Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

end it. >> translator: if someone intends to intervene in what is happening from the outside and creates unacceptable strategic threats for us, then they should know that our response to oncoming strikes will be swift, lightning fast. we have all the tools for this. ones that no one can brag about. and we won't brag, we will use them if needed. >> the war will not turn with -- the war will end when the russian federation decides to end it and when there is after a ceasefire a possibility of a serious political agreement. we can have all meetings, but that is not what will end the war. overnight britain's defense minister said putin may seek to consolidate what he has in ukraine and dig in like a cancerous growth. we're also learning about more horrors out of donetsk. the u.s. has credible information that russian military units executed ukrainians there while they were surrendering, their hands were bound, their bodies showed signs of torture and they were killed execution style. russia has been focusing their efforts in the region as the forces failed to take kyiv. new images showing russian shelling has intensified in the area, at least 27 houses from one village were hit. so far no word on casualties. overnight an explosion in the russian-occupied city of kherson. so russian media says this blast took place near the city's main television broadcasting facility. a russian-appointed official in the city says a return to ukrainian control is now impossible. across the eastern part of ukraine the ukrainian military report intense fire from russian forces that's in the region over here. and the think tank the institute for the study of war assesses that, quote, russian forces have adopted a sounder pattern of operational movement in eastern ukraine. in other words, they might be doing things better now. we will talk more about what that means. and this just in, paula reid, trevor reed's mother tweeted that he is back in the united states. it has been a day of joy for the family but hard for paul whelan, he is the american still detained in russia. we will speak with paul's twin brother ahead on "new day." let's go live to lviv, ukraine, and bring in isa sore res for the very latest there. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning, brianna as john your yourself were outlining there we've seen that russian offensive with a ukrainian official telling us russia has been exerting intense fire in the donetsk and luhansk region where we have seen that big offensive. bear in mind that russians haven't taken their eyes off the besieged city of mariupol. reminding you of some 100,000 people are still stuck inside mariupol. there have been no evacuation corridors for days, almost a week or so, and then you have that azovstal steel plant that is the last line of defense for ukrainians. inside about 1,000 civilians with soldiers, women, children. they haven't seen daylight for about 50 plus days. i have been speaking to residents of mariupol and workers of that azovstal steel plant, the very workers who make the steel for the building that john is in in hudson yards, and they have managed to escape the onslaught of that russian aggression, but they have been left scarred really by just pure horrors. have a listen. ivan used to live on mariupol's peace avenue. you want your city to remain the same as it was in your memory, he tells me. that city now lies in ruins, a shell of what it once was. and the steel plant his family has dedicated three generations to, suddenly finds itself as mariupol's last line of defense. seeing your city being destroyed is horrible, he tells me. you could compare it to a relative dying in your arms and seeing him or her dying gradually, organ after organ failing, and you can do nothing. for his colleague alexei, it's also personal. he has lost not just friends but his mother-in-law to shelling when they first tried to flee mariupol. >> how does this make you feel? you must be so angry. >> reporter: my emotions disappeared already in mariupol that's why there's nothing but hate. alexei has worked in the steel plant for 26 years. he's one of 11,000 employees who have kept the iron furnaces turning here. a major play in the metals industry, azovstal produces 4 million tons of steel a year, its metal shining brightly in manhattan's hudson yards and hudson shard. now as russia pummels its plant and production jolts to a holt the sea of the company behind azovstal steel tells me at least 150 of his employees have been killed and thousands are still unaccounted for. >> out of the 11,000 employees of azovstal only about 4 4.5 thousand got out of mariupol and got out of the conflict with us. this is our plant as my papa says, he works here says this little girl in a promotional video. built in 1933 under soviet rule azovstal was partially demolished during the nazi occupation in the 1940s. now it faces the wrath of a president who says he's denazi fieg it, attacking the very foundation that his country helped build. holed up inside are thought to be around 1,000 civilians hiding in shelters. children and the elderly who haven't seen unlight in more than 50 days. and then there is the injured in field hospitals like this one. russian forces continue to encircle the plant and they are not budging. >> i don't think it's the plant that he wants, i think it's about symbolism. >> reporter: a win in the port city of mariupol would provide president putin with a land bridge to ukraine's crimea peninsula which russia an exed in 2014. if fully taken one of ukraine's richest men and the main shareholder of the group behind aulz steel tells me via email under no circumstances will these plants operate under the russian occupation. alexei agrees tells me after what they did, never. a wall of steel defending to the bitter end the place they have called home. and, brianna, in the last few hours a ukrainian soldier inside, holed up inside the azovstal steel plant has made yet again a fresh appeal to world leaders to create an evacuation to they can get out. there are about 600 soldiers he said who are wounded and women and children in desperate need of water and food. very acute shortages and a very dire situation indeed inside the azovstal steel plant. >> a really fantastic report there. thank you so much. new this morning, the suggestion that the russians may have learned some lessons and are making gains in eastern ukraine. the institute for the study of war writes, quote, russian forces have adopt add sounder pattern of operational movement in eastern ukraine, at least along the line from izyum to rubizhne. that is in the eastern part of ukraine. they are pushing down multiple roughly parallel roads right now so this direction in within supporting distance of one another allowing them to bring more combat power to bear than their previous practice has supported. joining us now cnn military analyst cedric leighton. what exactly does that mean? there is the suggestion they're making slower, steadier and perhaps more sustainable gains. >> john, good morning. the basic thing that this means is that when you look at these lines of attack right here, this basically as you pointed out follows the routes that already exist. there are also rail lines in this area. what it means is they are deliberately and methodically going through this area. if we take a look at where the ukrainians have lost territory right in here, you can see that each of these areas around kharkiv, around izyum, all of these different -- severodonetsk, this big area right in here, this area right in here all of these areas are in essence under attack in a deliberate and concerted pattern. so what the russians are doing is they're concentrating, actually taking the principal of mass and using it in order to further their attack access and they're doing it fairly effectively because right up until this point we haven't really been paying attention to that and they're making progress. >> so we heard from vladimir putin overnight threatening a lightning response to anyone who basically might intervene in this war in ukraine. it seemed awfully threatening. what exactly is he talking about, especially when he's speaking of means that he doesn't need to brag about? >> yeah, so that was interesting. that caught my attention as well. so when you look at the kinds of things that he can do, you take a look and see that in these areas right here there is a lot of population centers right in through a lot of these areas. so one possibility is that he's talk being a tactical nuclear weapon. the other part of this is that he's talking about hypersonic weapons. so between those two he's talking either about a tactical move in the ukrainian area or a strategic move and that goes into his idea of actually looking at all the different efforts that are being made by the west to support the ukrainians and he's also looking at attacking those efforts. >> so, cedric, there are also people asking questions about may 9 which is this big victory day, a big parade day in russia in moscow. there was a suggestion before that vladimir putin by that day wanted to have something where he could declare victory, maybe victory in the eastern part of ukraine. now some analysts are beginning to wonder whether he might use that day to call for a total mobilization and really escalate, i think, the course of the war. what would that mean? how would that be different than where things are now? >> so right now russia has not called for a total mobilization, they're using the normal call ups of conscripted folks, every year they have a call up in the april -- early april time frame that is then used as part of the training cycle for the russian military. if he exercises his decree authority and actually calls up for a total mobilization, it kind of evokes what happened in world war i when all of the different countries got together on their own and mobilized their forces and that kind of scenario resulted in a lot of militaries here and in all these different countries mobilizing in response to each other. so what that could look like is that you have russia on one side, perhaps with belarus and then on the other side you have the nato countries mobilizing at the same time in response to that. that is a recipe for a major conflict if it gets out of control coming up and that would be a very dangerous scenario, john. >> we have right now cutting off gas to poland, cutting off gas to bull gar joe, explosions in moldova, signs that this war is expanding territorial. thank you very much. >> you bet. anderson cooper in the suburb, the kyiv suburb of bucha uncovering new evidence of atrocities from russian soldiers. his report next. plus, two feuding high-profile republicans meeting in private after the release of explosive audiotapes. steve scalise and matt gaetz managed to worked things out. marjorie taylor greene attacking catholicism saying satan controls the church. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. boom! i won't be cleaning mold and mildew next week. thanks to this. did you know lysol disinfectant spray can actually prevent mold and mildew growth? 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>> translator: local residents were killed on the street by the russian military. they were shot and killed even just going out on the street around their business or going to pick up humanitarian aid. >> reporter: ruslan is bucha's prosecutor, he is now collecting evidence of war crimes. >> translator: people were killed at this point, there was a woman killed here. there were bodies here and there where the road is turning left. there were people riding bicycles who were killed by the russian military. >> reporter: russia denies it all, they say the more than 300 bodies found in bucha after russian troops withdrew were staged. as for these satellite images taken in mid march when russia was occupying bucha, which show bodies in the exact same locations they were later found on this street, russia says, they, too, are fake. but the evidence already overwhelming continues to grow. prosecutors have been gathering evidence for weeks and have now revealed to us that they have photographs and videos taken over the course of several days as the killings occurred here. they say the images were captured by a person in this house on their cellphone camera. it was through these windows he saw the slaughter. this is one of his first pictures taken on march 5th. two bodies reportedly killed that day were visible outside his window. on march 6th when this picture was taken a third body is visible on the street. this video taken on march 7th shows at least two more bodies. ruslan says these images and the data in the camera phone they were taken with provides important proof of exactly who was killed and when. >> translator: it will prove that it was a particular phone that the pictures were taken with and also the time and the location that they were taken. the russian federation will not be able to continue saying that this was set up with fakes. >> reporter: we tracked down the man who risked his life to take these photos and video. we agreed not to show his face. were you scared to pick pictures? if they had seen you taking pictures you would have been killed. >> of course there was fear, but i had to prove that they killed people who were civilians. i had to do something. >> reporter: do you remember the first person killed on your street? >> translator: the first one to get killed was the man on the bicycle to the left of my house. on march 6 there were more dead people, there were seven people dead on the street on march 6, seven dead people. i couldn't capture all the bodies from the window. there was a wall in the way. >> reporter: what do you want to see happen to those russians, to everybody in the chain of command? >> translator: they must be punished. there was a young guy who was bringing potatoes in a bag maybe for his family, the stores were closed, there was no power, no heating, no water. he wanted to help and he was killed. what do they deserve? only punishment. >> reporter: but punishing the guilty won't be easy. there were a number of different russian units as i understand who were stationed here at one time or another. do you need to try to identify which unit it was, what the chain of command was? >> translator: and it's very important to identify not only the commanders, but concrete troops who committed the crimes and have them held accountable. >> reporter: he said ten russian soldiers have been identified using eyewitness accounts along with drone footage and emergencies like this one taken from a traffic surveillance camera. but whether he can learn the identities of the russians stationed on this street is unclear. the man killed on march 5th was a 68-year-old man, his wife lives not far away. they were married for 45 years and have two kids and three grandchildren. >> translator: we told him not to go to work because there were tanks on the street. we told him not to go, he said, no, i have to go to work. i have work to do. i didn't know what to tell you, it's awful. it's awful. >> reporter: it is all so awful. the bicycle her husband rode is still on the street near the spot where he died. she doesn't want it back. the horror of what happened is just too terrible to face. anderson cooper, cnn, bucha, ukraine. >> such an important report. so terrible. and this is going to be the key is they are tracking down information about individuals who did this. death by dart, russian troops accused of dropping metal darts to kill civilians in bucha. ahead, bucha's coroner is going to tell us what he discovered. and infighting at the top and kind of the bottom of the republican party after the release of explosive audiotapes. were steve scalise and matt gaetz able to settle their differences behind closed doors? 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>> well, obviously this whole issue has roiled the house republican conference over the last few days and the republican leadership, mccarthy, gaetz and others said things that made angry people like gaetz and others who were in that wing of the party. i'm not surprised that the leaders in this case scalise have a few meetings. i don't think it is going to necessarily upend their apple cart as it relates to being at the head of the conference. i don't like, frankly, the idea that steve scalise who himself has been the victim of a violent political act is out having to apologize to someone who has been rather incendiary. also, what i find interesting about this is that gaetz even before this has made no secret of his displeasure with leadership. he was out pushing donald trump for house speaker just a few weeks ago, clearly indicating he wants somebody else at the top of the conference. so i guess i see, brianna, this meeting as a way for them to try to placate gaetz and put this behind them, but obviously gaetz isn't someone who is going to go quietly on any occasion. >> the fact that he think they think they need to placate gaetz, scott, what does that tell you about where the power is right now in the republican congressional caucus or at least where the leadership thinks it might be? >> well, i think the leadership is obviously trying -- and they had these issues flare up all the time, john. you know, you have these moments, some are important, some aren't, some are big, some are small, but these moments where they're constantly tangling with this wing of the conference. the leadership is constantly playing whack-a-mole with these guys, i see scalise doing that in this particular case and i guess they will have to do it until the elections come and the republicans maybe win the house and they will have the leadership votes. until those votes are secure it sounds like these strategy is to placate and keep these guys quiet long enough to get through the next set of leadership elections. >> i want to play something that congresswoman marjorie taylor greene said about the catholic church and at the risk of playing this, but this is important to watch because this is what has a lot of catholics and those affiliated with the catholic church upset. here is what she said. >> what it is is it's satan controlling the church. the church is not doing its job. what they're doing by saying, oh, we have to love these people and take care of these migrants and love one another, this is loving one another. yes, we are supposed to love one another, but their definition of what love one another means means destroying our laws. >> she's talking about immigration. she's saying that the catholic church which as we know a lot of charities affiliated with the catholic church provide services for migrants who are coming in. what do you think about these comments and how this is going to play for her? >> well, i think for her it's probably going to, you know, play well. i mean, the kind of people who are attracted to marjorie taylor greene probably think this is great which is really unfortunate. if you are talking about love and unconditional love as it's prescribed by the christian faith, there is no but, right? we have to love one another, but. there is no but. we have to love one another that's the mandate from jesus to the church and so she really needs to rethink, i think, the syntax of her arguments here. i mean, look, there is a legitimate debate to be had about immigration, republicans obviously think joe biden is making it worse and the democrats have thoughts about the way republicans handled it. there is a political debate to be had here. this isn't politics, this is the church and they have a job to do as mandated by their god and the texts and the mandates of what that means over the centuries. i don't think this is going to play well with a larger audience, i think for some people who are attracted to kind of rhetoric it's obviously, you know, been her brand and i don't approve of it. catholics, by the way, interestingly, if you are interested in the political analysis split almost dead even in the 2020 election. i think trump got 50% and biden got 49%. so it's a group -- it's not like evangelicals who went almost all republican. catholics are a split group. if you are looking for the political analysis out of it it's a group of people who have been up for grabs in recent elections. >> i'm not sure name checking satan is the best way to reach their hearts, which is what she just did there, scott. again, in purely a political sense wasn't she stands behind kevin mccarthy at the border? if you are wondering about inside the republican caucus whether or not this will help or hurt her, don't we already have the answer at this point because mccarthy has more or less welcomed her back. >> yeah, i mean, again, we're back to the conversation we just had about gaetz where there is a group of these people they're constantly trying to manage. we've learned you can't manage it, there is no managing these folks, they're never going to do it the way mccarthy and scalise and those guys want them to do it which is to try to be less incendiary, try not to be dominating news cycles every day with crazy rhetoric like this. they've chosen a path to try to keep them under control as best they can. it's obviously not working most days, but, again, for the leaders, you know, they're trying to get to november and then they're trying to get to january and these guys are making their lives challenging every single day. >> we'll see. they're making a lot of bets here. we will see if these people end up backing them if there are leadership votes. i'm not sure there is any guarantee of that. >> scott, thank you for being with us this morning. we always appreciate having you on. >> good to be with you all. thank you, john, for coming back to work. >> i heard you would be here. it was enough to get me out of my hospital bed. chief justice john roberts choking up in the supreme court. here what happened. plus new revelations about what the u.s. left behind in afghanistan. items now in the hands of the taliban. and just in, trevor reed is back home in the u.s., see the brand-new pictures out of texas next. air wick. essential mist aroma fragrances. for an exhilarating blend of essential oils. curated with citrus and mint to uplift the senses and transform your mood. air ck essential mist aroma. oh, i had never se a picture of her until i got on ancestry. it was like touching the past. my great aunt signed up to serve in the union army as a field nurse. my great grandmother started a legacy of education in my family. didn't know she ran for state office. ended up opening her own restaurant in san francisco. paralee wharton elder, lupe gonzalez, mary sawyers, margaret ross. there's a lot of life that she lived. who are the strong women in your family? from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. there is no crying in baseball, but in the supreme court kind of. chief justice john roberts choked up a bit wednesday while praising his long-time colleague stephen breyer on the retiring jus justice's last day hearing arguments. >> the oral argument we have just concluded is the last the court will hear with justice breyer on the bench. for 28 years this has been his arena for remarks profound and moving, questions challenging and insightful and hypotheticals down right silly. for now we leave the courtroom with deep appreciation for the privilege of sharing this bench with him. >> that's really just nice. i have nothing else to say about it other than that was really sweet. >> i know. it makes me wonder what kind of work buddies they are and if they're going to miss seeing each other day to day. i hope that's what it is. >> pick up the phone and call. they can't be going that far. >> you know it's different than seeing someone at the water cooler, though. >> fair. so we do have some new cnn reporting this morning the u.s. left behind $7 billion worth of military equipment in the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan last year. that equipment now in the hands of the taliban. cnn's barbara starr live for us at the pentagon with more on this. barbara, what does this mean? how much of this stuff is usable? >> well, that is the key question. not just what the taliban has in hand, but can they use it? all of these details are contained in a new report that congress ordered the pentagon to do. the pentagon and congress have not yet made the report available to the public. i want to quickly say our own producer ellie kaufman got an early look at it so we can bring you the details. $7 billion of the $18 billion worth of military gear the u.s. transferred to the afghan government, $7 billion essentially left behind when that chaotic withdraw happened. so what kind of equipment is it? according to the report a few details, aircraft, munitions, military vehicles, weapons, communications gear. a lot of it requires very precise maintenance to remain usable. they don't know if the taliban have been able to keep all of this stuff running. that's a key question that they may never get an answer to. interesting details. now, five of the helicopters that they had given to afghanistan were actually not in the country in recent months, they were undergoing maintenance and they have now been transferred to ukraine for use in that war, as well as thousands if not tens of thousands of rounds of various kinds of munitions. that also transferred to ukraine. so some use in another war, in another war zone being made of all of this. but the shear volume of what simply was flushed is amazing. $978 million worth of aircraft, dozens left behind at the airport in kabul, rendered useless by the u.s., they demilitarized them when they flew out because they couldn't take those aircraft and they certainly didn't want the taliban to get their hands on at least that. >> worth a lot, but also worthless as we see there. barbara, thank you so much. live for us from the pentagon. >> sure. we do have breaking news. we're getting word that trevor reed is now home in the united states and we have new pictures to prove it. this is the moment he was greeted by texas congressman august pflueger, his family standing alongside him, his mother -- his mother is there, paula, his father joey. paula tweeted it is a very exciting day for the family, but they did add not for paul whelan's family. paul whelan is an american still detained in russia, still in prison in russia and his twin brother will join us on the effort to get him out. coming up, the russians beat and tortured him with a hammer and left him to die in a forest, but somehow he managed to live. one ukrainian's remarvgable story of survival. plus a top russian bank executive flees the country to fight for ukraine. we will talk to him about why he did it. hi! need new glasses? 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they were having some -- some anger at me, which i couldn't understand without any reason. so after beating me they put me -- threw me in a pit, which was 2 meters deep. i was handcuffed and i had a bag over my head and i spent 48 hours in this pit. so after spending two days there, they, again, put a bag on my head and took me somewhere in the military vehicle, i don't know if it was a tank or an armored personnel vehicle, together with several other civilians, they put us in some cellar which was full of water. we had to sit on the stairs for several days without any food or water. and it was cold and wet. on the very first day when they captured me they cut the fingers on my hands and i had open wounds. so very soon these wounds started rotting and eventually i had to have these fingers amputated. they were different fingers. on top of that they put handcuffs on me. after spending several days in that basement they transferred us to a different basement where we spent another three days and during this time my hands literally started rotting. i asked one of the russian occupants -- i said there is no use of me anyway, can you let us go so that we can get some medical help? after seven or eight days they put us in some vehicle and took us about 70 kilometers away, this is just my assessment because i was having a bag on my head so i can't be sure, and there were me and another guy and they left us in the middle of a forest from where it was impossible to get to any settlement. so i think they were just hoping that we were going to die from cold. >> they left you to die in the woods. how did you get to safety? >> translator: we found a beaten up car nearby this forestman's house. it was beaten up, but it was able to drive. i was unable to walk, so we got into this car and started driving. >> you were able to get to germany ultimately. what surgeries have you had and what's your condition right now? >> translator: when i ended up in germany i had according to the doctors i had three major problems, firstly, all of my body was blue from head to toes and they suspected that it may have been a hemorrhage, the reason of this. the second problem was my hands and feet were black. you can see now i don't have all my fingers now. the third is the same, similar problem with my feet. so after the examination it turned out that the only problems were with the hands and feet, so they had to amputate some of my fingers or partially amputate and also they had to amputate one-third of my right foot. all together i have undergone five surgeries and i spent four and a half weeks in a hospital. >> you can see now i don't have all my fingers, chilling words. that's oleg, ow thanks to him. next, breaking news for what might be a major development in the pandemic, one that millions of americans and one i know quite well have been waiting for. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a little easier. 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Rationalize , Th , Laura ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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end it. >> translator: if someone intends to intervene in what is happening from the outside and creates unacceptable strategic threats for us, then they should know that our response to oncoming strikes will be swift, lightning fast. we have all the tools for this. ones that no one can brag about. and we won't brag, we will use them if needed. >> the war will not turn with -- the war will end when the russian federation decides to end it and when there is after a ceasefire a possibility of a serious political agreement. we can have all meetings, but that is not what will end the war. overnight britain's defense minister said putin may seek to consolidate what he has in ukraine and dig in like a cancerous growth. we're also learning about more horrors out of donetsk. the u.s. has credible information that russian military units executed ukrainians there while they were surrendering, their hands were bound, their bodies showed signs of torture and they were killed execution style. russia has been focusing their efforts in the region as the forces failed to take kyiv. new images showing russian shelling has intensified in the area, at least 27 houses from one village were hit. so far no word on casualties. overnight an explosion in the russian-occupied city of kherson. so russian media says this blast took place near the city's main television broadcasting facility. a russian-appointed official in the city says a return to ukrainian control is now impossible. across the eastern part of ukraine the ukrainian military report intense fire from russian forces that's in the region over here. and the think tank the institute for the study of war assesses that, quote, russian forces have adopted a sounder pattern of operational movement in eastern ukraine. in other words, they might be doing things better now. we will talk more about what that means. and this just in, paula reid, trevor reed's mother tweeted that he is back in the united states. it has been a day of joy for the family but hard for paul whelan, he is the american still detained in russia. we will speak with paul's twin brother ahead on "new day." let's go live to lviv, ukraine, and bring in isa sore res for the very latest there. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning, brianna as john your yourself were outlining there we've seen that russian offensive with a ukrainian official telling us russia has been exerting intense fire in the donetsk and luhansk region where we have seen that big offensive. bear in mind that russians haven't taken their eyes off the besieged city of mariupol. reminding you of some 100,000 people are still stuck inside mariupol. there have been no evacuation corridors for days, almost a week or so, and then you have that azovstal steel plant that is the last line of defense for ukrainians. inside about 1,000 civilians with soldiers, women, children. they haven't seen daylight for about 50 plus days. i have been speaking to residents of mariupol and workers of that azovstal steel plant, the very workers who make the steel for the building that john is in in hudson yards, and they have managed to escape the onslaught of that russian aggression, but they have been left scarred really by just pure horrors. have a listen. ivan used to live on mariupol's peace avenue. you want your city to remain the same as it was in your memory, he tells me. that city now lies in ruins, a shell of what it once was. and the steel plant his family has dedicated three generations to, suddenly finds itself as mariupol's last line of defense. seeing your city being destroyed is horrible, he tells me. you could compare it to a relative dying in your arms and seeing him or her dying gradually, organ after organ failing, and you can do nothing. for his colleague alexei, it's also personal. he has lost not just friends but his mother-in-law to shelling when they first tried to flee mariupol. >> how does this make you feel? you must be so angry. >> reporter: my emotions disappeared already in mariupol that's why there's nothing but hate. alexei has worked in the steel plant for 26 years. he's one of 11,000 employees who have kept the iron furnaces turning here. a major play in the metals industry, azovstal produces 4 million tons of steel a year, its metal shining brightly in manhattan's hudson yards and hudson shard. now as russia pummels its plant and production jolts to a holt the sea of the company behind azovstal steel tells me at least 150 of his employees have been killed and thousands are still unaccounted for. >> out of the 11,000 employees of azovstal only about 4 4.5 thousand got out of mariupol and got out of the conflict with us. this is our plant as my papa says, he works here says this little girl in a promotional video. built in 1933 under soviet rule azovstal was partially demolished during the nazi occupation in the 1940s. now it faces the wrath of a president who says he's denazi fieg it, attacking the very foundation that his country helped build. holed up inside are thought to be around 1,000 civilians hiding in shelters. children and the elderly who haven't seen unlight in more than 50 days. and then there is the injured in field hospitals like this one. russian forces continue to encircle the plant and they are not budging. >> i don't think it's the plant that he wants, i think it's about symbolism. >> reporter: a win in the port city of mariupol would provide president putin with a land bridge to ukraine's crimea peninsula which russia an exed in 2014. if fully taken one of ukraine's richest men and the main shareholder of the group behind aulz steel tells me via email under no circumstances will these plants operate under the russian occupation. alexei agrees tells me after what they did, never. a wall of steel defending to the bitter end the place they have called home. and, brianna, in the last few hours a ukrainian soldier inside, holed up inside the azovstal steel plant has made yet again a fresh appeal to world leaders to create an evacuation to they can get out. there are about 600 soldiers he said who are wounded and women and children in desperate need of water and food. very acute shortages and a very dire situation indeed inside the azovstal steel plant. >> a really fantastic report there. thank you so much. new this morning, the suggestion that the russians may have learned some lessons and are making gains in eastern ukraine. the institute for the study of war writes, quote, russian forces have adopt add sounder pattern of operational movement in eastern ukraine, at least along the line from izyum to rubizhne. that is in the eastern part of ukraine. they are pushing down multiple roughly parallel roads right now so this direction in within supporting distance of one another allowing them to bring more combat power to bear than their previous practice has supported. joining us now cnn military analyst cedric leighton. what exactly does that mean? there is the suggestion they're making slower, steadier and perhaps more sustainable gains. >> john, good morning. the basic thing that this means is that when you look at these lines of attack right here, this basically as you pointed out follows the routes that already exist. there are also rail lines in this area. what it means is they are deliberately and methodically going through this area. if we take a look at where the ukrainians have lost territory right in here, you can see that each of these areas around kharkiv, around izyum, all of these different -- severodonetsk, this big area right in here, this area right in here all of these areas are in essence under attack in a deliberate and concerted pattern. so what the russians are doing is they're concentrating, actually taking the principal of mass and using it in order to further their attack access and they're doing it fairly effectively because right up until this point we haven't really been paying attention to that and they're making progress. >> so we heard from vladimir putin overnight threatening a lightning response to anyone who basically might intervene in this war in ukraine. it seemed awfully threatening. what exactly is he talking about, especially when he's speaking of means that he doesn't need to brag about? >> yeah, so that was interesting. that caught my attention as well. so when you look at the kinds of things that he can do, you take a look and see that in these areas right here there is a lot of population centers right in through a lot of these areas. so one possibility is that he's talk being a tactical nuclear weapon. the other part of this is that he's talking about hypersonic weapons. so between those two he's talking either about a tactical move in the ukrainian area or a strategic move and that goes into his idea of actually looking at all the different efforts that are being made by the west to support the ukrainians and he's also looking at attacking those efforts. >> so, cedric, there are also people asking questions about may 9 which is this big victory day, a big parade day in russia in moscow. there was a suggestion before that vladimir putin by that day wanted to have something where he could declare victory, maybe victory in the eastern part of ukraine. now some analysts are beginning to wonder whether he might use that day to call for a total mobilization and really escalate, i think, the course of the war. what would that mean? how would that be different than where things are now? >> so right now russia has not called for a total mobilization, they're using the normal call ups of conscripted folks, every year they have a call up in the april -- early april time frame that is then used as part of the training cycle for the russian military. if he exercises his decree authority and actually calls up for a total mobilization, it kind of evokes what happened in world war i when all of the different countries got together on their own and mobilized their forces and that kind of scenario resulted in a lot of militaries here and in all these different countries mobilizing in response to each other. so what that could look like is that you have russia on one side, perhaps with belarus and then on the other side you have the nato countries mobilizing at the same time in response to that. that is a recipe for a major conflict if it gets out of control coming up and that would be a very dangerous scenario, john. >> we have right now cutting off gas to poland, cutting off gas to bull gar joe, explosions in moldova, signs that this war is expanding territorial. thank you very much. >> you bet. anderson cooper in the suburb, the kyiv suburb of bucha uncovering new evidence of atrocities from russian soldiers. his report next. plus, two feuding high-profile republicans meeting in private after the release of explosive audiotapes. steve scalise and matt gaetz managed to worked things out. marjorie taylor greene attacking catholicism saying satan controls the church. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. boom! i won't be cleaning mold and mildew next week. thanks to this. did you know lysol disinfectant spray can actually prevent mold and mildew growth? 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>> translator: local residents were killed on the street by the russian military. they were shot and killed even just going out on the street around their business or going to pick up humanitarian aid. >> reporter: ruslan is bucha's prosecutor, he is now collecting evidence of war crimes. >> translator: people were killed at this point, there was a woman killed here. there were bodies here and there where the road is turning left. there were people riding bicycles who were killed by the russian military. >> reporter: russia denies it all, they say the more than 300 bodies found in bucha after russian troops withdrew were staged. as for these satellite images taken in mid march when russia was occupying bucha, which show bodies in the exact same locations they were later found on this street, russia says, they, too, are fake. but the evidence already overwhelming continues to grow. prosecutors have been gathering evidence for weeks and have now revealed to us that they have photographs and videos taken over the course of several days as the killings occurred here. they say the images were captured by a person in this house on their cellphone camera. it was through these windows he saw the slaughter. this is one of his first pictures taken on march 5th. two bodies reportedly killed that day were visible outside his window. on march 6th when this picture was taken a third body is visible on the street. this video taken on march 7th shows at least two more bodies. ruslan says these images and the data in the camera phone they were taken with provides important proof of exactly who was killed and when. >> translator: it will prove that it was a particular phone that the pictures were taken with and also the time and the location that they were taken. the russian federation will not be able to continue saying that this was set up with fakes. >> reporter: we tracked down the man who risked his life to take these photos and video. we agreed not to show his face. were you scared to pick pictures? if they had seen you taking pictures you would have been killed. >> of course there was fear, but i had to prove that they killed people who were civilians. i had to do something. >> reporter: do you remember the first person killed on your street? >> translator: the first one to get killed was the man on the bicycle to the left of my house. on march 6 there were more dead people, there were seven people dead on the street on march 6, seven dead people. i couldn't capture all the bodies from the window. there was a wall in the way. >> reporter: what do you want to see happen to those russians, to everybody in the chain of command? >> translator: they must be punished. there was a young guy who was bringing potatoes in a bag maybe for his family, the stores were closed, there was no power, no heating, no water. he wanted to help and he was killed. what do they deserve? only punishment. >> reporter: but punishing the guilty won't be easy. there were a number of different russian units as i understand who were stationed here at one time or another. do you need to try to identify which unit it was, what the chain of command was? >> translator: and it's very important to identify not only the commanders, but concrete troops who committed the crimes and have them held accountable. >> reporter: he said ten russian soldiers have been identified using eyewitness accounts along with drone footage and emergencies like this one taken from a traffic surveillance camera. but whether he can learn the identities of the russians stationed on this street is unclear. the man killed on march 5th was a 68-year-old man, his wife lives not far away. they were married for 45 years and have two kids and three grandchildren. >> translator: we told him not to go to work because there were tanks on the street. we told him not to go, he said, no, i have to go to work. i have work to do. i didn't know what to tell you, it's awful. it's awful. >> reporter: it is all so awful. the bicycle her husband rode is still on the street near the spot where he died. she doesn't want it back. the horror of what happened is just too terrible to face. anderson cooper, cnn, bucha, ukraine. >> such an important report. so terrible. and this is going to be the key is they are tracking down information about individuals who did this. death by dart, russian troops accused of dropping metal darts to kill civilians in bucha. ahead, bucha's coroner is going to tell us what he discovered. and infighting at the top and kind of the bottom of the republican party after the release of explosive audiotapes. were steve scalise and matt gaetz able to settle their differences behind closed doors? 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>> well, obviously this whole issue has roiled the house republican conference over the last few days and the republican leadership, mccarthy, gaetz and others said things that made angry people like gaetz and others who were in that wing of the party. i'm not surprised that the leaders in this case scalise have a few meetings. i don't think it is going to necessarily upend their apple cart as it relates to being at the head of the conference. i don't like, frankly, the idea that steve scalise who himself has been the victim of a violent political act is out having to apologize to someone who has been rather incendiary. also, what i find interesting about this is that gaetz even before this has made no secret of his displeasure with leadership. he was out pushing donald trump for house speaker just a few weeks ago, clearly indicating he wants somebody else at the top of the conference. so i guess i see, brianna, this meeting as a way for them to try to placate gaetz and put this behind them, but obviously gaetz isn't someone who is going to go quietly on any occasion. >> the fact that he think they think they need to placate gaetz, scott, what does that tell you about where the power is right now in the republican congressional caucus or at least where the leadership thinks it might be? >> well, i think the leadership is obviously trying -- and they had these issues flare up all the time, john. you know, you have these moments, some are important, some aren't, some are big, some are small, but these moments where they're constantly tangling with this wing of the conference. the leadership is constantly playing whack-a-mole with these guys, i see scalise doing that in this particular case and i guess they will have to do it until the elections come and the republicans maybe win the house and they will have the leadership votes. until those votes are secure it sounds like these strategy is to placate and keep these guys quiet long enough to get through the next set of leadership elections. >> i want to play something that congresswoman marjorie taylor greene said about the catholic church and at the risk of playing this, but this is important to watch because this is what has a lot of catholics and those affiliated with the catholic church upset. here is what she said. >> what it is is it's satan controlling the church. the church is not doing its job. what they're doing by saying, oh, we have to love these people and take care of these migrants and love one another, this is loving one another. yes, we are supposed to love one another, but their definition of what love one another means means destroying our laws. >> she's talking about immigration. she's saying that the catholic church which as we know a lot of charities affiliated with the catholic church provide services for migrants who are coming in. what do you think about these comments and how this is going to play for her? >> well, i think for her it's probably going to, you know, play well. i mean, the kind of people who are attracted to marjorie taylor greene probably think this is great which is really unfortunate. if you are talking about love and unconditional love as it's prescribed by the christian faith, there is no but, right? we have to love one another, but. there is no but. we have to love one another that's the mandate from jesus to the church and so she really needs to rethink, i think, the syntax of her arguments here. i mean, look, there is a legitimate debate to be had about immigration, republicans obviously think joe biden is making it worse and the democrats have thoughts about the way republicans handled it. there is a political debate to be had here. this isn't politics, this is the church and they have a job to do as mandated by their god and the texts and the mandates of what that means over the centuries. i don't think this is going to play well with a larger audience, i think for some people who are attracted to kind of rhetoric it's obviously, you know, been her brand and i don't approve of it. catholics, by the way, interestingly, if you are interested in the political analysis split almost dead even in the 2020 election. i think trump got 50% and biden got 49%. so it's a group -- it's not like evangelicals who went almost all republican. catholics are a split group. if you are looking for the political analysis out of it it's a group of people who have been up for grabs in recent elections. >> i'm not sure name checking satan is the best way to reach their hearts, which is what she just did there, scott. again, in purely a political sense wasn't she stands behind kevin mccarthy at the border? if you are wondering about inside the republican caucus whether or not this will help or hurt her, don't we already have the answer at this point because mccarthy has more or less welcomed her back. >> yeah, i mean, again, we're back to the conversation we just had about gaetz where there is a group of these people they're constantly trying to manage. we've learned you can't manage it, there is no managing these folks, they're never going to do it the way mccarthy and scalise and those guys want them to do it which is to try to be less incendiary, try not to be dominating news cycles every day with crazy rhetoric like this. they've chosen a path to try to keep them under control as best they can. it's obviously not working most days, but, again, for the leaders, you know, they're trying to get to november and then they're trying to get to january and these guys are making their lives challenging every single day. >> we'll see. they're making a lot of bets here. we will see if these people end up backing them if there are leadership votes. i'm not sure there is any guarantee of that. >> scott, thank you for being with us this morning. we always appreciate having you on. >> good to be with you all. thank you, john, for coming back to work. >> i heard you would be here. it was enough to get me out of my hospital bed. chief justice john roberts choking up in the supreme court. here what happened. plus new revelations about what the u.s. left behind in afghanistan. items now in the hands of the taliban. and just in, trevor reed is back home in the u.s., see the brand-new pictures out of texas next. air wick. essential mist aroma fragrances. for an exhilarating blend of essential oils. curated with citrus and mint to uplift the senses and transform your mood. air ck essential mist aroma. oh, i had never se a picture of her until i got on ancestry. it was like touching the past. my great aunt signed up to serve in the union army as a field nurse. my great grandmother started a legacy of education in my family. didn't know she ran for state office. ended up opening her own restaurant in san francisco. paralee wharton elder, lupe gonzalez, mary sawyers, margaret ross. there's a lot of life that she lived. who are the strong women in your family? from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. there is no crying in baseball, but in the supreme court kind of. chief justice john roberts choked up a bit wednesday while praising his long-time colleague stephen breyer on the retiring jus justice's last day hearing arguments. >> the oral argument we have just concluded is the last the court will hear with justice breyer on the bench. for 28 years this has been his arena for remarks profound and moving, questions challenging and insightful and hypotheticals down right silly. for now we leave the courtroom with deep appreciation for the privilege of sharing this bench with him. >> that's really just nice. i have nothing else to say about it other than that was really sweet. >> i know. it makes me wonder what kind of work buddies they are and if they're going to miss seeing each other day to day. i hope that's what it is. >> pick up the phone and call. they can't be going that far. >> you know it's different than seeing someone at the water cooler, though. >> fair. so we do have some new cnn reporting this morning the u.s. left behind $7 billion worth of military equipment in the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan last year. that equipment now in the hands of the taliban. cnn's barbara starr live for us at the pentagon with more on this. barbara, what does this mean? how much of this stuff is usable? >> well, that is the key question. not just what the taliban has in hand, but can they use it? all of these details are contained in a new report that congress ordered the pentagon to do. the pentagon and congress have not yet made the report available to the public. i want to quickly say our own producer ellie kaufman got an early look at it so we can bring you the details. $7 billion of the $18 billion worth of military gear the u.s. transferred to the afghan government, $7 billion essentially left behind when that chaotic withdraw happened. so what kind of equipment is it? according to the report a few details, aircraft, munitions, military vehicles, weapons, communications gear. a lot of it requires very precise maintenance to remain usable. they don't know if the taliban have been able to keep all of this stuff running. that's a key question that they may never get an answer to. interesting details. now, five of the helicopters that they had given to afghanistan were actually not in the country in recent months, they were undergoing maintenance and they have now been transferred to ukraine for use in that war, as well as thousands if not tens of thousands of rounds of various kinds of munitions. that also transferred to ukraine. so some use in another war, in another war zone being made of all of this. but the shear volume of what simply was flushed is amazing. $978 million worth of aircraft, dozens left behind at the airport in kabul, rendered useless by the u.s., they demilitarized them when they flew out because they couldn't take those aircraft and they certainly didn't want the taliban to get their hands on at least that. >> worth a lot, but also worthless as we see there. barbara, thank you so much. live for us from the pentagon. >> sure. we do have breaking news. we're getting word that trevor reed is now home in the united states and we have new pictures to prove it. this is the moment he was greeted by texas congressman august pflueger, his family standing alongside him, his mother -- his mother is there, paula, his father joey. paula tweeted it is a very exciting day for the family, but they did add not for paul whelan's family. paul whelan is an american still detained in russia, still in prison in russia and his twin brother will join us on the effort to get him out. coming up, the russians beat and tortured him with a hammer and left him to die in a forest, but somehow he managed to live. one ukrainian's remarvgable story of survival. plus a top russian bank executive flees the country to fight for ukraine. we will talk to him about why he did it. hi! need new glasses? 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they were having some -- some anger at me, which i couldn't understand without any reason. so after beating me they put me -- threw me in a pit, which was 2 meters deep. i was handcuffed and i had a bag over my head and i spent 48 hours in this pit. so after spending two days there, they, again, put a bag on my head and took me somewhere in the military vehicle, i don't know if it was a tank or an armored personnel vehicle, together with several other civilians, they put us in some cellar which was full of water. we had to sit on the stairs for several days without any food or water. and it was cold and wet. on the very first day when they captured me they cut the fingers on my hands and i had open wounds. so very soon these wounds started rotting and eventually i had to have these fingers amputated. they were different fingers. on top of that they put handcuffs on me. after spending several days in that basement they transferred us to a different basement where we spent another three days and during this time my hands literally started rotting. i asked one of the russian occupants -- i said there is no use of me anyway, can you let us go so that we can get some medical help? after seven or eight days they put us in some vehicle and took us about 70 kilometers away, this is just my assessment because i was having a bag on my head so i can't be sure, and there were me and another guy and they left us in the middle of a forest from where it was impossible to get to any settlement. so i think they were just hoping that we were going to die from cold. >> they left you to die in the woods. how did you get to safety? >> translator: we found a beaten up car nearby this forestman's house. it was beaten up, but it was able to drive. i was unable to walk, so we got into this car and started driving. >> you were able to get to germany ultimately. what surgeries have you had and what's your condition right now? >> translator: when i ended up in germany i had according to the doctors i had three major problems, firstly, all of my body was blue from head to toes and they suspected that it may have been a hemorrhage, the reason of this. the second problem was my hands and feet were black. you can see now i don't have all my fingers now. the third is the same, similar problem with my feet. so after the examination it turned out that the only problems were with the hands and feet, so they had to amputate some of my fingers or partially amputate and also they had to amputate one-third of my right foot. all together i have undergone five surgeries and i spent four and a half weeks in a hospital. >> you can see now i don't have all my fingers, chilling words. that's oleg, ow thanks to him. next, breaking news for what might be a major development in the pandemic, one that millions of americans and one i know quite well have been waiting for. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a little easier. 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World , Individuals , Organizations , Pet Food , Patrol Tons , Rescuers , Story Ran , Kangaroo Meat , Love , Eastern Ukraine , Donations , Thanks , Peoople , Cnn Com Impact , 50000 , 0000 , Man , U S , Vladimir Putin , News , Brianna Keilar , Threat , Viewers , Invasion , Warning , April 28th , John Berman , Thursday April 28th , 28 , War , Putin , West , Secretary General , Rhetoric , Russia , Face To , Unprovoked , U N , Translator , Someone , Response , Lightning Fast , Threats , Strikes , One , Tools , Meetings , Possibility , Ceasefire , Agreement , Information , Horrors , Growth , Dig , Defense Minister , Donetsk , Overnight Britain , Forces , Bodies , Efforts , Hands , Region , Units , Ukrainians , Execution Style , Surrendering , Torture , Kyiv , Signs , City , Area , Images , Of Kherson , Word , Explosion , Hit , Village , Casualties , Houses , Shelling , 27 , Place , Official , In The City , Blast , Media , Main Television Broadcasting Facility , Fire , Think Tank , Part , Institute For The Study Of War , Ukrainian Military , Things , Quote , Paula Reid , Movement , Words , Sounder Pattern , Family , Trevor Reed , Paul Whelan , Joy , Reporter , Let S Go , Paul S Twin Brother , Isa Sore Res , Lviv , Mind , Offensive , Bear , Russians Haven T , Eyes , Outlining , Luhansk Region , People , Mariupol , Evacuation Corridors , 100000 , Civilians , Soldiers , Azovstal Steel Plant , Line , Defense , They Haven T , 1000 , 50 , Workers , Steel , John , Residents , Building , Hudson Yards , Onslaught , Same , Ivan , Listen , Aggression , Memory , Peace Avenue , Plant , Shell , Generations , Ruins , Three , Organ , Arms , Dying , Organ Failing , Colleague , Nothing , Friends , Mother In Law , Alexei , Employees , Hate , Emotions , 26 , 11000 , Furnaces , Play , Metals Industry , 4 Million , Company , Production , Azovstal Steel , Jolts , Sea , Hudson Shard , Manhattan , Holt , 150 , Thousands , 4 , 4 5 Thousand , Conflict , Video , Papa , Girl , Rule Azovstal , Soviet , 1933 , It , Country , President , Occupation , Foundation , Build , Nazi , Wrath , Denazi Fieg , 1940 , Who Haven T , Shelters , Field Hospitals , Civilians Hiding , Unlight , Elderly , Injured , Port City Of Mariupol , Symbolism , Win , Group , Men , Email , President Putin , Shareholder , Aulz Steel , Land Bridge , Exed , Crimea Peninsula , 2014 , Wall , Plants , Circumstances , End , Soldier , Home , Appeal , Water , Food , World Leaders , Children , Evacuation , Need , Shortages , Situation , 600 , Russians , Report , Suggestion , Gains , Lessons , Add Sounder Pattern , Izyum , Rubizhne , Power , Roads , Cedric Leighton , Practice , Direction , Distance , Combat , Attack , Lines , Thing , Look , Routes , Areas , Territory , Kharkiv , Pattern , Principal , Essence , Doing , Severodonetsk , Access , Attention , Point We Haven T , Progress , Order , Anyone , Lightning Response , Lot , Kinds , Population , Weapons , Move , Talk , Nuclear Weapon , Two , Idea , Something , Questions , Victory , Victory Day , Parade , In Moscow , May 9 , 9 , Course , Mobilization , Analysts , Folks , Call Up , Training Cycle , Call Ups , Frame , World War I , Countries , Military , Decree Authority , Kind , Scenario , Militaries , Other , Side , Control , Nato , Recipe , Belarus , Anderson Cooper , Gas , Explosions , Gar Joe , Moldova , Cutting Off Gas , Poland , You Bet , Evidence , Republicans , Audiotapes , Release , Suburb , Plus , Atrocities , Bucha Uncovering , Church , Matt Gaetz , Steve Scalise , Satan , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene , Catholicism , Technology , Innovator , Person , Business , Table , Mildew , Boom , Cleaning Mold , Disinfectant Spray , Lysol , Mold , Cycle , Heartburn , Claire , Cake , Nexium , 24hr , Chocolate Cake , 24 , Nexium 24hr , Men Expert , Hair Color , Problem , Twist , Acid , Agent , Shake , Night Protection , L Oreal , Hair , Coverage , Man Dye , Five , Business Hotel , Efficiency , Sleep , Firm Handshake , Bed Sheets , Earning , Spreadsheets , Rpms , Punctuality , Hard Work , Somewhere , Earnings Reports , Cupcake , Batteries , Tragedy , Chance , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Aa Battery , Dupuytren S Contracture , Get Treatment , Case Closed , Hand , Doesn T , Hand Specialist , Contracture , Certified , Surgery , Treatments , The Next Step , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Some , Slaughter , Life , Bucha , Blood , Street , Troops , Bicycle , Death , Streets , Backs , Another , The Street , Ruslan , Prosecutor , Russian Military , Aid , Point , Bicycles , War Crimes , Road , Woman , 300 , Show Bodies , Satellite Images , Locations , Prosecutors , Videos , Photographs , Pictures , House , Cellphone Camera , Windows , March 5th , Killings , 5 , Window , Picture , Body , On March 6th , March 7th , 7 , March 6th , 6 , Data , Phone , Camera Phone , Exactly , Proof , Photos , Location , Fakes , Face , Fear , Way , There , The Street On March 6 , Left , On March 6 , Seven , March 6 , Guy , Everybody , Bag , Command , Stores , Chain , Potatoes , Won T , Heating , Punishment , Number , Commanders , Crimes , Chain Of Command , Traffic Surveillance Camera , Accounts , Drone Footage , Emergencies , Eyewitness , Ten , Wife , Identities , 68 , Tanks , Grandchildren , Kids , 45 , Husband , Spot , Horror , Key , Dart , Tracking , Behind Closed Doors , Bottom , Coroner , Infighting , Vo , Price , Prescription , Prescriptions , Meds , Singlecare , Medicare , Don T Overpay , 80 , Verizon , Internet , Like Ultra Fast , 5g Plans , April 28th To May 4th , Offers , Business Expert , Devices , Cost , 500 , 1500 , May 4th , More , Comcast Business Mobile , Ultra , Appointment , Protein , Energy , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Plan , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Staffing , Job Description , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Customers , Prime Video , Watchathon Week , Entertainment , Boys , Xfinity , Hi Tim , Xfinity Rewards , Netflix , I Love You , Voice , Starz , And Peacock , Hbo Max , Bottom Line , Data Plans , Pay , Service , Business Owner , Gig , 5g Network , Contracts , Term , Line Activation Fees , Comcast Business , 00 , Florida , Remarks , Audio , Tension , Concerns , Actions , Apology , Describing Gaetz , Aftermath , Capitol On January 6th , January 6th , Leaders , Scott Jennings Cnn Political Commentator , Special Assistant , Pride , Sake , Fiction , George W Bush , Scott , Issue , House Republican Conference , Scalise Apologizing , Leadership , Case , Others , Wing , Party , Kevin Mccarthy , Head , Conference , Victim , Apple Cart , Act , Frankly , Secret , Displeasure , Donald Trump , House Speaker , Top , Somebody , Gaetz Isn T , Meeting , Fact , Occasion , Congressional Caucus , Aren T , Issues , Guys , Elections , Leadership Votes , A Mole , Catholic Church , Leadership Elections , Votes , Strategy , Set , Risk , Catholics , Job , Satan Controlling The Church , Upset , Migrants , Care , Saying , Definition , Immigration , Means , Charities , Laws , Services , Comments , Unconditional Love , But , Mandate , Faith , Christian , Jesus , Debate , Democrats , Thoughts , Arguments , Syntax , Joe Biden , Mandates , Texts , Isn T Politics , God , Analysis , Audience , Split , Brand , Evangelicals , Election , Split Group , 2020 , 49 , Wasn T , Hearts , Grabs , Border , Answer , Don T , Back , Caucus , Conversation , Path , Lives , Guarantee , Backing , Bets , John Roberts , Hospital Bed , Taliban , Revelations , Items , Supreme Court , Pictures Out Of Texas Next , Afghanistan , Aroma , Essential Mist , Senses , Fragrances , Essential Oils , Blend , Mint , Mood , Air Wick , Citrus , Grandmother , Ancestry , Field Nurse , Education , Legacy , Aunt , Air Ck Essential Mist , Union Army , Didn T , Mary Sawyers , Restaurant , State Office , Women , San Francisco , Paralee Wharton Elder , Lupe Gonzalez , Margaret Ross , Teen , Meningitis , Vaccination , Prom Dresses , Adventures , Meningitis B , Survivors , Vaccines , Doctor , Consequences , Up To , Meningitis B , 1 , Stephen Breyer , Baseball , Retiring Jus Justice , Supreme Court Kind Of , Last , Oral Argument , Court , Hearing Arguments , Bench , Courtroom , Arena , Moving , Hypotheticals , Appreciation , Work Buddies , Privilege , Water Cooler , 7 Billion , Billion , Stuff , Pentagon , Equipment , Barbara Starr , Military Equipment , Withdrawal , Details , Question , Public , Congress , Ellie Kaufman , Government , Military Gear , 8 Billion , 18 Billion , Aircraft , Munitions , Military Vehicles , Chaotic , Communications Gear , Maintenance , Key Question , Stuff Running , Use , Helicopters , Tens Of Thousands , War Zone , Rounds , Dozens , Shear Volume , Airport , Kabul , Rendered Useless , 78 Million , 978 Million , August Pflueger , Breaking News , Texas , Joey , Add , Family Standing , Forest , Effort , Twin Brother , Prison , Hammer , Coming Up , Executive , Russian Bank , Remarvgable Story Of Survival , Glasses , Pair , Everyone , Difference , Visionworks , Ofa , Video Call , Video Calls , Phone Call , Message , Messages , Be Cool , Bout A Ringcentral , Stallion , Deal , Horse , Ha , Ringcentral , Oleg , Account , Town , Russian Drooped , Series , Story , Anger , Rifles , Reason , Pit , 2 , 48 , Vehicle , Personnel , Tank , Military Vehicle , Cellar , Stairs , Fingers , Wounds , Rotting , Basement , Occupants , Help , Eight , Assessment , 70 , Middle , In The Woods , Settlement , Cold , Car , Forestman , Surgeries , Condition , Driving , Germany , Doctors , Problems , Hemorrhage , Toes , Feet , Examination , Foot , Oleg , Hospital , Ow , Four , Milk , Lactose , Development , Millions , Pandemic , Coffees , Lactaid , 100 , Foror You , 5g Phone , Offer , Moo , Miss , Mabel , 15 , Pressure , Dad , O , Septic System , Delightful , No Trade , Study , Waste , Scientists , Rid X , 21 , 20 , Smartphone , Light Beer , Tv , Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , Harp , Limu Emu , Doug , Peace , Car Insurance , Marriage , Crowd Gasps , Liberty Mutual Customizing , Emu Squawks , Liberty , Kevin , Home Prices , Demand , Collateral Damage , Housing Shortage , Supply , Rent , Prices , Renters Market , Increases , Tough , Miami , Vanessa Yurkevich , Increase , Estate , Floridians , Rental Market , Average , Pricing , Homes , 58 , Lists , Carson , Properties , 30 , Landlord , Bedroom , Palm Beach Guard En , Letter , 3200 , 200 , 2100 , Attorney , Housing Affordability Crisis , Mortgage Rates , Property Taxes , T , Rental Assistance , Landlords , Options , Receipt , Van , Hud , Rents , Existence , Voucher , Rental Voucher , Guidelines , Record , Cities , Memphis , Tampa , California , Riverside , Gas Stations , Times , Hurricane It S , Cap , Sara Espinoza , Rent Controls , Anxiety , 43 , 106 , Son , Market Value , Coral Gables , 3500 , 700 , 22 , 1700 , Budget , Charging , Price Gouging , 800 , 2800 , Apartment , It Doesn T , Door , 400 , Prospects , Search Conditions , Sight , It Doesn T Rationalize , Th , Laura ,

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