Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708

the suspect walking the streets. james is accused of setting off smoke canisters on board a brooklyn subway car during the morning rush hour and then firing his handgun 33 times at fellow passengers. ten people were shot and more than a dozen others were injured in the melee of terrified passengers scrambling to get off of the train. he is now charged with violently attacking a mass transit system and is due in federal court tomorrow. but investigators say the motive is still unknown. i want to start with the former fbi director for the investigating division and tom bernie, former nypd detective. thank you, gentlemen. i appreciate having both of you on this evening. chris, when you hear the suspected shooter called in the tip that led to his own capture, why do you think he did that? >> yeah. first thing that comes to mind was he going to ambush the people that came to arrest him? we don't know. i haven't heard any reports about whether he had weapons on him when he was arrested, but it's consistent with his strange, bizarre behavior throughout the incident. you know, maybe he just wanted to be caught. that happens all the time when someone is on the run. he's no jason bourne. he's not someone who was trained to be on the run. didn't have the instincts or the infrastructure to do that, so maybe he was just tired. >> tom, let me bring new here. as a former nypd detective, how is it that the suspect was able to just walk around and hang out at mcdonald's in the east village the day after shooting ten people on a subway train? >> hey, don. good evening. yeah, i mean, look, it's new york city. anyone could blend in anywhere. it's not surprising based on the behavior that we know to date of this individual, that his behavior would be even more weirder than we originally thought, right? there were reports that he had connections to wisconsin and philadelphia, so you would t think, you know, you would go on the run and maybe hide in another large city and just blend in. but new york, we have 8.5 million people and others that work in the city every day, so it's easy to just disappear. but thankfully, you know, fate was in our favor that he decided for whatever reason to kind of turn himself in almost and the officers were able to spot him and take him in. >> he called and said this is where i am and they went there and found him very close to where he said he was. the question is, though, with so many video cameras around new york, do police need a better or quicker way to analyze all of that? look, i'm glad they caught him. it was -- thankfully no one else was hurt. i give tremendous credit to the new york police department, the best in the country, but what needs to happen here to make arrests like this quicker and have a more coordinated effort, especially when it comes to cameras and so forth? >> well, i think, you know -- i think it's kind of remarkable that we were able to get this guy in under 24 hours. so from the time he committed this very scary, frightening act, i mean, people are going to be traumatized probably for the rest of their lives because of this. so considering where he could have gone and where he could have hidden potentially, it is quite amazing, i think, that an arrest was made so soon. however, as the police commissioner mentioned today, once we got enough physical evidence, which he left a lot of it at the scene and we got a beat on who this guy was, his picture was out there, his world was closing quickly on him. so it was just a matter of time before someone was going to spot him and pick him out somewhere and call the authorities. >> you think, tom, that it was quick? look, the new yorkers i know, the conversation that everybody i had from, you know, just everyone was they haven't caught at a guy yet, when the alert went off this morning where i live, everyone in the building was like, the alarm is going off, what is -- they haven't gotten -- that was a question on every new yorker's mind. they haven't gotten that guy yet? but you think it was quick? >> yeah. i mean, look, you know, crimes are not solved in 43 minutes that we watch on "law & order" on tv. even with the massive manhunt, multiagency manhunt we had under way, again, you're talking about a city of 8 to 12 million people on any given day. that's assuming that he didn't flee somewhere else. so i think, again, having been in the business over 20 years, almost 30 years at this point, that i think it's still remarkable that, first of all, that he didn't go out and do something else and that he was able to be apprehended without incident. i understand people's apprehension, and thank goodness this guy is a few sandwiches short of a picnic and decided to call and say, hey, here i am, come and get me. could have been a lot worse for the people involved that were a victim of this. and it could have taken a lot longer to track him down. if you think of some of these other terrorist incidents we had in the past -- >> okay. >> -- not that they're related, styles it takes a while. >> all right. i get your point. chris, the suspected shooter talked about violence and mass shootings and some really racist stuff in videos on youtube. take a look at this. >> we need to see more mass shootings. yeah, we need -- no, we need to see more, more mass shootings. to make [ bleep ] understand, listen, you're going down. no, it's not about the shooter, no. it's not about the shooter, it's about the environment in which he has to exist. >> so he's ranting about shooting, about the mayor, about white people, about all of that. this is the issue when it comes to these social media sites. i mean, youtube has now removed his account, but why is this sort of rhetoric allowed at all on these sites, on this site in particular, chris? >> yeah. i asked that question all day long today. how did that stuff get on youtube and stay there? i've said before, in most mass shootings, the shooter's flashing red, they don't spontaneously come bust. they build up to this point. i understand there are 100 videos, all of them spewing vitriol and hate and providing a road map and clues as to what he was going to do. so it baffles me that this kind of thing can stay on youtube and not get filtered out. you know, they're able to get into speech and rhetoric of people who are more mainstream than this guy. i don't know how they missed this guy. >> tom, i got to ask you. i was talking to the former police commissioner last night, bill bratton. he was blunt. we talked about how to stop this from happening again. he said nothing. his quote is nothing. what's the best way to protect the subway system? >> well, i mean, we're getting reports that a number of cameras were out in the subway system, which i'm sure the mta will hopefully be investigating as to why that is. to be honest, it's not uncommon, unfortunately, in a lot of these subway stations. however -- >> why is it not uncommon? what's the breakdown? is it funding? >> i think it's just a common occurrence, unfortunately, that in every subway station that has video cameras, they don't always operate properly. whether it's poor maintenance or not enough money to repair the ones they have, i'm not sure. that's something the mta and the city is going to have to look into to make sure that doesn't happen again. and hopefully -- it shouldn't take an incident like that for that to occur. but i think, you know, commissioner bratton is correct that there really is nothing to stop some maniac from obtaining a weapon, a firearm or otherwise, and causing an incident like this. however, the public really is key in, you know, making sure that they're vigilant and watching what people's actions are. if someone happens to see this video on youtube, something like that, they should report that to the authorities that they're seeing this guy who may be a little off line, saying all these things and making threats and report it to somebody. if you see something, say something adage, right? if the police don't know, they don't know, they don't know. and the public is integral in making sure that these people that are out there are put under wraps before something terrible happens. >> chris, are you worried about copycats? >> always. these things tend to go viral and -- gosh. we've seen copycats since columbine, really. i think there's -- i hate to say it, don, but the media, you know, will always cover these incidents, as they should, but i think there are people out there that when the seed is planted, it almost normalizes this sort of thing and it shows them that there's a way to go out with notoriety. you're going to be noticed and stand up and be counted. but can i comment on the prevention part of it with what bill bratton said and what we were just discussing? >> yes. >> if there was ever a place you need a visible presence of a police officer, it's in the subway. people are trapped down there, they're in a cave, in a tube. there's no rescue. and i really think that that is one area where -- i do the security assessments all the time. cameras don't deter bad guys, but a visible presence, a very conspicuous presence of an armed security officer or police officer is, i think, the gold standard. >> sorry, i had allergies, i had to take it off line. that was my next question. tom, as a former nypd detective, what is the solution here because crime is going up, right? i'm worried about a copycat. many people are worried about a copycat. if they see what he did in the new york subway system, i know you think it was fast, but to be on the loose for 30-some odd hours, that is concerning. so what's the fix here? >> well, the city of new york priority 9/11 had 41,000 police officers. now the number is down to 35,000. through attrition there has not been a replacement of the amount of officers. 41,000 in the city like new york city where you have 10 million plus people is not enough cops to police a city like that. so there is a shortage of man power. so resources are tight. even if you have to hire private security to be the eyes and ears -- there aren't enough officers to man every train station. that's a simple fact. so you need additional eyes and ears. he's right, physical presence of some kind, whether it be armed security or some other security force other than the police who could notify the police readily if there is something amiss going on in the subway system. >> thank you both. appreciate it. >> anytime. >> lucky no one lost their life in this one. mariupol's mayor says 180,000 people are still in the area of the city waiting to be evacuated. ukraine's government insists mariupol has not yet fallen, but how long can they hold on after weeks of devastation is this . russia is trying to cover up their crimes and they brought in at least 13 mobile crematoriums that have been already noticed on the territory of mariupol. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design hr solutions to help you engage and retain top performers today, so you can have more scess tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads tanother, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at the mayor of the besieged city of mariupol says 180,000 people are still waiting to be evacuated. no humanitarian corridors were open today. russian forces blocking the buses meant for evacuation. but as cnn's matt rivers reports, defenders are still holding out in a desperate fight for every block of the city. >> reporter: weeks after russia began an offensive bombardment to take the city, and still ukraine's government says mariupol has not yet fallen. the keyport on the southeast coast of ukraine increasingly a symbol of both ukrainian resistance and russian military goals. ukrainian officials are holding up the city as a symbol of a heroic fight with an aid aide to president volodymyr zelenskyy says they have managed to continue their fight. one of the units releasing a message saying they did not give up their positions. now there are accusations from the ukrainians that russia has used chemical weapons here. >> translator: the day before yesterday the russian troops attempted transcribing our city with a so-called chemical attack. they tried to drop a chemical agent on our defenders. the agent did affect your defenders and there's evidence a number of people living in settlements in the outskirts of mariupol were also affected. >> reporter: president zelenskyy accusing russia of using quote phosphorus bombs prohibited by international law. the u.s. as well as cnn teams on the ground have not yet verified such an attack did indeed occur. no conclusive inry has surfaced and russia denies even having chemical weapons. but chemical weapons are not the destruction in mariupol have been devastating. the mayor says more than 90% of the city's infrastructure has been damage or destroyed and russian forces cut of water and food. >> translator: we are currently discussing 20,000 to 22,000 people dead in mariupol. >> reporter: meanwhile, russia is engaged in an intense propaganda campaign saying it is close to capturing what would be its first major ukrainian city since the war began. >> translator: as a result of successful offensive actions of the russian armed forces and the police units of the dpr, 1,026 ukraine military personnel of the 36th marine brigade surrendered. >> reporter: a tour of a destroyed theater where hundreds were sheltering when it was hit by a russian air strike last month courting ukrainian officials. >> translator: you can see for yourself what the situation in the city is. there are a lot of dead people. >> reporter: for those still alive, a hellish landscape persists. ukraine's government says about 180,000 people in and around the city still need to be evacuated. so far, many have not been able to do so. the while ukrainian government says there's no way to know exactly how many have been killed as a result of all this fighting in mariupol, they say the number is in the thousands, just a horrific toll being taken from this city as the fighting goes on, don. >> matt rivers, thank you so much. tonight russia is claiming it had to evacuate the warship moskva after an onboard fire. ukraine said they struck the ship with missiles. cnn cannot investor what happened, but the ship was right in the middle of an infamous incident in the start of the war. i want to bring in now cnn military analysis and retired air force colonel cedric leighton. >> it means moscow in russian. >> thank you, colonel. this is the same ship involved in the exchange on snake island in february where the ukrainians saw the russians on the warship and told them to eff themselves. ukraine did strike the ship. what does this tell you about their capabilities? >> well, it's pretty huge. just as a reminder, snake island is right there. this is where that incident occurred. so it is a guided missile cruiser. here's a picture of it in dock at russian-occupied crimea. the other important thing about this, this is a guided missile cruiser that handles all the cruise missiles of the naval type that the russians have. it can fire those, range of about 400 or so miles into enemy territory or adversary territory. the other popularity thing about this is this is the flagship of the russian black sea fleet. that's where the admiral is when he is running naval operations in the black sea. so if this ship was hit and it was damaged by the ukrainians, that's a major, major tactical victory for them. >> colonel, against all odds, mariupol is still holding out tonight. if ukrainian forces really are willing to fight to the end, how long can they hold up and draw away russian resources? >> so this is a very interesting question because -- this is mariupol right here. how long can they hold out? it depends on how much resupplying they get and how much the russians will actually let them stay there. depends on what the russians are going to do, but will but it also depends on the ukrainians' will to fight. the fact that two of their units linked up, if that reporting is accurate, what that means is that there is enough freedom of movement for the ukrainian forces that they can actually withstand some of the onslaugts that the russians have been conducting. if that's the case, there's a chance, very slim chance that they might be able to break out of the siege. i don't want to say too much in that direction, but the idea they can link up gives them a little bit of freedom of movement and if at some point they get the chance, they might be able to expand their territory within the city there. >> i want to ask you about a french military official saying that russia could launch a large-scale offensive in the east and south and could do it within days. he said possibly ten days or so. what does that time line mean for ukrainian forces? >> so if you look at the donbas area and see, you know, this area right here being what they already -- what is russians and their separatist allies already control, this area right here, what they control with their own forces, in ten days or so what we could see is russian forces moving in this way to shrove yanks and kramatorsk where the train station was hit. they would go i don't understand donetsk and go after this area. it's possible the russians would move into this area. that pre-supposes they can actually handle the logistical challenges they have there. the roads are certainly passable at this point in time, but if the ukrainians channel them into the roads either through their own actions or through a combination of their own action and weather issues, that could certainly slow down the russian efforts. it depends also on how many forces the russians can bring to bear here. if they don't have the withdrawal to bring in forces from issue itself and especially the forces that were involved in the kyiv operation, then you would have a problem if you're looking at this from the russian point of view. so they could actually do this within ten days, but their ability to actually occupy this territory right here is, i believe, somewhat limited based on the problems they've had and the leadership issues they've had. >> colonel, thank you. we'll see you soon. appreciate it again. >> you bet, don. absolutely. after russian forces had to fall back from their attempted sacking of kyiv, they are now regrouping for a renewed russian offensive in the east. what could putin be thinking through all of this? i'll ask a former cia officer. that's next. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and 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let's discuss with former cia operations officer doulgsz london who served in the cia ice cland c the sanctions on russian oil and gas are hurting europe and the u.s. far more than russia, essentially saying the pain it's inflicting on the west is good and that russia has alternative energy opportunities is pure spin. so what exactly is this message for? >> trying to figure out putin requires you to look at the world through putin's eyes. he's not just a product of the cold war, he's the product of the cold war-era kgb. it allows its officers, if you will, to dehumanize their victims in a predatory sort of fashion. so when we see his moves and we talk now about them regrouping or consolidating, are they looking for an off-ramp, there's a great deal of danger in trying to expect his calculus to be anything like ours. his view of strength and weaknesses and risk versus gain calculus, it's not based on how we look at the world, but shaped on his experiences, much of which has to do with witnessing the collapse of the soviet union up close and germany as the wall fell. >> just yesterday he was telling russians that they were helping people in ukraine and protecting russia's security. he said that he had no choice, that it was, again, this whole denaziification of ukraine. a spokesperson admitted to losses of troops. do you think putin is feeling the pressure to explain his actions? >> he's always played the victimization card. and the idea that russia is threatened by this nazi element across the border and he gets to ride in on the white horse and play the hero is consistent with what he's done from the outset. his initial days of power in 1999 was when we believe that he staged bombings of his own people's apartment buildings in moscow, which he attributed to chechens, giving him the justification to come to the rescue and send russian troops forward in chechnya in a brutal and bloody war which gives us a preview of what we're seeing today. so his factoring of blood and treasure is going to be different than ours. it's not the number of bodies that come home, it's when and if it begins to threaten him internally. with putin trying to figure out how to find a way to motivate him, it's not concessions. his world is based on consequences and opportunities, which is why the carrot within is really the absence of a stick. where there's a price for him to pay is what's going to shape his calculus and get him to be influenced to see the need for a road out of this rather than lose his power. >> douglas, this war is going badly for putin, but you say even if he knows that, he's never going to back down, he'll double down: it's almost two months into this invasion of ukraine, so what do you think his next move is? >> i think he'll continue to double down. i think he's got plans that i don't know that his military can cash in terms of sending folks that just got shellacked in one part of the country and turning around and pushing it forward here. i believe he needs to continue to have this balance of one fear that the people will fear him, but also at the same time believe they still need him because the threat is real. his ability to, you know, provide false information and propaganda has been fairly effective, at least with the older generations in a country where he controls all the media and all the information. so i don't rule out the possibility as u.s. intelligence has been suggesting that he still could contend there was a chemical attack he has to respond to or attacks perhaps by even nato forces that he has to respond to. so i think it's important not to think in terms of what we would find lodgic, that his escalatio will be predicated on what is going to keep him secure mostly at home with his own people. >> douglas london, thank you so much. we appreciate you joining us. a fatal traffic stop in michigan leaving yet another black man dead. a community reeling. the body camera footage released today. that story is next. age before beauty? 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(music throughout) . grand rapids michigan is on edge following the deadly police shooting of a 26-year-old black man during a traffic stop earlier this month. today the police department releasing several videos that captured the incident, which is being investigated by the state police and michigan's governor promising it will be transparent and independent. also calling for calm while the evidence is gathered. multiple protests in grand rapids demanding justice. more now on the developing story from cnn's omar jimenez. >> reporter: a struggle. a gunshot. a black man dead on the streets of grand rapids, michigan. a police officer now under investigation for shooting 26-year-old patrick lyoya in the head. a frustrated community demanding answers. >> stay in the car. >> reporter: on april 4th, police say lyoya was pulled over for empimproper registration one car he was driving but didn't elaborate on why they were looking in the first place. a few minutes into the stop, lyoya starts to run. >> no, no, stop, put your hands over your head. >> reporter: the officer catches lyoya. the two begin to wrestle. then the officer uses a taser. but it fails to make impact. the officer's body camera turns off during the struggle. police say it was unintentional. but the passenger in lyoya's car was recording this cell phone video and captured what happens next. >> drop the -- taser! >> we are determined to get this right. >> reporter: authorities now facing tough questions like whether the officer's life was in enough jeopardy to draw his gun. >> a taser is not per se a deadly weapon. it is known as an intermediate weapon that would have the potential to cause death and have the potential to cause great bodily harm, but not necessarily. >> reporter: lyoya was from the congo and there might have been a language barrier. the naacp adding an unregistered license plate should not be a death sentence. the still-unidentified officer has been stripped of his police powers, but remains on paid leave pending the official state investigation. >> we will see transparency. we will see truth. . >> omar jimenez joins me now. i understand there have been protests in grand rapids tonight. what are people saying? ? >> reporter: we've seen protests throughout the evening. things doctor "v" calmed down now, but earlier there were hundreds marching and demonstrating in downtown grand rapids outside a very barricaded police department chanting "justice for patrick lyoya." familiar calls, different case. now, there's still an ongoing investigation, of course, to determine whether this officer's actions were justified or whether he crossed a line. but the attorney for the lyoya family, ben crump, is already calling this use of force unnecessary and excessive and joins a chorus of people calling not only for the firing of this officer, but also the arrest and prosecution of this officer as well, don. >> listen, omar, we've covered so many of these incidents at this network. a man is dead over a car registration. the whole thing happened in just two minutes and 40 seconds. but this isn't really cut and dry. >> reporter: it's not. there's a lot to look at here. even as these two were eventually wrestling with each other, this officer tried to use his taser twice and missed. lyoya is seen putting his hands on the taser at points. both the officer and lyoya seem to have at least one hand on the taser, even as they go to the ground for what becomes the final time. the last words we hear from the officer are "drop the taser." and an single gunshot to the head at point-blank range. the officer gets up, lyoya doesn't. moving forward, the central questions are what prompted this officer, one, to pull out his gun, but also if it was because of the taser, did the threat of that taser rise to that threshold of imminent great bodily harm or imminent death? it's part of the investigation that's ongoing led by michigan state police right now. once that's over, the results will be turned over for it grand rapids police department's internal affairs for potential disciplinary action and to the county prosecutor for potential criminal charges. for now the officer remains on paid leave at this point, stripped of his police powers. we expect to hear from the lyoya family on thursday as well as expect to see more protests as well. >> omar, thank you very much. appreciate it. shanghai's 25 million residents still in a total lockdown. we're going to talk with someone who's been stuck inside for more than 12 days and counting. that's next. 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>> um, under the circumstances, i think i am in a pretty privileged position right now. so i am doing better than some other people that i know in the city. um, but it's -- every day is the same and we are going on 14 days here in total city lockdown in shanghai. >> so, what is it? 13 days now? this is your 13th day. we have seen people shouting from ball conies in protest the. so, folks are not happy. you said that you are in a privileged position. but talk to me about other folks. what are you seeing and experiencing? >> well so, even in my situation, right, um the -- it's been 13 days and i received two packages from the government. um, which consisted mostly of potatoes and onions. and um, we are basically called at very limited notice for covid testing. i have had maybe 12 covid tests in the last 13 days and we are not allowed to leave our apartments typically. there are certain areas where you can leave now. but that is a relatively recent change. um, the policies indicate that even for walking your dog, you are not allowed to leave your apartment. um, so it's -- we've been confined now, um, grocery stores and delivery are not an option. um, so many people are resorting to bartering and trading for food with their neighbors. um, and trying to get ahold of what we call these group-buy situations. um, but in my situation, my compound is too small to qualify because you have to meet a certain threshold for food to be delivered. >> wait. you can't walk your dog? meaning -- >> no. um, if you have a dog, you have to be training your dog now to be going to the bathroom inside. >> wow. so how many tests -- you said you've had, what, 12, 13 covid tests? is that what you said? >> 12. >> 12. okay. so, in the past 12 days. so what happens if you test positive? i mean, what do you do? >> i mean, it's not good. you don't want that to happen. um, so if you test positive, um, even if you are completely asymptomatic, you have no symptoms. um, you are likely going to be taken to a converted facility with everybody else in the city who has tested positive. um, if you are a close contact of somebody who has tested positive, you will be removed, also, to centralized quarantine. um, usually, into a hotel situation where you will stay up to ten days until you test negative twice. >> and you have a cat, right? >> it's -- i do, yeah. she's asleep now but i do have a cat, yeah. >> so we are laughing but what happens? like the people that have animals, like what would happen to your cat, god forbid, you test positive. chances are, knock bwood, you ae not going to but what would happen to your animal? >> that is a major concern for a lot of people here in shanghai. there is not a government-wide or city-wide policy for what to do with pets so it often comes down to the decision of your neighborhood committee. so imagine if your homeowners' association is now the one that gets to decide what happens to your pet because there is no local movement. everybody is locked down. it's really hard to, um, transport your pet to boarding facilities or to a foster. so there is a lot of, um, grassroot and kind of people-to-people networking that is happening. every day, i wake up and see hundreds of requests on my social media for, um, pleas of help for somebody to agree to take these animals milewhile th owners are in covid facilities. >> so you are originally from north carolina, where your parents live. are you able to speak to your family often? can you facetime and call them? and what are you telling them about what you're experience something experiencing? >> yeah. i have been in contact mostly with my mom. i kind of try to have kind of one point of contact for my family, to just kind of ease how much i am having to do repeating what's happening. um, because they -- there really is no new information. every day, we are in the same kind of situation repetitively. so, i do try to keep my family updated but, um, i'm spending more of my time connecting with my neighbors, and people here who i might actually be able to help in some way. >> you said potatoes and onions, so lots of french fries and onion rings for folks there. >> i did issue i did also have a cabbage, so it actually turned into potato and cabbage soup. >> yeah. did you say not the most appetize appetizing? >> yeah. >> hey, we wish you well and sorry you are experiencing this but appreciate you coming on. thank you so much, kelly. >> thank you, good night. >> thank you, good night. thanks for watching, everyone. good night. our coverage continues. 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708

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the suspect walking the streets. james is accused of setting off smoke canisters on board a brooklyn subway car during the morning rush hour and then firing his handgun 33 times at fellow passengers. ten people were shot and more than a dozen others were injured in the melee of terrified passengers scrambling to get off of the train. he is now charged with violently attacking a mass transit system and is due in federal court tomorrow. but investigators say the motive is still unknown. i want to start with the former fbi director for the investigating division and tom bernie, former nypd detective. thank you, gentlemen. i appreciate having both of you on this evening. chris, when you hear the suspected shooter called in the tip that led to his own capture, why do you think he did that? >> yeah. first thing that comes to mind was he going to ambush the people that came to arrest him? we don't know. i haven't heard any reports about whether he had weapons on him when he was arrested, but it's consistent with his strange, bizarre behavior throughout the incident. you know, maybe he just wanted to be caught. that happens all the time when someone is on the run. he's no jason bourne. he's not someone who was trained to be on the run. didn't have the instincts or the infrastructure to do that, so maybe he was just tired. >> tom, let me bring new here. as a former nypd detective, how is it that the suspect was able to just walk around and hang out at mcdonald's in the east village the day after shooting ten people on a subway train? >> hey, don. good evening. yeah, i mean, look, it's new york city. anyone could blend in anywhere. it's not surprising based on the behavior that we know to date of this individual, that his behavior would be even more weirder than we originally thought, right? there were reports that he had connections to wisconsin and philadelphia, so you would t think, you know, you would go on the run and maybe hide in another large city and just blend in. but new york, we have 8.5 million people and others that work in the city every day, so it's easy to just disappear. but thankfully, you know, fate was in our favor that he decided for whatever reason to kind of turn himself in almost and the officers were able to spot him and take him in. >> he called and said this is where i am and they went there and found him very close to where he said he was. the question is, though, with so many video cameras around new york, do police need a better or quicker way to analyze all of that? look, i'm glad they caught him. it was -- thankfully no one else was hurt. i give tremendous credit to the new york police department, the best in the country, but what needs to happen here to make arrests like this quicker and have a more coordinated effort, especially when it comes to cameras and so forth? >> well, i think, you know -- i think it's kind of remarkable that we were able to get this guy in under 24 hours. so from the time he committed this very scary, frightening act, i mean, people are going to be traumatized probably for the rest of their lives because of this. so considering where he could have gone and where he could have hidden potentially, it is quite amazing, i think, that an arrest was made so soon. however, as the police commissioner mentioned today, once we got enough physical evidence, which he left a lot of it at the scene and we got a beat on who this guy was, his picture was out there, his world was closing quickly on him. so it was just a matter of time before someone was going to spot him and pick him out somewhere and call the authorities. >> you think, tom, that it was quick? look, the new yorkers i know, the conversation that everybody i had from, you know, just everyone was they haven't caught at a guy yet, when the alert went off this morning where i live, everyone in the building was like, the alarm is going off, what is -- they haven't gotten -- that was a question on every new yorker's mind. they haven't gotten that guy yet? but you think it was quick? >> yeah. i mean, look, you know, crimes are not solved in 43 minutes that we watch on "law & order" on tv. even with the massive manhunt, multiagency manhunt we had under way, again, you're talking about a city of 8 to 12 million people on any given day. that's assuming that he didn't flee somewhere else. so i think, again, having been in the business over 20 years, almost 30 years at this point, that i think it's still remarkable that, first of all, that he didn't go out and do something else and that he was able to be apprehended without incident. i understand people's apprehension, and thank goodness this guy is a few sandwiches short of a picnic and decided to call and say, hey, here i am, come and get me. could have been a lot worse for the people involved that were a victim of this. and it could have taken a lot longer to track him down. if you think of some of these other terrorist incidents we had in the past -- >> okay. >> -- not that they're related, styles it takes a while. >> all right. i get your point. chris, the suspected shooter talked about violence and mass shootings and some really racist stuff in videos on youtube. take a look at this. >> we need to see more mass shootings. yeah, we need -- no, we need to see more, more mass shootings. to make [ bleep ] understand, listen, you're going down. no, it's not about the shooter, no. it's not about the shooter, it's about the environment in which he has to exist. >> so he's ranting about shooting, about the mayor, about white people, about all of that. this is the issue when it comes to these social media sites. i mean, youtube has now removed his account, but why is this sort of rhetoric allowed at all on these sites, on this site in particular, chris? >> yeah. i asked that question all day long today. how did that stuff get on youtube and stay there? i've said before, in most mass shootings, the shooter's flashing red, they don't spontaneously come bust. they build up to this point. i understand there are 100 videos, all of them spewing vitriol and hate and providing a road map and clues as to what he was going to do. so it baffles me that this kind of thing can stay on youtube and not get filtered out. you know, they're able to get into speech and rhetoric of people who are more mainstream than this guy. i don't know how they missed this guy. >> tom, i got to ask you. i was talking to the former police commissioner last night, bill bratton. he was blunt. we talked about how to stop this from happening again. he said nothing. his quote is nothing. what's the best way to protect the subway system? >> well, i mean, we're getting reports that a number of cameras were out in the subway system, which i'm sure the mta will hopefully be investigating as to why that is. to be honest, it's not uncommon, unfortunately, in a lot of these subway stations. however -- >> why is it not uncommon? what's the breakdown? is it funding? >> i think it's just a common occurrence, unfortunately, that in every subway station that has video cameras, they don't always operate properly. whether it's poor maintenance or not enough money to repair the ones they have, i'm not sure. that's something the mta and the city is going to have to look into to make sure that doesn't happen again. and hopefully -- it shouldn't take an incident like that for that to occur. but i think, you know, commissioner bratton is correct that there really is nothing to stop some maniac from obtaining a weapon, a firearm or otherwise, and causing an incident like this. however, the public really is key in, you know, making sure that they're vigilant and watching what people's actions are. if someone happens to see this video on youtube, something like that, they should report that to the authorities that they're seeing this guy who may be a little off line, saying all these things and making threats and report it to somebody. if you see something, say something adage, right? if the police don't know, they don't know, they don't know. and the public is integral in making sure that these people that are out there are put under wraps before something terrible happens. >> chris, are you worried about copycats? >> always. these things tend to go viral and -- gosh. we've seen copycats since columbine, really. i think there's -- i hate to say it, don, but the media, you know, will always cover these incidents, as they should, but i think there are people out there that when the seed is planted, it almost normalizes this sort of thing and it shows them that there's a way to go out with notoriety. you're going to be noticed and stand up and be counted. but can i comment on the prevention part of it with what bill bratton said and what we were just discussing? >> yes. >> if there was ever a place you need a visible presence of a police officer, it's in the subway. people are trapped down there, they're in a cave, in a tube. there's no rescue. and i really think that that is one area where -- i do the security assessments all the time. cameras don't deter bad guys, but a visible presence, a very conspicuous presence of an armed security officer or police officer is, i think, the gold standard. >> sorry, i had allergies, i had to take it off line. that was my next question. tom, as a former nypd detective, what is the solution here because crime is going up, right? i'm worried about a copycat. many people are worried about a copycat. if they see what he did in the new york subway system, i know you think it was fast, but to be on the loose for 30-some odd hours, that is concerning. so what's the fix here? >> well, the city of new york priority 9/11 had 41,000 police officers. now the number is down to 35,000. through attrition there has not been a replacement of the amount of officers. 41,000 in the city like new york city where you have 10 million plus people is not enough cops to police a city like that. so there is a shortage of man power. so resources are tight. even if you have to hire private security to be the eyes and ears -- there aren't enough officers to man every train station. that's a simple fact. so you need additional eyes and ears. he's right, physical presence of some kind, whether it be armed security or some other security force other than the police who could notify the police readily if there is something amiss going on in the subway system. >> thank you both. appreciate it. >> anytime. >> lucky no one lost their life in this one. mariupol's mayor says 180,000 people are still in the area of the city waiting to be evacuated. ukraine's government insists mariupol has not yet fallen, but how long can they hold on after weeks of devastation is this . russia is trying to cover up their crimes and they brought in at least 13 mobile crematoriums that have been already noticed on the territory of mariupol. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design hr solutions to help you engage and 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coast of ukraine increasingly a symbol of both ukrainian resistance and russian military goals. ukrainian officials are holding up the city as a symbol of a heroic fight with an aid aide to president volodymyr zelenskyy says they have managed to continue their fight. one of the units releasing a message saying they did not give up their positions. now there are accusations from the ukrainians that russia has used chemical weapons here. >> translator: the day before yesterday the russian troops attempted transcribing our city with a so-called chemical attack. they tried to drop a chemical agent on our defenders. the agent did affect your defenders and there's evidence a number of people living in settlements in the outskirts of mariupol were also affected. >> reporter: president zelenskyy accusing russia of using quote phosphorus bombs prohibited by international law. the u.s. as well as cnn teams on the ground have not yet verified such an attack did indeed occur. no conclusive inry has surfaced and russia denies even having chemical weapons. but chemical weapons are not the destruction in mariupol have been devastating. the mayor says more than 90% of the city's infrastructure has been damage or destroyed and russian forces cut of water and food. >> translator: we are currently discussing 20,000 to 22,000 people dead in mariupol. >> reporter: meanwhile, russia is engaged in an intense propaganda campaign saying it is close to capturing what would be its first major ukrainian city since the war began. >> translator: as a result of successful offensive actions of the russian armed forces and the police units of the dpr, 1,026 ukraine military personnel of the 36th marine brigade surrendered. >> reporter: a tour of a destroyed theater where hundreds were sheltering when it was hit by a russian air strike last month courting ukrainian officials. >> translator: you can see for yourself what the situation in the city is. there are a lot of dead people. >> reporter: for those still alive, a hellish landscape persists. ukraine's government says about 180,000 people in and around the city still need to be evacuated. so far, many have not been able to do so. the while ukrainian government says there's no way to know exactly how many have been killed as a result of all this fighting in mariupol, they say the number is in the thousands, just a horrific toll being taken from this city as the fighting goes on, don. >> matt rivers, thank you so much. tonight russia is claiming it had to evacuate the warship moskva after an onboard fire. ukraine said they struck the ship with missiles. cnn cannot investor what happened, but the ship was right in the middle of an infamous incident in the start of the war. i want to bring in now cnn military analysis and retired air force colonel cedric leighton. >> it means moscow in russian. >> thank you, colonel. this is the same ship involved in the exchange on snake island in february where the ukrainians saw the russians on the warship and told them to eff themselves. ukraine did strike the ship. what does this tell you about their capabilities? >> well, it's pretty huge. just as a reminder, snake island is right there. this is where that incident occurred. so it is a guided missile cruiser. here's a picture of it in dock at russian-occupied crimea. the other important thing about this, this is a guided missile cruiser that handles all the cruise missiles of the naval type that the russians have. it can fire those, range of about 400 or so miles into enemy territory or adversary territory. the other popularity thing about this is this is the flagship of the russian black sea fleet. that's where the admiral is when he is running naval operations in the black sea. so if this ship was hit and it was damaged by the ukrainians, that's a major, major tactical victory for them. >> colonel, against all odds, mariupol is still holding out tonight. if ukrainian forces really are willing to fight to the end, how long can they hold up and draw away russian resources? >> so this is a very interesting question because -- this is mariupol right here. how long can they hold out? it depends on how much resupplying they get and how much the russians will actually let them stay there. depends on what the russians are going to do, but will but it also depends on the ukrainians' will to fight. the fact that two of their units linked up, if that reporting is accurate, what that means is that there is enough freedom of movement for the ukrainian forces that they can actually withstand some of the onslaugts that the russians have been conducting. if that's the case, there's a chance, very slim chance that they might be able to break out of the siege. i don't want to say too much in that direction, but the idea they can link up gives them a little bit of freedom of movement and if at some point they get the chance, they might be able to expand their territory within the city there. >> i want to ask you about a french military official saying that russia could launch a large-scale offensive in the east and south and could do it within days. he said possibly ten days or so. what does that time line mean for ukrainian forces? >> so if you look at the donbas area and see, you know, this area right here being what they already -- what is russians and their separatist allies already control, this area right here, what they control with their own forces, in ten days or so what we could see is russian forces moving in this way to shrove yanks and kramatorsk where the train station was hit. they would go i don't understand donetsk and go after this area. it's possible the russians would move into this area. that pre-supposes they can actually handle the logistical challenges they have there. the roads are certainly passable at this point in time, but if the ukrainians channel them into the roads either through their own actions or through a combination of their own action and weather issues, that could certainly slow down the russian efforts. it depends also on how many forces the russians can bring to bear here. if they don't have the withdrawal to bring in forces from issue itself and especially the forces that were involved in the kyiv operation, then you would have a problem if you're looking at this from the russian point of view. so they could actually do this within ten days, but their ability to actually occupy this territory right here is, i believe, somewhat limited based on the problems they've had and the leadership issues they've had. >> colonel, thank you. we'll see you soon. appreciate it again. >> you bet, don. absolutely. after russian forces had to fall back from their attempted sacking of kyiv, they are now regrouping for a renewed russian offensive in the east. what could putin be thinking through all of this? i'll ask a former cia officer. that's next. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and 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let's discuss with former cia operations officer doulgsz london who served in the cia ice cland c the sanctions on russian oil and gas are hurting europe and the u.s. far more than russia, essentially saying the pain it's inflicting on the west is good and that russia has alternative energy opportunities is pure spin. so what exactly is this message for? >> trying to figure out putin requires you to look at the world through putin's eyes. he's not just a product of the cold war, he's the product of the cold war-era kgb. it allows its officers, if you will, to dehumanize their victims in a predatory sort of fashion. so when we see his moves and we talk now about them regrouping or consolidating, are they looking for an off-ramp, there's a great deal of danger in trying to expect his calculus to be anything like ours. his view of strength and weaknesses and risk versus gain calculus, it's not based on how we look at the world, but shaped on his experiences, much of which has to do with witnessing the collapse of the soviet union up close and germany as the wall fell. >> just yesterday he was telling russians that they were helping people in ukraine and protecting russia's security. he said that he had no choice, that it was, again, this whole denaziification of ukraine. a spokesperson admitted to losses of troops. do you think putin is feeling the pressure to explain his actions? >> he's always played the victimization card. and the idea that russia is threatened by this nazi element across the border and he gets to ride in on the white horse and play the hero is consistent with what he's done from the outset. his initial days of power in 1999 was when we believe that he staged bombings of his own people's apartment buildings in moscow, which he attributed to chechens, giving him the justification to come to the rescue and send russian troops forward in chechnya in a brutal and bloody war which gives us a preview of what we're seeing today. so his factoring of blood and treasure is going to be different than ours. it's not the number of bodies that come home, it's when and if it begins to threaten him internally. with putin trying to figure out how to find a way to motivate him, it's not concessions. his world is based on consequences and opportunities, which is why the carrot within is really the absence of a stick. where there's a price for him to pay is what's going to shape his calculus and get him to be influenced to see the need for a road out of this rather than lose his power. >> douglas, this war is going badly for putin, but you say even if he knows that, he's never going to back down, he'll double down: it's almost two months into this invasion of ukraine, so what do you think his next move is? >> i think he'll continue to double down. i think he's got plans that i don't know that his military can cash in terms of sending folks that just got shellacked in one part of the country and turning around and pushing it forward here. i believe he needs to continue to have this balance of one fear that the people will fear him, but also at the same time believe they still need him because the threat is real. his ability to, you know, provide false information and propaganda has been fairly effective, at least with the older generations in a country where he controls all the media and all the information. so i don't rule out the possibility as u.s. intelligence has been suggesting that he still could contend there was a chemical attack he has to respond to or attacks perhaps by even nato forces that he has to respond to. so i think it's important not to think in terms of what we would find lodgic, that his escalatio will be predicated on what is going to keep him secure mostly at home with his own people. >> douglas london, thank you so much. we appreciate you joining us. a fatal traffic stop in michigan leaving yet another black man dead. a community reeling. the body camera footage released today. that story is next. age before beauty? 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(music throughout) . grand rapids michigan is on edge following the deadly police shooting of a 26-year-old black man during a traffic stop earlier this month. today the police department releasing several videos that captured the incident, which is being investigated by the state police and michigan's governor promising it will be transparent and independent. also calling for calm while the evidence is gathered. multiple protests in grand rapids demanding justice. more now on the developing story from cnn's omar jimenez. >> reporter: a struggle. a gunshot. a black man dead on the streets of grand rapids, michigan. a police officer now under investigation for shooting 26-year-old patrick lyoya in the head. a frustrated community demanding answers. >> stay in the car. >> reporter: on april 4th, police say lyoya was pulled over for empimproper registration one car he was driving but didn't elaborate on why they were looking in the first place. a few minutes into the stop, lyoya starts to run. >> no, no, stop, put your hands over your head. >> reporter: the officer catches lyoya. the two begin to wrestle. then the officer uses a taser. but it fails to make impact. the officer's body camera turns off during the struggle. police say it was unintentional. but the passenger in lyoya's car was recording this cell phone video and captured what happens next. >> drop the -- taser! >> we are determined to get this right. >> reporter: authorities now facing tough questions like whether the officer's life was in enough jeopardy to draw his gun. >> a taser is not per se a deadly weapon. it is known as an intermediate weapon that would have the potential to cause death and have the potential to cause great bodily harm, but not necessarily. >> reporter: lyoya was from the congo and there might have been a language barrier. the naacp adding an unregistered license plate should not be a death sentence. the still-unidentified officer has been stripped of his police powers, but remains on paid leave pending the official state investigation. >> we will see transparency. we will see truth. . >> omar jimenez joins me now. i understand there have been protests in grand rapids tonight. what are people saying? ? >> reporter: we've seen protests throughout the evening. things doctor "v" calmed down now, but earlier there were hundreds marching and demonstrating in downtown grand rapids outside a very barricaded police department chanting "justice for patrick lyoya." familiar calls, different case. now, there's still an ongoing investigation, of course, to determine whether this officer's actions were justified or whether he crossed a line. but the attorney for the lyoya family, ben crump, is already calling this use of force unnecessary and excessive and joins a chorus of people calling not only for the firing of this officer, but also the arrest and prosecution of this officer as well, don. >> listen, omar, we've covered so many of these incidents at this network. a man is dead over a car registration. the whole thing happened in just two minutes and 40 seconds. but this isn't really cut and dry. >> reporter: it's not. there's a lot to look at here. even as these two were eventually wrestling with each other, this officer tried to use his taser twice and missed. lyoya is seen putting his hands on the taser at points. both the officer and lyoya seem to have at least one hand on the taser, even as they go to the ground for what becomes the final time. the last words we hear from the officer are "drop the taser." and an single gunshot to the head at point-blank range. the officer gets up, lyoya doesn't. moving forward, the central questions are what prompted this officer, one, to pull out his gun, but also if it was because of the taser, did the threat of that taser rise to that threshold of imminent great bodily harm or imminent death? it's part of the investigation that's ongoing led by michigan state police right now. once that's over, the results will be turned over for it grand rapids police department's internal affairs for potential disciplinary action and to the county prosecutor for potential criminal charges. for now the officer remains on paid leave at this point, stripped of his police powers. we expect to hear from the lyoya family on thursday as well as expect to see more protests as well. >> omar, thank you very much. appreciate it. shanghai's 25 million residents still in a total lockdown. we're going to talk with someone who's been stuck inside for more than 12 days and counting. that's next. 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>> um, under the circumstances, i think i am in a pretty privileged position right now. so i am doing better than some other people that i know in the city. um, but it's -- every day is the same and we are going on 14 days here in total city lockdown in shanghai. >> so, what is it? 13 days now? this is your 13th day. we have seen people shouting from ball conies in protest the. so, folks are not happy. you said that you are in a privileged position. but talk to me about other folks. what are you seeing and experiencing? >> well so, even in my situation, right, um the -- it's been 13 days and i received two packages from the government. um, which consisted mostly of potatoes and onions. and um, we are basically called at very limited notice for covid testing. i have had maybe 12 covid tests in the last 13 days and we are not allowed to leave our apartments typically. there are certain areas where you can leave now. but that is a relatively recent change. um, the policies indicate that even for walking your dog, you are not allowed to leave your apartment. um, so it's -- we've been confined now, um, grocery stores and delivery are not an option. um, so many people are resorting to bartering and trading for food with their neighbors. um, and trying to get ahold of what we call these group-buy situations. um, but in my situation, my compound is too small to qualify because you have to meet a certain threshold for food to be delivered. >> wait. you can't walk your dog? meaning -- >> no. um, if you have a dog, you have to be training your dog now to be going to the bathroom inside. >> wow. so how many tests -- you said you've had, what, 12, 13 covid tests? is that what you said? >> 12. >> 12. okay. so, in the past 12 days. so what happens if you test positive? i mean, what do you do? >> i mean, it's not good. you don't want that to happen. um, so if you test positive, um, even if you are completely asymptomatic, you have no symptoms. um, you are likely going to be taken to a converted facility with everybody else in the city who has tested positive. um, if you are a close contact of somebody who has tested positive, you will be removed, also, to centralized quarantine. um, usually, into a hotel situation where you will stay up to ten days until you test negative twice. >> and you have a cat, right? >> it's -- i do, yeah. she's asleep now but i do have a cat, yeah. >> so we are laughing but what happens? like the people that have animals, like what would happen to your cat, god forbid, you test positive. chances are, knock bwood, you ae not going to but what would happen to your animal? >> that is a major concern for a lot of people here in shanghai. there is not a government-wide or city-wide policy for what to do with pets so it often comes down to the decision of your neighborhood committee. so imagine if your homeowners' association is now the one that gets to decide what happens to your pet because there is no local movement. everybody is locked down. it's really hard to, um, transport your pet to boarding facilities or to a foster. so there is a lot of, um, grassroot and kind of people-to-people networking that is happening. every day, i wake up and see hundreds of requests on my social media for, um, pleas of help for somebody to agree to take these animals milewhile th owners are in covid facilities. >> so you are originally from north carolina, where your parents live. are you able to speak to your family often? can you facetime and call them? and what are you telling them about what you're experience something experiencing? >> yeah. i have been in contact mostly with my mom. i kind of try to have kind of one point of contact for my family, to just kind of ease how much i am having to do repeating what's happening. um, because they -- there really is no new information. every day, we are in the same kind of situation repetitively. so, i do try to keep my family updated but, um, i'm spending more of my time connecting with my neighbors, and people here who i might actually be able to help in some way. >> you said potatoes and onions, so lots of french fries and onion rings for folks there. >> i did issue i did also have a cabbage, so it actually turned into potato and cabbage soup. >> yeah. did you say not the most appetize appetizing? >> yeah. >> hey, we wish you well and sorry you are experiencing this but appreciate you coming on. thank you so much, kelly. >> thank you, good night. >> thank you, good night. thanks for watching, everyone. good night. our coverage continues. 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