Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. top of hour on cnn news room. >> today, russia's foreign minister declared their invasion of ukraine has entered a new phase. describing russia's offensive in the east as a very important important moment of this entire special operation. ukraine's president a acknowledged the battle for the donbas region is under way. we have warning for you, you're about to see graphic footage. this is one of the three people. their bodies lying on the ground. this is after the russian shelling in kharkiv. that's the largest city in ukraine east. russian shelling wounded 16 other people today. >> beyond the east, the deputy mayor of kyiv is asking for 200,000 gas masks in case there's a chemical weapon attack. there is a risk of russia using chemicals but no signs over the past few days that's become more likely. right now, huge smoke plumes. look at this. they indicate how the russians are trying to destroy one of the few standsing structures left there. it's a steel factory turned shelter. ukraine says hundreds of civilians have been living there for weeks. a second deadline for those to surrender has come and gone. we're learning of recordings discussing orders to level this area. >> for more on this audio, we go to cnn matt rivers. what are the russians saying in these intercepts? >> reporter: we have heard these published before by the ukrainian government and we should acknowledge we cannot independently verify the voracity of these recordings. we heard they captured multiple conversations over the last two months of russians using unencrypted means of d communication. they can be monitored. this latest recording is between two people, a platoon commander in russia talking about how there are plans to level that steel plant. it's really striking to hear them say that. to talk about leveling that place because that steel, call it a complex. it's massive facility. it really is two things at the moment. on the one hand it's a fortress. there's a reason why the fighters in this city have chosen to fall back largely to this position because it's very easy position to defend in a lot of ways for these hardened fighters. on the other hand, it's also a shelter because we have come to learn over the past 36 hours or so, we have a fuller picture of the amount of civilians inside there. it's striking to think about the fact that you have fighters who are obviously rising their lives but you have civilians along side those fighters inside this complex. this is kind of a microcosm of what we're seeing overall. this is a city besieged by russian forces for weeks now fighting civilians alongside ukrainian military members. as they have fallen back to this area you have seen a dwindling number of fighters and civilians inside this come plplex and how seems like there's nowhere to go and yet the russians are not letting anyone to leave. >> speaking of nowhere to go, you know civilians try to get to safety in some part offense the country using these humanitarian corridors. there are noun ne agreed to tod? >> none. none agreed to today, yesterday, the day before. this is a recurring theme with russians coming up with reasons why they should not allow the evacuation corridors be opened up. the ukraine side calls war crimes. also as we see this renewed russian offensive in the east, in the donbas region you have leadership, leadership. both of those regions urging civilians to get out and as the shelling continue, as the fighting continues, if there are not dedicated humanitarian evacuation corridors open up then civilians are taking their own lives in their hand to try to make their way out as bombs in some cases are falling around them. it's an impossible decision for so many families to make. >> thank you. : new images on social media appear to support ukraine's claims that it hit the flag ship russian warship with missiles. it show the missile crew badly damaged and on fire. a plarj plume of smoke on the port side. >> with us know is cnn senior international correspondent matthew chance. you were on that ship. it's amazing. that viz owe. you know that ship well. you were on it years ago. tell us what you have learned about what happened here? >> i was on it about seven years ago when it was deployed off the coast of syria on a separate assignment. it was there as a platform more missile air defenses. it was sent to that part of the eastern med iterranean. also able to launch cruise missiles which he was doing as well on targets inside ukraine. very powerful bit of equipment that's been lost. that's on a tactical level. symbolically the fact it's been lost has sunk. he's now at the bottom of the black sea is immensely potent. this is one of the most sophisticated, powerful russian warships that the navy has. to lose it under these circumstances is really quite a humiliating blow for the very proud russian navy. they lost one of their most important ships for this strike. >> beyond the ship, the sailors who were on board, there's a russian father now on social media searching for some information about the sailors because russian media isn't giving them any answers. >> no ans answers at all. russians playing down the ship has been lost. you can't escape the fact the country's most important ship has been sunk. you don't mention the fact the ship had been lost an hour into the program. it was a 30-second segment. ta are really trying to keep the lid on the news as much as possible. it's got crew of about 500 people. we saw some pictures just after it was sunk of the admiral of the fleet inspecting the survivors of that attack on land. there's been no indication, officially of how many sailors lost their lives in that apparent missile strike against the ship. you're seeing on social media now, parents of the sailors coming out looking for evidence of where their sons are because it's one thing kind of lying about it and trying to keep a lit lid on it. when you got families looking for their sons, husbands and brothers, it's much harder to keep that under wraps. >> let's talk about what did happen in bucha. that was a scene of mass atr atrocity. we also heard that it was all staged and there were no atrocities that happened. which one is it? >> the russian say it was all staged. this title that's been given to this brigade. i've been given the title god but they're not being awarded for the crimes against humanity that we have seen carried out when they were in control. they're being rewarded for defending russia's sovereignty. it's the kremlin yet again doubling down on this idea that human rights abuses, war crimes were not committed by russian forces. they categorically deny that. they say the bodies were put there. people were killed by the ukrainians themselves to make russia look bad and the fact this brigade from the far east of russia which was deployed to ukraine to carry out this invasion is being honored in this way shows the kremlin is not backing down from that line. it's doubling down on it. >> great to have you here in studio with us. thanks for all the great reporting. >> thank you. a flight carrying new military aid for ukraine has just touched down in europe. a senior defense official says seven more should be arriving in just the next 24 hours be p the u.s. has sent more than $3 billion worth of military assistance to ukraine. sources now tell cnn the u.s. is limited in its ability to track the supply of weaponary that it is supplying to ukraine. why can't the u.s. track it? >> it's a challenge to know where all of this going because there's so much and ukraine is large country. there's no u.s. troops or advisers on the ground in ukraine to know where all this is going. the u.s. position is that it's their job to get all of this aid, 800 million now plus the billions that have come before. they said they have a far bet serns of that and an idea of that. once it crosses border, the u.s. views it as ukrainian property and it's up to them to disperse it and use it where it's needed. kwhast what's critical is it knows that ukraine needs ammunition. small arms ammunition, artillery for the coming fight ahead. they are already seeing some up tick in activity over the course of the last 24, 48, 72 hours on southeast ukraine. what they are calling a shaping for the battle ahead . five to this point. senior defense official said another 7 expected over the course of the next 24 hours. the u.s. knows what's needed most. it's the artillery, the ammunition and that's at the top of the list to get into ukraine as quickly as possible. >> thank you very much. we are joined now by ukrainian parliament member. thank you for being back with us. let's pick up where we left off there. are you confident that the ukrainian military can keep these out of russian hands? >> absolutely. we can see that ukraine is using the weapons extremely effective. russia lost their flag ship for the last time in their history in 1905 in russian-japanese war. more than 100 years ago. this is a historical event. it happened with ukrainian weapon. ukraine is capable of using the most modern weapon. there's no evidence of cases when there are weapons delivered by the united states finally was found in russian hands. i think that ukraine showed that we are absolutely reliable partner and countries which have given us weapons can be confident that it will be used very effectively and that will not be in their hands of putin. >> let's tirn nourn now to mari and this steel plant. we're told maybe a thousands are sheltering there.targeted by ru. there's no corridors set up to let the people leave safely. how do you get the people out of this building? >> we can just address to the world to help us to do this. wounded people cannot escape this factory. it's one of the strongholds which are controlled, still controlled by ukraine and mariupol . they did all of this. that is russian style. they did it in syria. now they are doing it in ukraine in the 21st century in the middle of europe. >> you mentioned the honor given to the brigade responsible for the war crimes in gratulated th great heroism. it's military which is the most close to emperor. that was idea. when the emperor, putin himself is a murder, is a butcher then he is murders, rapers and butcher, who they are. that is absolutely clear signal to the world. putin is saying, i am murderer. i'm killer. i'm going to kill more and it's just something that the whole world should unite and stop him. that's the moment when the free world should show to other dictators on the planet that free world can be united. it can be strong enough to stop killers like putin. >> the administration here in the u.s. is considering sending a high ranking official. the white house says there are no plans to send the president . the leerd of free world should be in the most dangerous place where his leadership is needed. that is something about the whole free world . the real sanctions of the whole united free world. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you very much. back here, the white house says it's reviewing next steps after a federal judge struck a blow to its transportation mask mandate. more on what's next. a month after disney denounced governor ron desantis in so called don't cay gay bill, they are targeting the long self-governing status. we'll explain what that means. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be somee here making sure everything is safe. secure. nsistent. so log in from here. or here. assured thatomeone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. why woolite? because its specially formulated to protect your clothing from damage in the wash. like fading, stretching and pilling. woolite has a first of its kind formula that keeps today's fabrics looking like new. woolite damage and darks defense. travelers are having mixed reactions to a federal judge's decision to end the country's mask mandate on public transportation. >> it's like contradicting. don't do this, don't to that. then you have to listen to both. i'm not wearing a mask at all. >> if you want to play that game, go leahead but i'm going keep the mask on. >> according to ining to kiez p adults were split on whether the biden administration shoud end the mandate. >> let's start with you and the public health perspective. is this the right time to lift the mandate? >> no, it's a horrible time to lift the mandate. let's look at what's going on in terms of the omicron surge right now. over the last two week, cases have increased in the united states about 40%. daily cases rising about 40%. hopizations which were dropping have now levelled off and will soon rise. now virtually all the tests that are being done in the krucountrs being done at home with these rapid tests. it's likely the actual number of cases are like four times the number of cases reported. if the united states has over 150,000 cases per day currently. we're seeing as much as at the peak of delta. as of today it's less safe to fly in this country than it was yesterday. >> this was a legal decision. not a medical decision. do you think it was a sound legal decision? >> i do not. i say that as someone who teaches what's called administrative law. this is a wonky decision that's in the depths of complex agency law. it's really quite outcome determina determinative. congress passed a statue that gave the cdc the ability to regulate communicable diseases. it's a very broad delegation of power. this judge tortured the delegation to argue that the mask mandate was outside the scope of the power that congress gave to the agency. a plain, common sense reading of that language doesn't hold up to her analysis which took some caveats and used them to swallow the broad mandate. this is power grabbing and it's really unfortunate because as the other panelist mentioned, it's going harm public health. this answer is to call the representatives of congress and have them change the law. not for some judge in florida who is appointed under the last administration to decide for herself what the policy for the nation should be. this is first year law student error as far as i can see from reading the very long but poorly analyzed decision, in my view. >> we're all tired of wearing masks on trains, buses, planes, in buildings but if this is up to the individual, who should still wear masks in these places? who from a public health per spedrn perspective needs the extra protection? >> first of all, i think every one should wear a pmask. when the president traveled today on air force one, every one was required to wear a mask. if every one there was required to wear mask, why caisn't the public. the reason is the protection offered by two way masking or when ever one present is covering their faces is to much greater. it's twice. twice the protection when both parties in close contact are masked. i would say that right now, certainly if you are pregnant, you should wear a mask. children not vaccinated should wear mask. if you are taking medication that reduces your immune response like some of these immune modulators like multiple sclerosis, you should wear a mask . you're going to see a handful of people on that flight who are positive who don't know it. it's best for every one to wear a mask. do not wear a cloth mask or a surgical mask. you want a n-95 mask or kf 95 mask. the other protection is not adequate. is it an ordinary seasonal virus. is that true? >> some time in next few weeks will have killed its one millionth person. omicron which is syringela lcir a more transmissable form has killed about 150,000 people. in an average year with a seasonal virus like the flu, we lose somewhere between 30 to 50,000 people. this is no seasonal virus. seasonal virus doesn't kill the people who care for people who are admitted to the hospital with it. russia firing on a factory where dozens of children are sheltering in the basement. what's happepening to the children? that's next. i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. susubway keeps refreshing and refre- what does the future of strength look like? it's dynamic weight that for a more efficnt workout. and you can only experience it... 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>> thank you for having me. families like this are arriving still constantly across the border and in reception centers across ukraine as well. what save the children is doing when we are there is providing them with food, warm clothes, blankets. still very cold here. it snowed here yesterday in lviv. making sure that children are protected. we have seen unaccompanied children turning up on their own. can you imagine, a child walking or traveling by bus on their own across the country at war. you just can't think about it. some children as young as, you know, eight, nine years old sharing signs of distress. yeah, you gave those figures. two-thirds of the children of ukraine have been displaced. the latest u.n. figures show there's been more than 400 children killed and injured as well. >> absolutely. i want to talk about those children that you're saying are showing up who are unaccompanied some eight and nine years old. we don't know if their parents have been killed unless you do know. what happens to them if their parents have been killed? >> the situation is quite complex. i think it depends. some will have have lost family tragically. some have had their families just send them on their way because to them they think their child will be safer traveling away from the country and the bombardment and staying and having the horrific risk of grave physical harm. a lot of children are trying to get to other families who are in other parts of ukraine or other countries. they are working with other agency and authorities to try and support theeds children to get to where they need to get to in a safe way. >> you'll think you're loorkloo at a nursery classroom. these are the center that have been set up. so some of these are in train stations. it's where kids get to be kids for a while. part of what you're handing out are toy, warm socks for them. i know these kids are tra traumatized. what do the counselors say they are drawing? what are the kids saying to them? >> that's a very good question. my colleague there told me that one child, an 8-year-old boy in a child friendly space like the one you're showing drew a picture of a tank mowing down two women and a house on fire behind him. you think, if you ask a child to draw a picture, they will draw the most visceral thing that comes to their head. the thing they immediately think of and the thought that an 8-year-old boy that's what he thinks of is just shocking. that's one child out of millions who are now caught up in this war who have fled their home and seen some unimaginable things that no child should have to see or experience. >> thank you so much and thank you for the work that save the children does there and around the world. >> thank you very much. new disturbing details in the fatal shooting of the unarmed black man during a traffic stop. the families attorney says that the autopsy indicates he was shot in the back of the head. more on that, next. when you find that perfect pair, nothin' can stop your shine. because when you feel fly, you look fly. um jamie? 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"the lead" starts now. russia's war against ukraine enters a new phase with their assault on the donbas region, now begun. russia plans to according to intercepted communication, level everything to the ground as a group of ukrainian fighters hold down a steel plant near mariupol and become the new symbol of resistance and desperation. plus, anti-tank missile systems, munition and more growing concerns in the u.s. that the flood of weapons headed to ukraine might en

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

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neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. top of hour on cnn news room. >> today, russia's foreign minister declared their invasion of ukraine has entered a new phase. describing russia's offensive in the east as a very important important moment of this entire special operation. ukraine's president a acknowledged the battle for the donbas region is under way. we have warning for you, you're about to see graphic footage. this is one of the three people. their bodies lying on the ground. this is after the russian shelling in kharkiv. that's the largest city in ukraine east. russian shelling wounded 16 other people today. >> beyond the east, the deputy mayor of kyiv is asking for 200,000 gas masks in case there's a chemical weapon attack. there is a risk of russia using chemicals but no signs over the past few days that's become more likely. right now, huge smoke plumes. look at this. they indicate how the russians are trying to destroy one of the few standsing structures left there. it's a steel factory turned shelter. ukraine says hundreds of civilians have been living there for weeks. a second deadline for those to surrender has come and gone. we're learning of recordings discussing orders to level this area. >> for more on this audio, we go to cnn matt rivers. what are the russians saying in these intercepts? >> reporter: we have heard these published before by the ukrainian government and we should acknowledge we cannot independently verify the voracity of these recordings. we heard they captured multiple conversations over the last two months of russians using unencrypted means of d communication. they can be monitored. this latest recording is between two people, a platoon commander in russia talking about how there are plans to level that steel plant. it's really striking to hear them say that. to talk about leveling that place because that steel, call it a complex. it's massive facility. it really is two things at the moment. on the one hand it's a fortress. there's a reason why the fighters in this city have chosen to fall back largely to this position because it's very easy position to defend in a lot of ways for these hardened fighters. on the other hand, it's also a shelter because we have come to learn over the past 36 hours or so, we have a fuller picture of the amount of civilians inside there. it's striking to think about the fact that you have fighters who are obviously rising their lives but you have civilians along side those fighters inside this complex. this is kind of a microcosm of what we're seeing overall. this is a city besieged by russian forces for weeks now fighting civilians alongside ukrainian military members. as they have fallen back to this area you have seen a dwindling number of fighters and civilians inside this come plplex and how seems like there's nowhere to go and yet the russians are not letting anyone to leave. >> speaking of nowhere to go, you know civilians try to get to safety in some part offense the country using these humanitarian corridors. there are noun ne agreed to tod? >> none. none agreed to today, yesterday, the day before. this is a recurring theme with russians coming up with reasons why they should not allow the evacuation corridors be opened up. the ukraine side calls war crimes. also as we see this renewed russian offensive in the east, in the donbas region you have leadership, leadership. both of those regions urging civilians to get out and as the shelling continue, as the fighting continues, if there are not dedicated humanitarian evacuation corridors open up then civilians are taking their own lives in their hand to try to make their way out as bombs in some cases are falling around them. it's an impossible decision for so many families to make. >> thank you. : new images on social media appear to support ukraine's claims that it hit the flag ship russian warship with missiles. it show the missile crew badly damaged and on fire. a plarj plume of smoke on the port side. >> with us know is cnn senior international correspondent matthew chance. you were on that ship. it's amazing. that viz owe. you know that ship well. you were on it years ago. tell us what you have learned about what happened here? >> i was on it about seven years ago when it was deployed off the coast of syria on a separate assignment. it was there as a platform more missile air defenses. it was sent to that part of the eastern med iterranean. also able to launch cruise missiles which he was doing as well on targets inside ukraine. very powerful bit of equipment that's been lost. that's on a tactical level. symbolically the fact it's been lost has sunk. he's now at the bottom of the black sea is immensely potent. this is one of the most sophisticated, powerful russian warships that the navy has. to lose it under these circumstances is really quite a humiliating blow for the very proud russian navy. they lost one of their most important ships for this strike. >> beyond the ship, the sailors who were on board, there's a russian father now on social media searching for some information about the sailors because russian media isn't giving them any answers. >> no ans answers at all. russians playing down the ship has been lost. you can't escape the fact the country's most important ship has been sunk. you don't mention the fact the ship had been lost an hour into the program. it was a 30-second segment. ta are really trying to keep the lid on the news as much as possible. it's got crew of about 500 people. we saw some pictures just after it was sunk of the admiral of the fleet inspecting the survivors of that attack on land. there's been no indication, officially of how many sailors lost their lives in that apparent missile strike against the ship. you're seeing on social media now, parents of the sailors coming out looking for evidence of where their sons are because it's one thing kind of lying about it and trying to keep a lit lid on it. when you got families looking for their sons, husbands and brothers, it's much harder to keep that under wraps. >> let's talk about what did happen in bucha. that was a scene of mass atr atrocity. we also heard that it was all staged and there were no atrocities that happened. which one is it? >> the russian say it was all staged. this title that's been given to this brigade. i've been given the title god but they're not being awarded for the crimes against humanity that we have seen carried out when they were in control. they're being rewarded for defending russia's sovereignty. it's the kremlin yet again doubling down on this idea that human rights abuses, war crimes were not committed by russian forces. they categorically deny that. they say the bodies were put there. people were killed by the ukrainians themselves to make russia look bad and the fact this brigade from the far east of russia which was deployed to ukraine to carry out this invasion is being honored in this way shows the kremlin is not backing down from that line. it's doubling down on it. >> great to have you here in studio with us. thanks for all the great reporting. >> thank you. a flight carrying new military aid for ukraine has just touched down in europe. a senior defense official says seven more should be arriving in just the next 24 hours be p the u.s. has sent more than $3 billion worth of military assistance to ukraine. sources now tell cnn the u.s. is limited in its ability to track the supply of weaponary that it is supplying to ukraine. why can't the u.s. track it? >> it's a challenge to know where all of this going because there's so much and ukraine is large country. there's no u.s. troops or advisers on the ground in ukraine to know where all this is going. the u.s. position is that it's their job to get all of this aid, 800 million now plus the billions that have come before. they said they have a far bet serns of that and an idea of that. once it crosses border, the u.s. views it as ukrainian property and it's up to them to disperse it and use it where it's needed. kwhast what's critical is it knows that ukraine needs ammunition. small arms ammunition, artillery for the coming fight ahead. they are already seeing some up tick in activity over the course of the last 24, 48, 72 hours on southeast ukraine. what they are calling a shaping for the battle ahead . five to this point. senior defense official said another 7 expected over the course of the next 24 hours. the u.s. knows what's needed most. it's the artillery, the ammunition and that's at the top of the list to get into ukraine as quickly as possible. >> thank you very much. we are joined now by ukrainian parliament member. thank you for being back with us. let's pick up where we left off there. are you confident that the ukrainian military can keep these out of russian hands? >> absolutely. we can see that ukraine is using the weapons extremely effective. russia lost their flag ship for the last time in their history in 1905 in russian-japanese war. more than 100 years ago. this is a historical event. it happened with ukrainian weapon. ukraine is capable of using the most modern weapon. there's no evidence of cases when there are weapons delivered by the united states finally was found in russian hands. i think that ukraine showed that we are absolutely reliable partner and countries which have given us weapons can be confident that it will be used very effectively and that will not be in their hands of putin. >> let's tirn nourn now to mari and this steel plant. we're told maybe a thousands are sheltering there.targeted by ru. there's no corridors set up to let the people leave safely. how do you get the people out of this building? >> we can just address to the world to help us to do this. wounded people cannot escape this factory. it's one of the strongholds which are controlled, still controlled by ukraine and mariupol . they did all of this. that is russian style. they did it in syria. now they are doing it in ukraine in the 21st century in the middle of europe. >> you mentioned the honor given to the brigade responsible for the war crimes in gratulated th great heroism. it's military which is the most close to emperor. that was idea. when the emperor, putin himself is a murder, is a butcher then he is murders, rapers and butcher, who they are. that is absolutely clear signal to the world. putin is saying, i am murderer. i'm killer. i'm going to kill more and it's just something that the whole world should unite and stop him. that's the moment when the free world should show to other dictators on the planet that free world can be united. it can be strong enough to stop killers like putin. >> the administration here in the u.s. is considering sending a high ranking official. the white house says there are no plans to send the president . the leerd of free world should be in the most dangerous place where his leadership is needed. that is something about the whole free world . the real sanctions of the whole united free world. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you very much. back here, the white house says it's reviewing next steps after a federal judge struck a blow to its transportation mask mandate. more on what's next. a month after disney denounced governor ron desantis in so called don't cay gay bill, they are targeting the long self-governing status. we'll explain what that means. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be somee here making sure everything is safe. secure. nsistent. so log in from here. or here. assured thatomeone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. why woolite? because its specially formulated to protect your clothing from damage in the wash. like fading, stretching and pilling. woolite has a first of its kind formula that keeps today's fabrics looking like new. woolite damage and darks defense. travelers are having mixed reactions to a federal judge's decision to end the country's mask mandate on public transportation. >> it's like contradicting. don't do this, don't to that. then you have to listen to both. i'm not wearing a mask at all. >> if you want to play that game, go leahead but i'm going keep the mask on. >> according to ining to kiez p adults were split on whether the biden administration shoud end the mandate. >> let's start with you and the public health perspective. is this the right time to lift the mandate? >> no, it's a horrible time to lift the mandate. let's look at what's going on in terms of the omicron surge right now. over the last two week, cases have increased in the united states about 40%. daily cases rising about 40%. hopizations which were dropping have now levelled off and will soon rise. now virtually all the tests that are being done in the krucountrs being done at home with these rapid tests. it's likely the actual number of cases are like four times the number of cases reported. if the united states has over 150,000 cases per day currently. we're seeing as much as at the peak of delta. as of today it's less safe to fly in this country than it was yesterday. >> this was a legal decision. not a medical decision. do you think it was a sound legal decision? >> i do not. i say that as someone who teaches what's called administrative law. this is a wonky decision that's in the depths of complex agency law. it's really quite outcome determina determinative. congress passed a statue that gave the cdc the ability to regulate communicable diseases. it's a very broad delegation of power. this judge tortured the delegation to argue that the mask mandate was outside the scope of the power that congress gave to the agency. a plain, common sense reading of that language doesn't hold up to her analysis which took some caveats and used them to swallow the broad mandate. this is power grabbing and it's really unfortunate because as the other panelist mentioned, it's going harm public health. this answer is to call the representatives of congress and have them change the law. not for some judge in florida who is appointed under the last administration to decide for herself what the policy for the nation should be. this is first year law student error as far as i can see from reading the very long but poorly analyzed decision, in my view. >> we're all tired of wearing masks on trains, buses, planes, in buildings but if this is up to the individual, who should still wear masks in these places? who from a public health per spedrn perspective needs the extra protection? >> first of all, i think every one should wear a pmask. when the president traveled today on air force one, every one was required to wear a mask. if every one there was required to wear mask, why caisn't the public. the reason is the protection offered by two way masking or when ever one present is covering their faces is to much greater. it's twice. twice the protection when both parties in close contact are masked. i would say that right now, certainly if you are pregnant, you should wear a mask. children not vaccinated should wear mask. if you are taking medication that reduces your immune response like some of these immune modulators like multiple sclerosis, you should wear a mask . you're going to see a handful of people on that flight who are positive who don't know it. it's best for every one to wear a mask. do not wear a cloth mask or a surgical mask. you want a n-95 mask or kf 95 mask. the other protection is not adequate. is it an ordinary seasonal virus. is that true? >> some time in next few weeks will have killed its one millionth person. omicron which is syringela lcir a more transmissable form has killed about 150,000 people. in an average year with a seasonal virus like the flu, we lose somewhere between 30 to 50,000 people. this is no seasonal virus. seasonal virus doesn't kill the people who care for people who are admitted to the hospital with it. russia firing on a factory where dozens of children are sheltering in the basement. what's happepening to the children? that's next. i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. susubway keeps refreshing and refre- what does the future of strength look like? it's dynamic weight that for a more efficnt workout. and you can only experience it... 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>> thank you for having me. families like this are arriving still constantly across the border and in reception centers across ukraine as well. what save the children is doing when we are there is providing them with food, warm clothes, blankets. still very cold here. it snowed here yesterday in lviv. making sure that children are protected. we have seen unaccompanied children turning up on their own. can you imagine, a child walking or traveling by bus on their own across the country at war. you just can't think about it. some children as young as, you know, eight, nine years old sharing signs of distress. yeah, you gave those figures. two-thirds of the children of ukraine have been displaced. the latest u.n. figures show there's been more than 400 children killed and injured as well. >> absolutely. i want to talk about those children that you're saying are showing up who are unaccompanied some eight and nine years old. we don't know if their parents have been killed unless you do know. what happens to them if their parents have been killed? >> the situation is quite complex. i think it depends. some will have have lost family tragically. some have had their families just send them on their way because to them they think their child will be safer traveling away from the country and the bombardment and staying and having the horrific risk of grave physical harm. a lot of children are trying to get to other families who are in other parts of ukraine or other countries. they are working with other agency and authorities to try and support theeds children to get to where they need to get to in a safe way. >> you'll think you're loorkloo at a nursery classroom. these are the center that have been set up. so some of these are in train stations. it's where kids get to be kids for a while. part of what you're handing out are toy, warm socks for them. i know these kids are tra traumatized. what do the counselors say they are drawing? what are the kids saying to them? >> that's a very good question. my colleague there told me that one child, an 8-year-old boy in a child friendly space like the one you're showing drew a picture of a tank mowing down two women and a house on fire behind him. you think, if you ask a child to draw a picture, they will draw the most visceral thing that comes to their head. the thing they immediately think of and the thought that an 8-year-old boy that's what he thinks of is just shocking. that's one child out of millions who are now caught up in this war who have fled their home and seen some unimaginable things that no child should have to see or experience. >> thank you so much and thank you for the work that save the children does there and around the world. >> thank you very much. new disturbing details in the fatal shooting of the unarmed black man during a traffic stop. the families attorney says that the autopsy indicates he was shot in the back of the head. more on that, next. when you find that perfect pair, nothin' can stop your shine. because when you feel fly, you look fly. um jamie? 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Operations , Kid , 18 , Care , Gift , Driver S License , Journey , Blanket , Reminder , 9 , 19 , 63 , Loveshriners Org , Me A Favor , Support , Story , Friends , Something Special , Session , Election , Impact , Seat , Victor , Many , Chances , Math , Look , Diane , Redistricting Fights , Courts , Whether , Special Session , Maps , Seats , Set , Unique , Addition , Veed , Members , Democratic Party , Val Demings , Al Lawson , Map , Race , Constitution , Vote , Say , Brown Floridians , Manner , It Will , 200 , Representation , Estate , Color , Continuation , Everyone , Nothing , Neutrality , Surface , Tactics , Standard , Districts , Minority , Attempt , Florida Constitution , Voting Rights Act , Re Election , Coalition , Republican , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green , President Obama , Georgia , Groups , Hearing , Green , January 6th Insurrection , Disqualification Clause , January 6th , 6 , Lead , Break , Captions , Jake Tapper , Vitac , Www Vitac Com Othing , Subway , Refresh , 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