Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

plot to install fake electors to declare donald trump the winner of these seven states, we show, all of which president biden won in the 2020 election. many were sent weeks after the election to state party officials. until now the justice department has never acknowledged investigating any significant part of the plot by the former president to overturn the election. evan perez, tell us more about what you've learned. >> well, kate, as you said, this is the first acknowledgment we've had from the justice department, which is to say that they are looking into these referrals from a number of state prosecutors who believe that perhaps a federal law was broken when these fake electors sent these certificates to the national archives. some of these electors were smart enough to change the language that was presented to them by trump allies to sort of cover themselves legally, others did not. so i asked the deputy attorney general lisa monaco about this aspect of the investigation. take a listen. >> on the issue you raised in terms of fraudulent elector certifications has been reported. we've received those referrals. our prosecutors are looking at those, and i can't say anything more on ongoing investigations. but more broadly, look, the attorney general has been very, very clear we are going to follow the facts and the law wherever they lead to address conduct of any kind and at any level that is part of an assault on our democracy. >> and, kate, the importance obviously, at any level, we know that allies close to the president, rudy giuliani and others, were involved in this effort to send these fake electors. look, this has been driving a lot of -- some of the fraud allegations have been driving a lot of the threats that election officials around the country have been receiving, and so that's one of the other things we talked about in my interview with the deputy attorney general, something she's very, very concerned with, because obviously we have elections coming up, and states are saying they're having a hard time recruiting workers that are a key part of our functioning democracy. kate? >> evan perez, thank you for bringing that to us. jamie raskin is a member of the house committee investigating the january 6 insurrection. he's also author of the title of a new book "unthinkable: trauma, truth and the trials of american democracy." >> hi, kate. >> thanks. what do you think this is doing to former president trump on the election? >> what those fraudulent electors were trying to do was misrepresent themselves as speaking for the will of entire states, millions of people. so, obviously, that's an instance of election fraud, and it might implicate wire fraud and mail fraud, depending on what, you know, intrastate mechanisms were used to follow that plan. it also plays into what donald trump and his entourage were planning, which might have them use state contexts in these states for rejecting electoral college votes, sending them back to the states, which is something the vice president doesn't have power to do, but they were trying to get him to do that in order to lower joe biden's majority in the electoral college from 306 to something below 270 in order to kick the whole election into the house of representatives for a so-called contingent election. >> and given the fact that rudy giuliani, one of trump's closest circle, were involved in this now, do you read that as the justice department opening an investigation that connects to trump himself? >> well, you know, if you follow the house of representatives, which obviously i do, he was impeached for inciting violent insurrection back on january 13th of 2021. so a majority in the house of representatives had seen enough after one week, had seen enough evidence after one week to know that this was the president's plan. but what has taken place since then is we have filled in a lot more evidence that he wasn't just incite ing an insurrection he was working to organize a crew against the democracy in order to seize the presidency for another four years. i can't imagine the department of justice would not have evidence at this point to that effect, but as you know, the work of the select committee in the house on january 6 is different from the work of the department of justice. they are pursuing. we are trying to write a report to the country about this massive attack on american democracy. first, on one of the heroes from january 6, officer eugene goodman, he's speaking for the first time about that day. his heroism very clear in those videos and several videos that came out of his heroic actions in protecting senator romney, protecting really everybody in the senate with his actions. i want to play for you why he says he has not spoken up until now. >> they tell you you should embrace us, but that means i have to embrace the negativity, too, and that's something i don't want to do. you know what i mean? i'm trying to steer clear. that's mostly why i haven't been agreeing with anything like that, because i just don't want any parts of the negativity, you know. >> we have seen the ridiculous and horrible backlash towards some of the officers' actions. >> what does it mean to you that he thinks he's basically telling the truth when he tells his story? >> part of the big lie is to release hatred and contempt and ridicule against our police officers, 150 of whom suffered serious wounds and injuries. we're talking broken jaws, and these people have suffered a terrible campaign of vitriolic attack, violent threats, death threats and so on, just as anyone who gets in the way of the trump movement. tracking the hero of eugene goodman as well as members of congress, who won't even vote to support an independent inquiry into what happened on that attack in america. and for these gop members who are out there denying the whole thing and going along with donald trump who says his. those also greeted them with hugs and kichltsz. we are closing in on them. where would you say we are in this investigation, congressman? >> i would say we are receiving overwhelming cooperation from more than 400 witnesses. we have more than 50,000 documents. this was the most photographed and videotaped violent event in american portion fmplt so we've got tons of information. we had a mob demonstration that turned into mob violence against our officers, a middle ring of domestic violent extremists like the oath keepers, the 3 percenters, the qanon network, the 3 remember recall these people were ready to break our win windows. but the final and most dangerous ring of all is the coup, which is a dangerous word to use in criminal life. some people think this is what happened to a president. we wanted to kick the whole election to the house of representatives where they were not voting one member one state -- >> where does mike pence fit in with this interview? are you going to speak to him? >> yes, he was the final target of the krt ou pvt. we need to hear from him and his staff. he lived up to his oath of office while others, including the president, were clearly violating their oath of office. >> and that has not happened yet? >> no, we have not heard yet from vice president pence. but just to issue that part, they were willing to win -- the sberks act as. they would have called the national guard off once he seized the president for another four years. >> thank you for coming in. the white house says a russian invasion of ukraine is imminent. but piutin's office is reportin something different. and we'll have a press conference in just moments live. see you then. ♪ ♪ before you go there, or fist bump there, or...oh! i can't wait to go there! or reunite there, ♪ ♪ start here. walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. schedule your free covid-19 booster today. 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all you have to do is pick up your phone, or go to, and you'll be a part of something special too. thank you so much! there are several new developments on the crisis in ukraine, all pointing closer and closer to conflict. sources tell cnn the u.s. and several allies are in discussions to deploy thousands of europe ahead of a possible russian invasion. a top diplomat going further than we've heard yet that putin intends to invade. secretary of state antony blinken is holding a news conference where we expect to learn more. let's begin with cnn's natasha bertrand. she is live with more on this. natasha, what are you hearing about putin's intent to invade? >> the biden administration is s thinking of sending troops to the outskirts of ukraine prior to russian aggression. what we heard is this is about a thousand troop deployments to countries that would accept them, and right now we're hearing bulgaria, hungary and rumania, and it would be a show of support for these allies very anxious for the ongoing russia aggression and the fear that russia will launch an invade into ukraine. what we're hearing this morning from the deputy secretary of state wendy sherman is ahead of the timeline they were thinking could result in a russian invasion of ukraine. take a listen. >> we certainly see every indication that he is going to use military force sometime, per perhaps between now and middle of february. >> reporter: that is more specific than we've heard from any officials. the fear from the nato countries, of course, is that russia weaponize those deployments to say russia is being overly aggressive. >> let's go to officials who are trying to downplay a russian threat. russia saying, it is clear they are not ready to stage an attack. with diplomatic efforts, including today, the u.s. is meeting with france and russia. matthew is live in kyiv. matthew, what are you hearing from officials there? >> reporter: on the one hand, you hear united states officials saying an invasion by russia is imminent. the intelligence sources were saying that's not how we see it. i was told they are looking at satellite images on an hourly basis of troops moving inside the border, inside russia. they said our assessment is they're not ready to stage any kind of invasion. they're not taking that aggressive stance you would expect if any order to invade had come through. in addition to that, they said, look, even if an order is given, our assessment is they're positioned in such a way that it will take a week, possibly two weeks, to put themselves in the right place to effectively stage some kind of incursion or some kind of larger scale invasion. they're really playing it down. that was repeated by the country's prime minister today, saying even if the troops there are ready, they are not numerous enough, there's not enough russian forces to stage a wide sort of full-scale russian invasion which he says would take a lot, lot more russian personnel on the ground, kate. >> matthew, thank you so much for your reporting. for russia's part, they are threatening to retaliate, quote, unquote, from aggressive actions to the west. math chew chancellor was laying out they are putting 100,000 troops at the border. president biden is wanting to sanction russia personally if they invade ukraine. nick, what is the latest there? >> sergey lavrov got applause saying if the united states does not react positively to russia's demands about an invasion of ukraine, then russia will take appropriate measures. he didn't say what they were, but in the past russian officials have said these essentially could be military. lavrov went on to say, be there no doubt here, russia takes the safety and security of its citizens as a top priority, remembering there that russia harms u.s. citizens in the russian area east of ukraine. on national television today, you've had separatists saying why they need to get weapons from the russian government, because they're seeing u.s. weapons being given to the ukranians on the other side, and you have the russian foreign ministry saying actually those weapons handed to the ukranians will be used to promote approximate a barrier around domas. >> with me is joanie er-- john ernst. why is someone from russia saying invasion is imminent? >> they're not saying they are going to invade. i think walensky thinks it's important to keep the country calm, but also moscow saying it won't be intimidated by the threat of an invasion making it more dangerous for ukraine. concessions in the talks of the situation in dombas. >> interesting. general, do you think a move against putin is inevitable at this point? i thought it was interesting that every indication said that they will, but also the olympics could affect the timing here. >> well, i think it's both inevitable, and i think it's imminent. i could see an invasion the next couple weeks. there is a tremendous amount of force buildup, all the logistics are in place and the ennashl remembers. again, this hearkens back to the soviet in terms of their align skpmt how they flight f. everything else, you know something is about to hatch. at least, that's what i would be looking at as an intelligence officer ahead of she and yin pang might hsaid, i don't think care so much about a hsliding down a half-pipe, quite frankly. >> they said there is still a time and space for diplomacy. we'll hear from tony blinken at 4:00, likely that he was going to push for that as well. but do you believe there is a time and space for diplomacy? >> there is time and space for strong action by the united states and nato to deter putin. i think putin has not made up his mind to go in. i think he's weighing carefully the risks. if the warnings that biden has issued are seen as credible by the kremlin, i think the chances of moscow sending those troops into ukraine go way down. specifically, if they know they'll be punishing sanctions, if they know they will be increasing military at the border, and if we know they're sending more weapons to ukraine, but we're not sending all the equipment ukraine is asking for in a reasonable way. weernt. if russia knows they're going to face serious casualties, if they know they're going to face serious sanctions. >> it's interesting that john also spoke to how the pentagon is very clearly announcing all of their moves, putting 8,500 troops on heightened alert to be prepared to deploy. let me play for you how he said it. >> we're being nothing but transparent about what we're doing militarily. a couple days ago we announced the beginning of an aircraft carrier exercise called the neptune strike in the asiatic sea. >> what you do you think major kirby is saying there, general? >> the challenge i have with that is when you declare your sp intentions clearly, you've also declared what you're not going to do. that's what we heard from the president, that u.s. forced deployment has never been on the table. you want to make sure your opponent has to deal with a whole lot of unknowns. that ambiguity remains unknown. we see france is soft on russia, germany is soft on russia. i can't imagine a new shutting down the tool -- my friend has a bunch p of nuclear fr, putin started this, and it's only in his mind what that in-state looks like. i think the potential first steps of a tremendous fracturing within this alliance, which is very, very troubling. >> absolutely. general, ambassador, thank you as always. coming up for us, boris johnson standing his ground refusing to resign as we await the release of a report to parties at 10 downing street among strict koefrld lock lockd daush controlled lockdowns. can, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪upbeat music♪ transitions™ light under control. ♪upbeat music♪ transitions™ signature gen 8™ available now, in 4 vibrant style colors. transitions™ the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. yep, it's go time with wireless on the most reliable network. ok, that jump was crazy! before our kids fall but what's crazier? 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for lawmakers, they are done. they want the prime minister out. he was back in the parliament today defending himself against growing calls for his resignation. take la listen. z >> the reality is we now have the subject prime minister the subject of an investigation. unable told the right thing and every day his cabinet fails to speak out, they become more and more complicit. i tell you the reason he wants me out of the way is because he knows this government can't be trusted to deliver. >> reporter: now, when that report comes out, kate, and any minute now expecting it, it's the prime minister's own lawmakers, it's his own party that are going to be parsing through those details. remember, there is this growing rebellion against him. it is absolutely the conservative party that has to make the decision, does he stay or does he go, kate? >> selma, thank you so much. also happening at this hour, the federal reserve is meeting right now to discuss a potential rate hike which hasn't been done since 2015. they will be outlining the nation's next steps, and it could affect everyone, whatever he discusses. this is a pivotal moment here. >> kate, this is a pivotal moment for the federal reserve. the president is in the hot seat. it's clear americans are very upset about the high cost of living right now, and remember, it's the rule of the fed to maintain price stability and prices have been anything but stable. investors have also been inured by the prospect of the fed going to fighting mode. we've seen ups and downs from the stock exchange. they were up earlier today, now back down. the fed is not expected to say goodbye to zero interest rates just yet. today is more likely about setting the stage for rate hikes. as you can see, just a 5.6% chance of a rate hike today, but that jumps up to 97% at the next meeting in march. so what does all this mean for main street? well, each time the fed raises rates, it means the cost of interest, the cost of borrowing is going to go up on everything from mortgages to credit cards, auto loans, student loans. it will still be cheap to borrow, but just not as cheap. we've already seen mortgage rates move up to the highest level since march of 2020. so, kate, the fed has this very difficult balance here. they need to try to cool off inflation but without short-circuiting the recovery or freaking out wall street or both. it's not going to be easy. >> as always, everybody will be parsing closely whatever jerome powell says later today. it's nice to see you. appreciate it. coming up for us, dr. fauci talking about a universal covid vaccine. now a member of the covid-19 advisory panel joins us next. no ink! uccch! i need you to print, i need you. please don't do this, i love you so much, i hate you. you think you're empty. i'm empty. do you suffer from cartridge conniptions? ucccccch! be conniption free. thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! up to 2 years of ink comes in the box. the ecotank is the perfect cure for-- i'm sorry, i didn't mean any of that. i meant it!!!! you're mocking me! the epson ecotank. just fill & chill. does anybody have more cartridges?! available at. - family. - family. - family. - family is everything. - [girl 1] family is with us through all of life's great moments. - bye, bye! - [girl 2] family is who we count on, inner greatest time of need because they're always by your side when we need them the most. - and for the past 100 years, shriners hospitals for children has become family to over 1.5 million kids. - [girl 2] in tough times, and good times... - good girl! - [girl 2] they are there when we need the most. - but it's only possible because of people like you. - people who give every month. - because of that, you're our family too. - you're there when we need you most. - but if you haven't joined the shriner's hospital family yet, now is your chance. - [girl 3] all you have to do, is call the number on your screen or go online to right now, with your monthly gift. and you'll help thousands of kids just like us, get the care and support we need every day. - when you call or go online today with your monthly gift of just $19, just 63 cents a day, we'll send you this adorable "love to the rescue" blanket as our gift to you. it'll be a reminder of how you're standing by our side, just like family. - thank you. - thank you for being a part of our family. - thank you for being a part of my family. - your monthly gift today, can change my life forever. - [girl 3] you can join the thousands of caring family members who give each month by calling this special number on your screen right now. - it's so good to know that we have a family like you, who cares enough to stand by our side. - thank you. - thank you. - thank you. - [girl 3] please, call or go online right now to with your monthly gift. - [boy 1] you'll make a difference in our lives, every day. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? in the fight against covid, dr. anthony fauci is discussing efforts to develop a universal covid vaccine that can cover any and all variants. listen to this. >> i don't want anyone to think that planned coronavirus vaccines are literally around the corner in a month or two. it's going to take years to develop in an incremental fashion. some of these are already in phase 1 clinical trials. don't forget, however, that our current vaccine regimens do provide strong protection. >> this also comes as nearly 2,300 americans are dying from covid every day. this is the highest 7-day average of that since last february. joining me now is dr. paul offit. he's a member of the vaccine advisory committee and so much more. dr. offit, what do you think about what fauci is saying about this universal coronavirus vaccine? is one needed? >> well, i think the last thing he said was most important, which is, when you think about it, and it's amazing, is when these vaccines were made, whichever vaccine, moderna, pfizer, j&j, they were all made against the original strain, the strain that left wuhan. that strain that left wuhan was replaced by delta and then omicron. they all continue to protect against serious illness. right now when you should worry is when these vaccines don't protect against serious illness. take a step back. we get an influenza vaccine every year, because if you didn't get one the previous year, you're no longer protected by it from the previous year. that's why we get one every year. if you don't have the coronavirus vaccine, you're not protected from serious illness. >> the mrmrna is said to be mor protective. is that why a pan virus is more possible? >> we've had human strains of the coronavirus circulating every year. a pan vaccine would be great. it's highly inspirational. in the 1980s, they were working on an influenza vaccine and that was more than 40 years ago. dr. fauci alluded to that when he said it's not right around the corner, but it would be a value to have something like that. for right now, you should worry when a variant arises where the vaccine does not protect against serious disease, and then we're going to need a variant-specific vaccine. right now that's not apparently in the offing. >> thank goodness. dr. jha had an interesting take this morning just on this point, about how we should maybe start looking at covid and how we can live with covid. listen to this. >> we have to get out of the prediction business of knowing which variant will hit. none of us have been able to do that very well. instead let's relax things when infections get better, signal to people if we see another surge, we'll have to go back and put more restrictions in place, and let's prepare for apparent surges. if they never come, terrific. but the bottom line is we need to have a much more prepared-for ment mentality. >> here's the key thing. in provincetown, massachusetts, on july 4, there was an outbreak of covid, and there were 253 men, roughly, who despite being vaccinated got covid. four of them were hospitalized. that means the vaccines were working. what worries me is there will be a variant that comes into this country where it's not going to be 1.2% vaccinated but 5%. i think what dr. jha is referring to in part is we have to see when other variants emerge and we can quickly combat it. if we let our guard down, we could be in a much more serious situation than we are right now. >> dr. offit, thank you. a carjacking in the middle of the day. just one incident in a city filing violent crime right now. a top official joins us next. what can i du with less asthma? 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>> it has been such a difficult january for manhattan, for new york city. it seems every day there's another heartbreaking incident where, of course, we're mourning the loss of two officers who were kids who grew up uptown, one in east harlem and one in washington heights, officer rivera. there is a united front among all of us in leadership that we must stop the epidemic of gun violence. i haven't seen this level of unity in a long time among leaders. th there are details on the debates. we have to keep young people from going down that path to pick up a gun in the first place. we need to invest more in youth programs and after school and make it less easy to get a gun in new york city. that means stopping the flow of weapons up i-95 from the southern states. and, yes, we do have to get the guns that are already on the streets off, and that means targeted, sensible proportionate enforcement that goes after the guns without repeating some of the mistakes of the past decades which was overly enforcement on young people of color. >> the blueprint laid out by mayor adams. how long do you give this to show results? there needs to be a measure for whether these steps that have been laid out are working. >> look, we need immediate action. we've already had double the number of shootings in manhattan than we had last year. that can't continue. some of these fixes are long term. i think we can move immediately to begin to support young people in our communities, to interdict guns that are flowing into the community and, yes, to be on the street and seizing some of the guns that are out there with sensitivity to not repeating mistakes of the past. the mayor has said we have to start showing immediate results, and we do, but this is also a long-term fight that will require investments in the kind of programs that won't yield results for months and years to come. >> look, there has been a spate of violent carjackings, blatant theft, five nypd police officers have been shot since the start of the year, a woman shoved to her death on the subway tracks in times square. the mayor says, and you've said, it's been a very rough january. but what do you say to people who now think new york city simply is not safe? do you think it is? >> well, this is not the 1990s again, thank god, but, yes, most categories of crime are increasing now and people feel unsafe and that also has to be taken seriously. and it's not only shootings, i think we all agree guns have to be a top priority. but also a crisis of mental health that has led to some horrible incidents like the pushing of the woman in times square a week ago. we have to go after the mental health of people, people struggling to get into the help they need. we can do this. we will do this. to people who are doubting, i will say the leadership of new york city is united that we have to address the mental health crisis, the epidemic of shootings, and we're going to fight over some of the details, but we're going to do this, and it's going to have an impact. i'm confident. we are committed to solving this. >> mark levine, thank you so much for coming on today. >> thanks, kate. all right. so we are moments away from secretary of state tony blinken holding a press conference on the crisis in ukraine. you see live pictures there from the state department. we're going to bring that to you, a very important moment here in this crisis that is unfolding. i'm kate bolduan. thank you for being with us. "inside politics with john king" will begin right after this break. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. hello and welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing a busy breaking news day for us. an invasion warning as the united states puts pen to paper. america makes clear it will not judge on vladimir putin's central demand to close the door on nato and ukraine. plus, we're learning the united states and its allies are deliberating whether to send troops to eastern europe before putin makes his decision. plus, covid exhaustion brings new intensity to the fight over masks and schools. virginia is the new hot spot. and house speaker nancy pelosi says she'll be on the ballot come november when she'll be 82. any moment now we expect to hear from the secretary of state antony blinken. but first, some breaking news. a leading member of the supreme court is retiring. le

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Wall , News , Jim Sciutto , Bianna Golodryga , Kate Bolduan , Prosecutors , Plot Showing , Invasion , Donald Trump , Certifications , Inside Russia , Department Of Justice , Troops , Justice , Everyone , Interest Rate Hike , Single , American , Reporting Exclusive To Cnn , Election , Electors , President , Plot , Winner , Biden Won , 2020 , Seven , Part , State Party Officials , Many , Number , Acknowledgment , Referrals , State Prosecutors , Evan Perez , Allies , Law , Language , Some , The National Archives , Investigation , Others , Lisa Monaco , Listen , Cover , Aspect , Issue , Anything , Terms , Investigations , Fraudulent Elector , Look , Kind , Level , Democracy , Attorney General , Facts , Conduct , Assault , Rudy Giuliani , Effort , Importance , Lot , Country , Something , One , Death Threats , Interview , Things , Fraud , Allegations , Receiving , Elections , Functioning Democracy , Recruiting Workers , Insurrection , Member , Jamie Raskin , Book , Title , Trauma , Unthinkable , House Committee , January 6 , 6 , Truth , Trials Of American Democracy , Trump , Thanks , Hi , People , Election Fraud , Mail Fraud , Will , Millions , Instance , Plan , Intrastate Mechanisms , What , States , State Contexts , Planning , Vice President , Electoral College Votes , Entourage , Order , House Of Representatives , Majority , Joe Biden , College , Doesn T Have Power , 306 , 270 , Contingent Election , Now , Circle , Fact , January 13th Of 2021 , Evidence , Place , 2021 , 13 , Presidency , Crew , Ing , Point , Work , Committee , Effect , In The House , Four , Report , Massive Attack , American Democracy , Eugene Goodman , Actions , Videos , Time , Heroes , Heroism , First , Everybody , Negativity , Romney , Senate , Haven T , Parts , Officers , Backlash , Police Officers , Story , Contempt , Whom , Ridicule , Hatred , Big Lie , 150 , Injuries , Wounds , Jaws , Way , Attack , Anyone , Hero , Campaign , Trump Movement , Vitriolic , Won T , Members , Inquiry , Congress , Gop , Thing , Hugs , Kichltsz , Congressman , Cooperation , Witnesses , Event , Documents , 50000 , 400 , Tons , Information , American Portion Fmplt , Mob Demonstration , Ring , Mob Violence , Oath Keepers , Extremists , 3 , Percenters , Qanon Network , Coup , Win Windows , Life , Word , Mike Pence , Estate , Yes , Target , Krt Ou Pvt , Staff , Oath Of Office , Win , Sberks Act , Guard , Ukraine , Office , Reportin , White House , Piutin , Press Conference , There , Fist Bump , Walgreens , 19 , Mouse Clicks , Computer Keys Clicking , Shriners Hospitals For Children , Doctors , Nurses , Chuckles , Shriners , Kid , Thousands , Operations , Two , 18 , Care , Gift , Kids , Driver S License , Reminder , Journey , Blanket , 9 , 63 , Loveshriners Org , Phone , Support , Me A Favor , Family , Isn T , Someone , Friends , Something Special , Crisis , Pointing , Developments , Sources , Vladimir Putin , Diplomat , Eastern Europe , Discussions , Secretary Of State , Natasha Bertrand , News Conference , Antony Blinken , Intent , Administration , Aggression , Outskirts , A Thousand , Deployments , Countries , Show , Bulgaria , Hungary , Rumania , Timeline , Fear , Deputy Secretary Of State , Thinking , Wendy Sherman , Indication , Military Force , Officials , Reporter , Course , Russia Weaponize , Per , Nato , Threat , Let S Go , Meeting , Efforts , Matthew , Saying , France , Kyiv , Hand , The One , Border , Basis , Satellite Images , Assessment , Stance , Addition , Scale , Incursion , Prime Minister , Sort , Enough , Forces , Ground , Reporting , Personnel , Quote , Unquote , West , Math Chew Chancellor , 100000 , Sergey Lavrov , Applause , Nick , Military , Measures , Priority , Citizens , Safety , Security , No Doubt , Weapons , Government , Separatists , On National Television Today , East , Area , Ukranians , Foreign Ministry , The Other Side , John Ernst , Barrier , Joanie Er , Domas , Calm , Walensky , Ambassador , Situation , Move , Olympics , Concessions , Talks , Dombas , Amount , Force , Timing , Buildup , Logistics , Hearkens , Skpmt , Ennashl , Soviet , Flight F Everything Else , Intelligence Officer , Least , Yin Pang Might Hsaid , Half Pipe , Hsliding , Diplomacy , Space , 4 , 00 , Warnings , Mind , Action , Risks , Sanctions , Chances , Moscow , Kremlin , Equipment Ukraine , Casualties , Weernt , Pentagon , Moves , 8500 , Beginning , Nothing , Exercise , Aircraft Carrier , Challenge , Strike , Kirby , Asiatic Sea , Neptune , Intentions , Deployment , Opponent , Table , Sp , Ambiguity , Unknowns , Friend , Tool , Germany , Bunch P , Nuclear Fr , Boris Johnson , Steps , Alliance , Fracturing , Coming Up , Looks , Parties , Downing Street , Release , Lock , Lockd Daush , Koefrld , 10 , 10 Downing Street , Lockdowns , Job Criteria , Can , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Music , Tm Light Under Control , Signature Gen , Colors , Transitions , 8 , Students , Pandemic , Teaching , Classroom , San Francisco , School Board , Schools , Leadership , Politics , Chance , Children , Start , District , Deficit , School Board Members Collins , February 15th , 125 Million , 15 , 25 Million , 5g , Network , Yep , Bucks , Nice , LÓpez , 30 , 5 , 30 Bucks , Guys , Shouldn T , Cake , Icing , Yup , Wait , Nice Ride , Xfinity Mobile , 400 Bucks , U K , Selma , Covid Lockdowns , Height , Trouble , Breath , Purpose , Hands Waiting , Lawmakers , Calls , Parliament , Know , Blow By , Reality , Resignation , Subject , La Listen , Cabinet , Reason , Party , Details , Parsing , Conservative Party , Federal Reserve , Decision , Rebellion , Kate , Nation , Rate Hike , 2015 , Whatever , Seat , Cost , Investors , Prospect , Living , Prices , Price Stability , Rule , Downs , Stock Exchange , Ups , Going To Fighting Mode , Interest Rates , Rate , Goodbye , Rate Hikes , Stage , Zero , 5 6 , 97 , Everything , Interest , Rates , Mean , Auto Loans , Student Loans , Mortgages , Borrowing , Credit Cards , Main Street , Mortgage Rates , Balance , March Of 2020 , 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, Virus , Variant , Value , 40 , 1980 , Offing , Disease , Thank Goodness , Jha , Infections , Surge , Knowing , Prediction Business , None , Line , Surges , Restrictions , Terrific , Got Covid , Outbreak , Men , Ment Mentality , Provincetown , Massachusetts , July 4 , 253 , 1 2 , Guard Down , Incident , Crime , Top Official , Middle , Carjacking , City Filing , Asthma , Yoga , Dupixent , Du More Beginners , Du , Surprise Parties , Asthma Attacks , Breathing Problems , You Guys , Aww , Types , Steroids , Reactions , Add On , Breathing , Lung Function , Treatment , Help , Infection , Doctor , Numbness , Shortness , Asthma Treatments , Anaphylaxis , Chest Pain , Limbs , Tingling , Rash , Don T Change , Asthma Specialist , Subway , Refresh , Avocado Game , Ingredients , Touch , Hass Avocados , Double , Sea Salt , Tastebuds , Police Officer , Wilbert Mora , Development , New York City , Ambush Attack , 27 , Jason Rivera , Call , Gunman , Partner , Domestic Violence , Job , Dedication , Fire , Mora , 22 , Friday Night , Hospital , Mark Levine , Borough President , Manhattan , City , Nerve , Loss , Where , Washington Heights , East Harlem , Epidemic , Officer , Unity , Leaders , Gun Violence , Front , Th , Rivera , Gun , School , Youth Programs , Debates , Path , Flow , I 95 , 95 , Enforcement , Guns , Mistakes , Streets , Mayor , Won T Yield Results , Color , Measure , Blueprint , Adams , Shootings , Term , Fixes , Interdict , Street , Communities , Community , Sensitivity , Programs , Spate , Investments , Violent Carjackings , Blatant Theft , Nypd , Five , Woman , Death , Shot , Times Square , Categories , God , 1990 , Mental Health , Incidents , Led , Doubting , Mental Health Crisis , Impact , Holding A Press Conference , Pictures , State Department , Inside Politics With John King , Td Ameritrade , Break , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Innovation , Interfaces , Orders , Trading , Education , Perspective , Trading Experience , Style , Charts , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Psoriatic Arthritis , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Burning , Joints , Stinging , Painful , Tremfya , Symptoms , Adults , Moderate , Medication , 16 , Risk , Ability , Hello , Breaking News , Invasion Warning , Demand , Pen , Paper , Door , John King , In Washington , Nancy Pelosi , Intensity , Plus , Exhaustion , Masks , Hot Spot , Virginia , Ballot , Le , Supreme Court , 82 ,

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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

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plot to install fake electors to declare donald trump the winner of these seven states, we show, all of which president biden won in the 2020 election. many were sent weeks after the election to state party officials. until now the justice department has never acknowledged investigating any significant part of the plot by the former president to overturn the election. evan perez, tell us more about what you've learned. >> well, kate, as you said, this is the first acknowledgment we've had from the justice department, which is to say that they are looking into these referrals from a number of state prosecutors who believe that perhaps a federal law was broken when these fake electors sent these certificates to the national archives. some of these electors were smart enough to change the language that was presented to them by trump allies to sort of cover themselves legally, others did not. so i asked the deputy attorney general lisa monaco about this aspect of the investigation. take a listen. >> on the issue you raised in terms of fraudulent elector certifications has been reported. we've received those referrals. our prosecutors are looking at those, and i can't say anything more on ongoing investigations. but more broadly, look, the attorney general has been very, very clear we are going to follow the facts and the law wherever they lead to address conduct of any kind and at any level that is part of an assault on our democracy. >> and, kate, the importance obviously, at any level, we know that allies close to the president, rudy giuliani and others, were involved in this effort to send these fake electors. look, this has been driving a lot of -- some of the fraud allegations have been driving a lot of the threats that election officials around the country have been receiving, and so that's one of the other things we talked about in my interview with the deputy attorney general, something she's very, very concerned with, because obviously we have elections coming up, and states are saying they're having a hard time recruiting workers that are a key part of our functioning democracy. kate? >> evan perez, thank you for bringing that to us. jamie raskin is a member of the house committee investigating the january 6 insurrection. he's also author of the title of a new book "unthinkable: trauma, truth and the trials of american democracy." >> hi, kate. >> thanks. what do you think this is doing to former president trump on the election? >> what those fraudulent electors were trying to do was misrepresent themselves as speaking for the will of entire states, millions of people. so, obviously, that's an instance of election fraud, and it might implicate wire fraud and mail fraud, depending on what, you know, intrastate mechanisms were used to follow that plan. it also plays into what donald trump and his entourage were planning, which might have them use state contexts in these states for rejecting electoral college votes, sending them back to the states, which is something the vice president doesn't have power to do, but they were trying to get him to do that in order to lower joe biden's majority in the electoral college from 306 to something below 270 in order to kick the whole election into the house of representatives for a so-called contingent election. >> and given the fact that rudy giuliani, one of trump's closest circle, were involved in this now, do you read that as the justice department opening an investigation that connects to trump himself? >> well, you know, if you follow the house of representatives, which obviously i do, he was impeached for inciting violent insurrection back on january 13th of 2021. so a majority in the house of representatives had seen enough after one week, had seen enough evidence after one week to know that this was the president's plan. but what has taken place since then is we have filled in a lot more evidence that he wasn't just incite ing an insurrection he was working to organize a crew against the democracy in order to seize the presidency for another four years. i can't imagine the department of justice would not have evidence at this point to that effect, but as you know, the work of the select committee in the house on january 6 is different from the work of the department of justice. they are pursuing. we are trying to write a report to the country about this massive attack on american democracy. first, on one of the heroes from january 6, officer eugene goodman, he's speaking for the first time about that day. his heroism very clear in those videos and several videos that came out of his heroic actions in protecting senator romney, protecting really everybody in the senate with his actions. i want to play for you why he says he has not spoken up until now. >> they tell you you should embrace us, but that means i have to embrace the negativity, too, and that's something i don't want to do. you know what i mean? i'm trying to steer clear. that's mostly why i haven't been agreeing with anything like that, because i just don't want any parts of the negativity, you know. >> we have seen the ridiculous and horrible backlash towards some of the officers' actions. >> what does it mean to you that he thinks he's basically telling the truth when he tells his story? >> part of the big lie is to release hatred and contempt and ridicule against our police officers, 150 of whom suffered serious wounds and injuries. we're talking broken jaws, and these people have suffered a terrible campaign of vitriolic attack, violent threats, death threats and so on, just as anyone who gets in the way of the trump movement. tracking the hero of eugene goodman as well as members of congress, who won't even vote to support an independent inquiry into what happened on that attack in america. and for these gop members who are out there denying the whole thing and going along with donald trump who says his. those also greeted them with hugs and kichltsz. we are closing in on them. where would you say we are in this investigation, congressman? >> i would say we are receiving overwhelming cooperation from more than 400 witnesses. we have more than 50,000 documents. this was the most photographed and videotaped violent event in american portion fmplt so we've got tons of information. we had a mob demonstration that turned into mob violence against our officers, a middle ring of domestic violent extremists like the oath keepers, the 3 percenters, the qanon network, the 3 remember recall these people were ready to break our win windows. but the final and most dangerous ring of all is the coup, which is a dangerous word to use in criminal life. some people think this is what happened to a president. we wanted to kick the whole election to the house of representatives where they were not voting one member one state -- >> where does mike pence fit in with this interview? are you going to speak to him? >> yes, he was the final target of the krt ou pvt. we need to hear from him and his staff. he lived up to his oath of office while others, including the president, were clearly violating their oath of office. >> and that has not happened yet? >> no, we have not heard yet from vice president pence. but just to issue that part, they were willing to win -- the sberks act as. they would have called the national guard off once he seized the president for another four years. >> thank you for coming in. the white house says a russian invasion of ukraine is imminent. but piutin's office is reportin something different. and we'll have a press conference in just moments live. see you then. ♪ ♪ before you go there, or fist bump there, or...oh! i can't wait to go there! or reunite there, ♪ ♪ start here. walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. schedule your free covid-19 booster today. 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all you have to do is pick up your phone, or go to, and you'll be a part of something special too. thank you so much! there are several new developments on the crisis in ukraine, all pointing closer and closer to conflict. sources tell cnn the u.s. and several allies are in discussions to deploy thousands of europe ahead of a possible russian invasion. a top diplomat going further than we've heard yet that putin intends to invade. secretary of state antony blinken is holding a news conference where we expect to learn more. let's begin with cnn's natasha bertrand. she is live with more on this. natasha, what are you hearing about putin's intent to invade? >> the biden administration is s thinking of sending troops to the outskirts of ukraine prior to russian aggression. what we heard is this is about a thousand troop deployments to countries that would accept them, and right now we're hearing bulgaria, hungary and rumania, and it would be a show of support for these allies very anxious for the ongoing russia aggression and the fear that russia will launch an invade into ukraine. what we're hearing this morning from the deputy secretary of state wendy sherman is ahead of the timeline they were thinking could result in a russian invasion of ukraine. take a listen. >> we certainly see every indication that he is going to use military force sometime, per perhaps between now and middle of february. >> reporter: that is more specific than we've heard from any officials. the fear from the nato countries, of course, is that russia weaponize those deployments to say russia is being overly aggressive. >> let's go to officials who are trying to downplay a russian threat. russia saying, it is clear they are not ready to stage an attack. with diplomatic efforts, including today, the u.s. is meeting with france and russia. matthew is live in kyiv. matthew, what are you hearing from officials there? >> reporter: on the one hand, you hear united states officials saying an invasion by russia is imminent. the intelligence sources were saying that's not how we see it. i was told they are looking at satellite images on an hourly basis of troops moving inside the border, inside russia. they said our assessment is they're not ready to stage any kind of invasion. they're not taking that aggressive stance you would expect if any order to invade had come through. in addition to that, they said, look, even if an order is given, our assessment is they're positioned in such a way that it will take a week, possibly two weeks, to put themselves in the right place to effectively stage some kind of incursion or some kind of larger scale invasion. they're really playing it down. that was repeated by the country's prime minister today, saying even if the troops there are ready, they are not numerous enough, there's not enough russian forces to stage a wide sort of full-scale russian invasion which he says would take a lot, lot more russian personnel on the ground, kate. >> matthew, thank you so much for your reporting. for russia's part, they are threatening to retaliate, quote, unquote, from aggressive actions to the west. math chew chancellor was laying out they are putting 100,000 troops at the border. president biden is wanting to sanction russia personally if they invade ukraine. nick, what is the latest there? >> sergey lavrov got applause saying if the united states does not react positively to russia's demands about an invasion of ukraine, then russia will take appropriate measures. he didn't say what they were, but in the past russian officials have said these essentially could be military. lavrov went on to say, be there no doubt here, russia takes the safety and security of its citizens as a top priority, remembering there that russia harms u.s. citizens in the russian area east of ukraine. on national television today, you've had separatists saying why they need to get weapons from the russian government, because they're seeing u.s. weapons being given to the ukranians on the other side, and you have the russian foreign ministry saying actually those weapons handed to the ukranians will be used to promote approximate a barrier around domas. >> with me is joanie er-- john ernst. why is someone from russia saying invasion is imminent? >> they're not saying they are going to invade. i think walensky thinks it's important to keep the country calm, but also moscow saying it won't be intimidated by the threat of an invasion making it more dangerous for ukraine. concessions in the talks of the situation in dombas. >> interesting. general, do you think a move against putin is inevitable at this point? i thought it was interesting that every indication said that they will, but also the olympics could affect the timing here. >> well, i think it's both inevitable, and i think it's imminent. i could see an invasion the next couple weeks. there is a tremendous amount of force buildup, all the logistics are in place and the ennashl remembers. again, this hearkens back to the soviet in terms of their align skpmt how they flight f. everything else, you know something is about to hatch. at least, that's what i would be looking at as an intelligence officer ahead of she and yin pang might hsaid, i don't think care so much about a hsliding down a half-pipe, quite frankly. >> they said there is still a time and space for diplomacy. we'll hear from tony blinken at 4:00, likely that he was going to push for that as well. but do you believe there is a time and space for diplomacy? >> there is time and space for strong action by the united states and nato to deter putin. i think putin has not made up his mind to go in. i think he's weighing carefully the risks. if the warnings that biden has issued are seen as credible by the kremlin, i think the chances of moscow sending those troops into ukraine go way down. specifically, if they know they'll be punishing sanctions, if they know they will be increasing military at the border, and if we know they're sending more weapons to ukraine, but we're not sending all the equipment ukraine is asking for in a reasonable way. weernt. if russia knows they're going to face serious casualties, if they know they're going to face serious sanctions. >> it's interesting that john also spoke to how the pentagon is very clearly announcing all of their moves, putting 8,500 troops on heightened alert to be prepared to deploy. let me play for you how he said it. >> we're being nothing but transparent about what we're doing militarily. a couple days ago we announced the beginning of an aircraft carrier exercise called the neptune strike in the asiatic sea. >> what you do you think major kirby is saying there, general? >> the challenge i have with that is when you declare your sp intentions clearly, you've also declared what you're not going to do. that's what we heard from the president, that u.s. forced deployment has never been on the table. you want to make sure your opponent has to deal with a whole lot of unknowns. that ambiguity remains unknown. we see france is soft on russia, germany is soft on russia. i can't imagine a new shutting down the tool -- my friend has a bunch p of nuclear fr, putin started this, and it's only in his mind what that in-state looks like. i think the potential first steps of a tremendous fracturing within this alliance, which is very, very troubling. >> absolutely. general, ambassador, thank you as always. coming up for us, boris johnson standing his ground refusing to resign as we await the release of a report to parties at 10 downing street among strict koefrld lock lockd daush controlled lockdowns. can, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪upbeat music♪ transitions™ light under control. ♪upbeat music♪ transitions™ signature gen 8™ available now, in 4 vibrant style colors. transitions™ the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. yep, it's go time with wireless on the most reliable network. ok, that jump was crazy! before our kids fall but what's crazier? 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for lawmakers, they are done. they want the prime minister out. he was back in the parliament today defending himself against growing calls for his resignation. take la listen. z >> the reality is we now have the subject prime minister the subject of an investigation. unable told the right thing and every day his cabinet fails to speak out, they become more and more complicit. i tell you the reason he wants me out of the way is because he knows this government can't be trusted to deliver. >> reporter: now, when that report comes out, kate, and any minute now expecting it, it's the prime minister's own lawmakers, it's his own party that are going to be parsing through those details. remember, there is this growing rebellion against him. it is absolutely the conservative party that has to make the decision, does he stay or does he go, kate? >> selma, thank you so much. also happening at this hour, the federal reserve is meeting right now to discuss a potential rate hike which hasn't been done since 2015. they will be outlining the nation's next steps, and it could affect everyone, whatever he discusses. this is a pivotal moment here. >> kate, this is a pivotal moment for the federal reserve. the president is in the hot seat. it's clear americans are very upset about the high cost of living right now, and remember, it's the rule of the fed to maintain price stability and prices have been anything but stable. investors have also been inured by the prospect of the fed going to fighting mode. we've seen ups and downs from the stock exchange. they were up earlier today, now back down. the fed is not expected to say goodbye to zero interest rates just yet. today is more likely about setting the stage for rate hikes. as you can see, just a 5.6% chance of a rate hike today, but that jumps up to 97% at the next meeting in march. so what does all this mean for main street? well, each time the fed raises rates, it means the cost of interest, the cost of borrowing is going to go up on everything from mortgages to credit cards, auto loans, student loans. it will still be cheap to borrow, but just not as cheap. we've already seen mortgage rates move up to the highest level since march of 2020. so, kate, the fed has this very difficult balance here. they need to try to cool off inflation but without short-circuiting the recovery or freaking out wall street or both. it's not going to be easy. >> as always, everybody will be parsing closely whatever jerome powell says later today. it's nice to see you. appreciate it. coming up for us, dr. fauci talking about a universal covid vaccine. now a member of the covid-19 advisory panel joins us next. no ink! uccch! i need you to print, i need you. please don't do this, i love you so much, i hate you. you think you're empty. i'm empty. do you suffer from cartridge conniptions? ucccccch! be conniption free. thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! up to 2 years of ink comes in the box. the ecotank is the perfect cure for-- i'm sorry, i didn't mean any of that. i meant it!!!! you're mocking me! the epson ecotank. just fill & chill. does anybody have more cartridges?! available at. - family. - family. - family. - family is everything. - [girl 1] family is with us through all of life's great moments. - bye, bye! - [girl 2] family is who we count on, inner greatest time of need because they're always by your side when we need them the most. - and for the past 100 years, shriners hospitals for children has become family to over 1.5 million kids. - [girl 2] in tough times, and good times... - good girl! - [girl 2] they are there when we need the most. - but it's only possible because of people like you. - people who give every month. - because of that, you're our family too. - you're there when we need you most. - but if you haven't joined the shriner's hospital family yet, now is your chance. - [girl 3] all you have to do, is call the number on your screen or go online to right now, with your monthly gift. and you'll help thousands of kids just like us, get the care and support we need every day. - when you call or go online today with your monthly gift of just $19, just 63 cents a day, we'll send you this adorable "love to the rescue" blanket as our gift to you. it'll be a reminder of how you're standing by our side, just like family. - thank you. - thank you for being a part of our family. - thank you for being a part of my family. - your monthly gift today, can change my life forever. - [girl 3] you can join the thousands of caring family members who give each month by calling this special number on your screen right now. - it's so good to know that we have a family like you, who cares enough to stand by our side. - thank you. - thank you. - thank you. - [girl 3] please, call or go online right now to with your monthly gift. - [boy 1] you'll make a difference in our lives, every day. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? in the fight against covid, dr. anthony fauci is discussing efforts to develop a universal covid vaccine that can cover any and all variants. listen to this. >> i don't want anyone to think that planned coronavirus vaccines are literally around the corner in a month or two. it's going to take years to develop in an incremental fashion. some of these are already in phase 1 clinical trials. don't forget, however, that our current vaccine regimens do provide strong protection. >> this also comes as nearly 2,300 americans are dying from covid every day. this is the highest 7-day average of that since last february. joining me now is dr. paul offit. he's a member of the vaccine advisory committee and so much more. dr. offit, what do you think about what fauci is saying about this universal coronavirus vaccine? is one needed? >> well, i think the last thing he said was most important, which is, when you think about it, and it's amazing, is when these vaccines were made, whichever vaccine, moderna, pfizer, j&j, they were all made against the original strain, the strain that left wuhan. that strain that left wuhan was replaced by delta and then omicron. they all continue to protect against serious illness. right now when you should worry is when these vaccines don't protect against serious illness. take a step back. we get an influenza vaccine every year, because if you didn't get one the previous year, you're no longer protected by it from the previous year. that's why we get one every year. if you don't have the coronavirus vaccine, you're not protected from serious illness. >> the mrmrna is said to be mor protective. is that why a pan virus is more possible? >> we've had human strains of the coronavirus circulating every year. a pan vaccine would be great. it's highly inspirational. in the 1980s, they were working on an influenza vaccine and that was more than 40 years ago. dr. fauci alluded to that when he said it's not right around the corner, but it would be a value to have something like that. for right now, you should worry when a variant arises where the vaccine does not protect against serious disease, and then we're going to need a variant-specific vaccine. right now that's not apparently in the offing. >> thank goodness. dr. jha had an interesting take this morning just on this point, about how we should maybe start looking at covid and how we can live with covid. listen to this. >> we have to get out of the prediction business of knowing which variant will hit. none of us have been able to do that very well. instead let's relax things when infections get better, signal to people if we see another surge, we'll have to go back and put more restrictions in place, and let's prepare for apparent surges. if they never come, terrific. but the bottom line is we need to have a much more prepared-for ment mentality. >> here's the key thing. in provincetown, massachusetts, on july 4, there was an outbreak of covid, and there were 253 men, roughly, who despite being vaccinated got covid. four of them were hospitalized. that means the vaccines were working. what worries me is there will be a variant that comes into this country where it's not going to be 1.2% vaccinated but 5%. i think what dr. jha is referring to in part is we have to see when other variants emerge and we can quickly combat it. if we let our guard down, we could be in a much more serious situation than we are right now. >> dr. offit, thank you. a carjacking in the middle of the day. just one incident in a city filing violent crime right now. a top official joins us next. what can i du with less asthma? 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>> it has been such a difficult january for manhattan, for new york city. it seems every day there's another heartbreaking incident where, of course, we're mourning the loss of two officers who were kids who grew up uptown, one in east harlem and one in washington heights, officer rivera. there is a united front among all of us in leadership that we must stop the epidemic of gun violence. i haven't seen this level of unity in a long time among leaders. th there are details on the debates. we have to keep young people from going down that path to pick up a gun in the first place. we need to invest more in youth programs and after school and make it less easy to get a gun in new york city. that means stopping the flow of weapons up i-95 from the southern states. and, yes, we do have to get the guns that are already on the streets off, and that means targeted, sensible proportionate enforcement that goes after the guns without repeating some of the mistakes of the past decades which was overly enforcement on young people of color. >> the blueprint laid out by mayor adams. how long do you give this to show results? there needs to be a measure for whether these steps that have been laid out are working. >> look, we need immediate action. we've already had double the number of shootings in manhattan than we had last year. that can't continue. some of these fixes are long term. i think we can move immediately to begin to support young people in our communities, to interdict guns that are flowing into the community and, yes, to be on the street and seizing some of the guns that are out there with sensitivity to not repeating mistakes of the past. the mayor has said we have to start showing immediate results, and we do, but this is also a long-term fight that will require investments in the kind of programs that won't yield results for months and years to come. >> look, there has been a spate of violent carjackings, blatant theft, five nypd police officers have been shot since the start of the year, a woman shoved to her death on the subway tracks in times square. the mayor says, and you've said, it's been a very rough january. but what do you say to people who now think new york city simply is not safe? do you think it is? >> well, this is not the 1990s again, thank god, but, yes, most categories of crime are increasing now and people feel unsafe and that also has to be taken seriously. and it's not only shootings, i think we all agree guns have to be a top priority. but also a crisis of mental health that has led to some horrible incidents like the pushing of the woman in times square a week ago. we have to go after the mental health of people, people struggling to get into the help they need. we can do this. we will do this. to people who are doubting, i will say the leadership of new york city is united that we have to address the mental health crisis, the epidemic of shootings, and we're going to fight over some of the details, but we're going to do this, and it's going to have an impact. i'm confident. we are committed to solving this. >> mark levine, thank you so much for coming on today. >> thanks, kate. all right. so we are moments away from secretary of state tony blinken holding a press conference on the crisis in ukraine. you see live pictures there from the state department. we're going to bring that to you, a very important moment here in this crisis that is unfolding. i'm kate bolduan. thank you for being with us. "inside politics with john king" will begin right after this break. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. hello and welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing a busy breaking news day for us. an invasion warning as the united states puts pen to paper. america makes clear it will not judge on vladimir putin's central demand to close the door on nato and ukraine. plus, we're learning the united states and its allies are deliberating whether to send troops to eastern europe before putin makes his decision. plus, covid exhaustion brings new intensity to the fight over masks and schools. virginia is the new hot spot. and house speaker nancy pelosi says she'll be on the ballot come november when she'll be 82. any moment now we expect to hear from the secretary of state antony blinken. but first, some breaking news. a leading member of the supreme court is retiring. le

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