Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

know this will be a different fight in the east. it will be a more consolidated russian forceful one where they have more fire power, more raw strength focused into a specific geographic area. but they'll be going up against ukrainians, the most experienced ukrainian troops. and they are confident they can hold out if they get the support they need from western allies. >> the military weapons and such. today putin met with the austrian chancellor, carl, for 75 minutes in moscow. he says it was not a friendly visit. he is not particularly optimistic from the talks. what do you make of the face to face meeting? >> he is the first to meet since the start of the war. austria is militarily neutral. but as the chancellor says, not morally neutral. this is a chancellor only yesterday was talking with streets of bucha, seeing for himself the aftermath of russia's occupation. so his messages to putin were blunt. effectively, this is on you. there must be accountability for war crime. the e.u. is united that sanctions will continue for as long as russia's war of aggression will continue. so not a friendly visit by any means. >> today's ukraine's foreign minister said it would be extremely difficult to think about negotiations with russia after all horrific events. bucha, the train station attack at kramatorsk. >> there is no room for diplomacy. neither side the willing to make concessions. both sides are still trying to create realities on the ground that would allow concessions at the negotiating table. it is something ukraine and its allies have been open about. they think the only way to have leverage through negotiations is to inflict pain on the battlefield. to prove to russia that the goals are unachievable or they will come at unbearable cost. russia is doing the same, really. it is trying to conquer territory that it will not give up easily. so for all these reasons, it is why the battle in the east is why there is the potential effort. >> the difference between the ukrainians are trying to kill russian troops and the russian troops are trying to kill ukrainian citizens. women, children, seniors. >> yes. >> all right. thank you so much. let's to go kyiv now. fred pleitgen, fred, russian troops may not have been able to cam you are kyiv and the surrounding neighborhoods. but what they left behind was absolutely horrific. and you've been bearing witness yourself. you've seen streets littered with bodies. >> reporter: you're absolutely right. and it continues to now. this isn't some fast clean-up the authorities are trying to undertake. quite frankly, the authorities around kyiv, the people around kyiv, to the north of kyiv. they're finding out that the scale of the destruction is a lot bigger than anybody would have thought. also, that populations that lived through all this, they're extremely traumatized. there are so many people that we come across who stayed behind and who just break out into tears the moment they tell us some of the awful things they've witnessed. and then of course, some of the things the authorities are finding here. some of the dead bodies are truly a devastating and awful sight. so we have to warn our viewers in the report you're about to see, there are some graphic and disturbing videos. the tour is a sad routine for the body collectors in the outskirts of kyiv. finding corpses has become eerily normal here. a house destroyed by an artillery strike, a body burned beyond recognition. a mangled car wreck, two bodies burned beyond recognition. a house that was occupied by russian troops. an elderly lady dead in the bedroom. these bodies evidence of a brutal russian occupation and then a fierce fight by the underdog ukrainians to drive them out. a fight 81-year-old cat reasona witnessed up close in her village. there were explosions. explosions from all sides. it was scary, she tells me. i am in my house. i cross myself and lie down. then i hear how it thundered and all the windows in the house were broken. the ukrainians tell us, the russian troops didn't even bother collecting most of their own dead. more than a week after vladimir putin's army was pushed out of here, they showed us the body of a russian soldier still lying in the woods. that's not all they've left behind. this de-mining unit says they've found hundreds of tons of unexploded ordnance in just a few days. even though the russians deny using these bombs. these weapons are extremely dangerous for civilians who might accidentally touch them, the commander says. there are about 50 such elements in one bomb, he says. this is a high explosive fragmentation bomb to kill people. designed just to kill people. they blow up the cluster bomblet on the spot and then move the heavier bombs to a different location for a massive controlled explosion. the body collecting, the mine sweeping, and the clearing up of wreckage are just starting in this area. yet this pile of demolished vehicles, both military and civilian, already towers in the kyiv suburb of irpin. if you had to picture trying to take the capital of kyiv, it would probably look a lot like this. destruction on a massive scale. and absolutely nothing to show for it. russia's military was humiliated by the ukrainians and caused a lot of harm in the process. and they've devastated scores of families. at irpin's cemetery, the newly widowed we'll at funerals for the fallen. this woman, her husband igor fought alongside their son in irpin and died in his arms on the battlefield. this woman, wife of dmeet dmytro, killed. and tatiana, her husband alexander promised he would come back in a few hours but he was killed defending the neighborhood. i'm very proud of him, tatiana says. he's a hero. we have many people in ukraine who have not fled and are defending their home. sasha died 200 meters from our house where we lived. laying the dead to rest, another sad task they've become all too efficient at performing in this area. close by, the next funeral is already underway. and there will certainly be many more there in irpin and so many other places around ukraine and around this area north of kyiv as well, jake. and one of the things we've talked about. there is a lot of sadness and anger there among the people but also resilience as well. we are seeing more and more people returning to here who had fled the area, trying to breathe some life into the places that have been abandoned since the russians invaded the country. jake? >> and fred, that's the all clear from the alarm we got before. the air raid siren. did the people there believe ultimately, there will be justice? >> reporter: well, look. i think that they are following very closely some of the investigations that are going on. of course, you had the prosecutor general in the previous hour. that was something really important for the people here to hear and see that the investigations going on. some of them might happen internationally as well. but very few people believe that any people in the russian leadership will be held to account and are going to have to stand up for the things that they've done. what we hear from people like the lady in our report there, they want vengeance on the battlefield. they want ukraine to not give an inch of territory. they want to keep fighting for their independence. they certainly see the ones who have fallen so far as heroes to the country. if anything, there is more resolve. and one of the things one person told us. what is your message to vladimir putin, i asked them? and she said flat out, i want vladimir putin dead. jake? >> live in kyiv. thank you. joining us to discuss, the ceo of vox check. an independent fact organization. he's also serving in the territorial defense. your country was already providing this important service. fact checking russian disinformation about the war in ukraine. so why was it important for to you also join the ukrainian armed forces? >> yes. thank you. it is a unit for the organization. and yes. before the war, starting from 2015, i was working with disinformation, disinformation narratives, coming not only from russia but from other countries. primarily russia and china. actually, but yes. the last two years, working facebook and continuing to work with facebook, countries with disinformation. there is a lot right now. i think u.s. also got that part of the, of this disinformation. >> so you fought against the russians as they were advancing on kyiv. what was that like? >> i think it was, it felt really scary. it was my first night in territorial defense forces. i was, i don't know what i'm doing. what we're going to do, and a lot of guys with me was actually, felt, with a qgun in their hands. that was really scary. now we're trained enough to fight against russian troops. so i hope that they will understand this. and they will go back. >> what is your unit doing now that the russians have withdrawn from around kyiv? what does your day to day look like? >> a great question. we are now part of our -- i'm actually, i want to introduce my brother in arms, in 2009 battle beyond of territory defense of kyiv. so it's not secret information. and for now, we are in kyiv. we are at this moment of time, we are, from the territory defense in the earl of ukraine. in the newly created division of army. and we are all, already got experience in fights. we got actually, a few weeks ago, we were in bucha, it is a city near bucha which was critical for kyiv defense because in case russian troops getting through, if they go through it, then they can just open a route to kyiv. an open route to kyiv. so yeah. that was our duties at that moment of time. now we are actually training. and waiting to the to the east of ukraine where the hot spot is right now. >> so we know the russians are constantly spreading disinformation about their actions in ukraine, starting with their assertion that they were never going to invade. how does your company go about fact checking all the lies that the kremlin tells? how do you go about revealing the truth? >> yeah. we closely work with some, i can't tell with exactly the namt of organization. with the government organization from the u.s. and the project we start, it was actually how russia spread disinformation not only in ukraine but such countries as germany, as italy, as france. and now we are continuing to do this project. and we are actually finishing this project. and now i can say, this information field with facebook, or the program in which we are participating from the side of ukraine from 2015, 2020, i think. yeah. 2020. where we check information. on facebook, now we are found in about 150 fakes per month. and mostly 90% of them is russian disinformation. and we are trying to mark them as manipulation. so it is a big part of our work. of our daily work as an organization. my colleagues are working to do a lot of work. i can only help them with my advice, some tactics, and so on. but yeah. er in doing some work. >> yeah. thank you so much for your time today. really appreciate it. best of luck. all the bodies in bucha, the train station attack. the kremlin not only denies committing these war crimes. wait until you hear the lies that are told to the russian people. plus, the big decision coming up in two weeks that could change the approach to ukraine. see him? he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? when you find that perfect pair, nothin' can stop your shine. because when you feel fly, you look fly. um jamie? i'm pretty sure that was my line. get two pairs of privé revaux plus a free exam for $89.95. book your exam online today. staying in our world lead, another prominent putin critic has been detained as the kremlin's unrelenting crackdown continues. vladimir, who has already managed to survive two suspected poisonings, was detained outside of his moscow apartment today. a russian opposition politician tells us. it is a fierce war to justify the unprovoked brutal invasion and to try to cover up the growing number of atrocities and magaziner cans being committed against ukrainian civilians. brian stelter now reports on the lies and misinformation coming out of russian media. >> reporter: here's what russia's upside down media world is like. they claim the train station missile strike in eastern ukraine was committed by ukraine, despite all evidence to the contrary. this post from the foreign affairs ministry prorated on social media claims that kyiv regime wants more of its own civilians to die. >> russians who get their truth from the state media are living in an alternate reality. >> reporter: every day, m madeleine roache watches the state run tv. >> the russian army is portrayed as triumphant, as not sustaining any losses, any casualties, and certainly not committing any atrocities. meanwhile, according to the state media, it is the ukrainian army exiting atrocities, killing civilians, sustaining heavy losses, and losing territory to the russian forces. >> reporter: they deny, they deflect, and according to julia davis, creator of the russian mideast monitor, they portray the russian armed forces as liberators. >> they are presenting it like the ukrainians want them there. they want to be liberated. they've been oppressed by this nazi government. >> reporter: independent news coverage disproves that but there is almost none of that left in russia. >> essentially, journalism has been banned in russia. >> reporter: so many journalists have fled the country. >> the true story of what goes on in russia is getting harder and harder to tell. >> no surprise that so many people are just following along with the kremlin's lies. it is the easiest thing for them to do. they don't see an alternative. they feel powerless and it is information they've been fed year upon year upon year by putin and by the soviet leadership in those days. >> the government has created this sealed bubble that doesn't allow for information that contradicts the government to enter. >> reporter: roache is now writing a daily report for news guard. a record of the false claims. she says others need to know what it is like. >> russians would have every reason to feel proud based on what they're seeing on state tv. >> reporter: the human brain's ability to rationalize almost anything. maybe in this case, the better term is propaganda poisoning. despite all the reporting, moscow has a very firm grim on public opinion. >> cnn's brian stelter. thank you. our fact checker joins us live to break down specific examples of russian misinformation that he's tracking. and the russian government and its allies, they've been trying on deceive people. they've been lying about the killing of civilians in bucha outside kyiv. what can you tell us about the misinformation? >> the russian government has claimed that not a single local resident was killed while russian troops were in bucha. that evidence to the contrary was staged or faked or a hoax. these claims are frankly ridiculous. they're totally false. it has been conclusively demonstrated that civilians were indeed killed while russian troops were in bucha and they say by russia. let's walk through some of the deception here. i want to show people just how hard russia and its allies have been working to trick people. in early april, videos emerged of dead people on a street outside bucha. so russian officials quick will settled on a way to cast out these videos. they claim it showed that a person lying on the road was actually alive. that their hand was moving. but journalists quickly proved that the so-called moving hand was just a drop of water moving across the wind shield of the car from which the video was filmed. journalists also found still photos of that same personal on the road, clearly deceased. so end of story? not for the russian government. i also suggested that the bodies only appeared on this bucha road days after russian troops with drew from the area. so they were hinting the bodies had been place there'd by ukrainian forces. but that is chk false, too. satellite photos proved there have been bodies only road for more than two weeks. period when russian troops were present. so now, end of story? with satellite photo proof? no again. pro russian facts sight started casting doubt on the satellite photos claiming the satellite company in question was not even taking pictures on march 19th, the date of some of the photos. but the company was taking pictures that day, either out of malice or ignorance, the people doing the fact check weren't properly doing their online archive search. so this is exhausting for me to keep track of and this is my full-time job. i'm sure regular people around the world find it exhausting themselves to keep track of. and i think that's the point. i think what russia is doing is throwing so much nonsense at the wall. either some of it sticks and gets believed or it just tires people out. that people get so confused and overwhelmed by everything being contested. even the most obvious facts they throw up their hands and say i don't know what's true. i can't keep track of all this. and i think we as journalists have to fight hard against that. >> absolutely. and this deception goes far beyond bucha. the russian state tv claimed last being it had video showing ukrainians were getting toward use a dummy as a fake corpse. tell us about that. >> yeah. this was ridiculous. this aired on russia 24 claiming to catch ukrainians in the act of preparing to stage a russian killing. pretending that russia killed a civilian. in fact this video was taken in russia. not ukraine. it was from the filming of a television show. we know this because someone who worked on the tv production crew spoke out on facebook and instagram about the misuse of the footage by russia 24. they made clear they were filming in russia. they joked about how their dummy had become russia's most famous dummy. so it is a long stream of false claims and a lot of it is quite brazen. coming up next, the family that left russia right as putin started the invasion and now now the concern about russian forces. line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty.y... arare we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. libeberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ dove knows we damage our hair a lot my hair i curl it. i have to use a lot of heat new dove hair therapy shampoo & conditioner wi ceramide & peptide. level to rcue damaged hair. discover 1x stronger hair with new dove hair therapy rescue an. our commitment to you is clear. save money. live better. offer everyday low prices, fresh groceries delivered to your door and prescriptions as low as $4. so you can live a little better each day. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind 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would be back here quite yet. his family moved to russia 30 years ago, fleeing the georgian civil war. it was in moscow they built a life. where he met his wife anya and where his kids were born. he's told them truth about the horrors of the current war in ukraine and said he worried what would happen if one of the teachers echoed putin's propaganda that this war is just. >> he knows what is really going. and he will say no. you are not right. and it will be trouble for him. >> reporter: you are worried about your son. >> yes, yes. >> reporter: so the family left for georgia a if you days after the war began. though anya isn't completely sure they'll be safe here either. if no one stops putin, she says, he can easily go both to georgia and the west. and she is not alone in her fears. georgians have a long brutal history with russia. russian troops invaded in 2008 and thousands of troops remain in two breakaway provinces of georgia. in 1989, in the capital, nearly two dozen protesters were killed and hundreds were injured by soviet troops as they advocated for independence. people gathered over the weekend outside the parliament building to mark the anniversary of that massacre. georgian flags this year joined by those from ukraine for what is now called national unity day. a big day each year in georgia but this year it is made even more important, given what we're seeing russian troops do in ukraine. decades of russian aggression here have left deep scars and many now see parallels between putin's invasion of ukraine and what they fear could happen in georgia. >> for georgia, for our sovereignty, for our integrity. >> reporter: do you think there's a chance that russia could invade georgia again? >> yes. this threat is always. every country across europe. not only georgia. >> reporter: back in their apartment, gmia and his family wholeheartedly agree. they don't want their children and grandchildren to grow number what they call north korea 2.0. and for that they say people must blds a crucial point. she said the whole world must understand that ukraine is not fighting just for itself. it is fighting for everyone and the whole world must stop putin because he won't stop with ukraine. the family told us before they left moscow, in the beginning days of the war, they were talking to some of the their friends in moscow and they said they were shocked to hear from people they considered themselves close to that they were repeating the lines of russian propaganda. that the ukraine government was fash. is, that they were drug addicts as we so often hear from russian state media, and that played a role in their decision to leave. jake? >> matt rivers, thank you so much. coming up, the spike in covid cases in the u.s. and the key factor that might explain why so many have e resisted bringing bk mask mandates. ststay with us. and the vegetables that you're e growing. find more ways to grow at we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. turning now to our health lead even though hospitalizations and deaths in the u.s. are down compared with last week. covid cases are rising in more than half of the states. the white house coordinator said the white house isn't yet cause for alarm. >> we go seeing case numbers rise in new england, the mid-atlantic. we will see this. we will see moments where cases go up and down. if we were to see a spake in cases, we would see that trickle into hospitalizations. we're not seeing that. hospitalizations right now are at the lowest level since march of 2020. >> let's bring in cnn medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. even though hospitalizations are at the lowest level since march 2020, which is rather significant. the u.s. is still averaging more than 500 covid deaths a day. do we know anything about these people who are dying? are they overwhelmingly unvaccinated? do they have co-morbidities? >> we do know these 500 people dying per day, they do tend to be elderly and even more so, they tend to be unvaccinated. let's take a look at those numbers. if you look at cdc data from january and february, what you will see is folks 75 and older have a ten times higher death rate compared to folks younger, 50 to 64. the unvaccinated have about nine times higher risk of dying from covid than the fully vaccinated. and the same unvaccinated folks have a 21 times higher risk of dying than those who are fully vaccinated and boosted. so you can't do anything about your age. there's not a lot you can do about your underlying conditions and those people are also more vulnerable. but of course, as we've been saying for over a year now, get vaccinated. that does make a difference. >> get vaccinated, get boosted. many testing sites are shutting down because of a lack of demand. is that going to be a problem? >> you know rgs right now it makes sense in some ways. city and state health departments saying people are not showing up for tests. we have limited resources. we need to close these down. in the short term, you can see where that comes from. here's the concern. this has been a very unpredictable virus. there have been times, probably a year ago, when we were thinking, if you're vaccinated. you're fine. take off your mask. everything is okay. and it didn't turn out that way. so here's the problem. if another variant comes around, if hospitalizations and deaths and cases start to go up again. we will want those testing sites back. so hopefully as they're being closed down, it is with an eye toward how can we reopen them? how can we remain nimble so we can have the testing sites if we need them again. because there's a real possibility that they will be needed again. >> so the great city of philadelphia is bringing back indoor mask mandates as of april 18. what is going on there? will people follow advice like that? >> you know, jake, your favorite city, right? you might be able to shed some light. what do you think? the people of philadelphia, will they obey the mask mandates? i don't know about philadelphia but in general, i think it will be very, very difficult to get people to obey mask mandates again. maybe fits for something super specific. when i've been on air planes, people for the most part are quite good about wearing masks because they know in this instance, they're supposed to. or when they're in airports. but it would need to be for something i think very specific in order or the people to wear masks again. to just say, hey, whenever you're in a restaurant or a store or wherever, wear a mask. i think that will be very difficult to do. and you certainly don't want to put a mandate out there and not enforce it. that really sends the wrong message. it sends the message that a mandate doesn't mean anything. >> elizabeth cohen, thank you. turning to our money lead, americans are bracing for even higher prices. in fact, inflation fears released today he shows american are more worried about the cost of living now than they have been in almost a decade. rent, medical expenses, and gas prices are top of mind. joining us to discuss, the senior data reporter. hey, good to see you. so jobs numbers looking pretty good. how do americans feel about the economy overall? >> yeah. this is really just a mixed economy. it is very confusing, right? if you look at the unemployment rate, it is below 4%. we're going back to an unemployment rate that's lower than since before the pandemic began. look at the annual inflation rate. 7.9%. that's as of february. we'll get another report tomorrow. that's the highest since 1982. long before i was born. so it's way, way back in the past. and when americans are trying to look at these two competing measures, okay. it's pretty easy to get a job but it might be hard to buy something. how do they see the economy going? what we see in the polling is, do americans feel the economy is good or bad? the vast majority, 63% in a cbs news poll yesterday said the economy was bad. only 31% said good. and even among democrats. in poll, only about 50% said it was good. so most americans think the economy is in bad shape. >> so of those two in three americans who think the economy is in bad shape, what is the driving factor for that opinion? >> yaefrl i think there's this whole idea. the white house is just losing the messaging war. if only they knew how good the job situation was. but if you ask americans, why do you think the economy is bad, it is inflation. the voters know exactly what's going on. they're not stupid. 86% say inflation. only 17% say unemployment if they believe it is the bad shape. so americans don't ts it is in bad shape because of employment. they believe it is in bad shape because of inflation. that's across the board, republicans, democrats, independents. gallup has been asking br b it forever. 17% of americans said inflation was the most important problem facing the u.s. in march of 2022. that was the highest it's been since 1985. so again, another long stretch where inflation and the economy in bad shape, at left a in voters' minds. >> is this high inflation uniquely an american problem? >> no. it's not. this is the beauty of it. we're always focused on the united states, et cetera, et cetera. this is a worldwide problem. and i think there's no place you can see that better than france. we know now that emmanuel macron is facing a run-off against marine le pen. why is that? the number one issue in the french's minds, it is inflation. it is killing macron. it was inconceivable to someone like me given the tlis of le penn in france. >> and you're going to hear more about that in the next segment. thank you so much. how russia's invasion into ukraine is playing a large role. in major presidential election in france. stay with us. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. also on our world lead, deja vu in france. macron and marine la pen are ed had had to a runoff. macron bested la pen in a testy contest in 2017. sunday's results mean voters will have to cast their ballots once more since neither candidate got 50% of the vote. macron tallied in at almost 28% of the votes and wla pen traile at 23%. melissa bell joins us from paris and melissa, this race could have direct implications on russia and putin's invasion of ukraine. >> absolutely and france's position in the world and the future of europe itself, jake. there's a lot at stake and what we saw in this first round was macron consolidate his position. he did better than in 2017 but also la pen doing the same. with two starkly different views of france, the future. and what we see now is a confirmation of what we saw in 2017. this time, they didn't even get the 5% they needed to claim back the millions they spent on their campaigns. instead, macron facing off against a far right leader that has really achieved a considerable amount of the vote in the first round and they will now be facing off in a poll that is expected, jake, to be the tightest since 1974, except this time, rather than the traditional left and right, it's two very different futures of france that are being proposed. they're looking at 49% versus 51% potentially in those polls and of course, there is all of that at stake and for europe as well. >> while i have you, over the weekend, pakistan's parliament ousted their prime minister and voted in the opposition leader. tell us about that. >> it's been another moment of political turmoil in pakistan. it had been thought that khan, the popular one who had taken power in 2018, might become the first prime minister in pakistan to see through his entire five-year term. that did not happen. the man to come in on a ticket of anticorruption appears to have been vested by a troubled economy, inflation and also, falling foul of the country's powerful military and intelligence services. the opposition saw an opportunity called a confidence vote. in the end, the supreme court allowed that. imran khan has lost. he claims there's an anti-american plot against him. so far, he's provided no proof of. but it is now shahbaz sharif that takes power. he will now form a government and is expected to rule until next year's election. the question is whether all that political uncertainty now comes to an end, jake. >> thanks so much. the startling moment that sent crowds in times square running for cover. stay with us. pay for what you need? like how i customized this scarf? check out this backpack i made for marco. only pay for what yoyou need. ♪liberty. libiberty. liberty. liberty.♪ (cto) ♪ i want the world ♪ (production manager) ♪ i want the whole 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, Effort , Battle In The East , Children , Yes , Citizens , Go Kyiv , Fred Pleitgen , Bodies , Around Kyiv , Neighborhoods , Cam , Reporter , Authorities , North , Isn T , Lot , Scale , Destruction , Populations , This , Tears , Anybody , Things , Report , Course , Some , Devastating , Viewers , Sight , House , Videos , Body Burned Beyond Recognition , Routine , Body , Outskirts , Collectors , Tour , Finding Corpses , Lady , Recognition , Car Wreck , Two , Bedroom , Cat , 81 , Explosions , Village , Windows In The House , Russian Army , Most , Dead , Russians , Unit , Hundreds , In The Woods , Soldier , Tons , Unexploded Ordnance , Civilians , Bombs , Fragmentation Bomb , Bomb , Commander , Elements , 50 , Explosion , Spot , Location , Cluster Bomblet , Civilian , Body Collecting , Wreckage , Clearing , Vehicles , Pile , Military , Capital , Nothing , Irpin , Suburb , Igor , Families , Funerals , Harm , Process , Scores , Cemetery , Woman , Arms , Tatiana , Alexander , Son , Dmeet Dmytro , Neighborhood , Home , Hero , Rest , Funeral , Task , Sasha , 200 , Ukraine , Jake , Places , Sadness , Country , Life , Resilience , Alarm , Clear , Justice , Air Raid Siren , Investigations , Prosecutor General , Leadership , Message , Anything , Person , Independence , Resolve , Fighting , Heroes , Ones , Vox Check , Ceo , Fact , Organization , Disinformation , Service , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Disinformation Narratives , 2015 , On Facebook , Countries , Working Facebook , China , Part , Night , Forces , Guys , Hands , Felt , Qgun , Question , Brother , Our , Battle Beyond Of Territory , 2009 , Information , Territory Defense , Fights , Earl , Experience , Division , City Near Bucha Which , It , Case , Route To Kyiv , Training , Duties , Actions , Assertion , The Hot Spot , Company , Truth , Kremlin , Namt Of Organization , Government , Project , France , Spread Disinformation , Italy , Germany , Program , Information Field , 2020 , Yeah 2020 , Work , Manipulation , 150 , 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Example ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

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know this will be a different fight in the east. it will be a more consolidated russian forceful one where they have more fire power, more raw strength focused into a specific geographic area. but they'll be going up against ukrainians, the most experienced ukrainian troops. and they are confident they can hold out if they get the support they need from western allies. >> the military weapons and such. today putin met with the austrian chancellor, carl, for 75 minutes in moscow. he says it was not a friendly visit. he is not particularly optimistic from the talks. what do you make of the face to face meeting? >> he is the first to meet since the start of the war. austria is militarily neutral. but as the chancellor says, not morally neutral. this is a chancellor only yesterday was talking with streets of bucha, seeing for himself the aftermath of russia's occupation. so his messages to putin were blunt. effectively, this is on you. there must be accountability for war crime. the e.u. is united that sanctions will continue for as long as russia's war of aggression will continue. so not a friendly visit by any means. >> today's ukraine's foreign minister said it would be extremely difficult to think about negotiations with russia after all horrific events. bucha, the train station attack at kramatorsk. >> there is no room for diplomacy. neither side the willing to make concessions. both sides are still trying to create realities on the ground that would allow concessions at the negotiating table. it is something ukraine and its allies have been open about. they think the only way to have leverage through negotiations is to inflict pain on the battlefield. to prove to russia that the goals are unachievable or they will come at unbearable cost. russia is doing the same, really. it is trying to conquer territory that it will not give up easily. so for all these reasons, it is why the battle in the east is why there is the potential effort. >> the difference between the ukrainians are trying to kill russian troops and the russian troops are trying to kill ukrainian citizens. women, children, seniors. >> yes. >> all right. thank you so much. let's to go kyiv now. fred pleitgen, fred, russian troops may not have been able to cam you are kyiv and the surrounding neighborhoods. but what they left behind was absolutely horrific. and you've been bearing witness yourself. you've seen streets littered with bodies. >> reporter: you're absolutely right. and it continues to now. this isn't some fast clean-up the authorities are trying to undertake. quite frankly, the authorities around kyiv, the people around kyiv, to the north of kyiv. they're finding out that the scale of the destruction is a lot bigger than anybody would have thought. also, that populations that lived through all this, they're extremely traumatized. there are so many people that we come across who stayed behind and who just break out into tears the moment they tell us some of the awful things they've witnessed. and then of course, some of the things the authorities are finding here. some of the dead bodies are truly a devastating and awful sight. so we have to warn our viewers in the report you're about to see, there are some graphic and disturbing videos. the tour is a sad routine for the body collectors in the outskirts of kyiv. finding corpses has become eerily normal here. a house destroyed by an artillery strike, a body burned beyond recognition. a mangled car wreck, two bodies burned beyond recognition. a house that was occupied by russian troops. an elderly lady dead in the bedroom. these bodies evidence of a brutal russian occupation and then a fierce fight by the underdog ukrainians to drive them out. a fight 81-year-old cat reasona witnessed up close in her village. there were explosions. explosions from all sides. it was scary, she tells me. i am in my house. i cross myself and lie down. then i hear how it thundered and all the windows in the house were broken. the ukrainians tell us, the russian troops didn't even bother collecting most of their own dead. more than a week after vladimir putin's army was pushed out of here, they showed us the body of a russian soldier still lying in the woods. that's not all they've left behind. this de-mining unit says they've found hundreds of tons of unexploded ordnance in just a few days. even though the russians deny using these bombs. these weapons are extremely dangerous for civilians who might accidentally touch them, the commander says. there are about 50 such elements in one bomb, he says. this is a high explosive fragmentation bomb to kill people. designed just to kill people. they blow up the cluster bomblet on the spot and then move the heavier bombs to a different location for a massive controlled explosion. the body collecting, the mine sweeping, and the clearing up of wreckage are just starting in this area. yet this pile of demolished vehicles, both military and civilian, already towers in the kyiv suburb of irpin. if you had to picture trying to take the capital of kyiv, it would probably look a lot like this. destruction on a massive scale. and absolutely nothing to show for it. russia's military was humiliated by the ukrainians and caused a lot of harm in the process. and they've devastated scores of families. at irpin's cemetery, the newly widowed we'll at funerals for the fallen. this woman, her husband igor fought alongside their son in irpin and died in his arms on the battlefield. this woman, wife of dmeet dmytro, killed. and tatiana, her husband alexander promised he would come back in a few hours but he was killed defending the neighborhood. i'm very proud of him, tatiana says. he's a hero. we have many people in ukraine who have not fled and are defending their home. sasha died 200 meters from our house where we lived. laying the dead to rest, another sad task they've become all too efficient at performing in this area. close by, the next funeral is already underway. and there will certainly be many more there in irpin and so many other places around ukraine and around this area north of kyiv as well, jake. and one of the things we've talked about. there is a lot of sadness and anger there among the people but also resilience as well. we are seeing more and more people returning to here who had fled the area, trying to breathe some life into the places that have been abandoned since the russians invaded the country. jake? >> and fred, that's the all clear from the alarm we got before. the air raid siren. did the people there believe ultimately, there will be justice? >> reporter: well, look. i think that they are following very closely some of the investigations that are going on. of course, you had the prosecutor general in the previous hour. that was something really important for the people here to hear and see that the investigations going on. some of them might happen internationally as well. but very few people believe that any people in the russian leadership will be held to account and are going to have to stand up for the things that they've done. what we hear from people like the lady in our report there, they want vengeance on the battlefield. they want ukraine to not give an inch of territory. they want to keep fighting for their independence. they certainly see the ones who have fallen so far as heroes to the country. if anything, there is more resolve. and one of the things one person told us. what is your message to vladimir putin, i asked them? and she said flat out, i want vladimir putin dead. jake? >> live in kyiv. thank you. joining us to discuss, the ceo of vox check. an independent fact organization. he's also serving in the territorial defense. your country was already providing this important service. fact checking russian disinformation about the war in ukraine. so why was it important for to you also join the ukrainian armed forces? >> yes. thank you. it is a unit for the organization. and yes. before the war, starting from 2015, i was working with disinformation, disinformation narratives, coming not only from russia but from other countries. primarily russia and china. actually, but yes. the last two years, working facebook and continuing to work with facebook, countries with disinformation. there is a lot right now. i think u.s. also got that part of the, of this disinformation. >> so you fought against the russians as they were advancing on kyiv. what was that like? >> i think it was, it felt really scary. it was my first night in territorial defense forces. i was, i don't know what i'm doing. what we're going to do, and a lot of guys with me was actually, felt, with a qgun in their hands. that was really scary. now we're trained enough to fight against russian troops. so i hope that they will understand this. and they will go back. >> what is your unit doing now that the russians have withdrawn from around kyiv? what does your day to day look like? >> a great question. we are now part of our -- i'm actually, i want to introduce my brother in arms, in 2009 battle beyond of territory defense of kyiv. so it's not secret information. and for now, we are in kyiv. we are at this moment of time, we are, from the territory defense in the earl of ukraine. in the newly created division of army. and we are all, already got experience in fights. we got actually, a few weeks ago, we were in bucha, it is a city near bucha which was critical for kyiv defense because in case russian troops getting through, if they go through it, then they can just open a route to kyiv. an open route to kyiv. so yeah. that was our duties at that moment of time. now we are actually training. and waiting to the to the east of ukraine where the hot spot is right now. >> so we know the russians are constantly spreading disinformation about their actions in ukraine, starting with their assertion that they were never going to invade. how does your company go about fact checking all the lies that the kremlin tells? how do you go about revealing the truth? >> yeah. we closely work with some, i can't tell with exactly the namt of organization. with the government organization from the u.s. and the project we start, it was actually how russia spread disinformation not only in ukraine but such countries as germany, as italy, as france. and now we are continuing to do this project. and we are actually finishing this project. and now i can say, this information field with facebook, or the program in which we are participating from the side of ukraine from 2015, 2020, i think. yeah. 2020. where we check information. on facebook, now we are found in about 150 fakes per month. and mostly 90% of them is russian disinformation. and we are trying to mark them as manipulation. so it is a big part of our work. of our daily work as an organization. my colleagues are working to do a lot of work. i can only help them with my advice, some tactics, and so on. but yeah. er in doing some work. >> yeah. thank you so much for your time today. really appreciate it. best of luck. all the bodies in bucha, the train station attack. the kremlin not only denies committing these war crimes. wait until you hear the lies that are told to the russian people. plus, the big decision coming up in two weeks that could change the approach to ukraine. see him? he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? when you find that perfect pair, nothin' can stop your shine. because when you feel fly, you look fly. um jamie? i'm pretty sure that was my line. get two pairs of privé revaux plus a free exam for $89.95. book your exam online today. staying in our world lead, another prominent putin critic has been detained as the kremlin's unrelenting crackdown continues. vladimir, who has already managed to survive two suspected poisonings, was detained outside of his moscow apartment today. a russian opposition politician tells us. it is a fierce war to justify the unprovoked brutal invasion and to try to cover up the growing number of atrocities and magaziner cans being committed against ukrainian civilians. brian stelter now reports on the lies and misinformation coming out of russian media. >> reporter: here's what russia's upside down media world is like. they claim the train station missile strike in eastern ukraine was committed by ukraine, despite all evidence to the contrary. this post from the foreign affairs ministry prorated on social media claims that kyiv regime wants more of its own civilians to die. >> russians who get their truth from the state media are living in an alternate reality. >> reporter: every day, m madeleine roache watches the state run tv. >> the russian army is portrayed as triumphant, as not sustaining any losses, any casualties, and certainly not committing any atrocities. meanwhile, according to the state media, it is the ukrainian army exiting atrocities, killing civilians, sustaining heavy losses, and losing territory to the russian forces. >> reporter: they deny, they deflect, and according to julia davis, creator of the russian mideast monitor, they portray the russian armed forces as liberators. >> they are presenting it like the ukrainians want them there. they want to be liberated. they've been oppressed by this nazi government. >> reporter: independent news coverage disproves that but there is almost none of that left in russia. >> essentially, journalism has been banned in russia. >> reporter: so many journalists have fled the country. >> the true story of what goes on in russia is getting harder and harder to tell. >> no surprise that so many people are just following along with the kremlin's lies. it is the easiest thing for them to do. they don't see an alternative. they feel powerless and it is information they've been fed year upon year upon year by putin and by the soviet leadership in those days. >> the government has created this sealed bubble that doesn't allow for information that contradicts the government to enter. >> reporter: roache is now writing a daily report for news guard. a record of the false claims. she says others need to know what it is like. >> russians would have every reason to feel proud based on what they're seeing on state tv. >> reporter: the human brain's ability to rationalize almost anything. maybe in this case, the better term is propaganda poisoning. despite all the reporting, moscow has a very firm grim on public opinion. >> cnn's brian stelter. thank you. our fact checker joins us live to break down specific examples of russian misinformation that he's tracking. and the russian government and its allies, they've been trying on deceive people. they've been lying about the killing of civilians in bucha outside kyiv. what can you tell us about the misinformation? >> the russian government has claimed that not a single local resident was killed while russian troops were in bucha. that evidence to the contrary was staged or faked or a hoax. these claims are frankly ridiculous. they're totally false. it has been conclusively demonstrated that civilians were indeed killed while russian troops were in bucha and they say by russia. let's walk through some of the deception here. i want to show people just how hard russia and its allies have been working to trick people. in early april, videos emerged of dead people on a street outside bucha. so russian officials quick will settled on a way to cast out these videos. they claim it showed that a person lying on the road was actually alive. that their hand was moving. but journalists quickly proved that the so-called moving hand was just a drop of water moving across the wind shield of the car from which the video was filmed. journalists also found still photos of that same personal on the road, clearly deceased. so end of story? not for the russian government. i also suggested that the bodies only appeared on this bucha road days after russian troops with drew from the area. so they were hinting the bodies had been place there'd by ukrainian forces. but that is chk false, too. satellite photos proved there have been bodies only road for more than two weeks. period when russian troops were present. so now, end of story? with satellite photo proof? no again. pro russian facts sight started casting doubt on the satellite photos claiming the satellite company in question was not even taking pictures on march 19th, the date of some of the photos. but the company was taking pictures that day, either out of malice or ignorance, the people doing the fact check weren't properly doing their online archive search. so this is exhausting for me to keep track of and this is my full-time job. i'm sure regular people around the world find it exhausting themselves to keep track of. and i think that's the point. i think what russia is doing is throwing so much nonsense at the wall. either some of it sticks and gets believed or it just tires people out. that people get so confused and overwhelmed by everything being contested. even the most obvious facts they throw up their hands and say i don't know what's true. i can't keep track of all this. and i think we as journalists have to fight hard against that. >> absolutely. and this deception goes far beyond bucha. the russian state tv claimed last being it had video showing ukrainians were getting toward use a dummy as a fake corpse. tell us about that. >> yeah. this was ridiculous. this aired on russia 24 claiming to catch ukrainians in the act of preparing to stage a russian killing. pretending that russia killed a civilian. in fact this video was taken in russia. not ukraine. it was from the filming of a television show. we know this because someone who worked on the tv production crew spoke out on facebook and instagram about the misuse of the footage by russia 24. they made clear they were filming in russia. they joked about how their dummy had become russia's most famous dummy. so it is a long stream of false claims and a lot of it is quite brazen. coming up next, the family that left russia right as putin started the invasion and now now the concern about russian forces. line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty.y... arare we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. libeberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ dove knows we damage our hair a lot my hair i curl it. i have to use a lot of heat new dove hair therapy shampoo & conditioner wi ceramide & peptide. level to rcue damaged hair. discover 1x stronger hair with new dove hair therapy rescue an. our commitment to you is clear. save money. live better. offer everyday low prices, fresh groceries delivered to your door and prescriptions as low as $4. so you can live a little better each day. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. at xfinity, we live and work in the same neighborhood as you. we're always working to keep you connected to what you love. and now, we're working to bring you the next generation of wifi. it's ultra-fast. faster than a gig. supersonic wifi. only from xfinity. it can power hundreds of devices with three times the bandwidth. so your growing wifi needs will be met. supersonic wifi only from us... xfinity. as the russian invasion of ukrainian rages on, citizens in georgia, the republic of georgia are anxiously watching what's unfolding. the former soviet state was attacked by russia 14 years ago. putin's forces still occupy much of that country. and now from georgia's capital, worried they could be putin's next target if he succeeds here in ukraine. >> reporter: this person was born in georgia. he just didn't think he would be back here quite yet. his family moved to russia 30 years ago, fleeing the georgian civil war. it was in moscow they built a life. where he met his wife anya and where his kids were born. he's told them truth about the horrors of the current war in ukraine and said he worried what would happen if one of the teachers echoed putin's propaganda that this war is just. >> he knows what is really going. and he will say no. you are not right. and it will be trouble for him. >> reporter: you are worried about your son. >> yes, yes. >> reporter: so the family left for georgia a if you days after the war began. though anya isn't completely sure they'll be safe here either. if no one stops putin, she says, he can easily go both to georgia and the west. and she is not alone in her fears. georgians have a long brutal history with russia. russian troops invaded in 2008 and thousands of troops remain in two breakaway provinces of georgia. in 1989, in the capital, nearly two dozen protesters were killed and hundreds were injured by soviet troops as they advocated for independence. people gathered over the weekend outside the parliament building to mark the anniversary of that massacre. georgian flags this year joined by those from ukraine for what is now called national unity day. a big day each year in georgia but this year it is made even more important, given what we're seeing russian troops do in ukraine. decades of russian aggression here have left deep scars and many now see parallels between putin's invasion of ukraine and what they fear could happen in georgia. >> for georgia, for our sovereignty, for our integrity. >> reporter: do you think there's a chance that russia could invade georgia again? >> yes. this threat is always. every country across europe. not only georgia. >> reporter: back in their apartment, gmia and his family wholeheartedly agree. they don't want their children and grandchildren to grow number what they call north korea 2.0. and for that they say people must blds a crucial point. she said the whole world must understand that ukraine is not fighting just for itself. it is fighting for everyone and the whole world must stop putin because he won't stop with ukraine. the family told us before they left moscow, in the beginning days of the war, they were talking to some of the their friends in moscow and they said they were shocked to hear from people they considered themselves close to that they were repeating the lines of russian propaganda. that the ukraine government was fash. is, that they were drug addicts as we so often hear from russian state media, and that played a role in their decision to leave. jake? >> matt rivers, thank you so much. coming up, the spike in covid cases in the u.s. and the key factor that might explain why so many have e resisted bringing bk mask mandates. ststay with us. and the vegetables that you're e growing. find more ways to grow at we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. turning now to our health lead even though hospitalizations and deaths in the u.s. are down compared with last week. covid cases are rising in more than half of the states. the white house coordinator said the white house isn't yet cause for alarm. >> we go seeing case numbers rise in new england, the mid-atlantic. we will see this. we will see moments where cases go up and down. if we were to see a spake in cases, we would see that trickle into hospitalizations. we're not seeing that. hospitalizations right now are at the lowest level since march of 2020. >> let's bring in cnn medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. even though hospitalizations are at the lowest level since march 2020, which is rather significant. the u.s. is still averaging more than 500 covid deaths a day. do we know anything about these people who are dying? are they overwhelmingly unvaccinated? do they have co-morbidities? >> we do know these 500 people dying per day, they do tend to be elderly and even more so, they tend to be unvaccinated. let's take a look at those numbers. if you look at cdc data from january and february, what you will see is folks 75 and older have a ten times higher death rate compared to folks younger, 50 to 64. the unvaccinated have about nine times higher risk of dying from covid than the fully vaccinated. and the same unvaccinated folks have a 21 times higher risk of dying than those who are fully vaccinated and boosted. so you can't do anything about your age. there's not a lot you can do about your underlying conditions and those people are also more vulnerable. but of course, as we've been saying for over a year now, get vaccinated. that does make a difference. >> get vaccinated, get boosted. many testing sites are shutting down because of a lack of demand. is that going to be a problem? >> you know rgs right now it makes sense in some ways. city and state health departments saying people are not showing up for tests. we have limited resources. we need to close these down. in the short term, you can see where that comes from. here's the concern. this has been a very unpredictable virus. there have been times, probably a year ago, when we were thinking, if you're vaccinated. you're fine. take off your mask. everything is okay. and it didn't turn out that way. so here's the problem. if another variant comes around, if hospitalizations and deaths and cases start to go up again. we will want those testing sites back. so hopefully as they're being closed down, it is with an eye toward how can we reopen them? how can we remain nimble so we can have the testing sites if we need them again. because there's a real possibility that they will be needed again. >> so the great city of philadelphia is bringing back indoor mask mandates as of april 18. what is going on there? will people follow advice like that? >> you know, jake, your favorite city, right? you might be able to shed some light. what do you think? the people of philadelphia, will they obey the mask mandates? i don't know about philadelphia but in general, i think it will be very, very difficult to get people to obey mask mandates again. maybe fits for something super specific. when i've been on air planes, people for the most part are quite good about wearing masks because they know in this instance, they're supposed to. or when they're in airports. but it would need to be for something i think very specific in order or the people to wear masks again. to just say, hey, whenever you're in a restaurant or a store or wherever, wear a mask. i think that will be very difficult to do. and you certainly don't want to put a mandate out there and not enforce it. that really sends the wrong message. it sends the message that a mandate doesn't mean anything. >> elizabeth cohen, thank you. turning to our money lead, americans are bracing for even higher prices. in fact, inflation fears released today he shows american are more worried about the cost of living now than they have been in almost a decade. rent, medical expenses, and gas prices are top of mind. joining us to discuss, the senior data reporter. hey, good to see you. so jobs numbers looking pretty good. how do americans feel about the economy overall? >> yeah. this is really just a mixed economy. it is very confusing, right? if you look at the unemployment rate, it is below 4%. we're going back to an unemployment rate that's lower than since before the pandemic began. look at the annual inflation rate. 7.9%. that's as of february. we'll get another report tomorrow. that's the highest since 1982. long before i was born. so it's way, way back in the past. and when americans are trying to look at these two competing measures, okay. it's pretty easy to get a job but it might be hard to buy something. how do they see the economy going? what we see in the polling is, do americans feel the economy is good or bad? the vast majority, 63% in a cbs news poll yesterday said the economy was bad. only 31% said good. and even among democrats. in poll, only about 50% said it was good. so most americans think the economy is in bad shape. >> so of those two in three americans who think the economy is in bad shape, what is the driving factor for that opinion? >> yaefrl i think there's this whole idea. the white house is just losing the messaging war. if only they knew how good the job situation was. but if you ask americans, why do you think the economy is bad, it is inflation. the voters know exactly what's going on. they're not stupid. 86% say inflation. only 17% say unemployment if they believe it is the bad shape. so americans don't ts it is in bad shape because of employment. they believe it is in bad shape because of inflation. that's across the board, republicans, democrats, independents. gallup has been asking br b it forever. 17% of americans said inflation was the most important problem facing the u.s. in march of 2022. that was the highest it's been since 1985. so again, another long stretch where inflation and the economy in bad shape, at left a in voters' minds. >> is this high inflation uniquely an american problem? >> no. it's not. this is the beauty of it. we're always focused on the united states, et cetera, et cetera. this is a worldwide problem. and i think there's no place you can see that better than france. we know now that emmanuel macron is facing a run-off against marine le pen. why is that? the number one issue in the french's minds, it is inflation. it is killing macron. it was inconceivable to someone like me given the tlis of le penn in france. >> and you're going to hear more about that in the next segment. thank you so much. how russia's invasion into ukraine is playing a large role. in major presidential election in france. stay with us. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. also on our world lead, deja vu in france. macron and marine la pen are ed had had to a runoff. macron bested la pen in a testy contest in 2017. sunday's results mean voters will have to cast their ballots once more since neither candidate got 50% of the vote. macron tallied in at almost 28% of the votes and wla pen traile at 23%. melissa bell joins us from paris and melissa, this race could have direct implications on russia and putin's invasion of ukraine. >> absolutely and france's position in the world and the future of europe itself, jake. there's a lot at stake and what we saw in this first round was macron consolidate his position. he did better than in 2017 but also la pen doing the same. with two starkly different views of france, the future. and what we see now is a confirmation of what we saw in 2017. this time, they didn't even get the 5% they needed to claim back the millions they spent on their campaigns. instead, macron facing off against a far right leader that has really achieved a considerable amount of the vote in the first round and they will now be facing off in a poll that is expected, jake, to be the tightest since 1974, except this time, rather than the traditional left and right, it's two very different futures of france that are being proposed. they're looking at 49% versus 51% potentially in those polls and of course, there is all of that at stake and for europe as well. >> while i have you, over the weekend, pakistan's parliament ousted their prime minister and voted in the opposition leader. tell us about that. >> it's been another moment of political turmoil in pakistan. it had been thought that khan, the popular one who had taken power in 2018, might become the first prime minister in pakistan to see through his entire five-year term. that did not happen. the man to come in on a ticket of anticorruption appears to have been vested by a troubled economy, inflation and also, falling foul of the country's powerful military and intelligence services. the opposition saw an opportunity called a confidence vote. in the end, the supreme court allowed that. imran khan has lost. he claims there's an anti-american plot against him. so far, he's provided no proof of. but it is now shahbaz sharif that takes power. he will now form a government and is expected to rule until next year's election. the question is whether all that political uncertainty now comes to an end, jake. >> thanks so much. the startling moment that sent crowds in times square running for cover. stay with us. pay for what you need? like how i customized this scarf? check out this backpack i made for marco. only pay for what yoyou need. ♪liberty. libiberty. liberty. liberty.♪ (cto) ♪ i want the world ♪ (production manager) ♪ i want the whole 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Mid Atlantic , Up And Down , New England , March Of 2020 , Elizabeth Cohen , March 2020 , 500 , Folks , Unvaccinated , So , Numbers , Death Rate , Look , Data , Ten , Risk , 64 , Nine , 21 , Conditions , Age , Problem , Testing Sites , Demand , Lack , Sense , Get , City , Tests , State Health Departments , Resources , Virus , Mask , Thinking , Variant , Didn T , Eye , Possibility , City Of Philadelphia , 18 , April 18 , Mask Mandates , Light , Masks , Airports , Instance , Fits , Air Planes , Wherever , Store , Restaurant , Order , Doesn T Mean Anything , Money Lead , Inflation , Gas Prices , Mind , Expenses , Rent , Economy , Unemployment Rate , Data Reporter , Jobs , Highest , Inflation Rate , Pandemic , 7 9 , 1982 , Measures , Poll , Bad , Polling , Majority , Democrats , Cbs News , 63 , 31 , Shape , Yaefrl , Voters , Messaging , Situation , Idea , What S Going On , Unemployment , Employment , So Americans Don T Ts , 86 , 17 , Independents , Board , Republicans , Br B , Gallup , 2022 , March Of 2022 , Minds , Stretch , 1985 , Beauty , Et Cetera , Emmanuel Macron , Issue , Marine Le Pen , Run Off Against , Killing Macron , Segment , Tlis , Le Penn , Stay , Election , Nature , Vitamins , Supplement , Quality , Standards , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Purity , Brand , Usp , Deja Vu , Runoff , La Pen , Are Ed , Vote , Votes , Contest , Candidate , Ballots , Results , Pen Traile , Sunday , Wla , 2017 , 28 , Position , Implications , Race , Melissa , Paris , Melissa Bell , 23 , Stake , Round , Pen , Views , La , Confirmation , Millions , The Future , 5 , Leader , Campaigns , Amount , Tightest , 1974 , Polls , Futures , 49 , 51 , Imran Khan , Prime Minister , Parliament , Opposition Leader , Weekend , Turmoil , Pakistan , Popular One , Ticket , Man , Anticorruption , Five , 2018 , In The End , Confidence Vote , Supreme Court , Intelligence , Opportunity , Services , Opposition Saw , Shahbaz Sharif , Plot , Crowds , Cover , Uncertainty , End , Thanks , Times Square , Scarf , Backpack , Marco , Yoyou Need , Libiberty , Warehouse Worker , Surprises , Supervisor , Cto , Production Manager , Prizes , Sets , My Pocket , T Mobile , Shapes , Driver , Sizes , Vo , 5g , Upbeat Music Playing , Mark , Floors , Standing , Home Sweet Weathertech , Dirt Stays Outside , Products , Sink , Weathertech Com , Small Business , Internet , Network , Business Internet , Businesses , Needs , Security , Fiber Solutions , Largest , Technology , Choices , Speeds , Gigs , Lots , 10 , Price Guarantee , Voice , Card , Bundle , 49 99 , 650 , 9 99 , 2 , Culprit , Boom , Anot Manhole , Exploding Manhole Cover , New Yorkers , Last Night , Emernergy , Levels , Power Cable Failure , Carbon Monoxide , Smoulderring , New York Fire Department , Manhole Smoking , T Tiktok , 911 , Coverage , Lviv , 9 , 00 , Indications , Offensive , Situation Room , Wolf Blitzer , Bofl , Pentagon , Zelenskyy , Region , Signs , Reenforcements , South , Assault , Mariupol , Donbas , Tens Of Thousands , A , Example ,

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