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What do these two men have in common . Did the Democrat Party leave them or did they leave the Democrat Party. President biden in New York City of the crime crisis vowing invest more money into Police Departments across america. The idea isnt to defund the police. We want to crack down on those who commit violence. Brian focusing just on guns will not get us anywhere. The president promises in the next coming days, just days after Wilbur Morrow was laid to rest. As cops face an increase in ambushes, his sister is blaming the sister. How many more officers have to lose their lives before this system changes. Brian i wish we had the chance to that. We heard it time and time again. Soft on crime prosecutors. They come up every day in our news reports, but nothing nothing seems to change. Eric adams the new mayor seems to get it. They put on their uniform and go back in the streets. With all of that frustration, they still go back and do their job. Now its time for lawmakers to do their job. Brian the key is to refund, not defund the police. Democrats are responsible for the Blood Running through the streets and the subways. You can spray sound bites from all these then and women the last two years. We move ahead. Now to mandate mania. Remember when we told lockdowns were pour only tool, the best available tool to stop the pandemic . The fact that we shut down when we did and the rest of the world did, has saved hundreds of millions of infections and millions of lives. Brian Johns Hopkins released a study telling us what we already knew. It be only decreased deaths by. 2 . The media blacked out that study. They didnt have time to do it. Some schools are not even dropping vaccine mandates. The cases and hospitalizations are dropping rapidly. Look at the stats. We have to transition to living with the virus, not hiding from it. Like sweden, denmark and the u. K. Remember the convoy of ticked off truckers protesting in canada . Their Gofundme Page that raised over 10 million because they are content promotes violence. The pandemic cant be eliminated but its our decision to intelligently live with it. To the crosshairs of conflict. The Biden Administration faces a dual threat. They killed an isis commander in syria. Look at the compounds before the raid. Then after the raid. How do we know that the head of isis was there . We have a presence there. We have troops. And where are the terrorists going . They are going to afghanistan where we have zero troops and we stranded our allies. You a krien. Ukraine. Russia moves Special Forces soldiers near the belarus border. Pass Vladimir Putin points the finger at the u. S. For starting trouble, the white house points it right back at them. There is one aggressor here. That aggressor is russia. They are the ones who gathered tens of this to of troops on the border. Brian super bowl, football. Super bowl 56. Tom brady gave us something to talk about, calling it quits after 22 seasons. And allegations of racial discrimination. He compares the league to a plantation that exploits black labor. Ladies and gentlemen, thats what matters most. Now its time to find out with dana perino and bill hemmer. I have no idea what you think matters most. But you have to pick from the top four. Dana i think we should get gold stars for being quiet. Bill i think it was all good. I now and ainsley dont get along but dana and i do. What is your top story . Dana for me its crime. Streb security is the most important thing. If you dont have security, nothing else will actually matter. We saw a twoyear experiment with being soft on crime with all these progressive d. A. S. But we know it leads to a surge . Crime across america. You have families, of victims speaking out. We are learning the stories more and more. And its not just in New York City. Chicago, houston, denver, colorado. And moms and dads across the country where their kids are work in one of these cities and they are upset about the trajectory. The president comes to new york to try to unite the country. But he doesnt do that because they havent been able to realize that americans have figured out the policies led to the increase in crime. I think they are walking into a huge problem in the mid terms anyway, but you add crime on top of that. It will only get worse if they dont change the policy. Bill i cant disagree with anything she said. All the topics you laid out do matter. If i were to pick one, i would deal with covid and the findings from Johns Hopkins. We have been living this for two years. History will look back and tell us whether we made the right decisions or the wrong ones. Jonss hopkins, they are the ones who came out with the map the. This organization has credibility. The fact that we were the only ones reporting on this, and cnn, msnbc, the new york times, the washington post. It doesnt look like they gave it much attention at all. Bill i think a lot of people think covid is behind us. The Johns Hopkins study about blew me away that the isolation saved. You were told to stay i doors. What did we learn about only chron . Your family was more liable to give it to you than a stranger walking down the street or someone walk working in a gym. Brian the City Of Cincinnati giving the kids off from school the day after the super bowl. Dana Jesse Watters has been calling for the day after the super bowl to be a national holiday. Remember your 16yearold self . And let the community have a good time. Its also east coast time. The game isnt finished until late. America is rooting for the bengals. Brian thanks so much, guys. I just wish you got along better. Bill we are working on it. Brian bill and dana, i would like to thank you because it was in the prompter. Democrats are so far off the rails, are they losing touch with their own voters . Sphoo when people read that San Francisco have basically legalized shoplifting, they think democrats have gone nuts. Brian and carley joins me in a Democrats Bhien too much. Whiep too muchted cruz seeml stiff. But at least he believes in the concept of shopping with money. Its not my fault that the party fdr are turning into the party of lol. And they are turning into the party of cancel rent, cancel mortgage. Brian they are not the party kennedy or roosevelt any more. Know it many free housing, big government, crime and emergencies and social spending projects over 30 trillion. Things have certainly changed since the 1990s. It doesnt matter if they are victims of society. But they are about to hit my mother over the head with a lead pipe and shoot my wife and take on my son. They must be taken off the streets. The submission of the first balanced budget in 30 years. One that will strengthen tour nation. This marks the end of an era and deficits that shackled our economy. Brian very joining us to brian joining us to discuss the change, jim us is governor of west virginia. He switched parties from democrat to republican. And guys, welcome, you heard those clips. Did the party leave you or did you leave the party . No question in my book. The party left me. I worked hard on getting a budget passed. I finally got it where it was really great for everybody. But especially great for the democrats. Then they just dove in a ditch. After 7 months of this, there is no way im going to sit down here to play games. I wanted to get something done. I talked to my wife and i said i cannot take this. The next person i saw, i went to the to the oval office. I and down with president trump. I think he did a fantastic job. I look forward to him being back there. I looked at him and said i am thinking about changing parties. He jumped across the table and stuck his hand out. Do it right now. He yelled mike mike come in here. Lo and behold we were sitting there having a little semi celebration. But the loaning and short of it is will you the long and short of it, he was the first person i told. I did that because of the Great Respect i have for him and all he was going to do. Brian you changed about the same time. If the Democratic Party got deficit to zero you wouldnt have changed parties right . The party you see now is the Democratic Socialist Party and marxist party. It was a similar story. I wouldnt vote for impeachment. Under tremendous pressure there were a lot of people who spoke to me. The fatal words were, you will obey. I walked home after a lot of unhappy dialogue and discussions. And i realize for a while. And i got a call from the white house. The long and short of it. President trump wanted to meet with me. We sat and talked for about an hour and a half. And he said, you should be a republican. I turned to him and said, mr. President , i am going to be a republican. Same thing with jumping up. But i hadnt told anybody at home yet. He wanted to do it right then, right there. I said i have to go home and tell me wife and my kids and they were all good. I won reelection. I am proud i did it. We have to take this country back. This is more than the names of political parties. This is about the future of america. We are on the precipice. We are about to lose this great nation. We are the shining city on the hill. Brian governor, if the president governed as a moderate he would be much more formidable in 2022 and 2024. Do you think he will. I can tell you without any doubt, whats happening with the national Democratic Party is complete insanity. And we know it. Surely wasnt anything close to that bad in west virginia. But what is going on now is and absolute circus. Brian senator joe manchin helped save the country, i believe. Straight ahead. Cut the Bull Podcast Broadcaster is here. And who gets to define misinformation . Its a word we hear a lot. But what does it actually mean . That story as it relates to joe rogan next. How bout sushi . I just had sushi for lunch yesterday. Indian . Ehh, maybe. How bout seafood . You know i dont like seafood. [collision beeping warning] [silence] how bout tacos . Tacos. Automatic Emergency Braking one of six advanced safety features standard on every 2022 chevy equinox. Find new technology. Find new roads. Chevrolet. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate cash payment. Call Coventry Direct to learn more. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. Our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. Maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. Im skeptical, so i did some research and called Coventry Direct. They explained Life Insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. 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It took more than 200 years for abolitionism to arrive. Northerners helped people escape on the black rail underground railroad. 30 years later civil war breaks out. The 54th massachusetts volunteer infantry, the first all black regiment to bravely fight for the north. 1863 the emancipation proclamation. After the war, Civil Rights Pioneers emerged. Booker f. Washington. Malcolm x and mlk. Blacks went from freedom to a period of reconstruction which led to anything but equality. Instead we got segregation in the south. 1955, rosa parks. The simple gesture sent shock waves across the south. She refused to give up or seat to a white man on a segregated bus. Black students enter a white school under armed god. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. Meanwhile, sports pulling America Forward again. The first black heavyweight champion, jack johnson. Jackie robinson. A pride to his race. Brian Jackie Robinson breaking baseballs color barrier, and mohammed ali. He was the most Fame Powls American in the the most Famous American in the world. The first black Secretary Of State, colin powell. And the first female Secretary Of State were condoleezza rice. And then barack obama who wins the election for president. Could the Supreme Court justice be next . Joining us, professor wilfred reilly, shemeka michelle, charles, let me start with you. Where are we at with Race Relations . We made obviously great journeys. They dont talk about it enough. He has a High School Student who said they are problem with black History Month is they only talk about the negatives. Every year they teach her with Martin Luther king, rosa parks, malcolm x. What is the history you have lived . Its great to look at history. The way to move things forward is to see how far we have come. Maybe we have a long way to go. But we are certainly not where we used to be. Brian the last few years the george floyd riots, some people say behave gone backwards. The Police Officer is in jail. Others may follow. A lot of people see that and say we have gone backwards. Do you feel that way . I think there is a difference between perception and reality. This is important. This is one of the things i actually studied professionally. If you look at the basic questions we use in my field, if you object to a boss or lover of a different race. The u. S. A. Is one of the least racist in the world. You get this weird seeny where people think things are really bad. But only 8 or 9 percent of people are actual old school bigots. I dont think what you see on the news is what you are neighbors see. Brian i didnt live during that time, but it seems to be too soon to have taken place here. Black lives matter made 90 million. The president left, bout a bunch of real estate. And they say they are not in charge. Whatever you have feel about race relyings, you can give an organization money and check a box. But where does it go and what does it do . We focus on education. We got to the point that its about what history we should and shouldnt teach. Maybe we should teach them first. I knew it was bad in baltimore. But to tell me you test 684 kids and 184 are reading kindergarten level . Brian they say thats an example, america is Note Teaching Black Americans to read and write. Is that if the case . Thats not the case. If we would focus on what is important. We would realize history and math is whats important. Teaching our kids to be victims is note important. If they cant read, its because we as parents arent doing what we need to to make sure they are getting an academic teaching. Brian people say the 1619 project is a political thing. Frederick doug lags made the comments, kids dont see color. Why force them to. Thats why crt could be more damage than we thought. Is that correct . One thing that runs through the last few comments is there is a distinction between real black history, Frederick Doug as and a thousand other highperforming black people. The movement was given 10. 6 billion by mostly guilty white leftists. There are lots of the ways to work with the black community. There are many different black voices. Brian im glad to see the cut the bull podcast back on television again. Check on the president and the Freedom Fight for and the battle to save americas soul. The mob coming for joe rogan. They say he spreads misinformation on his podcast. But what is misinformation . A news duel is next. Am i working on friday . See for yourself. Who are you . Shes from clover. Clover does that so i can do this. I didnt know you had dahlias. Theyre my favorite. They just came in. Thank you. I should do a marketing campaign. Clover does that. Youre like a mind reader. Do you like it . Here are the receipts from the other store. Cool. Thanks. Nice. Alright, youre all set. Oh, could i order online too . You sure can. Secure payments, the tools you need, people who can help, we do that. Talk to a clover Business Consultant today. Brian welcome back to one nation. Multiple artists leave the streaming service in protest. They lied that i was taking horse dewarm. First of all it was prescribed to me by a doctor along with other medication. You remember back before 2019, everybody was complaining, the world doesnt make sense. And then this thing happened and everybody focused on it. Thats how a Mass Psychosis happens. I believe they are safe and i encourage many people to take them. My parents were vaccinated. I just dont think if you are a Young Healthy person that you need it. Neelg young and joni mitchell. Mary trump, we wont do the spot cast for them any more. Spottify said he couldnt do the podcast any more. 8 months ago if you said if you get vaccinated you can still catch row kid and spread covid. You be removed from social media. Now thats accepted as fact. If you said i dont think cloth masks work. You would be band from social media. Now thats openly and repeatedly stated on cnn. Brian joining us to discuss this is the news week Deputy Opinion Editor and author of bad news, how woke media is undermining democracy. This is much bigger than joe rogans career. Where is the disclaimer for the cnn hosts to say stay home stop the parade. The lock down only reduced covid by. 2 . People told us we have to close the schools and keep Children Home where we now know that was the wrong move. Brian joe rogan responded so smoothly. They will put a disclaimer up there. Jen psaki said thats not enough. We hope they will do more. I worry that the stock price may drop and they may drop him. Its unconstitutionality for her to talk about censorship and it makes it a First Amendment issue. Its not a First Amendment issue for spotify. But suggesting we need for censorship is a problem. Brian a study said 67 of Liberal Democrats believe any information that goes counter to the government should be taken down. We have a cultural divide. You have a Media Date Catering to the pajama set. And they believe in this covid zero stuff. They believe people who disagree with them should be censored, even by government. You have joe rogan and outlets like Fox News Catering To Working Class Americans who spent the most dangerous days of the pandemic so the pajama set could tweet stay home, slow the spread. There is so much contempt from the upper class liberal media for the viewers and listeners of joe rogans podcast. Brian dont you think its part of the anger they have towards sub stack . I want you to hear this another interview from joe rogan. It never hurts to listen to other people. Here he is talking to sanjay gupta from cnn. You had it and have not got and shot of the vaccine. I have better immunity than i would have the vaccine. Im glad you are better. I here this talk of go and get vaccinated. Why isnt there you have got to take care of your body. Its the front line, not just for covid, but the Front Line Defense for everything that t ail the us. Brian they never recognize natural immunity. They believe working class americans should listen to everything they say even though they have so much contempt for them. Brian news week is lucky to have you. Coming up. Get ready to cue the music, start the clock. The fighters are in their corner. Carley shimkus, report for duty. Here she is, she is ready to take me on. Brian now its time for the news duel. These are the hottest stories, everyone is talk about but didnt make the top five. Im so excited to be here. Brian lets get going. Drop dead gorgeous women advertising for a funeral in moscow. They are basically hookers. This 29yearold social media manager came up with the idea. Here and prostitutes to sell coffins and funerals. Brian requires unclear if there will be legal action taken against the undertakers in russia. So we are going to follow this story like there is no follow. Do you have a story . Sean penn may have to kiss his career goodbye because he keeps saying men are turning soft and turning into women. He goes on to say i dont think in an order to be fair to women we should become them. Brian hes being honest in a way a lot of people say you are not supposed to say that, but hes thinking it. I notice his daughter was sitting next to him at the time. He went on to make fun of time the top tv shows of all time. They did a survey. Who got the most votes . The Numr One Show is, friends followed by and after that what else do we . Game of thrones. Im shocked. I used to watch it about it does not hold up. Fraser which is a spinoff of cheers. Brian we did a survey of you to find out what you thought were the best shows for your generation. Game of thrones. Black sails quition an under rated show. I believe it was on starz. Mine was odd couple and seinfeld. Here is one you do not know about. We have a competition. Who has the best tv debuts upon National Television . We got ahold of this tape. You are not doing this right now. Brian she thought she was behind the scenes. The first one is from mike hunt from north carolina. She just got pumped. Are you kidding . I cant believe you just played that. What a memory. I cannot believe you dug that up. I believe we have your first highlight. I think we do. Its possible right now. Why is that, brian . Brian the nation growth is behind what we are doing. We have two or three years where we have the beard. 1984, tell me everything you know about that clip. Brian i was pulled out of the audience and i was able to talk to re girks s. Look at you. You were so successful today. God bless. Thats our duel. And i hope we are still friends. When we come back. When we come back. Who lifts us a must in your Medicine Cabinet less sick days cold coming on . Zicam is the 1 Cold Shortening Brand highly recommend it zifans love zicams unique zinc formula. It shortens colds zicam. Zinc that cold brian who lifted us up this week . Philadelphia eagles safety anthony harris. He escorted a girl to the daddydaughter dabs. Harris even paid for audreys dress, shoes and makeup. Thats all we have for tonight. I urge you to watch Fox And Friends 6 to 9 monday through friday. Unfiltered with dan bongino starts just about now. Dan misinformation is one of the lefts favorite labels. They slap it on pretty much anything they dont like. Patriots everywhere are standing up saying enough of that. Tensions with russia. There is a crisis around every corner for joe biden. Didnt biden promise us a return to normal. He was supposed to be donald

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