Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

city council, armed men entered the building and took the keysed a replaced our guards with their own. and right now defense secretary lloyd austin is at the ham stein air base meeting with nato allies and the u.n. secretary-general is in moscow where he will meet with russian president vladimir putin. our coverage this morning begins on the ground if ukraine with isa soares live in lviv. what do we know about ukrainian forces pushing back against the russian offensive now? >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. let me give you a sense of what we have seen in the overnight hours, that russian offensive pushing further east as well as south. we've seen intense and nonstop shelling really from the russian side overnight. in all directions. this coming from an adviser to president zelenskyy, he said what russian forces are trying to do, and i'm quoting him here, raising everything to the ground. we also know from ukrainian officials that about 25 russian soldiers are trying to take the city of kramatorsk and the east of the country. and if we go further south, we take you to kherson, you mentioned that briefly, we know that the city council has fallen to russian hands. the russia forces are taking control several weeks ago of the actual of kherson, but now taken the city council. they walked in, took the keys, swapped the guards and they are now fully in control. and we know in kherson, that russia is trying to create an independence referendum. and obviously what we hhave head from president zelenskyy who called it a sham, ukrainians trying to push back, trying to repel the russian forces and turning their backs on this idea of kherson's independent republic. have a listen to what president zelenskyy had to say about this. >> reporter: dreslessons of his are well-known. if you are going to destroy the neighbors, you lose. if you want to restore the old empire, you lose. and if you go against the ukrainians, you lose. prrt pretty strong words there from president zelenskyy. but i want to show you this new video coming to us from the east of the country. it is a drone footage that has been authenticated by cnn. small but dense village and it has been completely shattered, destroyed. it looks almost like a hurricane has gone through. but, no, this is manmade, this is not god's will, this is manmade. and russia is blaming ukraine for it, ukraine saying that this was russia yet again december city mating their cities. >> thank you for your reporting cities. >> thank you for your reporting. right now defense secretary lloyd austin is this germany. and oren liebermann is traveling with the secretary and he joins us live from the ramstein air base. we've heard very strong comments from general austin already on this trip. what is his primary message to today? >> reporter: this is all about bringing together countries, not only nato, but some 40 other countries to provide ukraine with the weapons that it needs, to get a better sense of what is needed, who has it and how to get it in ukraine as quickly as possible. this is on top of the stronger rhetoric we've heard not only from lloyd austin but others in the u.s. administration, a more optimistic perhaps even more definitive message that not only is ukraine doing well in this fight, but ukraine can win if they are given the right weapons and given those weapons quickly. here is austin from the opening statements earlier today. >> my trip to kyiv reinforced high admiration for the way that the ukrainian armed forces are deploying these capabilities. ukraine clearly believes that it can win. and so does everyone here. >> reporter: much stronger rhetoric we're hearing not only from austin but from the american administration. and that comes on top of the shift we've seen over the course the last few weeks where not only the u.s. and the uk but others have been more willing to send in bigger more powerful weapons such as the howitzers, artillery critical for ukraine for the fight in the donbas region. so that is part of what this conference focuses on. it will be broken down into three parts. one, a battlefield situation update, ukrainian defense minister is here and he will provide that. and then one session in the short and immemedium term, and in the long term. right now they use weapons that the west doesn't really have, so how do you transition them and train them on western and u.s. weaponry. >> oren liebermann, thank you so much. and let's bring in retired u.s. army brigadier general kevin ryan. sir, nice to have you this morning. the secretary of defense lloyd austin says that the u.s. wants to weaken russia's military ability so that they can't launch an attack like this again, or at least be deterred from doing so. that may sound from an outside perspective like an obvious statement, but it is actually a meaningful shift. explain how. >> yeah, you know, secretary austin's comments may be the very first expression of a concrete u.s. objective in this conflict. russia has weakened itself through its failure to defeat the ukrainian military and to take over the whole country. what exactly the united states will do to further weaken russia is left to the imagination right now. but it is an important revelation, if you will, of what the people in washington are thinking about right now that we could actually end up with a weaker russia than before the war. >> and so at the same time though, you have russia's foreign minister saying in an interview that the danger of nuclear war is serious and cannot be underestimated. he also said that russia is trying to lower the risk and blamed cure fears on the west's refusal to trust russia. what is the u.s. supposed to do with that? >> you know, the threats to use nuclear weapons are mainly directed toward the west and united states and not ukraine. so that is the most important thing to remember about threats to use weapons of mass destruction. they are speaking to us at this time. he doesn't need to use nuclear weapons to get what he wants out of ukraine. but he does need to use nuclear weapons in order to try to coerce nato and the west from -- into not putting troops in eastern europe or into changing our policies toward russia. the question remains whether that will be enough to keep us from doing those things. i don't think it will. >> sir, let's talk about how this might all end. i know you say the fight in eastern ukraine is likely the last big fight of this conflict and that putin will want a ceasefire but likely not conclude a treaty with ukraine. so essentially we sort of go on in this frozen conflict? >> yeah, it is a little bit like maybe the end of korea, the end of some other conflicts that russia has had, in georgia and ukraine back in 2015. by allowing a ceasefire, he gives himself the opportunity to repair his own military and to consolidate his gains. some of your reporters have mentioned the establishment of new political leaderships in these captured towns and regions. and that is what we'll be seeing a lot more of going forward. the end of the fighting doesn't mean the end of violence though. and he can continue to ramp up missile strikes, et cetera, both in western ukraine and along the line of contact if he is not getting what he wants out of ukraine and the west. >> an important distinction there. general, thank you so much for coming on, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you. and coming up for you, the head of the ub a.n. about to me with vladimir putin. but first, a rescue team taking shelter from a barrage of russian shells. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? 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(moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? welcome back. people in and around kharkiv face the constant threat of russian shelling. clarissa ward rode with the brave first responders risking their lives to save others. >> reporter: it is the beginning of a 24 hour shift for these paramedics. they prepare their ambulance for the carnage that kharkiv residents confront every day. with have two tourniquets, alexandra says. her mom stops by to give her daughter a hug. and this is one of the most dangerous jobs. every moment together is precious. a loud stream of booms signals the day's work is beginning. that is incoming now, this ambulance worker tells us. alexandra and vladimir answer the call. she says the code used when someone has been wounded by shelling. their flak jackets on, they are ready to roll out. they got reports one person at least has been injured in the shelling and they are hearing rockets as well. so we'll see what is going on. the shells hit a residential apartment building. russian forces are increasingly hitting the same target twice so they have to act fast. it is a horrifying strategy to take out rescue workers as they respond. we see for ourselves. get in, vladimir shouts, faster, faster, faster. we take cover under the stairwell. alexandra is trying to find the wounded person, but there is no signal. at that moment, another barrage goes off. we brace for the impact. is everybody okay alexandra asks? our team member maria has cut her hands on broken glass. vladimir treats her injuries as alexandra calls dispatch again to find where the wounded are. we've got no connection, we're sitting in the entrance, she says, and they are shelling the shit out of us. the connection keeps dropping. finally she gets through to the person who called for the ambulance. tell me your damn house number, she says. i repeat, 12-g. i've told you a thousand times, he replies. the man is dying. we decide to try to make a run for it . so we were just in an apartment building. they were looking for an injured man. a bunch of rounds came in and hit the next door building, so now we're getting out as fast as we can. while we run out, vladimir and alexander run back in. we find them treating the injured man on the side of the road. the back window has been blown out by the blasts. he has shrapnel injuries and head trauma. once they have stabilized him, they rush him to the hospital. vladimir asks about his pain. the man has been deafened by the blast. arriving at the hospital, they have done their part. it is up to others now to save him. >> i have to say, i think that you are the bravest people i've ever met. >> reporter: back at base, we ask them why they continue to do this work. with all the danger it entails. it is normal, this is our work, of course it is scary like for everyone alexandra says. today you were with us in the hottest place, in the oven, but we're still alive, thank god. you feel it is your duty, your obligation, vladimir tells us, to help the people who are still here. and what do your parents say, what does your family say, aren't they wanting you to stop this work? no, it is very difficult. >> reporter: they must be scared. proud but scared. >> calls all day, all night. >> reporter: we saw your mother. >> yes. >> reporter: she's worried to the point of hysteria, alexandra tells us. she says you need to leave, you need to go to some safe place, why are you doing this. i have only one child, stop it. and what do you say? i have to do it, she says simply. and with that, they go back to cleaning their ambulance. their shift only halfway through. clarissa ward, cnn, kharkiv. >> thanks for that spectacular reporting. coming up, a new ruling that could disrupt president biden's plan for the southern border. but first, revealing new text messages, what trump's inner circle was talking about around january 6. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imine a comfortable night's sleep without frequenteartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? this is... ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> this really is the big picture. these are the 2,000 text messages that meadows has voluntarily handed over to the house celebrity committee. and these come from the inner circle. and why that is important, it is clear that as these people around trump, close to trump, prominent lawmakers were texting h mark meadows, they were trying to get to the president or at least they viewed meadows as a conduit to trump. so we were getting to see what people were hoping that trump would hear before the election -- sorry, after the election and then in the heat of what you can call the fog of war on january 6. so who is sending these? we have them from a lot of different people in political spheres including more than 40 current and former members of congress who were texting meadows. there are group chats, individual chats, people sending theories about the election fraud conspiracy to meadows. and then on january 6, i want to walk through a couple of these that we'd like to highlight that we think are very important because they come from such important people in the moment of what they were actually thinking. so we have representative marjorie taylor greene, she is a staunch supporter of donald trump, she send as text mark, i was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the capitol. please tell the president to calm people, this isn't the way to solve anything. now, greene the next day on january 7 was changing her tune. yesterday was a terrible day, we tried everything we could in our objection to the six states. i'm sorry nothing worked. i don't think that president biden caused the attack on the capitol. it is not his fault. she was texting him. and then there are also people aside from members of congress who were trying to get a message to trump on january 6, those include two former white house chiefs of staff before so people in the same position of meadows holding that job at the time, mick mulvaney texting mark, he needs to stop this now, can i do anything to help. and lrins pre-me and lrins pince priebus saying them to go home. and mark meadows is not always texting back that quickly, but there is one to timmens texting the president needs to stop this asap. and the text back is we are doing it. and so all of these text messages taken together are showing what these people are seeing, what meadows was receiving, but i should note this is not everything that the committee wants. they are still seeking more text messages. and they are not all being turned over at this time. >> all right. we'll see what comes next. thank you. we expect to see vladimir putin very soon. what he is doing now, coming up. and will elon musk put his money where his mouth is once he owns twitter? 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(moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? the u.n. secretary-general is about to meet with vladimir putin in moscow. he will see volodymyr zelenskyy in kyiv on thursday. and let's bring in atlantic council fellow and author of the book "from odesa with love." and he is joining me live from odesa. so nice to have you. talk to me about your thoughts on this meeting. is there any point here, any hope in getting through to putin? >> thank you for having me back. look, i'm very happy for any kind of negotiation to take place. the sooner the russian army withdrawals and stops killing my acquaintances and friends and koel le colleagues the better just on a human level. in terms of the technical stuff, there are people in kyiv who thought that, first of all, you shouldn't have those kinds of one-on-ones with putin after this, certainly not on his territory. and if you are going to do it, at least go see the president of ukraine first before you go to moscow. so there are people here in ukraine who are concerned about the sequencing of the way things are going. and they are thinking that you shouldn't be giving those kinds of concessions to putin based on everything. so while i would like to see the end of this very quickly, i personally don't see an armistice until something else happens in the donbas. >> fair enough. the last time you joined us, it was here in new york onset and now you are back in your beloved odesa. what is life like on the ground? talk to me about what you are seeing. >> i arrived here with a friend on the 15th. i've been here in high hometown reporting here and around the region for the last ten days. i'm going out to dnipro tomorrow. but on the 15th when we arrived, it became obvious that with the sinking of the black sea fleet flagship, that the danger to odesa from an amphibious naval landing had become grdrasticall less of an issue. it was obvious that the fleet had to pull away 80, 100 miles away from the coast because their ships were in danger. so around about a week ago, local authorities started to deconstruct the fortifications, the barbed wire, the sandbags, the anti-tank equipment that they had all over streets. it became obvious that the sandbags and barbed wire were more useful in the east in kherson and mykolaiv. so they started out moving out all the sandbags and barbed wire out east. and a couple days afterwards, it became obvious when they hit odesa with missiles and killed that beautiful family, three generations and including five others and wounded 18, that odesa was now the local of the war. and the air sirens went right as i came on your show. so there is this weird confluence of the beautiful weather here and the fact that this is one of the prettiest cities in the world probably and the if a kd that there is dread all over the city because there are airstrikes and air say rens. >> that juxtaposition has to be disconcerting. please come back, update us on what is happening. we appreciate your perspective. up next for you, a judge's ruling throwing a wrench in the biden administration border plan. he's feeling it. yep, them too. it's an invigorating rush... .....zapping millions of germs in seconds. for that one-of-f-a-kind whoa... ...which leaves you u feeling... ahahhhhhhh listerine. f feel the whoa! if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ president biden's plan to lift covid border lee strikess hitting a snag. a judge is temporarily blocking the administration from ending the immigration policy known as title xlii early. the white house had planned to lift the order on may 23rd, meaning that migrants who had been turned away at the u.s. mexico border would be able to stay in the u.s. the decision from the white house has drawn some pretty strong pushback from republicans and democrats concerned about a supposed influx of migrants on the border. jasmine wright is live in washington with more. the judge is just saying that you won't do it before the may 23rd date. so what happens now? >> reporter: the ruling came as it seemed that the white house was really doubling down and readying to go on defensive really trying to support their lifting of title xlii. we know that sources told cnn that they were readying details after they had invited lawmakers to a briefing that was supposed to happen today at 4:00 p.m. where they would discuss the lifting of title xlii. media reports from other networks said that they had been readying talking points to give to lawmakers when confronting a potential surge at the border if title xlii had been lifted. and of course we know that just yesterday the president met with congressional hispanic caucus at the white house and there they say that he discussed the lifting of title xlii and a source told cnn later on that the administration gave no indication that they were backing off of lifting title xlii despite the pushback that they have seen from both parties, both democrats and republicans. so the question right now is what happens going forward. that is a little bit unclear. does the administration kind of pull back, look at this ruling and tell immigrant advocates and others hey, we tried, we wanted to lift title cdxlii, but it is not happening, or do they go forward with their plans. we don't have an indication of which way that they will go. and as it seemed just yesterday that the administration was not backing off. >> jasmine, thank you. and also this morning, new alarm bells in florida, governor ron desantis signed a bill monday creating a police force specifically to investigate claims of voter fraud, which have been virtually nonexistent. still election police have been a top priority for some republicans in the wake of donald trump's false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. the big lie. and steve is in florida for us. what does it mean for florida voters on the ground, how is it supposed to work? >> reporter: that really depends on who you ask. governor desantis would say that if you are a law abiding citizen, that if you vote legally, that it should not affect you at all, in fact it should give you confidence that your vote and the election is more secure than ever. democrats and voting rights advocates think differently obviously. they say that there are concerns that this will be an expansion of police into an area where there is not a problem and they will be searching for problems that don't exist, that it could have a chilling effect on voting in florida especially for those who live on the margins. for example, you know, florida still has a lot of confusion around its voting rights -- excuse me, a 2018 constitutional amendment that restored the voting rights of a lot of former felons who completed their sentences. but there is a lot of confusion and it is impossible for some people to figure out if they have met the terms of their sentences, if they have paid all their fines and fees and court restitution. and the concern if those individuals attempt to register to vote and their local election supervisor tells them that they weren't supposed to vote that this new police force will be emboldened to start going after these people. and there is also a concern about other provisions in the law that increase fines and fees for violations that make certain violations a felony. and just the idea that governor would have a police force specifically to look at -- go after voting, there is a lot of concern that this could be used for political purposes, that there could be use for retribution against political opponents. and just an unprecedented expansion for power for a governor for an election in florida that was relatively smooth in 2020. >> expect to see a lot of court challenges coming out of this. steve, thank you. and the brooklyn nets are out of the playoffs after getting swept by the celtics. andy scholes has more in the "bleacher report." >> yeah, this is going to go down ass one of the most disappointing seasons in the nba history. the nets were the favorite before the season and they didn't even win a playoff game. he it was close in the final minutes. kevin durant cut the lead to one and then under 30 seconds to go, durant at the free-throw line, he misses the second, and the celtics go up the floor and marcus smart goes in for the layup, misses, but al horford there to put it back in. that put the game away. boston wins 116-112. and here was kyrie after the game reflecting on what was a very rough season. >> i felt like i was letting the team down at a point where i wasn't able to play, you know, we were trying to exercise every option for me to play, but i never wanted it to be just about me and it became a distraction at times. but now we just look for the future as a team and what we can accomplish the next few years and i get excited about that. >> 76ers meanwhile trying to close out the raptors at home, joel embiid playing with an injured thumb and he didn't get much help from james harden and the rest of his teammates. toronto holding the 6ers to 38% shooting. raptors ended winning 105-88. doc rivers has now lost seven of his last eight opportunities. and the mavs unlike the 6ers were red hot against the jazz. luka doncic pouring in 33 points, 19 in the third quarter. as many as utah had in the quarter as a team. the jazz were just 3 for 30 from the three point line, the worst three point percentage in postseason history. the mavs win 102-77 to take a 3-2 series lead. and mitchell left late in the game with an injured hamstring. the playoffs continue tonight. heat can close out the hawks with a game five win. and then game five between the t'wolves and grizzlies and then the suns and pelicans. boston bruins player of the year. >> so grizzlies superstar ja more rant receiving the most improved player award, kind of an odd choice considering that ja was rookie of the year just two years ago. maybe he thought so too because ja decided to give the award to his teammate, surprises him leaving it on his kitchen counter. bain seemed shocked when he got it. and ja saying i left your award in the kitchen. you deserve it, 100%. and laura, he got fifth in voting for most improved player and i think that he would have been more fitting choice because i don't think that you can give the most improved player award to a guy who is already a pretty big star in the league. >> seems a little odd. but i leave take ex1ke6r79 expe you. thanks. just ahead, ukrainians being tricked to go to russia, but first the world's richest man just bought twitter. what will that look like? 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(moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. the world's richest person will now be in control of the world's online public square. twitter's board unanimously approved elon musk's bid to buy the social media platform for a cool $44 billion. let's bring in cnn business writer here with me onset claire duffy. the news drawing cheers and some fears. actually i don't know who is clearing this other than maybe shareholders? >> you know, elon musk does have some fans in the tech world. i think some people look at elon as this innovative entrepreneur and some people are excited about this, even some twitter employees were tweeting that this could be a good opportunity for the company. but i think that there were just as many if not more concerns. >> and the ship that launched 1,000 memes i think that you could say. he has promised a lot of things like defeating spam box, open source sort of code revealing. all these things that he is promising, can he actually get done as easily as he says he can? >> i think that takeit is a bigt and see moment. there is a question of whether he can get them done addnd the impact that it will have. some experts say if you make the code public, most people won't even know what they are looking at. the idea is to increase transparency and even some of twitter employees probabilly dot know what it means and what it does because it is that complicated. so will that work to increase transparency i think that is unclear. same could be said about what he said about wanting to make freer speech on twitter, allow all legal speech on twitter. that is really complicated. laws change from country to country. and, you know, there is this real balanciing act between allowing free speech -- and at the end of the day, all the platforms i think want to allow as much speech as they possibly can while protecting users from things like harassment and abuse and hate speech. and these things can tumble into online and offline harm. >> and it is a balancing ability. o act. one person who claims that is he not coming back is the former president. we'll see if that remains to be true. what do you hear from industry experts about what kind of precedence this sets to have the world's richest man now in control of such a huge digital online public square that so many people rely on for just to get their daily news? >> right. you know, i think it is sort of a reminder of the fact that while we think of these big social media platforms as sort of a public good, that everybody should have some sort of access to, they really are at the end of the day companies that can be owned or bought by these billionaires. and even the comparison has been made people are really concerned about what it will mean for twitter. well, facebook isn't -- controlling shareholder of facebook is mark zuckerberg who is also a billionaire. so i think it is a reminder of the fact that these platforms are not sort of the public utilities that we sometimes think that they are. >> a good reminder. interesting to see what he does with this. appreciate your great reporting on this, i'm following all your great entries and realm liable sources. thank you for joining me. "new day" starts right now. this is cnn breaking news. good morning to viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is tuesday, april 26th. i'm john berman. brianna is off this morning. chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins with me in washington. and we do begin with breaking news. win, win, win. it's a word appearing in u.s. official statements in new ways. and more than ever when it comes to ukraine. ukraine can win. ukraine is winning. we're hearing it in ways we did not before. including moments ago, from u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin, listen to what he just said in germany. >> ukraine clearly

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Point Percentage , Three Point Line , 102 , 77 , Grizzlies , Hamstring , Hawks , Player , Superstar , Player Of The Year , Pelicans , Rant , Suns , Boston Bruins , Award , Odd , Choice , Rookie Of The Year , Teammate , Ja , Bain , Kitchen Counter , Expe You , Big Star In The League , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Help Reduce , Nutrition , Strength , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , Case , Video Call , Video Calls , Bonnie , Be Cool , Messages , Phone Call , Horse , Bout A Ringcentral , Stallion , Deal , Both , Beauty , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Bond , Here With Me Onset Claire Duffy , Social Media Platform , Bid , Public Square , 44 Billion , 4 Billion , Shareholders , Fears , Tech World , News Drawing Cheers , Fans , Ship , Company , Entrepreneur , Many , Tweeting , Employees , 1000 , Sort , Open Source , Memes , Spam Box , Code Revealing , Public , Takeit , Addnd , Experts , Transparency , Probabilly Dot , Speech , Laws , Make Freer Speech , Platforms , Hate Speech , Harassment , Users , Abuse , Balanciing Act , Balancing Ability , Industry Experts , Harm , O Act , Reminder , Daily News , Sets , Companies , Comparison , Billionaires , Big Social Media Platforms , Public Good , Isn T , Billionaire , Facebook , Mark Zuckerberg , Utilities , Entries , Brianna , April 26th , John Berman , 26 , Tuesday April 26th , Kaitlan Collins , Word , Hearing It ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

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city council, armed men entered the building and took the keysed a replaced our guards with their own. and right now defense secretary lloyd austin is at the ham stein air base meeting with nato allies and the u.n. secretary-general is in moscow where he will meet with russian president vladimir putin. our coverage this morning begins on the ground if ukraine with isa soares live in lviv. what do we know about ukrainian forces pushing back against the russian offensive now? >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. let me give you a sense of what we have seen in the overnight hours, that russian offensive pushing further east as well as south. we've seen intense and nonstop shelling really from the russian side overnight. in all directions. this coming from an adviser to president zelenskyy, he said what russian forces are trying to do, and i'm quoting him here, raising everything to the ground. we also know from ukrainian officials that about 25 russian soldiers are trying to take the city of kramatorsk and the east of the country. and if we go further south, we take you to kherson, you mentioned that briefly, we know that the city council has fallen to russian hands. the russia forces are taking control several weeks ago of the actual of kherson, but now taken the city council. they walked in, took the keys, swapped the guards and they are now fully in control. and we know in kherson, that russia is trying to create an independence referendum. and obviously what we hhave head from president zelenskyy who called it a sham, ukrainians trying to push back, trying to repel the russian forces and turning their backs on this idea of kherson's independent republic. have a listen to what president zelenskyy had to say about this. >> reporter: dreslessons of his are well-known. if you are going to destroy the neighbors, you lose. if you want to restore the old empire, you lose. and if you go against the ukrainians, you lose. prrt pretty strong words there from president zelenskyy. but i want to show you this new video coming to us from the east of the country. it is a drone footage that has been authenticated by cnn. small but dense village and it has been completely shattered, destroyed. it looks almost like a hurricane has gone through. but, no, this is manmade, this is not god's will, this is manmade. and russia is blaming ukraine for it, ukraine saying that this was russia yet again december city mating their cities. >> thank you for your reporting cities. >> thank you for your reporting. right now defense secretary lloyd austin is this germany. and oren liebermann is traveling with the secretary and he joins us live from the ramstein air base. we've heard very strong comments from general austin already on this trip. what is his primary message to today? >> reporter: this is all about bringing together countries, not only nato, but some 40 other countries to provide ukraine with the weapons that it needs, to get a better sense of what is needed, who has it and how to get it in ukraine as quickly as possible. this is on top of the stronger rhetoric we've heard not only from lloyd austin but others in the u.s. administration, a more optimistic perhaps even more definitive message that not only is ukraine doing well in this fight, but ukraine can win if they are given the right weapons and given those weapons quickly. here is austin from the opening statements earlier today. >> my trip to kyiv reinforced high admiration for the way that the ukrainian armed forces are deploying these capabilities. ukraine clearly believes that it can win. and so does everyone here. >> reporter: much stronger rhetoric we're hearing not only from austin but from the american administration. and that comes on top of the shift we've seen over the course the last few weeks where not only the u.s. and the uk but others have been more willing to send in bigger more powerful weapons such as the howitzers, artillery critical for ukraine for the fight in the donbas region. so that is part of what this conference focuses on. it will be broken down into three parts. one, a battlefield situation update, ukrainian defense minister is here and he will provide that. and then one session in the short and immemedium term, and in the long term. right now they use weapons that the west doesn't really have, so how do you transition them and train them on western and u.s. weaponry. >> oren liebermann, thank you so much. and let's bring in retired u.s. army brigadier general kevin ryan. sir, nice to have you this morning. the secretary of defense lloyd austin says that the u.s. wants to weaken russia's military ability so that they can't launch an attack like this again, or at least be deterred from doing so. that may sound from an outside perspective like an obvious statement, but it is actually a meaningful shift. explain how. >> yeah, you know, secretary austin's comments may be the very first expression of a concrete u.s. objective in this conflict. russia has weakened itself through its failure to defeat the ukrainian military and to take over the whole country. what exactly the united states will do to further weaken russia is left to the imagination right now. but it is an important revelation, if you will, of what the people in washington are thinking about right now that we could actually end up with a weaker russia than before the war. >> and so at the same time though, you have russia's foreign minister saying in an interview that the danger of nuclear war is serious and cannot be underestimated. he also said that russia is trying to lower the risk and blamed cure fears on the west's refusal to trust russia. what is the u.s. supposed to do with that? >> you know, the threats to use nuclear weapons are mainly directed toward the west and united states and not ukraine. so that is the most important thing to remember about threats to use weapons of mass destruction. they are speaking to us at this time. he doesn't need to use nuclear weapons to get what he wants out of ukraine. but he does need to use nuclear weapons in order to try to coerce nato and the west from -- into not putting troops in eastern europe or into changing our policies toward russia. the question remains whether that will be enough to keep us from doing those things. i don't think it will. >> sir, let's talk about how this might all end. i know you say the fight in eastern ukraine is likely the last big fight of this conflict and that putin will want a ceasefire but likely not conclude a treaty with ukraine. so essentially we sort of go on in this frozen conflict? >> yeah, it is a little bit like maybe the end of korea, the end of some other conflicts that russia has had, in georgia and ukraine back in 2015. by allowing a ceasefire, he gives himself the opportunity to repair his own military and to consolidate his gains. some of your reporters have mentioned the establishment of new political leaderships in these captured towns and regions. and that is what we'll be seeing a lot more of going forward. the end of the fighting doesn't mean the end of violence though. and he can continue to ramp up missile strikes, et cetera, both in western ukraine and along the line of contact if he is not getting what he wants out of ukraine and the west. >> an important distinction there. general, thank you so much for coming on, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you. and coming up for you, the head of the ub a.n. about to me with vladimir putin. but first, a rescue team taking shelter from a barrage of russian shells. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? 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(moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? welcome back. people in and around kharkiv face the constant threat of russian shelling. clarissa ward rode with the brave first responders risking their lives to save others. >> reporter: it is the beginning of a 24 hour shift for these paramedics. they prepare their ambulance for the carnage that kharkiv residents confront every day. with have two tourniquets, alexandra says. her mom stops by to give her daughter a hug. and this is one of the most dangerous jobs. every moment together is precious. a loud stream of booms signals the day's work is beginning. that is incoming now, this ambulance worker tells us. alexandra and vladimir answer the call. she says the code used when someone has been wounded by shelling. their flak jackets on, they are ready to roll out. they got reports one person at least has been injured in the shelling and they are hearing rockets as well. so we'll see what is going on. the shells hit a residential apartment building. russian forces are increasingly hitting the same target twice so they have to act fast. it is a horrifying strategy to take out rescue workers as they respond. we see for ourselves. get in, vladimir shouts, faster, faster, faster. we take cover under the stairwell. alexandra is trying to find the wounded person, but there is no signal. at that moment, another barrage goes off. we brace for the impact. is everybody okay alexandra asks? our team member maria has cut her hands on broken glass. vladimir treats her injuries as alexandra calls dispatch again to find where the wounded are. we've got no connection, we're sitting in the entrance, she says, and they are shelling the shit out of us. the connection keeps dropping. finally she gets through to the person who called for the ambulance. tell me your damn house number, she says. i repeat, 12-g. i've told you a thousand times, he replies. the man is dying. we decide to try to make a run for it . so we were just in an apartment building. they were looking for an injured man. a bunch of rounds came in and hit the next door building, so now we're getting out as fast as we can. while we run out, vladimir and alexander run back in. we find them treating the injured man on the side of the road. the back window has been blown out by the blasts. he has shrapnel injuries and head trauma. once they have stabilized him, they rush him to the hospital. vladimir asks about his pain. the man has been deafened by the blast. arriving at the hospital, they have done their part. it is up to others now to save him. >> i have to say, i think that you are the bravest people i've ever met. >> reporter: back at base, we ask them why they continue to do this work. with all the danger it entails. it is normal, this is our work, of course it is scary like for everyone alexandra says. today you were with us in the hottest place, in the oven, but we're still alive, thank god. you feel it is your duty, your obligation, vladimir tells us, to help the people who are still here. and what do your parents say, what does your family say, aren't they wanting you to stop this work? no, it is very difficult. >> reporter: they must be scared. proud but scared. >> calls all day, all night. >> reporter: we saw your mother. >> yes. >> reporter: she's worried to the point of hysteria, alexandra tells us. she says you need to leave, you need to go to some safe place, why are you doing this. i have only one child, stop it. and what do you say? i have to do it, she says simply. and with that, they go back to cleaning their ambulance. their shift only halfway through. clarissa ward, cnn, kharkiv. >> thanks for that spectacular reporting. coming up, a new ruling that could disrupt president biden's plan for the southern border. but first, revealing new text messages, what trump's inner circle was talking about around january 6. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imine a comfortable night's sleep without frequenteartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? this is... ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> this really is the big picture. these are the 2,000 text messages that meadows has voluntarily handed over to the house celebrity committee. and these come from the inner circle. and why that is important, it is clear that as these people around trump, close to trump, prominent lawmakers were texting h mark meadows, they were trying to get to the president or at least they viewed meadows as a conduit to trump. so we were getting to see what people were hoping that trump would hear before the election -- sorry, after the election and then in the heat of what you can call the fog of war on january 6. so who is sending these? we have them from a lot of different people in political spheres including more than 40 current and former members of congress who were texting meadows. there are group chats, individual chats, people sending theories about the election fraud conspiracy to meadows. and then on january 6, i want to walk through a couple of these that we'd like to highlight that we think are very important because they come from such important people in the moment of what they were actually thinking. so we have representative marjorie taylor greene, she is a staunch supporter of donald trump, she send as text mark, i was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the capitol. please tell the president to calm people, this isn't the way to solve anything. now, greene the next day on january 7 was changing her tune. yesterday was a terrible day, we tried everything we could in our objection to the six states. i'm sorry nothing worked. i don't think that president biden caused the attack on the capitol. it is not his fault. she was texting him. and then there are also people aside from members of congress who were trying to get a message to trump on january 6, those include two former white house chiefs of staff before so people in the same position of meadows holding that job at the time, mick mulvaney texting mark, he needs to stop this now, can i do anything to help. and lrins pre-me and lrins pince priebus saying them to go home. and mark meadows is not always texting back that quickly, but there is one to timmens texting the president needs to stop this asap. and the text back is we are doing it. and so all of these text messages taken together are showing what these people are seeing, what meadows was receiving, but i should note this is not everything that the committee wants. they are still seeking more text messages. and they are not all being turned over at this time. >> all right. we'll see what comes next. thank you. we expect to see vladimir putin very soon. what he is doing now, coming up. and will elon musk put his money where his mouth is once he owns twitter? 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(moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? the u.n. secretary-general is about to meet with vladimir putin in moscow. he will see volodymyr zelenskyy in kyiv on thursday. and let's bring in atlantic council fellow and author of the book "from odesa with love." and he is joining me live from odesa. so nice to have you. talk to me about your thoughts on this meeting. is there any point here, any hope in getting through to putin? >> thank you for having me back. look, i'm very happy for any kind of negotiation to take place. the sooner the russian army withdrawals and stops killing my acquaintances and friends and koel le colleagues the better just on a human level. in terms of the technical stuff, there are people in kyiv who thought that, first of all, you shouldn't have those kinds of one-on-ones with putin after this, certainly not on his territory. and if you are going to do it, at least go see the president of ukraine first before you go to moscow. so there are people here in ukraine who are concerned about the sequencing of the way things are going. and they are thinking that you shouldn't be giving those kinds of concessions to putin based on everything. so while i would like to see the end of this very quickly, i personally don't see an armistice until something else happens in the donbas. >> fair enough. the last time you joined us, it was here in new york onset and now you are back in your beloved odesa. what is life like on the ground? talk to me about what you are seeing. >> i arrived here with a friend on the 15th. i've been here in high hometown reporting here and around the region for the last ten days. i'm going out to dnipro tomorrow. but on the 15th when we arrived, it became obvious that with the sinking of the black sea fleet flagship, that the danger to odesa from an amphibious naval landing had become grdrasticall less of an issue. it was obvious that the fleet had to pull away 80, 100 miles away from the coast because their ships were in danger. so around about a week ago, local authorities started to deconstruct the fortifications, the barbed wire, the sandbags, the anti-tank equipment that they had all over streets. it became obvious that the sandbags and barbed wire were more useful in the east in kherson and mykolaiv. so they started out moving out all the sandbags and barbed wire out east. and a couple days afterwards, it became obvious when they hit odesa with missiles and killed that beautiful family, three generations and including five others and wounded 18, that odesa was now the local of the war. and the air sirens went right as i came on your show. so there is this weird confluence of the beautiful weather here and the fact that this is one of the prettiest cities in the world probably and the if a kd that there is dread all over the city because there are airstrikes and air say rens. >> that juxtaposition has to be disconcerting. please come back, update us on what is happening. we appreciate your perspective. up next for you, a judge's ruling throwing a wrench in the biden administration border plan. he's feeling it. yep, them too. it's an invigorating rush... .....zapping millions of germs in seconds. for that one-of-f-a-kind whoa... ...which leaves you u feeling... ahahhhhhhh listerine. f feel the whoa! if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ president biden's plan to lift covid border lee strikess hitting a snag. a judge is temporarily blocking the administration from ending the immigration policy known as title xlii early. the white house had planned to lift the order on may 23rd, meaning that migrants who had been turned away at the u.s. mexico border would be able to stay in the u.s. the decision from the white house has drawn some pretty strong pushback from republicans and democrats concerned about a supposed influx of migrants on the border. jasmine wright is live in washington with more. the judge is just saying that you won't do it before the may 23rd date. so what happens now? >> reporter: the ruling came as it seemed that the white house was really doubling down and readying to go on defensive really trying to support their lifting of title xlii. we know that sources told cnn that they were readying details after they had invited lawmakers to a briefing that was supposed to happen today at 4:00 p.m. where they would discuss the lifting of title xlii. media reports from other networks said that they had been readying talking points to give to lawmakers when confronting a potential surge at the border if title xlii had been lifted. and of course we know that just yesterday the president met with congressional hispanic caucus at the white house and there they say that he discussed the lifting of title xlii and a source told cnn later on that the administration gave no indication that they were backing off of lifting title xlii despite the pushback that they have seen from both parties, both democrats and republicans. so the question right now is what happens going forward. that is a little bit unclear. does the administration kind of pull back, look at this ruling and tell immigrant advocates and others hey, we tried, we wanted to lift title cdxlii, but it is not happening, or do they go forward with their plans. we don't have an indication of which way that they will go. and as it seemed just yesterday that the administration was not backing off. >> jasmine, thank you. and also this morning, new alarm bells in florida, governor ron desantis signed a bill monday creating a police force specifically to investigate claims of voter fraud, which have been virtually nonexistent. still election police have been a top priority for some republicans in the wake of donald trump's false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. the big lie. and steve is in florida for us. what does it mean for florida voters on the ground, how is it supposed to work? >> reporter: that really depends on who you ask. governor desantis would say that if you are a law abiding citizen, that if you vote legally, that it should not affect you at all, in fact it should give you confidence that your vote and the election is more secure than ever. democrats and voting rights advocates think differently obviously. they say that there are concerns that this will be an expansion of police into an area where there is not a problem and they will be searching for problems that don't exist, that it could have a chilling effect on voting in florida especially for those who live on the margins. for example, you know, florida still has a lot of confusion around its voting rights -- excuse me, a 2018 constitutional amendment that restored the voting rights of a lot of former felons who completed their sentences. but there is a lot of confusion and it is impossible for some people to figure out if they have met the terms of their sentences, if they have paid all their fines and fees and court restitution. and the concern if those individuals attempt to register to vote and their local election supervisor tells them that they weren't supposed to vote that this new police force will be emboldened to start going after these people. and there is also a concern about other provisions in the law that increase fines and fees for violations that make certain violations a felony. and just the idea that governor would have a police force specifically to look at -- go after voting, there is a lot of concern that this could be used for political purposes, that there could be use for retribution against political opponents. and just an unprecedented expansion for power for a governor for an election in florida that was relatively smooth in 2020. >> expect to see a lot of court challenges coming out of this. steve, thank you. and the brooklyn nets are out of the playoffs after getting swept by the celtics. andy scholes has more in the "bleacher report." >> yeah, this is going to go down ass one of the most disappointing seasons in the nba history. the nets were the favorite before the season and they didn't even win a playoff game. he it was close in the final minutes. kevin durant cut the lead to one and then under 30 seconds to go, durant at the free-throw line, he misses the second, and the celtics go up the floor and marcus smart goes in for the layup, misses, but al horford there to put it back in. that put the game away. boston wins 116-112. and here was kyrie after the game reflecting on what was a very rough season. >> i felt like i was letting the team down at a point where i wasn't able to play, you know, we were trying to exercise every option for me to play, but i never wanted it to be just about me and it became a distraction at times. but now we just look for the future as a team and what we can accomplish the next few years and i get excited about that. >> 76ers meanwhile trying to close out the raptors at home, joel embiid playing with an injured thumb and he didn't get much help from james harden and the rest of his teammates. toronto holding the 6ers to 38% shooting. raptors ended winning 105-88. doc rivers has now lost seven of his last eight opportunities. and the mavs unlike the 6ers were red hot against the jazz. luka doncic pouring in 33 points, 19 in the third quarter. as many as utah had in the quarter as a team. the jazz were just 3 for 30 from the three point line, the worst three point percentage in postseason history. the mavs win 102-77 to take a 3-2 series lead. and mitchell left late in the game with an injured hamstring. the playoffs continue tonight. heat can close out the hawks with a game five win. and then game five between the t'wolves and grizzlies and then the suns and pelicans. boston bruins player of the year. >> so grizzlies superstar ja more rant receiving the most improved player award, kind of an odd choice considering that ja was rookie of the year just two years ago. maybe he thought so too because ja decided to give the award to his teammate, surprises him leaving it on his kitchen counter. bain seemed shocked when he got it. and ja saying i left your award in the kitchen. you deserve it, 100%. and laura, he got fifth in voting for most improved player and i think that he would have been more fitting choice because i don't think that you can give the most improved player award to a guy who is already a pretty big star in the league. >> seems a little odd. but i leave take ex1ke6r79 expe you. thanks. just ahead, ukrainians being tricked to go to russia, but first the world's richest man just bought twitter. what will that look like? 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(moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. the world's richest person will now be in control of the world's online public square. twitter's board unanimously approved elon musk's bid to buy the social media platform for a cool $44 billion. let's bring in cnn business writer here with me onset claire duffy. the news drawing cheers and some fears. actually i don't know who is clearing this other than maybe shareholders? >> you know, elon musk does have some fans in the tech world. i think some people look at elon as this innovative entrepreneur and some people are excited about this, even some twitter employees were tweeting that this could be a good opportunity for the company. but i think that there were just as many if not more concerns. >> and the ship that launched 1,000 memes i think that you could say. he has promised a lot of things like defeating spam box, open source sort of code revealing. all these things that he is promising, can he actually get done as easily as he says he can? >> i think that takeit is a bigt and see moment. there is a question of whether he can get them done addnd the impact that it will have. some experts say if you make the code public, most people won't even know what they are looking at. the idea is to increase transparency and even some of twitter employees probabilly dot know what it means and what it does because it is that complicated. so will that work to increase transparency i think that is unclear. same could be said about what he said about wanting to make freer speech on twitter, allow all legal speech on twitter. that is really complicated. laws change from country to country. and, you know, there is this real balanciing act between allowing free speech -- and at the end of the day, all the platforms i think want to allow as much speech as they possibly can while protecting users from things like harassment and abuse and hate speech. and these things can tumble into online and offline harm. >> and it is a balancing ability. o act. one person who claims that is he not coming back is the former president. we'll see if that remains to be true. what do you hear from industry experts about what kind of precedence this sets to have the world's richest man now in control of such a huge digital online public square that so many people rely on for just to get their daily news? >> right. you know, i think it is sort of a reminder of the fact that while we think of these big social media platforms as sort of a public good, that everybody should have some sort of access to, they really are at the end of the day companies that can be owned or bought by these billionaires. and even the comparison has been made people are really concerned about what it will mean for twitter. well, facebook isn't -- controlling shareholder of facebook is mark zuckerberg who is also a billionaire. so i think it is a reminder of the fact that these platforms are not sort of the public utilities that we sometimes think that they are. >> a good reminder. interesting to see what he does with this. appreciate your great reporting on this, i'm following all your great entries and realm liable sources. thank you for joining me. "new day" starts right now. this is cnn breaking news. good morning to viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is tuesday, april 26th. i'm john berman. brianna is off this morning. chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins with me in washington. and we do begin with breaking news. win, win, win. it's a word appearing in u.s. official statements in new ways. and more than ever when it comes to ukraine. ukraine can win. ukraine is winning. we're hearing it in ways we did not before. including moments ago, from u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin, listen to what he just said in germany. >> ukraine clearly

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, Countries , General , Trip , Comments , Austin , 40 , Administration , Weapons , Rhetoric , Others , Ukraine , It Needs , Fight , Weapons Of Mass Destruction , Statements , Kyiv , Admiration , Way , Armed Forces , Capabilities , Course , Shift , Uk , One , Defense Minister , Part , Conference , Region , Parts , Battlefield Situation Update , Howitzers , Artillery , Donbas , Three , Term , Session , Immemedium Term , Kevin Ryan , Weaponry , West Doesn T , U S Army , Sir , Attack , Secretary Of Defense , Ability , Again , Perspective , Statement , Expression , Secretary Austin , Conflict , Military , Objective , Concrete U S , Failure , People , Washington , Revelation , Imagination , Danger , War , Foreign Minister , Interview , Risk , Threats , Cure Fears , Trust , Refusal , West , Thing , Order , Question , Things , Policies , Eastern Europe , The End , Ceasefire , Putin , Treaty , Talk , Conflicts , Georgia , Korea , Opportunity , Reporters , Some , Gains , 2015 , Lot , More , Leaderships , Regions , Fighting Doesn T , Establishment , Towns , Distinction , Contact , Violence , Missile Strikes , Line , Et Cetera , Barrage , Shells , Rescue Team , Shelter , Head , Ub A N , Guy , Relief , Doctor , Pill , Salonpas , Back Pain , Stomach , Two , Medicine , Kitchen , Friendly , Booking Com , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Perfect , Booking Yeah , Water , Formula , Glycerin , Dove Ultimate Antiperspirant , Waxed , Sensitive , 6 , Symptoms , Moderate , Skin , Tracks , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Crohn S Disease , Condition , Infections , Cancer , Infection , Serious , Move , Treatment , Dose , Injections , Tb , Reactions , Remission , Brain Condition , Lung Inflammation , Vaccine , Sores , Skin Growths , Pres , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Allergies , Body , Spraying Flonase , Season , Good , Psst , Team , Caesar , Ringcentral , Hail , Dude , Ha , Bottles , Waste , Same , Plastic , Beverage Companies , Environment , Bottle , Circle , Plastics , Caps , Material , Recyclable , 100 , Plan , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Milk , Lactose , Little , Coffees , Lactaid , 5 , Man , Moo , Mabel , 15 , Responders , Threat , Kharkiv , Clarissa Ward , Ambulance , Beginning , Lives , Paramedics , Alexandra , Carnage , Residents , Tourniquets , Daughter , Work , Now , Ambulance Worker , Stream , Jobs , Booms , Hug , Code , The Call , Someone , Flak , Person , Apartment Building , Hearing Rockets , Target , Rescue Workers , Strategy , Vladimir Shouts , Signal , Stairwell , Everybody , Impact , Team Member , Injuries , Calls , Wounded , Glass , Connection , Entrance , Shit , Dropping , Times , House Number , 12 , A Thousand , Run , Bunch , Rounds , Door Building , Road , Fast , Blasts , Back Window , Alexander Run , Pain , Hospital , Blast , Head Trauma , Base , Place , Oven , Aren T , Duty , Obligation , God , Parents , Point , Mother , Hysteria , Leave , Yes , Child , Coming Up , Thanks , Spectacular Reporting , Biden , Text Messages , Trump , Border , Inner Circle , January 6 , Anna , Reality , It Starts , Night , Sleep , Dream , Acid , Nexium 24hr , Frequenteartburn , Haven T , Heartburn , Iowa , Night Protection , Fun , Rolling Hills , Bills , Fields , Inside And Out , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Nutrients , Sugar , Health , Program , Weight , Foods , Exercise , Ww , Restrictions , Aura , Mindset , Me Ww , Knowing , James Harden , Eating Habits , Flexibility , Doing , 69 , Ww Works , Ww Com Offer Ends May 2nd , 3 , May 2nd , Customers , Entertainment , Watchathon Week , Xfinity Rewards , Xfinity , Hi Tim , 2 , Access , Peacock , Watchathon , Boys , Voice , Starz , Netflix , Hbo , Election , Plot , 2020 , Meadows , Mark Meadows , Texts , Attempt , Role , 2300 , Republicans , Office , Time , Oig , Wall , Most , The Big Picture , 2000 , Lawmakers , House Celebrity Committee , Conduit , Texting H , Heat , Spheres , Fog Of War On January 6 , Members , Chats , Election Fraud Conspiracy , Couple , Texting Meadows , Theories , Group Chats , Congress , Supporter , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Anything , Capitol , Text Mark , Shooter , Donald Trump , Floor , The Next Day , Isn T The Way , Greene , States , Fault , Objection , Tune , Nothing , January 7 , 7 , White House , Job , Position , Chiefs Of Staff , Texting Mark , Mick Mulvaney , Lrins Pre Me , Lrins Pince Priebus , Timmens , Text , Texting , Home , Showing , Being , Committee Wants , Receiving , Elon Musk , Twitter , Money , Wih Centrum , Mouth , D , Yoyour Immune , Vitamin C , Zinc , Emerge Tremfyant , Psoririasis , Tremfya , Peop , Look , Majority , Saw , Stinging , Tightness , 16 , 90 , Yourbility , Points , Stay , Rewards Points , Let S Go On The Open Road , Western , Bestwestern Com , Everywhere , Share , Travel , Mountain Air , Johnny Cash , Desert S Bare , Pity , Cedar City , Dodge City , Ellensburg , Pittsburgh , Colorado , Parkersburg , Gravelbourg , Beautiful Idea , Bookings , Cancellation , Booking Com , Peace Of Mind , Depression , Hope , Lyte , Caplyta , In The Dark , Signs , Lows , Discover Caplyta , Bipolar , Medicines , Restlessness , Weight Gain , Trials , Bipolar Ii Depression , Feelings , Confusion , Patients , Side Effects , Fever , Thoughts , Adults , Risks , Antidepressants , Muscles , Mood Changes , Behaviors , Stroke , Death , Dementia , The Darkness Of Bipolar I And Ii Depression , Muscle Movements , World , Servicenow Platform , Ways , Last , Therapies , Flow , Challenge , Workplace , Business , Safe , Return , Servicenow , Book , From Odesa With Love , Author , Atlantic Council , In Kyiv , Beloved Odesa , Meeting , Kind , Negotiation , Acquaintances , Withdrawals , Russian Army , Kinds , Terms , Friends , Colleagues , Human Level , Stuff , Ones , Koel Le , Thinking , President , Sequencing , Shouldn T , Territory , Least , Moscow , Something , End , Concessions , Armistice , Life , New York , Friend , Hometown , Dnipro , Ten , Sinking , Black Sea Fleet Flagship , Fleet , Ships , Landing , Issue , Coast , Grdrasticall , 80 , Sandbags , Barbed Wire , Authorities , Streets , Fortifications , Missiles , Barbed Wire Out East , Mykolaiv , Generations , Family , Five , 18 , Confluence , Air Sirens , Local , Show , Weather , Fact , Juxtaposition , Kd , Airstrikes , Air Say Rens , Judge , Wrench , Germs , Rush , Zapping Millions , Whoa , Border Plan , Ahahhhhhhh Listerine , Yep , Feel , Title Xlii Early , Immigration Policy , Snag , Covid Border Lee Strikess , Migrants , Democrats , Pushback , Influx , Decision , May 23rd , Mexico , 23 , Jasmine Wright , Lifting , Ruling , Media Reports , Briefing , Sources , Details , Networks , 4 , 00 , Surge , Congressional Hispanic Caucus , Indication , Lifting Of Title Xlii , Backing Off Of Lifting Title Xlii , Source , Parties , Pull Back , Advocates , Plans , Immigrant , Title Cdxlii , Florida , Ron Desantis , Alarm Bells , Bill Monday , Police Force , Claims , Police , Voter Fraud , Priority , Wake , Steve , Voters , Big Lie , Governor , Vote , Law Abiding Citizen , Expansion , Concerns , Voting Rights , Problem , Area , Voting , Problems , Chilling Effect , Margins , Example , Don T Exist , 2018 , Felons , Sentences , Constitutional Amendment , Concern , Fees , Fines , Court , Restitution , Weren T , Individuals , Election Supervisor , Violations , Provisions , Law , Increase , Felony , Purposes , Opponents , Court Challenges , Retribution , Power , Playoffs , Bleacher Report , Ass , Andy Scholes , Celtics , Brooklyn Nets , Kevin Durant , Lead , Seasons , Playoff Game , Nets , Nba , Game , Misses , Second , Free Throw Line , Layup , Al Horford , Boston , Marcus Smart , 30 , Kyrie , 112 , 116 , Play , Option , Distraction , Joel Embiid , Teammates , Help , Rest , Thumb , Holding , Raptors , 76ers , Toronto , 76 , Doc Rivers , Opportunities , Shooting , Seven , Mavs , 105 , 88 , Eight , 38 , Jazz , 6ers , Utah , Luka Doncic , 33 , 19 , Win , Series Lead , Point Percentage , Three Point Line , 102 , 77 , Grizzlies , Hamstring , Hawks , Player , Superstar , Player Of The Year , Pelicans , Rant , Suns , Boston Bruins , Award , Odd , Choice , Rookie Of The Year , Teammate , Ja , Bain , Kitchen Counter , Expe You , Big Star In The League , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Help Reduce , Nutrition , Strength , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , Case , Video Call , Video Calls , Bonnie , Be Cool , Messages , Phone Call , Horse , Bout A Ringcentral , Stallion , Deal , Both , Beauty , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Bond , Here With Me Onset Claire Duffy , Social Media Platform , Bid , Public Square , 44 Billion , 4 Billion , Shareholders , Fears , Tech World , News Drawing Cheers , Fans , Ship , Company , Entrepreneur , Many , Tweeting , Employees , 1000 , Sort , Open Source , Memes , Spam Box , Code Revealing , Public , Takeit , Addnd , Experts , Transparency , Probabilly Dot , Speech , Laws , Make Freer Speech , Platforms , Hate Speech , Harassment , Users , Abuse , Balanciing Act , Balancing Ability , Industry Experts , Harm , O Act , Reminder , Daily News , Sets , Companies , Comparison , Billionaires , Big Social Media Platforms , Public Good , Isn T , Billionaire , Facebook , Mark Zuckerberg , Utilities , Entries , Brianna , April 26th , John Berman , 26 , Tuesday April 26th , Kaitlan Collins , Word , Hearing It ,

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