Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

air raid sirens are sounding across ukraine. cnn teams report heavy shelling in the donetsk region in the east, as ukrainian officials say nearly all areas there are now under attack. russian forces are claiming significant advances in the besieged port city of mariupol. as the last two ukrainian military units in the city try to fend them off. and senior u.s. defense official telling cnn the city is in, quote, a dire position right now. >> that's despite putting up stronger than expected resistance in recent weeks. "the washington post" says russia sent a formal diplomatic note warning the u.s. to stop supplying arms to ukraine, saying that some weapons shipments are adding fuel to the conflict. all of this as russia faces renewed scrutiny, top prosecutor at the international criminal court has declared ukraine a, quote, crime scene, after visiting the devastated towns of bucha and borodyanka. let's begin this morning with cnn senior political correspondent, we're hearing two people killed, killed, tell us you're seeing this morning. >> reporter: it has been a long night, we heard bombardment throughout the night and this morning around midmorning here in mykolaiv, we heard reports of explosions happening in residential areas in the city. came to this park, where we found in various areas around us here, cluster munitions that have exploded. you see one of the impact spots here on the ground, and in this park is where we believe the two victims that were killed in this morning's attack happened. it also ended up targeting this orthodox church, i'll walk you over here to the scene, just this morning, it is amazing how quickly the volunteers here at the church and in the city have cleaned up this location. but this was a church location and you can see the impact and the crater, the small crater that was left by this munition here on the ground. this is, again, another area and the volunteers here have cleaned up already what was a very gruesome scene, blood on the ground here, windows shattered because of these explosions, and as you walk around various blocks to kind of give you an idea of why these cluster munitions are so terrifying, on the other side of the building that we're looking at over there, various explosions happened. i spoke with one woman who was inside her home, and one of the munitions exploded just outside of her window. she told me she thought it was the end of the world when it happened. she was uninjured, nothing happened to her, but this -- these kind of cluster munitions essentially designed to create this -- instill this kind of fear. i was told by several people there were people in this park walking their dogs this morning, when all of this started raining down on this neighborhood. and all of this unfolds at a time where we are seeing escalated attacks in kyiv, just outside of russian forces saying they targeted a military location there, we're seeing the attacks rising up again in the east as well. all of this coming after the sinking of the russian warship in the black sea, and jim and bianna, i can tell you as we talked to residents in this area, there is a great deal of apprehension and concern that this is the kind of attacks that are going to be seen or worried about, they see it as possible retaliation for the sinking of that warship in the black sea. >> i have to ask you there, as you showed us that impact point, that's right by a church? is that right? >> it is. you can see just look over here, on the side, i can't tell you the church was specifically targeted, everything around in this morning's explosions is -- looks to be completely random, so i don't want to give the impression that the church was targeted, but the impact location is just about ten feet to the side of that church. >> yeah. >> ed lavandera in mykolaiv, where that sunken warship was first commissioned in 1982, then ukraine part of the soviet union. ed, thank you. stay safe. this morning, ukrainian officials are reporting heavy shelling along much of the front line in the donetsk region. cnn's senior international correspondent ben wedeman is in kramatorsk, ukraine. b ben, what is it like right there right now? >> reporter: right now we can hear it is in the distance, but we can hear the air raid siren going off, a few hours ago, we heard a very large explosion. and local media was putting out a picture of a large plume of smoke coming from what we believe is an industrial area that was actually hit yesterday as well. and, of course, we are in the donetsk region, and the head of the regional military administration said today that all settlements near the front line are under attack. and, in fact, we were in the city of severodonetsk yesterday, the eastern most city under ukrainian government control. and i can tell you it is under attack, constant attack, and by the same sort of weapons that ed was describing in mykolaiv. these are cluster munitions, that don't necessarily cause a lot of physical damage, they're designed to kill people. and certainly that is what we saw, we went to a morgue that was full of the dead, we went to a cemetery, freshly dug, hastily dug cemetery on the outskirts of the city, where there were hundreds of crosses of people, and looking at the dates, they have all been killed since the 24th of february when this war began. jim? bianna? >> ben wedeman, thanks so much. good to have you there. and, of course, listen, this is the normal there, as he was speaking, you likely heard as we did the sound of air raid sirens behind him. joining us now, michael repass, the former commander for u.s. special operations in europe. michael, this morning, senior u.s. official tells me that mariupol is in a dire position, russian forces advancing there. frankly mariupol holding up longer than many in the u.s. military expected given the strength of the russian assault. what is the significance if mariupol falls to russian forces? >> the short-term implication is that the forces that russia are playing against mariupol for the siege warfare there could be redirected out east toward the west in the large offense they'veive that is building there now. they could join the fight there possibly or may sweep southward to expand the area that they put together that gives them the passage from russia, all the way down to crimea. that eastern sector they have been looking for. >> you know, the more setbacks we see to the russian military, the latest just that sunken battleship there, outside of odesa, one has to wonder what the response will be from moscow, and there is increased concern it may be by the use of chemical or tactical nuclear weapons. just yesterday, former prime minister dmitry medvedev warned that russia may deploy nuclear weapons if finland and sweden join nato. and u.s. cia director also is questioning whether this in fact may be true. listen to what he said yesterday. >> given the potential desperation of president putin and the russian leadership, given the setbacks that they have faced so far militarily, none of this can take lightly the threat posed by a potential resort to tactical nuclear weapons, low yield nuclear weapons. >> what is your take on that threat level? >> so, on the first point of sweden and finland and the threat to deploy nuclear weapons, they already deployed nuclear weapons in the russian enclave of kaliningrad. they have been there for at least ten years that i know of. that's just a reinforcement of the actual threat that exists today, so no change, just an emphasis of the point they have the ability to influence the area with tactical and nuclear weapons if they want to do so. the probability of them using them over there is pretty low. particularly since nato would have a very strong response to that because a lot of that nuclear devastation would essentially cause problems for nato up in the baltic states in particular. estonia, latvia, lithuania. in regards to mr. burns' comments, we lived in this shadow for a while of russian deterrence or escalation saying that, you know, we have the potential to use nuclear weapons if we want to. that's always been there, that's all been running in the background, we have to recognize that, and as part of the escalation discussion that goes on in washington, d.c. as we talk about the escalation ladder, they do this, we do that. so we know where we're going on that. but he's putting it out there as a cautionary note on our side. >> general repass, i'll told the u.s. considers ukraine's claim to have taken out moskva with a missile as credible. how significant a loss is this for russia and how significant would it be to show the jewel of their navy, one of the jewels of the navy, was vulnerable to a ukrainian missile here? it is yet another strike that shows the military is not what it was cracked up to be. >> yeah, you're spot on. i agree with your point there. so there are some practical and psychological effects of this loss. when we talk about the psychological first, you had a guest on earlier that talked about the psychological effect from a russian perspective, which is very insightful. there is more to it that he didn't cover. first off, the russian prestige, the navy prestige has been badly damaged by this. this is the largest tonnage loss since world war ii for the russian navy. the russians are completely shocked by that, quite frankly. i'll get to that point in a moment. finally on the psychological side, you have to go back to august of 2000 when they lost the submarine, nuclear submarine kirsk in the baron sea. it caused a lot of devastation, it caused a lot of rippling in the ranks of the russian navy. now, on the practical side, there is a couple of things. first, command and control has to be transferred to a lesser capable ship, lesser communication, lesser sensors, and so the black sea fleet operations that are blockading ukraine from the south and the black sea, maritime economy, that's all shut off. now the ability to do that is somewhat degraded. a good indication that it was a short-based missile that hit the ship or two missiles is the black sea fleet has moved out farther away from ukraine. having said that, it also demonstrates a couple of things, they have to be considering now. any thought of an amphibious landing in odesa has gone out the window. finally, the most interesting point, according to ukrainian intelligence that reported three special flights from moscow to far north of russia, i think those were people going up to assess the ability to recover the ship or weapons on that ship in the black sea because that's where the navy hub is really at up there for technical recovery and salvage up there. so i think that they're very concerned about the sinking of the ship and the possibility that something is on that ship that they don't want other people to know about. >> this is why the ukrainians were desperately asking for anti-ship missiles, right? specifically for this type of attack. major general michael repass, thank you. next, we'll speak to a former u.n. ambassador for war crimes about whether putin can ever be brought to justice. plus, cnn's clarissa ward takes us to the front line village in donetsk where she met an elderly woman in a wheelchair desperately trying to escape the shelling. dramatic video from jerusalem as palestinian and israelis clash at the al aqsa mosque. we'll take you there live as there are reports of more than 150 people injured. get relief . only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without thehe water. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel l like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotr hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingdients. and preservatives. try biotrue! hey businesses! you aldeserve something epic! so we're giving every busine, our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with 5g. that's the one with the amazing camera? 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joining me to discuss, former u.s. ambassador at large for war crimes issues, clint williamson, now senior fellow at the mccain institute for international leadership. ambassador, good to have you on this morning. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> i'd like to ask you about the whole picture here. the icc's chief prosecutor described ukraine as a crime scene. based on what you've seen so far, i know there is a lot of evidence that needs to be gathered, eyewitness testimony, but based on what you've seen so far, do you see hard evidence of war crimes and if so, how broadly in ukraine? >> yeah, absolutely. i think from the almost earliest days of the current invasion, we were seeing pretty clear indications of war crimes and these are specific violations of the geneva convention, designed to protect noncombatants, civilians or soldiers no longer able to defend them. since then, in places like bucha, irpin, and mariupol, i think there is pretty compelling evidence of crimes against humanity. and i would agree with the statement. certainly these areas on the outskirts of kyiv constitute one continuous large crime scene. >> we have been showing pictures there as you've been speaking of yet one more civilian family mourning over the body of yet one more civilian victim here. they appear to be the deliberate targets, a lot of evidence of that of russian attacks. are the more likely legal targets here, the ones that will end up in the docket at some point, is it more likely for them to be field commanders? there are many russian commanders already in ukrainian custody, prisoners of war, rather than someone higher up the chain, vladimir putin himself? >> well, i think the international criminal court certainly seems intent on conducting an investigation here. and i applaud that. and i -- they're taking steps in that direction. but people need to keep in mind that they have limited capabilities here in terms of how many cases they can take. they have a global jurisdiction, they're dealing with a number of situations around the world right now, and in any case they have never done more than five or six indictments. so they may well target senior political and military leaders in moscow. and this could potentially go up to president putin himself. but anyone that falls below the threshold level of icc prosecutions will probably have to be dealt with in other ways and right now that looks like that would take place through ukrainian national authorities, investigating and eventually prosecuting those tcrimes. >> if you look back to the beginning it may have seen a long shot for slobodan milosevic to face reckoning, but he did. i want to ask you before we go, there are a number of forums that this prosecution could take, largely outside the country, icc, something along those lines, largely inside the country, but it is your view that this should be done hand and hand. ukrainian authorities with the help of -- or under the auspices of the international criminal court? >> well, the international criminal court operates on a concept of what is called complementary. it is really seen as a court of last resort. but certainly in a conflict of this scale, crimes on this scale, this is really -- should be the bailiwick of the course. they may be in a position to do these high level prosecutions. but as i said, there are limits to how many cases they can actually undertake. and so this is the way the court was designed, to work hand and hand with national authorities. and here we have a situation, unlike syria, or myanmar, for example, where national authorities were actually hostile to accountability efforts because they were complicit in crimes, here we have a democratically elected government, that has legal authorities to investigate and prosecute these cases, so i think all of us in the international community are supporting them in doing that. >> good point. functioning government there, let them take the lead. ambassador williamson, thank you for the work you're doing. >> thank you. breaking overnight, more than 150 people injured in clashes at one of jerusalem's holiest sites. what sparked this chaos on a sacred day for judaism, islam and christianity. we'll have a live report up next. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, ththere has to be someone here making sure everythingng is saf. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the newubway club now that's a perfect 10 thank you! subway keeps refreshing and refre- you'rein some sortinking of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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what is the argument? >> a couple of things, one that going to cause undue harm to the states because migrants are going to be released into the united states in some cases instead of turned away under the pandemic authority and the administration didn't follow a notice and comment period before they decided to terminate the order. and also it includes comments from president biden's own party who criticized this decision, joe manchin called it a frightening decision to end this authority. and so the states in this case are looking for a court to block the administration from terminating this, and this is really what the administration is contending with, the political fallout, now this lawsuit with the big question of whether a court decides to block it before may 23rd. >> the question, can you continue to use the pandemic as justification for this, but what happens if the administration loses this case? >> well, it is very possible title 42 continues and the administration in that case can say they had tried to terminate it, but a court decided they had to continue. that is going to be the big question going into the next few weeks in what this court decides. >> interesting, something to follow closely. thank you very much. bianna? straight ahead, cnn is on the front lines as innocent ukrainians take cover from constant attacks. how this is jeopardizing the humanitarian effort. that's up next. he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their app. so you can customize your favorite footlong, set a pickup time, and jump the line! oh, here she goes! ugh, i thought she was actually gonna jump. just use this code and order on the subway app! our commitment to you is clear. save money. live better. offer everyday low prices, fresh groceries delivered to your door and prescriptions as low as $4. so you can live a little better each day. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. that oddly satisfying feeling when you don't do it yourself. ukrainian officials say there has been heavy shelling along almost the entire front line in the donetsk region. much of the area is enduring constant bombardment and now civilians are paying the price. >> they have been a consistent target since the russian attack since the beginning of this invasion. despite daily evacuations out in the east, many still unable to believe. some choosing to stay in the midst of it. cnn's clarissa ward takes us through a town near the front line, where innocent people are living in fear every day. >> reporter: the town of avdiivka is no stranger to war. eight years this has been the front line of ukraine's battle with russian-backed separatists. people here are used to shelling. they have never experienced anything like this. a missile can be heard overhead, an emotional man approaches us. they smashed the old part of town, he says. as we talk, the artillery intensifies. i told him it is better to go home now because there is a lot of shelling. he said there is more shelling where he lives. as russia prepares a major offensive in the east, front line towns like avdiivka are getting pummeled. so you can hear constant bombardment. this is the bomb shelter down here. you see this building has already been hit. this volunteer spends his days visiting the elderly and disabled. today he is checking in on 86-year-old lydia. petrified and alone, he has yet to find an organization willing to come and evacuate her . when there is no electricity and it is so dark and there is shelling, she says, you can't imagine how scary it is. she tells us she recites prayers to get through the night. i never imagined that my end would be like this, she says. you can't even die here because there is no one to provide a burial ceremony. for igor, it is agony not to be able to do more. i promise you, he says, i will help you to be evacuated. as we leave, lydia is reluctant to say good-bye. it is terrifying to live through this time, to do it alone is torture. it is so nice to see real people, she says. probably it is going to get worse. a prediction all but certain to come true as a second russian offensive draws near. >> tears and fear, just a reminder of what so many in that besieged country are experiencing and going through right now. our thanks to clarissa ward. let's bring in the executive director of amnesty international ukraine. thank you for joining us and for all the work you're doing to help people like lydia there. as you listen to clarissa's report, what can you tell us about the situation and the challenges for so many trying to flee the scene there? >> the situation is really quite challenging. because there are problems with evacuation on each stage. roads are broken, they are damaged, shell fire and ongoing air strikes. moreover we know that so far the biggest problem, of course, with old people and people with disabilities, because they need more support in transportation. and honesttally that is big challenge for the government. and for the nongovernmental sector because there are a lot of efforts from people, but the lack of just physical support, you know, and we need special vehicles, special trains and special equipment to do this. >> as the fighting there intensifies, i'm just curious what is the fate of humanitarian corridors in the days and weeks ahead? i know 2500 people were evacuated through ukrainian cities yesterday. but what does that look like in the days and weeks ahead? >> so situation is getting, i would say a little bit better than it was from the very beginning of the, like, two or three weeks ago, the situation was not that good. now it is getting better on one hand in some territories. in other territories we see -- we still documenting ongoing shell fire on civilians who try to evacuate. so the station is -- on one territory it is more or less better and it is becoming more and more possible for people to leave, even, you know, to have this couple -- for both sides to give the possibility for people to flee. but i cannot say the situation is good. it is still -- we still get information about killed people during their attempts to flee from occupied or dangerous territories. >> and as you continue to try to help as many people as possible, the numbers are just astronomical. i think we're approaching if we're not already at 5 million refugees that have fled the country, over 7.1 million people internally displaced alone. and just the cost this is having, the human toll, regardless of when this war ends and how it ends, i was struck by comments made by president zelenskyy in a recent interview, i believe with "the atlantic," and he said he feels viscerally what so many ukrainians feel, there will be no complete victory for people who lost their children, relatives, husbands, wives, parents, that's what i mean, he said. they will not feel the victory, even when our territories are liberated. what is your response to that? i'm still a little bit shaken having watched clarissa's piece and to see an 86-year-old woman thinking clarissa is the last person she will see alive. how do you think all of this in? >> so your question is if how these people will feel? or i mean -- >> how the people will feel, how do you feel? >> i never would -- i never thought i would have such a complicated feeling inside, inside myself. what i see from civil society and, i mean, not only civil society, from the whole population of ukraine, on one hand we see enormous solidarity, and, you know, this willingness to support each other, people who don't know each other, they still, you know, doing so much to protect, to support, to give food, to, i mean, to give medical care, and that's a lot. moreover, we see tremendous support from international community, which is a lot. and it give, you know that feeling that we might have a future. but on the other hand, the level of emotions that people in ukraine are now experiencing is something we never experienced before. and my biggest concern is that what will be in the future because what i see that we as a -- as ukrainians, we have to, you know, somehow deal with this angry, deal with this aggression inside ourselves and deal with this anxiety on the other hand. and to recover and to continue living without having this hatred inside ourselves. and i don't know how -- how it will be possible. i think it is very much about, of course, government and, of course, to work with ukrainian society to find new ways of living, new ways of thinking, of who we are, because i don't think that it is a good idea to be ukrainians like not russians. we have to go out from this narrative, we have to create a new narrative of who we are, based on this emotions that we are now experiencing. >> it will no doubt take a lot of rebuilding, physically and emotionally for millions of ukrainians there. oksana, thank you for everything you're doing. >> thank you. >> the courage, the perseverance of those people, we should note it every day and we're seeing it every day in ukraine. still ahead, as questions swirl around the health of queen elizabeth, prince harry and meghan make an unannounced trip to the uk. we're live from london next. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're bototh invested... in green energy. and also each otother. didigital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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(mom) it's for after your uncle joe's funeral. i hear there's a collection to help aunt adele. (mom) yeah. a funeral costs north of $9,000 these days. that's a hefty bill for family to pay if there's no life insurance check to help. wow. makes you think, doesn't it? (mom) which reminds me, i've been meaning to tell you, i got that 995 plan from colonial penn. -the life insurance on tv! -just $9.95 a month to help you pay my funeral expenses. what about your family, son? maybe i should get the 995 plan too. thing is, this has been a rough year for my business, ma. money's tight. still, for $9.95 a month... i don't have a good excuse, do i? i'm jonathan for colonial penn life insurance company. if you're age 50 to 85, just $9.95 a month buys whole life insurance with guaranteed acceptance. you cannot be turned down for any health reason. there are no health questions. guaranteed lifetime coverage. your insurance can never be cancelled. just pay your premiums. guaranteed lifetime rate lock. your rate can never increase. it's locked in as soon as you're covered and stays the same for the rest of your life. call now for free information. 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not hearing, we'll try to fix that and we'll get her back. another story we follow this morning. prince harry and his wife, meghan, made a surprise visit, a secret visit to queen elizabeth this week. the first time the couple returned to the uk together in two years. >> this comes just ahead of the queen's 96th birthday and amid concerns about the monarch's health. nada bashir with more. what do we know about this surprise visit? >> reporter: we've heard from the couple's spokesperson, they made the stop to visit the queen in windsor on their way to the hague where they will be attending the invictus games. an important event for prince harry, founder of the invictus games and made their appearance in toronto. certainly a special event for the couple but made the stop to meet with the queen but as you mentioned, it's the first time the couple returned together to the uk since 2020 when they made the decision to step back as senior members of the royal family. despite the family coming under intense scrutiny under that decision said in recent weeks, he has maintained contact with the queen. his family now based in california, often taking part in video calls with the queen herself, but of course, you did mention there are some concerns around the queen's health. we have the easter holiday just here in the uk. easter sunday, typically an important holiday for the queen. she would typically in attending the sunday service in windsor. she has now made the decision not to go to that sunday service, although other family members will be attending and there are concerns around her health. you've seen her recently opting to use a cane for mobility issues there and expressed she has felt tired and exhausted after a bout of covid, and concern there. all eyes on the royal family ahead of the jubilee coming up in a few weeks. >> nada bashir, a beautiful day in london, thank you. richard roth now recovering after a successful kidney transplant thanks in part to a donor here at our company. >> great news. roth is a beloved member of this team and for a long time, he's been at cnn since the day the network was launched in 1980. he's been covering the u.n. specifically for nearly 30 years. check him out there. so the spokesman for the u.n. secretary general had some kind words for him from the podium yesterday. >> i spoke to him a short while ago. he's in good spirits. his usual booming voice is coming back and i think we all, you all share with me sending all great, great thoughts and positive thoughts to richard as he recovers and i even hope to have him back in this room asking questions soon. >> such great news. >> speaks volumes. >> for sure. i mean, listen, we've been rooting for him for some time. he'd been looking, hoping, searching for a donor for some time. it's not an easy thing to do. there are a lot of folks out there in a similar situation. you might have noticed him on the air as he suffered through this but great news for all of us. >> a donor here among his cnn family. wish him a speedy recovery ahead. also ahead, a barrage of strikes against ukraine overnight after russia's key warship sinks in the black sea. russia striking a military facility on the outskirts of kyiv now with a cruise missile. where did this all lead? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

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air raid sirens are sounding across ukraine. cnn teams report heavy shelling in the donetsk region in the east, as ukrainian officials say nearly all areas there are now under attack. russian forces are claiming significant advances in the besieged port city of mariupol. as the last two ukrainian military units in the city try to fend them off. and senior u.s. defense official telling cnn the city is in, quote, a dire position right now. >> that's despite putting up stronger than expected resistance in recent weeks. "the washington post" says russia sent a formal diplomatic note warning the u.s. to stop supplying arms to ukraine, saying that some weapons shipments are adding fuel to the conflict. all of this as russia faces renewed scrutiny, top prosecutor at the international criminal court has declared ukraine a, quote, crime scene, after visiting the devastated towns of bucha and borodyanka. let's begin this morning with cnn senior political correspondent, we're hearing two people killed, killed, tell us you're seeing this morning. >> reporter: it has been a long night, we heard bombardment throughout the night and this morning around midmorning here in mykolaiv, we heard reports of explosions happening in residential areas in the city. came to this park, where we found in various areas around us here, cluster munitions that have exploded. you see one of the impact spots here on the ground, and in this park is where we believe the two victims that were killed in this morning's attack happened. it also ended up targeting this orthodox church, i'll walk you over here to the scene, just this morning, it is amazing how quickly the volunteers here at the church and in the city have cleaned up this location. but this was a church location and you can see the impact and the crater, the small crater that was left by this munition here on the ground. this is, again, another area and the volunteers here have cleaned up already what was a very gruesome scene, blood on the ground here, windows shattered because of these explosions, and as you walk around various blocks to kind of give you an idea of why these cluster munitions are so terrifying, on the other side of the building that we're looking at over there, various explosions happened. i spoke with one woman who was inside her home, and one of the munitions exploded just outside of her window. she told me she thought it was the end of the world when it happened. she was uninjured, nothing happened to her, but this -- these kind of cluster munitions essentially designed to create this -- instill this kind of fear. i was told by several people there were people in this park walking their dogs this morning, when all of this started raining down on this neighborhood. and all of this unfolds at a time where we are seeing escalated attacks in kyiv, just outside of russian forces saying they targeted a military location there, we're seeing the attacks rising up again in the east as well. all of this coming after the sinking of the russian warship in the black sea, and jim and bianna, i can tell you as we talked to residents in this area, there is a great deal of apprehension and concern that this is the kind of attacks that are going to be seen or worried about, they see it as possible retaliation for the sinking of that warship in the black sea. >> i have to ask you there, as you showed us that impact point, that's right by a church? is that right? >> it is. you can see just look over here, on the side, i can't tell you the church was specifically targeted, everything around in this morning's explosions is -- looks to be completely random, so i don't want to give the impression that the church was targeted, but the impact location is just about ten feet to the side of that church. >> yeah. >> ed lavandera in mykolaiv, where that sunken warship was first commissioned in 1982, then ukraine part of the soviet union. ed, thank you. stay safe. this morning, ukrainian officials are reporting heavy shelling along much of the front line in the donetsk region. cnn's senior international correspondent ben wedeman is in kramatorsk, ukraine. b ben, what is it like right there right now? >> reporter: right now we can hear it is in the distance, but we can hear the air raid siren going off, a few hours ago, we heard a very large explosion. and local media was putting out a picture of a large plume of smoke coming from what we believe is an industrial area that was actually hit yesterday as well. and, of course, we are in the donetsk region, and the head of the regional military administration said today that all settlements near the front line are under attack. and, in fact, we were in the city of severodonetsk yesterday, the eastern most city under ukrainian government control. and i can tell you it is under attack, constant attack, and by the same sort of weapons that ed was describing in mykolaiv. these are cluster munitions, that don't necessarily cause a lot of physical damage, they're designed to kill people. and certainly that is what we saw, we went to a morgue that was full of the dead, we went to a cemetery, freshly dug, hastily dug cemetery on the outskirts of the city, where there were hundreds of crosses of people, and looking at the dates, they have all been killed since the 24th of february when this war began. jim? bianna? >> ben wedeman, thanks so much. good to have you there. and, of course, listen, this is the normal there, as he was speaking, you likely heard as we did the sound of air raid sirens behind him. joining us now, michael repass, the former commander for u.s. special operations in europe. michael, this morning, senior u.s. official tells me that mariupol is in a dire position, russian forces advancing there. frankly mariupol holding up longer than many in the u.s. military expected given the strength of the russian assault. what is the significance if mariupol falls to russian forces? >> the short-term implication is that the forces that russia are playing against mariupol for the siege warfare there could be redirected out east toward the west in the large offense they'veive that is building there now. they could join the fight there possibly or may sweep southward to expand the area that they put together that gives them the passage from russia, all the way down to crimea. that eastern sector they have been looking for. >> you know, the more setbacks we see to the russian military, the latest just that sunken battleship there, outside of odesa, one has to wonder what the response will be from moscow, and there is increased concern it may be by the use of chemical or tactical nuclear weapons. just yesterday, former prime minister dmitry medvedev warned that russia may deploy nuclear weapons if finland and sweden join nato. and u.s. cia director also is questioning whether this in fact may be true. listen to what he said yesterday. >> given the potential desperation of president putin and the russian leadership, given the setbacks that they have faced so far militarily, none of this can take lightly the threat posed by a potential resort to tactical nuclear weapons, low yield nuclear weapons. >> what is your take on that threat level? >> so, on the first point of sweden and finland and the threat to deploy nuclear weapons, they already deployed nuclear weapons in the russian enclave of kaliningrad. they have been there for at least ten years that i know of. that's just a reinforcement of the actual threat that exists today, so no change, just an emphasis of the point they have the ability to influence the area with tactical and nuclear weapons if they want to do so. the probability of them using them over there is pretty low. particularly since nato would have a very strong response to that because a lot of that nuclear devastation would essentially cause problems for nato up in the baltic states in particular. estonia, latvia, lithuania. in regards to mr. burns' comments, we lived in this shadow for a while of russian deterrence or escalation saying that, you know, we have the potential to use nuclear weapons if we want to. that's always been there, that's all been running in the background, we have to recognize that, and as part of the escalation discussion that goes on in washington, d.c. as we talk about the escalation ladder, they do this, we do that. so we know where we're going on that. but he's putting it out there as a cautionary note on our side. >> general repass, i'll told the u.s. considers ukraine's claim to have taken out moskva with a missile as credible. how significant a loss is this for russia and how significant would it be to show the jewel of their navy, one of the jewels of the navy, was vulnerable to a ukrainian missile here? it is yet another strike that shows the military is not what it was cracked up to be. >> yeah, you're spot on. i agree with your point there. so there are some practical and psychological effects of this loss. when we talk about the psychological first, you had a guest on earlier that talked about the psychological effect from a russian perspective, which is very insightful. there is more to it that he didn't cover. first off, the russian prestige, the navy prestige has been badly damaged by this. this is the largest tonnage loss since world war ii for the russian navy. the russians are completely shocked by that, quite frankly. i'll get to that point in a moment. finally on the psychological side, you have to go back to august of 2000 when they lost the submarine, nuclear submarine kirsk in the baron sea. it caused a lot of devastation, it caused a lot of rippling in the ranks of the russian navy. now, on the practical side, there is a couple of things. first, command and control has to be transferred to a lesser capable ship, lesser communication, lesser sensors, and so the black sea fleet operations that are blockading ukraine from the south and the black sea, maritime economy, that's all shut off. now the ability to do that is somewhat degraded. a good indication that it was a short-based missile that hit the ship or two missiles is the black sea fleet has moved out farther away from ukraine. having said that, it also demonstrates a couple of things, they have to be considering now. any thought of an amphibious landing in odesa has gone out the window. finally, the most interesting point, according to ukrainian intelligence that reported three special flights from moscow to far north of russia, i think those were people going up to assess the ability to recover the ship or weapons on that ship in the black sea because that's where the navy hub is really at up there for technical recovery and salvage up there. so i think that they're very concerned about the sinking of the ship and the possibility that something is on that ship that they don't want other people to know about. >> this is why the ukrainians were desperately asking for anti-ship missiles, right? specifically for this type of attack. major general michael repass, thank you. next, we'll speak to a former u.n. ambassador for war crimes about whether putin can ever be brought to justice. plus, cnn's clarissa ward takes us to the front line village in donetsk where she met an elderly woman in a wheelchair desperately trying to escape the shelling. dramatic video from jerusalem as palestinian and israelis clash at the al aqsa mosque. we'll take you there live as there are reports of more than 150 people injured. get relief . only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without thehe water. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel l like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotr hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingdients. and preservatives. try biotrue! hey businesses! you aldeserve something epic! so we're giving every busine, our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with 5g. that's the one with the amazing camera? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit it's still the eat fresh refresh, which means subway's upping their bread game. we're talking artisan italian bread, made fresh daily! the only thing fresher than their bread is the guy reading this. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshing and re- federal prosecutors in new york have charged three russians accused of targeting u.s. lawmakers and trying to get them to act as unregistered agents for the kremlin. the russian politician and two aides are based in russia and have not been arrested. cnn's kara scannell joins me now with more on this new reporting. what are federal prosecutors accusing these men of doing? >> this say real interesting scheme we just learned about yesterday when this indictment was unsealed. they're charging the current deputy chair of the russia state duma, that is their parliament. so a pretty senior person, someone in the pro putin party. he and two of his staff members are accused of trying to influence u.s. lawmakers, foreign policy views toward putin and russia's move into crimea back in 2014. so a lot of this allegedly takes place between 2012 and 2017 before the current actions. one of the accusations is that the men are charged with doing in 2017 is that they were trying to get at least one u.s. congressman and one american businessman to -- they offered them an all expenses paid trip to go to yalta in crimea. and the purpose of that was that this conference that they wanted them to attend would benefit a russian who was already under sanctions because of putin's move into crimea. so that's where they were charged with conspiracy to violate u.s. sanctions. they were also charged with this unregistered agent action by trying to get an american to do their bidding for them and set up meetings with u.s. lawmakers. they made outreach to a number of lawmakers. none of those meetings came to fruition, visas weren't approved and they were charged with conspireing to commit visa fraud and no u.s. lawmakers or business men took that trip to yalta. this is all part of this, you know, look at how the russians then and, you know, even in our elections, are doing this foreign policy, doing this foreign influence campaign, and i think we're going to see a lot more of this as part of the justice department's kleptocapture unit has really gotten going. >> it wasn't just president trump at the time that took sort of the softer stance, more pro russia stance towards vladimir putin, but clearly there were a number of politicians here doing the same thing. interesting here, kara, thank you, appreciate it. jim? joining me to discuss, former u.s. ambassador at large for war crimes issues, clint williamson, now senior fellow at the mccain institute for international leadership. ambassador, good to have you on this morning. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> i'd like to ask you about the whole picture here. the icc's chief prosecutor described ukraine as a crime scene. based on what you've seen so far, i know there is a lot of evidence that needs to be gathered, eyewitness testimony, but based on what you've seen so far, do you see hard evidence of war crimes and if so, how broadly in ukraine? >> yeah, absolutely. i think from the almost earliest days of the current invasion, we were seeing pretty clear indications of war crimes and these are specific violations of the geneva convention, designed to protect noncombatants, civilians or soldiers no longer able to defend them. since then, in places like bucha, irpin, and mariupol, i think there is pretty compelling evidence of crimes against humanity. and i would agree with the statement. certainly these areas on the outskirts of kyiv constitute one continuous large crime scene. >> we have been showing pictures there as you've been speaking of yet one more civilian family mourning over the body of yet one more civilian victim here. they appear to be the deliberate targets, a lot of evidence of that of russian attacks. are the more likely legal targets here, the ones that will end up in the docket at some point, is it more likely for them to be field commanders? there are many russian commanders already in ukrainian custody, prisoners of war, rather than someone higher up the chain, vladimir putin himself? >> well, i think the international criminal court certainly seems intent on conducting an investigation here. and i applaud that. and i -- they're taking steps in that direction. but people need to keep in mind that they have limited capabilities here in terms of how many cases they can take. they have a global jurisdiction, they're dealing with a number of situations around the world right now, and in any case they have never done more than five or six indictments. so they may well target senior political and military leaders in moscow. and this could potentially go up to president putin himself. but anyone that falls below the threshold level of icc prosecutions will probably have to be dealt with in other ways and right now that looks like that would take place through ukrainian national authorities, investigating and eventually prosecuting those tcrimes. >> if you look back to the beginning it may have seen a long shot for slobodan milosevic to face reckoning, but he did. i want to ask you before we go, there are a number of forums that this prosecution could take, largely outside the country, icc, something along those lines, largely inside the country, but it is your view that this should be done hand and hand. ukrainian authorities with the help of -- or under the auspices of the international criminal court? >> well, the international criminal court operates on a concept of what is called complementary. it is really seen as a court of last resort. but certainly in a conflict of this scale, crimes on this scale, this is really -- should be the bailiwick of the course. they may be in a position to do these high level prosecutions. but as i said, there are limits to how many cases they can actually undertake. and so this is the way the court was designed, to work hand and hand with national authorities. and here we have a situation, unlike syria, or myanmar, for example, where national authorities were actually hostile to accountability efforts because they were complicit in crimes, here we have a democratically elected government, that has legal authorities to investigate and prosecute these cases, so i think all of us in the international community are supporting them in doing that. >> good point. functioning government there, let them take the lead. ambassador williamson, thank you for the work you're doing. >> thank you. breaking overnight, more than 150 people injured in clashes at one of jerusalem's holiest sites. what sparked this chaos on a sacred day for judaism, islam and christianity. we'll have a live report up next. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, ththere has to be someone here making sure everythingng is saf. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the newubway club now that's a perfect 10 thank you! subway keeps refreshing and refre- you'rein some sortinking of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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what is the argument? >> a couple of things, one that going to cause undue harm to the states because migrants are going to be released into the united states in some cases instead of turned away under the pandemic authority and the administration didn't follow a notice and comment period before they decided to terminate the order. and also it includes comments from president biden's own party who criticized this decision, joe manchin called it a frightening decision to end this authority. and so the states in this case are looking for a court to block the administration from terminating this, and this is really what the administration is contending with, the political fallout, now this lawsuit with the big question of whether a court decides to block it before may 23rd. >> the question, can you continue to use the pandemic as justification for this, but what happens if the administration loses this case? >> well, it is very possible title 42 continues and the administration in that case can say they had tried to terminate it, but a court decided they had to continue. that is going to be the big question going into the next few weeks in what this court decides. >> interesting, something to follow closely. thank you very much. bianna? straight ahead, cnn is on the front lines as innocent ukrainians take cover from constant attacks. how this is jeopardizing the humanitarian effort. that's up next. he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their app. so you can customize your favorite footlong, set a pickup time, and jump the line! oh, here she goes! ugh, i thought she was actually gonna jump. just use this code and order on the subway app! our commitment to you is clear. save money. live better. offer everyday low prices, fresh groceries delivered to your door and prescriptions as low as $4. so you can live a little better each day. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. that oddly satisfying feeling when you don't do it yourself. ukrainian officials say there has been heavy shelling along almost the entire front line in the donetsk region. much of the area is enduring constant bombardment and now civilians are paying the price. >> they have been a consistent target since the russian attack since the beginning of this invasion. despite daily evacuations out in the east, many still unable to believe. some choosing to stay in the midst of it. cnn's clarissa ward takes us through a town near the front line, where innocent people are living in fear every day. >> reporter: the town of avdiivka is no stranger to war. eight years this has been the front line of ukraine's battle with russian-backed separatists. people here are used to shelling. they have never experienced anything like this. a missile can be heard overhead, an emotional man approaches us. they smashed the old part of town, he says. as we talk, the artillery intensifies. i told him it is better to go home now because there is a lot of shelling. he said there is more shelling where he lives. as russia prepares a major offensive in the east, front line towns like avdiivka are getting pummeled. so you can hear constant bombardment. this is the bomb shelter down here. you see this building has already been hit. this volunteer spends his days visiting the elderly and disabled. today he is checking in on 86-year-old lydia. petrified and alone, he has yet to find an organization willing to come and evacuate her . when there is no electricity and it is so dark and there is shelling, she says, you can't imagine how scary it is. she tells us she recites prayers to get through the night. i never imagined that my end would be like this, she says. you can't even die here because there is no one to provide a burial ceremony. for igor, it is agony not to be able to do more. i promise you, he says, i will help you to be evacuated. as we leave, lydia is reluctant to say good-bye. it is terrifying to live through this time, to do it alone is torture. it is so nice to see real people, she says. probably it is going to get worse. a prediction all but certain to come true as a second russian offensive draws near. >> tears and fear, just a reminder of what so many in that besieged country are experiencing and going through right now. our thanks to clarissa ward. let's bring in the executive director of amnesty international ukraine. thank you for joining us and for all the work you're doing to help people like lydia there. as you listen to clarissa's report, what can you tell us about the situation and the challenges for so many trying to flee the scene there? >> the situation is really quite challenging. because there are problems with evacuation on each stage. roads are broken, they are damaged, shell fire and ongoing air strikes. moreover we know that so far the biggest problem, of course, with old people and people with disabilities, because they need more support in transportation. and honesttally that is big challenge for the government. and for the nongovernmental sector because there are a lot of efforts from people, but the lack of just physical support, you know, and we need special vehicles, special trains and special equipment to do this. >> as the fighting there intensifies, i'm just curious what is the fate of humanitarian corridors in the days and weeks ahead? i know 2500 people were evacuated through ukrainian cities yesterday. but what does that look like in the days and weeks ahead? >> so situation is getting, i would say a little bit better than it was from the very beginning of the, like, two or three weeks ago, the situation was not that good. now it is getting better on one hand in some territories. in other territories we see -- we still documenting ongoing shell fire on civilians who try to evacuate. so the station is -- on one territory it is more or less better and it is becoming more and more possible for people to leave, even, you know, to have this couple -- for both sides to give the possibility for people to flee. but i cannot say the situation is good. it is still -- we still get information about killed people during their attempts to flee from occupied or dangerous territories. >> and as you continue to try to help as many people as possible, the numbers are just astronomical. i think we're approaching if we're not already at 5 million refugees that have fled the country, over 7.1 million people internally displaced alone. and just the cost this is having, the human toll, regardless of when this war ends and how it ends, i was struck by comments made by president zelenskyy in a recent interview, i believe with "the atlantic," and he said he feels viscerally what so many ukrainians feel, there will be no complete victory for people who lost their children, relatives, husbands, wives, parents, that's what i mean, he said. they will not feel the victory, even when our territories are liberated. what is your response to that? i'm still a little bit shaken having watched clarissa's piece and to see an 86-year-old woman thinking clarissa is the last person she will see alive. how do you think all of this in? >> so your question is if how these people will feel? or i mean -- >> how the people will feel, how do you feel? >> i never would -- i never thought i would have such a complicated feeling inside, inside myself. what i see from civil society and, i mean, not only civil society, from the whole population of ukraine, on one hand we see enormous solidarity, and, you know, this willingness to support each other, people who don't know each other, they still, you know, doing so much to protect, to support, to give food, to, i mean, to give medical care, and that's a lot. moreover, we see tremendous support from international community, which is a lot. and it give, you know that feeling that we might have a future. but on the other hand, the level of emotions that people in ukraine are now experiencing is something we never experienced before. and my biggest concern is that what will be in the future because what i see that we as a -- as ukrainians, we have to, you know, somehow deal with this angry, deal with this aggression inside ourselves and deal with this anxiety on the other hand. and to recover and to continue living without having this hatred inside ourselves. and i don't know how -- how it will be possible. i think it is very much about, of course, government and, of course, to work with ukrainian society to find new ways of living, new ways of thinking, of who we are, because i don't think that it is a good idea to be ukrainians like not russians. we have to go out from this narrative, we have to create a new narrative of who we are, based on this emotions that we are now experiencing. >> it will no doubt take a lot of rebuilding, physically and emotionally for millions of ukrainians there. oksana, thank you for everything you're doing. >> thank you. >> the courage, the perseverance of those people, we should note it every day and we're seeing it every day in ukraine. still ahead, as questions swirl around the health of queen elizabeth, prince harry and meghan make an unannounced trip to the uk. we're live from london next. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're bototh invested... in green energy. and also each otother. didigital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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not hearing, we'll try to fix that and we'll get her back. another story we follow this morning. prince harry and his wife, meghan, made a surprise visit, a secret visit to queen elizabeth this week. the first time the couple returned to the uk together in two years. >> this comes just ahead of the queen's 96th birthday and amid concerns about the monarch's health. nada bashir with more. what do we know about this surprise visit? >> reporter: we've heard from the couple's spokesperson, they made the stop to visit the queen in windsor on their way to the hague where they will be attending the invictus games. an important event for prince harry, founder of the invictus games and made their appearance in toronto. certainly a special event for the couple but made the stop to meet with the queen but as you mentioned, it's the first time the couple returned together to the uk since 2020 when they made the decision to step back as senior members of the royal family. despite the family coming under intense scrutiny under that decision said in recent weeks, he has maintained contact with the queen. his family now based in california, often taking part in video calls with the queen herself, but of course, you did mention there are some concerns around the queen's health. we have the easter holiday just here in the uk. easter sunday, typically an important holiday for the queen. she would typically in attending the sunday service in windsor. she has now made the decision not to go to that sunday service, although other family members will be attending and there are concerns around her health. you've seen her recently opting to use a cane for mobility issues there and expressed she has felt tired and exhausted after a bout of covid, and concern there. all eyes on the royal family ahead of the jubilee coming up in a few weeks. >> nada bashir, a beautiful day in london, thank you. richard roth now recovering after a successful kidney transplant thanks in part to a donor here at our company. >> great news. roth is a beloved member of this team and for a long time, he's been at cnn since the day the network was launched in 1980. he's been covering the u.n. specifically for nearly 30 years. check him out there. so the spokesman for the u.n. secretary general had some kind words for him from the podium yesterday. >> i spoke to him a short while ago. he's in good spirits. his usual booming voice is coming back and i think we all, you all share with me sending all great, great thoughts and positive thoughts to richard as he recovers and i even hope to have him back in this room asking questions soon. >> such great news. >> speaks volumes. >> for sure. i mean, listen, we've been rooting for him for some time. he'd been looking, hoping, searching for a donor for some time. it's not an easy thing to do. there are a lot of folks out there in a similar situation. you might have noticed him on the air as he suffered through this but great news for all of us. >> a donor here among his cnn family. wish him a speedy recovery ahead. also ahead, a barrage of strikes against ukraine overnight after russia's key warship sinks in the black sea. russia striking a military facility on the outskirts of kyiv now with a cruise missile. where did this all lead? cnn is on the front lines up next. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile e hotspot. we cut to downwntown, your sales rep lisa has to o send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. welcome to the eat fresh refresh at subway wait, that's new wait, you're new too nobody told yo subway's refreshing with better ingredients, wait, you're new too better footlongs, and better spokespeople. because you gott you gotta refresh to b fresh you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ihop rewards program is here, and it's delicious. join the international bank of pancakes and start earning pancoins toward free food. only from ihop. i love being outside. my eyes...not so much. until i found new clear eyes® allergy. just one drop means all day relief, and my eyes...feel amazing. new clear eyes allergy. your eyes deserve the best™. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga. >> and i'm jim sciutto. ukraine says that russia's trying to take revenge for the loss, the sinking of one of the jewels of the russian navy. that ship, the moskvaa, sits at the bottom of the black sea. ukraine's claim of a missile strike on the ship is credible. u.s. officials tell us they have struck back targeting military facilities on the outskirts of the capital kyiv. >> right now, air raid sirens can be heard across several parts of ukraine as heavy shelling is reported in the donetsk region. and in mariupol, the last two ukrainian military units in that city are working to fend off russian forces. the senior defense officials telling cnn that cnn is in, quote, a dire position. let's begin this morning with cnn's brianna keilar in lviv and western ukraine. brianna, russia claims they have struck a military facility

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Fight , All The Way , Passage , Offense They Veive , Crimea , Setbacks , Sector , Russian Military , Odesa , Sunken Battleship , Response , Finland , Dmitry Medvedev , Use , Moscow , Sweden , Director , Questioning , Nato , Cia , Threat , President Putin , None , Desperation , Leadership , Threat Level , Ability , Reinforcement , Enclave , Change , Emphasis , Kaliningrad , Probability , Comments , Burns , Problems , Devastation , Baltic States In Particular , Regards , Mr , Shadow , Estonia , Lithuania , Latvia , Washington D C , Background , Escalation , Potential , Deterrence , Running , Escalation Discussion , Claim , Escalation Ladder , General Repass , Russian Navy , Loss , Jewels , Jewel , Spot On , Strike , Effects , First Off , He Didn T Cover , Effect , Perspective , First , Guest , Russians , Tonnage Loss , World War Ii , Nuclear Submarine Kirsk , Sea , Baron , Rippling , August Of 2000 , 2000 , Couple , Things , Command , Operations , Communication , Control , Ranks , Sensors , Black Sea Fleet , Ukraine , Missiles , Indication , Shut Off , South , Economy , Thought , Landing , Flights , Intelligence , Three , Recovery , Hub , Something , Possibility , Type , Major General , War Crimes , Clint Williamson , U N , Clarissa Ward , Plus , Justice , Village , Jerusalem , Video , Israelis , Wheelchair , Al Aqsa Mosque , Palestinian , Relief , Reports , Medicine Fast , Laser , Pill , Packs , Gels , Pain Relief , Tylenol Rapid , Thehe Water , Drilled Holes , 150 , Eyes , On The Road , Preservatives , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Biotrue , Combo , Biotr Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Ingdients , Business , Deals , Businesses , Busine , Epic , 5g , Camera , Appointment , Iphone , Yep , Hi , 13 , 5 , Business Customers , Aromatherapy Rugs , At T , Power , Tools , Investment Ideas , Stats , Baby , Merrill , Son , Mom , Funeral , Granny , Casserole , Collection , Care , Uncle Joe S Funeral , Mama , Ooh , Aunt Adele , 9000 , 000 , Plan , It , Life Insurance , Family , Tv , Bill , Doesn T , Colonial Penn , 95 , 995 , 9 95 , Thing , Money , Funeral Expenses , Ma , Acceptance , Excuse , 85 , 50 , Insurance , Premiums , Rate , Health Reason , Lifetime Rate Lock , Health Questions , Lifetime Coverage , Information , Life , Same , Rest , Music , World , Inflation , Suits , Helicopter Blades , Greg , Investing , Advice , Baby One More Time , Memes , Milk , Onesies , Chapter , Friend , Morgan Stanley , Britney Spears , Benny , E Trade , Candidates , Man , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Staffing , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Job Description , Refresh , Subway , Bread , Guy , Bread Game , Daily , Prosecutors , New York , Lawmakers , Reporting , Politician , Kara Scannell , Agents , Aides , Kremlin , Someone , Men , Indictment , Parliament , Deputy Chair , Putin Party , Doing , Say , Scheme , Russia State Duma , Place , Move , Members , Staff , Foreign Policy Views , 2014 , 2012 , Businessman , Actions , Congressman , Accusations , Expenses , 2017 , Trip , Russian , Sanctions , Conference , Purpose , Number , Meetings , American , Bidding , Conspiracy , Visas Weren T , Action , Agent , Outreach , Fruition , Foreign Policy , Elections , Visa Fraud , Conspireing , Yalta , Stance , President , Influence , Campaign , It Wasn T Just , Justice Department S Kleptocapture Unit , Politicians , War Crimes Issues , Ambassador , Chief Prosecutor , Mccain Institute For International Leadership , Pleasure , Icc , Evidence , Invasion , Indications , Civilians , Noncombatants , Places , Violations , Soldiers , Geneva Convention , Crimes , Statement , Humanity , Irpin , Victim , Pictures , Family Mourning , Body , Ones , Targets , Field Commanders , Docket , Commanders , Custody , Chain , Prisoners Of War , Mind , Investigation , Direction , Steps , Terms , Capabilities , Case , Cases , Situations , Indictments , Jurisdiction , Six , Five , Level , Leaders , Threshold , Anyone , Icc Prosecutions , Ways , Ukrainian National Authorities , Those Tcrimes , Lines , Country , Slobodan Milosevic , Prosecution , Reckoning , Shot , Forums , Hand , Help , Authorities , View , Auspices , Scale , Concept , Court Of Last Resort , Bailiwick , Court , Way , Prosecutions , Limits , Situation , Myanmar , Accountability Efforts , Example , Syria , Work , Lead , Community , Clashes , Sites , Judaism , Islam And Christianity , Chaos , Sure Everythingng Is Saf , Report , Everywhere , Ththere , Nobody , Anything , Anywhere , Quarrel , Lover , Roast Beef , Oven , Turkey , Black Forest Ham , Sortinking , Newubway Club , Refre You Rein , 10 , Each Other , Invested , Asthma , Green Energy , Reactions , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Breathing Problems , Steroids , Face , Swelling , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Trouble , Tongue , Mouth , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Food , Pancakes , Pancoins , Ihop Rewards Program , Bank , Best Western Rewards , Points , Stay , Value , Western , Let S Go , Rewards Points , Bestwestern Com , Hydration , Skin Glow , Neutrogena , Hydro Boost Lightweight , 48 , Skin , Wyoming , Administration , Migrants , Pandemic , Lawsuit , Title , Biden , Estate , Asylum , Border Control Policy , 42 , Set , Restriction , Moderates , Border , Migrant Surge , May 23rd , 23 , Authority , Argument , Didn T , Harm , Notice , Decision , Order , Party , Joe Manchin , Question , Fallout , Big Question , Justification , Cover , Effort , App , Line , Code , Favorite Footlong , Commitment , Prescriptions , Save Money , Little , Prices , Door , Groceries , Low , , 4 , Innovator , Technology , Table , Symptoms , Moderate , Injections , Ulcerative Colitis , Crohn S Disease , Tracks , Dose , Stelara , Cancer , Pres , Treatment , Serious , Risk , Skin Growths , Sores , Brain Condition , Vaccine , Tb , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Feeling , Constant Bombardment , Price , Beginning , Evacuations , Target , Town , Midst , Choosing , Stranger , Battle , The Town Of Avdiivka , Separatists , Eight , Overhead , Artillery , Bomb Shelter , Offensive , Avdiivka , Lydia , Organization , Elderly , Volunteer , Hit , Disabled , 86 , Electricity , End , Prayers , Burial Ceremony , Igor , More , Prediction , Torture , Thanks , Reminder , Draws , Tears , Amnesty International Ukraine , Executive Director , Challenges , Roads , Evacuation , Stage , Shell Fire , Problem , Air Strikes , Support , Disabilities , Challenge , Transportation , Honesttally , Efforts , Lack , Trains , Vehicles , Fate , Corridors , Fighting , Equipment , Cities , 2500 , Bit , Territories , Station , Territory , Leave , Sides , Numbers , Attempts , Cost , Refugees , Human Toll , 7 1 Million , 5 Million , Feel , Victory , Zelenskyy , Interview , Viscerally , The Atlantic , Children , Parents , Husbands , Relatives , Wives , Person , Thinking Clarissa , Piece , Complicated Feeling Inside , Willingness , Society , Solidarity , Population , Civil Society , People Who , Emotions , Aggression , Angry , Anxiety , Living , Hatred , Thinking , Ukrainian Society , Doubt , Narrative , Rebuilding , Courage , Perseverance , Millions , Oksana , Harry , Health , Questions , Queen Elizabeth , Uk , Bototh Invested , Meghan , London , Otother , Didigital , Club , Sway , Refre , Ofis Mama , Sandwich , Simone Biles , Soft Music , Moon , Fan , Fast , Heartburn , Talker , Frank , Fast Walker , Pepcid , Gary , Remi , Dog , Energy , Improvements , Nexium , Fans , Farmer , Prilosec Otc , Allergies , Four , Happiness , Longlivedogs Com , Dozens , Site , Stun Grenades , Hospital , Rubber Bullets , Injuries , Beatings , Al Oxa Mosque , Holiest Sites In Islam , Christian , Back , Visit , Hearing , Wife , Made A Surprise Visit , Story , Queen , Concerns , Time , Monarch , Birthday , Nada Bashir , 96 , Stop , Surprise , Invictus Games , Spokesperson , Hague , Event , Appearance , Toronto , Royal Family , 2020 , Contact , Video Calls , California , In Windsor , Easter Sunday , Sunday Service , Family Members , Mobility , Issues , Bout , Cane , Covid , Jubilee , Beautiful Day , Richard Roth , News , Donor , Member , Company , Kidney Transplant , Team , Secretary General , Spokesman , Network , 1980 , 30 , Thoughts , Podium , Words , Spirits , Voice , Share , Volumes , Room , Air , All Of Us , Folks , Cruise Missile , Warship Sinks , Strikes , Barrage , Lisa , Mover , Hotspot , O , Files , Mobile E , Rob , Downwntown , Employee , At T Business , Smart Phone , Wait , Spokespeople , Footlongs , Yo Subway , Ingredients , Subway Wait , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Eyes , Allergy , Ratings , Reviews , Pay , Project Managers , Projects , Angi , Angi Com , Tm , Shortlist , Job , Job Criteria , Everyone , Revenge , Moskvaa , Missile Strike , Military Facilities , Defense Officials , Parts , Brianna Keilar , In Lviv ,

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