Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 202

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708

john eastman's work on behalf of the former president in the days leading up to the insurrection. we want to welcome our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we begin with the threat of an imminent war in ukraine. president biden is sharing new information about u.s. moves to deter a russian invasion as 8500 american troops are now on a state of heightened alert. our chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins spoke with tpresident today. kaitlan, what is the white house saying tonight about predicting putin's next move? >> wolf, president biden spent the morning meeting with his national security team. and afterward he told us just how difficult he believes it is to predict what president biden is ultimately going to do. something that president biden says he doesn't even believe the russian leader's top aides fully understand what he is thinking on this. still, president biden did warn if president putin does move to invade ukraine, of course as we know, u.s. intelligence has assessed is something that is possibly imminent, president biden is warning there could be personal consequences for putin if he does act. . would you ever see yourself personally sanctioning him if he did invade ukraine? >> yes. >> reporter: you would? >> i would see that. there will be enormous consequences if we were to go in and invade as he could the entire country, or -- as well. for russia not only in terms of economic consequences and political consequences, but enormous consequences worldwide. this would be the large as if he were to move in with all those forces, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. >> now, wolf, when it comes to moving, president biden said that those 8,500 troops put on high alert by him yesterday could be moved in the near term, talking about guessing the likelihood of what the russians exactly are going to do. but president biden did say none of those troops are going to be going boo ukraine. none of the nato forces are going to be going into ukraine either. of course they're not part of that military alliance. and when i asked president biden if he still thinks this stable but predictable relationship that he has talked about having with russia, something he talked about the last time he met with putin in person, he said it remains to be seen, wolf, and essentially, and i'm quoting him, the sound on that. >> we are all staying tuned indeed. kaitlan collins at the white house, thank you very much. also tonight, cnn has learned that ukrainian officials disagree with the white house assessment that a russian invasion is imminent, characterizing the threat as dangerous instead. let's go live to ukraine right now. our chief international correspondent clarissa ward is joining us. clarissa, tell us about the situation on the ground where you are as well as your exclusive interview with the ukrainian foreign minister. >> well, wolf, there is no secret there has been some daylight between the u.s. leadership and the ukrainian leadership on the best way to deal with and also to talk about this crisis, particularly in the last week. the ukrainian foreign minister was not pulling any punches. he said he was annoyed that the u.s. made the decision to withdraw family members of u.s. embassy personnel. he felt that that was overly cautious and premature, and he also said that he made clear that ukraine will not be even as the diplomatic process continues, ukraine will not be pushed into making any concessions it doesn't want to. take a look. the latest tranche of u.s. weapons arrives in ukraine. on board, 79 tons of lethal aid, including nearly 300 tank armor piercing javelin missiles as the u.s. doubles down on its support of ukraine. as many as 8500 u.s. troops are now on high alert to be deployed to eastern europe to join nato forces. a decision ukraine's foreign minister commit throw kuleyba says he welcomes. >> i think it's a message to putin, that listen, whatever you're trying to achieve, you get the opposite. if you want us to withdraw from central europe, withdraw nato structure from central u.s., our response is reinforcing the eastern flank of nato. >> some have suggested, though, that this shift might actually anger putin and escalate the crisis further. are you concerned about that? >> well, if we learned anything since 2014 is that it's a flawed logic to handle president putin from the perspective that let's do nothing in order not to make him angry. no, this is not how it works. strength, resolve, deterrence, these are the three elements that work with putin. >> reporter: on the other side of the border, yet another show of force from russia's military, with a skander missile systems on display. russia a check with russia says the exercises are to, quote, check russia's readiness. here few have any doubt that russia is ready to go to war. but the question remains whether that is its intention. so do you believe there will be a military escalation here in ukraine? >> this depends. i cannot read president putin's mind. >> reporter: can anyone? >> frankly, no. i don't think anyone can do that. we are literally in a situation where anything can happen. >> reporter: how does putin at this stage de-escalate without losing face? >> we shouldn't really care how president putin will save his face. for one simple reason, because he himself, he put himself in this situation. if russia is willing to act in good faith, there is a possibility to walk out from the negotiating room and say we made a deal. >> reporter: but kuleba warns that ukraine will not be pushed into making concessions. >> we will not be in a position of a country that picks up the form, here is the instruction of the big power and follows it. no. we paid a lot, including 15,000 lives of our citizens to secure the right to decide our own future, our own destiny. and we will not allow anyone to impose any concessions on us. >> reporter: with all sides dug in, the prospects for a diplomatic solution are dim. but crane's leadership says the cost of failure would extend far beyond these front lines. >> and if the united states leadership fails here, it will be a clear message to the contesters of the united states that america is a different country now and they can push. and in the end, if they push, i'm afraid that it will be the people of america who will feel the repercussions of that push. >> reporter: the minister went on the say that if anyone did come to kyiv and demand that ukraine make concessions, he would simply in his own words call the protocol officer and have them accompanied back to the airport. really not pulling any punches here, wolf. >> clarissa, we're also reporting, as you well know that some ukrainian officials obviously strongly disagree with the white house assessment that a russian invasion is imminent. so explain what you're hearing over there. why aren't they on the same page with washington? >> so wolf, just to be clear, this is not the foreign minister. this is coming from another source close to the ukrainian government who says essentially, this assertion from the white house that the threat is imminent, they described it as being, quote, dangerous but not imminent. he said that the ukrainian leadership is poring over satellite imagery coming in from u.s. intelligence sources and other allies every hour. and what from they're seeing on the ground, quote, russia is not yet getting into combat mode or positioning themselves to attack. he also went on to say that even when russia does give the order, when president putin does give the order, it will likely take a week or two before they would be able to launch any kind of invasion. and what you're seeing here really is the ukrainians increasingly, albeit privately getting a little frustrated with the u.s. messaging on this topic. they still do not believe that russia would be able to launch a null-scale invasion, and they're also mindful of not panicking their own citizens. so they're trying to keep the language from escalating, even as tensions continue to soar. >> clarissa, i'm hearing from sources here in washington that what really worries the biden administration is that if they do launch a major, major sanctions against russia in the face of an imminent invasion or an invasion, russia would retaliate with huge cyber attacks where you are in ukraine, but also against the u.s. itself. the department of homeland security this week issued a statement here in washington saying russia maintains a range of offensive cyber tools that it could employee against u.s. networks from low-level denials of service to destructive attacks targeting critical infrastructure. how worried are officials in ukraine right now about a major cyber attack by the russians short of a full-scale invasion? and what are you hearing about cyber attacks against the u.s.? >> so they're definitely very worried about the possibility of a cyber attack. they understand that putin's strength lies in his ability to deploy asymmetrical warfare, meaning that he gets sanctions and maybe he retaliates with a cyber attack. ukraine has been on the receiving end of multiple cyber attacks, one just recently last week. they know how crippling it can be, not just in terms of destabilizing the whole system here, the infrastructure, but also in terms of morale with people on the ground and in terms of investment. one of the major reasons that you hear ukraine voice these frustrations with the messaging coming from the u.s. is that this country has a lot of economic problems, and they don't want to project an image of instability. so that is one thing that they really fear, cyber attacks that could further impact the economy. wolf? >> and the u.s. is vulnerable to these kinds of russian cyber attacks. thanks for excellent work. just ahead, the house speaker nancy pelosi announces she will run for reelection to her seat in congress. will she also run for another term leading her party? 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>> well, if she wants to keep her options open, then she has no choice but to be in congress. and that means she has to formally run for reelection for her seat representing the san francisco area in california. it does not mean it is a sure thing in any way, shape, or form that she will run for speaker if they retain the house, they meaning the democrats, or minority leader if they lose. but she is about as shrewd as they come when it comes to strategy and positioning herself, somebody who is not a lame duck. so keeping her options open is the name of the game for nancy pelosi. so that's why in that sense, it's not a surprise. it would be much more surprising if she made an announcement and said i'm not running for reelection. >> and she would be potentially a lame duck. so phil, what does -- what pelosi doesn't say, as dana pointed out in this announcement, is what this means for the speakership, whether she'll serve a full term. how notable do you sense that is? >> i think it's an intentional omission or ambiguity. i think to dana's point here, the speaker is leaving options open. look, it is a very tight knit group of people. i think you probably count them on one hand of people who have actually spoken to the speaker about how she wants to manage the next eight, nine, ten months at this time. however, keeping options open is krit for two reasons. inside the capitol building. the president's agenda is still very much top of mind. you 29 house democrats who have announced they're retiring. i think jim cooper from tennessee announced today. the speaker certainly doesn't want the add on to that group as she is trying to maintain caucus unity as they take another run, perhaps at build back better or any of the other agenda items the president wants to move through in the next couple of months. but there is also the reelection issue themselves. the speaker is a fundraising behemoth. she is by far the most powerful person inside the party. we're not talk millions of dollars. we're not talking 10s of millions. we're talking near a billion dollars raised since she has been a democratic leader in the house. and they want to ensure they can maintain that fundraising ability given the real headwinds democrats are facing heading into november. given the announcement today, she keeps the options open while not foreclosing the ability to retire after november or not seek the speakership or leader if she decides to stay on, wolf. >> dana, at the same time, the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is trying to navigate former president trump's influence on the upcoming midterm election. in an exclusive cnn interview, mcconnell tried to emphasize that he and trump are on the same page. but how far is that from rather? >> well, it's as far from reality as donald trump wants it to be. and it's a case by case, or to be specific, state-by-state basis. they're not on the same page when it comes to what's going to happen in alaska. lisa murkowski, the republican senator has been an outspoken critic of donald trump, and he supports her republican primary challenger. mitch mcconnell does not. the kind of murky area is going to be in states where senator mcconnell believes they're winnable in the general election, states like arizona. he believes if the governor doug ducey, former governor doug ducey -- soon to be former governor doug ducey has a chance to run, he could win. in maryland, mitch mcconnell believes if larry hogan, a republican in a blue state who is very popular runs for senate, he is term-limited, he can win. so those are options that mitch mcconnell thinks are very viable, but those are also two people donald trump will fight very hard against in primaries. >> lots of developments up on the hill. guys, thank you, very, very much. coming up, a federal judge orders the trump attorney behind the plot to overturn the presidential election to hand over his emails to the january 6 select committee. we're now learning just how closely john eastman was working with the former president. new information when we come back. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i like that my plan is built just for me. with the new ww personalpoints program, you take an assessment, enter your goals, the foods you love and what fits into your lifestyle. you don't have to eat diet food. i can enjoy the things that i really love like wine... cheese. you can add points for eating vegetables or being active. i lost 26 lbs and i feel incredible. the all new ww personalpoints program. don't pay until spring. join today at offer ends january 30th. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. cop spirsist and trump ally meeting with a january 6 select committee and describing now as a very intense experience. at the same time, a key victory for the panel as a trump lawyer has been ordered to turn over emails detailing the extent of the former president's efforts to overturn the presidential election. cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent paula reid has details. >> reporter: the house select committee investigating january 6 continues its quest to get more witnesses to talk, meeting virtually on monday with right-wing conspiracy theorist alex jones. he spoke about the experience on his podcast monday. >> i had a very intense experience, being recogninterro by the january 6 lawyers. they were polite but dogged. >> he invoked the 5th amendment nearly 500 times. >> i said this, my lawyer told me almost 100 times today during the interrogation on advice of council, i am asserting my fifth ameasurement right to remain silent. >> reporter: and said he did not want to answer all the questions for fear of perjuring himself. >> i'm the type that tries to answer things correctly, even if i don't know all the answers, and they could then claim it's personalry. because about half the questions i didn't know the answer to. and a bunch of them were emails i'd never seen. and planning things i'd never seen, at least from memory. >> the january 6 committee may soon get more information from another key trump ally, conservative attorney john eastman, who worked for trump leading up to the insurrection. he has tried to convince then vice president mike pence if he could overturn the election results on january 6. a federal judge ordered eastman to respond to the committee's subpoena seeking his emails from the university where he previously worked. 'sman's lawyer also acknowledged his client had been working for trump during key moments leading up to january 6, including on january 2nd, when he told state legislators that they needed to fix this egregious conduct that would put joe biden in the white house. when he was in the willard hotel's so-called war room with other trump contacts, and on january 3rd when he met trump and vice president mike pence about blocking the congressional certification of the 2020 vote. but the committee is still working to get cooperation from other key witnesses, including former trump chief of staff mark meadows who said monday he will continue to fight his subpoena from the committee, even after the supreme court rejected trump's bid to keep secret hundreds of his white house records claiming executive privilege. >> it's not something that i can waive. and it's really not something the january 6 committee can waive. so hopefully it will still be heard by the district court. >> reporter: in addition to the house committee's efforts, the justice department is of course also pursuing its own investigation, and you may remember earlier this month it charged 11 members of the oath keepers with seditious conspiracy related to january 6. an today 10 of those defendant, including the group's leader stewart rhodes pleaded not guilty. the other defendant was not present for today's hearing and has not entered a formal plea. wolf? >> paula reid reporting. i want to bring in our chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin and laura coates. her new book by the way is entitled "just pursuit: a black prosecutor's fight for fairness." it's an excellent book indeed. jeffrey, do these admissions from eastman's lawyer paint the clearest picture yet of how much he was doing on donald trump's behalf in the days leading up to january 6? >> well, yes, they do. but the more important news i think is that the emails that he sent and received are probably going to be turned over to the committee. you know, he was a professor at chapman university, and he used his university email account to conduct all this business. and the university has basically said we are going to cooperate with the investigation. so i think the concrete evidence of all those email, if and when they're turned over could be exceptionally important to decrushing how the legal side of this attempt to overturn the election took place. >> on that point, laura, do you think the committee will be able to use these documents to establish a direct link to the former president's efforts to try to subvert the presidential election? >> they ought to be able to. not only the documents, but the words of the actual counsel for mr. eastman where he spoke having the statements and representing the then president of the united states, that it was his client and he was acting on behalf of and representing that person. and his attempts to try to lay out an erroneous, unlawful plan to have these substitute and false electors try to thwart the certification process. so these are all going combine. remember the timing of all this. we've already known there are hundreds of people that have spoken to the committee, which means at this stage, there are more than likely having a clearer picture and putting in pieces and having corroboration more than just realizations and epiffys. to the extent his emails actually provide more information, i suspect it will really corroborate what's already known and what's already out there. to jeffrey's point, remember, the attorney/client privilege even though it wasn't his client, have some con straits. if it's outside the scope it's not privileged and if others are aware of it, it also goes away. combine that with the discussion of executive privilege, you don't really is a leg to stand on if you're john eastman. >> the deputy attorney general of the united states, lisa monica sat down exclusively with our own evan perez who asked her about the fake electoral college certifications that declared trump the winner of states he clearly lost. listen to what she revealed. >> well, first on the issue you raised in terms of fraudulent elector certifications has been reported. we've received those referrals. our prosecutors are look at those. and i can't say anything more on ongoing investigations. but more broadly, look, the attorney general has been very, very clear. we are going to follow the facts in the law wherever they lead to address conduct of any kind. and at any level that is part of an saumt on our democracy. >> so jeffrey, how significant is that? >> i think it is significant in evan's interview because one telephone criticisms that a lot of people have had of the justice department is they're just concentrating on the small fish here, the foot soldiers who were inside the capitol, and there are hundreds of them, and they're all being prosecuted. but as we've seen in the last couple of weeks, we now have a seditious conspiracy case against the oath keepers. and now it appears that they're investigating the provision of false electoral college slates. all of this is working their way up. and this is what the attorney general said he was going to do, and it appears like that's actually what they're doing. >> it certainly does. our jeffrey toobin, laura coates, to both you have thank you very much. coming up, when will an updated covid vaccine targeting the omicron variant be ready if needed? we're learning new information about the clinical trials that are now under way. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. that pushes you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪ there's no going back. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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>> all right, alexandra, thank you very much. alexandra field in new york. let's bring in cnn medical analyst dr. lena nguyen. thanks for joining us. is it omicron specific, omicron specific booster shot still worth pursuing even though it will almost certainly arrive too late to help with this current wave? >> you're right. by the time we get the results in, it's going to be probably months later. and so it's not going to help was this current wave, but i do think that studying it is going to be important because we could have another variant arrive in the future that looks more like omicron than previous variants. and by the way, i also think the results are going to be important because not just study the booster, they're also studying the vaccine. so for unvaccinated individuals, could this omicron specific vaccine be better. still, the message for people who are not yet boosted should wait don't wait. get your booster now because immunity is waning. >> such a critical piece of advice. what about a fourth dose of the original vaccine. as you know, israel is now recommending a fourth dose for all adults. >> it's too soon for us in the u.s. to be talking about a fourth dose for most americans. and that's because more than half of americans who are eligible to be boosted have not yet even got their third dose. and that includes one in three older adults over age 65 have not yet gotten their booster. so i would really like to see us get that third dose in before we start talking about a fourth dose here. >> last night i asked dr. paul and dr. ashish jha if boosted and vaccinated people should now feel comfortable eating inside, going to a bar, for example, seeing a movie. they said they should. what's your take? >> i think it's very reasonable for someone who is fully vaccinated and boosted and generally healthy to say the risk to me is going to be really low, even if i contract covid. so i feel comfortable returning to my prepandemic activities. i personally feel differently because have i two little kids who are unvaccinated. so the household risk for us is still not yet as low as i would like it to be. so i'm choosing to be careful. i am not going to go to an indoor restaurant where i'm shoulder to shoulder with people who potentially could be unvaccinated. but i would feel comfortable going to the theater, going to an indoor gym, other places where i can wear a mask in order to keep safe. >> and if you're going out to dinner, you want to make sure the people sitting at the table with you are fully vaccinated and boosted. i think that's really significant. as you know, sarah palin allegedly flouted new york city's indoor dining vaccination mandate just before testing positive for covid. how essential is it for restaurants to enforce these mandates, regardless of who wants to eat there? >> right. i think if i were in that restaurant and i had the expectation that people around me were fully vaccinated, and then i find out that somebody was unvaccinated and then tested positive for covid subsequently, i'd be very upset. we should remember that unvaccinated people are five times more likely to be infected with covid compared to somebody who is vaccinated. >> that's a good point. dr. aleana wen, thank you very much. investigating very disturbing flyers pushing anti-semitic covid conspiracies. just ahead, i'll speak with one mayor trying to deal with this dangerous disinformation. r from cartridge conniptions? be conniption-free, thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! you're mocking me. not again! the epson ecotank. just fill & chill. get help managing your money for the life -- and years -- ahead. with fidelity income planning, we'll look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow designed to last. so you can go from saving... to living. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ we're following a disturbing new twist in the covid pandemic. anti-semitic flyers filled with covid conspiracy theories popping up in cities around the united states, including miami beach. cnn's leyla santiago is there for us. >> reporter: tonight, a community on alert. an investigation under way to find out who is behind the hate-filled flyers delivered to more than 200 miami beach homes. officials say the flyers left in the middle of the night targeting the jewish community, falsely claiming the public health response to covid is being orchestrated by jewish people. >> at first i thought it was targeted to me, until i started just looking around and seeing every house. this is kind of like shocked a lot of people that have lived on the island for over 50 years. >> we're already living in a moment where we've seen a remarkable rise in anti-semitic incidents. we have double the number of acts of harassment, vand vandalism and violence today than we did just a few years ago. and this weekend we had these anti-semitic flyers dropped in six different states. >> reporter: over the weekend, in san francisco, police officers collected flyers with some of that same anti-semitic language. in colorado, flyers now under investigation, distributed in denver. the adl also reports flyer distribution in wisconsin, maryland, and texas over the weekend. meanwhile, at a rally in d.c., anti-vaccine activist robert f. kennedy jr. -- >> even in hitler, germany you could cross the alps to the switzerland. you could hide in an attic like anne frank did. >> reporter: he has since apologized. even his wife tweeted my husband's reference to anne frank was reprehensible and insensitive. the process that millions endured during the holocaust should never be compared to anyone or anything. reports a sharp increase in anti-semitic incidents. in south florida, the dangerous rhetoric concerning city leaders and residents. >> i think this is nothing you can brush off, oh, well, what kind of crime was committed? they need to be held accountable. you throw your garbage on to our lawns. >> reporter: and, wolf, i am in the neighborhood where this occurred where these flyers were handed out. there is a strong sense of fear and vulnerability when you talk to neighbors, even a local rabbi, but also a strong desire to call this out for what it is, to call it out for being hate. miami beach police tell us they are working with the fbi to get to the bottom of this. >> hope they do. leylah santiago in miami beach, thank you very much. let's discuss with the mayor of miami beach. thank you for joining us. as you know, miami beach police say they have not collected more than 200 anti-semitic letters. what are you learning about who potentially is behind these very disturbing and dangerous flyers? >> well, obviously, it's disgusting. this is an important issue because you can't just sit around and ignore it or hide from it. you have to speak out against it and we intend it do it. the police are investigating with local and federal authorities. fortunately, the folks that are responsible for this, their hate was rivaled by their stupidity because we are a community with a lot of cameras around. people have security cameras, guard gates. so i am confident we will identify these folks if we haven't already, and what ever e can do, we are going to do, because our community isn't just going to sit around and say do what you want. we have to speak out strongly against this. >> i am sure you have a lot of leads right now. follow up very diligently. you said you just can't assume this is harmless stupidity. what actions are you taking to ensure the jewish community in miami beach is protected? >> well i was on my morning sunday walk with my wife and we saw these scattered around in our neighborhood. our police immediately went to temples and houses of worship to increase patrols. we have a pretty good, you know, system with our own rabbis and priests and we sent out word very quickly they. be vigilant. it's flyers, but it's from people who are vitriolic in their hate. so when you see something like this in your own neighborhood in front of your house, you sort of wonder, well, is the next thing going to be a rock? and then is the next thing after that going to be something more deadly? we don't take it lightly. we have take it extremely seriously and we don't ignore it and pretend like it's just, you know, stupid behavior. it's threatening behavior. >> certainly is. miami beach mayor dan gelber, thanks so much for joining us. coming up, a sobering news out of new york city where a second police officer has died after being shot last week. cold who's boss, sor grab mucinex all-in-one... and get back to your rhythm. ♪ don't play around with cold and flu symptoms. 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(judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. while responding to a domestic incident last week has died. cnn national correspondent brin jin grass is groing us from new york. a very, very sad development. what's the latest? >> reporter: yeah, wolf, devastating blow to the new york police department losing not one, but two officers in that incident that took place in harlem on friday. wilbert mora, 27 years old, a four-year veteran of the police department, he was responding to that domestic incident on friday with his partner, jason rivera, who also passed away on friday. his funeral is scheduled for later this week. mora's we are hearing is scheduled likely next week. the commissioner calling him a hero not just for his service but for the fact that he will be donating his organs, hopefully, saving the life of more people moving forward. the mayor of new york city really spent the day today trying to sort of defend some of the parts of his plan that he laid out yesterday to address the rise in crime that we are seeing in new york city, in particular when it comes to those anti-crimes officers, plain-clothed officers who will be going to neighborhoods where the most crime in the city is happening. listen to how he talked about that unit that will be coming to the streets in the next couple of weeks. >> i know how fear and abusive that unit was. we are going to reinstitute an anti-gun unit where police officers will have a modified version of police uniform apparel. they are going to be better trained. with gehring to use technologies with cameras to video every interaction and i am going to make sure the right officers are assigned there, precision policing, to go after those who are dangerous gangs and carrying guns in my city. >> reporter: so the mayor making it clear that this unit is going to be different under his administration in hopes to bring the crime down here in new york city. also taking the time though to say this isn't just an nypd problem. again, wolf, we talked about this, that also he is calling on district attorneys, the courts to help out with this issue in trying to bring crime down. >> thank you so, so much. and our hearts go out to the families of these two police officers. our deepest, deepest condolences. may they rest in peace and may their memories be a blessing. erin burnett out front starts right now. out front next, president biden now threatening to send u.s. troops to eastern europe soon as the u.s. military aid arrives in ukraine and president biden is making sure the whole world sees what he is doing tonight. exclusive cnn reporting this hour. the justice department now looking into fake electoral college certifications that declared trump the winner in seven states he lost. students back in schools in chicago but a principal there warning tonight children are not okay. teachers are not okay. schools are not okay. he is my guest. let's go out front

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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708

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john eastman's work on behalf of the former president in the days leading up to the insurrection. we want to welcome our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we begin with the threat of an imminent war in ukraine. president biden is sharing new information about u.s. moves to deter a russian invasion as 8500 american troops are now on a state of heightened alert. our chief white house correspondent kaitlan collins spoke with tpresident today. kaitlan, what is the white house saying tonight about predicting putin's next move? >> wolf, president biden spent the morning meeting with his national security team. and afterward he told us just how difficult he believes it is to predict what president biden is ultimately going to do. something that president biden says he doesn't even believe the russian leader's top aides fully understand what he is thinking on this. still, president biden did warn if president putin does move to invade ukraine, of course as we know, u.s. intelligence has assessed is something that is possibly imminent, president biden is warning there could be personal consequences for putin if he does act. . would you ever see yourself personally sanctioning him if he did invade ukraine? >> yes. >> reporter: you would? >> i would see that. there will be enormous consequences if we were to go in and invade as he could the entire country, or -- as well. for russia not only in terms of economic consequences and political consequences, but enormous consequences worldwide. this would be the large as if he were to move in with all those forces, it would be the largest invasion since world war ii. it would change the world. >> now, wolf, when it comes to moving, president biden said that those 8,500 troops put on high alert by him yesterday could be moved in the near term, talking about guessing the likelihood of what the russians exactly are going to do. but president biden did say none of those troops are going to be going boo ukraine. none of the nato forces are going to be going into ukraine either. of course they're not part of that military alliance. and when i asked president biden if he still thinks this stable but predictable relationship that he has talked about having with russia, something he talked about the last time he met with putin in person, he said it remains to be seen, wolf, and essentially, and i'm quoting him, the sound on that. >> we are all staying tuned indeed. kaitlan collins at the white house, thank you very much. also tonight, cnn has learned that ukrainian officials disagree with the white house assessment that a russian invasion is imminent, characterizing the threat as dangerous instead. let's go live to ukraine right now. our chief international correspondent clarissa ward is joining us. clarissa, tell us about the situation on the ground where you are as well as your exclusive interview with the ukrainian foreign minister. >> well, wolf, there is no secret there has been some daylight between the u.s. leadership and the ukrainian leadership on the best way to deal with and also to talk about this crisis, particularly in the last week. the ukrainian foreign minister was not pulling any punches. he said he was annoyed that the u.s. made the decision to withdraw family members of u.s. embassy personnel. he felt that that was overly cautious and premature, and he also said that he made clear that ukraine will not be even as the diplomatic process continues, ukraine will not be pushed into making any concessions it doesn't want to. take a look. the latest tranche of u.s. weapons arrives in ukraine. on board, 79 tons of lethal aid, including nearly 300 tank armor piercing javelin missiles as the u.s. doubles down on its support of ukraine. as many as 8500 u.s. troops are now on high alert to be deployed to eastern europe to join nato forces. a decision ukraine's foreign minister commit throw kuleyba says he welcomes. >> i think it's a message to putin, that listen, whatever you're trying to achieve, you get the opposite. if you want us to withdraw from central europe, withdraw nato structure from central u.s., our response is reinforcing the eastern flank of nato. >> some have suggested, though, that this shift might actually anger putin and escalate the crisis further. are you concerned about that? >> well, if we learned anything since 2014 is that it's a flawed logic to handle president putin from the perspective that let's do nothing in order not to make him angry. no, this is not how it works. strength, resolve, deterrence, these are the three elements that work with putin. >> reporter: on the other side of the border, yet another show of force from russia's military, with a skander missile systems on display. russia a check with russia says the exercises are to, quote, check russia's readiness. here few have any doubt that russia is ready to go to war. but the question remains whether that is its intention. so do you believe there will be a military escalation here in ukraine? >> this depends. i cannot read president putin's mind. >> reporter: can anyone? >> frankly, no. i don't think anyone can do that. we are literally in a situation where anything can happen. >> reporter: how does putin at this stage de-escalate without losing face? >> we shouldn't really care how president putin will save his face. for one simple reason, because he himself, he put himself in this situation. if russia is willing to act in good faith, there is a possibility to walk out from the negotiating room and say we made a deal. >> reporter: but kuleba warns that ukraine will not be pushed into making concessions. >> we will not be in a position of a country that picks up the form, here is the instruction of the big power and follows it. no. we paid a lot, including 15,000 lives of our citizens to secure the right to decide our own future, our own destiny. and we will not allow anyone to impose any concessions on us. >> reporter: with all sides dug in, the prospects for a diplomatic solution are dim. but crane's leadership says the cost of failure would extend far beyond these front lines. >> and if the united states leadership fails here, it will be a clear message to the contesters of the united states that america is a different country now and they can push. and in the end, if they push, i'm afraid that it will be the people of america who will feel the repercussions of that push. >> reporter: the minister went on the say that if anyone did come to kyiv and demand that ukraine make concessions, he would simply in his own words call the protocol officer and have them accompanied back to the airport. really not pulling any punches here, wolf. >> clarissa, we're also reporting, as you well know that some ukrainian officials obviously strongly disagree with the white house assessment that a russian invasion is imminent. so explain what you're hearing over there. why aren't they on the same page with washington? >> so wolf, just to be clear, this is not the foreign minister. this is coming from another source close to the ukrainian government who says essentially, this assertion from the white house that the threat is imminent, they described it as being, quote, dangerous but not imminent. he said that the ukrainian leadership is poring over satellite imagery coming in from u.s. intelligence sources and other allies every hour. and what from they're seeing on the ground, quote, russia is not yet getting into combat mode or positioning themselves to attack. he also went on to say that even when russia does give the order, when president putin does give the order, it will likely take a week or two before they would be able to launch any kind of invasion. and what you're seeing here really is the ukrainians increasingly, albeit privately getting a little frustrated with the u.s. messaging on this topic. they still do not believe that russia would be able to launch a null-scale invasion, and they're also mindful of not panicking their own citizens. so they're trying to keep the language from escalating, even as tensions continue to soar. >> clarissa, i'm hearing from sources here in washington that what really worries the biden administration is that if they do launch a major, major sanctions against russia in the face of an imminent invasion or an invasion, russia would retaliate with huge cyber attacks where you are in ukraine, but also against the u.s. itself. the department of homeland security this week issued a statement here in washington saying russia maintains a range of offensive cyber tools that it could employee against u.s. networks from low-level denials of service to destructive attacks targeting critical infrastructure. how worried are officials in ukraine right now about a major cyber attack by the russians short of a full-scale invasion? and what are you hearing about cyber attacks against the u.s.? >> so they're definitely very worried about the possibility of a cyber attack. they understand that putin's strength lies in his ability to deploy asymmetrical warfare, meaning that he gets sanctions and maybe he retaliates with a cyber attack. ukraine has been on the receiving end of multiple cyber attacks, one just recently last week. they know how crippling it can be, not just in terms of destabilizing the whole system here, the infrastructure, but also in terms of morale with people on the ground and in terms of investment. one of the major reasons that you hear ukraine voice these frustrations with the messaging coming from the u.s. is that this country has a lot of economic problems, and they don't want to project an image of instability. so that is one thing that they really fear, cyber attacks that could further impact the economy. wolf? >> and the u.s. is vulnerable to these kinds of russian cyber attacks. thanks for excellent work. just ahead, the house speaker nancy pelosi announces she will run for reelection to her seat in congress. will she also run for another term leading her party? 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>> well, if she wants to keep her options open, then she has no choice but to be in congress. and that means she has to formally run for reelection for her seat representing the san francisco area in california. it does not mean it is a sure thing in any way, shape, or form that she will run for speaker if they retain the house, they meaning the democrats, or minority leader if they lose. but she is about as shrewd as they come when it comes to strategy and positioning herself, somebody who is not a lame duck. so keeping her options open is the name of the game for nancy pelosi. so that's why in that sense, it's not a surprise. it would be much more surprising if she made an announcement and said i'm not running for reelection. >> and she would be potentially a lame duck. so phil, what does -- what pelosi doesn't say, as dana pointed out in this announcement, is what this means for the speakership, whether she'll serve a full term. how notable do you sense that is? >> i think it's an intentional omission or ambiguity. i think to dana's point here, the speaker is leaving options open. look, it is a very tight knit group of people. i think you probably count them on one hand of people who have actually spoken to the speaker about how she wants to manage the next eight, nine, ten months at this time. however, keeping options open is krit for two reasons. inside the capitol building. the president's agenda is still very much top of mind. you 29 house democrats who have announced they're retiring. i think jim cooper from tennessee announced today. the speaker certainly doesn't want the add on to that group as she is trying to maintain caucus unity as they take another run, perhaps at build back better or any of the other agenda items the president wants to move through in the next couple of months. but there is also the reelection issue themselves. the speaker is a fundraising behemoth. she is by far the most powerful person inside the party. we're not talk millions of dollars. we're not talking 10s of millions. we're talking near a billion dollars raised since she has been a democratic leader in the house. and they want to ensure they can maintain that fundraising ability given the real headwinds democrats are facing heading into november. given the announcement today, she keeps the options open while not foreclosing the ability to retire after november or not seek the speakership or leader if she decides to stay on, wolf. >> dana, at the same time, the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is trying to navigate former president trump's influence on the upcoming midterm election. in an exclusive cnn interview, mcconnell tried to emphasize that he and trump are on the same page. but how far is that from rather? >> well, it's as far from reality as donald trump wants it to be. and it's a case by case, or to be specific, state-by-state basis. they're not on the same page when it comes to what's going to happen in alaska. lisa murkowski, the republican senator has been an outspoken critic of donald trump, and he supports her republican primary challenger. mitch mcconnell does not. the kind of murky area is going to be in states where senator mcconnell believes they're winnable in the general election, states like arizona. he believes if the governor doug ducey, former governor doug ducey -- soon to be former governor doug ducey has a chance to run, he could win. in maryland, mitch mcconnell believes if larry hogan, a republican in a blue state who is very popular runs for senate, he is term-limited, he can win. so those are options that mitch mcconnell thinks are very viable, but those are also two people donald trump will fight very hard against in primaries. >> lots of developments up on the hill. guys, thank you, very, very much. coming up, a federal judge orders the trump attorney behind the plot to overturn the presidential election to hand over his emails to the january 6 select committee. we're now learning just how closely john eastman was working with the former president. new information when we come back. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ i like that my plan is built just for me. with the new ww personalpoints program, you take an assessment, enter your goals, the foods you love and what fits into your lifestyle. you don't have to eat diet food. i can enjoy the things that i really love like wine... cheese. you can add points for eating vegetables or being active. i lost 26 lbs and i feel incredible. the all new ww personalpoints program. don't pay until spring. join today at offer ends january 30th. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. cop spirsist and trump ally meeting with a january 6 select committee and describing now as a very intense experience. at the same time, a key victory for the panel as a trump lawyer has been ordered to turn over emails detailing the extent of the former president's efforts to overturn the presidential election. cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent paula reid has details. >> reporter: the house select committee investigating january 6 continues its quest to get more witnesses to talk, meeting virtually on monday with right-wing conspiracy theorist alex jones. he spoke about the experience on his podcast monday. >> i had a very intense experience, being recogninterro by the january 6 lawyers. they were polite but dogged. >> he invoked the 5th amendment nearly 500 times. >> i said this, my lawyer told me almost 100 times today during the interrogation on advice of council, i am asserting my fifth ameasurement right to remain silent. >> reporter: and said he did not want to answer all the questions for fear of perjuring himself. >> i'm the type that tries to answer things correctly, even if i don't know all the answers, and they could then claim it's personalry. because about half the questions i didn't know the answer to. and a bunch of them were emails i'd never seen. and planning things i'd never seen, at least from memory. >> the january 6 committee may soon get more information from another key trump ally, conservative attorney john eastman, who worked for trump leading up to the insurrection. he has tried to convince then vice president mike pence if he could overturn the election results on january 6. a federal judge ordered eastman to respond to the committee's subpoena seeking his emails from the university where he previously worked. 'sman's lawyer also acknowledged his client had been working for trump during key moments leading up to january 6, including on january 2nd, when he told state legislators that they needed to fix this egregious conduct that would put joe biden in the white house. when he was in the willard hotel's so-called war room with other trump contacts, and on january 3rd when he met trump and vice president mike pence about blocking the congressional certification of the 2020 vote. but the committee is still working to get cooperation from other key witnesses, including former trump chief of staff mark meadows who said monday he will continue to fight his subpoena from the committee, even after the supreme court rejected trump's bid to keep secret hundreds of his white house records claiming executive privilege. >> it's not something that i can waive. and it's really not something the january 6 committee can waive. so hopefully it will still be heard by the district court. >> reporter: in addition to the house committee's efforts, the justice department is of course also pursuing its own investigation, and you may remember earlier this month it charged 11 members of the oath keepers with seditious conspiracy related to january 6. an today 10 of those defendant, including the group's leader stewart rhodes pleaded not guilty. the other defendant was not present for today's hearing and has not entered a formal plea. wolf? >> paula reid reporting. i want to bring in our chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin and laura coates. her new book by the way is entitled "just pursuit: a black prosecutor's fight for fairness." it's an excellent book indeed. jeffrey, do these admissions from eastman's lawyer paint the clearest picture yet of how much he was doing on donald trump's behalf in the days leading up to january 6? >> well, yes, they do. but the more important news i think is that the emails that he sent and received are probably going to be turned over to the committee. you know, he was a professor at chapman university, and he used his university email account to conduct all this business. and the university has basically said we are going to cooperate with the investigation. so i think the concrete evidence of all those email, if and when they're turned over could be exceptionally important to decrushing how the legal side of this attempt to overturn the election took place. >> on that point, laura, do you think the committee will be able to use these documents to establish a direct link to the former president's efforts to try to subvert the presidential election? >> they ought to be able to. not only the documents, but the words of the actual counsel for mr. eastman where he spoke having the statements and representing the then president of the united states, that it was his client and he was acting on behalf of and representing that person. and his attempts to try to lay out an erroneous, unlawful plan to have these substitute and false electors try to thwart the certification process. so these are all going combine. remember the timing of all this. we've already known there are hundreds of people that have spoken to the committee, which means at this stage, there are more than likely having a clearer picture and putting in pieces and having corroboration more than just realizations and epiffys. to the extent his emails actually provide more information, i suspect it will really corroborate what's already known and what's already out there. to jeffrey's point, remember, the attorney/client privilege even though it wasn't his client, have some con straits. if it's outside the scope it's not privileged and if others are aware of it, it also goes away. combine that with the discussion of executive privilege, you don't really is a leg to stand on if you're john eastman. >> the deputy attorney general of the united states, lisa monica sat down exclusively with our own evan perez who asked her about the fake electoral college certifications that declared trump the winner of states he clearly lost. listen to what she revealed. >> well, first on the issue you raised in terms of fraudulent elector certifications has been reported. we've received those referrals. our prosecutors are look at those. and i can't say anything more on ongoing investigations. but more broadly, look, the attorney general has been very, very clear. we are going to follow the facts in the law wherever they lead to address conduct of any kind. and at any level that is part of an saumt on our democracy. >> so jeffrey, how significant is that? >> i think it is significant in evan's interview because one telephone criticisms that a lot of people have had of the justice department is they're just concentrating on the small fish here, the foot soldiers who were inside the capitol, and there are hundreds of them, and they're all being prosecuted. but as we've seen in the last couple of weeks, we now have a seditious conspiracy case against the oath keepers. and now it appears that they're investigating the provision of false electoral college slates. all of this is working their way up. and this is what the attorney general said he was going to do, and it appears like that's actually what they're doing. >> it certainly does. our jeffrey toobin, laura coates, to both you have thank you very much. coming up, when will an updated covid vaccine targeting the omicron variant be ready if needed? we're learning new information about the clinical trials that are now under way. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. that pushes you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪ there's no going back. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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>> all right, alexandra, thank you very much. alexandra field in new york. let's bring in cnn medical analyst dr. lena nguyen. thanks for joining us. is it omicron specific, omicron specific booster shot still worth pursuing even though it will almost certainly arrive too late to help with this current wave? >> you're right. by the time we get the results in, it's going to be probably months later. and so it's not going to help was this current wave, but i do think that studying it is going to be important because we could have another variant arrive in the future that looks more like omicron than previous variants. and by the way, i also think the results are going to be important because not just study the booster, they're also studying the vaccine. so for unvaccinated individuals, could this omicron specific vaccine be better. still, the message for people who are not yet boosted should wait don't wait. get your booster now because immunity is waning. >> such a critical piece of advice. what about a fourth dose of the original vaccine. as you know, israel is now recommending a fourth dose for all adults. >> it's too soon for us in the u.s. to be talking about a fourth dose for most americans. and that's because more than half of americans who are eligible to be boosted have not yet even got their third dose. and that includes one in three older adults over age 65 have not yet gotten their booster. so i would really like to see us get that third dose in before we start talking about a fourth dose here. >> last night i asked dr. paul and dr. ashish jha if boosted and vaccinated people should now feel comfortable eating inside, going to a bar, for example, seeing a movie. they said they should. what's your take? >> i think it's very reasonable for someone who is fully vaccinated and boosted and generally healthy to say the risk to me is going to be really low, even if i contract covid. so i feel comfortable returning to my prepandemic activities. i personally feel differently because have i two little kids who are unvaccinated. so the household risk for us is still not yet as low as i would like it to be. so i'm choosing to be careful. i am not going to go to an indoor restaurant where i'm shoulder to shoulder with people who potentially could be unvaccinated. but i would feel comfortable going to the theater, going to an indoor gym, other places where i can wear a mask in order to keep safe. >> and if you're going out to dinner, you want to make sure the people sitting at the table with you are fully vaccinated and boosted. i think that's really significant. as you know, sarah palin allegedly flouted new york city's indoor dining vaccination mandate just before testing positive for covid. how essential is it for restaurants to enforce these mandates, regardless of who wants to eat there? >> right. i think if i were in that restaurant and i had the expectation that people around me were fully vaccinated, and then i find out that somebody was unvaccinated and then tested positive for covid subsequently, i'd be very upset. we should remember that unvaccinated people are five times more likely to be infected with covid compared to somebody who is vaccinated. >> that's a good point. dr. aleana wen, thank you very much. investigating very disturbing flyers pushing anti-semitic covid conspiracies. just ahead, i'll speak with one mayor trying to deal with this dangerous disinformation. r from cartridge conniptions? be conniption-free, thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! you're mocking me. not again! the epson ecotank. just fill & chill. get help managing your money for the life -- and years -- ahead. with fidelity income planning, we'll look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow designed to last. so you can go from saving... to living. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ we're following a disturbing new twist in the covid pandemic. anti-semitic flyers filled with covid conspiracy theories popping up in cities around the united states, including miami beach. cnn's leyla santiago is there for us. >> reporter: tonight, a community on alert. an investigation under way to find out who is behind the hate-filled flyers delivered to more than 200 miami beach homes. officials say the flyers left in the middle of the night targeting the jewish community, falsely claiming the public health response to covid is being orchestrated by jewish people. >> at first i thought it was targeted to me, until i started just looking around and seeing every house. this is kind of like shocked a lot of people that have lived on the island for over 50 years. >> we're already living in a moment where we've seen a remarkable rise in anti-semitic incidents. we have double the number of acts of harassment, vand vandalism and violence today than we did just a few years ago. and this weekend we had these anti-semitic flyers dropped in six different states. >> reporter: over the weekend, in san francisco, police officers collected flyers with some of that same anti-semitic language. in colorado, flyers now under investigation, distributed in denver. the adl also reports flyer distribution in wisconsin, maryland, and texas over the weekend. meanwhile, at a rally in d.c., anti-vaccine activist robert f. kennedy jr. -- >> even in hitler, germany you could cross the alps to the switzerland. you could hide in an attic like anne frank did. >> reporter: he has since apologized. even his wife tweeted my husband's reference to anne frank was reprehensible and insensitive. the process that millions endured during the holocaust should never be compared to anyone or anything. reports a sharp increase in anti-semitic incidents. in south florida, the dangerous rhetoric concerning city leaders and residents. >> i think this is nothing you can brush off, oh, well, what kind of crime was committed? they need to be held accountable. you throw your garbage on to our lawns. >> reporter: and, wolf, i am in the neighborhood where this occurred where these flyers were handed out. there is a strong sense of fear and vulnerability when you talk to neighbors, even a local rabbi, but also a strong desire to call this out for what it is, to call it out for being hate. miami beach police tell us they are working with the fbi to get to the bottom of this. >> hope they do. leylah santiago in miami beach, thank you very much. let's discuss with the mayor of miami beach. thank you for joining us. as you know, miami beach police say they have not collected more than 200 anti-semitic letters. what are you learning about who potentially is behind these very disturbing and dangerous flyers? >> well, obviously, it's disgusting. this is an important issue because you can't just sit around and ignore it or hide from it. you have to speak out against it and we intend it do it. the police are investigating with local and federal authorities. fortunately, the folks that are responsible for this, their hate was rivaled by their stupidity because we are a community with a lot of cameras around. people have security cameras, guard gates. so i am confident we will identify these folks if we haven't already, and what ever e can do, we are going to do, because our community isn't just going to sit around and say do what you want. we have to speak out strongly against this. >> i am sure you have a lot of leads right now. follow up very diligently. you said you just can't assume this is harmless stupidity. what actions are you taking to ensure the jewish community in miami beach is protected? >> well i was on my morning sunday walk with my wife and we saw these scattered around in our neighborhood. our police immediately went to temples and houses of worship to increase patrols. we have a pretty good, you know, system with our own rabbis and priests and we sent out word very quickly they. be vigilant. it's flyers, but it's from people who are vitriolic in their hate. so when you see something like this in your own neighborhood in front of your house, you sort of wonder, well, is the next thing going to be a rock? and then is the next thing after that going to be something more deadly? we don't take it lightly. we have take it extremely seriously and we don't ignore it and pretend like it's just, you know, stupid behavior. it's threatening behavior. >> certainly is. miami beach mayor dan gelber, thanks so much for joining us. coming up, a sobering news out of new york city where a second police officer has died after being shot last week. cold who's boss, sor grab mucinex all-in-one... and get back to your rhythm. ♪ don't play around with cold and flu symptoms. 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(judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. while responding to a domestic incident last week has died. cnn national correspondent brin jin grass is groing us from new york. a very, very sad development. what's the latest? >> reporter: yeah, wolf, devastating blow to the new york police department losing not one, but two officers in that incident that took place in harlem on friday. wilbert mora, 27 years old, a four-year veteran of the police department, he was responding to that domestic incident on friday with his partner, jason rivera, who also passed away on friday. his funeral is scheduled for later this week. mora's we are hearing is scheduled likely next week. the commissioner calling him a hero not just for his service but for the fact that he will be donating his organs, hopefully, saving the life of more people moving forward. the mayor of new york city really spent the day today trying to sort of defend some of the parts of his plan that he laid out yesterday to address the rise in crime that we are seeing in new york city, in particular when it comes to those anti-crimes officers, plain-clothed officers who will be going to neighborhoods where the most crime in the city is happening. listen to how he talked about that unit that will be coming to the streets in the next couple of weeks. >> i know how fear and abusive that unit was. we are going to reinstitute an anti-gun unit where police officers will have a modified version of police uniform apparel. they are going to be better trained. with gehring to use technologies with cameras to video every interaction and i am going to make sure the right officers are assigned there, precision policing, to go after those who are dangerous gangs and carrying guns in my city. >> reporter: so the mayor making it clear that this unit is going to be different under his administration in hopes to bring the crime down here in new york city. also taking the time though to say this isn't just an nypd problem. again, wolf, we talked about this, that also he is calling on district attorneys, the courts to help out with this issue in trying to bring crime down. >> thank you so, so much. and our hearts go out to the families of these two police officers. our deepest, deepest condolences. may they rest in peace and may their memories be a blessing. erin burnett out front starts right now. out front next, president biden now threatening to send u.s. troops to eastern europe soon as the u.s. military aid arrives in ukraine and president biden is making sure the whole world sees what he is doing tonight. exclusive cnn reporting this hour. the justice department now looking into fake electoral college certifications that declared trump the winner in seven states he lost. students back in schools in chicago but a principal there warning tonight children are not okay. teachers are not okay. schools are not okay. he is my guest. let's go out front

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Ward , Let S Go , Foreign Minister , Way , Leadership , Interview , Secret , Punches , Crisis , Embassy Personnel , Decision , Family Members , Concessions , Process , Take A Look , Doesn T Want To , Missiles , Support , Tranche , Weapons , Tons , Doubles , On Board , Lethal Aid , Armor Piercing , 79 , 300 , Throw Kuleyba , Eastern Europe , Message , Opposite , Listen , Structure , Central Europe , Anything , Some , Response , Flank , Shift , 2014 , Nothing , Perspective , Order , Logic , Side , Strength , Force , Military , Deterrence , Resolve , Border , Elements , Skander Missile Systems On Display , Three , Quote , Question , Check , Exercises , Doubt , Intention , Check Russia S Readiness , Anyone , Mind , Military Escalation , Face , Reason , Stage De Escalate , One , Possibility , Deal , Making Concessions , Negotiating Room , Faith , Kuleba , Lot , Form , Instruction , Position , Power , 15000 , Right , Citizens , Prospects , Future , Destiny , Lives , Dug In , Solution , Failure , Lines , Cost , Crane , Dim , People , Contesters , The End , Minister , Push , Repercussions , Kyiv , Words , Protocol Officer , Airport , Wolf , Page , Aren T , Washington , Being , Government , Assertion , Source , Poring , Satellite Imagery , Combat , Allies , Mode , Kind , Ukrainians , Two , Messaging , Topic , Administration , Language , Tensions , Major , Sources , Escalating , Soar , Sanctions , Cyber Attacks , Department Of Homeland Security , Service , Attacks , Tools , Infrastructure , Range , Statement , Employee , Networks , Denials , Cyber Attack , Ability , Attack , Receiving End , Warfare , System , Investment , Morale , Thing , Reasons , Instability , Image , Problems , Frustrations , Fear , Speaker , Thanks , Kinds , Economy , Seat , Cars , Few , Challenge , Bolts , Do Venture , Who , Wall , Storytelling , Best , Second , Trees , Audio Entertainment , Blue Sky , Car Sfx , Priorities , Grind , Lexus , Traffic , Audible , Music , Beep , Level , Safety System , Park , Lexus Nx , Cough , Works , Coughs , Sor Grab Mucinex , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex Dm , Nerd , Liz , 12 , Money , Life , Help , Income Planning , Cash Flow , Saving , Patients , Insurance , Treatment Plan , Dentistry Work , Dentistry , Exam , 20 , Step , Corner , Everything , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Walk In , Aspen Dental , 1 , 800 , Announcement , Democracy , Assault , Risk , In The House , Part , Truth , 30 , State Assault , Voting Rights , We Don T Agonize , Dana Bash , Correspondent , State Of The Union , Phil Mattingly , Options , California , San Francisco , Choice , House , Minority Leader , Shape , Democrats , Somebody , Lame Duck , Name Of The Game , Sense , Surprise , Doesn T Say , Point , Speakership , Omission , Ambiguity , Knit Group , Keeping Options , Eight , Hand , Nine , Ten , Group , Agenda , Krit , Doesn T , Add , Capitol Building , Jim Cooper , Tennessee , 29 , Unity , Any , Fundraising Behemoth , Run , Agenda Items , Fundraising Ability , Millions , Dollars , Headwinds , 10 , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Senator Mcconnell , Senate , Donald Trump , Exclusive Cnn Interview , Influence , Rather , Case , Basis , Reality , Lisa Murkowski , Republican , Critic , Challenger , Area , Alaska , Doug Ducey , Arizona , Chance , Larry Hogan , Blue State , Runs , Maryland , Developments , Primaries , Lots , Guys , The Hill , Coming Up , Judge , Attorney , Plot , Vo , Someone , Woman , Car , Experts , Windshield , Camera , Technology , Glass , Safelite Autoglass , Safety Systems , Singers , Safelite Repair , Things , Lifestyle , Points , Program , Diet Food , Goals , Cheese , Vegetables , Ww Personalpoints , Foods , Don T , Pay , Lbs , Ww Personalpoints Program , Ww Com Offer Ends January 30th , 26 , January 30th , Kids , Version , Planning , Mom , Northwestern Mutual , Business , Ready , Set , Save , Sale , Internet , Installation , Price Guarantee , Expert Team , Voice , Backing , 4 99 , 64 99 , 2 , 24 7 , Possibilities , Prepaid Card , Value , Comcast Business , 500 , 00 , Ally , Cop Spirsist , Experience , Trump Lawyer , Meeting , Victory , Panel , Efforts , Paula Reid , Quest , Affairs , Details , Witnesses , Alex Jones , Podcast Monday , Times , Lawyers , Recogninterro , 5 , Type , Advice , Questions , Interrogation , Council , Ameasurement , 100 , Answers , Answer , Memory , Personalry , Bunch , House Committee , Trump , University Of Phoenix , Mike Pence , Sman , Subpoena , Election Results , Client , Conduct , State Legislators , January 2nd , Certification , War Room , Contacts , Vote , Willard Hotel , 2020 , 3 , January 3rd , Mark Meadows , Cooperation , Supreme Court Rejected Trump , Chief Of Staff , Executive Privilege , Bid , Records , Hundreds , District Court , New York Police Department , Investigation , Justice , Oath Keepers , Members , Seditious Conspiracy , Addition , 11 , Hearing , Defendant , Paula Reid Reporting , Plea , Stewart Rhodes , Jeffrey Toobin , Book , Admissions , The Way , Laura Coates , Just Pursuit A Black Prosecutor S Fight For Fairness , News , Picture , University Email Account , Professor , Chapman University , Email , Evidence , Decrushing , Place , Documents , Attempt , Link , It , Statements , Counsel , President Of The United States , Mr , Electors , Attempts , Certification Process , Timing , Stage , Corroboration , Pieces , Epiffys , Wasn T , Scope , Straits , Attorney Client Privilege , Deputy Attorney General , Leg , Discussion , Others , Monica Sat , States , Electoral College , Issue , Certifications , Winner , Evan Perez , Fraudulent Elector , Investigations , Prosecutors , Referrals , Look , Attorney General , Facts , Law , Saumt , Fish , Telephone Criticisms , Soldiers , Capitol , Provision , Slates , Vaccine , Trials , Omicron Variant , Td Ameritrade , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Trading Experience , You Trade Forever , Limu Emu , Isn T , Limu , Whistles , Sec , Liberty , Liberty Hiring , Vulture Squawks , Shop , Growth , Location , Ziprecruiter , Store Managers , Applicants , Candidates , Role , Announcer , Advisors , Jobs , Hiring Site , Eyes , Combo , Sandpaper , Preservatives , Universe , Sign , Biotrue , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Clues , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , The One , Master S Degree , Phoenix Edu , 1k , 11k , Appeals Court , Mask Mandate , New York State , Effect , Stay , Dr , Pandemic , Court , Alexandra Field , Mandate , Turnaround , Fauci , Nationwide , Peaks , Many , Surges , Emergency Phase , Valleys , World Health Organization , Deaths , Adults , Symptoms , Cases , Hospitalizations , Delta Peak Last September , 2000 , Flu , Number , Most , Par , Israel , 19 , Covid , Regulators , Boosters , Adult , Effectiveness , Advisory Board , Pfizer , South Florida , Governor , Clonal Antibody Treatments , Know , Feud , Use , New York City , Sarah Palin , Restrictions , Treatments , Treatment , Brand , Restaurant , Defamation Trial , The New York Times , Unvaccinated On Saturday , Regulation , Employees , Elton John Testing Positive , Concerts , Dallas , Rule , Businesses , Testing , Supreme Court , Booster , Specific , Pursuing , Lena Nguyen , Wave , Results , Variants , Variant , Individuals , Dose , Immunity , Piece , Don T Wait , Half , 65 , Movie , Example , Bar , Eating Inside , Paul , Last Night , Ashish Jha , Take , Household Risk , Unvaccinated , Activities , Low , Mask , Safe , Places , Shoulder , Gym , Theater , Table , Dinner , Essential , Dining Vaccination , Restaurants , Testing Positive , Expectation , Mandates , Aleana Wen , Covid Subsequently , Five , Flyers , Mayor , Conspiracies , Disinformation , Cartridge Conniptions , R , Printer , Amount , Ink , Epson , Ecotank , Epson Ecotank , Butter , Criminal , Talk , Rock , Heart , Boogie , Baby , Heat , Trouble , Pop , Beat , Moon , Side Step , Conspiracy Theories , Twist , Miami Beach , Cities , Leyla Santiago , Community On Alert , Jewish Community , Health , Middle , Jewish , Miami Beach Homes , 200 , Rise , Like , Island , 50 , Police Officers , Incidents , Vandalism , Harassment , Acts , Violence , Vand , Flyer Distribution , Colorado , Denver , Texas , Wisconsin , Adl , Robert F Kennedy Jr , Weekend , Alps , Attic , Anti Vaccine , Rally In D C , Germany , Switzerland , Hitler , Wife , Holocaust , Reference , Anne Frank , Insensitive , Husband , City Leaders , Increase , Rhetoric , Residents , Crime , Accountable , Lawns , Garbage , Neighborhood , Hate , Desire , Neighbors , Rabbi , Vulnerability , Police , Hope , Bottom , Leylah Santiago , Fbi , Letters , Folks , Authorities , Disgusting , Stupidity , Community , Cameras , Security Cameras , Haven T , Guard Gates , Leads , E , Actions , Rabbis , Houses , Word , Patrols , Temples , Worship , Priests , Good , Front , Wonder , Behavior , All In One , Police Officer , Dan Gelber , Boss , Rhythm , Ground Running , T Mobile , Device , Phone , Largest , 5g Network , Opportunities , Customers , Limits , Apple Carplay Support , Lexus Gx , 2022 , Workforce , Apr Financing , Convenience , Gx 460 , 460 , 2 49 , Vmware , Discoveries , Workspace , Change , Solutions , Necessity , Outcomes , Uncharted Waters , Companies , Anywhere , App , Cloud , Welcome Change , Faster , Te , Story , Wheels , Decompression Zone , Four , Money Manager , Market , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Client Portfolios , Investments , Commissions , Interest , Views , Commission Products , Fiduciary , Clients , Yep , Incident , Development , Latest , Blow , Correspondent Brin Jin Grass , Officers , Wilbert Mora , Partner , Police Department , Harlem On Friday , Jason Rivera , 27 , Funeral , Commissioner , Fact , Organs , Hero , Mora , Parts , Unit , City , Neighborhoods , Streets , Technologies , Video , Police Uniform Apparel , Gehring , Interaction , Precision Policing , Guns , Gangs , Hopes , Courts , District Attorneys , Hearts , Families , Memories , Condolences , Erin Burnett Out Front , Blessing , Peace , Out Front Next , Biden , U S Military Aid , Schools , Guest , Children , Principal , Students , Teachers , Let S Go Out Front , Chicago , Seven ,

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