Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

voting machines and records. a federal judge in texas blocking the vaccine mandate for federal employees. and the battle over masks in schools reaching a new low. >> my children will not come to school on monday with a mask on. all right? that's not happening and i will bring every single gun loaded and ready. >> well that virginia parent charged after threatening to bring loaded guns to school because she's against masks. so i want to bring in laura coates to talk about this and she's the author of the book "just pursuit" a block prosecutor's fight for fairness. so much to talk about. good evening to you. let's talk about this politico reporting, investigators are in possession of a draft report from 2020 that would have seized voting machines as part of trump's plan to overturn the election that said effective immediately, the secretary of defense should seize, analyze all machines, electronic records required for retention. laura, crazy seems like an understatement here. thankfully, this order was never issued but what could the document mean for the select committee's investigation? >> well, it means there was really no ceiling or end to the absurdity of trying to use the power of the presidency in this way. i mean, imagine this. secretary of defense will use a military to seize voting machines and there is no basis to do so. there is no wide spread fraud let alone any fraud to overturn the election in any way. you heard that from bill barr. the idea you're going to go to this extent to prove you're not a defeated president is really what tests the democracy of the system now and the idea that here we are in a nation that is supposed to be a roll model and president of the united states potentially is trying to put his thumb on the scale and overturn the will of the people seems to be shock upon shock upon shock. >> you know, the draft executive order called for and i quote here the appointment of a special counsel to oversee this operation and institute all criminal proceedings as appropriate. sydney powell was pushing for this role. this is a reminder of the crazy lies of election. this is her lies. watch this. >> what we are really dealing with here and uncovering more by the day is the massive influence of communist money through venezuela, cuba and likely china in the interference with our elections here in the united states. so we have math mat kill evidence in a number of states of massive quantities of trump votes being trashed that simply put in the trash like you would on your computer with any file and biden votes being injected. that's addition to the flipping. we'll prove it and we'll reclaim the united states of america for the people who vote for freedom. >> these are wild baseless conspiracy theories. it is terrifying to think she could have been appointed special counsel. what kind of authority would she have had in that particular role? >> an iota would have been too much. this is the same person when sued civilly over her statements regarding dominion voting and other instances said that people would have been crazy and not in their right mind to even believe anything she had to say. so she already acknowledges to some extent that was all foolish ps but the idea of talking about when the courts of law were asking probably salivating because they were asking them to prove it. give us something, you've asked something about wanting to get the courts relief, do you have any proof whatsoever, anything that would allow the court to issue injecunction or relief yo want and it was crickets that didn't have as my mother said a pot to pee in or a window to throw at when it comes to evidence. there was nothing there. yet, this is the person that will come out and oversee any part of the election. that's what telling you, tell about the idea of the democracy and the ability to call it a strong democracy and be so focused on one's own vein pursuit to not have been defeated that you're going to go to this length. i mean, look at the records and unfortunately, you know, educated people in the sense of looking at the information, not in terms of where educational obtainment but taking the time to educate ones self-on the actual facts as presented because of the echo chambers and silos of information and misinformation. people will not have heard the truth which is she herself acknowledged it was not truthful what she said when she talked about the absurdity of anyone even believing her and that is who is in charge of any form of elec elections, that's outrageous for anyone that believes their vote should count and their democracy should be strong. >> very well state what had your mom said. my mom had a similar one. [ laughter ] >> it ended with a whole to pour it in. >> one word. there you go. i like that one, too. it's a mother's course. here are the things you're going to say. it will all hit home and your kids will quote them on cnn on a friday night. sorry, mom. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> thanks, laura. have a great weekend. >> not as bad as misinformation. okay? not as bad as that. >> thanks, laura. so joining me now cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein and mark joins us, the former advisor to george w. bush and john mccain and he's the executive producer of "the circus." congress man jamie raskin, a member of the january 6th select committee hasn't personally seen this draft executive order but this is what he said about that ton tonight. >> it indicates there was one more line of possible attack which was something like a military coup planned before january 6th, the military seizure of ballot boxes and military takeover of the process. it seems to me that president trump tried to let 11,000 flowers bloom in terms of para military and extra constitutional attacks on the election result and all of it come c came together january 6th. >> mark, seizing voting machines because you lost is the kind of thing that really stops you right in your tracks. this is crazy. >> it is, don, and shows the extent to which they are willing to go to the sort of things that we see in third world countries. as i heard you and laura talking about in the last segment, i just thought about reading the headlines 20, 30 years ago about autocrats and dictators. the notion we're talking about executive orders that are mandating military takeover to take over the election machinery of the country to flip the election, this is america the thing we're talking about. it's humiliating and emba embarrassing and i can't believe we're talking about this in the united states of america. >> you know, ron, i want to bring you in now because congressman raskin also says that the committee expects to get the out takes of trump's rose garden video from the 6th and according to the committee, the committee's letter to ivanka trump, the out takes didn't ask rioters to leave the capitol. look, you have the voting machine and this. this is astounding. i mean, trump believed this insure recollection would work? >> i didn't use the crazy but calculate. as this goes forward what we see from the incredible work of the committee is the extent to which this is not just a rag tag, you know, last minute kind of loose screws in the drawer that he is sending towards capitol hill. as congressman raskin said 1,000 flowers bloom meaning there are multiple pathways he was using to overturn the will of the voters and was much more serious and focused on it than seeing from the outside chaos of january 6th and i do think that's why this committee is so important and potential public hearings are important because right now, there is not, i think, a clear awareness in the public of the magnitude of what happened and thus, the risks that would be inherent in allowing that same person to have control of the federal government again. there is a lot that the public needs to learn about this and once the committee learns, there is a lot they need to impress on the broader audience. >> i have to tell you, listen, i want to move on to other stuff the documents they will get, right, the archives. but when i read this, i couldn't believe it. i thought it was -- >> seven days in may. >> yeah, i can't explain. i thought is this the unonion? are they being sarcastic? it is too crazy to believe. am i the only one that felt that way? >> i like ron's point, it's crazy but calculate and that particular measure, that's like 10 1001. that's the ultimate step. if this doesn't work, screw democracy. we'll pull the poison pill and let it go to hell and take over. deploy the military and take over. >> isn't that what the whole big lie is about, ron? i mean, that's basically the same thing, the big lie is we don't care that it's a legitimate i election. we should be able to take over. trump should be reinstated. all of it is wacky. >> look, the big lie is rooted in that quote our voters are the quote real americans and that by definition, if we lose it's illegitimate because the people who are extensively out voting us don't represent the real american traditional american values and this all of this, i think we'll take a step back. this is what republicans in congress have been working so hard to prevent from surfacing. you know, filibustering the independent commission. voting against the congressional committee. this is critical information, i think not only looking back about how close we came and whether there needs to be changes and laws to reinforce more safeguards but also this is someone in donald trump who may seek once again to have the power of the presidency and his behavior at this moment which was probably all the evidence suggested the greatest threat to the functions of democracy since at least the civil war and maybe ever was very relevant to the question voters will face. not likely to be a big issue in 2022 but for 2024, i would think voters deserve a full understanding of how far he was willing to go to try to undermine the pillars of democracy. >> not just him. to. >> not just him. >> the 700 trump white house documents they received according to representative el elaine, they had written down in the briefing books actually written down in the books how to steal the election. unbelievable. thank you. appreciate it. see you soon. now to the mounting evidence showing the influence of the right wing media in the days leading up to the january 6th insurrection. cnn's chief media correspondent brian stelter has the story. >> in the weeks leading up to january 6th. >> we'll see what happens. >> reporter: kayleigh mcenany said donald trump was fighting to stay in office. >> this president is a fighter. he's not giving up. he'll fight for the forgotten men and women. >> reporter: fight, fight, fight, that's the right wing tv narrative until insurrection day. >> it's not an understatement to say we're in a constitutional tinder box right now. >> these shows supply the firewood and the matches but behind the scenes, some claimed to fear a fire. >> multiple fox news hosts knew the president needed to act immediately. >> reporter: they keep sharing text messages that show how two faced some of these stars are. on december 31st, 2020, sean hannity wrote to mark meadows saying i do not see january 6th happening the way he is being told. and on january 5th, hannity wrote he was quote very worried about the next 48 hours according to the panel. but he never told viewers about his concerns. >> tomorrow's massive protrump march in washington. >> his colleagues were pumped about january 6th. >> we have hundreds of thousands of people pouring into washington tonight. >> pouring. >> it's as if they saw it coming. >> we have a lot of people really angry. >> reporter: but ignored their own roles in ramping up the rage and then during the riot, laura ingraham texted meadows, the president needs to tell people in the capitol to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying the legacy. yet on tv that night, she tried to shift some blame to left wing agitators. >> there are reports antifa sympathizers may have been sprinkled throughout the crowd. >> the next day, january 7th according to newly released messages, hannity texted mcelde her dealing with trump. one reportedly wrote no more stolen election talk. then he added a warning quote, yes, impeachment and the 5th amendment are real and many people will quit. love that kayleigh mcenany replied. that is the playbook. i'll help reinforce but on the air, they stayed loyal never disclosing private chats trying to in hannity's words land the plane without anyone else getting hurt. ingram a few days later texted meadows about fears of violence and said everyone needs to calm down. they went from fight, fight, fight, to hush, hush, hush. and they were rewarded for it. host. no more stolen election talk, that's completely ignored. this is trump just last night talking about january 6th in happy terms. defending his speech on the ellipse that day. >> this was a protest rally against the election, which they considered to be totally rigged. >> reporter: so the same fox stars who in private were trying to guard against trump's worst behavior in public, they were helping to crash the car. now one year later have forgotten the lessons of january 6th. they are in detail what happened but this house committee, they are forcing everyone to remember and they still have a lot more text messages that we don't know about, don. >> all right. brian stelter. thank you so much. appreciate that, brian. a federal judge in texas handing another defeat to the biden administration's efforts to enforce vaccine mandates. that as new studies show that getting boosted is the best way to stay safe from omicron and why is the nfl changing testing protocols for unvaccinated players right in the middle of the playoffs? ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ 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hello, doctor, thanks for joining us this evening. this order from texas judge comes just days after the supreme court blocked administration's vaccine rules for large bids. what is the impact on public health do you think? >> probably not a lot. there are about 98% of federal employees now are vaccinated. this mandate has been in place since the president issued it in november. so just about everyone who works for the federal government has compiled. so i'm not sure it will have a practical impact. but it continues to amaze me, you know, mandates for vaccines are not new. we've lived with these for a long time. kids can't go to school in any state in this country without getting vaccinated. the military has had a vaccine mandate forever so there is all this precedent. this is not some sort of brand-new government over reach to try and vaccinate people. we've lived with this for a long time. this is a ginned up political thing right now. i don't think this judge's ruling will have any practical impact. >> i want to talk about this new cdc -- this new cdc study of what it shows, doctor, that being boosted has never been more important. it says they looked at close to 88,000 hospitalizations across ten states in december and found that getting boosted was 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations. but if your second shot was more than six months ago, that dropped to 57%. break down this new data for us, please. >> basically, what the data says, don, is that the efficacy of our two-shot regimen waned over that six-month period. but the booster could substantially restore the efficacy of the vaccines to prevent hospitalization and death for both delta and omicron very, very effective and also, quite effective at preventing infection. so basically what the studies that were published today by the cdc really have shown pretty clearly now is that a three-dose strategy of a two prime shots plus a booster for the rna or j&j plus one really restores quite good efficacy at preventing infection and hospitalization and death and really should be the standard for the definition of fully vaccinated in this country. >> i've got to talk about this story. the nfl has told remaining play-off teams in a memo that unvaccinated players will no longer face daily covid testing. okay? saying they will test players or staff who show symptoms. i mean, it sounds like perhaps they don't want to risk players testing positive during the playoffs or before the super bowl. am i wrong here? >> it's show time now. you can't take the stars out of the show, right, as the show is getting going and there are only about 12 players now in the playoffs who remain unvaccinated and who might one of them be? aaron rogers. and his 90-day infection exception is coming due. one wonders how much of this is timed to simply protect the biggest unvaccinated star in the show. it's really scenical and unfortunate. you would hope that most of the professional sports leagues would understand that what is good for their business is to protect the health of their players rather than just, you know, hope for a higher rating. so unfortunate. >> yeah. thank you, doctor. appreciate it. >> good night. a school board debate over a mask mandate resulting in charges for one mom who made this threat. >> i will bring every single gun loaded and ready is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at [bacon sizzles] [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ woo! well, would you look at that? jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by 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past your time. it's a policy. thank you. >> uh-huh. >> i'll see y'all on monday. >> school board member later reading ameila king's apology for the threat. >> i in no way meant to imply guns loaded as firearms but all resources i can muster to make sure my children get to attend school without masks, my sincere apologies for poor choice in words. i'm absolutely mortified. i was speaking figuratively as in notifying the press for a social media stir. nonetheless, i'm beside myself and contacted the sheriff's office to explain myself. i never meant to imply i'd show up with firearms. i'm not a dangerous person or a threat and i'm so sorry for the way it came across. >> people in the room shaking their heads in disbelief there. i want to talk about this cnn national security analyst julia. wow. hello. this is a serious charge that could land her in jail for up to a year. do you think this is a correct response from law enforcement and the school? >> yes. the harm is this statement, not whether she was serious or whether she would do it on monday, she would go with guns. >> say that again, the harm is the statement. >> the harm is the statement. it's brought violence into a debate about masking and it's brought violence to the school district and the school district and the threat of violence so much so that the school district is going to respond with a heavy police presence on monday. her intent, her apology and i'll give her the benefit of the doubt does not one, excuse the behavior or two, mean it doesn't have consequences. people get drunk and get into their cars. they don't mean to. they don't intend to do any harm but they do it, and there are consequences for doing that and i think a heavy hand, she doesn't have to serve time in jail. pay $5,000 bail and maybe get community service if she doesn't have a previous record. we don't know. let's assume she doesn't. she doesn't have to go to jail. the full force of whatever they can bring to her now and she'll have a defense is appropriate because if this -- as we've seen over the last five years where we're supposed to laugh at this stuff, unless you actually say there are consequences for it, it just festers and so the damage is already done. her apology has to do more with her and her intent than with what happened. >> you know, we have seen anger, juliette, over covid protection measures bubbling up for the last two years, sometimes amounting to melees in the streets. is this what happens when public health gets politicized? >> yes. it happens when the issue of public health becomes like a team sport. you're either with me or against me. and you have on the show long ago i'm done with emotions because the truth is as a vaccinated boosted mother of three children, i've got feelings too. i mean, why the non-vaxers and non-maskers are allowed to assert their feelings everywhere they go and we're supposed to sit back and just say oh, well, it's a high emotion stakes game. it's just ridiculous at this stage. we're the majority. the majority of the american population is vaccinated so, you know, anger just -- i just take emotion out of everything. she said something that was violent. it was threatening. it was at a school board. it takes a lot to drive to a school board and speak and wait in line to speak at a meeting and i don't -- i never understand from people what they mean by i just meant guns figuratively. like, what does that even mean? i mean, kids are getting killed in schools literally like every three or four days. i don't know what the defense of i meant that figuratively and if she is, you know, just spoke out of turn, as i said, there are consequences for doing that at a school board meeting about schools and about our children. the other parents have feelings, too. >> yeah, look, you said you gave her the -- you'll give her the benefit of the doubt about her statement being metaphor . cnn reached out to king for a comment. we have not heard back from her. it's also worth pointing out, kids have been through so much already trying to learn through this pandemic, right? remember, the school closures with virtual learning and all of that and some schools still have that. now a parent is getting arrested for making threats on school property and there will be increased police presence at the school. how is all of this chaos affecting kids, juliette? that's really the question, right? >> it really is. the long term psychological impact kids are home and then the sort of increased radicalization of some of these issues at schools, schools have become the fighting ground over masking and over vaccination mandates is having an impact on kids, as well and their stress level we've noted, i think the times they have a story on the psychological impact of masking on kids in terms of their own fears so every which way you look at it, the pandemic has had an impact on our kids whether you're for masks or against masks. as adults, you have responsibility as a mother or father. our job is to take the fear and anger out of the situation that a 5-year-old kid or 7-year-old kid can't understand right now and so yeah, i mean, i sound a little -- look, everything wrong with america should fall on this woman who said something at a school district on the other hand, the idea that an apology for poor that kind of action is suitable, does not strike me as the right response by law enforcement. she should pay a fine. she should maybe have public service because once again, she's brought violence to the school district whether she intended to or not over an issue that we know across america is increasing the threats against public figures and school districts. so it's time we start saying, you know, there is no such thing as figurative violence. it's like it's literal at this stage. >> yeah. julia cayenne, thank you. a statute of theodore roosevelt coming down after criticism of black and indigenous people. what his family is saying about it, 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(sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. a statute of theodore roosevelt removed in new york this week where it stood for nearly 80 years. the monument criticized as a symbol of racism. athena jones has the story. >> reporter: the statute spent more than eight decades welcoming visitors to new york city's american museum of national he'sry. the statute designed by american scu sculptor, depicted on horseback towering over two sparsely clothed man. one native american, the other bo black. meant to represent north america and africa. the critics like bill de blasio say it deapplpicts black and indigenous people as inferior. after years of debate. the controversial work is being moved. >> i think it's fair to say that, you know, we should see these as complicated issues:roosevelt was a complicated person in his motivations and consequences. james earl frasier is a complicated sculptor and the museum is a complicated place. >> reporter: the museum in the initial removal request, the museum and members of the public found disturbing. a city parks official calling the move incredibly rare but the right course of action. >> over time, the meanings of the statute really did start to change as we thought more what our social landscape looked like. >> workers began disbamantling this week. roosevelt serving as new york's 33rd governor for anti trust and pro progressive policies but he said of ill grants in the 1905 message to congress, the laws existing for the exclusion of undesirable immigrants should be strengthened. >> it's pretty clear his personal opinions were racist to african americans and immigrant groups. >> reporter: roosevelt helped create the national park system on once native land. >> what roosevelt did is participate in takingeing nativ land and locking it up in the public domain but that doesn't change the fact it was native land. >> reporter: opposition to the statute built in the 1970s. the movement reaching a height in recent years as the racial reckoning led to a reexamine nation of national heroes. the public design commission unanimously voted last june to loan it to the theodore presidential library in north dakota slated to open doors in 2026. a move even members of the roosevelt family support. roosevelt's great grandson saying in a statement to don lemon tonight, i don't think the statute's racial higher arkry is a good representation of his legacy. athena jones, cnn, new york. >> thank you very much for that. and no, the museum is not cancelling theodore roosevelt. they say they will still be honoring the 26th president with a plaque and other ways. this specific statute was the issue. and the museum says in a statement that they are quote proud to continue as the site of new york's official memorial to theodore roosevelt. you know, the statute raising the critical question, how do we address sillymbols th show racism and evaluate historical figures. i'll talk about that with a teddy roosevelt expert. that's next. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent, i would run from football games to work and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? i see a person that's caring. sometimes i care too much, and that's when i had to learn to put myself first, because i would care about everyone all the time but i'm just as important as they are. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown line, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects see for yourself at welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ a controversial monument to president theodore roosevelt remove after decades of sitting outside the american natural history museum. the author of "theodore roosevelt's ghost, the history and memory of an american icon." so great to have you. i find this story fascinating and so glad to have you here to speak with us this evening. i understand theodore roosevelt wasn't much in favor of having statue of himself. and as the family told us even they don't think it should represent his legacy. what is his legacy? okay, apparently, we don't have michael. well, we'll try to get him back. but, anyways, again, his family told us tonight and telling athena jones he didn't really like statues erected of himself and they didn't that this should represent his legacy. so, listen, we're going to take a break and we'll be back. are we coming back or no? well, we'll try to come back. we'll be right back. don't go anywhere. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. you don't get much time for yourself. so when you do, make it count with crest pro-health. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? visit today to get started. mass general brigham. when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine, this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school, and where the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. there's only one mass general brigham. fries or salad? salad! good choice! it is. so is screening for colon cancer. when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi, i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. (all) to screening! ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. okay, so we're back now. michael is here. he's the author of "theodore roosevelt's ghost, the history and memory of an american icon." there's some sort of ghost or glitch in the system because we lost you just as soon as we were coming to you. what is theodore roosevelt's legacy? >> as many cited theodore roosevelt was a complicated person, as other people have said. he was a number of things. but his legacy is really about conservation. the museum is really talking about his legacy as an environmentalist and america's greatest environmentallest president. so that statue would seem out of place. >> this isn't about any old the theodore roosevelt statue. this is story about this particular statue. the native american on the left, the black man on the right with teddy roosevelt above them on horseback, what does this statue represent, you think? >> well, it's really a depiction of racial hierarchies today, and as one of your guests said earlier this is a memorial that's changed over time. people might not have thought about the memorial in those sort of terms 80 years ago but today they show how our proclivities and our relationship to the past is ever changing and so important. and so, you know, i think it's right that we revise our view of the past. and in this case moving the -- moving the statue to somewhere where we can curate, think about it and understand race relations in the late 19th, early 20th century is essential. >> listen, i understand that it's being removed. hey, i've got 10 seconds here, but seriously there are people who say it was at a museum. that's the exact right place for it. >> they tried to curate the statue. they did it inside. they've done talks outside of it to explain it. it's not the right statue at the right place. the rest of the museum has so many other parts of it that are dedicated to tr's memory. i think those are the ones we should focus on in the future. >> michael, thank you so much. i appreciate it. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. and good evening. consider waking up one morning back in december of 2020 to this. the former president ordering the military to seize voting machines, empowering the defense department to decide whether the election he just lost was fair or not. also, direct from the justice department to name a special counsel to oversee this effort, including the prosecution of potential election-related crimes which his outgoing attorney general as you may remember, had just said were inconsequential, if not nonexistent. and the time table for all this would have kept the former prid

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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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voting machines and records. a federal judge in texas blocking the vaccine mandate for federal employees. and the battle over masks in schools reaching a new low. >> my children will not come to school on monday with a mask on. all right? that's not happening and i will bring every single gun loaded and ready. >> well that virginia parent charged after threatening to bring loaded guns to school because she's against masks. so i want to bring in laura coates to talk about this and she's the author of the book "just pursuit" a block prosecutor's fight for fairness. so much to talk about. good evening to you. let's talk about this politico reporting, investigators are in possession of a draft report from 2020 that would have seized voting machines as part of trump's plan to overturn the election that said effective immediately, the secretary of defense should seize, analyze all machines, electronic records required for retention. laura, crazy seems like an understatement here. thankfully, this order was never issued but what could the document mean for the select committee's investigation? >> well, it means there was really no ceiling or end to the absurdity of trying to use the power of the presidency in this way. i mean, imagine this. secretary of defense will use a military to seize voting machines and there is no basis to do so. there is no wide spread fraud let alone any fraud to overturn the election in any way. you heard that from bill barr. the idea you're going to go to this extent to prove you're not a defeated president is really what tests the democracy of the system now and the idea that here we are in a nation that is supposed to be a roll model and president of the united states potentially is trying to put his thumb on the scale and overturn the will of the people seems to be shock upon shock upon shock. >> you know, the draft executive order called for and i quote here the appointment of a special counsel to oversee this operation and institute all criminal proceedings as appropriate. sydney powell was pushing for this role. this is a reminder of the crazy lies of election. this is her lies. watch this. >> what we are really dealing with here and uncovering more by the day is the massive influence of communist money through venezuela, cuba and likely china in the interference with our elections here in the united states. so we have math mat kill evidence in a number of states of massive quantities of trump votes being trashed that simply put in the trash like you would on your computer with any file and biden votes being injected. that's addition to the flipping. we'll prove it and we'll reclaim the united states of america for the people who vote for freedom. >> these are wild baseless conspiracy theories. it is terrifying to think she could have been appointed special counsel. what kind of authority would she have had in that particular role? >> an iota would have been too much. this is the same person when sued civilly over her statements regarding dominion voting and other instances said that people would have been crazy and not in their right mind to even believe anything she had to say. so she already acknowledges to some extent that was all foolish ps but the idea of talking about when the courts of law were asking probably salivating because they were asking them to prove it. give us something, you've asked something about wanting to get the courts relief, do you have any proof whatsoever, anything that would allow the court to issue injecunction or relief yo want and it was crickets that didn't have as my mother said a pot to pee in or a window to throw at when it comes to evidence. there was nothing there. yet, this is the person that will come out and oversee any part of the election. that's what telling you, tell about the idea of the democracy and the ability to call it a strong democracy and be so focused on one's own vein pursuit to not have been defeated that you're going to go to this length. i mean, look at the records and unfortunately, you know, educated people in the sense of looking at the information, not in terms of where educational obtainment but taking the time to educate ones self-on the actual facts as presented because of the echo chambers and silos of information and misinformation. people will not have heard the truth which is she herself acknowledged it was not truthful what she said when she talked about the absurdity of anyone even believing her and that is who is in charge of any form of elec elections, that's outrageous for anyone that believes their vote should count and their democracy should be strong. >> very well state what had your mom said. my mom had a similar one. [ laughter ] >> it ended with a whole to pour it in. >> one word. there you go. i like that one, too. it's a mother's course. here are the things you're going to say. it will all hit home and your kids will quote them on cnn on a friday night. sorry, mom. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> thanks, laura. have a great weekend. >> not as bad as misinformation. okay? not as bad as that. >> thanks, laura. so joining me now cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein and mark joins us, the former advisor to george w. bush and john mccain and he's the executive producer of "the circus." congress man jamie raskin, a member of the january 6th select committee hasn't personally seen this draft executive order but this is what he said about that ton tonight. >> it indicates there was one more line of possible attack which was something like a military coup planned before january 6th, the military seizure of ballot boxes and military takeover of the process. it seems to me that president trump tried to let 11,000 flowers bloom in terms of para military and extra constitutional attacks on the election result and all of it come c came together january 6th. >> mark, seizing voting machines because you lost is the kind of thing that really stops you right in your tracks. this is crazy. >> it is, don, and shows the extent to which they are willing to go to the sort of things that we see in third world countries. as i heard you and laura talking about in the last segment, i just thought about reading the headlines 20, 30 years ago about autocrats and dictators. the notion we're talking about executive orders that are mandating military takeover to take over the election machinery of the country to flip the election, this is america the thing we're talking about. it's humiliating and emba embarrassing and i can't believe we're talking about this in the united states of america. >> you know, ron, i want to bring you in now because congressman raskin also says that the committee expects to get the out takes of trump's rose garden video from the 6th and according to the committee, the committee's letter to ivanka trump, the out takes didn't ask rioters to leave the capitol. look, you have the voting machine and this. this is astounding. i mean, trump believed this insure recollection would work? >> i didn't use the crazy but calculate. as this goes forward what we see from the incredible work of the committee is the extent to which this is not just a rag tag, you know, last minute kind of loose screws in the drawer that he is sending towards capitol hill. as congressman raskin said 1,000 flowers bloom meaning there are multiple pathways he was using to overturn the will of the voters and was much more serious and focused on it than seeing from the outside chaos of january 6th and i do think that's why this committee is so important and potential public hearings are important because right now, there is not, i think, a clear awareness in the public of the magnitude of what happened and thus, the risks that would be inherent in allowing that same person to have control of the federal government again. there is a lot that the public needs to learn about this and once the committee learns, there is a lot they need to impress on the broader audience. >> i have to tell you, listen, i want to move on to other stuff the documents they will get, right, the archives. but when i read this, i couldn't believe it. i thought it was -- >> seven days in may. >> yeah, i can't explain. i thought is this the unonion? are they being sarcastic? it is too crazy to believe. am i the only one that felt that way? >> i like ron's point, it's crazy but calculate and that particular measure, that's like 10 1001. that's the ultimate step. if this doesn't work, screw democracy. we'll pull the poison pill and let it go to hell and take over. deploy the military and take over. >> isn't that what the whole big lie is about, ron? i mean, that's basically the same thing, the big lie is we don't care that it's a legitimate i election. we should be able to take over. trump should be reinstated. all of it is wacky. >> look, the big lie is rooted in that quote our voters are the quote real americans and that by definition, if we lose it's illegitimate because the people who are extensively out voting us don't represent the real american traditional american values and this all of this, i think we'll take a step back. this is what republicans in congress have been working so hard to prevent from surfacing. you know, filibustering the independent commission. voting against the congressional committee. this is critical information, i think not only looking back about how close we came and whether there needs to be changes and laws to reinforce more safeguards but also this is someone in donald trump who may seek once again to have the power of the presidency and his behavior at this moment which was probably all the evidence suggested the greatest threat to the functions of democracy since at least the civil war and maybe ever was very relevant to the question voters will face. not likely to be a big issue in 2022 but for 2024, i would think voters deserve a full understanding of how far he was willing to go to try to undermine the pillars of democracy. >> not just him. to. >> not just him. >> the 700 trump white house documents they received according to representative el elaine, they had written down in the briefing books actually written down in the books how to steal the election. unbelievable. thank you. appreciate it. see you soon. now to the mounting evidence showing the influence of the right wing media in the days leading up to the january 6th insurrection. cnn's chief media correspondent brian stelter has the story. >> in the weeks leading up to january 6th. >> we'll see what happens. >> reporter: kayleigh mcenany said donald trump was fighting to stay in office. >> this president is a fighter. he's not giving up. he'll fight for the forgotten men and women. >> reporter: fight, fight, fight, that's the right wing tv narrative until insurrection day. >> it's not an understatement to say we're in a constitutional tinder box right now. >> these shows supply the firewood and the matches but behind the scenes, some claimed to fear a fire. >> multiple fox news hosts knew the president needed to act immediately. >> reporter: they keep sharing text messages that show how two faced some of these stars are. on december 31st, 2020, sean hannity wrote to mark meadows saying i do not see january 6th happening the way he is being told. and on january 5th, hannity wrote he was quote very worried about the next 48 hours according to the panel. but he never told viewers about his concerns. >> tomorrow's massive protrump march in washington. >> his colleagues were pumped about january 6th. >> we have hundreds of thousands of people pouring into washington tonight. >> pouring. >> it's as if they saw it coming. >> we have a lot of people really angry. >> reporter: but ignored their own roles in ramping up the rage and then during the riot, laura ingraham texted meadows, the president needs to tell people in the capitol to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying the legacy. yet on tv that night, she tried to shift some blame to left wing agitators. >> there are reports antifa sympathizers may have been sprinkled throughout the crowd. >> the next day, january 7th according to newly released messages, hannity texted mcelde her dealing with trump. one reportedly wrote no more stolen election talk. then he added a warning quote, yes, impeachment and the 5th amendment are real and many people will quit. love that kayleigh mcenany replied. that is the playbook. i'll help reinforce but on the air, they stayed loyal never disclosing private chats trying to in hannity's words land the plane without anyone else getting hurt. ingram a few days later texted meadows about fears of violence and said everyone needs to calm down. they went from fight, fight, fight, to hush, hush, hush. and they were rewarded for it. host. no more stolen election talk, that's completely ignored. this is trump just last night talking about january 6th in happy terms. defending his speech on the ellipse that day. >> this was a protest rally against the election, which they considered to be totally rigged. >> reporter: so the same fox stars who in private were trying to guard against trump's worst behavior in public, they were helping to crash the car. now one year later have forgotten the lessons of january 6th. they are in detail what happened but this house committee, they are forcing everyone to remember and they still have a lot more text messages that we don't know about, don. >> all right. brian stelter. thank you so much. appreciate that, brian. a federal judge in texas handing another defeat to the biden administration's efforts to enforce vaccine mandates. that as new studies show that getting boosted is the best way to stay safe from omicron and why is the nfl changing testing protocols for unvaccinated players right in the middle of the playoffs? ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ 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hello, doctor, thanks for joining us this evening. this order from texas judge comes just days after the supreme court blocked administration's vaccine rules for large bids. what is the impact on public health do you think? >> probably not a lot. there are about 98% of federal employees now are vaccinated. this mandate has been in place since the president issued it in november. so just about everyone who works for the federal government has compiled. so i'm not sure it will have a practical impact. but it continues to amaze me, you know, mandates for vaccines are not new. we've lived with these for a long time. kids can't go to school in any state in this country without getting vaccinated. the military has had a vaccine mandate forever so there is all this precedent. this is not some sort of brand-new government over reach to try and vaccinate people. we've lived with this for a long time. this is a ginned up political thing right now. i don't think this judge's ruling will have any practical impact. >> i want to talk about this new cdc -- this new cdc study of what it shows, doctor, that being boosted has never been more important. it says they looked at close to 88,000 hospitalizations across ten states in december and found that getting boosted was 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations. but if your second shot was more than six months ago, that dropped to 57%. break down this new data for us, please. >> basically, what the data says, don, is that the efficacy of our two-shot regimen waned over that six-month period. but the booster could substantially restore the efficacy of the vaccines to prevent hospitalization and death for both delta and omicron very, very effective and also, quite effective at preventing infection. so basically what the studies that were published today by the cdc really have shown pretty clearly now is that a three-dose strategy of a two prime shots plus a booster for the rna or j&j plus one really restores quite good efficacy at preventing infection and hospitalization and death and really should be the standard for the definition of fully vaccinated in this country. >> i've got to talk about this story. the nfl has told remaining play-off teams in a memo that unvaccinated players will no longer face daily covid testing. okay? saying they will test players or staff who show symptoms. i mean, it sounds like perhaps they don't want to risk players testing positive during the playoffs or before the super bowl. am i wrong here? >> it's show time now. you can't take the stars out of the show, right, as the show is getting going and there are only about 12 players now in the playoffs who remain unvaccinated and who might one of them be? aaron rogers. and his 90-day infection exception is coming due. one wonders how much of this is timed to simply protect the biggest unvaccinated star in the show. it's really scenical and unfortunate. you would hope that most of the professional sports leagues would understand that what is good for their business is to protect the health of their players rather than just, you know, hope for a higher rating. so unfortunate. >> yeah. thank you, doctor. appreciate it. >> good night. a school board debate over a mask mandate resulting in charges for one mom who made this threat. >> i will bring every single gun loaded and ready is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at [bacon sizzles] [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ woo! well, would you look at that? jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by 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past your time. it's a policy. thank you. >> uh-huh. >> i'll see y'all on monday. >> school board member later reading ameila king's apology for the threat. >> i in no way meant to imply guns loaded as firearms but all resources i can muster to make sure my children get to attend school without masks, my sincere apologies for poor choice in words. i'm absolutely mortified. i was speaking figuratively as in notifying the press for a social media stir. nonetheless, i'm beside myself and contacted the sheriff's office to explain myself. i never meant to imply i'd show up with firearms. i'm not a dangerous person or a threat and i'm so sorry for the way it came across. >> people in the room shaking their heads in disbelief there. i want to talk about this cnn national security analyst julia. wow. hello. this is a serious charge that could land her in jail for up to a year. do you think this is a correct response from law enforcement and the school? >> yes. the harm is this statement, not whether she was serious or whether she would do it on monday, she would go with guns. >> say that again, the harm is the statement. >> the harm is the statement. it's brought violence into a debate about masking and it's brought violence to the school district and the school district and the threat of violence so much so that the school district is going to respond with a heavy police presence on monday. her intent, her apology and i'll give her the benefit of the doubt does not one, excuse the behavior or two, mean it doesn't have consequences. people get drunk and get into their cars. they don't mean to. they don't intend to do any harm but they do it, and there are consequences for doing that and i think a heavy hand, she doesn't have to serve time in jail. pay $5,000 bail and maybe get community service if she doesn't have a previous record. we don't know. let's assume she doesn't. she doesn't have to go to jail. the full force of whatever they can bring to her now and she'll have a defense is appropriate because if this -- as we've seen over the last five years where we're supposed to laugh at this stuff, unless you actually say there are consequences for it, it just festers and so the damage is already done. her apology has to do more with her and her intent than with what happened. >> you know, we have seen anger, juliette, over covid protection measures bubbling up for the last two years, sometimes amounting to melees in the streets. is this what happens when public health gets politicized? >> yes. it happens when the issue of public health becomes like a team sport. you're either with me or against me. and you have on the show long ago i'm done with emotions because the truth is as a vaccinated boosted mother of three children, i've got feelings too. i mean, why the non-vaxers and non-maskers are allowed to assert their feelings everywhere they go and we're supposed to sit back and just say oh, well, it's a high emotion stakes game. it's just ridiculous at this stage. we're the majority. the majority of the american population is vaccinated so, you know, anger just -- i just take emotion out of everything. she said something that was violent. it was threatening. it was at a school board. it takes a lot to drive to a school board and speak and wait in line to speak at a meeting and i don't -- i never understand from people what they mean by i just meant guns figuratively. like, what does that even mean? i mean, kids are getting killed in schools literally like every three or four days. i don't know what the defense of i meant that figuratively and if she is, you know, just spoke out of turn, as i said, there are consequences for doing that at a school board meeting about schools and about our children. the other parents have feelings, too. >> yeah, look, you said you gave her the -- you'll give her the benefit of the doubt about her statement being metaphor . cnn reached out to king for a comment. we have not heard back from her. it's also worth pointing out, kids have been through so much already trying to learn through this pandemic, right? remember, the school closures with virtual learning and all of that and some schools still have that. now a parent is getting arrested for making threats on school property and there will be increased police presence at the school. how is all of this chaos affecting kids, juliette? that's really the question, right? >> it really is. the long term psychological impact kids are home and then the sort of increased radicalization of some of these issues at schools, schools have become the fighting ground over masking and over vaccination mandates is having an impact on kids, as well and their stress level we've noted, i think the times they have a story on the psychological impact of masking on kids in terms of their own fears so every which way you look at it, the pandemic has had an impact on our kids whether you're for masks or against masks. as adults, you have responsibility as a mother or father. our job is to take the fear and anger out of the situation that a 5-year-old kid or 7-year-old kid can't understand right now and so yeah, i mean, i sound a little -- look, everything wrong with america should fall on this woman who said something at a school district on the other hand, the idea that an apology for poor that kind of action is suitable, does not strike me as the right response by law enforcement. she should pay a fine. she should maybe have public service because once again, she's brought violence to the school district whether she intended to or not over an issue that we know across america is increasing the threats against public figures and school districts. so it's time we start saying, you know, there is no such thing as figurative violence. it's like it's literal at this stage. >> yeah. julia cayenne, thank you. a statute of theodore roosevelt coming down after criticism of black and indigenous people. what his family is saying about it, 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(sings dramatically) oh, i need to get to work. telling people to check the singlecare price. a statute of theodore roosevelt removed in new york this week where it stood for nearly 80 years. the monument criticized as a symbol of racism. athena jones has the story. >> reporter: the statute spent more than eight decades welcoming visitors to new york city's american museum of national he'sry. the statute designed by american scu sculptor, depicted on horseback towering over two sparsely clothed man. one native american, the other bo black. meant to represent north america and africa. the critics like bill de blasio say it deapplpicts black and indigenous people as inferior. after years of debate. the controversial work is being moved. >> i think it's fair to say that, you know, we should see these as complicated issues:roosevelt was a complicated person in his motivations and consequences. james earl frasier is a complicated sculptor and the museum is a complicated place. >> reporter: the museum in the initial removal request, the museum and members of the public found disturbing. a city parks official calling the move incredibly rare but the right course of action. >> over time, the meanings of the statute really did start to change as we thought more what our social landscape looked like. >> workers began disbamantling this week. roosevelt serving as new york's 33rd governor for anti trust and pro progressive policies but he said of ill grants in the 1905 message to congress, the laws existing for the exclusion of undesirable immigrants should be strengthened. >> it's pretty clear his personal opinions were racist to african americans and immigrant groups. >> reporter: roosevelt helped create the national park system on once native land. >> what roosevelt did is participate in takingeing nativ land and locking it up in the public domain but that doesn't change the fact it was native land. >> reporter: opposition to the statute built in the 1970s. the movement reaching a height in recent years as the racial reckoning led to a reexamine nation of national heroes. the public design commission unanimously voted last june to loan it to the theodore presidential library in north dakota slated to open doors in 2026. a move even members of the roosevelt family support. roosevelt's great grandson saying in a statement to don lemon tonight, i don't think the statute's racial higher arkry is a good representation of his legacy. athena jones, cnn, new york. >> thank you very much for that. and no, the museum is not cancelling theodore roosevelt. they say they will still be honoring the 26th president with a plaque and other ways. this specific statute was the issue. and the museum says in a statement that they are quote proud to continue as the site of new york's official memorial to theodore roosevelt. you know, the statute raising the critical question, how do we address sillymbols th show racism and evaluate historical figures. i'll talk about that with a teddy roosevelt expert. that's next. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent, i would run from football games to work and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? i see a person that's caring. sometimes i care too much, and that's when i had to learn to put myself first, because i would care about everyone all the time but i'm just as important as they are. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown line, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects see for yourself at welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ a controversial monument to president theodore roosevelt remove after decades of sitting outside the american natural history museum. the author of "theodore roosevelt's ghost, the history and memory of an american icon." so great to have you. i find this story fascinating and so glad to have you here to speak with us this evening. i understand theodore roosevelt wasn't much in favor of having statue of himself. and as the family told us even they don't think it should represent his legacy. what is his legacy? okay, apparently, we don't have michael. well, we'll try to get him back. but, anyways, again, his family told us tonight and telling athena jones he didn't really like statues erected of himself and they didn't that this should represent his legacy. so, listen, we're going to take a break and we'll be back. are we coming back or no? well, we'll try to come back. we'll be right back. don't go anywhere. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. you don't get much time for yourself. so when you do, make it count with crest pro-health. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? visit today to get started. mass general brigham. when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine, this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, where biotech innovates daily and our doctors teach at harvard medical school, and where the physicians doing the world-changing research are the ones providing care. there's only one mass general brigham. fries or salad? salad! good choice! it is. so is screening for colon cancer. when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi, i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. (all) to screening! ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. okay, so we're back now. michael is here. he's the author of "theodore roosevelt's ghost, the history and memory of an american icon." there's some sort of ghost or glitch in the system because we lost you just as soon as we were coming to you. what is theodore roosevelt's legacy? >> as many cited theodore roosevelt was a complicated person, as other people have said. he was a number of things. but his legacy is really about conservation. the museum is really talking about his legacy as an environmentalist and america's greatest environmentallest president. so that statue would seem out of place. >> this isn't about any old the theodore roosevelt statue. this is story about this particular statue. the native american on the left, the black man on the right with teddy roosevelt above them on horseback, what does this statue represent, you think? >> well, it's really a depiction of racial hierarchies today, and as one of your guests said earlier this is a memorial that's changed over time. people might not have thought about the memorial in those sort of terms 80 years ago but today they show how our proclivities and our relationship to the past is ever changing and so important. and so, you know, i think it's right that we revise our view of the past. and in this case moving the -- moving the statue to somewhere where we can curate, think about it and understand race relations in the late 19th, early 20th century is essential. >> listen, i understand that it's being removed. hey, i've got 10 seconds here, but seriously there are people who say it was at a museum. that's the exact right place for it. >> they tried to curate the statue. they did it inside. they've done talks outside of it to explain it. it's not the right statue at the right place. the rest of the museum has so many other parts of it that are dedicated to tr's memory. i think those are the ones we should focus on in the future. >> michael, thank you so much. i appreciate it. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. and good evening. consider waking up one morning back in december of 2020 to this. the former president ordering the military to seize voting machines, empowering the defense department to decide whether the election he just lost was fair or not. also, direct from the justice department to name a special counsel to oversee this effort, including the prosecution of potential election-related crimes which his outgoing attorney general as you may remember, had just said were inconsequential, if not nonexistent. and the time table for all this would have kept the former prid

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