Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

tens of thousands of russian troops sit along the ukraine border. the u.s. embassy says the shipment includes 200,000 pounds of lethal aid. the pentagon is also working on new military options for the biden administration, should russia invade. sources are telling cnn the u.s. embassy in ukraine has requested authorization from the u.s. state department to evacuate all nonessential staff and their families. cnn's international and diplomatic editor, nic robertson is in moscow for us and cnn's arlette saenz and at the white house. while a diplomatic solution remains possible, how much of this is in vladimir putin's hands? >> yeah, i think the next step is clearly in his hands. what he's waiting for at the moment is a written response from the united states to russia's security proposals, demands as they're seen by nato. he already knows the answer. he knows the answer to putin's question that ukraine should not be allowed to join nato and nato should roll back its borders to 1997 lines is, no, he knows that. but he's going to get it in writing and it's going to come in the next few days and he and his advisers will have to figure out what their next move is. the concern in the united states is that, while this diplomacy is going on, russia is still ramping up its military presence in the region, they've brought in some sophisticated missiles in belarus, where it's planned to have huge military exercises there. and unlike the russian troop deployment on the eastern side of ukraine, that troop deployment in belarus, the military exercises, will put them much closer to the capital of ukraine. so huge concern. yes, the diplomatic track is on, but the military option is still there, and, yes, the ukrainians are beginning to get some military assistance. it's not huge, but it's designed to send a message, while president putin is in this phase of what shall he do next. this military support to ukraine is designed to send a message that says the cost of an incursion, which russia says it doesn't want to do, is going up. that's the message. >> arlette, with the pentagon preparing war options for president biden, where does he have room to maneuver right now? >> reporter: well, fred, that's exactly what president biden is working through this weekend as he's set to meet with his national security team from camp david to talk about the tensions regarding russia and ukraine. the administration has made clear that their first priority is trying to achieve de-escalation through diplomatic efforts, even as they are drawing up potential options for what to do if russia does decide to invade ukraine. now, secretary of state blinken was in geneva yesterday meeting with russian's foreign minister, lavrov, where they talked about some of what he called severe consequences that the u.s. would take against russia if they invade. the u.s. has been seeking to clean up a little bit these comments from president biden when he suggested a minor incursion might draw lesser of a response from nato, comments that really rattled some nerves in kyiv. but take a listen to what secretary of state antony blinken had to say yesterday about russia going forward. >> we've been clear, if any russian military forces move across ukraine's border, that's a renewed invasion, it will be met with swift, severe and a united response from the united states and our partners and allies. >> reporter: now, the u.s. has been working through what those consequences might be, including severe economic penalties, as well as possibly bolstering the u.s. military presence in eastern european countries, to not only act as a deterrence, but also an assurance to allies that the administration is still hoping that that diplomatic route will work and they are still keeping that option of having president biden and putin sit down for a meeting to try to work through some of these tensions. >> all right. we shall see. arlette saenz and washington and nic robertson in moscow. thank you. let's bring in congressman ro khanna, a democrat from california and a member of the house armed services committee and the oversight committee. good to see you, congressman. so both president biden and secretary of state antony blinken have said that russia will face severe sanctions if it were to invade ukraine. so what do you think the u.s. should be prepared to do if, indeed, this happens? >> i'm encouraged by secretary of state blinken's meeting with the russian foreign minister. he said cooler heads were prevailing, they're looking at possible diplomatic solutions. here's what i think should happen. ukraine should declare they're going to be the a non-aligned nation, neither on the united states nor russia's side. they were like that up until 2008. i think if ukraine declares that, it could de-escalate tension and we could have peace. >> now can you be a non-aligning nation when you're now receiving u.s. munitions? >> well, they were non-aligned from 1992 to 2008, and at that point there wasn't actually russian aggression. and then we pushed to expand nato. in my view, that push of expansion at that time was unnecessarily provacative. now there's no doubt that russia has invaded and it's illegal and wrong. the question is, how do we de-escalate. one of the things we could do is for ukraine to say we just want to live in peace, we don't want to be a battleground between europe and russia, and i hope that they will do that. >> so this is what republican congressman mike waltz and a fellow member of the house armed services committee said about the situation. listen. >> we have seen massive amounts of tanks, planes and ships moving from east to west to the ukrainian border, and it's not just the numbers. it's the types of troops. many of them are from his reserves and national guard, which are primarily intended for occupation duty. so i do think that invasion is imminent. >> so if you have that, why is it there are those who remain hopeful about a diplomatic solution? >> what i would ask is, what do they want the president to do? he's actually, i think, taking exactly the right steps. he sent secretary blinken. he's made some progress in his meeting with the foreign minister. the goal is to de-escalate and convince russia it's not in their interest to invade. the last thing america wants is to be in some drawn-out war in ukraine with americans dying. so given that's not an option that the american public wants, the president has said there will be severe, crippling economic sanctions, and at the same time they're looking at a solution. in my view, the solution is somehow ukraine non-aligned neutrality. >> putin has said he wants a committee from the u.s. to not allow ukraine into nato. the white house has said that's not an option right now. but the u.s. isn't in the driver's seat for that, anyway. >> well, look, the president of the united states is not going to be blackmailed. he can't give in to putin's threats of saying we want x, y and z to not invade. if he were to do that, every country would try to blackmail the country. but they can have ukraine themselves say maybe it's not that great of an idea for us to join nato because it's going to be unnecessarily provacative and our country is going to be a battleground between europe and russia. and i think there needs to be more thoughtful leadership from ukraine, which has had a war-torn country for the past decade and secretary blinken and others can help urge ukraine to make that decision. >> all right. let's turn to the president's build back better plan. this is what house speaker nancy pelosi said just this week. >> what the president calls chunks i would hope would be a major bill going forward. it may be more limited, but it is still significant. there are big chunks of the bill that have to be contained in the bill. call it a chunk if you want, but whatever you call it, we want it to be able to make a difference. >> so what do you believe here? what would it take for you to support a broken-up version of this build back better? >> i think it's going to be a new version that is going to make a historic mark on climate, the biggest investment we've seen in climate, which will have universal preschool, every kid in america, 3 or 4-year-old is going to get to go to school and that's going to ex spand medica coverage. those are the three building blocks of a new plan. all will be major achievements, and we should get around that. and i think we need to get 51 votes in the senate for that. >> what do you believe, do you think the president has conceded that in order to get it passed, it just simply means taking out, removing chunks, as the house speaker referred to it? >> look, what the president was trying to do would have been bigger than the new deal. so if we get three things that are historic on climate, on preschool, and on medicaid expansion as opposed to getting eight or nine things, yeah, obviously the president is a realist. but that shouldn't diminish from what we're doing. every kid having preschool and having bold climate legislation is a big deal. >> and you two would consider that to be a success then? >> not only would i consider it a success, i would say how can any single democrat vote against a piece of legislation that had bold climate provisions. it should pass, let's get it to the president's desk, and then let's continue to deal with inflation, deal with the supply chain shortage, and of course with covid. >> congressman ro khanna, good to see you. stay well. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you so much. all right, and this breaking news now, new york city mayor adams is hosting a roundtable this hour on gun violence, following the shooting of two police officers in harlem last night that left one officer dead and another seriously wounded. i want to bring in now cnn's mark morales, good to see you. what do we know? >> reporter: it was a very violent night last night that capped off a violent stretch of days for the nypd. including the two officers that were shot last night, we now have five nypd officers that have been shot since the start of the year. now, last night a woman calls for help. she's saying that she has a dispute with her son. so nypd responds to the home a little after 6:00 p.m. and two officers are walking down a narrow hallway inside of an apartment in harlem. before they get to this door where the suspect was, the door swings open and he opens fire. the shooter has been identified as lashawn mcneil, 47 years old. and at that point the officers were not expecting these gunshots. >> mark, i apologize for interrupting. i want us to listen now to the new york mayor, eric adams. >> and part of that comes from during the time of being in the state senate, and throughout those years i came across all of you on the street. we would stop, we would talk, i just saw what you did on the ground. and i just took notes in my book, in my journal, and said, you know what, when we get the helm, we can do this the right way. but doing something the right way starts with communicating with people on the ground. i don't want to go in and attempt to dictate to you, when you are on the ground, i want to hear your ideas. and what we need to be doing as we evolve into the next level of the on-the-ground fighting crisis management of all the different groups and organizations that are doing this, i want to hear from you as we build out the program and come with some not so standard that is not unique to the particular areas, but to really have an understanding. what are you doing all the way over there? this is my deputy mayor, strategic partnership. so, you know, she's the one that's going to create all these partnerships. you've got to grab a chair and sit here. so we want to spend the bulk of our time hearing from you and your thoughts as we arm ourselves for the next couple of years. but, you know, just being present in what we're doing. so i want to do give my colleagues that are here a few comments and then we're going to turn it over to you. just give me your insight. go down the line. >> thank you, mr. mayor. thank you all for being here and thank you, mr. mayor, for calling us today. i'll be very brief. as i said yesterday, the vigil for that 11-month-old, first we have to support families and communities -- >> we're going to continue to monitor the gun violence roundtable with new york city's mayor, just three weeks now into office, and he's talking about he has clarity on trying to address the problem of gun violence in the city of new york. however, it's also going to take the participation of the public and bringing together ideas just as it's happening right now at this roundtable. mark morales was with us reporting on the shooting that took place in harlem. one police officer killed, another who continues to fight for his life. so, mark, pick up your thought on where the investigation goes. all this as the new mayor is also trying to address the problem of gun violence in the city. >> reporter: right, and that's a very big deal right now, because gun violence has been an issue, across the country, definitely in new york city. and right now it's about figuring out why this happened, how did the weapon get into this person's hands. federal authorities, along with local authorities, everyone is working together to trace this gun to go back to where it was originally purchased. now, the gun traces back to baltimore, somewhere in baltimore, sold in 2017. atf officials are going back, trying to do interviews and trying to find people and determine where it is that this weapon, and how it was sold to this person to get into lashawn mcneil's hands, and that is in addition to what the nypd is going to have to come up with in terms of a strategy. it's been an issue that's been ongoing in the city and we've seen it this week with nypd officers being involved in a lot of violent altercations and the 11-month-old child that mayor adams was talking about was also injured in an earlier accident in the bronx this week from a shooting that was happening out in the street. so the issue of gun violence isn't going away and the nypd and the city are actively trying to come up with a strategy, a new strategy to combat this. >> mark morales, thank you so much for hanging in there and joining us again. we're continuing to monitor the developments there with new york city mayor eric adams there, leading this gun violence roundtable. we'll be right back. king, so we gotta hurry. there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new... 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what might her role be here? >> reporter: as you mentioned, fredricka, the committee has reached out to ivanka trump for a voluntary interview. this is not a subpoena, this is them reaching out asking for her to voluntarily cooperate. the reason why this is so significant, though, is ivanka is the first trump family member that we know of for the committee to reach out to say they want to speak with, and ivanka was at the white house on january 6th. we know that she can speak to the former president's state of mind that day, because she went into her father's office at least twice to try and get him to stop the violence that was unfolding at the capitol before he finally put out that video. we also know, from new testimony that's come out, that ivanka was a witness to a phone conversation that her father had with his former vice president, mike pence, on the efforts -- and listened to the efforts her father was making to get pence to not certify the presidential election. so ivanka trump can really provide a lot of firsthand testimony about what was going on in the white house with the former president on that day. >> all right. it could be very compelling. thank you so much. so the release of those white house documents are adding to a week of troubling revelations and legal setbacks for the former president, and as cnn's sarah murray reports, the legal troubles may continue for quite some time for the former president. >> reporter: an extraordinary week of investigators ramping up legal pressure on former president donald trump and his family. >> as a district attorney, i do not have the right to look the other way on any crime that may have happened in my jurisdiction. >> reporter: in georgia's fulton county, the district attorney is asking to see a special grand jury this spring to collect evidence for her probe into trump's efforts to overturn georgia's election results. she wants subpoenas of testimony from witnesses like secretary of state brad raffensperger, trump's target in this infamous call last year. >> all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. because we won the state. >> reporter: the special grand jury request, willis is pursuing possible criminal charges against trump and his allies. manhattan's new district has been briefed on the criminal investigation there into the trump administration. last year bragg told cnn the trump case merits the attention of the da personally. new york attorney general, la ti james also ramping up her investigation. >> we have a parallel investigation, a criminal investigation. >> reporter: she's looking to compel testimony from trump, as well as ivanka trump and donald trump jr. in her civil probably, after laying out a trove of findings about what her office believes are fraudulent or misleading financial statements. this, as the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection now asking ivanka trump to voluntarily cooperate and shed light on the pressure her father put on pence not to certify the election. >> she could really perhaps complete the portrait of what happened on january 6th for us. >> reporter: the committee also sifting through documents from the national archives, after the supreme court cleared the way for their release. >> it's been a very good week for us with the supreme court decision rejecting trump's efforts to block release of a whole bunch of documents. >> reporter: while witnesses like former white house press secretary stephanie grisham set light on trump's paranoid mindset and the meetings he was convening ahead of january 6th. >> there were meetings taking place, mark meadows would have been there, as well as the legal team that was working on all of the bonkers little plans. >> sarah murray, thank you so much for that report. still ahead, while covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are finally beginning to drop in some areas of the u.s., hospitals are still overwhelmed by the number of patients. why some medical professionals say they are still in a crisis. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. announcer: tired of pain radiating down your leg and lower back? get relief finally, with magnilife® leg and back pain relief. and get living. available at your local retailer. some encouraging signs that the omicron surge may be on the downturn. new cases and hospitalizations are beginning to drop in some parts of the u.s., but others still say they are in the midst of a crisis. hospitals overwhelmed by the number of patients and staffing shortages. cnn's nadia romero has more. >> reporter: a trio of cdc studies released friday underscore just how urgently the booster shot is needed to fight off the omicron variant. according to the cdc, the booster has 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations over a period of december and january, compared to 57% for those with only two shots six months after their second vaccination. the new data raised the question of whether people with just two vaccine doses should still be considered fully vaccinated, but cdc director walensky stopped short friday of endorsing such a change. >> what we really are working to do is pivot the language to make sure that everybody is as up to date with their covid-19 vaccines as they personally could be, should be, based on when they got their last vaccine. so we're pivoting our language and we want to make sure people are up to date. >> reporter: meanwhile, those fighting covid on the front lines are being stretched beyond their limits. six atlanta metro hospitals say they're seeing mostly unvaccinated patients fill up their hospitals beyond capacity. >> we are running about 110% capacity right now. we've had to divert ambulances over the last several weeks because the huge number of patients coming in. that has a big impact on the rest of the city. it's wall-to-wall stretchers. we have no capacity left at the hospital. >> reporter: the message from health care experts to get vaccinated and boosted comes with a new push to limit the spread of the virus and to alleviate long lines at testing sites across the country, you can now order free at-home coronavirus tests from the federal government online or by using a new hotline. >> people need a test immediately, we continue to encourage them to utilize one of the many testing options that are out there in addition to the website. 20,000 community-based testing sites nationwide, federal surge sites, dozens of which have opened in the last few weeks are online. >> reporter: let's talk more about the at-home test kits. the biden administration says she want to push out 1 billion kits to persons all across the cou, four per household. but there are people saying they've received error message when they try to go online and get them sent to their homes. they say they were getting error messages saying their properties weren't registered. just yesterday the biden administration says it is working directly with usps to try to address some of those concerns. >> sometimes the rollouts are a little challenging and hopefully those wrinkles will get smoothed out. nadia romero, thank you so much. let's talk more about the challenges facing a lot of hospitals. joining us, dr. jane morgan, the executive director of piedmont task force in georgia. always good to see you. >> thank you. nice to see you. >> while there's some uplift and optimism in some places, still in others, you know, hospitals are stressed. what is the situation in georgia? >> certainly we are seeing, as we are seeing in other parts of the country, some of these numbers starting to come down, but our hospitals are still stressed, at or near capacity, throughout the state of georgia. so we want to make certain that people are aware of that and absolutely don't use the emergency rooms to come and just get testing, if you otherwise are not feeling unwell. >> so we've heard, you know, of some hospitals being forced to triage care, some saying they are running above capacity. how much longer can the overall health care system handle this? >> you know, in this surge, that is really the great question. obviously this is a great deal of stress, really, on humanity, and physicians and nurses alike are a part of this humanity. however, we continue to stand and continue to treat all patients who are coming to our facilities, whether you're vaccinated, whether you're unvaccinated, and making certain that people can receive the absolute best care. one of the concerns that we have in this particular surge is that we don't have an adequate or a continuous supply of all of these new medical therapeutics that are being approved under emergency use authorization from the fda, and so we want to make certain that the public is aware of that, that we do not have enough supply for everyone. so please make certain that you wear your mask and do your best to stay out of the hospital. >> we're starting to see cases and hospitalizations fall in many parts of the country, but does that give you any hope about, you know, where hospitals might be in the coming weeks? i mean, there were so many warning signs that january is likely to be the worst as it pertains to omicron, and perhaps things might get better. but spring is right around the corner and one has to wonder what might be around the corner as it pertains to covid as a whole. >> fred, i am ever-hopeful and we are definitely seeing this begin to turn the corner. we are praying that this will be the last surge and that we will be able to move forward beyond this. we've looked to the uk specifically with regard to how it has peaked and how it begins to ebb, and we are tracking that the united states will also follow in that direction. but we should not let our guards down, because on the way out omicron still has the ability to wreak a lot of havoc in its wake. so we must be certain that we continue to have our guard up and use home testing as a tool to help you protect yourself, protect your children, and make decisions about where you're going or who is coming into your environment. >> and hopefully home testing will become much more accessible as people begin to get their packages after making those orders. so georgia governor brian kemp, he activated the georgia national guard to help hospitals with the surge. in what way do you see that making a difference? >> it certainly makes a difference as we off-load some of the strain on our system. we have had quite a bit of absenteeism with our staff with regard to covid positivity and having to isolate or quarantine, which means that even though, on occasion, we have beds, those beds aren't available because we don't have staff for those beds. and so hospitals like every other industry in the united states are also dealing with staffing shortages. so the national guard helps to offset a lot of those tasks that now people can be redeployed to help support our hospital system while we also deal with absenteeism. >> dr. jane morgan, always good to see you. stay well. >> thank you. after years sitting outside a new york museum, the statue of theet door roosevelt was removed over criticism of its racial image. that is next. ♪(music)♪ at aetna® we're shifting medicare coverage into high gear with benefits you may be eligible for when you turn 65. benefits that may include dental, vision, and hearing. aetna medicare advantage plans call today to learn more. excuses happen. what? 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>> yeah, look, we have some good news on top of this. one, the storm system finally well out to sea taking with it all of the moisture. so the system has come to an end. yes, we had sunshine and warmer temperatures, so a lot of that was able to melt. but there was a lot of it, we are not just talking 1 to 2 inches. several locations of north carolina and virginia including north virginia beach, they picked up about 7 inches of snow total. an in addition to snow, we also had ice accumulations. the top ones were about half an inch both in north carolina and even areas of south carolina picking up to about a quarter of an inch of ice there. and again, not only does that cause problems on the roadways but also brings trees and power lines down too. so you obviously want that to melt and be gone as quick as possible. temperatures will be above freezing, some may make it into the 40s. so yes, you will have some melting take place today. but likely not all of it. and whatever is left is definitely going to refreeze tonight, a lot of these areas looking at temperatures in the 20s for lows. now, the other bit of good news i will say is that by tomorrow, another day of full sunshine and even warmer temperatures means whatever left really finally will all melt tomorrow afternoon. we just got to get to that point before we finally see an end to it. and it has also been very cold in the midwest. and that means when the next clipper system comes in, it will drop a decent amount of snow for several states in the midwest. so there are winter weather advisories for several states today into tomorrow. overall again that system just kind of dives down to the south and east hitting places like milwaukee, chicago, eventually over toward cincinnati and cleveland. so again, you are talking most of these areas about 4 to 6 inches. but we will maybe get lake-effect enhancement with it, so some areas could pick up 8 to 10 inches total. >> big brrr. i can feel it right now. allison chinchar, thanks so much. and a quick programming note, you know her face but marilyn monroe was so much more. learn about her life and career, tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. thank you so much for joining me today. "cnn newsroom" continues with jim acosta right after this. curated with eucalyptus and lavender to wrap you in relaxation and transform your mood. air wick essential mist aroma. we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business: powering possibilities. i'm jim acosta in washington. how do you write a rough draft for a coup? now a chilling tempt plate courtesy of someone inside the donald trump white house. politico obtained a draft of an executive order that would have ordered the u.s. military to seize voting machines empowering the department of defense to decide whether the election trump lost was fair or not. and it also directed the justice department to name a special counsel to oversee the effort and prosecute potential election crimes which his

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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tens of thousands of russian troops sit along the ukraine border. the u.s. embassy says the shipment includes 200,000 pounds of lethal aid. the pentagon is also working on new military options for the biden administration, should russia invade. sources are telling cnn the u.s. embassy in ukraine has requested authorization from the u.s. state department to evacuate all nonessential staff and their families. cnn's international and diplomatic editor, nic robertson is in moscow for us and cnn's arlette saenz and at the white house. while a diplomatic solution remains possible, how much of this is in vladimir putin's hands? >> yeah, i think the next step is clearly in his hands. what he's waiting for at the moment is a written response from the united states to russia's security proposals, demands as they're seen by nato. he already knows the answer. he knows the answer to putin's question that ukraine should not be allowed to join nato and nato should roll back its borders to 1997 lines is, no, he knows that. but he's going to get it in writing and it's going to come in the next few days and he and his advisers will have to figure out what their next move is. the concern in the united states is that, while this diplomacy is going on, russia is still ramping up its military presence in the region, they've brought in some sophisticated missiles in belarus, where it's planned to have huge military exercises there. and unlike the russian troop deployment on the eastern side of ukraine, that troop deployment in belarus, the military exercises, will put them much closer to the capital of ukraine. so huge concern. yes, the diplomatic track is on, but the military option is still there, and, yes, the ukrainians are beginning to get some military assistance. it's not huge, but it's designed to send a message, while president putin is in this phase of what shall he do next. this military support to ukraine is designed to send a message that says the cost of an incursion, which russia says it doesn't want to do, is going up. that's the message. >> arlette, with the pentagon preparing war options for president biden, where does he have room to maneuver right now? >> reporter: well, fred, that's exactly what president biden is working through this weekend as he's set to meet with his national security team from camp david to talk about the tensions regarding russia and ukraine. the administration has made clear that their first priority is trying to achieve de-escalation through diplomatic efforts, even as they are drawing up potential options for what to do if russia does decide to invade ukraine. now, secretary of state blinken was in geneva yesterday meeting with russian's foreign minister, lavrov, where they talked about some of what he called severe consequences that the u.s. would take against russia if they invade. the u.s. has been seeking to clean up a little bit these comments from president biden when he suggested a minor incursion might draw lesser of a response from nato, comments that really rattled some nerves in kyiv. but take a listen to what secretary of state antony blinken had to say yesterday about russia going forward. >> we've been clear, if any russian military forces move across ukraine's border, that's a renewed invasion, it will be met with swift, severe and a united response from the united states and our partners and allies. >> reporter: now, the u.s. has been working through what those consequences might be, including severe economic penalties, as well as possibly bolstering the u.s. military presence in eastern european countries, to not only act as a deterrence, but also an assurance to allies that the administration is still hoping that that diplomatic route will work and they are still keeping that option of having president biden and putin sit down for a meeting to try to work through some of these tensions. >> all right. we shall see. arlette saenz and washington and nic robertson in moscow. thank you. let's bring in congressman ro khanna, a democrat from california and a member of the house armed services committee and the oversight committee. good to see you, congressman. so both president biden and secretary of state antony blinken have said that russia will face severe sanctions if it were to invade ukraine. so what do you think the u.s. should be prepared to do if, indeed, this happens? >> i'm encouraged by secretary of state blinken's meeting with the russian foreign minister. he said cooler heads were prevailing, they're looking at possible diplomatic solutions. here's what i think should happen. ukraine should declare they're going to be the a non-aligned nation, neither on the united states nor russia's side. they were like that up until 2008. i think if ukraine declares that, it could de-escalate tension and we could have peace. >> now can you be a non-aligning nation when you're now receiving u.s. munitions? >> well, they were non-aligned from 1992 to 2008, and at that point there wasn't actually russian aggression. and then we pushed to expand nato. in my view, that push of expansion at that time was unnecessarily provacative. now there's no doubt that russia has invaded and it's illegal and wrong. the question is, how do we de-escalate. one of the things we could do is for ukraine to say we just want to live in peace, we don't want to be a battleground between europe and russia, and i hope that they will do that. >> so this is what republican congressman mike waltz and a fellow member of the house armed services committee said about the situation. listen. >> we have seen massive amounts of tanks, planes and ships moving from east to west to the ukrainian border, and it's not just the numbers. it's the types of troops. many of them are from his reserves and national guard, which are primarily intended for occupation duty. so i do think that invasion is imminent. >> so if you have that, why is it there are those who remain hopeful about a diplomatic solution? >> what i would ask is, what do they want the president to do? he's actually, i think, taking exactly the right steps. he sent secretary blinken. he's made some progress in his meeting with the foreign minister. the goal is to de-escalate and convince russia it's not in their interest to invade. the last thing america wants is to be in some drawn-out war in ukraine with americans dying. so given that's not an option that the american public wants, the president has said there will be severe, crippling economic sanctions, and at the same time they're looking at a solution. in my view, the solution is somehow ukraine non-aligned neutrality. >> putin has said he wants a committee from the u.s. to not allow ukraine into nato. the white house has said that's not an option right now. but the u.s. isn't in the driver's seat for that, anyway. >> well, look, the president of the united states is not going to be blackmailed. he can't give in to putin's threats of saying we want x, y and z to not invade. if he were to do that, every country would try to blackmail the country. but they can have ukraine themselves say maybe it's not that great of an idea for us to join nato because it's going to be unnecessarily provacative and our country is going to be a battleground between europe and russia. and i think there needs to be more thoughtful leadership from ukraine, which has had a war-torn country for the past decade and secretary blinken and others can help urge ukraine to make that decision. >> all right. let's turn to the president's build back better plan. this is what house speaker nancy pelosi said just this week. >> what the president calls chunks i would hope would be a major bill going forward. it may be more limited, but it is still significant. there are big chunks of the bill that have to be contained in the bill. call it a chunk if you want, but whatever you call it, we want it to be able to make a difference. >> so what do you believe here? what would it take for you to support a broken-up version of this build back better? >> i think it's going to be a new version that is going to make a historic mark on climate, the biggest investment we've seen in climate, which will have universal preschool, every kid in america, 3 or 4-year-old is going to get to go to school and that's going to ex spand medica coverage. those are the three building blocks of a new plan. all will be major achievements, and we should get around that. and i think we need to get 51 votes in the senate for that. >> what do you believe, do you think the president has conceded that in order to get it passed, it just simply means taking out, removing chunks, as the house speaker referred to it? >> look, what the president was trying to do would have been bigger than the new deal. so if we get three things that are historic on climate, on preschool, and on medicaid expansion as opposed to getting eight or nine things, yeah, obviously the president is a realist. but that shouldn't diminish from what we're doing. every kid having preschool and having bold climate legislation is a big deal. >> and you two would consider that to be a success then? >> not only would i consider it a success, i would say how can any single democrat vote against a piece of legislation that had bold climate provisions. it should pass, let's get it to the president's desk, and then let's continue to deal with inflation, deal with the supply chain shortage, and of course with covid. >> congressman ro khanna, good to see you. stay well. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you so much. all right, and this breaking news now, new york city mayor adams is hosting a roundtable this hour on gun violence, following the shooting of two police officers in harlem last night that left one officer dead and another seriously wounded. i want to bring in now cnn's mark morales, good to see you. what do we know? >> reporter: it was a very violent night last night that capped off a violent stretch of days for the nypd. including the two officers that were shot last night, we now have five nypd officers that have been shot since the start of the year. now, last night a woman calls for help. she's saying that she has a dispute with her son. so nypd responds to the home a little after 6:00 p.m. and two officers are walking down a narrow hallway inside of an apartment in harlem. before they get to this door where the suspect was, the door swings open and he opens fire. the shooter has been identified as lashawn mcneil, 47 years old. and at that point the officers were not expecting these gunshots. >> mark, i apologize for interrupting. i want us to listen now to the new york mayor, eric adams. >> and part of that comes from during the time of being in the state senate, and throughout those years i came across all of you on the street. we would stop, we would talk, i just saw what you did on the ground. and i just took notes in my book, in my journal, and said, you know what, when we get the helm, we can do this the right way. but doing something the right way starts with communicating with people on the ground. i don't want to go in and attempt to dictate to you, when you are on the ground, i want to hear your ideas. and what we need to be doing as we evolve into the next level of the on-the-ground fighting crisis management of all the different groups and organizations that are doing this, i want to hear from you as we build out the program and come with some not so standard that is not unique to the particular areas, but to really have an understanding. what are you doing all the way over there? this is my deputy mayor, strategic partnership. so, you know, she's the one that's going to create all these partnerships. you've got to grab a chair and sit here. so we want to spend the bulk of our time hearing from you and your thoughts as we arm ourselves for the next couple of years. but, you know, just being present in what we're doing. so i want to do give my colleagues that are here a few comments and then we're going to turn it over to you. just give me your insight. go down the line. >> thank you, mr. mayor. thank you all for being here and thank you, mr. mayor, for calling us today. i'll be very brief. as i said yesterday, the vigil for that 11-month-old, first we have to support families and communities -- >> we're going to continue to monitor the gun violence roundtable with new york city's mayor, just three weeks now into office, and he's talking about he has clarity on trying to address the problem of gun violence in the city of new york. however, it's also going to take the participation of the public and bringing together ideas just as it's happening right now at this roundtable. mark morales was with us reporting on the shooting that took place in harlem. one police officer killed, another who continues to fight for his life. so, mark, pick up your thought on where the investigation goes. all this as the new mayor is also trying to address the problem of gun violence in the city. >> reporter: right, and that's a very big deal right now, because gun violence has been an issue, across the country, definitely in new york city. and right now it's about figuring out why this happened, how did the weapon get into this person's hands. federal authorities, along with local authorities, everyone is working together to trace this gun to go back to where it was originally purchased. now, the gun traces back to baltimore, somewhere in baltimore, sold in 2017. atf officials are going back, trying to do interviews and trying to find people and determine where it is that this weapon, and how it was sold to this person to get into lashawn mcneil's hands, and that is in addition to what the nypd is going to have to come up with in terms of a strategy. it's been an issue that's been ongoing in the city and we've seen it this week with nypd officers being involved in a lot of violent altercations and the 11-month-old child that mayor adams was talking about was also injured in an earlier accident in the bronx this week from a shooting that was happening out in the street. so the issue of gun violence isn't going away and the nypd and the city are actively trying to come up with a strategy, a new strategy to combat this. >> mark morales, thank you so much for hanging in there and joining us again. we're continuing to monitor the developments there with new york city mayor eric adams there, leading this gun violence roundtable. we'll be right back. king, so we gotta hurry. there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new... 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because after all these emails, my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. the national archives says it has turned over all the records that former president trump tried to keep away from the january 6th select committee. this week the supreme court cleared the way for the panel to receive all 700 plus pages. the records could help answer critical questions about what conversations happened between trump and other high-level officials on january 6th, and the days surrounding the attack. for more on this, let's bring in cnn capitol hill reporter annie grayer. what more are you learning? >> reporter: when the january 6th committee started its investigation, it wanted to obtain all of the trump white house records, but as soon as they tried to do that, trump tried to stop that process from happening. the two sides were in a back and forth in court until the supreme court, as you mentioned, rule earlier this week to give the committee access to those documents. and as of yesterday we know the committee has those 700 plus pages in its possession. now, we don't know every detail about what these documents are, but based on court filings, we know so far these documents contain call logs from the white house, they contain visitor records, they contain handwritten notes, including from trump's former chief of staff, white house chief of staff, mark meadows, who it's important to note is not cooperating with the committee. we also know that politico first reported yesterday that within these documents includes a draft of a memo of how the government could seize voting machines in an effort to halt the election certification process. that's just an example of how specific these documents really are, and the big picture here is these documents, you know, can answer a lot of questions for the january 6th committee and fill a lot of investigative holes about what was going on in the white house in the lead-up to january 6th, and specifically what the former president was doing on january 6th, who he was talking to, who he was meeting with. >> and so the committee also wants to hear from ivanka trump, and why is her voluntary cooperation so significant? what might her role be here? >> reporter: as you mentioned, fredricka, the committee has reached out to ivanka trump for a voluntary interview. this is not a subpoena, this is them reaching out asking for her to voluntarily cooperate. the reason why this is so significant, though, is ivanka is the first trump family member that we know of for the committee to reach out to say they want to speak with, and ivanka was at the white house on january 6th. we know that she can speak to the former president's state of mind that day, because she went into her father's office at least twice to try and get him to stop the violence that was unfolding at the capitol before he finally put out that video. we also know, from new testimony that's come out, that ivanka was a witness to a phone conversation that her father had with his former vice president, mike pence, on the efforts -- and listened to the efforts her father was making to get pence to not certify the presidential election. so ivanka trump can really provide a lot of firsthand testimony about what was going on in the white house with the former president on that day. >> all right. it could be very compelling. thank you so much. so the release of those white house documents are adding to a week of troubling revelations and legal setbacks for the former president, and as cnn's sarah murray reports, the legal troubles may continue for quite some time for the former president. >> reporter: an extraordinary week of investigators ramping up legal pressure on former president donald trump and his family. >> as a district attorney, i do not have the right to look the other way on any crime that may have happened in my jurisdiction. >> reporter: in georgia's fulton county, the district attorney is asking to see a special grand jury this spring to collect evidence for her probe into trump's efforts to overturn georgia's election results. she wants subpoenas of testimony from witnesses like secretary of state brad raffensperger, trump's target in this infamous call last year. >> all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. because we won the state. >> reporter: the special grand jury request, willis is pursuing possible criminal charges against trump and his allies. manhattan's new district has been briefed on the criminal investigation there into the trump administration. last year bragg told cnn the trump case merits the attention of the da personally. new york attorney general, la ti james also ramping up her investigation. >> we have a parallel investigation, a criminal investigation. >> reporter: she's looking to compel testimony from trump, as well as ivanka trump and donald trump jr. in her civil probably, after laying out a trove of findings about what her office believes are fraudulent or misleading financial statements. this, as the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection now asking ivanka trump to voluntarily cooperate and shed light on the pressure her father put on pence not to certify the election. >> she could really perhaps complete the portrait of what happened on january 6th for us. >> reporter: the committee also sifting through documents from the national archives, after the supreme court cleared the way for their release. >> it's been a very good week for us with the supreme court decision rejecting trump's efforts to block release of a whole bunch of documents. >> reporter: while witnesses like former white house press secretary stephanie grisham set light on trump's paranoid mindset and the meetings he was convening ahead of january 6th. >> there were meetings taking place, mark meadows would have been there, as well as the legal team that was working on all of the bonkers little plans. >> sarah murray, thank you so much for that report. still ahead, while covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are finally beginning to drop in some areas of the u.s., hospitals are still overwhelmed by the number of patients. why some medical professionals say they are still in a crisis. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. announcer: tired of pain radiating down your leg and lower back? get relief finally, with magnilife® leg and back pain relief. and get living. available at your local retailer. some encouraging signs that the omicron surge may be on the downturn. new cases and hospitalizations are beginning to drop in some parts of the u.s., but others still say they are in the midst of a crisis. hospitals overwhelmed by the number of patients and staffing shortages. cnn's nadia romero has more. >> reporter: a trio of cdc studies released friday underscore just how urgently the booster shot is needed to fight off the omicron variant. according to the cdc, the booster has 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations over a period of december and january, compared to 57% for those with only two shots six months after their second vaccination. the new data raised the question of whether people with just two vaccine doses should still be considered fully vaccinated, but cdc director walensky stopped short friday of endorsing such a change. >> what we really are working to do is pivot the language to make sure that everybody is as up to date with their covid-19 vaccines as they personally could be, should be, based on when they got their last vaccine. so we're pivoting our language and we want to make sure people are up to date. >> reporter: meanwhile, those fighting covid on the front lines are being stretched beyond their limits. six atlanta metro hospitals say they're seeing mostly unvaccinated patients fill up their hospitals beyond capacity. >> we are running about 110% capacity right now. we've had to divert ambulances over the last several weeks because the huge number of patients coming in. that has a big impact on the rest of the city. it's wall-to-wall stretchers. we have no capacity left at the hospital. >> reporter: the message from health care experts to get vaccinated and boosted comes with a new push to limit the spread of the virus and to alleviate long lines at testing sites across the country, you can now order free at-home coronavirus tests from the federal government online or by using a new hotline. >> people need a test immediately, we continue to encourage them to utilize one of the many testing options that are out there in addition to the website. 20,000 community-based testing sites nationwide, federal surge sites, dozens of which have opened in the last few weeks are online. >> reporter: let's talk more about the at-home test kits. the biden administration says she want to push out 1 billion kits to persons all across the cou, four per household. but there are people saying they've received error message when they try to go online and get them sent to their homes. they say they were getting error messages saying their properties weren't registered. just yesterday the biden administration says it is working directly with usps to try to address some of those concerns. >> sometimes the rollouts are a little challenging and hopefully those wrinkles will get smoothed out. nadia romero, thank you so much. let's talk more about the challenges facing a lot of hospitals. joining us, dr. jane morgan, the executive director of piedmont task force in georgia. always good to see you. >> thank you. nice to see you. >> while there's some uplift and optimism in some places, still in others, you know, hospitals are stressed. what is the situation in georgia? >> certainly we are seeing, as we are seeing in other parts of the country, some of these numbers starting to come down, but our hospitals are still stressed, at or near capacity, throughout the state of georgia. so we want to make certain that people are aware of that and absolutely don't use the emergency rooms to come and just get testing, if you otherwise are not feeling unwell. >> so we've heard, you know, of some hospitals being forced to triage care, some saying they are running above capacity. how much longer can the overall health care system handle this? >> you know, in this surge, that is really the great question. obviously this is a great deal of stress, really, on humanity, and physicians and nurses alike are a part of this humanity. however, we continue to stand and continue to treat all patients who are coming to our facilities, whether you're vaccinated, whether you're unvaccinated, and making certain that people can receive the absolute best care. one of the concerns that we have in this particular surge is that we don't have an adequate or a continuous supply of all of these new medical therapeutics that are being approved under emergency use authorization from the fda, and so we want to make certain that the public is aware of that, that we do not have enough supply for everyone. so please make certain that you wear your mask and do your best to stay out of the hospital. >> we're starting to see cases and hospitalizations fall in many parts of the country, but does that give you any hope about, you know, where hospitals might be in the coming weeks? i mean, there were so many warning signs that january is likely to be the worst as it pertains to omicron, and perhaps things might get better. but spring is right around the corner and one has to wonder what might be around the corner as it pertains to covid as a whole. >> fred, i am ever-hopeful and we are definitely seeing this begin to turn the corner. we are praying that this will be the last surge and that we will be able to move forward beyond this. we've looked to the uk specifically with regard to how it has peaked and how it begins to ebb, and we are tracking that the united states will also follow in that direction. but we should not let our guards down, because on the way out omicron still has the ability to wreak a lot of havoc in its wake. so we must be certain that we continue to have our guard up and use home testing as a tool to help you protect yourself, protect your children, and make decisions about where you're going or who is coming into your environment. >> and hopefully home testing will become much more accessible as people begin to get their packages after making those orders. so georgia governor brian kemp, he activated the georgia national guard to help hospitals with the surge. in what way do you see that making a difference? >> it certainly makes a difference as we off-load some of the strain on our system. we have had quite a bit of absenteeism with our staff with regard to covid positivity and having to isolate or quarantine, which means that even though, on occasion, we have beds, those beds aren't available because we don't have staff for those beds. and so hospitals like every other industry in the united states are also dealing with staffing shortages. so the national guard helps to offset a lot of those tasks that now people can be redeployed to help support our hospital system while we also deal with absenteeism. >> dr. jane morgan, always good to see you. stay well. >> thank you. after years sitting outside a new york museum, the statue of theet door roosevelt was removed over criticism of its racial image. that is next. ♪(music)♪ at aetna® we're shifting medicare coverage into high gear with benefits you may be eligible for when you turn 65. benefits that may include dental, vision, and hearing. aetna medicare advantage plans call today to learn more. excuses happen. what? 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>> yeah, look, we have some good news on top of this. one, the storm system finally well out to sea taking with it all of the moisture. so the system has come to an end. yes, we had sunshine and warmer temperatures, so a lot of that was able to melt. but there was a lot of it, we are not just talking 1 to 2 inches. several locations of north carolina and virginia including north virginia beach, they picked up about 7 inches of snow total. an in addition to snow, we also had ice accumulations. the top ones were about half an inch both in north carolina and even areas of south carolina picking up to about a quarter of an inch of ice there. and again, not only does that cause problems on the roadways but also brings trees and power lines down too. so you obviously want that to melt and be gone as quick as possible. temperatures will be above freezing, some may make it into the 40s. so yes, you will have some melting take place today. but likely not all of it. and whatever is left is definitely going to refreeze tonight, a lot of these areas looking at temperatures in the 20s for lows. now, the other bit of good news i will say is that by tomorrow, another day of full sunshine and even warmer temperatures means whatever left really finally will all melt tomorrow afternoon. we just got to get to that point before we finally see an end to it. and it has also been very cold in the midwest. and that means when the next clipper system comes in, it will drop a decent amount of snow for several states in the midwest. so there are winter weather advisories for several states today into tomorrow. overall again that system just kind of dives down to the south and east hitting places like milwaukee, chicago, eventually over toward cincinnati and cleveland. so again, you are talking most of these areas about 4 to 6 inches. but we will maybe get lake-effect enhancement with it, so some areas could pick up 8 to 10 inches total. >> big brrr. i can feel it right now. allison chinchar, thanks so much. and a quick programming note, you know her face but marilyn monroe was so much more. learn about her life and career, tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. thank you so much for joining me today. "cnn newsroom" continues with jim acosta right after this. curated with eucalyptus and lavender to wrap you in relaxation and transform your mood. air wick essential mist aroma. we strip in the community garden. i've been stripping here for years. i strip before take-off. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, wherever you are. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business: powering possibilities. i'm jim acosta in washington. how do you write a rough draft for a coup? now a chilling tempt plate courtesy of someone inside the donald trump white house. politico obtained a draft of an executive order that would have ordered the u.s. military to seize voting machines empowering the department of defense to decide whether the election trump lost was fair or not. and it also directed the justice department to name a special counsel to oversee the effort and prosecute potential election crimes which his

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, Arlette , Military Support , Cost , Biden , Reporter , War Options , Room , Fred , Tensions , Efforts , Team , Options , Security , Priority , De Escalation , Camp David , Some , Lavrov , Meeting , Secretary Of State , Antony Blinken , Geneva , Consequences , Comments , Lesser , Nerves , Minor , Border , Invasion , Listen , Forces , Kyiv , Allies , Partners , Penalties , Swift , Presence , Countries , Deterrence , Act , Assurance , Route , U S Military , Eastern European , Nic Robertson In Moscow , Arlette Saenz And Washington , Member , Ro Khanna , Oversight Committee , House Armed Services Committee , Congressman , Antony Blinken Have , California , Sanctions , Nation , Solutions , Heads , Peace , Tension , 2008 , Push , View , Munitions , Aggression , Point There Wasn T , 1992 , Things , One , Expansion , No Doubt , Wrong , Battleground , Europe , Republican , Congressman Mike Waltz , Numbers , Situation , Many , Reserves , Planes , Ships , Amounts , Tanks , Types , National Guard , East To West , Occupation , Secretary Blinken , Steps , Progress , Wants , Indigenous Americans , Thing , Goal , Interest , War , President , Has , Ukraine Non Aligned Neutrality , House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th Insurrection , Isn T In The Driver S Seat , Z , Threats , Idea , Plan , Build , Others , Leadership , Decision , Let , Chunks , Bill , Nancy Pelosi , Limited , Difference , Chunk , Version , Climate , Kid , Preschool , Investment , Mark , Wall , Spand Medica Coverage , Achievements , Building Blocks , Three , 4 , 3 , It , Votes , Order , Senate , Out , House Speaker , 51 , Deal , On Preschool , Eight , Nine , Shouldn T , Legislation , Success , Realist , Two , Piece , Vote , Climate Provisions , Inflation , Desk , Supply Chain Shortage , Democrat , New York City , Mayor , Course , Right , Breaking News , Thanks , Shooting , Gun Violence , Roundtable , Mark Morales , Police Officers , Officer , Another , Good , Harlem Last Night , Officers , Nypd , Stretch , Shot , Five , Woman , Help , Home , Son , Dispute , Hallway , 00 , 6 , Door , Suspect , Point , Fire , Shooter , Apartment , Harlem , Lashawn Mcneil , 47 , Eric Adams , Part , Gunshots , Being , Notes , Ground , The Street , Something , People , Journal , Helm , Book , Ideas , Level , Ground Fighting , Groups , Crisis Management , Program , Organizations , Areas , She S The One , Deputy Mayor , Understanding , Strategic Partnership , Hearing , Partnerships , Thoughts , Chair , Sit , Bulk , Colleagues , Insight , Mr , Vigil , Down The Line , Communities , 11 , City , Office , Public , Problem , Participation , Clarity , Place , Criminal Investigation , Life , Thought , Reporting , Police Officer , Issue , In The City , Gun , Person , Weapon , Authorities , Officials , Baltimore , Interviews , Back , Atf , 2017 , Addition , Strategy , Terms , Lot , Child , Accident , Altercations , Gun Violence Isn T , There , Rotisserie , Developments , King , Bacon , Gun Violence Roundtable , Peppercorn Ranch , Money Conversation , Footlong , Game , App , Teenagers , Delay , Gap , Parents , Save Big , Whistle Blowing , Schooler , Morgan Stanley Wealth Management , Managing Director , Daniel Dibiasio , Money , Purchase , Children , Exercise , Saving , Facts , Dynamic , Sneakers , Pair , Sweater , Job , Experience , Homework Assignment , Teenager , Wayfair , Organized Chaos , Conversation , Morning Chaos , No Other , Debit Card , Kids , Tools , Set , Money Habits , Chores , Allowances , Chase First Banking , Mobile App , Alerts , Spending , Account , Chase , Heart , Head , Hair , Ears , Brains , Soul , Savings Goals , Service Fee , Mouth , Circle , Therapies , Researchers , Peer Counselors , Medicines , Social Workers , Professionals , Healthcare , Mental Illness , Science , Lives , Eyes , Sandpaper , Emails , Combo , Mental Illness To Wellness , Electrolyte , Moisturizer , Eye Drops , Tears , Antioxidant , Ingredients , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Preservatives , Biology , Bio True , Ivanka Trump , Supreme Court , The National Archives , January 6th Select Committee , Panel , January 6th , Trump , Records , Pages , Questions , Conversations , Attack , Capitol Hill , Reporter Annie Grayer , 700 , January 6th Committee , Documents , Court , Process , Access , Sides , Visitor Records , Possession , Logs , Detail , Court Filings , Mark Meadows , Politico , Note , Effort , Draft , Voting Machines , Government , Election Certification Process , Memo , Example , Holes , The Big Picture , Cooperation , Interview , Subpoena , Role , Reason , State Of Mind , Family Member , Testimony , Father , Violence , Capitol , Video , Mike Pence , Pence , Phone Conversation , Witness , Election , Release , Reports , Troubles , Sarah Murray , Setbacks , Revelations , Donald Trump Jr , Pressure , Crime , District Attorney , Georgia , Investigators , Family , Fulton County , Jurisdiction , Witnesses , Spring , Probe , Grand Jury , Election Results , Evidence , Subpoenas , Brad Raffensperger , Call , Target , 11780 , Willis , Special Grand Jury , District , Charges , Manhattan , La Ti James , Investigation , Case , Cnn The Trump , Personally , Last Year Bragg , Attention Of The Da , Statements , Trove , Findings , Portrait , Supreme Court Decision Rejecting Trump , Stephanie Grisham Set Light On Trump , Meetings , Convening , Mindset , Bunch , White House Press Secretary , Hospitalizations , Report , Plans , 19 , Patients , Hospitals , Number , Crisis , Customers , Nothing , Tech Solutions , Advisor , Technologies , Dell , Relief , Leg , Living , Back Pain Relief , Announcer , Pain Radiating , Retailer , Magnilife , Omicron Surge , Signs , Downturn , Parts , Staffing Shortages , Nadia Romero , Midst , A Trio Of Cdc Studies , Booster , Booster Shot , Underscore , Cdc , 90 , 57 , Six , Data , Walensky , Vaccination , Vaccine Doses , Vaccine , Language , Everybody , Change , Capacity , Fighting Covid , Limits , Atlanta , Ambulances , Impact , Rest , Wall To Stretchers , 110 , Virus , Hospital , Health Care Experts , Spread , Testing Options , Test , Home Coronavirus Tests , Hotline , Surge Sites , Test Kits , Dozens , Testing Sites Nationwide , Website , 20000 , Household , Error Message , Persons , Cou , Four , 1 Billion , Homes , Error Messages , Properties Weren T Registered , Usps , Concerns , Wrinkles , Challenges , Rollouts , Places , Dr , Jane Morgan , Optimism , Piedmont Task Force , Uplift , Testing , Emergency Rooms , Surge , Health Care System , Triage Care , Humanity , Stress , Nurses , Physicians , Care , Facilities , Supply , Emergency Use Authorization , Therapeutics , Fda , Best , Hope , Worst , Warning , Corner , Whole , Regard , Uk , Ability , Guards , Direction , Ebb , Havoc , Tracking , Guard , Decisions , Tool , Wake , Brian Kemp , Orders , Packages , Environment , Georgia National Guard , Bit , System , Absenteeism , Strain , Covid Positivity , Beds Aren T , Quarantine , Beds , Occasion , Industry , Hospital System , Tasks , Statue , Museum , Image , Criticism , Music , Theet Door Roosevelt , Benefits , Vision , Dental , Medicare , Aetna , Aetna Medicare Advantage , 65 , Immune Systems , Nutrition , Energy , Excuses , Cvs , Little , Selection , Sleep , Wellness Support Products , Surprises , Don T , Portfolio , Fidelity , Notifications , Decision Tech , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , Reactions , Joints , Adults , Emerge Tremfyant , Infections , Risk , Strength , Mission , Protein , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , Museum Of Natural History , Teddy Roosevelt , Debate , Visitors , Works , Athena Jones , 80 , American Museum Of Natural History , American Sculptor , 1925 , On Horseback , Black , Men , Allegorical , James Earl Frazier , James Earl , 1940 , Critics , Work , Inferior , Continents , Africa , Issues , Kinds , Motivations , Neighbors , Kp Complicated Artist , Governor , Workers , Landscape , Meaning , Action , 33 , Immigrants , Policies , Laws , Drive , Exclusion , Imperialist , Congress , Con Ver Vagzist , Scholars , Immigrant Groups , National Park System , Racist , African Americans , Opinions , Land , Fact , Doesn T , Opposition , Native Land , Public Domain , Commission , Movement , Reexamination , Heroes , Crescendo , Reckoning Led , 1970 , Statement , Members , Grandson , Basis , Saying , Roosevelt Family Support , Temperatures , Snow , Ice , Weather System , Representation , Southeast , Hierarchy , Legacy , Conditions , Forecast , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Fees , Rates , 000 , 1000 , Anywhere , Viruses , Everywhere , Germs , Sick , Surfaces , Lysol , Disinfectant Spray , Candidates , Shortlist , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Everything , Chicken , Subway , Refresh , Honey Mustard , Footlongs , Tangy , Steph Curry , Gonna , Monkey , Road , Tractor Trailer , Animals , Crates , Pennsylvania , 100 , Game Commission , Monkeys , Scene , Residents , Human Injuries , 911 , Weekend , Much , Mid Atlantic , Carolinas , Virginia , The Deep South , Air , Chances , Weather Center , Allison Chinchar Is L , Alicen N , News , Storm System , Moisture , End , Top , Sea Taking , Locations , North Carolina , Virginia Including North , Virginia Beach , 7 , 1 , 2 , Problems , Roadways , Ice Accumulations , Both , Trees , South Carolina , Ones , Whatever , Power Lines , Freezing , Lows , 20 , Clipper System , Midwest , Amount , Melt Tomorrow Afternoon , States , Winter Weather , Hitting , South , Dives , Chicago , Milwaukee , Cleveland , Cincinnati , Enhancement , Most , Big Brrr , 8 , 10 , Allison Chinchar , More , Programming Note , Marilyn Monroe , Career , Cnn Newsroom , Eucalyptus , Jim Acosta , 9 , Relaxation , Lavender , Mood , Air Wick Essential Mist Aroma , Community Garden , Nose , Take Off , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Service , Mind , Business Owner , Business , Internet , Data Plans , Term , Line Activation Fees , Contracts , Pay , Gig , Network , 500 , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , Rough Draft , Military , Someone , Executive Order , Coup , Plate , Washington , Special Counsel , Department , Lost , Justice , Crimes , Department Of Defense ,

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