> hi, christi, i'm boris sanchez. there are new details in that shooting that "> > hi, christi, i'm boris sanchez. there are new details in that shooting that " property="og:description"> > hi, christi, i'm boris sanchez. there are new details in that shooting that ">

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240708

good morning to you, welcome to your "new day," i'm christi paul. >> hi, christi, i'm boris sanchez. there are new details in that shooting that left a new york city police officer dead and another critically injured. what we're learning about that officer and what investigators know about the gun that was used during the shooting. and amid warnings that russia is planning to invade ukraine imminently there are new details to share with you this morning about the kremlin's alleged plot to install a pro-russian leader. and the winter olympics are just a few days away, why coverage of the games could look very different this year. it is sunday, january 23rd. thank you so much for waking up with us this morning. we're following breaking news out of the houston area. according to officials there a harris county deputy was shot and killed during an apparent traffic stop. one that officials have called a brutal murder. >> cnn's polo sandoval is with us live right now. this is still early in the investigation. i know. they just talked a short while to give us more detail. what do we know? a brutal murder and a senseless one, too. what we know at this point based on what we're getting for authorities is that the search is on for a suspected cop killer in southwest houston after a traffic shop shortly before 1:00 a.m. resulted in the death of a law enforcement officer there. i listened to an update a few minutes ago from authorities. i wanted to get you some of the information that i got here. according to investigators charles galloway a 47-year-old 12-year veteran of the force they are working with precinct 5 deputy constables office was shot and killed leaving behind a daughter. what we know about what led to this shooting according to investigators is that he initiated a traffic stop about 12:45 this morning and that is when an individual described only as a hispanic man in a white newer model toyota avalon basically stepped out of his car with what investigators are describing as an assault-style weapon and shot multiple times at deputy galloway shooting and killing him. according to authorities there saying that deputy galloway didn't even have an opportunity to defend himself, didn't even have an opportunity to fire back at the time of the shooting. now we do know a little bit more about him, that he actually volunteered to work the night shift to serve as a mentor. so this morning you have a lot of law enforcement officers there in the houston area that are grieving the loss of this -- of deputy galloway and now are anxiously obviously working the trail of this individual that is still on the run as authorities try to track down the man responsible for this latest law enforcement killing. >> my gosh. polo, it's just to scary and sad for that family. i mean, we're thinking about them certainly and that whole -- that whole force there because they are family. and this, of course s when we're learning more this morning about the new york police officer jason rivera who was shot and killed. we know yesterday mayor eric adams honored rivera and the other officers who were involved. he did so at a vigil there. >> authorities have been hard at work in the investigation and they've traced the gun that was used in the shooting and now we're learning new information about this weapon. let's bring back in polo sandoval. polo, what else did we hear from mayor eric adams, his message to police, especially with weight to it given that he is a former police commander? >> basically showing the united front against this issue of gun violence and illegal guns as well. there is a big question obviously about how this weapon ended up in the hands of this felon that is suspected of carrying out this attack against the two officers on friday. we're learning a little bit more about jason rivera, too. in this case it's penned in his own words in a letter that he wrote his commanding officer when attending police academy in 2020 and basically saying what inspired him to become the first person in his family to become a police officer. he wrote about his firsthand experience with the controversial stop and frisk policy that initially is what propelled to to join the force. rivera entered the police academy in 2020 according to a source with knowledge of the officer's records wrote in that letter and i want to share a, po of that, officer rivera writing, as time went on i saw the nypd pushing hard on changing the relationship between the police and the community. this is when i realized i wanted to be part of the men in blue. better the relationship between the community and the police. so what we saw yesterday was mayor eric adams honoring the life of officer rivera and the other officers that were involved in that shooting in that vigil last night, basically reinforcing the point that he is dedicated to uniting everyone around the issue of gun violence and illegal guns. >> violence won't divide us, it will unite us. we are going to unite around this issue. an illegal gun is a line in the sand and we need to send a clear and loud message. you carry a gun in our city, there is no apology to you. you can't carry guns and use guns in our city. that message must be clear. >> when he took the oath on january 1st eric adams actually emphasized his position that he would not allow the city to become what he described as a city of disorder as we continue to see this rash of various crimes. so it's certainly going to be increased pressure on the mayor to act in light of friday's shooting. >> polo, thank you so much for bringing us the very latest on both of those stories this morning. new york mayor eric adams will be on "state of the union" as well check that out at 9:00 a.m. new york, like many cities across the u.s., is really grappling with how to address this rise in crime that we're seeing. in a cnn opinion piece my next guest writes this, during the last six weeks of 2021 my son, a student at temple university, was shaken down for money by three robbers at a north philly gas station. my daughter, a fourth-year medical student at thomas jefferson university who spends a significant amount of time working at medical clinics serving indigent residents was assaulted by a deranged woman within the shadow of city hall. that is from former republican congressman from president and cnn political commentator charlie dent who is joining us now. charlie, what you are describing, a lot of people know for themselves and worse in some of these cities. first of all, is everybody okay and how as a father do you absorb what happened this that six weeks? >> well, thanks, christi. look, my kids are doing fine. i mean, they're lucky, they're healthy, but, you know, it's the 559 people who were murdered is what's really, i think, alarming everyone and frankly it was a fact that the district attorney seemed to dismiss it, the violence, in a very cavalier way, forcing the former mayor, michael nutter, to excoriate him over this. many of us we just have eyes and ears and we see what's happening. i mean, i love philadelphia, i love new york, and it pains me to see the violence. it's palpable. people can feel it. they know they're not safe. i talked to my kids and my sister calls me and says, you know, her daughter is at penn and lives in a neighborhood with a bunch of carjackings. people are pretty wigged out about all of this. something has to happen. i think many people in law enforcement don't feel supported by their local elected officials in too many cases and frankly they are not prosecuting enough crime. during the summer of 2020 i witnessed with my own eyes people on four-wheelers making a racquet, driving through center city right in front of police officers. i asked the police officers why don't we enforce this? and they said, we are not allowed to. we are not permitted to enforce. i mean, quality of life crimes. i mean, it just speaks so badly for these communities. >> do you fear that when they let crimes like that happen, the quality of life crimes, that other things can go by the wayside as well because they are behold en to policy like you sad where they are not allowed to do anything? >> yeah, i mean, i think the bigger -- the big issue is i think these officers do not feel like they are being supported enough by their elected officials. i feel like they're standing down. i feel like they are told that they are not supposed to enforce many crimes that they had previously enforced. i do think, you know, there's something to that broken windows theory of policing that, you know, these small crimes turn into bigger ones. i was in the state legislature and we were doing dna testing of -- i was the guy that led the charge to dna test burglars because we found that people that committed burglaries were likely to commit other violent crimes and we closed out a lot of cases. i think it's important that these cases be pursued and, you know, again, this is palpable. there is a noticeable difference since the summer of 2020, there is no question about it. people talk about it, they're fearful, and this will drive this investment in these cities. i was there when ed rendell, you know, when he was mayor and they did a lot to, you know, drive investment back into this city and public safety was a critical part of that whole community development strategy, and, you know, it's going to take a generation to get it back if people feel like they can't be safe in town. >> so here is where i'd love for you to put your congressional hat back on as well here because you write in an op-ed about these crime waves that we're seeing and they will likely have some political repercussions. you said democratic mayors, councilmen and district attorneys have the power to course correct if they have the courage and political will to do so. if they don't, democrats will pay a price at the polls. what are these city leaders not doing? and portend for us what the democratic party looks like if they can't puncture these problems. and why is it primarily on democrats, you say? >> well, because they control the major cities. i think former -- congresswoman abigail spanberger said it pretty well after the 2020 election, she said, all this defund the police rhetoric nearly cost her her virginia seat in 2020. i think that they have to get serious not about defunding, but refunding the police. i think they have to enforce quality of life crimes. that's essential. but most important of all, you know, crime victim services, community policing is not a new idea. need to do that. but at the end of the day they need to support their officers. if they do not -- if those officers do not feel like they're being supported, it feels like they're standing down in too many cases. when they're told not to enforce certain crimes, and in philadelphia where the da, they don't prosecute a lot of crimes. there was a young temple student, my son's classmate was just murdered during the thanksgiving break during an attempted carjacking. the kid was murdered. 21. and the 17 who shot him had been -- you know, had several charges against him. i mean, why was this guy on the street? i mean, people are asking these questions. why they are not prosecuting. they are having terrible turnover in that district attorney's office in philadelphia. it seems like they don't want to prosecute a lot of crime. people are asking this question not just in philadelphia, but in many cities across the country. again, democrats are in charge there, so they're going to pay a price for it. >> it is much more expansive than philadelphia, but it is certainly good to get your perspective on this. congressman charlie dent, we appreciate you so much. thank you. >> thank you, christi. anytime. so there's a chance for conflict in the nation's capital potentially this morning. businesses in washington, d.c. are on alert as thousands of demonstrators are expected for an anti-vaccine mandate protest. >> this comes as the district is now mandating proof of vaccination to enter some local businesses and there are folks that fear that the demonstrations might attract extremist groups to the area. cnn's suzanne malveaux walks us through how the nation's capital is preparing. >> reporter: there's a great deal of anticipation and concern over the potential for violence this weekend as all eyes turn to sunday, the fight over vaccine mandates which will may out here in washington, d.c. the national park service says various groups opposing vaccine mandates and masks could draw up to 20,000 people at and around an event being called defeat the mandates, american homecoming event. so the fbi, department of homeland security, metropolitan and u.s. park police and others are helping local businesses prepare for the clouds and possibly confront protesters who may refuse to wear masks indoors or provide vaccination cards or comply with d.c. rules. the protests coincide with new proof of vaccine requirements for restaurants, bars, gyms and other private businesses in d.c. u.s. capitol police and montgomery county, maryland's, police department are staffing up to arrest those who are nonclient or who harass employees and have already held a conference call with these business leaders to prepare. now, the u.s. capitol police chief says i am confident in our preparation for this weekend. law enforcement officials are also concerned the protests could attract violent extremist groups. friday close to 30 men who appeared to be tied to patriot front, an american nationalist white supremacist group showed up outside the national archives and were surrounded by d.c. police to ensure there were no confrontations. the organizers of sunday's protest called defeat the mandates say they have hired increased private security to work with government law enforcement officials and they also put out a statement saying here, we do not welcome extremist groups on any side that condone racism or bring violence of any kind to the thousands of americans that will be marching peacefully. suzanne malveaux, cnn, washington. >> suzanne, thanks for that report. still to come this morning president biden is committed to deescalating tension between russia and ukraine through diplomacy, but also promising severe consequences if russia goes through with an invasion. also we're two weeks away from the winter games in beijing. nbc is keeping their olympics announcers stateside, though. this is going to be a very different season. the reason behind that decision. stay close. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> reporter: look, a big part of this is to show the american public just how engaged the president is on the situation in ukraine, no matter where he might be. that's why you saw the white house release that image of the president meeting with his national security team right now it's on your screen, he is sitting next to national security adviser jake sullivan, steve ricchetti on the other side, national security advisers joining him virtually all from camp david. i want to read you a part of this readout that the white house released after this statement -- i mean, after the meeting took place and they said biden discussed efforts to deescalate and a range of deterrence measures. this comes after secretary of state antony blinken returned back from the u.s. after he met with russian and ukrainian counterparts and also it comes after that first shipment of military assistance arrives in ukraine over the weekend. but i want to read you just the last really key line from this readout released yesterday. they said, president biden again affirmed that should russia further invade ukraine, the united states will impose swift and severe consequences on russia with our allies and partners. so, of course, there the white house is trying to project real unity but this comes -- and what this statement is talking about, of course, are those severe and overwhelming economic consequences that the white house has told russia would come should they invade, as well as other options that are currently being drawn up now. so, again, top of mind for this white house. we will hear from secretary of state blinken later on today when he is expected to join cnn to talk more about this issue. boris, christi? >> jasmine, thanks so much. so a member of the house armed services committee briefed on the situation in ukraine thinks that russia will soon launch an invasion. i spoke with republican congressman mike waltz of florida about the buildup of russian forces along the board of ukraine and why americans should care. here is what he shared with us. >> we have seen massive amounts of tanks, planes and ships moving from east to west to the ukrainian border and it's not just the numbers, it's the types of troops. many of them are from his reserves and national guard, which are primarily intended for occupation duty. so i do think this invasion is imminent. americans should care because china is watching, north korea is watching, iran is watching, and our eastern european allies are incredibly concerned and watching. authoritarianism is on the march. >> congressman waltz says he's frustrated military aid from the united states has been slower than he would like to arrive in ukraine. he was part of a bipartisan congressional delegation that traveled to ukraine last month. meantime, the uk foreign office says it has information that the kremlin is planning to install a pro-russian leader in ukraine. a source briefed on u.s. and british intelligence says that the united states has similar evidence. >> cnn chief international correspondent clarissa ward is live from key yes. one thing to note here is that not only as i understand it according to this plot do they plan to install a pro-russian leader in ukraine, they plan to do so where you have in the capital city of kyiv, is that correct? >> reporter: that's what we're hearing but there hasn't been a huge amount of information given in this statement from the foreign office. they basically name five different people, four politicians who were part of the previous administration under viktor yanukovych, the kremlin-backed president forced to flee after a revolution. all four of those politicians are in russia now so not hugely surprising that they would be actively involved in meddling here on behalf of the russians, and also they named the candidate here in ukraine who they believe the kremlin would be trying to install. we reached out to him for a comment, he said that he's actually sanctioned by the russians and that he is ukrainian and has no further comment. the foreign office went on to tweet, this is the foreign secretary of the uk, liz truss, she says, we will not tolerate a kremlin plot to install pro-russian leadership in ukraine. but what we don't have a sense of is whether this is new intelligence, old intelligence, when this would take place, in what context it would take place. one u.s. security personnel did say that the u.s. believes that it has the same information and of those five people who were named on the list, those five ukrainian politicians accused of working with russia to try to disrupt the ukrainian political system, one of them was also on the treasury sanctions list, they were announced earlier this week. again, a similar allegation, that they were working with russia security services to try to destabilize the ukrainian political system, but, again, i would just say at this stage it's not clear how russia would go about trying to impose its own candidate into the ukrainian government. that would imply that there would be a plan imminently to t topple the ukrainian government, possibly in the context of an invasion. it's difficult to know given the scant information provided by the foreign office. >> thank you so much for walking us through it. we appreciate it. still ahead, rolling back restrictions in the uk. why health officials say england can return to plan a measures next. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. 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>> and it comes at a time where there is a lot of anger toward the british government, so positive news there. nada bashir, thank you so much. we're about to see yet another olympics shaken up by covid. there are strict protocols in place for the winter games which start in fewer than two weeks. of course, the athletes won't be the only ones the world is watching in beijing as the chinese government is under heavy scrutiny for human rights abuses. joining us now to discuss what's to come for the winter games, cnn chief media correspondent the anchor of reliable sources brian stelter and christine brennan is with us as well. brian, let's start with you, some big news from the network broadcasting the olympics, nbc, as christine this reported, nbc is not sending tv announcers to china because of key individual concerns and also say they will acknowledge the sri owe political context of the games in their coverage. that sounds like a really polite way to describe a genocide, doesn't it? >> yes, an attempt to be incredibly sensitive and try to be incredibly careful in the way that it talks about china, while acknowledging that it will do so in some way. so acknowledge the geopolitical context, that's the line from nbc this week. they say they will somehow bring up human rights abuses and other issues, but, you know, i think what we see in the history of nbc's coverage of the games is that they try to do this in the most minimal way possible when dealing with scandals and controversies, they try to put the emphasis on the athletes. nbc is in a very difficult situation here as it tries to balance a lot of different factors, including, as you said, covid concerns. that's why the "today" show is not going to beijing, that's why broadcasters are not going to beijing. if anybody turns out with a positive test they get quarantined for weeks, they are out of the business. it's a very difficult situation. it's very hard to put on a television broadcast from the beijing games. >> christine, you've noted that athletes, staff and journalists are going to have to undergo district protocols. the chinese obviously hoping to stop the spread of covid but there are other motives you have written about, they're using these control mechanisms to their advantage and i'm wondering what you think china is trying to accomplish here. >> boris, china wants to be china. they want to control everything and nbc as brian just said has played right into their hands. one hopes the nbc news division will be able to exert some pressure and force into doing its job, which is to report the news. my goodness, if nbc is sugar coating this, well, that will be a real black mark, i think, on nbc news and their journalism. we have seen that before with other olympics as brian said, but this is the mother of all controversies within an olympic games. yes, as far as i'm planning to go, i have to take two covid tests this week, i leave over the weekend as brian said, as you alluded to, if i test positive when i land in beijing, which i will be bubble wrapped and triple masked and all of the above, but if i am, if i test positive, i then go right into a hotel room and into quarantine and i would do my job from there, but it's going to be very, very hard to do that if we do test positive. >> you've also been told to assume your hotel room is under surveillance. what kind of steps are you going to take? i mean, that sounds like a nightmare. >> it does sound like a nightmare but of course it's what we do as journalists and it will be an amazing story and that's, of course, why i want to go and this is my 20th olympics in a row so i'm not going to miss it unless -- if i can stay one step ahead of omicron, boris, i have a burner phone, burner laptop from "usa today," everyone, all the cnn people, of course, i will be working with cnn as well over there, every news organization i know is giving their reporters new phones and laptops and we're doing our best to stay one step ahead in this case of the chinese and their surveillance and basically they're just awful misbehavior, awful use of the internet for their purposes, but, as i said before, bring it on. i'm a journalist and i'm going to cover these and i'm not going to pull any punches with any word i say or any coverage of the human rights abuses of china. this is what we're there to do and we will do it. >> christine, we will talk off camera about getting me the plug for that burner phone, but, brian, to you quickly, the idea that all these journalists are going to be in china amid this genocide of the uighur population, doesn't the network have a responsibility to address it more directly and not say, you know, geopolitical context and to essentially call out china for what much of the world understands is happening within their borders? >> yes, but whether the network does so will remain to be seen. the olympics have always been a backdrop, every games is a backdrop for conflict and change around the world and battle between democracy and autocracy. we've seen that throughout history and i think we will see it in a very vivid way in the next few weeks with these games. >> all right. christine brennan, brian stelter, thank you so much. of course, you can see more of brian later this morning on "reliable sources" at 11:00 a.m. we have a different side to show you of hole wide icon marilyn monroe. it shows how she risked it all to stand by arthur miller. >> arthur miller was subpoenaed by the u.s. government to appear before the house of unamerican activities committee. in hollywood this was really ruining a lot of careers by forcing people to name names of their fellow communist or communist sympathizers that they had known or knew. >> are you a member of the communist party? >> are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party? >> she anxiously waits even as he refuses to name names. >> the story about arthur miller's defiance is usually told in terms of his political courage and marilyn is there standing by herman. according to people who knew both miller and marilyn at the time, it was marilyn who urged miller to stand up to them. she hated mckathyism and everything that it stood for. >> cnn's original series "reframed: marilyn monroe," it continues with new episodes tonight at 9:00 p.m. so it's already a competitive market, but now mortgage rates are on the rise. up next, we have a look at how much extra you could be shell out if you plan on buying a home and why you should try to lock down that rate right now. this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school, and where the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. there's only one mass general brigham. if you wake up thinking about the market and want to make the right moves fast... get decision tech from fidelity. 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(vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? this is a warrior. midnight to morning, she's in command. all-day comfort. all-night shift. head nurse. heart on her sleeve. so, when leaks show up, our protection helps keep them dry. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you.™ okay. i'm just giving you the information. i have no control over this. just to be clear, u.s. mortgage rates now at the highest level in almost two years. this is a frenzied market that deals with a shortage in homes and a rise in prices. >> the average on a 30 year fixed rate hit 6.5% this yeek and makes the competitive market even more stressful. vanessa yurkevich has move. >> reporter: stu is on the hunt again. >> here we have two bedroom, two and a half bath. >> reporter: he is looking for a inappropriately in los angeles for himself and his eight-year-old daughter after he fell out of escrow on another property last month. besides worried about square footage there's low inventory, sky high prices and bidding wars and now rising mortgage rates. >> they're almost a point higher than they were when i made that offer in escrow, so that's a significant jump. >> reporter: this week a 30 year fixed rate low is 3.6% back up to pre pandemic levels. on a median home price of $350,000 americans can expect to spend $120 more on average excluding taxes and insurance than they did a year ago. >> i think that affects the kind of homes i look at, that affects the neighborhoods i look at, affects the kind of mention i'm willing to go and have conviction about that maybe i didn't a month or week ago. >> reporter: mortgage rates are going up in anticipation of higher interest rates, which the federal reserve said would happen this year. in just the last month a 30-year mortgage rose by a half a point. >> every half point the mortgage rates rise i think that definitely has an impact on what buyers are willing to do, how far they're willing to stretch on home purchase. >> reporter: rising rates will affect home buyers in pricier coastal cities where they're more often right on the cusp of qualifying for a home mortgage. in chicago where realtors say there's more inventory it means locking in a good mortgage rate now. >> you don't want to pay more money if you don't have to. that's why we did decide to go through the preapproval process earlier so that that way if we found something we could find out. >> reporter: mary kate and her husband are first time home buyers working against two timelines. their lease is up in six months and rising mortgage rates. >> we have definitely been kind of accelerating that timeline a little bit more recently. >> reporter: her realtor says rising rates are bringing up fomo among many of his first time buyers, that's fear of missing out. >> there might be some folks out there who were considering buying a home six months or nine months ago and didn't that might be kicking themselves. >> reporter: pushing buyers to move quickly before mortgage rates and home prices get any higher. >> maybe that's where some of the nerves and excitement all come together. >> reporter: vanessa yurkevich, cnn, new york. thanks, vanessa. right now more than 20 million people are under some sort of winter weather alert. we're tracking snow in some areas. it's up to as much as half a foot. don't miss the forecast coming up after a quick break. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at libertymutual.com so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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[ cheers ] >> it's okay! it's okay! it's okay! it's okay! >> it's okay they're saying. she was a little emotional, obviously, that was james mason fox who says adele somehow saw his tiktok post where he complained about the last minute show cancellation and got a private message told to go to a popup shop and after he and fans did so, they received gift bags and someone from adele's team held up the facetime call for him. whoa, that's a moment. i'm glad they got it recorded. thank you for starting your morning with us. great to be weith you. 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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240708 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240708

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good morning to you, welcome to your "new day," i'm christi paul. >> hi, christi, i'm boris sanchez. there are new details in that shooting that left a new york city police officer dead and another critically injured. what we're learning about that officer and what investigators know about the gun that was used during the shooting. and amid warnings that russia is planning to invade ukraine imminently there are new details to share with you this morning about the kremlin's alleged plot to install a pro-russian leader. and the winter olympics are just a few days away, why coverage of the games could look very different this year. it is sunday, january 23rd. thank you so much for waking up with us this morning. we're following breaking news out of the houston area. according to officials there a harris county deputy was shot and killed during an apparent traffic stop. one that officials have called a brutal murder. >> cnn's polo sandoval is with us live right now. this is still early in the investigation. i know. they just talked a short while to give us more detail. what do we know? a brutal murder and a senseless one, too. what we know at this point based on what we're getting for authorities is that the search is on for a suspected cop killer in southwest houston after a traffic shop shortly before 1:00 a.m. resulted in the death of a law enforcement officer there. i listened to an update a few minutes ago from authorities. i wanted to get you some of the information that i got here. according to investigators charles galloway a 47-year-old 12-year veteran of the force they are working with precinct 5 deputy constables office was shot and killed leaving behind a daughter. what we know about what led to this shooting according to investigators is that he initiated a traffic stop about 12:45 this morning and that is when an individual described only as a hispanic man in a white newer model toyota avalon basically stepped out of his car with what investigators are describing as an assault-style weapon and shot multiple times at deputy galloway shooting and killing him. according to authorities there saying that deputy galloway didn't even have an opportunity to defend himself, didn't even have an opportunity to fire back at the time of the shooting. now we do know a little bit more about him, that he actually volunteered to work the night shift to serve as a mentor. so this morning you have a lot of law enforcement officers there in the houston area that are grieving the loss of this -- of deputy galloway and now are anxiously obviously working the trail of this individual that is still on the run as authorities try to track down the man responsible for this latest law enforcement killing. >> my gosh. polo, it's just to scary and sad for that family. i mean, we're thinking about them certainly and that whole -- that whole force there because they are family. and this, of course s when we're learning more this morning about the new york police officer jason rivera who was shot and killed. we know yesterday mayor eric adams honored rivera and the other officers who were involved. he did so at a vigil there. >> authorities have been hard at work in the investigation and they've traced the gun that was used in the shooting and now we're learning new information about this weapon. let's bring back in polo sandoval. polo, what else did we hear from mayor eric adams, his message to police, especially with weight to it given that he is a former police commander? >> basically showing the united front against this issue of gun violence and illegal guns as well. there is a big question obviously about how this weapon ended up in the hands of this felon that is suspected of carrying out this attack against the two officers on friday. we're learning a little bit more about jason rivera, too. in this case it's penned in his own words in a letter that he wrote his commanding officer when attending police academy in 2020 and basically saying what inspired him to become the first person in his family to become a police officer. he wrote about his firsthand experience with the controversial stop and frisk policy that initially is what propelled to to join the force. rivera entered the police academy in 2020 according to a source with knowledge of the officer's records wrote in that letter and i want to share a, po of that, officer rivera writing, as time went on i saw the nypd pushing hard on changing the relationship between the police and the community. this is when i realized i wanted to be part of the men in blue. better the relationship between the community and the police. so what we saw yesterday was mayor eric adams honoring the life of officer rivera and the other officers that were involved in that shooting in that vigil last night, basically reinforcing the point that he is dedicated to uniting everyone around the issue of gun violence and illegal guns. >> violence won't divide us, it will unite us. we are going to unite around this issue. an illegal gun is a line in the sand and we need to send a clear and loud message. you carry a gun in our city, there is no apology to you. you can't carry guns and use guns in our city. that message must be clear. >> when he took the oath on january 1st eric adams actually emphasized his position that he would not allow the city to become what he described as a city of disorder as we continue to see this rash of various crimes. so it's certainly going to be increased pressure on the mayor to act in light of friday's shooting. >> polo, thank you so much for bringing us the very latest on both of those stories this morning. new york mayor eric adams will be on "state of the union" as well check that out at 9:00 a.m. new york, like many cities across the u.s., is really grappling with how to address this rise in crime that we're seeing. in a cnn opinion piece my next guest writes this, during the last six weeks of 2021 my son, a student at temple university, was shaken down for money by three robbers at a north philly gas station. my daughter, a fourth-year medical student at thomas jefferson university who spends a significant amount of time working at medical clinics serving indigent residents was assaulted by a deranged woman within the shadow of city hall. that is from former republican congressman from president and cnn political commentator charlie dent who is joining us now. charlie, what you are describing, a lot of people know for themselves and worse in some of these cities. first of all, is everybody okay and how as a father do you absorb what happened this that six weeks? >> well, thanks, christi. look, my kids are doing fine. i mean, they're lucky, they're healthy, but, you know, it's the 559 people who were murdered is what's really, i think, alarming everyone and frankly it was a fact that the district attorney seemed to dismiss it, the violence, in a very cavalier way, forcing the former mayor, michael nutter, to excoriate him over this. many of us we just have eyes and ears and we see what's happening. i mean, i love philadelphia, i love new york, and it pains me to see the violence. it's palpable. people can feel it. they know they're not safe. i talked to my kids and my sister calls me and says, you know, her daughter is at penn and lives in a neighborhood with a bunch of carjackings. people are pretty wigged out about all of this. something has to happen. i think many people in law enforcement don't feel supported by their local elected officials in too many cases and frankly they are not prosecuting enough crime. during the summer of 2020 i witnessed with my own eyes people on four-wheelers making a racquet, driving through center city right in front of police officers. i asked the police officers why don't we enforce this? and they said, we are not allowed to. we are not permitted to enforce. i mean, quality of life crimes. i mean, it just speaks so badly for these communities. >> do you fear that when they let crimes like that happen, the quality of life crimes, that other things can go by the wayside as well because they are behold en to policy like you sad where they are not allowed to do anything? >> yeah, i mean, i think the bigger -- the big issue is i think these officers do not feel like they are being supported enough by their elected officials. i feel like they're standing down. i feel like they are told that they are not supposed to enforce many crimes that they had previously enforced. i do think, you know, there's something to that broken windows theory of policing that, you know, these small crimes turn into bigger ones. i was in the state legislature and we were doing dna testing of -- i was the guy that led the charge to dna test burglars because we found that people that committed burglaries were likely to commit other violent crimes and we closed out a lot of cases. i think it's important that these cases be pursued and, you know, again, this is palpable. there is a noticeable difference since the summer of 2020, there is no question about it. people talk about it, they're fearful, and this will drive this investment in these cities. i was there when ed rendell, you know, when he was mayor and they did a lot to, you know, drive investment back into this city and public safety was a critical part of that whole community development strategy, and, you know, it's going to take a generation to get it back if people feel like they can't be safe in town. >> so here is where i'd love for you to put your congressional hat back on as well here because you write in an op-ed about these crime waves that we're seeing and they will likely have some political repercussions. you said democratic mayors, councilmen and district attorneys have the power to course correct if they have the courage and political will to do so. if they don't, democrats will pay a price at the polls. what are these city leaders not doing? and portend for us what the democratic party looks like if they can't puncture these problems. and why is it primarily on democrats, you say? >> well, because they control the major cities. i think former -- congresswoman abigail spanberger said it pretty well after the 2020 election, she said, all this defund the police rhetoric nearly cost her her virginia seat in 2020. i think that they have to get serious not about defunding, but refunding the police. i think they have to enforce quality of life crimes. that's essential. but most important of all, you know, crime victim services, community policing is not a new idea. need to do that. but at the end of the day they need to support their officers. if they do not -- if those officers do not feel like they're being supported, it feels like they're standing down in too many cases. when they're told not to enforce certain crimes, and in philadelphia where the da, they don't prosecute a lot of crimes. there was a young temple student, my son's classmate was just murdered during the thanksgiving break during an attempted carjacking. the kid was murdered. 21. and the 17 who shot him had been -- you know, had several charges against him. i mean, why was this guy on the street? i mean, people are asking these questions. why they are not prosecuting. they are having terrible turnover in that district attorney's office in philadelphia. it seems like they don't want to prosecute a lot of crime. people are asking this question not just in philadelphia, but in many cities across the country. again, democrats are in charge there, so they're going to pay a price for it. >> it is much more expansive than philadelphia, but it is certainly good to get your perspective on this. congressman charlie dent, we appreciate you so much. thank you. >> thank you, christi. anytime. so there's a chance for conflict in the nation's capital potentially this morning. businesses in washington, d.c. are on alert as thousands of demonstrators are expected for an anti-vaccine mandate protest. >> this comes as the district is now mandating proof of vaccination to enter some local businesses and there are folks that fear that the demonstrations might attract extremist groups to the area. cnn's suzanne malveaux walks us through how the nation's capital is preparing. >> reporter: there's a great deal of anticipation and concern over the potential for violence this weekend as all eyes turn to sunday, the fight over vaccine mandates which will may out here in washington, d.c. the national park service says various groups opposing vaccine mandates and masks could draw up to 20,000 people at and around an event being called defeat the mandates, american homecoming event. so the fbi, department of homeland security, metropolitan and u.s. park police and others are helping local businesses prepare for the clouds and possibly confront protesters who may refuse to wear masks indoors or provide vaccination cards or comply with d.c. rules. the protests coincide with new proof of vaccine requirements for restaurants, bars, gyms and other private businesses in d.c. u.s. capitol police and montgomery county, maryland's, police department are staffing up to arrest those who are nonclient or who harass employees and have already held a conference call with these business leaders to prepare. now, the u.s. capitol police chief says i am confident in our preparation for this weekend. law enforcement officials are also concerned the protests could attract violent extremist groups. friday close to 30 men who appeared to be tied to patriot front, an american nationalist white supremacist group showed up outside the national archives and were surrounded by d.c. police to ensure there were no confrontations. the organizers of sunday's protest called defeat the mandates say they have hired increased private security to work with government law enforcement officials and they also put out a statement saying here, we do not welcome extremist groups on any side that condone racism or bring violence of any kind to the thousands of americans that will be marching peacefully. suzanne malveaux, cnn, washington. >> suzanne, thanks for that report. still to come this morning president biden is committed to deescalating tension between russia and ukraine through diplomacy, but also promising severe consequences if russia goes through with an invasion. also we're two weeks away from the winter games in beijing. nbc is keeping their olympics announcers stateside, though. this is going to be a very different season. the reason behind that decision. stay close. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> reporter: look, a big part of this is to show the american public just how engaged the president is on the situation in ukraine, no matter where he might be. that's why you saw the white house release that image of the president meeting with his national security team right now it's on your screen, he is sitting next to national security adviser jake sullivan, steve ricchetti on the other side, national security advisers joining him virtually all from camp david. i want to read you a part of this readout that the white house released after this statement -- i mean, after the meeting took place and they said biden discussed efforts to deescalate and a range of deterrence measures. this comes after secretary of state antony blinken returned back from the u.s. after he met with russian and ukrainian counterparts and also it comes after that first shipment of military assistance arrives in ukraine over the weekend. but i want to read you just the last really key line from this readout released yesterday. they said, president biden again affirmed that should russia further invade ukraine, the united states will impose swift and severe consequences on russia with our allies and partners. so, of course, there the white house is trying to project real unity but this comes -- and what this statement is talking about, of course, are those severe and overwhelming economic consequences that the white house has told russia would come should they invade, as well as other options that are currently being drawn up now. so, again, top of mind for this white house. we will hear from secretary of state blinken later on today when he is expected to join cnn to talk more about this issue. boris, christi? >> jasmine, thanks so much. so a member of the house armed services committee briefed on the situation in ukraine thinks that russia will soon launch an invasion. i spoke with republican congressman mike waltz of florida about the buildup of russian forces along the board of ukraine and why americans should care. here is what he shared with us. >> we have seen massive amounts of tanks, planes and ships moving from east to west to the ukrainian border and it's not just the numbers, it's the types of troops. many of them are from his reserves and national guard, which are primarily intended for occupation duty. so i do think this invasion is imminent. americans should care because china is watching, north korea is watching, iran is watching, and our eastern european allies are incredibly concerned and watching. authoritarianism is on the march. >> congressman waltz says he's frustrated military aid from the united states has been slower than he would like to arrive in ukraine. he was part of a bipartisan congressional delegation that traveled to ukraine last month. meantime, the uk foreign office says it has information that the kremlin is planning to install a pro-russian leader in ukraine. a source briefed on u.s. and british intelligence says that the united states has similar evidence. >> cnn chief international correspondent clarissa ward is live from key yes. one thing to note here is that not only as i understand it according to this plot do they plan to install a pro-russian leader in ukraine, they plan to do so where you have in the capital city of kyiv, is that correct? >> reporter: that's what we're hearing but there hasn't been a huge amount of information given in this statement from the foreign office. they basically name five different people, four politicians who were part of the previous administration under viktor yanukovych, the kremlin-backed president forced to flee after a revolution. all four of those politicians are in russia now so not hugely surprising that they would be actively involved in meddling here on behalf of the russians, and also they named the candidate here in ukraine who they believe the kremlin would be trying to install. we reached out to him for a comment, he said that he's actually sanctioned by the russians and that he is ukrainian and has no further comment. the foreign office went on to tweet, this is the foreign secretary of the uk, liz truss, she says, we will not tolerate a kremlin plot to install pro-russian leadership in ukraine. but what we don't have a sense of is whether this is new intelligence, old intelligence, when this would take place, in what context it would take place. one u.s. security personnel did say that the u.s. believes that it has the same information and of those five people who were named on the list, those five ukrainian politicians accused of working with russia to try to disrupt the ukrainian political system, one of them was also on the treasury sanctions list, they were announced earlier this week. again, a similar allegation, that they were working with russia security services to try to destabilize the ukrainian political system, but, again, i would just say at this stage it's not clear how russia would go about trying to impose its own candidate into the ukrainian government. that would imply that there would be a plan imminently to t topple the ukrainian government, possibly in the context of an invasion. it's difficult to know given the scant information provided by the foreign office. >> thank you so much for walking us through it. we appreciate it. still ahead, rolling back restrictions in the uk. why health officials say england can return to plan a measures next. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. 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>> and it comes at a time where there is a lot of anger toward the british government, so positive news there. nada bashir, thank you so much. we're about to see yet another olympics shaken up by covid. there are strict protocols in place for the winter games which start in fewer than two weeks. of course, the athletes won't be the only ones the world is watching in beijing as the chinese government is under heavy scrutiny for human rights abuses. joining us now to discuss what's to come for the winter games, cnn chief media correspondent the anchor of reliable sources brian stelter and christine brennan is with us as well. brian, let's start with you, some big news from the network broadcasting the olympics, nbc, as christine this reported, nbc is not sending tv announcers to china because of key individual concerns and also say they will acknowledge the sri owe political context of the games in their coverage. that sounds like a really polite way to describe a genocide, doesn't it? >> yes, an attempt to be incredibly sensitive and try to be incredibly careful in the way that it talks about china, while acknowledging that it will do so in some way. so acknowledge the geopolitical context, that's the line from nbc this week. they say they will somehow bring up human rights abuses and other issues, but, you know, i think what we see in the history of nbc's coverage of the games is that they try to do this in the most minimal way possible when dealing with scandals and controversies, they try to put the emphasis on the athletes. nbc is in a very difficult situation here as it tries to balance a lot of different factors, including, as you said, covid concerns. that's why the "today" show is not going to beijing, that's why broadcasters are not going to beijing. if anybody turns out with a positive test they get quarantined for weeks, they are out of the business. it's a very difficult situation. it's very hard to put on a television broadcast from the beijing games. >> christine, you've noted that athletes, staff and journalists are going to have to undergo district protocols. the chinese obviously hoping to stop the spread of covid but there are other motives you have written about, they're using these control mechanisms to their advantage and i'm wondering what you think china is trying to accomplish here. >> boris, china wants to be china. they want to control everything and nbc as brian just said has played right into their hands. one hopes the nbc news division will be able to exert some pressure and force into doing its job, which is to report the news. my goodness, if nbc is sugar coating this, well, that will be a real black mark, i think, on nbc news and their journalism. we have seen that before with other olympics as brian said, but this is the mother of all controversies within an olympic games. yes, as far as i'm planning to go, i have to take two covid tests this week, i leave over the weekend as brian said, as you alluded to, if i test positive when i land in beijing, which i will be bubble wrapped and triple masked and all of the above, but if i am, if i test positive, i then go right into a hotel room and into quarantine and i would do my job from there, but it's going to be very, very hard to do that if we do test positive. >> you've also been told to assume your hotel room is under surveillance. what kind of steps are you going to take? i mean, that sounds like a nightmare. >> it does sound like a nightmare but of course it's what we do as journalists and it will be an amazing story and that's, of course, why i want to go and this is my 20th olympics in a row so i'm not going to miss it unless -- if i can stay one step ahead of omicron, boris, i have a burner phone, burner laptop from "usa today," everyone, all the cnn people, of course, i will be working with cnn as well over there, every news organization i know is giving their reporters new phones and laptops and we're doing our best to stay one step ahead in this case of the chinese and their surveillance and basically they're just awful misbehavior, awful use of the internet for their purposes, but, as i said before, bring it on. i'm a journalist and i'm going to cover these and i'm not going to pull any punches with any word i say or any coverage of the human rights abuses of china. this is what we're there to do and we will do it. >> christine, we will talk off camera about getting me the plug for that burner phone, but, brian, to you quickly, the idea that all these journalists are going to be in china amid this genocide of the uighur population, doesn't the network have a responsibility to address it more directly and not say, you know, geopolitical context and to essentially call out china for what much of the world understands is happening within their borders? >> yes, but whether the network does so will remain to be seen. the olympics have always been a backdrop, every games is a backdrop for conflict and change around the world and battle between democracy and autocracy. we've seen that throughout history and i think we will see it in a very vivid way in the next few weeks with these games. >> all right. christine brennan, brian stelter, thank you so much. of course, you can see more of brian later this morning on "reliable sources" at 11:00 a.m. we have a different side to show you of hole wide icon marilyn monroe. it shows how she risked it all to stand by arthur miller. >> arthur miller was subpoenaed by the u.s. government to appear before the house of unamerican activities committee. in hollywood this was really ruining a lot of careers by forcing people to name names of their fellow communist or communist sympathizers that they had known or knew. >> are you a member of the communist party? >> are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party? >> she anxiously waits even as he refuses to name names. >> the story about arthur miller's defiance is usually told in terms of his political courage and marilyn is there standing by herman. according to people who knew both miller and marilyn at the time, it was marilyn who urged miller to stand up to them. she hated mckathyism and everything that it stood for. >> cnn's original series "reframed: marilyn monroe," it continues with new episodes tonight at 9:00 p.m. so it's already a competitive market, but now mortgage rates are on the rise. up next, we have a look at how much extra you could be shell out if you plan on buying a home and why you should try to lock down that rate right now. this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school, and where the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. there's only one mass general brigham. if you wake up thinking about the market and want to make the right moves fast... get decision tech from fidelity. 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(vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? this is a warrior. midnight to morning, she's in command. all-day comfort. all-night shift. head nurse. heart on her sleeve. so, when leaks show up, our protection helps keep them dry. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you.™ okay. i'm just giving you the information. i have no control over this. just to be clear, u.s. mortgage rates now at the highest level in almost two years. this is a frenzied market that deals with a shortage in homes and a rise in prices. >> the average on a 30 year fixed rate hit 6.5% this yeek and makes the competitive market even more stressful. vanessa yurkevich has move. >> reporter: stu is on the hunt again. >> here we have two bedroom, two and a half bath. >> reporter: he is looking for a inappropriately in los angeles for himself and his eight-year-old daughter after he fell out of escrow on another property last month. besides worried about square footage there's low inventory, sky high prices and bidding wars and now rising mortgage rates. >> they're almost a point higher than they were when i made that offer in escrow, so that's a significant jump. >> reporter: this week a 30 year fixed rate low is 3.6% back up to pre pandemic levels. on a median home price of $350,000 americans can expect to spend $120 more on average excluding taxes and insurance than they did a year ago. >> i think that affects the kind of homes i look at, that affects the neighborhoods i look at, affects the kind of mention i'm willing to go and have conviction about that maybe i didn't a month or week ago. >> reporter: mortgage rates are going up in anticipation of higher interest rates, which the federal reserve said would happen this year. in just the last month a 30-year mortgage rose by a half a point. >> every half point the mortgage rates rise i think that definitely has an impact on what buyers are willing to do, how far they're willing to stretch on home purchase. >> reporter: rising rates will affect home buyers in pricier coastal cities where they're more often right on the cusp of qualifying for a home mortgage. in chicago where realtors say there's more inventory it means locking in a good mortgage rate now. >> you don't want to pay more money if you don't have to. that's why we did decide to go through the preapproval process earlier so that that way if we found something we could find out. >> reporter: mary kate and her husband are first time home buyers working against two timelines. their lease is up in six months and rising mortgage rates. >> we have definitely been kind of accelerating that timeline a little bit more recently. >> reporter: her realtor says rising rates are bringing up fomo among many of his first time buyers, that's fear of missing out. >> there might be some folks out there who were considering buying a home six months or nine months ago and didn't that might be kicking themselves. >> reporter: pushing buyers to move quickly before mortgage rates and home prices get any higher. >> maybe that's where some of the nerves and excitement all come together. >> reporter: vanessa yurkevich, cnn, new york. thanks, vanessa. right now more than 20 million people are under some sort of winter weather alert. we're tracking snow in some areas. it's up to as much as half a foot. don't miss the forecast coming up after a quick break. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at libertymutual.com so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. a rare and winterly mix. you can see it in this drone video. ice and snow blanketing virginia beach after a system brought colder temperatures and precipitation in the region. parts of the coastal area saw 6 inches of snow and some people braved the conditions including one guy that decided to take the opportunity to go skiing on the boardwalk. >> well, when you can, i mean. >> you must. >> you must. >> if there is ever an opportunity to ski on the boardwalk, do it. at least 20 million people are under winter weather alerts including parts of the midwest and great lakes where a couple clipper systems have begun sweeping the region. >> the great lakes winter storms can be pretty vengeful. cnn meteorologist allison chinchar with us. when you say severe up there, you mean severe. >> yeah, yes, of course, the midwest gets snow but some of these clippers can drop a significant amount of snow in a short period of time. showing in chicago, detroit, buffalo getting snow showers as the system slides off to the east but this isis one of two systems pushing through the areas in the next 24 to 46 hours. you have back to back systems and winter weather advisories for several states in the midwest and great lakes region. there is the first one. the second one hitting the exact same spots that the first one did so back to back snow systems. now, the second system not likely to produce quite as much snow as the first one but remember, it's a cumulative effect on top of the 4 to 6 inches most locations got with the first system. it's quite a lot of snow in a short period of time over this general region. the other thing is the temperatures. it's very, very cold outside. yes, it's january. yes, these are cold places but still, milwaukee the wind chill of minus one, minneapolis minus 21 for that wind chill. when you get these cold temperatures like that, you get these really interesting ice formations. this is from lake michigan a couple days ago. ice pancakes very similar to ice balls or even their more dangerous counterpart ice jams and you'll start to see colder temperatures over the next couple days. look at minneapolis from a high of 8 today boris and christie to a high temperature of minus one on 1 tuesday. >> at. allison chinchar. that's all i can do is go oh, thank you. so after postponing the start of her las vegas residency adele surprised a group of surprised fans with a video call at cesars palace. look at this. [ cheers ] >> it's okay! it's okay! it's okay! it's okay! >> it's okay they're saying. she was a little emotional, obviously, that was james mason fox who says adele somehow saw his tiktok post where he complained about the last minute show cancellation and got a private message told to go to a popup shop and after he and fans did so, they received gift bags and someone from adele's team held up the facetime call for him. whoa, that's a moment. i'm glad they got it recorded. thank you for starting your morning with us. great to be weith you. "inside politics" with abby phillip is next. n became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at nm.com can dove stop 98% of daily hair damage? sandra treats one lock of hair with dove. glowing areas represent hair damage. dove precisely repairs so there are almost no signs... of visible damage. dove intensive repair. number one beauty brand not tested on animals. (vo) america's most reliable network is going ultra! with verizon 5g ultra wideband now in many more cities so you can do more. mindy! with 5g ultra wideband. downloading a movie up to 10 times faster than before. oh, is that the one where the mom becomes a... (mindy) yep! 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