Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

cnn newsroom, i'm alisyn camerota. >> i'm victor blackwell. vladimir putin just met with the u.n. secretary general who said putin agreed in principle to let the red cross and the united nations evacuate civilians from a factory in mariupol. the russians have surrounded the plant where more than a thousand people are reportedly sheltering. putin also made some ridiculous claims, including that ukrainian forces were hiding behind civilians and keeping them from escaping. the ukrainian mayors, governors, president zelenskyy even, they have said many times over the weeks that russia has broken promises to hold their fire, and that prevented evacuations. today, america's top two defense officials say ukraine can win this war, and the fighting may weaken russia to the point that it would not attack other nations. chairman of the joint chiefs, mark milley and lloyd austin met with 35 nations to discuss the future military needs of ukraine. secretary austin said russia's actions in ukraine are quote indefensible. general milley stressed the entire global international security order is at stake. >> we don't have any time to waste. the briefings today laid out clearly why the coming weeks will be so crucial for ukraine. so we've got to move at the speed of war. and i know that all the leaders lead today, more resolve than ever to support ukraine in its fight against russian aggression and atrocities. >> with us now, cnn white house reporter, natasha bertrand. the secretary was asked about this goal of wanting to see a weakened russia. what did he say, and is this a shift in the administration's strategy? >> yes, and the secretary reiterated that the ultimate outcome that the u.s. and its allies want to see from this war is for russia to be weakened so much that it cannot launch this kind of war of aggression ever again. and that is really a subtle, but important shift in the u.s. rhetoric that has happened over the last several weeks, and it really came after the world saw that mass kemassacre of civilia in bucha and ukraine, and started to realize that now is a key opportunity, a very important opportunity for the west to stop russia decisively, to defeat them decisively on the battlefield and weaken them to the point, including with sanctions that they are unable to launch these kinds of military operations in the future, bullying their neighbors is what austin had said earlier today. this is a very important shift that is not only rhetorical but also, you know, in terms of the weaponry that the u.s. has been sending over the last several weeks, heavier equipment, germany, and a major policy shift announced today that it's going to be sending heavy anti-aircraft tanks to ukraine for the first time. i think that mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs underscored this in his comments today when he said that now the moment that the west has to stop russia's aggression. >> there's no answer to this aggression. if russia gets away with this cost free, then so goes the so called international order. and if that happens, then we're heading into an era of seriously increased instability. so right now, it's the time, and right now is the opportunity here to stop aggression, and restore peace and security to the european continent. >> so whereas previously the united states had been throwing its support behind a negotiated peace settled which they would like to see happen happen there, neither side seems willing to come to the table, especially after the massacres of civilians we have seen in ukraine. the russians also feel emboldened in eastern ukraine. this has the possibility of fueling putin's paranoia, the rhetoric from the u.s. and allies, raising the prospect he could lash out and become more unpredictable. the u.s. believes this is a key moment they have to provide this weaponry to ukraine, to sanction russia and essentially stop them for good. >> natasha bertrand, thank you for that reporting. cnn's scott mcclain is with us in lviv. we're hearing about heavy fighting in the east. what's the latest? >> that's right. ukrainian officials say that fighting has really become heavy in the eastern and the southern parts of the country. specifically in the donetsk and luhansk region. they say there has been heavy shelling across the front line. in kharkiv, there has been a build up of russian troops there trying to capture a strategic town which would allow them to move further west toward tra ma t t -- kramatorsk. perhaps the significant military development in the past 24 hours is a russian missile strike on a bridge south of odesa. the bridge is significant because it's the only road or rail link between southwestern ukraine and the rest of the country, and so a military official in odesa said this is an attempt by russia to isolate part of ukraine and raise tensions given what's happening in the area, and specifically what's happening in that area right next door is moldova and this break away, separatist russian speaking state let where russian troops have been stationed since the 1990s. there have been two mysterious, unclaimed attacks in just a 24-hour period against a government building and just earlier this morning against two radio towers there, the ukrainians are now concerned that this is a precursor to a new front in this war, the moldovans, while the president said that -- she said that the attacks were a provocation meant to destabilize. victor, alisyn. >> what more do you know about the claim from the mayor of mariupol that a third mass grave has been discovered? >> reporter: yeah, so previously there had been mass graves, according to local officials, found in villages to the east and to the west of the city. this one is just outside the northern city limits and, they say that it first showed up on satellite images in march, and then it's grown since then. it's now some 200 yards long. these trenches that have been dug, and the most disturbing thing is that the mayor said that local members of the population were enlisted to help dig those trenches in exchange for the very basics, food and water. again, cnn can't confirm the existence of mass graves but of course that is a pretty dire development if, in fact, that is the case. now, the situation obviously in mariupol is desperate. the u.n. secretary general making it a priority to talk about that, to try to organize some kind of humanitarian corridor out of that area. but part of what's really been hampering things is the ukrainians saying that russians continue to push people toward russian territory. just last week, more than 300 people from mariupol showed up in siberia. headlines like that bring up painful memories of an area -- an area in soviet history from more than 70 years ago when millions of people were forcibly relocated from their homes to remote parts of the soeviet union. i had a chance to speak with a survivor of the forced relocations, who said he sees plenty of parallels with his own story and what's happening in ukraine today. >> i was sure that nothing like this could ever happen again. what has happened in ukraine has brought these painful memories back very vividly. it's unbelievable that time hasn't changed anything at all. evil has become even worse, with my whole soul i feel for ukrainians who are taken violently against their will from their homes to the unknown. >> reporter: so again, these stories about people being pushed into russian territory is part of what scuffed any chance, she would not agree to one because she said the russians could not be trusted to keep their words. she was calling on the united nations to get involved, help mediate and help on the ground to establish those corridors. it seems, based on today the calls have been heeded. it's a matter of whether the russians and ukrainians can actually sit down and agree to something that will actually work. victor, alisyn. >> scott mcclain in lviv. scott, thank you. joining us now retired army brigadier general, served as secretary for political military affairs during the bush administration. welcome back. i want to start here with this sliver of moldova here that scott mcclain mentioned, about a half million people there. there have been russian troops there for about 30 years, and now there are these two mysterious explosions there. the pentagon says it's too soon to know exactly what's going on. what's your take? >> well, i agree with the pentagon. it is too early. i think what we've got to be worried about, though, is that this is a false flag operation, conducted by russia to give them an excuse to go from the south around odesa and up into the region, and we sort of have another situation as we did in ukraine two months ago. >> general, if they did that, what's the point, they're not just trying to take over the donbas. then they are expanding their goals and ambition? >> well, we've worried for quite some time, alisyn, about them going into odesa and beyond. if they do take odesa, if they do take that southern coastline, now now have a landlocked ukraine. this is a country that depends on so much of its revenue from agriculture and other products that are transported in and out from those ports in odesa and mariupol for that matter. so that would have a significant economic effect on the country, not only a military effect. >> germany today announced that it would be supporting ukrainian forces with 50 of the gep heart systems. we have video. these are these armored vehicles, tanks here, antiaircraft. before the invasion, germany committed 5,000 helmets. this is the first heavy weaponry they have committed to ukraine. the significance to the fight and for the broader strategy? >> well, i think it's good that we've got germany in the game right now. i'm not an expert on germany, but i think we've got to recognize that they have had a turnover in leadership over the last 120 days. this may simply have been a chance for the new chancellor to get his feet on the ground and to understand the situation and understand the german popular opinion before he made a st decision to support this operation. >> general, i want to ask you about what is happening in the donbas right now. so for a long time, we had heard that the russians weren't making any territorial gains, and then today we're hearing that, in fact, they are in charge. would you mind circling this for me. kherson. >> go ahead. >> and then also crimea, so that they are now in control, territorially, and politically in kherson and crimea. they are making progress. what's the significance? >> well, i think we have worried for quite some time about this second phase of the operation, where they have collapsed their forces into the donbas, brought in a new brutal, but effective general who operated in syria for years and years. those of us that have studied russian tactics of the past, soviet tactics would expect that this is preparatory for a large offensive operation. we don't know how far the russians would want to push the separatists in their own forces but this is something that could well be a second phase, a much tougher phase for the ukrainians. and if that's the case, it's going to get bloodier and there are going to be more civilians suffering as a result. >> secretary austin today denied the claims from the foreign minister from russia, sergey lavrov that this is a proxy war for nato with the flooding in of military aide, what's your take on that proxy war claim? >> well, it certainly is not a proxy war. we are helping a sovereign nation, ukraine, defend itself. a country that, oh, by the way, signed the budapest memorandum in 1994, giving up all of their nuclear weapons for a recognition of that territorial sovereignty. one of the countries that signed that memorandum was russia and russia now is violating the memorandum they signed in 1994. >> brigadier general mark hemut, thank you very much for your expertise. great to talk to you. breaking news out of the white house, vice president kamala harris has tested positive for covid. and new guidance is upending a long time practice, they do not recommend taking daily aspirin for cardiovascular health. we're going to explainin why. you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved at rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build . take the pressure off with rid. before i got aura, twenty-four of my online accounts were hacked! he uses the same password for everything. i didn't want to deal with it. but aura digital security just dealt with it. what were we worried about again? 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[inspirational soul music] [inspirational soul music] [inspirational soul music] [inspirational soul music] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. vice president kamala harris tested positive for covid-19 after returning from a week long trip to california. the white house confirmed her diagnosis today. she's taking both a rapid and pcr test. >> she does not have symptoms and isolating at the vp's resident. with travel schedules, harris and the president have not been in close contact since april 18th. she tweeted she's grateful to be vaccinated and boosted. >> let's bring in professor of medicine and surgery at george washington university. great to see you. she doesn't have any symptoms. if her covid infection follows the natural course, when will she be able to get back to work? >> that's a great question, alisyn. according to the cdc, you can go back to work in five days without testing. but we know that many people are -- will test positive with a rapid antigen test which means that you're contagious for more days than that, seven, eight, nine, up to ten days. what i would suggest is the vice president not return back to work at the white house until she tests negative. and i'm sure that's what my colleagues there will do. one thing to note is that there's no mask mandate on the white house grounds. now, despite really a vigorous surge of covid in d.c. at this time, if you work in the white house or even in the west wing, there's no mask mandate, and this is how virus spreads. >> you also suggested that president biden should skip the white house correspondents dinner on saturday, explain why. >> because d.c. is a hot spot for covid now. and although the president and vice president gladly are well vaccinated and well boosted, and their risk of a serious adverse event should they contract the virus is low, the president is actually in one of the highest risk groups. he's almost 80 years old, and although he should do okay, it's going to knock him down for several days, and again, i think my colleagues at the white house are doing all they can to prevent the president from becoming infected, but an event like the white house correspondents association dinner in the hilton ballroom packed with folks in an environment where just about everyone is coming down with covid, seems rather optional, wouldn't you think, and i think if we're trying to cloak the president with protection, one of the things that you would say is optional, and you would not do is send him into a ballroom of people who might be effective for the virus, despite the fact that we are trying to protect everyone by insisting that everyone is vaccinated, and everyone is tested in close proximity to the event. i think it's an unnecessary risk for the president. >> okay. let's talk about the other big medical news today, and that is people are -- it's no longer recommended that people take a preventative aspirin every day? i mean, something like 29 million people this morning took their prop lactic baby aspirin. >> my grandmother took a baby aspirin every day i can remember, and now this is the guidance is to stop doing that. >> what happened? >> well, first of all, what i would tell everyone who's listening to this is before you stop your aspirin, talk to your doctor or a health care provider because there's sort of two class of folks who take aspirin, there's a -- what the u.s. preventative task force, what was really focusing on are people who don't have known cardiac or vascular disease who are taking aspirin to prevent, that's called primary prevention, and what the data shows is that if you are really not in a high risk group, then there really is little benefit, and in fact, you are at greater risk of developing a side effect from aspirin, which is bleeding. aspirin is a blood thinner and the side effect of a blood thinner is bleeding, than you are to obtain a benefit from actually taking the medicine, and avoiding a heart attack or a stroke. the other group of people who take aspirin for secondary prevention, preventing another event are the people i take care of every day. people who have had heart attacks, people who have had extents put in, coronary artery bypass surgery and for folks like that, aspirin is mandatory or necessary. i don't want people to get the message that, gee, everyone who takes aspirin should stop taking it. for anyone who's taking it, talk to your drrkoctor. and a lot of people who take it take it for a solid reason and they should continue. dr. deborah birx who was the white house coronavirus response coordinator during the trump administration has written a new book. it's called "silent invasion the unfold story of the trump administration covid-19 and preventing the next pandemic before it is too late" long title there, she suggests there were many failures, and says she could have done better. you'll remember when president trump said maybe there should be an injection of disinfection, she said she wanted something to kick. what should she have done there? >> she should have said to the president, no, sir, that's not spg wesomething we can do. there are other things we can do. i'll remind you, dr. birx gave an interview to, i think, the christian broadcasting network where she described the president as having unique analytic abilities, the ability to synthesize huge amounts of information which made him quite adept at managing this pandemic. she wasn't just sort of a passenger on the titanic. she was part of the bridge crew. so for her to suggest that she was a victim and there wasn't anything she could do, she could have spoken up. when the president hired a new coordinator, scott atlas, who advocated to basically let the virus run wild through the country, she remained silent. and to me, silence equals complicity. >> dr. jonathan reiner, thank you so much, sir. >> my pleasure. programming note, dr. deborah birx joins the lead with jake tapper next hour to talk about her book and experience at the white house right here on cnn. >> we'll hear how she responds to some of those opinions. meanwhile, a new report reveals anti-semitic acts in the u.s. are drastically rising. >> according to the antidefamation league, assaults, vandalism, and harassment targeting jewish communities and individuals is up 34% last year compared to 2020. more than 2,700 incidents were documented, most of them being forms of harassment, and there were no deaths linked to anti-semitic violence. the united nations says millions more people could flee ukraine in the coming months. ukraine's former first lady joins us next on the refugee crisis and the future for those left behind. essential mist aroma fragrances. for an exhilarating blend of essential oils. curated with citrus and mint to uplplift the senses and transform yourur mood. air wick essential mist aroma. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? 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>> it's a difficult issue for our country and our government, and also for the world, and i think we expect some support from the world in this area. but it's something that everyone i met when i was in poland, everyone i have talked to wants to go back and rebuild their cities, rebuild their houses, and whether we provide temporary houses until these buildings are rebuild, i'm not quite sure but i know that most people want to come back, very few want to stay where they are. >> you tweeted about this referendum, this sham vote that's happening in kherson. russia forces have occupied that city for some time now. now they have control of council. a fake referendum to vote at gunpoint, there's no choice when you're told to vote a certain way or die. tell us what this vote means for the people left in that city and for this war more broadly? >> you know, for weeks, the people of kherson went out on the streets every day despite the shooting by russian forces, not counting the tanks that were there. the people went out, and in fact, all of the people went out today saying that we do not want to join a so-called russian world. we want to be part of ukraine indeed we want to be part of a european world. so whatever happens two days from now in this sham referendum, people should not respect that. it's what happened in crimea where people were forced at gunpoint to vote a certain way. you know, putin is doing this because he needs to show something to his people that ukrainians want to be a part of russia, but that is not the fact. >> and what does it mean that russian forces now appear to be in control territorially and politically in kherson and the town of crimena, how big of a setback is that for ukraine? >> you know, they have taken minor gains in parts of the south and parts of the east, but they have had huge losses everywhere else. you know, an arrogant, isolated and delusional putin made a huge mistake and is now trying to salvage his reputation. he's throwing all the rest of his forces and equipment to our east and our south, attempting to show some semblance of victory at his may 9th victory parade. but what he's achieved has been far short of what he hoped, what he planned, and what he promised his people. and instead of showing himself as an almighty military power, you know, the world has seen a disorganized army, whose main goals have been torture, rape, and looting. you know, he wasn't able to take our city's militarily, so instead he bombed them. there are constant air-raids in our country. from morning tonight, we hear the sirens, and they fall randomly as we saw in odesa, they fell on an apartment building which killed a 3-month-old child, her mother and her grandmother. i think putin, instead of being a gatherer of lands as he envisioned himself has become nothing more than a baby killer. >> ukraine's former first lady, thank you very much, we really appreciate talking to you. >> thank you. well, the 2022 midterms are creeping up on us, but it's the 2020 election, donald trump's baseless claims of voter fraud. those are driving the primary debates. we'll talk about those ahead. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything isafe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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(all): hail, caesar! pssst caesar! julius! dude, you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. i was thinking like... oh hi, caesar. we were just talking about you. ha ha ha. yeah, you should probably get out of here. not good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ pennsylvania's senate primary is three weeks from today. with outgoing gop senator pat toomey's. >> candidates were asked if it was time to move on for the 2020 election. >> it's time for the gop to move past the 2020 election. >> absolutely not. senator rand paul said the election of 2020 was stolen by mark zuckerberg and his family and his friends. changing the outcome of the election by private money controlling our election. >> we have a tragedy here that most republican voters of pennsylvania don't believe in the integrity of the election, and there's all sorts of reasons to worry about it. >> i have discussed with president trump, and we cannot move on. we have to be serious about what happened in 2020 and we won't able b able to address that until we can really look under the hood. >> let's talk about this with pbs firing line host, margaret hooper. great to have you here. >> great to be here! the verbal gymnastics that the candidates were going through, they're not saying i think the election was stolen. well, you see that republican voters are very worried about it, that's fear mongering, not clarifying that the election had integrity and saying we need to still deal with this. that's fear mongering. >> and there's varying shades of fear mongering that you saw there. you have people who are outright buying the lie, the big lie, and reinforcing the big lie to their constituents saying, you know, what, we can't move on because donald trump is right, he won the election, and all the way to what dave nixomckormick saying people have doubts and if people have doubts we can't move on. and doing something insidious, continuing to provoke and instill in people this sense that they should really doubt that joe biden won the election fair and square, and that the question about how you secure our elections is an entirely separate question, right. the fact that they just pivot. what they should do if they're smart, as good republicans who want to win should say, donald trump lost the election, joe biden won, but joe biden is doing a terrible job, and here's what i would do in the senate to fix those policies. republican strategists note for the honest, right, that would be a much better tact than to simply continue to widdle away at the confidence that the gop has in our election systems and believing a lie. it's a conspiracy theory. >> the five candidates on the stage last night put the match up between dr. oz, who has the endorsement. he said trump, i can't count how many times he squeezed that into sentences. a lot of trump aides support mccormick. >> it's a fascinating match up between this celebrity doctor who was close friends with melania trump, and this self-made honorable veteran. dave mccormick served in the military, his wife served in the highest levels, and he hired steve miller to work for him and his team. that shows how loyalty is such a fickle game in the trump white house and in the trump world that you can have the closest trump confidants and accolades on your staff, you can bend over to donald trump as much as you can possibly live with yourself, and it's still not enough to not gain his endorsement, and loyalty is such a -- >> one-way street. >> it's definitely a one-way street but there's no coherent standard for the application of loyalty in trump world. >> let's talk about marjorie taylor greene, and whether or not she should be disqualified from being in the house of representatives. so, you know, there's this trial going on about that, and one of the things they've brought up was was she aware of the attempt to interfere and turn over, well, just not certify joe biden's win, so here's how she's phrased it in court. >> question, if you were aware that somebody was going to unlawfully interfere with the constitutional process of counting electoral votes, you would be obliged to have them arrested or stopped, right? >> i had no knowledge of any attempt and so that's a question that i can't answer. >> well -- i can't answer that question. >> she says she had no knowledge of anybody trying to interfere except that she was trying to interfere. here is the evidence of that. this is a december 31st text she sent to mark meadows. good morning, i'm here in d.c., we have to get organized for the 6th. i would like to meet with rudy giuliani again. we didn't get to speak with him long, also anyone who can help. we're gaegt lot of members on board and we need to lay out the best case for the state. i'll be over at cpi this afternoon. she was trying to overturn it. >> so, i mean, this is such an interesting question on so many points. first of all, i've done a little bit of research on georgia 14 and happen to know that she has a very strong, very constitutionally observant primary opponent running against her in five weeks, named jennifer strahan. if you don't like marjorie taylor greene, go vote for her primary opponent, and you can solve this problem on your own, and i think democrats who are trying to fund raise for a democrat to win in a trump that's like 86 republican district should just divert their resources. to your point on the substance, alisyn, she's either perjuring herself or it would be news to her primary base that she actually didn't care about joe biden winning the election. hypocrisy is the cardinal sin in politics is except in the trump era, and so the question honestly is is her district paying attention to this kind of coverage. and the truth is, when you look at the folks in georgia 14, they are not always aware of the conspiracy theories, of the hugging white nationalism, of the fact that she believes that school shootings are false flag operations. i mean, this woman is truly a stain on the congress and on our representative democracy, and she does not deserve to be here. the way she gets out is if the good people of georgia 14 vote for a better representative. in their primary in five weeks. >> the information is out there if they want to pay attention. >> and i hope they do. >> great to see you. dramatic never before seen video from the set of the "rust" movie. it shows the chaos that ensued just moments after that fatal shooting. when someoeone asked for my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your motherer knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number with strangers. - if you get a call, text or email - strike! - asking for your medicare or personal information, - delete! - shut it down. - nope! learn more at wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the offic for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employeewe with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ we have new dramatic video that shows the moments following the fatal shooting on the "rust" movie set on body cam footage. you can see paramedics trying to save halyna hutchins after she was shot in the chest. >> also video of alec baldwin drawing a gun and pointing it toward the camera while rehearsing a scene for the film. cnn's nick watt is following developments for us. investigators, i understand, also released video of their initial interview with alec baldwin. >> that's right, victor. they did, and now six months after that fatal shooting, we do have a better idea of what exactly happened that morning, thanks to that interview and thanks to a lot of this video that was shot in the immediate aftermath. as alison mentioned, a lot of it body cam video worn by first responders. we're not going to show you halyna hutchins on the ground fighting for her life, but watch and listen as emts fight to save her life on that set in the church. >> you shot her? >> she came in here, it went across her chest. >> you want air flight? >> yeah, we have one en route. >> one female shot in the chest. male shot in the stomach. how's it going, sir? my understanding is -- were you in the room? >> yeah, i was holding the gun, yeah. >> so alec baldwin was holding the gun. he did not know there was a live round in that gun. apparently, there was. and when he went during the rehearsewhile the gun went off, this projectile apparently went through halyna hutchins and into the director, joel souza. now, baldwin was taken down to the sheriff's post where he was interviewed. he asked, am i being charged with anything? he was told no, this is just an interview. take a listen to a little bit of that interview. >> i put it in the holster, i pull it out slow. rehearsing. not filming anything. i pull it out slow, turn, cock the pistol, bang, and she hits the ground. if that's a bullet that was pulled out of his shoulder, someone loaded a live round into the gun i was holding. >> now, that is the biggest question in this case, and it remains unanswered. how did a live round find its way onto the set and into that weapon? now, about this release of all the evidence this morning, the sheriff in santa fe county drew particular attention to a string of text messages sent by the armorer on the "rust" set to a colleague a couple months before the "rust" production began. in those texts, she was asking about the possibility of firing live ammunition from a prop gun. her colleague replied, it's a serious mistake. always ends in tears. now, her lawyer said that she just wanted to find out how the gun worked and that she did not in fact fire any live rounds from that weapon. the criminal investigation, guys, continues. >> all right, nick watt, thank you very much. >> the lead with jake tapper starts after a short break. new poligrip power hold and seal. clinically proven to give strongest hold, plus seals out 5x mo food particles. fear no food. new poligrip power hold and seal. u're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

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cnn newsroom, i'm alisyn camerota. >> i'm victor blackwell. vladimir putin just met with the u.n. secretary general who said putin agreed in principle to let the red cross and the united nations evacuate civilians from a factory in mariupol. the russians have surrounded the plant where more than a thousand people are reportedly sheltering. putin also made some ridiculous claims, including that ukrainian forces were hiding behind civilians and keeping them from escaping. the ukrainian mayors, governors, president zelenskyy even, they have said many times over the weeks that russia has broken promises to hold their fire, and that prevented evacuations. today, america's top two defense officials say ukraine can win this war, and the fighting may weaken russia to the point that it would not attack other nations. chairman of the joint chiefs, mark milley and lloyd austin met with 35 nations to discuss the future military needs of ukraine. secretary austin said russia's actions in ukraine are quote indefensible. general milley stressed the entire global international security order is at stake. >> we don't have any time to waste. the briefings today laid out clearly why the coming weeks will be so crucial for ukraine. so we've got to move at the speed of war. and i know that all the leaders lead today, more resolve than ever to support ukraine in its fight against russian aggression and atrocities. >> with us now, cnn white house reporter, natasha bertrand. the secretary was asked about this goal of wanting to see a weakened russia. what did he say, and is this a shift in the administration's strategy? >> yes, and the secretary reiterated that the ultimate outcome that the u.s. and its allies want to see from this war is for russia to be weakened so much that it cannot launch this kind of war of aggression ever again. and that is really a subtle, but important shift in the u.s. rhetoric that has happened over the last several weeks, and it really came after the world saw that mass kemassacre of civilia in bucha and ukraine, and started to realize that now is a key opportunity, a very important opportunity for the west to stop russia decisively, to defeat them decisively on the battlefield and weaken them to the point, including with sanctions that they are unable to launch these kinds of military operations in the future, bullying their neighbors is what austin had said earlier today. this is a very important shift that is not only rhetorical but also, you know, in terms of the weaponry that the u.s. has been sending over the last several weeks, heavier equipment, germany, and a major policy shift announced today that it's going to be sending heavy anti-aircraft tanks to ukraine for the first time. i think that mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs underscored this in his comments today when he said that now the moment that the west has to stop russia's aggression. >> there's no answer to this aggression. if russia gets away with this cost free, then so goes the so called international order. and if that happens, then we're heading into an era of seriously increased instability. so right now, it's the time, and right now is the opportunity here to stop aggression, and restore peace and security to the european continent. >> so whereas previously the united states had been throwing its support behind a negotiated peace settled which they would like to see happen happen there, neither side seems willing to come to the table, especially after the massacres of civilians we have seen in ukraine. the russians also feel emboldened in eastern ukraine. this has the possibility of fueling putin's paranoia, the rhetoric from the u.s. and allies, raising the prospect he could lash out and become more unpredictable. the u.s. believes this is a key moment they have to provide this weaponry to ukraine, to sanction russia and essentially stop them for good. >> natasha bertrand, thank you for that reporting. cnn's scott mcclain is with us in lviv. we're hearing about heavy fighting in the east. what's the latest? >> that's right. ukrainian officials say that fighting has really become heavy in the eastern and the southern parts of the country. specifically in the donetsk and luhansk region. they say there has been heavy shelling across the front line. in kharkiv, there has been a build up of russian troops there trying to capture a strategic town which would allow them to move further west toward tra ma t t -- kramatorsk. perhaps the significant military development in the past 24 hours is a russian missile strike on a bridge south of odesa. the bridge is significant because it's the only road or rail link between southwestern ukraine and the rest of the country, and so a military official in odesa said this is an attempt by russia to isolate part of ukraine and raise tensions given what's happening in the area, and specifically what's happening in that area right next door is moldova and this break away, separatist russian speaking state let where russian troops have been stationed since the 1990s. there have been two mysterious, unclaimed attacks in just a 24-hour period against a government building and just earlier this morning against two radio towers there, the ukrainians are now concerned that this is a precursor to a new front in this war, the moldovans, while the president said that -- she said that the attacks were a provocation meant to destabilize. victor, alisyn. >> what more do you know about the claim from the mayor of mariupol that a third mass grave has been discovered? >> reporter: yeah, so previously there had been mass graves, according to local officials, found in villages to the east and to the west of the city. this one is just outside the northern city limits and, they say that it first showed up on satellite images in march, and then it's grown since then. it's now some 200 yards long. these trenches that have been dug, and the most disturbing thing is that the mayor said that local members of the population were enlisted to help dig those trenches in exchange for the very basics, food and water. again, cnn can't confirm the existence of mass graves but of course that is a pretty dire development if, in fact, that is the case. now, the situation obviously in mariupol is desperate. the u.n. secretary general making it a priority to talk about that, to try to organize some kind of humanitarian corridor out of that area. but part of what's really been hampering things is the ukrainians saying that russians continue to push people toward russian territory. just last week, more than 300 people from mariupol showed up in siberia. headlines like that bring up painful memories of an area -- an area in soviet history from more than 70 years ago when millions of people were forcibly relocated from their homes to remote parts of the soeviet union. i had a chance to speak with a survivor of the forced relocations, who said he sees plenty of parallels with his own story and what's happening in ukraine today. >> i was sure that nothing like this could ever happen again. what has happened in ukraine has brought these painful memories back very vividly. it's unbelievable that time hasn't changed anything at all. evil has become even worse, with my whole soul i feel for ukrainians who are taken violently against their will from their homes to the unknown. >> reporter: so again, these stories about people being pushed into russian territory is part of what scuffed any chance, she would not agree to one because she said the russians could not be trusted to keep their words. she was calling on the united nations to get involved, help mediate and help on the ground to establish those corridors. it seems, based on today the calls have been heeded. it's a matter of whether the russians and ukrainians can actually sit down and agree to something that will actually work. victor, alisyn. >> scott mcclain in lviv. scott, thank you. joining us now retired army brigadier general, served as secretary for political military affairs during the bush administration. welcome back. i want to start here with this sliver of moldova here that scott mcclain mentioned, about a half million people there. there have been russian troops there for about 30 years, and now there are these two mysterious explosions there. the pentagon says it's too soon to know exactly what's going on. what's your take? >> well, i agree with the pentagon. it is too early. i think what we've got to be worried about, though, is that this is a false flag operation, conducted by russia to give them an excuse to go from the south around odesa and up into the region, and we sort of have another situation as we did in ukraine two months ago. >> general, if they did that, what's the point, they're not just trying to take over the donbas. then they are expanding their goals and ambition? >> well, we've worried for quite some time, alisyn, about them going into odesa and beyond. if they do take odesa, if they do take that southern coastline, now now have a landlocked ukraine. this is a country that depends on so much of its revenue from agriculture and other products that are transported in and out from those ports in odesa and mariupol for that matter. so that would have a significant economic effect on the country, not only a military effect. >> germany today announced that it would be supporting ukrainian forces with 50 of the gep heart systems. we have video. these are these armored vehicles, tanks here, antiaircraft. before the invasion, germany committed 5,000 helmets. this is the first heavy weaponry they have committed to ukraine. the significance to the fight and for the broader strategy? >> well, i think it's good that we've got germany in the game right now. i'm not an expert on germany, but i think we've got to recognize that they have had a turnover in leadership over the last 120 days. this may simply have been a chance for the new chancellor to get his feet on the ground and to understand the situation and understand the german popular opinion before he made a st decision to support this operation. >> general, i want to ask you about what is happening in the donbas right now. so for a long time, we had heard that the russians weren't making any territorial gains, and then today we're hearing that, in fact, they are in charge. would you mind circling this for me. kherson. >> go ahead. >> and then also crimea, so that they are now in control, territorially, and politically in kherson and crimea. they are making progress. what's the significance? >> well, i think we have worried for quite some time about this second phase of the operation, where they have collapsed their forces into the donbas, brought in a new brutal, but effective general who operated in syria for years and years. those of us that have studied russian tactics of the past, soviet tactics would expect that this is preparatory for a large offensive operation. we don't know how far the russians would want to push the separatists in their own forces but this is something that could well be a second phase, a much tougher phase for the ukrainians. and if that's the case, it's going to get bloodier and there are going to be more civilians suffering as a result. >> secretary austin today denied the claims from the foreign minister from russia, sergey lavrov that this is a proxy war for nato with the flooding in of military aide, what's your take on that proxy war claim? >> well, it certainly is not a proxy war. we are helping a sovereign nation, ukraine, defend itself. a country that, oh, by the way, signed the budapest memorandum in 1994, giving up all of their nuclear weapons for a recognition of that territorial sovereignty. one of the countries that signed that memorandum was russia and russia now is violating the memorandum they signed in 1994. >> brigadier general mark hemut, thank you very much for your expertise. great to talk to you. breaking news out of the white house, vice president kamala harris has tested positive for covid. and new guidance is upending a long time practice, they do not recommend taking daily aspirin for cardiovascular health. we're going to explainin why. you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved at rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build . take the pressure off with rid. before i got aura, twenty-four of my online accounts were hacked! he uses the same password for everything. i didn't want to deal with it. but aura digital security just dealt with it. what were we worried about again? 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>> that's a great question, alisyn. according to the cdc, you can go back to work in five days without testing. but we know that many people are -- will test positive with a rapid antigen test which means that you're contagious for more days than that, seven, eight, nine, up to ten days. what i would suggest is the vice president not return back to work at the white house until she tests negative. and i'm sure that's what my colleagues there will do. one thing to note is that there's no mask mandate on the white house grounds. now, despite really a vigorous surge of covid in d.c. at this time, if you work in the white house or even in the west wing, there's no mask mandate, and this is how virus spreads. >> you also suggested that president biden should skip the white house correspondents dinner on saturday, explain why. >> because d.c. is a hot spot for covid now. and although the president and vice president gladly are well vaccinated and well boosted, and their risk of a serious adverse event should they contract the virus is low, the president is actually in one of the highest risk groups. he's almost 80 years old, and although he should do okay, it's going to knock him down for several days, and again, i think my colleagues at the white house are doing all they can to prevent the president from becoming infected, but an event like the white house correspondents association dinner in the hilton ballroom packed with folks in an environment where just about everyone is coming down with covid, seems rather optional, wouldn't you think, and i think if we're trying to cloak the president with protection, one of the things that you would say is optional, and you would not do is send him into a ballroom of people who might be effective for the virus, despite the fact that we are trying to protect everyone by insisting that everyone is vaccinated, and everyone is tested in close proximity to the event. i think it's an unnecessary risk for the president. >> okay. let's talk about the other big medical news today, and that is people are -- it's no longer recommended that people take a preventative aspirin every day? i mean, something like 29 million people this morning took their prop lactic baby aspirin. >> my grandmother took a baby aspirin every day i can remember, and now this is the guidance is to stop doing that. >> what happened? >> well, first of all, what i would tell everyone who's listening to this is before you stop your aspirin, talk to your doctor or a health care provider because there's sort of two class of folks who take aspirin, there's a -- what the u.s. preventative task force, what was really focusing on are people who don't have known cardiac or vascular disease who are taking aspirin to prevent, that's called primary prevention, and what the data shows is that if you are really not in a high risk group, then there really is little benefit, and in fact, you are at greater risk of developing a side effect from aspirin, which is bleeding. aspirin is a blood thinner and the side effect of a blood thinner is bleeding, than you are to obtain a benefit from actually taking the medicine, and avoiding a heart attack or a stroke. the other group of people who take aspirin for secondary prevention, preventing another event are the people i take care of every day. people who have had heart attacks, people who have had extents put in, coronary artery bypass surgery and for folks like that, aspirin is mandatory or necessary. i don't want people to get the message that, gee, everyone who takes aspirin should stop taking it. for anyone who's taking it, talk to your drrkoctor. and a lot of people who take it take it for a solid reason and they should continue. dr. deborah birx who was the white house coronavirus response coordinator during the trump administration has written a new book. it's called "silent invasion the unfold story of the trump administration covid-19 and preventing the next pandemic before it is too late" long title there, she suggests there were many failures, and says she could have done better. you'll remember when president trump said maybe there should be an injection of disinfection, she said she wanted something to kick. what should she have done there? >> she should have said to the president, no, sir, that's not spg wesomething we can do. there are other things we can do. i'll remind you, dr. birx gave an interview to, i think, the christian broadcasting network where she described the president as having unique analytic abilities, the ability to synthesize huge amounts of information which made him quite adept at managing this pandemic. she wasn't just sort of a passenger on the titanic. she was part of the bridge crew. so for her to suggest that she was a victim and there wasn't anything she could do, she could have spoken up. when the president hired a new coordinator, scott atlas, who advocated to basically let the virus run wild through the country, she remained silent. and to me, silence equals complicity. >> dr. jonathan reiner, thank you so much, sir. >> my pleasure. programming note, dr. deborah birx joins the lead with jake tapper next hour to talk about her book and experience at the white house right here on cnn. >> we'll hear how she responds to some of those opinions. meanwhile, a new report reveals anti-semitic acts in the u.s. are drastically rising. >> according to the antidefamation league, assaults, vandalism, and harassment targeting jewish communities and individuals is up 34% last year compared to 2020. more than 2,700 incidents were documented, most of them being forms of harassment, and there were no deaths linked to anti-semitic violence. the united nations says millions more people could flee ukraine in the coming months. ukraine's former first lady joins us next on the refugee crisis and the future for those left behind. essential mist aroma fragrances. for an exhilarating blend of essential oils. curated with citrus and mint to uplplift the senses and transform yourur mood. air wick essential mist aroma. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? 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>> it's a difficult issue for our country and our government, and also for the world, and i think we expect some support from the world in this area. but it's something that everyone i met when i was in poland, everyone i have talked to wants to go back and rebuild their cities, rebuild their houses, and whether we provide temporary houses until these buildings are rebuild, i'm not quite sure but i know that most people want to come back, very few want to stay where they are. >> you tweeted about this referendum, this sham vote that's happening in kherson. russia forces have occupied that city for some time now. now they have control of council. a fake referendum to vote at gunpoint, there's no choice when you're told to vote a certain way or die. tell us what this vote means for the people left in that city and for this war more broadly? >> you know, for weeks, the people of kherson went out on the streets every day despite the shooting by russian forces, not counting the tanks that were there. the people went out, and in fact, all of the people went out today saying that we do not want to join a so-called russian world. we want to be part of ukraine indeed we want to be part of a european world. so whatever happens two days from now in this sham referendum, people should not respect that. it's what happened in crimea where people were forced at gunpoint to vote a certain way. you know, putin is doing this because he needs to show something to his people that ukrainians want to be a part of russia, but that is not the fact. >> and what does it mean that russian forces now appear to be in control territorially and politically in kherson and the town of crimena, how big of a setback is that for ukraine? >> you know, they have taken minor gains in parts of the south and parts of the east, but they have had huge losses everywhere else. you know, an arrogant, isolated and delusional putin made a huge mistake and is now trying to salvage his reputation. he's throwing all the rest of his forces and equipment to our east and our south, attempting to show some semblance of victory at his may 9th victory parade. but what he's achieved has been far short of what he hoped, what he planned, and what he promised his people. and instead of showing himself as an almighty military power, you know, the world has seen a disorganized army, whose main goals have been torture, rape, and looting. you know, he wasn't able to take our city's militarily, so instead he bombed them. there are constant air-raids in our country. from morning tonight, we hear the sirens, and they fall randomly as we saw in odesa, they fell on an apartment building which killed a 3-month-old child, her mother and her grandmother. i think putin, instead of being a gatherer of lands as he envisioned himself has become nothing more than a baby killer. >> ukraine's former first lady, thank you very much, we really appreciate talking to you. >> thank you. well, the 2022 midterms are creeping up on us, but it's the 2020 election, donald trump's baseless claims of voter fraud. those are driving the primary debates. we'll talk about those ahead. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything isafe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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(all): hail, caesar! pssst caesar! julius! dude, you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. i was thinking like... oh hi, caesar. we were just talking about you. ha ha ha. yeah, you should probably get out of here. not good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ pennsylvania's senate primary is three weeks from today. with outgoing gop senator pat toomey's. >> candidates were asked if it was time to move on for the 2020 election. >> it's time for the gop to move past the 2020 election. >> absolutely not. senator rand paul said the election of 2020 was stolen by mark zuckerberg and his family and his friends. changing the outcome of the election by private money controlling our election. >> we have a tragedy here that most republican voters of pennsylvania don't believe in the integrity of the election, and there's all sorts of reasons to worry about it. >> i have discussed with president trump, and we cannot move on. we have to be serious about what happened in 2020 and we won't able b able to address that until we can really look under the hood. >> let's talk about this with pbs firing line host, margaret hooper. great to have you here. >> great to be here! the verbal gymnastics that the candidates were going through, they're not saying i think the election was stolen. well, you see that republican voters are very worried about it, that's fear mongering, not clarifying that the election had integrity and saying we need to still deal with this. that's fear mongering. >> and there's varying shades of fear mongering that you saw there. you have people who are outright buying the lie, the big lie, and reinforcing the big lie to their constituents saying, you know, what, we can't move on because donald trump is right, he won the election, and all the way to what dave nixomckormick saying people have doubts and if people have doubts we can't move on. and doing something insidious, continuing to provoke and instill in people this sense that they should really doubt that joe biden won the election fair and square, and that the question about how you secure our elections is an entirely separate question, right. the fact that they just pivot. what they should do if they're smart, as good republicans who want to win should say, donald trump lost the election, joe biden won, but joe biden is doing a terrible job, and here's what i would do in the senate to fix those policies. republican strategists note for the honest, right, that would be a much better tact than to simply continue to widdle away at the confidence that the gop has in our election systems and believing a lie. it's a conspiracy theory. >> the five candidates on the stage last night put the match up between dr. oz, who has the endorsement. he said trump, i can't count how many times he squeezed that into sentences. a lot of trump aides support mccormick. >> it's a fascinating match up between this celebrity doctor who was close friends with melania trump, and this self-made honorable veteran. dave mccormick served in the military, his wife served in the highest levels, and he hired steve miller to work for him and his team. that shows how loyalty is such a fickle game in the trump white house and in the trump world that you can have the closest trump confidants and accolades on your staff, you can bend over to donald trump as much as you can possibly live with yourself, and it's still not enough to not gain his endorsement, and loyalty is such a -- >> one-way street. >> it's definitely a one-way street but there's no coherent standard for the application of loyalty in trump world. >> let's talk about marjorie taylor greene, and whether or not she should be disqualified from being in the house of representatives. so, you know, there's this trial going on about that, and one of the things they've brought up was was she aware of the attempt to interfere and turn over, well, just not certify joe biden's win, so here's how she's phrased it in court. >> question, if you were aware that somebody was going to unlawfully interfere with the constitutional process of counting electoral votes, you would be obliged to have them arrested or stopped, right? >> i had no knowledge of any attempt and so that's a question that i can't answer. >> well -- i can't answer that question. >> she says she had no knowledge of anybody trying to interfere except that she was trying to interfere. here is the evidence of that. this is a december 31st text she sent to mark meadows. good morning, i'm here in d.c., we have to get organized for the 6th. i would like to meet with rudy giuliani again. we didn't get to speak with him long, also anyone who can help. we're gaegt lot of members on board and we need to lay out the best case for the state. i'll be over at cpi this afternoon. she was trying to overturn it. >> so, i mean, this is such an interesting question on so many points. first of all, i've done a little bit of research on georgia 14 and happen to know that she has a very strong, very constitutionally observant primary opponent running against her in five weeks, named jennifer strahan. if you don't like marjorie taylor greene, go vote for her primary opponent, and you can solve this problem on your own, and i think democrats who are trying to fund raise for a democrat to win in a trump that's like 86 republican district should just divert their resources. to your point on the substance, alisyn, she's either perjuring herself or it would be news to her primary base that she actually didn't care about joe biden winning the election. hypocrisy is the cardinal sin in politics is except in the trump era, and so the question honestly is is her district paying attention to this kind of coverage. and the truth is, when you look at the folks in georgia 14, they are not always aware of the conspiracy theories, of the hugging white nationalism, of the fact that she believes that school shootings are false flag operations. i mean, this woman is truly a stain on the congress and on our representative democracy, and she does not deserve to be here. the way she gets out is if the good people of georgia 14 vote for a better representative. in their primary in five weeks. >> the information is out there if they want to pay attention. >> and i hope they do. >> great to see you. dramatic never before seen video from the set of the "rust" movie. it shows the chaos that ensued just moments after that fatal shooting. when someoeone asked for my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your motherer knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number with strangers. - if you get a call, text or email - strike! - asking for your medicare or personal information, - delete! - shut it down. - nope! learn more at wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the offic for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employeewe with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ we have new dramatic video that shows the moments following the fatal shooting on the "rust" movie set on body cam footage. you can see paramedics trying to save halyna hutchins after she was shot in the chest. >> also video of alec baldwin drawing a gun and pointing it toward the camera while rehearsing a scene for the film. cnn's nick watt is following developments for us. investigators, i understand, also released video of their initial interview with alec baldwin. >> that's right, victor. they did, and now six months after that fatal shooting, we do have a better idea of what exactly happened that morning, thanks to that interview and thanks to a lot of this video that was shot in the immediate aftermath. as alison mentioned, a lot of it body cam video worn by first responders. we're not going to show you halyna hutchins on the ground fighting for her life, but watch and listen as emts fight to save her life on that set in the church. >> you shot her? >> she came in here, it went across her chest. >> you want air flight? >> yeah, we have one en route. >> one female shot in the chest. male shot in the stomach. how's it going, sir? my understanding is -- were you in the room? >> yeah, i was holding the gun, yeah. >> so alec baldwin was holding the gun. he did not know there was a live round in that gun. apparently, there was. and when he went during the rehearsewhile the gun went off, this projectile apparently went through halyna hutchins and into the director, joel souza. now, baldwin was taken down to the sheriff's post where he was interviewed. he asked, am i being charged with anything? he was told no, this is just an interview. take a listen to a little bit of that interview. >> i put it in the holster, i pull it out slow. rehearsing. not filming anything. i pull it out slow, turn, cock the pistol, bang, and she hits the ground. if that's a bullet that was pulled out of his shoulder, someone loaded a live round into the gun i was holding. >> now, that is the biggest question in this case, and it remains unanswered. how did a live round find its way onto the set and into that weapon? now, about this release of all the evidence this morning, the sheriff in santa fe county drew particular attention to a string of text messages sent by the armorer on the "rust" set to a colleague a couple months before the "rust" production began. in those texts, she was asking about the possibility of firing live ammunition from a prop gun. her colleague replied, it's a serious mistake. always ends in tears. now, her lawyer said that she just wanted to find out how the gun worked and that she did not in fact fire any live rounds from that weapon. the criminal investigation, guys, continues. >> all right, nick watt, thank you very much. >> the lead with jake tapper starts after a short break. new poligrip power hold and seal. clinically proven to give strongest hold, plus seals out 5x mo food particles. fear no food. new poligrip power hold and seal. u're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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