Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

military options including shifting thousands of u.s. troops to shore up eastern european and baltic allies. on "state of the union" blinken warned russia not to advance. >> if a single additional russian force goes into ukraine in an aggressive way, as i said, that would trigger a swift, severe and united response, from us and from europe. >> we're following our top story this morning with correspondents in ukraine, moscow and here in the u.s. let's begin with cnn white house reporter nah tash tra ber tran in washington. this is a significant option the president was briefed on to move perhaps thousands of forces closer to the russian border. >> jim, while at camp david this morning, president biden met virtually with his national security team including senior defense officials who briefed him on these options they're weighing for a potential increase presence amid this russian troop buildup that includes anywhere between 1,000 and 5,000 additional forces to be stationed in eastern europe including latvia, estonia, lithuania in response to the aggressive moves by russia, including the force buildup in belarus which u.s. officials fear could be a precursor on k kiev's capital. this is a great irony because this is exactly what russia did not want to see happen which is why it says it has positioned forces near ukraine to protect its own security and stop the expansion east warned of nato. the irony is that nato, in response to this russian aggression is now looking at reinforcing its posture in eastern europe. the biden administration has said that it is not looking right now at putting american forces actually inside ukraine to fight a war with russia if it did come to that. but the idea that they are weighing preemptively to station additional forces in eastern europe to head off any russian incursion against ukraine is definitely a pivot from the biden administration's previous position that it did not want to do anything that might provoke ukraine. the biden administration now thinking that we're beyond that now, it's a little too late for that. now they have to think about defending allies in the region. >> an important distinction, these are not u.s. forces going to ukraine to fight russian troops. it's going to u.s. nato allies to shore them up in the case of future threats against them. >> this was part of your reporting as well. in response you have the prime minister of estonia saying she would like to see u.s. troop presence there permanently, clearly this having a major impact. on the stock market as well, the russian stock market experiencing another major selloff. let's go to moscow where nic robertson is there. 20 russian navy vessels have set out into the baltic sea for drills, this as the kremlin is expecting to get wrat ten response to its demands not only from the u.s. this week, but also from nato. >> yeah. the kremlin spokesman said that the secretary-general at nato had given russia his word that there had been a written response. russia sent these, what they call security proposals, but are in fact demands, sent in a separate letter to the united states and a separate letter to nato. they'll be getting a response in pretty short order. they know what that response is likely to be. these warships, these russian warships are heading out into the baltic, not the first to be traveling through there recently. russia announced just a few days ago that it was having navy drills globally in all the seas around the world where it operates, 140 warships, 10,000 personnel involved in that. these vessels task the state news agency here -- saying they're heading out for planned drills in the baltic. we know the danish, as part of their commitment to security in east esh europe are sending a frigate to the baltic sea. we know the swedish stepped up their security last week when five russian landing craft passed through the baltic sea. they're now on their way further south believed most likely to be on their way to the mediterranean and then the black sea. again, part of russia's naval drills. it appears, if they're headed towards the black sea as is expected, that would contribute to raising further the tensions around ukraine. of course, ukraine has black sea coast. all of this at this time is bringing a great deal of concern, just a as european union -- the baltic states raising the highest level of concern. >> very close to russia and russia has meddled with them before. clarissa is in ukraine. the other development is the u.s. reducing its diplomatic footprint in kiev, ordering family members home, reducing non-essential stachlt the ukrainians don't seem to be particularly happy with this move. >> reporter: they're not, jim. they basically are very concerned that these kind of moves lead to potentially a state of panic here in ukraine. they're worried that the more the people beat the drum of war, it contributes to a sense of anxiety among the populous. we saw president zal len ski in a video on facebook telling people to calm down, this is nothing to worry about, reminding everyone that they've been in a state of war are russia. the threat is consistent. it's at a much higher level. i think ukraine would like to project an image of strength and an image of being in control. that's why you heard the foreign ministry essentially saying they thought this was unnecessary and perhaps overly cautious. another development overnight which was interesting, more u.s. military aid arriving, approximately 198,000 pounds of weaponry. that's part of the $200 million in lethal aid that's been earmarked for ukraine. it's the second shipment in just a few days and there's more expected. that's what ukraine really wants to see, honestly, is continued military support from the u.s. and continued support on the diplomatic stage as well. >> the big question is what role, if any, will germany play in this as we see a united front from nato allies in the eu stepping in. a lot of people questioning what germany will do, not only with nord stream 2, jim, but in terms of military aid as well. a lot of fast-moving pieces. natasha bertrand, nic robertson and clarissa ward, thank you. we're following china. they flew 29 airplanes into taiwan's defense zone which is the largest incursion this year. taiwan deployed its air defense missile system to monitor the situation. >> china's action comes one day after the u.s. and japan conducted large-scale naval drills. it is notable watching china and russia perhaps move in tan tell as one threatens taiwan and another threatens ukraine. perhaps not coincidental. later today the mayor of new york will give a public address. eric adams reinstating a modified plainclothes unit. they talk about the flow of illegal guns into the city as a major factor in the rise of violent crime. >> they are not manufactured in the city or state of new york. cnn crime and justice correspondent shimon prokupecz is following all of this. shimon, a really sad weekend for residents in new york city, a real show of unity amongst the nypd. all of this is in response to the fatal shooting of a 22-year-old nypd officer friday. what more are we learning about this investigation? >> right. that officer, sadly, ambushed. he and his partner responding to this family dispute. when they went to talk to the son of this woman, the gunshots came from behind the door, just started shooting at them. city officials using this as an opportunity to say that the city needs change. the mayor talking about how the city needs to be saved. many of the officers -- we've been out here all morning -- who work at the 32nd precinct are not even at work today. many have been given the time off to grieve. we have been seeing they're coming here to pick up their dress uniforms because they have to attend a wake. services for the now dead officer. we're still waiting on word of the condition of the other officer who was shot. he was moved to nyu last night. as to the investigation, really, the big question is what ultimately led up to this. what was going on in the suspect's mind. we have yet to hear from police. we know police say he was armed with an illegal gun. it was a gun that was stolen from baltimore. now the city, of course, focusing on the number of illegal guns here on the streets of new york city. while the governor has announced this task force. but the mayor realizing that something needs to be done immediately. you can't wait for task force. you can't wait for guns that are going to come in in the future. the fact is there are too many guns on the streets of new york city now. so we expect to hear from the mayor around 2:00 this afternoon on what he plans to do to combat the violence and try and stop so many of the guns that are on the streets of new york city from getting into the wrong hands. so 2:00 we'll hear from the mayor and obviously we're waiting for an update on the condition of that other officer. >> i believe we have a picture of the gun that was used, but also crucially the high-capacity magazine. a tommy gun-style magazine which allowed for so many shots to be shot in such a short period of time. shimon, thank you. a gunman shot a deputy, charles galloway. >> the shooting happened early sunday morning in houston. the houston police chief says corporal galloway was conducting a traffic stop on a white four-door toyota avalon. that's when witnesses say a man got out of the car, fired at galloway multiple times and drove off. our thoughts are with officer galloway. he leaves behind an 11-year-old daughter. just tragic. up next, new cnn reporting that former president trump's team is working to decide which aides targeted by the january 6th committee should get help from a legal defense fund. police former speaker of the house newt gingrich says the committee members are the ones who should be jailed and republican congresswoman liz cheney is fired back. >> remarkable words from a former speaker of the house. also ahead, we're crunching the numbers on the omicron variant. there's good news here, signs they've reached a peak in parts of the country. when do experts think we may get back to something of a new normal. mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? ...or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. wherever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. the january 6th committee is getting information from a major player in the trump administration. former attorney general william barr. >> to be honest with you, we've had conversations with the former attorney general already. we've talked to department of defense individuals. we're concerned that our military was part of this big lie on promoting that the election was false. so if you're using the military to potentially seize voting machines even though it's a discussion, the public needs to know. >> one member of the committee told cnn overnight that those conversations with barr were quite informal, also voluntary. cnn law enforcement correspondent whitney wild is following the latest. whitney, were these conversations about perhaps coming and speaking the the committee or were they conversations about what the attorney general knows? >> reporter: those are still details we're trying to work out. our understanding is these were very casual conversations. the reality is the former attorney general may not have a lot of insight about what happened in the days -- we're talking really close to the riot, so three and four days leading up to the riot. what he does do or at least could provide is this basis for what really the committee is going after which is that basically everybody in trump's orbit knew that this election fraud was a total lie and told him so, and that is so critical, because what the committee needs to do is build up the idea that everybody knew this was a lie and still tried to work every avenue they could to overturn the election. the former attorney general is so critical in that because he was out there front and center saying there was not enough fraud to overturn the election. he said that point-blank and has been unequivocal about it. he left the administration a couple days before christmas. that was about a week after this memo was issued that basically suggested seizing voting machines. the question for the former attorney general is did he see this memo, what does he know about it, who did it go to and further, what was the reception when he told people in trump's inner circle that this election lie is just total bogus. again, that will be a very critical piece of information for the committee. here is another one of those committee members saying a little more about what they hope to hear from him. >> he is someone who was in the inner circle of the president, who understood what was happening, who was at the justice department into the month of december and really could shed some light for the committee on the background of where these things came from. we have this draft executive order, but there's a lot of questions we still have about it. where did it come from and how far did it go? >> the department of justice such a critical component of this larger puzzle of what actually happened. meanwhile, we're learning more about who may be able to access money to defend against scrutiny from the house select committee. we learned that trump allies are being directed to this fund from another major trump ally that could top seven figures. however, access to that fund will depend on how people view the committee. it's not going to go to people who are, quote, aiding and abetting the committee. however, it will go to, heads of the fund say, go to people who are trying to put up the biggest fight. i feel compelled to point out some of the people putting up the biggest fight don't need the money, which is why they're fighting so hard. >> whitney wild, thank you so much. jim, it's worth noting whether the talks were formal or informal. every week we're hearing more and more revelations coming out of the committee as to how many people they have spoken to. >> one person who certainly is getting money from the defense fund is trump himself. never been a question about that. other development this weekend, a disturbing claim from a former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. he said over the weekend that lawmakers investigating thing january 6th attack could see jail time if republicans win back congress in the midterms. >> when you have a republican congress, this is all going to come crashing down and the wolves are going to find out that they're now sheep and they're the ones who are, in fact, i think face a real risk of jail. >> cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox is on capitol hill. lauren, that was quite alarming for many people who were watching him say that. how are committee members reacting to this, specifically liz cheney? >> reporter: well, it looks like gingrich has really no basis for members of a committee doing a congressional investigation could face jail time given the fact that everything they've done has really been out in the open in terms of requesting information, requesting documents, subpoenaing witnesses. that is all part of a normal congressional investigation. newt gingrich, the former speaker, should be very familiar with that. but, yes, members of this committee are lashing out. liz cheney who is a republican member of this committee set in a tweet, quote, a former speaker of the house is threatening jail time for members of congress who are investigating the violent attack on our capitol and our constitution. this is what it looks like when the rule of law unravels. you also had zoloft again, a democrat saying these comments are bizarre and she thought newt gingrich had lost it. the reactions from the committee make a lot of sense given the fact that this is a standard protocol for an investigation. yes, the select committee is up against a tight deadline. yes, if republicans take back the house of representatives, it's quite possible and likely that they're going to shut down this investigation which is why democrats and republicans who are serving on it realize they have a lot of work to do heading into the midterm elections. but facing jail time for doing your congressional work, that's very, very rare as a comment to make in any avenue. >> by the way, even if there is a change in the midterms, the justice department will still be run by an attorney general appointed by a democratic president. 2024 could portend something different. coming up next, the former fda commissioner says now is not the time to get rid of masks in schools. but in virginia parents have that option starting today. we're moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stock futures pointing lower once again this morning after a tough run lately. last week was the worst week for the dow since october 2020, the worst week for the nasdaq and s&p since march of 2020. investors worry about rising interest rates as the federal reserve meets this week. no immediate hike is expected. instead wall street is betting the first one comes in march. market analysts also keeping an eye on energy prices as the situation escalates on the russia/ukraine border. power e*trade gives you an award-winning mobile app with powerful, easy-to-use tools, and interactive charts to give you an edge, 24/7 support when you need it the most. plus, zero-dollar commissions for online u.s. listed stocks. 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that's keeping kids in school. it's been a top priority as we try to find a way out of this latest omicron wave. masks have been key to that effort. today in virginia, executive order from republican governor glenn youngkin goes into effect allowing parents to decide whether their children wear masks in school. cnn's elizabeth cohen reports. >> governor youngkin put in this order at a time when transmission in the state of virginia is so high. the state of virginia is broken down by counties. it is blanketed in red. if you take a look at the united states, it is blanketed in red. that's why even the fda commissioner under president trump says it's not time to tell people to take off their masks. let's take a listen to dr. scott gottlieb. >> to withdraw it right at the peak of the epidemic is imprudent. we should wait. >> these high transmission rates, that's why the cdc makes this recommendation that all students over the age of 2, teachers, staff members, visitors should wear a mask indoors regardless of their vaccination status. now, to state the obvious, nobody wants their child to have to wear a mask, but really it's just a mask and it could save your child's life. yes, children have a very mild response to covid overall, yes, omicron usually causes just mild illness, but there are children who are becoming very, very sick and even dying with omicron or a child could pass omicron on to a grandparent or to a relative or a friend who is immune compromised. so that's the reason for the suggestion that children wear masks. again, it poses no threat whatsoever to the child. now, several counties in virginia, for example, fairfax county and prince william county have said they will not comply with the governor's order. bianna, jim. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. the issue is, if masks helps keeps school open, helps reduce outbreaks and you want schools open, why take away masking? you have two goals contradicting there. as we've seen so often, the politics beat the science. >> dr. gottlieb saying he would wait two more weeks. i know a lot of kids have few problems keeping the masks on. >> far fewer than the parents. taking an opposite turn in terms of covid restrictions, let's go to england. british prime minister boris johnson is doing quite the opposite. he's lifting restrictions. >> last week johnson sought to pivot the country's covid response saying it was time to move on and treat coronavirus more like the flu. cnn's scott mclean is live in london. this comes as johnson is facing real political challenges at home, calls to resign even from within his own party due to lockdown parties at 10 downing street. is the view there that these things are connected? >> reporter: look, i think it may well be this easing of restrictions helps to briefly change the channel and distract away from boris johnson's larger leadership problems. it certainly doesn't make them go away, especially considering the report on the investigation into those downing street parties during lockdown is due out any day now. if there is any political benefit here, it is that this may help boris johnson win back some of his friends in the libertarian wing of the party. beginning -- the government has already said that masks are no longer required in classrooms. they have already said that people don't have to work from home. on thursday the mask mandate across england, the indoor mask mandate, that's going to go away as will -- as will the need for covid passports for large gatherings. the prime minister teased today the requirement to take a test when you enter the country will also be going away. we're not entirely certain on timing. really, the only thing that people would notice from this thursday compared to before the pandemic in this country is that, of course, if you test positive for covid you have to isolate. even then the isolation period is reduced to five days. and they're going to review that, too. listen. >> it is reasonable to think, as we're living with flu, we don't require people to legally self-isolate, to be cautious, be sensible, if they're infected. we will eventually have to find a way to live with covid in a similar fashion. >> reporter: so the government's new approach here is to treat covid like the flu. the reason the government thinks they can do that is because the omicron wave seems to have passed. cases have fallen sharply as well as hospitalizations. it also doesn't hurt that almost two-thirds of the eligible population has gotten their booster shot. >> jim, it's still striking to hear government officials equate it with the fly. i don't know many other western countries that are there yet. the uk is a bit ahead of us in terms of omicron. i'm not expecting our health officials to keep bringing up the flu word. at least not quite yet. >> not quite yet. >> scott mclean, thank you so much still ahead, as president biden mulls whether to send more troops to europe, we speak to one of former president obama's advisers during the russian invasion of ukraine. what she says could change putin's plan. do your eyes bother you? 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>> jim, based on my conversations with administration officials, i do believe what they're contemplating is a lot harsher, a lot tougher. as you said, i was in the white house situation room, in the pentagon advising president obama on our response back in 2014. i think everyone has learned a lot from that experience. yes, we did deter vladimir putin from taking all of ukraine at that time in 2014, 2015. he's clearly not satisfied. why? what he thought he would achieve by taking part of the ukrainian territory is he would destabilize the government. he does not want a fully functioning democracy in ukraine because that is viewed as a threat to his regime, his control of russia. >> the u.s. and its allies are framing this as being important beyond ukraine, that this is a precedent here about sovereignty and breaking borders, russia breaking borders in a way that hasn't been done really since world war ii. can this escalate in your view, not just between the west supporting ukraine against russia, but into a direct conflict between the u.s. and nato and russia? >> well, there's always a danger of escalation. let's hope that doesn't happen. you're absolutely right, jim, there's a greater principle at stake here. we ended world war ii by setting up the united nations. article ii says the borders of the currents must re main as they are, that they're sacrosanct. why? that's what caused world war i and world war ii. when they annexed crimea, they changed borders using military force for the first time since world war ii. the last time that was tried was in the middle east by saddam hussein and we pushed him back. russia is a nuclear power, so we don't want a military campaign against russia, but we need to do more diplomatically. the principle at stake is so important that if vladimir putin gets his way, it's a challenge to the global international order. i think you guys were talking about that earlier in the hour. it's really dangerous right now. >> you heard the president last wednesday say that he believes putin has to go in to ukraine now, that he set himself up for this by mounting forces so aggressively. i've certainly heard a lot of pessimism from democratic and republican lawmakers, also military officials about rur yeah's plans. do you share that pessimism? do you believe that russia can still be deterred from a further invasion? >> yes. i've been pessimistic since i wrote a piece on january 11th in defense one saying that there was 50% or more chance that vladimir putin was going to do something. why? because we can't -- the fundamental thing that he wants is control over ukraine's sovereignty and actually sphere of influence in the international system, one where the rules that we have in place right now to protect the sovereignty of states doesn't exist. wet can't compromise on that. i'm not really sure what we can give vladimir putin. the other reason is, of course, every day, jim, he's escalated. every day he's moved more forces. his rhetoric has increased. he's doing nothing to show he's considering anything other than a mill their move. >> evelyn farkas, thanks so much. and this just in to cnn, the supreme court will reconsider a landmark challenge to harvard and university of north carolina's affirmative action policies. what they're looking at. we'll tell you straight ahead. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! just in to cnn, the supreme court says it will reconsider race based affirmative action in college admissions. biana, when you put these cases together. that on roe v. wade, possibility of gun related decisions, this court is going to make a big impact in coming years. >> big name universities as well. let's bring in cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider. what more are we learning about these cases? >> this concerns two cases. one out of the university of north carolina. one out of harvard. the supreme court agree to really re-examine the precedents they set in place in 1978, 2003, allowing universities to take into account race in their admissions. one of the cases at unc, the other case out of harvard where the challengers contended the university held asian americans to a higher standard and essentially capped their numbers. that particular dispute has been moving through the courts for many years since 2014. harvard won the lower courts, unc also won in the lower courts and the supreme court actually upheld university affirmative action for the last time in 2016 but now we have a different court. this new composition could mean a different fate for affirmative action with two cases. two of the justices in the five justice majority were anthony kennedy, ruth bader ginsburg, of course, they are now off the court succeeded by brett kavanaugh and amy coney barrett and justice roberts long opposed racial justice policies including in education. jim and biana, these two cases, they will be heard by the supreme court, however, because it is so late in the term for the court, they've decided they will take this case up not until october. that means the decision would not come down on this until june 2023, but again, this could really upend the affirmative action policies universities have been working with for many decades now and could potentially overturn that precedent allowing universities to consider race in their admissions. guys? >> in terms of the political calendar, the decision after the crucial midterm electionselectik you so much, jessica schneider. three former minneapolis officers who helped derek chauvin. they face federal charges of violating floyd's civil rights. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. the reality of living with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... means you might be dealing with a lot of symptoms... which can change your plans at any time gut-focused entyvio is made for you. entyvio is the only medicine just for uc and cd that is gut-focused. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. it may help you, too. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen... during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio. find out if entyvioconnect can help... with the cost of treatment, whether you are insured or not. entyvio, made for the gut, made for remission, made for you. what happens when we welcome change? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

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military options including shifting thousands of u.s. troops to shore up eastern european and baltic allies. on "state of the union" blinken warned russia not to advance. >> if a single additional russian force goes into ukraine in an aggressive way, as i said, that would trigger a swift, severe and united response, from us and from europe. >> we're following our top story this morning with correspondents in ukraine, moscow and here in the u.s. let's begin with cnn white house reporter nah tash tra ber tran in washington. this is a significant option the president was briefed on to move perhaps thousands of forces closer to the russian border. >> jim, while at camp david this morning, president biden met virtually with his national security team including senior defense officials who briefed him on these options they're weighing for a potential increase presence amid this russian troop buildup that includes anywhere between 1,000 and 5,000 additional forces to be stationed in eastern europe including latvia, estonia, lithuania in response to the aggressive moves by russia, including the force buildup in belarus which u.s. officials fear could be a precursor on k kiev's capital. this is a great irony because this is exactly what russia did not want to see happen which is why it says it has positioned forces near ukraine to protect its own security and stop the expansion east warned of nato. the irony is that nato, in response to this russian aggression is now looking at reinforcing its posture in eastern europe. the biden administration has said that it is not looking right now at putting american forces actually inside ukraine to fight a war with russia if it did come to that. but the idea that they are weighing preemptively to station additional forces in eastern europe to head off any russian incursion against ukraine is definitely a pivot from the biden administration's previous position that it did not want to do anything that might provoke ukraine. the biden administration now thinking that we're beyond that now, it's a little too late for that. now they have to think about defending allies in the region. >> an important distinction, these are not u.s. forces going to ukraine to fight russian troops. it's going to u.s. nato allies to shore them up in the case of future threats against them. >> this was part of your reporting as well. in response you have the prime minister of estonia saying she would like to see u.s. troop presence there permanently, clearly this having a major impact. on the stock market as well, the russian stock market experiencing another major selloff. let's go to moscow where nic robertson is there. 20 russian navy vessels have set out into the baltic sea for drills, this as the kremlin is expecting to get wrat ten response to its demands not only from the u.s. this week, but also from nato. >> yeah. the kremlin spokesman said that the secretary-general at nato had given russia his word that there had been a written response. russia sent these, what they call security proposals, but are in fact demands, sent in a separate letter to the united states and a separate letter to nato. they'll be getting a response in pretty short order. they know what that response is likely to be. these warships, these russian warships are heading out into the baltic, not the first to be traveling through there recently. russia announced just a few days ago that it was having navy drills globally in all the seas around the world where it operates, 140 warships, 10,000 personnel involved in that. these vessels task the state news agency here -- saying they're heading out for planned drills in the baltic. we know the danish, as part of their commitment to security in east esh europe are sending a frigate to the baltic sea. we know the swedish stepped up their security last week when five russian landing craft passed through the baltic sea. they're now on their way further south believed most likely to be on their way to the mediterranean and then the black sea. again, part of russia's naval drills. it appears, if they're headed towards the black sea as is expected, that would contribute to raising further the tensions around ukraine. of course, ukraine has black sea coast. all of this at this time is bringing a great deal of concern, just a as european union -- the baltic states raising the highest level of concern. >> very close to russia and russia has meddled with them before. clarissa is in ukraine. the other development is the u.s. reducing its diplomatic footprint in kiev, ordering family members home, reducing non-essential stachlt the ukrainians don't seem to be particularly happy with this move. >> reporter: they're not, jim. they basically are very concerned that these kind of moves lead to potentially a state of panic here in ukraine. they're worried that the more the people beat the drum of war, it contributes to a sense of anxiety among the populous. we saw president zal len ski in a video on facebook telling people to calm down, this is nothing to worry about, reminding everyone that they've been in a state of war are russia. the threat is consistent. it's at a much higher level. i think ukraine would like to project an image of strength and an image of being in control. that's why you heard the foreign ministry essentially saying they thought this was unnecessary and perhaps overly cautious. another development overnight which was interesting, more u.s. military aid arriving, approximately 198,000 pounds of weaponry. that's part of the $200 million in lethal aid that's been earmarked for ukraine. it's the second shipment in just a few days and there's more expected. that's what ukraine really wants to see, honestly, is continued military support from the u.s. and continued support on the diplomatic stage as well. >> the big question is what role, if any, will germany play in this as we see a united front from nato allies in the eu stepping in. a lot of people questioning what germany will do, not only with nord stream 2, jim, but in terms of military aid as well. a lot of fast-moving pieces. natasha bertrand, nic robertson and clarissa ward, thank you. we're following china. they flew 29 airplanes into taiwan's defense zone which is the largest incursion this year. taiwan deployed its air defense missile system to monitor the situation. >> china's action comes one day after the u.s. and japan conducted large-scale naval drills. it is notable watching china and russia perhaps move in tan tell as one threatens taiwan and another threatens ukraine. perhaps not coincidental. later today the mayor of new york will give a public address. eric adams reinstating a modified plainclothes unit. they talk about the flow of illegal guns into the city as a major factor in the rise of violent crime. >> they are not manufactured in the city or state of new york. cnn crime and justice correspondent shimon prokupecz is following all of this. shimon, a really sad weekend for residents in new york city, a real show of unity amongst the nypd. all of this is in response to the fatal shooting of a 22-year-old nypd officer friday. what more are we learning about this investigation? >> right. that officer, sadly, ambushed. he and his partner responding to this family dispute. when they went to talk to the son of this woman, the gunshots came from behind the door, just started shooting at them. city officials using this as an opportunity to say that the city needs change. the mayor talking about how the city needs to be saved. many of the officers -- we've been out here all morning -- who work at the 32nd precinct are not even at work today. many have been given the time off to grieve. we have been seeing they're coming here to pick up their dress uniforms because they have to attend a wake. services for the now dead officer. we're still waiting on word of the condition of the other officer who was shot. he was moved to nyu last night. as to the investigation, really, the big question is what ultimately led up to this. what was going on in the suspect's mind. we have yet to hear from police. we know police say he was armed with an illegal gun. it was a gun that was stolen from baltimore. now the city, of course, focusing on the number of illegal guns here on the streets of new york city. while the governor has announced this task force. but the mayor realizing that something needs to be done immediately. you can't wait for task force. you can't wait for guns that are going to come in in the future. the fact is there are too many guns on the streets of new york city now. so we expect to hear from the mayor around 2:00 this afternoon on what he plans to do to combat the violence and try and stop so many of the guns that are on the streets of new york city from getting into the wrong hands. so 2:00 we'll hear from the mayor and obviously we're waiting for an update on the condition of that other officer. >> i believe we have a picture of the gun that was used, but also crucially the high-capacity magazine. a tommy gun-style magazine which allowed for so many shots to be shot in such a short period of time. shimon, thank you. a gunman shot a deputy, charles galloway. >> the shooting happened early sunday morning in houston. the houston police chief says corporal galloway was conducting a traffic stop on a white four-door toyota avalon. that's when witnesses say a man got out of the car, fired at galloway multiple times and drove off. our thoughts are with officer galloway. he leaves behind an 11-year-old daughter. just tragic. up next, new cnn reporting that former president trump's team is working to decide which aides targeted by the january 6th committee should get help from a legal defense fund. police former speaker of the house newt gingrich says the committee members are the ones who should be jailed and republican congresswoman liz cheney is fired back. >> remarkable words from a former speaker of the house. also ahead, we're crunching the numbers on the omicron variant. there's good news here, signs they've reached a peak in parts of the country. when do experts think we may get back to something of a new normal. mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? ...or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. wherever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. the january 6th committee is getting information from a major player in the trump administration. former attorney general william barr. >> to be honest with you, we've had conversations with the former attorney general already. we've talked to department of defense individuals. we're concerned that our military was part of this big lie on promoting that the election was false. so if you're using the military to potentially seize voting machines even though it's a discussion, the public needs to know. >> one member of the committee told cnn overnight that those conversations with barr were quite informal, also voluntary. cnn law enforcement correspondent whitney wild is following the latest. whitney, were these conversations about perhaps coming and speaking the the committee or were they conversations about what the attorney general knows? >> reporter: those are still details we're trying to work out. our understanding is these were very casual conversations. the reality is the former attorney general may not have a lot of insight about what happened in the days -- we're talking really close to the riot, so three and four days leading up to the riot. what he does do or at least could provide is this basis for what really the committee is going after which is that basically everybody in trump's orbit knew that this election fraud was a total lie and told him so, and that is so critical, because what the committee needs to do is build up the idea that everybody knew this was a lie and still tried to work every avenue they could to overturn the election. the former attorney general is so critical in that because he was out there front and center saying there was not enough fraud to overturn the election. he said that point-blank and has been unequivocal about it. he left the administration a couple days before christmas. that was about a week after this memo was issued that basically suggested seizing voting machines. the question for the former attorney general is did he see this memo, what does he know about it, who did it go to and further, what was the reception when he told people in trump's inner circle that this election lie is just total bogus. again, that will be a very critical piece of information for the committee. here is another one of those committee members saying a little more about what they hope to hear from him. >> he is someone who was in the inner circle of the president, who understood what was happening, who was at the justice department into the month of december and really could shed some light for the committee on the background of where these things came from. we have this draft executive order, but there's a lot of questions we still have about it. where did it come from and how far did it go? >> the department of justice such a critical component of this larger puzzle of what actually happened. meanwhile, we're learning more about who may be able to access money to defend against scrutiny from the house select committee. we learned that trump allies are being directed to this fund from another major trump ally that could top seven figures. however, access to that fund will depend on how people view the committee. it's not going to go to people who are, quote, aiding and abetting the committee. however, it will go to, heads of the fund say, go to people who are trying to put up the biggest fight. i feel compelled to point out some of the people putting up the biggest fight don't need the money, which is why they're fighting so hard. >> whitney wild, thank you so much. jim, it's worth noting whether the talks were formal or informal. every week we're hearing more and more revelations coming out of the committee as to how many people they have spoken to. >> one person who certainly is getting money from the defense fund is trump himself. never been a question about that. other development this weekend, a disturbing claim from a former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. he said over the weekend that lawmakers investigating thing january 6th attack could see jail time if republicans win back congress in the midterms. >> when you have a republican congress, this is all going to come crashing down and the wolves are going to find out that they're now sheep and they're the ones who are, in fact, i think face a real risk of jail. >> cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox is on capitol hill. lauren, that was quite alarming for many people who were watching him say that. how are committee members reacting to this, specifically liz cheney? >> reporter: well, it looks like gingrich has really no basis for members of a committee doing a congressional investigation could face jail time given the fact that everything they've done has really been out in the open in terms of requesting information, requesting documents, subpoenaing witnesses. that is all part of a normal congressional investigation. newt gingrich, the former speaker, should be very familiar with that. but, yes, members of this committee are lashing out. liz cheney who is a republican member of this committee set in a tweet, quote, a former speaker of the house is threatening jail time for members of congress who are investigating the violent attack on our capitol and our constitution. this is what it looks like when the rule of law unravels. you also had zoloft again, a democrat saying these comments are bizarre and she thought newt gingrich had lost it. the reactions from the committee make a lot of sense given the fact that this is a standard protocol for an investigation. yes, the select committee is up against a tight deadline. yes, if republicans take back the house of representatives, it's quite possible and likely that they're going to shut down this investigation which is why democrats and republicans who are serving on it realize they have a lot of work to do heading into the midterm elections. but facing jail time for doing your congressional work, that's very, very rare as a comment to make in any avenue. >> by the way, even if there is a change in the midterms, the justice department will still be run by an attorney general appointed by a democratic president. 2024 could portend something different. coming up next, the former fda commissioner says now is not the time to get rid of masks in schools. but in virginia parents have that option starting today. we're moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stock futures pointing lower once again this morning after a tough run lately. last week was the worst week for the dow since october 2020, the worst week for the nasdaq and s&p since march of 2020. investors worry about rising interest rates as the federal reserve meets this week. no immediate hike is expected. instead wall street is betting the first one comes in march. market 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that's keeping kids in school. it's been a top priority as we try to find a way out of this latest omicron wave. masks have been key to that effort. today in virginia, executive order from republican governor glenn youngkin goes into effect allowing parents to decide whether their children wear masks in school. cnn's elizabeth cohen reports. >> governor youngkin put in this order at a time when transmission in the state of virginia is so high. the state of virginia is broken down by counties. it is blanketed in red. if you take a look at the united states, it is blanketed in red. that's why even the fda commissioner under president trump says it's not time to tell people to take off their masks. let's take a listen to dr. scott gottlieb. >> to withdraw it right at the peak of the epidemic is imprudent. we should wait. >> these high transmission rates, that's why the cdc makes this recommendation that all students over the age of 2, teachers, staff members, visitors should wear a mask indoors regardless of their vaccination status. now, to state the obvious, nobody wants their child to have to wear a mask, but really it's just a mask and it could save your child's life. yes, children have a very mild response to covid overall, yes, omicron usually causes just mild illness, but there are children who are becoming very, very sick and even dying with omicron or a child could pass omicron on to a grandparent or to a relative or a friend who is immune compromised. so that's the reason for the suggestion that children wear masks. again, it poses no threat whatsoever to the child. now, several counties in virginia, for example, fairfax county and prince william county have said they will not comply with the governor's order. bianna, jim. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. the issue is, if masks helps keeps school open, helps reduce outbreaks and you want schools open, why take away masking? you have two goals contradicting there. as we've seen so often, the politics beat the science. >> dr. gottlieb saying he would wait two more weeks. i know a lot of kids have few problems keeping the masks on. >> far fewer than the parents. taking an opposite turn in terms of covid restrictions, let's go to england. british prime minister boris johnson is doing quite the opposite. he's lifting restrictions. >> last week johnson sought to pivot the country's covid response saying it was time to move on and treat coronavirus more like the flu. cnn's scott mclean is live in london. this comes as johnson is facing real political challenges at home, calls to resign even from within his own party due to lockdown parties at 10 downing street. is the view there that these things are connected? >> reporter: look, i think it may well be this easing of restrictions helps to briefly change the channel and distract away from boris johnson's larger leadership problems. it certainly doesn't make them go away, especially considering the report on the investigation into those downing street parties during lockdown is due out any day now. if there is any political benefit here, it is that this may help boris johnson win back some of his friends in the libertarian wing of the party. beginning -- the government has already said that masks are no longer required in classrooms. they have already said that people don't have to work from home. on thursday the mask mandate across england, the indoor mask mandate, that's going to go away as will -- as will the need for covid passports for large gatherings. the prime minister teased today the requirement to take a test when you enter the country will also be going away. we're not entirely certain on timing. really, the only thing that people would notice from this thursday compared to before the pandemic in this country is that, of course, if you test positive for covid you have to isolate. even then the isolation period is reduced to five days. and they're going to review that, too. listen. >> it is reasonable to think, as we're living with flu, we don't require people to legally self-isolate, to be cautious, be sensible, if they're infected. we will eventually have to find a way to live with covid in a similar fashion. >> reporter: so the government's new approach here is to treat covid like the flu. the reason the government thinks they can do that is because the omicron wave seems to have passed. cases have fallen sharply as well as hospitalizations. it also doesn't hurt that almost two-thirds of the eligible population has gotten their booster shot. >> jim, it's still striking to hear government officials equate it with the fly. i don't know many other western countries that are there yet. the uk is a bit ahead of us in terms of omicron. i'm not expecting our health officials to keep bringing up the flu word. at least not quite yet. >> not quite yet. >> scott mclean, thank you so much still ahead, as president biden mulls whether to send more troops to europe, we speak to one of former president obama's advisers during the russian invasion of ukraine. what she says could change putin's plan. do your eyes bother you? 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>> jim, based on my conversations with administration officials, i do believe what they're contemplating is a lot harsher, a lot tougher. as you said, i was in the white house situation room, in the pentagon advising president obama on our response back in 2014. i think everyone has learned a lot from that experience. yes, we did deter vladimir putin from taking all of ukraine at that time in 2014, 2015. he's clearly not satisfied. why? what he thought he would achieve by taking part of the ukrainian territory is he would destabilize the government. he does not want a fully functioning democracy in ukraine because that is viewed as a threat to his regime, his control of russia. >> the u.s. and its allies are framing this as being important beyond ukraine, that this is a precedent here about sovereignty and breaking borders, russia breaking borders in a way that hasn't been done really since world war ii. can this escalate in your view, not just between the west supporting ukraine against russia, but into a direct conflict between the u.s. and nato and russia? >> well, there's always a danger of escalation. let's hope that doesn't happen. you're absolutely right, jim, there's a greater principle at stake here. we ended world war ii by setting up the united nations. article ii says the borders of the currents must re main as they are, that they're sacrosanct. why? that's what caused world war i and world war ii. when they annexed crimea, they changed borders using military force for the first time since world war ii. the last time that was tried was in the middle east by saddam hussein and we pushed him back. russia is a nuclear power, so we don't want a military campaign against russia, but we need to do more diplomatically. the principle at stake is so important that if vladimir putin gets his way, it's a challenge to the global international order. i think you guys were talking about that earlier in the hour. it's really dangerous right now. >> you heard the president last wednesday say that he believes putin has to go in to ukraine now, that he set himself up for this by mounting forces so aggressively. i've certainly heard a lot of pessimism from democratic and republican lawmakers, also military officials about rur yeah's plans. do you share that pessimism? do you believe that russia can still be deterred from a further invasion? >> yes. i've been pessimistic since i wrote a piece on january 11th in defense one saying that there was 50% or more chance that vladimir putin was going to do something. why? because we can't -- the fundamental thing that he wants is control over ukraine's sovereignty and actually sphere of influence in the international system, one where the rules that we have in place right now to protect the sovereignty of states doesn't exist. wet can't compromise on that. i'm not really sure what we can give vladimir putin. the other reason is, of course, every day, jim, he's escalated. every day he's moved more forces. his rhetoric has increased. he's doing nothing to show he's considering anything other than a mill their move. >> evelyn farkas, thanks so much. and this just in to cnn, the supreme court will reconsider a landmark challenge to harvard and university of north carolina's affirmative action policies. what they're looking at. we'll tell you straight ahead. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! just in to cnn, the supreme court says it will reconsider race based affirmative action in college admissions. biana, when you put these cases together. that on roe v. wade, possibility of gun related decisions, this court is going to make a big impact in coming years. >> big name universities as well. let's bring in cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider. what more are we learning about these cases? >> this concerns two cases. one out of the university of north carolina. one out of harvard. the supreme court agree to really re-examine the precedents they set in place in 1978, 2003, allowing universities to take into account race in their admissions. one of the cases at unc, the other case out of harvard where the challengers contended the university held asian americans to a higher standard and essentially capped their numbers. that particular dispute has been moving through the courts for many years since 2014. harvard won the lower courts, unc also won in the lower courts and the supreme court actually upheld university affirmative action for the last time in 2016 but now we have a different court. this new composition could mean a different fate for affirmative action with two cases. two of the justices in the five justice majority were anthony kennedy, ruth bader ginsburg, of course, they are now off the court succeeded by brett kavanaugh and amy coney barrett and justice roberts long opposed racial justice policies including in education. jim and biana, these two cases, they will be heard by the supreme court, however, because it is so late in the term for the court, they've decided they will take this case up not until october. that means the decision would not come down on this until june 2023, but again, this could really upend the affirmative action policies universities have been working with for many decades now and could potentially overturn that precedent allowing universities to consider race in their admissions. guys? >> in terms of the political calendar, the decision after the crucial midterm electionselectik you so much, jessica schneider. three former minneapolis officers who helped derek chauvin. they face federal charges of violating floyd's civil rights. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. the reality of living with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... means you might be dealing with a lot of symptoms... which can change your plans at any time gut-focused entyvio is made for you. entyvio is the only medicine just for uc and cd that is gut-focused. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. it may help you, too. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen... during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio. find out if entyvioconnect can help... with the cost of treatment, whether you are insured or not. entyvio, made for the gut, made for remission, made for you. what happens when we welcome change? 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Toyota , Witnesses , Four , Trump , Times , Thoughts , Car , Daughter , At Galloway , Up Next , 11 , Liz Cheney , Help , Newt Gingrich , Committee Members , January 6th Committee , Defense Fund , Republican , Ones , Former , Aides , 6 , January 6th , Country , Numbers , Speaker , News , Peak , Words , Experts , Omicron Variant , Normal , Mabel , Isn T A Real Cow , Plan , Staffing , Master , Size , Work , Candidates , Visit , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Office , Last , Customers , Servicenow Platform , Ways , Return , Safe , Challenge , Workplace , Business , Servicenow , Hello , Obsessed , Cooking , Interest , Heart , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Information , William Barr , Player , Attorney General , Conversations , Big Lie On Promoting , Individuals , Department Of Defense , Election , Voting Machines , Public , Discussion , House Select Committee , Member , Latest , Cnn Law Enforcement , Correspondent Whitney Wild , Reality , Understanding , Basis , Riot , Least , Insight , Three , Lie , Everybody , Election Fraud , Orbit , Avenue , Fraud , Memo , Point Blank , It , Question , Reception , Inner Circle , More , Piece , Someone , Happening , Things , Light , Questions , Draft Executive Order , Background , Money , Department Of Justice , Component , Puzzle , Scrutiny , Fund , Quote , Ally , Figures , Access , Aiding And Abetting , Seven , Some , Fight , Fund Say , Person , Fighting , Revelations , Talks , Worth , Attack , Lawmakers , Thing , Claim , Midterms , Wolves , Republican Congress , Sheep , Lauren Fox , Jail , Risk , Congressional Correspondent , Capitol Hill , Members , Gingrich , Everything , Open , Yes , Documents , Committee Set , Lashing , Subpoenaing Witnesses , House , Capitol , Tweet , Constitution , Rule Of Law Unravels , Reactions , Democrat , Comments , Zoloft Again , Committee , Protocol , House Of Representatives , Deadline , Comment , Elections , Change , Commissioner , Fda , 2024 , Masks , Schools , Parents , Virginia , Stock Futures , Run , Wall Street , Investors , Federal Reserve , Hike , Interest Rates , Dow , Nasdaq And S P , October 2020 , 2020 , March Of 2020 , Energy Prices , Eye , Market Analysts , Ukraine Border , March , Tools , Commissions , Power E Trade , Powerful , Stocks , Charts , Most , Mobile App , Edge , 24 7 , Zero , Opportunities , Futures Contracts Prices , Trading Today , 4 , 3 , Realtor Com , Find , Draw A Map Feature , Big Boi House , Big Boi , Foyer , Big Boi Marble , Quartz , Reason , Led , Kiss , Emergen C Calum Scott , Engagement , Wedding , Landscape , Asset , Gold , Potential , Path , Anniversary Rings At Kay , 40 , Returns , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data Plans , Service , Business Owner , Term , Contracts , Data , Internet , Gig , Pay , Network , Line Activation Fees , 500 , Bilal , Superman , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , Growing Up , Family , Obama , San Francisco , Problems , Homelessness , Career , Superhero , Immigrant , Others , Sector , Courage , Innovation , Direction , Speculation , Cases , Facts , Map A Cluster , 600000 , 800000 , Hospitalizations , Population , Handful , Graph , Omicron First , Hold , Statistic , Illness , Hospital , Goal , Northeast , Vaccine Rollout , Dip , 13 , Drop , Delta Peak , Trend Lines , Hospitals , New Jersey , Dr , Midwest , Anthony Fauci , Omicron Outbreak , Infection , Air Gentleman , Control , Bracket , Con Control , Respiratory Infections , Areas , Priority , Keeping Kids In School , Glenn Youngkin , Executive Order , Effort , Children , Order , Transmission , School , Elizabeth Cohen Reports , Counties , Red , Look , Rates , Imprudent , Listen , Epidemic , Scott Gottlieb , Cdc , Mask , Child , Visitors , Vaccination Status , Staff Members , Students , Age , Teachers , Nobody , Obvious , Recommendation , Life , Friend , Grandparent , Suggestion , Issue , Have , Elizabeth Cohen , Prince William County , Fairfax County , Example , Politics , Goals , Masking , Outbreaks , Gottlieb , School Open , Science , Two , Covid Restrictions , Turn , Kids , On , Covid , Boris Johnson , Opposite , Lifting Restrictions , Coronavirus , England , Let S Go , British , Flu , Lockdown Parties , Challenges , Scott Mclean , Downing Street , Party Due , London , 10 Downing Street , 10 , View , Easing , Channel , Restrictions , Parties , Report , Leadership Problems , Benefit , Lockdown , Win , Party , Friends , Wing , Government , Mask Mandate , Classrooms , Beginning , Test , Requirement , Will , Need , Gatherings , Passports , Pandemic , Timing , Approach , Fashion , Government Officials , Booster Shot , Doesn T Hurt , Countries , Health Officials , Bit , Flu Word , Fly , Putin , President , Advisers , Eyes , Sandpaper , Combo , Preservatives , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Biotrue , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Income Planning , Cash Flow , Saving , 19 , Cue , Test Results , Speed , Accuracy , Place , Rhythm , Cue Health , Home Test , Go Cue , Nba , Breaking Point , Best , Nutrients , Emergen C , Blend , Crisis , Brussels , In Kiev , Evelyn Far Khan , Eurasia , 2014 , 2014 Evelyn , Sanctions , Decision Point , Thanks , Items , Instance , Agents , Deterrent , Military Move , Sanction , Attempt , Media Coverage , Conjunction , Vladimir Putin , Side , Use , Doesn T Want , He Gus , R , The New York Times , Doing , Belarus , Lithuanialit , Lesson , Poland , Crimea , Russia , Crane , Degree , Difference , Reverence , Experience , Pentagon , Situation Room , 2015 , Democracy , Regime , Territory , Borders , Precedent , Sovereignty , Breaking Borders , World War Ii , West , Conflict , Danger , Stake , Principle , Escalation , Doesn T , United Nations , Article Ii , Time , Military Force , World War I , Currents , Saddam Hussein , Power , Military Campaign , Middle East , Plans , Pessimism , Democratic , Rur Yeah , Chance , Defense , January 11th , 50 , System , Rules , Sphere , Influence , Compromise , Supreme Court , Harvard , Rhetoric , Mill , Evelyn Farkas , Landmark Challenge , Affirmative Action , Policies , University Of North Carolina , Job , Shortlist , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Brain Infection , Adults , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Weight , Events , Stroke , Death , 7 , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Isn T , Reuse , Pens , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Side Effects , Changes , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Stop Ozempic , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Insulin , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Prescription , 25 , 5 , Race , Roe V Wade , College Admissions , Decisions , Biana , Court , Universities , Name , Correspondent Jessica Schneider , Admissions , Precedents , Account Race , 1978 , 2003 , Courts , Asian Americans , University , Challengers , Dispute , University Affirmative Action , Composition , 2014 Harvard , 2016 , Justices , Fate , Majority , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Anthony Kennedy , Education , Amy Coney Barrett , Brett Kavanaugh , Decision , 2023 , June 2023 , Calendar , Guys , Minneapolis Officers , Midterm , Electionselectik , Rights , George Floyd In May , Charges , Derek Chauvin , Entyvio , Symptoms , Medicine , Living , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Treatment , Remission , Infusion , Cd , Uc , Relief , Patients , Doctor , Liver Problems , Infections , Sores , Pml , Entyvioconnect , Gut , Treatments Haven T , Cost , Discoveries , Workforce , Convenience , Necessity , Uncharted Waters , Vmware , Workspace , Companies , App , Outcomes , Solutions , Welcome Change , Faster , Cloud , Advantage , Wow , Visits , Lab Tests , Prescription Drugs , Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage , Uh Huh , Plus , Copays On Tier 1 , 0 , , Premium , Aarp , Recycling System , Workers , Employee , Recology , That S Why , 100 , Ground Up , Language , Gracias , Aircraft , Deployment , Precaution , Law Enforcement , Statements , Trial , Top , May Of 2020 ,

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