Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240708

they are preparing to a major round offensive. in kharkiv, civilians are dead in a cruise missile strike that hit civilians and shops. and more shelling struck a village market. in another nearby village, cn ncam -- c nshgnn cameras have captured more shellings that have left some towns unreco unrecognizable. russia is grappling with sinking morale and a sinking warship. it is believed that the russia is retaliating by shelling the regions in ukraine for the sink of the moskva. they say that putin is angry over the behavior, and now they say that putin may be using more retaliation according to president volodymyr zelenskyy. >> it may be the truth, because one or another battles involved involving enemies or nuclear weapons or chemical issues or chemical weapons, they could do it. >> putin's forces have left evidence of cruelty knowing no bounds. more than 900 bodies of civilians have been discovered since the armies have withdrawn around the capital according to the police, and many of them are showing signs of torture and rape and brutal execution. kyiv is not out of the woods as the mayor said that many are injured after a rocket strike this morning. ed lavandera is in the port city of odesa and we have arlene seanez at the white house. ed, what are you seeing after the sinking of the prized warship of russia? >> some people thinking that the renewed striking has to do with the sinking of the warship. we have seen in the stcitstcity mickolaev that there are indiscriminate rocket fire into the city of mikolaev that it was mostly civilian targets in that city, and this an area that has been seeing the escalation of attacks here in the last few days and also seeing a number of refugees trying to escape some of the russian occupied areas that we have seen the long convoys of cars trying to get through the military part of ukraine, and that has been going on for the last several days for sure, paula. >> and the mayor of that cities say that the russian troops attacked a kindergarten this morning, and what is the latest reporting on that? >> well, yeah, the attacks have continued today, and the mayor of that city sharing images of a destroyed kindergarten building, and also where one person was injured and also shots of a playground hit by some of the attacks and this reason why it is seeming so indiscriminate and random is that we saw the clusters of the munitions is that one rocket flies in, and drops off several bombs that can inflict a great deal of carnage and damage and how several of the people were killed in yesterday's attack, and so it is really hard to control how the little bombs are falling, and i hesitate to call them little, and to do extensive damage to human life, but it is inc indiscriminate, and fall out in this weaponry, and many people call it the part of the russian tactics in various parts of the country to create this chaos in this indiscriminate nature of bombing and attacks. >> and arlet, the president signed off on this military equipment to be arriving today, and what is the latest from the white house and why for so many weeks they have made this move that they were resistant to make? >> well, paula, the first shipment of the $800 million of security assistance was to arrive in ukraine today, and it is to represent the heavy duty weaponry that is to be arriving including the helicopters and h how howitzer cannons and those radars are to be part of the first shipments. these types of equipment have been requested by ukraine, and it is not including the fighter jets, and something that the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy has been pressing for from the allies in recent weeks, but it is coming as the ukrainians are seeing the battlefield of russia starting to shift from fighting in the eastern part of the u.s., and the u.s. is saying it is different terrain to require different equipment, and some administration officials previously concerned that this heavy duty equipment could pose a greater escalation risk, but they are looking the dynamics on the ground and what the ukrainians need at the moment and trying to provide that to them, and this is coming as russia is protesting the equipment in ukraine, and sources have told cnn that there is a diplomatic note to the diplomatic department that there is going to be consequences if the u.s. does continue to send equipment to ukraine. and so far the u.s. is undeterred, but in that interview of jake tapper with the ukrainian president, that the u.s. should be on the alert of nuclear weapons or chemical weapon, because he feels that the russian president might be using them. but the u.s. is watching this intensely, and also that the u.s. has not been seeing any signs yet of russia mobilizing to use the nuclear weapons, but it is clear that the u.s. and ukraine are adapting to the constantly changing battlefield as ukraine is asking for help, and the u.s. is looking for what assistance they can provide for help. and thank you both. now, let's bring in former cia chief of russian operations, and first to you, colonel since the invasion, the ukrainian president is getting the weapons they have been asking for. is this a game-changer? >> it could be, paula, because they have been doing a good job to defending the east, and keeping the russians out of the odesa area, and so the ukrainian military has to be lauded for doing lot with a little. now, when it comes to what is coming up next is going to be interesting, because as ed mentioned in the reporting, the whole region there, it has a different topography, and it could have an impact on the types of weapons that are used, and that can be effectively used by the ukrainians against the russians. it is going to be a different battle scene. you know, these types of weapons that are being talked about such as the helicopters and the switchblade drones and the h howitzers, and can they keep russians away from the critical east and other central parts of the country. >> and it is interesting that the russians are complaining about the weapon, because are they working and it is going to be effective? >> oh, yes, they are scared of them, because they are going to be dangerous for the russian movements in the east. those troops are not prepared for a force on force kind of fight. if that force on force fight happens like, you know, it would if these weapons were effectively, then it is a big issue for the russians to deal with, and it is going to be tough on them in the next few weeks. >> steve, weeks ago, russian convoys carrying weapon ins to ukraine were legitimate targets, but russia has not attacked any yet, but do you believe it is going to change yet? >> frankly, i have been surprised that they have not tried to hit the convoys to date. it could be that it is difficult for them to locate them, and there is some information and reporting that the russians are having problems with the tactical collection capability, and the overhead satellites, and so maybe it is hard for them to pinpoint them, and once the weapons, as the colonel pointed out, as they see the weapons coming in, they will try to hit them, and it is going to be interesting if they make a mistake and hit one of the convoys that has not made it into ukraine, and then is that considered an attack on nato. so it is going to be interesting to see how they try to attack these weapons coming in to be used against them. >> and were you surprised that ukraine sunk a russian tanker ship? >> yes. and paula, was i surprised and they did it so well? yes. the moskvo was a command and was a leading element of the black sea fleet, and because it is no longer seaworthy and reached the bottom of the black sea is a big deal, and the ukrainians can be proud of that, and of course, the russians can be more nervous of what is going on with the ukrainian capabilities, and this is going to be having an ability of how the russians behave against the ukrainians and what they will do next with tactics and procedures against them. >> a real blow against russia. and steve, the west has been focused on the sanctions to put pressure on putin, but the battlefield humiliations like the warship sinking, and is humiliations like that have an impact to the same extent as the economic sanctions, and if those pile up, will it ratchet up the domestic pressure on putin? >> so, i think yes, yes and yes. certainly, when you have a battlefield problems that the russians are having in the sinbing of the moskvo or the general killed in ukraine, these are all pressures on putin. i am not sure if the russians are going to take to the streets, and they have shown no notion whatsoever to suppress violently, so unless we get hundreds of thousands opeople protesting in the streets against putin and his government, it is not much of a problem for him, but i do think that the sanction, and the continued humiliation of russia if it goes on over a long period, it is going to have the inner circle saying, what has this guy gotten us into, and how do we get out of this with any semblance of what russia looked like before we got into the war. it will be interesting to see how it plays out. >> it is going to be interesting to see how it plays out. and now, colonel, putin has been speaking about the threat from russia, and now, particularly all over the globe, but specifically to ukraine. so is there anything that they should do to defend against that threat? >> it is very difficult to defend against a active nuke. the only thing that you can do is to have the intelligence to preempt those weapons from being launched, and this is a tall order as steve would agree. those are the kinds of things that they need to look at, and the intelligence is key to this, and it is also going to be something that they have to from the civil defense perspective, prepare the population for a tactical nuclear strike that could mean that there is an impact on the nato countries, and this is going to mean radiation fallout, and the things that the ukrainians and nato will have to look at. >> steve, the same issue to you, and if putin is backed into a corner, and desperate for the may 9th victory, and that is a date that is significant to russia, what you think he is going to unleash, and how do you see this playing out? >> i think it is pretty, excuse me, it is unlikely that we will have like an exchange of the intercontinental ballistic missiles, and so we won't have an exchange of nuclear weapons there, and still in the unlikely category for me is the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield in ukraine. the key here is that we can't, meaning the united states and the west, we cannot be cowed by this. we have been seeing the saber rattling since the beginning of the war, and we have to realize that we can't self-edit because of that, and with that, the biden administration is correct in taking it seriously, because even if you calculate or assess that they won't use them, all you have to be is 1% wrong, and it is catastrophic. so the administration is doing the right thing by acting carefully, and supplying the ukrainians with what they need to outmaneuver the russians, and not to try to trigger putin into actions of how we cannot know entirely how they will end up. >> colonel layton, and steve hall, thank you for the insights. our jake tapper has an exclusive interview be the ukrainian president on the state of the war, and the ability to tap-in. stay with us for more on that at 9:00 a.m. and the war in ukraine has had a devastating impact of animals. people leaving their homes have been forced to leave their pets. we will talk to one woman who is trying to save as many animals as possible. that is next. ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power toto do? 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>> how do we keep them calm? it is a need in this, because our adoption center is full and now they are all in the same place, and most of our animals are under our care, and they are integrated and we continually see them. >> i see that you a cat there and a bird. are those your pets or animals that you have rescued? >> i can hear some words. >> i was asking with the animals that you have there, the cat in your lap, and the bird behind you. i hope they get along, and are those nyour pets or animals tha you have rescued? >> they are animals that owner l left. she gave us the kittens. his name is barney. >> well, barney is cute, and also very lucky. you and the other volunteers, and you are risking your lives to rescue abandoned animals, and have you thought of evacuating the area with the animals that you have and just leaving this work behind? all right. olga is clearly doing important work with adorable animals in ukraine, but thank you so much, olga, for taking the time to talk to us. we will be right back. -fixed. -that's my son. he always takes care of his mama. ooh, what's up with granny's casserole? 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well, cnn's drew griffin explains. >> reporter: as putin's atrocities continue in ukraine, he falsely blames the west and europe for the war. >> translator: the whole planet is now paying for the west's ambitions and the west's attempts to maintain its elusive dominance. >> reporter: yet his own adult daughters sanctioned by the u.s. treasury, both have reportedly owned property in the west, including this seaside mansion on the french coastal town. >> it is hypocritical to deride the west and their liberal values and then still rely on the west and their liberal values. >> reporter: that hypocrisy, criticizing the west while family members live in the west, is shared by putin's inner circle. kremlin press secretary dmitry peskov's unofficial role is vladimir putin's chief liar. >> russian military are not hitting civil aims. >> reporter: he spent his life in official jobs, salary about $173,000 in 2020, yet has been spotted wearing a $6,000 watch. his daughter went to a boarding school in france, interned at louis vuitton and posted pictures of an enviable life in paris filled with glamour. >> translator: i consider myself a person of the world. i was born in turkey, lived in france, studied in russia and france. i love each place in its own way. >> reporter: how does a family live like this on a russian government salary? lisa peskova once wrote a tongue-in-cheek post saying she is the daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country. the u.s. treasury all but used the same language when they sanctioned her and other family members saying they live luxurious lifestyles incongruous with his civil service salary and undoubtedly gotten on the ill-gotten gains. she is proud to be russian. jodie vitori, georgetown university professor specializing in illicit state financing, says it boils down to russia's current government system. >> a clep okkleptocracy is rule thieves. >> reporter: it is a similar story with sergey lavrov who officially makes $142,000 a year, but the 27 year old who has been described as lavrov's stepdaughter by the british government has been living a lavish lifestyle. her name is paulina. they say she attended a british boarding school. like peskov's daughter she left a social media trail of exotic trips and high style across europe and beyond and reportedly owns a $4 million euro property in the uk where she has been sanctioned for benefitting from association with those responsible for russian aggression. though the accounting is almost impossible to trace, russian anti-corruption investigator is convinced the apartments, the mansions, the lifestyles are the real salaries being paid to putin's allies. >> the system works in a way that in order to keep those people who are willing to be the face of putin's regime like the ministers, they need to be incentivized. their salary is not enough. >> reporter: georgetown's jodie vitorri says the people in putin's inner circle know it could all vanish in an instant. >> he can turn on any of his regime any time he so chooses. your assets can be frozen, you going to jail, your family can go to jail, you can find yourself chased out. so moving as much as you can out of the country also makes sense. >> reporter: as for a response to this from the kremlin, a spokesperson from the ministry of foreign affairs tell us neither putin or lavrov have accounts in britain or anywhere else abroad. and as for the sanctions against putin's daughters a spokesperson told us this, that russia will respond without fail and will do so as it sees fit. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. well, john lenin's iconic song "imagine" has been reimagined by his son. julian lennon was a kid in 1971 when his dad wrote the song. it became an anthem for peace that transcended generations. he said he never wanted to perform "imagine" publicly unless it was, quote, the end of the world. but the situation in ukraine has made him reconsider. he recorded the song to benefit the war-torn country, saying his father's lyrics reflect the light at the end of the tunnel that we are hoping for. ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪ ♪ but i'm not the only one ♪ i hope some day you'll join us ♪ ♪ and the world will live as one ♪ just ask your cvs pharmacist. we search for savings for you.. from cououpons to lower costs options. plus, earn up to $5050 extra bucks rewards each year just for filling at cvs pharmacy. ♪ ♪ when you put on that perfect pair of glasses and you feel like you can take on the world? 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Cnn Newsroom , Eastern Ukraine , Trade War , Attacks , East , Paula Reed In Washington , Russian , United States , Viewers , Phase , Around The World , Jim Akos Tachlt , Civilians , Round Offensive , Hit Civilians , Cruise Missile Strike , Shops , Kharkiv , Shelling , Cn Ncam , Village , Village Market , Shellings , Cameras , C Nshgnn , Warship , Morale , Towns Unreco Unrecognizable , Ukraine , Regions , Sink , Moskva , Vladimir Putin , Behavior , Retaliation , Weapons , Battles , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Truth , Issues , Another , Enemies , One , Forces , Bodies , Bounds , Cruelty , Armies , Evidence , 900 , Signs , Police , Many , Out Of The Woods , Mayor , Rocket Strike , Rape , Execution , Torture , Capital , Kyiv , White House , Port City Of Odesa , Ed Lavandera , Arlene Seanez , People , Sinking , Stcitstcity Mickolaev , Striking , City , Rocket Fire , Mikolaev , Some , Area , Targets , Number , Escalation , Refugees , Part , Convoys , Areas , Cities , Cars , Sure , Person , Troops , Reporting , Kindergarten , Kindergarten Building , City Sharing Images , Playground Hit , Random , Clusters , Reason , Shots , Munitions , Bombs , Attack , Deal , Damage , Rocket , Several , Carnage , Weaponry , Human Life , Inc Indiscriminate , Falling , Country , Tactics , Parts , Bombing , Nature , Chaos , Arlet , Military Equipment , Latest , Move , Duty , Shipment , Security Assistance , 800 Million , 00 Million , Helicopters , Equipment , Something , Types , Shipments , Fighter Jets , Howitzer , Radars , President , Battlefield , Fighting , Allies , Administration , Officials , Terrain , Escalation Risk , Dynamics , Ground , Cnn , Note , Sources , Consequences , Department , Interview , Jake Tapper , Alert , Weapon , Help , Assistance , Cia , Colonel Layton , Operations , Chief , Invasion , Russians , Lot , Military , Game Changer , Little , Job , Odesa Area , Impact , Region , Topography , Battle Scene , H Howitzers , Switchblade Drones , Movements , Fight , Force , Issue , Kind , Steve Hall , Weapon Ins , Russian Convoys , Information , Frankly , Problems , Collection Capability , Satellites , It , Mistake , Tanker , Nato , Yes , Command , Course , Bottom , Element , Black Sea , Black Sea Fleet , Ability , Capabilities , Procedures , West , Putin , Pressure , Sanctions , Humiliations , Warship Sinking , Blow , Pile Up , Extent , Battlefield Problems , General , Sinbing , Streets , Pressures , Notion , Government , Problem , Humiliation , Sanction , Hundreds Of Thousands Opeople , Inner Circle , Guy , What , Semblance , Saying , Threat , Globe , Thing , Intelligence , Anything , Nuke , Order , Things , Kinds , Countries , Strike , Perspective , Radiation Fallout , Defense , Population , Corner , May 9th Victory , May 9th , 9 , Exchange , Missiles , Use , Key , Category , Beginning , Saber Rattling , Biden , Wrong , 1 , Actions , Stay , Estate , Insights , Animals , Homes , Woman , Pets , 00 , Tools , Tv , Neuroscientist , Someone , Science , Power , Neuriva Plus , Ball Baby , Toto , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva , Six , Vo , Ultra , Verizon , 5g Phone , Offer , Miss , 5 , Family , Dad , Mom , Three , Girls , Delightful , Jade , Aria , Farmer , Dog , Mouth , Kibble , Breath , Diet , Bubbles , Two , Adventures , Longlivedogs Com Asya , Child , Understanding , Agulnik Md St , Jude , The Dawn Of Life , World , Way , Need , Nothing , Partners , Mission , Therapy , Marta Salek Md , War , Responsibility , Md , Cancer , Carlos Rodriguez , Everything , Accounts , Password , Aura , Twenty Four , Security , Devices , Aura Digital Security , Shopping On Public Wifi , 3 , Life , All In One , At Aura Com , Ew , Neighborhoods , Offensive , Buildings , Rubble , Safety , Shelled Building On Eastern Ukraine , Owners , Debris , Puppy , Olga , Team , Founder , Case , Rescue Kharkiv , Work , Phil Black , Second , Reporter , Town , Operation , Teams , Dead , Scale , Ones , Mass Grave , Victims , Men , Stories , Occupation , Xexhumed Fro The Grounds , Earth , Digging , Bus Driver , Man , Street , Priest , Death , Svetlana , Bike , Don T Go , Widow , Tanks , Grandfather , Building , Road , Bucha , Yablenska Street , 68 , Parents , Soldiers , Yulia , Home , Soldier , Victor , Natalia , Father , Karina Yoshova , Mother , Daughter , Wall , 23 , Audience , 7 5 Million , 5 Million , Employees , Data , Method , My Hr Passwords , Everyone , Business , Software , Hr Data , Paycom , Email , My Boss Doesn T , Remember Apoving , Demo , Visit Paycom Com , Shhhhh , Report , Info , Blood Clots , Life Changing , Ton , Music , Drum Roll , Camera Shutters , Arena , Lx 600 , 600 , Bird , Animal Rescue , Day In , Organization , Hit , Stations , Examples , Places , Car , Dogs , Hard , Place , Adoption Center , Most , Care , Cat , Words , Lap , Owner , Volunteers , Name , Barney , Kittens , Lives , Son , Granny , Mama , Casserole , Uncle Joe S Funeral , Ooh , Doesn T , Life Insurance , Collection , Funeral , Bill , Aunt Adele , Hty , 000 , 9000 , Plan , Funeral Expenses , Colonial Penn , 995 , 95 , 9 95 , Money , Excuse , Ma , 85 , 50 , Insurance , Health Reason , Acceptance , Premiums , Health Questions , Lifetime Coverage , Same , Rate , Soft Music , Lifetime Rate Lock , Rest , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Find Themself , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Prices , Interest Rates , Construction Costs , Renting , Mortgages , Type , Home Prices , Material , Remodeling , Houses , Experts , Home Buyer , People Say , 25 , Cost , Counter , Needs , Remodel , Costs , General Contractor , Numbers , Increase , Doors , Floors , 120 , 600000 , 00000 , Materials , Statistics , Inflation , Bureau , 720 , 150000 , 12 , March Of 2021 , 750 , Lumber , Plastic , Products , Plywood , 36 , 2021 , 35 2 , 21 8 , 20 , Housing , Construction , Housing Production , Price Hikes , 0 , Rent , Source , House Prices , Expert , Housing Markets , Inflation Efforts , Economist , Richard Green , Terms , Supply Chain , Interacting , Forecast , Customers , And The Jn Ral Contractor , Loss , Budgets , Unknown , Buyer , Consumer , Customer , Camilla , Association , National Association Of Home Builders , Ceo , Action , Example , Congress , Legislation , Canada , Supply Chain Problems , Schools , Congress Accountable , Forward , Lifestyles , Jets , Vacation , Designer Clothes , Kremlins , Yachts , Kids , Look , House , Haven T , Hotel , Kayak , Canceling , Cancellation , Search One , Connection , Signature , Registration Card , Memory , World War Two , Documents , Ancestry , Draft , Uh , Legacy , Transmission , Allison , 10 , Features , Grade , Gmc Sierra Heavy Duty , Gmc , Ben Wedeman , Musician , Supplies , Control , Bombardment , Furthest East , Apartment Building , Living , Strain , Soviet , Going , The Room , Quiet , Calm , Hospital Bed , Kitchen , Sheets , Corpses , Morgue , Scatter Manied The Hospital , Graveyard , Blankets , Burial , Toll , Outskirts , 9th Of April , 7th Of April , 7 , 4th Of April , Graves , On And , Donesk , 4 , Activist , Image , Washington D C , Game Of Cat And Mouse , Flag , Four , Apartments , Officers , Secret Service , A Day In The Life Of Kremlin Kid , Children , Salaries , Society , Advisers , Drew Griffin , Translator , Planet , Atrocities , Attempts , Ambitions , Europe , Daughters , Property , Dominance , Both , Adult , French Coastal Town , U S Treasury , Seaside Mansion , Family Members , Values , Dmitry Peskov , Hypocrisy , Kremlin , Salary , Role , Jobs , Aims , Chief Liar , Russian Military , Boarding School , France , Pictures , Louis Vuitton , 2020 , 6000 , 73000 , 173000 , Glamour , Paris , Turkey , Lisa Peskova , Billionaire , Thief , Language , Tongue In Cheek , Service , Georgetown University Professor Specializing In Illicit State Financing , Gains , Jodie Vitori , Government System , Clep Okkleptocracy , Sergey Lavrov , Old , Lifestyle , Rule Thieves , Story , Paulina , Stepdaughter , British Government , British , 27 , 42000 , 142000 , Euro Property In The Uk , Trips , Social Media , Style , 4 Million , Million , Accounting , Mansions , Aggression , Trace , Russian Anti Corruption Investigator , Regime , Ministers , System , Face , Georgetown , Jodie Vitorri , Incentivized , Jail , Any , Assets , Instant , Spokesperson , Anywhere , Response , Neither , Sense , Ministry Of Foreign Affairs , Fail , Atlanta , Julian Lennon , Song , John Lenin , Generations , Kid , Anthem , Peace , Imagine , 1971 , Lyrics , Situation , The End Of World , Quote , Tunnel , Dreamer , It Shy , Bucks , Pharmacist , Savings , Costs Options , Filling , Glasses , Cvs , Cououpons , 5050 , 050 , Feeling , PrivÉ Revaux , America , Um Jamie , A Million , A Million Bucks , Exam , Pairs , Line , America S Best , 89 95 , 2a , Apartment 2a , 2b And 2c , 2 , Account , Overdraft Fees , Card , Text , 2b , 2c , Zero , Fifty Bucks , Fifty , Bank , More , Neighbors , Help Check , Have Chase , Chase , Times , Hr Software , Feel , Cl , Electorlytes , Sugar , Pedialyte , Powder Packs , Business Software Working , Expense , Social Security Number , Phone , Company , Machine , Jams , Wife , Hr , Eleven , 11 , Each Other , First Off , Hon , Bottom Line , Business Owner , Mind , Comcast Business Mobile , Contracts , Data Plans , Term , Line Activation Fees , Pay , Gig , 5g Network , Internet , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities Tm , 500 , Ground Offensive , Jim Acosta ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240708

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they are preparing to a major round offensive. in kharkiv, civilians are dead in a cruise missile strike that hit civilians and shops. and more shelling struck a village market. in another nearby village, cn ncam -- c nshgnn cameras have captured more shellings that have left some towns unreco unrecognizable. russia is grappling with sinking morale and a sinking warship. it is believed that the russia is retaliating by shelling the regions in ukraine for the sink of the moskva. they say that putin is angry over the behavior, and now they say that putin may be using more retaliation according to president volodymyr zelenskyy. >> it may be the truth, because one or another battles involved involving enemies or nuclear weapons or chemical issues or chemical weapons, they could do it. >> putin's forces have left evidence of cruelty knowing no bounds. more than 900 bodies of civilians have been discovered since the armies have withdrawn around the capital according to the police, and many of them are showing signs of torture and rape and brutal execution. kyiv is not out of the woods as the mayor said that many are injured after a rocket strike this morning. ed lavandera is in the port city of odesa and we have arlene seanez at the white house. ed, what are you seeing after the sinking of the prized warship of russia? >> some people thinking that the renewed striking has to do with the sinking of the warship. we have seen in the stcitstcity mickolaev that there are indiscriminate rocket fire into the city of mikolaev that it was mostly civilian targets in that city, and this an area that has been seeing the escalation of attacks here in the last few days and also seeing a number of refugees trying to escape some of the russian occupied areas that we have seen the long convoys of cars trying to get through the military part of ukraine, and that has been going on for the last several days for sure, paula. >> and the mayor of that cities say that the russian troops attacked a kindergarten this morning, and what is the latest reporting on that? >> well, yeah, the attacks have continued today, and the mayor of that city sharing images of a destroyed kindergarten building, and also where one person was injured and also shots of a playground hit by some of the attacks and this reason why it is seeming so indiscriminate and random is that we saw the clusters of the munitions is that one rocket flies in, and drops off several bombs that can inflict a great deal of carnage and damage and how several of the people were killed in yesterday's attack, and so it is really hard to control how the little bombs are falling, and i hesitate to call them little, and to do extensive damage to human life, but it is inc indiscriminate, and fall out in this weaponry, and many people call it the part of the russian tactics in various parts of the country to create this chaos in this indiscriminate nature of bombing and attacks. >> and arlet, the president signed off on this military equipment to be arriving today, and what is the latest from the white house and why for so many weeks they have made this move that they were resistant to make? >> well, paula, the first shipment of the $800 million of security assistance was to arrive in ukraine today, and it is to represent the heavy duty weaponry that is to be arriving including the helicopters and h how howitzer cannons and those radars are to be part of the first shipments. these types of equipment have been requested by ukraine, and it is not including the fighter jets, and something that the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy has been pressing for from the allies in recent weeks, but it is coming as the ukrainians are seeing the battlefield of russia starting to shift from fighting in the eastern part of the u.s., and the u.s. is saying it is different terrain to require different equipment, and some administration officials previously concerned that this heavy duty equipment could pose a greater escalation risk, but they are looking the dynamics on the ground and what the ukrainians need at the moment and trying to provide that to them, and this is coming as russia is protesting the equipment in ukraine, and sources have told cnn that there is a diplomatic note to the diplomatic department that there is going to be consequences if the u.s. does continue to send equipment to ukraine. and so far the u.s. is undeterred, but in that interview of jake tapper with the ukrainian president, that the u.s. should be on the alert of nuclear weapons or chemical weapon, because he feels that the russian president might be using them. but the u.s. is watching this intensely, and also that the u.s. has not been seeing any signs yet of russia mobilizing to use the nuclear weapons, but it is clear that the u.s. and ukraine are adapting to the constantly changing battlefield as ukraine is asking for help, and the u.s. is looking for what assistance they can provide for help. and thank you both. now, let's bring in former cia chief of russian operations, and first to you, colonel since the invasion, the ukrainian president is getting the weapons they have been asking for. is this a game-changer? >> it could be, paula, because they have been doing a good job to defending the east, and keeping the russians out of the odesa area, and so the ukrainian military has to be lauded for doing lot with a little. now, when it comes to what is coming up next is going to be interesting, because as ed mentioned in the reporting, the whole region there, it has a different topography, and it could have an impact on the types of weapons that are used, and that can be effectively used by the ukrainians against the russians. it is going to be a different battle scene. you know, these types of weapons that are being talked about such as the helicopters and the switchblade drones and the h howitzers, and can they keep russians away from the critical east and other central parts of the country. >> and it is interesting that the russians are complaining about the weapon, because are they working and it is going to be effective? >> oh, yes, they are scared of them, because they are going to be dangerous for the russian movements in the east. those troops are not prepared for a force on force kind of fight. if that force on force fight happens like, you know, it would if these weapons were effectively, then it is a big issue for the russians to deal with, and it is going to be tough on them in the next few weeks. >> steve, weeks ago, russian convoys carrying weapon ins to ukraine were legitimate targets, but russia has not attacked any yet, but do you believe it is going to change yet? >> frankly, i have been surprised that they have not tried to hit the convoys to date. it could be that it is difficult for them to locate them, and there is some information and reporting that the russians are having problems with the tactical collection capability, and the overhead satellites, and so maybe it is hard for them to pinpoint them, and once the weapons, as the colonel pointed out, as they see the weapons coming in, they will try to hit them, and it is going to be interesting if they make a mistake and hit one of the convoys that has not made it into ukraine, and then is that considered an attack on nato. so it is going to be interesting to see how they try to attack these weapons coming in to be used against them. >> and were you surprised that ukraine sunk a russian tanker ship? >> yes. and paula, was i surprised and they did it so well? yes. the moskvo was a command and was a leading element of the black sea fleet, and because it is no longer seaworthy and reached the bottom of the black sea is a big deal, and the ukrainians can be proud of that, and of course, the russians can be more nervous of what is going on with the ukrainian capabilities, and this is going to be having an ability of how the russians behave against the ukrainians and what they will do next with tactics and procedures against them. >> a real blow against russia. and steve, the west has been focused on the sanctions to put pressure on putin, but the battlefield humiliations like the warship sinking, and is humiliations like that have an impact to the same extent as the economic sanctions, and if those pile up, will it ratchet up the domestic pressure on putin? >> so, i think yes, yes and yes. certainly, when you have a battlefield problems that the russians are having in the sinbing of the moskvo or the general killed in ukraine, these are all pressures on putin. i am not sure if the russians are going to take to the streets, and they have shown no notion whatsoever to suppress violently, so unless we get hundreds of thousands opeople protesting in the streets against putin and his government, it is not much of a problem for him, but i do think that the sanction, and the continued humiliation of russia if it goes on over a long period, it is going to have the inner circle saying, what has this guy gotten us into, and how do we get out of this with any semblance of what russia looked like before we got into the war. it will be interesting to see how it plays out. >> it is going to be interesting to see how it plays out. and now, colonel, putin has been speaking about the threat from russia, and now, particularly all over the globe, but specifically to ukraine. so is there anything that they should do to defend against that threat? >> it is very difficult to defend against a active nuke. the only thing that you can do is to have the intelligence to preempt those weapons from being launched, and this is a tall order as steve would agree. those are the kinds of things that they need to look at, and the intelligence is key to this, and it is also going to be something that they have to from the civil defense perspective, prepare the population for a tactical nuclear strike that could mean that there is an impact on the nato countries, and this is going to mean radiation fallout, and the things that the ukrainians and nato will have to look at. >> steve, the same issue to you, and if putin is backed into a corner, and desperate for the may 9th victory, and that is a date that is significant to russia, what you think he is going to unleash, and how do you see this playing out? >> i think it is pretty, excuse me, it is unlikely that we will have like an exchange of the intercontinental ballistic missiles, and so we won't have an exchange of nuclear weapons there, and still in the unlikely category for me is the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield in ukraine. the key here is that we can't, meaning the united states and the west, we cannot be cowed by this. we have been seeing the saber rattling since the beginning of the war, and we have to realize that we can't self-edit because of that, and with that, the biden administration is correct in taking it seriously, because even if you calculate or assess that they won't use them, all you have to be is 1% wrong, and it is catastrophic. so the administration is doing the right thing by acting carefully, and supplying the ukrainians with what they need to outmaneuver the russians, and not to try to trigger putin into actions of how we cannot know entirely how they will end up. >> colonel layton, and steve hall, thank you for the insights. our jake tapper has an exclusive interview be the ukrainian president on the state of the war, and the ability to tap-in. stay with us for more on that at 9:00 a.m. and the war in ukraine has had a devastating impact of animals. people leaving their homes have been forced to leave their pets. we will talk to one woman who is trying to save as many animals as possible. that is next. ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power toto do? 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shopping on public wifi is sketchy. but with aura digital security, my devices are protected in like 3 minutes. it's time to protect your life online with aura's all-in-one digital security. try for free today at what was that password anyway? ew. entire neighborhoods are unrecognizable in ukraine's second largest city. officials say that shelling has battered entire buildings in kharkiv and ukraine cities that are yet to come. a major russian offensive is yet to come, and homes are reduced to rubble as some are forced to flee for safety. and for some, it means leaving everything behind including their beloved pets. this puppy was pulled out alive from the debris of a shelled building on eastern ukraine and reunited with its owners. for so many, it is to the case. olga is the founder of rescue kharkiv. i know you have pets behind you, and your team is there rescuing the animals left behind, and tell us about the incredible work that you are doing there on the ground. it sounds like we have lost her. for a second, so we will go to some reporting from our colleague phil black. >> reporter: the operation to uncover and recover the dead is now industrial in the scale. teams of people are working to empty the town's mass grave and many smaller ones. the victims of russia's occupation are being retrieved from the earth. there are so many bodies that rarely do those doing the digging know the stories of how each person lived and died. here two men being xexhumed fro the grounds, but they are not sure if they know them. he thinks one is a bus driver and one is a priest, and he believes they were executed and buried. this is the notorious street of death is this man lying below his bike. svetlana is his widow. she says she told her husband, don't go, they are shooting. the tanks are already on yablenska street, and he insisted. the 68-year-old grandfather was killed as soon as he reached the road. his bike is still there. in this building stands near bucha and among those killed here are yulia's parents, natalia and victor, who she says was helping a young woman who had been discarded by a soldier, when more soldiers suddenly entered their home. she says that they came in, shot the woman, and shot my mother, and then my father ran out when he heard something was wrong, and he shot them. the young woman was karina yoshova and she was 23 years old. the police told her that your daughter was raped before she was shot. it is more than two weeks before the russians withdrew, and it is difficult to account for all of the bodies they left behind. trying to identify the bodies and how they lived is going take much longer. phil black, bucha, ukraine. >> for more information of how you can offer more help for ukraine, go to and our audience has donated more than $7.5 million, and more help is desperately needed. we will be back. re-entering data that employees could enter themselves? 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>> how do we keep them calm? it is a need in this, because our adoption center is full and now they are all in the same place, and most of our animals are under our care, and they are integrated and we continually see them. >> i see that you a cat there and a bird. are those your pets or animals that you have rescued? >> i can hear some words. >> i was asking with the animals that you have there, the cat in your lap, and the bird behind you. i hope they get along, and are those nyour pets or animals tha you have rescued? >> they are animals that owner l left. she gave us the kittens. his name is barney. >> well, barney is cute, and also very lucky. you and the other volunteers, and you are risking your lives to rescue abandoned animals, and have you thought of evacuating the area with the animals that you have and just leaving this work behind? all right. olga is clearly doing important work with adorable animals in ukraine, but thank you so much, olga, for taking the time to talk to us. we will be right back. -fixed. -that's my son. he always takes care of his mama. ooh, what's up with granny's casserole? 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well, cnn's drew griffin explains. >> reporter: as putin's atrocities continue in ukraine, he falsely blames the west and europe for the war. >> translator: the whole planet is now paying for the west's ambitions and the west's attempts to maintain its elusive dominance. >> reporter: yet his own adult daughters sanctioned by the u.s. treasury, both have reportedly owned property in the west, including this seaside mansion on the french coastal town. >> it is hypocritical to deride the west and their liberal values and then still rely on the west and their liberal values. >> reporter: that hypocrisy, criticizing the west while family members live in the west, is shared by putin's inner circle. kremlin press secretary dmitry peskov's unofficial role is vladimir putin's chief liar. >> russian military are not hitting civil aims. >> reporter: he spent his life in official jobs, salary about $173,000 in 2020, yet has been spotted wearing a $6,000 watch. his daughter went to a boarding school in france, interned at louis vuitton and posted pictures of an enviable life in paris filled with glamour. >> translator: i consider myself a person of the world. i was born in turkey, lived in france, studied in russia and france. i love each place in its own way. >> reporter: how does a family live like this on a russian government salary? lisa peskova once wrote a tongue-in-cheek post saying she is the daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country. the u.s. treasury all but used the same language when they sanctioned her and other family members saying they live luxurious lifestyles incongruous with his civil service salary and undoubtedly gotten on the ill-gotten gains. she is proud to be russian. jodie vitori, georgetown university professor specializing in illicit state financing, says it boils down to russia's current government system. >> a clep okkleptocracy is rule thieves. >> reporter: it is a similar story with sergey lavrov who officially makes $142,000 a year, but the 27 year old who has been described as lavrov's stepdaughter by the british government has been living a lavish lifestyle. her name is paulina. they say she attended a british boarding school. like peskov's daughter she left a social media trail of exotic trips and high style across europe and beyond and reportedly owns a $4 million euro property in the uk where she has been sanctioned for benefitting from association with those responsible for russian aggression. though the accounting is almost impossible to trace, russian anti-corruption investigator is convinced the apartments, the mansions, the lifestyles are the real salaries being paid to putin's allies. >> the system works in a way that in order to keep those people who are willing to be the face of putin's regime like the ministers, they need to be incentivized. their salary is not enough. >> reporter: georgetown's jodie vitorri says the people in putin's inner circle know it could all vanish in an instant. >> he can turn on any of his regime any time he so chooses. your assets can be frozen, you going to jail, your family can go to jail, you can find yourself chased out. so moving as much as you can out of the country also makes sense. >> reporter: as for a response to this from the kremlin, a spokesperson from the ministry of foreign affairs tell us neither putin or lavrov have accounts in britain or anywhere else abroad. and as for the sanctions against putin's daughters a spokesperson told us this, that russia will respond without fail and will do so as it sees fit. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. well, john lenin's iconic song "imagine" has been reimagined by his son. julian lennon was a kid in 1971 when his dad wrote the song. it became an anthem for peace that transcended generations. he said he never wanted to perform "imagine" publicly unless it was, quote, the end of the world. but the situation in ukraine has made him reconsider. he recorded the song to benefit the war-torn country, saying his father's lyrics reflect the light at the end of the tunnel that we are hoping for. ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪ ♪ but i'm not the only one ♪ i hope some day you'll join us ♪ ♪ and the world will live as one ♪ just ask your cvs pharmacist. we search for savings for you.. from cououpons to lower costs options. plus, earn up to $5050 extra bucks rewards each year just for filling at cvs pharmacy. ♪ ♪ when you put on that perfect pair of glasses and you feel like you can take on the world? 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Terms , Supply Chain , Interacting , Forecast , Customers , And The Jn Ral Contractor , Loss , Budgets , Unknown , Buyer , Consumer , Customer , Camilla , Association , National Association Of Home Builders , Ceo , Action , Example , Congress , Legislation , Canada , Supply Chain Problems , Schools , Congress Accountable , Forward , Lifestyles , Jets , Vacation , Designer Clothes , Kremlins , Yachts , Kids , Look , House , Haven T , Hotel , Kayak , Canceling , Cancellation , Search One , Connection , Signature , Registration Card , Memory , World War Two , Documents , Ancestry , Draft , Uh , Legacy , Transmission , Allison , 10 , Features , Grade , Gmc Sierra Heavy Duty , Gmc , Ben Wedeman , Musician , Supplies , Control , Bombardment , Furthest East , Apartment Building , Living , Strain , Soviet , Going , The Room , Quiet , Calm , Hospital Bed , Kitchen , Sheets , Corpses , Morgue , Scatter Manied The Hospital , Graveyard , Blankets , Burial , Toll , Outskirts , 9th Of April , 7th Of April , 7 , 4th Of April , Graves , On And , Donesk , 4 , Activist , Image , Washington D C , Game Of Cat And Mouse , Flag , Four , Apartments , Officers , Secret Service , A Day In The Life Of Kremlin Kid , Children , Salaries , Society , Advisers , Drew Griffin , Translator , Planet , Atrocities , Attempts , Ambitions , Europe , Daughters , Property , Dominance , Both , Adult , French Coastal Town , U S Treasury , Seaside Mansion , Family Members , Values , Dmitry Peskov , Hypocrisy , Kremlin , Salary , Role , Jobs , Aims , Chief Liar , Russian Military , Boarding School , France , Pictures , Louis Vuitton , 2020 , 6000 , 73000 , 173000 , Glamour , Paris , Turkey , Lisa Peskova , Billionaire , Thief , Language , Tongue In Cheek , Service , Georgetown University Professor Specializing In Illicit State Financing , Gains , Jodie Vitori , Government System , Clep Okkleptocracy , Sergey Lavrov , Old , Lifestyle , Rule Thieves , Story , Paulina , Stepdaughter , British Government , British , 27 , 42000 , 142000 , Euro Property In The Uk , Trips , Social Media , Style , 4 Million , Million , Accounting , Mansions , Aggression , Trace , Russian Anti Corruption Investigator , Regime , Ministers , System , Face , Georgetown , Jodie Vitorri , Incentivized , Jail , Any , Assets , Instant , Spokesperson , Anywhere , Response , Neither , Sense , Ministry Of Foreign Affairs , Fail , Atlanta , Julian Lennon , Song , John Lenin , Generations , Kid , Anthem , Peace , Imagine , 1971 , Lyrics , Situation , The End Of World , Quote , Tunnel , Dreamer , It Shy , Bucks , Pharmacist , Savings , Costs Options , Filling , Glasses , Cvs , Cououpons , 5050 , 050 , Feeling , PrivÉ Revaux , America , Um Jamie , A Million , A Million Bucks , Exam , Pairs , Line , America S Best , 89 95 , 2a , Apartment 2a , 2b And 2c , 2 , Account , Overdraft Fees , Card , Text , 2b , 2c , Zero , Fifty Bucks , Fifty , Bank , More , Neighbors , Help Check , Have Chase , Chase , Times , Hr Software , Feel , Cl , 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