Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

have hours left. and a problematic breakdown in the supply chain. it not just amazon orders caught in the backlog. some companies warn the slowdown could soon have a life threatening impact. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we start with our world lead. president biden is meeting with his top military leaders at the white house as the ukrainian leaders plead for additional stance from the west. to save innocent lives. ukrainian president zelenskyy says 120,000 ukrainians remain trapped in mariupol where local military leaders are reporting a constant bombardment by russian forces. the mayor of mariupol urged residents to leave as quickly as possible, but this afternoon, ukrainian officials announced today's humanitarian corridor, quote, did not work as planned. they say fewer people than expected showed up to board buses out of the city. some of the buss are being forced to follow routes determined by the russians. city officials say they do plan to try again tomorrow. there is, of course, no guarantee of safety. ukraine says russia has fired upon humanitarian corridors before. the timing is crucial, of course. listen to the plea from a ukrainian marine commander on the ground in mariupol which he says may be his last. >> translator: we might have only a few days or even hours left. the enemy's units are ten times larger than ours. we appeal to the world leaders to help us. >> so far pentagon leaders say they see no major russian territorial gains in the eastern donbas region where fighting has intensified in reason days. ukrainian soldiers were seen fortifying parts of the luhansk part of donbas. ahead of an expected assault, the region's military governor says 80% of the territory is already under russian control. amidst the fighting in ukraine, the kremlin announced what it says is a successful test of its new icbm with putin delivering this warning to the west. >> translator: this truly unique weapon will strengthen the combat potential of our armed forces. it will provide food for thought for those in the heat of frenzy of aggressive rhetoric try to threaten our country. >> threaten their country. phil black starts off our coverage from the ukrainian capital of kyiv where he spoke to innocent civilians who have barely survived the russian brutality so far. >> reporter: andriy says his life will forever be split in two. before and after the day the russians came. he remembers the skies over his home near kyiv, suddenly swarming with dozens of attack helicopters. he says they flew in a low formation like they were on parade. and soon after, he says, russian ground forces approached his home. this is where he says they opened fire from a distance. an explosive round landed close by, fracturing his leg. shrapnel piercing. of his body. but he says he was lucky. he got to hospital before the russians worked out. he was a pro russian separatist in eastern ukraine. he says many veterans from the east were deliberately killed during the occupation. >> translator: if i had not been wounded, i would have been shot, too. >> reporter: the city also survived russia's occupation but at greatest cost. he was shocked by the russian numbers and fire power that rolled in, a tiny village northeast of the capital. so many tanks passed, he said. so much ammunition. every house had 20 soldiers occupying it, including the house where he, his neighbors and family were sheltering. they stayed in the basement. the russians moved in above. one night, he says, four drunk soldiers pushed open the basement door and screamed. every one out by the count of ten, or all will be killed. he says women were screaming. children crying, and as he was the last one through the door, he was blasted from behind with a shotgun. he says nothing is left in his leg. all bones destroyed. a puddle of blood in minutes. he said two days later, some russian soldiers helped him get to hospital. he still thinks they're beasts, not people. the russians invasion of areas around kyiv violently interrupted and ended many people's lives. and some would somehow survive brutal intimate encounters, leaving them forever changed. jake, overwhelmingly, the thing you notice, talking and meeting survivors like these, they are still deeply shocked. they are often very softly spoken. they struggle to explain and come to terms and understand what it is they've just lived through. especially those who experienced the casual cruelty and the willingness to indulge in grotesque violence that defines russia's occupation of these communities around kyiv. >> thank you. so. the pentagon said russia did notify the u.s. ahead of its missile launch today. press secretary john kirby telling reporters that the biden administration did not deep the test to be a threat to the united states or its allies, unquote. let's bring in barbara starr from the pentagon. what can you tell us about this new missile that russia tested today? >> as an intercontinental ballistic missile, of course, it has a very significant range. more than 6,000 miles. and would by definition be theoretically capable of striking the united states. that is not what happened today, of course. launched from northern russia, heading east to the far east on this test flight, and impacting out there without any incident. the u.s. was able to track it the entire time. u.s. satellites, u.s. intelligence assets have a very significant capability to track these kinds of missiles. they put off quite a heat signature. they can track that. they can quickly calculate the trajectory and where they're going. that is why technically, the pentagon comes to the conclusion, not a threat. not a threat to the u.s. or the allies. but this is vladimir putin's continuing modernization of his advanced weapons program. this is a missile that will replace a soviet era one in the inventory. it will be more modern. it is said to be capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads. so to be sure, the u.s. is watching all of this very carefully. and the pentagon even saying, it's not a threat to the u.s. or allies, saying that this was not something a responsible nuclear power should have done in the current escalating tension. of course, the u.s. canceled one of its own regularly scheduled icbm tests earlier this month. jake? >> barbara, you had new reporting about how secretary of defense austin is staying on top of all these possible nuclear developments. >> reporter: well, let's start -- exactly. we should start with the point, right now the pentagon says it has no evidence, nothing to indicate that the russians are moving their nuclear weapons around. sole that's good news. again, you come to putin's uncertain temperament, his escalatory language, and that has resulted in the defense secretary, we are told, keeping an extremely sharp eye on russia's nuclear inventory. he gets briefed about it two to three times a week at the highest classified level, so he is completely up to date, and were there to be some kind of development, he will be notified, obviously, very quickly. the president would be brief. they don't see that right now. i want to emphasize that. there's enough concern in these current times that they are indeed keeping a sharp eye on it around the clock. >> all right. barbara starr at the pentagon. thank you. a russian billionaire facing sanctions over putin's war is now publicly condemning the invasion. oleg wrote on instagram, quote, i don't see a single beneficiary of this insane war. innocent people are dying. generals waking one a hangover have realized they have a [ bleep ] army. of course, there are idiots that write the letter z but there are about 10% idiots in all countries. 90% of russians are against this war. unquote. switching to english at the end of his quote, tinkov said give mr. putin a safe exit to save face and stop this massacre. joining us, he served under president trump, and also with us, the founding partner in washington correspondent who has done great coverage of this entire story. he is one of a list of businessmen who have come out publicly against the war. does this move the needle at all for putin? >> it doesn't. he has doubled down on everything he's done. he's put himself out on a plank where he needs a military victory to save face. he's trying to figure out what he can cobble together at this point given the initial failures to declare such a victory in order to sustain his claim to power in russia. >> his claim that 90% of russia is against this war is an interesting one. it's not supported by polling, but then again, people say if you're a russian citizen and somebody asks what you think about putin, you say you support putin. when i was in ukraine, it was right after bucha. and there was a shift in public sentiment where they stopped only blaming putin and they started blaming the russian people because of the atrocities. is there any way to know how many people in russia support this war? >> i don't think there is a solid way to know, no. it is like you say, going into a bank that's being held by hostage takers and asking the hostages what they think of the hostage takers. it is not a very scientific way. i don't think it is as high as 90% of russians not supporting the war. i do unfortunately think that total control of the media landscape after two decades of near total control of the media land scape has borne fruit for putin, and i think a lot of people in russia do genuinely support this war. you're seeing, for example, a lot of mothers of fallen russian soldiers saying they support this war. and they especially, because their kids have died in this war. because they don't want to think their children have been killed for nothing. >> but beyond that, you talk about the propaganda in putin's russia. a lot of ukrainians who talk to people in russia, as you know, say they're zombie-$ied. they think they're demons. >> when you hear this all day every day, when it is all around you. even if you're not directly watching the television, it is just there and it is seeping into your consciousness for decades about how putin is always right, about how ukraine has been taken over by neo-nazis. this isn't something that has entered the russian informational blood stream in the last three months. it has been happening the last eight years. that's a long time. . in eight years, independent sources in russia have been whittled down to nothing. the people who are getting information, independent information, are people who already don't believe the government, right? they're purposely turning to a vpn, setting it up, turning it on and finding information because they already know what they're hearing from the television is probably not extra. so it's, you know, self-selecting. i think a large majority of russians really do support this war. and i think an important point, especially after bucha, is that there is a psychological come possibly, too. they don't want to think that their country is capable of such horrors. they want to believe they're on the side of good like most people, most human beings want to believe they're moral and good and their country is good. >> what is your take on this? do you think 90% of the russian people are opposed to this war as the businessman said? >> i think she's right. there are a great p.m. support the war but that's based on a completely controlled environment. i think the russians will be reasonable people when they get real information about what is really happening in ukraine. i don't think that you're going to find that there's this resistance tom. it is just that putin is carefully trying to curate what it is that his own people are hearing. and i think this missile test that we saw today plays into this. with the failures they've had militarily, putin needs to find ways to continue to convey images of strength. so launching a new icbm is a way to compensate for the fact, well, it hasn't gone the way he wanted it to. >> i interviewed president zelenskyy on friday and i asked him if he was worried what the cia director burns had been warning about, maybe putin would go so far as to use a tactical nuke. here's part of what he said. >> not only me. i think all the world, all the countries have to be worried. because you know that it can be not real information but it can be truth. because when they begin to speak about one or another battles, or involved enemies, or nuclear weapons or some chemical weapons, they should, they could. >> his larger point was putin has such little regard for human life. why wouldn't he? it was interesting that he gave that answer in english. most of the rest of the interview with a in ukrainian. do you think putin would use a nuke? >> i think he absolutely could. i don't know if he will but i think he could. he has put it on the table several times. he has not taken it off the table. and so far he's done everything he said he would do or, and done things he said he wouldn't do. so i don't see a reason to take it off the table for him. i think he is totally capable of doing it. and then what does the west do? if it is a tactical nuke? do we respond in kind? how do we respond if we don't respond forcefully enough, how do we live in a world where battlefield use of nuclear weapons is now a thing? it opens up a whole new can of worms. >> i think putin is using the threat of nuclear use as a way to cause the west to hesitate. to make sure we don't provide everything we possibly could provide ukraine to help them out. and i think as she said, any battlefield use of a nuclear weapon is a game changer. it is changing the name of war that we've seen ever since nuclear weapons were first used in world war ii. that is not something we want to see. i think we need to do more to be warning putin off any nuclear use. there will be a forceful response if he does do that. and i think that way, we can actually turn this threat back on him as well, too. this is not going well for russia if they do use nuclear weapons. thank you both. coming up next, the scene in mariupol and what may be the last chance to save tens of thousands of ukrainians caught in the cross fire. plus, addressing the migrant crisis as ukrainians are also trying to cross the border into the u.s. stay with us. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from s sofi. get a pepersonal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, anand borrow up to $100k. sofi. get your money right. see him? 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we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. we're back with our world lead. president zelenskyy of ukraine warned the russian assault on civilians in the surrounded city of mariupol is far more scary and large scale than in borodianka. that of course is the kyiv suburb that we visited where i saw the ruthless devastation inflicted by putin's army first hand. apartment buildings, residential, civilian apartment buildings, gone. now all eyes are on the steel plant still under ukrainian control where hundreds of civilians are sheltering in the basements. that is only a fraction of the tens of thousands of terrified ukrainians still in mariupol, desperately waiting for a safe passage out. >> reporter: the steel plan housing mariupol's last line of defense. if the defenders here fall, so goes the city. a few days ago, george said he was right in the heart of the fire. >> i've never seen such brutal, devastating war. russians are just trying to execute civilians. >> reporter: he spoke to us via video chat from an undisclosed location. severely injured during the fighting, he said he was smuggled out to recover. as he georgian national and a commander in the battalion, one of the few remaining units defending the city. he said he was among the soldiers fighting the russians, while at the same time taking care of hundreds of civilians sheltering in the area. some of which purportedly seen here in video cnn can't verify, posted on the ukrainian government's social media. so how long do you think your group can take care of all those people and yourselves? >> that's hard to answer. hard for me. time is short. >> reporter: tens of thousands of citizens in besieged mariupol still need to be evacuated. on wednesday, a slight glimmer of hope. a humanitarian corridor agreed to by both sides where civilians could evacuate mariupol, heading out and eventually to the ukrainian held city of zaporizhzhia. the city's mayor urging people to useett. he said dear people of mariupol during these long and incredibly difficult days, you survived inhuman conditions, you may have heard different things. i want you to know main thing. they're waiting for you in zaporizhzhia. it's safe there. from the city council, they show buses lined up ready to take those who wanted to leave. it is unclear how many got on. a regional official said fewer people left than he hoped. for many, leaving is a difficult choice. it requires trusting the russian military will not harm those trying to leave. yet this is the same military that has spent the entire war systematically targeting civilians across the country. and yet the city has becoming unlivable. for the military units still resisting, he says they're caring for soldiers and civilians. sometimes with the same injuries due to russian shelling. >> a soldier, and i've seen a lot of times, the soldier says take your child. it's a priority. >> reporter: a commander inside the steel plan has urged the international community to set up an evacuation route using a third party, another country that might be able to facilitate soldiers and civilians to safety. if that doesn't happen, he says russia will continue the bombardment and it will end only one way. >> there will be nobody left in this area. they will be dead, all the children. i'm not talking about the soldiers. but civilians will be eliminated. it will be on us. >> reporter: and jake, i asked george why won't the members of the azov battalion of which he is a part, surrender. he said they are so utterly convinced, if they surrender, the russians hate them so much, they believe they will be killed in russian custody and he said they won't, quote, give them the pleasure. he said there's no chance they will surrender. they will either be evacuated or they will die fighting. jake? >> thank you form report. coming up next, a traffic jam with a back-up possibly originating at one of the biggest port cities in the world.d. stay with us. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit toind your cfp® professional. ♪ we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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(emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ to the money lead, another challenge for the biden administration. a supply chain backlog with no sign that it will pick up any time soon. one major slowdown is in china. specifically, shanghai. the world's third largest city, which is still on lockdown due to covid cases. that means, of course, cargo sitting in shanghai ports cannot move. as cnn reports for us now, some companies are warning the backlog could soon have a life threatening ripple effect here in the united states. >> reporter: this small box made of something called board stock plays a big role in the pharmaceutical supply chain. >> without the products that we produce, the pharmaceutical product cannot get to the market. >> reporter: the challenge printing company says it packages more than 1,000 drugs, including life saving cancer prescriptions. getting them out the door quickly -- >> as of right now, it has been very challenging. >> reporter: it's because they're still intense consumer demand on a supply chain still in crisis mode. the company says it can't get materials from the suppliers in order to package these critical drugs. everything from fda approved inks, board stalk and paper. there are no substitutions. >> what is the warning you're issuing? >> we're facing a potential public health crisis in this country if it is not properly addressed by the government. the department of health and human services. >> the company is raising the alarm of writing to over 15 government agencies, including the white house. >> what is the administration's response? what are they doing to address this? >> the president has made it clear that he's willing and ready to do what it takes to make sure life saving medicines or other things in the economy get where they need to get. >> the relentless slowdown is working against consumer demand. flex port, a freight forwarding company that tracks cargo around the world is watching china closely. exports are stalled because of covid lockdowns. >> it is a serious danger. i don't think we've sounded the all-clear at all. >> instead, hundred of cargo ships waiting in ports waiting to transport. flex port said eventually they're heading this way. potentially creating major traffic jams at u.s. ports again. >> this is not just americans wanting to have so many imported consumer goods. even those goods that are produced or packaged in the united states, you need to bring in parts, ingredients, whatever, when those get interrupted, it interrupts american production as well. >> and a challenge printing company. they have a new drug to package. covid therapeutics, bringing another new challenge. the company says months-long delays from millions of rolls of this foil from overseas. >> how critical is this as part of the prescription drug? >> no this, no drugs. without this, you can't give out drugs in a zip lock bag. >> the white house says they are aware and addressing these issues with pharmaceutical packaging. they're also addressing the supply chain largely with a two-prong approach. first addressing med issues like unclogging u.s. ports but also, long term procedures like creating a digital platform where companies can share data on any issues they may be seeing. but jake, they are watching china very closely. the white house calling what they're seeing there concerning. yet there's not a whole lot they can do, jake, because the u.s. is just one part of the global supply chain. jake? >> a disaster coming down the road. you're sounding the alarm. thank you. so. appreciate it. ahead. ahead, could the mask mandates come back? one of the reason the biden administration might actually appeal the ruling in florida. stay with us. five professional benefits. one simple step. totally effortless. styling has never been easier.. tresemme. do it with style. pre-rinsing your dishes? 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>> things like mandates are always going to be judgment calls. there's a clear need to recommend that people wear masks. and if you're immuno suppressed or otherwise medically vulnerable and people around you aren't masking, you need to up your mask game and use an n-95. as you indicated, the bigger issue is if a legal fight results in undermining the ability of federal and maybe even state and local public health departments to protect people not just from this variant but future variants, or future health threats. then we are less safe. >> some transit systems in airports are still requiring masks and that is creating a confusing situation for people. what is your advice to people who are unsure about whether they should continue to wear masks? i'm not talking about immuno suppressant individuals. let's say somebody a little overweight or a smoker, over 60, should they wear masks? >> when in doubt, mask up. it is a very small price to pay for a very large reduction in the risk that you will get infected, be at risk for long covid, possibly get seriously ill, or make someone else seriously ill. >> the cdc's vaccine advisory committee just wrapped up a meeting a short while ago. they're looking at second booster shots. the fda has authorized the shots for people 50 and older. would you like to see this expanded? is it necessary for everyone to get a second booster? >> it doesn't look like the current data suggests that everyone should get a booster. but certain people would likely benefit from it. the data that we have from other countries strongly suggests that people who are older, people who are immuno suppressed get substantial benefit from a second booster dose. definitely something we would recommend. one of the things that's quite concerning, in this country, there are more than 15 million people over the age of 65 who are not up to date with their vaccines. they haven't gotten a first booster. and that is a problem. because whether it is omicron or the next variant, they're quite vulnerable to severe illness. we're still having hundreds of deaths a day from covid. so we are not fully out of the woods. much as we wish this was over. it is not yet. >> the cdc has recommendations but they also point to how a perfectly healthy person should act. for instance, to surpass daily salt intake for one meal. how should the cdc do this? >> we need to think about balancing risks and benefits. if on the one hand you're healthy and want to go about your life and you're not at rick of exposing others who are vulnerable, then go for it. if on the other hand, you have immunosuppression or you live with someone in their 80s or 90s, you need to think twice about possibly getting infected. there are a few things that are facts. facts, masks drastically reduce the risk of getting infected. fact, you can spread this virus even if you feel perfectly fine. those two facts together indicate that at certain times, masking can protect you, your family, and people around you. >> all right. dr. tom frieden. in our politics lead, right now president biden is meeting with top defense officials as russia announces a test launch of its new intercontinental ballistic missile. moments ago, the president speaking with reporters ahead of this important meeting. cnn's mj lee joins us from the white house. we just heard from president biden as he is meeting with senior military officials. tell us more. >> reporter: he is having this very important meeting with some of his top military officials. one of the things that he said to rt roers is that he said there are weapons going into ukraine, being provided to ukraine, almost on a daily basis. he said there needs to be a calibration based on what is actually happening out on the grounds in ukraine that is certainly the assessment that we expect. to discuss with his top military officials. the weapons comment is pretty striking given that we have reported that u.s. officials are now currently discussing the possibility of an additional weapons package, amounting to around $800 million. this comes, of course, as we are seeing intensifying fighting, particularly in the eastern region. and there have been concerns that ukraine forces are simply going to run out of equipment, including ammunition. and we have heard so often from various ukrainian officials that they really need -- >> okay. mj, we have some sound from the biden meeting. let's play that. >> the cabinet table, welcome to the white house. [ inaudible ] above all, i want to thank -- families, longstanding service that you all put in. i also want to recognize the ground breaking name of this. for the firgt time in the proud history of the armed forces, we not only have highly qualified woman as a vice president but as deputy secretary of defense and two women combatant commanders. it is an important milestone. i think that speaks to how we are doing in our country, making sure that women succeed in military throughout their careers. as i said when i got elected, i don't think people thought i meant it. my administration will look like america. i mean that sincerely. not just the military but across the board. that's where our strength comes from. and today, i want to hear from all of you and your assessments on what you're seeing in the field and across our forces. and the strategic environment is developed rapidly. that mean our plans and force posture have to be equally dynamic. things are changing. ensuring the american people, our interests and the interests of our allies means having to constantly adapt to anything and everything that's happening around the world. and we're seeing this very day the need for adaptation as a consequence of us standing with ukraine against putin's brutal and unjustified war. i want to applaud the exceptional work you're doing to equip ukrainians to defend their nation. i don't know about you but i've been to ukraine a number of times before the war. i've spoken to them. i was deeply involved in what was going on in ukraine and i knew they were tough and proud. i tell you what. they're tougher and more proud than i thought. i'm amazed what they're doing with our help, in terms of providing advice and wellory along with the rest nato. weapons and ammunition are flowing in daily. and we're seeing just how vital our alliances and partnerships are around the world. our allies are stepping up, impacting the response, and nato is united, focussed and energized as it's ever been. when i was a kid in the united states senate, in my 30s and 40s, i was chairman of nato subcommittee, the foreign relations committee. not because of me or any particular thing, but i've never seen nato as united. i'm confident in my view, this is biden speaking, that i don't think that putin counted on being able to hold this together. and i've spoken well over 150 times to our nato allies, like yesterday or how many -- how many? >> 12. >> 12. yesterday, for a couple hours. they're stepping up. and the same is true in the indo-pacific. our allies are the foundation for the future. we want to see in that vital region of the world. the central and dispensable mission to deter aggression from our enemies is on display to fight to win wars and remain critical to american power. as commander in chief, i rely on your advice to maintain the military aid, to remain the ultimate guarantor of america's security. quite frankly, even though i've been vice president for eight years, in the senate for 36. i didn't fully appreciate how the rest of the world literally looks to us as the leader of the free world. i mean, looks to us in a very precise, specific way. and something you all fully, fully understand. and i rely, as i said, on your advice and your ability to maintain our military edge. and in return, i promise you, i hope it has been demonstrated since i've been president. that we as a nation will uphold the sacred duty we have to hold our military men and women to prepare, properly eequipment you before we send you into harm's way. when we do, to care for you and your family when you come home. and that's why we're doing so much at veterans affairs as well. it is a sacred obligation. so i want to thank you all again. i'm looking forward to the discussion. and i thank the press for coming in. thank you. [ inaudible question ] >> thank you for coming! >> it doesn't sound like he will take any of those questions. let's go back to mj lee at the white house. your thoughts on what the president just said. >> reporter: yeah, one thing that really stood out is the president saying this was a fast evolving situation on the ground in ukraine, and he also said in front of his military leaders that our force posture, the u.s.'s force posture, has to remain dynamic. and we have seen these discussions playing out in public as well. and we are seeing that reflected in some of the announcements that we have seen coming out of the u.s. and of course that includes what we were talking about before we went to the president's sound, about discussions of an additional weapons package when currently, as we speak, there is equipment that is being sent to ukraine and arriving in the region from the previously approved package of around $800 million. so i think at this point in time, u.s. officials are keen on emphasizing that there is sort of a recognition. that the u.s. and its allies are certainly hearing sort of the very desperate cries for help that we have been hearing from various ukrainian officials. one other part that really stood out. it was a little bit difficult to hear exactly what he said in all of that. one thing i did make out was when he said the rest of the world looks to us as the leader of the free world. obviously, there is a real sense of responsibility and a real sense of responsibility to really react in kind and to sort of meet the moment. one thing that i asked white house press secretary jen psaki in the briefing room a few moments ago, the question of how has the president been processing some of these horrific images of civilian death that's voe readily available, videos, photos coming out of ukraine. and she said he has been processing it in the same way that other americans are. that he is responding with grief and sadness. and that he is very consumed by this conflict. that he obviously has many other priorities but this is certainly something that is taking up so much of his time right now, jake. >> the u.s. is unveiling a new round of sanctions on russia. who are they targeting this time? >> reporter: yeah. it includes a major commercial bank in russia. also, 40 plus individuals and entities that are close to prominent russian oligarch named constantine. and the reason they're being targeted including acting on behalf of the russian government, evading sanctions, and spreading pro kremlin propaganda, there are also companies that are being targeted that are in russia's virtual currency mining industry. so that's something new that we haven't heard before. this also comes as the state department is announcing a new round of visa restrictions on hundred of russian nationals. these are people that they have determined have worked in support of war or have committed human rights violations. so obviously, this is the other end of the spectrum. we are seeing equipment and weapons being sent to ukraine. there are also the economic sanctions on punishment. the u.s. and its allies are continuing to roll out as well. >> all right. thank you. so. once considered the bread basket of the world. next, the struggles facing ukrainian farm here's are now finding themselves on the front lines of this war. stay with us. ♪i got bongos thumping in my chestst♪ ♪and something tetells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better n not take the rig from me.♪ we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronal repair. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- (supervisor) conventional thinking says this level of 360 support ends after the sale, but not with t-mobile for business. when you're looking for a solution tailored toward your unique business needs whether that's improving efficiency, increasing collaboration, or driving growth. t-mobile's team of experts work side-by-side with you to help realize your vision. it's the kind of partnership that delivers real value for your business. and it's ready right now. welcome to "the lead." the hits keep coming for netflix. and i'm not talking about popular shows like ozark. after losing subscriber, netflix just lost billions of dollars. so what are the streaming giant's plans to turn things around? plus, they grow the grain that feeds most of europe. now these ukrainian farmers are not only fighting for their lively hoods. they're fighting for their lives. and leading this hour, the evacuation corridor for hundred of innocent civilians trapped in mariupol did not work as planned. earlier today, president volodymyr zelenskyy of ukraine said 120,000 ukrainians are still stuck. in city now under constantly russian brarm. a ukrainian marine in the steel plant release ad video message saying he does not know how much time they have left. two senior u.s. officials telling cnn, russia has made as of now no major territorial gains so far since they launched their offensive in eastern ukraine. jim sciutto joins us now live from lviv, in the western part of country. we're two days into this offensive. how successful is this offensive? >> reporter: it is early. but early on at least, the russian forces not showing any new remarkable ability to gain territory so quickly. the u.s. has observed what it believes to be probing attacks, testing, perhaps, ukrainian military defenses. in region. but the big picture going forward, the u.s. does not see that russia has solved the problems that led to its slow progress and eventual reversal in the north. things like supply lines. they're also looking at the weather in the east. it is muddy there. they expect that to confine much of the russian armor, supply trucks, et cetera, to roads. and that's a problem because we've seen that. you and i have both seen it here. and the russian convoys are very vulnerable to ukrainian ambushes. >> and jim, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy said he thinks up to 120,000 ukrainians are being trapped in mariupol. the ukrainian prime minister said the corridor did not work as planned. what are you learning? >> reporter: so i spoke to a number of ukrainian officials today. the fact is they're skeptical. the track record of russia respecting, abiding by the rules of humanitarian corridors is lousy. in fact there's a lot of evidence of russian forces deliberately shelling at times even when civilians are using them. i spoke earlier today to an adviser to zelenskyy's chief of staff, and i asked him, does he trust russia's word that the people leaving mariupol would be safe? listen to his answer. >> their plan is to take them as hostages. and of course, the ukrainian soldiers are not ready to give up. they give up and you will be

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

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have hours left. and a problematic breakdown in the supply chain. it not just amazon orders caught in the backlog. some companies warn the slowdown could soon have a life threatening impact. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we start with our world lead. president biden is meeting with his top military leaders at the white house as the ukrainian leaders plead for additional stance from the west. to save innocent lives. ukrainian president zelenskyy says 120,000 ukrainians remain trapped in mariupol where local military leaders are reporting a constant bombardment by russian forces. the mayor of mariupol urged residents to leave as quickly as possible, but this afternoon, ukrainian officials announced today's humanitarian corridor, quote, did not work as planned. they say fewer people than expected showed up to board buses out of the city. some of the buss are being forced to follow routes determined by the russians. city officials say they do plan to try again tomorrow. there is, of course, no guarantee of safety. ukraine says russia has fired upon humanitarian corridors before. the timing is crucial, of course. listen to the plea from a ukrainian marine commander on the ground in mariupol which he says may be his last. >> translator: we might have only a few days or even hours left. the enemy's units are ten times larger than ours. we appeal to the world leaders to help us. >> so far pentagon leaders say they see no major russian territorial gains in the eastern donbas region where fighting has intensified in reason days. ukrainian soldiers were seen fortifying parts of the luhansk part of donbas. ahead of an expected assault, the region's military governor says 80% of the territory is already under russian control. amidst the fighting in ukraine, the kremlin announced what it says is a successful test of its new icbm with putin delivering this warning to the west. >> translator: this truly unique weapon will strengthen the combat potential of our armed forces. it will provide food for thought for those in the heat of frenzy of aggressive rhetoric try to threaten our country. >> threaten their country. phil black starts off our coverage from the ukrainian capital of kyiv where he spoke to innocent civilians who have barely survived the russian brutality so far. >> reporter: andriy says his life will forever be split in two. before and after the day the russians came. he remembers the skies over his home near kyiv, suddenly swarming with dozens of attack helicopters. he says they flew in a low formation like they were on parade. and soon after, he says, russian ground forces approached his home. this is where he says they opened fire from a distance. an explosive round landed close by, fracturing his leg. shrapnel piercing. of his body. but he says he was lucky. he got to hospital before the russians worked out. he was a pro russian separatist in eastern ukraine. he says many veterans from the east were deliberately killed during the occupation. >> translator: if i had not been wounded, i would have been shot, too. >> reporter: the city also survived russia's occupation but at greatest cost. he was shocked by the russian numbers and fire power that rolled in, a tiny village northeast of the capital. so many tanks passed, he said. so much ammunition. every house had 20 soldiers occupying it, including the house where he, his neighbors and family were sheltering. they stayed in the basement. the russians moved in above. one night, he says, four drunk soldiers pushed open the basement door and screamed. every one out by the count of ten, or all will be killed. he says women were screaming. children crying, and as he was the last one through the door, he was blasted from behind with a shotgun. he says nothing is left in his leg. all bones destroyed. a puddle of blood in minutes. he said two days later, some russian soldiers helped him get to hospital. he still thinks they're beasts, not people. the russians invasion of areas around kyiv violently interrupted and ended many people's lives. and some would somehow survive brutal intimate encounters, leaving them forever changed. jake, overwhelmingly, the thing you notice, talking and meeting survivors like these, they are still deeply shocked. they are often very softly spoken. they struggle to explain and come to terms and understand what it is they've just lived through. especially those who experienced the casual cruelty and the willingness to indulge in grotesque violence that defines russia's occupation of these communities around kyiv. >> thank you. so. the pentagon said russia did notify the u.s. ahead of its missile launch today. press secretary john kirby telling reporters that the biden administration did not deep the test to be a threat to the united states or its allies, unquote. let's bring in barbara starr from the pentagon. what can you tell us about this new missile that russia tested today? >> as an intercontinental ballistic missile, of course, it has a very significant range. more than 6,000 miles. and would by definition be theoretically capable of striking the united states. that is not what happened today, of course. launched from northern russia, heading east to the far east on this test flight, and impacting out there without any incident. the u.s. was able to track it the entire time. u.s. satellites, u.s. intelligence assets have a very significant capability to track these kinds of missiles. they put off quite a heat signature. they can track that. they can quickly calculate the trajectory and where they're going. that is why technically, the pentagon comes to the conclusion, not a threat. not a threat to the u.s. or the allies. but this is vladimir putin's continuing modernization of his advanced weapons program. this is a missile that will replace a soviet era one in the inventory. it will be more modern. it is said to be capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads. so to be sure, the u.s. is watching all of this very carefully. and the pentagon even saying, it's not a threat to the u.s. or allies, saying that this was not something a responsible nuclear power should have done in the current escalating tension. of course, the u.s. canceled one of its own regularly scheduled icbm tests earlier this month. jake? >> barbara, you had new reporting about how secretary of defense austin is staying on top of all these possible nuclear developments. >> reporter: well, let's start -- exactly. we should start with the point, right now the pentagon says it has no evidence, nothing to indicate that the russians are moving their nuclear weapons around. sole that's good news. again, you come to putin's uncertain temperament, his escalatory language, and that has resulted in the defense secretary, we are told, keeping an extremely sharp eye on russia's nuclear inventory. he gets briefed about it two to three times a week at the highest classified level, so he is completely up to date, and were there to be some kind of development, he will be notified, obviously, very quickly. the president would be brief. they don't see that right now. i want to emphasize that. there's enough concern in these current times that they are indeed keeping a sharp eye on it around the clock. >> all right. barbara starr at the pentagon. thank you. a russian billionaire facing sanctions over putin's war is now publicly condemning the invasion. oleg wrote on instagram, quote, i don't see a single beneficiary of this insane war. innocent people are dying. generals waking one a hangover have realized they have a [ bleep ] army. of course, there are idiots that write the letter z but there are about 10% idiots in all countries. 90% of russians are against this war. unquote. switching to english at the end of his quote, tinkov said give mr. putin a safe exit to save face and stop this massacre. joining us, he served under president trump, and also with us, the founding partner in washington correspondent who has done great coverage of this entire story. he is one of a list of businessmen who have come out publicly against the war. does this move the needle at all for putin? >> it doesn't. he has doubled down on everything he's done. he's put himself out on a plank where he needs a military victory to save face. he's trying to figure out what he can cobble together at this point given the initial failures to declare such a victory in order to sustain his claim to power in russia. >> his claim that 90% of russia is against this war is an interesting one. it's not supported by polling, but then again, people say if you're a russian citizen and somebody asks what you think about putin, you say you support putin. when i was in ukraine, it was right after bucha. and there was a shift in public sentiment where they stopped only blaming putin and they started blaming the russian people because of the atrocities. is there any way to know how many people in russia support this war? >> i don't think there is a solid way to know, no. it is like you say, going into a bank that's being held by hostage takers and asking the hostages what they think of the hostage takers. it is not a very scientific way. i don't think it is as high as 90% of russians not supporting the war. i do unfortunately think that total control of the media landscape after two decades of near total control of the media land scape has borne fruit for putin, and i think a lot of people in russia do genuinely support this war. you're seeing, for example, a lot of mothers of fallen russian soldiers saying they support this war. and they especially, because their kids have died in this war. because they don't want to think their children have been killed for nothing. >> but beyond that, you talk about the propaganda in putin's russia. a lot of ukrainians who talk to people in russia, as you know, say they're zombie-$ied. they think they're demons. >> when you hear this all day every day, when it is all around you. even if you're not directly watching the television, it is just there and it is seeping into your consciousness for decades about how putin is always right, about how ukraine has been taken over by neo-nazis. this isn't something that has entered the russian informational blood stream in the last three months. it has been happening the last eight years. that's a long time. . in eight years, independent sources in russia have been whittled down to nothing. the people who are getting information, independent information, are people who already don't believe the government, right? they're purposely turning to a vpn, setting it up, turning it on and finding information because they already know what they're hearing from the television is probably not extra. so it's, you know, self-selecting. i think a large majority of russians really do support this war. and i think an important point, especially after bucha, is that there is a psychological come possibly, too. they don't want to think that their country is capable of such horrors. they want to believe they're on the side of good like most people, most human beings want to believe they're moral and good and their country is good. >> what is your take on this? do you think 90% of the russian people are opposed to this war as the businessman said? >> i think she's right. there are a great p.m. support the war but that's based on a completely controlled environment. i think the russians will be reasonable people when they get real information about what is really happening in ukraine. i don't think that you're going to find that there's this resistance tom. it is just that putin is carefully trying to curate what it is that his own people are hearing. and i think this missile test that we saw today plays into this. with the failures they've had militarily, putin needs to find ways to continue to convey images of strength. so launching a new icbm is a way to compensate for the fact, well, it hasn't gone the way he wanted it to. >> i interviewed president zelenskyy on friday and i asked him if he was worried what the cia director burns had been warning about, maybe putin would go so far as to use a tactical nuke. here's part of what he said. >> not only me. i think all the world, all the countries have to be worried. because you know that it can be not real information but it can be truth. because when they begin to speak about one or another battles, or involved enemies, or nuclear weapons or some chemical weapons, they should, they could. >> his larger point was putin has such little regard for human life. why wouldn't he? it was interesting that he gave that answer in english. most of the rest of the interview with a in ukrainian. do you think putin would use a nuke? >> i think he absolutely could. i don't know if he will but i think he could. he has put it on the table several times. he has not taken it off the table. and so far he's done everything he said he would do or, and done things he said he wouldn't do. so i don't see a reason to take it off the table for him. i think he is totally capable of doing it. and then what does the west do? if it is a tactical nuke? do we respond in kind? how do we respond if we don't respond forcefully enough, how do we live in a world where battlefield use of nuclear weapons is now a thing? it opens up a whole new can of worms. >> i think putin is using the threat of nuclear use as a way to cause the west to hesitate. to make sure we don't provide everything we possibly could provide ukraine to help them out. and i think as she said, any battlefield use of a nuclear weapon is a game changer. it is changing the name of war that we've seen ever since nuclear weapons were first used in world war ii. that is not something we want to see. i think we need to do more to be warning putin off any nuclear use. there will be a forceful response if he does do that. and i think that way, we can actually turn this threat back on him as well, too. this is not going well for russia if they do use nuclear weapons. thank you both. coming up next, the scene in mariupol and what may be the last chance to save tens of thousands of ukrainians caught in the cross fire. plus, addressing the migrant crisis as ukrainians are also trying to cross the border into the u.s. stay with us. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from s sofi. get a pepersonal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, anand borrow up to $100k. sofi. get your money right. see him? 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we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. we're back with our world lead. president zelenskyy of ukraine warned the russian assault on civilians in the surrounded city of mariupol is far more scary and large scale than in borodianka. that of course is the kyiv suburb that we visited where i saw the ruthless devastation inflicted by putin's army first hand. apartment buildings, residential, civilian apartment buildings, gone. now all eyes are on the steel plant still under ukrainian control where hundreds of civilians are sheltering in the basements. that is only a fraction of the tens of thousands of terrified ukrainians still in mariupol, desperately waiting for a safe passage out. >> reporter: the steel plan housing mariupol's last line of defense. if the defenders here fall, so goes the city. a few days ago, george said he was right in the heart of the fire. >> i've never seen such brutal, devastating war. russians are just trying to execute civilians. >> reporter: he spoke to us via video chat from an undisclosed location. severely injured during the fighting, he said he was smuggled out to recover. as he georgian national and a commander in the battalion, one of the few remaining units defending the city. he said he was among the soldiers fighting the russians, while at the same time taking care of hundreds of civilians sheltering in the area. some of which purportedly seen here in video cnn can't verify, posted on the ukrainian government's social media. so how long do you think your group can take care of all those people and yourselves? >> that's hard to answer. hard for me. time is short. >> reporter: tens of thousands of citizens in besieged mariupol still need to be evacuated. on wednesday, a slight glimmer of hope. a humanitarian corridor agreed to by both sides where civilians could evacuate mariupol, heading out and eventually to the ukrainian held city of zaporizhzhia. the city's mayor urging people to useett. he said dear people of mariupol during these long and incredibly difficult days, you survived inhuman conditions, you may have heard different things. i want you to know main thing. they're waiting for you in zaporizhzhia. it's safe there. from the city council, they show buses lined up ready to take those who wanted to leave. it is unclear how many got on. a regional official said fewer people left than he hoped. for many, leaving is a difficult choice. it requires trusting the russian military will not harm those trying to leave. yet this is the same military that has spent the entire war systematically targeting civilians across the country. and yet the city has becoming unlivable. for the military units still resisting, he says they're caring for soldiers and civilians. sometimes with the same injuries due to russian shelling. >> a soldier, and i've seen a lot of times, the soldier says take your child. it's a priority. >> reporter: a commander inside the steel plan has urged the international community to set up an evacuation route using a third party, another country that might be able to facilitate soldiers and civilians to safety. if that doesn't happen, he says russia will continue the bombardment and it will end only one way. >> there will be nobody left in this area. they will be dead, all the children. i'm not talking about the soldiers. but civilians will be eliminated. it will be on us. >> reporter: and jake, i asked george why won't the members of the azov battalion of which he is a part, surrender. he said they are so utterly convinced, if they surrender, the russians hate them so much, they believe they will be killed in russian custody and he said they won't, quote, give them the pleasure. he said there's no chance they will surrender. they will either be evacuated or they will die fighting. jake? >> thank you form report. coming up next, a traffic jam with a back-up possibly originating at one of the biggest port cities in the world.d. stay with us. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit toind your cfp® professional. ♪ we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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(emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ to the money lead, another challenge for the biden administration. a supply chain backlog with no sign that it will pick up any time soon. one major slowdown is in china. specifically, shanghai. the world's third largest city, which is still on lockdown due to covid cases. that means, of course, cargo sitting in shanghai ports cannot move. as cnn reports for us now, some companies are warning the backlog could soon have a life threatening ripple effect here in the united states. >> reporter: this small box made of something called board stock plays a big role in the pharmaceutical supply chain. >> without the products that we produce, the pharmaceutical product cannot get to the market. >> reporter: the challenge printing company says it packages more than 1,000 drugs, including life saving cancer prescriptions. getting them out the door quickly -- >> as of right now, it has been very challenging. >> reporter: it's because they're still intense consumer demand on a supply chain still in crisis mode. the company says it can't get materials from the suppliers in order to package these critical drugs. everything from fda approved inks, board stalk and paper. there are no substitutions. >> what is the warning you're issuing? >> we're facing a potential public health crisis in this country if it is not properly addressed by the government. the department of health and human services. >> the company is raising the alarm of writing to over 15 government agencies, including the white house. >> what is the administration's response? what are they doing to address this? >> the president has made it clear that he's willing and ready to do what it takes to make sure life saving medicines or other things in the economy get where they need to get. >> the relentless slowdown is working against consumer demand. flex port, a freight forwarding company that tracks cargo around the world is watching china closely. exports are stalled because of covid lockdowns. >> it is a serious danger. i don't think we've sounded the all-clear at all. >> instead, hundred of cargo ships waiting in ports waiting to transport. flex port said eventually they're heading this way. potentially creating major traffic jams at u.s. ports again. >> this is not just americans wanting to have so many imported consumer goods. even those goods that are produced or packaged in the united states, you need to bring in parts, ingredients, whatever, when those get interrupted, it interrupts american production as well. >> and a challenge printing company. they have a new drug to package. covid therapeutics, bringing another new challenge. the company says months-long delays from millions of rolls of this foil from overseas. >> how critical is this as part of the prescription drug? >> no this, no drugs. without this, you can't give out drugs in a zip lock bag. >> the white house says they are aware and addressing these issues with pharmaceutical packaging. they're also addressing the supply chain largely with a two-prong approach. first addressing med issues like unclogging u.s. ports but also, long term procedures like creating a digital platform where companies can share data on any issues they may be seeing. but jake, they are watching china very closely. the white house calling what they're seeing there concerning. yet there's not a whole lot they can do, jake, because the u.s. is just one part of the global supply chain. jake? >> a disaster coming down the road. you're sounding the alarm. thank you. so. appreciate it. ahead. ahead, could the mask mandates come back? one of the reason the biden administration might actually appeal the ruling in florida. stay with us. five professional benefits. one simple step. totally effortless. styling has never been easier.. tresemme. do it with style. pre-rinsing your dishes? 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>> things like mandates are always going to be judgment calls. there's a clear need to recommend that people wear masks. and if you're immuno suppressed or otherwise medically vulnerable and people around you aren't masking, you need to up your mask game and use an n-95. as you indicated, the bigger issue is if a legal fight results in undermining the ability of federal and maybe even state and local public health departments to protect people not just from this variant but future variants, or future health threats. then we are less safe. >> some transit systems in airports are still requiring masks and that is creating a confusing situation for people. what is your advice to people who are unsure about whether they should continue to wear masks? i'm not talking about immuno suppressant individuals. let's say somebody a little overweight or a smoker, over 60, should they wear masks? >> when in doubt, mask up. it is a very small price to pay for a very large reduction in the risk that you will get infected, be at risk for long covid, possibly get seriously ill, or make someone else seriously ill. >> the cdc's vaccine advisory committee just wrapped up a meeting a short while ago. they're looking at second booster shots. the fda has authorized the shots for people 50 and older. would you like to see this expanded? is it necessary for everyone to get a second booster? >> it doesn't look like the current data suggests that everyone should get a booster. but certain people would likely benefit from it. the data that we have from other countries strongly suggests that people who are older, people who are immuno suppressed get substantial benefit from a second booster dose. definitely something we would recommend. one of the things that's quite concerning, in this country, there are more than 15 million people over the age of 65 who are not up to date with their vaccines. they haven't gotten a first booster. and that is a problem. because whether it is omicron or the next variant, they're quite vulnerable to severe illness. we're still having hundreds of deaths a day from covid. so we are not fully out of the woods. much as we wish this was over. it is not yet. >> the cdc has recommendations but they also point to how a perfectly healthy person should act. for instance, to surpass daily salt intake for one meal. how should the cdc do this? >> we need to think about balancing risks and benefits. if on the one hand you're healthy and want to go about your life and you're not at rick of exposing others who are vulnerable, then go for it. if on the other hand, you have immunosuppression or you live with someone in their 80s or 90s, you need to think twice about possibly getting infected. there are a few things that are facts. facts, masks drastically reduce the risk of getting infected. fact, you can spread this virus even if you feel perfectly fine. those two facts together indicate that at certain times, masking can protect you, your family, and people around you. >> all right. dr. tom frieden. in our politics lead, right now president biden is meeting with top defense officials as russia announces a test launch of its new intercontinental ballistic missile. moments ago, the president speaking with reporters ahead of this important meeting. cnn's mj lee joins us from the white house. we just heard from president biden as he is meeting with senior military officials. tell us more. >> reporter: he is having this very important meeting with some of his top military officials. one of the things that he said to rt roers is that he said there are weapons going into ukraine, being provided to ukraine, almost on a daily basis. he said there needs to be a calibration based on what is actually happening out on the grounds in ukraine that is certainly the assessment that we expect. to discuss with his top military officials. the weapons comment is pretty striking given that we have reported that u.s. officials are now currently discussing the possibility of an additional weapons package, amounting to around $800 million. this comes, of course, as we are seeing intensifying fighting, particularly in the eastern region. and there have been concerns that ukraine forces are simply going to run out of equipment, including ammunition. and we have heard so often from various ukrainian officials that they really need -- >> okay. mj, we have some sound from the biden meeting. let's play that. >> the cabinet table, welcome to the white house. [ inaudible ] above all, i want to thank -- families, longstanding service that you all put in. i also want to recognize the ground breaking name of this. for the firgt time in the proud history of the armed forces, we not only have highly qualified woman as a vice president but as deputy secretary of defense and two women combatant commanders. it is an important milestone. i think that speaks to how we are doing in our country, making sure that women succeed in military throughout their careers. as i said when i got elected, i don't think people thought i meant it. my administration will look like america. i mean that sincerely. not just the military but across the board. that's where our strength comes from. and today, i want to hear from all of you and your assessments on what you're seeing in the field and across our forces. and the strategic environment is developed rapidly. that mean our plans and force posture have to be equally dynamic. things are changing. ensuring the american people, our interests and the interests of our allies means having to constantly adapt to anything and everything that's happening around the world. and we're seeing this very day the need for adaptation as a consequence of us standing with ukraine against putin's brutal and unjustified war. i want to applaud the exceptional work you're doing to equip ukrainians to defend their nation. i don't know about you but i've been to ukraine a number of times before the war. i've spoken to them. i was deeply involved in what was going on in ukraine and i knew they were tough and proud. i tell you what. they're tougher and more proud than i thought. i'm amazed what they're doing with our help, in terms of providing advice and wellory along with the rest nato. weapons and ammunition are flowing in daily. and we're seeing just how vital our alliances and partnerships are around the world. our allies are stepping up, impacting the response, and nato is united, focussed and energized as it's ever been. when i was a kid in the united states senate, in my 30s and 40s, i was chairman of nato subcommittee, the foreign relations committee. not because of me or any particular thing, but i've never seen nato as united. i'm confident in my view, this is biden speaking, that i don't think that putin counted on being able to hold this together. and i've spoken well over 150 times to our nato allies, like yesterday or how many -- how many? >> 12. >> 12. yesterday, for a couple hours. they're stepping up. and the same is true in the indo-pacific. our allies are the foundation for the future. we want to see in that vital region of the world. the central and dispensable mission to deter aggression from our enemies is on display to fight to win wars and remain critical to american power. as commander in chief, i rely on your advice to maintain the military aid, to remain the ultimate guarantor of america's security. quite frankly, even though i've been vice president for eight years, in the senate for 36. i didn't fully appreciate how the rest of the world literally looks to us as the leader of the free world. i mean, looks to us in a very precise, specific way. and something you all fully, fully understand. and i rely, as i said, on your advice and your ability to maintain our military edge. and in return, i promise you, i hope it has been demonstrated since i've been president. that we as a nation will uphold the sacred duty we have to hold our military men and women to prepare, properly eequipment you before we send you into harm's way. when we do, to care for you and your family when you come home. and that's why we're doing so much at veterans affairs as well. it is a sacred obligation. so i want to thank you all again. i'm looking forward to the discussion. and i thank the press for coming in. thank you. [ inaudible question ] >> thank you for coming! >> it doesn't sound like he will take any of those questions. let's go back to mj lee at the white house. your thoughts on what the president just said. >> reporter: yeah, one thing that really stood out is the president saying this was a fast evolving situation on the ground in ukraine, and he also said in front of his military leaders that our force posture, the u.s.'s force posture, has to remain dynamic. and we have seen these discussions playing out in public as well. and we are seeing that reflected in some of the announcements that we have seen coming out of the u.s. and of course that includes what we were talking about before we went to the president's sound, about discussions of an additional weapons package when currently, as we speak, there is equipment that is being sent to ukraine and arriving in the region from the previously approved package of around $800 million. so i think at this point in time, u.s. officials are keen on emphasizing that there is sort of a recognition. that the u.s. and its allies are certainly hearing sort of the very desperate cries for help that we have been hearing from various ukrainian officials. one other part that really stood out. it was a little bit difficult to hear exactly what he said in all of that. one thing i did make out was when he said the rest of the world looks to us as the leader of the free world. obviously, there is a real sense of responsibility and a real sense of responsibility to really react in kind and to sort of meet the moment. one thing that i asked white house press secretary jen psaki in the briefing room a few moments ago, the question of how has the president been processing some of these horrific images of civilian death that's voe readily available, videos, photos coming out of ukraine. and she said he has been processing it in the same way that other americans are. that he is responding with grief and sadness. and that he is very consumed by this conflict. that he obviously has many other priorities but this is certainly something that is taking up so much of his time right now, jake. >> the u.s. is unveiling a new round of sanctions on russia. who are they targeting this time? >> reporter: yeah. it includes a major commercial bank in russia. also, 40 plus individuals and entities that are close to prominent russian oligarch named constantine. and the reason they're being targeted including acting on behalf of the russian government, evading sanctions, and spreading pro kremlin propaganda, there are also companies that are being targeted that are in russia's virtual currency mining industry. so that's something new that we haven't heard before. this also comes as the state department is announcing a new round of visa restrictions on hundred of russian nationals. these are people that they have determined have worked in support of war or have committed human rights violations. so obviously, this is the other end of the spectrum. we are seeing equipment and weapons being sent to ukraine. there are also the economic sanctions on punishment. the u.s. and its allies are continuing to roll out as well. >> all right. thank you. so. once considered the bread basket of the world. next, the struggles facing ukrainian farm here's are now finding themselves on the front lines of this war. stay with us. ♪i got bongos thumping in my chestst♪ ♪and something tetells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better n not take the rig from me.♪ we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronal repair. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- (supervisor) conventional thinking says this level of 360 support ends after the sale, but not with t-mobile for business. when you're looking for a solution tailored toward your unique business needs whether that's improving efficiency, increasing collaboration, or driving growth. t-mobile's team of experts work side-by-side with you to help realize your vision. it's the kind of partnership that delivers real value for your business. and it's ready right now. welcome to "the lead." the hits keep coming for netflix. and i'm not talking about popular shows like ozark. after losing subscriber, netflix just lost billions of dollars. so what are the streaming giant's plans to turn things around? plus, they grow the grain that feeds most of europe. now these ukrainian farmers are not only fighting for their lively hoods. they're fighting for their lives. and leading this hour, the evacuation corridor for hundred of innocent civilians trapped in mariupol did not work as planned. earlier today, president volodymyr zelenskyy of ukraine said 120,000 ukrainians are still stuck. in city now under constantly russian brarm. a ukrainian marine in the steel plant release ad video message saying he does not know how much time they have left. two senior u.s. officials telling cnn, russia has made as of now no major territorial gains so far since they launched their offensive in eastern ukraine. jim sciutto joins us now live from lviv, in the western part of country. we're two days into this offensive. how successful is this offensive? >> reporter: it is early. but early on at least, the russian forces not showing any new remarkable ability to gain territory so quickly. the u.s. has observed what it believes to be probing attacks, testing, perhaps, ukrainian military defenses. in region. but the big picture going forward, the u.s. does not see that russia has solved the problems that led to its slow progress and eventual reversal in the north. things like supply lines. they're also looking at the weather in the east. it is muddy there. they expect that to confine much of the russian armor, supply trucks, et cetera, to roads. and that's a problem because we've seen that. you and i have both seen it here. and the russian convoys are very vulnerable to ukrainian ambushes. >> and jim, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy said he thinks up to 120,000 ukrainians are being trapped in mariupol. the ukrainian prime minister said the corridor did not work as planned. what are you learning? >> reporter: so i spoke to a number of ukrainian officials today. the fact is they're skeptical. the track record of russia respecting, abiding by the rules of humanitarian corridors is lousy. in fact there's a lot of evidence of russian forces deliberately shelling at times even when civilians are using them. i spoke earlier today to an adviser to zelenskyy's chief of staff, and i asked him, does he trust russia's word that the people leaving mariupol would be safe? listen to his answer. >> their plan is to take them as hostages. and of course, the ukrainian soldiers are not ready to give up. they give up and you will be

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