Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708

the u.s. and its allies are racing to deliver new military aid, including new types of weaponry for ukrainian fighters. but now, there is even greater fear that it might not arrive quickly enough. a senior defense official telling cnn time is not our friend. and on the sea, another battle is playing out. ukraine says it hit the guided missile cruiser "moskva" in the black sea with two missiles. russia says an accidental fire detonated a fire onboard but concedes significant damage and the ship has been evacuated. the u.s. may send a high-ranking representative to ukraine to show the kind of offidarity we've seen from other l leaders. and minutes ago, at joint base andrews, president biden was asked about that. >> will you send senior officials to ukraine? >> we're making that decision now. thank you. >> we have a lot to cover this hour. let's begin at the pentagon with cnn's barbara starr. barbara, if this is your new reporting about russian troop movements, what can you tell us? >> well, dana, a senior defense official says they are beginning to see the first signs of russian troops moving back into the northern donbas. that's that eastern region of ukraine where all attention is focused because it is believed a forthcoming major battle is taking shape there. what they are seeing is some russian units that had left northern ukraine several days ago refit, resupply and come back into the northern part of eastern ukraine. but this is not the full-on invasion force yet. this is the beginning. the leading edge, if you will. some aviation. some command and control. some artillery. the things to shape the battlefield for what is to come. and a good deal of concern about all of that because there is a sense that putin has a bit of a timeline for this battle. he wants it to be accomplished by mid-may. dana? >> the new military package that we reported on yesterday includes weapons that haven't been sent before. so how does this given what we're seeing on the landscape affect the speed with which the u.s. and its allies can get those weapons to ukraine. >> well, we are seeing now the approval of the heavy weapons and we can show our viewers a list of some of the things. take a look right off the top of the list. howitzers, mi-17 helicopters, air defense radar, counterbattery radars. these are the things they'll need for that donbas fight. it is geography that is open, flat, relatively speaking. they are going to be firing at very long ranges. this is not the ambush tactics we saw in the woods north of kyiv several weeks ago. so this is the critical package of heavy weapons that zelenskyy has wanted and that now finally are being shipped. but as you point out, time is of the essence. if putin is already moving, can they get all of this there fast enough? we are told the top items will be front loaded. they will go first. but it is still going to take time. the last shipment of some $800 million of aid is taking four weeks to get there and those are lighter weapons. dana? >> really interesting and important reporting as always. barbara starr, thank you. and now, let's go to ukraine. cnn's matt rivers is in lviv. so, matt, what's the latest there, specifically on that russian warship? >> yeah, that's the big headline from ukraine, i think today, dana, talking about this fire and essentially this key russian warship, the "moskva" that's now out of commission. this is one of the most important ships in the russian navy. it's the flagship of the black sea fleet. now it's out of commission. that's something that all sides agree on. the russians, the ukrainians, the americans. what they differ is what the cause of this fire was and the subsequent explosions of ammunition on board. the russians say it was an accidental fire. they don't know the cause quite yet but what the ukrainians are saying is that it was themselves that did it by firing several shore-based cruise missiles called neptune missiles that were developed here in ukraine, brought into service within the last year or so. and ukrainians saying they fired several of those cruise missiles successfully hitting and essentially crippling this ship. the united states asked about its assessment of what's going on here. basically says it's still trying to determine that. >> certainly the way that this unfolded, it's a big blow to russia. this is their flagship, the "moskva" and they've now been forced to admit that it has been badly damaged and they've had to kind of choose between two stories. one story is that it was just incompetence and the other was that they came under attack. and neither is a particularly good outcome for them. >> no matter what the cause is here, dana, essentially you're talking about one of the most important ships in the russian navy being taken out of service. that does two things. one, it limits russia's technical capabilities in terms of ability to fight this war. it will have an impact on that, but also symbolic blow against russia and something that will buoy ukrainian forces after we've seen their successes in the northern part of ukraine. this, another setback for the russians ahead of this new offensive that barbara was just talking about that we expect to begin in the days and weeks ahead. >> matt rivers, thank you so much for that report. just four weeks after being under siege, ukraine's capital city of kyiv is seeing a stream of visiting heads of state. here the presidents of poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia visiting the ukrainian leader volodymyr zelenskyy. and now the white house is considering a similar show of solidarity. i want to go straight to the white house. cnn's mj lee is there. mj, we heard at the top of the show, president biden openly saying that they are discussing it. what are you hearing from your sources about who is under consideration to go? >> yeah, dana, what we are being told is that u.s. officials have had preliminary, early conversations about the possibility of sending a high-ranking official to ukraine at this time. but it is very important to emphasize that the idea of either president biden or vice president harris making that trip to ukraine any time soon, that that is unlikely. but some of the names that have been discussed include people like defense secretary lloyd austin or secretary of state antony blinken. now important to emphasize, as we heard directly from the president himself just a few moments ago, that a decision has not been made, and it is very possible that a visit like this may not even happen at all. and, of course, important to note the obvious fact that ukraine is a war zone. it's a country that is under attack. pentagon spokesperson john kirby saying it's very, very important to take into consideration the security concerns if such a trip were to take place. listen. >> there's not a time when a major official of the administration goes anywhere where we don't factor in security concerns. of course. and ukraine is under attack right now. it's been invaded by a foreign power. so, of course, any potential visit, and i'm not previewing one, but any potential visit, you'd have to have security concerns. we certainly wouldn't do it if we couldn't meet those concerns. but again, i don't have any travel to speak to today. >> you mentioned earlier, dana, we have seen a number of foreign leaders visiting ukraine in recent days. over the weekend we saw british prime minister boris johnson walking the streets of kyiv with the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. those images were incredibly striking given what is going on in the country. i should note when president biden visited europe a couple of weeks ago and was in poland to take a look at the humanitarian crisis at the border, he did express a desire to get over the border, be in ukraine himself so that he could see with his own eyes exactly what is happening in the country. >> very, very dicey, but understandable as a show of solidarity on all fronts. thank you so much, mj lee. appreciate that. let's continue this conversation with kevin ryan, retired brigadier general. first your reaction to barbara starr's new reporting that russian troops that have left northern ukraine, gone back up to russia are now starting to come back down into the east into the donbas region. >> right. well, president putin told us this was going to happen. what we're seeing are the first steps of what i'll call the last phase of this active fighting. in other words, putin has claimed victory in phase one, even though we know they done get what they really wanted. but he's claimed victory there, and he has said that the final phase or the ultimate phase left is the freeing or liberating of the donbas, which is where all of these troops are being moved down to the south and east so they can accomplish that operation. this will be the last fight, and once putin has this land, then he will likely call for a cease-fire so that he can consolidate his gains and refit his military. >> you say it's the last fight. that signals to me that you think that russia is going to win this one. what do you mean? can you elaborate on what you mean by the last fight? >> yeah, it's the last part of this fighting. if you believe what putin says, he's in a war with the west. and that happened before. that was started before ukraine and will go on afterwards. but this phase of that war is active fighting. and he's trying to take land that will give him a strategic position in the region and along the black sea there. he's almost got the land that -- enough land that he can go back to the russian people and declare a victory of sorts. meanwhile, ukraine can also claim a victory of sorts because it will have stopped the russian advance and prevented them from taking over kyiv and all the rest of ukraine. so both sides are going to claim victory out of this, but both sides are also short of what they really want. >> yeah, and meanwhile, we have all of these innocent civilians literally getting caught in the -- i wouldn't say crossfire, but getting caught by russian attacks. so general, just minutes ago, cia director william burns said that the u.s. will not take lightly the possibility that russia could seek to use a tactical nuclear weapon in ukraine. do you think that is a legitimate threat from russia? >> it is a legitimate threat. they have tactical nuclear weapons. they plan for their use. they do have recognition of the fact that the level of escalation that this would represent. i don't think they would use it for any reason short of losing a large part of their military formation or not being able to claim some sort of victory in ukraine. i think they are going to be able to claim a victory, so i don't see the use as likely, but, yes, they could do it and it could be part of a broader scheme to scare off nato and the west. >> yeah. let's hope it's just a threat, for sure. so we're talking about what russia is doing and we've been talking today about the u.s. really now scrambling to get the ukrainians the kinds of weapons they've been asking for to try to have a defense -- a proper defense against russia, particularly in the donbas area. we have on the screen the list of some of the weapons that are going to be headed towards ukraine. i know you're familiar with them. some of this is different from what we have seen before. how much will actually require training for the ukrainians to use them? this isn't necessarily just to pick up and go kind of situation, is it? >> no. counterbattery radars, though, have already been delivered to ukraine so they should be able to master that pretty quickly. mi-17 helicopters are something that they have flown themselves. artillery is, you know, great. apologies to the artillery men, but it doesn't take a masters degree to operate it. they can do that. i think the most important weapons, and i think barbara mentioned this, are the artillery and the helicopters and the counterbattery radar. this will allow them to hopefully suppress russian artillery, which is a big advantage that russia has, and move troops more quickly around the battlefield. >> retired army brigadier general kevin ryan, thank you for that important insight. i appreciate it. >> thank you. russia just sanctioned about 400 members of the u.s. congress. one of them congresswoman kathleen rice joins me now. we'll get her response to putin and what she learned from a trip she just returned from in eastern europe. and the suspect of the new york subway shooting spree making his first court appearance today. we'll take you there live. plus, what to make of elon musk's $43 billion hostile takeover attempt of twitter. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their app. so you can customize your favorite footlong, set a pickup time, and jump the line! oh, here she goes! ugh, i thought she was acally gonna jump. just use this code and order on theubway app! you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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>> thank you, dana. as you said it was a bipartisan trip. ten of us from the house who traveled over there, and i think the most important message, the most important goal of this trip was to reaffirm our commitment, not only to nato but to the eu and every single country who values democratic principles during this horrible aggression by russia. and so i think it was important for all of us to speak from the same sheet of music. we were completely unified in how important it was for us to build an international coalition together with members of nato, member countries of nato and the eu and all of us understand how important it is for us to provide the lethal weaponry that we are providing to ukraine so they can fight this battle which they have done beyond anyone's expectation, incredibly bravery. they are so resilient, but also understand how important it is to get humanitarian aid that is so desperately needed there. when we were in poland, we had the opportunity to go to the border and see how refugees coming from ukraine were being processed. and these are just people who just -- who want to be home. they don't want to have to be refugees. and it's just a terrible sight to see, but we also see how important humanitarian aid is. >> yeah, and i actually saw you there in poland when i was there last week. and one of the things that i sense from talking to refugees is they wanted to stay close to home. they wanted to stay in the region, which is, in part, why you see so many, almost 3 million of the refugees coming across the border into poland. i spoke with the mayor of warsaw, the president of poland, and what they were telling me is that the influx will eventually become unsustainable. and president duda said, we need international support badly. is the u.s. providing enough aid to countries like poland to help absorb these refugees? >> let me say that to poland and romania, we were also in romania. they 24 care two countries takin an enormous number of refugees. we met with officials who said we're doing this now and regular everyday poles are opening up their homes to accept refugees into their homes but at some point there's going to be a breaking point. we're working closely with a lot of nongovernmental organizations, whether it's the world food program, international red cross, to make sure the humanitarian need gets where it is. we have -- the high number of refugees but also remember that there are a lot of displaced, internally displaced people who are still in ukraine and need the help there. we have to get that humanitarian aid there as quickly as possible. congress has done its part in terms of appropriating money for that primarily is fed through these ngos to get into ukraine, but we have to do it better and we have to do it faster. >> these refugees who are almost all women and children. the president declared this week that the atrocities under way in ukraine constitute genocide. does this or should this have any implications ts when it com to policies? should it trig kger any changes? the biden administration and more broadly in the u.s.? >> i think it just reinforces how important it is for us to provide the lethal aid we're giving to the ukrainians right now. they have their prosecutor general going around the country documenting the instances of war crimes. dana, you've been there. you see the stories. it's so important that we educate the world about the atrocities. these are not soldier on soldier combat, although that is happening. these are russian soldiers specifically targeting civilians. and rapes and murders and torture that's going on. there will be a time for putin and those who worked with him to be held to account. but right now it's so important for us to help the ukrainians be able to document all of these war crimes because there will come a day when there will be accountability. >> before i let you go, i want to ask about the fact that there is finland and sweden, both border countries with russia, who have historical ly been, i call it aggressively neutral, now getting very close to asking for admission to nato, which was not even remotely on the table even just a few months ago. should that be expedited, and what are the ramifications of that? >> our final stop on this trip was in brussels. we met with nato officials. and this issue was raised. and finlanded in sweden are aggressively trying to get into nato and we were informed that their applications and this whole process, is going to be expedited as quickly as possible. putin, nothing upsets putin more than nato expanding right in his backyard. and, you know, if you look at what ukraine did in trying to be -- to kind of avoid this conflict. they said we're not going to get involved in nato. and what did putin do? he invaded ukraine. if you look at what finland and sweden are doing and they're right there. their point is, guess what, we need the protection of nato and we're going to do it now and we should support that. i'm happy that nato officials were very aggressively -- they told us specifically that they were going to try to expedite that process as quickly as possible. >> congresswoman kathleen rice, thank you for joining me. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. two days after the terrifying attack in a brooklyn subway, the sub who called the cops himself appears in court. everything just wrapped up, and we're going to get you the latest, next. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? 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>> yes, so, dana, this was a presentment, his initial appearance. the prosecutors asking that he be detained. the defense attorney not objecting to that. he's going to be detained as he awaits trial here. a couple of notes from the prosecutors. they argued for this detention because they say that this was entirely premeditated, that this was a premeditated mass shooting. they talk about how he had a stockpile of ammunition. prosecutors also say that he came to brooklyn prepared with all the weapons and tools he needed and that he was a danger to society because of these videos that they say he has posted claiming he wanted to kill people. so all of that -- because of all of that, they ask he be detained. the judge agreed. he's been detained. also his attorney had asked he gets medical attention while at the jail here in brooklyn. they asked for a psychiatric evaluation and also asked that he be able to take some medication because he gets leg cramps. but he's been detained and that's the news here, dana. >> shimon, you spoke to a teen who captured photos of the suspect. what did he have to say? >> yeah, he's -- this is a really fascinating story. he is 17 years old. he's in high school. his name is jack griffin. he's on a field trip here in manhattan. lives in manhattan. but on the lower east side. he's taking photography class. as he's walking he comes around the corner and sees the alleged shooter, frank james, sitting there on the bench. and just take a listen to him describing about what he did and how he felt seeing him. >> right here from about 20 feet away, i saw frank james sitting down at that bench over there. so i got out my camera, and i quickly took a photo of the street, and that's when he noticed that he was being photographed. and he started walking away. >> but you were one of the first people to probably put him in this area. >> right. >> what do you think of that? >> i think that's crazy. and i think the only reason i was able to do that is because i was looking for things to shoot. so many of my friends and i are on our phones scrolling through tiktok or instagram or social media and looking down. that day i was looking up and looking for things to shoot. that's when i saw him. >> and last night, dana, the police came and interviewed him and thanked him. he really did help them and so they're going to use some of the information that he has to try and build this timeline of where the alleged shooter has been while they were out searching for him. >> so interesting, shimon, what an honest teenager talking about the phone addiction and how -- if you don't look at your phone, you could really do something to help society in a major way. thank you so much, shimon. appreciate it. as the kremlin unleashes on ukraine hundreds of thousands of professionals, many of them young, have fled russia. why? 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(combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. the global crackdown on russia might not be the only thing hitting the country's economy. hundreds of thousands of professionals have fled the country since this brutal war began. joining us now is nanalia. also joining us is nick, the founder of the san francisco-based startup, we love no code. thank you for joining me. you both decided to leave russia. natalia, first to you, explain your decision and was it hard? >> it was not easy, of course, just to pack up your things in one evening, but i don't feel safe for myself and for my family. i have a daughter. knowing that any of my words against this war presume 15 years in prison and new law has been introduced recently, in march, and i can just -- i just can't bear the mere thought that my country is bombing its neighbor and my relatives are in ukraine. also have lots of friends and relatives there. i just don't want to support this war with my -- with paying taxes and it just -- i just can't believe this is happening. i'm so much with people from ukraine, with my heart. >> nick, what about you? why did you decide to leave? >> it was a very hard decision. it was a very hard decision for me as well. right after the news happened, first thing i did was bought tickets to portugal and left the country. i don't really plan to come back to russia, well, until like russia has 100% democracy because i disagree with what is happening right now, and the reason why i left russia is because i am fit for russian military service, and i don't really want to be sent to ukraine to kill innocent people. so that's why i decided to leave. unfortunately, i left my parents, my friends in russia, which is kind of not very awesome to be honest. very sad. >> i'm sure. and now you're able to see the atrocities that russian soldiers are committing against ukrainian civilians. some of them babies. and what you are saying is that you would have been conscripted to be a part of that russian military. have you been able to communicate with some of your friends who didn't leave, who are a part of this war, of these attacks? >> yeah, i communicate with my friends both in russia and both from ukraine. those who actually support -- so those who are in russia, they basically track all the events at the same time. unfortunately, many of them are still in russia because they either don't have, you know, international passports or they just don't have, you know, like possibility to leave russia. so, yeah, that's pretty much it. >> and natalia, you talked about the fact you didn't want to stay in russia, a place where if you spoke out against the war, you would have been imprisoned. you are still in touch with friends and family who are in russia. are they getting any information about what's really going on there? >> i think they get a lot of information. they have vpn and some services to reach different kind of news sources. but some of the people, like quite many, my mom, my mother, they support this war. and each time they find new reasons to justify what's going on thinking that all the photos are fake, no one knows the truth. ukrainians have been lied to. like the west is like something, like everyone hates the west. actually most of russians have never been to any west country. most of russian people, like i would say, 47% of all russians have foreign passports just to ever visit, to go out of the country. so they just have some clouds in their brain and fantasies about what's going on. but i think that one of the most important things that struck me is that they don't believe that ukraine has the right to decide about its own future and decide whether it should be like kind of democratic or western culture or not. >> natalia, did you say your own mother? >> yeah, my own mother, unfortunately. >> do you try to convince her and she just says, i don't believe you? >> of course i do, and i also have relatives in ukraine and some of those relatives are against this. they are on ukraine's side and some of them are now on russian side. and i just -- i can't understand this. i don't know what to say about this. >> nick, do you have the same experience when speaking to some of your friends and family who are still in russia? and just even more broadly, we obviously have a good sense of what's happening on the ground in ukraine, but the independent media outlets from the west, they're not -- for the most part, they're not in russia anymore. so we don't really know what the popular opinion is among regular everyday people in russia. >> i might say that a popular opinion in russia is obviously that it's a special operation and russia didn't invade ukraine. at the same time if we are talking about my case, fortunately, my people, they are just -- they just feel very, very, very deeply sorry and sad about innocent people killed in ukraine. so, yeah, as for the total population, i think that most of the russians, unfortunately, they agree with the war. they agree that -- well, yeah, that putin did the right thing, unfortunately. >> thank you both for joining me. you, obviously, took a very big leap disrupting both of you, your lives, and leaving your home country and i'm sure it's not easy to have these conversations with your family back home. thank you so much. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you. the world's richest person says it's time for twitter to be transformed. so now elon musk wants to buy it for $43 billion. what's twitter saying? that's next. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i n't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. if you have type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys to help slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. and don't take it if you are on dialysis. take aim at chronic kidney disease by talking to your doctor and asking about farxiga. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at elon musk officially submitted a massive and unsolicited bid to buy twitter. he's already the company's largest shareholder owning roughly 9% stake, but now he's offering about $43 billion for the whole thing. musk says it is his best and final offer. twitter is holding an all-staff meeting later this afternoon to discuss the bid. brian stelter is here with me now. he's offering to buy it for an 18% premium and threatening to ditch the shares he has if they don't accept. is it safe to assume that twitter is taking this seriously? >> they are. board meetings are under way. i think there's every indication that there will be an initial rejection of this hostile takeover bid, but this may take days, weeks or months to play out. investors are not sold on elan. he is offering $54 a share, the stock right now is about $44. he said he is serious. he's part of what he said he would do with twitter. >> i do think that we want to be just very reluctant to delete things and have -- just be very cautious with permanent bans, you know, time-outs are better than sort of permanent bans. won't be perfect, but i think we want to really have, like, the reality that speech is as free and reasonable as possible. >> so it sounds there like he thinks he will do this. he thinks he will buy twitter, own twitter, have it privately held. as i said, a lot of skepticism out there because he would need financing, he would need help and someone to run it. >> yeah. let's talk about the substance of what he just said there. elon musk has a very rocky relationship with twitter. he personally has been suspended by the platform. he had to settle fraud charges with the s.e.c. for past tweets about his company, tesla. so how does that and what he would potentially do with this, especially at a time when misinformation, disinformation is such a very big problem. how does that affect how the board is considering this? >> right. i think that's one of the reasons why there's so much concern about this. yes, you do have some folks cheering him on. musk does have many fans who would like to see this happen. a lot sof of folks out there sa it's troubling enough private platforms control these key platforms around the world, perhaps it's worst that a private person is trying to buy it. these are thorny complications. he does have the money -- at least he has the stock. he has all the stock that makes him the richest man in the world. whether he can convert that into money and see this through, it is going to be something to watch. >> thank you very much. last night was the new york premiere of a musical called harmony. it is the story of a music and comedy troupe in germany in the 1930s. they were torn apart and tormented as adolf hitler was taking control. it took 25 years to create and perfect this musical. one character says in the show it's the same hate just different uniforms. >> the six brilliantly talented young men, not only found musical harmony, but they found personal harmony. even in their relationships, a jewish fella marries a gentile woman. it was harmonious in every way standing in stark contrast to what was happening in the world around them. ♪ we don't know them in america but they were so famous that the story is even weirder because what happened to them, they just disappeared. all their records were destroyed, all their movies, 12 movies were burned. they just annihilated them after being so tremendously popular around the world. >> harmony's relevance now is chilling with war raging in ukraine, lives disrupted by hate. >> doing this musie ical now go on with everything going on in not just the world, but anti-semitism on the rise. >> unprecedented levels of anti-semitism. one of the joys about doing this show now, it seems to be resonating more than ever. and that's remarkable that after everything we've been through it's landing at this time. >> sounds very current. >> sounds very current. >> manilow missed last night's premiere after testing positive for covid, but he said harmony is what he wants as his legacy. more of this will be in a special on saturday, "being barry manilow." that's saturday night. thank you very much for joining me. i'm dana bash. the news contitinues with alisy camerota and victor. so, people can get a free samsung galaxy s22 when they trade in a galaxy, any year any condition. oh i get it. so you can takyour old phone, that you've had for 12 yrs and loved every minute of, and tradit in for something new that suits your life now? 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Opinion , Media Outlets , Ground , Didn T , Sad , Case , Population , Leap , Person , Refresh Italiano Subway , Nonna , Style , I N T Cook , Wait , Medicine Fast , Laser , Gels , Pain Relief , Refre Pain Hits Fast , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Chronic Kidney Disease , Pill , High Blood Pressure , Type 2 Diabetes , Packs , Water , Ga Farxiga , Kidneys , Progression , Side Effects , Kidney Health , Men , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Side Effect , Urinary Tract , Blood Sugar , Dehydration , Death , Perineum , Dialysis , Take Aim At Chronic Kidney Disease , Stop Taking Farxiga , Astrazeneca , Bid , Tesla , Musk , Offer , Shareholder , Stake , 9 , Brian Stelter , Offering , Shares , Premium , 18 , Indication , Board Meetings , Rejection , Hostile Takeover Bid , Stock , Share , Elan , 54 , 44 , Bans , Time Outs , Speech , Reality , Won T Be Perfect , Let , Skepticism , Substance , Someone , Talk , Relationship , Platform , Fraud Charges , Tweets , Sec , Board , Problem , Disinformation , Misinformation , Folks , Platforms , Fans , Sof , Complications , Harmony , Musical , Comedy Troupe , Germany , Adolf Hitler , 25 , 1930 , Hate , Character , Uniforms , Woman , Relationships , Fella , Jewish , Contrast , Standing , Movies , Records , 12 , Relevance , Anti Semitism , Rise , Musie Ical , Sounds , Landing , Levels , Joys , Barry Manilow , More , Premiere , Testing Positive , Legacy , Covid , News Contitinues , Saturday Night , Special On Saturday , Condition , Galaxy , Victor , Samsung Galaxy , Alisy Camerota , S22 , Tradit , Trade , Life , Life Changing , Success , Galaxy Trade In , Let S Go , At T , Schedule , Sound , Safelite Com , Suits , Helicopter Blades , Greg , Baby One More Time , Inflation , Advice , Baby , Memes , Milk , Onesies , Britney Spears , Garden , On The Road , Chapter , E Trade , Benny , Therapy , Ways , Miracle Gro Com , Alisyn Camerota , Front , Sign , Cnn Newsroom , Assault , Terrain , Vehicles , Satellite Images , Early May ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708

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the u.s. and its allies are racing to deliver new military aid, including new types of weaponry for ukrainian fighters. but now, there is even greater fear that it might not arrive quickly enough. a senior defense official telling cnn time is not our friend. and on the sea, another battle is playing out. ukraine says it hit the guided missile cruiser "moskva" in the black sea with two missiles. russia says an accidental fire detonated a fire onboard but concedes significant damage and the ship has been evacuated. the u.s. may send a high-ranking representative to ukraine to show the kind of offidarity we've seen from other l leaders. and minutes ago, at joint base andrews, president biden was asked about that. >> will you send senior officials to ukraine? >> we're making that decision now. thank you. >> we have a lot to cover this hour. let's begin at the pentagon with cnn's barbara starr. barbara, if this is your new reporting about russian troop movements, what can you tell us? >> well, dana, a senior defense official says they are beginning to see the first signs of russian troops moving back into the northern donbas. that's that eastern region of ukraine where all attention is focused because it is believed a forthcoming major battle is taking shape there. what they are seeing is some russian units that had left northern ukraine several days ago refit, resupply and come back into the northern part of eastern ukraine. but this is not the full-on invasion force yet. this is the beginning. the leading edge, if you will. some aviation. some command and control. some artillery. the things to shape the battlefield for what is to come. and a good deal of concern about all of that because there is a sense that putin has a bit of a timeline for this battle. he wants it to be accomplished by mid-may. dana? >> the new military package that we reported on yesterday includes weapons that haven't been sent before. so how does this given what we're seeing on the landscape affect the speed with which the u.s. and its allies can get those weapons to ukraine. >> well, we are seeing now the approval of the heavy weapons and we can show our viewers a list of some of the things. take a look right off the top of the list. howitzers, mi-17 helicopters, air defense radar, counterbattery radars. these are the things they'll need for that donbas fight. it is geography that is open, flat, relatively speaking. they are going to be firing at very long ranges. this is not the ambush tactics we saw in the woods north of kyiv several weeks ago. so this is the critical package of heavy weapons that zelenskyy has wanted and that now finally are being shipped. but as you point out, time is of the essence. if putin is already moving, can they get all of this there fast enough? we are told the top items will be front loaded. they will go first. but it is still going to take time. the last shipment of some $800 million of aid is taking four weeks to get there and those are lighter weapons. dana? >> really interesting and important reporting as always. barbara starr, thank you. and now, let's go to ukraine. cnn's matt rivers is in lviv. so, matt, what's the latest there, specifically on that russian warship? >> yeah, that's the big headline from ukraine, i think today, dana, talking about this fire and essentially this key russian warship, the "moskva" that's now out of commission. this is one of the most important ships in the russian navy. it's the flagship of the black sea fleet. now it's out of commission. that's something that all sides agree on. the russians, the ukrainians, the americans. what they differ is what the cause of this fire was and the subsequent explosions of ammunition on board. the russians say it was an accidental fire. they don't know the cause quite yet but what the ukrainians are saying is that it was themselves that did it by firing several shore-based cruise missiles called neptune missiles that were developed here in ukraine, brought into service within the last year or so. and ukrainians saying they fired several of those cruise missiles successfully hitting and essentially crippling this ship. the united states asked about its assessment of what's going on here. basically says it's still trying to determine that. >> certainly the way that this unfolded, it's a big blow to russia. this is their flagship, the "moskva" and they've now been forced to admit that it has been badly damaged and they've had to kind of choose between two stories. one story is that it was just incompetence and the other was that they came under attack. and neither is a particularly good outcome for them. >> no matter what the cause is here, dana, essentially you're talking about one of the most important ships in the russian navy being taken out of service. that does two things. one, it limits russia's technical capabilities in terms of ability to fight this war. it will have an impact on that, but also symbolic blow against russia and something that will buoy ukrainian forces after we've seen their successes in the northern part of ukraine. this, another setback for the russians ahead of this new offensive that barbara was just talking about that we expect to begin in the days and weeks ahead. >> matt rivers, thank you so much for that report. just four weeks after being under siege, ukraine's capital city of kyiv is seeing a stream of visiting heads of state. here the presidents of poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia visiting the ukrainian leader volodymyr zelenskyy. and now the white house is considering a similar show of solidarity. i want to go straight to the white house. cnn's mj lee is there. mj, we heard at the top of the show, president biden openly saying that they are discussing it. what are you hearing from your sources about who is under consideration to go? >> yeah, dana, what we are being told is that u.s. officials have had preliminary, early conversations about the possibility of sending a high-ranking official to ukraine at this time. but it is very important to emphasize that the idea of either president biden or vice president harris making that trip to ukraine any time soon, that that is unlikely. but some of the names that have been discussed include people like defense secretary lloyd austin or secretary of state antony blinken. now important to emphasize, as we heard directly from the president himself just a few moments ago, that a decision has not been made, and it is very possible that a visit like this may not even happen at all. and, of course, important to note the obvious fact that ukraine is a war zone. it's a country that is under attack. pentagon spokesperson john kirby saying it's very, very important to take into consideration the security concerns if such a trip were to take place. listen. >> there's not a time when a major official of the administration goes anywhere where we don't factor in security concerns. of course. and ukraine is under attack right now. it's been invaded by a foreign power. so, of course, any potential visit, and i'm not previewing one, but any potential visit, you'd have to have security concerns. we certainly wouldn't do it if we couldn't meet those concerns. but again, i don't have any travel to speak to today. >> you mentioned earlier, dana, we have seen a number of foreign leaders visiting ukraine in recent days. over the weekend we saw british prime minister boris johnson walking the streets of kyiv with the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. those images were incredibly striking given what is going on in the country. i should note when president biden visited europe a couple of weeks ago and was in poland to take a look at the humanitarian crisis at the border, he did express a desire to get over the border, be in ukraine himself so that he could see with his own eyes exactly what is happening in the country. >> very, very dicey, but understandable as a show of solidarity on all fronts. thank you so much, mj lee. appreciate that. let's continue this conversation with kevin ryan, retired brigadier general. first your reaction to barbara starr's new reporting that russian troops that have left northern ukraine, gone back up to russia are now starting to come back down into the east into the donbas region. >> right. well, president putin told us this was going to happen. what we're seeing are the first steps of what i'll call the last phase of this active fighting. in other words, putin has claimed victory in phase one, even though we know they done get what they really wanted. but he's claimed victory there, and he has said that the final phase or the ultimate phase left is the freeing or liberating of the donbas, which is where all of these troops are being moved down to the south and east so they can accomplish that operation. this will be the last fight, and once putin has this land, then he will likely call for a cease-fire so that he can consolidate his gains and refit his military. >> you say it's the last fight. that signals to me that you think that russia is going to win this one. what do you mean? can you elaborate on what you mean by the last fight? >> yeah, it's the last part of this fighting. if you believe what putin says, he's in a war with the west. and that happened before. that was started before ukraine and will go on afterwards. but this phase of that war is active fighting. and he's trying to take land that will give him a strategic position in the region and along the black sea there. he's almost got the land that -- enough land that he can go back to the russian people and declare a victory of sorts. meanwhile, ukraine can also claim a victory of sorts because it will have stopped the russian advance and prevented them from taking over kyiv and all the rest of ukraine. so both sides are going to claim victory out of this, but both sides are also short of what they really want. >> yeah, and meanwhile, we have all of these innocent civilians literally getting caught in the -- i wouldn't say crossfire, but getting caught by russian attacks. so general, just minutes ago, cia director william burns said that the u.s. will not take lightly the possibility that russia could seek to use a tactical nuclear weapon in ukraine. do you think that is a legitimate threat from russia? >> it is a legitimate threat. they have tactical nuclear weapons. they plan for their use. they do have recognition of the fact that the level of escalation that this would represent. i don't think they would use it for any reason short of losing a large part of their military formation or not being able to claim some sort of victory in ukraine. i think they are going to be able to claim a victory, so i don't see the use as likely, but, yes, they could do it and it could be part of a broader scheme to scare off nato and the west. >> yeah. let's hope it's just a threat, for sure. so we're talking about what russia is doing and we've been talking today about the u.s. really now scrambling to get the ukrainians the kinds of weapons they've been asking for to try to have a defense -- a proper defense against russia, particularly in the donbas area. we have on the screen the list of some of the weapons that are going to be headed towards ukraine. i know you're familiar with them. some of this is different from what we have seen before. how much will actually require training for the ukrainians to use them? this isn't necessarily just to pick up and go kind of situation, is it? >> no. counterbattery radars, though, have already been delivered to ukraine so they should be able to master that pretty quickly. mi-17 helicopters are something that they have flown themselves. artillery is, you know, great. apologies to the artillery men, but it doesn't take a masters degree to operate it. they can do that. i think the most important weapons, and i think barbara mentioned this, are the artillery and the helicopters and the counterbattery radar. this will allow them to hopefully suppress russian artillery, which is a big advantage that russia has, and move troops more quickly around the battlefield. >> retired army brigadier general kevin ryan, thank you for that important insight. i appreciate it. >> thank you. russia just sanctioned about 400 members of the u.s. congress. one of them congresswoman kathleen rice joins me now. we'll get her response to putin and what she learned from a trip she just returned from in eastern europe. and the suspect of the new york subway shooting spree making his first court appearance today. we'll take you there live. plus, what to make of elon musk's $43 billion hostile takeover attempt of twitter. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their app. so you can customize your favorite footlong, set a pickup time, and jump the line! oh, here she goes! ugh, i thought she was acally gonna jump. just use this code and order on theubway app! you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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>> thank you, dana. as you said it was a bipartisan trip. ten of us from the house who traveled over there, and i think the most important message, the most important goal of this trip was to reaffirm our commitment, not only to nato but to the eu and every single country who values democratic principles during this horrible aggression by russia. and so i think it was important for all of us to speak from the same sheet of music. we were completely unified in how important it was for us to build an international coalition together with members of nato, member countries of nato and the eu and all of us understand how important it is for us to provide the lethal weaponry that we are providing to ukraine so they can fight this battle which they have done beyond anyone's expectation, incredibly bravery. they are so resilient, but also understand how important it is to get humanitarian aid that is so desperately needed there. when we were in poland, we had the opportunity to go to the border and see how refugees coming from ukraine were being processed. and these are just people who just -- who want to be home. they don't want to have to be refugees. and it's just a terrible sight to see, but we also see how important humanitarian aid is. >> yeah, and i actually saw you there in poland when i was there last week. and one of the things that i sense from talking to refugees is they wanted to stay close to home. they wanted to stay in the region, which is, in part, why you see so many, almost 3 million of the refugees coming across the border into poland. i spoke with the mayor of warsaw, the president of poland, and what they were telling me is that the influx will eventually become unsustainable. and president duda said, we need international support badly. is the u.s. providing enough aid to countries like poland to help absorb these refugees? >> let me say that to poland and romania, we were also in romania. they 24 care two countries takin an enormous number of refugees. we met with officials who said we're doing this now and regular everyday poles are opening up their homes to accept refugees into their homes but at some point there's going to be a breaking point. we're working closely with a lot of nongovernmental organizations, whether it's the world food program, international red cross, to make sure the humanitarian need gets where it is. we have -- the high number of refugees but also remember that there are a lot of displaced, internally displaced people who are still in ukraine and need the help there. we have to get that humanitarian aid there as quickly as possible. congress has done its part in terms of appropriating money for that primarily is fed through these ngos to get into ukraine, but we have to do it better and we have to do it faster. >> these refugees who are almost all women and children. the president declared this week that the atrocities under way in ukraine constitute genocide. does this or should this have any implications ts when it com to policies? should it trig kger any changes? the biden administration and more broadly in the u.s.? >> i think it just reinforces how important it is for us to provide the lethal aid we're giving to the ukrainians right now. they have their prosecutor general going around the country documenting the instances of war crimes. dana, you've been there. you see the stories. it's so important that we educate the world about the atrocities. these are not soldier on soldier combat, although that is happening. these are russian soldiers specifically targeting civilians. and rapes and murders and torture that's going on. there will be a time for putin and those who worked with him to be held to account. but right now it's so important for us to help the ukrainians be able to document all of these war crimes because there will come a day when there will be accountability. >> before i let you go, i want to ask about the fact that there is finland and sweden, both border countries with russia, who have historical ly been, i call it aggressively neutral, now getting very close to asking for admission to nato, which was not even remotely on the table even just a few months ago. should that be expedited, and what are the ramifications of that? >> our final stop on this trip was in brussels. we met with nato officials. and this issue was raised. and finlanded in sweden are aggressively trying to get into nato and we were informed that their applications and this whole process, is going to be expedited as quickly as possible. putin, nothing upsets putin more than nato expanding right in his backyard. and, you know, if you look at what ukraine did in trying to be -- to kind of avoid this conflict. they said we're not going to get involved in nato. and what did putin do? he invaded ukraine. if you look at what finland and sweden are doing and they're right there. their point is, guess what, we need the protection of nato and we're going to do it now and we should support that. i'm happy that nato officials were very aggressively -- they told us specifically that they were going to try to expedite that process as quickly as possible. >> congresswoman kathleen rice, thank you for joining me. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. two days after the terrifying attack in a brooklyn subway, the sub who called the cops himself appears in court. everything just wrapped up, and we're going to get you the latest, next. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? 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>> yes, so, dana, this was a presentment, his initial appearance. the prosecutors asking that he be detained. the defense attorney not objecting to that. he's going to be detained as he awaits trial here. a couple of notes from the prosecutors. they argued for this detention because they say that this was entirely premeditated, that this was a premeditated mass shooting. they talk about how he had a stockpile of ammunition. prosecutors also say that he came to brooklyn prepared with all the weapons and tools he needed and that he was a danger to society because of these videos that they say he has posted claiming he wanted to kill people. so all of that -- because of all of that, they ask he be detained. the judge agreed. he's been detained. also his attorney had asked he gets medical attention while at the jail here in brooklyn. they asked for a psychiatric evaluation and also asked that he be able to take some medication because he gets leg cramps. but he's been detained and that's the news here, dana. >> shimon, you spoke to a teen who captured photos of the suspect. what did he have to say? >> yeah, he's -- this is a really fascinating story. he is 17 years old. he's in high school. his name is jack griffin. he's on a field trip here in manhattan. lives in manhattan. but on the lower east side. he's taking photography class. as he's walking he comes around the corner and sees the alleged shooter, frank james, sitting there on the bench. and just take a listen to him describing about what he did and how he felt seeing him. >> right here from about 20 feet away, i saw frank james sitting down at that bench over there. so i got out my camera, and i quickly took a photo of the street, and that's when he noticed that he was being photographed. and he started walking away. >> but you were one of the first people to probably put him in this area. >> right. >> what do you think of that? >> i think that's crazy. and i think the only reason i was able to do that is because i was looking for things to shoot. so many of my friends and i are on our phones scrolling through tiktok or instagram or social media and looking down. that day i was looking up and looking for things to shoot. that's when i saw him. >> and last night, dana, the police came and interviewed him and thanked him. he really did help them and so they're going to use some of the information that he has to try and build this timeline of where the alleged shooter has been while they were out searching for him. >> so interesting, shimon, what an honest teenager talking about the phone addiction and how -- if you don't look at your phone, you could really do something to help society in a major way. thank you so much, shimon. appreciate it. as the kremlin unleashes on ukraine hundreds of thousands of professionals, many of them young, have fled russia. why? i'll talk to two of them next. raise the jar to all five layers. raise the e jar to the best gelato... you've ever tasted. tatalenti. raise the jar. doris, did i tell you i got our car from carvana? i found the perfect car in no time. i thought online meant no one to help me but susan from carvana, she had all the aners. it was so easy. 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(combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. the global crackdown on russia might not be the only thing hitting the country's economy. hundreds of thousands of professionals have fled the country since this brutal war began. joining us now is nanalia. also joining us is nick, the founder of the san francisco-based startup, we love no code. thank you for joining me. you both decided to leave russia. natalia, first to you, explain your decision and was it hard? >> it was not easy, of course, just to pack up your things in one evening, but i don't feel safe for myself and for my family. i have a daughter. knowing that any of my words against this war presume 15 years in prison and new law has been introduced recently, in march, and i can just -- i just can't bear the mere thought that my country is bombing its neighbor and my relatives are in ukraine. also have lots of friends and relatives there. i just don't want to support this war with my -- with paying taxes and it just -- i just can't believe this is happening. i'm so much with people from ukraine, with my heart. >> nick, what about you? why did you decide to leave? >> it was a very hard decision. it was a very hard decision for me as well. right after the news happened, first thing i did was bought tickets to portugal and left the country. i don't really plan to come back to russia, well, until like russia has 100% democracy because i disagree with what is happening right now, and the reason why i left russia is because i am fit for russian military service, and i don't really want to be sent to ukraine to kill innocent people. so that's why i decided to leave. unfortunately, i left my parents, my friends in russia, which is kind of not very awesome to be honest. very sad. >> i'm sure. and now you're able to see the atrocities that russian soldiers are committing against ukrainian civilians. some of them babies. and what you are saying is that you would have been conscripted to be a part of that russian military. have you been able to communicate with some of your friends who didn't leave, who are a part of this war, of these attacks? >> yeah, i communicate with my friends both in russia and both from ukraine. those who actually support -- so those who are in russia, they basically track all the events at the same time. unfortunately, many of them are still in russia because they either don't have, you know, international passports or they just don't have, you know, like possibility to leave russia. so, yeah, that's pretty much it. >> and natalia, you talked about the fact you didn't want to stay in russia, a place where if you spoke out against the war, you would have been imprisoned. you are still in touch with friends and family who are in russia. are they getting any information about what's really going on there? >> i think they get a lot of information. they have vpn and some services to reach different kind of news sources. but some of the people, like quite many, my mom, my mother, they support this war. and each time they find new reasons to justify what's going on thinking that all the photos are fake, no one knows the truth. ukrainians have been lied to. like the west is like something, like everyone hates the west. actually most of russians have never been to any west country. most of russian people, like i would say, 47% of all russians have foreign passports just to ever visit, to go out of the country. so they just have some clouds in their brain and fantasies about what's going on. but i think that one of the most important things that struck me is that they don't believe that ukraine has the right to decide about its own future and decide whether it should be like kind of democratic or western culture or not. >> natalia, did you say your own mother? >> yeah, my own mother, unfortunately. >> do you try to convince her and she just says, i don't believe you? >> of course i do, and i also have relatives in ukraine and some of those relatives are against this. they are on ukraine's side and some of them are now on russian side. and i just -- i can't understand this. i don't know what to say about this. >> nick, do you have the same experience when speaking to some of your friends and family who are still in russia? and just even more broadly, we obviously have a good sense of what's happening on the ground in ukraine, but the independent media outlets from the west, they're not -- for the most part, they're not in russia anymore. so we don't really know what the popular opinion is among regular everyday people in russia. >> i might say that a popular opinion in russia is obviously that it's a special operation and russia didn't invade ukraine. at the same time if we are talking about my case, fortunately, my people, they are just -- they just feel very, very, very deeply sorry and sad about innocent people killed in ukraine. so, yeah, as for the total population, i think that most of the russians, unfortunately, they agree with the war. they agree that -- well, yeah, that putin did the right thing, unfortunately. >> thank you both for joining me. you, obviously, took a very big leap disrupting both of you, your lives, and leaving your home country and i'm sure it's not easy to have these conversations with your family back home. thank you so much. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you. the world's richest person says it's time for twitter to be transformed. so now elon musk wants to buy it for $43 billion. what's twitter saying? that's next. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i n't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. if you have type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys to help slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. and don't take it if you are on dialysis. take aim at chronic kidney disease by talking to your doctor and asking about farxiga. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at elon musk officially submitted a massive and unsolicited bid to buy twitter. he's already the company's largest shareholder owning roughly 9% stake, but now he's offering about $43 billion for the whole thing. musk says it is his best and final offer. twitter is holding an all-staff meeting later this afternoon to discuss the bid. brian stelter is here with me now. he's offering to buy it for an 18% premium and threatening to ditch the shares he has if they don't accept. is it safe to assume that twitter is taking this seriously? >> they are. board meetings are under way. i think there's every indication that there will be an initial rejection of this hostile takeover bid, but this may take days, weeks or months to play out. investors are not sold on elan. he is offering $54 a share, the stock right now is about $44. he said he is serious. he's part of what he said he would do with twitter. >> i do think that we want to be just very reluctant to delete things and have -- just be very cautious with permanent bans, you know, time-outs are better than sort of permanent bans. won't be perfect, but i think we want to really have, like, the reality that speech is as free and reasonable as possible. >> so it sounds there like he thinks he will do this. he thinks he will buy twitter, own twitter, have it privately held. as i said, a lot of skepticism out there because he would need financing, he would need help and someone to run it. >> yeah. let's talk about the substance of what he just said there. elon musk has a very rocky relationship with twitter. he personally has been suspended by the platform. he had to settle fraud charges with the s.e.c. for past tweets about his company, tesla. so how does that and what he would potentially do with this, especially at a time when misinformation, disinformation is such a very big problem. how does that affect how the board is considering this? >> right. i think that's one of the reasons why there's so much concern about this. yes, you do have some folks cheering him on. musk does have many fans who would like to see this happen. a lot sof of folks out there sa it's troubling enough private platforms control these key platforms around the world, perhaps it's worst that a private person is trying to buy it. these are thorny complications. he does have the money -- at least he has the stock. he has all the stock that makes him the richest man in the world. whether he can convert that into money and see this through, it is going to be something to watch. >> thank you very much. last night was the new york premiere of a musical called harmony. it is the story of a music and comedy troupe in germany in the 1930s. they were torn apart and tormented as adolf hitler was taking control. it took 25 years to create and perfect this musical. one character says in the show it's the same hate just different uniforms. >> the six brilliantly talented young men, not only found musical harmony, but they found personal harmony. even in their relationships, a jewish fella marries a gentile woman. it was harmonious in every way standing in stark contrast to what was happening in the world around them. ♪ we don't know them in america but they were so famous that the story is even weirder because what happened to them, they just disappeared. all their records were destroyed, all their movies, 12 movies were burned. they just annihilated them after being so tremendously popular around the world. >> harmony's relevance now is chilling with war raging in ukraine, lives disrupted by hate. >> doing this musie ical now go on with everything going on in not just the world, but anti-semitism on the rise. >> unprecedented levels of anti-semitism. one of the joys about doing this show now, it seems to be resonating more than ever. and that's remarkable that after everything we've been through it's landing at this time. >> sounds very current. >> sounds very current. >> manilow missed last night's premiere after testing positive for covid, but he said harmony is what he wants as his legacy. more of this will be in a special on saturday, "being barry manilow." that's saturday night. thank you very much for joining me. i'm dana bash. the news contitinues with alisy camerota and victor. so, people can get a free samsung galaxy s22 when they trade in a galaxy, any year any condition. oh i get it. so you can takyour old phone, that you've had for 12 yrs and loved every minute of, and tradit in for something new that suits your life now? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. my garden brings us together. my garden is my therapy. find more ways to grow at my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ...most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. and, it's six doses a year, after two starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask your doctor about tremfya® today. i'm alisyn camerota. welcome to cnn newsroom. >> i'm victor blackwell. 50 days into putin's war in ukraine, a new front is intensifying. the first russian troops have begun to show up in the donbas region of ukraine. it's the latest sign that vladimir putin's forces are about to launch a major assault in the east involving thousands of troops. with russian leaders aiming for victory by early may. now, satellite images show increasing numbers of russian troops and armored vehicles pouring into that area and we know the terrain

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Place , Primaries , Caucuses , Committee , States , Four , Super Tuesday , Nevada , New Hampshire , South Carolina , Iowa , First Tuesday In March , Five , Dana Bash , Coverage , Inside Politics , Eastern Ukraine , Russia , U S , War , Attack , Defense Official , Phase , Senior , Ana Cabrera , 50 , Troops , Region , Northern Donbas , Thousands , Cnn , Offensive , Back , Preparation , Allies , Weaponry , Fear , Friend , Fighters , Military Aid , Types , Racing , Fire , Missiles , Sea , Guided Missile Cruiser , Black Sea , Moskva , Battle Is Playing Out , Two , Leaders , Ship , Kind , Offidarity , Damage , Representative , Joint Base Andrews , Decision , Lot , Officials , Barbara Starr , Biden , Pentagon , Reporting , Signs , Movements , Battle , Attention , Units , Shape , Control , Part , Command , Beginning , Invasion , Edge , Aviation , Resupply , Things , Wall , Artillery , Timeline , Sense , Battlefield , Concern , Deal , Bit , Mid May , Weapons , Given , Landscape , Haven T , Speed , Military Package , Some , Look , List , Helicopters , Top , Approval , Air Defense , Counterbattery Radar , Viewers , Howitzers , Mi 17 , 17 , Counterbattery Radars , Geography , Flat , Firing , Ranges , Ambush Tactics , Donbas Fight , Kyiv , Putin , Saw In The Woods , Package , Essence , Zelenskyy , Aid , Shipment , Items , 800 Million , 00 Million , Latest , Matt Rivers , Let S Go To Ukraine , Thank You , Lviv , Warship , Headline , One , Ukrainians , Sides , Something , Russians , Commission , Ships , Flagship , Russian Navy , The Americans , Black Sea Fleet , Cause , Saying , Ammunition , Explosions , Service , Cruise Missiles , Neptune Missiles , Way , Blow , What S Going On , Assessment , Story , Stories , Other , Neither , Matter , Outcome , Incompetence , Ability , Impact , Forces , Terms , Capabilities , Setback , Report , Successes , Poland , Presidents , Stream , Siege , Capital City , Heads Of State , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania , Show , Solidarity , The Show , Mj Lee , White House , Conversations , Possibility , Consideration , Sources , Preliminary , People , Field Trip , Lloyd Austin , Harris , Names , Idea , Biden Or , Course , Visit , Antony Blinken , West Country , Fact , Security Concerns , War Zone , Pentagon Spokesperson , John Kirby , Ukraine , Administration , Power , Official , Factor , Anywhere , It , Number , Concerns , Travel , Boris Johnson , Streets , British , Images , Border , Couple , Eastern Europe , Crisis , Desire , Eyes , Fronts , Reaction , Brigadier General , Kevin Ryan , Northern Ukraine , East , Conversation , Retired , President Putin , Fighting , Steps , Victory , Phase One , Words , Left , Operation , Fight , Land , Freeing , South , Military , Cease Fire , Signals , Gains , West , There , Position , Sorts , Advance , Civilians , Rest , Wouldn T Say Crossfire , Attacks , William Burns , Weapon , Cia , Threat , Use , Recognition , Reason , Level , Military Formation , Escalation , Nato , Yes , Sort , Scheme , Sure , Area , Defense , Kinds , Screen , Isn T , Training , Situation , Apologies , Artillery Men , Doesn T , Masters Degree , Advantage , Has , U S Congress , Members , Move , Insight , Retired Army , 400 , Kathleen Rice , Suspect , New York Subway , Response , Shooting Spree Making His First Court , Elon Musk , Twitter , Appearance , Takeover Attempt , 43 Billion , 3 Billion , Subway , Theubway , Refresh , Favorite Footlong , Line , Code , Son , Elbow Grease , Anything , Dad , Thanks , Acally Gonna , Robert , Friends , Don T , Gums , Motorcycle Insurer , Savings , Number One , Jamie , Flo , Diabetes , Musician , Challenge , Thought , Fingersticks , Austin James , My Name , Dr , That S Right , Gary , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , System , Scan , Libre 2 , 8 2 , 6 7 , 2 , Engine Humming , Driving , Clapping , We Will Rock You , Gmc Sierra , Pick Up , Class , Professional , Plan , Cal , Cfp , Kids , Passion , Learning , Pnc , Main Street Bank , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , 7 Million , Communities , Businesses , Income Areas , Home Lending Programs , Initiative , Loans , Billions , 88 Billion , Everyone , Chance , Difference , Bank , Lawmakers , Hundreds , Sanctions , Washington , 2 7 Million , House , Takeaway , Message , Ten , Principles , Commitment , Aggression , Goal , Eu , Countries , Music , Coalition , Member , Sheet , Expectation , Bravery , Anyone , Refugees , Home , Opportunity , Sight , Close To Home , Mayor , 3 Million , President , Support , Influx , Duda , Warsaw , Romania , 24 , Homes , Breaking Point , Poles , World Food Program , Need , Nongovernmental Organizations , International Red Cross , Money , Help , Ngos , Atrocities , Women , Children , Genocide , Changes , Implications , It Com , Trig Kger , War Crimes , Prosecutor General , Instances , World , Soldiers , Soldier , Combat , Murders , Rapes , Torture , Finland , Sweden , Accountability , Who Have Historical Ly , Admission , Table , Ramifications , Process , Stop , Issue , Finlanded , Applications , Brussels , Nothing , Backyard , Conflict , Protection , Guess What , Everything , Court , Sub , Brooklyn Subway , Tech Vo , Windshield , Customer , Tech , Crack , Trust Safelite , Working From Home , Safelite , Meeting , Man , Clicks , Wipers , Glass , Singers , Safelite Repair , My Pleasure , Symptoms , Moderate , Crohn S Disease , Tracks , Ulcerative Colitis , Infections , Relief , Risk , Cancer , Dose , Serious , Stelara , Injections , Infection , Doctor , Reactions , Vaccine , Treatment , Pres , Brain Condition , Lung Inflammation , Skin Growths , Sores , Tb , Financing , Carvana S , Remission , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Car Buying , Car Vendinding Machines , 100 , Aren T Made Up , Cars , Numbers , Payment , Budget , Downpayment , Browse , Pay , Penny , Credit Score , Ride , Frank James , Shooting , Law Enforcement Sources , Shimon Prokupecz , Brooklyn , Tip Line , Subway Train , Opening , Crimestoppers , 10 , 30 , Presentment , Courthouse , Defense Attorney , New York , Prosecutors , Trial , Notes , Detention , Mass Shooting , Society , Stockpile , Danger , Tools , Videos , Judge , Attorney , Jail , Medication , News , Photos , Teen , Evaluation , Leg Cramps , Lives , Name , High School , Lower East Side , Manhattan , Jack Griffin , Bench , Shooter , Listen , Corner , Photography Class , Photo , Feet , Camera , 20 , The Street , Many , Phones , Social Media , Instagram , Tiktok , Last Night , Information , Police , Phone , Teenager , Phone Addiction , Jar , Professionals , Layers , Ukraine Hundreds Of Thousands , Kremlin , Car , Gelato , Tatalenti , Doris , Aners , Investors , Investing , Interest , Millennials , 85 , Investments , Data , Decisions , Account , Trends , Conservation , Term , Land Use , Sustainability , Variables , Diversity , Water Usage , Data Privacy , Consumer Trust , Investment Decisions , Niche , Issues , Form , Markets , Scale , Four Dollars , Morgan Stanley , Cto , Ceo , Courtney Thompson , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , 5g , Doses , Vo , 3 , 5 , 90 , 4 , Chills , Tuberculosis , Sweats , Coughs , Fever , Muscle Aches , Skyrizi , Dermatologist , Business , Craft , Side , Voice , Furniture Maker , Arms , Chair , Detail , View , Relax , Intuit Quickbooks , Tremfya , Burning , Itching , Emerge Tremfyant , Stinging , Majority , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , 16 , Starter Doses , Six , Breath , Capful , Combative Yelling , Gong Rings , Is Joe , Target , Therabreath , Mouthwash , Walmart , Thing , Stores , Crackdown , Economy , Nick , Startup , San Francisco , Nanalia , Family , Natalia , Country , Law , Prison , Daughter , 15 , Relatives , Neighbor , Taxes , Lots , Heart , Democracy , Tickets , Portugal , Russian Military Service , Parents , Babies , Didn T Leave , Both , Events , Friends Both , Passports , Don T Have , News Sources , Services , Mother , Reasons , Thinking , Mom , Fake , No One , Most , Truth , Brain , Fantasies , Clouds , 47 , Democratic , Western Culture , Russian Side , Experience , Opinion , Media Outlets , Ground , Didn T , Sad , Case , Population , Leap , Person , Refresh Italiano Subway , Nonna , Style , I N T Cook , Wait , Medicine Fast , Laser , Gels , Pain Relief , Refre Pain Hits Fast , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Chronic Kidney Disease , Pill , High Blood Pressure , Type 2 Diabetes , Packs , Water , Ga Farxiga , Kidneys , Progression , Side Effects , Kidney Health , Men , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Side Effect , Urinary Tract , Blood Sugar , Dehydration , Death , Perineum , Dialysis , Take Aim At Chronic Kidney Disease , Stop Taking Farxiga , Astrazeneca , Bid , Tesla , Musk , Offer , Shareholder , Stake , 9 , Brian Stelter , Offering , Shares , Premium , 18 , Indication , Board Meetings , Rejection , Hostile Takeover Bid , Stock , Share , Elan , 54 , 44 , Bans , Time Outs , Speech , Reality , Won T Be Perfect , Let , Skepticism , Substance , Someone , Talk , Relationship , Platform , Fraud Charges , Tweets , Sec , Board , Problem , Disinformation , Misinformation , Folks , Platforms , Fans , Sof , Complications , Harmony , Musical , Comedy Troupe , Germany , Adolf Hitler , 25 , 1930 , Hate , Character , Uniforms , Woman , Relationships , Fella , Jewish , Contrast , Standing , Movies , Records , 12 , Relevance , Anti Semitism , Rise , Musie Ical , Sounds , Landing , Levels , Joys , Barry Manilow , More , Premiere , Testing Positive , Legacy , Covid , News Contitinues , Saturday Night , Special On Saturday , Condition , Galaxy , Victor , Samsung Galaxy , Alisy Camerota , S22 , Tradit , Trade , Life , Life Changing , Success , Galaxy Trade In , Let S Go , At T , Schedule , Sound , Safelite Com , Suits , Helicopter Blades , Greg , Baby One More Time , Inflation , Advice , Baby , Memes , Milk , Onesies , Britney Spears , Garden , On The Road , Chapter , E Trade , Benny , Therapy , Ways , Miracle Gro Com , Alisyn Camerota , Front , Sign , Cnn Newsroom , Assault , Terrain , Vehicles , Satellite Images , Early May ,

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