Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

world, it is tuesday, january 25th. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. we do begin with the drum beat of war. the united states placing up to 8,500 troops on heightened alert for possible deployment to eastern europe. a russian invasion of ukraine appearing all but certain and imminent, and according to the pentagon, the u.s. troops will be ready for any contingencies. >> president biden held an 80 minute secure video call with european leaders. we are told they discussed preparations to impose, quote, massive consequences and severe economic costs on russia if it invades ukraine. again, that's after the fact. the president said there is total ewe nam anymorety the u.s. and its allies frankly there's been questions about ancon september that vladimir putin has been testing. the world seems to be testing president biden. breaking this morning, north korea test fired two cruise missiles. this is according to the south korean military. this is the fifth such action this year by the kim regime. we're going to begin with the situation in ukraine between russia/ukraine. all of europe, the united states and in fact the entire world is watching it. matthews chance in kiev with the very latest. matthew, give us a stance of where things stand as of this morning. >> reporter: john, yes, hi. the situation is extremely tense here in ukraine as those russian forces still continue to build up near the borders of the country, 100,000 according to the latest intelligence estimates. there's been some push back, some criticism perhaps underneath the surface of the u.s. decision yesterday to allow nonessential members of its embassy here in kiev to depart the country and of course all the families of the diplomats to leave the area as well. basically, criticism that there are 129 countries in ukraine that have embassies here. and only four of them, the u.s., britain, germany and australia have taken any steps at this stage to downsize their diplomatic presence. and the ukrainian foreign ministry is saying this is a premature move and something of an overreaction, one ukrainian official spoke to me last night in quite angry tones, look, for years the united states has been telling us to stand strong against the russians. we'll have your back, we'll be here for you. but the first sign of the pressure rising it's the united states that takes the first step to, you know, pull back some of its diplomatic staff and that ukrainian official saying that sends a message that perhaps in the end the united states will not stand four square behind its ukrainian partner. at the same time, couple of things, over the past couple of days there's been an up surge in the number of arms deliveries from the united states. in fact, there's a big delivery coming in today. a shipment of weapons coming from the united states, including anti-tank missiles. that's expected to arrive here within the next couple of hours. and so that's something that's useful in ukraine's defense against any possible russian invasion. also, that announcement by the u.s. president that he's considering deploying up to 8.5,000 u.s. troops in eastern europe, that's been welcomed by the ukrainians as well, but of course none of those troops would be bound for ukraine. and what ukrainian officials are saying behind the scenes, privately, is that look, you know, that's fine that the u.s. has the strong commitment to its nato allies in eastern europe, we don't ukraine to become the no man's land between nato and russia. >> matthew chance, obviously new developments this morning. thank you for being there for us. please keep us posted. want to bring in jill doubtry, adjunct professor at walsh school of foreign services and former cnn moscow bureau chief. jill, thank you for being with us. what kind of time frame do you think we're discussing here? no one seems to be down playing the risk or the threat or the real possibility russia could invade soon, but when? would they do it during the winter olympics? >> well, the winter olympics might be one thing. he wouldn't want to -- president putin might not want to rain on the parade of china, but i think there are other factors. you know, this is -- we have this idea that kind of putin has a big plan in mind, and he well may, but there are other factors. things happen. the united states immobilizing or potentially mobilizing troops, things like that. so, i think you have to look at the russians in terms of what they will do could be, could be a major invasion. it could be a major military operation. or it might be something else. and we really have to look at the possibility which did a few days ago seem a little strange, but regime change or ways of maneuvering to change the ukrainian government. and then have it more in control of what russia wants. there are a lot of different scenarios here. but i think putin looking at what's going on right now by the united states and nato must be thinking, you know, we're getting to a point here where we may have to act. >> well, what does he think -- what do you think he thinks, jill, about this potential mobilization, this move to put on heightened alert 8,500 troops and this is saying to a number of american troops, hey get ready to go to eastern europe to potentially be part of a nato force. how does putin receive that? >> well, very negatively. certainly any move by nato closer to the border of russia is nor rale jik for him. so he can't accept that. 8,500 troops actually isn't that large when you come right down to it. they have more than 100,000 and potentially could have like 175,000. so, that's not what we're talking about. but these moves, it feels -- i think for president putin, i don't want to jump into his mind, but i think it would be galling to think that more nato troops are headed that way toward russia. >> so fiona hill, who, of course, worked in the national security office for a long time and knows vladimir putin and written about him more than anyone in the world, she writes, quote, this time mr. putin's aim is bigger than closing nato's open door to ukraine and taking more territory. he wants to evict the united states from europe as he might put it, good-bye america. don't let the door hit you on the way out. do you think that's the strategy? >> oh, i think she's absolutely correct. i mean, they have said they want a new global security arrangement in europe. they want a sphere of influence, especially when you look at those countries that used to be part of the soviet union. ukraine is key among them. and there's no question that they want to roll it back to like the 1997 when nato began to really move forward toward the russian border. they want to replay of the end of the cold war. and it's precisely what they want. now, they're not going to get it from the united states or from nato. and you know, you have to look at the diplomatic game. we have this week the united states is supposed to be giving a written answer to russia to those demands. and we know the united states is not going to say, hey, we agree. we will sign on the dotted line. so, what does president putin get in the proposals by the united states about arms control, more transparency in europe, military maneuvers. he could have gotten those, you know, a half year ago. so, i go back to this thing, we're all trying to figure it out. but i do go back that it's the big picture. and if president putin can't get the big picture, then what does he do? it's really monumental stakes. >> yeah. the possibility of a land war in europe, absolutely monumental stakes. jill dougherty, thank you so much for being with us this morning. ♪ it was a wild day on wall street monday with big losses before a dramatic rebound. but could the markets recent drop signal the end of a so-called super bubble for stocks? chief business correspondent christine romans has the details. you tell us, christine. >> what an insane day on wall street. that is a roman's technical term, simply wild. the dow in free fall more than 1,000 points then roars back to close higher. the s&p 500 also closes higher. the nasdaq down almost 5% at its low, that's a big one-day move. turned around and gains .6%. welcome to rocky, volatile 2022 on wall street. guys, if you haven't checked your 401(k) lately, the damage report, the nasdaq is in a correction, it's down more than 10% from its recent high. the s&p is down more than 8% from its record. the dow down 6.6%. look, periodic corrections, they are normal and they are healthy. stocks can't go up forever. but there's something that's more ominous people are talking about. the so-called super bubble. there's a hedge fund manager warning of extreme overvaluation with stocks, he says, headed for a big reset. so inflated it's spawning these dodgey crypto currencies and crcra si meme stocks. that's a sign of a super bubble. he cited two other examples, 1929, what happened then? the market fell and led to the great depression and 2000 when the dot com bubble burst. there's no crystal ball and there's no question 2022 is rife with tensions. corporate earnings have been so good they're bound to be more mixed. inflation running the hottest in decades. fighting inflation, higher rest rates from federal reserve and eat into corporate profits and devalue high worth stocks. the fed's easy mon policies have super charged stocks during the pandemic. this is where we've come from all three major averages up double digits since march 2020. the fed started cutting its stimulus. we'll get more from the fed in a policy update later this week. that meeting starts today. we're in a new era here. i've been screaming this from the rooftop for a couple of months here, 2021 was easy money for investors. so was 2020, right? a terrible, terrible experience for main street has been very good for wall street. things are changing this year. >> that is scary, christine. don't check my 401(k), is that what you're saying? don't check it? >> listen, yesterday is a very good reminder don't buy yourself stocks on a day like yesterday. it's just crazy. just sit back, make sure you're balanced for your age and for your goals and just relax. >> i relax by not checking. so i've taken your advice already. christine romans, thank you. ignorance is bliss. coming up, former president trump has georgia on his mind. what a judge just did in fulton county that is adding more trouble to his legal woes. plus, big breaking news out of the uk, police are now investigating boris johnson's boozy parties during lockdown as yet another one is revealed. more breaking news, israel now recommending a fourth vaccine dose for all adults. the details and whether this is realistic or frankly even needed in the united states ahead. ♪ ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your ♪ it discover card.aggy ♪ ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ ♪ calum scott's "you are the reason" ♪ celebrate every kiss... that led... this one. get 20 to 40% off engagement, wedding and anniversary rings at kay. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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where is his specific legal jeopardy? >> well, i don't think there's any question that there's some good evidence that he tried to interfere with the election and certainly to influence brad raffensperger. that's on tape. so i think that's a pretty clear case and frankly a fairly straight forward case that i'm not sure a special grand jury would be needed for. she could simply subpoena people to a criminal grand jury and move the case forward there. it looks like what she's trying to do is broaden out the case to include some conspiracy allegations or otherwise to get people out that are in trump's circle. or at least in the campaign circle or the party circle there. the fear for him at that point is that suddenly people they start turning their guns on each other to sort of use an analogy. that is you'll have people saying, wait a minute, i don't want to go to jail. this is what i was doing and who told me to do it and why. so, you know, any time you broaden that investigation, that's certainly something that poses some risk for a primary target, which i would argue he is here. >> to that point, sara, this prosecutor has made it clear she's looking, her team is looking, at a number of things, including rudy giuliani and also lindsey graham who, of course, made that call to brad raffensperger about votes. >> oh, absolutely. i think that they feel like there is really this narrative to tell about how donald trump was not working alone and it was not just this singular call he had with brad raffensperger asking him to find the votes in georgia. this was sort of a coordinated campaign and there were a number of people who were around the former president who were trying to make this happen. and so i think that to michael's point, that's the kind of argument that they are going to try to i think make before the grand jury and the kind of evidence they're going to want to hear. >> michael, there's a legal ruling on the entire end of the country right now in california, john eastman a lawyer for donald trump when he was president or doing some legal work for him, the court ruled that eastman's got to turn over his emails and documents from the account, the school account, where he worked. he was working at a college there. they ruled he has to turn over all those emails. there are thousands and thousands and thousands of them. how problematic is that for eastman? >> well, it's problematic. it's also a little unusual when you have a lawyer that's been forced to turn over emails. what's interesting is the judge set up a process where those emails will be reviewed for protected information so attorney/client specific information. but what the judge is not going to do, it appears, is to allow the lawyer to hide behind that when he may have been coordinating other efforts. so, again, it's unusual to have a lawyer's email turned over, but there are some rules about whether or not you can use that argument to hide behind -- to hide things, you know, to continue to cover things up. and so i think that's what you're seeing. and judge is very clear he wants a quick process. he was not buying into any of the arguments that the committee didn't have the authority to do this. and so, clearly want to move the case forward. >> court after court has ruled there isn't much privilege here when it involves the actions being investigated around the insurrection. thank you both very much. >> great to be with you. ♪ breaking news from the united kingdom. this could be really serious. the police in london investigating boris johnson now for the parties that were held at 10 downing street during lockdown. >> was that cake worth it? we'll see. students in flint public schools will remain at home indefinitely. how struggling parents are coping with remote learning next. ♪ it's our january sale on the sleep number 360 smart b bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts toto relieve pressure points. and it's temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save $1,000 onhe sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now $1,999. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. 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>> john, i can tell you the masks are being made available at local pharmacies and community health centers. and this rollout of the n95 masks, along with the rollout of free at-home covid tests are really the biden administration's latest effort to curb the spread of the omicron variant. so with the n95 masks, some locations already have received them and already have handing them out. some hyvee stores and meyer locations. i spoke with cvs, walgreen's and kroger, they expect later this week. what you can expect when you show up at your pharmacy, some stores have tables set up where the masks are being handed out. they're limited to three masks per person. and some community health centers are also playing a role in this. and john, also at the same time, remember, last week the white house launched its website where any u.s. household can order free at-home covid tests. well, those shipments started thursday. some test kits already have arrived at some doorsteps even here at cnn, john, some of our colleagues confirmed to me that they received their test kits in the mail. remember, these kits are limited to four kits per household. i placed an order last week. hopefully mine gets shipped soon, john. some other households can expect their's soon as well. john? >> new weapons arriving to help in the battle against covid. even as the cases and hospitalizations start to go down. >> yeah. >> but they will help nonetheless. jacqueline howard, thank you very much. despite the omicron surge in the past months many school districts in major cities are pushing to keep their doors open, but community schools in flint, michigan, decided to continue remote learning indefinitely and parents there are struggling with this decision. cnn's adrienne broaddus is joining us now. what went into this decision? >> reporter: it was a tough decision. and parents i spoke with are conflicted. one mom says she appreciates the district's desire to keep students and staff safe when it comes to remote learning, she says her kids are already behind and like this, they can't survive. >> put down 10 plus 5 it equals 15. >> once i'm done with 7, i just count to 4. >> reporter: on a cold night in flint, michigan. >> how many in the one's place. >> reporter: this woman helps her children, 8-year-old kyliah. >> 10 plus 1 equals 11. >> yeah. go baby. >> reporter: and 9-year-old son -- >> google slides. >> reporter: with homework. >> then we count up to see what makes it to 14. >> boo yeah. >> reporter: the kids have only been in the classroom a few months over the last two years. >> i miss talking to my friends and eating with them and having fun with them. >> i want to go to a school. >> reporter: citing the recent surge in covid cases, flint community schools announced they would continue remote learning until further notice. no return date on the calendar. this decision a contrast to cities like philadelphia, chicago, and new york pushing to keep schools open. something president biden wants. >> we're not going back to closing schools. schools should stay open. >> reporter: the cdc says multiple studies show transmission of covid-19 in school settings is usually lower than or similar to community transmission when districts put the right prevention strategies in place. in flint, parents are struggling with the decision to continue remote learning. >> i have to be able to make a living so i can pay for a roof over our heads, so i can pay for food. and if i can't have someone who can sit with the kids during their school hours, then i have to. okay. what are you doing? are you in? >> reporter: her mother beverly brings the kids to a local senior center where she's director. >> i put them across the hall at a conference room. one at one table, opposite end with their headphones. >> reporter: an option many families don't have. >> evelyn jones, superintendent of flint community schools stands by the decision he made to continue remote learning indefinitely. >> when the surge happened as of january 13th, the positivity rate is 38% and it was climbing. and so we made the decision to have them out until this surge begins to decline. >> reporter: jones said the district was allocated nearly $150 million in federal funds to make improvements to slow the spread of the virus. renovations have been made, but there's still more work. >> our ventilation is not where it needs to be to ensure total safety. and so, we're working at that. and we've been working at that for the last year or so. >> reporter: jones says he isn't willing to risk losing anyone again. how has covid robbed you? >> i lost my father, you know. i lost my hero. i hear him in the back of my head, make sure you're doing what's best for children. >> reporter: and while some say distance learning is the worst option, jones says it's best for now. >> you're going to see your friends. right now, let's just stay safe. hang in there. >> reporter: his message to the children is think of this as a gift, returning to the classroom a gift. for example, during christmas, you wait a whole month to open your gifts and going back into the classroom will be a gift. he also noted the district has air purifiers in each classroom but not only did covid kill his father, a week after his father died, covid ended the life of his uncle and nephew. so he has some real life experiences as he's making these tough decisions, brianna and john. >> yeah. his personal toll is certainly significant. thank you so much for that report. >> look, no one is saying these decisions are easy and they're not. >> no. >> people have gone through so much personal loss there. but education, the idea of framing it as a gift, it's a right for kids. and these kids are for whatever the justification of it is, they are losing. they are losing time. they are not going to get back in the classroom. and i think the default needs to be to figure out a way to get them back in. indefinitely, no end point? that's tough. >> yeah. look, the hope is that omicron kind of quickly blows out and then they can head back to school, but these reminds -- this sort of reminds me especially in the face of omicron some of these decisions that they're making, they're almost more difficult physics problems. right? you have all the effects on the kids, what happens in the outyears, as they would say in congress? what happens ten years down the line there? what happens now for how many students? and these are the things to be weighed. we know that community spread is higher than school spread. is that the case with omicron? so many questions still that i think they're struggling with. ahead -- >> political liability -- >> that's a great asset. >> thank you. >> more inflation. what a stupid son of a -- >> well, president biden there caught on a hot mic calling out a fox reporter. what he did to try to make amends. plus a democratic congressman says his office is getting calls from tucker carlson viewers angry that the u.s. is not siding with russia over ukraine. and heroic capitol officer eugene goodman breaking his silence. why he says what happened could have easily been a blood bath. ♪ bold and classic. cozy and precocious. with 465 fresh, clean, craveable pairings, find a you pick 2 for any mood. panera, the familiar made fantastic. 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it could have easily been a blood bath. so, kudos to everybody there that showed a measure of restraint with regards to deadly force because it could have been bad. really, really bad. >> now goodman also touched on some positive experiences since january 6th, including escorting then vice president-elect kamala harris on the hair of the inauguration. i tell you, i forgot that we hadn't heard from him, berman, because i've seen him so in times, you know? >> he played such an important role. mitt romney certainly knows officer goodman there. and look, it's a year later. these memories don't fade for people. i imagine what he wants as much as anything is justice. >> no. look, he's walking up that flight of stairs he was on. i used to cover congress and i remember thinking that's not just a flight of stairs it's right outside the senate chamber. so this is something that he's walking up and down those stairs as are other police officers every single day like you said. a journalist so fearful for her life she told her country's leader, then she was shot dead. the swirling controversy ahead. plus, singer eric clapton once again continuing his anti-vax nonsense. this time he's pushing a hypnosis lie. baby, now we got bad blood with taylor swift, say it ain't so? 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>> that was hilarious. >> the blur man apologized and claimed that his conversation was reduced to click bait. >> i don't buy his response, by the way, berman. seemed like -- >> me neither. rapper dr. dre launching debate over who could possibly challenge eminem in the live battle after posting this video on his instagram. ♪ ♪ >> wow. v i totally messed that up. eminem versus who? the two are performing next month at the super bowl. ♪ all right. bob dillen not seen there, there he is, becoming the latest artist. he sold his recorded song catalog. the recordings of all his songs for reported $200 million to sony. it also includes the rights to future releases from dylan. so many of his songs have been covered by other people because they're so good, so iconic. and worth the money. unlike i'm just saying, some of the other deals we've learned about. >> you're not going to say which. so berman, i actually -- when i was little and we would road trip, if my sister and i misbehaved, my parents would play bob dylan. we were little. we knew he had this voice that kind of grated our ear. if we were well behaved, they would play simon and garfunkel. >> first of all, there's some absolutely bizarre social games being played in your family there i won't get into. >> we laughed. it was jokey, yes, no, they made us. >> were there electric shocks involved? >> that's about how we related to bob dylan. i look back on sort of shamefully. who is this guy? and to prove my point, randomly last night, i played tam boar renoman for my 5-year-old, he felt the exact same way about it as i did when i was little. up next, hamsters in hong kong, they're getting slaughtered. look how cute. why? and what pet owners there are doing. the lengths they're going to to save their furry friends. two big breaking stories on covid. israel now recommending a fourth vaccine dose for all adults. and getting news from pfizer about a vaccine specific to omicron. stand by. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annnnual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? 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>> because a lot of people are leaving and a lot of people need to move their pets. >> reporter: charter jet operators say due to government travel restrictions and temporary bans on dozens of airlines, there are almost no commercial flights available to transport pets. the most reliable alternative, private planes costing around $22,000 for a person and their dog to fly direct from hong kong to new york. >> people love their fur babies. so, we are here to help them. >> reporter: the pressure on some pet owners mounted this month when hong kong authorities made a startling announcement -- the city's top official blamed an outbreak of the covid delta variant on hamsters. this isn't a joke. the hong kong government claims that hamsters imported from the netherlands gave covid to a pet shop worker at this store. and they've since ordered the closure of every pet shop in the city that sold small animals. they also called -- killed more than 2,500 hamsters, white rats, rabbits, chinchillas and guinea pigs. the authorities also told residents who bought hamsters on or after december 22nd to hand them over to be euthanized. prompting scenes like this -- where animal rights activists tried to intercept pet hamsters before their handover to officials. >> pet owners should not be worried about catching covid from their animals. >> reporter: researcher and veterinarian vanessa barr says the hong kong government overreacted. >> we know that so far in the pandemic there have been over 350 million cases of covid reported in humans. and of those 350 million cases that have been reported, there have been no confirmed cases of transmission of covid from people's pets back to humans. >> reporter: after months with almost no infections, the walls of hong kong's covid fortress seem to be crumbling. just 48 hours, more than 200 people tested positive for covid at this hong kong housing estate and this outbreak isn't being linked to hamsters. but animal rights activists and some pet owners are still spooked. >> the concern really is if it starts with hamsters, where does it go next? will we see companion animals such as cats and dogs being grouped into this? and that's a really real fear that people have. >> reporter: this woman says she's gotten a surge of inquiries from pet owners looking for seats on private planes in just the last week. what is the alternative if you're a pet owner and you want to leave the city? >> give your pet up for adoption. a lot of people they try to find new homes for their fur babies and it's devastating. >> reporter: we don't know if hong kong, the government is going to change its policy here to try to keep covid out. it's struggling at home.

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U S , Viewers , World , Troops , Brianna Keilar , Invasion , Eastern Europe , Russian , John Berman , Ukraine , Drum Beat , War , January 25th , Alert , Deployment , 8500 , 25 , Tuesday January 25th , Joe Biden , Quote , Contingencies , Video Call , Leaders , Consequences , Preparations , Imminent , Pentagon , European , 80 , Questions , Fact , Allies , Costs , Ancon September , Nam Anymorety , Ewe , Vladimir Putin , Action , Testing , Test , Cruise Missiles , Military , Kim Regime , North Korea , South Korean , Two , Things , Wall , Situation , Matthew Chance , Stance , Matthews Chance , Researcher , Country , Yes , Forces , Borders , Intelligence Estimates , Hi , 100000 , Course , Criticism , Decision , Families , Push Back , Embassy , Diplomats , Surface , Members , Kiev , Area , Countries , Four , Embassies , Germany , Britain , Australia , 129 , Move , Something , Ukrainian Foreign Ministry , Official , Steps , Presence , Overreaction , Stage , One , Back , Sign , Step , Pressure , Tones , Staff , End , Message , Saying , Partner , Surge , Number , Weapons , Delivery , Missiles , Arms , Shipment , President , Announcement , Defense , Officials , None , Scenes , Look , 8 5000 , Nato , Commitment , We Don T Ukraine , Developments , No Man S Land , Chief , Kind , Cnn , Jill Dougherty , Services , Walsh School , Adjunct Professor , Bureau , Jill Doubtry , Moscow , President Putin , Possibility , Swift Doesn T , Risk , Thing , Threat , Winter Olympics , Want To , Mind , Idea , Factors , Putin , Parade , Plan , Immobilizing , China , Terms , Military Operation , Government , Ways , Regime Change , Strange , Maneuvering , Something Else , Lot , Point , Thinking , Control , Scenarios , What S Going On , Mobilization , Act , Part , Force , Border , Isn T , Potentially , Rale Jik , Way , Moves , Fiona Hill , Who , 175000 , Office , Anyone , Security , Territory , Aim , Mr , Open Door , Don T , Good Bye America , Door , Strategy , Question , Influence , Arrangement , Sphere , Soviet Union , Cold War , 1997 , Game , Demands , Answer , Line , Transparency , Proposals , Arms Control , Military Maneuvers , The Big Picture , Stakes , Land War , Stocks , Super Bubble , Wall Street , Christine Romans , Chief Business Correspondent , Losses , Markets , Rebound , Drop , Details , Points , Term , Christine , Roman , S P 500 , 1000 , 500 , Nasdaq , Damage Report , You Haven T , Big One , Low , Gains , Lately , Rocky , Guys , , 401 , 5 , 2022 , S P , High , Record , Correction , Periodic Corrections , Dow , Go Up Forever , 6 , 8 , 10 , People , Overvaluation , Reset , Hedge Fund Manager Warning , Currencies , Dodgey Crypto , Led , Crystal Ball , Examples , Market , Meme Stocks , Crcra Si , Great Depression , Dot Com Bubble Burst , 2000 , 1929 , Inflation , Earnings , Profits , Tensions , Fighting Inflation , Federal Reserve , Pandemic , Policies , Digits , Averages , Easy Mon , March 2020 , 2020 , Three , Money , Investors , Couple , Meeting , Rooftop , 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, White House , Website , Household , Role , Colleagues , Some , Shipments , Kits , Doorsteps , Mail , Cases , Households , Battle Against Covid , School Districts , Doors , Cities , Community Schools , Omicron Surge , Hospitalizations , Michigan , Adrienne Broaddus , Mom , Kids , District , Desire , Night , 7 , Plus 5 , 4 , 15 , Children , Son , Go Baby , Slides , Homework , Google , 9 , 11 , Plus 1 , Classroom , Friends , Eating , Boo Yeah , 14 , Flint Community Schools , School , Fun , Notice , Calendar , Closing Schools , Contrast , New York , Chicago , Philadelphia , Community Transmission , Districts , Prevention Strategies , Studies , School Settings , Cdc , Heads , Roof , Living , Mother , Senior Center , Headphones , Superintendent , Director , Table , Conference Room , Hall , Evelyn Jones , Positivity Rate , Climbing , January 13th , 38 , 13 , Jones , Funds , Improvements , 50 Million , 150 Million , Safety , Ventilation , Renovations , Virus , Father , Jones Says He Isn T , My Hero , Safe , Distance Learning , Option , Head , Gift , Gifts , Example , Uncle , Air Purifiers , Nephew , Covid Kill , Decisions , No One , Experiences , Report , Toll , Loss , Right , Framing , Education , Justification , Default , Sort , Hope , Back To School , End Point , Face , Congress , Physics Problems , Outyears , Effects , Ten , Community Spread , School Spread , Liability , A , Asset , Calls , Congressman , Mic , Democratic , Amends , Fox , Tucker Carlson , Blood Bath , Officer , Silence , Capitol , You Pick , Classic , Mood , Pairings , Fresh , Fantastic , Bold , Craveable , Panera , 2 , 465 , Business , T Mobile , Vo , Phone , Device , 800 , 00 , Cupcake , Chance , Batteries , Tragedy , Hair , Brains , Aa Battery , Ears , Case Closed , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Mouth , Soul , Last , Servicenow Platform , Customers , Return , Flow , Challenge , Workplace , Memories , Cooking , Servicenow , Advisor , Phones , Banking , Everyone , Kitchen , Doing , Northwestern Mutual 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Sector , International Financial Hub , Flights , Pandemic Business , Luxury , Demand , Requests , Amount , Alternative , Government Travel Restrictions , Planes , Bans , Airlines , Dozens , Charter Jet Operators , Fur Babies , Authorities , Dog , 22000 , Hong Kong Government , Isn T A Joke , Outbreak , Covid Delta Variant , Pet Shop , Animals , Pet Shop Worker , Store , Closure , Netherlands , White Rats , 2500 , Residents , Chinchillas , Rabbits , Guinea Pigs , December 22nd , 22 , Animal Rights Activists , Pet Hamsters , Handover , Veterinarian Vanessa Barr , Humans , 350 Million , Walls , Covid Fortress Seem , Concern , Outbreak Isn T , Housing Estate , 48 , 200 , Companion Animals , Cats , Pet Owner , Seats , Inquiries , Adoption , We Don T Know , Covid Out ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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world, it is tuesday, january 25th. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. we do begin with the drum beat of war. the united states placing up to 8,500 troops on heightened alert for possible deployment to eastern europe. a russian invasion of ukraine appearing all but certain and imminent, and according to the pentagon, the u.s. troops will be ready for any contingencies. >> president biden held an 80 minute secure video call with european leaders. we are told they discussed preparations to impose, quote, massive consequences and severe economic costs on russia if it invades ukraine. again, that's after the fact. the president said there is total ewe nam anymorety the u.s. and its allies frankly there's been questions about ancon september that vladimir putin has been testing. the world seems to be testing president biden. breaking this morning, north korea test fired two cruise missiles. this is according to the south korean military. this is the fifth such action this year by the kim regime. we're going to begin with the situation in ukraine between russia/ukraine. all of europe, the united states and in fact the entire world is watching it. matthews chance in kiev with the very latest. matthew, give us a stance of where things stand as of this morning. >> reporter: john, yes, hi. the situation is extremely tense here in ukraine as those russian forces still continue to build up near the borders of the country, 100,000 according to the latest intelligence estimates. there's been some push back, some criticism perhaps underneath the surface of the u.s. decision yesterday to allow nonessential members of its embassy here in kiev to depart the country and of course all the families of the diplomats to leave the area as well. basically, criticism that there are 129 countries in ukraine that have embassies here. and only four of them, the u.s., britain, germany and australia have taken any steps at this stage to downsize their diplomatic presence. and the ukrainian foreign ministry is saying this is a premature move and something of an overreaction, one ukrainian official spoke to me last night in quite angry tones, look, for years the united states has been telling us to stand strong against the russians. we'll have your back, we'll be here for you. but the first sign of the pressure rising it's the united states that takes the first step to, you know, pull back some of its diplomatic staff and that ukrainian official saying that sends a message that perhaps in the end the united states will not stand four square behind its ukrainian partner. at the same time, couple of things, over the past couple of days there's been an up surge in the number of arms deliveries from the united states. in fact, there's a big delivery coming in today. a shipment of weapons coming from the united states, including anti-tank missiles. that's expected to arrive here within the next couple of hours. and so that's something that's useful in ukraine's defense against any possible russian invasion. also, that announcement by the u.s. president that he's considering deploying up to 8.5,000 u.s. troops in eastern europe, that's been welcomed by the ukrainians as well, but of course none of those troops would be bound for ukraine. and what ukrainian officials are saying behind the scenes, privately, is that look, you know, that's fine that the u.s. has the strong commitment to its nato allies in eastern europe, we don't ukraine to become the no man's land between nato and russia. >> matthew chance, obviously new developments this morning. thank you for being there for us. please keep us posted. want to bring in jill doubtry, adjunct professor at walsh school of foreign services and former cnn moscow bureau chief. jill, thank you for being with us. what kind of time frame do you think we're discussing here? no one seems to be down playing the risk or the threat or the real possibility russia could invade soon, but when? would they do it during the winter olympics? >> well, the winter olympics might be one thing. he wouldn't want to -- president putin might not want to rain on the parade of china, but i think there are other factors. you know, this is -- we have this idea that kind of putin has a big plan in mind, and he well may, but there are other factors. things happen. the united states immobilizing or potentially mobilizing troops, things like that. so, i think you have to look at the russians in terms of what they will do could be, could be a major invasion. it could be a major military operation. or it might be something else. and we really have to look at the possibility which did a few days ago seem a little strange, but regime change or ways of maneuvering to change the ukrainian government. and then have it more in control of what russia wants. there are a lot of different scenarios here. but i think putin looking at what's going on right now by the united states and nato must be thinking, you know, we're getting to a point here where we may have to act. >> well, what does he think -- what do you think he thinks, jill, about this potential mobilization, this move to put on heightened alert 8,500 troops and this is saying to a number of american troops, hey get ready to go to eastern europe to potentially be part of a nato force. how does putin receive that? >> well, very negatively. certainly any move by nato closer to the border of russia is nor rale jik for him. so he can't accept that. 8,500 troops actually isn't that large when you come right down to it. they have more than 100,000 and potentially could have like 175,000. so, that's not what we're talking about. but these moves, it feels -- i think for president putin, i don't want to jump into his mind, but i think it would be galling to think that more nato troops are headed that way toward russia. >> so fiona hill, who, of course, worked in the national security office for a long time and knows vladimir putin and written about him more than anyone in the world, she writes, quote, this time mr. putin's aim is bigger than closing nato's open door to ukraine and taking more territory. he wants to evict the united states from europe as he might put it, good-bye america. don't let the door hit you on the way out. do you think that's the strategy? >> oh, i think she's absolutely correct. i mean, they have said they want a new global security arrangement in europe. they want a sphere of influence, especially when you look at those countries that used to be part of the soviet union. ukraine is key among them. and there's no question that they want to roll it back to like the 1997 when nato began to really move forward toward the russian border. they want to replay of the end of the cold war. and it's precisely what they want. now, they're not going to get it from the united states or from nato. and you know, you have to look at the diplomatic game. we have this week the united states is supposed to be giving a written answer to russia to those demands. and we know the united states is not going to say, hey, we agree. we will sign on the dotted line. so, what does president putin get in the proposals by the united states about arms control, more transparency in europe, military maneuvers. he could have gotten those, you know, a half year ago. so, i go back to this thing, we're all trying to figure it out. but i do go back that it's the big picture. and if president putin can't get the big picture, then what does he do? it's really monumental stakes. >> yeah. the possibility of a land war in europe, absolutely monumental stakes. jill dougherty, thank you so much for being with us this morning. ♪ it was a wild day on wall street monday with big losses before a dramatic rebound. but could the markets recent drop signal the end of a so-called super bubble for stocks? chief business correspondent christine romans has the details. you tell us, christine. >> what an insane day on wall street. that is a roman's technical term, simply wild. the dow in free fall more than 1,000 points then roars back to close higher. the s&p 500 also closes higher. the nasdaq down almost 5% at its low, that's a big one-day move. turned around and gains .6%. welcome to rocky, volatile 2022 on wall street. guys, if you haven't checked your 401(k) lately, the damage report, the nasdaq is in a correction, it's down more than 10% from its recent high. the s&p is down more than 8% from its record. the dow down 6.6%. look, periodic corrections, they are normal and they are healthy. stocks can't go up forever. but there's something that's more ominous people are talking about. the so-called super bubble. there's a hedge fund manager warning of extreme overvaluation with stocks, he says, headed for a big reset. so inflated it's spawning these dodgey crypto currencies and crcra si meme stocks. that's a sign of a super bubble. he cited two other examples, 1929, what happened then? the market fell and led to the great depression and 2000 when the dot com bubble burst. there's no crystal ball and there's no question 2022 is rife with tensions. corporate earnings have been so good they're bound to be more mixed. inflation running the hottest in decades. fighting inflation, higher rest rates from federal reserve and eat into corporate profits and devalue high worth stocks. the fed's easy mon policies have super charged stocks during the pandemic. this is where we've come from all three major averages up double digits since march 2020. the fed started cutting its stimulus. we'll get more from the fed in a policy update later this week. that meeting starts today. we're in a new era here. i've been screaming this from the rooftop for a couple of months here, 2021 was easy money for investors. so was 2020, right? a terrible, terrible experience for main street has been very good for wall street. things are changing this year. >> that is scary, christine. don't check my 401(k), is that what you're saying? don't check it? >> listen, yesterday is a very good reminder don't buy yourself stocks on a day like yesterday. it's just crazy. just sit back, make sure you're balanced for your age and for your goals and just relax. >> i relax by not checking. so i've taken your advice already. christine romans, thank you. ignorance is bliss. coming up, former president trump has georgia on his mind. what a judge just did in fulton county that is adding more trouble to his legal woes. plus, big breaking news out of the uk, police are now investigating boris johnson's boozy parties during lockdown as yet another one is revealed. more breaking news, israel now recommending a fourth vaccine dose for all adults. the details and whether this is realistic or frankly even needed in the united states ahead. ♪ ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your ♪ it discover card.aggy ♪ ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ ♪ calum scott's "you are the reason" ♪ celebrate every kiss... that led... this one. get 20 to 40% off engagement, wedding and anniversary rings at kay. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! thirty-four miles per hour! new personal record, limu! [limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ what happens when we welcome change? we can transform our workforce overnight out of convenience, or necessity. we can explore uncharted waters, and not only make new discoveries, but get there faster, with better outcomes. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change-- meeting them where they are, and getting them where they want to be. faster. vmware. welcome change. with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? it just fits. call now or visit to book your free consultation. former president trump is facing a growing legal peril in georgia. and atlanta area district attorney has been given the green light to seat a special grand jury in her criminal investigation of trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in the state where joe biden won. this is the only known criminal case that focuses squarely on trump's election interference and the d.a. fanny willis says that she expects to decide on whether to bring charges against trump in the first half of this year. joining us now is cnn political correspondent sara murray and former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia, michael moore. sara, to you first, just take us through this. it's so significant because as we mentioned this is the one case about that. >> it is significant. you know, it's been going on for about a year and so now she's making this move to seat a special grand jury. it's been approved and will give her a lot more power in order to subpoena witnesses, to gather more evidence. you know, she made it clear when she was asking for this special grand jury that a number of witnesses have been reluctant to speak with her without a subpoena and she even pointed to secretary of state brad raffensperger his office has given her a bunch of documents, interviews with staff but makes it very clear, she wants to hear from firsthand witnesses and wants their testimony in front of a grand jury and suggests that she's inching towards this question of do i bring potential criminal charges against donald trump or against others who were helping him in his pursuit to overturn a georgia's election results. >> michael, counselor, what should worry donald trump the most here? where is his specific legal jeopardy? >> well, i don't think there's any question that there's some good evidence that he tried to interfere with the election and certainly to influence brad raffensperger. that's on tape. so i think that's a pretty clear case and frankly a fairly straight forward case that i'm not sure a special grand jury would be needed for. she could simply subpoena people to a criminal grand jury and move the case forward there. it looks like what she's trying to do is broaden out the case to include some conspiracy allegations or otherwise to get people out that are in trump's circle. or at least in the campaign circle or the party circle there. the fear for him at that point is that suddenly people they start turning their guns on each other to sort of use an analogy. that is you'll have people saying, wait a minute, i don't want to go to jail. this is what i was doing and who told me to do it and why. so, you know, any time you broaden that investigation, that's certainly something that poses some risk for a primary target, which i would argue he is here. >> to that point, sara, this prosecutor has made it clear she's looking, her team is looking, at a number of things, including rudy giuliani and also lindsey graham who, of course, made that call to brad raffensperger about votes. >> oh, absolutely. i think that they feel like there is really this narrative to tell about how donald trump was not working alone and it was not just this singular call he had with brad raffensperger asking him to find the votes in georgia. this was sort of a coordinated campaign and there were a number of people who were around the former president who were trying to make this happen. and so i think that to michael's point, that's the kind of argument that they are going to try to i think make before the grand jury and the kind of evidence they're going to want to hear. >> michael, there's a legal ruling on the entire end of the country right now in california, john eastman a lawyer for donald trump when he was president or doing some legal work for him, the court ruled that eastman's got to turn over his emails and documents from the account, the school account, where he worked. he was working at a college there. they ruled he has to turn over all those emails. there are thousands and thousands and thousands of them. how problematic is that for eastman? >> well, it's problematic. it's also a little unusual when you have a lawyer that's been forced to turn over emails. what's interesting is the judge set up a process where those emails will be reviewed for protected information so attorney/client specific information. but what the judge is not going to do, it appears, is to allow the lawyer to hide behind that when he may have been coordinating other efforts. so, again, it's unusual to have a lawyer's email turned over, but there are some rules about whether or not you can use that argument to hide behind -- to hide things, you know, to continue to cover things up. and so i think that's what you're seeing. and judge is very clear he wants a quick process. he was not buying into any of the arguments that the committee didn't have the authority to do this. and so, clearly want to move the case forward. >> court after court has ruled there isn't much privilege here when it involves the actions being investigated around the insurrection. thank you both very much. >> great to be with you. ♪ breaking news from the united kingdom. this could be really serious. the police in london investigating boris johnson now for the parties that were held at 10 downing street during lockdown. >> was that cake worth it? we'll see. students in flint public schools will remain at home indefinitely. how struggling parents are coping with remote learning next. ♪ it's our january sale on the sleep number 360 smart b bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts toto relieve pressure points. and it's temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save $1,000 onhe sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now $1,999. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. breaking news out of the united kingdom this morning. the prime minister boris johnson, could he be in trouble with the law? the london metropolitan police announced investigations of a number of events that took place at 10 downing street over the last two years while the united kingdom was under strict covid lockdown. this includes birthday party for the prime minister in june of 2020. cnn scott mclean in london with the very latest from the political peril to now possibly legal peril, scott? >> reporter: yeah, john. this is significant because the london metropolitan police, john, up until this point have said it is not their policy to retroactively investigate covid breaches. too many of them. not a good use of their resources, but today the chief of the police said they have been investigating the most flagrant breaches and based on new information that includes several events at downing street. and what the chief said to justify this investigation, the criteria she said she was using to justify this investigation is pretty telling. it includes evidence that the people involved knew or ought to have known that they were breaking the rules, hard to claim ignorance when, of course, you're making them. and there was very clearly no reasonable defense. now, if the prime minister here is found to be in violation of these covid rules, i mean, the penalty could be a fine for him to pay or maybe several fines for him to pay. the much bigger worry for the prime minister is that it would leave no doubt that he had, in fact, broken the very rules that he was making and that may convince some mps to call for a confidence vote on his leadership. certainly these new allegations that you mentioned, john, they don't help either. itv news is reporting that there were two birthday party events held for the prime minister, one with up to 30 staff where they cut cake and sang happy birthday and then another with some family inside of his apartment at a time when indoor gathering were banned in this country and even outdoor ones were restricted to just six people. now, downing street acknowledges that these events took place. they just don't believe that they broke the rules, broke the covid-19 rules at the time. of course, the number of accus accusations, they're piling up. but certainly the public in this case is keeping track. boris johnson's polling numbers are -- have fallen well behind the opposition labor party. and the vast majority, according to a new survey of even conservatives, john, say that boris johnson simply has not been truthful in all this. >> yeah. and now this metropolitan police investigation opens up a new avenue parallel to another investigation where we may get the results from any day now. scott mclean, thank you very much for that. >> you bet. so this week for the first time here in the united states, you can pick up free n 95 masks provided by the federal government. you can get at your local pharmacy. and this comes as free at-home covid test kits are starting to show up in mailboxes. jacqueline howard here with us with the details. so how can we get these masks, jacqulynn? >> john, i can tell you the masks are being made available at local pharmacies and community health centers. and this rollout of the n95 masks, along with the rollout of free at-home covid tests are really the biden administration's latest effort to curb the spread of the omicron variant. so with the n95 masks, some locations already have received them and already have handing them out. some hyvee stores and meyer locations. i spoke with cvs, walgreen's and kroger, they expect later this week. what you can expect when you show up at your pharmacy, some stores have tables set up where the masks are being handed out. they're limited to three masks per person. and some community health centers are also playing a role in this. and john, also at the same time, remember, last week the white house launched its website where any u.s. household can order free at-home covid tests. well, those shipments started thursday. some test kits already have arrived at some doorsteps even here at cnn, john, some of our colleagues confirmed to me that they received their test kits in the mail. remember, these kits are limited to four kits per household. i placed an order last week. hopefully mine gets shipped soon, john. some other households can expect their's soon as well. john? >> new weapons arriving to help in the battle against covid. even as the cases and hospitalizations start to go down. >> yeah. >> but they will help nonetheless. jacqueline howard, thank you very much. despite the omicron surge in the past months many school districts in major cities are pushing to keep their doors open, but community schools in flint, michigan, decided to continue remote learning indefinitely and parents there are struggling with this decision. cnn's adrienne broaddus is joining us now. what went into this decision? >> reporter: it was a tough decision. and parents i spoke with are conflicted. one mom says she appreciates the district's desire to keep students and staff safe when it comes to remote learning, she says her kids are already behind and like this, they can't survive. >> put down 10 plus 5 it equals 15. >> once i'm done with 7, i just count to 4. >> reporter: on a cold night in flint, michigan. >> how many in the one's place. >> reporter: this woman helps her children, 8-year-old kyliah. >> 10 plus 1 equals 11. >> yeah. go baby. >> reporter: and 9-year-old son -- >> google slides. >> reporter: with homework. >> then we count up to see what makes it to 14. >> boo yeah. >> reporter: the kids have only been in the classroom a few months over the last two years. >> i miss talking to my friends and eating with them and having fun with them. >> i want to go to a school. >> reporter: citing the recent surge in covid cases, flint community schools announced they would continue remote learning until further notice. no return date on the calendar. this decision a contrast to cities like philadelphia, chicago, and new york pushing to keep schools open. something president biden wants. >> we're not going back to closing schools. schools should stay open. >> reporter: the cdc says multiple studies show transmission of covid-19 in school settings is usually lower than or similar to community transmission when districts put the right prevention strategies in place. in flint, parents are struggling with the decision to continue remote learning. >> i have to be able to make a living so i can pay for a roof over our heads, so i can pay for food. and if i can't have someone who can sit with the kids during their school hours, then i have to. okay. what are you doing? are you in? >> reporter: her mother beverly brings the kids to a local senior center where she's director. >> i put them across the hall at a conference room. one at one table, opposite end with their headphones. >> reporter: an option many families don't have. >> evelyn jones, superintendent of flint community schools stands by the decision he made to continue remote learning indefinitely. >> when the surge happened as of january 13th, the positivity rate is 38% and it was climbing. and so we made the decision to have them out until this surge begins to decline. >> reporter: jones said the district was allocated nearly $150 million in federal funds to make improvements to slow the spread of the virus. renovations have been made, but there's still more work. >> our ventilation is not where it needs to be to ensure total safety. and so, we're working at that. and we've been working at that for the last year or so. >> reporter: jones says he isn't willing to risk losing anyone again. how has covid robbed you? >> i lost my father, you know. i lost my hero. i hear him in the back of my head, make sure you're doing what's best for children. >> reporter: and while some say distance learning is the worst option, jones says it's best for now. >> you're going to see your friends. right now, let's just stay safe. hang in there. >> reporter: his message to the children is think of this as a gift, returning to the classroom a gift. for example, during christmas, you wait a whole month to open your gifts and going back into the classroom will be a gift. he also noted the district has air purifiers in each classroom but not only did covid kill his father, a week after his father died, covid ended the life of his uncle and nephew. so he has some real life experiences as he's making these tough decisions, brianna and john. >> yeah. his personal toll is certainly significant. thank you so much for that report. >> look, no one is saying these decisions are easy and they're not. >> no. >> people have gone through so much personal loss there. but education, the idea of framing it as a gift, it's a right for kids. and these kids are for whatever the justification of it is, they are losing. they are losing time. they are not going to get back in the classroom. and i think the default needs to be to figure out a way to get them back in. indefinitely, no end point? that's tough. >> yeah. look, the hope is that omicron kind of quickly blows out and then they can head back to school, but these reminds -- this sort of reminds me especially in the face of omicron some of these decisions that they're making, they're almost more difficult physics problems. right? you have all the effects on the kids, what happens in the outyears, as they would say in congress? what happens ten years down the line there? what happens now for how many students? and these are the things to be weighed. we know that community spread is higher than school spread. is that the case with omicron? so many questions still that i think they're struggling with. ahead -- >> political liability -- >> that's a great asset. >> thank you. >> more inflation. what a stupid son of a -- >> well, president biden there caught on a hot mic calling out a fox reporter. what he did to try to make amends. plus a democratic congressman says his office is getting calls from tucker carlson viewers angry that the u.s. is not siding with russia over ukraine. and heroic capitol officer eugene goodman breaking his silence. why he says what happened could have easily been a blood bath. ♪ bold and classic. cozy and precocious. with 465 fresh, clean, craveable pairings, find a you pick 2 for any mood. panera, the familiar made fantastic. 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they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. oh, that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again...and again. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop banking. what would you like the power to do? ♪ a hero police officer who protected the u.s. capitol on january 6th, someone that you have seen no doubt many times on video, is breaking his silence. capitol police officer eugene goodman seen her directing senator mitt romney away from rioters to safety. he also held off a mob of rioters by luring them up a flight of stairs away from lawmakers. just listen to him describe this harrowing ordeal on the three brothers no sense podcast. >> so when i got down there, down the stairs, i -- and got confronted by all of them, i was back pedaling back to where i had last seen help. and they looked to be coming my way, but i wasn't sure. by the time i got up the stairs they were there. i was like oh, hell, they're actually in the building. i honestly didn't know that they were that far in the building. and then they lock eyes on me right away. and then just like that, i was in it. and any situation like that, that's -- you want to deescalate, but at the same time, you want to survive first, you know what i mean? it could have easily been a blood bath. so, kudos to everybody there that showed a measure of restraint with regards to deadly force because it could have been bad. really, really bad. >> now goodman also touched on some positive experiences since january 6th, including escorting then vice president-elect kamala harris on the hair of the inauguration. i tell you, i forgot that we hadn't heard from him, berman, because i've seen him so in times, you know? >> he played such an important role. mitt romney certainly knows officer goodman there. and look, it's a year later. these memories don't fade for people. i imagine what he wants as much as anything is justice. >> no. look, he's walking up that flight of stairs he was on. i used to cover congress and i remember thinking that's not just a flight of stairs it's right outside the senate chamber. so this is something that he's walking up and down those stairs as are other police officers every single day like you said. a journalist so fearful for her life she told her country's leader, then she was shot dead. the swirling controversy ahead. plus, singer eric clapton once again continuing his anti-vax nonsense. this time he's pushing a hypnosis lie. baby, now we got bad blood with taylor swift, say it ain't so? 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[limu emu squawks] woo! thirty-four miles per hour! new personal record, limu! 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>> that was hilarious. >> the blur man apologized and claimed that his conversation was reduced to click bait. >> i don't buy his response, by the way, berman. seemed like -- >> me neither. rapper dr. dre launching debate over who could possibly challenge eminem in the live battle after posting this video on his instagram. ♪ ♪ >> wow. v i totally messed that up. eminem versus who? the two are performing next month at the super bowl. ♪ all right. bob dillen not seen there, there he is, becoming the latest artist. he sold his recorded song catalog. the recordings of all his songs for reported $200 million to sony. it also includes the rights to future releases from dylan. so many of his songs have been covered by other people because they're so good, so iconic. and worth the money. unlike i'm just saying, some of the other deals we've learned about. >> you're not going to say which. so berman, i actually -- when i was little and we would road trip, if my sister and i misbehaved, my parents would play bob dylan. we were little. we knew he had this voice that kind of grated our ear. if we were well behaved, they would play simon and garfunkel. >> first of all, there's some absolutely bizarre social games being played in your family there i won't get into. >> we laughed. it was jokey, yes, no, they made us. >> were there electric shocks involved? >> that's about how we related to bob dylan. i look back on sort of shamefully. who is this guy? and to prove my point, randomly last night, i played tam boar renoman for my 5-year-old, he felt the exact same way about it as i did when i was little. up next, hamsters in hong kong, they're getting slaughtered. look how cute. why? and what pet owners there are doing. the lengths they're going to to save their furry friends. two big breaking stories on covid. israel now recommending a fourth vaccine dose for all adults. and getting news from pfizer about a vaccine specific to omicron. stand by. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annnnual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? 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>> because a lot of people are leaving and a lot of people need to move their pets. >> reporter: charter jet operators say due to government travel restrictions and temporary bans on dozens of airlines, there are almost no commercial flights available to transport pets. the most reliable alternative, private planes costing around $22,000 for a person and their dog to fly direct from hong kong to new york. >> people love their fur babies. so, we are here to help them. >> reporter: the pressure on some pet owners mounted this month when hong kong authorities made a startling announcement -- the city's top official blamed an outbreak of the covid delta variant on hamsters. this isn't a joke. the hong kong government claims that hamsters imported from the netherlands gave covid to a pet shop worker at this store. and they've since ordered the closure of every pet shop in the city that sold small animals. they also called -- killed more than 2,500 hamsters, white rats, rabbits, chinchillas and guinea pigs. the authorities also told residents who bought hamsters on or after december 22nd to hand them over to be euthanized. prompting scenes like this -- where animal rights activists tried to intercept pet hamsters before their handover to officials. >> pet owners should not be worried about catching covid from their animals. >> reporter: researcher and veterinarian vanessa barr says the hong kong government overreacted. >> we know that so far in the pandemic there have been over 350 million cases of covid reported in humans. and of those 350 million cases that have been reported, there have been no confirmed cases of transmission of covid from people's pets back to humans. >> reporter: after months with almost no infections, the walls of hong kong's covid fortress seem to be crumbling. just 48 hours, more than 200 people tested positive for covid at this hong kong housing estate and this outbreak isn't being linked to hamsters. but animal rights activists and some pet owners are still spooked. >> the concern really is if it starts with hamsters, where does it go next? will we see companion animals such as cats and dogs being grouped into this? and that's a really real fear that people have. >> reporter: this woman says she's gotten a surge of inquiries from pet owners looking for seats on private planes in just the last week. what is the alternative if you're a pet owner and you want to leave the city? >> give your pet up for adoption. a lot of people they try to find new homes for their fur babies and it's devastating. >> reporter: we don't know if hong kong, the government is going to change its policy here to try to keep covid out. it's struggling at home.

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My Hero , Safe , Distance Learning , Option , Head , Gift , Gifts , Example , Uncle , Air Purifiers , Nephew , Covid Kill , Decisions , No One , Experiences , Report , Toll , Loss , Right , Framing , Education , Justification , Default , Sort , Hope , Back To School , End Point , Face , Congress , Physics Problems , Outyears , Effects , Ten , Community Spread , School Spread , Liability , A , Asset , Calls , Congressman , Mic , Democratic , Amends , Fox , Tucker Carlson , Blood Bath , Officer , Silence , Capitol , You Pick , Classic , Mood , Pairings , Fresh , Fantastic , Bold , Craveable , Panera , 2 , 465 , Business , T Mobile , Vo , Phone , Device , 800 , 00 , Cupcake , Chance , Batteries , Tragedy , Hair , Brains , Aa Battery , Ears , Case Closed , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Mouth , Soul , Last , Servicenow Platform , Customers , Return , Flow , Challenge , Workplace , Memories , Cooking , Servicenow , Advisor , Phones , Banking , Everyone , Kitchen , Doing , Northwestern Mutual , Bank Of America , Girlfriend , Photographer , Yoga Studio , Ring Fund , Bouquet , Zen , Track , Tools , Father Of The Bride , Stop Banking , Police Officer , U S Capitol On January 6th , Video , Rioters , Times , Mitt Romney , Mob , January 6th , Flight , Stairs , Ordeal , Sense Podcast , Lawmakers , Brothers , Help , Wasn T Sure , Building , Eyes , Hell , Deescalate , Kudos , Restraint , Everybody , Regards , Measure , Escorting Then Vice President Elect , Kamala Harris , So Berman , Inauguration , We Hadn T Heard , Anything , Justice , Memories Don T Fade , Journalist , Senate , Police Officers , Swirling Controversy , Leader , Eric Clapton , Nonsense , Say It Ain T , Hypnosis Lie , Bad Blood , Taylor Swift , Song Writing , Musician , Problems , Got Ugly , Rings , Off Engagememen , 3 , Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Sou , Thire , Emergency Medicine , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Feet , Visit Indeed Com Hire , 40000 , Electron , Energy , Rethinking , Asthma , Nunormal , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Tongue , Swelling , Reactions , Infection , Add On Treatment , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Asthma Specialist , Headache , Back Pain , Injection Site Reactions , Fatigue , Save , Ready , Set , Voice , Internet , Backing , Deal , Value , Installation , Prepaid Card , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , 4 99 , 64 99 , 24 7 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Telescope , Destination , Earth , One Million , Nasa , Orbit Point , Web Telescope , Stars , Origins , Galaxies , Clues , 13 Billion , Interview , Mass Hypnosis , Coronavirus , The Universe , Messaging , Advertising , Songs , Man , Scientists , Blur , Firing , Swift , Take , Song , Fan , F You , Blur Man , Tweet , Writing , Conversation , Response , Click Bait , The Way , Eminem , Rapper , Battle , Instagram , Dre Launching Debate , Vi , Bob Dillen , Super Bowl , Rights , Recordings , Artist , Releases , Song Catalog , Sony , 00 Million , 200 Million , Deals , Sister , Road Trip , Games , Ear , Simon And Garfunkel , Shocks , Guy , Shamefully , Hamsters , Hong Kong , Boar Renoman , Tam , Up Next , Pet , Owners , Lengths , Stories , News , Vaccine Specific , Card , Fee , Stand By , Pfizer , Omc , How Bizarre , No Annnnual , Cough , Works , You , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Nerd , 12 , Trelegy , Copd , Coughs , Coughing , On By , Mucinex Dm , Breeze Driftin , Stand , Feelin Good , Copd Medicine , Won T , Medicines , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Heart Condition , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Pain , Chest Pain , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Eye , Problems Urinating , Trelegy Com , Car Vending Machines , Carvana , 100 , License Plate , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Offer , In The City , Pets , Pet Owners , Zero , Fur Parents , More , Ivan , Jets , Twist , Ivan Watson , Finding , Aviation Industry Insider , Covid Quarantine Restrictions , International Travel , Seat , Child , Phenomenon , Aviation Sector , International Financial Hub , Flights , Pandemic Business , Luxury , Demand , Requests , Amount , Alternative , Government Travel Restrictions , Planes , Bans , Airlines , Dozens , Charter Jet Operators , Fur Babies , Authorities , Dog , 22000 , Hong Kong Government , Isn T A Joke , Outbreak , Covid Delta Variant , Pet Shop , Animals , Pet Shop Worker , Store , Closure , Netherlands , White Rats , 2500 , Residents , Chinchillas , Rabbits , Guinea Pigs , December 22nd , 22 , Animal Rights Activists , Pet Hamsters , Handover , Veterinarian Vanessa Barr , Humans , 350 Million , Walls , Covid Fortress Seem , Concern , Outbreak Isn T , Housing Estate , 48 , 200 , Companion Animals , Cats , Pet Owner , Seats , Inquiries , Adoption , We Don T Know , Covid Out ,

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