and leaders in the state legislature issued a joint statement saying california is proposing an amendment to enshrine the right to choose in our state constitution so that there is no doubt as to the right to abortion in this state. we know we can't trust the supreme court to protect reproductive rights, so california will build a firewall around the right in our state constitution, women will remain protected here. and don lemon spoke to two political experts earlier about the politico report and they say a supreme court decision potentially overturning roe vs. wade could impact the upcoming u.s. midterm elections. >> it is a category five, political and social hurricane in this country. as you point out, in one fell swoop, something that was a right for women for the last 50 years has been taken away. we do not know all the ramifications of this yet at this point. but i want to point out that this is something the republican party has worked on for decades. at the state level, at the federal level, in the judiciary, trying to get to this moment. and it is something as i think one of my colleagues pointed out earlier, that democrats while they talked about it a lot, have effectively said, you know, they didn't do it in the way republicans did. they didn't protect it in the way republicans fought it. and in the end now, you have this conservative majority on the court and the democrats are going to face a midterm election very soon, and then a presidential election, and they are going to have to decide how they battle this out, how they use this in order to get those voters out there to the polls to understand that elections have consequences. >> we haven't seen anything like this in our lifetime. the wholesale withdrawal of a basic right. and so it is really hard to think of a precedent for this. but i will say if you were a republican strategist privately right now, you would say this is not good. we do not need this. we were on the path to winning a big victory in the fall. the wholesale overturning of roe vs. wade may be the one thing that could change the dynamic because the people who have in polling expressed the strongest objection, and remember the vast majority of americans, 70% of americans or more, have said that they did not want this, but the people who were most low receiverous about this were people under 45, democrats, obviously women, and these were the voters who democrats were particularly worried about in the fall. will they come out, will they participate. there has been polling suggesting that the enthusiasm wasn't there. this could galvanize those voters, don. >> america will be waking up soon, so lots more reaction throughout the day. but for now, we'll cross to the latest on the situation in ukraine with isa who is in lviv. thanks very much. good morning to you, max. all eyes on mariupol this morning, and the bombed out steel plant where many civilians are still of course trapped inside. the city council says more evacuation efrltforts are due t resume, but it is not clear if it involves people inside the azovstal plant. around 100 were able to make it out on sunday, but another round of evacuations for monday never happened. a ukrainian commander inside the plant said that they have been under constant bombardment since early monday. and this video appears to confirm those reports. it shows a large plume of smoke rising over the city from an area near the plant. some evacuation did begin arriving in zaporizhzhia on monday. this is where often people fleeing go first. but the city's mayor says russia is making that journey even more difficult by forcing everyone who wants to enter ukrainian-controlled territory to pass through so-called filtration camps. he says people are often held there without food and claims many are deported to russia against their will. a u.s. official says they are aware of the claim and if true it would be a violation really of international law. u.s. and western officials believe vladimir putin could formally declare war on ukraine as soon as may 9. that is victory day in russia marking the defeat of nazis in world war ii. up to now you can remember russia called its actions in ukraine a special military operation, but there could be more. have a listen. >> translator: according to the most recent reports, we believe that russia will try to annex the donetsk people's republic ato russia. reports state that russia has plans to engineer referendum on joining russia sometime in mid may. and that moscow is considering a similar plan for kherson. >> troubling indeed. meanwhile russian forces appear to be pushing further to the west in ukraine. local officials report a number of russian missile stliks stris of russian missile on the city of odesa, a 14-year-old killed and another teen wounded in an attack. there are also signs that ukrainian forces are fighting back claiming to hold off 12 russian attacks in the past day and video shows the aftermath of the large explosion near kherson. neither side is commenting on the calls. after the russians aban ban conned their campaign in kyiv in march, some slowly started coming back. matt rivers has this report. >> reporter: an effigy twists in the breeze, a uniform stripped off a dead russian soldier stuffed and hung from a tree. people hate russia here because of what it did. the tiny town northwest of kyiv has been leveled. russian bombs, rockets, bullets destroyed streets after streets after streets. this was the site of some of the most intense fighting of the war so far. on their drive toward kyiv, the russians attacked soldiers and civilians alike here. ukrainian bunkers alongside ordinary houses shelled relentlessly to devastating febt. >> this was probably somebody's kitchen. you can see there is an oven there, pots and pans, a microwave. this is not a big city, but the scale of destruction in in village is on par with anything else we've seen across ukraine. this house gets hit with artillery, there is subsequent fire and just look, it is eviscerated. if there is a building in this village that hasn't been damaged in this fighting, we haven't seen it yet. >> translator: boom, boom, boom. fire, fire. it was everywhere. it is nightmare. >> reporter: this woman has lived in moschun for years and has never known war until it landed on her doorstep and forced her down into a neighbor's basement. how scared were you? >> translator: we were very scared. my heart was beating very fast. we thought we would die there. the russians fired indiscriminately. >> reporter: the fighting only eased when russia withdrew from the entire kyiv region. she emerged from the basement to find shell casings in her garden and whatever else the russians left behind. so all these things she says the russians left behind, so this washing your hands, another cup of some kind here, this some sort of life jacket that the russians used. and even here you've got old meal boxes everyone with certain things left inside there that you can see. for nearly two months after the fighting, residents stayed away. a trickle have now started to return. for them, russia's lasting effects here more than just bullet holes and boem mb crater. not only that people have to start from scratch, but there remain so many mines and pieces of unexploded ordinance that authorities are actually considering closing down the town for a few days until they can clear it. it is open for now though which meant that she could come back home for the first time in weeks. the weather was nice, so her niece and nephew played on the swing. different than the last time they were here when they hid in a basement as bombs destroyed everything above. is it difficult to think about that? >> translator: i don't even know what to say. >> reporter: what we can say is that this tiny town has turned into a symbol of sorts, a village mercilessly attacked that in the end stood its ground. a microcosm perhaps of the country in which it lies. matt rivers, cnn, moschun, ukraine. >> joining me now is a research fe fellow. and thank you for taking the time to speak to us. let me get your thoughts on what we heard from western officials that they believe that vladimir putin could formally declare war on ukraine as soon as may 9. what would that mean in reality? >> first of all, it is also the opinion much our intelligence services so a scenario that we are taking into account. of course it would be a factor in this war because it would mean mobilization of people and economy. but in the end with the statement made by the u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin last week that we need to decrease russian ability to threaten both ukraine and europe, we understand the level of the u.s. commitment and with u.s. and its allies, more than 50% of gdp comparing to 1% of world gdp. so it would be a turning point of the war if russia basically declare this is a war and start mobilization of both man and material. but with this level of western partner's commitment, we can withhold another round of connen fro tags and we would prevail because of the basic principles of international law. >> and we have seen in the last 24 hours ukraine forces repulsing i think 12 attacks across the country, we've seen as well ukrainian forces taking back several settlements around kharkiv. how do you see the push and pull of battle right now? >> well, first of all, you need to remember it also includes constant counter attacks, including constant shelling. and also counterattacks and definitely we are successful in operation around the donbas because it is two weeks past since it was declared that this battle started and it is only minor tactical incursions, only slow movement basically. as pentagon said, it proves that we conduct strategic defensive operations the same as we did around kyiv and with the constant supply of ammunition and equipment, we exhaust russian capabilities and we return territories. >> and what we have also been seeing is more attacks on the city of odessa, a missile hitting a church and dormitory, killing a 14-year-old boy. do you worry that this could be a prelude to further escalation there? >> first of all, the major action is in donbas. so the situation in south of ukraine is of secondary importance because russians clearly don't have the capabilities for simultaneous assaults toward odesa. so they weren't successful in the first stage when they were stopped in mykolaiv and also taking into account that we successfully destroy destroyed. so it is difficult to envision a major threat to odesa. >> and what you are suggesting obviously there is that what is happening in odesa is perhaps a distraction from the russians to what is happening everywhere else in the east of the country. let me ask you about mariupol. we have seen evacuations on sunday of 100 or so civilians from the azovstal steel plant. we understand evacuations are expected this morning for the rest of the city, for the city of mariupol, 100,000 or so being inside -- hiding inside. what can you tell us about those evacuations, have they begun, do you know what stage they are at? will further evacuations from the steel plant be taking place today as well? >> well, as you see russians have realized the previous agreement to ensure the major evacuation because mariupol is a kind of humanitarian leverage russia is using to create gains in political authorities to pressure people's psychology and that is why they are reticent to make it possible for people to leave, that is why it is only 100 people that made possible to reach zaporizhzhia. and so i think russia will continue to use these tactics to use this difficult humanitarian situation as a kind of leverage on people's psychologist and political leadership. >> i appreciate you taking time to speak to us. thanks very much. >> thanks. russia's top diplomat drags out a conspiracy theory about adolf hitler in an attempt to justify the russian invasion, and it is not going down very well. we'll explain, next. outrage is erupting around the world over comments that the russian foreign minister said about hitler and ukraine. sergey lavrov told italian tv that hitler had jewish blood and the most are jews. he was trying to say that the russian invasion was to de- de-nazify ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyy loudly denounced his remarks. this is what he said. >> translator: how could this be said on the eve of the anniversary of the victory over nad ziism? these words mean that russia's top diplomat is blaming the jewish people for nazi crimes. no words. such an anti-semitic thrust by their minister means russia has forgotten all the lessons of world war ii. or maybe they never studied those lessons. >> let's get more with clare sebastian from london. what does it mean for israel's stance on the war in ukraine right now? >> reporter: yeah, i think this puts israel in a tricky position because throughout this conflict, they have tried to maintain this delicate balance where, yes, they condemned the conflict and russia's actions in ukraine, they provided aid too ukraine, but they have stopped short of for example joining western sanctions against russia, that is because they have broader security concerns in the region. russia still has military presence this syria, iran, and all of that matters to israel. but they ever expressed overwhelming outrage over the comments. the prime minister said the goal is to accuse the jews themselves of the crimes. and even stronger words from the foreign minister who said this was an unforgiveable and outrageous statement as well as historical era. the russian ambassador has been summoned to the foreign ministry for an explanation and they also demanded an apology. and in the united states ned price called the comments by sergey lavrov despicable. so this does complicate the situation as far as israel is concerned. it remains to be seen how exactly it might shift their position, but it certainly makes neutrality a little more difficult going forward. >> let's talk about sanctions on oil and gas in particular. we heard germany tell cnn yesterday that they will support an eu oil embargo on russia. is the rest of europe aligned and readying sanctions against russia? >> i know that work on a sixth package of sanctions is under way. it has been reported that the proposals will be circulated to eu members today. so that has accelerated, partly because of what we saw last week with russia cutting off gas supplies to poland and bulgaria, really the first time they had weaponized their energy supplies. and part of the reason for this acceleration is because germany has now said it is on board, finance minister telling cnn on monday that they would be in favor of an oil embargo. of course they would rather have a phased-in approach that would give them time to sort of get organized and get alternative supplies in place. is the eu completely aligned on this? not yet. as far as we know hungary is still a holdout and said that they cannot cut off russian energy imports. but there are reports that the eu may be looking at some kind of carveout exemptions for countries like hungary. so work is accelerating and we expect to hear news if not today then in the coming days. >> and i know that you are staying on top of it. thanks very much, claire. still to come, we'll have much more of course on the breaking news on the supreme court draft opinion that might overturn roe v. wade. plus families are remembering loved ones killed in the russian invasion. we'll hear how they are coping with their grief. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. get $400 off an eligible samsung device with xfinity mobile. take the savings challenge at or visit your xfinity store and talk to our switch squad today. protests have erupted against the u.s. supreme court after a stunning report that american women may soon lose their constitutional right to end their pregnancies. politico says that it has obtained a draft opinion from the supreme court that would strike down roe vs. wade, the landmark ruling that legalized abortion at the national level. for decades abortion has remained one of the most contentious issues in the u.s., much to the shock of other western countries where it is not really a major issue. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity of the supreme court's draft opinion, but the release of the document appears to be an unre precedented breacf the top court's confidentiality. a final opinion is not expected until late june. the language can change before then, but it seems unlikely given the court's conservative majority. cnn conducted polling on abortion and overturning roe vs. wade earlier this year and the finding shows that just 30% of americans wanted the supreme court to overturn the landmark ruling. the vast majority, a whopping 69%, said no, they do not want to see the court take such actions. overall more than half the country, 52%, said that should the rulinging overturned, they would want their state to become a safe haven for women who want abortions but cannot get them where they live. meanwhile, conservatives who have long sought to overturn roe vs. wade are slamming the release of the supreme court's draft opinion. republican alabama governor kay ivey tweeted this is concerning, outrageous and a blatant attempt to manipulate the sacred procedures of the united states supreme court. my prayer is that roe vs. wade is overturned and that life prevails. and complete it could impact the upcoming locations. >> what did l. it mean for the midterm elections and the other side of the aisle who for a log time state that they care about the court but because some of these things have been on their side and the precedence has been on their side, roe and casey and some other things, i don't want people to send mail to me, but there has been a little bit of complacency about this. the conservatives have cared ab more about the court and changing things like this issue through the court than the liberals have been. >> democrats are promising to turn abortion rights in to a major campaign issue. the democratic national committee says make no mistake, reproductive rights will be on the ballot and this midterm election is more important now than ever before. a former democratic presidential candidate had this to say to our don lemon. >> if this opinion is issued, it will be against the wishes of 80% of americans who believe that women should have the right to make their own health care system. it would trigger the laws in over 20 states that have already said that they will outlaw abortion in their states. it will create a patchwork of laws across the country and my prediction, don, is that it will drive women to the polls and men, anyone, that 80% of the public who believes that health care decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor and not by ted cruz. >> pennsylvania governor tom wolfe tweeted abortion is and will remain legal in that state. and he vowed to veto what he called any anti-choice legislation that lands on his desk. we'll keep following that for you. let's get back to isa in lviv for the latest on ukraine. we have an update on the evacuation from mariupol. the city's mayor says an evacuation convoy has started moving toward ukrainian-held territory in zaporizhzhia, it reportedly includes many people evacuated from the bombed out azovstal steel place. but the mayor was less optimistic about those who remain trapped in the plant. and officials say another convoy that was due to leave the area today is still stuck near mariupol. meanwhile russian forces appear to be pushing further to the west. local officials report a number of russian missile strikes on the city of odesa. ukraine's president says a 14-year-old boy was killed and another teen wounded in the attack on a dormitory. but there are also signs ukrainian troops are holding their ground according to the latest update from ukraine's military, they have pushed back 12 russian attacks in the donbas region over the past day. meanwhile u.s. as well as western officials believe vladimir putin could formally declare war in ukraine as soon as may 9, that is victory day in russia and it marks the defeat of the nazis in world war ii. up to now, russia has called the, as in ukraine a special military operation. pope francis reportedly believes may 9 will bring something far different. according to the italian newspaper, the pope says hungary's prime minister told him russia plans to end its invasion of ukraine on may 9. the pope met with victor alban late last month and he says that it would explain the russian actions in the last weeks. and the balttle has left behind really a city of ruins in irpin and its citizens are grieving those they have lost. anderson cooper spoke to those honoring their military dead. >> reporter: in irpin's cemetery, they came to remember the people this country will never forget. women and men, civilians and soldiers, dozens are buried here in freshly dug graves. tatiana came to speak to her husband alexander, a taxi drive he turned soldier killed by a mortar march 13th. >> translator: we joked that we would die on the same day. and to be honest with you, it happened. but he is in the sky. and i am here. it is not living. >> reporter: you feel like you have died as well? >> translator: yes. together with him. when he died, i felt it. i knew something had happened. i got the call in the early morning, but i already felt it. it was the worst moment of my life. >> reporter: does it help to be here? >> translator: this is our tradition to come to this remembering day. but in general, we've come here every two or three days. i'm here to talk to him and i tell him what is going on in my life, how i'm living without him. >> reporter: there was heavy fighting in irpin for weeks and many ukrainian fighters died, holding back the russians and helping civilians escape. but even some of those evacuating came under attack. on this remembrance day, priests walked among the dead and volunteer soldiers came to pay their respects. touching the graves of their brothers in arms. >> translator: these people are heros, they were not trained military. they were ordinary men. they came to defend their city and gave their lives for this. for the city and civilians who were standing behind them. >> reporter: for this family, there is comfort in that. igor died march 21, his eldest son was wounded with him and is now in the hospital. his wife, ala, came with their other son. just 10, he is dressed in a uniform to honor his dad. how have you been able to go on? >> translator: all of us are staying in the hospital. i don't know how we manage. but now i know that in the hospital, it is easier for me because i know how to live there. but how to live outside the hospital, i don't know. we can't live at our house because it was destroyed. there are no windows, no heating, no water. on monday my eldest son will have an operation. but i believe that everything will be all right because i don't know how it could get any worse. >> reporter: what do you want people to know about your husband? >> translator: he was very strong, very brave, courageous. he told me, honey, everything is all right. i asked him will we win and he said sure, it can't be any other way. he was sure of it. it is a shame that he died one week before our city was liberated and he did not see it. >> reporter: while she spoke, her son cried silently at his father's grave. the loss is hard to comprehend. anderson cooper, cnn, irpin. >> so much loss and so much heartbreak there in irpin. and max will be back after the break with details from the house committee investigating the january 6 insurrection. i mean, obviously, let it out. ghaa. yeah, i'm not really sure ifif this is working either. hi. i'm shannon storms bador. when we started selling my health products online our shipping process was painfully slow. then we found shipstation. now we're shipping out orders 5 times faster and thanks to shipstation's discounted rates we're saving a ton. honestly, we couldn't do it without shipstation join over 100,000 online sellers who get ship done with shipstation go to /tv and get 2 months free. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rivnoq. voters go to the polls today in the u.s. state of ohio and former president donald trump looms large as republicans look to nominate a u.s. senate candidate. nearly all republicans campaigned for a trump endorsement, but only j.d. vance got it. polling shows him on top of a crowded republican field. but a rally in nebraska on sunday, the former president may have confused voters. he told the crowd he enjoyed j.d. mandel, a match-up of j.d. vance and josh mandel. and a jury has been selected to hear evidence about whether donald trump and others tried to interfere with the 2020 vote. the probe was launched after trump made his infamous phone call to the georgia secretary of state. >> so look, all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> on monday, 23 jurors and three alternates were seated. they will have investigative authority including subpoena power to compel people to testify. the georgia stdistrict attorney says her office will look into fake voters. the chairman of the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection tat the u.s. capitol is giving us unsight into testimony from the former president's daughter ivanka trump. house democrat bennie thompson tells cnn the testimony was not against donald trump himself but was useful in confirming other key testimony about what was going on inside the white house that day. thompson said this, there were questions asked about what was she doing at the time that the insurrection was occurring at the time capitol. and she told us that they asked certain questions about her awareness about what her father was doing, and she told us so in that respect we've been able to fill in a lot of the gaps. in addition to ivanka trump, her brother donald trump jr. was also expected to testify and work is under way to schedule his appearance. and still to come on cnn, we are tracking severe weather in the u.s. including this reported tornado in oklahoma. pedram javaheri will be joining us next. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across theountry. po, your personal moving and storage team. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature 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president kamala harris will be back in the white house after testing negative for covid-19. her spokesperson says that she will continue to wear a mask when around others for another five days. harris tested positive nearly a week ago. sounds like something out of a horror movie, but it actually happened. a shanghai care home resident was mistakenly sent to the morgue on sunday but was still alive. the person is now in stable condition. the video was posted on chinese social media triggering a wave of criticism. you can hear a person saying in chinese, the nursing home is such a mess. they sent a living person on hearses and said that they were dead. the undertaker staff said that they were still moving. can't believe such a thing happened. in response to the backlash, the shanghai government says four people were dismissed over the incident. tornadoes spun up in central oklahoma on monday. this one was captured near the town of omega. pedram javaheri is tracking it all for us. >> the ongoing threat for severe weather really an incredible pace the last several weeks. you take a look, we had four reports of tornadoes, vast majority about 70 of which related to strong winds, large hail and in fact if you work your way toward seminole, oklahoma, look at the hail stone measured 4 inches in diameter, that is softball-sized hail coming down across portions of oklahoma. very dangerous and certainly damaging there when it comes to what played out. at the height of the storm, we had over 90,000 lightning strikes in a 12 hour period as the storms roared across the central united states. but the good news is we do expect clearing skies across the landscape going into tuesday afternoon. but threat for severe weather shifts toward the east, southern tier a level one risk and then across the ohio valley, that is a slight risk, a level two on a scale of one to five. and biggest threats are damaging winds, large hail. certainly not as large as what we saw across the plains, but around louisville, cincinnati, pittsburgh, some of these areas could see some strong thunderstorms in the afternoon hours. again limited risk a little farther toward the south. going into wednesday, another round of storms back across oklahoma, a level three, large hail once again back in the forecast. and beneficial rainfall across the region as well at least the next couple days. and that does it here on "cnn newsroom." our coverage continues in "early start" with christine romans and laura jar ket. y jarrett. you are watching cnn. this mea- free cancellation on most bookokings. it's a bit functionalal. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free thanks, paul. my fellow xfinity customers! the biggest week in 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Vance , Top , J D , Trump Endorsement , Field , Rally , Nebraska On Sunday , Match Up , Others , Jury , Evidence , Crowd , Mandel , Josh Mandel , Look , Trump , Georgia Secretary Of State , Probe , Phone Call , 11780 , 2020 , Votes , Jurors , Georgia Stdistrict Attorney , Office , Authority , Alternates , Subpoena Power , Seated , Unsight , Ivanka Trump , Chairman , House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th Insurrection Tat , U S Capitol , January 6th , Bennie Thompson , Testimony , Questions , White House , Respect , Doing , Awareness , Gaps , Addition , Appearance , Oklahoma , Tornado , Pedram Javaheri , Next , Pace , Driving , Theountry , Pods , Po , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Bed , Sale , 360 , Science , Care , Miss , Temperature Balancing , Weekend Special , Queen , 1299 , 299 , Base , Delivery , Ends Monday , Brain Performance , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Six , Neuriva , Cases , Covid , Zus , Johns Hopkins University , 1 Million , 37 , Kamala Harris , Risk , Hospitalizations , Move , Uptick , Washington , New York , Mask , Testing Negative , Horror Movie , Spokesperson , 19 , Person , Shanghai , Resident , Morgue , Condition , Chinese , Nursing Home , Mess , Social Media , Criticism , Wave , Saying , Hearses , Staff , Tornadoes , Government , Response , Backlash , Incident , Central Oklahoma , Four , Omega , Hail , Winds , Fact , Portions , Diameter , Seminole , 4 , Storms , Storm , Central United States , Height , Lightning Strikes , 90000 , Landscape , Clearing Skies , Ohio Valley , Southern Tier , Risk A , Threats , Across The Plains , Thunderstorms , Pittsburgh , Cincinnati , Louisville , Forecast , Rainfall , Coverage , Cnn Newsroom , Christine Romans , Cancellation , Bookokings , Booking Com , Laura Jar Ket , Bit Functionalal , The Box , Cut , Cost , Label , Half , Ito , Entertainment , Paul , Prime Video , Watchathon Week , Boys , Starz , Hbo Max , Xfinity Rewards , Netflix , And Peacock , Voice 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