Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

putin has revised his strategy. russia could be relaunching a large scale offensive to conquer the donbas region in the next few days. new threats by the kremlin warning if ukrainian attacks on russian territory continue, russian armed forces will strike decision-making centers, including kyiv. also new this morning, conflicting reports on what happens when one of russia's most important navy warships, these were taken before ukraine said its missile hit this ship. hours later russia said it was an on board fire. cnn has been unable to verify the claims. in the men time the u.s. is ramping up commitments to help ukraine sending an additional $800 million and rushing ahead of time. cnn's matt rivers is here to talk about this. this ship if ukraine were to have hit it, this would be a very big development. russia saying that's not true. >> no matter which way you slice it, a fire on board in the black sea fleet is a very big deal. what we're getting is that there has been a fire on board that's caused the crew of the guided missile cruiser to have to evacuate. because of that fire there was some ammunition on board that was apparently detonated and that made the crew have to leave. from the ukrainian side, they're saying they fired that and that's what the cause is. whether or not this is true, we can't verify this as of yet. it's cloudy in the area so we don't have the satellite images. no matter which way you slice it, this is a very big deal for russia's military and russia's navy. it would be the biggest blow against russia's navy during the ukraine war so far. this is a flagship vessel. it's got military significance. also, it's symbolic in a lot of ways. >> if it is an act of god, what is the omen that is sending if that's the case here? let's also talk about as we've seen all of these world leaders coming to kyiv, the question is who is the u.s. going to send? >> reporter: yeah. this is a question they've been mulling for a while there. there's discussion about sending lloyd austin, an tow any blinken. not a visit looking likely from the president or vice president. i think what the biden administration is saying look who's gone. you've had vice president boris johnson. you've had the presidents of lithuania, estonia, world leaders were willing to make the trip to kyiv and show solidarity. we'll have to wait to see what the united states wants to do in that regard in the next couple of days. >> i am so curious if they send a top diplomat or head of war. >> sends a message. i want to bring in cnn military analyst, major general paul eaton with us. general, this warship, what do you make about this mixed messages we're getting from russians versus ukrainians? >> good morning. thank you very much for having me. we've advocated to open up the sea to this conflict, to give president putin something to worry about off shore and the opportunity to start killing russian ships was a very big plus to open the conflict up, to give something for the russians to worry about and if you have a fire on a ship and i've been to the firefighting centers that the navy operates to train their sailors on how to work fires, and to defeat a fire on a captained ship. it is a very, very intense and scary proposition to work fires aboard ship. it's very different from fires on land. this development is a great development for ukraine and for the whole nato operation right now behind ukraine. >> is there any possibility that that was real, that there was a fire on the ship that caused -- could have caused ammunition to explode or do you find -- are you doubtful of that? >> i am very doubtful that fire aboard ship is a very unlikely event. sailors fear this greatly. they do many, many things and the whole -- the whole ship's complements is trained to immediately react to fire on a ship. this looks like a missile strike to me. it is unlikely it was a naturally occurring or as you mentioned earlier -- as was mentioned earlier, an event from god. this is an event from zelenskyy. >> yeah. is it an act of god? it would be pretty incredible if it were. send a certain message. the french military is assessing russia is ramping up a large scale offensive to conquer the donbas. what are you expecting? what is this going to look like? >> this is going to be a little bit of what yogi said, deja vu all over again. nato and warsaw pact forces trained -- they manned, trained, equipped themselves for a war that blends northern germany. rolling hills. oriented for tank warfare. high intensity combined arms conflict, and we anticipate that that's about what's going to happen. it's a little bit more advantageous to the russians right now given how they are manned, trained, and equipped. right now we are moving significant war material to the ukrainian armed forces to be able to manage that. it's a little different from what the russians faced in kyiv. it is going to be a fight the likes of which we haven't seen in a long time but at nato and something that i did in the '70s and posz 80s, it's something you prepare for and you execute the arm more oriented attack and defense that the russians appear to be setting up right now. >> president biden has announced that the u.s. is providing this additional $800 million in military assistance while the pentagon hosted the ceos of the eight largest prime contractors how quickly they can get this aide to ukraine. we heard from the pentagon it's four to six days from the time the aid is promised, from the time it comes out of president biden's mouth to the time it gets here in the hands of the ukrainians. is that going to be fast enough for this battle? >> we talked in terms of down to the soldier level, flash to bang. decision to actual military event outcome on the ground. four to six days is an amazingly short period. this indicates that the defense department, the whole amazing industrial complex of the united states to provide the best we can to the war fighter, this is a stunningly short period of time and it's working very, very well. so the real problem here is battlefield distribution of equipment that will produce the outcome you want on the ground. so the enemy, as we say, always has a decision opportunity here. so it is distributing anti-armor systems be they tank or be they missile into the hands of the people in the particular geographic point that you need it. that's the art and it's going apparently pretty well. >> all right. some of the days ahead of us here are going to tell in that. general eaton, great to have you. thank you so much for your insights here. christine and laura, back to you guys in new york. >> thank you, brianna. still ahead. telling on yourself. the odd tip that led to the subway shooting case that shook new york city. new questions about why an unarmed black man was shot and killed by a police officer in michigan. just released video of that shootingng ahead. what do you want to leave behind? 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there were hundreds of thousands of calls coming in on the tip line by new yorkers, anyone that thought they saw them. law enforcement was literally only seconds behind him or a couple minutes behind him. as we talked about yesterday, his world really started to close in on him and then finally he just decided to call a tip on himself. very unusual. i spoke about it a little bit yesterday. it's just -- again, this is somebody that's not in their right mind to do something about it. there's definitely a difference between the two. it goes more that he wanted to be caught. there's no reason to drop your credit card or the keys to your get away van and moreover, a lot of these individuals want to get caught because they want the world to understand. they want their platform so the world understands what they did and why they did it. >> he's going to be in court later today. he faces a federal terrorism charge. does it matter at all his motive in making that charge? we really don't know yet much about his motive. obviously the investigation is sning. >> the motive is always going to be important with regard to how that charge sticks. trust me, having been with the fbi and the joint terrorism task force for 15 years working cases such as this, attempted subway bombing in 2009, attempted times square bombing in 2010, the chelsea bombing of 2016, the motive is important. the prosecution of this case, the eastern district has been made. this highlights the elements of the crime. you've said while people can rest easy with the suspect in custody now, it's crucial that the investigation continues. i just wonder with a case like this, you know, obviously someone with a lot of mental i shall and chal loaning. police can't scour u tube. how do you prevent something like this? >> we're not here to tell on our neighbors. it's a fine line of not only law enforcement but the public at large to be alert for somebody that's literally -- that they feel is on the edge. may be mentally unstable. they feel they have to report it. no one likes to do that. that's hard to do. unfortunately, this is the world we're living in. >> all right. thank you so much. appreciate your analysis this week. >> thank you. millions of people under lockdown in china as coronavirus cases surge across the country. a live report from the city with the most cases and the strictest rules next. plus, it's still too early to ditch your masks on public transportation. how much longer you'll have to keep wearing them. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flo whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? 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we've seen these videos and these people are sharing e oh, my gosh, frustration and empty refrigerators. >> reporter: people are fed up. they've been doing this for two weeks, some even longer. certainly in shanghai they've been locked down since the end of march. in other cities around the country you mentioned there are 44 that are in lockdown. they've been in lockdown for up to a month. so these people are short on food, on fresh food, on medical supplies and it is causing a huge amount of anger and frustration. the focus is on shanghai. in is happening all across the country. these cities contribute to 40% of the gdp. that is in lockdown not functioning. the economic implications are huge. the government is doubling down on the zero covid strategy. the reason being is that the health system would absolutely collapse. analysts have been saying because, you know, they have an elderly population, many of them unvaccin sin nation. there are people who believe, experts who believe that if covid were to rip through china, christine, there could be 2 million deaths. that's something xi jinping will do anything to avoid. >> certainly a different strategy happening there with the zero covid policy. we know more factories have been shut down. this is a story that will continue to progress. anna corr ren, thank you so much. americans will have to keep wearing the masks on planes, trains and buses a little bit longer. the federal transportation mask mandate will now remain in place until at least may 3. more than half a billion coronavirus cases have been reported worldwide. nearly one in six of those cases or more than 80 million were in the u.s. russian president vladimir putin wanted the war in ukraine to drive a wedge into the western alliance. now though it's having the opposite effect and it's pushing two countries towards potentially joining nato. we have the details on that next. nergy in just two weeks! 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>> we're still learning what came out of their meeting yesterday, but what is important about these two lawyers as you mentioned, pat cipollone and philbin who met with him who were vocally against the pressure campaign trump was putting on against former vice president mike pence. at the time trump was trying to get pensce to not certify the 2020 election and they were against that. these are some of the high profile people the committee has spoken to. we know the committee has spoken to trump's daughter, ivanka trum, and separately her husband jared. this is on top of the committee having heard from over 860 witnesses, we're told, christine. keep us protesting. the fatal police shooting of patrick lyoya. he was shot in the head last week by an officer following a traffic stop. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> reporter: multiple protests spilling out into the streets after this incident was released. the officer is on leave. >> reporter: a struggle, a gunshot, a black man dead on the streets of grand rapids, michigan. a police officer now under investigation for shooting 26-year-old patrick lyoya in the head. frustrated community demanding answers. >> stay in the car. >> reporter: on april 4th police say lyoya was pulled over for improper registration, just a few minutes from the stop lyoa begins to run. >> no. no. no. put your hands up. >> reporter: the officer catches lyoya. they begin to wrestle. then the officer uses a taser. it falsz to make impact. the officer's body camera turns off during the struggle. police say it was unintentional but the passenger in lyoya's car captured this cell phone video and captured what happened next. >> drop the taser! >> we are determined to get this right. >> reporter: authorities now facing tough questions like whether the officer's life was in enough jeopardy to draw his gun. >> so a taser is not per se a deadly weapon. that would be what was known as potential so the not necessarily. a potential language barrier is part of the investigation. the family's lawyer, ben crump, contends lyoya was confused and terrified for his life. the naacp adding an unregistered license plate should not be a death sentence. the still unidentified officer has been stripped of his police powers but remains on paid leave pending the state investigation. >> weel avenue seek the truth. >> reporter: the investigation remains ongoing. despite the video being released in the name of transparency. once that's in, it will be sent to the police department for potential disciplinary action. it will be sent to the county prosecutor for any potential criminal charges. for now the still unnamed officer shipped on the family. christine, laura? >> omar, thank you for that. let's bring in cnn legal analyst arriva martin. >> good morning. >> you saw the video for yourself. we've all now watched it. he's clearly running away from the officer. there's going to be some debate whether he was going for the taser. at first he was trying get away. >> yes, laura, we've seen this. we've had these situations where routine traffic stops end this in these violent confrontations and ultimately an african-american american man left dead. there is a supreme court case saying given, in many cases he runs because he is terrified. he risks being shot and killed. these situations that go from simple routine stop and like inten seconds or less to these violent encounters, we keep seeing them over and over again. it's almost like we've learned nothing from previous routine traffic stops. >> why release this? you heard omar say it was in the interest of transparency. what do you make of the release of the body cam video? >> i think that's a trend we've seen over the last couple of years at least where the community is not willing to wait. there's such distrust particularly in the african-american community and police departments trying to get ahead of the narrative, trying to demonstrate to the community that they are acting in good faith have been releasing videotape at this moment, the day after, several days after these encounters occur. i'm not surprised. this becomes more of a trend. think back to michael brown's case several years back where it took days, if not weeks, months to get the video out there. this is a step in the right direction in terms of transparency. >> have some police departments revised their policy to say if somebody is running away and no longer poses an immediate and imminent threat, even if it turns out that the license plate doesn't match the reasonable administration or whatever, you essentially can figure out and get to them later. you don't have to shoot them in the back of the head. >> reporter: absolutely, laura. that is what we thought was happening after we had this discussion with george floyd, that many police departments had implemented exactly the policy you identified which is don't escalate a routine traffic stop into a violent altercation. you can take the license plate, run the plate, figure out where they live, send them a ticket. even go to their home and arrest them but i don't know if in this moment the crime rising narrative has taken over the reform flairtive. if police departments are still engaged in the kinds of reforms we heard a lot about following george floyd's a zbles nice to see you. >> thank you so much. what goes up can go higher. food prices are surging. what you'll be paying for the grocery store staples.s. 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delta airlines as far as a rally for travel stocks. delta reported surging demand for travel. they lost less in the first quarter than expected in terms of a profit and it expects to become profitable again in the second quarter. how? by raising airfares and packing planes. jpmorgan chase shares fell. first quarter profit down 42% there. jamie dimon called the underlying economy strong, consumer spending very good but said inflation in ukraine are powerful. this morning goldman sachs, wells fargo and morgan stanley. sticker shock at the grocery store. food prices rising nearly 9% over the last year. that's the largest 12-month increase since 1981. the price of flour jumped 14%. milk 11%. fruit and vegetables up 8 1/2%. baking prices increased by 18% in the global inflation story. amazon will start charging sellers a 5% fuel inflation surcharge. the temporary surcharge rye plies to only those and it will eventually find its way to your wallet as businesses try to pass along the rising expenses to customers. as frustrated as american shoppers say they are by inflation, by the rising prices, they keep spending. research by bank of america shows consumer credit and debit card spending is up 15% for the first week of april and lower income households are spending the most. bank found consumer's finances holding up well because of a booming job market and what bank of america calls elevated cash levels. i have a friend who's an economics editor at reuters. people are complaining about everything but they're going to disney, buying plane tickets and buying stuff. they're angry they can't get more stuff. the demand is unbelievable coming out of covid. >> they want to know where their stuff is and why it's stuck on a boat and can't get through california and texas. so interesting. >> they're spending. well, the charlotte hornets had a pretty rough night in atlanta before the game against the hawks. andy scholes has more in this morning's bleacher report. hey, andy. >> reporter: good morning, laura. biggest game of the season for the hornets. win or go home. it turned out it wasn't charlotte's night. the team bus got stuck behind a stalled train so they had to get out and walk the rest of the way. it was about 1/4 of a mile. things didn't get much better when the game started. the hawks blowing this one open in the third quarter. they go on to win by 29. the hornets getting frustrated in the fourth quarter. miles bridges gets ejected after a fan yoeld at him on the way out. watch it here. he's going to end up throwing his mouth guard. it hits a girl in the stands. he went on twitter to see if he could make up for what he did. the other match-up, pelican hosting the spurs. zion williams remains out indefinitely. he threw out a casual 360 dunk. they had control of the game before the spurs rallied with a 16-1 run in the fourth to cut the lead to 6. brandon inge gram hit some big buckets for new orleans down the stretch. they'd win 113-103. greg popovich walked off the court for the last time in 26 seasons. he would not comment on his future after this game. the pelicans will face la -- the clippers in l.a. for the eighth seed in the west. tomorrow night on our sister channel tnt. that's after the cavs host the hawks. allyson felix, the most decorated athlete in history will hang up her spikes at the end of the season. the 36-year-old announcing her retirement on instagram posting this season i'm running for women, i'm running for a better future for my daughter, i'm running for you. five-time olympian felix won 11 medals, 7 of them gold. we may never see another track and field athlete go to five different olympic games like felix did. >> incredible. >> just incredible. >> thank you for that. appreciate it. >> all right. now to this, officials confirming an ef-3 tornado with 165 mile per hour winds tore through bell county, 2texas, tuesday. overnight a possible tornado passing through kentucky. severe winds and rain left behind damage and thousands of people without power. the most significant threats have been expected in tennessee, indiana and arkansas. cnn's pedram javaheri has the forecast for us. it feels like we're heading into tornado season officially. >> laura, it's been an incredible run. every single week. you see the footage here at louisville, kentucky. the landscape is dotted here with severe weather. fortunately only five of them related to tornado. the vast majority stretching over 220 plus. severe wind gust reports. some of these the strongest hurricane wind gusts across areas of mississippi, kentucky, the state of tennessee as well. very strong wind gusts in praise with the storms. look at the lightning data. able to tabulate 106,000 lightning strikes and it speaks to the height of this. the weekend and it moves away off the eastern 1/3 of the u.s. notice quite a bit of rainfall observed here. flooding widespread whether it's arkansas, wisconsin, as far north as iowa. we've seen as much as 5 plus inches come down. we've talked about the tornadoes. the preliminary number puts us at 292. 80 is the beginning of march. almost matching what we expect in the entire month as we approach peak season. laura? >> pedram we know you are staying on top of it. thank you, my friend 6789. >> when i was a little girl my house was hit by a tornado. i'm not kidding. >> midwest girl for you. >> i remember that -- just how odd it was. china cabinet. everything still in the china cabinet yet other things were destroyed. all of the punc insulation sucked out of the attic and all over the neighborhood. >> how old were you? >> i was 10 or 11. it sounds like a train. when they say it sounds like a train, it sounds like a train. >> roar. >> >> stay safe out there, everyone. we are thinking about you. stay safe. i'm laura jarrett. >> "new day" starts right now. this is cnn breaking news. good morning to viewers in the u.s. and around the world. it is thursday april 14th. ukraine and

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

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putin has revised his strategy. russia could be relaunching a large scale offensive to conquer the donbas region in the next few days. new threats by the kremlin warning if ukrainian attacks on russian territory continue, russian armed forces will strike decision-making centers, including kyiv. also new this morning, conflicting reports on what happens when one of russia's most important navy warships, these were taken before ukraine said its missile hit this ship. hours later russia said it was an on board fire. cnn has been unable to verify the claims. in the men time the u.s. is ramping up commitments to help ukraine sending an additional $800 million and rushing ahead of time. cnn's matt rivers is here to talk about this. this ship if ukraine were to have hit it, this would be a very big development. russia saying that's not true. >> no matter which way you slice it, a fire on board in the black sea fleet is a very big deal. what we're getting is that there has been a fire on board that's caused the crew of the guided missile cruiser to have to evacuate. because of that fire there was some ammunition on board that was apparently detonated and that made the crew have to leave. from the ukrainian side, they're saying they fired that and that's what the cause is. whether or not this is true, we can't verify this as of yet. it's cloudy in the area so we don't have the satellite images. no matter which way you slice it, this is a very big deal for russia's military and russia's navy. it would be the biggest blow against russia's navy during the ukraine war so far. this is a flagship vessel. it's got military significance. also, it's symbolic in a lot of ways. >> if it is an act of god, what is the omen that is sending if that's the case here? let's also talk about as we've seen all of these world leaders coming to kyiv, the question is who is the u.s. going to send? >> reporter: yeah. this is a question they've been mulling for a while there. there's discussion about sending lloyd austin, an tow any blinken. not a visit looking likely from the president or vice president. i think what the biden administration is saying look who's gone. you've had vice president boris johnson. you've had the presidents of lithuania, estonia, world leaders were willing to make the trip to kyiv and show solidarity. we'll have to wait to see what the united states wants to do in that regard in the next couple of days. >> i am so curious if they send a top diplomat or head of war. >> sends a message. i want to bring in cnn military analyst, major general paul eaton with us. general, this warship, what do you make about this mixed messages we're getting from russians versus ukrainians? >> good morning. thank you very much for having me. we've advocated to open up the sea to this conflict, to give president putin something to worry about off shore and the opportunity to start killing russian ships was a very big plus to open the conflict up, to give something for the russians to worry about and if you have a fire on a ship and i've been to the firefighting centers that the navy operates to train their sailors on how to work fires, and to defeat a fire on a captained ship. it is a very, very intense and scary proposition to work fires aboard ship. it's very different from fires on land. this development is a great development for ukraine and for the whole nato operation right now behind ukraine. >> is there any possibility that that was real, that there was a fire on the ship that caused -- could have caused ammunition to explode or do you find -- are you doubtful of that? >> i am very doubtful that fire aboard ship is a very unlikely event. sailors fear this greatly. they do many, many things and the whole -- the whole ship's complements is trained to immediately react to fire on a ship. this looks like a missile strike to me. it is unlikely it was a naturally occurring or as you mentioned earlier -- as was mentioned earlier, an event from god. this is an event from zelenskyy. >> yeah. is it an act of god? it would be pretty incredible if it were. send a certain message. the french military is assessing russia is ramping up a large scale offensive to conquer the donbas. what are you expecting? what is this going to look like? >> this is going to be a little bit of what yogi said, deja vu all over again. nato and warsaw pact forces trained -- they manned, trained, equipped themselves for a war that blends northern germany. rolling hills. oriented for tank warfare. high intensity combined arms conflict, and we anticipate that that's about what's going to happen. it's a little bit more advantageous to the russians right now given how they are manned, trained, and equipped. right now we are moving significant war material to the ukrainian armed forces to be able to manage that. it's a little different from what the russians faced in kyiv. it is going to be a fight the likes of which we haven't seen in a long time but at nato and something that i did in the '70s and posz 80s, it's something you prepare for and you execute the arm more oriented attack and defense that the russians appear to be setting up right now. >> president biden has announced that the u.s. is providing this additional $800 million in military assistance while the pentagon hosted the ceos of the eight largest prime contractors how quickly they can get this aide to ukraine. we heard from the pentagon it's four to six days from the time the aid is promised, from the time it comes out of president biden's mouth to the time it gets here in the hands of the ukrainians. is that going to be fast enough for this battle? >> we talked in terms of down to the soldier level, flash to bang. decision to actual military event outcome on the ground. four to six days is an amazingly short period. this indicates that the defense department, the whole amazing industrial complex of the united states to provide the best we can to the war fighter, this is a stunningly short period of time and it's working very, very well. so the real problem here is battlefield distribution of equipment that will produce the outcome you want on the ground. so the enemy, as we say, always has a decision opportunity here. so it is distributing anti-armor systems be they tank or be they missile into the hands of the people in the particular geographic point that you need it. that's the art and it's going apparently pretty well. >> all right. some of the days ahead of us here are going to tell in that. general eaton, great to have you. thank you so much for your insights here. christine and laura, back to you guys in new york. >> thank you, brianna. still ahead. telling on yourself. the odd tip that led to the subway shooting case that shook new york city. new questions about why an unarmed black man was shot and killed by a police officer in michigan. just released video of that shootingng ahead. what do you want to leave behind? 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there were hundreds of thousands of calls coming in on the tip line by new yorkers, anyone that thought they saw them. law enforcement was literally only seconds behind him or a couple minutes behind him. as we talked about yesterday, his world really started to close in on him and then finally he just decided to call a tip on himself. very unusual. i spoke about it a little bit yesterday. it's just -- again, this is somebody that's not in their right mind to do something about it. there's definitely a difference between the two. it goes more that he wanted to be caught. there's no reason to drop your credit card or the keys to your get away van and moreover, a lot of these individuals want to get caught because they want the world to understand. they want their platform so the world understands what they did and why they did it. >> he's going to be in court later today. he faces a federal terrorism charge. does it matter at all his motive in making that charge? we really don't know yet much about his motive. obviously the investigation is sning. >> the motive is always going to be important with regard to how that charge sticks. trust me, having been with the fbi and the joint terrorism task force for 15 years working cases such as this, attempted subway bombing in 2009, attempted times square bombing in 2010, the chelsea bombing of 2016, the motive is important. the prosecution of this case, the eastern district has been made. this highlights the elements of the crime. you've said while people can rest easy with the suspect in custody now, it's crucial that the investigation continues. i just wonder with a case like this, you know, obviously someone with a lot of mental i shall and chal loaning. police can't scour u tube. how do you prevent something like this? >> we're not here to tell on our neighbors. it's a fine line of not only law enforcement but the public at large to be alert for somebody that's literally -- that they feel is on the edge. may be mentally unstable. they feel they have to report it. no one likes to do that. that's hard to do. unfortunately, this is the world we're living in. >> all right. thank you so much. appreciate your analysis this week. >> thank you. millions of people under lockdown in china as coronavirus cases surge across the country. a live report from the city with the most cases and the strictest rules next. plus, it's still too early to ditch your masks on public transportation. how much longer you'll have to keep wearing them. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flo whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? 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we've seen these videos and these people are sharing e oh, my gosh, frustration and empty refrigerators. >> reporter: people are fed up. they've been doing this for two weeks, some even longer. certainly in shanghai they've been locked down since the end of march. in other cities around the country you mentioned there are 44 that are in lockdown. they've been in lockdown for up to a month. so these people are short on food, on fresh food, on medical supplies and it is causing a huge amount of anger and frustration. the focus is on shanghai. in is happening all across the country. these cities contribute to 40% of the gdp. that is in lockdown not functioning. the economic implications are huge. the government is doubling down on the zero covid strategy. the reason being is that the health system would absolutely collapse. analysts have been saying because, you know, they have an elderly population, many of them unvaccin sin nation. there are people who believe, experts who believe that if covid were to rip through china, christine, there could be 2 million deaths. that's something xi jinping will do anything to avoid. >> certainly a different strategy happening there with the zero covid policy. we know more factories have been shut down. this is a story that will continue to progress. anna corr ren, thank you so much. americans will have to keep wearing the masks on planes, trains and buses a little bit longer. the federal transportation mask mandate will now remain in place until at least may 3. more than half a billion coronavirus cases have been reported worldwide. nearly one in six of those cases or more than 80 million were in the u.s. russian president vladimir putin wanted the war in ukraine to drive a wedge into the western alliance. now though it's having the opposite effect and it's pushing two countries towards potentially joining nato. we have the details on that next. nergy in just two weeks! 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>> we're still learning what came out of their meeting yesterday, but what is important about these two lawyers as you mentioned, pat cipollone and philbin who met with him who were vocally against the pressure campaign trump was putting on against former vice president mike pence. at the time trump was trying to get pensce to not certify the 2020 election and they were against that. these are some of the high profile people the committee has spoken to. we know the committee has spoken to trump's daughter, ivanka trum, and separately her husband jared. this is on top of the committee having heard from over 860 witnesses, we're told, christine. keep us protesting. the fatal police shooting of patrick lyoya. he was shot in the head last week by an officer following a traffic stop. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> reporter: multiple protests spilling out into the streets after this incident was released. the officer is on leave. >> reporter: a struggle, a gunshot, a black man dead on the streets of grand rapids, michigan. a police officer now under investigation for shooting 26-year-old patrick lyoya in the head. frustrated community demanding answers. >> stay in the car. >> reporter: on april 4th police say lyoya was pulled over for improper registration, just a few minutes from the stop lyoa begins to run. >> no. no. no. put your hands up. >> reporter: the officer catches lyoya. they begin to wrestle. then the officer uses a taser. it falsz to make impact. the officer's body camera turns off during the struggle. police say it was unintentional but the passenger in lyoya's car captured this cell phone video and captured what happened next. >> drop the taser! >> we are determined to get this right. >> reporter: authorities now facing tough questions like whether the officer's life was in enough jeopardy to draw his gun. >> so a taser is not per se a deadly weapon. that would be what was known as potential so the not necessarily. a potential language barrier is part of the investigation. the family's lawyer, ben crump, contends lyoya was confused and terrified for his life. the naacp adding an unregistered license plate should not be a death sentence. the still unidentified officer has been stripped of his police powers but remains on paid leave pending the state investigation. >> weel avenue seek the truth. >> reporter: the investigation remains ongoing. despite the video being released in the name of transparency. once that's in, it will be sent to the police department for potential disciplinary action. it will be sent to the county prosecutor for any potential criminal charges. for now the still unnamed officer shipped on the family. christine, laura? >> omar, thank you for that. let's bring in cnn legal analyst arriva martin. >> good morning. >> you saw the video for yourself. we've all now watched it. he's clearly running away from the officer. there's going to be some debate whether he was going for the taser. at first he was trying get away. >> yes, laura, we've seen this. we've had these situations where routine traffic stops end this in these violent confrontations and ultimately an african-american american man left dead. there is a supreme court case saying given, in many cases he runs because he is terrified. he risks being shot and killed. these situations that go from simple routine stop and like inten seconds or less to these violent encounters, we keep seeing them over and over again. it's almost like we've learned nothing from previous routine traffic stops. >> why release this? you heard omar say it was in the interest of transparency. what do you make of the release of the body cam video? >> i think that's a trend we've seen over the last couple of years at least where the community is not willing to wait. there's such distrust particularly in the african-american community and police departments trying to get ahead of the narrative, trying to demonstrate to the community that they are acting in good faith have been releasing videotape at this moment, the day after, several days after these encounters occur. i'm not surprised. this becomes more of a trend. think back to michael brown's case several years back where it took days, if not weeks, months to get the video out there. this is a step in the right direction in terms of transparency. >> have some police departments revised their policy to say if somebody is running away and no longer poses an immediate and imminent threat, even if it turns out that the license plate doesn't match the reasonable administration or whatever, you essentially can figure out and get to them later. you don't have to shoot them in the back of the head. >> reporter: absolutely, laura. that is what we thought was happening after we had this discussion with george floyd, that many police departments had implemented exactly the policy you identified which is don't escalate a routine traffic stop into a violent altercation. you can take the license plate, run the plate, figure out where they live, send them a ticket. even go to their home and arrest them but i don't know if in this moment the crime rising narrative has taken over the reform flairtive. if police departments are still engaged in the kinds of reforms we heard a lot about following george floyd's a zbles nice to see you. >> thank you so much. what goes up can go higher. food prices are surging. what you'll be paying for the grocery store staples.s. 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uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i and ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta, from intra-cellular therapies. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. that's a savings of over $500 a year. switch today. i'm fred pleitgen in kyiv, ukraine and this is cnn. let's get a check on cnn business this thursday morning. let's get a look at markets around the world. asian shares close and they close higher. stock index futures barely moving. stocks rose ending a three-day losing streak. down about 1%. it is corporate earnings season and an up beat report from delta airlines as far as a rally for travel stocks. delta reported surging demand for travel. they lost less in the first quarter than expected in terms of a profit and it expects to become profitable again in the second quarter. how? by raising airfares and packing planes. jpmorgan chase shares fell. first quarter profit down 42% there. jamie dimon called the underlying economy strong, consumer spending very good but said inflation in ukraine are powerful. this morning goldman sachs, wells fargo and morgan stanley. sticker shock at the grocery store. food prices rising nearly 9% over the last year. that's the largest 12-month increase since 1981. the price of flour jumped 14%. milk 11%. fruit and vegetables up 8 1/2%. baking prices increased by 18% in the global inflation story. amazon will start charging sellers a 5% fuel inflation surcharge. the temporary surcharge rye plies to only those and it will eventually find its way to your wallet as businesses try to pass along the rising expenses to customers. as frustrated as american shoppers say they are by inflation, by the rising prices, they keep spending. research by bank of america shows consumer credit and debit card spending is up 15% for the first week of april and lower income households are spending the most. bank found consumer's finances holding up well because of a booming job market and what bank of america calls elevated cash levels. i have a friend who's an economics editor at reuters. people are complaining about everything but they're going to disney, buying plane tickets and buying stuff. they're angry they can't get more stuff. the demand is unbelievable coming out of covid. >> they want to know where their stuff is and why it's stuck on a boat and can't get through california and texas. so interesting. >> they're spending. well, the charlotte hornets had a pretty rough night in atlanta before the game against the hawks. andy scholes has more in this morning's bleacher report. hey, andy. >> reporter: good morning, laura. biggest game of the season for the hornets. win or go home. it turned out it wasn't charlotte's night. the team bus got stuck behind a stalled train so they had to get out and walk the rest of the way. it was about 1/4 of a mile. things didn't get much better when the game started. the hawks blowing this one open in the third quarter. they go on to win by 29. the hornets getting frustrated in the fourth quarter. miles bridges gets ejected after a fan yoeld at him on the way out. watch it here. he's going to end up throwing his mouth guard. it hits a girl in the stands. he went on twitter to see if he could make up for what he did. the other match-up, pelican hosting the spurs. zion williams remains out indefinitely. he threw out a casual 360 dunk. they had control of the game before the spurs rallied with a 16-1 run in the fourth to cut the lead to 6. brandon inge gram hit some big buckets for new orleans down the stretch. they'd win 113-103. greg popovich walked off the court for the last time in 26 seasons. he would not comment on his future after this game. the pelicans will face la -- the clippers in l.a. for the eighth seed in the west. tomorrow night on our sister channel tnt. that's after the cavs host the hawks. allyson felix, the most decorated athlete in history will hang up her spikes at the end of the season. the 36-year-old announcing her retirement on instagram posting this season i'm running for women, i'm running for a better future for my daughter, i'm running for you. five-time olympian felix won 11 medals, 7 of them gold. we may never see another track and field athlete go to five different olympic games like felix did. >> incredible. >> just incredible. >> thank you for that. appreciate it. >> all right. now to this, officials confirming an ef-3 tornado with 165 mile per hour winds tore through bell county, 2texas, tuesday. overnight a possible tornado passing through kentucky. severe winds and rain left behind damage and thousands of people without power. the most significant threats have been expected in tennessee, indiana and arkansas. cnn's pedram javaheri has the forecast for us. it feels like we're heading into tornado season officially. >> laura, it's been an incredible run. every single week. you see the footage here at louisville, kentucky. the landscape is dotted here with severe weather. fortunately only five of them related to tornado. the vast majority stretching over 220 plus. severe wind gust reports. some of these the strongest hurricane wind gusts across areas of mississippi, kentucky, the state of tennessee as well. very strong wind gusts in praise with the storms. look at the lightning data. able to tabulate 106,000 lightning strikes and it speaks to the height of this. the weekend and it moves away off the eastern 1/3 of the u.s. notice quite a bit of rainfall observed here. flooding widespread whether it's arkansas, wisconsin, as far north as iowa. we've seen as much as 5 plus inches come down. we've talked about the tornadoes. the preliminary number puts us at 292. 80 is the beginning of march. almost matching what we expect in the entire month as we approach peak season. laura? >> pedram we know you are staying on top of it. thank you, my friend 6789. >> when i was a little girl my house was hit by a tornado. i'm not kidding. >> midwest girl for you. >> i remember that -- just how odd it was. china cabinet. everything still in the china cabinet yet other things were destroyed. all of the punc insulation sucked out of the attic and all over the neighborhood. >> how old were you? >> i was 10 or 11. it sounds like a train. when they say it sounds like a train, it sounds like a train. >> roar. >> >> stay safe out there, everyone. we are thinking about you. stay safe. i'm laura jarrett. >> "new day" starts right now. this is cnn breaking news. good morning to viewers in the u.s. and around the world. it is thursday april 14th. ukraine and

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Transportation Mask Mandate , Factories , Buses , Anna Corr Ren , Place , May 3 , Wedge , Western Alliance , A Billion , 80 Million , Details , Countries , Effect , Next , Nergy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Sugar , Nutrients , Verizon , Vo , Ultra , 5g Phone , Miss , Health , Offer , Mom , Dad , Delightful , Vuitytm , Eye Drop , Vision , Wait , First , Fda , On The Road , Reading Glasses , Drop , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Activities , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Headache , Machinery , Vision Loss , Course , Friendly , Eye Redness , Kitchen , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Perfect , Leaders , Finland , Sweden , Decisions , Membership , Nations , Booking Yeah , Alliance , Security Concerns , Claire Issebastian Are Li , Europe , Source , Length , Territories , Strain , Vladimir Tut , Time Line , Confrontation , Consideration , Tool , Spokesman , Stability , Closer , Application , Opinion , Benefits , Sort , Article , President , Zelenskyy On Wednesday , Areas , Times , East , Refugees , Selma Abdel , 2 5 Million , Strikes , Doorstep , Fate , 250id , Poland , 250 , Translator , Soldiers , Face , Kill , Civilians , Aggression , Banditry , Crisis , Agenda , Issues , Duta , Donald Trump , Meeting , Lawyers , House Committee , Members , Flank , White House , Washington , January 6th , 6 , Protests , Grand Rapids , Professional , Plan , Victims , Cal , Cfp , Visit Lemakeaplan Org , Helen , Exercise , Activity , Glucose Levels , Glucose , Sound , Suits , Helicopter Blades , Medicare , Greg Popovich , Inflation , Nothing , Money , Baby One More Time , Advice , Baby , Milk , Memes , Onesies , Britney Spears , Friend , Investing , Morgan Stanley , Chapter , Production Manager , Cto , Supervisor , E Trade , Benny , Warehouse Worker , Pocket , Ceo , Surprises , Sweets , Prizes , Shapes , Sizes , Driver , Stay , T Mobile , Points , 5g , Rewards Points , Let S Go On The Open Road , Western , Book , Author , Bestwestern Com , Christian , Documents , Publisher , Material , Kit , Docs , Committee , Part , Tranche , Subset , Pages , Trump , Executive Privilege , Supreme Court , Committees , Annie , Speeches , Dye , Information , Approval , Evidence , R Drafts , National Archives , Snm , Cooperation , Pat Cipollone , Him , Philbin , Mike Pence , Pressure Campaign Trump , Ivanka Trum , Profile , Pensce , Election , Husband , 2020 , Witnesses , 860 , Officer , Patrick Lyoya , Traffic Stop , Justice , Streets , Leave , Struggle , Man , Gunshot , 26 , Community , Car , Answers , Say Lyoya , April 4th , Registration , Stop Lyoa , Catches Lyoya , Taser , Cell Phone Video , Lyoya , Body Camera , Passenger , Impact , It Falsz , Life , Right , Jeopardy , Weapon , Gun , Ben Crump , Family , Language Barrier , Naacp , License Plate , State Investigation , Police Powers , Death Sentence , Transparency , In The Name Of , Police Department , The Truth , Weel Avenue , Charges , Action , County Prosecutor , Arriva Martin , Omar , Debate , Situations , Traffic , Confrontations , African American Man , Encounters , Routine Stop , Body Cam Video , Routine Traffic Stops , Interest , Release , Trend , Narrative , Distrust , Departments , African American Community , Acting , Videotape , Faith , Police Departments , Policy , Direction , Michael Brown , Threat , Back , George Floyd , Don T Escalate , Plate , Routine Traffic Stop , Ticket , Altercation , Figure , Reforms , Kinds , Reform Flairtive , Food Prices , A Zbles , Grocery Store , Depression , In The Dark , Signs , Booking Com , Lows , Hope , Lyte , Caplyta , Bipolar , Relief , Discover Caplyta , Bipolar Ii Depression , Mood Changes , Restlessness , Weight Gain , Trials , Behaviors , Adults , Antidepressants , Dementia , Feelings , Aren T , Fever , The Darkness Of Bipolar I And Ii Depression , Confusion , Muscles , Muscle Movements , Patients , Phone , Price , Stuff , Therapies , Xfinity Mobile , Concert Tickets , Shows , Savings , Shares , Check , Markets , Fred Pleitgen , Cnn Business This , Asian , Delta Airlines , Stocks , Losing Streak , Stock Index , Beat , Earnings , 1 , Profit , Demand , Travel , Rally , Airfares , Packing , Consumer Spending , Economy , Jpmorgan Chase , Jamie Dimon , 42 , Sticker Shock , Goldman Sachs , Wells Fargo , 9 , Baking Prices , Increase , Flour , Fruit , Amazon , 1981 , 18 , 12 , 8 1 2 , 11 , Fuel Inflation Surcharge , Sellers , Surcharge Rye Plies , Spending , Expenses , Wallet , Bank Of America , Research , Shoppers , Most , Week , Consumer Credit , Households , Consumer , Debit Card Spending , Job Market , Income , Finances , Everything , Cash Levels , Plane Tickets , Economics Editor , Buying , Reuters , Disney , Boat , Charlotte Hornets , Texas , California , Game , Hawks , Hornets , Morning , Bleacher Report , Win , Andy Scholes , Atlanta , Rest , Team , Bus , Wasn T Charlotte S Night , 1 4 , Mouth Guard , Fan Yoeld , Girl , Match Up , Stands , Twitter , Spurs , Zion Williams , Lead , Control , Fourth , Dunk , Pelican , 360 , 16 , Seasons , Buckets , The Stretch , Brandon Inge Gram Hit , New Orleans , 113 , 103 , Pelicans , West , Clippers , Eighth Seed , Sister , Cavs , L A , Channel Tnt , Allyson Felix , Retirement , History , Posting , Women , The End , Instagram , 36 , Olympic Games , Daughter , Gold , Medals , Track And Field Athlete Go , Five , 7 , Tornado , Officials , Incredible , Winds , Rain , Bell County , Damage , Kentucky , Tuesday , 2texas , 165 , Forecast , Pedram Javaheri , Arkansas , Tennessee , Indiana , Run , Landscape , Footage , Louisville , Mississippi , Wind Gust Reports , Storms , Hurricane Wind Gusts , Wind Gusts , Majority , Praise , 220 , Lightning Strikes , Height , Lightning Data , 106000 , Weekend , Tornadoes , Rainfall , Notice , Wisconsin , Iowa , 1 3 , Number , Season , Beginning Of March , 292 , House , Hit , Little Girl , Midwest Girl , 6789 , Neighborhood , Insulation , Attic , China Cabinet , Punc , Stay Safe , Roar , Around The World ,

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