Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 202

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708

find these, quote, bastards. this hour i'll speak to a ukrainian prosecutor who identified ten russian soldiers suspected of atrocities. cnn has obtained exclusive photos of the bucha slaughter taken in realtime. our correspondents are standing by in the war zone and over at the white house. as russia's invasion of ukraine enters its 10th week. we want to welcome our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. let's get right to the breaking news tonight. russia renewing attacks on kyiv. hitting just east of the city center. president zelenskyy condemned the strikes just a little while ago. cnn's anderson cooper is joining us live from the ukrainian capital of kyiv. anderson, this was a brazen attack on kyiv. the first in weeks. you were there. set the scene for us. what happened? >> reporter: yeah, the attacks took place earlier today. several miles from the location where we're at right now. you can see the large plume of smoke in the sky after the strikes. according to ukrainian officials, five missiles were fired. one of them hitting at or right into an apartment complex, 25-story apartment complex that started a fire. they say the first two floors of that were partially destroyed. took firefighters about an hour or so to put out the fire according to officials. there were at many as ten people injured. a number of other people rescued from that burning structure. and as you said, president zelenskyy was very quick to point out that this strike took place while the u.n. secretary-general was still on the ground here. they're meeting with president zelenskyy. had just finished and certainly russia was well aware of the secretary-general's itinerary. excuse me. as he had been coming directly from moscow to meet with president zelenskyy. here's what the president said earlier. [ speaking foreign language ] >> translator: today immediately after the end of our talks in kyiv, russian missiles flew into the city, five missiles. this says a lot about russia's true attitude to global institutions. about the russian leadership's efforts to humiliate the u.n. and everything that the organization represents. and, therefore, requires an appropriate powerful response. >> reporter: i should point out after secretaries blinken and austin met with zelenskyy here in kyiv and took a train out to poland, shortly after russia blasted and sent missiles to several train stations in the west through which or close to where those secretaries would have been traveling, so russia not above sending a message very clearly and that is what president zelenskyy is saying vladimir putin has just done to the secretary-general of the united nations. >> clearly sending a message. i have no doubt about that. you also had a chance, i understand, anderson to visit bucha, the site of some of the war's worst atrocities not very far away from the capital of kyiv and got an even closer look into the horrors perpetrated by russian forces. tell us about that. >> reporter: yeah, this is a significant development. as you know, russia has categorically denied war crimes in ukraine, particularly any in bucha. they've said the satellite images of dead bodies on one particular street in bucha while russian forces were occupying the city, they say that those images have been faked. when we went to bucha we met with the bucha prosecutor who now exclusively told us for the first time revealed that they have not only eyewitness reports, surveillance camera images but they also have an eyewitness who took pictures in realtime as people were being killed on this one particular street in bucha over the course of several days, prosecutors not only have the images that person took but they have the camera that that person used which has the meta data inside which will tell -- which will show the day and the time and location, coordinates of where those photographs were taken. here's some of the report i filed from -- would show the images taken by a man in a house on the street where as many as seven people were shot to death. >> it was through these windows he saw the slaughter. this is one of his first pictures taken on march 5th. two bodies reportedly killed that day were visible outside his window. on march 6th when this picture was taken a third body is visible on the street. this video taken on march 7th shows at least two more bodies. ruslan says these images and the data in the phone provides important proof of exactly who was killed and when. >> translator: it will prove it was a particular phone that the pictures were taken with and also the time and location that they were taken. the russian federation will not be able to continue on saying this was set up and are fakes. >> reporter: this is important because just yesterday vladimir putin when the secretary-general was there actually two days ago said that this has all been a provocation, russian officials said those bodies were placed there after russian troops left. this shows that the bodies were there when russian troops were there and they now have evidence directly that shows that, wolf. >> anderson cooper in kyiv, stay safe, anderson. we'll be in touch. just hours before the new attack on kyiv president biden warned that the united states would pay a huge price if it caves to russian aggression in ukraine. cnn's chief national security correspondent jim sciutto has more on that in this report from ukraine. >> reporter: tonight president biden standing firm. >> aggression will not win. threats will not win. we are prepared for whatever they do. >> reporter: as putin warns of retaliation should other nations interfere in the conflict in ukraine. and cuts off russian natural gas supplies to neighboring countries. >> we will not let russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of the sanctions. >> reporter: biden rejected the notion the russian led conflict was becoming a proxy war between russia and the u.s. and nato. >> it shows the desperation that russia is feeling about their abject failure. no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility that they could use that. it's irresponsible. >> reporter: u.n. secretary-general antonio guterres on the ground in kyiv visiting the nearby towns of bucha, irpin and borodyanka. >> no way a war can be acceptable in the 21st century. look at that. >> reporter: the bodies of more than a thousand civilians have been recovered in the region, the police chief says. >> innocent civilians were living in these buildings. they were paying the highest price. >> reporter: guterres met with the ukrainian president, volodymyr zelenskyy today after meeting with putin first in moscow tuesday. >> this war must end. i'm here to say to you, mr. president, and to the people of ukraine, we will not give up. >> reporter: russia's assault is now focused on key areas in eastern ukraine. the u.s. now assesses that russian forces are making, quote, slow and uneven progress in the donbas. in part because of ukrainian resistance and poor russian morale. this according to a defense official. the steel plant in mariupol in the south, the last ukrainian military hold-out in the city, and shelter for hundreds of civilians hit by the heaviest russian air strikes yet. this video is said to show the aftermath of shelling at a military field hospital on the steel plant's grounds. the city of -- yet video shows protesters chanting -- "glory to ukraine" as tear gas is set off. some new reporting tonight, that is the latest u.s. assessment shows russia, russian forces in the east are showing some improvement both in coordinating air and ground operations, also in resupply, two things they showed trouble with during their failed assault on kyiv. it is not clear yet whether that will be decisive in the area and the gains so far on the ground have been incremental but it is improvement and it is showing that russia to some degree at least is learning from mistakes it made in the north. something that i know that u.s. officials are watching very closely, wolf. >> they certainly are, jim sciutto on the scene for us in lviv in ukraine for us, stay safe over there as well. jim, thank you very much. also tonight president biden is backing up this tough stance against russia with a new request for another $33 billion in additional u.s. aid to ukr ukraine. let's go to mj lee. what are you learning right now about this massive new aid package the president proposed today? >> reporter: well, wolf, $33 billion, that is, of course, a huge price tag that the president is requesting congress to approve in supplemental funding for ukraine so let me just give you a breakdown of that $33 billion talking about more than $20 billion in military and security assistance, some $8.5 billion in economic assistance and then another $3 billion in humanitarian assistance and to give you a sense of what that money would actually translate to, we are, of course, talking about weapons and equipment like artillery, armored vehicles and anti-armor systems, equipment that the ukrainians have been saying for awhile that they cannot get more of and fast enough and then we are also talking about money that would provide really just basic necessities, daily necessities like food, water and medicine that would go towards the ukrainian people as they are trying to survive out this war. now, this is money that u.s. officials say would help the ukrainians for about five months, the president saying in his remarks today that he acknowledges that the cost of this fight is not cheap but he also said that he believes caving to russia at this moment in time would actually end up being more costly in the long term. now, w068, as you know very well the u.s. has been talking for awhile now about how they expected this war to be protracted. they expect this to drag out for awhile. but all of this was a stark reminder again just based on the price tag and then the fact that this is money ail skated to last for about five months, that this is something that the u.s. is seeing as a long-term conflict. wolf. >> they certainly are. all right, mj, thank you very much. mj lee at the white house. ahead we'll get the u.s. military's first assessment of the new russian missile strikes on the capital of ukraine, kyiv. the pentagon press secretary john kirby, there you see him, standing by live. we have questions. he'll have answers when we come back. but then something amazazing happened. hello? carvana worked with my shift manager and got everything sorted out so i didn't miss out on the car. super helpful. i was over the moon, even though i was underground. we'll drive you happy at carvana. 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>> well, you're right. this is a very sizable supplemental package that we're asking support from congress and we believe that it's a tangible demonstration of how seriously we're taking the continued threat to ukraine's sovereignty and to their livelihoods, to their people and i think there's a lot in there. it's not just security assistance. there's humanitarian assistance, there's economic assistance. it's a complete package. now, here at the pentagon, you're talking about $16 billion we're asking for, some of it will be used for drawdown authority to help us take stuff right from our stocks, some used to contract the actual production of additional weapons and systems and getting that in there so we very much hope congress will pass this speedily so we can get on to the business about providing this kind of assistance to ukraine. look, i mean, whether it's enough or not, we're going to just -- we're going to keep doing everything we can to help ukraine better defend itself and the president has been nothing but clear about this as much as we can as fast as we can this package is a perfect representation of how dedicated he is to that task. >> and we checked just to be precise, this new military aid package to russia will bring additional artillery, anti-armor systemed and anti-aircraft capabilities to the ukrainian military. how significant is that? >> those items, everything you cited there and the stuff that you have seen us provide in just the last couple of weeks are specifically designed to help the ukrainians in this battle of the donbas, a rural open, flatterrain, an area where russians and ukrainians have been fighting for eight years. they both know that terrain very, very well and it's a kind of fighting that lends itself to what we call long-range fires and mechanized warfare so tanks and armored vehicles in open ground. that's why these howitzers are so important. that's why the counter-artillery radar is so important and the armored vehicles we're providing and other nations are providing are so important. those javelin anti-armor missiles will be crucial in this fight. and we're already seeing in these early days, wolf, there are ukrainians push back and fight while the russians are, in fact, trying to move south out of the northern part of that donbas. it's a very kinetic fight right now. very active combat zone. >> the u.s. says russia is making what the u.s. calls slow and uneven progress in the eastern part of ukraine but ukraine admitted it has now lost several towns and villages on that front. is russia learning from its previous mistakes and taking more ground? >> we believe they're trying to, wolf. they are trying to get better at integrating air and ground capabilities. they're trying to get better at command and control. they're trying to get better at logistics and sustainment. that said those are pretty high bars for them to cross. they have not done well and they don't have a military that is actually very adaptive that allows themselves to change direction and to learn quickly. so we have seen some preliminary signs that they're trying to get better at these things but it's too soon to say they've accomplished that. they still have a long way to go and so, yes, there has been some incremental progress by the russians in the donbas area particularly in the north and the east of the donbas area but as i said the ukrainians are fighting back so on any given day you might see the russians take a village or two and the ukrainians take them back. that's the kind of fighting we're seeing and that's why the stuff that we're providing in this new supplemental package we want to provide and the stuff that the president has already approved is so critical. it's getting there at record speed, wolf. within 48 hours from the last presidential drawdown and the president signing that off we had the first howitzers showing up in the ukraine. that's just unprecedented. >> very impressive deed. john kirby at the pentagon. thanks very much. john kirby is the pentagon press secretary. thank you. coming up, ten russian soldiers accused of war crimes against ukrainian civilians. we're going to talk about it with ukraine's prosecutor general. that's next. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeyeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? 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[ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. a ukrainian girl orphaned and injured by the russian invasion of her country wound up being used as a propaganda tool for moscow before eventually being reunited with her remaining family. she shared her ordeal with cnn international correspondent matt rivers. >> reporter: for kyra her new ipad is everything. she's 12 after all. but the shiny screen is also a welcome distraction from an ordeal no 12-year-old should ever have to endure. because just a few weeks ago the young ukrainian wasn't safe like she is now in kyiv but in a hospital run by russian backed separatists forcibly separated by her family. when the russians first invaded mariupol, kyra's dad was still alive. her mom had died just after she was born and when russian bombs started to fall they sheltered in a neighbor's basement, she recalls. but they hit the house where we were staying and buried in the cellar then the rescuers took us out of the wreckage. her dad did not emerge, kyra told us. now an orphan she started to walk to try and find safety amidst chaos and then another explosion from a mine. my friend saw something on the ground, she says and she hit it acc accidentally with her boot. the military came after the explosions and took us to a hospital because we were bleeding. but in some ways her journey was just beginning. in the chaos she was picked up by soldiers she says spoke russian and eventually brought to a russian held area in donetsk. i was taken there at night, she says, they took shrapnel out of me, out of my ear, i screamed and cried a lot. it was shortly after this happened that cnn learned about because russia paraded it on state tv. state propagandaists showed images of her in a donetsk hospital and said she was being treated well. convinced she was being mistreated her family went public with her story and it worked. a deal between russia and ukraine allowed her grandfather to travel to russia and bring her back to kyiv where she told us what russian state tv did not. it's a bad hospital there. the food there is bad. the nurses scream at you, the bed is bent like this. there wasn't enough space for all of us inside. none of that came out on russian state tv. her injuries have largely healed now though she'll stay in the hospital a little longer. it was there that someone gave her that ipad. after a presidential visit came bearing gifts this week. she didn't love all that attention, though, so for now she says she just wants to see her cat and spend time with her grandfather recovering from the horrors of war one game at a time. >> wolf, think about the absurdity of russian state propaganda holding her up as some sort of example of their own alleged humanity in the war and yet the only reason she's in their care in the first place in donetsk is because the russian military killed her father during a war that russia started. it's just yet another example of russia's state propaganda and their twisted narrative. >> heartbreaking story indeed. matt, thank you very much. we have more now on the breaking news, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy vowing just a little while ago that russian forces who committed atrocities in bucha not far from kyiv the capital will face justice. zelenskyy saying and i'm quoting him now, none of these bastards will avoid responsibility. and joining us now the prosecutor general of ukraine, iryna venediktova. iryna, thank you for joining us. you announced ten russian soldiers have been identified today as the culprits of those horrific human rights abuses in bucha. who are these men, and how did you identify them? >> hello, dear wolf and your great audience. thank you very much that you are having me today. yeah, this we presented today charges as a suspect of war crimes in bucha, it is first the suspicions in bucha. as a result of this war prosecutors and investigators in a very short period for ukraine it's very short period. we have identified these ten perpetrators who will involved and took unnamed civilians hostage. deprived them of food and water, abused and tortured them and even staged mock execution. we have also established that they alleged the occupied area. i also would like to note that all perpetrators among to 64th separate motorized infantry brigade. this is the unit to which only several days ago putin avoided the honorary title for state interests. this is a proof that atrocities in bucha but not only there were undertaken as a planned action. atrocities against ukrainians will not go unpunished. not only regular soldiers, these ten russian soldiers who committed crimes will be held liable, but we are talking about the commander responsibility and international local commanders have the duty to ensure troops respect that body of law during armed conflict and hostilities. failure to do so which has clearly the case gives -- >> let me press you on that. as you mentioned this russian brigade was recently honored by putin. do you believe their order, the brigade's order, these soldiers, the orders they received came directly from higher up and maybe from putin himself? >> we saw this in use actually and i think it's enough for us that he spoke about them and honored them and actually concrete these brigade was in bucha and concrete these soldiers of this brigade we started to prosecute them in total. our civilian people. >> iryna, what's your message to russian soldiers who may be inclined to commit these kinds of war crimes down the road against ukrainians? >> i understand russian soldiers, they are not educated. they don't know english language. they don't know law. they don't know absolutely simple rules, unfortunately. i can speak only with civilized world and i want to say to whole civilized and free community that our main goal, our main goal as ukrainian prosecutors to collect now all evidences in war crimes in crimes against humanity. we started the case of genocide from first days of war. the crime of aggression, very important for us. and we will do everything to -- that all people who are responsible for these aggressive brutal war should be punished because they was not punished. now the chechnya, georgia, syria and other countries. i think our main goal to all civilized world to do something with international mechanisms, do them strong to stop, to punish, to prevent. >> iryna venediktova, thank you for joining us. i know we will want to continue this conversation down the road. appreciate it very much. >> thank you very much, have a good constructive day. thank, dear wolf. for information about how you can our viewers can actually help humanitarian efforts in ukraine, go to and help impact your world. just ahead inside the fight to get u.s. marine veteran trevor reed released from russia. we're learning right now new information about the intense negotiations. before i got aura, twenty-four of my online accounts were hacked! he uses the same password for everything. i didn't want to deal with it. but aura digital security just dealt with it. what were we worried about again? 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no. right now we're learning more about the months' long frustrating to get former u.s. marine trevor reed out of russia where he was detained for more than two years. cnn's brian todd is working the story from us. brian, i understand some riveting fascinating new details are emerging tonight. >> the details are incredible, wolf. we have new information tonight on the behind the scenes maneuvers of so many dedicated people from president biden to people at the midlevel most bureaucratic echelons of the u.s. government to trevor reed's parents. >> on the tarmac in turkey a scene out of a cold war thriller as trevor reed's parents tell it when their son was exchanged for convicted russian drug smuggler konstantin yaroshenko. >> he said it was crazy. they park the planes next to each other and got out and crossed paths with each other like something in a movie. we asked if he said anything to mr. yaroshenko. >> as they passed each other. >> no, but we kind of looked at each other. >> that movie ready moment was preceded by years of behind-the-scenes maneuvering by u.s. negotiators to get trevor reed out of russian custody an administration official tells cnn. tonight cnn has new information from government sources unlocking some of the mystery behind those talks. one crucial move, a trip to moscow in february coordinated with the white house by former u.s. ambassador bill richardson and his team which privately works to free american detainees. richardson tells us they met with top russian officials one day before russia launched its invasion of ukraine. >> they were ready to talk. i must say the tension was very high. i must be honest, i wanted not to stay very long because i sensed the invasion was going to happen. >> reporter: richardson says he and his team came away from the meeting with the sense of what the kremlin was willing to do, not just regarding reed but also paul whelan, another american the russians were holding. >> i sensed that they were ready to move ahead with yaroshenko for reed. on the whelan case they wanted to see how the yaroshenko/reed initiative worked. >> reporter: richardson says at that time he didn't know basketball star brittney griner had also been detained. reed's case soon took on more urgency. >> he's coughing constantly, said he's coughing up blood throughout the day. has pain in his chest. just all the signs of tuberculosis. >> reed's parents lobbied even protested in front of the white house then on march 30th were granted a face-to-facebook with president biden. consider a prisoner swap was their request. >> we always said from the very beginning if we could just get his parent notice front of president biden we were confident that president biden would make the deal that he did. >> reporter: which sources tell cnn was a tough call for the president. tonight with attention focused on the two americans still held by putin, whelan's family is worried about the cards they're willing to play. >> they may not be willing to do exchanges with more hardened criminals to bring paul home so it seems like the options have narrowed. >> there may not be many options for a today for paul whelan or brittney griner but one that is always coming up in public discussions right now is the possibility of the u.s. handing victor boot over to the russians. boot is a notorious airports dealer known as the merchant of death now serving a long sentence at the u.s. federal penitentiary in marion, illinois. he could come up in negotiations. >> we'll watch closely with you. thank you very, very much. we're also following new developments right now in the house investigation into the january 6th insurrection. the chairman of the select committee announcing public hearings will be held beginning in june. cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent paula reid is working the story for us. paula, what can we expect from these public hearings? >> reporter: wolf, the committee chairman bennie thompson announced they will hold eight hearings starting on the 9th. these sessions held in primetime and during the day and we've been waiting to hear details on these much anticipated hearings. they still have not announced who will testify. but it is expected to be a combination of staff, outside witnesses and exhibits, thompson says some of the testimony will be from witnesses the public hasn't heard from before, but their testimony he says will be, quote, on point as to why this investigation is so important. now, in addition to these hearings the committee is also expected to issue a final report telling the story of what they have uncovered during their investigation. >> it's interesting because the committee is also hoping to hear from a few more key witnesses before their final report, right? >> that's exactly right. thompson says he wants to reach out to more members of congress including republicans in the house and senate to explain some of the new information that has been uncovered in this investigation. now, the committee as you may remember initially asked to speak with house minority leader kevin mccarthy and scott perry and jim jordan. their response was a resounding, no, but the committee is expected to reach out again by the end of this week. now, jordan for one told cnn today that if the panel does reach back out, he still does not want to cooperate. but cnn has also learned that former president trump's former personal attorney rudy giuliani is expected to appear next month. he was a central figure in trump's failed bid to overturn the 2020 election and his appearance comes as several high-profile members of trump's inner circle have voluntarily spoken with the committee including trump's daughter and former senior white house adviser ivanka trump. she was interviewed for nearly eight hours earlier this month and her husband jared kushner also met with the panel and we learned donald trump jr. is also expected to pete with the committee in the coming weeks. >> looking forward to those public hearings. paula, thank you very, very much. coming up, the long wait for covid vaccines for younger children could be nearing an end. now that moderna has asked the fda for authorization. we're going to break down the timetable for getting shots into kids' arms and the level of protection they can expect. we'll be right back. devices and intnternet. like ultra-fast, ultra-simimple wireless 5g business internet. you could geget one month on us. and up to $1,500 to help cover the cost to switch. come in or book an appointment online today during verizon small business days. verizon small business days are going ultra, so your business can get more. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ tonight, the united states is a significant step closer to making covid vaccines available for the nation's youngest children, moderna officially asked the fda to authorize zits vaccine for kids under six, joined by former baltimore health commissioner, thank you for joining us, i know you have two kids in this age group, under six yourself, how huge a moment is this potentially for parents out there? >> well, wolf, i have two little kids ages two and four and i know there are so many families out there in the same boat who will just experience a lot of relief today in the fact there may be a vaccine on the horizon for the youngest kids, talking 20 million kids in the age group not eligible for vaccination and moderna's data, even though some will say little kids tend to not become severely ill, i think for many of us as parents if there is the chance to reduce the risk of something really severe to much lower, i think a lot of us would do that. >> these moderna vaccines we're told are 51% effective among kids 6 months to 2 years old and only 37% effective from kids two to five. what would you say to parents out there who are worried these are relatively low numbers? >> i would say put two things into perspective. the first is that these studies were done in the time of omicron and when you look at adults and the protective effect of two doses in adults but in the time of omicron, it was comparable to these types of data in children. the second is, what is the real reason why we're getting people vaccinated? it's not to reduce any infection, it's to reduce severe infection. now we don't know yet those data in young kids but we do know for younger children there is a very robust antibody response that's similar as for older children and for adults so based on that, we need to keep our eyes on the prize of what's the most important thing which is to reduce severe infection and again, that's something i'm looking forward to getting my kids vaccinated so that we can be reassured that they'll be well-protected against severe illness. >> these vaccines do indeed help prevent hospitalization and god forbid, death, that's so, so important if you're fully vaccinated. how soon can we see these kids six and under actually start getting this vaccine? >> we'll we have seen in the past the fda can review applications in three to four weeks and then the cdc can then review pretty soon after, a week or week and a half after the fda so that puts the earliest at probably end of may for those reviews to be completed. i'm also hearing that unfortunately, the fda might consider waiting even longer because maybe they'll wait until pfizer also submits their data for the three-dose version of vaccines for kids in this age group. i really hope they do not wait because it's happened before that fda can just authorize one company's vaccine and i really hope they will review moderna's data at the earliest opportunity because there are so many parents who will be first in line wanting to get their kids vaccinated as soon as possible without delay. >> and pfizer's moving closer and closer to seeking full emergency use authorization as well for kids, right? >> that's exactly right, so pfizer's dose is 1/10 of the adult dose, 3 micrograms and they are testing a three dose version of that three microgram dose, moderna is a quarter of the adult dose, so 25 micrograms and the that's the two-dose vaccine being submitted for authorization, i hope both end up getting authorized, that would be fantastic but again i just hope there's not a delay on moderna while waiting for pfizer's data to be complete. that would just not make sense. >> you're making excellent points at usual, dr. leana wen let's hope and the best, and more news just ahead. !... hey! for a limited time, get 50% off a complete pair. visionworks. see the difference. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can ld to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of vere asthma you have, tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. andrea: this is the hardest thing we will probably ever have to go through. st. jude has given us transportation, treatment. to know that we don't have bills, they take every other stress off of your shoulders. time. it's life's most precious commodity, especially when you have metastatic breast cancer. when your time is threatened, it's hard to invest in your future. until now. kisqali is helping women live longer than ever before when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant... in hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's proven to delay disease progression. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain... a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. your future is ahead of you, so it's time to make the most of it with kisqali. because when you invest in yourself, everyone gets the best of you. 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"outfront" next, breaking news, missile strikes targeting the heart of the ukrainian capitol tonight, u.n. secretary-general in kyiv at the time of the attacks, tensions high tonight as russia is making more gains in the east. plus, russian tanks with a major defect, their tops blowing off because of a so-called jack in the box flaw. can the ukrainians use it to amplify an advantage? and congressman madison cawthorn speaking out about being caught with the loaded gun in the airport, a string of

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Tarmac , Turkey A , Each Other , Movie , Other , Planes , Paths , Anything , Sources , Official , Negotiators , Maneuvering , Custody , Administration , Mystery , Bill Richardson , Detainees , Former , Move , Trip To Moscow , Tension , Reed , Paul Whelan , Yaroshenko For Reed , Holding , Brittney Griner , Reed Initiative , Pain , Coughing , Coughing Up Blood , Chest , Urgency , Tuberculosis , March 30th , 30 , Parent , Notice , Prisoner Swap , Americans , Call , Cards , Options , Criminals , Exchanges , Home , Discussions , Paul , Dealer , Airports , Victor , Sentence , Merchant , Marion , U S Federal Penitentiary , Illinois , Committee , Hearings , Investigation , Chairman , Developments , Beginning , Affairs , January 6th Insurrection , January 6th , Bennie Thompson , Paula Reid , Primetime , Sessions , 9th , 9 , Witnesses , Testimony , Combination , Staff , Exhibits , Point , Public Hasn T Heard , Before , Addition , Members , Few , Senate , House Minority Leader , Republicans , 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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708

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find these, quote, bastards. this hour i'll speak to a ukrainian prosecutor who identified ten russian soldiers suspected of atrocities. cnn has obtained exclusive photos of the bucha slaughter taken in realtime. our correspondents are standing by in the war zone and over at the white house. as russia's invasion of ukraine enters its 10th week. we want to welcome our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. let's get right to the breaking news tonight. russia renewing attacks on kyiv. hitting just east of the city center. president zelenskyy condemned the strikes just a little while ago. cnn's anderson cooper is joining us live from the ukrainian capital of kyiv. anderson, this was a brazen attack on kyiv. the first in weeks. you were there. set the scene for us. what happened? >> reporter: yeah, the attacks took place earlier today. several miles from the location where we're at right now. you can see the large plume of smoke in the sky after the strikes. according to ukrainian officials, five missiles were fired. one of them hitting at or right into an apartment complex, 25-story apartment complex that started a fire. they say the first two floors of that were partially destroyed. took firefighters about an hour or so to put out the fire according to officials. there were at many as ten people injured. a number of other people rescued from that burning structure. and as you said, president zelenskyy was very quick to point out that this strike took place while the u.n. secretary-general was still on the ground here. they're meeting with president zelenskyy. had just finished and certainly russia was well aware of the secretary-general's itinerary. excuse me. as he had been coming directly from moscow to meet with president zelenskyy. here's what the president said earlier. [ speaking foreign language ] >> translator: today immediately after the end of our talks in kyiv, russian missiles flew into the city, five missiles. this says a lot about russia's true attitude to global institutions. about the russian leadership's efforts to humiliate the u.n. and everything that the organization represents. and, therefore, requires an appropriate powerful response. >> reporter: i should point out after secretaries blinken and austin met with zelenskyy here in kyiv and took a train out to poland, shortly after russia blasted and sent missiles to several train stations in the west through which or close to where those secretaries would have been traveling, so russia not above sending a message very clearly and that is what president zelenskyy is saying vladimir putin has just done to the secretary-general of the united nations. >> clearly sending a message. i have no doubt about that. you also had a chance, i understand, anderson to visit bucha, the site of some of the war's worst atrocities not very far away from the capital of kyiv and got an even closer look into the horrors perpetrated by russian forces. tell us about that. >> reporter: yeah, this is a significant development. as you know, russia has categorically denied war crimes in ukraine, particularly any in bucha. they've said the satellite images of dead bodies on one particular street in bucha while russian forces were occupying the city, they say that those images have been faked. when we went to bucha we met with the bucha prosecutor who now exclusively told us for the first time revealed that they have not only eyewitness reports, surveillance camera images but they also have an eyewitness who took pictures in realtime as people were being killed on this one particular street in bucha over the course of several days, prosecutors not only have the images that person took but they have the camera that that person used which has the meta data inside which will tell -- which will show the day and the time and location, coordinates of where those photographs were taken. here's some of the report i filed from -- would show the images taken by a man in a house on the street where as many as seven people were shot to death. >> it was through these windows he saw the slaughter. this is one of his first pictures taken on march 5th. two bodies reportedly killed that day were visible outside his window. on march 6th when this picture was taken a third body is visible on the street. this video taken on march 7th shows at least two more bodies. ruslan says these images and the data in the phone provides important proof of exactly who was killed and when. >> translator: it will prove it was a particular phone that the pictures were taken with and also the time and location that they were taken. the russian federation will not be able to continue on saying this was set up and are fakes. >> reporter: this is important because just yesterday vladimir putin when the secretary-general was there actually two days ago said that this has all been a provocation, russian officials said those bodies were placed there after russian troops left. this shows that the bodies were there when russian troops were there and they now have evidence directly that shows that, wolf. >> anderson cooper in kyiv, stay safe, anderson. we'll be in touch. just hours before the new attack on kyiv president biden warned that the united states would pay a huge price if it caves to russian aggression in ukraine. cnn's chief national security correspondent jim sciutto has more on that in this report from ukraine. >> reporter: tonight president biden standing firm. >> aggression will not win. threats will not win. we are prepared for whatever they do. >> reporter: as putin warns of retaliation should other nations interfere in the conflict in ukraine. and cuts off russian natural gas supplies to neighboring countries. >> we will not let russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of the sanctions. >> reporter: biden rejected the notion the russian led conflict was becoming a proxy war between russia and the u.s. and nato. >> it shows the desperation that russia is feeling about their abject failure. no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility that they could use that. it's irresponsible. >> reporter: u.n. secretary-general antonio guterres on the ground in kyiv visiting the nearby towns of bucha, irpin and borodyanka. >> no way a war can be acceptable in the 21st century. look at that. >> reporter: the bodies of more than a thousand civilians have been recovered in the region, the police chief says. >> innocent civilians were living in these buildings. they were paying the highest price. >> reporter: guterres met with the ukrainian president, volodymyr zelenskyy today after meeting with putin first in moscow tuesday. >> this war must end. i'm here to say to you, mr. president, and to the people of ukraine, we will not give up. >> reporter: russia's assault is now focused on key areas in eastern ukraine. the u.s. now assesses that russian forces are making, quote, slow and uneven progress in the donbas. in part because of ukrainian resistance and poor russian morale. this according to a defense official. the steel plant in mariupol in the south, the last ukrainian military hold-out in the city, and shelter for hundreds of civilians hit by the heaviest russian air strikes yet. this video is said to show the aftermath of shelling at a military field hospital on the steel plant's grounds. the city of -- yet video shows protesters chanting -- "glory to ukraine" as tear gas is set off. some new reporting tonight, that is the latest u.s. assessment shows russia, russian forces in the east are showing some improvement both in coordinating air and ground operations, also in resupply, two things they showed trouble with during their failed assault on kyiv. it is not clear yet whether that will be decisive in the area and the gains so far on the ground have been incremental but it is improvement and it is showing that russia to some degree at least is learning from mistakes it made in the north. something that i know that u.s. officials are watching very closely, wolf. >> they certainly are, jim sciutto on the scene for us in lviv in ukraine for us, stay safe over there as well. jim, thank you very much. also tonight president biden is backing up this tough stance against russia with a new request for another $33 billion in additional u.s. aid to ukr ukraine. let's go to mj lee. what are you learning right now about this massive new aid package the president proposed today? >> reporter: well, wolf, $33 billion, that is, of course, a huge price tag that the president is requesting congress to approve in supplemental funding for ukraine so let me just give you a breakdown of that $33 billion talking about more than $20 billion in military and security assistance, some $8.5 billion in economic assistance and then another $3 billion in humanitarian assistance and to give you a sense of what that money would actually translate to, we are, of course, talking about weapons and equipment like artillery, armored vehicles and anti-armor systems, equipment that the ukrainians have been saying for awhile that they cannot get more of and fast enough and then we are also talking about money that would provide really just basic necessities, daily necessities like food, water and medicine that would go towards the ukrainian people as they are trying to survive out this war. now, this is money that u.s. officials say would help the ukrainians for about five months, the president saying in his remarks today that he acknowledges that the cost of this fight is not cheap but he also said that he believes caving to russia at this moment in time would actually end up being more costly in the long term. now, w068, as you know very well the u.s. has been talking for awhile now about how they expected this war to be protracted. they expect this to drag out for awhile. but all of this was a stark reminder again just based on the price tag and then the fact that this is money ail skated to last for about five months, that this is something that the u.s. is seeing as a long-term conflict. wolf. >> they certainly are. all right, mj, thank you very much. mj lee at the white house. ahead we'll get the u.s. military's first assessment of the new russian missile strikes on the capital of ukraine, kyiv. the pentagon press secretary john kirby, there you see him, standing by live. we have questions. he'll have answers when we come back. but then something amazazing happened. hello? carvana worked with my shift manager and got everything sorted out so i didn't miss out on the car. super helpful. i was over the moon, even though i was underground. we'll drive you happy at carvana. 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>> well, you're right. this is a very sizable supplemental package that we're asking support from congress and we believe that it's a tangible demonstration of how seriously we're taking the continued threat to ukraine's sovereignty and to their livelihoods, to their people and i think there's a lot in there. it's not just security assistance. there's humanitarian assistance, there's economic assistance. it's a complete package. now, here at the pentagon, you're talking about $16 billion we're asking for, some of it will be used for drawdown authority to help us take stuff right from our stocks, some used to contract the actual production of additional weapons and systems and getting that in there so we very much hope congress will pass this speedily so we can get on to the business about providing this kind of assistance to ukraine. look, i mean, whether it's enough or not, we're going to just -- we're going to keep doing everything we can to help ukraine better defend itself and the president has been nothing but clear about this as much as we can as fast as we can this package is a perfect representation of how dedicated he is to that task. >> and we checked just to be precise, this new military aid package to russia will bring additional artillery, anti-armor systemed and anti-aircraft capabilities to the ukrainian military. how significant is that? >> those items, everything you cited there and the stuff that you have seen us provide in just the last couple of weeks are specifically designed to help the ukrainians in this battle of the donbas, a rural open, flatterrain, an area where russians and ukrainians have been fighting for eight years. they both know that terrain very, very well and it's a kind of fighting that lends itself to what we call long-range fires and mechanized warfare so tanks and armored vehicles in open ground. that's why these howitzers are so important. that's why the counter-artillery radar is so important and the armored vehicles we're providing and other nations are providing are so important. those javelin anti-armor missiles will be crucial in this fight. and we're already seeing in these early days, wolf, there are ukrainians push back and fight while the russians are, in fact, trying to move south out of the northern part of that donbas. it's a very kinetic fight right now. very active combat zone. >> the u.s. says russia is making what the u.s. calls slow and uneven progress in the eastern part of ukraine but ukraine admitted it has now lost several towns and villages on that front. is russia learning from its previous mistakes and taking more ground? >> we believe they're trying to, wolf. they are trying to get better at integrating air and ground capabilities. they're trying to get better at command and control. they're trying to get better at logistics and sustainment. that said those are pretty high bars for them to cross. they have not done well and they don't have a military that is actually very adaptive that allows themselves to change direction and to learn quickly. so we have seen some preliminary signs that they're trying to get better at these things but it's too soon to say they've accomplished that. they still have a long way to go and so, yes, there has been some incremental progress by the russians in the donbas area particularly in the north and the east of the donbas area but as i said the ukrainians are fighting back so on any given day you might see the russians take a village or two and the ukrainians take them back. that's the kind of fighting we're seeing and that's why the stuff that we're providing in this new supplemental package we want to provide and the stuff that the president has already approved is so critical. it's getting there at record speed, wolf. within 48 hours from the last presidential drawdown and the president signing that off we had the first howitzers showing up in the ukraine. that's just unprecedented. >> very impressive deed. john kirby at the pentagon. thanks very much. john kirby is the pentagon press secretary. thank you. coming up, ten russian soldiers accused of war crimes against ukrainian civilians. we're going to talk about it with ukraine's prosecutor general. that's next. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeyeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? 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[ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. a ukrainian girl orphaned and injured by the russian invasion of her country wound up being used as a propaganda tool for moscow before eventually being reunited with her remaining family. she shared her ordeal with cnn international correspondent matt rivers. >> reporter: for kyra her new ipad is everything. she's 12 after all. but the shiny screen is also a welcome distraction from an ordeal no 12-year-old should ever have to endure. because just a few weeks ago the young ukrainian wasn't safe like she is now in kyiv but in a hospital run by russian backed separatists forcibly separated by her family. when the russians first invaded mariupol, kyra's dad was still alive. her mom had died just after she was born and when russian bombs started to fall they sheltered in a neighbor's basement, she recalls. but they hit the house where we were staying and buried in the cellar then the rescuers took us out of the wreckage. her dad did not emerge, kyra told us. now an orphan she started to walk to try and find safety amidst chaos and then another explosion from a mine. my friend saw something on the ground, she says and she hit it acc accidentally with her boot. the military came after the explosions and took us to a hospital because we were bleeding. but in some ways her journey was just beginning. in the chaos she was picked up by soldiers she says spoke russian and eventually brought to a russian held area in donetsk. i was taken there at night, she says, they took shrapnel out of me, out of my ear, i screamed and cried a lot. it was shortly after this happened that cnn learned about because russia paraded it on state tv. state propagandaists showed images of her in a donetsk hospital and said she was being treated well. convinced she was being mistreated her family went public with her story and it worked. a deal between russia and ukraine allowed her grandfather to travel to russia and bring her back to kyiv where she told us what russian state tv did not. it's a bad hospital there. the food there is bad. the nurses scream at you, the bed is bent like this. there wasn't enough space for all of us inside. none of that came out on russian state tv. her injuries have largely healed now though she'll stay in the hospital a little longer. it was there that someone gave her that ipad. after a presidential visit came bearing gifts this week. she didn't love all that attention, though, so for now she says she just wants to see her cat and spend time with her grandfather recovering from the horrors of war one game at a time. >> wolf, think about the absurdity of russian state propaganda holding her up as some sort of example of their own alleged humanity in the war and yet the only reason she's in their care in the first place in donetsk is because the russian military killed her father during a war that russia started. it's just yet another example of russia's state propaganda and their twisted narrative. >> heartbreaking story indeed. matt, thank you very much. we have more now on the breaking news, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy vowing just a little while ago that russian forces who committed atrocities in bucha not far from kyiv the capital will face justice. zelenskyy saying and i'm quoting him now, none of these bastards will avoid responsibility. and joining us now the prosecutor general of ukraine, iryna venediktova. iryna, thank you for joining us. you announced ten russian soldiers have been identified today as the culprits of those horrific human rights abuses in bucha. who are these men, and how did you identify them? >> hello, dear wolf and your great audience. thank you very much that you are having me today. yeah, this we presented today charges as a suspect of war crimes in bucha, it is first the suspicions in bucha. as a result of this war prosecutors and investigators in a very short period for ukraine it's very short period. we have identified these ten perpetrators who will involved and took unnamed civilians hostage. deprived them of food and water, abused and tortured them and even staged mock execution. we have also established that they alleged the occupied area. i also would like to note that all perpetrators among to 64th separate motorized infantry brigade. this is the unit to which only several days ago putin avoided the honorary title for state interests. this is a proof that atrocities in bucha but not only there were undertaken as a planned action. atrocities against ukrainians will not go unpunished. not only regular soldiers, these ten russian soldiers who committed crimes will be held liable, but we are talking about the commander responsibility and international local commanders have the duty to ensure troops respect that body of law during armed conflict and hostilities. failure to do so which has clearly the case gives -- >> let me press you on that. as you mentioned this russian brigade was recently honored by putin. do you believe their order, the brigade's order, these soldiers, the orders they received came directly from higher up and maybe from putin himself? >> we saw this in use actually and i think it's enough for us that he spoke about them and honored them and actually concrete these brigade was in bucha and concrete these soldiers of this brigade we started to prosecute them in total. our civilian people. >> iryna, what's your message to russian soldiers who may be inclined to commit these kinds of war crimes down the road against ukrainians? >> i understand russian soldiers, they are not educated. they don't know english language. they don't know law. they don't know absolutely simple rules, unfortunately. i can speak only with civilized world and i want to say to whole civilized and free community that our main goal, our main goal as ukrainian prosecutors to collect now all evidences in war crimes in crimes against humanity. we started the case of genocide from first days of war. the crime of aggression, very important for us. and we will do everything to -- that all people who are responsible for these aggressive brutal war should be punished because they was not punished. now the chechnya, georgia, syria and other countries. i think our main goal to all civilized world to do something with international mechanisms, do them strong to stop, to punish, to prevent. >> iryna venediktova, thank you for joining us. i know we will want to continue this conversation down the road. appreciate it very much. >> thank you very much, have a good constructive day. thank, dear wolf. for information about how you can our viewers can actually help humanitarian efforts in ukraine, go to and help impact your world. just ahead inside the fight to get u.s. marine veteran trevor reed released from russia. we're learning right now new information about the intense negotiations. before i got aura, twenty-four of my online accounts were hacked! he uses the same password for everything. i didn't want to deal with it. but aura digital security just dealt with it. what were we worried about again? 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no. right now we're learning more about the months' long frustrating to get former u.s. marine trevor reed out of russia where he was detained for more than two years. cnn's brian todd is working the story from us. brian, i understand some riveting fascinating new details are emerging tonight. >> the details are incredible, wolf. we have new information tonight on the behind the scenes maneuvers of so many dedicated people from president biden to people at the midlevel most bureaucratic echelons of the u.s. government to trevor reed's parents. >> on the tarmac in turkey a scene out of a cold war thriller as trevor reed's parents tell it when their son was exchanged for convicted russian drug smuggler konstantin yaroshenko. >> he said it was crazy. they park the planes next to each other and got out and crossed paths with each other like something in a movie. we asked if he said anything to mr. yaroshenko. >> as they passed each other. >> no, but we kind of looked at each other. >> that movie ready moment was preceded by years of behind-the-scenes maneuvering by u.s. negotiators to get trevor reed out of russian custody an administration official tells cnn. tonight cnn has new information from government sources unlocking some of the mystery behind those talks. one crucial move, a trip to moscow in february coordinated with the white house by former u.s. ambassador bill richardson and his team which privately works to free american detainees. richardson tells us they met with top russian officials one day before russia launched its invasion of ukraine. >> they were ready to talk. i must say the tension was very high. i must be honest, i wanted not to stay very long because i sensed the invasion was going to happen. >> reporter: richardson says he and his team came away from the meeting with the sense of what the kremlin was willing to do, not just regarding reed but also paul whelan, another american the russians were holding. >> i sensed that they were ready to move ahead with yaroshenko for reed. on the whelan case they wanted to see how the yaroshenko/reed initiative worked. >> reporter: richardson says at that time he didn't know basketball star brittney griner had also been detained. reed's case soon took on more urgency. >> he's coughing constantly, said he's coughing up blood throughout the day. has pain in his chest. just all the signs of tuberculosis. >> reed's parents lobbied even protested in front of the white house then on march 30th were granted a face-to-facebook with president biden. consider a prisoner swap was their request. >> we always said from the very beginning if we could just get his parent notice front of president biden we were confident that president biden would make the deal that he did. >> reporter: which sources tell cnn was a tough call for the president. tonight with attention focused on the two americans still held by putin, whelan's family is worried about the cards they're willing to play. >> they may not be willing to do exchanges with more hardened criminals to bring paul home so it seems like the options have narrowed. >> there may not be many options for a today for paul whelan or brittney griner but one that is always coming up in public discussions right now is the possibility of the u.s. handing victor boot over to the russians. boot is a notorious airports dealer known as the merchant of death now serving a long sentence at the u.s. federal penitentiary in marion, illinois. he could come up in negotiations. >> we'll watch closely with you. thank you very, very much. we're also following new developments right now in the house investigation into the january 6th insurrection. the chairman of the select committee announcing public hearings will be held beginning in june. cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent paula reid is working the story for us. paula, what can we expect from these public hearings? >> reporter: wolf, the committee chairman bennie thompson announced they will hold eight hearings starting on the 9th. these sessions held in primetime and during the day and we've been waiting to hear details on these much anticipated hearings. they still have not announced who will testify. but it is expected to be a combination of staff, outside witnesses and exhibits, thompson says some of the testimony will be from witnesses the public hasn't heard from before, but their testimony he says will be, quote, on point as to why this investigation is so important. now, in addition to these hearings the committee is also expected to issue a final report telling the story of what they have uncovered during their investigation. >> it's interesting because the committee is also hoping to hear from a few more key witnesses before their final report, right? >> that's exactly right. thompson says he wants to reach out to more members of congress including republicans in the house and senate to explain some of the new information that has been uncovered in this investigation. now, the committee as you may remember initially asked to speak with house minority leader kevin mccarthy and scott perry and jim jordan. their response was a resounding, no, but the committee is expected to reach out again by the end of this week. now, jordan for one told cnn today that if the panel does reach back out, he still does not want to cooperate. but cnn has also learned that former president trump's former personal attorney rudy giuliani is expected to appear next month. he was a central figure in trump's failed bid to overturn the 2020 election and his appearance comes as several high-profile members of trump's inner circle have voluntarily spoken with the committee including trump's daughter and former senior white house adviser ivanka trump. she was interviewed for nearly eight hours earlier this month and her husband jared kushner also met with the panel and we learned donald trump jr. is also expected to pete with the committee in the coming weeks. >> looking forward to those public hearings. paula, thank you very, very much. coming up, the long wait for covid vaccines for younger children could be nearing an end. now that moderna has asked the fda for authorization. we're going to break down the timetable for getting shots into kids' arms and the level of protection they can expect. we'll be right back. devices and intnternet. like ultra-fast, ultra-simimple wireless 5g business internet. you could geget one month on us. and up to $1,500 to help cover the cost to switch. come in or book an appointment online today during verizon small business days. verizon small business days are going ultra, so your business can get more. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ tonight, the united states is a significant step closer to making covid vaccines available for the nation's youngest children, moderna officially asked the fda to authorize zits vaccine for kids under six, joined by former baltimore health commissioner, thank you for joining us, i know you have two kids in this age group, under six yourself, how huge a moment is this potentially for parents out there? >> well, wolf, i have two little kids ages two and four and i know there are so many families out there in the same boat who will just experience a lot of relief today in the fact there may be a vaccine on the horizon for the youngest kids, talking 20 million kids in the age group not eligible for vaccination and moderna's data, even though some will say little kids tend to not become severely ill, i think for many of us as parents if there is the chance to reduce the risk of something really severe to much lower, i think a lot of us would do that. >> these moderna vaccines we're told are 51% effective among kids 6 months to 2 years old and only 37% effective from kids two to five. what would you say to parents out there who are worried these are relatively low numbers? >> i would say put two things into perspective. the first is that these studies were done in the time of omicron and when you look at adults and the protective effect of two doses in adults but in the time of omicron, it was comparable to these types of data in children. the second is, what is the real reason why we're getting people vaccinated? it's not to reduce any infection, it's to reduce severe infection. now we don't know yet those data in young kids but we do know for younger children there is a very robust antibody response that's similar as for older children and for adults so based on that, we need to keep our eyes on the prize of what's the most important thing which is to reduce severe infection and again, that's something i'm looking forward to getting my kids vaccinated so that we can be reassured that they'll be well-protected against severe illness. >> these vaccines do indeed help prevent hospitalization and god forbid, death, that's so, so important if you're fully vaccinated. how soon can we see these kids six and under actually start getting this vaccine? >> we'll we have seen in the past the fda can review applications in three to four weeks and then the cdc can then review pretty soon after, a week or week and a half after the fda so that puts the earliest at probably end of may for those reviews to be completed. i'm also hearing that unfortunately, the fda might consider waiting even longer because maybe they'll wait until pfizer also submits their data for the three-dose version of vaccines for kids in this age group. i really hope they do not wait because it's happened before that fda can just authorize one company's vaccine and i really hope they will review moderna's data at the earliest opportunity because there are so many parents who will be first in line wanting to get their kids vaccinated as soon as possible without delay. >> and pfizer's moving closer and closer to seeking full emergency use authorization as well for kids, right? >> that's exactly right, so pfizer's dose is 1/10 of the adult dose, 3 micrograms and they are testing a three dose version of that three microgram dose, moderna is a quarter of the adult dose, so 25 micrograms and the that's the two-dose vaccine being submitted for authorization, i hope both end up getting authorized, that would be fantastic but again i just hope there's not a delay on moderna while waiting for pfizer's data to be complete. that would just not make sense. >> you're making excellent points at usual, dr. leana wen let's hope and the best, and more news just ahead. !... hey! for a limited time, get 50% off a complete pair. visionworks. see the difference. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can ld to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of vere asthma you have, tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. andrea: this is the hardest thing we will probably ever have to go through. st. jude has given us transportation, treatment. to know that we don't have bills, they take every other stress off of your shoulders. time. it's life's most precious commodity, especially when you have metastatic breast cancer. when your time is threatened, it's hard to invest in your future. until now. kisqali is helping women live longer than ever before when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant... in hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's proven to delay disease progression. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain... a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. your future is ahead of you, so it's time to make the most of it with kisqali. because when you invest in yourself, everyone gets the best of you. 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"outfront" next, breaking news, missile strikes targeting the heart of the ukrainian capitol tonight, u.n. secretary-general in kyiv at the time of the attacks, tensions high tonight as russia is making more gains in the east. plus, russian tanks with a major defect, their tops blowing off because of a so-called jack in the box flaw. can the ukrainians use it to amplify an advantage? and congressman madison cawthorn speaking out about being caught with the loaded gun in the airport, a string of

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Tarmac , Turkey A , Each Other , Movie , Other , Planes , Paths , Anything , Sources , Official , Negotiators , Maneuvering , Custody , Administration , Mystery , Bill Richardson , Detainees , Former , Move , Trip To Moscow , Tension , Reed , Paul Whelan , Yaroshenko For Reed , Holding , Brittney Griner , Reed Initiative , Pain , Coughing , Coughing Up Blood , Chest , Urgency , Tuberculosis , March 30th , 30 , Parent , Notice , Prisoner Swap , Americans , Call , Cards , Options , Criminals , Exchanges , Home , Discussions , Paul , Dealer , Airports , Victor , Sentence , Merchant , Marion , U S Federal Penitentiary , Illinois , Committee , Hearings , Investigation , Chairman , Developments , Beginning , Affairs , January 6th Insurrection , January 6th , Bennie Thompson , Paula Reid , Primetime , Sessions , 9th , 9 , Witnesses , Testimony , Combination , Staff , Exhibits , Point , Public Hasn T Heard , Before , Addition , Members , Few , Senate , House Minority Leader , Republicans , Panel , Resounding , The End , Jim Jordan , Jordan , Kevin Mccarthy , Scott Perry , Ivanka Trump , Rudy Giuliani , Bid , Figure , Election , 2020 , Jared Kushner , Appearance , Daughter , Inner Circle , Vaccines , Children , Donald Trump Jr , Covid , Long Wait , Kids , Authorization , On Moderna , Timetable , End , Protection , Level , Shots , Ultra Simimple , Appointment , Small Business , Intnternet , 500 , 1500 , Ultra , Firm , Worth , Barnes , Truck Hit , Car Crash , Idea , Best , Injury Attorneys , Est Resul , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Step , Making Covid , Zits Vaccine , Nation , Baltimore , Six , Age Group , Health Commissioner , Yourself , Four , Vaccine , Group , Families , Relief , Boat , Horizon , 20 Million , Vaccination , Many , Moderna Vaccines , 51 , 37 , Omicron , Studies , First , Perspective , Numbers , Infection , Doses , Second , Types , Antibody Response , Eyes , Prize , Hospitalization , Illness , God Forbid , May , Half , Reviews , Applications , Cdc , Three , Pfizer , Version , Delay , Opportunity , Line , Dose , Emergency Use Authorization , 1 10 , Adult Dose , Dose Version , Points , Dr , Leana Wen Let , Matter , Asthma , Difference , Pair , Visionworks , Out Of Nowhere , Tezspiretm , Inflammation , Add On Treatment , Vere Asthma , Asthma Attacks , Type , Ld , Triggers , Breathe Better , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Asthma Symptoms , Back Pain , Sore Throat , Asthma Specialist , Andrea , Bills , Breast Cancer , Commodity , Transportation , Shoulders , Jude , Kisqali , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Or Fulvestrant , Hr , Heartbeat , Skin Reactions , Infections , Disease Progression , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Cough , Blood Cell , Chills , Yellowing , Loss , Appetite , Rash , Dizziness , Urine , Bruising , Future , Money Manager , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Grapefruit , Market , Best Of You , Investments , Client , Portfolios , Commissions , Goals , Strategies , Commission Products , Aren T , Act , Fiduciary , Clients , Interest , Yep , Car Accident , Atat T Bararnefirmrm , Car Hit My Motorcycle , Insurance Wasn T Fair , R , Attneysys Wk Hahard , Inry , Firm Injury Attorneys , Mit Bebe Sprisised , You U , Sunday Night On Cnn , Preview , Italy , Stanley Tuchi , Breakfast , Ombre , Glass , Wine , Snack , 8 , Shadow , Word , Lagune , Eceti , Season , Sunday Night 9 , Stanley Tucci , 00 , Next , Watching , Erin Burnett , Outfront , Heart , In Kyiv , Tensions , Defect , Capitol Tonight , Congressman , Airport , Flaw , String Of , Jack In The Box , Madison Cawthorn , Loaded Gun ,

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