Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

of lethal aid arrived in ukraine. 80 tons of weapons reinforcing the country's defenses against the russian forces amassing on the border. also top brass presented the president with the option to bolster forces in the baltics and eastern europe. repositioning 5,000 u.s. troops. >> cnn is covering the story from every angle as only cnn can. nic robertson in russia, jasmine wright in washington, d.c., and melissa bell in paris. we begin with nic in moscow. good morning. how is the kremlin responding to all this? >> reporter: i think we're going to get an update on that in the next hour or so. the kremlin spokesman is due to speak. there is so much has happened. russia has been accused of backing a former, a former ukrainian member of parliament to become the new leader in kiev. that's something we can expect to hear more about. but i think the announcement from president -- the announcement over the weekend that president biden is considering sending up to 5,000 troops is something we can expect to hear more about from the kremlin as well. and we just heard from nato in the last few minutes saying they are committing more nato forces to eastern europe. the danish sending a frigate to the baltic sea, sending four f-16 fighter jets, the dutch are announcing they're going to send two f-35s to bulgaria in the coming months. spain sending a naval vessel and fighter jets as well. there is a very robust response coming from nato at the moment about how it's responding to russia's continued buildup of troops around ukraine. typically the kremlin spokesman is quite sort of careful in his language about these things. i don't think we're going to hear heightened rhetoric or threats coming back from the kremlin. there's been a lot going on. the pressure from -- presented from the united states and its allies to the kremlin and its troop buildup around ukraine, that has certainly grown over this weekend. >> nic robertson, thank you for your reporting. russia surges troops to the ukrainian border. let's bring in jasmine wright. good morning. what do we know the options president biden is considering here? >> reporter: well, christine, it really represents a shift of strategy from the white house, move ag moving away from a restrained stance to a pressurized approach. cnn learned late last night the president was presented, really discussed options to increase troop levels in the baltics and eastern ukraine. according to one senior official that was anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 troops to u.s. allies in that region, in addition to aircraft and also ships. and now this is really important, christine, because up until now, really the white house's focus of discussion, when it came to consequences if russia should invade ukraine, economic, overwhelming. they discussed new options. the president talked about it yesterday -- excuse me, on saturday in the national security briefing at camp david which the white house released photos for. now, that information came after secretary of state tony blinken issued this grave warning on cnn's state of the union on sunday. take a listen. >> if a single additional russian force goes into ukraine in an aggressive way, as i said, that would trigger a swift, a severe and a united response from us and from europe. >> reporter: so, of course, that was tony blinken just a few hours before his state department authorized really non-essential personnel from ukraine and their family members are able to leave now. of course, really kind of emboldening and embolizing this real shift of strategy from the white house when it comes to russia heading into this critical week. >> thank you so much. laura? eu foreign ministers are meeting in brussels to discuss the crisis in ukraine. cnn's melissa bell joins us on that. melissa, what can we expect out of this meeting? >> reporter: well, we're going to be looking to see what unity europe has managed to achieve on this question. of course, laura, what we have been hearing from antony blinken, secretary of state, was the need for unity, a unified response from nato. that unity in nato depends on the european union and the unity that it manages to find on this question. we know this is a bloc severely divided on the approach to take toward russia over the months and years. some favoring dialogue, some favoring strength. that's going to be at the heart of the discussions. we'll look at what would trigger sanctions and what those sanctions would be. they have been working on sanctions behind the scenes, remaining tight lipped. the idea is when they are triggered they come into effect immediately and that is crucial, eu diplomats not going far to tell us what they are. antony blinken will speak by video conference. and in the conclusion from joseph, we'll know more about whether the american secretary of state has achieved in his ambition of seeking unity within nato and its allies in taking that tough stand toward russia, laura, when it comes to sanctions. >> a lot at stake. thank you. a russian invasion of ukraine would shock the global energy markets and potentially raise already high prices around the world, right. the white house working on a global strategy to produce more gas and redirect resources if that happens. the white house talking with countries and countries in europe, middle east, north africa and asia. european leaders quite worried russia would cut off its gas exports to retaliate against western sanctions. the russians are the second largest oil producer in the world behind only the united states. they currently provide europe with 40% of its gas supply. a large portion of that gas travels through ukraine, laura. >> the context there really key. coming up for you later today, three former police officers in minneapolis go on trial. a federal civil rights trial in the death of george floyd. what prosecutors have to prove in that case. plus the new revelation from the january 6 committee, bill barr already talking to them. and what might be one of the greatest playoff games in nfl history. >> for the win, he scores! it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. nope nope c'mon him? 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>> sure. well, in this case, which is a little different than the state case that these officers are still facing later down the line, really what prosecutors have to show is what these officers didn't do as opposed to what the officers did do. and by what i mean by that is that prosecutors are going to have to show that they knew that they were not doing something that they had the duty to do pursuant to their jobs as officers. and that's where they get these federal charges here under the constitution that they woefully deprived george floyd of his constitutional and civil rights. essentially it's going to be just that as you mentioned. derek chauvin, he's already been convicted in the state case. he pled guilty in the similar federal case to the civil right charges. ultimately it's going to be pointing up the chain of command. these officers are going to be pointing at derek chauvin saying, he was the commanding officer on the scene, we were rookies and we were just following orders. i expect to see that defense put forward by their attorneys. >> i also want to ask about a very different type of case, a defamation case in new york. the jury selection begins. sarah pay lynlin about the case gabby gifford. you think the case will be ugly. how come? >> that's because the defamation law is pretty solid for press rights, for the first amendment and the ability for members of press to speak or publish certain things about a public figure. however, i think it's going to be an ugly battle in court. and i say that because "the new york times" had it wrong. there's no way about it. the "the new york times" had it wrong as it reported about sarah palin and about -- there was some content put forth by her campaign, by her representatives, and "the new york times" had it wrong. why it is going to be ugly, we expect the editorial board will be brought down to testify. they will have to explain what steps they took that what they published was true. but the constitution, the first amendment and a case from 1964, which ironically is "the new york times" versus sullivan, has given the pretty a broader leeway to put forth and publish certain material. i think it is going to be a win for "the new york times." but i expect they're going to be put under the microscope in terms of this trial in terms of editorial and reporting process. >> and publishing something you know is wrong is very different than sort of a sloppy or reckless mistake. so this will be an interesting one to watch. emron, thank you so much for getting up with us. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. gonzaga suspended season tickets for a well known alum. john stockton refused to comply with the school's mask mandates at home games. the state of washington went back to enforcing masking rules and eliminated eating and drinking at large arenas. unfortunately he has used his platform for a bunch of anti-vaxing nonsense. the school pushed back. >> we won't repeat the things he says or says he knows here because it is absolute wacha doodle stuff. this is consequences. fine, you have the right to not wear a mask. but the consequence is you don't have a right to sit there in those season tickets and gonzaga deciding the rules were more important than an out-sized personalities. >> that's right. coming up, why dr. anthony fauci now says the covid wave is going in the right direction. plus, could tom brady call it a career? 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>> he's going to do it. i don't think he's going to retire. he's coming back for another season. he always said 45 years old. >> that was unbelievable football to watch. all right, andy. >> i love christine's enthusiasm. >> a it takes a lot to get me excited. that was an amazing weekend of football i have to say. thanks, andy. >> thank you, andy. all right. new york's new mayor reviving an old crime fighting tactic after the deadly shooting of a playoff. and the tv premiere that peloton probably hopes you'll skip. i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinenex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. better skin from your body wash? try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. this morning, major american cities zeroing in on guns. in houston, a manhunt underway after 12-year veteran police officer charles calloway was killed at a traffic stop. in new york, just days earlier, officer jason rivera was shot and killed in harlem. he was responding to a domestic incident. a second n.y.p.d. officer is shot and is in critical condition. new york city mayor eric adams is responding to the spike in gun violence by reviving the controversial plain clothes anti-gun unit. >> immediately we are going to reinstitute a newer version of a plain clothes modified plain clothes anti-gun unit. i talked about this on the campaign trail. our team has done the proper analysis and now we're going to deploy that. >> let's bring in retired n.y.p.d. officer, author of the book, prepared, not scared, your guide for staying safe in an unsafe world. thank you for joining us. you heard the mayor say he's bringing back the plain clothes unit. it was dismantled after aspects were found unconstitutional. what do you think mayor adams is doing here? >> mayor adams sees the crime statistics. he sees officers being shot. he sees his constituents -- he sees the people that vote for him in the city being shot, robbed and worse, murdered. he's taking an old system, revamping it and using it to fight crime. >> so new york is adding mental health professionals we understand to police teams in the subway system. this as the terrible case last night, a 62-year-old man was pushed to the tracks. he's thankfully okay, but subways are tough. you're in this enclosed space, you're trying to get to work, trying to get anywhere, and the tracks are obviously just -- you're sort of a sitting duck there. what's the most effective way to make subways safe? >> well, it's a combination of self-awareness. if you're a citizen in new york city using the subway system, you know, you want to be prepared, not scared. you don't want to stand next to the edge of the platform. you want to have situational awareness. looking around you. and you always want to look for a cop. having a cop closeby is your best defense looking for criminals doing hard to you in the city. >> the 62-year-old man, his message to people was stay away from the edge of the subway platform. we know everyone is jockeying for position trying to get to the doors. stay away from the edge. the officer who was killed friday in new york was responding to a call from a mother who was arguing with her son. he was having some sort of an incident. we call these domestic calls, but really these are highly dangerous situations. should there be a different response in place for everyone's protection? >> well, you said it. one of the most dangerous situations a police officer can go into is a so-called domestic dispute because that's a general term and you don't know what's going to be past that doorway. you know, going in with multiple officers, assessing the situation and making the proper call, arrest, don't arrest, call for an ambulance, call for psychological assistance, these are things front line police officers face every day. general folks have no idea how dangerous this is going into situations like this, and ultimately it resulted in the loss of officer rivera and other officers being shot. >> all right. thank you so much for your perspective this morning, sir. appreciate it. >> great to see you, thank you. >> thank you. in washington turns out the house select committee investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol has been quietly talking to a key person, former attorney general bill bar. katelyn polantz has more. >> reporter: he was on cbs on sunday when he was speaking in an interview. the reason barr's name came up, we didn't get a lot about exactly how much bill barr might know, what he might be in the context of an investigation like this that the house is doing. he could be a witness. he might not be as well because we do know that barr was out of the mix. he had left the justice department in december of 2020. but what representative thompson was speaking about, christine and laura, was a more broader idea that the committee is pursuing that they are looking now at a draft executive order that was not signed by the president, but that they appear to have received in this batch of documents that was sent over by the national archives, essentially allowing the justice department -- i'm sorry, the defense department legally to seize voting machines in various states. and so thompson was bringing this up and he's mentioning barr because he is saying that he wants the committee to be able to, if there is evidence, show the use of federal assets, including agencies in this attempt to overthrow the election. and that, of course, would mean looking very closely at what was happening at the justice department and at the defense department in the days leading up to january 6. >> katelyn, the leader of the oath keepers is awaiting conspiracy charges. >> reporter: he will be in texas. rhodes was arrested two weeks ago in texas. he was picked up by the feds. his case is in d.c., but before he can ever come here, before he starts that long journey in front of a judge and his codefendants here in court in d.c., he has to appear before a judge in texas. so that's going to happen today. and what they're going to be talking about is whether he should stay detained as he awaits trial. he has been in jail so far, and he will go before this judge today who will make a decision. the justice department has already stepped up and they say that they believe they want him to stay in jail because they believe if he is released, he could be a danger to the community and there are other codefendants of his, christine, who are awaiting trial in jail. we'll see what happens today. >> katelyn, you'll be following all of it for us. thank you. laura? the nation's top covid expert says he is cautiously optimistic about the state of the pandemic here in the u.s. listen to him. >> there are still some states in the southern states and western states that continue to go up. but if the pattern follows the trend that we're seeing in other places, such as the northeast, i believe that you will start to see a turn around throughout the entire country. so things are looking good. we don't want to get over confident, but they look like they're going in the right direction right now. >> so here's what dr. fauci is talking about. this pattern you see in new york, the uk, africa. a rapid surge of cases followed by a steep decline in numbers. we have reporters across the globe, scott mclane live for us in london. scott? >> reporter: laura, life in london is about to feel very pre-pandemic as almost all remaining restrictions in england are set to be lifted later this week. meanwhile just across the channel in brussels, protests turned violent over covid restrictions and the french president's plan to piss off the unvaccinated appears to be working. it requires people to show proof of vaccination to access a range of everyday activities. a negative test is no longer good enough. now here's david culver in beijing. >> reporter: thanks, scott. more confirmed cases within the olympic bubble here in beijing. six added today bringing the total number to 78. officials say so far roughly 3200 people have arrived here in china for the olympics. they're going to be kept separate from the rest of us and the rest of china's population. 43 of those cases, by the way, that tested positive did so upon arriving here. we're told that one case was either an athlete or official. olympic organizers did not specify, but they stress there is no widespread infection that is going to affect these games. now to new delhi. >> reporter: thank you, david. the country is reporting over 300,000 new daily cases of covid-19. a conglomerate of labs that have been sequencing covid-19 in india have said that the omicron variant is now in community transmission stage and is the driving force behind the exponential rise in covid-19 cases in the big cities across the country. now over to kristie lu stout in hong kong. >> our thanks to vetica and our correspondents around the globe. back here in the u.s. after nearly two years of screaming silently into a pillow probably, a group of moms in boston let it all out. >> thank you! [ screaming ] sh >> that's the primal scream of moms fed up from work, kids, they are exhausted. they got together at the 50 yard line at a football field and for 20 minutes they screamed and screamed and screamed. you can feel the energy on that field. >> one by one they came out of the tunnel, right? >> who is organizing this, cnn weekly scream? >> it's healthier than a bottle of white wine. >> it is healthier than a bottle of white wine. that is what we all feel, the silent scream. there it is. >> you talk about it all the time, christine. the pandemic has untold effects on moms. moms are the ones who are bearing the brunt of this. obviously dads, too. there are a lot of different situations. >> sure. >> it's been so hard for so many. they just need a release. >> i mean, every day is a major exercise in risk management for your family. and getting organized and figuring out what your priorities are, and that happens every single day. it is covid exhaustion. hats off to them. yes, let's organize a scream, laura. all right. just ahead chinese war planes in taiwan's air space. and how adele dealt with disappointed fans. ♪ please hug me, baby ♪ ♪ i was still a child ♪ and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff and know where your business stands. new business? no problem. yeah. success starts with intuit quickbooks. does sinus congestion and pressure make breathing feel impossible especially at night? try vicks sinex. unlike most sinus treatments, it provides instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours. its powerful decongestant targets congestion at the source, with a dual action formula that relieves nasal congestion and soothes sinus pressure by reducing swelling in the sinuses. for instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours, try vicks sinex. from vicks - trusted relief for over 125 years. 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is that what this is about? >> reporter: laura, that is certainly the assumption. there is rarely a coincidence in this aerial incursions by beijing. they have done frequent flights in the air defense zone in taiwan. this was the biggest so far this year. among them there were 34 fighter jets and a nuclear capable bomber. taiwan did what it often has to do in these cases and it had to scramble. it issued verbal warnings, radio warnings. it activated the missile defense system. it really criticizes china for what it calls carrying out these gray zone tactics to try and put the pressure on taiwan. but as you mention, laura, there was that massive military drill, a naval drill on saturday between the u.s. and the japanese navy. a massive show of force. so it is presumed that that is what beijing is reacting to at this point. from the u.s. point of view, there was a navy aircraft carrier, amphibious assault ship, helicopter, destroyer off the waters in the east coast of taiwan, in the philippine sea. we don't know how close to taiwan presumably close enough that it wasn't acceptable or pleasing to beijing. the u.s. consistently said they are pushing towards freedom of navigation in these waters and also in the south china sea. a u.s. statement from the navy pointing out they were conducting training to preserve and protect a free and open indo-pacific region. clearly not the way that beijing sees it. they see that they have territorial claims in these areas and they actually see taiwan as a renegade province that needs to come back into the fold. laura? >> paula, thank you for staying on top of this one for us. all right, 47 minutes past the hour. let's get a check on cnn business this monday morning. looking at markets around the world, asian shares closed mixed. europe has opened lower here and decidedly so. on wall street, stock index futures are also down. it was a tough week on wall street. nasdaq shed 2.7%. its correction mode for tech for the recent high. it was the worst week for the dow since october 2020. the worst for the nasdaq and s&p since march 2020. remember then those were battle days. they were worried about bond interest rates, the fed reserve raising interest rates this year to fight inflation. and attention turns this week to the fed. no rate hike is expected this week when the central bank meets. instead, wall street is betting the first one comes in march, and some economists are expecting rapid rate increases after that. the recent blast of winter weather could mean record-high heating costs for some americans this year. the u.s. energy information agency says natural gas that's used to heat nearly half of all u.s. homes is 32% more expensive than last year. electricity up 6% almost. heating oil up 35%. look at propane costs. these are real tough increases for consumers. up 44%. that means taken together, u.s. households will pay up to $17 more for heat this winter, depending on where they live and what type of fuel they use. all right. spoil alert. if you're a fan of show time's billions, wegs says he's not going out like mr. big. watch. >> hear you're having a heart attack. >> i'm doing a pale ayton-- a pn class with my girlfriend. she's young. >> a heart attack on a peloton bike. peloton shares plunged when mr. big died when riding a peloton in the seconds and the city spin-off series. tv drama joining board room drama. taking a big stake in peloton demanding changes. the stock is trading below its ipo price. >> it's a household name. >> the pandemic has made so many of these peloton instructors almost famous, right. i mean, famous for all the right reasons. healthy, energetic, but the portrayal on tv hasn't been that positive. >> it's interesting. they filmed that scene before the one in "sex in the city." so both networks had the same idea. they dubbed in the part of mr. big after his demise. >> laura with the great detail. >> i'm up on my pop news this morning. more here. adele gave disappointed fans quite a surprise. cnn's chloe joins us with more on this. chloe, so she had to cancel her shows. she was so upset as we saw. but i think she made up for it. >> p.s., i'm a big billions fan. laura, now that i know that you watch, you're going to see me in your dms, okay? >> i love it. >> we have to recap the show together. i love to stay awake to watch it. >> you know i'm not watching it live. >> neither am i. i just want to remind you guys for those who heard bits and pi pieces over the weekend like my mom, everybody is asking me about adele and what is going on with her residency. let me remind you what she said on instagram that shocked the world on friday. take a listen. >> i'm so sorry, but, um, my show ain't ready. we've tried absolutely everything that we can to put it together in time and for it to be good enough for you, but we've been absolutely destroyed by delivery delays and covid. i can't give you what i have right now. um, i don't got it. i don't got it. >> clearly upset, but this is why people are so taken aback by the fact that adele is postponing this residency that's been in the making for quite a while at caesars palace that was supposed to start on friday night and go until april. she made the announcement on friday, just about 14 hours or less before the show was supposed to begin. fans were already en route. fans were in vegas. people had bought tickets, hotel rooms, you name it for a fabulous weekend with adele. and obviously this is costing millions of dollars to put this residency together. adele saying it's because cast and crew members and different people behind the scenes had a surge in covid, that they couldn't get things together. but a lot of fans were upset as to why she couldn't just get up on a stool and perform acoustically. we spoke to one of those fans. his name is james mason fox. he said, guys he was on the plane on his phone when adele postponed it. the door was closing and he begged the airline to let him off the plane. he goes to vegas and as one does, he complains on tiktok. adele slid into his dms. he thought it was a joke. invited him to come to a pop-up in vegas. her team was there. she was talking to some of the fans in town who didn't go to the concert. she was apologizing very tearfully. she's getting a lot of criticism. >> yeah, that was a smart move because there are a lot of people who showed up in vegas to see the show, didn't have time to change their plans. let's talk about "saturday night live." pete davidson and collin jost made fun of buying a staten island ferry for sale. what happened here? >> they are, both guys now, so collin jost who i didn't realize until yesterday that he actually was born and raised in staten island. i think we all know by now that pete davidson is proudly from staten island. well, these two guys who are buddies and also on snl together, they bought a decommissioned staten island ferry. it's not a joke, but they did joke about it on snl. take a listen. >> we made a ferry. the windowless van of the sea. >> very exciting. we thought the whole thing through. >> even the mayor tweeted about it which is how i found out we have a new mayor. what happened to bloomberg? >> i don't know. >> what are we going to do with this ferry? >> okay. so it turns out they also bought it with a guy named paul italia. you might know him for the comedy stand in new york. they're going to turn it into, drum roll, please, a night club. a floating night club. >> all right. on the ferry. >> they say it's going to take millions of dollars to renovate the staten island ferry, but that is the plan eventually. so i don't know. interesting. >> all right, we'll see. thank you, chloe. >> i can't wait for the soundness of the financial move. we'll watch and cheer on from the sidelines. thanks for joining us, everybody. i'm christine romans. archipelago t >> they should have consulted christine romans on that purchase. i'm laura jarrett. 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Confusion , High Blood Pressure , Blood Thinners , Problems , Blood Counts , Chills , Heart Failure , Weakness , Fevers , Decrease , Diarrhea , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Problems , Signs , Kidney Failure , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Fluids , Bleeding , Growing Up , Food , Memories , Cooking , Love , Kitchen , Meal , Planning , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Nm Com ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

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of lethal aid arrived in ukraine. 80 tons of weapons reinforcing the country's defenses against the russian forces amassing on the border. also top brass presented the president with the option to bolster forces in the baltics and eastern europe. repositioning 5,000 u.s. troops. >> cnn is covering the story from every angle as only cnn can. nic robertson in russia, jasmine wright in washington, d.c., and melissa bell in paris. we begin with nic in moscow. good morning. how is the kremlin responding to all this? >> reporter: i think we're going to get an update on that in the next hour or so. the kremlin spokesman is due to speak. there is so much has happened. russia has been accused of backing a former, a former ukrainian member of parliament to become the new leader in kiev. that's something we can expect to hear more about. but i think the announcement from president -- the announcement over the weekend that president biden is considering sending up to 5,000 troops is something we can expect to hear more about from the kremlin as well. and we just heard from nato in the last few minutes saying they are committing more nato forces to eastern europe. the danish sending a frigate to the baltic sea, sending four f-16 fighter jets, the dutch are announcing they're going to send two f-35s to bulgaria in the coming months. spain sending a naval vessel and fighter jets as well. there is a very robust response coming from nato at the moment about how it's responding to russia's continued buildup of troops around ukraine. typically the kremlin spokesman is quite sort of careful in his language about these things. i don't think we're going to hear heightened rhetoric or threats coming back from the kremlin. there's been a lot going on. the pressure from -- presented from the united states and its allies to the kremlin and its troop buildup around ukraine, that has certainly grown over this weekend. >> nic robertson, thank you for your reporting. russia surges troops to the ukrainian border. let's bring in jasmine wright. good morning. what do we know the options president biden is considering here? >> reporter: well, christine, it really represents a shift of strategy from the white house, move ag moving away from a restrained stance to a pressurized approach. cnn learned late last night the president was presented, really discussed options to increase troop levels in the baltics and eastern ukraine. according to one senior official that was anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 troops to u.s. allies in that region, in addition to aircraft and also ships. and now this is really important, christine, because up until now, really the white house's focus of discussion, when it came to consequences if russia should invade ukraine, economic, overwhelming. they discussed new options. the president talked about it yesterday -- excuse me, on saturday in the national security briefing at camp david which the white house released photos for. now, that information came after secretary of state tony blinken issued this grave warning on cnn's state of the union on sunday. take a listen. >> if a single additional russian force goes into ukraine in an aggressive way, as i said, that would trigger a swift, a severe and a united response from us and from europe. >> reporter: so, of course, that was tony blinken just a few hours before his state department authorized really non-essential personnel from ukraine and their family members are able to leave now. of course, really kind of emboldening and embolizing this real shift of strategy from the white house when it comes to russia heading into this critical week. >> thank you so much. laura? eu foreign ministers are meeting in brussels to discuss the crisis in ukraine. cnn's melissa bell joins us on that. melissa, what can we expect out of this meeting? >> reporter: well, we're going to be looking to see what unity europe has managed to achieve on this question. of course, laura, what we have been hearing from antony blinken, secretary of state, was the need for unity, a unified response from nato. that unity in nato depends on the european union and the unity that it manages to find on this question. we know this is a bloc severely divided on the approach to take toward russia over the months and years. some favoring dialogue, some favoring strength. that's going to be at the heart of the discussions. we'll look at what would trigger sanctions and what those sanctions would be. they have been working on sanctions behind the scenes, remaining tight lipped. the idea is when they are triggered they come into effect immediately and that is crucial, eu diplomats not going far to tell us what they are. antony blinken will speak by video conference. and in the conclusion from joseph, we'll know more about whether the american secretary of state has achieved in his ambition of seeking unity within nato and its allies in taking that tough stand toward russia, laura, when it comes to sanctions. >> a lot at stake. thank you. a russian invasion of ukraine would shock the global energy markets and potentially raise already high prices around the world, right. the white house working on a global strategy to produce more gas and redirect resources if that happens. the white house talking with countries and countries in europe, middle east, north africa and asia. european leaders quite worried russia would cut off its gas exports to retaliate against western sanctions. the russians are the second largest oil producer in the world behind only the united states. they currently provide europe with 40% of its gas supply. a large portion of that gas travels through ukraine, laura. >> the context there really key. coming up for you later today, three former police officers in minneapolis go on trial. a federal civil rights trial in the death of george floyd. what prosecutors have to prove in that case. plus the new revelation from the january 6 committee, bill barr already talking to them. and what might be one of the greatest playoff games in nfl history. >> for the win, he scores! it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. nope nope c'mon him? 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>> sure. well, in this case, which is a little different than the state case that these officers are still facing later down the line, really what prosecutors have to show is what these officers didn't do as opposed to what the officers did do. and by what i mean by that is that prosecutors are going to have to show that they knew that they were not doing something that they had the duty to do pursuant to their jobs as officers. and that's where they get these federal charges here under the constitution that they woefully deprived george floyd of his constitutional and civil rights. essentially it's going to be just that as you mentioned. derek chauvin, he's already been convicted in the state case. he pled guilty in the similar federal case to the civil right charges. ultimately it's going to be pointing up the chain of command. these officers are going to be pointing at derek chauvin saying, he was the commanding officer on the scene, we were rookies and we were just following orders. i expect to see that defense put forward by their attorneys. >> i also want to ask about a very different type of case, a defamation case in new york. the jury selection begins. sarah pay lynlin about the case gabby gifford. you think the case will be ugly. how come? >> that's because the defamation law is pretty solid for press rights, for the first amendment and the ability for members of press to speak or publish certain things about a public figure. however, i think it's going to be an ugly battle in court. and i say that because "the new york times" had it wrong. there's no way about it. the "the new york times" had it wrong as it reported about sarah palin and about -- there was some content put forth by her campaign, by her representatives, and "the new york times" had it wrong. why it is going to be ugly, we expect the editorial board will be brought down to testify. they will have to explain what steps they took that what they published was true. but the constitution, the first amendment and a case from 1964, which ironically is "the new york times" versus sullivan, has given the pretty a broader leeway to put forth and publish certain material. i think it is going to be a win for "the new york times." but i expect they're going to be put under the microscope in terms of this trial in terms of editorial and reporting process. >> and publishing something you know is wrong is very different than sort of a sloppy or reckless mistake. so this will be an interesting one to watch. emron, thank you so much for getting up with us. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. gonzaga suspended season tickets for a well known alum. john stockton refused to comply with the school's mask mandates at home games. the state of washington went back to enforcing masking rules and eliminated eating and drinking at large arenas. unfortunately he has used his platform for a bunch of anti-vaxing nonsense. the school pushed back. >> we won't repeat the things he says or says he knows here because it is absolute wacha doodle stuff. this is consequences. fine, you have the right to not wear a mask. but the consequence is you don't have a right to sit there in those season tickets and gonzaga deciding the rules were more important than an out-sized personalities. >> that's right. coming up, why dr. anthony fauci now says the covid wave is going in the right direction. plus, could tom brady call it a career? oh, oh, john berman is not going to be happy. reaction after a tough playoff loss. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probtic to naturally helsoothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the ps in digestive health. and join thelign healthy gut team up anlearn what millions of align users already know. how great a healthy gut can feel. sign up at also try align dualbiotics gummies to help support digestive health. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile, customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 ...and t-mobile will pay for it! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile... let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers, can upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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>> he's going to do it. i don't think he's going to retire. he's coming back for another season. he always said 45 years old. >> that was unbelievable football to watch. all right, andy. >> i love christine's enthusiasm. >> a it takes a lot to get me excited. that was an amazing weekend of football i have to say. thanks, andy. >> thank you, andy. all right. new york's new mayor reviving an old crime fighting tactic after the deadly shooting of a playoff. and the tv premiere that peloton probably hopes you'll skip. i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinenex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. better skin from your body wash? try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. this morning, major american cities zeroing in on guns. in houston, a manhunt underway after 12-year veteran police officer charles calloway was killed at a traffic stop. in new york, just days earlier, officer jason rivera was shot and killed in harlem. he was responding to a domestic incident. a second n.y.p.d. officer is shot and is in critical condition. new york city mayor eric adams is responding to the spike in gun violence by reviving the controversial plain clothes anti-gun unit. >> immediately we are going to reinstitute a newer version of a plain clothes modified plain clothes anti-gun unit. i talked about this on the campaign trail. our team has done the proper analysis and now we're going to deploy that. >> let's bring in retired n.y.p.d. officer, author of the book, prepared, not scared, your guide for staying safe in an unsafe world. thank you for joining us. you heard the mayor say he's bringing back the plain clothes unit. it was dismantled after aspects were found unconstitutional. what do you think mayor adams is doing here? >> mayor adams sees the crime statistics. he sees officers being shot. he sees his constituents -- he sees the people that vote for him in the city being shot, robbed and worse, murdered. he's taking an old system, revamping it and using it to fight crime. >> so new york is adding mental health professionals we understand to police teams in the subway system. this as the terrible case last night, a 62-year-old man was pushed to the tracks. he's thankfully okay, but subways are tough. you're in this enclosed space, you're trying to get to work, trying to get anywhere, and the tracks are obviously just -- you're sort of a sitting duck there. what's the most effective way to make subways safe? >> well, it's a combination of self-awareness. if you're a citizen in new york city using the subway system, you know, you want to be prepared, not scared. you don't want to stand next to the edge of the platform. you want to have situational awareness. looking around you. and you always want to look for a cop. having a cop closeby is your best defense looking for criminals doing hard to you in the city. >> the 62-year-old man, his message to people was stay away from the edge of the subway platform. we know everyone is jockeying for position trying to get to the doors. stay away from the edge. the officer who was killed friday in new york was responding to a call from a mother who was arguing with her son. he was having some sort of an incident. we call these domestic calls, but really these are highly dangerous situations. should there be a different response in place for everyone's protection? >> well, you said it. one of the most dangerous situations a police officer can go into is a so-called domestic dispute because that's a general term and you don't know what's going to be past that doorway. you know, going in with multiple officers, assessing the situation and making the proper call, arrest, don't arrest, call for an ambulance, call for psychological assistance, these are things front line police officers face every day. general folks have no idea how dangerous this is going into situations like this, and ultimately it resulted in the loss of officer rivera and other officers being shot. >> all right. thank you so much for your perspective this morning, sir. appreciate it. >> great to see you, thank you. >> thank you. in washington turns out the house select committee investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol has been quietly talking to a key person, former attorney general bill bar. katelyn polantz has more. >> reporter: he was on cbs on sunday when he was speaking in an interview. the reason barr's name came up, we didn't get a lot about exactly how much bill barr might know, what he might be in the context of an investigation like this that the house is doing. he could be a witness. he might not be as well because we do know that barr was out of the mix. he had left the justice department in december of 2020. but what representative thompson was speaking about, christine and laura, was a more broader idea that the committee is pursuing that they are looking now at a draft executive order that was not signed by the president, but that they appear to have received in this batch of documents that was sent over by the national archives, essentially allowing the justice department -- i'm sorry, the defense department legally to seize voting machines in various states. and so thompson was bringing this up and he's mentioning barr because he is saying that he wants the committee to be able to, if there is evidence, show the use of federal assets, including agencies in this attempt to overthrow the election. and that, of course, would mean looking very closely at what was happening at the justice department and at the defense department in the days leading up to january 6. >> katelyn, the leader of the oath keepers is awaiting conspiracy charges. >> reporter: he will be in texas. rhodes was arrested two weeks ago in texas. he was picked up by the feds. his case is in d.c., but before he can ever come here, before he starts that long journey in front of a judge and his codefendants here in court in d.c., he has to appear before a judge in texas. so that's going to happen today. and what they're going to be talking about is whether he should stay detained as he awaits trial. he has been in jail so far, and he will go before this judge today who will make a decision. the justice department has already stepped up and they say that they believe they want him to stay in jail because they believe if he is released, he could be a danger to the community and there are other codefendants of his, christine, who are awaiting trial in jail. we'll see what happens today. >> katelyn, you'll be following all of it for us. thank you. laura? the nation's top covid expert says he is cautiously optimistic about the state of the pandemic here in the u.s. listen to him. >> there are still some states in the southern states and western states that continue to go up. but if the pattern follows the trend that we're seeing in other places, such as the northeast, i believe that you will start to see a turn around throughout the entire country. so things are looking good. we don't want to get over confident, but they look like they're going in the right direction right now. >> so here's what dr. fauci is talking about. this pattern you see in new york, the uk, africa. a rapid surge of cases followed by a steep decline in numbers. we have reporters across the globe, scott mclane live for us in london. scott? >> reporter: laura, life in london is about to feel very pre-pandemic as almost all remaining restrictions in england are set to be lifted later this week. meanwhile just across the channel in brussels, protests turned violent over covid restrictions and the french president's plan to piss off the unvaccinated appears to be working. it requires people to show proof of vaccination to access a range of everyday activities. a negative test is no longer good enough. now here's david culver in beijing. >> reporter: thanks, scott. more confirmed cases within the olympic bubble here in beijing. six added today bringing the total number to 78. officials say so far roughly 3200 people have arrived here in china for the olympics. they're going to be kept separate from the rest of us and the rest of china's population. 43 of those cases, by the way, that tested positive did so upon arriving here. we're told that one case was either an athlete or official. olympic organizers did not specify, but they stress there is no widespread infection that is going to affect these games. now to new delhi. >> reporter: thank you, david. the country is reporting over 300,000 new daily cases of covid-19. a conglomerate of labs that have been sequencing covid-19 in india have said that the omicron variant is now in community transmission stage and is the driving force behind the exponential rise in covid-19 cases in the big cities across the country. now over to kristie lu stout in hong kong. >> our thanks to vetica and our correspondents around the globe. back here in the u.s. after nearly two years of screaming silently into a pillow probably, a group of moms in boston let it all out. >> thank you! [ screaming ] sh >> that's the primal scream of moms fed up from work, kids, they are exhausted. they got together at the 50 yard line at a football field and for 20 minutes they screamed and screamed and screamed. you can feel the energy on that field. >> one by one they came out of the tunnel, right? >> who is organizing this, cnn weekly scream? >> it's healthier than a bottle of white wine. >> it is healthier than a bottle of white wine. that is what we all feel, the silent scream. there it is. >> you talk about it all the time, christine. the pandemic has untold effects on moms. moms are the ones who are bearing the brunt of this. obviously dads, too. there are a lot of different situations. >> sure. >> it's been so hard for so many. they just need a release. >> i mean, every day is a major exercise in risk management for your family. and getting organized and figuring out what your priorities are, and that happens every single day. it is covid exhaustion. hats off to them. yes, let's organize a scream, laura. all right. just ahead chinese war planes in taiwan's air space. and how adele dealt with disappointed fans. ♪ please hug me, baby ♪ ♪ i was still a child ♪ and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff and know where your business stands. new business? no problem. yeah. success starts with intuit quickbooks. does sinus congestion and pressure make breathing feel impossible especially at night? try vicks sinex. unlike most sinus treatments, it provides instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours. its powerful decongestant targets congestion at the source, with a dual action formula that relieves nasal congestion and soothes sinus pressure by reducing swelling in the sinuses. for instant relief that lasts up to 12 hours, try vicks sinex. from vicks - trusted relief for over 125 years. 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is that what this is about? >> reporter: laura, that is certainly the assumption. there is rarely a coincidence in this aerial incursions by beijing. they have done frequent flights in the air defense zone in taiwan. this was the biggest so far this year. among them there were 34 fighter jets and a nuclear capable bomber. taiwan did what it often has to do in these cases and it had to scramble. it issued verbal warnings, radio warnings. it activated the missile defense system. it really criticizes china for what it calls carrying out these gray zone tactics to try and put the pressure on taiwan. but as you mention, laura, there was that massive military drill, a naval drill on saturday between the u.s. and the japanese navy. a massive show of force. so it is presumed that that is what beijing is reacting to at this point. from the u.s. point of view, there was a navy aircraft carrier, amphibious assault ship, helicopter, destroyer off the waters in the east coast of taiwan, in the philippine sea. we don't know how close to taiwan presumably close enough that it wasn't acceptable or pleasing to beijing. the u.s. consistently said they are pushing towards freedom of navigation in these waters and also in the south china sea. a u.s. statement from the navy pointing out they were conducting training to preserve and protect a free and open indo-pacific region. clearly not the way that beijing sees it. they see that they have territorial claims in these areas and they actually see taiwan as a renegade province that needs to come back into the fold. laura? >> paula, thank you for staying on top of this one for us. all right, 47 minutes past the hour. let's get a check on cnn business this monday morning. looking at markets around the world, asian shares closed mixed. europe has opened lower here and decidedly so. on wall street, stock index futures are also down. it was a tough week on wall street. nasdaq shed 2.7%. its correction mode for tech for the recent high. it was the worst week for the dow since october 2020. the worst for the nasdaq and s&p since march 2020. remember then those were battle days. they were worried about bond interest rates, the fed reserve raising interest rates this year to fight inflation. and attention turns this week to the fed. no rate hike is expected this week when the central bank meets. instead, wall street is betting the first one comes in march, and some economists are expecting rapid rate increases after that. the recent blast of winter weather could mean record-high heating costs for some americans this year. the u.s. energy information agency says natural gas that's used to heat nearly half of all u.s. homes is 32% more expensive than last year. electricity up 6% almost. heating oil up 35%. look at propane costs. these are real tough increases for consumers. up 44%. that means taken together, u.s. households will pay up to $17 more for heat this winter, depending on where they live and what type of fuel they use. all right. spoil alert. if you're a fan of show time's billions, wegs says he's not going out like mr. big. watch. >> hear you're having a heart attack. >> i'm doing a pale ayton-- a pn class with my girlfriend. she's young. >> a heart attack on a peloton bike. peloton shares plunged when mr. big died when riding a peloton in the seconds and the city spin-off series. tv drama joining board room drama. taking a big stake in peloton demanding changes. the stock is trading below its ipo price. >> it's a household name. >> the pandemic has made so many of these peloton instructors almost famous, right. i mean, famous for all the right reasons. healthy, energetic, but the portrayal on tv hasn't been that positive. >> it's interesting. they filmed that scene before the one in "sex in the city." so both networks had the same idea. they dubbed in the part of mr. big after his demise. >> laura with the great detail. >> i'm up on my pop news this morning. more here. adele gave disappointed fans quite a surprise. cnn's chloe joins us with more on this. chloe, so she had to cancel her shows. she was so upset as we saw. but i think she made up for it. >> p.s., i'm a big billions fan. laura, now that i know that you watch, you're going to see me in your dms, okay? >> i love it. >> we have to recap the show together. i love to stay awake to watch it. >> you know i'm not watching it live. >> neither am i. i just want to remind you guys for those who heard bits and pi pieces over the weekend like my mom, everybody is asking me about adele and what is going on with her residency. let me remind you what she said on instagram that shocked the world on friday. take a listen. >> i'm so sorry, but, um, my show ain't ready. we've tried absolutely everything that we can to put it together in time and for it to be good enough for you, but we've been absolutely destroyed by delivery delays and covid. i can't give you what i have right now. um, i don't got it. i don't got it. >> clearly upset, but this is why people are so taken aback by the fact that adele is postponing this residency that's been in the making for quite a while at caesars palace that was supposed to start on friday night and go until april. she made the announcement on friday, just about 14 hours or less before the show was supposed to begin. fans were already en route. fans were in vegas. people had bought tickets, hotel rooms, you name it for a fabulous weekend with adele. and obviously this is costing millions of dollars to put this residency together. adele saying it's because cast and crew members and different people behind the scenes had a surge in covid, that they couldn't get things together. but a lot of fans were upset as to why she couldn't just get up on a stool and perform acoustically. we spoke to one of those fans. his name is james mason fox. he said, guys he was on the plane on his phone when adele postponed it. the door was closing and he begged the airline to let him off the plane. he goes to vegas and as one does, he complains on tiktok. adele slid into his dms. he thought it was a joke. invited him to come to a pop-up in vegas. her team was there. she was talking to some of the fans in town who didn't go to the concert. she was apologizing very tearfully. she's getting a lot of criticism. >> yeah, that was a smart move because there are a lot of people who showed up in vegas to see the show, didn't have time to change their plans. let's talk about "saturday night live." pete davidson and collin jost made fun of buying a staten island ferry for sale. what happened here? >> they are, both guys now, so collin jost who i didn't realize until yesterday that he actually was born and raised in staten island. i think we all know by now that pete davidson is proudly from staten island. well, these two guys who are buddies and also on snl together, they bought a decommissioned staten island ferry. it's not a joke, but they did joke about it on snl. take a listen. >> we made a ferry. the windowless van of the sea. >> very exciting. we thought the whole thing through. >> even the mayor tweeted about it which is how i found out we have a new mayor. what happened to bloomberg? >> i don't know. >> what are we going to do with this ferry? >> okay. so it turns out they also bought it with a guy named paul italia. you might know him for the comedy stand in new york. they're going to turn it into, drum roll, please, a night club. a floating night club. >> all right. on the ferry. >> they say it's going to take millions of dollars to renovate the staten island ferry, but that is the plan eventually. so i don't know. interesting. >> all right, we'll see. thank you, chloe. >> i can't wait for the soundness of the financial move. we'll watch and cheer on from the sidelines. thanks for joining us, everybody. i'm christine romans. archipelago t >> they should have consulted christine romans on that purchase. i'm laura jarrett. 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Business , Ready , Sale , Save , Set , Possibilities , Comcast Business , U S , Laura Jarrett , Everyone , Thanks , New York , All Around The World , Start , Viewers , Monday Morning , Christine Romans , January 24th , 00 , 24 , Monday January 24th , 5 , President , Eastern Ukraine , Russian , Family Members , Staff , Departure , Standoff , Embassy Personnel , Drawing , Last Night A Second Shipment , Kiev , Biden Signalling Stiffened Resolve , Vladimir Putin , Country , Forces , Border , Defenses , Option , Aid , Weapons , Brass , Baltics , 80 , Cnn , Eastern Europe , Story , Repositioning , Troops , Nic Robertson , Angle , Melissa Bell , Jasmine Wright , Can , In Paris , Nic In Moscow , Washington D C , 5000 , Reporter , Spokesman , Kremlin , Update , Weekend , Something , Announcement , Leader , Former , Member Of Parliament , Backing , Biden , Nato , Danish , Fighter Jets , Frigate , Vessel , Baltic Sea , Dutch , Bulgaria , Spain , Two , Four , 16 , 35 , Response , Fighter , Jets , Buildup , Pressure , Lot , Things , Language , Threats , Rhetoric , Allies , Troop Buildup , Reporting , Strategy , Options , Christine , Shift , White House , Approach , Stance , Troop Levels , Move Ag , Late Last Night , Official , Ships , Aircraft , Region , Addition , 1000 , One , Consequences , Focus Of Discussion , Overwhelming , It , Secretary Of State , Tony Blinken , Warning , Information , Security , Briefing , Photos , Camp David , State Of The Union , On Sunday , Way , Force , Listen , Single , Swift , Course , State Department , Personnel , Emboldening , Ministers , Eu , Question , Meeting , Unity Europe , Crisis , Brussels , Unity , Hearing , Need , Strength , Heart , Bloc , Discussions , Dialogue , Sanctions , Idea , Scenes , Effect , Remaining Tight Lipped , Diplomats , Video Conference , Conclusion , Joseph , Stake , Ambition , Stand , Invasion , World , Gas , Countries , Energy Markets , Prices , Resources , Redirect , Middle East , North Africa , Asia , Russians , Leaders , Gas Supply , Oil , Exports , Producer , Western , 40 , Police Officers , Death , Context , Killing George Floyd , Portion , Federal Civil Rights Trial , Minneapolis Go On Trial , Three , Case , Prosecutors , Committee , Nfl , Playoff Games , Win , Bill Barr , Revelation , 6 , January 6 , Protein , Help , Place , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Muscle Health , Support , Blood Sugar Levels , Hunger , Best , Nutrients , Blend , Emergen C , Emergen C Nope , Bounty , Noooo , Nooooo , Picker Upper , Absorbent , Sheet , 2 , Eight , Nine , Diabetes , Musician , My Name , Austin James , System , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , 8 2 , 6 7 , Congestion , Mucinex , Freestylelibre Us Kim , Mystery , Australia , Save It Slimeball , 12 , 3 , Eyes , Combo , Sandpaper , Preservatives , Biotrue , Ingredients , Eye Drops , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Kiss , With Kay , Kisses , Led , Opening Statements , Minneapolis , Trial , Part , Charges , Derek Chauvin , Trial Attorney , Lang All Face Life In Prison , Alexander Kang , Crime , Situation , Defendants , Analyst , Network , Law , Rookies , Hierarchy , Officers , Estate , Down The Line , The Show , Duty , Constitution , Rights , Jobs , Chain Of Command , Defense , Scene , Type , Commanding Officer , Attorneys , Orders , Saying , Sarah Palin , Defamation Case , Jury Selection , Pay , Amendment , Members , Press Rights , Defamation Law , Ability , Gabby Gifford , Ugly Battle In Court , Press , New York Times , Figure , Content , Editorial Board , Campaign , Representatives , 1964 , Material , Leeway , Versus Sullivan , Terms , Microscope , Process , Publishing , Mistake , Season , Tickets , Gonzaga , Alum , Emron , John Stockton , State Of Washington , Masking Rules , Drinking , Arenas , The School S Mask Mandates At Home Games , Platform , School , Nonsense , Bunch , Wacha , Right , Mask , Consequence , Rules , Fine , Doodle Stuff , Reaction , Dr , Direction , Tom Brady , Personalities , Plus , Career , Playoff Loss , Oh , Coming Up , Anthony Fauci , Covid Wave , John Berman , Millions , Discomfort , Bloating , Try Align , Health , Probtic , Taking Align , Users , Helsoothe Digestive , Thelign Healthy Gut , Anlearn , 24 7 , Gut , Alignprobiotics Com , Dualbiotics , 4 , Plan , T Mobile , Customers , Iphone 13 , Ronald , Magenta Max , Iphone On T Mobile , 13 , Stop Taking Jardiance , Prescriptions , Type 2 Diabetes , Half , Gonna Get Creamed , 25 Million , Adults , Risk , Heart Disease , Pill , Heart Risk , Cream , Coffee , Sweat , Boston , Infection , Side Effects , Heart Attack , Ketoacidosis , Life , Side Effect , Urinary Tract Infections , Kidney Problems , Stroke , Dehydration , Yeast , Doctor , Skin , Don T , Symptoms , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Perineum , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Daily Vicks , Pack , Super C , Dayquil , Medicine , Supplement , Vitamin C , B Vitamins , Coughing , Power , Championships , Football , Fans , Patrick Mahomes , Play , Andy Scholes , Morning , Bleacher Report , Chiefs , Games , Time , Josh Allen , Bills Game Last Night , Gabriel Davids , Yard Touchdown , 27 , Bills , Lead , Conversion , Tyreke Hill , Game , Point , Touchdown , Hookup , Bills Weren T , Allen Answers , 64 , Field Goal , Last , Overtime , Passes , Coin Toss , Toemhomes Leadm , Travis Kelsey , 49 , People , Thriller , Chance , Overtime Rules , Great Game , Kansas City , The Field , 36 , 42 , Team , Rest , Points , Arrow Head , 25 , Bucs , Most , Regulation , Postseason History , Tampa , Fumble , Rams , 55 , 7 , Crowd , Him , Catches , Middle , Raymond James Stadium , Incredible , Matthew Stafford , Cooper , 44 , 1 , 30 , Kind , Man , Somebody , Many , Comeback , Soul , Score , Fun , Field , Future , Undecided , Tom Brady Walk Off , Haven T , Test , Truth , Thought , Five , 49ers , Stadium , Afc Championship Game , Bengals , L A , Guys , Sofi Stadium , Home Stadium , Super Bowl Lvi On February 13th , Super Bowl , February 13th , Tom Brady Retirement Stuff , Anybody , Enthusiasm , 45 , Mayor , Playoff , Shooting , Tv Premiere , Crime Fighting Tactic , Mucinenex , Asthma , Anything , Infections , Nunormal , Breathing , Reactions , Breathing Problems , Swelling , Nucala , Add On Treatment , Face , Mouth , Trouble , Tongue , Shingles , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Back Pain , Fatigue , Asthma Specialist , Don T Stop Steroids , Thirty , Energy , Body Wash , Sugar , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay Body , Olay , Charles Calloway , Houston , Guns , Manhunt , Veteran , Cities Zeroing , Jason Rivera , Incident , Traffic Stop , Second Nypd , Harlem , Eric Adams , Unit , Clothes , Version , Condition , Gun Violence , Spike , Officer , Campaign Trail , Analysis , Author , Retired Nypd , Safe , Staying , Book , Aspects , Guide , City , Shot , Crime Statistics , Constituents , Vote , Subway System , Teams , Mental Health Professionals , Murdered , Old Man , Tracks , Work , Space , Subways , Anywhere , Sitting Duck , 62 , Citizen , Self Awareness , Combination , Edge , Cop , Awareness , Closeby , In The City , Criminals , Doors , Position , Message , Jockeying , Subway Platform , Situations , Call , Protection , Calls , Sort , Son , Mother , Term , Doorway , Domestic Dispute , Front Line , Ambulance , Assistance , Arrest , Don T Arrest , Perspective , Loss , Folks , Rivera , Attack , Person , Sir , Attorney General Bill Bar , House Select Committee , U S Capitol , Katelyn Polantz , Name , Up , Interview , Reason Barr , Cbs , Department In December , House , Barr , Investigation , Witness , Mix , Representative Thompson , 2020 , December Of 2020 , Batch , Draft Executive Order , States , Department , I M Sorry , Documents , Voting Machines , The National Archives , Evidence , Election , Agencies , Attempt , Assets , Use , Oath Keepers , Judge , Codefendants , Court , Conspiracy Charges , Journey , Front , Texas , Rhodes , The Feds , Jail , Justice Department , Decision , Community , Danger , Pandemic , Covid Expert , Wall , Nation , Pattern , Northeast , Places , Trend , Good , Africa , Uk , Cases , Globe , Numbers , London , Surge , Scott Mclane , Restrictions , Protests , Channel , Over Covid , England , French , Enough , Activities , Unvaccinated , Range , Vaccination , David Culver In Beijing , Proof , Beijing , China , Number , Bubble , Olympics , Officials , Olympic , Six , 78 , 3200 , Dha China S , Positive , Organizers , Athlete , 43 , David , New Delhi , Conglomerate , Labs , Covid 19 , Omicron Variant , India , Community Transmission Stage , 300000 , 19 , Cities , Rise , Hong Kong , Kristie Lu Stout , Vetica , Moms , Correspondents , Pillow , Group , Sh , Screaming , Primal Scream , Fed Up , Kids , Football Field , Line , 20 , 50 , Feel , Bottle , Tunnel , Silent Scream , Ones , Effects , Brunt , Exercise , Family , Risk Management , Hats , Priorities , Release , Yes , Covid Exhaustion , Taiwan , Adele , War Planes , Air Space , Baby , Everything , Side , Pointing , Child , Voice , Furniture Maker , Furniture , Business Finances , Lost , Vicks Sinex , Problem , Business Stands , Intuit Quickbooks , Sinus Treatments , Success Starts , Relief , Sinus Pressure , Nasal Congestion , Sinuses , Source , Action Formula , Targets , Someone , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Science , Sfx , Neuriva Plus , Tv , 125 , Some , Brain Performance , Healthcare System , Indicators , Minds , Neuriva , Mass General Brigham , Research , Physicians , Harvard Medical School , Doctors , Hospitals , Centers , Biotech Innovates , Times , Electorlytes , Care , Brigham , One Mass General , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Island , Tensions , 39 , Paula Hancocks , Mission , Air Defense Zone Sunday , Japan , Coincidence , Assumption , Incursions , Flights , Air Defense Zone , Biggest , Bomber , 34 , Warnings , Missile Defense System , Radio Warnings , Zone Tactics , Japanese Navy , Military Drill , Waters , Amphibious Assault Ship , Point Of View , Helicopter , Destroyer , Aircraft Carrier , Philippine Sea , East Coast , Freedom , Training , Navigation , Statement , South China Sea , Wasn T , Areas , Province , Claims , Indo Pacific Region , Check , Top , Markets , Shares , Fold , Asian , 47 , Nasdaq And S P , Stock Index Futures , Correction Mode , High , Wall Street , 2 7 , Reserve Raising Interest Rates , Bond Interest Rates , Worst , Fed , Battle Days , Dow , March 2020 , October 2020 , Rate , Rate Hike , Meets , Inflation , Attention , Winter Weather , Blast , Economists , March , Central Bank , Homes , Heating Costs , Natural Gas , Energy Information Agency , 32 , Consumers , Heating Oil , Propane Costs , Increases , Mr , Fan , Households , Billions , Heat , Winter , Fuel , Spoil Alert , Wegs , 17 , Pale Ayton , Watch , Class , Girlfriend , Big , Peloton Shares , Riding A Peloton , Peloton Bike , Stock , Peloton , Series , Household Name , Changes , Tv Drama , Ipo Price , Spin Off , Board Room Drama , Hasn T , Peloton Instructors , Reasons , Portrayal , Sex In The City , Networks , Demise , Detail , Pop News , Surprise , Chloe , Big Billions Fan , P S , Dms , Bits , Residency , Everybody , Mom , Um , Pieces , Pi , Instagram , My Show Ain T , Delivery Delays , Aback , Fact , Making , Friday Night , Caesars Palace , 14 , Vegas , Hotel Rooms , En Route , Cast , Crew , Stool , Acoustically , Surge In Covid , James Mason , Plane , Door , Phone , Airline , Fox , Joke , Pop Up In Vegas , Tiktok , Didn T , Move , Concert , Town , Apologizing , Criticism , Didn T Go , Collin Jost , Plans , Pete Davidson , Staten Island Ferry , Buying A , Saturday Night Live , Know By Now , Snl , Staten Island , Buddies , Ferry , Thing , Sea , Windowless Van , I Don T Know , Bloomberg , Comedy Stand , Drum Roll , Night Club , Paul Italia , Sidelines , Soundness , Archipelago T , Purchase , Vo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , Therapy , Heart Rhythm Problems , Cancers , Confusion , High Blood Pressure , Blood Thinners , Problems , Blood Counts , Chills , Heart Failure , Weakness , Fevers , Decrease , Diarrhea , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Problems , Signs , Kidney Failure , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Fluids , Bleeding , Growing Up , Food , Memories , Cooking , Love , Kitchen , Meal , Planning , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Nm Com ,

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