Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

quite graphic. right in the rush hour, you see right there, blood splashed across a train car floor. another picture shows multiple victims. one person is seen putting pressure on a wound to his leg. the incident happened near, the 36th street subway station in the middle of the morning rush hour. the nypd says to best of its information, there are no active explosive devices at that scene. witnesses describe a loud and chaotic scene. too many shots to count, they say. police say the shooter was wearing a gas mask and an orange construction vest. cnn's shimon prokupecz is right there live on the scene for us as we await to hear from our officials. shimon, what do we know? >> yeah, terrifying moment here, certainly, john, for folks riding the subway to work, to get home. this is the sunset park area of brooklyn. and what we hear is that this morning, according to officials, there was this smoke bomb. some kind of a smoke device that the suspect set off on the train, and then the gunfire started. and as you said, reports of 16 people injured, eight of them shot. we're told that one of them, seriously injured. i'm also told that some of the people who have been injured suffered smoke inhalation injuries. so this from this device that this person set off. so that is why some of the people were taken to the hospital. and also, some people just fleeing from the scene. fleeing for their lives in this terrifying moment they got injured, as well. the suspect, all we know, according to police, is that he was wearing a gas mask, and this orange, reflective construction-type vest. obviously, indicating that there was some kind of preempmeditati. and that is why we're seeing this response here from city officials, from the fbi, and the atf. the joint terrorism task force on scene. we don't yet know, john, the motive. whether this is terrorism or something else here. obviously, the fact that the jttf is on scene, that is significant. and as you said, hopefully, we'll get more details here from officials once they come to the mics. we expect that performance to start at any moment. but obviously, one of the big things out here has been just this enormous response from the nypd. when you think about the subway system here in new york city, it is the lifeline of this city. and anytime there's any kind of attack, shooting, crime, it always gets a lot of attention, because it is the lifeline of the city. so many people relying on it, to get to home, to get to work. and that is why this is such a significant incident here, in new york city. and that is why we're waiting for the fbi and the nypd, as well as transit officials, all to gather. we're just waiting for more of those officials to get together, so they can together hold this press conference. they are still, as far as we know, looking for this suspect. and that is something that police, obviously, are still out there looking for this man. so that is what we know at this point. and hopefully, shortly, we will learn more here, john, from officials. >> shimon, stand by with us. i want to bring in andrew mccabe and the former assistant secretary of homeland security, juliette kayyem. and we're hold that kathy hochul will be at this press conference, as well as the local, the police, fire, and transit officials. julia, let me start with you. shimon just teed it up. obviously, this is new york city. we live in the post-9/11 age. so the joint terrorism task force there. the police department is there, the fire department is there. when you're responding to a scene like this and you don't know, what do you have to deploy to answer your questions? >> you're going to go all in at this stage, especially because it's new york and it's the subway system. because you can't close the city for too long. it's weird to imagine, but they're already thinking about, how do we reopen, because the city has to survive. basically, with subway security, it can't get much more secure. you cannot have a vibrant urban environment and -- fact checks or whatever. so there's cameras, there's physical presence. once this detonation -- once the shooting happens. and remember, we are talking serious premeditation. he appears to be addressed and there's some sort of smoke bomb. we don't know exactly what it is. basically, right now, you want to save the lives you can -- [ inaudible ] -- for the second bomb. and then [ inaudible ] -- >> we're having some issues with the connections, juliette kayyem. let me, as we fix that, bring andrew mccabe into the conversation. andy, 8:30 this morning is when the fire department sporesponde. we're talking three and a half hours later plus a few minutes. between now and then, what are your questions as we wait to hear? >> well, john, you know we had a big development in our understanding of this story when we heard from those witnesses who indicated that the shooting and the deployment of the smoke device actually took place on the subway car, as it was traveling from 5th street to 36th street. so that takes what we thought from initial reports was a very localized scene on the platform of 36th street, and turns it into something that happened, you know, that basically stretches your crime scene out across the entirety of the subway system, almost. in terms of looking for the perpetrator of this attack, right? investigators are now looking at likely video capture at every single subway stop along the "n" and the "r" line, in which an individual matching this guy's description could possibly be seen. that is a lot of very hard, logistical work and video analysis. they're, of course, asking all of those sorts of questions to the victims and the witnesses who might have been on the train. they're trying to round up who those people are. we understand that many of them were hustled on to another "r" train and spaed out of the area in the midof the incident. so they've got a lot of work to do in terms of identifying and rounding up all of those folks that could present them with leads that need following up. >> and in terms of bringing those resources to bear, juliette kayyem, you're back with us. you mentioned new york city. obviously, we have the 9/11 experience, we have other terrorism experiences. so you have both tabletop exercises done routinely to cooperate between the state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies, and unfortunately, in new york, more than most other places, you have real-life experience. how does that come together in the moment, when the bell sounded this morning, saying, incident, subway station? >> actually, it's the transit police. it's well before the nypd. there are so many different jurisdiction within new york. it's going to be the transit police and any other jurisdictions that are there, that should have made a call about shutting down all the subways in that area. we don't know how the perpetrator left the subway system. that should have been shut down, that would have been trained for. people should have known to do that. so that's going to be a big question, how did he get out? was it chaos? did he get on another train? or was he able to leave the station? all of them not great. and then you have the nypd surging resources. the nypd is so strong, their emergency management team was so strong, and the fire department, it is unlikely they need many state resources. this looks like it's done, knock on wood. we're not anticipating other attacks. and so that's basically, it will probably will stop at the new york area. there's a separate piece, as andrew was talking about, which is going to be the federal investigation -- [ inaudible ] >> another issue there with the connection with juliette kayyem. let's get back to shimon prokupecz right there on the scene for us. you're willing to juliette and andy bring their law enforcement expertise to bear. you are seeing with your own eyes, and i've been watching some of the video, at different times, different teams of investigators, and you can see the different shirt. so there's both local and federal going down into the station, searching the area. tell us the latest of what you're seeing right there? >> so what makes this different, john, and why the jtt would be involved was because of that device. whether it was a smoke device, whether it was some kind of more sinister device that was meant to go off and didn't. all indications are, obviously, that this was a smoke device. but when you think about the location, given that it's the subway, the train here in new york city, which has been a terrorism target, and it's one of these things that obviously -- what officials are always concerned about, attacks in the subway. so that's why you're seeing this kind of response, as well, because of what was used. that smoke device. and given the number of people shot, so, you know, normally when you have shootings, sadly, there's been so many shootings here in the subways and attacks here in the subway, you won't see the fbi respond wo, obvious. but given this device that was used, and we need more clarity on exactly what was used. and i've heard from officials describe it in different ways. we really need to hear on the record from law enforcement as to what exactly it was. the way this attack unfolded is very concerning for officials, because it would almost indicate some level of planning. the fact that the suspect had a gas mask. the fact that he had this orange vest. and then, obviously, this -- >> shimon, i'm sorry to interrupt you. i need to take you to this press conference right here on the scene in new york city. let's listen. >> you're going to hear from first deputy mayor, lorraine grillo, governor kathy hochul, police commissioner will outline the events as we know them. laura kavanaugh, first deputy commissioner and acting fire commissioner will walk you through casualties. >> andy mccabe, as we wait, they're doing the introductions of who's habit to speak here. what's the most important thing for these officials to bring forward out of the gate? is it whether they know the identity of the suspect? is it that they've cleared the subways? >> they've got the address the subject. >> there we go. i'm sorry, andy. let me interrupt. this is the deputy mayor of new york city. >> from the very minute this incident occurred, the mayor and i have been on the phone, monitoring the situation constantly. we have worked with all of our agencies, the fdny, nypd, oem, all of the agencies who have worked really hard together, and we continue to throw all of the cities city's resources at this situation. we've made all of the resources available, and we'll work with the office of emergency management for any additional news. the -- i'm going to ask the police commissioner, keyshon soul to speak and give an update on the events of today. >> good afternoon. we're going to update new yorkers about an active shooter incident that took place this morning inside the 36th street subway station on the "n" line. i want to begin by assuring the public that there are currently no known explosive devices on our subway trains, and this is not being investigated as an act of terrorism at this time. we can also report that although this was a violent incident, reportedly, we have no one with life-threatening injuries as a result of this case. this investigation is only hours old, so please note this information is subject to change. just before 8:24 this morning, as the manhattan-bound "n" train waited to enter the 36th street station, an individual on that plane donned what appeared to be a gas mask. he then took a canister out of his bag and opened it. the train at that time began to fill with smoke. he then opened fire, striking multiple people on the subway and in the platform. again, we will describe him as an individual. he is being reported as a male black, approximately 5'5" tall with a heavy build. he was wearing a green construction-type vest and a hooded sweatshirt, the color is gray. at this time, we are working with our federal partners, where we are asking for the public's help. anyone with information, videos, or photographs, no matter how insignificant they think it may be, is encouraged to call crime stoppers at 800-577-tips. all calls are strictly confidential. i would like to turn it over to the fdny to give information about the victims. oh, i'm sorry. i apologize. the governor would like to speak now. governor hochul, my apologies. >> good afternoon. >> this morning, ordinary new yorkers woke up in anticipation of a relatively normal day. they left their homes en route to school, en route to their jobs, and to a normal day, as i mentioned. that sense of tranquility and normalness was disrupted, brutally disrupted by an individual so cold-hearted and depraved of heart that they had no caring about the individuals that they assaulted as they simply went about their daily lives. this individual is still on the loose. this person is dangerous. they're asking individuals to be very vigilant and alert. and we'll get more reports on specificity as the day goes on. this is an active shooter situation right now in the city of new york. i just got off the phone with the mayor. he's recovering well. he is monitoring, he's actively engaged in the situation. i wanted to let him know that the people of the entire state of new york stand with the people of this city, this community, and we say no more! no more mass shootings. no more disrupting lives. no more creating heartbreak for people, just trying to live their lives as normal new yorkers. it has to end and it ends now. and we are sick and tired of reading headlines about crime, whether they're mass shootings or the loss of a teenage girl or a 13-year-old. it has to stop. i'm committing the full resources of our state to fight this surge of crime. this insanity that is seizing our city, because we want to get back to normal. it has been a long, hard two years. that's what we grave. that sense of stability and normalcy. and this is what the mayor and i will continue to work towards. and i thank the partners. the brave people of the mta. the first people who had the sense, the drivers of the train, to leave the station to make sure that no more victims could be hurt. the nypd, fdny, state police, everyone involved in this has one purpose. and that is to stop the insanity of these crimes. you'll hear now from our fire department. i want to thank them for being there to help us diffuse a volatile situation. but we'll be giving continued reports as this day unfolds. again, we ask everyone to be careful, to be cautious, report what you see. it's likely that someone out there listening to this will help us lead us to that individual. you have a description of what they're wearing. you know the details. but this is the day we pull together as new yorkers, united in a common purpose to say, no more! and that is what i will continue to do as the governor of the state of new york working with our local partners right here. >> this morning, the nypd received reports of gunshots in the subway. thanks to their quick response, we were able to treat 16 patients. 10 of those patients are suffering from gunshot wounds at this time and five are in stable, but critical condition. >> we have 16 total patients, 10 are suffering from gunshot wounds and 5 are in stable, but critical condition at this time. i'll pass it over to the mta for an update on our subways. >> okay, first of all, we have to thank the nypd and the fdny and the whole team who have done so much to protect us and help immediately to recover from this situation. and i need to acknowledge the mta workers, who had the foresight to immediately move a train that was on the platform, the "r" train, out of the station so to carry people to safety. that was smart thinking. right now, "b" service is suspended. "w" service is suspended. the "d" and the "n" and the "r" are running with suspensions and some shuttle buses. and folks should check the website for the latest. obviously, it's a disrupted day, but a lot of the system is, in fact, running. i want to say one thing on a personal note. which is on 9/11, i stood on fourth avenue and watched new yorkers come back from that tragedy. i watched storekeepers walk out and give people water. that was the same thing that we saw on the platform today. we saw new yorkers in a difficult situation, in an emergency, helping ooeach other. that's the subway riders, that's who new yorkers are. every day, they're showing people in the subway, which is our public space, that new yorkers of all varieties can come together in small spaces and get along and create something bigger. that's what we remember in these emergencies, as well as the tragedy and the thought for the quick recovery of the victims, is new yorkers are incredibly resilient. just as they are in every emergency. and we thank them for what they've done, and we thank the governor and the mayor for their leadership from covid and from every one of these challenges. >> so just to reiterate, we're going to be very limited in what we are able to answer in questions. also just to underline our partners here. we have mike regan, the assistant special agent in charge of the joint terrorism for task force for the fbi and nypd. john da vito from atf, who's helping us with tracing efforts and investigation. he's the special agent in charge for new york city. the brooklyngonzales, who is al. and chief ken cory, chief of department and first deputy commissioner at gabon. we'll start off with questions for the police commissioner. >> was the shooting on the train or the platform? was the suspect on the platform or the train? and did it all happen in the 36th street station or what happened down on 25th street? >> the suspect was in the train car. the shooting began in the twain c drarn. >> can you give us more detail exactly what happened in the car? what was going on inside the car as this all happened? >> as i stated before, we're only able to give limited information, because it's under investigation. as the train was pulling into the station, the subject put on a gas mask, he then opened a canister that was in his bag and the car filled with smoke. after that, he began shooting. >> hang on, hang on, hang on. >> does this appear to be random? any idea why this individual did this and did this here? >> we do not know the motive at this time, but we're not ruling anything out. >> gunshots or shrapnel wounds? what are the other injuries that were not gunshots? >> there are a variety of other injuries from smoke inhalation to shrapnel to panic from the incident. >> when you say shrapnel, what was the shrapnel -- >> it could be from anything. it's still under investigation at this time. it could be a grazing from a bullet, it could be from the panic following the incident. >> but not from an explosive device? >> not at this time, no. >> any idea. [ inaudible question ] >> that's subject to investigation. we're endeavoring to determine that right now. >> josh? >> why do you connect this more to the litany of gun violence and not terrorism at this stage? why rule out terrorism? >> i'm not ruling out anything. we're determining what that motive is and we'll find that out as the investigation continues. >> do victims tend towards one particular ethnic group? >> no, sir, the victims have a variety of -- >> hang on, hang on. >> why were the trains not shut down immediately? and if they were, could it have been easier to catch the suspect? >> that's not the case. next. >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear you? >> were the cameras working in the subway station? >> that's under investigation as we speak. >> -- given that they were wearing construction vests? >> we have not identified -- we have not identified the subject. he was wearing a green-type construction vest. >> governor hochul, do you want to comment on the arrest of your lieutenant governor? did you speak to him this morning? will you continue -- >> i'll be happy to report on that later today. we'll have a statement out there. i have not had a chance to speak to him. this is not the place, but i will be addressing it very shortly. let's focus on the fact that there are people in the hospital right now, fighting for their lives. those are the people we're thinking about and praying for at this moment. >> thank you very much. now, listen, we're going to get -- hang on a second. hang on a second. we'll get back to you with a time for an update later. the information is developing. we expect to have more later. and that will not be here. that will be -- >> you're listening here, police officials wrapping up a quick news conference outside the scene of a horrific subway shooting this morning. the governor there, the deputy mayor for new york city and the nypd commissioner updating on that brooklyn subway attack. some very important things that we learned. number one, most importantly, the suspect is still at large. he is described as a heavyset black gentlemen, approximately 5'5" inches, described by witnesses at the scene. 16 victims, 10 suffering from gunshot wounds, five in critical but stable condition. but remarkably, remarkably, the deputy mayor saying none are believed to be life-threatening injuries and the deputy fire commissioner saying that they are not life-threatening at this time. this from the police commissioner, significant, not being investigated as an act of terrorism at the moment. although the commissioner did say the investigation still continuing. no known motive. there are no known explosives on the train. the transit saying most of the subway system has been reopened. there are still some suspensions. this happened a harrow sing sce, just before 8:30 a.m. a train rolling into the station, the shooting started inside the train car. the suspect is said to have put on a gas mask, pulled a canister from a bag, opened that canister, smoke filled the train and then the shooting started to break out. let's bring in the former d.c. and philadelphia police commissioner, charles ramsey, who is with us right now. chief, as you listened to that play out, most importantly from an investigative standpoint, the suspect remains at large. what else jumped out at you, sir? >> first of all, it was a lot of information, i thought, that came out that in. a more accurate description of the shooter. male, black, 5'5", heavy build, wearing the green vest, but also a gray sweatshirt. that's going to be helpful as they start going through video, looking to see where that person got on the train, where that person went after they got off the train. so i'm sure that they got maybe a little bit more information pertaining to that individual. but they're going to hold some things close to the vest. the other thing, the fact that we've got ten people shot, as opposed to five, eight, now it's ten. i think that's probably more the final number. it's pretty accurate. so more information is coming out in this investigation. i thought it was a good press conference. i thought john miller did a good job kind of controlling it, as best he could. but there's still a lot of information that we don't have yet, because it's unfolding, and unfolding pretty rapidly. but they've -- it seems to me like they've got a lot to go on. one last thing. the fact that the person allegedly pulled out the canister, released the smoke, then started shooting. that would tell me that's not a targeted shooting. in other words, if that was a specific person they were trying to shoot, you wouldn't fill the car with smoke first and then start shooting. because you need to see who you're shooting at. that kind of random shooting like that is -- i mean, that's curious as to why somebody would do that other than just cause a lot of havoc and just kill people unnecessarily. so terrorism is not off the table at this point in time, i would imagine. >> you say that. i was just going to ask you that. times we get caught up in the language of the business of law enforcement. the police commissioner did say it is not being investigated as an act of terrorism right now. it was certainly a terrifying event for those people on the train. but make the distinction, this is someone who had grievances, as you note, from your investigative experience. if you're going to start the smoke canister, you're shooting more randomly. you're not there for a specific target, in your view, at least preliminarily. why do you believe the commissioner would come out now and say, it is not at this moment being investigated as an act of terrorism? >> well, i think, one, you don't want to panic the publicly. and quite frankly, they don't know. day don't have a motive. they don't know why this guy did this. you need to have a motive first, but they're not taking it off the table. and i think that's important the way he said, it's not being investigated as terrorism at this time. it's not off the table. it's a shooting investigation, obviously. but they don't know the motive yet. and they need more information, before they can officially classify it. but i think that's something that you do to just kind of keep the public calm, because you just don't know. but, you know, it definitely was not targeted. if it unfolded the way they're saying it unfolded, i would imagine that's based on eyewitnesss. >> chief, stand by. i want to get straight to the scene now, and bring in cnn's brin gingras, who has been there throughout the morning and was there for that news conference just a moment ago. brynn, it was, as chief ramsey notes, a remarkable amount of information, but still some giant questions. >> yeah, there's still a lot of questions, john. listening though that news conference, i was kind of thinking, they are just letting us know basically the description of this suspect, because they have not apprehended him just yet. i think there are a lot of unknowns and we need to get that information out there circulating in the public before they can really give more details about this investigation. so i was certainly wishing to hear a little bit more. let's put out that suspect description again. 5'5", heavy build. a black male wearing a gray hoodie, green construction vest. all my sources are pretty much telling me that there are names circulating and looking into this based off of video evidence, witness accounts of possible names. and certainly now the focus for all the law enforcement that is here on the scene, a coordinated effort is to find that suspect. but, yes, it's a huge deal that they came to the cameras and told us, as of now, this does not look like a terrorist incident, to calm some fears, but still a big deal that this suspect still on the loose, and that is the focus right now, to find him. >> brynn gingras on the scene for us. stand by, as well. let's bring back andrew mccabe, the former deputy director of the fbi. you heard as the press conference played out, phase 1, get to the scene, see what's happening. phase 2, treat the wounded, remarkably, no life-threatening injuries at this point. where are you now as we move into next phase. the suspect is still at large. as they were going through the resources brought to bear, including the atf, which was helping with the tracing. obviously, shots fired. you have ten people who were treated for gunshots, which me means a number of bullets were fired. walk us through how this plays out. >> sure. the two major areas where law enforcement are directing their resources right now, john, are, first, processing the kraems crime crime scenes. the shooting allegedly took place on the moving train and the victims and possibly the subject itself emptied out on to the platform. they have a lot of work to do there. that's in one column. the second side of the investigation right now is, of course, trying to find that subject. we just heard brynn indicate that they already possibly have some potential names of people that they might be looking for. that's a good sign. i would expect that those are -- any information they do have is likely derived from reviewing video footage. i'm sure they're looking at all of the video capture from any of the nations prior to the 34th street station on both the "n" and the "r" trains. because the subject could have entered that train at any number of a bunch of different stations across the subway station. it's an intensive effort. it's very broadly based right now. but ultimately, it is that video capture that will bring them to the best information about who the subject is. and once you know who he is, then you've got to find him. >> and andy mccabe, i want to ask you the same question you were asking chief ramsy, who says he believes it's to reassure the public and keep them calm. the police commissioner said, at the moment, not being investigated as an act of terrorism. explain to viewers who might not understand the distinction. >> sure, so i agree with chief ramsy, that that was likely an effort by the police commissioner to kind of calm people down. and it probably reflects the fact that at this point, they probably don't have any specific information that ties this event to a terrorist group or a terrorist organization. in other words, they don't have a claim of responsibility from a group like isis or cal qaeda, ad they don't know who the subject is. however, the most important thing is that your terrorism resources are involved in the investigation from the very first step. went that's the case, because the fbi joint terrorism force is on scene, working this event with their partners. and that's really all we need tto know right now. any chance this is ritual-related will be fully vetted by those investigators. and we'll see over the next few days if any information along those line comes back. >> let's bring back juliette kayyem into the conversation, as well. juliette, it's the what next piece that plays out. the initial response is to get there and assess the situation and help those who have been hurt or injured. now, the question of, how much of this shoe leather police work and how much of it is technology? >> it will be a combination of all of them. i want to try to put some of the pieces together, because i was -- i thought one of the statements at the end of the press conference confused a lot of the narrative. the police department comes out and says, they're not investigating it as terrorism. and as importantly, they say, there's no continuing threat. what that would say to me is that they have a sense of who it is and they know who that person is for reasons unrelated to terrorism. because they came out super early saying that, about 20 minutes later, at the very end, they say, they're not ruling out terrorism. i think that's right. you wouldn't want to rule it out. but it does tell me that from the beginning, they are positioning this as -- and i'm not saying this is good news -- a mass shooting event and not a politically motivated one. these are not -- these are important distinctions in terms of what is new york actually facing again. it doesn't make any abetter or less terrifying for the city and the people on the subway. so the investigation will be ongoing. it looks like they have a limited number of injured. this is not going to stretch new york's hospital systems in the way that obviously 9/11 did or the boston marathon did here. and they will continue to help those who are hopefully continue to be in good condition. and now the investigation will be both foreign, are there any ties? do they know who the suspect is? and what is that footprint in terms of physical and internet? i want to say one thing. all of the training i've ever done or led on mass transit attacks would have had the system shut down, immediately. and i -- what is going to be very interesting to review is what happened at that moment in terms of where the suspect was able to go and how he was able to escape. that's -- i don't blame anyone in the moment of something bad happening, but it is going to be a lesson learned, because that is what you do when a system is attacked. you shut it down and how the perpetrator got out is unclear. >> let's bring in chief ramsey on that point. chief, you've been the police chief, the police commissioner in two cities with subway systems, mass transit systems, with densely very populated urban areas. walk us through, in terms of the uniqueness or the special 'tis of the search now, the challenges of the search, when you have "a," a subway system, and "b," a densely populated area. >> video is going to be incredibly important. trains run on schedule. and so they know the route that the train takes. they know what train that time was at what station. they'll be able to check video from all of those stations to try to find when this person got on. and they'll be looking at all the video from the subway station where the train pulled in after the shooting and look at all of that footage again and then try to backtrack, where is this person then going to? he could take off that sweatshirt, get rid of that green vest. obviously, not going to be walking down the street wearing a gas mask of some kind. and so, you know, what video evidence do they have? that's going to be incredibly important now. there's also video that people take, because people videotape everything. and so you've got a lot of people that videotape the incident. they may or may not think there's something important on that sproop. anyone who was part of that and w witnessed anything need to contact the police. the nypd. they may not think they have good information. let the investigators decide what information is relevant and what information isn't. that's the challenge right now. may very well have somebody in mind as to what they're looking for and they're plague it close to the vest, because, obviously, bad guys watch tv, too. so they don't want to let too much out at this point in time. but i have a sense and a feeling that they'll be able to narrow this down pretty quickly. >> the chief makes a very important point to the point that you have this video, and the suspect described as in the car, wearing the construction vest, wearing a gray hoodie, reaching into a bag and pulling out a canister. that does not mean that person looked anything like that, when he got on the train. especially if he's carrying a bag. the clothing -- the hoodie, and the vest could have been inside a bag. so when you're analyzing video, what is most important when an investigator knows, obviously, this person has obviously gotten rid of the hoodie, gotten rid of the gas mask. what are you looking for? the bag, shoes, pants? what's the most important thing to try to cross-identify between different pieces of video? >> you're looking for all of that, john. >> and i thought it was really interesting that the police commissioner noted that the witness observed the person don the mask in the train. so we know that he got on to the train and was not wearing the mask until the train was in motion, just prior to getting the smoke device and he reached into his device, pulled out a canister, opened and it deployed the smoke. a high level of planning and execution there. that tells you something about your subject, but also may give you. you would look for those cues of the gray sweatshirt and green vest, but you may not have those on the way out. you would look to other things they're wearing, shoes, pants, the backpack, that can't be changed quite so easily. and those are the indicators that you would look for on potential exit videos. so we will identify the make and model of the shoes he's wearing and the backpack. you can't imagine the level of detail that the analysts and investigators go to in really tying that stuff down. >> and juliette kayyem, the expertise is critically important in the sense that it is so crowded. there are so many people. the new york city subway system, the most crowded subway system of all. . >> that's exactly right. i thought that about quarter of the press conference was already talking about getting the lines running again. that's important for a city in particular, new york, but it also says something about the transit police and the nypd's ability to isolate a crime scene, to investigate, and sort of do one thing that's important, but also keep the city running. so the transit police will probably recede now in terms of the investigation, as andrew and the chief were saying. that this will be led by a jtt effort now. but as i was saying earlier, it is surprising to have the nypd come out so quickly and say it's not terrorism, they sort of refined that at the end. which is -- which is a way of saying, or i think, one way to interrupt it is, they are far along in determining who the assailant is. and now this is just -- this is just a search now. this may not be an identification. and that could be how they seem to be treating it, by saying to the city, we are not under attack. this is not another 9/11, or july 7, which we saw a few years ago after in 2001. that's where this is going. none of it is good. but in terms of no fatalities, salespeople to be stabilized and a very focused investigation, while the city unbelievably gets back to moving in just a few hours. that's pretty remarkable and shows the sophistication of the new york system. >> it is remarkable, indeed. juliette kayyem and all of our analysts will stand by. we'll sneak in a quick break. we have reporters on the scene. 8:30 a.m. this morning, just before 8:30 a.m., in the middle of rush hour, a harrowi ing sce on a new york city subway car in brooklyn, man dons a gas mask, opens a smoke canister, and opopens fire. more on our breaking news, just ahead. in green energy. and also each otheher. digitatal tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what 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five in critical but stable condition. just moments ago, new york officials wrapping up a press briefing. they say the praisen attack started just before 8:30 a.m., about 8:24 a.m. this morning, in the middle, of course, of the morning rush hour. a train pulling into the station. the suspect pulling a smoke canister from his bag, puts on a gas mask, then opens the smoke canister, starts firing inside that train car. this hour, that suspect is still at large. he's described by police as a black male, 5'5", heavyset. on the train, he was wearing a green vest and a gray sweatshirt. eyewitness accounts paint a harrowing scene. this is yav montano who was on that train as the shot rang out. >> as soon as the smoke flared up, it started to engulf everything. people started migrating to the front of the car. and at the front of the car, i don't know if people know this, but it was one of those old trains where they locked the doors to travel in between cars. so there was one gentlemen on the train, using all his strength to try to open that door and he ended up opening it, but the other door to get into the other car was locked. and there were people in that other car that saw what was happening and they tried to open the door, but they couldn't. so we were stuck in the car. and i mean, i don't know if this is too vulgar for tv, but there was blood on the floor. there was a lot of blood trailing on the floor and -- at the time and the moment, i did not think that it was a shooting, because it sounded like fireworks. all i saw was people trampling each other, trampling over each other, trying to get through to the door, which was locked. and it was just a lot of panic. >> let's get straight back to the scene of this crime, cnn's brin gingras is there. brynn, we're waiting now, obviously, the most important thing, the search for the suspect and investigators still on the crime scene. >> reporter: that's right. and now actually we're seeing -- frank, can you actually turn around little bit. if it's possible, can you turn. i want to show our viewers this scene to you. we're seeing people -- police department authorities really circulating this area, leaving the area, as they look to investigate who this person is, not only that, but where they actually are. so much information is coming out. i'm learning now we won't get an update from law enforcement for another couple of hours, because it is so early in this investigation. one of the things, john, that we're seeing that there are names circumstance light trying to figure out who the person is. that will be a big help, to finding who they are. but those accounts who you're hearing inside this subway, i want to paint a picture for viewers really quickly, if i could, john, is that this has happened during the rush hour, at a time when, on a subway line that is a commuter train. people were just probably going to work this morning. this isn't sort of a tourist area of brooklyn, where it would be incredibly packed, but even still, just horrific, horrific on this train. and actually, we're getting moved right now. i'll go back to you john, if i can. >> brynn gingras, having a little bit of problem with your audio right there. joining me now is the new york congressman, lydia velasquez. i just want to confirm, can you hear me? >> yes, i can hear you. just give me the latest. obviously, this is a horrific scene in your hometown. you heard the police briefing earlier. i'm wondering if you have any disinformation information. most importantly, about the ongoing search for the suspect. >> well, the most important thing for me is to be able to say that most of the victims and the people injured are stable. and that is so important. but the second aspect of all of this is that the assailant is still at large. and he is a dangerous person. clearly, he wants to harm as many people as he can. and this is why we need to stop, to put a stop into this madness. you know, we need to act. there has been legislation introduced, including mine, that will stop the pipeline, the iron pipeline to put a stop to guns and especially assault weapons that have no business to be on the streets, coming to new york and other parts of the nation. >> tell us a bit about this sunset park neighborhood. it's one of the most diverse neighborhoods in a very diverse city. you're talking about 8:24 in the morning, at a time when, as governor noted, people are trying to get back to normal, after two-plus years of the covid pandemic. very important subway line to take people from brooklyn across to manhattan, perhaps to go to work, or the other way, if they're coming back from an earlier or overnight shift. what is it like in that neighborhood in an early morning like >> it's a working class neighborhood. people go to work. they use the subway to make it to work. this is a community that has suffered tremendously. and in all these discussions, we cannot forget the community. covid-19 devastated this community. previ previously -- devastated this community and now it's really my heart is broken because this is -- it has nothing for this community to be targeted this way. >> congresswoman nydia velazquez, appreciate your time today. we appreciate the community the best. and right now we wish the police and other law enforcement authorities the best as they hunt for the suspect. thank you very much. let's go back live to the scene and brynn gingras is still there. you hear the congresswoman weighing in. we saw the briefing this morning. what might be notable for viewers is that the first person to speak was the deputy mayor, not the relatively new three, four months on the job eric adams, the mayor now, himself a former police officer. mr. adams could not be there because he's at home in confinement because he has covid but did release this video a short time ago. listen. >> the suspect of today's attack detonated smoke bombs to cause havoc. we will not allow new yorkers to be terrorized, even by a single individual. >> a remarkable moment of just coincidental timing. the mayor, not sidelined, he's working, but not able to be out in public because of covid. >> i mean, it's quite remarkable. especially for this mayor. it's pretty much a freshman mayor at this point. and because he was former law enforcement, he certainly is a mayor that would be right here on the scene getting these updates and really leading the press conferences like the one that we just had. so this is certainly a rare incident for him to be on the sidelines, but as you said, his spokesperson saying that he is very much aware of what's going on, staying in tune with law enforcement, getting all the updates. but certainly not allowed to appear here in person because of those covid restrictions needing to isolate a few more days and not put anybody in harm's way. one thing i want to mention, john, is that as we were talking before, there's still so much we have to learn that was not answered in this news conference. we're expecting to get more information probably a little bit later this afternoon, details of that will, of course, we'll let you know. but so many questions were asked including the one that i asked which was, where did the suspect flee to after this incident on the train? was it through the subway tracks? did they get out at the next stop? they will not answer that. so many details. certainly it's very likely these law enforcement officials from the local to the state to the federal level know the answer to and are working to put everything together to find this suspect. but as of right now, they're not giving those details nor motive until they actually apprehend him. >> and so brynn, obviously you're focusing on what right now is priority one, priority two and priority three, which is this investigation and finding the suspect. you hear the tone, just in office three months, eric adams. we'll not allow new yorkers to be terrorized even by a single individual. tough talk from the mayor. also at the press conference, the new york governor, kathy hochul. she came into office when andrew cuomo left. it's an election year in new york. listen to the governor. >> that sense of tranquillity and normalness was brutally disrupted by an individual so cold hearted and depraved of heart that they had no caring about the individuals that they assaulted as they simply went about their daily lives. this individual is still on the loose. this person is dangerous. they are asking individuals to be very vigilant and alert. you'll get more reports on specificity as the day goes on. this is an active shooter situation right now in the city of new york. >> she also used the word depraved. it's just -- it's unavoidable to note that we're in a moment not only this horrific incident this morning but when rising crime in new york city and nationally is a big issue in this election year. >> absolutely. it's something that the mayor has been focusing on, trying to kind of get the negative press away from the subway system and other touristy areas of new york city. come back to this city. we're open. please visit after all of the covid sort of shutdowns. this was a commuter train where it happened. people were trying likely to just get to work. so that was much of their intent i'm sure getting this video out here. also like i said, having this news conference right away where they couldn't give too much information just yet. haven't apprehended the suspect, where they just want to put people at ease and just say, listen, we don't think this is a terrorist incident but it's still being investigated. so the idea of really getting that message out in front and quickly, you can tell that's, obviously, on the minds of the mayor and of the governor. but this is really a major test for both of them as it's the favorite major crime incident to happen in new york city, certainly post-covid. international news down to local news is here covering this. so it will be interesting to see how they continue to handle this and the spread of information really in the next coming hours and days. >> brynn gingras, thankful for your live reporting. 16 people treated for injuries, 10 for gunshots. five in critical condition. none of those expected to be life-threatening. dana bash picks up our coverage, including an interview with the mayor of new york city, eric adams, after a quick break. >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair,, safelite replace. ♪ wayfair has everything i need to make my home totally me. sometimes, i'm a homebody. so cozy. sometimes, i'm all business. d yeah, i'm not a chef- perfect. but thanks to wayfair, i do love my kitchen. peyes!t. ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles, how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos 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Everyone , Cnn , Breaking News , Announcer , Hello , Brooklyn Subway Attack , New York , Subway Station , Police Commissioner , News , Us , Officials , John King , Politics , Fire Commissioner , Brooklyn , In Washington , Life Pictures , Suspect , People , Subway , Scene , Injured , Smoke Device Exploding , Images , Eight , Person , Incident , Victims , 36th Street , Pressure , Blood , Middle , Wound , Picture , Train Car Floor , Rush Hour , Leg , One , 36 , Finding Military Information , Gas Mask , Nypd , Shooter , Police , Shots , Devices , Witnesses , Orange Construction Vest , Loud , Count , Work , Folks , Shimon Prokupecz , Home , Train , Kind , Area , Smoke Device , Smoke Bomb , Set , Gunfire , Sunset Park , Injuries , Some , Smoke Inhalation , 16 , Device , Lives , Hospital , We Know , Person Set Off , Construction Type Vest , Orange , Preempmeditati , Something , Terrorism , Motive , Fact , Response , Fbi , City Officials , Atf , On Scene , Joint Terrorism Task Force , Things , Details , Performance , Mics , Mass Shooting , City , Lot , Subway System , Crime , Lifeline , It , Attention , Wall , Transit Officials , Press Conference , More , Man , Point , Juliette Kayyem , Andrew Mccabe , Assistant Secretary , Homeland Security , Stand By , Kathy Hochul , Fire , Terrorism Task Force , Local , Julia , 9 11 , Questions , Police Department , Fire Department , Stage , Subway Security , Cameras , Presence , Detonation , Checks , Environment , Serious Premeditation , Inaudible , Sort , Bomb , Issues , Conversation , Connections , Fire Department Sporesponde , Three , 8 , 30 , Development , Understanding , Story , Deployment , Subway Car , Subway Platform , Place , 5th Street , 5 , Crime Scene , Perpetrator , Terms , Entirety , Investigators , Description , Video Capture , R , Line , N , Guy , Subway Stop , Course , Sorts , Video Analysis , Many , The Incident , Leads , Midof , Estate , Tabletop , Those Resources To Bear , Terrorism Experiences , Law Enforcement Agencies , Transit Police , Saying , Real Life Experience , Places , Bell , Subways , Jurisdictions , Call , Jurisdiction , Question , Shut Down , It Chaos , Station , Resources , State Resources , Emergency Management Team , Looks , Knock On Wood , Investigation , Attacks , Issue , Piece , Video , Times , Law Enforcement Expertise , Teams , Connection , Eyes , New York Subway Station , Latest , Shirt , Indications , Jtt , Location , Didn T , Well , Terrorism Target , Number , Shootings , Shot , Obvious , Law Enforcement , Way , Record , Ways , Clarity , Planning , Level , Orange Vest , Lorraine Grillo , Thing , Events , Deputy Commissioner , Acting Fire Commissioner , Casualties , Introductions , Habit , Gate , Laura Kavanaugh , Subject , Deputy Mayor , Identity , Address , Mayor , Situation , Phone , Agencies , Fdny , Oem , Office Of Emergency Management , Update , Keyshon Soul , Public , Act , Case , Subway Trains , Result , Individual , Plane , Subject To Change , Manhattan , 24 , Canister , Smoke , Bag , Vest , Partners , Build , Black , Color , Hooded Sweatshirt , Anyone , Help , Matter , Videos , Photographs , Crime Stoppers , 800 , 800 577 Tips All , 577 , Governor , Calls , My Apologies , Homes En Route To School , Anticipation , En Route , Sense , Heart , Normalness , Tranquility , Jobs , Depraved , Cold Hearted , Individuals , Loose , Alert , Specificity , Community , Heartbreak , Reading Headlines , Loss , Girl , 13 , Insanity , Surge , Long , Two , Drivers , Normalcy , Stability , Mta , Purpose , State Police , Crimes , Someone , Lead , United , Gunshots , Patients , Reports , Thanks , 10 , Gunshot Wounds , Stable , Suffering , Critical Condition , Five , Condition , Team , Platform , Workers , Foresight , Service , Thinking , Suspensions , Running , B , Safety , W , Shuttle Buses , D , System , Website , Note , Tragedy , Avenue , Storekeepers , Emergency , Space , Ooeach Other , Varieties , Spaces , Who , Subway Riders , Emergencies , Recovery , Thought , Covid , Challenges , Leadership , John Da Vito , Charge , Mike Regan , Task Force , Assistant , Tracing Efforts , Special Agent , Chief Of Department , Brooklyngonzales , Al , Chief Ken Cory , Gabon , Train Car , 25th Street , 25 , Detail , Twain C Drarn , Hang On , Subject Put , Shrapnel , Idea , Anything , Wounds , Variety , Grazing , Inaudible Question , Panic , Bullet , Gun Violence , Litany , Rule , Josh , Sir , Trains , Ethnic Group , Variety Of , Construction Vests , Next , Construction Vest , Chance , Statement , Lieutenant Governor , Arrest , Fighting , Let , Second , Police Officials , Time , News Conference , Commissioner , Importantly , Heavyset Black Gentlemen , Number One , None , Deputy Fire Commissioner , Significant , Most , Transit , Sing , Sce , Train Rolling , Explosives , Harrow , Charles Ramsey , Philadelphia , Chief , Play Out , Standpoint , Remains , Sweatshirt , Male , Ten , Job , John Miller , Go On , Words , Wouldn T , Somebody , Shooting , Table , Havoc , Curious , Event , Distinction , Business , Language , Smoke Canister , Experience , View , Target , Grievances , Day Don T , Publicly , They Don T Know , Shooting Investigation , Calm , Brynn Gingras , Morning , Brin Gingras , Notes , Amount , Eyewitnesss , Listening , Unknowns , Hoodie , Names , Focus , Witness , Video Evidence , Accounts , Green Construction Vest , Sources , Heavy Build , Effort , Deal , Terrorist Incident , Now , Fears , Phase 1 , Wounded , 1 , 2 , Tracing , Bear , Bullets , Areas , Crime Scenes , First , Plays Out , Are , Kraems , Brynn , Side , Column , Sign , Stations , Any , Nations , Video Footage , 34th Street , Bunch , 34 , Information , Chief Ramsy , Viewers , Responsibility , Terrorist Group , Group , Organization , Claim , Cal Qaeda , Isis , Force , Don T Know , Joint , Step , Tto , Back , Pieces , Statements , Technology , Shoe , Combination , The End , Narrative , Threat , Reasons , 20 , Distinctions , Beginning , Terrifying , It Doesn T , Hospital Systems , Boston Marathon , Foreign , Training , Footprint , Internet , Led , Mass Transit Attacks , Ties , Review , Happening , Lesson , Walk , Mass Transit Systems , Subway Systems , Cities , Search , Schedule , Special , Uniqueness , Tis Of The Search , Route , Person Got On , To Backtrack , Street , Footage , Videotape , Videotape Everything , Part , Sproop , Tv , Guys , Challenge , Information Isn T , Mind , Feeling , Clothing , Shoes , Pants , Investigator , Mask , Motion , Execution , Cues , Can T , Backpack , Indicators , Analysts , Exit Videos , Model , Make , Expertise , New York City Subway System , Stuff , Particular , Lines , Investigate , Ability , Jtt Effort , Assailant , Identification , July 7 , 7 , Salespeople , Fatalities , 2001 , Break , Sophistication , In Brooklyn , Harrowi , Ing , Neuroscientist , Science , Opopens Fire , Tools , Power , Neuriva Plus , Otheher , Green Energy , Digitatal , Plan , Brain Performance , Inditors , Memory Supplements , Master , Size , Staffing , Neuriva , Yes , Pase , Tnk Bigger , Six , Symptoms , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Moderate , Candidates , Ulcerative Colitis , Crohn S Disease , Tracks , Cancer , Serious , Infections , Stelara , Relief , Dose , Injections , Risk , Doctor , Brain Condition , Pres , Reactions , Infection , Treatment , Skin Growths , Sores , Lung Inflammation , Vaccine , Tb , Remission , Wait , Refresh , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Subway Wait , Report , Blood Clots , Ton , Footlongs , Spokespeople , Nobody , Ingredients , Info , Life Changing , Omelette , Cheese , Bacon , Program , Plate , Smile , Pancoins , Omelette Purchase , Ihop , Chaos , Press Briefing , Firing , Black Male , Yav Montano , Rang Out , Gray Sweatshirt , Everything , Front , Doors , Gentlemen , Cars , Door , Car , Saw , Strength , Couldn T , Floor , Blood Trailing , Each Other , I Saw , Fireworks , Trampling , Reporter , That S Right , Authorities , Commuter Train , Subway Line , Finding , Isn T Sort , Tourist Area , Lydia Velasquez , Bit , Audio , Problem , Disinformation Information , Hometown , Police Briefing , Aspect , Stop , Pipeline , Madness , Legislation , Mine , Guns , Assault Weapons , Streets , Parts , Neighborhoods , Nation , Sunset Park Neighborhood , Pandemic , To Manhattan , Working Class Neighborhood , Discussions , Previ , 19 , Nydia Velazquez , Nothing , Best , Let S Go , Briefing , Eric Adams , Four , Adams , Police Officer , Confinement , Attack , Smoke Bombs , Mr , Single , Timing , Freshman Mayor , Working , Updates , Spokesperson , Press Conferences , The One , Sidelines , In Harm S Way , What S Going On , Tune , Restrictions , Anybody , Will , Law Enforcement Officials , Answer , Priority , Tone , Talk , Election , Office , Tranquillity , Left , Andrew Cuomo , Word , Press , Shutdowns , Intent , Haven T , Test , Minds , Ease , Message , Both , Spread , Coverage , Tech Vo , Interview , Dana Bash , Homebody , Singers , Wayfair , Safelite Com , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Family , Living , Kitchen , History , House , Peyes T Ancestry , Life , Photos , Bits , Finding Out , Life Insurance , Budget , Ps , Colonial Penn , 85 , 50 , Price , Increase , Medications , 54 , 80 , 65 , 95 , 9 95 , Rate , Health Questions , Lifetime Rate Lock , Reason , Exam , Acceptance , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Ana Cabrera , Manhunt , Black Man , Hurt , Eyewitness ,

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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240708

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quite graphic. right in the rush hour, you see right there, blood splashed across a train car floor. another picture shows multiple victims. one person is seen putting pressure on a wound to his leg. the incident happened near, the 36th street subway station in the middle of the morning rush hour. the nypd says to best of its information, there are no active explosive devices at that scene. witnesses describe a loud and chaotic scene. too many shots to count, they say. police say the shooter was wearing a gas mask and an orange construction vest. cnn's shimon prokupecz is right there live on the scene for us as we await to hear from our officials. shimon, what do we know? >> yeah, terrifying moment here, certainly, john, for folks riding the subway to work, to get home. this is the sunset park area of brooklyn. and what we hear is that this morning, according to officials, there was this smoke bomb. some kind of a smoke device that the suspect set off on the train, and then the gunfire started. and as you said, reports of 16 people injured, eight of them shot. we're told that one of them, seriously injured. i'm also told that some of the people who have been injured suffered smoke inhalation injuries. so this from this device that this person set off. so that is why some of the people were taken to the hospital. and also, some people just fleeing from the scene. fleeing for their lives in this terrifying moment they got injured, as well. the suspect, all we know, according to police, is that he was wearing a gas mask, and this orange, reflective construction-type vest. obviously, indicating that there was some kind of preempmeditati. and that is why we're seeing this response here from city officials, from the fbi, and the atf. the joint terrorism task force on scene. we don't yet know, john, the motive. whether this is terrorism or something else here. obviously, the fact that the jttf is on scene, that is significant. and as you said, hopefully, we'll get more details here from officials once they come to the mics. we expect that performance to start at any moment. but obviously, one of the big things out here has been just this enormous response from the nypd. when you think about the subway system here in new york city, it is the lifeline of this city. and anytime there's any kind of attack, shooting, crime, it always gets a lot of attention, because it is the lifeline of the city. so many people relying on it, to get to home, to get to work. and that is why this is such a significant incident here, in new york city. and that is why we're waiting for the fbi and the nypd, as well as transit officials, all to gather. we're just waiting for more of those officials to get together, so they can together hold this press conference. they are still, as far as we know, looking for this suspect. and that is something that police, obviously, are still out there looking for this man. so that is what we know at this point. and hopefully, shortly, we will learn more here, john, from officials. >> shimon, stand by with us. i want to bring in andrew mccabe and the former assistant secretary of homeland security, juliette kayyem. and we're hold that kathy hochul will be at this press conference, as well as the local, the police, fire, and transit officials. julia, let me start with you. shimon just teed it up. obviously, this is new york city. we live in the post-9/11 age. so the joint terrorism task force there. the police department is there, the fire department is there. when you're responding to a scene like this and you don't know, what do you have to deploy to answer your questions? >> you're going to go all in at this stage, especially because it's new york and it's the subway system. because you can't close the city for too long. it's weird to imagine, but they're already thinking about, how do we reopen, because the city has to survive. basically, with subway security, it can't get much more secure. you cannot have a vibrant urban environment and -- fact checks or whatever. so there's cameras, there's physical presence. once this detonation -- once the shooting happens. and remember, we are talking serious premeditation. he appears to be addressed and there's some sort of smoke bomb. we don't know exactly what it is. basically, right now, you want to save the lives you can -- [ inaudible ] -- for the second bomb. and then [ inaudible ] -- >> we're having some issues with the connections, juliette kayyem. let me, as we fix that, bring andrew mccabe into the conversation. andy, 8:30 this morning is when the fire department sporesponde. we're talking three and a half hours later plus a few minutes. between now and then, what are your questions as we wait to hear? >> well, john, you know we had a big development in our understanding of this story when we heard from those witnesses who indicated that the shooting and the deployment of the smoke device actually took place on the subway car, as it was traveling from 5th street to 36th street. so that takes what we thought from initial reports was a very localized scene on the platform of 36th street, and turns it into something that happened, you know, that basically stretches your crime scene out across the entirety of the subway system, almost. in terms of looking for the perpetrator of this attack, right? investigators are now looking at likely video capture at every single subway stop along the "n" and the "r" line, in which an individual matching this guy's description could possibly be seen. that is a lot of very hard, logistical work and video analysis. they're, of course, asking all of those sorts of questions to the victims and the witnesses who might have been on the train. they're trying to round up who those people are. we understand that many of them were hustled on to another "r" train and spaed out of the area in the midof the incident. so they've got a lot of work to do in terms of identifying and rounding up all of those folks that could present them with leads that need following up. >> and in terms of bringing those resources to bear, juliette kayyem, you're back with us. you mentioned new york city. obviously, we have the 9/11 experience, we have other terrorism experiences. so you have both tabletop exercises done routinely to cooperate between the state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies, and unfortunately, in new york, more than most other places, you have real-life experience. how does that come together in the moment, when the bell sounded this morning, saying, incident, subway station? >> actually, it's the transit police. it's well before the nypd. there are so many different jurisdiction within new york. it's going to be the transit police and any other jurisdictions that are there, that should have made a call about shutting down all the subways in that area. we don't know how the perpetrator left the subway system. that should have been shut down, that would have been trained for. people should have known to do that. so that's going to be a big question, how did he get out? was it chaos? did he get on another train? or was he able to leave the station? all of them not great. and then you have the nypd surging resources. the nypd is so strong, their emergency management team was so strong, and the fire department, it is unlikely they need many state resources. this looks like it's done, knock on wood. we're not anticipating other attacks. and so that's basically, it will probably will stop at the new york area. there's a separate piece, as andrew was talking about, which is going to be the federal investigation -- [ inaudible ] >> another issue there with the connection with juliette kayyem. let's get back to shimon prokupecz right there on the scene for us. you're willing to juliette and andy bring their law enforcement expertise to bear. you are seeing with your own eyes, and i've been watching some of the video, at different times, different teams of investigators, and you can see the different shirt. so there's both local and federal going down into the station, searching the area. tell us the latest of what you're seeing right there? >> so what makes this different, john, and why the jtt would be involved was because of that device. whether it was a smoke device, whether it was some kind of more sinister device that was meant to go off and didn't. all indications are, obviously, that this was a smoke device. but when you think about the location, given that it's the subway, the train here in new york city, which has been a terrorism target, and it's one of these things that obviously -- what officials are always concerned about, attacks in the subway. so that's why you're seeing this kind of response, as well, because of what was used. that smoke device. and given the number of people shot, so, you know, normally when you have shootings, sadly, there's been so many shootings here in the subways and attacks here in the subway, you won't see the fbi respond wo, obvious. but given this device that was used, and we need more clarity on exactly what was used. and i've heard from officials describe it in different ways. we really need to hear on the record from law enforcement as to what exactly it was. the way this attack unfolded is very concerning for officials, because it would almost indicate some level of planning. the fact that the suspect had a gas mask. the fact that he had this orange vest. and then, obviously, this -- >> shimon, i'm sorry to interrupt you. i need to take you to this press conference right here on the scene in new york city. let's listen. >> you're going to hear from first deputy mayor, lorraine grillo, governor kathy hochul, police commissioner will outline the events as we know them. laura kavanaugh, first deputy commissioner and acting fire commissioner will walk you through casualties. >> andy mccabe, as we wait, they're doing the introductions of who's habit to speak here. what's the most important thing for these officials to bring forward out of the gate? is it whether they know the identity of the suspect? is it that they've cleared the subways? >> they've got the address the subject. >> there we go. i'm sorry, andy. let me interrupt. this is the deputy mayor of new york city. >> from the very minute this incident occurred, the mayor and i have been on the phone, monitoring the situation constantly. we have worked with all of our agencies, the fdny, nypd, oem, all of the agencies who have worked really hard together, and we continue to throw all of the cities city's resources at this situation. we've made all of the resources available, and we'll work with the office of emergency management for any additional news. the -- i'm going to ask the police commissioner, keyshon soul to speak and give an update on the events of today. >> good afternoon. we're going to update new yorkers about an active shooter incident that took place this morning inside the 36th street subway station on the "n" line. i want to begin by assuring the public that there are currently no known explosive devices on our subway trains, and this is not being investigated as an act of terrorism at this time. we can also report that although this was a violent incident, reportedly, we have no one with life-threatening injuries as a result of this case. this investigation is only hours old, so please note this information is subject to change. just before 8:24 this morning, as the manhattan-bound "n" train waited to enter the 36th street station, an individual on that plane donned what appeared to be a gas mask. he then took a canister out of his bag and opened it. the train at that time began to fill with smoke. he then opened fire, striking multiple people on the subway and in the platform. again, we will describe him as an individual. he is being reported as a male black, approximately 5'5" tall with a heavy build. he was wearing a green construction-type vest and a hooded sweatshirt, the color is gray. at this time, we are working with our federal partners, where we are asking for the public's help. anyone with information, videos, or photographs, no matter how insignificant they think it may be, is encouraged to call crime stoppers at 800-577-tips. all calls are strictly confidential. i would like to turn it over to the fdny to give information about the victims. oh, i'm sorry. i apologize. the governor would like to speak now. governor hochul, my apologies. >> good afternoon. >> this morning, ordinary new yorkers woke up in anticipation of a relatively normal day. they left their homes en route to school, en route to their jobs, and to a normal day, as i mentioned. that sense of tranquility and normalness was disrupted, brutally disrupted by an individual so cold-hearted and depraved of heart that they had no caring about the individuals that they assaulted as they simply went about their daily lives. this individual is still on the loose. this person is dangerous. they're asking individuals to be very vigilant and alert. and we'll get more reports on specificity as the day goes on. this is an active shooter situation right now in the city of new york. i just got off the phone with the mayor. he's recovering well. he is monitoring, he's actively engaged in the situation. i wanted to let him know that the people of the entire state of new york stand with the people of this city, this community, and we say no more! no more mass shootings. no more disrupting lives. no more creating heartbreak for people, just trying to live their lives as normal new yorkers. it has to end and it ends now. and we are sick and tired of reading headlines about crime, whether they're mass shootings or the loss of a teenage girl or a 13-year-old. it has to stop. i'm committing the full resources of our state to fight this surge of crime. this insanity that is seizing our city, because we want to get back to normal. it has been a long, hard two years. that's what we grave. that sense of stability and normalcy. and this is what the mayor and i will continue to work towards. and i thank the partners. the brave people of the mta. the first people who had the sense, the drivers of the train, to leave the station to make sure that no more victims could be hurt. the nypd, fdny, state police, everyone involved in this has one purpose. and that is to stop the insanity of these crimes. you'll hear now from our fire department. i want to thank them for being there to help us diffuse a volatile situation. but we'll be giving continued reports as this day unfolds. again, we ask everyone to be careful, to be cautious, report what you see. it's likely that someone out there listening to this will help us lead us to that individual. you have a description of what they're wearing. you know the details. but this is the day we pull together as new yorkers, united in a common purpose to say, no more! and that is what i will continue to do as the governor of the state of new york working with our local partners right here. >> this morning, the nypd received reports of gunshots in the subway. thanks to their quick response, we were able to treat 16 patients. 10 of those patients are suffering from gunshot wounds at this time and five are in stable, but critical condition. >> we have 16 total patients, 10 are suffering from gunshot wounds and 5 are in stable, but critical condition at this time. i'll pass it over to the mta for an update on our subways. >> okay, first of all, we have to thank the nypd and the fdny and the whole team who have done so much to protect us and help immediately to recover from this situation. and i need to acknowledge the mta workers, who had the foresight to immediately move a train that was on the platform, the "r" train, out of the station so to carry people to safety. that was smart thinking. right now, "b" service is suspended. "w" service is suspended. the "d" and the "n" and the "r" are running with suspensions and some shuttle buses. and folks should check the website for the latest. obviously, it's a disrupted day, but a lot of the system is, in fact, running. i want to say one thing on a personal note. which is on 9/11, i stood on fourth avenue and watched new yorkers come back from that tragedy. i watched storekeepers walk out and give people water. that was the same thing that we saw on the platform today. we saw new yorkers in a difficult situation, in an emergency, helping ooeach other. that's the subway riders, that's who new yorkers are. every day, they're showing people in the subway, which is our public space, that new yorkers of all varieties can come together in small spaces and get along and create something bigger. that's what we remember in these emergencies, as well as the tragedy and the thought for the quick recovery of the victims, is new yorkers are incredibly resilient. just as they are in every emergency. and we thank them for what they've done, and we thank the governor and the mayor for their leadership from covid and from every one of these challenges. >> so just to reiterate, we're going to be very limited in what we are able to answer in questions. also just to underline our partners here. we have mike regan, the assistant special agent in charge of the joint terrorism for task force for the fbi and nypd. john da vito from atf, who's helping us with tracing efforts and investigation. he's the special agent in charge for new york city. the brooklyngonzales, who is al. and chief ken cory, chief of department and first deputy commissioner at gabon. we'll start off with questions for the police commissioner. >> was the shooting on the train or the platform? was the suspect on the platform or the train? and did it all happen in the 36th street station or what happened down on 25th street? >> the suspect was in the train car. the shooting began in the twain c drarn. >> can you give us more detail exactly what happened in the car? what was going on inside the car as this all happened? >> as i stated before, we're only able to give limited information, because it's under investigation. as the train was pulling into the station, the subject put on a gas mask, he then opened a canister that was in his bag and the car filled with smoke. after that, he began shooting. >> hang on, hang on, hang on. >> does this appear to be random? any idea why this individual did this and did this here? >> we do not know the motive at this time, but we're not ruling anything out. >> gunshots or shrapnel wounds? what are the other injuries that were not gunshots? >> there are a variety of other injuries from smoke inhalation to shrapnel to panic from the incident. >> when you say shrapnel, what was the shrapnel -- >> it could be from anything. it's still under investigation at this time. it could be a grazing from a bullet, it could be from the panic following the incident. >> but not from an explosive device? >> not at this time, no. >> any idea. [ inaudible question ] >> that's subject to investigation. we're endeavoring to determine that right now. >> josh? >> why do you connect this more to the litany of gun violence and not terrorism at this stage? why rule out terrorism? >> i'm not ruling out anything. we're determining what that motive is and we'll find that out as the investigation continues. >> do victims tend towards one particular ethnic group? >> no, sir, the victims have a variety of -- >> hang on, hang on. >> why were the trains not shut down immediately? and if they were, could it have been easier to catch the suspect? >> that's not the case. next. >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear you? >> were the cameras working in the subway station? >> that's under investigation as we speak. >> -- given that they were wearing construction vests? >> we have not identified -- we have not identified the subject. he was wearing a green-type construction vest. >> governor hochul, do you want to comment on the arrest of your lieutenant governor? did you speak to him this morning? will you continue -- >> i'll be happy to report on that later today. we'll have a statement out there. i have not had a chance to speak to him. this is not the place, but i will be addressing it very shortly. let's focus on the fact that there are people in the hospital right now, fighting for their lives. those are the people we're thinking about and praying for at this moment. >> thank you very much. now, listen, we're going to get -- hang on a second. hang on a second. we'll get back to you with a time for an update later. the information is developing. we expect to have more later. and that will not be here. that will be -- >> you're listening here, police officials wrapping up a quick news conference outside the scene of a horrific subway shooting this morning. the governor there, the deputy mayor for new york city and the nypd commissioner updating on that brooklyn subway attack. some very important things that we learned. number one, most importantly, the suspect is still at large. he is described as a heavyset black gentlemen, approximately 5'5" inches, described by witnesses at the scene. 16 victims, 10 suffering from gunshot wounds, five in critical but stable condition. but remarkably, remarkably, the deputy mayor saying none are believed to be life-threatening injuries and the deputy fire commissioner saying that they are not life-threatening at this time. this from the police commissioner, significant, not being investigated as an act of terrorism at the moment. although the commissioner did say the investigation still continuing. no known motive. there are no known explosives on the train. the transit saying most of the subway system has been reopened. there are still some suspensions. this happened a harrow sing sce, just before 8:30 a.m. a train rolling into the station, the shooting started inside the train car. the suspect is said to have put on a gas mask, pulled a canister from a bag, opened that canister, smoke filled the train and then the shooting started to break out. let's bring in the former d.c. and philadelphia police commissioner, charles ramsey, who is with us right now. chief, as you listened to that play out, most importantly from an investigative standpoint, the suspect remains at large. what else jumped out at you, sir? >> first of all, it was a lot of information, i thought, that came out that in. a more accurate description of the shooter. male, black, 5'5", heavy build, wearing the green vest, but also a gray sweatshirt. that's going to be helpful as they start going through video, looking to see where that person got on the train, where that person went after they got off the train. so i'm sure that they got maybe a little bit more information pertaining to that individual. but they're going to hold some things close to the vest. the other thing, the fact that we've got ten people shot, as opposed to five, eight, now it's ten. i think that's probably more the final number. it's pretty accurate. so more information is coming out in this investigation. i thought it was a good press conference. i thought john miller did a good job kind of controlling it, as best he could. but there's still a lot of information that we don't have yet, because it's unfolding, and unfolding pretty rapidly. but they've -- it seems to me like they've got a lot to go on. one last thing. the fact that the person allegedly pulled out the canister, released the smoke, then started shooting. that would tell me that's not a targeted shooting. in other words, if that was a specific person they were trying to shoot, you wouldn't fill the car with smoke first and then start shooting. because you need to see who you're shooting at. that kind of random shooting like that is -- i mean, that's curious as to why somebody would do that other than just cause a lot of havoc and just kill people unnecessarily. so terrorism is not off the table at this point in time, i would imagine. >> you say that. i was just going to ask you that. times we get caught up in the language of the business of law enforcement. the police commissioner did say it is not being investigated as an act of terrorism right now. it was certainly a terrifying event for those people on the train. but make the distinction, this is someone who had grievances, as you note, from your investigative experience. if you're going to start the smoke canister, you're shooting more randomly. you're not there for a specific target, in your view, at least preliminarily. why do you believe the commissioner would come out now and say, it is not at this moment being investigated as an act of terrorism? >> well, i think, one, you don't want to panic the publicly. and quite frankly, they don't know. day don't have a motive. they don't know why this guy did this. you need to have a motive first, but they're not taking it off the table. and i think that's important the way he said, it's not being investigated as terrorism at this time. it's not off the table. it's a shooting investigation, obviously. but they don't know the motive yet. and they need more information, before they can officially classify it. but i think that's something that you do to just kind of keep the public calm, because you just don't know. but, you know, it definitely was not targeted. if it unfolded the way they're saying it unfolded, i would imagine that's based on eyewitnesss. >> chief, stand by. i want to get straight to the scene now, and bring in cnn's brin gingras, who has been there throughout the morning and was there for that news conference just a moment ago. brynn, it was, as chief ramsey notes, a remarkable amount of information, but still some giant questions. >> yeah, there's still a lot of questions, john. listening though that news conference, i was kind of thinking, they are just letting us know basically the description of this suspect, because they have not apprehended him just yet. i think there are a lot of unknowns and we need to get that information out there circulating in the public before they can really give more details about this investigation. so i was certainly wishing to hear a little bit more. let's put out that suspect description again. 5'5", heavy build. a black male wearing a gray hoodie, green construction vest. all my sources are pretty much telling me that there are names circulating and looking into this based off of video evidence, witness accounts of possible names. and certainly now the focus for all the law enforcement that is here on the scene, a coordinated effort is to find that suspect. but, yes, it's a huge deal that they came to the cameras and told us, as of now, this does not look like a terrorist incident, to calm some fears, but still a big deal that this suspect still on the loose, and that is the focus right now, to find him. >> brynn gingras on the scene for us. stand by, as well. let's bring back andrew mccabe, the former deputy director of the fbi. you heard as the press conference played out, phase 1, get to the scene, see what's happening. phase 2, treat the wounded, remarkably, no life-threatening injuries at this point. where are you now as we move into next phase. the suspect is still at large. as they were going through the resources brought to bear, including the atf, which was helping with the tracing. obviously, shots fired. you have ten people who were treated for gunshots, which me means a number of bullets were fired. walk us through how this plays out. >> sure. the two major areas where law enforcement are directing their resources right now, john, are, first, processing the kraems crime crime scenes. the shooting allegedly took place on the moving train and the victims and possibly the subject itself emptied out on to the platform. they have a lot of work to do there. that's in one column. the second side of the investigation right now is, of course, trying to find that subject. we just heard brynn indicate that they already possibly have some potential names of people that they might be looking for. that's a good sign. i would expect that those are -- any information they do have is likely derived from reviewing video footage. i'm sure they're looking at all of the video capture from any of the nations prior to the 34th street station on both the "n" and the "r" trains. because the subject could have entered that train at any number of a bunch of different stations across the subway station. it's an intensive effort. it's very broadly based right now. but ultimately, it is that video capture that will bring them to the best information about who the subject is. and once you know who he is, then you've got to find him. >> and andy mccabe, i want to ask you the same question you were asking chief ramsy, who says he believes it's to reassure the public and keep them calm. the police commissioner said, at the moment, not being investigated as an act of terrorism. explain to viewers who might not understand the distinction. >> sure, so i agree with chief ramsy, that that was likely an effort by the police commissioner to kind of calm people down. and it probably reflects the fact that at this point, they probably don't have any specific information that ties this event to a terrorist group or a terrorist organization. in other words, they don't have a claim of responsibility from a group like isis or cal qaeda, ad they don't know who the subject is. however, the most important thing is that your terrorism resources are involved in the investigation from the very first step. went that's the case, because the fbi joint terrorism force is on scene, working this event with their partners. and that's really all we need tto know right now. any chance this is ritual-related will be fully vetted by those investigators. and we'll see over the next few days if any information along those line comes back. >> let's bring back juliette kayyem into the conversation, as well. juliette, it's the what next piece that plays out. the initial response is to get there and assess the situation and help those who have been hurt or injured. now, the question of, how much of this shoe leather police work and how much of it is technology? >> it will be a combination of all of them. i want to try to put some of the pieces together, because i was -- i thought one of the statements at the end of the press conference confused a lot of the narrative. the police department comes out and says, they're not investigating it as terrorism. and as importantly, they say, there's no continuing threat. what that would say to me is that they have a sense of who it is and they know who that person is for reasons unrelated to terrorism. because they came out super early saying that, about 20 minutes later, at the very end, they say, they're not ruling out terrorism. i think that's right. you wouldn't want to rule it out. but it does tell me that from the beginning, they are positioning this as -- and i'm not saying this is good news -- a mass shooting event and not a politically motivated one. these are not -- these are important distinctions in terms of what is new york actually facing again. it doesn't make any abetter or less terrifying for the city and the people on the subway. so the investigation will be ongoing. it looks like they have a limited number of injured. this is not going to stretch new york's hospital systems in the way that obviously 9/11 did or the boston marathon did here. and they will continue to help those who are hopefully continue to be in good condition. and now the investigation will be both foreign, are there any ties? do they know who the suspect is? and what is that footprint in terms of physical and internet? i want to say one thing. all of the training i've ever done or led on mass transit attacks would have had the system shut down, immediately. and i -- what is going to be very interesting to review is what happened at that moment in terms of where the suspect was able to go and how he was able to escape. that's -- i don't blame anyone in the moment of something bad happening, but it is going to be a lesson learned, because that is what you do when a system is attacked. you shut it down and how the perpetrator got out is unclear. >> let's bring in chief ramsey on that point. chief, you've been the police chief, the police commissioner in two cities with subway systems, mass transit systems, with densely very populated urban areas. walk us through, in terms of the uniqueness or the special 'tis of the search now, the challenges of the search, when you have "a," a subway system, and "b," a densely populated area. >> video is going to be incredibly important. trains run on schedule. and so they know the route that the train takes. they know what train that time was at what station. they'll be able to check video from all of those stations to try to find when this person got on. and they'll be looking at all the video from the subway station where the train pulled in after the shooting and look at all of that footage again and then try to backtrack, where is this person then going to? he could take off that sweatshirt, get rid of that green vest. obviously, not going to be walking down the street wearing a gas mask of some kind. and so, you know, what video evidence do they have? that's going to be incredibly important now. there's also video that people take, because people videotape everything. and so you've got a lot of people that videotape the incident. they may or may not think there's something important on that sproop. anyone who was part of that and w witnessed anything need to contact the police. the nypd. they may not think they have good information. let the investigators decide what information is relevant and what information isn't. that's the challenge right now. may very well have somebody in mind as to what they're looking for and they're plague it close to the vest, because, obviously, bad guys watch tv, too. so they don't want to let too much out at this point in time. but i have a sense and a feeling that they'll be able to narrow this down pretty quickly. >> the chief makes a very important point to the point that you have this video, and the suspect described as in the car, wearing the construction vest, wearing a gray hoodie, reaching into a bag and pulling out a canister. that does not mean that person looked anything like that, when he got on the train. especially if he's carrying a bag. the clothing -- the hoodie, and the vest could have been inside a bag. so when you're analyzing video, what is most important when an investigator knows, obviously, this person has obviously gotten rid of the hoodie, gotten rid of the gas mask. what are you looking for? the bag, shoes, pants? what's the most important thing to try to cross-identify between different pieces of video? >> you're looking for all of that, john. >> and i thought it was really interesting that the police commissioner noted that the witness observed the person don the mask in the train. so we know that he got on to the train and was not wearing the mask until the train was in motion, just prior to getting the smoke device and he reached into his device, pulled out a canister, opened and it deployed the smoke. a high level of planning and execution there. that tells you something about your subject, but also may give you. you would look for those cues of the gray sweatshirt and green vest, but you may not have those on the way out. you would look to other things they're wearing, shoes, pants, the backpack, that can't be changed quite so easily. and those are the indicators that you would look for on potential exit videos. so we will identify the make and model of the shoes he's wearing and the backpack. you can't imagine the level of detail that the analysts and investigators go to in really tying that stuff down. >> and juliette kayyem, the expertise is critically important in the sense that it is so crowded. there are so many people. the new york city subway system, the most crowded subway system of all. . >> that's exactly right. i thought that about quarter of the press conference was already talking about getting the lines running again. that's important for a city in particular, new york, but it also says something about the transit police and the nypd's ability to isolate a crime scene, to investigate, and sort of do one thing that's important, but also keep the city running. so the transit police will probably recede now in terms of the investigation, as andrew and the chief were saying. that this will be led by a jtt effort now. but as i was saying earlier, it is surprising to have the nypd come out so quickly and say it's not terrorism, they sort of refined that at the end. which is -- which is a way of saying, or i think, one way to interrupt it is, they are far along in determining who the assailant is. and now this is just -- this is just a search now. this may not be an identification. and that could be how they seem to be treating it, by saying to the city, we are not under attack. this is not another 9/11, or july 7, which we saw a few years ago after in 2001. that's where this is going. none of it is good. but in terms of no fatalities, salespeople to be stabilized and a very focused investigation, while the city unbelievably gets back to moving in just a few hours. that's pretty remarkable and shows the sophistication of the new york system. >> it is remarkable, indeed. juliette kayyem and all of our analysts will stand by. we'll sneak in a quick break. we have reporters on the scene. 8:30 a.m. this morning, just before 8:30 a.m., in the middle of rush hour, a harrowi ing sce on a new york city subway car in brooklyn, man dons a gas mask, opens a smoke canister, and opopens fire. more on our breaking news, just ahead. in green energy. and also each otheher. digitatal tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what 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five in critical but stable condition. just moments ago, new york officials wrapping up a press briefing. they say the praisen attack started just before 8:30 a.m., about 8:24 a.m. this morning, in the middle, of course, of the morning rush hour. a train pulling into the station. the suspect pulling a smoke canister from his bag, puts on a gas mask, then opens the smoke canister, starts firing inside that train car. this hour, that suspect is still at large. he's described by police as a black male, 5'5", heavyset. on the train, he was wearing a green vest and a gray sweatshirt. eyewitness accounts paint a harrowing scene. this is yav montano who was on that train as the shot rang out. >> as soon as the smoke flared up, it started to engulf everything. people started migrating to the front of the car. and at the front of the car, i don't know if people know this, but it was one of those old trains where they locked the doors to travel in between cars. so there was one gentlemen on the train, using all his strength to try to open that door and he ended up opening it, but the other door to get into the other car was locked. and there were people in that other car that saw what was happening and they tried to open the door, but they couldn't. so we were stuck in the car. and i mean, i don't know if this is too vulgar for tv, but there was blood on the floor. there was a lot of blood trailing on the floor and -- at the time and the moment, i did not think that it was a shooting, because it sounded like fireworks. all i saw was people trampling each other, trampling over each other, trying to get through to the door, which was locked. and it was just a lot of panic. >> let's get straight back to the scene of this crime, cnn's brin gingras is there. brynn, we're waiting now, obviously, the most important thing, the search for the suspect and investigators still on the crime scene. >> reporter: that's right. and now actually we're seeing -- frank, can you actually turn around little bit. if it's possible, can you turn. i want to show our viewers this scene to you. we're seeing people -- police department authorities really circulating this area, leaving the area, as they look to investigate who this person is, not only that, but where they actually are. so much information is coming out. i'm learning now we won't get an update from law enforcement for another couple of hours, because it is so early in this investigation. one of the things, john, that we're seeing that there are names circumstance light trying to figure out who the person is. that will be a big help, to finding who they are. but those accounts who you're hearing inside this subway, i want to paint a picture for viewers really quickly, if i could, john, is that this has happened during the rush hour, at a time when, on a subway line that is a commuter train. people were just probably going to work this morning. this isn't sort of a tourist area of brooklyn, where it would be incredibly packed, but even still, just horrific, horrific on this train. and actually, we're getting moved right now. i'll go back to you john, if i can. >> brynn gingras, having a little bit of problem with your audio right there. joining me now is the new york congressman, lydia velasquez. i just want to confirm, can you hear me? >> yes, i can hear you. just give me the latest. obviously, this is a horrific scene in your hometown. you heard the police briefing earlier. i'm wondering if you have any disinformation information. most importantly, about the ongoing search for the suspect. >> well, the most important thing for me is to be able to say that most of the victims and the people injured are stable. and that is so important. but the second aspect of all of this is that the assailant is still at large. and he is a dangerous person. clearly, he wants to harm as many people as he can. and this is why we need to stop, to put a stop into this madness. you know, we need to act. there has been legislation introduced, including mine, that will stop the pipeline, the iron pipeline to put a stop to guns and especially assault weapons that have no business to be on the streets, coming to new york and other parts of the nation. >> tell us a bit about this sunset park neighborhood. it's one of the most diverse neighborhoods in a very diverse city. you're talking about 8:24 in the morning, at a time when, as governor noted, people are trying to get back to normal, after two-plus years of the covid pandemic. very important subway line to take people from brooklyn across to manhattan, perhaps to go to work, or the other way, if they're coming back from an earlier or overnight shift. what is it like in that neighborhood in an early morning like >> it's a working class neighborhood. people go to work. they use the subway to make it to work. this is a community that has suffered tremendously. and in all these discussions, we cannot forget the community. covid-19 devastated this community. previ previously -- devastated this community and now it's really my heart is broken because this is -- it has nothing for this community to be targeted this way. >> congresswoman nydia velazquez, appreciate your time today. we appreciate the community the best. and right now we wish the police and other law enforcement authorities the best as they hunt for the suspect. thank you very much. let's go back live to the scene and brynn gingras is still there. you hear the congresswoman weighing in. we saw the briefing this morning. what might be notable for viewers is that the first person to speak was the deputy mayor, not the relatively new three, four months on the job eric adams, the mayor now, himself a former police officer. mr. adams could not be there because he's at home in confinement because he has covid but did release this video a short time ago. listen. >> the suspect of today's attack detonated smoke bombs to cause havoc. we will not allow new yorkers to be terrorized, even by a single individual. >> a remarkable moment of just coincidental timing. the mayor, not sidelined, he's working, but not able to be out in public because of covid. >> i mean, it's quite remarkable. especially for this mayor. it's pretty much a freshman mayor at this point. and because he was former law enforcement, he certainly is a mayor that would be right here on the scene getting these updates and really leading the press conferences like the one that we just had. so this is certainly a rare incident for him to be on the sidelines, but as you said, his spokesperson saying that he is very much aware of what's going on, staying in tune with law enforcement, getting all the updates. but certainly not allowed to appear here in person because of those covid restrictions needing to isolate a few more days and not put anybody in harm's way. one thing i want to mention, john, is that as we were talking before, there's still so much we have to learn that was not answered in this news conference. we're expecting to get more information probably a little bit later this afternoon, details of that will, of course, we'll let you know. but so many questions were asked including the one that i asked which was, where did the suspect flee to after this incident on the train? was it through the subway tracks? did they get out at the next stop? they will not answer that. so many details. certainly it's very likely these law enforcement officials from the local to the state to the federal level know the answer to and are working to put everything together to find this suspect. but as of right now, they're not giving those details nor motive until they actually apprehend him. >> and so brynn, obviously you're focusing on what right now is priority one, priority two and priority three, which is this investigation and finding the suspect. you hear the tone, just in office three months, eric adams. we'll not allow new yorkers to be terrorized even by a single individual. tough talk from the mayor. also at the press conference, the new york governor, kathy hochul. she came into office when andrew cuomo left. it's an election year in new york. listen to the governor. >> that sense of tranquillity and normalness was brutally disrupted by an individual so cold hearted and depraved of heart that they had no caring about the individuals that they assaulted as they simply went about their daily lives. this individual is still on the loose. this person is dangerous. they are asking individuals to be very vigilant and alert. you'll get more reports on specificity as the day goes on. this is an active shooter situation right now in the city of new york. >> she also used the word depraved. it's just -- it's unavoidable to note that we're in a moment not only this horrific incident this morning but when rising crime in new york city and nationally is a big issue in this election year. >> absolutely. it's something that the mayor has been focusing on, trying to kind of get the negative press away from the subway system and other touristy areas of new york city. come back to this city. we're open. please visit after all of the covid sort of shutdowns. this was a commuter train where it happened. people were trying likely to just get to work. so that was much of their intent i'm sure getting this video out here. also like i said, having this news conference right away where they couldn't give too much information just yet. haven't apprehended the suspect, where they just want to put people at ease and just say, listen, we don't think this is a terrorist incident but it's still being investigated. so the idea of really getting that message out in front and quickly, you can tell that's, obviously, on the minds of the mayor and of the governor. but this is really a major test for both of them as it's the favorite major crime incident to happen in new york city, certainly post-covid. international news down to local news is here covering this. so it will be interesting to see how they continue to handle this and the spread of information really in the next coming hours and days. >> brynn gingras, thankful for your live reporting. 16 people treated for injuries, 10 for gunshots. five in critical condition. none of those expected to be life-threatening. dana bash picks up our coverage, including an interview with the mayor of new york city, eric adams, after a quick break. >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair,, safelite replace. ♪ wayfair has everything i need to make my home totally me. sometimes, i'm a homebody. so cozy. sometimes, i'm all business. d yeah, i'm not a chef- perfect. but thanks to wayfair, i do love my kitchen. peyes!t. ancestry made it really easy to learn about my family's history. finding military information, newspaper articles, how many people were living in the house and where it was, makes me curious and keeps pulling me in and the photos 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Sort , Tourist Area , Lydia Velasquez , Bit , Audio , Problem , Disinformation Information , Hometown , Police Briefing , Aspect , Stop , Pipeline , Madness , Legislation , Mine , Guns , Assault Weapons , Streets , Parts , Neighborhoods , Nation , Sunset Park Neighborhood , Pandemic , To Manhattan , Working Class Neighborhood , Discussions , Previ , 19 , Nydia Velazquez , Nothing , Best , Let S Go , Briefing , Eric Adams , Four , Adams , Police Officer , Confinement , Attack , Smoke Bombs , Mr , Single , Timing , Freshman Mayor , Working , Updates , Spokesperson , Press Conferences , The One , Sidelines , In Harm S Way , What S Going On , Tune , Restrictions , Anybody , Will , Law Enforcement Officials , Answer , Priority , Tone , Talk , Election , Office , Tranquillity , Left , Andrew Cuomo , Word , Press , Shutdowns , Intent , Haven T , Test , Minds , Ease , Message , Both , Spread , Coverage , Tech Vo , Interview , Dana Bash , Homebody , Singers , Wayfair , Safelite Com , Safelite , 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