Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight 20240708

suspect apprehended after a more than 24-hour man hunt. someone with a very long wrap sheet who has posted dozens of videos online spewing deranged tirades, how police found him, and where this investigation is likely to go from here. but first a visceral reminder of the brutality of the war here in ukraine. a mother in anguish, as she finds the body of her son dumped in a well near kyiv. >> she is wailing, my little son, as she falls to her knees. she says she will not leave. her world completely changed forever like so many thousands others in this country, as the russians continue their invasion and brutality. new satellite imagery shows russian forces continuing to redeploy and move into eastern ukraine. that is where the stage is being set for a major offensive in the donbas region. this comes as president biden has called ukraine's president zelenskyy -- he did so today -- to pledge another $800 million in military aid for ukraine. and this just in, other new satellite images of a russian warship seen off the crimean coast in the black sea. now, ukrainians claim that they have hit this russian ship with missiles. there are conflicting reports this evening. we should note this is not just any russian warship. it is a very powerful and significant one, and it is the one made famous on the day of the invasion when russians demanded that ukrainian soldiers on snake island surrender and the ukrainians responded with this. >> [ bleep ]. >> let's start with cnn's fred pleitgen in kyiv for us. fred, what more can you tell us about this russian warship, the mossscuba. >> it's the flagship of the blackship fleet, which is part of the russian navy. the russians have spent a lot of money upgrading. it is an older warship, but it is one that is very powerful. and the ukrainians a couple hours ago had come out with information where they said they had managed to strike this ship off the black seacoast. they said they used two neptune anti-ship missiles to do that. those are powerful missiles the ukrainians developed themselves. they fly very low and are capable of hitting ships. what we haven't had is any sort of confirmation from the russian side. now the russians about an hour, hour and a half ago on state media, they came out and they said that this ship had had a fire on board. they didn't acknowledge this had happened because of some kind of antimissile ship strike. they said there was a significant fire on board. that caused ammunition to ignite and the entire crew had now been evacuated off that ship. this is a huge blow to the russian navy, to the russian military in this campaign here against ukraine. obviously their black sea fleet flagship, had they been hit by a country that currently doesn't operate a navy in this conflict. so, you know, this is a big admission for the russians to make, and they're not coming forward with all the details. but a huge blow and really huge victory for the ukrainians, jake. >> all right, fred. we're also learning about how ukrainian officials are uncovering more bodies, corpses in the sunni region. that's in northeastern ukraine. and some of these corpses show signs of torture. this also comes on top of new video out of kharkiv. tell us more. >> reporter: you're absolutely right. this is the region that was actually taken back by the ukrainians, i'd say about a little over a week, maybe ten days ago. and there had already been some towns in that region where bodies had been discovered. ukraine is now saying they're discovering more and more, hundreds of bodies, in the sumy region, some of them not only bearing marks of torture but also having, for instance, hands tied behind their back. it's a grim thing that unfortunately we've been seeing in so many areas here in ukraine, where the russian forces had been in place there and had been beaten back by the ukrainian military. we've seen some of that firsthand with bodies also clearly bearing marks of what could very well be torture, bruises all over their bodies, and also hands tied behind their backs, bags over their heads, people shot in the head. those kinds of things unfortunately quite common and something the ukrainians are looking into and gathering a lot of the information about that for possible war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide as well. and in kharkiv, you have what appears to be the use of cluster munitions with those very small explosions coming down in the street, where, again, there all you see there is civilian vehicles. you can see some of those explosions there. those munitions normally banned from use in civilian areas. that alone could amount to war crimes but of course very dangerous for civilians as well. >> fred pleitgen in kyiv for us. thank you so much. after relentless shelling, land mines, sniper attacks, this is what is left of one of the most populated areas in kharkiv, now decimated by russian forces. the town is on the front lines. putin's military efforts to push deeper into ukraine. our team were about one mile away from the russian troops. >> reporter: desolate, bare, lifeless. this is what it looks like after weeks of relentless russian shelling. the most densely populated district in kharkiv, it's been bombed day after day, night after night. there are very few people left. the elderly mostly. one man stayed behind to keep his mother safe. igor says that he lives on the 16th floor of one of these buildings with his mother. he says his mother is deeply religious and deeply committed to staying here, even though they're almost entirely surrounded. and she won't leave, so he won't leave. >> reporter: but this is a front line under renewed pressure. the russians are pushing hard. that is so close. those are russian positions. they're shelling towards us. we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. this is their route into kharkiv and then on into ukraine. for now, this is the front line. that could change at any moment now. they are trying as hard as they can to push that front line inwards. the soldiers want to show us more evidence of the heavy bombardment. the soldiers want us to move very quickly because russian snipers are operating in this area. we've got to move. the rumble you hear is the constant shelling. the shelling has just been absolutely relentless. from the moment we arrived we've been hearing it. we have to be careful where we step because the russians are also dispersing mines from the rockets that they're sending over into here. >> the shelling as intensified over the past few days. regional officials told cnn this is evidence of the renewed russian military push. >> yeah, let's go. so, from where we are, we're pretty much surrounded by russian troops on three sides. tens of thousands of russian troops are believed to be amassing to come into kharkiv, to come into ukraine from this direction. we've got to move. the soldiers wanted us out of there. it was becoming too intense. just 30 minutes later, we saw why. this warehouse is in the south. it took a direct hit. this is an area that, after the initial aborted invasion, has been beyond the reach of russian ground troops . but now, once again, nowhere is safe. cnn, kharkiv. a new osce report finds, quote, clear patterns of violation of international and humanitarian law by russian forces. one example from the organization for security and cooperation in europe study describes dozens of local officials, activists, and journalists in ukraine being abducted by the russians. the whereabouts of many of them still unknown. the report cites well documented cases of the use of cluster munitions, rockets or bombs that hold dozens or hundreds of smaller bombs inside, designed to inflict as much as damage as possible. ivan na, thank you so much for joining us. i want to start with the fact that you have yourself seen the atrocities in bucha, in irpin, in borodyanka. what do you make of this new report stating that these human rights violations are just very widespread and seem to be committed as a member -- as a matter of policy in some cases some people say? >> well, thank you very much for asking. yes, we visited with my colleagues. a lot of the missile villages in town that had been basically totally destroyed. and we have talked to all those survivors of the occupation. and we see that russians have been continuously conducting this indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, of residential buildings, of schools, kindergartens. they have been killing -- deliberately killing civilians just for them being ukrainians and for them being citizens of this country, not supposing any threat, obviously, to russian forces. those horrific pictures from my perspective are just speaking to the fact that russians have been consciously carrying out genocide acts against ukrainian population here. >> yeah. cnn cannot confirm that chemical weapons were used by the russians in mariupol. you said that they likely are, but you're awaiting more intelligence. you've said chemical weapons are a red line that should demand a strong from the international community. what should that response be do you think? >> well, i really think that we have to kind of go over that political divide in the decision-making when all the heavy weaponry, including fighter jets, would be given to ukraine in order for us to be able to protect ourselves. and obviously i would like all the hardest, heaviest, most comprehensive sanctions to be finally imposed on russian federation. i think that this is something that is very, very much possible to help us to defeat russian federation, to win this war, and to ensure that ukraine has the possibility to survive and to develop the way we chose for ourselves. >> putin is vowing to see the invasion to full completion, he says, with russian forces now preparing for a new onslaught on eastern ukraine on the donbas region. how do you think this conflict is going to end? >> you know, being a ukrainian and being ukrainian politician, i would love to see us winning. i do not think that we have any other choice to survival. i don't think that i can survive in this country if russians will take over or any of my friends or any of our -- of people who have been building democratic, free, and independent country over this 30 years of independence. so, therefore, i hope that this war, with your support, with the support of the free world, with backing up with military capacity, with sanctions, with full devotion to help ukrainians is going to be ending with our victory. but at the very, very high cost that is almost unbearable. >> regarding reports about russians using crematoriums to incinerate the corpses of the victims, so as to hide their war crimes presumably. have you and other members of parliament discussed any way to identify these people that have been killed and burned? >> for us, it's a big challenge because that is -- those reports have been coming out from mariupol, around 13 mobile crematoriums have been recorded, being used there by russian federation at this particular moment. we do not have access to those areas and we do understand that this is one of ways how the russians are after the bucha massacre and other massacres have been revealed to the world are trying to cover up their crimes on our own land. so, we will be relying on reporting of the information that we will get from the survivors. i think that that's probably the most important way how we can -- how we will be able to get information. >> thank you so much. appreciate your time this evening. much more ahead from ukraine. but coming up, we do have information on the new york city subway shooting suspect, who has been captured after a man hunt of more than 24 hours. this guy was apparently not hiding. he was seen strolling the streets of new york city hours before his arrest today, sitting in plain sight on a sidewalk. how that invesestigation went down. that's next. it's lawn season. and i 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why aren't we being more proactive instead of waiting for this to happen. >> james' gun jammed during the shooting, ten people were shot, and more than a dozen were injured, including children. all are expected to recover physically, but the attack will weigh on the victims and everyday new yorkers for some time. >> we hope the arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the city of the new york. >> james is now in federal custody, and the investigation behind the scene still continues. investigators looking through the social media footprint, trying to see if they can bring more charges against him. right now there's the one federal charge, jake, and he'll be in court tomorrow. >> thank you so much. good to see you. tonight we are getting a closer look at new video obtained by wnbc showing a man law enforcement believe to be frank james in the subway system. you see this man dressed like a construction worker. moments later surveillance shows a similarly dressed man walking down the streets moments prior to the subway attack. joining us now is former fbi special agent. the reason is suspect is in custody right now, at least partially, is because he turned himself in. what do you think made it so tough for law enforcement to find him more quickly? >> well, he wasn't -- you know, the first thing you do is you track him. so, they had his address in philadelphia. they've got an address in wisconsin. so, they were doing all the traditional law enforcement shoe leather that brings you to where a person should be. manhattan and new york city in general is a big place. lots of people. lots of people look alike. so, i bet every officer this morning at role call looked at pictures of this guy and they were on the lookout. it was on a matter of time. i don't see it as a problem. i think he was in an area where none of the clues led to that particular area. i think there were certain neighborhoods that were on higher lookout for them, and those officers were scouring crowds looking for them. so, i just think that, you know, it was a matter of time. and as you heard, the net was getting closer and his world was shrinking. and why a citizen didn't recognize it from a lot of the coverage, i don't know. but eventually they did and i'm glad that he was taken in before he could hurt anybody else. >> it didn't seem like he was hiding. he was enjoying the sunshine. he was eating a happy meal. i mean, what does that say about the suspect and his frame of mind? >> you know, that's an interesting question, jake. and i've wondered that myself since hearing about him calling the tip in himself. it was very odd behavior to me. it was almost like he was turning himself in but not. why the people at mcdonald's didn't recognize him, i don't know. maybe they didn't look at the pictures as much as other people did. it's -- this is kind of a bit of a mystery in this whole thing. but, you know, like i said, i think he would have gotten taken into custody eventually, you know, if not then, within hours of that, somebody would have recognized him. i don't know how long he was out on that street. somebody said an hour after the tip call came in is when they took him into custody. i don't know how many hours before he went to that mcdonald's. he was simply strolling around that neighborhood. and why nobody on that street said that's the guy i saw on the news. it's difficult to say. >> what does the suspect's disturbing videos, which advocate for mass violence, they're anti-semitic, they're racist, they're deranged. what does it tell you about his possible motivation for that horrific act? >> well, if i was looking at those videos, he espouses a lot of -- you know, you could almost see him as a lone wolf, black nationalist terrorist. he was espousing a race war, he distributed radical videos. he said black people and white people shouldn't be in contact with each other. he said the only people black people have equality is because of violence and he espoused violence. so, it looks like he was looking at some radical black nationalist ideology, so he could be seen as a domestic terrorist. but what works against that train of thought, he picked a target, a train that's in a very diverse neighborhood. you would think -- i would have thought if he was intent on carrying out a race war or an attack that would try to push us into a race war, he would have picked a different target because this neighborhood was blue collar people going to work. they were multicultural, multiracial victims. so, i -- you know, i just don't -- it's still a mystery. they're still combing over his social media. maybe they found things in his apartment or some of the search warrants that will give them a better idea of what he was trying to do. but of course this could be simply a person in the midst of a mental health breakdown and his actions may not make sense. >> yeah. yeah. thank you so much. appreciate your insights. back here in ukraine, ahead, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of additional military aid being granted by president biden to help ukrainians stop this invasion. the question is how much will it help and for how long. keen insights from a retired u.s. army major general. that's next. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knowows there's pleny of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other.r... ♪ [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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>> well, i think it is president biden yet again speaking from the heart. he is saying publicly what all of us can see with our own eyes, that vladimir putin has publicly said that ukraine doesn't exist as a country and doesn't believe that its people are actually a separate nationality. he thinks they should all be russians. and they have gone into ukraine and killed civilians with the view of exterminating the country, the population. president biden is just saying what we can all see. i appreciate the fact that the lawyers, the historians, the dib mats will all say, well, this needs to be verified, this needs to be assessed, there needs to be more of a process here, but i think president biden is actually doing something significant here by saying the truth that we can see. >> yeah, i mean, the state department formally declared that what myanmar did to the rohingya in 2017 was a genocide. the u.s. has only declared genocide eight times, i think. in this case we're hearing this in real time. though we're also hearing that it's not going to trigger in immediate changes to policy. history shows us that genocide declarations really often, you know -- what's your response to that? >> well, i think that you put your finger on something that's significant here, which is changes to policy. the united states has an interest in seeing ukraine survive as a sovereign, independent state. and seeing the kind of aggression that vladimir putin has launched against ukraine fail. so, our policy should be set at the point of saying, what does it take to help ukraine win? that's where we need to be. and i don't think declaring a genocide or not declaring a genocide is material to that, although it is a visible thing that we can see. i do think that the kind of assistance the u.s. is providing ukraine right now, that is significant and it's needed. could have been done weeks ago, but it's finally flowing and i think we have got ourselves in the right position now. >> the french president, emmanuel macron today, warned that by using the term genocide in his view prematurely without a formal investigation and declaration, that risks escalating tensions with russia in macron's view. do you think he has any point there, especially when diplomatic talks are, you know, ongoing, although putin said that they were at a dead end. >> well, i certainly come down on the side of honesty and clarity, and i think where macron is coming from is a perception that at the end of this war, russia may be left standing. vladimir putin may be left standing. and france or germany is going to have to deal with vladimir putin. so, they're not willing to actually call things as they see them. and i think that's unfortunate. and i think that we actually are at a moment right now with the killings of the civilians that we've seen, the executions, the torture, the rapes, we need to be more explicit about what we're seeing, calling it as it is, and then generating the action required to actually stop it. >> russia, incidentally, announced that it was going to im impose sanctions on 398 members of congress today. this is in retaliation for washington blacklisting hundreds of russian lawmakers, people in the duma last month. will that have any real impact? >> so, as john mccain said when he was sanctioned by russia, he wasn't planning to take a vacation in siberia any time soon anyway. and i'm sure many of the members of congress feel the same way. i don't think this has any material impact on them. and in fact, i think what it does show is that russia is looking for ways to punch back. they don't like the sanctions. they don't like the fact that they're losing in the war. and they're trying to search for ways that may appear to be some kind of punch back to get people to be concerned. >> all right. ambassador volker, thank you so much. good to see you again. appreciate your time this evening. >> pleasure to see you. coming up, i'll talk with the man who raced to the scene after the russian attack on that ukrainian train station full of innocent people. now he's carrying out his own life saving mission to get ukrainians the medical help they need next. qulipta™ can help p prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets rigight to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp, a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ back now in western ukraine, the images we're about to show you remain difficult to watch. days later, 57 dead, more than 100 wounded in friday's kramatorsk train station massacre by the russians. i spoke to someone who heard the explosion and rushed to help. a former construction engineer who helps arrange medical support for people in besieged towns who have been wounded. he told us about that horrible day and suspicions he has about how it all went down. >> reporter: the call came friday morning, the something had happened at the train station. come immediately. he had heard the explosion, he ran right there. >> translator: there were bodies that were torn into pieces. >> reporter: 57 killed. more than 100 wounded. >> translator: there was a lot of blood, puddles of blood. it was easy to track how many people moved by the traces of blood on the ground. i saw a lot of elderly people, mostly women, children, and very young people that are very simple people, that do not have their own vehicles. it was basically the last wave of evacuation. >> reporter: before the war, he was a construction engineer in kyiv, now he spends his day driving around ukraine, arranging medical transport for people in towns being besieged. >> translator: everyone was worried about kyiv, and the possible attacks on kyiv, but i think everyone understands that these small cities like kramatorsk, they are thisin dan even more. the evacuation is ongoing, and they can be targeted. >> reporter: we caught up with him as he rode from one town to another. the train was supposed to leave the station at 9:00 that morning. but it was delayed. on a beautiful spring day, people started coming to the station around 10:00. he suspects an informant told the russians when to strike for maximum civilian casualties. >> i believe there was somebody, a saboteur or a person who exactly chose the right time when most of the people were outside, and there was a crowd already gathering who might have given the command to fire the missile. >> reporter: seeing all of these wounded people for the last month and a half has been devastating. you've been witnessing this now for a month and a half. what has been your emotional response. >> translator: i had a 50 minute chat with a psychologist, and it was the first time i felt some ease, but it's not over. >> reporter: front row seat to what the russians are doing. >> translator: from what i've witnessed and seen, i can say i realize it's not war. it's pure terrorism. >> pure terrorism, the kramatorsk mayor said as many as 4,000 people were at that train station when the missile struck. they were just trying to escape. we'll be right back. ready to style in just one step? introducing new tresemme one step stylers. five professional benefits. one simpmple step. totally effortless. styling has nevever been easie. tresemme. do it with style. if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs to the most small businesses. make your business future ready with the network from the most innovative company. get internet and voice for $49.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. and ask how to get up to a $650 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. thank you so much for watching. i will be back tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern, live again from ukraine. i'll see you tomorrow afternoon with the lead at 4:00 p.m. eastern. don lemon now. >> kramatorsk, faded into the background, there are things still happening. ukrainians are facing the reality on a daily basis. how are they deal something. >> well, you know, i was at a train station for a piece i'm going to air tomorrow at a train station nearby here in lviv, and a bunch of kids, wounded kids came. i remember five were killed, more than 16 were wounded, and there were about nine kids, children, severely wounded on that train coming here for care. i suspect that kramatorsk is going to stand in the minds of ukrainians the way that we think of things like pearl harbor or columbine, you know, we identify -- parkland, we identify horrific events by the name of a town. >> jake tapper, get some rest, thank you very much. this is don lemon tonight, we have major developments on two huge stories tonight in ukraine and also right here in new york city. we're going to get back to ukraine because there's some video that you have to see of a mother that is just unbelievable. but let's talk about what's happening in new york. mayor eric adams summing it up in three words. we got him. but is that fair? did he get himself? because frank james, the man suspected of shooting ten people on the subway train in

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight 20240708

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suspect apprehended after a more than 24-hour man hunt. someone with a very long wrap sheet who has posted dozens of videos online spewing deranged tirades, how police found him, and where this investigation is likely to go from here. but first a visceral reminder of the brutality of the war here in ukraine. a mother in anguish, as she finds the body of her son dumped in a well near kyiv. >> she is wailing, my little son, as she falls to her knees. she says she will not leave. her world completely changed forever like so many thousands others in this country, as the russians continue their invasion and brutality. new satellite imagery shows russian forces continuing to redeploy and move into eastern ukraine. that is where the stage is being set for a major offensive in the donbas region. this comes as president biden has called ukraine's president zelenskyy -- he did so today -- to pledge another $800 million in military aid for ukraine. and this just in, other new satellite images of a russian warship seen off the crimean coast in the black sea. now, ukrainians claim that they have hit this russian ship with missiles. there are conflicting reports this evening. we should note this is not just any russian warship. it is a very powerful and significant one, and it is the one made famous on the day of the invasion when russians demanded that ukrainian soldiers on snake island surrender and the ukrainians responded with this. >> [ bleep ]. >> let's start with cnn's fred pleitgen in kyiv for us. fred, what more can you tell us about this russian warship, the mossscuba. >> it's the flagship of the blackship fleet, which is part of the russian navy. the russians have spent a lot of money upgrading. it is an older warship, but it is one that is very powerful. and the ukrainians a couple hours ago had come out with information where they said they had managed to strike this ship off the black seacoast. they said they used two neptune anti-ship missiles to do that. those are powerful missiles the ukrainians developed themselves. they fly very low and are capable of hitting ships. what we haven't had is any sort of confirmation from the russian side. now the russians about an hour, hour and a half ago on state media, they came out and they said that this ship had had a fire on board. they didn't acknowledge this had happened because of some kind of antimissile ship strike. they said there was a significant fire on board. that caused ammunition to ignite and the entire crew had now been evacuated off that ship. this is a huge blow to the russian navy, to the russian military in this campaign here against ukraine. obviously their black sea fleet flagship, had they been hit by a country that currently doesn't operate a navy in this conflict. so, you know, this is a big admission for the russians to make, and they're not coming forward with all the details. but a huge blow and really huge victory for the ukrainians, jake. >> all right, fred. we're also learning about how ukrainian officials are uncovering more bodies, corpses in the sunni region. that's in northeastern ukraine. and some of these corpses show signs of torture. this also comes on top of new video out of kharkiv. tell us more. >> reporter: you're absolutely right. this is the region that was actually taken back by the ukrainians, i'd say about a little over a week, maybe ten days ago. and there had already been some towns in that region where bodies had been discovered. ukraine is now saying they're discovering more and more, hundreds of bodies, in the sumy region, some of them not only bearing marks of torture but also having, for instance, hands tied behind their back. it's a grim thing that unfortunately we've been seeing in so many areas here in ukraine, where the russian forces had been in place there and had been beaten back by the ukrainian military. we've seen some of that firsthand with bodies also clearly bearing marks of what could very well be torture, bruises all over their bodies, and also hands tied behind their backs, bags over their heads, people shot in the head. those kinds of things unfortunately quite common and something the ukrainians are looking into and gathering a lot of the information about that for possible war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide as well. and in kharkiv, you have what appears to be the use of cluster munitions with those very small explosions coming down in the street, where, again, there all you see there is civilian vehicles. you can see some of those explosions there. those munitions normally banned from use in civilian areas. that alone could amount to war crimes but of course very dangerous for civilians as well. >> fred pleitgen in kyiv for us. thank you so much. after relentless shelling, land mines, sniper attacks, this is what is left of one of the most populated areas in kharkiv, now decimated by russian forces. the town is on the front lines. putin's military efforts to push deeper into ukraine. our team were about one mile away from the russian troops. >> reporter: desolate, bare, lifeless. this is what it looks like after weeks of relentless russian shelling. the most densely populated district in kharkiv, it's been bombed day after day, night after night. there are very few people left. the elderly mostly. one man stayed behind to keep his mother safe. igor says that he lives on the 16th floor of one of these buildings with his mother. he says his mother is deeply religious and deeply committed to staying here, even though they're almost entirely surrounded. and she won't leave, so he won't leave. >> reporter: but this is a front line under renewed pressure. the russians are pushing hard. that is so close. those are russian positions. they're shelling towards us. we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. this is their route into kharkiv and then on into ukraine. for now, this is the front line. that could change at any moment now. they are trying as hard as they can to push that front line inwards. the soldiers want to show us more evidence of the heavy bombardment. the soldiers want us to move very quickly because russian snipers are operating in this area. we've got to move. the rumble you hear is the constant shelling. the shelling has just been absolutely relentless. from the moment we arrived we've been hearing it. we have to be careful where we step because the russians are also dispersing mines from the rockets that they're sending over into here. >> the shelling as intensified over the past few days. regional officials told cnn this is evidence of the renewed russian military push. >> yeah, let's go. so, from where we are, we're pretty much surrounded by russian troops on three sides. tens of thousands of russian troops are believed to be amassing to come into kharkiv, to come into ukraine from this direction. we've got to move. the soldiers wanted us out of there. it was becoming too intense. just 30 minutes later, we saw why. this warehouse is in the south. it took a direct hit. this is an area that, after the initial aborted invasion, has been beyond the reach of russian ground troops . but now, once again, nowhere is safe. cnn, kharkiv. a new osce report finds, quote, clear patterns of violation of international and humanitarian law by russian forces. one example from the organization for security and cooperation in europe study describes dozens of local officials, activists, and journalists in ukraine being abducted by the russians. the whereabouts of many of them still unknown. the report cites well documented cases of the use of cluster munitions, rockets or bombs that hold dozens or hundreds of smaller bombs inside, designed to inflict as much as damage as possible. ivan na, thank you so much for joining us. i want to start with the fact that you have yourself seen the atrocities in bucha, in irpin, in borodyanka. what do you make of this new report stating that these human rights violations are just very widespread and seem to be committed as a member -- as a matter of policy in some cases some people say? >> well, thank you very much for asking. yes, we visited with my colleagues. a lot of the missile villages in town that had been basically totally destroyed. and we have talked to all those survivors of the occupation. and we see that russians have been continuously conducting this indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, of residential buildings, of schools, kindergartens. they have been killing -- deliberately killing civilians just for them being ukrainians and for them being citizens of this country, not supposing any threat, obviously, to russian forces. those horrific pictures from my perspective are just speaking to the fact that russians have been consciously carrying out genocide acts against ukrainian population here. >> yeah. cnn cannot confirm that chemical weapons were used by the russians in mariupol. you said that they likely are, but you're awaiting more intelligence. you've said chemical weapons are a red line that should demand a strong from the international community. what should that response be do you think? >> well, i really think that we have to kind of go over that political divide in the decision-making when all the heavy weaponry, including fighter jets, would be given to ukraine in order for us to be able to protect ourselves. and obviously i would like all the hardest, heaviest, most comprehensive sanctions to be finally imposed on russian federation. i think that this is something that is very, very much possible to help us to defeat russian federation, to win this war, and to ensure that ukraine has the possibility to survive and to develop the way we chose for ourselves. >> putin is vowing to see the invasion to full completion, he says, with russian forces now preparing for a new onslaught on eastern ukraine on the donbas region. how do you think this conflict is going to end? >> you know, being a ukrainian and being ukrainian politician, i would love to see us winning. i do not think that we have any other choice to survival. i don't think that i can survive in this country if russians will take over or any of my friends or any of our -- of people who have been building democratic, free, and independent country over this 30 years of independence. so, therefore, i hope that this war, with your support, with the support of the free world, with backing up with military capacity, with sanctions, with full devotion to help ukrainians is going to be ending with our victory. but at the very, very high cost that is almost unbearable. >> regarding reports about russians using crematoriums to incinerate the corpses of the victims, so as to hide their war crimes presumably. have you and other members of parliament discussed any way to identify these people that have been killed and burned? >> for us, it's a big challenge because that is -- those reports have been coming out from mariupol, around 13 mobile crematoriums have been recorded, being used there by russian federation at this particular moment. we do not have access to those areas and we do understand that this is one of ways how the russians are after the bucha massacre and other massacres have been revealed to the world are trying to cover up their crimes on our own land. so, we will be relying on reporting of the information that we will get from the survivors. i think that that's probably the most important way how we can -- how we will be able to get information. >> thank you so much. appreciate your time this evening. much more ahead from ukraine. but coming up, we do have information on the new york city subway shooting suspect, who has been captured after a man hunt of more than 24 hours. this guy was apparently not hiding. he was seen strolling the streets of new york city hours before his arrest today, sitting in plain sight on a sidewalk. how that invesestigation went down. that's next. it's lawn season. and i 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles, how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos reminding me of what life must have been like for them. finding out new bits of information about the family has been a wonderful experience, it's an important part of understanding who we are. well, let's turn now to the breaking news back home. the suspect in the new york city shooting, 62-year-old frank james, is in custody this evening. james was arrested this afternoon thanks to a phone tip. but we should note, he's the one that made the phone tip. cnn is at that train station in new york with reporting on that conversation. bren? >> reporter: yeah, sources telling me and my colleague, mark morales, that when james called into the tipline, he essentially told police there that he saw himself on tv and he knew police wanted him. he said he was headed into a tunnel to charge his phone, he said he didn't have a phone number, and the call went dead. a 911 call came in, as well as bystanders flagging down on the street. he was arrested after the initial call he made into the tip line. an arresting thing there with the arrest and how it all went down. this is a culmination to a chaotic day and a half for the nypd and its partners for this investigation that really spanned several states. >> reporter: the gunman in the brooklyn subway attack now in police custody. >> 33 shots. less than 30 hours later, we're able to say we got him. >> reporter: sources telling cranial cnn 62-year-old frank james. >> he was taken into custody without incident and has been transported to an nyc. >> authorities say it was james who set off smoke canisters and opened fire into a crowded subway car tuesday morning. >> we used every resource at our disposal to gather and process significant evidence that directly links mr. james to the shooting. we were able to shrink his world quickly. there was nowhere left for him to run. >> investigators determined the gun found at the scene of the attack was purchased by james in ohio in 2011, elevating him from a person of interest to a suspect. keys found at the crime scene led police to this u-haul van, leading james to a storage facility and apartment there filled with ammunition. his motive in the attack still unclear. but investigators pointed to repeated chilling rants by james on his youtube account. >> i've been through a lot [ bleep ] where i can say i wanted to kill people. i wanted to watch people die right in front of my [ bleep ] face immediately. but i thought about the fact that, hey, man, i don't want to go to [ bleep ] prison. >> james also advocating for mass shootings on social media. >> we need to see more mass shootings. no, we need to see more. more mass shootings to make [ bleep ] understand no, it's not about the shooter. nope. it's not about the shooter. it's about the environment in which he actually exists. >> reporter: other videos included james claiming he had post traumatic stress, and more rants about race, homeless people, and the policies of mayor eric adams. >> we are watching signs around us of those who are leaning toward violent actions, and we are ignoring them. why aren't we identifying these dangerous threats? why aren't we being more proactive instead of waiting for this to happen. >> james' gun jammed during the shooting, ten people were shot, and more than a dozen were injured, including children. all are expected to recover physically, but the attack will weigh on the victims and everyday new yorkers for some time. >> we hope the arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the city of the new york. >> james is now in federal custody, and the investigation behind the scene still continues. investigators looking through the social media footprint, trying to see if they can bring more charges against him. right now there's the one federal charge, jake, and he'll be in court tomorrow. >> thank you so much. good to see you. tonight we are getting a closer look at new video obtained by wnbc showing a man law enforcement believe to be frank james in the subway system. you see this man dressed like a construction worker. moments later surveillance shows a similarly dressed man walking down the streets moments prior to the subway attack. joining us now is former fbi special agent. the reason is suspect is in custody right now, at least partially, is because he turned himself in. what do you think made it so tough for law enforcement to find him more quickly? >> well, he wasn't -- you know, the first thing you do is you track him. so, they had his address in philadelphia. they've got an address in wisconsin. so, they were doing all the traditional law enforcement shoe leather that brings you to where a person should be. manhattan and new york city in general is a big place. lots of people. lots of people look alike. so, i bet every officer this morning at role call looked at pictures of this guy and they were on the lookout. it was on a matter of time. i don't see it as a problem. i think he was in an area where none of the clues led to that particular area. i think there were certain neighborhoods that were on higher lookout for them, and those officers were scouring crowds looking for them. so, i just think that, you know, it was a matter of time. and as you heard, the net was getting closer and his world was shrinking. and why a citizen didn't recognize it from a lot of the coverage, i don't know. but eventually they did and i'm glad that he was taken in before he could hurt anybody else. >> it didn't seem like he was hiding. he was enjoying the sunshine. he was eating a happy meal. i mean, what does that say about the suspect and his frame of mind? >> you know, that's an interesting question, jake. and i've wondered that myself since hearing about him calling the tip in himself. it was very odd behavior to me. it was almost like he was turning himself in but not. why the people at mcdonald's didn't recognize him, i don't know. maybe they didn't look at the pictures as much as other people did. it's -- this is kind of a bit of a mystery in this whole thing. but, you know, like i said, i think he would have gotten taken into custody eventually, you know, if not then, within hours of that, somebody would have recognized him. i don't know how long he was out on that street. somebody said an hour after the tip call came in is when they took him into custody. i don't know how many hours before he went to that mcdonald's. he was simply strolling around that neighborhood. and why nobody on that street said that's the guy i saw on the news. it's difficult to say. >> what does the suspect's disturbing videos, which advocate for mass violence, they're anti-semitic, they're racist, they're deranged. what does it tell you about his possible motivation for that horrific act? >> well, if i was looking at those videos, he espouses a lot of -- you know, you could almost see him as a lone wolf, black nationalist terrorist. he was espousing a race war, he distributed radical videos. he said black people and white people shouldn't be in contact with each other. he said the only people black people have equality is because of violence and he espoused violence. so, it looks like he was looking at some radical black nationalist ideology, so he could be seen as a domestic terrorist. but what works against that train of thought, he picked a target, a train that's in a very diverse neighborhood. you would think -- i would have thought if he was intent on carrying out a race war or an attack that would try to push us into a race war, he would have picked a different target because this neighborhood was blue collar people going to work. they were multicultural, multiracial victims. so, i -- you know, i just don't -- it's still a mystery. they're still combing over his social media. maybe they found things in his apartment or some of the search warrants that will give them a better idea of what he was trying to do. but of course this could be simply a person in the midst of a mental health breakdown and his actions may not make sense. >> yeah. yeah. thank you so much. appreciate your insights. back here in ukraine, ahead, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of additional military aid being granted by president biden to help ukrainians stop this invasion. the question is how much will it help and for how long. keen insights from a retired u.s. army major general. that's next. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knowows there's pleny of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other.r... ♪ [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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>> well, i think it is president biden yet again speaking from the heart. he is saying publicly what all of us can see with our own eyes, that vladimir putin has publicly said that ukraine doesn't exist as a country and doesn't believe that its people are actually a separate nationality. he thinks they should all be russians. and they have gone into ukraine and killed civilians with the view of exterminating the country, the population. president biden is just saying what we can all see. i appreciate the fact that the lawyers, the historians, the dib mats will all say, well, this needs to be verified, this needs to be assessed, there needs to be more of a process here, but i think president biden is actually doing something significant here by saying the truth that we can see. >> yeah, i mean, the state department formally declared that what myanmar did to the rohingya in 2017 was a genocide. the u.s. has only declared genocide eight times, i think. in this case we're hearing this in real time. though we're also hearing that it's not going to trigger in immediate changes to policy. history shows us that genocide declarations really often, you know -- what's your response to that? >> well, i think that you put your finger on something that's significant here, which is changes to policy. the united states has an interest in seeing ukraine survive as a sovereign, independent state. and seeing the kind of aggression that vladimir putin has launched against ukraine fail. so, our policy should be set at the point of saying, what does it take to help ukraine win? that's where we need to be. and i don't think declaring a genocide or not declaring a genocide is material to that, although it is a visible thing that we can see. i do think that the kind of assistance the u.s. is providing ukraine right now, that is significant and it's needed. could have been done weeks ago, but it's finally flowing and i think we have got ourselves in the right position now. >> the french president, emmanuel macron today, warned that by using the term genocide in his view prematurely without a formal investigation and declaration, that risks escalating tensions with russia in macron's view. do you think he has any point there, especially when diplomatic talks are, you know, ongoing, although putin said that they were at a dead end. >> well, i certainly come down on the side of honesty and clarity, and i think where macron is coming from is a perception that at the end of this war, russia may be left standing. vladimir putin may be left standing. and france or germany is going to have to deal with vladimir putin. so, they're not willing to actually call things as they see them. and i think that's unfortunate. and i think that we actually are at a moment right now with the killings of the civilians that we've seen, the executions, the torture, the rapes, we need to be more explicit about what we're seeing, calling it as it is, and then generating the action required to actually stop it. >> russia, incidentally, announced that it was going to im impose sanctions on 398 members of congress today. this is in retaliation for washington blacklisting hundreds of russian lawmakers, people in the duma last month. will that have any real impact? >> so, as john mccain said when he was sanctioned by russia, he wasn't planning to take a vacation in siberia any time soon anyway. and i'm sure many of the members of congress feel the same way. i don't think this has any material impact on them. and in fact, i think what it does show is that russia is looking for ways to punch back. they don't like the sanctions. they don't like the fact that they're losing in the war. and they're trying to search for ways that may appear to be some kind of punch back to get people to be concerned. >> all right. ambassador volker, thank you so much. good to see you again. appreciate your time this evening. >> pleasure to see you. coming up, i'll talk with the man who raced to the scene after the russian attack on that ukrainian train station full of innocent people. now he's carrying out his own life saving mission to get ukrainians the medical help they need next. qulipta™ can help p prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets rigight to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp, a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ back now in western ukraine, the images we're about to show you remain difficult to watch. days later, 57 dead, more than 100 wounded in friday's kramatorsk train station massacre by the russians. i spoke to someone who heard the explosion and rushed to help. a former construction engineer who helps arrange medical support for people in besieged towns who have been wounded. he told us about that horrible day and suspicions he has about how it all went down. >> reporter: the call came friday morning, the something had happened at the train station. come immediately. he had heard the explosion, he ran right there. >> translator: there were bodies that were torn into pieces. >> reporter: 57 killed. more than 100 wounded. >> translator: there was a lot of blood, puddles of blood. it was easy to track how many people moved by the traces of blood on the ground. i saw a lot of elderly people, mostly women, children, and very young people that are very simple people, that do not have their own vehicles. it was basically the last wave of evacuation. >> reporter: before the war, he was a construction engineer in kyiv, now he spends his day driving around ukraine, arranging medical transport for people in towns being besieged. >> translator: everyone was worried about kyiv, and the possible attacks on kyiv, but i think everyone understands that these small cities like kramatorsk, they are thisin dan even more. the evacuation is ongoing, and they can be targeted. >> reporter: we caught up with him as he rode from one town to another. the train was supposed to leave the station at 9:00 that morning. but it was delayed. on a beautiful spring day, people started coming to the station around 10:00. he suspects an informant told the russians when to strike for maximum civilian casualties. >> i believe there was somebody, a saboteur or a person who exactly chose the right time when most of the people were outside, and there was a crowd already gathering who might have given the command to fire the missile. >> reporter: seeing all of these wounded people for the last month and a half has been devastating. you've been witnessing this now for a month and a half. what has been your emotional response. >> translator: i had a 50 minute chat with a psychologist, and it was the first time i felt some ease, but it's not over. >> reporter: front row seat to what the russians are doing. >> translator: from what i've witnessed and seen, i can say i realize it's not war. it's pure terrorism. >> pure terrorism, the kramatorsk mayor said as many as 4,000 people were at that train station when the missile struck. they were just trying to escape. we'll be right back. ready to style in just one step? introducing new tresemme one step stylers. five professional benefits. one simpmple step. totally effortless. styling has nevever been easie. tresemme. do it with style. if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs to the most small businesses. make your business future ready with the network from the most innovative company. get internet and voice for $49.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. and ask how to get up to a $650 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. thank you so much for watching. i will be back tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern, live again from ukraine. i'll see you tomorrow afternoon with the lead at 4:00 p.m. eastern. don lemon now. >> kramatorsk, faded into the background, there are things still happening. ukrainians are facing the reality on a daily basis. how are they deal something. >> well, you know, i was at a train station for a piece i'm going to air tomorrow at a train station nearby here in lviv, and a bunch of kids, wounded kids came. i remember five were killed, more than 16 were wounded, and there were about nine kids, children, severely wounded on that train coming here for care. i suspect that kramatorsk is going to stand in the minds of ukrainians the way that we think of things like pearl harbor or columbine, you know, we identify -- parkland, we identify horrific events by the name of a town. >> jake tapper, get some rest, thank you very much. this is don lemon tonight, we have major developments on two huge stories tonight in ukraine and also right here in new york city. we're going to get back to ukraine because there's some video that you have to see of a mother that is just unbelievable. but let's talk about what's happening in new york. mayor eric adams summing it up in three words. we got him. but is that fair? did he get himself? because frank james, the man suspected of shooting ten people on the subway train in

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Military Information , Seacoast , Two , Half , Haven T , Side , Hitting Ships , State Media , Sort , Confirmation , Fire On Board , Kind , Fire , Blow , Ammunition , Crew , Antimissile Ship Strike , Hit , Military , Campaign , Black Sea Fleet Flagship , Conflict , Victory , Admission , Make , Details , Navy , Sumy Region , Some , Torture , Video , Kharkiv , Corpses , Bodies , Officials , Signs , Reporter , Towns , Little , Ten , Thing , Marks , More , Back , Instance , Hundreds Of Bodies , Areas , Firsthand , Place , Ukrainian Military , Something , People , Things , Kinds , Backs , Bruises , Heads , Head , Bags , Genocide , Use , Explosions , War Crimes , Cluster Munitions , Crimes Against Humanity , The Street , Civilians , Course , Vehicles , Munitions , Vladimir Putin , Land Mines , Town , Sniper Attacks , Lines , Efforts , Troops , Desolate , Lifeless , Bare , Team , Shelling , District , Elderly , Night After , Safe , Igor , Buildings , 16th Floor , 16 , Front Line , Pressure , Route , Positions , Evidence , Front Line Inwards , Area , Bombardment , Rumble , Snipers , Mines , Rockets , Let S Go , Russian Military Push , Ukraine , Sides , Direction , Tens Of Thousands , Three , South , Warehouse , 30 , Ground , Reach , Nowhere , Study , Example , Violation , Law , Report Finds , Patterns , Quote , Osce , Report , Many , Bombs , Activists , Journalists , Whereabouts , Damage , Hold Dozens , Hundreds , Ivan Na , Fact , Atrocities , Human Rights Violations , Bucha , Borodyanka , Irpin , Policy , Matter , Member , Colleagues , Missile Villages , Survivors , Occupation , Kindergartens , Killing , Schools , Pictures , Perspective , Citizens , Threat , Weapons , Mariupol , Acts , Ukrainian Population , Response , Community , Red Line , Intelligence , Strong , Fighter Jets , Decision Making , Divide , Sanctions , Hardest , Way , Possibility , Completion , Onslaught , Donbas Region , Any , Politician , Survival , Friends , Choice , Our , Winning , Support , Independence , Democratic , Cost , Military Capacity , Devotion , Victims , Crematoriums , Members , Reports , Parliament , Challenge , Being , Access , 13 , Ways , Massacres , Land , Crimes , Bucha Massacre , Reporting , Shooting Suspect , New York City Subway , Guy , Arrest , Streets , Hiding , Sidewalk , Invesestigation , Sitting In Plain Sight , Is Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass , Lawn Season , Lawn , Speed , Everything , Times , Seed , Grass , Mix , Fertilizer , Fast , Green Grass , Child , Understanding , Partners , Lawn Plan , Yard , App , My Lawn , Asya Agulnik Md St , Scotts , Jude , The Dawn Of Life , Need , Nothing , Mission , Therapy , Marta Salek Md , Infection , Basis , Responsibility , Md , Cancer , Traditional , Extractions , Aspen Dental , Carlos Rodriguez , Wall , Care , Term , At Aspen Dental , Solution , Consideration , Denture Experts , Empathy , My Life , Terry First , A1c , Anything , Stop Rybelsus , Consultation , Denture , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Pill , Isn T , Mom , Type 1 Diabetes , Rybelsus , 1 , Family , Help , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Swelling , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , Side Effects , Changes , Nausea , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar Risk , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Provider , History , Healthcare Provider , Ancestry , Life , Living , House , Bits , Photos , Finding Out , Experience , Frank James , Shooting , Custody , News , Home , 62 , Train Station , Phone Tip , Conversation , Colleague , Sources , Tipline , Tv , Bren , Mark Morales , Call , Phone Number , Phone , Bystanders , Tunnel , 911 , Tip Line , Culmination , States , Brooklyn Subway Attack , Shots , Nypd , 33 , Incident , Smoke Canisters , Tuesday Morning , Subway Car , Authorities , Investigators , Resource , Mr , Disposal , Attack , Scene , Gun , Crime Scene Led Police , Suspect , Keys , A Person Of Interest , James In Ohio , U Haul Van , 2011 , Motive , Storage Facility , Apartment , Account , Youtube , Front Of My , Shootings , Social Media , Prison , Eric Adams , Environment , Policies , Stress , Homeless People , Race , Rants , Actions , Aren T , Threats , Proactive , Waiting , Aren T We , Children , Shot , City , Solace , Court , Charge , Social Media Footprint , Charges , Subway System , Look , Construction Worker , Showing , Man Law Enforcement , Wnbc , Special Agent , Reason , Similarly , Fbi , Address , He Wasn T , Law Enforcement , Person , Law Enforcement Shoe Leather , Lots , General , Manhattan , Philadelphia , Wisconsin , Lookout , None , Officer , Role Call , Problem , Clues , Officers , Neighborhoods , Crowds , The Net , It , Citizen Didn T , It Didn T , I Don T Know , Coverage , Anybody Else , Say , Question , Hearing , Mind , Meal , Frame , Sunshine , Tip , Mcdonald S Didn T , Behavior , Somebody , Mystery , Bit , Street , Neighborhood , Nobody , Tip Call , Mcdonald S , Violence , Advocate , Racist , Terrorist , Motivation , Act , Black Nationalist , Lone Wolf , Race War , Each Other , Shouldn T , Equality , Contact , Train , Target , Train Of Thought , Ideology , Intent , Don T , Search Warrants , Idea , Insights , Mental Health Breakdown , Midst , Sense , President , Major General , Millions , U S Army , Dollars Worth , Knowows , Magic , Pleny , Chaos , Magic Moment , Other R , Sound , Helicopter Blades , Money , Advice , Baby , Suits , Inflation , Memes , Onesies , Milk , Greg , Work , On The Road , Investing , Everywhere , Baby One More Time , Friend , Chapter , Morgan Stanley , E Trade , Britney Spears , Benny , Anywhere , Equipment , Attacks , Security Aid , Types , Allies , Package , Artillery Rounds , Howitzer Cannons , Helicopters , Switchblade Drones , Protective Armor , Mi 17 , 17 , Impact , Paul Eaton , Retired Army , Artillery , Battle , Personnel , Aid , Carriers , Fighting , Difference , Deja Vu All Over Again , 70s And 80s Living , 70 , 80 , Systems , Number , Capabilities , Border , Pact , Battlefield Distribution , German , Soviet , Enemy , Vote , Defense , Targets , Battlefield Math , Manner , Numbers , Viewers , Math , Break , Function , Let , Time , Pentagon , Weapon , It Zer Cannons , Rounds , Russian Army , Armored Personnel Carriers , Army , Advance , Amount , Radar Systems , Fires Artillery , Counter Battery , Delivery System , Artillery Pieces , Location , Fires , Component , Remainder , Drones , Pieces , Battlefield , Intel , Effort , Art , Guys , Issue , Counter Systems , Distribution , Availables , Battlefield System , Switchblade Systems , Countersystem , Concentrated , Ukraine Genocide , Expertise , Government , Kurt Volker , Comments , Ally , Stay , Liberty Butchemel Cut , Liberty Biberty Cut , Nato , Liberty Mutualal , Former , Action , Liberty , Line , Statue Of Liberty , Car Insurance , Phone Rings , Pay , Whatchyaya , Enbrel , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Creata , Skin , Pain , Joint Pain , Clearer , Mug , Rld S Greatest Dad , Biggerole , Doctor , Reactions , Ability , Infections , Events , Nervous System , Cancers , Lymphoma , Tuberculosis , Blood Disorders , Bleeding , Opportunities , Bruising , Paleness , Heart Failure , Sores , Cuts , Flu , Fever , Hepatitis B , Heart Attack , Uncle , Auntie , Heart Isn T , Bayer Aspirin , Lviv , Aspirin Regimen , Nations , Orders , It Genocide , Yes , Declaration , Spite , Ambassador , Lawyers , Determination , National , Group , Heart , Ukraine Doesn T , Eyes , View , Population , Nationality , See , Doesn T , Needs , Historians , Dib Mats , Process , Rohingya , Truth , Myanmar , State Department , 2017 , Case , Genocide Declarations , Eight , Interest , Estate , Finger , Sovereign , Point , Aggression , Win , Saying , Material , Assistance , Emmanuel Macron Today , French , Tensions , Talks , Standing , Perception , Clarity , Honesty , Dead End , Killings , Rapes , Executions , John Mccain , Im , Retaliation , Lawmakers , Blacklisting Hundreds , Congress , Washington , Duma , 398 , Vacation , He Wasn T Planning , Show , Punch , Pleasure , Migraine Attacks , Quliptatm , Life Saving Mission , Quliptatm Helps What S Going On Inside , Quliptatm Blocks Cgrp , Abbvie , Constipation , Treatment , Episodic Migraine , Cause , Tiredness , Nails , Ingredients , Others , Appearance , Try Kerasal , Landmarks , Treasures , Viking , Europe , Viking Longships , Cruise Line , Readers , Extras , Excursions , Cultural Enrichment , Wi Fi , River , CondÉ Nast , Marcia , Dental Implants , Health , Periodontal Disease , Teeth , Clearchoice , Forde , Smart Bed , Key , Sleep Number , 360 , Sleep , Sale , Movement , Temperature Balancing , Miss , Weekend Special , Science , Sleepnumber Com , 1000 , Plus 0 , 000 , Eczema , Step , Itch , Dupixent , Vision , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Joint Aches , Asthma , Driver , Drivers , Farmers , Turn , Bystander , Appreciation , Farmers Policy Perk , Safety , Driver Discount , Driving Record , Burke , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Bum , Western Ukraine , Images , Kramatorsk Train Station Massacre , 57 , 100 , Construction Engineer , Explosion , Suspicions , The Call , Translator , Blood , Traces , Evacuation , Women , Wave , Kyiv , Day Driving , Kramatorsk , Cities , Another , Station , Informant , Casualties , 9 , 10 , Missile , Command , Crowd , Saboteur , Most , Chat , Psychologist , 50 , Ease , Seat , Front Row , Terrorism , Mayor , 4000 , Style , Styling , Step Stylers , Benefits , One Simpmple Step , Easie , Five , Tresemme , Internet , Network , Business Internet , Security , Fiber Solutions , Small Business , Choices , Largest , Technology , Businesses , Business , Company , Speeds , Gigs , Voice , Price Guarantee , 49 99 , 650 , 9 99 , Card , Bundle , Watching , Background , Lead , Reality , Don Lemon , Piece , Bunch , Minds , Nine , Parkland , Pearl Harbor , Rest , Stories , Name , Developments , Fair , Subway Train , Words ,

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