Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

resilience in those towers that get blown over, the wires snap. we have so much we can do with this legislation now. last week we rolled out a historic investment in our nation's bridges. like the one i visited in new hampshire. where restrictions could force school buses and fire trucks to go ten miles out of the way just to get across the small river. or the i-10 bridge i visited in louisiana. it was 20 years past the planned life. it doesn't have modern safety features. and it was last inspected, the bridge is deemed to be in poor condition and now it has two lanes on the bridge, okay. that four lane interstate feeds into. creating and causing major back-ups. we're going to upgrade thousands of bridges, creating good-paying jobs, cutting commute times and ensuring that as we build back, no community gets left behind. folks, that mayor's view of the problem solving is exactly what we brought to the american rescue plan. it is designed so that you would be able to have the resources and the flexibility to take both the short-term and long-term challenges created by this pandemic. ten months ago, that law is still carrying the nation forward. on vaccines, on boosters, or keeping schools open. and it is still making a difference for communities across the country. and i might add, a lot of money in that to keep those schools open. some states have spent the money well. got it to you all, so you could keep those schools open and change the ventilation system and change the busing and the whole works. some states haven't distributed the money. everything i've done in my career, when it comes to federal funding, i've tried to make sure that you don't have to go past go to get it. it goes directly to the mayors. directly to them. i mean it. it is not a joke. [ applause ] a major part of the rescue plan was a $350 billion we allocated to state and local budgets and again because of you, over a hundred billion of that went directly to cities and counties, not through anybody. 100 billion. [ applause ] it was not easy to get done, but it is important to get done. because you know it is needed. you didn't have to go through the state legislature. they're not bad folks. i don't mean that. or your governor, good folks to get the money. today communities are still putting the funds to work keeping people on the job. connecting people to better jobs and in seattle, the money is being used to give premium pay to local childcare workers. so they could keep childcare centers open and available for folks who need it. i'm not sure that would have happened if it had not gone directly to the states. in phoenix, partner with community college, these funds are going to help workers find careers in -- sand raises in the semiconductor industry which is a big, big deal. in milwaukee, y'all are training works to get rid of lead pipelines and 450,000 school -- i mean, the idea that we have our kids drinking out of fountains that have lead pipes feeding the fountains. because everybody deserves clean water. everybody. no matter where you're city, suburban or rural areas. here in washington, d.c., it is the expansion of a infrastructure academy, preparing local workers to take the good-paying jobs and manufacturing construction and utilities and that will be created as a consequence of the infrastructure law. look, i urge every american to take a look at what y'all are doing. i urge every mayor in america to follow suit. to use the resources, the rescue plan, the resources that were intended. not just to stave off disaster, but to build for a future around the people who make communities run. use your funds to cover childcare costs. or temporary paid leave to help certain workers dealing with omicron. build pathways to better jobs through union based apresent is ship and on the job training and give people a chance to deal for themselves and deal them into this booming economy. that also means building more affordable housing. so people could have safe places, closer to their jobs. fin finding programs to fight violent crime. shouldn't be cutting funding to police departments. i proposed increasing funds. we ask cops to do everything, including be psychologist and social workers. guess what in they need psychologists and social workers. [ applause ] no, i mean it. not a joke. so they could hire more social workers, folks trained in mental, so they could partner with trusted community leaders like the programs, the rescue plan is funding and in land in louisville, and other cities across the country. the truth is, we have an incredible opportunity ahead of us this year. we still have a lot of work to do to defeat covid, to bring down costs for families but look at what we've accomplished together so far. even in the face of those head winds. in 2021, more jobs were created in america than ever in a single year in american history. more jobs, over 6 million. unemployment rate dropped more than any year in american history. income -- [ applause ] -- income for working front line jobs and service industries rose more than any year in history. the folks at the bottom of the economic rung. we lower child poverty in this country by nearly 40%. more than any time in the u.s. history. you all know this. business applications grew by nearly 30% last year. more than any year in history. and if soo bad why people fighting to open up businesses. more americans gained health insurance than any year in history. these are facts. to confront the dlclimate crisi wee dough deployed more batteries than ever before and we're teaming up with mayors and labor to save families and businesses money by improving efficience in your building and the battle against the deadly virus, we've gone from putting 2 million shots in vaccinations in people's arms to 210 million americans fully vaccinated. [ applause ] when you mayors have been critical partners. i'm not trying to it be nice to you. it is a fact. you've been in the fight from day one. from masking to testing to vaccinations. we partnered with you. [ applause ] we partnered with you on the mayor's challenge last summer. 115 cities working together to get americans vaccinated. in richmond, mayor stony created vaccination clinics that doubled the job fairs. get your shot and it is also a job fair. encouraging people to come in. in detroit mayor duggin, are you here, mr. mayor? i worked with him for a long time. there is a man who knows what he's doing. mayor duggin partnered with salons and barber shots to get shots in people's arms. mayor jones worked to reach neighborhoods with low vaccination rates. all of these efforts you've saved lives. not a joke. you've saved lives. now to keep up that fight against omicron, we've launched dozens of forward testing sites in new york, philadelphia, henderson, nevada, and elsewhere thereout sites that we're launching every week. we devoted medical teams made up of military, first responders and national guard to bring relief to the hardest hit hospitals who need additional personnel just to keep it moving because they are so overrun. we're purchasing and distributing free 1 billion at-home tests of people so they could test themselves and their communities and we still face tremendous challenges but together we've prorven we could get big things done in this country. last year you helped lay the groundwork and this year we have to build it. the biggest weapon in our arsenal is the build back better act. nothing will do to ease pressure on families. as my friend jim clyburn said, it is all about making everything more affordable and more accessible to people. every mayor knows that people can't find affordable childcare, t they can't work. some cities it is 14,000, $15,000 a year for childcare. that is why we have nearly 1.2 extremely qualified women who haven't been able to return to the work force. we could cut the cost of childcare in half and fix that problem. health insurance, we could reduce the cost for families that we've done per $600 per year, on climate and extreme weather and disaster costs communities $145 billion last year. that is how many we spend because of weather-related crisis. $145 billion. by investing in resilience and clean energy technology, we could do something about that. to give relief to families, and the american rescue plan, we had the childcare tax credit. that did reduce child poverty by 40%. there is no reason it shouldn't continue. and on education. [ applause ] on education, today about half of the 3 and 4-year-olds are enrolled in early childhood education. in german, france, u.k., latvia, the number is more than 90%. where the heck are we. no i'm serious. we're falling further and further behind the curve. but we could fix that problem. we could do this and more on health care, nutrition and a host of other issues. here is the point. we could do it without increasing inflation or the deficit. 17 nobel laureates in economics wrote a letter to me recently affirming that this bill would reduce inflationary pressures on the economy. not increase. reduce it. and by the way, by the way, it is entirely paid for. every single penny. and not a single person making less than $400,000 a year will pay a single additional penny in federal taxes. not a single penny. and by the way, i'm a capitalist, i'm not a socialist. if you could make a billion dollars, you have $10 million, good for you. just begin to pay your fair share. pay a little bit. [ applause ] we can pay for all of this by just making sure that the wealthy, making sure that the wealthy and the biggest corporations pay their fair share. case in point. last year 55 of the fortune 500 companies and i come from the corporate capital of the world, delaware, not a joke. more corporations incorporated in my state than every other state in the union. okay. i get it. and i represented it for 36 years. but guess what? you got 55 corporations last year that made $45 billion in profits and didn't pay a single penny in taxes. that is not right. that is not right. look, we could tackle all of these challenges. just like we did with the rescue plan and the infrastructure law and the fight against covid. but we can't do it without you. i'm not trying to be nice to you. we can't do it without you. no, no, really. it is the god's truth. you understand the challenges people are facing. and you understand the solutions. you know this isn't when it gets down to whether the garbage gets collected or someone is safe in the street. this isn't partisan, it is practical. you understand the cost if we failed to act. we need the voice of mayors. telling the stories of what your communities need and the impact we're making on people's lives, or not making. if we could get this done, i believe this with every fiber in my being, if we could get this done, there is no limit what americans can achieve. so let's continue to give working families a fighting chance. i wasn't kidding when i said, when i announced for president that i am so tired of the working class and middle class carrying the burden. it is about time we grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. and by the way, when the middle class does well, the wealthy do very, very, very well. i'm not joking. this isn't about punishing anybody. it is about getting everybody in the game. raise your hand if you think the present tax structure is fair. and we'll take a picture of you and send it home. [ applause ] seriously, guys. you know. the thing i like about mayors, is your straight. you know what i mean. you shoot from the shoulder. so let's keep investing in the future of every city and town in america. let's face these challenges head on. and keep building. we could build back better. folks, i really believe it. there is not a damn thing we can't do if we set our minds to it. [ applause ] and every single time -- think about this now, it is not hyperbole, no other country other than america has come through every crisis we've faced and ended up stronger than we were before we got into the crisis. think about that. think about that. so don't give up on the american people. you know, i've said many, many times to world leaders particularly when they ask me about america, it is never been a good bet to bet against the american people. never, never, never been a good bet to bet against the american people. and we stand together, there is not a damn thing we can't do. democrat and republican. thank you all. and may god bless you. may god protect our troops. keep it going, folks. we need you badly. we need you badly. [ applause ] >> all right. we have been listening there to president biden. he was speaking at the u.s. conference of mayors and vickor he seemed to be in his element. was quite comfortable making jokes with the audience perceived as jokes and he got a lot of laugh lines. >> got a lot of laugh lines and came with the good news that the money from that bipartisan infrastructure bill, that is going to those cities represented by those mayors. so he certainly had a case to sell. and we know that mayors have challenged with the pandemic and crime going up in some communities so a lot to talk about. let's bring in phil mattingly from the white house. so, what were your main takeaways, phil? >> reporter: engaging the president's comfort with an audience is how many times he said not a joke. my photo journalist counted serve. that is a lot of comfort. and there is a good reason. the president mas head clear in the first year in office when it comes to mayors or local officials whether having them in the white house or out on the road, is something that he enjoys doing. and the comfort with the audience but also you get a sense of the message the president wants to send as as hs focusing not so much on the in the weeds legislative fights or what he's still trying to accomplish, particularly when it comes to congress. but instead what they did do. and i think the fop of the speech was the focus on the bipartisan infrastructure proposal and how that is taking effect now, a couple months into the implementation on the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan which was critical as they tried to fight covid wave after wave after wave in the first year in office. did he talk about the build back better agenda that he's trying to get back into play with democrats right now on capitol hill. but so much of the focus was, he put it, how the administration laid the groundwork in the first year, when you talk to administration officials, even when they look at the polling, they recognition the exhaustion, they feel like the building blocks are there for the first couple of months or quarters of this year. and i think the president was trying to get at that in the marks today. and no shortage of issues that the president is dealing with both domestically and in foreign policy. but i think trying to focus on the areas where they believe there is positive growth and positive opportunity in the weeks and months ahead. >> all right. phil mattingly. thank you. >> okay, turning to another crucial meeting today. tony blinken met with his russian counterpart for 90 minutes in jean eva, switzerland. this is just the latest step in trying to prevent a russian invasion of ukraine. the russians again claimed that they are not planning to invade ukraine and accused the west of quote, hysterics. >> blinken said there could be a swift and severe response from the u.s. and nato to any form after gression by russia toward ukraine. he added the u.s. and nate ore are watching the build up of 100,000 russia troop as long the ukraine border. >> that would give the russia the capacity if president putin so chooses to attack ukraine from the south, from the east, from the north. we're looking at what is visible to all. and it is deeds and actions, not words that make the difference. i suggested to mr. lavrov, as we have repeatedly, if russia wants to begin to convince the world that it has no aggressive intent toward ukraine a good place would to be would be by escalating and removing forces from ukraine's borders. >> and this just into cnn. defense sources tell cnn the pentagon is developing options for the president to bolster the u.s. military presence in eastern europe if russia invades. >> the officials say that could involve repositioning troops and assets already in europe or bringing more from outside the region. cnn's clarissa ward is live in kiev, ukraine for us. i understand we're getting new sight into how today's meeting was viewed in ukraine. >> reporter: that is right. well we definitely hear a very different tone than we had before yesterday president zelensky was tweeting rather angrily it seemed at joe biden that there is no such thing as a minor incursion, today we saw another tweet from the president thanking the u.s. president for his steadfast support of ukraine. we know the foreign minister has also said that they are pleased that negotiations and conversations are continuing because as long as the diplomatic efforts still have achance, there is perhaps a slightly smaller risk of an invasion ensuing. i think you heard both sides saying, alisyn, both lavrov and blinken, they didn't expect any breakthroughs and there were not any today. but what the real fear had been was the possibility that they were going to come out of that meeting and say, honestly, there is nothing left to say. the two sides are so entrenched this is the end of the diplomatic road. at least now it appears what blinken called a clear path ahead and that entailed the american side coming back formally to the russians with a written response to their list of demands. the russians have been quite insistent that it be a written response. blinken said that potentially after words there could be another meeting between one would assume blinken and lavrov and another meeting between president putin and president biden. not whether that is virtual or in person. but certainly at least there is an inkling or a small smidgeon of hope there is still a potential diplomatic solution for all of this. at the same time neither side is changing its tooun. the u.s. still stands by the previous assertions that some of the russia's demands are nonstarters and russia is not changing its tune at all. so it is difficult to see how this can be resolved diplomatically. and of course you continue to see sha ratcheting you have of tensions more russian s-400 deployed to the belarus/ukrainian border and this is just contributing to the sense that the longer it takes to find a diplomatic solution, the more chance there is of things escalating and of the potential military conflagration which it does seem that both sides are committed to at least trying to put a stop to. but difficult to know whether the russians are entering into the negotiations or diplomatic efforts in good faith or whether they are simply a diversion. >> understood. but as you say, talking about better than the alternative at the moment. so clarissa ward, thank you for the recording. let's turn to pierce lack, a senior defense attach a to the russian federation from 2012 to 2014 when russia invaded crimea. general, welcome back. let's start where clarisa leave off. the conversations are continuing, better than the alternative. it clear to you that a diplomatic resolution is any more probable at the end of the week than it was at the start? >> well thank you for having me. um, i think all of us, and maybe even some of the russians, didn't expect this to go this far and become this dangerous. and the fact that the diplomats, with guidance, are talking is important. it is better to jaw jaw jaw rather than war war war. but this is not resolved. there are deep underlying issues an the bottom line in all of this, and we get accused of hysterics by the kremlin, these are unprecedented forces that have stayed in place, they've had their exercises in the past in the west, but this is men as. this is prove case. it doesn't need to happen this way. it's almost 1930s in scope with the demands and the -- and the just the -- just the use of force. so let's -- >> so let's talk about that. because you say that maybe the russians did not expect it to go this far and that this is menace. do you believe that putin deployed these 100,000 troops toward the border now for the exercised initiated with the belarus and did not calculate for every geopolitical, every diplomatic step thus far and he has not decided what is next? >> i think there is an aspect of this, i think that the kremlin may have been certainly trying to assert itself in what it cons considers its sphere and wee see as an independent nation, in ukraine it is certainly a piece of that. and the history and the narrative is there. they also, i think wanted to put pressure on nato, the european union an the north atlantic alliance and i think people have been surprised and this may have backfired. instead of weakening and disassembling, it is shown spine. and now there is discussions of reinforcements. i don't think that was part of the russian plan. and nor do we want to go to that. but they have pushed us and we have hardened and now it is up to them primarily, though we enter dialogue, to find a way to credibly lower the temperature. >> so do you have an idea of what that could be. we know that the responses that are coming, we know from the white house next week that the state department will respond to the questions from the russians, will put their concerns in writing as requested by lavrov today. they won't agree to pull forces out of bulgaria, out of romania and not admitting ukraine to nato, although there was no discussion of doing that soon so what are the face saving options that the u.s. can offer that pushes this further away from becoming an invasion. >> and you're exactly right. there is no discussion, or will be, of pulling back to '99, '97 borders. these are nato allies that want to be part of nato and that is a very important part. you talk about expansion. no, i think now there are the nuts and bolts of where, how do we lower the temperature. and then how does moscow, how does the kremlin work a credible layout of what looks to be a diplomatic cul-de-sac and they have pushed themselves to -- one, going back to the vienna document, meaning troops and exercises, reworking the reporting and agreeing to find a way to lower, if you will, the troop levels and all of that. part of the problem is we're talking russian borders, victor. and the baltics where we do things, these are our allies and we exercise. but both -- just got to find a way to be less threatening. of course you've heard about the intermediate range missiles. there has to be leverage within missiles an then you find ways somehow to start working on things that are actually cooperative and positive and rather than in your face and dangerous. >> and we'll see if that is included in the document, the written responses from state department back over to the kremlin. general peter zack, thank you so much for your insight, sir. >> always a pleasure. let's just stay the course. >> all right. thank you. new reporting about the length that trump allies tried to go to overturn the 2020 election. up next, rudy giuliani secret plot to send fake electors to washington, d.c. olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. living with metastatic breast cancer means being relentless. because every day 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>> yes. in plain language, it was an attempt to steal the election for donald trump. it doesn't work. but that doesn't mean that it wasn't important or shouldn't be looked at and attorneys general in many of these states like michigan, nevada, arizona, they are aware, they are looking. they say that some of them say they're not going to confirm or deny investigation, right. but the michigan attorney general herself went on tv and said that she believes this is a crime and illegal forgery but her office has not pressed any charges up until this point. they want federal prosecutors to take a look at it. i could tell you here in d.c., the january 6 committee is very interested. they've subpoenaed rudy giuliani, they've subpoenaed some other people involved and in those subpoena documents, they say express italy, we want to know about the efforts to subvert the electoral college. this is an effort to subvert our constitution in how you are supposed to do it and they tried this crooked scheme and it didn't work. >> okay. marshall cohen, thank you very much for all of that reporting. joining us now with more, well elie honig, former assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york and ronald omary. this is different. we all knew about how rudy giuliani was bringing boke us claims to court and then taking his chances. hoping to get lucky in court. didn't work. but coming up with a list of fake electors and people who are opposing as electors, how is that not a crime or been prosecuted yet. >> it is a great question that i share, alisyn. it is entirely unsurprising that rudy giuliani was at the center of all this. we see this from sen states tlx is no way that seven different groups of people independently decided to do this. it looked very much like this was result of a centralized effort and it turns out rudy giuliani was right at the center of it. and if we talk about is this a crime. let me sort of put it this way. it is under crime to submit any false documents to a governmental entity. whether it is a false application for a driver's license, a false social media benefits application, a false tax return. here we're talking about something much bigger, much more important, this is way more than just some whacky legal strategy. these are false -- falsified forged documents that were going to congress and the national archives to try to flip an election. to me it is monre times more dangerous than the false documents climb. >> so then if it is a crime, it is a year since they've done this. why haven't the people who were on these fake slates of electors and the people who led this scheme been indicted? >> well, first of all, investigations take time. they very well may be under investigation right now. we don't know exactly who is being talked to behind closed doors. but of course, i agree with elie, that submitting false documents is a crime but you have to knowingly doing. and i imagine they're trying to build evidence to ensure they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this was a knowing and willful effort to deceive, to create a false document in order to steal the election. >>elly, for people who have lost track of the trump legal woes this week, we have a graphic to explain all that has happened this week and it is a lot. the atlanta attorney general has the phone call and then the new york attorney general found trump organization business fraud, the supreme court has cleared way for the house select committee to get those white house documents that president trump had wanted to block. but listen, we've been down this road before where there have been investigations an impeachments and it resulted in nothing. how significant do you see that list? >> well, donald trump this week has achieved the rarely seen triple crown of legal liability. and on each of those fronts there have been steps against donald trump this week. in congress, we're seeing a steady drum beat of damning revelations and he got his clock cleaned in the supreme court. in the realm of civil liability, there are several pending civil lawsuits and i think letitia james this week made clear she's likely to bing a civil lawsuit, not criminal, but civil against donald trump or the trump organization. and then on the criminal front, we have the advancing investigation of the fulton county district attorney who this week asked for permission for a special grand jury. that will give her subpoena power. now will there be consequences? i think congressionally, sure. i think civilly, i think he's likely to get sued but the big question on everyone's mind is will he be charged and convicted criminally. that we just can't know. there were steps forward this week but a prosecutors had to be ready to prove the cases beyond a reasonable doubt. that is what we're all looking for. >> ronaldo, we so the that the hundreds of documents now that were transferred from the national archives that the trump white house was trying to keep from the 1/6 committee, they now have those. explain how those fill in the puzzle pieces that have been missing this far. the call logs and the records that show maybe drafted statements that were never delivered. >> absolutely. one thing that is really important is people talk about a scheme or a plan. to prove that he really need to show the connections between people. to have a conspiracy or a scheme you need to show a plan of action and who was working together. and the way you do that is by looking at call logs, looking at communications, whether it is email, text messages but also looking as you point out of drafts of documents. there were reports of a draft executive order that was signed or that was meant for trump's signature regarding the seizure of voting machines. so i think that all of that sort of evidence is really what the committee needs to show that this was not just some random acts by a bunch of hooligans but it was concerted plan or scheme to overturn our constitutional history that absolutely deserves our attention. >> good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. adele tearfully announced that she is postponing her las vegas residency just hours before it was set to begin. what she said caused that delay. and he was a bat out of hell. the music world is mourning the loss of the legend known as meat loaf. ♪ ♪ #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. san francisco was a beacon of hope for my family to reach the middle class, and i've been helping others ever since. when the pandemic hit bilal was right there, helping restaurant workers make ends meet. in the obama administration, bilal worked tirelessly on innovative policies. the status quo isn't working. bilal is the best shot we have for meaningful change. i'm bilal mahmood, and i know our city can become a beacon of hope once again. announcer: tired of pain radiating down your leg and lower back? get relief finally, with magnilife® leg and back pain relief. and get living. available at your local retailer. grammy award winning singer adele cried as she announced that she has to postpone her las vegas residency because of covid and delivery delays. the first show was scheduled for tonight. but on social media yesterday, adele said half of her team has covid and it has been impossible to finish preparations for the show. >> i'm so sorry, but my show ain't ready. we've tried absolutely everything that we can to put it together in time. and for it to be good enough for you. but we've been absolutely destroyed by delivery delays and covid. i can't give you a -- right now and i'm -- >> ticket foz broke records when they were released in december. adele said her team is working to reschedule all of the dates. deputy music editor at variety jim aswan joining us now. clearly she is pained by having to postpone this. but for this to happen, the day before the show were supposed to start. if it is so bad, i mean, didn't they know that this wasn't going to happen days ago. >> you would think so. the way that she you would think so, the way she makes it sound, they were working to make it happen anyway. i asked them to be more specific about the actual production delays, and why, for example, instead of cancelling the day before, she could have played an k acoustic set for people who traveled all that way. >> something. for the international fans, they had to get tested, come into the country for this. so 30 was the best selling album of 2021, and for her to choose first a vegas residency, it was to try to avoid this, to avoid the exposure of taking the crew all around the country, to avoid maybe the controls of different cities and arenas, to mitigate covid. how is this now impacted the industry that this big star now has to push this back? >> well, it's certainly more -- it is problematic, definitely. we were actually talking about doing a story earlier this week about how vegas residencies were sort of becoming the new touring, silk sonic just announced one. there's a lot of other acts who are doing residencies right now, which would seem to be an effective way to tour without the perils of touring because vegas is very much set up for that. the artist doesn't even have to leave the building. most of these performance spaces are in hotels. so people like barry manilow who are doing residencies there, they would take the elevator down from their room, and could practically walk right on stage, but clearly it's not quite as simple as all that. now, having said that, there are lots of other vegas residencies going forward, and without these problems, as far as we know, anyway, and there are lots of chores still scheduled and still happening. elton john just launched his tour the other night in new orleans, and that is continuing. so it hasn't affected everything but it's not good. >> we need to talk about meat loaf for a second. what a sad day. i mean, meat loaf, "bat out of hell" was the sound track to my adolescence, and obviously millions of people's adolescence because it was such a, you know, huge hit, and paradise by the dashboard light is a masterpiece, i would say, a timeless masterpiece, so let's just listen to it for one second "i remember every little thing that's happened yesterday ♪ ♪ parking by the lake and there was not another car inside ♪ ♪ and i never had a girl looking any better than you do ♪ >> look how he's performing, the whole stage presence, and the song writing. just tell me your thoughts on what meat loaf meant? >> i mean, to be honest with you, i'm a little bit surprised at the extent of the outpouring, not that it's happening, but just at the level of it. that album touched an awful lot of people, and it was very different for its time even though, you know, there are a lot of long songs and a lot of big ambitious albums released in the 70s, it was rare to see a rock 'n' roll performer who looked like that and sang about the things that he did. he had that big huge voice, and he was big and huge himself, and one thing they did that was very smart is they made early videos for that album. i saw him on tv as a kid. i saw him on "saturday night live." he was almost impossible to ignore. >> what i love about it, what i read recently, he and his song writing partner went to different record labels, and they were basically laughed out of l.a., you guys are cheesy, and this is, you know, really juvenile and then the next year became one of the best selling albums of all time. the people liked it, everyone if the critics weren't on board. >> 100%. you can say this about so many eras, what was big, thebee gees can't get much farther than meat loaf, and he weighed about 250 pounds, so i get that on the one hand and everything i needed to learn about sex, i learned from paradise in the dashboard. >> thanks so much. louie anderson died today from complications of cancer. won an emmy, known for stand up, game show hosting gigs, as well as roles in iconic films like ferris bueller's day off and coming to america. recently he standard as christine baskets, the mother in the critically acclaimed tv show, baskets. comedian gilbert gottfried tweeted a photo with bob saget and louie anderson. rest in peace bob saget and louie anderson, both good friends that will be missed. >> this last few weeks have more than its notable share of deaths. big news from the justice department, prosecutors there are charging a man for allegedly making death threats against election workers in georgia. we have the details ahead. burni. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. 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Climate , 00 , 600 , Something , Crisis , Investing , Energy Technology , 45 Billion , 145 Billion , Reason , Education , Tax Credit , Childhood , France , U K , German , Latvia , 3 , 4 , Number , Health Care , Curve , Nutrition , Heck , 90 , Point , Issues , Pressures , Bill , Economics , Host , Inflation , Letter , 17 , Penny , Taxes , Person , 00000 , 400000 , Share , Capitalist , Bit , Socialist , A Billion , 10 Million , 0 Million , A Billion Dollars , Case , Corporations , Wealthy , Fortune 500 , 55 , 500 , World , Companies , Capital , Delaware , 36 , Profits , Didn T , 5 Billion , Isn , Solutions , Garbage , God , Someone , Voice , Safe , Isn T Partisan , Stories , The Street , Done , Limit , Impact , Fiber , Being , President , Working Class , Burden , Middle Class , Working Families A Fighting Chance , Class , Do , Bottom Up , Hand , Picture , Isn T , Tax Structure , Game , Anybody , Thing , Straight , Shoulder , Guys , Town , Head On , Minds , Hyperbole , Bet , Many , Don T , World Leaders , Democrat , Republican , God Bless You , Joe Biden , Listening , Troops , Vickor , U S Conference Of Mayors , Audience , News , Jokes , Laugh Lines , Infrastructure Bill , Element , Making , White House , Phil Mattingly , Reporter , Comfort , Serve , Photo Journalist , Takeaways , Officials , On The Road , Mas , Sense , Congress , Fights , Message , Hs , Weeds , Focus , Implementation , Speech , Infrastructure , Effect , Fop , Proposal , Office , Wave , Trillion American Rescue Plan , Agenda , Play , Covid Wave , Capitol Hill , 1 9 Trillion , 9 Trillion , Administration , Exhaustion , Polling , Blocks , Shortage , Foreign Policy , Growth , Couple , Quarters , Domestically , Meeting , Step , Tony Blinken , Russian , Counterpart , Switzerland , Russians , Ukraine , Nato , Invasion , West Of Quote , Response , Form , Swift , President Putin , Build Up , Capacity , Ukraine Border , Russia Troop , Nate Ore , 100000 , Words , Actions , Deeds , East , North , South , Place , Intent , Lavrov Today , Forces , Cnn , Options , Presence , Borders , Defense Sources , The Pentagon , U S Military , More , Clarissa Ward , Repositioning Troops , Assets , Region , Eastern Europe , Russia Invades , Kiev , Zelensky , Tweeting , Tone , Support , Tweet , Minor , Incursion , Foreign Minister , Sides , Conversations , Negotiations , Risk , Achance , Alisyn Camerota , Breakthroughs , Fear , Possibility , Say , Road , End , Path , List , Demands , Written Response , Inkling , Smidgeon , Solution , Hope , Assertions , Tooun , Course , Sha Ratcheting , Tune , Tensions , S 400 , 400 , Ukrainian Border , Belarus , Military Conflagration , Faith , Alternative , Recording , Defense , Diversion , General , Clarisa Leave Off , Invaded Crimea , 2014 , 2012 , The End , Um , Resolution , Diplomats , Line , Talking , Guidance , War , Exercises , Kremlin , It Doesn T , Men , West , Scope , 1930 , Putin , Force , Menace , Use , Border , Aspect , Geopolitical , It Cons , Sphere , Piece , Narrative , Discussions , Spine , Disassembling , Weakening , Reinforcements , Temperature , Dialogue , Responses , Department , Writing , Questions , Concerns , Discussion , Romania , Bulgaria , 97 , 99 , Allies , Russian Borders , Where , Bolts , Layout , Cul De Sac , Vienna , Document , Reporting , Troop Levels , Victor Blackwell , Missiles , Both , Baltics , Ways , Peter Zack , Insight , Sir , Pleasure , Length , Electors , Election , Skin , Rudy Giuliani , Up Next , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay , 2020 , Kind , Breast Cancer , Taking Verzenio , Olay Body , Infection , Hr , Menopause Status , Diarrhea , Fulvestrant , Hormone Therapy , Dehydration , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Blood Cell Counts , Doctor , Death , Chills , Lung Inflammation , Sign , Signs , Fluids , Fever , Symptoms , Chest Pain , Pain , Liver Problems , Blood Clots , Trouble Breathing , Breathing , Breath , Shortness , Heart Rate , Appetite Loss , Cough , Fatigue , Bruising , Bleeding , Legs , Swelling , Everyday Verzenio , Plans , Classes , Achievements , National University , 75 , Nu Edu , Benefits , Music , Medicare , Aetna , 0 , 65 , , Telehealth Emergency Coverage , Hearing , Vision , Dental , Over The Counter Allowance , Aetna Medicare Advantage , Decision Tech From Fidelity , Market , Moves , Cellphone Vibrates , Alerts , Decision , Trading Decisions , Market Events , Insights , Trades , Stock , Etf , Zero , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , The Living Room , Yoga Shanti Slash , Vacation , Home , App , Vrbo , Donald Trump , Documents , Pages , The National Archives , Hundreds , Source , The House Select Committee Investigating January 6 , Former , January 6 , 6 , Supreme Court , Records , House Committee , Argument , Executive Privilege , Panel , 700 , Details , Sources , Tell Cnn , Attempts , Capitol Insurrection , Seven , Campaign Officials , Saw , Georgia , Pennsylvania , Michigan , Arizona , Trump Lost , New Mexico , Wisconsin , December Of 2020 , Scheme , Cnn S Marshall Cohen , Transition , So Marshall , Electoral College Process , Supporters , Houses , Lie , 200 , Trump , It Wasn T , Campaign , Learning , Conference Calls , Level , Meeting Rooms , Calls , Slots , Language , State Houses , Somewhere , Certificates , Presidency , Mike Pence , Disqualifying , Didn T Work , Cheating , Stuff , Know , Attempt , It Doesn T Work , Anyone , Yes , Investigation , Tv , Attorney General , Wasn T , Some , Attorneys , Cnn The January 6th Committee , Prosecutors , Charges , Forgery , Effort , Subpoena Documents , Electoral College , Italy , U S Attorney For The Southern District Of New York , Constitution , Assistant , Well Elie Honig , Court , Chances , Claims , Ronald Omary , Boke , Question , Center , Groups , Tlx , Result , Sen , Entity , Application , Social Media , Strategy , Tax Return , Important , Driver S License , Investigations , Why Haven T , Slates , Elie , Behind Closed Doors , Evidence , Order , Doubt , Elly , Graphic , Track , Woes , Atlanta , Phone Call , House Select Committee , Organization , Business Fraud , Liability , Impeachments , Triple Crown , Steps , Fronts , Clock , Revelations , Drum Beat , Each , Letitia James , Trump Organization , Lawsuit , Civil , Realm , Lawsuits , District Attorney , Front , Fulton County , Permission , Subpoena Power , Congressionally , Special Grand Jury , Everyone , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Mind , Big Question , Puzzle Pieces , Committee , Ronaldo , 1 6 , Show , Statements , Logs , Communications , Conspiracy , Email , Action , Text Messages , Call Logs , Connections , Reports , Signature , Drafts , Draft Executive Order , Voting Machines , Seizure , Sort , Acts , Bunch , Hooligans , Residency , Adele , Delay , Attention , Las Vegas , Meat Loaf , Bat Out Of Hell , Loss , Legend , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , 1 , Eczema Symptom Relief , Bond , Diabetes , Musician , System , Fingersticks , Austin James , My Name , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Mystery , Glucose Numbers , Scan , 6 7 , 8 2 , Downy , Mood , Scent , Infusions , Restaurant Workers , Family , Hit Bilal , Others , San Francisco , Beacon Of Hope , Change , Policies , Best , Status Quo Isn T Working , Obama , Bilal Mahmood , Leg , Living , Back Pain Relief , Retailer , Pain Radiating , Announcer , Magnilife , Grammy Award , Team , Delivery Delays , Preparations , Ain T , December , Ticket Foz , Variety Jim Aswan , It Sound , Production Delays , Specific , Example , An K Acoustic Set , Album , Fans , Vegas , Crew , Controls , Exposure , Arenas , Industry , Big Star , Touring , Residencies , Story , Silk Sonic , Most , Perils , Artist , Performance Spaces , Hotels , Room , Elevator , Stage , Barry Manilow , Lots , Problems , Forward , Chores , Elton John , Hasn T , Tour , Second , New Orleans , Masterpiece , Adolescence , Hit , Millions , Paradise By The Dashboard Light , Car , Every Little Thing , Girl , Lake , Parking , Stage Presence , Song Writing , Performing , Thoughts , Songs , Extent , Outpouring , Happening , Performer , Big Ambitious Albums Released In The 70s , Rock N Roll , 70 , Videos , Kid , Saturday Night Live , Song Writing Partner , Record Labels , L A , Albums , Critics Weren T , Eras , On Board , Thebee Gees , 100 , 250 , Paradise , Dashboard , Thanks , Sex , Complications , Cancer , Emmy , Louie Anderson , Stand Up , Tv Show , Christine Baskets , Baskets , Hosting Gigs , Films , Mother , Game Show , Coming To America , Roles , Ferris Bueller S Day Off , Gilbert Gottfried , Photo , Bob Saget , Rest In Peace , Election Workers , Deaths , Death Threats , Friends , Justice , Burni , Stinging , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Painful , Medication , Infections , Reactions , Ability , 16 , Vaccine , Subaru , Charities , Retailers , Company , Love Event , Charity , None , And , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Simplicity , Deposit , Tools , Chase , Employees , Vacation Request , Suite Special , Aloha , Style , Vacation Request Approvals , Single , Schedule A Demo Today , Software , Hr Data , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Top , Troubles , Pn , Cnn Newsroom , January 6th , Effortto ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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resilience in those towers that get blown over, the wires snap. we have so much we can do with this legislation now. last week we rolled out a historic investment in our nation's bridges. like the one i visited in new hampshire. where restrictions could force school buses and fire trucks to go ten miles out of the way just to get across the small river. or the i-10 bridge i visited in louisiana. it was 20 years past the planned life. it doesn't have modern safety features. and it was last inspected, the bridge is deemed to be in poor condition and now it has two lanes on the bridge, okay. that four lane interstate feeds into. creating and causing major back-ups. we're going to upgrade thousands of bridges, creating good-paying jobs, cutting commute times and ensuring that as we build back, no community gets left behind. folks, that mayor's view of the problem solving is exactly what we brought to the american rescue plan. it is designed so that you would be able to have the resources and the flexibility to take both the short-term and long-term challenges created by this pandemic. ten months ago, that law is still carrying the nation forward. on vaccines, on boosters, or keeping schools open. and it is still making a difference for communities across the country. and i might add, a lot of money in that to keep those schools open. some states have spent the money well. got it to you all, so you could keep those schools open and change the ventilation system and change the busing and the whole works. some states haven't distributed the money. everything i've done in my career, when it comes to federal funding, i've tried to make sure that you don't have to go past go to get it. it goes directly to the mayors. directly to them. i mean it. it is not a joke. [ applause ] a major part of the rescue plan was a $350 billion we allocated to state and local budgets and again because of you, over a hundred billion of that went directly to cities and counties, not through anybody. 100 billion. [ applause ] it was not easy to get done, but it is important to get done. because you know it is needed. you didn't have to go through the state legislature. they're not bad folks. i don't mean that. or your governor, good folks to get the money. today communities are still putting the funds to work keeping people on the job. connecting people to better jobs and in seattle, the money is being used to give premium pay to local childcare workers. so they could keep childcare centers open and available for folks who need it. i'm not sure that would have happened if it had not gone directly to the states. in phoenix, partner with community college, these funds are going to help workers find careers in -- sand raises in the semiconductor industry which is a big, big deal. in milwaukee, y'all are training works to get rid of lead pipelines and 450,000 school -- i mean, the idea that we have our kids drinking out of fountains that have lead pipes feeding the fountains. because everybody deserves clean water. everybody. no matter where you're city, suburban or rural areas. here in washington, d.c., it is the expansion of a infrastructure academy, preparing local workers to take the good-paying jobs and manufacturing construction and utilities and that will be created as a consequence of the infrastructure law. look, i urge every american to take a look at what y'all are doing. i urge every mayor in america to follow suit. to use the resources, the rescue plan, the resources that were intended. not just to stave off disaster, but to build for a future around the people who make communities run. use your funds to cover childcare costs. or temporary paid leave to help certain workers dealing with omicron. build pathways to better jobs through union based apresent is ship and on the job training and give people a chance to deal for themselves and deal them into this booming economy. that also means building more affordable housing. so people could have safe places, closer to their jobs. fin finding programs to fight violent crime. shouldn't be cutting funding to police departments. i proposed increasing funds. we ask cops to do everything, including be psychologist and social workers. guess what in they need psychologists and social workers. [ applause ] no, i mean it. not a joke. so they could hire more social workers, folks trained in mental, so they could partner with trusted community leaders like the programs, the rescue plan is funding and in land in louisville, and other cities across the country. the truth is, we have an incredible opportunity ahead of us this year. we still have a lot of work to do to defeat covid, to bring down costs for families but look at what we've accomplished together so far. even in the face of those head winds. in 2021, more jobs were created in america than ever in a single year in american history. more jobs, over 6 million. unemployment rate dropped more than any year in american history. income -- [ applause ] -- income for working front line jobs and service industries rose more than any year in history. the folks at the bottom of the economic rung. we lower child poverty in this country by nearly 40%. more than any time in the u.s. history. you all know this. business applications grew by nearly 30% last year. more than any year in history. and if soo bad why people fighting to open up businesses. more americans gained health insurance than any year in history. these are facts. to confront the dlclimate crisi wee dough deployed more batteries than ever before and we're teaming up with mayors and labor to save families and businesses money by improving efficience in your building and the battle against the deadly virus, we've gone from putting 2 million shots in vaccinations in people's arms to 210 million americans fully vaccinated. [ applause ] when you mayors have been critical partners. i'm not trying to it be nice to you. it is a fact. you've been in the fight from day one. from masking to testing to vaccinations. we partnered with you. [ applause ] we partnered with you on the mayor's challenge last summer. 115 cities working together to get americans vaccinated. in richmond, mayor stony created vaccination clinics that doubled the job fairs. get your shot and it is also a job fair. encouraging people to come in. in detroit mayor duggin, are you here, mr. mayor? i worked with him for a long time. there is a man who knows what he's doing. mayor duggin partnered with salons and barber shots to get shots in people's arms. mayor jones worked to reach neighborhoods with low vaccination rates. all of these efforts you've saved lives. not a joke. you've saved lives. now to keep up that fight against omicron, we've launched dozens of forward testing sites in new york, philadelphia, henderson, nevada, and elsewhere thereout sites that we're launching every week. we devoted medical teams made up of military, first responders and national guard to bring relief to the hardest hit hospitals who need additional personnel just to keep it moving because they are so overrun. we're purchasing and distributing free 1 billion at-home tests of people so they could test themselves and their communities and we still face tremendous challenges but together we've prorven we could get big things done in this country. last year you helped lay the groundwork and this year we have to build it. the biggest weapon in our arsenal is the build back better act. nothing will do to ease pressure on families. as my friend jim clyburn said, it is all about making everything more affordable and more accessible to people. every mayor knows that people can't find affordable childcare, t they can't work. some cities it is 14,000, $15,000 a year for childcare. that is why we have nearly 1.2 extremely qualified women who haven't been able to return to the work force. we could cut the cost of childcare in half and fix that problem. health insurance, we could reduce the cost for families that we've done per $600 per year, on climate and extreme weather and disaster costs communities $145 billion last year. that is how many we spend because of weather-related crisis. $145 billion. by investing in resilience and clean energy technology, we could do something about that. to give relief to families, and the american rescue plan, we had the childcare tax credit. that did reduce child poverty by 40%. there is no reason it shouldn't continue. and on education. [ applause ] on education, today about half of the 3 and 4-year-olds are enrolled in early childhood education. in german, france, u.k., latvia, the number is more than 90%. where the heck are we. no i'm serious. we're falling further and further behind the curve. but we could fix that problem. we could do this and more on health care, nutrition and a host of other issues. here is the point. we could do it without increasing inflation or the deficit. 17 nobel laureates in economics wrote a letter to me recently affirming that this bill would reduce inflationary pressures on the economy. not increase. reduce it. and by the way, by the way, it is entirely paid for. every single penny. and not a single person making less than $400,000 a year will pay a single additional penny in federal taxes. not a single penny. and by the way, i'm a capitalist, i'm not a socialist. if you could make a billion dollars, you have $10 million, good for you. just begin to pay your fair share. pay a little bit. [ applause ] we can pay for all of this by just making sure that the wealthy, making sure that the wealthy and the biggest corporations pay their fair share. case in point. last year 55 of the fortune 500 companies and i come from the corporate capital of the world, delaware, not a joke. more corporations incorporated in my state than every other state in the union. okay. i get it. and i represented it for 36 years. but guess what? you got 55 corporations last year that made $45 billion in profits and didn't pay a single penny in taxes. that is not right. that is not right. look, we could tackle all of these challenges. just like we did with the rescue plan and the infrastructure law and the fight against covid. but we can't do it without you. i'm not trying to be nice to you. we can't do it without you. no, no, really. it is the god's truth. you understand the challenges people are facing. and you understand the solutions. you know this isn't when it gets down to whether the garbage gets collected or someone is safe in the street. this isn't partisan, it is practical. you understand the cost if we failed to act. we need the voice of mayors. telling the stories of what your communities need and the impact we're making on people's lives, or not making. if we could get this done, i believe this with every fiber in my being, if we could get this done, there is no limit what americans can achieve. so let's continue to give working families a fighting chance. i wasn't kidding when i said, when i announced for president that i am so tired of the working class and middle class carrying the burden. it is about time we grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. and by the way, when the middle class does well, the wealthy do very, very, very well. i'm not joking. this isn't about punishing anybody. it is about getting everybody in the game. raise your hand if you think the present tax structure is fair. and we'll take a picture of you and send it home. [ applause ] seriously, guys. you know. the thing i like about mayors, is your straight. you know what i mean. you shoot from the shoulder. so let's keep investing in the future of every city and town in america. let's face these challenges head on. and keep building. we could build back better. folks, i really believe it. there is not a damn thing we can't do if we set our minds to it. [ applause ] and every single time -- think about this now, it is not hyperbole, no other country other than america has come through every crisis we've faced and ended up stronger than we were before we got into the crisis. think about that. think about that. so don't give up on the american people. you know, i've said many, many times to world leaders particularly when they ask me about america, it is never been a good bet to bet against the american people. never, never, never been a good bet to bet against the american people. and we stand together, there is not a damn thing we can't do. democrat and republican. thank you all. and may god bless you. may god protect our troops. keep it going, folks. we need you badly. we need you badly. [ applause ] >> all right. we have been listening there to president biden. he was speaking at the u.s. conference of mayors and vickor he seemed to be in his element. was quite comfortable making jokes with the audience perceived as jokes and he got a lot of laugh lines. >> got a lot of laugh lines and came with the good news that the money from that bipartisan infrastructure bill, that is going to those cities represented by those mayors. so he certainly had a case to sell. and we know that mayors have challenged with the pandemic and crime going up in some communities so a lot to talk about. let's bring in phil mattingly from the white house. so, what were your main takeaways, phil? >> reporter: engaging the president's comfort with an audience is how many times he said not a joke. my photo journalist counted serve. that is a lot of comfort. and there is a good reason. the president mas head clear in the first year in office when it comes to mayors or local officials whether having them in the white house or out on the road, is something that he enjoys doing. and the comfort with the audience but also you get a sense of the message the president wants to send as as hs focusing not so much on the in the weeds legislative fights or what he's still trying to accomplish, particularly when it comes to congress. but instead what they did do. and i think the fop of the speech was the focus on the bipartisan infrastructure proposal and how that is taking effect now, a couple months into the implementation on the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan which was critical as they tried to fight covid wave after wave after wave in the first year in office. did he talk about the build back better agenda that he's trying to get back into play with democrats right now on capitol hill. but so much of the focus was, he put it, how the administration laid the groundwork in the first year, when you talk to administration officials, even when they look at the polling, they recognition the exhaustion, they feel like the building blocks are there for the first couple of months or quarters of this year. and i think the president was trying to get at that in the marks today. and no shortage of issues that the president is dealing with both domestically and in foreign policy. but i think trying to focus on the areas where they believe there is positive growth and positive opportunity in the weeks and months ahead. >> all right. phil mattingly. thank you. >> okay, turning to another crucial meeting today. tony blinken met with his russian counterpart for 90 minutes in jean eva, switzerland. this is just the latest step in trying to prevent a russian invasion of ukraine. the russians again claimed that they are not planning to invade ukraine and accused the west of quote, hysterics. >> blinken said there could be a swift and severe response from the u.s. and nato to any form after gression by russia toward ukraine. he added the u.s. and nate ore are watching the build up of 100,000 russia troop as long the ukraine border. >> that would give the russia the capacity if president putin so chooses to attack ukraine from the south, from the east, from the north. we're looking at what is visible to all. and it is deeds and actions, not words that make the difference. i suggested to mr. lavrov, as we have repeatedly, if russia wants to begin to convince the world that it has no aggressive intent toward ukraine a good place would to be would be by escalating and removing forces from ukraine's borders. >> and this just into cnn. defense sources tell cnn the pentagon is developing options for the president to bolster the u.s. military presence in eastern europe if russia invades. >> the officials say that could involve repositioning troops and assets already in europe or bringing more from outside the region. cnn's clarissa ward is live in kiev, ukraine for us. i understand we're getting new sight into how today's meeting was viewed in ukraine. >> reporter: that is right. well we definitely hear a very different tone than we had before yesterday president zelensky was tweeting rather angrily it seemed at joe biden that there is no such thing as a minor incursion, today we saw another tweet from the president thanking the u.s. president for his steadfast support of ukraine. we know the foreign minister has also said that they are pleased that negotiations and conversations are continuing because as long as the diplomatic efforts still have achance, there is perhaps a slightly smaller risk of an invasion ensuing. i think you heard both sides saying, alisyn, both lavrov and blinken, they didn't expect any breakthroughs and there were not any today. but what the real fear had been was the possibility that they were going to come out of that meeting and say, honestly, there is nothing left to say. the two sides are so entrenched this is the end of the diplomatic road. at least now it appears what blinken called a clear path ahead and that entailed the american side coming back formally to the russians with a written response to their list of demands. the russians have been quite insistent that it be a written response. blinken said that potentially after words there could be another meeting between one would assume blinken and lavrov and another meeting between president putin and president biden. not whether that is virtual or in person. but certainly at least there is an inkling or a small smidgeon of hope there is still a potential diplomatic solution for all of this. at the same time neither side is changing its tooun. the u.s. still stands by the previous assertions that some of the russia's demands are nonstarters and russia is not changing its tune at all. so it is difficult to see how this can be resolved diplomatically. and of course you continue to see sha ratcheting you have of tensions more russian s-400 deployed to the belarus/ukrainian border and this is just contributing to the sense that the longer it takes to find a diplomatic solution, the more chance there is of things escalating and of the potential military conflagration which it does seem that both sides are committed to at least trying to put a stop to. but difficult to know whether the russians are entering into the negotiations or diplomatic efforts in good faith or whether they are simply a diversion. >> understood. but as you say, talking about better than the alternative at the moment. so clarissa ward, thank you for the recording. let's turn to pierce lack, a senior defense attach a to the russian federation from 2012 to 2014 when russia invaded crimea. general, welcome back. let's start where clarisa leave off. the conversations are continuing, better than the alternative. it clear to you that a diplomatic resolution is any more probable at the end of the week than it was at the start? >> well thank you for having me. um, i think all of us, and maybe even some of the russians, didn't expect this to go this far and become this dangerous. and the fact that the diplomats, with guidance, are talking is important. it is better to jaw jaw jaw rather than war war war. but this is not resolved. there are deep underlying issues an the bottom line in all of this, and we get accused of hysterics by the kremlin, these are unprecedented forces that have stayed in place, they've had their exercises in the past in the west, but this is men as. this is prove case. it doesn't need to happen this way. it's almost 1930s in scope with the demands and the -- and the just the -- just the use of force. so let's -- >> so let's talk about that. because you say that maybe the russians did not expect it to go this far and that this is menace. do you believe that putin deployed these 100,000 troops toward the border now for the exercised initiated with the belarus and did not calculate for every geopolitical, every diplomatic step thus far and he has not decided what is next? >> i think there is an aspect of this, i think that the kremlin may have been certainly trying to assert itself in what it cons considers its sphere and wee see as an independent nation, in ukraine it is certainly a piece of that. and the history and the narrative is there. they also, i think wanted to put pressure on nato, the european union an the north atlantic alliance and i think people have been surprised and this may have backfired. instead of weakening and disassembling, it is shown spine. and now there is discussions of reinforcements. i don't think that was part of the russian plan. and nor do we want to go to that. but they have pushed us and we have hardened and now it is up to them primarily, though we enter dialogue, to find a way to credibly lower the temperature. >> so do you have an idea of what that could be. we know that the responses that are coming, we know from the white house next week that the state department will respond to the questions from the russians, will put their concerns in writing as requested by lavrov today. they won't agree to pull forces out of bulgaria, out of romania and not admitting ukraine to nato, although there was no discussion of doing that soon so what are the face saving options that the u.s. can offer that pushes this further away from becoming an invasion. >> and you're exactly right. there is no discussion, or will be, of pulling back to '99, '97 borders. these are nato allies that want to be part of nato and that is a very important part. you talk about expansion. no, i think now there are the nuts and bolts of where, how do we lower the temperature. and then how does moscow, how does the kremlin work a credible layout of what looks to be a diplomatic cul-de-sac and they have pushed themselves to -- one, going back to the vienna document, meaning troops and exercises, reworking the reporting and agreeing to find a way to lower, if you will, the troop levels and all of that. part of the problem is we're talking russian borders, victor. and the baltics where we do things, these are our allies and we exercise. but both -- just got to find a way to be less threatening. of course you've heard about the intermediate range missiles. there has to be leverage within missiles an then you find ways somehow to start working on things that are actually cooperative and positive and rather than in your face and dangerous. >> and we'll see if that is included in the document, the written responses from state department back over to the kremlin. general peter zack, thank you so much for your insight, sir. >> always a pleasure. let's just stay the course. >> all right. thank you. new reporting about the length that trump allies tried to go to overturn the 2020 election. up next, rudy giuliani secret plot to send fake electors to washington, d.c. olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. living with metastatic breast cancer means being relentless. because every day 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[ cellphone vibrates ] you'll get proactive alerts for market events before they happen... and insights on every buy and sell decision. with zero-commission online u.s. stock and etf trades. for smarter trading decisions, get decision tech from fidelity. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. former president trump's white house documents are now with congress. a source tells cnn that the white house, the house select committee investigating january 6 has received hundreds of pages from the national archives as of this morning. >> now former president trump had tried to block the house committee from ever seeing those documents. claiming executive privilege. but the supreme court did not buy that argument. the panel is seeking more than 700 pages of records detailing what happened in the white house around the time of the capitol insurrection. and we're also learning new details about attempts by trump allies to over turn the 2020 election. multiple sources with direct knowledge tell cnn that trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani over saw efforts in december of 2020 to put forward fake electors from seven states that trump lost. >> pennsylvania, georgia, michigan, arizona, wisconsin, nevada and new mexico. cnn's marshall cohen is with us now. so marshall, tell us more about this scheme. >> reporter: so we're talking about the electoral college process. it is pretty wonky but super important to the transition of power. as you mentioned in december of 200 when the real electors were meeting in the state houses across country, trump supporters in those seven states were also meeting and basically proclaiming that they were the rightful electors. of course it was a lie. they were not the legitimate electors. but we're learning now that this didn't just happen. it wasn't spontaneous. multiple sources are telling us that this was coordinated and orchestrated by the trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani. there were conference calls where they organized this on the state level and rudy was on one of the calls. they did things like make sure they have enough supporters to fill the slots as electors. they were trying to find meeting rooms for those fake electors to meet in the state houses or somewhere nearby. and also they were working on the language in fake certificates that these fake electors eventually signed and submitted to the national archives here in d.c. so this is super important because it was a part of that plan, that scheme for vice president mike pence to somehow throw the election to trump by disqualifying joe biden's electors, replacing them with these fake electors, that would have somehow given the presidency to trump on january 6 and, guys, of course, we all know that didn't work. he won't go along with it and biden was sworn in. >> marshall, this is crazy, okay. this is reporting is just crazy stuff. what you're describing there. and it is trait up cheating. i mean that is cheating. is anyone other than cnn investigating this? >> yes. in plain language, it was an attempt to steal the election for donald trump. it doesn't work. but that doesn't mean that it wasn't important or shouldn't be looked at and attorneys general in many of these states like michigan, nevada, arizona, they are aware, they are looking. they say that some of them say they're not going to confirm or deny investigation, right. but the michigan attorney general herself went on tv and said that she believes this is a crime and illegal forgery but her office has not pressed any charges up until this point. they want federal prosecutors to take a look at it. i could tell you here in d.c., the january 6 committee is very interested. they've subpoenaed rudy giuliani, they've subpoenaed some other people involved and in those subpoena documents, they say express italy, we want to know about the efforts to subvert the electoral college. this is an effort to subvert our constitution in how you are supposed to do it and they tried this crooked scheme and it didn't work. >> okay. marshall cohen, thank you very much for all of that reporting. joining us now with more, well elie honig, former assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york and ronald omary. this is different. we all knew about how rudy giuliani was bringing boke us claims to court and then taking his chances. hoping to get lucky in court. didn't work. but coming up with a list of fake electors and people who are opposing as electors, how is that not a crime or been prosecuted yet. >> it is a great question that i share, alisyn. it is entirely unsurprising that rudy giuliani was at the center of all this. we see this from sen states tlx is no way that seven different groups of people independently decided to do this. it looked very much like this was result of a centralized effort and it turns out rudy giuliani was right at the center of it. and if we talk about is this a crime. let me sort of put it this way. it is under crime to submit any false documents to a governmental entity. whether it is a false application for a driver's license, a false social media benefits application, a false tax return. here we're talking about something much bigger, much more important, this is way more than just some whacky legal strategy. these are false -- falsified forged documents that were going to congress and the national archives to try to flip an election. to me it is monre times more dangerous than the false documents climb. >> so then if it is a crime, it is a year since they've done this. why haven't the people who were on these fake slates of electors and the people who led this scheme been indicted? >> well, first of all, investigations take time. they very well may be under investigation right now. we don't know exactly who is being talked to behind closed doors. but of course, i agree with elie, that submitting false documents is a crime but you have to knowingly doing. and i imagine they're trying to build evidence to ensure they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this was a knowing and willful effort to deceive, to create a false document in order to steal the election. >>elly, for people who have lost track of the trump legal woes this week, we have a graphic to explain all that has happened this week and it is a lot. the atlanta attorney general has the phone call and then the new york attorney general found trump organization business fraud, the supreme court has cleared way for the house select committee to get those white house documents that president trump had wanted to block. but listen, we've been down this road before where there have been investigations an impeachments and it resulted in nothing. how significant do you see that list? >> well, donald trump this week has achieved the rarely seen triple crown of legal liability. and on each of those fronts there have been steps against donald trump this week. in congress, we're seeing a steady drum beat of damning revelations and he got his clock cleaned in the supreme court. in the realm of civil liability, there are several pending civil lawsuits and i think letitia james this week made clear she's likely to bing a civil lawsuit, not criminal, but civil against donald trump or the trump organization. and then on the criminal front, we have the advancing investigation of the fulton county district attorney who this week asked for permission for a special grand jury. that will give her subpoena power. now will there be consequences? i think congressionally, sure. i think civilly, i think he's likely to get sued but the big question on everyone's mind is will he be charged and convicted criminally. that we just can't know. there were steps forward this week but a prosecutors had to be ready to prove the cases beyond a reasonable doubt. that is what we're all looking for. >> ronaldo, we so the that the hundreds of documents now that were transferred from the national archives that the trump white house was trying to keep from the 1/6 committee, they now have those. explain how those fill in the puzzle pieces that have been missing this far. the call logs and the records that show maybe drafted statements that were never delivered. >> absolutely. one thing that is really important is people talk about a scheme or a plan. to prove that he really need to show the connections between people. to have a conspiracy or a scheme you need to show a plan of action and who was working together. and the way you do that is by looking at call logs, looking at communications, whether it is email, text messages but also looking as you point out of drafts of documents. there were reports of a draft executive order that was signed or that was meant for trump's signature regarding the seizure of voting machines. so i think that all of that sort of evidence is really what the committee needs to show that this was not just some random acts by a bunch of hooligans but it was concerted plan or scheme to overturn our constitutional history that absolutely deserves our attention. >> good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. adele tearfully announced that she is postponing her las vegas residency just hours before it was set to begin. what she said caused that delay. and he was a bat out of hell. the music world is mourning the loss of the legend known as meat loaf. ♪ ♪ #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. san francisco was a beacon of hope for my family to reach the middle class, and i've been helping others ever since. when the pandemic hit bilal was right there, helping restaurant workers make ends meet. in the obama administration, bilal worked tirelessly on innovative policies. the status quo isn't working. bilal is the best shot we have for meaningful change. i'm bilal mahmood, and i know our city can become a beacon of hope once again. announcer: tired of pain radiating down your leg and lower back? get relief finally, with magnilife® leg and back pain relief. and get living. available at your local retailer. grammy award winning singer adele cried as she announced that she has to postpone her las vegas residency because of covid and delivery delays. the first show was scheduled for tonight. but on social media yesterday, adele said half of her team has covid and it has been impossible to finish preparations for the show. >> i'm so sorry, but my show ain't ready. we've tried absolutely everything that we can to put it together in time. and for it to be good enough for you. but we've been absolutely destroyed by delivery delays and covid. i can't give you a -- right now and i'm -- >> ticket foz broke records when they were released in december. adele said her team is working to reschedule all of the dates. deputy music editor at variety jim aswan joining us now. clearly she is pained by having to postpone this. but for this to happen, the day before the show were supposed to start. if it is so bad, i mean, didn't they know that this wasn't going to happen days ago. >> you would think so. the way that she you would think so, the way she makes it sound, they were working to make it happen anyway. i asked them to be more specific about the actual production delays, and why, for example, instead of cancelling the day before, she could have played an k acoustic set for people who traveled all that way. >> something. for the international fans, they had to get tested, come into the country for this. so 30 was the best selling album of 2021, and for her to choose first a vegas residency, it was to try to avoid this, to avoid the exposure of taking the crew all around the country, to avoid maybe the controls of different cities and arenas, to mitigate covid. how is this now impacted the industry that this big star now has to push this back? >> well, it's certainly more -- it is problematic, definitely. we were actually talking about doing a story earlier this week about how vegas residencies were sort of becoming the new touring, silk sonic just announced one. there's a lot of other acts who are doing residencies right now, which would seem to be an effective way to tour without the perils of touring because vegas is very much set up for that. the artist doesn't even have to leave the building. most of these performance spaces are in hotels. so people like barry manilow who are doing residencies there, they would take the elevator down from their room, and could practically walk right on stage, but clearly it's not quite as simple as all that. now, having said that, there are lots of other vegas residencies going forward, and without these problems, as far as we know, anyway, and there are lots of chores still scheduled and still happening. elton john just launched his tour the other night in new orleans, and that is continuing. so it hasn't affected everything but it's not good. >> we need to talk about meat loaf for a second. what a sad day. i mean, meat loaf, "bat out of hell" was the sound track to my adolescence, and obviously millions of people's adolescence because it was such a, you know, huge hit, and paradise by the dashboard light is a masterpiece, i would say, a timeless masterpiece, so let's just listen to it for one second "i remember every little thing that's happened yesterday ♪ ♪ parking by the lake and there was not another car inside ♪ ♪ and i never had a girl looking any better than you do ♪ >> look how he's performing, the whole stage presence, and the song writing. just tell me your thoughts on what meat loaf meant? >> i mean, to be honest with you, i'm a little bit surprised at the extent of the outpouring, not that it's happening, but just at the level of it. that album touched an awful lot of people, and it was very different for its time even though, you know, there are a lot of long songs and a lot of big ambitious albums released in the 70s, it was rare to see a rock 'n' roll performer who looked like that and sang about the things that he did. he had that big huge voice, and he was big and huge himself, and one thing they did that was very smart is they made early videos for that album. i saw him on tv as a kid. i saw him on "saturday night live." he was almost impossible to ignore. >> what i love about it, what i read recently, he and his song writing partner went to different record labels, and they were basically laughed out of l.a., you guys are cheesy, and this is, you know, really juvenile and then the next year became one of the best selling albums of all time. the people liked it, everyone if the critics weren't on board. >> 100%. you can say this about so many eras, what was big, thebee gees can't get much farther than meat loaf, and he weighed about 250 pounds, so i get that on the one hand and everything i needed to learn about sex, i learned from paradise in the dashboard. >> thanks so much. louie anderson died today from complications of cancer. won an emmy, known for stand up, game show hosting gigs, as well as roles in iconic films like ferris bueller's day off and coming to america. recently he standard as christine baskets, the mother in the critically acclaimed tv show, baskets. comedian gilbert gottfried tweeted a photo with bob saget and louie anderson. rest in peace bob saget and louie anderson, both good friends that will be missed. >> this last few weeks have more than its notable share of deaths. big news from the justice department, prosecutors there are charging a man for allegedly making death threats against election workers in georgia. we have the details ahead. burni. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. 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Transition , So Marshall , Electoral College Process , Supporters , Houses , Lie , 200 , Trump , It Wasn T , Campaign , Learning , Conference Calls , Level , Meeting Rooms , Calls , Slots , Language , State Houses , Somewhere , Certificates , Presidency , Mike Pence , Disqualifying , Didn T Work , Cheating , Stuff , Know , Attempt , It Doesn T Work , Anyone , Yes , Investigation , Tv , Attorney General , Wasn T , Some , Attorneys , Cnn The January 6th Committee , Prosecutors , Charges , Forgery , Effort , Subpoena Documents , Electoral College , Italy , U S Attorney For The Southern District Of New York , Constitution , Assistant , Well Elie Honig , Court , Chances , Claims , Ronald Omary , Boke , Question , Center , Groups , Tlx , Result , Sen , Entity , Application , Social Media , Strategy , Tax Return , Important , Driver S License , Investigations , Why Haven T , Slates , Elie , Behind Closed Doors , Evidence , Order , Doubt , Elly , Graphic , Track , Woes , Atlanta , Phone Call , House Select Committee , Organization , Business Fraud , Liability , Impeachments , Triple Crown , Steps , Fronts , Clock , Revelations , Drum Beat , Each , Letitia James , Trump Organization , Lawsuit , Civil , Realm , Lawsuits , District Attorney , Front , Fulton County , Permission , Subpoena Power , Congressionally , Special Grand Jury , Everyone , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Mind , Big Question , Puzzle Pieces , Committee , Ronaldo , 1 6 , Show , Statements , Logs , Communications , Conspiracy , Email , Action , Text Messages , Call Logs , Connections , Reports , Signature , Drafts , Draft Executive Order , Voting Machines , Seizure , Sort , Acts , Bunch , Hooligans , Residency , Adele , Delay , Attention , Las Vegas , Meat Loaf , Bat Out Of Hell , Loss , Legend , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , 1 , Eczema Symptom Relief , Bond , Diabetes , Musician , System , Fingersticks , Austin James , My Name , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Mystery , Glucose Numbers , Scan , 6 7 , 8 2 , Downy , Mood , Scent , Infusions , Restaurant Workers , Family , Hit Bilal , Others , San Francisco , Beacon Of Hope , Change , Policies , Best , Status Quo Isn T Working , Obama , Bilal Mahmood , Leg , Living , Back Pain Relief , Retailer , Pain Radiating , Announcer , Magnilife , Grammy Award , Team , Delivery Delays , Preparations , Ain T , December , Ticket Foz , Variety Jim Aswan , It Sound , Production Delays , Specific , Example , An K Acoustic Set , Album , Fans , Vegas , Crew , Controls , Exposure , Arenas , Industry , Big Star , Touring , Residencies , Story , Silk Sonic , Most , Perils , Artist , Performance Spaces , Hotels , Room , Elevator , Stage , Barry Manilow , Lots , Problems , Forward , Chores , Elton John , Hasn T , Tour , Second , New Orleans , Masterpiece , Adolescence , Hit , Millions , Paradise By The Dashboard Light , Car , Every Little Thing , Girl , Lake , Parking , Stage Presence , Song Writing , Performing , Thoughts , Songs , Extent , Outpouring , Happening , Performer , Big Ambitious Albums Released In The 70s , Rock N Roll , 70 , Videos , Kid , Saturday Night Live , Song Writing Partner , Record Labels , L A , Albums , Critics Weren T , Eras , On Board , Thebee Gees , 100 , 250 , Paradise , Dashboard , Thanks , Sex , Complications , Cancer , Emmy , Louie Anderson , Stand Up , Tv Show , Christine Baskets , Baskets , Hosting Gigs , Films , Mother , Game Show , Coming To America , Roles , Ferris Bueller S Day Off , Gilbert Gottfried , Photo , Bob Saget , Rest In Peace , Election Workers , Deaths , Death Threats , Friends , Justice , Burni , Stinging , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Painful , Medication , Infections , Reactions , Ability , 16 , Vaccine , Subaru , Charities , Retailers , Company , Love Event , Charity , None , And , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Simplicity , Deposit , Tools , Chase , Employees , Vacation Request , Suite Special , Aloha , Style , Vacation Request Approvals , Single , Schedule A Demo Today , Software , Hr Data , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Top , Troubles , Pn , Cnn Newsroom , January 6th , Effortto ,

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