Transcripts For CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS 20240708 : comparemel

Transcripts For CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS 20240708

minister boris johnson hold on? >> in hindsight -- >> i will talk about all of that and more with richard haass, anne applebaum and david miliband. also, stocks are volatile, inflation is stubborn, oil hits seven-year highs and china's growth starts to slow. what is going on with the economy? >> now we need to get inflation under control. >> i will talk to rana foroohar of "the financial times." but first here is my take. what does vladimir putin want? it's a question washington finds hard to answer because, let's face it, we americans rarely put ourselves in other people's shoes. two important essays by dmitri trennen in foreign affairs provide some clues. both suggest that putin has stated power for over 20 years not by being a reckless gambler but rather by being careful, even rational. trenen points out that putin has watched four waves of nato expansionism since he took power. his military incursions have usually been reactions to events rather than grand initiatives of his own. in 2008 it followed georgia's decision to retake the separatist province of south acetia. in 2014 it came on the heels of an uprising in ukraine that drove the president out of office. his one significant military intervention in an area that was not historically part of russia's core security sphere, syria, has been limited mostly using russian air power. in the case of the invasion of ukraine, putin's first effort was to bribe ukraine with an offer of $15 billion in loans and lower prices for gas, a reward in a sense after it rejected an association agreement with the european union. yanukovych accepted the slight, igniting protests then fled his country. then putin annexed crimea. in recent years he has tried to get the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky to make a deal on the eastern ukrainian region of donbas, home of the highest proportion of russian speakers in the country and where russian army irregulars have been fomenting an insurgency. he tried to get the germans to accept a referendum on secession. to the liberal reformer gosh involve russian leaders have regarded ukraine as fundamentally tied to moscow. ukraine's first two presidents while asserting the country's new found independence were careful not to break too sharply with moscow. according to a census conducted in 2001 almost 30% of the country's population spoke russian as their first language. putin's dilemma is that ukraine is in slow motion escaping russia's grasp. in the last decade the country has become more independent, democratic and pro-western. the west has been cooperating and assisting in an ever greater measure but putin is also probably cautious of the reality that an outright russian invasion would create what he loathes most, a permanently anti-russian ukraine. his goal, then, is to get the americans and europeans to recognize that ukrainian membership in nato is a step too far. he also wants kyiv to recognize that in the long run it has to have good by which he means respectful, even subservient relations with russia. for the west, ukraine is an important noble cause, but not central to its grand strategy. for putin, it is a key russian national interest and russia is next door, has deep ties to the country. ukrainians have told me that russian spies are active in every part of the country, including the government. so putin can find many ways to keep ukraine crippled, weak and dysfunctional. trenen speculates if moscow's negotiations with nato were to fail, russia might recognize the two eastern ukrainian provinces where separatists have already proclaimed people's republics. moscow has already used the same approach with georgia where russia has recognized the two russian dominated parts of the country as independent states. one crucial question that we should ask is where is putin doing this now? partly he sees nato creating a de facto alliance with kyiv, but putin must be aware that this is a moment of russian strength. at a time when there is a growing energy crisis around the world, russia has consolidated its position as an energy super power. energy prices are rising across the globe, but perhaps nowhere as sharply as in europe. the price of natural gas usedly most europeans to heat their homes rose by more than 400% in 2021. yet in recent years most european countries have been shutting down their gas production, even as they've been unable to ramp up renewables to completely take their place. the result, they are critically dependent on russian gas. meanwhile, ukraine, which has received about $2.5 billion annually to allow russian gas to travel through its country, could see those revenues plummet if nord stream 2, a pipeline designed to transit more russian gas directly to germany and europe is certified. in these certifications sanctions against russia could trigger an energy crisis in europe on the scale of the 1970s oil crisis which no european government would want. all of which is to say vladimir putin is not engaging in reckless adventurism. he takes risks, but he has calculated the arts carefully and right now they are in his favor. go to for a link to my "washington post" column this week. and let's get started. let us keep talking about russia and ukraine. the british foreign office announced yesterday that it has information that russia is looking to install a pro-russian leader in kyiv, the ukrainian capital. russia called the report misinformation and said the foreign office should stop initiating in provocations. david miliband used to run the british foreign office when he was foreign secretary, today he is president and ceo of the international rescue committee. anne applebaum is a pulitzer prize winning historian and staff writer at the atlantic. she is the author of "red famine: stallen's war on ukraine." richard haass served as director of policy planning in the state department. richard, what the west and united states principally is trying to do is clearly some mixture of deterrents to keep the russians at bay and diplomacy. do you think the biden administration is getting this balance right? >> with the exception of the press conference this past week, fareed, i would say yes, what they've done is essentially said if you go in there will be an economic price to pay. second of all, we will give ukraine the means not to stop your invasion, but to raise the costs of it and certainly to raise the costs of any subsequent occupation. third, we will then, the united states and nato, reinforce other countries in nato, including poland. so what you're worried about, vladimir putin, is nato's reach, but we can increase that, but -- and it's an important but, as you say, fareed -- there is an off ramp here. essentially the united states and the west are saying we're not trying to humiliate you here. we can't give you what you're asking for. we're not going to say never about ukraine or anyone else in nato, that would be inconsistent with article 10, but we can say not now, we have no intention to do so for the foreseeable future, plus we are willing to have a large conversation about what you might call the post cold war security architecture in europe. there could be new arms control arrangements, pulling back of certain kinds of forces on the two sides, perhaps new diplomatic structures. so i think essentially the choice is vladimir putin's. how does he calculate the costs and benefits of this package that's being put forward to him? >> anne applebaum, what is your sense, putin has clearly created the crisis, escalated the situation, is there enough there for him to deescalate? i mean, does he need a victory at least even in domestic politics to be able to say, see, i got these concessions from the west? and is what richard was outlining enough? >> fareed, i would disagree a little bit with the characterization you made in your introduction, which is that -- which is this idea that putin is very concerned about ukraine and nato or that nato is a threat to russia. for putin, ukraine is a fundamental challenge. the idea that ukraine might be an independent sovereign and eventually democratic and prosperous nation, which is close to the west, presents a real existential challenge to putinism, to his ideology, which is one of autocracy, kleptocracy and dictatorship. so the problem for him is not just his relationship with the west, the problem for him is how to prevent ukraine from becoming that, from becoming a country that would be more successful than russia, that would be more democratic, prosperous than russia or any way that can challenge russia in that ideological sense. what he's interested in doing is finding ways to undermine the current ukrainian government, whether it's through some kind of coup d'etat or whether it's through ongoing war or other forms of destabilization. i think that's his real aim there and that's why it's such difficult diplomacy for the united states. >> but can i interrupt, anne? if that's the cause and i think that's a perfectly plausible argument that that is the case, then he doesn't really want to deescalate. do you think he really does want war? >> i mean, he certainly wants conflict, he wants to undermine ukraine, yes. what the u.s. can do and it seems to me that the biden administration is seeking to do this, is to raise the stakes to say this is what it would cost you to invade ukraine and while raising the stakes, as richard said, offer him an off ramp so that at least he spends some time thinking about it, he decides maybe not to do it right now. but raising the stakes involves military investment in ukraine, it might eventually involve military investment in nato or at least the threat of that, but that's -- but understanding that this is a really fundamental question for putin, he wrote a 7,000 word essay about ukrainian history that he published last summer under his own name, he's said many times that he doesn't recognize ukrainian sovereignty. understanding that that's really at the base of this and not an argument about nato or geopolitics is what's really important. >> david miliband, you have negotiated with lavrov, the russian foreign minister. do you think there is a diplomatic off-ramp here? >> yes, i do, but i think it's very important that the revisionist history being presented by dmitri trenen which you quoted in which russia is a victim and in which nato is aggressive needs to be taken on. 70 years ald george kenin said that the tragedy of russia was that it looked at all its neighbors and all it could see was either a vessel or an enemy. i'm afraid that that is the mindset that has produced the 7,000 word essay that anne correctly references and i think explains a lot of the mixture of hubris and paranoia that we see coming out of moscow at the moment. i do think that the first rule of diplomacy is to put yourself in other's shoes, as you say, but the second rule is to focus on what you control and the west does control its own unity, it does control its own words and it does control the tools it has at its disposal and i think the cost that is anne has rightly referenced, soft power and economic costs rather than the hard power costs are vital to the deterrents that needs to go on and to the off-ramp which you rightly reference which i think is still possible and which i think secretary blinken's speech on thursday and meeting on friday did help with. >> we will be back. we will talk more about russia, ukraine. i also want to talk about afghanistan. all of that when we come back. i. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. and we are back talking about russia and ukraine with david miliband, anne applebaum and richard haass. richard, i wanted to get your sense of this. i want you to weigh in on the issue of what is putin up to, you know, what is motivating him? i tried in that opening -- what i was trying to do is put myself in russia's shoes and see how they viewed it. you know, i tend to think to understand all is not to forgive all, but it is important to understand. what's your sense of what putin is -- what motivates putin? >> people often confuse analysis with advocacy, but to understand putin i think the beginning of it is humiliation. in my experience, fareed, humiliation whether we're talking about the middle east or europe or anywhere else is one of the most powerful drivers of human activity, be it of individuals or countries. putin felt humiliated by the digs solution of the internal soviet empire that was the soviet union as well as the external warsaw pack. the ill-advised decision in 2008 by nato and led by the united states to open up georgia to the possibility of nato membership that has continued to advance in recent years. the continuing slights of -- remember when president obama described russia as a regional power. this is a man who has done nothing to build a regional -- as anne described it as a kleptocracy but he has done a lot in terms of not making russia great again but making russia a great power that is respected again and i think that's a big, big part of it. >> anne, let me ask you about what the west looks like now because the united states, i think the biden administration, has -- all of you seem to agree -- kind of a good mix between the deterrents and diplomacy, but in germany, which is the key, the center of europe, you do not see the kind of resolve that angela merkel showed. is that -- how worrying is that? >> so angela merkel did many wonderful things, but one very large mistake she made was to shut down all of germany's nuclear power plants. this has made germany unusually dependent on russian gas. it has some other sources of energy, but a shut off of russian gas, would, as you correctly said earlier, would be a major disruption in germany. in addition to that there's quite a lot of russian influence both political influence but also financial influence in germany, all of which makes germany, in fact, right now quite divided on this question of what to do. and that makes it a kind of unreliable partner, whether it's going to be for union need sanctions against russia or whether it's for helping ukraine deter russia. i think, of course, putin knows this and he's playing into this as well. he's a meddler in all of our politics, but including german politics. one of the really difficult diplomatic tasks of the biden administration in the case of invasion would be to try to keep the western alliance or even just the european alliance on board. the british, the polls, the collection, french, ballots, other countries have given weapons to ukraine and said they will help ukraine deter an invasion but we don't know what germany would do and it's important that biden continue to work on them. >> david, i want you to quickly weigh in on this issue of western unity but then i want to ask you about afghanistan because you're very active there, the irc is very active there. first, a quick thought on western unity. >> well, divided houses fall and it's impressive that words and deeds are aligned by the west. i think that is possible because i think that the actions of president putin have actually drained support in germany for some of the attitudes that have led to western disunity and there remain some serious strains, but i think this quite was -- in healing them. >> let's just talk about afghanistan for a second because you really are one of the few organizations that is in there, in a sense is working with the taliban, correct me, if you will, in terms of how you would characterize that, but the point is you're there, you know what's going on. how bad is it and what should the biden administration do? >> yes, we have 2,000 international rescue committee staff working in nine provinces. it's really bad, fareed. i want your viewers to know that the u.n. predicts that more people, more afghans, are going to die of malnutrition than died in the course of the 20 years of war. the u.n. says that there's a 97% poverty rate in prospect for afghanistan this year with 9 million people and 1 million kids on the verge of famine, international food insecurity standard level 4, level 5 is famine. the reason is very simple, after the pull out in august, the economy was frozen. 40% of the economy was government led international aid that paid salaries, that's been stopped, another probably 20% was the war economy. the end of international support for the payment of civil servants, including nurses and teachers, the freezing of afghan assets, has created a liquidity crisis in the banking system and this is a western made policy catastrophe. i'm afraid it doesn't take much creativity, it just takes clarity and for sight and some strength and what needs to happen immediately is not just more aid, we need to turn on the economic taps that not just civil servants get paid but they can actually catch the money that goes into their bank accounts which at the moment they cannot do. and we are in the bizarre situation where there's more security in afghanistan for our staff than probably for 20 or 30 years, but actually the ability of us to do our work is impossible. i would say that we are running up an escalator that is going down very fast. while we can do more, the economic situation is so bad that the overall situation is getting worse. >> all right. stay with us. next on gaps, we will switch gears a bit and talk about prime minister boris johnson. it does appear that his premiership is for the first time seriously endangered. we will talk about it when we come back. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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i'm joined again by richard haass, anne applebaum and david miliband, a former member of parliament from the opposition labor party. guys, we have a lightning round here, be brief because i really want to get to all of you. david miliband, you were in the thick of all of this that minute, that former cabinet minister was of course paraphrasing leo emory who cold neville chamberlain to go who was paraphrasing oliver crumb well. will johnson go? >> i think it's now a matter of when, in not if. that is the consensus among the commentators. essentially two things have happened, a group of conservative mps feel that boris johnson has dee botched the premiership and another group of conservative mps fear he is no longer a vote winner. that spells trouble for any prime minister. the big question for britain is whether this is not just a crisis for boris johnson but whether it's a crisis for the conservative party as a whole and that would mean a newly competitive landscape in british politics. >> anne applebaum, what do you think on that -- on that key issue? is the conservative party ready to abandon not just boris johnson, but the whole brexit kind of its own version of trumpism? >> so the reason why this scandal has stuck to boris johnson much more than his many other scandals is that it epitomizes something that people intuitively feel about the conservative party, that it somehow feels -- and boris is the epitome of this -- somehow feels that it doesn't have to obey by the rules, rules are for little people, we can do what we want. that's been the language of the conservative party in particular over the last several years. and the request he is whether the country will go on accepting this and whether the party itself wants to continue being that. can the conservative party find the old language it used to use? can it reflect the values of middle britain which it used to do, rather than some kind of, you know, higher level, you know, higher level attitudes. that remains to be seen. >> boris johnson was a colleague of yours, anne, when he was a journalist. do you think he will go quietly or will he put up a fight? >> he will do everything in his power not to go. he has lived through so many sandals and he has survived all of them and he will at some level believe that he can survive this one. the difficulty with this one is that it underlines something that people feel deeply about him and his party right now, which is that they -- you know, they don't act in everybody's interest, they act only in their own interests. overcoming that will be difficult. >> david, quickly to you. if he does go, could an indian-brit become prime minister? do you think britain is ready for a brown-skinned prime minister? >> yes, that's certainly possible. the big question the conservative party is whether it doubles down on what you called a sort of trumpian version or whether it moves back towards the center. the labor party has moved back to the center, under new leadership, so we could be in for competitive politics of a more conventional kind. the side of the conservative party trashes the institutions of britain from the judiciary to the bbc is something that goes right against the traditions of that party even though i have never been a member or shore supporter of it. it's abandoned that for the moment and that has big questions for the center right politics. >> richard, i want to ask you about another tradition that britain seems to be abandoned. my sense of britain, particularly post-brexit is it's not really that interested in playing a larger role, not a larger role in europe, not a larger role in the world. there is a kind of little england retreat under boris johnson. do you feel that way and do you think it matters? >> not only i do feel that way, fareed, it's reality. it's such an irony, the whole idea of brexit was in many ways portrayed that this was going to make the united kingdom greater, increase its independence, increase its global role. instead it shrunk it, it's diminished it, and johnson's personal behavior further dim she is the appeal of this country, plus it has its hands full with brexit. they still haven't come to a formula consistent with the good friday agreement that's the basis of peace in northern ireland. so my guess is when history looks at the leaders from david cameron to boris johnson, they are going to see these people as pulling the thread that broke the fabric of the united kingdom. the day will come when northern ireland joins the republic of ireland, we could see things happening with scotland. this is little england and it's tragic for the united states as well. we have lost an important voice in european councils and loss in some ways a powerful neighbor that could be a power. richard haass, anne applebaum, david miliband, a real pleasure. we could go on talking about all kinds of things but our time is up. thank you very much. we will be back to all of you. next on "gps," how to understand the spate of bad news that is plastered all over the business pages. i'm talking about inflation, the great resignation, supply chain log jams. well, we have rana foroohar to explain it all to us when we come back. now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. - i'm norm. - i'm szasz. 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inflation is rising almost everywhere and we're seeing energy shortages. the supply chain is still gummed up and workers are hard to find. u.s. markets are started 2022 poorly and china has reached a reckoning on growth, both population growth and economic growth. to help us understand it all, rana foroohar joins me, she is a cnn global economic analyst and a global business columnist for "the financial times." so, rana, first explain to us what is going on with the continued mismatch between supply and demand, goods being hard to find, all these kind of things. why is this not resolving itself anytime soon? >> well, you know, like everything, it's all about the pandemic. when the pandemic first hit you will remember it started in china, it worked its way from east to west. with the new variant we now have the sort of the opposite phenomenon where its caught fire in europe and the u.s. and now moving to china. all of this has created something that economists are actually called a bull whip economy now. if you think about when you crack a bull whip and you get a wave and dislocations that are not the same in different places at different times. so, you know, we've seen supply chain problems throughout the course of the pandemic, sometimes they will resolve in one part of the world, asia, let's say, and they're still continuing in the u.s., or vice versa. all of it is disrupting these very efficient global supply chains that we have had for the last half century or so, and they come with their own problems, but they're also making countries really -- and regions really reconsider whether they want to go back to the old system. we're seeing a lot of regionalization of supply chains, a lot of vertical integration of companies, that means companies trying to own more of what they're actually producing, the widgets and inputs, the energy even that they need to produce products, all of that is actually inflationary in the short term, even midterm, and that's what we're seeing. >> and what about inflation in wages, are we seeing a genuine rise in workers' wages, and can you escape the reality that that means you're likely to see real inflation for the foreseeable future? >> well, i think the answer is yes, we are seeing real wage rises, and, yes, it does mean inflation. and that's something, interestingly, that the biden administration doesn't want to focus too much on. nobody wants to declare war on wages, particularly not a president that has a bust of labor advocate cesar chavez in his office, but the fact is that the president came in on a work not wealth platform and that actually kind of dove tails with this previous point about globalization and we have known it for the last half century unraveling. what we've seen for four decades is really companies putting jobs and production wherever it was cheapest to do so and then selling it globally wherever they could. biden really wants to change that. he wants to have a system that's a little bit more german nick, a little bit more balance between workers, consumers, companies and even civic society and politicians. again, these are potentially good changes for the long term, but in the short term to midterm they are going to be inflationary. and then of course you add in all the dislocations again from the pandemic. the fiscal stimulus payments which, you know, have abated and we are seeing more women going back into the workforce, but still issues with child care, issues with younger people saying, you know, $15 an hour is not enough, it's going to take more than that to get me back into the labor force, and then that having a knock-on effect to workers higher up the food chain. i'm hearing from a lot of ceos because there's so much labor inflation at the bottom that also puts pressure on the wages at the middle and top end of the spectrum. >> i have to ask you about china. dramatically lower birth rates than they had even expected, growth has gone down, the tech industry in china, which was much wanted for a while, is under fire. does this all matter or is china becoming such a domestic economy that all of this doesn't really matter? for a long time china was the key driver of global growth. >> 100%. absolutely. the major driver in the post great financial crisis period. i think it matters. it's certainly going to be a headwind to global growth, no question about that, but is china going to become more of its own domestically driven economy, i think for sure, there is no question. that's natural. that was welcome, i think, for all kinds of reasons. it will ultimately help balance not just china but the global economy. the question is how many bumps on the road there? you know, they have a huge debt crisis right now, we've seen major real estate developers go bankrupt and the government is not stepping forward as the u.s. did, for example, post 2008 and baling out these companies. they are a saying, do you know what, let's dedeflate in bubble and see what happens. these are big experiments. we don't know what's going to happen. that's something i'm hearing in the market smart investors will argue either side, they will say china is on the path to becoming the most powerful nation in the world, china is about to collapse and i'm not sure we know the answer. >> what we do seem to know is there are a lot of bumps on the road in 2022. rana foroohar, thanks so much for helping us. >> thank you. next on "gps," we all know what feminism is, but what is anti-feminism and why is there a growing movement in a powerful asian country? i will tell you all about it when we come back. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. 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(vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. don't take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinson's disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. (jackie) talk to your doctor about's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ now for the last look. in south korea young men are coming out on to the streets to protest what they see as an unequivocal social evil, feminism. that's right, as "the new york times" reports, there is a growing men's rights movement among young south koreans, fanned in forms online and courted by the country's right wing politicians. the aggrieved men feel that policies to advance women in government and the workplace have left them behind. according to a poll last may, nearly 79% of south korean men in their 20s feel that they are victims of serious gender discrimination. this in a country that has by far the highest gender wage gap among rich nations. only 5% of board members of publicly listed companies in south korea are women. the average more oecd countries is nearly 27%. so what is going on? south korea long has been a patriarchal society, but as its economy grew rapidly in recent decades the country modernized quickly. as the times notes women go to college in higher numbers than men, they have flooded the workforce and the government has introduced plans to expand women's representation in the public and private sector. all these gains are important, but they come against a backdrop of scarcity. youth unemployment has risen in south korea in recent years, housing price right side soaring and inequality is deepening and it appears that young men are feeling the twin pangs of entitlement and insecurity that scholars often say lead to reactionary attitudes. they are aided by the internet where misogyny runs rampant. a survey by the national human rights commission found more people witnessed hate speech against women online than against any other group. as the journalist jung wrote in the "times" people posted in online columns called a female advertising agent a cancer-like creature, one among an anti-social group. her crime was designing an ad which they said was man hating using highly dubious evidence. for some time activists have demanded that the ministry of gender equality and family be abolished. that's the same ministry that helped to revoke the discriminatory hoju system which had all citizens registered under a male head of the family. it also helped single mothers collect child support and provides aid too immigrant women. the issue has heated up ahead of national elections in march. the presidential candidate for the conservative people power party has vowed if elected he would abolish the ministry. all of this might seem like some strange quirk of south korea's political culture, but misogyny is an animating feature of right wing politics is not new. online right wing culture all over the world is rife with a deep vitriol against women. as helen lewis wrote in "the atlantic" anti-feminist rhetoric is a powerful gateway to violent right nationalism in the west. an undernoticed part of right wing authoritarian movements globally is a deep antipathy to women's rights. as the "times" quotes the right wing party vox has advocated for banning a law protecting women from violence saying that men are also victims of violence from women. in 2010 hungry's party shut down the government's gender equality unit then reconstituted it with just two members. many scholars have noted that islamic fundamentalism in his own way of right wing religious reaction to liberalism and secularism is strongly tied to extreme and harsh attitudes towards women. so the south korean story reminds us that even with impressive progress and economic growth as there has been in that country, there is always the reality of a backlash. before i say farewell to you, i want to say a final farewell to a treasured colleague who left this world too soon. jay conroy worked as our floor director for almost all of the 13 plus years that "gps" has been on the air. jay brought a joyful, playful energy to our set. this is the last selfie he took of the two of us together. here is jay putting me in my place as usual. >> you look good, all right? that's what i'm flying to do here. it's not easy. >> he always made me look good. jay's first love was actually rock and roll, but even more than that, he loved his four kids. we send our condolences and love to his family and friends. thanks to all of you for being part of my program. i will see you next week. from , pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers with relapsing forms of ms... there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ready for an at-home treatment with dramatic results? 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News Literacy , Education , Learning , Blue John Harris , The Press Corps , Priorities , Media , Public , Press , Reporters , Aut ,

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Transcripts For CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS 20240708

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minister boris johnson hold on? >> in hindsight -- >> i will talk about all of that and more with richard haass, anne applebaum and david miliband. also, stocks are volatile, inflation is stubborn, oil hits seven-year highs and china's growth starts to slow. what is going on with the economy? >> now we need to get inflation under control. >> i will talk to rana foroohar of "the financial times." but first here is my take. what does vladimir putin want? it's a question washington finds hard to answer because, let's face it, we americans rarely put ourselves in other people's shoes. two important essays by dmitri trennen in foreign affairs provide some clues. both suggest that putin has stated power for over 20 years not by being a reckless gambler but rather by being careful, even rational. trenen points out that putin has watched four waves of nato expansionism since he took power. his military incursions have usually been reactions to events rather than grand initiatives of his own. in 2008 it followed georgia's decision to retake the separatist province of south acetia. in 2014 it came on the heels of an uprising in ukraine that drove the president out of office. his one significant military intervention in an area that was not historically part of russia's core security sphere, syria, has been limited mostly using russian air power. in the case of the invasion of ukraine, putin's first effort was to bribe ukraine with an offer of $15 billion in loans and lower prices for gas, a reward in a sense after it rejected an association agreement with the european union. yanukovych accepted the slight, igniting protests then fled his country. then putin annexed crimea. in recent years he has tried to get the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky to make a deal on the eastern ukrainian region of donbas, home of the highest proportion of russian speakers in the country and where russian army irregulars have been fomenting an insurgency. he tried to get the germans to accept a referendum on secession. to the liberal reformer gosh involve russian leaders have regarded ukraine as fundamentally tied to moscow. ukraine's first two presidents while asserting the country's new found independence were careful not to break too sharply with moscow. according to a census conducted in 2001 almost 30% of the country's population spoke russian as their first language. putin's dilemma is that ukraine is in slow motion escaping russia's grasp. in the last decade the country has become more independent, democratic and pro-western. the west has been cooperating and assisting in an ever greater measure but putin is also probably cautious of the reality that an outright russian invasion would create what he loathes most, a permanently anti-russian ukraine. his goal, then, is to get the americans and europeans to recognize that ukrainian membership in nato is a step too far. he also wants kyiv to recognize that in the long run it has to have good by which he means respectful, even subservient relations with russia. for the west, ukraine is an important noble cause, but not central to its grand strategy. for putin, it is a key russian national interest and russia is next door, has deep ties to the country. ukrainians have told me that russian spies are active in every part of the country, including the government. so putin can find many ways to keep ukraine crippled, weak and dysfunctional. trenen speculates if moscow's negotiations with nato were to fail, russia might recognize the two eastern ukrainian provinces where separatists have already proclaimed people's republics. moscow has already used the same approach with georgia where russia has recognized the two russian dominated parts of the country as independent states. one crucial question that we should ask is where is putin doing this now? partly he sees nato creating a de facto alliance with kyiv, but putin must be aware that this is a moment of russian strength. at a time when there is a growing energy crisis around the world, russia has consolidated its position as an energy super power. energy prices are rising across the globe, but perhaps nowhere as sharply as in europe. the price of natural gas usedly most europeans to heat their homes rose by more than 400% in 2021. yet in recent years most european countries have been shutting down their gas production, even as they've been unable to ramp up renewables to completely take their place. the result, they are critically dependent on russian gas. meanwhile, ukraine, which has received about $2.5 billion annually to allow russian gas to travel through its country, could see those revenues plummet if nord stream 2, a pipeline designed to transit more russian gas directly to germany and europe is certified. in these certifications sanctions against russia could trigger an energy crisis in europe on the scale of the 1970s oil crisis which no european government would want. all of which is to say vladimir putin is not engaging in reckless adventurism. he takes risks, but he has calculated the arts carefully and right now they are in his favor. go to for a link to my "washington post" column this week. and let's get started. let us keep talking about russia and ukraine. the british foreign office announced yesterday that it has information that russia is looking to install a pro-russian leader in kyiv, the ukrainian capital. russia called the report misinformation and said the foreign office should stop initiating in provocations. david miliband used to run the british foreign office when he was foreign secretary, today he is president and ceo of the international rescue committee. anne applebaum is a pulitzer prize winning historian and staff writer at the atlantic. she is the author of "red famine: stallen's war on ukraine." richard haass served as director of policy planning in the state department. richard, what the west and united states principally is trying to do is clearly some mixture of deterrents to keep the russians at bay and diplomacy. do you think the biden administration is getting this balance right? >> with the exception of the press conference this past week, fareed, i would say yes, what they've done is essentially said if you go in there will be an economic price to pay. second of all, we will give ukraine the means not to stop your invasion, but to raise the costs of it and certainly to raise the costs of any subsequent occupation. third, we will then, the united states and nato, reinforce other countries in nato, including poland. so what you're worried about, vladimir putin, is nato's reach, but we can increase that, but -- and it's an important but, as you say, fareed -- there is an off ramp here. essentially the united states and the west are saying we're not trying to humiliate you here. we can't give you what you're asking for. we're not going to say never about ukraine or anyone else in nato, that would be inconsistent with article 10, but we can say not now, we have no intention to do so for the foreseeable future, plus we are willing to have a large conversation about what you might call the post cold war security architecture in europe. there could be new arms control arrangements, pulling back of certain kinds of forces on the two sides, perhaps new diplomatic structures. so i think essentially the choice is vladimir putin's. how does he calculate the costs and benefits of this package that's being put forward to him? >> anne applebaum, what is your sense, putin has clearly created the crisis, escalated the situation, is there enough there for him to deescalate? i mean, does he need a victory at least even in domestic politics to be able to say, see, i got these concessions from the west? and is what richard was outlining enough? >> fareed, i would disagree a little bit with the characterization you made in your introduction, which is that -- which is this idea that putin is very concerned about ukraine and nato or that nato is a threat to russia. for putin, ukraine is a fundamental challenge. the idea that ukraine might be an independent sovereign and eventually democratic and prosperous nation, which is close to the west, presents a real existential challenge to putinism, to his ideology, which is one of autocracy, kleptocracy and dictatorship. so the problem for him is not just his relationship with the west, the problem for him is how to prevent ukraine from becoming that, from becoming a country that would be more successful than russia, that would be more democratic, prosperous than russia or any way that can challenge russia in that ideological sense. what he's interested in doing is finding ways to undermine the current ukrainian government, whether it's through some kind of coup d'etat or whether it's through ongoing war or other forms of destabilization. i think that's his real aim there and that's why it's such difficult diplomacy for the united states. >> but can i interrupt, anne? if that's the cause and i think that's a perfectly plausible argument that that is the case, then he doesn't really want to deescalate. do you think he really does want war? >> i mean, he certainly wants conflict, he wants to undermine ukraine, yes. what the u.s. can do and it seems to me that the biden administration is seeking to do this, is to raise the stakes to say this is what it would cost you to invade ukraine and while raising the stakes, as richard said, offer him an off ramp so that at least he spends some time thinking about it, he decides maybe not to do it right now. but raising the stakes involves military investment in ukraine, it might eventually involve military investment in nato or at least the threat of that, but that's -- but understanding that this is a really fundamental question for putin, he wrote a 7,000 word essay about ukrainian history that he published last summer under his own name, he's said many times that he doesn't recognize ukrainian sovereignty. understanding that that's really at the base of this and not an argument about nato or geopolitics is what's really important. >> david miliband, you have negotiated with lavrov, the russian foreign minister. do you think there is a diplomatic off-ramp here? >> yes, i do, but i think it's very important that the revisionist history being presented by dmitri trenen which you quoted in which russia is a victim and in which nato is aggressive needs to be taken on. 70 years ald george kenin said that the tragedy of russia was that it looked at all its neighbors and all it could see was either a vessel or an enemy. i'm afraid that that is the mindset that has produced the 7,000 word essay that anne correctly references and i think explains a lot of the mixture of hubris and paranoia that we see coming out of moscow at the moment. i do think that the first rule of diplomacy is to put yourself in other's shoes, as you say, but the second rule is to focus on what you control and the west does control its own unity, it does control its own words and it does control the tools it has at its disposal and i think the cost that is anne has rightly referenced, soft power and economic costs rather than the hard power costs are vital to the deterrents that needs to go on and to the off-ramp which you rightly reference which i think is still possible and which i think secretary blinken's speech on thursday and meeting on friday did help with. >> we will be back. we will talk more about russia, ukraine. i also want to talk about afghanistan. all of that when we come back. i. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. and we are back talking about russia and ukraine with david miliband, anne applebaum and richard haass. richard, i wanted to get your sense of this. i want you to weigh in on the issue of what is putin up to, you know, what is motivating him? i tried in that opening -- what i was trying to do is put myself in russia's shoes and see how they viewed it. you know, i tend to think to understand all is not to forgive all, but it is important to understand. what's your sense of what putin is -- what motivates putin? >> people often confuse analysis with advocacy, but to understand putin i think the beginning of it is humiliation. in my experience, fareed, humiliation whether we're talking about the middle east or europe or anywhere else is one of the most powerful drivers of human activity, be it of individuals or countries. putin felt humiliated by the digs solution of the internal soviet empire that was the soviet union as well as the external warsaw pack. the ill-advised decision in 2008 by nato and led by the united states to open up georgia to the possibility of nato membership that has continued to advance in recent years. the continuing slights of -- remember when president obama described russia as a regional power. this is a man who has done nothing to build a regional -- as anne described it as a kleptocracy but he has done a lot in terms of not making russia great again but making russia a great power that is respected again and i think that's a big, big part of it. >> anne, let me ask you about what the west looks like now because the united states, i think the biden administration, has -- all of you seem to agree -- kind of a good mix between the deterrents and diplomacy, but in germany, which is the key, the center of europe, you do not see the kind of resolve that angela merkel showed. is that -- how worrying is that? >> so angela merkel did many wonderful things, but one very large mistake she made was to shut down all of germany's nuclear power plants. this has made germany unusually dependent on russian gas. it has some other sources of energy, but a shut off of russian gas, would, as you correctly said earlier, would be a major disruption in germany. in addition to that there's quite a lot of russian influence both political influence but also financial influence in germany, all of which makes germany, in fact, right now quite divided on this question of what to do. and that makes it a kind of unreliable partner, whether it's going to be for union need sanctions against russia or whether it's for helping ukraine deter russia. i think, of course, putin knows this and he's playing into this as well. he's a meddler in all of our politics, but including german politics. one of the really difficult diplomatic tasks of the biden administration in the case of invasion would be to try to keep the western alliance or even just the european alliance on board. the british, the polls, the collection, french, ballots, other countries have given weapons to ukraine and said they will help ukraine deter an invasion but we don't know what germany would do and it's important that biden continue to work on them. >> david, i want you to quickly weigh in on this issue of western unity but then i want to ask you about afghanistan because you're very active there, the irc is very active there. first, a quick thought on western unity. >> well, divided houses fall and it's impressive that words and deeds are aligned by the west. i think that is possible because i think that the actions of president putin have actually drained support in germany for some of the attitudes that have led to western disunity and there remain some serious strains, but i think this quite was -- in healing them. >> let's just talk about afghanistan for a second because you really are one of the few organizations that is in there, in a sense is working with the taliban, correct me, if you will, in terms of how you would characterize that, but the point is you're there, you know what's going on. how bad is it and what should the biden administration do? >> yes, we have 2,000 international rescue committee staff working in nine provinces. it's really bad, fareed. i want your viewers to know that the u.n. predicts that more people, more afghans, are going to die of malnutrition than died in the course of the 20 years of war. the u.n. says that there's a 97% poverty rate in prospect for afghanistan this year with 9 million people and 1 million kids on the verge of famine, international food insecurity standard level 4, level 5 is famine. the reason is very simple, after the pull out in august, the economy was frozen. 40% of the economy was government led international aid that paid salaries, that's been stopped, another probably 20% was the war economy. the end of international support for the payment of civil servants, including nurses and teachers, the freezing of afghan assets, has created a liquidity crisis in the banking system and this is a western made policy catastrophe. i'm afraid it doesn't take much creativity, it just takes clarity and for sight and some strength and what needs to happen immediately is not just more aid, we need to turn on the economic taps that not just civil servants get paid but they can actually catch the money that goes into their bank accounts which at the moment they cannot do. and we are in the bizarre situation where there's more security in afghanistan for our staff than probably for 20 or 30 years, but actually the ability of us to do our work is impossible. i would say that we are running up an escalator that is going down very fast. while we can do more, the economic situation is so bad that the overall situation is getting worse. >> all right. stay with us. next on gaps, we will switch gears a bit and talk about prime minister boris johnson. it does appear that his premiership is for the first time seriously endangered. we will talk about it when we come back. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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i'm joined again by richard haass, anne applebaum and david miliband, a former member of parliament from the opposition labor party. guys, we have a lightning round here, be brief because i really want to get to all of you. david miliband, you were in the thick of all of this that minute, that former cabinet minister was of course paraphrasing leo emory who cold neville chamberlain to go who was paraphrasing oliver crumb well. will johnson go? >> i think it's now a matter of when, in not if. that is the consensus among the commentators. essentially two things have happened, a group of conservative mps feel that boris johnson has dee botched the premiership and another group of conservative mps fear he is no longer a vote winner. that spells trouble for any prime minister. the big question for britain is whether this is not just a crisis for boris johnson but whether it's a crisis for the conservative party as a whole and that would mean a newly competitive landscape in british politics. >> anne applebaum, what do you think on that -- on that key issue? is the conservative party ready to abandon not just boris johnson, but the whole brexit kind of its own version of trumpism? >> so the reason why this scandal has stuck to boris johnson much more than his many other scandals is that it epitomizes something that people intuitively feel about the conservative party, that it somehow feels -- and boris is the epitome of this -- somehow feels that it doesn't have to obey by the rules, rules are for little people, we can do what we want. that's been the language of the conservative party in particular over the last several years. and the request he is whether the country will go on accepting this and whether the party itself wants to continue being that. can the conservative party find the old language it used to use? can it reflect the values of middle britain which it used to do, rather than some kind of, you know, higher level, you know, higher level attitudes. that remains to be seen. >> boris johnson was a colleague of yours, anne, when he was a journalist. do you think he will go quietly or will he put up a fight? >> he will do everything in his power not to go. he has lived through so many sandals and he has survived all of them and he will at some level believe that he can survive this one. the difficulty with this one is that it underlines something that people feel deeply about him and his party right now, which is that they -- you know, they don't act in everybody's interest, they act only in their own interests. overcoming that will be difficult. >> david, quickly to you. if he does go, could an indian-brit become prime minister? do you think britain is ready for a brown-skinned prime minister? >> yes, that's certainly possible. the big question the conservative party is whether it doubles down on what you called a sort of trumpian version or whether it moves back towards the center. the labor party has moved back to the center, under new leadership, so we could be in for competitive politics of a more conventional kind. the side of the conservative party trashes the institutions of britain from the judiciary to the bbc is something that goes right against the traditions of that party even though i have never been a member or shore supporter of it. it's abandoned that for the moment and that has big questions for the center right politics. >> richard, i want to ask you about another tradition that britain seems to be abandoned. my sense of britain, particularly post-brexit is it's not really that interested in playing a larger role, not a larger role in europe, not a larger role in the world. there is a kind of little england retreat under boris johnson. do you feel that way and do you think it matters? >> not only i do feel that way, fareed, it's reality. it's such an irony, the whole idea of brexit was in many ways portrayed that this was going to make the united kingdom greater, increase its independence, increase its global role. instead it shrunk it, it's diminished it, and johnson's personal behavior further dim she is the appeal of this country, plus it has its hands full with brexit. they still haven't come to a formula consistent with the good friday agreement that's the basis of peace in northern ireland. so my guess is when history looks at the leaders from david cameron to boris johnson, they are going to see these people as pulling the thread that broke the fabric of the united kingdom. the day will come when northern ireland joins the republic of ireland, we could see things happening with scotland. this is little england and it's tragic for the united states as well. we have lost an important voice in european councils and loss in some ways a powerful neighbor that could be a power. richard haass, anne applebaum, david miliband, a real pleasure. we could go on talking about all kinds of things but our time is up. thank you very much. we will be back to all of you. next on "gps," how to understand the spate of bad news that is plastered all over the business pages. i'm talking about inflation, the great resignation, supply chain log jams. well, we have rana foroohar to explain it all to us when we come back. now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. - i'm norm. - i'm szasz. 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inflation is rising almost everywhere and we're seeing energy shortages. the supply chain is still gummed up and workers are hard to find. u.s. markets are started 2022 poorly and china has reached a reckoning on growth, both population growth and economic growth. to help us understand it all, rana foroohar joins me, she is a cnn global economic analyst and a global business columnist for "the financial times." so, rana, first explain to us what is going on with the continued mismatch between supply and demand, goods being hard to find, all these kind of things. why is this not resolving itself anytime soon? >> well, you know, like everything, it's all about the pandemic. when the pandemic first hit you will remember it started in china, it worked its way from east to west. with the new variant we now have the sort of the opposite phenomenon where its caught fire in europe and the u.s. and now moving to china. all of this has created something that economists are actually called a bull whip economy now. if you think about when you crack a bull whip and you get a wave and dislocations that are not the same in different places at different times. so, you know, we've seen supply chain problems throughout the course of the pandemic, sometimes they will resolve in one part of the world, asia, let's say, and they're still continuing in the u.s., or vice versa. all of it is disrupting these very efficient global supply chains that we have had for the last half century or so, and they come with their own problems, but they're also making countries really -- and regions really reconsider whether they want to go back to the old system. we're seeing a lot of regionalization of supply chains, a lot of vertical integration of companies, that means companies trying to own more of what they're actually producing, the widgets and inputs, the energy even that they need to produce products, all of that is actually inflationary in the short term, even midterm, and that's what we're seeing. >> and what about inflation in wages, are we seeing a genuine rise in workers' wages, and can you escape the reality that that means you're likely to see real inflation for the foreseeable future? >> well, i think the answer is yes, we are seeing real wage rises, and, yes, it does mean inflation. and that's something, interestingly, that the biden administration doesn't want to focus too much on. nobody wants to declare war on wages, particularly not a president that has a bust of labor advocate cesar chavez in his office, but the fact is that the president came in on a work not wealth platform and that actually kind of dove tails with this previous point about globalization and we have known it for the last half century unraveling. what we've seen for four decades is really companies putting jobs and production wherever it was cheapest to do so and then selling it globally wherever they could. biden really wants to change that. he wants to have a system that's a little bit more german nick, a little bit more balance between workers, consumers, companies and even civic society and politicians. again, these are potentially good changes for the long term, but in the short term to midterm they are going to be inflationary. and then of course you add in all the dislocations again from the pandemic. the fiscal stimulus payments which, you know, have abated and we are seeing more women going back into the workforce, but still issues with child care, issues with younger people saying, you know, $15 an hour is not enough, it's going to take more than that to get me back into the labor force, and then that having a knock-on effect to workers higher up the food chain. i'm hearing from a lot of ceos because there's so much labor inflation at the bottom that also puts pressure on the wages at the middle and top end of the spectrum. >> i have to ask you about china. dramatically lower birth rates than they had even expected, growth has gone down, the tech industry in china, which was much wanted for a while, is under fire. does this all matter or is china becoming such a domestic economy that all of this doesn't really matter? for a long time china was the key driver of global growth. >> 100%. absolutely. the major driver in the post great financial crisis period. i think it matters. it's certainly going to be a headwind to global growth, no question about that, but is china going to become more of its own domestically driven economy, i think for sure, there is no question. that's natural. that was welcome, i think, for all kinds of reasons. it will ultimately help balance not just china but the global economy. the question is how many bumps on the road there? you know, they have a huge debt crisis right now, we've seen major real estate developers go bankrupt and the government is not stepping forward as the u.s. did, for example, post 2008 and baling out these companies. they are a saying, do you know what, let's dedeflate in bubble and see what happens. these are big experiments. we don't know what's going to happen. that's something i'm hearing in the market smart investors will argue either side, they will say china is on the path to becoming the most powerful nation in the world, china is about to collapse and i'm not sure we know the answer. >> what we do seem to know is there are a lot of bumps on the road in 2022. rana foroohar, thanks so much for helping us. >> thank you. next on "gps," we all know what feminism is, but what is anti-feminism and why is there a growing movement in a powerful asian country? i will tell you all about it when we come back. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. when you really need to sleep you reach for the really good stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. (jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. don't take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinson's disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. 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south korea long has been a patriarchal society, but as its economy grew rapidly in recent decades the country modernized quickly. as the times notes women go to college in higher numbers than men, they have flooded the workforce and the government has introduced plans to expand women's representation in the public and private sector. all these gains are important, but they come against a backdrop of scarcity. youth unemployment has risen in south korea in recent years, housing price right side soaring and inequality is deepening and it appears that young men are feeling the twin pangs of entitlement and insecurity that scholars often say lead to reactionary attitudes. they are aided by the internet where misogyny runs rampant. a survey by the national human rights commission found more people witnessed hate speech against women online than against any other group. as the journalist jung wrote in the "times" people posted in online columns called a female advertising agent a cancer-like creature, one among an anti-social group. her crime was designing an ad which they said was man hating using highly dubious evidence. for some time activists have demanded that the ministry of gender equality and family be abolished. that's the same ministry that helped to revoke the discriminatory hoju system which had all citizens registered under a male head of the family. it also helped single mothers collect child support and provides aid too immigrant women. the issue has heated up ahead of national elections in march. the presidential candidate for the conservative people power party has vowed if elected he would abolish the ministry. all of this might seem like some strange quirk of south korea's political culture, but misogyny is an animating feature of right wing politics is not new. online right wing culture all over the world is rife with a deep vitriol against women. as helen lewis wrote in "the atlantic" anti-feminist rhetoric is a powerful gateway to violent right nationalism in the west. an undernoticed part of right wing authoritarian movements globally is a deep antipathy to women's rights. as the "times" quotes the right wing party vox has advocated for banning a law protecting women from violence saying that men are also victims of violence from women. in 2010 hungry's party shut down the government's gender equality unit then reconstituted it with just two members. many scholars have noted that islamic fundamentalism in his own way of right wing religious reaction to liberalism and secularism is strongly tied to extreme and harsh attitudes towards women. so the south korean story reminds us that even with impressive progress and economic growth as there has been in that country, there is always the reality of a backlash. before i say farewell to you, i want to say a final farewell to a treasured colleague who left this world too soon. jay conroy worked as our floor director for almost all of the 13 plus years that "gps" has been on the air. jay brought a joyful, playful energy to our set. this is the last selfie he took of the two of us together. here is jay putting me in my place as usual. >> you look good, all right? that's what i'm flying to do here. it's not easy. >> he always made me look good. jay's first love was actually rock and roll, but even more than that, he loved his four kids. we send our condolences and love to his family and friends. thanks to all of you for being part of my program. i will see you next week. from , pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers with relapsing forms of ms... there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ready for an at-home treatment with dramatic results? 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News Literacy , Education , Learning , Blue John Harris , The Press Corps , Priorities , Media , Public , Press , Reporters , Aut ,

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