Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

developments since this morning. that happened shortly before 8:30 this morning. people were going to work. kids were going to school. a manhunt is still underway for the single suspect who first deployed a smoke canister from his backpack, then opened fire inside the traincar and ran on the platform. this was the scene just after 8:24 a.m. inside a car that was approaching the 36th nation on the n line in brooklyn. the fdny says 16 people were injured, at least 10 shot. five are in kcritical but stabl condition. investigators have recovered a gun and multiple high capacity magazines from the scene. >> a law enforcement source tells cnn, they believe the gun may have jammed as the suspect attempted to fire more rounds. the nypd says this is not being investigated as an act of terrorism for now. the police chief said that she wasn't ruling anything out when it comes to the motive -- the commissioner, i should say. last hour i spoke with one of the witnesses who captured some of the horrific video. he was on the train car. listen to what he told us. >> got up and i hid behind the little wooden side plank that's on the seats, between the seats and the door of the train. i stayed there while people who were at the farthest end of the car ran toward the front and jumped on top of each other, walked over each other, trying to get as far away from the drama as possible. during all this time, i'm thinking, it's firecrackers. it's not until i raise my head up and see there's blood on the floor that i realize firecrackers can't do this much damage. it has to be somebody with a gun. >> that video, a crucial part of the investigation. shimon is with me now. what you have learned? >> we learned the last hour or so about the other magazines, the high capacity magazines. obviously, this individual was armed. he was armed heavily, ready to shoot many more people. as you said, it's because the gun jammed that more people weren't shot. at least that's what investigators believe. one of the magazines they believe he emptied, he completely emptied that magazine and fired perhaps all the rounds inside the magazine. then went to reload and that's when the gun jammed. they recovered the gun. they believe they have the gun. they recovered the smoke canister that he used. that is all helping investigators gather more clues. perhaps they can get fingerprints off some of this. they can learn where the canister perhaps was purchased. there are all kinds of things they can do. surveillance video. this is a key part. the subway systems have cameras. in this subway system, one may have been malfunctioning. they may know where this individual got on. they may have video from there. also key in all of this is video from bystanders. people were filming. they had cameras out. they filmed him. that's going to be key. that's playing a key role for investigators. i can tell you in the last hour or so in talking to sources on the ground and on the phone, they are optimistic about this and whether or not how close they are. but they are very optimistic on this investigation and perhaps we could see some activity here soon in terms of the suspect. >> the cameras are important. even though maybe this camera was malfunctioning, one of the cameras here, the approach and where he got on and coming from other stations, that could give them a better idea who they are looking for. >> if he used a metro card to get into the subway, that could help them. the thing that's worrying to investigators is the planning that they think went into some of this. he had the gas mask. he had all the bullets. he had more canisters and other items inside the bag. there is some premeditation. i think they are going go back and say, did we miss something? the idea that they have some clues that are playing a key part and has given them optimism here. those are good signs. the victims. thankfully, many of them -- all of them are expected to survive. i want to paint a picture for you briefly here. what happened is as this train was pulling in to the station here at 36th street, it stopped. when you are on the subway and you go between cars and the train stopped. >> maybe a car ahead or you can't get there yet. >> that's when he started shooting. these people were trapped. they had nowhere to go. it wasn't until they got to 36th street and the doors opened and they started running out. that's kind of the person we are dealing with. that's why officials -- this has them worried. there had to be some premeditation. he chose the worst moment do this, when all the people were trapped. >> a moment where they had nowhere to go. if not for that gun jamming at that moment, this could have been much worse. ten people shot. five in critical but stable condition. that's the latest that we have from law enforcement. shimon, i will let you get back to reporting. thank you for the update there. >> stand by. i want to bring in andrew mccabe. the former deputy director of the fbi. chris sweker is also former fbi. and darren porcher, a retired nypd lieutenant. darren, you worked in transit, you worked at nypd. you think this shooting has some similarities with the ferguson shooting, which was in 1993. what are you seeing police doing now if they learned something from that shooting? >> one thing, this is very uncommon for us to have a shooting in the transit system. when we go back to the shooting with ferguson on the lirr in 1993, people weren't concerned about shootings. here we had a gunman in the same situation, the magazine jammed. the magazine jammed in this incident as well. the one thing i give the transit borough for is they train officers outside of the academy specific to the instances in transit so they can effectively interdict situations that happen in the transit system. we didn't have an officer on the platform or in that car to detect and eradicate the threat. >> andrew, we are six hours or so since this shooting happened. still no arrests. how broad is this active search? we know there are federal investigators involved. far beyond the new york metro area by now? >> it depends on the information that the investigators are working with. there's limitless resources for an operation like this. an investigation that's going to naturally draw on federal law enforcement, nypd, partners on the task force. if in the course of the investigation they develop leads that indicate -- let's say they have an identity for a suspect and they develop a lead that that suspect left the jurisdiction, then, yes, the investigation will span into wherever they think that person is going to go. that's one of the reasons why it's helpful to have the fbi involved in these kind of investigations, because we have that sort of reach across the country and across the world. there's no indication yet that that's what we are looking at here. i agree with shimon's comments, the fact we haven't heard much more about where specifically they are looking leads me to believe that they probably have some good leads that they are running out right now. if they were up against a brick wall, they would be really appealing to the public in a more active way. >> chris, you have to believe they have good leads. look at that subway car. so many people saw this suspect. so many people -- obviously, once he set off the smoke grenade, it was harder. he was interacting with people all throughout this. here is what the new york governor said about how this has to stop now. >> i'm committing the full resources of our state to fight this surge of crime, this insanity that's seizing our city. we want to get back to normal. it has been a long, hard two years. that's what we crave. >> it's just -- you can't be everywhere. as we just heard from darren, you can't have police in every single subway car. this is just a very tough mission for them. >> yeah. i think the phrase if you see something say something was first phrased in new york city when they were doing proactive policing up there and engaging the public and getting them involved, knowing you don't have an officer on every street corner, every sub dway car. that's how you leverage the general public. the fact that they haven't done that yet, they haven't reached out to the public, tells me they have good leads. they are not stumed ped or they would put out more information so the public could get engaged and help out. they are doing a manhunt, sifting through leads, interviewing witnesses, processing the crime scene. there's a lot going on behind the scenes that we don't see. >> to that point, i spoke with yav who was on the train. we have aired his video. he's on cnn. spoken with other reporters. he says he has not been contacted by investigators. to the point we heard from chris, just suggests that this piece of video, as crucial for people to understand what happened on the train, maybe not the most important to find this shooter. >> it's a significant piece. but you have to take into consideration, the average person is photographed or videotaped 100 to 200 times a day in a place like new york. we are destined to capture video. i'm confident law enforcement does have the necessary tools to extract the video, to get it out to the necessary entities to take this violent person into custody. >> andy, i'm getting word a law enforcement official told cnn that police have cellphone video from an eyewitness of the suspect. what happens? when you get something that's as gold as that, what do law enforcement do? >> that sets a lot of balls in motion. this reminds me of our efforts to identify the parties responsible for the boston bombing. obviously, we made the decision to take those photographs and make them public to kind of crowd source the identification of those subjects. you might see that here. as we have been saying, the fact you haven't seen that photograph in a clear appeal to the public leads us to believe that law enforcement probably has good leads to work on. they can take that photograph and they use technology, can compare it to all sorts of other photographs that they have in their databases in their data sets. they can try to use things like facial recognition software and that technology to put possible identifiers to that person. i'm sure every effort in that regard is probably underway right now. i would expect that we will see some progress or some developments on this in the next few hours. >> chris, without a terror nexus and the commissioner not investigating this as an act of terror, is this still led by nypd? we have seen a myriad of law enforcement agencies here on scene. is this a new york city police department investigation primarily? >> i think it is at this point. the fbi is always going to be on the scene of a mass casualty event like this, particularly involvie involving a subway, which is a terrorist target. if it transitions to a terrorist event, you make a smooth transition over to the fbi's lead. right now, they are participating with n uunified command. everybody is there. nypd is in charge right now. that could change later, but that's the way it stands right now. >> we are standing by for more information and more developments. it seems like a lot is happening on the ground. thank you all for your expertise in this. breaking news coverage continues ahead as the manhunt continues here. several cities are beefing up security for mass transit systems in response to the shooting. more on that next. before i went to aspen dental, i had a lot of infection going on and i was having extractions done on a traditional, regular basis. when terry first came in, he wanted a long term solution, and that's something we were able to offer him. their care, their consideration, their empathy, all of that. i can't say enough about. absolutely hands down, aspen dental changed my life. at aspen dental, our team of denture experts will do anything to make you smile. schedule your complimentary denture consultation today. if you've been living with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets... forty-two college campus tours... four overseas postings... one minor stroke... and four citywide blackouts... and now, with leqvio, you can lower your cholesterol, too. when taken with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it there with two doses a year. common side effects of leqvio were injection site reaction, joint pain, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, chest cold, pain in legs or arms, and shortness of breath. with leqvio, lowering cholesterol becomes just one more thing life throws your way. ask your doctor if leqvio is right for you. lower. longer. leqvio. 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>> we heard from the biggest public transit systems in the united states. they say they are monitoring the new york subway attack. that includes the washington, d.c. metro system, nbta, which operates the t in boston, bart in san francisco, septa in philadelphia and marta in atlanta. transportation secretary pete buttigieg was briefed. the department of transportation is offering support to the mta. the u.s. department of transportation federal transit administration also say they are monitoring this. here is what is changing now. mass transit systems say they are stepping up canine sweeps and police patrols. they underscore, they are face nothing credible threats at the moment. remember, service transportation is really hard to secure. securing sprawling transit systems, not like beefing up airport security. people take about 10 billion mass transit trips each year. backed up in a 2020 report by the government accountability office. the tsa says in an analysis of mass transit security, they are difficult to protect due to high concentration of travelers and multiple access. all of this begs the question, what will change after this attack? it's a tough balance. cities rely on public transit and don't want to make getting on a train or bus more difficult. >> we know that mayor eric adams said there will be a beefed up security presence at stations as well. pete reporting for us. thank you. we are getting this from investigators in new york city. they are looking for a u-haul connected to the shooting. they have not said how it's connected. but a u-haul van. they have an arizona license plate al 31408 that they say is connected. emails were detectives. they should take extreme precaution in attempting to stop it. again, they say if the van is unoccupied to notify commanders. if it's occupied, officers should take extreme care. if it is unoccupied, go to another officer and call it in. andrew mccabe still with us. your reaction to now this update, this information about a u-haul they are looking for? >> victor, obviously, that's a great lead. that's exact ly the kind of thig you want to hear our investigators working with. it's one of the oddest vehicles i have heard to flee a crime. it's not going to keep you low profile. knowledge of the license plate is particularly key. as you know, victor, new york city and the nypd has an incredibly impressive array of video surveillance across the city in different neighborhoods. a lot of that includes license plate reader technology. they have the ability to kind of scan for a particular plate in the hopes of picking that up wherever it may be parked or moving. then, of course, you have all of the toll facilities, the use of ez pass, all of the entrances and exits to the city would be catch points where that license plate could provide notification to the police. that's a great lead. it's one that i'm sure they are closely following. >> again, they are looking for this yu-haul van. let's bring in shimon. this shows the progress from that last news conference to where they are not. >> there's a lot of progress in this investigation. i would say we would be hearing more from authorities. think about this. there was a gunman with smoke canisters, who knows what else, is on the loose here in new york city. they have images of this individual. there's a phone from a bystander that's helpful in identifying and knowing who they are looking for. that piece of video and that photo, i would think, would be out by now. what happens in investigations, if police know who they are looking for, they don't come out with that information. >> they keep moving? >> they keep moving. sometimes they don't want to indicate to the individual, we know who you are. that could be what's going on. we don't know. they have made substantial progress in this investigation. as to this u-haul van, whether -- there's some concern, obviously, that it's related. they don't know 100% that it's related. obviously, they're not taking any chances. they are throwing everything at this. there has been significant progress in this investigation. as you can see, they are looking for things, looking for people. for authorities, these are all good steps and good things they are seeing and witnesses and people who they have been asking to help have been helping them. there were a lot of people in the subway. there's a lot of video and a lot of cameras from bystanders, people on the subway, that they are using from cellphones that's helpful to authorities. >> they believe this could be related to the shooting. they did not say in the email exactly how it could be related. again, they are looking for this u-haul with arizona tags. shimon, thank you very much. >> the idea that it could be occupied and the occupant could be dangerous really relevant. thank you for that breaking news. we will get back to you. antony blinken says the u.s. cannot confirm if chemical weapons were used in mariupol but says they do have intel that russia could mix it with riot agents. how the white house is responding to that next. and now you're relaxing! we're working from home. save up to 25% when you bundle home and autoto with allstate. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... inreen energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to d this is the ne world of work. each day looks differe than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in one easy-to-use software. visit for a free demo. hon? first off, we love each other... vladimir putin said talks with ukraine have hit a dead end. he vowed to continue the violence until moscow succeeds. russia started its assault on the eastern region. this video shows a residential area and a shipping yard under fire. now ukraine's president zelenskyy says putin could be entering a, quote, new stage of terror after reports of a chemical attack. investigators trying to determine if russia used chemicals in mariupol. a senior u.s. defense official said the pentagon cannot confirm the reports yet. a commander for ukraine's battalion posted that a drone dropped a poisonous substance of unknown origin and three people suffered affects from it. let's bring in jake tapper now. he is with us in lviv. jake, we heard the russian president there. he spoke today. he seemed to confirm what we have suspected, he is not interested in talks with ukraine. now what? >> the war continues. what he said at that joint press conference with lukashenko is that the atrocities in bucha were fake. they posited it was the brits who staged those mass murders in that city. it doesn't really change anything. putin is continuing to lie about what's going on. they continue to blame washington, d.c., brussels and london for what's going on. they continue to insist that they invaded this country and are slaughtering innocent people because they had to do so for defensive purposes. up is down and black is white. >> jay, a u.s. senior defense official said the u.s. is willing to consider sending more weapon systems to ukraines. that's something the ukrainians have been begging for. is that happening? >> there is a big chasm between what they want, the ukrainians ask for and what americans are willing to give. some of that is because the americans don't believe that the ukrainians have their expertise to use all of the material, supplies, weapons they are asking for, including drones. but there's this constant push and pull between the ukrainians wanting more weapons to defend their country and the united states. recently, i think in terms of trying to get some of these drones, these special drones, the united states agreed to help train some of the ukrainians to use them. that has been going on for eye la long time, ukrainians wanting more weapons, the united states not convinced the ukrainians can use them and figuring out some compromise. >> on the topic of training, i know you spoke to a retired american marine, a special forces commander, in un ckraine who is training ukrainian soldiers. what did he tell you? sgle talked about not about not what is needed in terms of weaponry by the ooh scan yans but also what's needed in terms of training. here is a little snippet from our conversation. >> they lack medical training. evidence of that is if you talk to ukrainian medics, there are horror stories out there. injuries that would be survivable in iraq or afghanistan, ukrainians are dying from here. >> he is a retired ker kerr nol. >> watch "the late" for more of his reporting. it starts at 4:00 p.m. eastern. joining me now is matthew miller. thanks for being here. what about that? this week, will the u.s. be giving more weapons or training to the ukrainian soldiers? >> i will say not just this week. there's not a day goes by that we aren't landing new deliveries of security assistance, new weapons into ukraine. in addition to that, there's not a day that goes by that we are not in high level conversations with the ukrainian government about capabilities we can provide. lock at what we provided. anti-tank weapons, ten for every russian tank in the country. you can see how the ukrainians have used those to devastating impact. destroying russian tanks and defending kyiv, thanks to the ukrainian military and the weapons we provided. we are in conversations with the ukrainians with new types of weapons we can provide. jake mentioned drones. we have provided drones. we helped them acquire drones from other countries. we continue to talk about new capabilities we can get to them all the time. >> matt, how about mariupol? we heard that there's -- it's surrounded. their version of marines, the ukrainian marine unit says, we are surrounded. we don't have enough ammunition. we don't have enough supplies. how can you get them the weapons they need? >> with respect to ammunition, we have gotten over 50 million rounds of ammunition into the country. we continue to get new rounds of ammunition. with respect to the coastal areas in the south, like mariupol, one of the things that the ukrainians asked us for was to help them acquire coastal defense systems. that was a request directly from president zelenskyy to president biden. what we did to fulfill that request, we look ed and found there was not an exact fit. president biden asked allies to provide weapons that would be a more useful fit. you saw the result when the uk announced they would provide systems. these are the conversations that happen between our countries every day, where the ukrainians come to us with capabilities they need. we will look at their capabilities and look through what is available on our stocks, how quickly we can get it there. sometime go around to other countries. another great example is air defense systems, something we know the ukrainians have wanted. they weren't systems that we had. we worked with a third party country, slovakia, to get a system in from there country and backfill slovakia with patriot missiles. those are the efforts going on on a daily, hourly basis at the white house and pentagon to get weapons into the hands of the ukrainians. >> i appreciate you spelling that out. i'm not suggesting that the u.s. isn't doing all of that. it's just that when you see the onslaught that is starting in ukraine, do you think that the ukrainians have enough that they can beat back the russians there? >> certainly, i think we will continue to see a brutal campaign by the russians. it's clear what's happened in the first phase of the war. they wanted to take the city of kyiv. they wanted to achieve regime change, depose the zelenskyy government. what we can do is to continue to work with the ukrainians. that doesn't mean it won't be a brutal, long slog ahead. i'm sure it will be. we expect it to be. what we can do is provide ukrainians with the defense systems they need. in addition to some of the systems we have provided, we are in talks about new capabilities. you can expect to see new capabilities announced in the near future. specifically for the fight in the east. >> announce them right now if you want to tell me anything. >> i think not. >> in the meantime, pentagon spokesperson john kerirby talke about how you have intelligence that russia might be mixing some chemical agents along with riot control agents. i assume that that's like tear gas or something. if it turns out that russia has launched a chemical attack or using chemical weapons, what's the response going to be? >> first of all, we have not confirmed they used chemical weapons. we did have information even before yesterday, before this week, that the russians might use riot control measures, specifically tear gas mixed with other chemical agents tory to break the ukrainian defense of the city. we made that information available to the ukrainians so they could prepare and defend themselves. we warned for some time the russians might resort to these tactics. have been concerned about it. the president made clear if russia does use chemical or biological weapons there will be consequences. those consequences will be prop proportionate. i don't want to speculate about what that might be given we haven't confirmed that an attack took place. i think most important thing we can do is to continue to investigation what happened to talk to the ukrainians to try to collect and analyze information and confirm whether a chemical attack didmiller, thank you. back to breaking news on the new york city subway shooting. cnn obtained a photo of fireworks that police say the brooklyn subway gunman dropped. at least 29 people have been hospitalized in connection with this shooting. that's a higher number than we had. 29 people hospitalized. the latest next. panera chefs have crafted a masterpiece... succulent, seared chicken... a secret aioli... clean ingredients... in a buttery brioche roll. made fresh, to leave you... speechless. panera's new chef' chicken sandwiches. $1 delivery fee on our app hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. happening right now, president biden is touring a bioprocessing facility in iowa. he will speak on his plans to tame inflation and lower gas prices. today, the u.s. labor department released new inflation numbers showing prices jumps 8.5% over just the last 12 months. that's the highest inflation rate in the u.s. in more than 40 years. prices continue to rise on everything from gas to food and housing. with us now 20 discuss, cnn business reporter matt egan and catherine rampell and jeff zeleny. jeff, what's the president's plan? what's he going to say today? >> president biden arrived here at this ethanol plant behind me on a windy afternoon here in iowa. we do know the president is going to announce that he is lifting the summertime suspension of a rule that requires a lower blend of ethanol gas in the summer. what he is going to do is allow a higher blend of ethanol gas to be used. the administration says it's an epa waiver will knock down the price of gas. not a lot. but the white house is saying every little bit helps. this is something environmentalists oppose. they believe that creates more smog in the atmosphere. the president believes this is something that he has been urged to do by farm state senators, democrats and republicans alike, to have this e15 available to use this summer. it's one of the reasons he is here. also just trying to use every tool in the toolbox to try and show that the white house is focusing on inflation, starting at the gas pump. >> okay. jeff, are they going to be changing their messaging at all? they keep calling this putin's -- hold that thought. let me bring in matt egan and catherine rampelt. let me show everybody the national average of gas prices a year ago. it was $2.86 per gallon. today, $4.10. going in the right direction, i suppose. what will this do today? >> this probably is not really going to move the needle on gas prices. the national average is based on regular gasoline and i15 is not considered regular gasoline. families can save 10 cents a gallon if they switch to e15 this summer. the average family uses 90 gallons of fuel a month. the other issue is that to take advantage of this, you have to find e15. the white house says that 2,300 of the nation's 145,000 gas stations have it. a lot of people are not going to take advantage because they can't find it. prices are coming down at the pump, down 20 cents in the last month. some analysts think $4 gas could be coming. a lot depends where oil prices go. they are up today. that's still a lot to do with the situation in ukraine. >> let's talk about that. give us the big picture? as i was say, the biden administration calls this putin's price hike. when you ask the american people in terms of how they feel about the american economy, i think they see inflation and economy as synonymous. they think it's bad. >> if you look at the job market, it's a different story than prices. americans do seem to be paying attention to prices. maybe because that affects a larger swath of the american public. there are few people at risk of losing their jobs, even when the economy was bad. everybody is affected by inflation. in terms of to what extent this is about putin or about the obviously the war has disrupted the energy market and driven up prices and we've seen the prices come down recently. but the increases in price long predates the war. we've been seeing inflation rise for most of the past year. in fact the last six months, inflation has been above the fed's average target of 2%. so this is not just about the war. this is about persistent supply chain problems and about the fact demand is really, really strong in part because of policy choices we've made. so people are trying to buy stuff and there isn't enough to buy. >> okay. we'll see what the president has to say about all that. thank you very much. >> thank you. okay. breaking news out of new york. cnn has obtained a new photo of fireworks. police say the brooklyn gunman dropped. and at least 29 people we now know have been hospitalized. police are still searching for this gunman, as far as we know. we have an update on all the breaking news, next. right where you're wanting to be. ready to welcome you. let's go. stay safe. now get double best western rewards points on every y stay. and with rewards points that never expire you u get free nights fast! book now at thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there difrent planning options in here? 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(girls giggling) mmmm... it's so good! order your american made comfortmat at our breaking news here in brooklyn. that manhunt tipping after the mass shooting at a subway station. a new photo, fireworks found at the scene. investigators say that the shooter they're looking for dropped them. tell us about this photo, what we know. >> reporter: yeah. looking at this photo, a bag that police say he left behind. in it, there was some kind of fireworks. it looks like maybe some wiring and some other, this looks like the smoke canisters, perhaps, that the police have been talking about it. he used in this incident. the fact is when you look in this bag, you see the additional smoke canisters. other pieces of wiring. i don't know what that would be for. but this was in what looks like a reusable shopping bag. the kind you can get at a grocery store. we now know that police are hook for a u-haul that may be connected to this. they obviously have recovered a lot of evidence already to have all of this in the bag. the weapon, the gun that we believe he used, and then the high capacity magazines. we think we may be getting an update from police in the next hour or so so we're waiting to find out if that's the case. we haven't heard in police now for about several hours. this happened, well, just about eight hours ago. so we're waiting to hear for an update from police. as we've been talking about it, they've been very optimistic that on this investigation, that they can find this person who is responsible. >> yeah. we know the number of those injured, that is a revised number. we know at least 29 people have been taken to hospitals. 13 of them, according to the hospitals that have reported having received some of the victims. there have been smoke inhalation injuries as well. some shrapnel. people obviously have been shot as well. that number, of course, in breaking news, fluctuates and we could get more information. >> also, what has been happening is some people have been taking themselves to the hospital. so early on, the fdny was transporting some of the folks from the scene but then later on, some took themselves to the hospital. look. i can't even imagine what these people went through, sitting in this subway car feeling trapped, smoke, and someone just starts firing at you and you're trapped in there. it could have only been, let's say, 30 seconds. that's a layoff time and something these people will have to suffer with for the rest of their lives. >> and these 29 people have physical scars, physical injuries. they will be the others. there were 40 to 50 people on the train. those people, many of them had the scars we won't see, having to live through that trauma and start to, the healing process after that. thank you for the reporting. we'll let you get back tom. there have been many updates and developments over the last two hours during our show. of course, investigators we now know have an image of the alleged shooter. that will certainly help them. they're looking for the u-haul vehicle. we know they're working with authorities to get them as much information as we can. the arizona tag, al 31408. and of course, shimone just brought us the photograph of the bag the shooter dropped. and we know the gun jammed and that's what ended the shooting. a lot of elements, as i toss it back to you. >> yeah, victor. it sure sounds like they've gathered a lot of evidence and things are breaking constantly. thank you for that very much. so we will stand by for more developments from the scene of that breaking news and the subway shooting. in the meantime, "the lead" with jake tapper live from ukraine jake tapper live from ukraine starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- s. i'm here in lviv on day 48. welcome to "the lead" live from ukraine. we're covering two major stories this afternoon. in new york city, police say a suspect is still on the who is after a terrifying gun and smoke bomb attack on the subway this morning just before 8:30 a.m. at least 29 people were injured. ten of whom were shot. five remain in critical condition at thi

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

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developments since this morning. that happened shortly before 8:30 this morning. people were going to work. kids were going to school. a manhunt is still underway for the single suspect who first deployed a smoke canister from his backpack, then opened fire inside the traincar and ran on the platform. this was the scene just after 8:24 a.m. inside a car that was approaching the 36th nation on the n line in brooklyn. the fdny says 16 people were injured, at least 10 shot. five are in kcritical but stabl condition. investigators have recovered a gun and multiple high capacity magazines from the scene. >> a law enforcement source tells cnn, they believe the gun may have jammed as the suspect attempted to fire more rounds. the nypd says this is not being investigated as an act of terrorism for now. the police chief said that she wasn't ruling anything out when it comes to the motive -- the commissioner, i should say. last hour i spoke with one of the witnesses who captured some of the horrific video. he was on the train car. listen to what he told us. >> got up and i hid behind the little wooden side plank that's on the seats, between the seats and the door of the train. i stayed there while people who were at the farthest end of the car ran toward the front and jumped on top of each other, walked over each other, trying to get as far away from the drama as possible. during all this time, i'm thinking, it's firecrackers. it's not until i raise my head up and see there's blood on the floor that i realize firecrackers can't do this much damage. it has to be somebody with a gun. >> that video, a crucial part of the investigation. shimon is with me now. what you have learned? >> we learned the last hour or so about the other magazines, the high capacity magazines. obviously, this individual was armed. he was armed heavily, ready to shoot many more people. as you said, it's because the gun jammed that more people weren't shot. at least that's what investigators believe. one of the magazines they believe he emptied, he completely emptied that magazine and fired perhaps all the rounds inside the magazine. then went to reload and that's when the gun jammed. they recovered the gun. they believe they have the gun. they recovered the smoke canister that he used. that is all helping investigators gather more clues. perhaps they can get fingerprints off some of this. they can learn where the canister perhaps was purchased. there are all kinds of things they can do. surveillance video. this is a key part. the subway systems have cameras. in this subway system, one may have been malfunctioning. they may know where this individual got on. they may have video from there. also key in all of this is video from bystanders. people were filming. they had cameras out. they filmed him. that's going to be key. that's playing a key role for investigators. i can tell you in the last hour or so in talking to sources on the ground and on the phone, they are optimistic about this and whether or not how close they are. but they are very optimistic on this investigation and perhaps we could see some activity here soon in terms of the suspect. >> the cameras are important. even though maybe this camera was malfunctioning, one of the cameras here, the approach and where he got on and coming from other stations, that could give them a better idea who they are looking for. >> if he used a metro card to get into the subway, that could help them. the thing that's worrying to investigators is the planning that they think went into some of this. he had the gas mask. he had all the bullets. he had more canisters and other items inside the bag. there is some premeditation. i think they are going go back and say, did we miss something? the idea that they have some clues that are playing a key part and has given them optimism here. those are good signs. the victims. thankfully, many of them -- all of them are expected to survive. i want to paint a picture for you briefly here. what happened is as this train was pulling in to the station here at 36th street, it stopped. when you are on the subway and you go between cars and the train stopped. >> maybe a car ahead or you can't get there yet. >> that's when he started shooting. these people were trapped. they had nowhere to go. it wasn't until they got to 36th street and the doors opened and they started running out. that's kind of the person we are dealing with. that's why officials -- this has them worried. there had to be some premeditation. he chose the worst moment do this, when all the people were trapped. >> a moment where they had nowhere to go. if not for that gun jamming at that moment, this could have been much worse. ten people shot. five in critical but stable condition. that's the latest that we have from law enforcement. shimon, i will let you get back to reporting. thank you for the update there. >> stand by. i want to bring in andrew mccabe. the former deputy director of the fbi. chris sweker is also former fbi. and darren porcher, a retired nypd lieutenant. darren, you worked in transit, you worked at nypd. you think this shooting has some similarities with the ferguson shooting, which was in 1993. what are you seeing police doing now if they learned something from that shooting? >> one thing, this is very uncommon for us to have a shooting in the transit system. when we go back to the shooting with ferguson on the lirr in 1993, people weren't concerned about shootings. here we had a gunman in the same situation, the magazine jammed. the magazine jammed in this incident as well. the one thing i give the transit borough for is they train officers outside of the academy specific to the instances in transit so they can effectively interdict situations that happen in the transit system. we didn't have an officer on the platform or in that car to detect and eradicate the threat. >> andrew, we are six hours or so since this shooting happened. still no arrests. how broad is this active search? we know there are federal investigators involved. far beyond the new york metro area by now? >> it depends on the information that the investigators are working with. there's limitless resources for an operation like this. an investigation that's going to naturally draw on federal law enforcement, nypd, partners on the task force. if in the course of the investigation they develop leads that indicate -- let's say they have an identity for a suspect and they develop a lead that that suspect left the jurisdiction, then, yes, the investigation will span into wherever they think that person is going to go. that's one of the reasons why it's helpful to have the fbi involved in these kind of investigations, because we have that sort of reach across the country and across the world. there's no indication yet that that's what we are looking at here. i agree with shimon's comments, the fact we haven't heard much more about where specifically they are looking leads me to believe that they probably have some good leads that they are running out right now. if they were up against a brick wall, they would be really appealing to the public in a more active way. >> chris, you have to believe they have good leads. look at that subway car. so many people saw this suspect. so many people -- obviously, once he set off the smoke grenade, it was harder. he was interacting with people all throughout this. here is what the new york governor said about how this has to stop now. >> i'm committing the full resources of our state to fight this surge of crime, this insanity that's seizing our city. we want to get back to normal. it has been a long, hard two years. that's what we crave. >> it's just -- you can't be everywhere. as we just heard from darren, you can't have police in every single subway car. this is just a very tough mission for them. >> yeah. i think the phrase if you see something say something was first phrased in new york city when they were doing proactive policing up there and engaging the public and getting them involved, knowing you don't have an officer on every street corner, every sub dway car. that's how you leverage the general public. the fact that they haven't done that yet, they haven't reached out to the public, tells me they have good leads. they are not stumed ped or they would put out more information so the public could get engaged and help out. they are doing a manhunt, sifting through leads, interviewing witnesses, processing the crime scene. there's a lot going on behind the scenes that we don't see. >> to that point, i spoke with yav who was on the train. we have aired his video. he's on cnn. spoken with other reporters. he says he has not been contacted by investigators. to the point we heard from chris, just suggests that this piece of video, as crucial for people to understand what happened on the train, maybe not the most important to find this shooter. >> it's a significant piece. but you have to take into consideration, the average person is photographed or videotaped 100 to 200 times a day in a place like new york. we are destined to capture video. i'm confident law enforcement does have the necessary tools to extract the video, to get it out to the necessary entities to take this violent person into custody. >> andy, i'm getting word a law enforcement official told cnn that police have cellphone video from an eyewitness of the suspect. what happens? when you get something that's as gold as that, what do law enforcement do? >> that sets a lot of balls in motion. this reminds me of our efforts to identify the parties responsible for the boston bombing. obviously, we made the decision to take those photographs and make them public to kind of crowd source the identification of those subjects. you might see that here. as we have been saying, the fact you haven't seen that photograph in a clear appeal to the public leads us to believe that law enforcement probably has good leads to work on. they can take that photograph and they use technology, can compare it to all sorts of other photographs that they have in their databases in their data sets. they can try to use things like facial recognition software and that technology to put possible identifiers to that person. i'm sure every effort in that regard is probably underway right now. i would expect that we will see some progress or some developments on this in the next few hours. >> chris, without a terror nexus and the commissioner not investigating this as an act of terror, is this still led by nypd? we have seen a myriad of law enforcement agencies here on scene. is this a new york city police department investigation primarily? >> i think it is at this point. the fbi is always going to be on the scene of a mass casualty event like this, particularly involvie involving a subway, which is a terrorist target. if it transitions to a terrorist event, you make a smooth transition over to the fbi's lead. right now, they are participating with n uunified command. everybody is there. nypd is in charge right now. that could change later, but that's the way it stands right now. >> we are standing by for more information and more developments. it seems like a lot is happening on the ground. thank you all for your expertise in this. breaking news coverage continues ahead as the manhunt continues here. several cities are beefing up security for mass transit systems in response to the shooting. more on that next. before i went to aspen dental, i had a lot of infection going on and i was having extractions done on a traditional, regular basis. when terry first came in, he wanted a long term solution, and that's something we were able to offer him. their care, their consideration, their empathy, all of that. i can't say enough about. absolutely hands down, aspen dental changed my life. at aspen dental, our team of denture experts will do anything to make you smile. schedule your complimentary denture consultation today. if you've been living with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets... forty-two college campus tours... four overseas postings... one minor stroke... and four citywide blackouts... and now, with leqvio, you can lower your cholesterol, too. when taken with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it there with two doses a year. common side effects of leqvio were injection site reaction, joint pain, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, chest cold, pain in legs or arms, and shortness of breath. with leqvio, lowering cholesterol becomes just one more thing life throws your way. ask your doctor if leqvio is right for you. lower. longer. leqvio. 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>> we heard from the biggest public transit systems in the united states. they say they are monitoring the new york subway attack. that includes the washington, d.c. metro system, nbta, which operates the t in boston, bart in san francisco, septa in philadelphia and marta in atlanta. transportation secretary pete buttigieg was briefed. the department of transportation is offering support to the mta. the u.s. department of transportation federal transit administration also say they are monitoring this. here is what is changing now. mass transit systems say they are stepping up canine sweeps and police patrols. they underscore, they are face nothing credible threats at the moment. remember, service transportation is really hard to secure. securing sprawling transit systems, not like beefing up airport security. people take about 10 billion mass transit trips each year. backed up in a 2020 report by the government accountability office. the tsa says in an analysis of mass transit security, they are difficult to protect due to high concentration of travelers and multiple access. all of this begs the question, what will change after this attack? it's a tough balance. cities rely on public transit and don't want to make getting on a train or bus more difficult. >> we know that mayor eric adams said there will be a beefed up security presence at stations as well. pete reporting for us. thank you. we are getting this from investigators in new york city. they are looking for a u-haul connected to the shooting. they have not said how it's connected. but a u-haul van. they have an arizona license plate al 31408 that they say is connected. emails were detectives. they should take extreme precaution in attempting to stop it. again, they say if the van is unoccupied to notify commanders. if it's occupied, officers should take extreme care. if it is unoccupied, go to another officer and call it in. andrew mccabe still with us. your reaction to now this update, this information about a u-haul they are looking for? >> victor, obviously, that's a great lead. that's exact ly the kind of thig you want to hear our investigators working with. it's one of the oddest vehicles i have heard to flee a crime. it's not going to keep you low profile. knowledge of the license plate is particularly key. as you know, victor, new york city and the nypd has an incredibly impressive array of video surveillance across the city in different neighborhoods. a lot of that includes license plate reader technology. they have the ability to kind of scan for a particular plate in the hopes of picking that up wherever it may be parked or moving. then, of course, you have all of the toll facilities, the use of ez pass, all of the entrances and exits to the city would be catch points where that license plate could provide notification to the police. that's a great lead. it's one that i'm sure they are closely following. >> again, they are looking for this yu-haul van. let's bring in shimon. this shows the progress from that last news conference to where they are not. >> there's a lot of progress in this investigation. i would say we would be hearing more from authorities. think about this. there was a gunman with smoke canisters, who knows what else, is on the loose here in new york city. they have images of this individual. there's a phone from a bystander that's helpful in identifying and knowing who they are looking for. that piece of video and that photo, i would think, would be out by now. what happens in investigations, if police know who they are looking for, they don't come out with that information. >> they keep moving? >> they keep moving. sometimes they don't want to indicate to the individual, we know who you are. that could be what's going on. we don't know. they have made substantial progress in this investigation. as to this u-haul van, whether -- there's some concern, obviously, that it's related. they don't know 100% that it's related. obviously, they're not taking any chances. they are throwing everything at this. there has been significant progress in this investigation. as you can see, they are looking for things, looking for people. for authorities, these are all good steps and good things they are seeing and witnesses and people who they have been asking to help have been helping them. there were a lot of people in the subway. there's a lot of video and a lot of cameras from bystanders, people on the subway, that they are using from cellphones that's helpful to authorities. >> they believe this could be related to the shooting. they did not say in the email exactly how it could be related. again, they are looking for this u-haul with arizona tags. shimon, thank you very much. >> the idea that it could be occupied and the occupant could be dangerous really relevant. thank you for that breaking news. we will get back to you. antony blinken says the u.s. cannot confirm if chemical weapons were used in mariupol but says they do have intel that russia could mix it with riot agents. how the white house is responding to that next. and now you're relaxing! we're working from home. save up to 25% when you bundle home and autoto with allstate. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... inreen energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to d this is the ne world of work. each day looks differe than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in one easy-to-use software. visit for a free demo. hon? first off, we love each other... vladimir putin said talks with ukraine have hit a dead end. he vowed to continue the violence until moscow succeeds. russia started its assault on the eastern region. this video shows a residential area and a shipping yard under fire. now ukraine's president zelenskyy says putin could be entering a, quote, new stage of terror after reports of a chemical attack. investigators trying to determine if russia used chemicals in mariupol. a senior u.s. defense official said the pentagon cannot confirm the reports yet. a commander for ukraine's battalion posted that a drone dropped a poisonous substance of unknown origin and three people suffered affects from it. let's bring in jake tapper now. he is with us in lviv. jake, we heard the russian president there. he spoke today. he seemed to confirm what we have suspected, he is not interested in talks with ukraine. now what? >> the war continues. what he said at that joint press conference with lukashenko is that the atrocities in bucha were fake. they posited it was the brits who staged those mass murders in that city. it doesn't really change anything. putin is continuing to lie about what's going on. they continue to blame washington, d.c., brussels and london for what's going on. they continue to insist that they invaded this country and are slaughtering innocent people because they had to do so for defensive purposes. up is down and black is white. >> jay, a u.s. senior defense official said the u.s. is willing to consider sending more weapon systems to ukraines. that's something the ukrainians have been begging for. is that happening? >> there is a big chasm between what they want, the ukrainians ask for and what americans are willing to give. some of that is because the americans don't believe that the ukrainians have their expertise to use all of the material, supplies, weapons they are asking for, including drones. but there's this constant push and pull between the ukrainians wanting more weapons to defend their country and the united states. recently, i think in terms of trying to get some of these drones, these special drones, the united states agreed to help train some of the ukrainians to use them. that has been going on for eye la long time, ukrainians wanting more weapons, the united states not convinced the ukrainians can use them and figuring out some compromise. >> on the topic of training, i know you spoke to a retired american marine, a special forces commander, in un ckraine who is training ukrainian soldiers. what did he tell you? sgle talked about not about not what is needed in terms of weaponry by the ooh scan yans but also what's needed in terms of training. here is a little snippet from our conversation. >> they lack medical training. evidence of that is if you talk to ukrainian medics, there are horror stories out there. injuries that would be survivable in iraq or afghanistan, ukrainians are dying from here. >> he is a retired ker kerr nol. >> watch "the late" for more of his reporting. it starts at 4:00 p.m. eastern. joining me now is matthew miller. thanks for being here. what about that? this week, will the u.s. be giving more weapons or training to the ukrainian soldiers? >> i will say not just this week. there's not a day goes by that we aren't landing new deliveries of security assistance, new weapons into ukraine. in addition to that, there's not a day that goes by that we are not in high level conversations with the ukrainian government about capabilities we can provide. lock at what we provided. anti-tank weapons, ten for every russian tank in the country. you can see how the ukrainians have used those to devastating impact. destroying russian tanks and defending kyiv, thanks to the ukrainian military and the weapons we provided. we are in conversations with the ukrainians with new types of weapons we can provide. jake mentioned drones. we have provided drones. we helped them acquire drones from other countries. we continue to talk about new capabilities we can get to them all the time. >> matt, how about mariupol? we heard that there's -- it's surrounded. their version of marines, the ukrainian marine unit says, we are surrounded. we don't have enough ammunition. we don't have enough supplies. how can you get them the weapons they need? >> with respect to ammunition, we have gotten over 50 million rounds of ammunition into the country. we continue to get new rounds of ammunition. with respect to the coastal areas in the south, like mariupol, one of the things that the ukrainians asked us for was to help them acquire coastal defense systems. that was a request directly from president zelenskyy to president biden. what we did to fulfill that request, we look ed and found there was not an exact fit. president biden asked allies to provide weapons that would be a more useful fit. you saw the result when the uk announced they would provide systems. these are the conversations that happen between our countries every day, where the ukrainians come to us with capabilities they need. we will look at their capabilities and look through what is available on our stocks, how quickly we can get it there. sometime go around to other countries. another great example is air defense systems, something we know the ukrainians have wanted. they weren't systems that we had. we worked with a third party country, slovakia, to get a system in from there country and backfill slovakia with patriot missiles. those are the efforts going on on a daily, hourly basis at the white house and pentagon to get weapons into the hands of the ukrainians. >> i appreciate you spelling that out. i'm not suggesting that the u.s. isn't doing all of that. it's just that when you see the onslaught that is starting in ukraine, do you think that the ukrainians have enough that they can beat back the russians there? >> certainly, i think we will continue to see a brutal campaign by the russians. it's clear what's happened in the first phase of the war. they wanted to take the city of kyiv. they wanted to achieve regime change, depose the zelenskyy government. what we can do is to continue to work with the ukrainians. that doesn't mean it won't be a brutal, long slog ahead. i'm sure it will be. we expect it to be. what we can do is provide ukrainians with the defense systems they need. in addition to some of the systems we have provided, we are in talks about new capabilities. you can expect to see new capabilities announced in the near future. specifically for the fight in the east. >> announce them right now if you want to tell me anything. >> i think not. >> in the meantime, pentagon spokesperson john kerirby talke about how you have intelligence that russia might be mixing some chemical agents along with riot control agents. i assume that that's like tear gas or something. if it turns out that russia has launched a chemical attack or using chemical weapons, what's the response going to be? >> first of all, we have not confirmed they used chemical weapons. we did have information even before yesterday, before this week, that the russians might use riot control measures, specifically tear gas mixed with other chemical agents tory to break the ukrainian defense of the city. we made that information available to the ukrainians so they could prepare and defend themselves. we warned for some time the russians might resort to these tactics. have been concerned about it. the president made clear if russia does use chemical or biological weapons there will be consequences. those consequences will be prop proportionate. i don't want to speculate about what that might be given we haven't confirmed that an attack took place. i think most important thing we can do is to continue to investigation what happened to talk to the ukrainians to try to collect and analyze information and confirm whether a chemical attack didmiller, thank you. back to breaking news on the new york city subway shooting. cnn obtained a photo of fireworks that police say the brooklyn subway gunman dropped. at least 29 people have been hospitalized in connection with this shooting. that's a higher number than we had. 29 people hospitalized. the latest next. panera chefs have crafted a masterpiece... succulent, seared chicken... a secret aioli... clean ingredients... in a buttery brioche roll. made fresh, to leave you... speechless. panera's new chef' chicken sandwiches. $1 delivery fee on our app hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. happening right now, president biden is touring a bioprocessing facility in iowa. he will speak on his plans to tame inflation and lower gas prices. today, the u.s. labor department released new inflation numbers showing prices jumps 8.5% over just the last 12 months. that's the highest inflation rate in the u.s. in more than 40 years. prices continue to rise on everything from gas to food and housing. with us now 20 discuss, cnn business reporter matt egan and catherine rampell and jeff zeleny. jeff, what's the president's plan? what's he going to say today? >> president biden arrived here at this ethanol plant behind me on a windy afternoon here in iowa. we do know the president is going to announce that he is lifting the summertime suspension of a rule that requires a lower blend of ethanol gas in the summer. what he is going to do is allow a higher blend of ethanol gas to be used. the administration says it's an epa waiver will knock down the price of gas. not a lot. but the white house is saying every little bit helps. this is something environmentalists oppose. they believe that creates more smog in the atmosphere. the president believes this is something that he has been urged to do by farm state senators, democrats and republicans alike, to have this e15 available to use this summer. it's one of the reasons he is here. also just trying to use every tool in the toolbox to try and show that the white house is focusing on inflation, starting at the gas pump. >> okay. jeff, are they going to be changing their messaging at all? they keep calling this putin's -- hold that thought. let me bring in matt egan and catherine rampelt. let me show everybody the national average of gas prices a year ago. it was $2.86 per gallon. today, $4.10. going in the right direction, i suppose. what will this do today? >> this probably is not really going to move the needle on gas prices. the national average is based on regular gasoline and i15 is not considered regular gasoline. families can save 10 cents a gallon if they switch to e15 this summer. the average family uses 90 gallons of fuel a month. the other issue is that to take advantage of this, you have to find e15. the white house says that 2,300 of the nation's 145,000 gas stations have it. a lot of people are not going to take advantage because they can't find it. prices are coming down at the pump, down 20 cents in the last month. some analysts think $4 gas could be coming. a lot depends where oil prices go. they are up today. that's still a lot to do with the situation in ukraine. >> let's talk about that. give us the big picture? as i was say, the biden administration calls this putin's price hike. when you ask the american people in terms of how they feel about the american economy, i think they see inflation and economy as synonymous. they think it's bad. >> if you look at the job market, it's a different story than prices. americans do seem to be paying attention to prices. maybe because that affects a larger swath of the american public. there are few people at risk of losing their jobs, even when the economy was bad. everybody is affected by inflation. in terms of to what extent this is about putin or about the obviously the war has disrupted the energy market and driven up prices and we've seen the prices come down recently. but the increases in price long predates the war. we've been seeing inflation rise for most of the past year. in fact the last six months, inflation has been above the fed's average target of 2%. so this is not just about the war. this is about persistent supply chain problems and about the fact demand is really, really strong in part because of policy choices we've made. so people are trying to buy stuff and there isn't enough to buy. >> okay. we'll see what the president has to say about all that. thank you very much. >> thank you. okay. breaking news out of new york. cnn has obtained a new photo of fireworks. police say the brooklyn gunman dropped. and at least 29 people we now know have been hospitalized. police are still searching for this gunman, as far as we know. we have an update on all the breaking news, next. right where you're wanting to be. ready to welcome you. let's go. stay safe. now get double best western rewards points on every y stay. and with rewards points that never expire you u get free nights fast! book now at thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there difrent planning options in here? 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(girls giggling) mmmm... it's so good! order your american made comfortmat at our breaking news here in brooklyn. that manhunt tipping after the mass shooting at a subway station. a new photo, fireworks found at the scene. investigators say that the shooter they're looking for dropped them. tell us about this photo, what we know. >> reporter: yeah. looking at this photo, a bag that police say he left behind. in it, there was some kind of fireworks. it looks like maybe some wiring and some other, this looks like the smoke canisters, perhaps, that the police have been talking about it. he used in this incident. the fact is when you look in this bag, you see the additional smoke canisters. other pieces of wiring. i don't know what that would be for. but this was in what looks like a reusable shopping bag. the kind you can get at a grocery store. we now know that police are hook for a u-haul that may be connected to this. they obviously have recovered a lot of evidence already to have all of this in the bag. the weapon, the gun that we believe he used, and then the high capacity magazines. we think we may be getting an update from police in the next hour or so so we're waiting to find out if that's the case. we haven't heard in police now for about several hours. this happened, well, just about eight hours ago. so we're waiting to hear for an update from police. as we've been talking about it, they've been very optimistic that on this investigation, that they can find this person who is responsible. >> yeah. we know the number of those injured, that is a revised number. we know at least 29 people have been taken to hospitals. 13 of them, according to the hospitals that have reported having received some of the victims. there have been smoke inhalation injuries as well. some shrapnel. people obviously have been shot as well. that number, of course, in breaking news, fluctuates and we could get more information. >> also, what has been happening is some people have been taking themselves to the hospital. so early on, the fdny was transporting some of the folks from the scene but then later on, some took themselves to the hospital. look. i can't even imagine what these people went through, sitting in this subway car feeling trapped, smoke, and someone just starts firing at you and you're trapped in there. it could have only been, let's say, 30 seconds. that's a layoff time and something these people will have to suffer with for the rest of their lives. >> and these 29 people have physical scars, physical injuries. they will be the others. there were 40 to 50 people on the train. those people, many of them had the scars we won't see, having to live through that trauma and start to, the healing process after that. thank you for the reporting. we'll let you get back tom. there have been many updates and developments over the last two hours during our show. of course, investigators we now know have an image of the alleged shooter. that will certainly help them. they're looking for the u-haul vehicle. we know they're working with authorities to get them as much information as we can. the arizona tag, al 31408. and of course, shimone just brought us the photograph of the bag the shooter dropped. and we know the gun jammed and that's what ended the shooting. a lot of elements, as i toss it back to you. >> yeah, victor. it sure sounds like they've gathered a lot of evidence and things are breaking constantly. thank you for that very much. so we will stand by for more developments from the scene of that breaking news and the subway shooting. in the meantime, "the lead" with jake tapper live from ukraine jake tapper live from ukraine starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- s. i'm here in lviv on day 48. welcome to "the lead" live from ukraine. we're covering two major stories this afternoon. in new york city, police say a suspect is still on the who is after a terrifying gun and smoke bomb attack on the subway this morning just before 8:30 a.m. at least 29 people were injured. ten of whom were shot. five remain in critical condition at thi

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Haven T , Public , Way , Leads , Brick Wall , Interacting , Smoke Grenade , Crime , Estate , Governor , Surge , City , Everywhere , Insanity , Long , Two , Say Something , Mission , Phrase , Policing , Street Corner , General Public , Dway , Point , Scenes , Crime Scene , Interviewing Witnesses , Sifting , Reporters , Yav , Shooter , Piece , Consideration , Place , Tools , 100 , 200 , Cellphone Video , Law Enforcement Official , Custody , Word , Eyewitness , Entities , Andy , Efforts , Motion , Gold , Balls , Photographs , Identification , Crowd Source , Bombing , Boston , Subjects , Decision , Saying , Photograph , Technology , Sorts , Appeal , Effort , Facial Recognition Software , Databases , Identifiers , Data Sets , Progress , Regard , Terror Nexus , Law Enforcement Agencies , Myriad , Act Of Terror , Terrorist Target , Event , Terrorist Event , Casualty , Everybody , Transition , Charge , N Uunified Command , Expertise , More , Response , Cities , Mass Transit Systems , Security , Breaking News Coverage , Next , Infection , Basis , Traditional , Extractions , Aspen Dental , Care , Term , Solution , Empathy , My Life , Terry First , Cholesterol , Statin , At Aspen Dental , Consultation , Denture Experts , Denture , Heart Disease , Seat , Flights , Postings , College Campus Tours , Miracle Diets , Forty Two , Eleven , Four , Thirty Seven , Leqvio , Blackouts , Minor Stroke , 50 , Life , Joint Pain , Pain , Side Effects , Urinary Tract Infection , Chest Cold , Legs , Arms , Diarrhea , Injection Site Reaction , Shortness Of Breath , Doctor , Cto , Ceo , 5g , Vo , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , 5 , Enbrel , World S Greatest Dad , Community , Mug , Infections , Ability , Nervous System , Events , Clearer , Skin , Cancers , Lymphoma , Tuberculosis , Blood Disorders , Don T , Reactions , Heart Failure , Paleness , Bruising , Bleeding , Cuts , Sores , Fever , Hepatitis B , Opportunities , Flu , Mass Shooting , Subway Station , Smoke Inhalation , Others , Law Enforcement Officials , Shrapnel , Eyewitnesses , Game Tonight , Brooklyn Nets , News , Kevin Durant , Steve Nash , Training Facility , Morning , Words , Pete Buttigieg , Public Transit Systems , Patrols , Attack , Nbta , Metro System , New York Subway , Washington D C , Bart , Marta , Septa In Philadelphia , San Francisco , T , Support , U S Department Of Transportation Federal Transit Administration , Department Of Transportation , Atlanta , Mta , Transportation , Transit Systems , Canine Sweeps , Nothing , Threats , Securing Sprawling , Government Accountability Office , Airport Security , 10 Billion , 2020 , Mass Transit Security , Concentration , Analysis , Access , Travelers , Tsa , Eric Adams , Question , Balance , Bus , Security Presence , Pete Reporting , U Haul , Van , Arizona , Plate Al , Emails , 31408 , Commanders , Precaution , Detectives , Reaction , Vehicles , Ly , Thig , License Plate , Knowledge , Array , Profile , Plate , Video Surveillance , License Plate Reader Technology , Scan , Neighborhoods , Hopes , Catch Points , Use , Toll Facilities , Entrances , Ez Pass , Notification , News Conference , Yu Haul Van , Authorities , Smoke Canisters , Images , Loose , Photo , Bystander , Identifying , What S Going On , Everything , Concern , Chances , Whether , Steps , Cellphones , Occupant , Email , Arizona Tags , Weapons , Russia , Mariupol , Riot Agents , Intel , Confirm , Cannot , Antony Blinken , White House , Home , Working From Home , Allstate , Autoto , 25 , Work , Invested , Lover , Quarrel , Power , Inreen Energy , Ways , Office , Safe , Servicenow Platform , Last , Customers , Return , Flow , Challenge , Workplace , Perspective , Business , Servicenow , Thought , Morgan Stanley , Investors , Leaders , Companies , View , Experience , Ingenuity , Road , Strategies , Project Managers , Projects , Bright Future , Job , Candidates , Shortlist , Hr Software , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Report , Social Security Number , Expense , Company , Machine , Jams , Wife , Hr , 11 , Employees , Business Software Working , Software , Hr Data , Demo , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Hon , First Off , Now Ukraine , Talks , Vladimir Putin , Violence , Dead End , Moscow , Entering A , Zelenskyy , Assault , Eastern Region , Area , Shipping Yard Under Fire , Official , Defense , Chemical Attack , Reports , Commander , Chemicals , Terror , Pentagon , Senior , Jake Tapper , Drone , Battalion , Substance , Origin , Lviv , Three , President , War , Press Conference , Murders , Brits , Lukashenko , Bucha , Atrocities , It Doesn T , Putin , Brussels , Black , Purposes , London , Jay , Ukrainians , Happening , Weapon Systems , Chasm , Drones , Supplies , Material , Constant Push , Training , Special Forces Commander , Compromise , Topic , Retired American Marine , Eye La Long Time , Soldiers , Weaponry , Ooh , Sgle , Un Ckraine , Scan Yans , Evidence , Conversation , Snippet , Medics , Injuries , Horror Stories , Afghanistan , Iraq , Matthew Miller , Ker Kerr Nol , The Late , Eastern , 4 , 00 , Thanks , Conversations , Addition , Deliveries , Security Assistance , We Aren T Landing , Capabilities , Government , Tank , Lock , Impact , Tanks , Military , Types , Kyiv , Matt Egan , Countries , Ammunition , Respect , Marines , Version , Ukrainian Marine Unit , 50 Million , Areas , South , Biden , Defense Systems , Request , Fit , Ed , Systems , Allies , Result , Uk , Air Defense Systems , Stocks , Example , They Weren T Systems , System , Daily , Third Party , Backfill Slovakia , Patriot Missiles , Isn T , Hands , Campaign , Onslaught , Phase , Depose The Zelenskyy , Regime Change , Won T , It , Slog , Doesn T Mean , East , Fight , Intelligence , John Kerirby , Pentagon Spokesperson , Tear Gas , Chemical Agents , Riot Control Agents , Tory , Riot Control Measures , Consequences , Tactics , Proportionate , We Haven T , Breaking News , Shooting , Didmiller , Fireworks , Number , Connection , Brooklyn Subway Gunman , 29 , Ingredients , Succulent , Chef , Chefs , Masterpiece , Secret Aioli , Chicken Sandwiches , Panera , Buttery Brioche Roll , Made Fresh , Speechless , Someone , Delivery Fee , App , , 1 , Nobody , Anywhere , Tv , Brain Performance , Indicators , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Touring A Bioprocessing Facility , Inflation , Prices , Gas Prices , Plans , Inflation Numbers , U S Labor Department , Iowa , 12 , 8 5 , Gas , Housing , Inflation Rate , Food , 40 , 20 , Plan , Jeff Zeleny , Ethanol Plant , Catherine Rampell , Summer , Ethanol Gas , Rule , Blend , Suspension , Administration , Price , Waiver , Smog , Atmosphere , Farm State Senators , Show , Toolbox , Tool , Republicans , Democrats , Messaging , Gas Pump , Average , Catherine Rampelt , 86 , 2 86 , Gasoline , Direction , Needle , 4 10 , 10 , Families , Family , Advantage , Gas Stations , Nation , Issue , 145000 , 90 , 2300 , Oil Prices , Analysts , Pump , Talk , Price Hike , Let , The Big Picture , Economy , Story , Job Market , Attention , Swath , Jobs , Risk , The American , Increases , Energy Market , Extent , Most , Supply Chain Problems , Target , Inflation Rise , Fed , 2 , There Isn T , Demand , Stuff , Policy Choices , Points , Stay , Stay Safe , Let S Go , Western , Rewards Points , Bestwestern Com , Planning Options , Binders , Schwab , Consultant , Man , Options , Broker , Help , Page , Uhhh , Uh Carl , 188 , Retirement Plan , House , Son , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , First , Fda , Vision , Reading Glasses , Wait , Eye , Drop , Eyes , Focus , Uh Huh , Yep , Prescription Eye Drop , Activities , Caution , Vuity , Machinery , Headache , Eye Redness , Vision Loss , Nails , Appearance , Products , Try Kerasal , Motor Starting , Girls Giggling , Fun , Property , Land , Gator , Dogs , Decoys , Millions , Springtime Tradition , Deere Com , Gonna , Fun Music , Weathertech Comfortmat , Floors , Mom , Love It , Cushioning , Weathertech , Grandma , Feet , Finishes , Colors , Made Comfortmat , Fluctuates , Manhunt Tipping , Reporter , Wiring , Other , Hook , Shopping Bag , Pieces , Grocery Store , Weapon , Case , We Haven T Heard , Eight , Injured , Hospitals , Them , 13 , Hospital , Folks , Subway Car Feeling Trapped , Smoke , Lives , Rest , Let S Say , Scars , Trauma , Healing Process , Updates , Back Tom , Image , Vehicle , Shimone , Al 31408 , Arizona Tag , Elements , Captions , Www Vitac Com S I M Here , Vitac , Stories , 48 , Afternoon , Smoke Bomb Attack , Thi ,

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