Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

top diplomat for the united states as the tensions between russia and ukraine intensify. and legal pile-on from the capitol to georgia to the white house residence, more trouble for donald trump. thanks for being here, everyone. we'll start with breaking news. a trio of new reports just out from the cdc offering the very first look at how covid vaccines hold up against the omicron variant. and the data paints a pretty clear picture of how crucial boosters are, protecting people far better against this particular variant than just the two-dose regimen. the report showing those with booster shots offer a better chance for staying out of the hospital if they become infected. the studies also come at what could be another critical turning point in the pandemic. almost half of the country now reporting declining cases with some more glimmers of hope that the surge has passed in the northeast, but still hospitalizations are on the rise across much of the country. and there's also this, which reinforce what is everyone knows by now, new data showing covid hospitalizations are nearly 50 times, 50 times higher among unvaccinated seniors compared to those who have been vaccinated and boosted. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is joining me now live with more on this breaking news. elizabeth, what are the details from these three reports out from the cdc just now? >> this is really exciting. if you remember last fall, you and i had so many discussions, do boosters work, don't they work, should we be boosting the entire population. these are three huge studies and they're not in a press release. they are actually published. let's take a look at what these three studies found. in the first one, cdc researchers looked at booster effectiveness at preventing omicron hospitalizations. they found that boosters were 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations, and the two shots were only 57% effective. and there's looking at 88,000 hospitalizations in ten states. now let's look at booster effectiveness at preventing omicron e.r. and urgent care visits. they looked at 200,000 visits in ten states. boosters were 82% effective, two shots just 38% effective. now, lastly, let's look at booster effectiveness at preventing omicron illness, just from getting sick with omicron. they looked at 13,000 cases. they found that the odds of becoming sick with omicron were 66% lower than for people who had a booster versus two shots. and just to remind everyone, here are the rules about boosters in the united states because they sort of changed around for a while last fall. so the rules are, the recommendations are, i should say, that everyone should get a booster ages 12 and up and you get them five months after your second shot. however, less than half of those who are eligible for boosters have gotten boosters and only a quarter percent of the total population is fully vaccinated and boosted. so, kate, again, all of these results are in the age of omicron. it's not delta. it's omicron, which, of course, is, you know, at least 99% of what's out there, and it certainly begs the question should the cdc be changing the definition of fully vaccinated from two doses to three. kate? >> great to see you, elizabeth. thank you for that information. joining me for more is dr. leana wen. the first cdc is really out really showing information, concrete data about how vaccines are holding up against the omicron variant, real data saying that boosters are key to keeping people out of the hospital. what do you see in these reports? >> these new studies should erase any doubt about the importance of boosters at this point in the pandemic. i think there's been unfortunately so much muddled messaging that made it sound like boosters are nice to have rather than something that's really essential. but these studies show definitively that boosters reduce illness and the chance of contracting covid and therefore being able to give it to others. they also very importantly protect against hospitalization and severe illness, severe enough to cause you to go into the e.r. and to be in the hospital. and so i think it's time for us to change our policies. by the way, this is not unusual. there are plenty of other vaccines that require three or four doses. hepatitis vaccine, for example. three-dose vaccine. polio vaccine is a four-dose vaccine. it's time for us to acknowledge that the covid-19 vaccine is at least a three-dose vaccine, and i wish that's something that the fda and cdc would very quickly revise in their definition. >> this gets to a conversation we've had far long time and the debate that's been going on amongst the medical community, public health officials, over the definition of fully vaccinated. i just want to play for you what dr. anthony fauci told me back in the beginning of december about this. is it a matter now of when, not if, the definition of fully vaccinated changes? >> you know, my own personal opinion, kate, is what you said is correct. it's going to be a matter of when, not if. >> yet that still hasn't happened yet. why do you think that is? i know you think it should change, dr. wen. why do you think it hasn't? >> i can only speculate. i think it might be bureaucratic red tape, and that is not an acceptable answer in the middle of a public health crisis. there are a lot of patients, who are so confused. they're confused about whether to get a beaster. they heard mixed messages earlier, disagreement within the scientific community. they're not seeing this as something they have to do to protect themselves and others around them. if the definition changes on federal level, it will help businesses, universities making their own rules about what it means to be vaccinated. but i also hope that doctors, hospitals, pharmacies will take matters into their own hands, and if they haven't already, call their patients, not just elderly patients in nursing homes, but all patients eligible for booster but haven't rev received them, because that is more than half of americans fully vaccinated as of the current defrgs but have not yet gotten their boosters even though they're eligible and overdue for their boosters. >> that approach you're talking about seems the most effective way to convince people to do that, outreach from their own care providers seems to be one of the things we've learned in this pandemic. only about a quarter of the u.s. population the fully vaccinated and boo sted. if this definition changes, the country has a long way to go again. how do you tackle that especially if we're honest about where we are here, an exhausted nation by the pandemic, which has, quite frankly, pushed some people to tune out a lot of this? >> i actually think it will be easier to convince people to get boosters than to convince those people who are still unvaccinated to get their first shots. think about the individual, the adults who remain unvaccinated. at this point, the majority of them, it will be very, very difficult to change their minds. but if people got their initial two doses, there are a lot of people who are convincible or able to be convinced to get that third dose if they get the accurate information, which is something that we as a medical community and in particular, i heat to say this, but the biden administration and particularly the cdc, they've had a lot of mixed messaging. the biden white house with dr. fauci and others were correct back in august when they said they believed everybody should be getting a booster shot starting that september. but that messaging got so confused. i think that we can do this. i know people are sick and tired about hearing about covid, but if getting the booster dose allows everybody to move on with their lives, i think those who are vaccinated are ready to hear that message. >> new concrete data out today show hough important it is. a lot of people should be poring through this. great to see you, dr. wen. thank you very much. another major story. the united states and russia meeting face-to-face in hopes of de-escalating the rising threat over ukraine. the high stakes meeting between antony blinken and his russian counterpart taking place this morning in switzerland, blinken making it clear afterward that washington is committed to, the way he put it is a united, swift, and severe response if moscow takes any further action against ukraine. afterwards, sergey lavrov insisted to reporters that his country is not planning to attack ukraine. take from that what you will. the meeting comes just two days after president biden said -- and the way he said it is, quote, my guess is he will move in, he has to do something, talking about putin. also suggesting nato might toll late a minor incursion into ukraine, comments the president has since clarified. we have reporters in ukraine and russia this hour to tackle this. clarissa ward is in kyiv. what are you hearing from officials there after this big meeting between the top diplomats wrapped up? >> reporter: well, there hasn't been any official response yet to the meetings, but i think et's fair to say that for most ukrainian officials, nothing that was said today by either side has provided them with a great deal of comfort or a sense that there's real clarity in how to deal with the situation. ukrainian officials would like to see the u.s. take a much more robust and, indeed, aggressive stance to russia, imposing sanctions immediately, providing much more military support here, particularly in the form of sophisticated air missile defense systems. but what we did see today almost certainly was both sides, the american and the russian side, allowing for the possibility that diplomacy could still carry the day. there was a real fear going into the talks that this was going to be a dead end. and while both sides were standing very firm in terms of their positions, there is at least now a path ahead, particularly of course with the americans agreeing that they will provide a sort of written statement or response to russia's requests, which is something that russia had demanded. for the russian part, they said -- sergey lavrov said that he did not intend to invade. but take a listen to what -- that russia did not intend to invade ukraine, but take a listen to what secretary of state antony blinken had to say. >> i believe that. mr. lavrov has a better understanding of our position and vice versa. today's discussion was useful in that sense, and that's precisely why we met. we've heard russian officials say they have no intention of invading ukraine. in fact, minister lavrov repeated that to me today. but, again, we're looking at what is visible to all, and it is deeds and actions, not words that make the difference. >> reporter: blinken did say that at least there is now a clear path forward. the u.s. will give those written response to russia's demands, then there's the possibility that the two will meet. he even opened up the possibility for another meeting between president biden and president putin. but there is still a huge amount of work to be done if diplomacy is, indeed, going to have a chance at avert agca it is a fee here. >> cnn's nic robertson is in moscow with this side of it. nic, what are you hearing from there? >> reporter: yeah. no response from the kremlin yet about what they think sergey lavrov actually achieved. and he has in a way checked that important box that russian officials and the kremlin spokesmen have been talking about for some time, the need for a written response from the united states. this to a certain degree sort of commits the united states to the diplomatic track to continuing these talks and negotiations in the way that russia has been wanting to happen. what's interesting here is russia, sergey lavrov, and certainly president putin, know exactly what they're going to get in that written response. they're not going to get what they want. they're not going to get nato and the united states saying that ukraine can't join nato. so, you know, there is definitely this opportunity for diplomacy to continue. going into the meeting, that was one of the important things for secretary of state blinken to ascertain, was russia still prepared and committed to go down the track of diplomacy. and the answer seems to be yes. but there's a parallel process that's playing out here, and that's the continued military buildup. you know, in the modern era, you can't hide a military buildup. you know, on the boarders of an country. it was the satellite images of russian troops on the border of ukraine that precipitated these talks in the first case, russian demanding that the talks happen and quickly. so, you know, if russia has another agenda outside of diplomacy, the way to achieve that jagenda is to have a distraction, and diplomacy, some analysts would argue, is the distraction, that while this diplomacy plays out, the military troop buildup, russia's military troop buildup close to the borders of ukraine continues as big military exercises coming up in belarus, the fact that, you know, it's sophisticated surface to air missiles will be deployed as part of that training. but here's the catch. you know, if that you have analysis going that there's diplomatic track that's being pushed down and there's this military buildup going on, that would issue that russia is going to invade. and sergey lavrov very clearly says that's not going to happen. this is how he framed it. >> translator: you claim we are going to attack ukraine, although we have repeatedly explained that this is not the case. >> reporter: so this is the conundrum for the united states going forward. yes, the diplomacy is working, but can you take that to the bank that this buildup won't lead to an invasion? >> great to see both of you. thank you so much for that. joining me for more on this is a former secretary of state william cohen. secretary, great to have you here. thank you. we heard from secretary blinken today, and he described the discussions as frank and substantive. but how do you read kind of all that's been laid out here by our correspondents in the region? where do you think this crisis is in this moment? >> well, i'm skeptical on what mr. lavrov says. i've watched him and met him on occasion over the last 20 years, and i would be very skeptical in terms of his assurances that they don't intend to attack. it's as if -- you know, the west seems to think that president putin is some "hamlet"-like character who's psychologically inflicted, should i or shouldn't i. i don't believe that at all. president bush 43 says he looked into the eyes of putin and saw his soul. president biden has said i've looked into the eyes of a killer. putin knows exactly what he wants to do, and he would not put 100,000-plus, perhaps even more today, troops on the border and say oh, you're threatening me with sanctions, i guess i better pull my troops back. he's going to get something out of this that satisfies him that he's made his point that ukraine can never become truly independent, cannot become a member of nato, and cannot have any kind of offensive arms within its country. i hope diplomacy succeeds. i'm very skeptical it will. putin has moved first and put the burden on us to respond in writing to demands that we can't meet. >> exactly right. i think it's so interesting how you're putting it with such clarity, because i want to play for you what the secretary of state said to abc news after the press conference that he held earlier today. let me play this for you. >> i think we at least have some opportunity to continue to work to resolve this diplomatically. >> bottom line, are we closer or further away from war? >> you'd really have to ask president putin. it's ultimately going to be president putin who decides what russia will do. >> what do you think of that, secretary? >> i think it's clear it's putin's call. again, i don't think he would just put 100,000 troops out for a training exercise. this is just a front for what he intends to do in any event. looking at it from his point of view, he's saying, well, the united states is divided. we saw how they pulled out of afghanistan. we know that there's division, which we have helped sow both in the united states and europe. we know that the germans are reluctant to take any kind of pune tich action. we know the french were upset about what the united states has done in working with australia, et cetera. so he's looking at from his point of view it's wintertime, i have my troops there. and i've got a division in western europe and i've got one in the united states. so from my perspective, now would be the time for me to take action. and i'll decide how little or how much it should be because the west is really not in a very good position to respond. in terms of the economy, in terms of what you'll do to me, we've been through hardship before, and by the way, i'm counting on my donald to come back into power in a couple years, so whatever you do to me economically, i can bear that but i'll see a different person in the white house shortly. so from my perspective -- >> what impact do you think president biden's comments about, you know, a minor incursion has had on all of this? what was your reaction to that? >> well, i would say an error. and i think from my perspective, it's always dangerous to have your president have a two-hour press conference. something is going to be said that's going to be an error in either tone or nuance or implication. but secondly, you need to be very clear that you don't send a message as we did, and think corrected it very quickly, but i think what president biden was doing is he was telling the truth from his perspective. it's important that presidents tell the truth but not every time. so i think that what he was revealing is what his intelligence community was telling him. i think he corrected it very quickly, but i don't think that putin can use that as an excuse, now i can go because biden has given me a green light. >> this is a major foreign policy crisis for biden and nato, but if someone asks you, secretary, why does this particular crisis between ukraine and russia matter to americans, how do you answer that? >> well, it matters in the sense that we have an established, quote, world order, international norms. putin has violated that twice, once in georgia and again in crimea and ukraine. now this is the third time where he is prepared to use military force to invade another country's sovereign territory. is that something that we want to see in the future? secondly, the way in which he has his boot on the neck of the europeans by virtue of the supply of energy, he can press ta that boot down and basically cause their economies to go into a tailspin. so it's more or less you want to have russia continue to play this role. what they do, they export oil and gas, they export military equipment, they have astronauts, but they also export -- and the europeans and united states don't want that trouble. that's one of the reasons we have nato, to prevent russia from dominating the european theater. >> secretary, thank you so much. i'm sorry to cut you off. i'm gong to jump in right now as we head over to the white house. president biden about to make remarks. it looks like the commerce secretary is going to be speaking first. >> good morning. good morning. good morning. thank you, mr. president, for invite ing me to join today and thank you for convening all of us today. today is an exciting day for our country. i want to thank pat, the ceo of intel, and intel for making this massive historic investment in american manufacturing right here in america. now, from day one, president biden has recognized and been clear that if we want to compete globally we have to invest domestically. and he's prioritized the revitdlization of our manufacturing economy and given those of us on his team a crystal clear mission to get those jobs back from overseas to america. and thanks to the president's leadership, our economy added almost 6.5 million jobs last year, the most in any year in u.s. history, and our unemployment rate dropped nearly 70%. make no mistake about it, by any measure, the united states economy is strong. but the fact is car prices are currently driving a third of inflation. why? because we can't -- we don't have enough chips. last year automakers made nearly 8 million fewer cars than they could have because of the semiconductor chip shortage. electric vehicles, for which the president has set an ambitious goal, 50% of new car sales by the end of the decade, require 2,000 chips. each ev requires 2,000 chips, more than twice as many as a traditional vehicle that's why today's announcement from intel is so exciting. semiconductors produced right here in america will allow us to shore up our supply chains, bring down cost, keep manufacturing facilities up and running, and create american jobs. but if we really want to end the chip shortage and ensure our global competitiveness, there's more to do. today our semiconductor -- >> we'll jump out of this and dip back in when president biden takes to the microphone. coming up for us, secret white house meetings in the days leading up to the insurrection. fake electorings to claim trump victory in states he lost. new revelations about how far donald trump and his campaign went to try to overturn the 2020 election. that's next. d free designer eyewear. - wow. - uh-huh. free yearly eye exams, designer frames and prescription lenses. take advantage now. wow! for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. 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>> evan, thank you. there's also new developments to round out what has become a hellish week for donald trump. the atlanta area district attorney has requested a special grand jury to investigate the former president's election interference in georgia. the house committee investigating the january 6th insurrection is now requesting testimony from trump's daughter, ivanka, who was a senior white house adviser. from former white house press secretary stephanie grisham, she is cob fiping donald trump held secret meetings in the white house residence days before the insurrection. and on to have of this, cnn reporting reveals that trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani were plotting and scheming to overturn the election by using fake electors. marshall cohen joins me with more on that one. let's talk about this plot to use fake electors in seven states to try and change the outcome in 2020. what was this all about? >> kate, as you know, americans go to the polls in november. electors meet in december. that's when they actually certify the results of the election and crowned biden in 2020 as the president-elect. but our reporting is shedding new light on what republicans under the trump campaign were doing at that same time to try to subvert the process. so multiple sources are telling us that trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani were overseeing this seven-state effort in critical states that biden won and trump lost. but this was an effort to subvert those results, overturn the will of the people, and line up fake electors to sort of try to get trump in office. it's critical because this was part of the john eastman plan, the six-step plan to have mike pence throw out biden's electors and replace them with republicans on january 6th. so, our reporting is telling us that the trump campaign was involved in state-by-state-level developments. they were trying to line up these electors, get them rooms to meet, and even created fake certificates to send to the national archives. >> who's looking into this, marshall? >> a lot of people, kate. some of the attorneys general in these states, places like michigan, nevada, new mexico, they say they're aware of it. the democratic a.g. in michigan said she thinks this is a clear-cut crime, but she referred it to federal prosecutors for further investigation. you're looking here at the fake certificates that a lot of people think may have been part of possibly criminal effort because you can't really send forgeries or fake documents to the national archives. so not only that, but the january 6th committee, they're also looking into it, and there's potentially a lot more to find. kate? >> sure seems like it. marshall, great to see you. thanks so much. joining me for more on this is cnn legal analyst paul callan. let's start if we can with this indictment that came down this breaking news indictment that evan perez was reporting on. what do you think of this indictment against a man for making death threats to election workers in georgia? the first of a doj kind of task force, how significant is this? >> well, it's rally gong to depend on how big a conspiracy is involved here, if this is just some crazy person placing an ad on craigslist. it's send a message, the indictment, in that it will advise other people around the country that you're going to get arrested for this kind of conduct. of course the investigation may reveal a larger number of people involved, and i would note also the indictment only listed official a, official b. we really don't even know who the people are who were threatened specifically. so i think we have to see what develops from this. >> that's a great point. let's talk about what marshall cohen was laying out there. i'm sure some will say this is hard to believe, but, you know, you have to believe impossible when it comes to what we saw play out with 2020. a plan to pull together fake electors to help overturn the election. when i saw this, i thought this goes way beyond placing a phone call to try to pressure someone or any of the public statements that trump has made that the election was rigged and should be investigated. what do you think of this? are there legal consequences that giuliani and others you think could face? >> there could be tremendous legal consequences. we're now looking at a number of investigations pending against the president from investigations related to the insurrection, to the georgia special grand jury that's been impaneled, and now this one, which really outlines a threat to the peaceful transition of power in the united states. it's a very, very serious charge. so we'll have to see what develops. but of course this was part of the mike pence plan. pence was supposed to say i'm not going to certify the election, and then giuliani and friends would have put together this whole slate of phony, fake electors who would come in and elect trump. we're just seeing the details of the plot that they had in mind when -- on the day that the election was being certified. >> so let's talk a little bit more about, you know, the attempts to overturn the election in one key state. the fulton county, georgia, d.a. requesting a special grand jury to be pulled together as part of the probe that she has into trump's election interference there. i want to remind everyone the part of one damning phone call that kind of led up to this. listen to this. >> all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> and so much more. what does a special grand jury indicate to you here? >> what it indicates is that the prosecutor in fulton county is having tremendous trouble in developing evidence in this case due to noncooperation of witnesses. she's been trying to get cooperation. she's been trying to interview witnesses. and she's been having problems. the only way she can get around that is to impanel a special grand jury that has subpoena power and can force you to come in, raise your right handle, and take an oath and answer honestly. so this gives her a tremendous increase in the power to investigate what was going on in georgia and what kind of pressure the president and his supporters were putting on duly elected election officials to change the election results. >> paul, thanks so much. good to see you. >> good to see you, kate. coming up next, protesters are gathering for an annual anti-abortion march washington as the supreme court is considering a major case that could overturn roe v. wade. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. 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>> the only thing that matters to me is it's closure, healing and safety for student athletes and students to make sure that this never happens again. >> when you say closure, does this -- what does it mean to you? does this -- does this close a chapter? what does it do to your journey toward healing? >> that somebody cared and had the guts and the knowledge and wherewithal to do something about it. >> yeah. >> nick, you represent matt and over 200 other survivors. you were co-lead counsel for the plaintiffs negotiating this settlement. how do you see this settlement? >> i think this is a good step forward towards the healing process for all survivors. this was the largest settlement predominantly for male victims, survivors in the country, and it helps sow transparency and accountability and obtain justice on the behalf of the survivors. that's one of the key things, kate, that we're trying to achieve in changing the culture across this nation. >> matt, the scale of the abuse here is so shocking and so hard to understand how many people robert anderson preyed on for so many years. to died more than ten years ago now. the sexual assault that you suffered happened when you were i believe just 10 years old. >> that's correct. >> what do you want the world to know about what he did, the impact the abuse has had? >> that it has been a -- i don't think i'd be overstating it but it's been catastrophic for me within my family and personally, and i have been wanting an opportunity to stand up, make this known and hopefully be some part of an effort to make sure this can't happen to people again. >> matt, your father is bo schembechler, a legend at michigan and he is wrapped up in this. you told him what happened to you and you said he swept it under the rugs. some of his former players have said the same. how does that complicate this for you? >> it doesn't. he's not my biological father, and we never had much of a close relationship, but this posed a threat even at the time to his beloved football program. >> and if i may add, kate, the biggest thing is the believe survivors. it matt been believed, over 1,000 other survivors would have been prevented. that's the goal. we have to hold these enablers accountable. >> and to that point, mick, i mean, you also represented survivors of larry nassar's abuse, and that went on -- that abuse went on for years before people believed. what needs to happen to make real change so this kind of abuse doesn't go on for decades and decades? >> well, sadly, we're going to see a lot of these cases come forward because that was the culture of the past, and for the first time in history from the nasser survivors people are listening and actually helped matt and other survivors in this case come forward. if any message i could give to anybody is tell the adults in the room if something goes wrong. the adults should be telling the proper authorities but in the end the adults in the room must believe the children and other adults if something of this nature occurs. no one wants to be a victim, kate. no one wants to be in this position, so believe, and everybody else out there, if you have a story, there are many of us that do believe. please come forward. >> and if i may, there was a time during the time of my assaults, there was no option. this is something that was not to be spoken of, and thanks to people like -- like nick and -- and his professionalism and care there's an option. >> there is an option. >> it's good to have you speak out and now it gives you -- helps you to get to a place of being able to speak up and have your voice heard, too. matt, thank you very much. mick, thank you as well. >> thank you for being here, everyone. 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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

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top diplomat for the united states as the tensions between russia and ukraine intensify. and legal pile-on from the capitol to georgia to the white house residence, more trouble for donald trump. thanks for being here, everyone. we'll start with breaking news. a trio of new reports just out from the cdc offering the very first look at how covid vaccines hold up against the omicron variant. and the data paints a pretty clear picture of how crucial boosters are, protecting people far better against this particular variant than just the two-dose regimen. the report showing those with booster shots offer a better chance for staying out of the hospital if they become infected. the studies also come at what could be another critical turning point in the pandemic. almost half of the country now reporting declining cases with some more glimmers of hope that the surge has passed in the northeast, but still hospitalizations are on the rise across much of the country. and there's also this, which reinforce what is everyone knows by now, new data showing covid hospitalizations are nearly 50 times, 50 times higher among unvaccinated seniors compared to those who have been vaccinated and boosted. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is joining me now live with more on this breaking news. elizabeth, what are the details from these three reports out from the cdc just now? >> this is really exciting. if you remember last fall, you and i had so many discussions, do boosters work, don't they work, should we be boosting the entire population. these are three huge studies and they're not in a press release. they are actually published. let's take a look at what these three studies found. in the first one, cdc researchers looked at booster effectiveness at preventing omicron hospitalizations. they found that boosters were 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations, and the two shots were only 57% effective. and there's looking at 88,000 hospitalizations in ten states. now let's look at booster effectiveness at preventing omicron e.r. and urgent care visits. they looked at 200,000 visits in ten states. boosters were 82% effective, two shots just 38% effective. now, lastly, let's look at booster effectiveness at preventing omicron illness, just from getting sick with omicron. they looked at 13,000 cases. they found that the odds of becoming sick with omicron were 66% lower than for people who had a booster versus two shots. and just to remind everyone, here are the rules about boosters in the united states because they sort of changed around for a while last fall. so the rules are, the recommendations are, i should say, that everyone should get a booster ages 12 and up and you get them five months after your second shot. however, less than half of those who are eligible for boosters have gotten boosters and only a quarter percent of the total population is fully vaccinated and boosted. so, kate, again, all of these results are in the age of omicron. it's not delta. it's omicron, which, of course, is, you know, at least 99% of what's out there, and it certainly begs the question should the cdc be changing the definition of fully vaccinated from two doses to three. kate? >> great to see you, elizabeth. thank you for that information. joining me for more is dr. leana wen. the first cdc is really out really showing information, concrete data about how vaccines are holding up against the omicron variant, real data saying that boosters are key to keeping people out of the hospital. what do you see in these reports? >> these new studies should erase any doubt about the importance of boosters at this point in the pandemic. i think there's been unfortunately so much muddled messaging that made it sound like boosters are nice to have rather than something that's really essential. but these studies show definitively that boosters reduce illness and the chance of contracting covid and therefore being able to give it to others. they also very importantly protect against hospitalization and severe illness, severe enough to cause you to go into the e.r. and to be in the hospital. and so i think it's time for us to change our policies. by the way, this is not unusual. there are plenty of other vaccines that require three or four doses. hepatitis vaccine, for example. three-dose vaccine. polio vaccine is a four-dose vaccine. it's time for us to acknowledge that the covid-19 vaccine is at least a three-dose vaccine, and i wish that's something that the fda and cdc would very quickly revise in their definition. >> this gets to a conversation we've had far long time and the debate that's been going on amongst the medical community, public health officials, over the definition of fully vaccinated. i just want to play for you what dr. anthony fauci told me back in the beginning of december about this. is it a matter now of when, not if, the definition of fully vaccinated changes? >> you know, my own personal opinion, kate, is what you said is correct. it's going to be a matter of when, not if. >> yet that still hasn't happened yet. why do you think that is? i know you think it should change, dr. wen. why do you think it hasn't? >> i can only speculate. i think it might be bureaucratic red tape, and that is not an acceptable answer in the middle of a public health crisis. there are a lot of patients, who are so confused. they're confused about whether to get a beaster. they heard mixed messages earlier, disagreement within the scientific community. they're not seeing this as something they have to do to protect themselves and others around them. if the definition changes on federal level, it will help businesses, universities making their own rules about what it means to be vaccinated. but i also hope that doctors, hospitals, pharmacies will take matters into their own hands, and if they haven't already, call their patients, not just elderly patients in nursing homes, but all patients eligible for booster but haven't rev received them, because that is more than half of americans fully vaccinated as of the current defrgs but have not yet gotten their boosters even though they're eligible and overdue for their boosters. >> that approach you're talking about seems the most effective way to convince people to do that, outreach from their own care providers seems to be one of the things we've learned in this pandemic. only about a quarter of the u.s. population the fully vaccinated and boo sted. if this definition changes, the country has a long way to go again. how do you tackle that especially if we're honest about where we are here, an exhausted nation by the pandemic, which has, quite frankly, pushed some people to tune out a lot of this? >> i actually think it will be easier to convince people to get boosters than to convince those people who are still unvaccinated to get their first shots. think about the individual, the adults who remain unvaccinated. at this point, the majority of them, it will be very, very difficult to change their minds. but if people got their initial two doses, there are a lot of people who are convincible or able to be convinced to get that third dose if they get the accurate information, which is something that we as a medical community and in particular, i heat to say this, but the biden administration and particularly the cdc, they've had a lot of mixed messaging. the biden white house with dr. fauci and others were correct back in august when they said they believed everybody should be getting a booster shot starting that september. but that messaging got so confused. i think that we can do this. i know people are sick and tired about hearing about covid, but if getting the booster dose allows everybody to move on with their lives, i think those who are vaccinated are ready to hear that message. >> new concrete data out today show hough important it is. a lot of people should be poring through this. great to see you, dr. wen. thank you very much. another major story. the united states and russia meeting face-to-face in hopes of de-escalating the rising threat over ukraine. the high stakes meeting between antony blinken and his russian counterpart taking place this morning in switzerland, blinken making it clear afterward that washington is committed to, the way he put it is a united, swift, and severe response if moscow takes any further action against ukraine. afterwards, sergey lavrov insisted to reporters that his country is not planning to attack ukraine. take from that what you will. the meeting comes just two days after president biden said -- and the way he said it is, quote, my guess is he will move in, he has to do something, talking about putin. also suggesting nato might toll late a minor incursion into ukraine, comments the president has since clarified. we have reporters in ukraine and russia this hour to tackle this. clarissa ward is in kyiv. what are you hearing from officials there after this big meeting between the top diplomats wrapped up? >> reporter: well, there hasn't been any official response yet to the meetings, but i think et's fair to say that for most ukrainian officials, nothing that was said today by either side has provided them with a great deal of comfort or a sense that there's real clarity in how to deal with the situation. ukrainian officials would like to see the u.s. take a much more robust and, indeed, aggressive stance to russia, imposing sanctions immediately, providing much more military support here, particularly in the form of sophisticated air missile defense systems. but what we did see today almost certainly was both sides, the american and the russian side, allowing for the possibility that diplomacy could still carry the day. there was a real fear going into the talks that this was going to be a dead end. and while both sides were standing very firm in terms of their positions, there is at least now a path ahead, particularly of course with the americans agreeing that they will provide a sort of written statement or response to russia's requests, which is something that russia had demanded. for the russian part, they said -- sergey lavrov said that he did not intend to invade. but take a listen to what -- that russia did not intend to invade ukraine, but take a listen to what secretary of state antony blinken had to say. >> i believe that. mr. lavrov has a better understanding of our position and vice versa. today's discussion was useful in that sense, and that's precisely why we met. we've heard russian officials say they have no intention of invading ukraine. in fact, minister lavrov repeated that to me today. but, again, we're looking at what is visible to all, and it is deeds and actions, not words that make the difference. >> reporter: blinken did say that at least there is now a clear path forward. the u.s. will give those written response to russia's demands, then there's the possibility that the two will meet. he even opened up the possibility for another meeting between president biden and president putin. but there is still a huge amount of work to be done if diplomacy is, indeed, going to have a chance at avert agca it is a fee here. >> cnn's nic robertson is in moscow with this side of it. nic, what are you hearing from there? >> reporter: yeah. no response from the kremlin yet about what they think sergey lavrov actually achieved. and he has in a way checked that important box that russian officials and the kremlin spokesmen have been talking about for some time, the need for a written response from the united states. this to a certain degree sort of commits the united states to the diplomatic track to continuing these talks and negotiations in the way that russia has been wanting to happen. what's interesting here is russia, sergey lavrov, and certainly president putin, know exactly what they're going to get in that written response. they're not going to get what they want. they're not going to get nato and the united states saying that ukraine can't join nato. so, you know, there is definitely this opportunity for diplomacy to continue. going into the meeting, that was one of the important things for secretary of state blinken to ascertain, was russia still prepared and committed to go down the track of diplomacy. and the answer seems to be yes. but there's a parallel process that's playing out here, and that's the continued military buildup. you know, in the modern era, you can't hide a military buildup. you know, on the boarders of an country. it was the satellite images of russian troops on the border of ukraine that precipitated these talks in the first case, russian demanding that the talks happen and quickly. so, you know, if russia has another agenda outside of diplomacy, the way to achieve that jagenda is to have a distraction, and diplomacy, some analysts would argue, is the distraction, that while this diplomacy plays out, the military troop buildup, russia's military troop buildup close to the borders of ukraine continues as big military exercises coming up in belarus, the fact that, you know, it's sophisticated surface to air missiles will be deployed as part of that training. but here's the catch. you know, if that you have analysis going that there's diplomatic track that's being pushed down and there's this military buildup going on, that would issue that russia is going to invade. and sergey lavrov very clearly says that's not going to happen. this is how he framed it. >> translator: you claim we are going to attack ukraine, although we have repeatedly explained that this is not the case. >> reporter: so this is the conundrum for the united states going forward. yes, the diplomacy is working, but can you take that to the bank that this buildup won't lead to an invasion? >> great to see both of you. thank you so much for that. joining me for more on this is a former secretary of state william cohen. secretary, great to have you here. thank you. we heard from secretary blinken today, and he described the discussions as frank and substantive. but how do you read kind of all that's been laid out here by our correspondents in the region? where do you think this crisis is in this moment? >> well, i'm skeptical on what mr. lavrov says. i've watched him and met him on occasion over the last 20 years, and i would be very skeptical in terms of his assurances that they don't intend to attack. it's as if -- you know, the west seems to think that president putin is some "hamlet"-like character who's psychologically inflicted, should i or shouldn't i. i don't believe that at all. president bush 43 says he looked into the eyes of putin and saw his soul. president biden has said i've looked into the eyes of a killer. putin knows exactly what he wants to do, and he would not put 100,000-plus, perhaps even more today, troops on the border and say oh, you're threatening me with sanctions, i guess i better pull my troops back. he's going to get something out of this that satisfies him that he's made his point that ukraine can never become truly independent, cannot become a member of nato, and cannot have any kind of offensive arms within its country. i hope diplomacy succeeds. i'm very skeptical it will. putin has moved first and put the burden on us to respond in writing to demands that we can't meet. >> exactly right. i think it's so interesting how you're putting it with such clarity, because i want to play for you what the secretary of state said to abc news after the press conference that he held earlier today. let me play this for you. >> i think we at least have some opportunity to continue to work to resolve this diplomatically. >> bottom line, are we closer or further away from war? >> you'd really have to ask president putin. it's ultimately going to be president putin who decides what russia will do. >> what do you think of that, secretary? >> i think it's clear it's putin's call. again, i don't think he would just put 100,000 troops out for a training exercise. this is just a front for what he intends to do in any event. looking at it from his point of view, he's saying, well, the united states is divided. we saw how they pulled out of afghanistan. we know that there's division, which we have helped sow both in the united states and europe. we know that the germans are reluctant to take any kind of pune tich action. we know the french were upset about what the united states has done in working with australia, et cetera. so he's looking at from his point of view it's wintertime, i have my troops there. and i've got a division in western europe and i've got one in the united states. so from my perspective, now would be the time for me to take action. and i'll decide how little or how much it should be because the west is really not in a very good position to respond. in terms of the economy, in terms of what you'll do to me, we've been through hardship before, and by the way, i'm counting on my donald to come back into power in a couple years, so whatever you do to me economically, i can bear that but i'll see a different person in the white house shortly. so from my perspective -- >> what impact do you think president biden's comments about, you know, a minor incursion has had on all of this? what was your reaction to that? >> well, i would say an error. and i think from my perspective, it's always dangerous to have your president have a two-hour press conference. something is going to be said that's going to be an error in either tone or nuance or implication. but secondly, you need to be very clear that you don't send a message as we did, and think corrected it very quickly, but i think what president biden was doing is he was telling the truth from his perspective. it's important that presidents tell the truth but not every time. so i think that what he was revealing is what his intelligence community was telling him. i think he corrected it very quickly, but i don't think that putin can use that as an excuse, now i can go because biden has given me a green light. >> this is a major foreign policy crisis for biden and nato, but if someone asks you, secretary, why does this particular crisis between ukraine and russia matter to americans, how do you answer that? >> well, it matters in the sense that we have an established, quote, world order, international norms. putin has violated that twice, once in georgia and again in crimea and ukraine. now this is the third time where he is prepared to use military force to invade another country's sovereign territory. is that something that we want to see in the future? secondly, the way in which he has his boot on the neck of the europeans by virtue of the supply of energy, he can press ta that boot down and basically cause their economies to go into a tailspin. so it's more or less you want to have russia continue to play this role. what they do, they export oil and gas, they export military equipment, they have astronauts, but they also export -- and the europeans and united states don't want that trouble. that's one of the reasons we have nato, to prevent russia from dominating the european theater. >> secretary, thank you so much. i'm sorry to cut you off. i'm gong to jump in right now as we head over to the white house. president biden about to make remarks. it looks like the commerce secretary is going to be speaking first. >> good morning. good morning. good morning. thank you, mr. president, for invite ing me to join today and thank you for convening all of us today. today is an exciting day for our country. i want to thank pat, the ceo of intel, and intel for making this massive historic investment in american manufacturing right here in america. now, from day one, president biden has recognized and been clear that if we want to compete globally we have to invest domestically. and he's prioritized the revitdlization of our manufacturing economy and given those of us on his team a crystal clear mission to get those jobs back from overseas to america. and thanks to the president's leadership, our economy added almost 6.5 million jobs last year, the most in any year in u.s. history, and our unemployment rate dropped nearly 70%. make no mistake about it, by any measure, the united states economy is strong. but the fact is car prices are currently driving a third of inflation. why? because we can't -- we don't have enough chips. last year automakers made nearly 8 million fewer cars than they could have because of the semiconductor chip shortage. electric vehicles, for which the president has set an ambitious goal, 50% of new car sales by the end of the decade, require 2,000 chips. each ev requires 2,000 chips, more than twice as many as a traditional vehicle that's why today's announcement from intel is so exciting. semiconductors produced right here in america will allow us to shore up our supply chains, bring down cost, keep manufacturing facilities up and running, and create american jobs. but if we really want to end the chip shortage and ensure our global competitiveness, there's more to do. today our semiconductor -- >> we'll jump out of this and dip back in when president biden takes to the microphone. coming up for us, secret white house meetings in the days leading up to the insurrection. fake electorings to claim trump victory in states he lost. new revelations about how far donald trump and his campaign went to try to overturn the 2020 election. that's next. d free designer eyewear. - wow. - uh-huh. free yearly eye exams, designer frames and prescription lenses. take advantage now. wow! for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. 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>> evan, thank you. there's also new developments to round out what has become a hellish week for donald trump. the atlanta area district attorney has requested a special grand jury to investigate the former president's election interference in georgia. the house committee investigating the january 6th insurrection is now requesting testimony from trump's daughter, ivanka, who was a senior white house adviser. from former white house press secretary stephanie grisham, she is cob fiping donald trump held secret meetings in the white house residence days before the insurrection. and on to have of this, cnn reporting reveals that trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani were plotting and scheming to overturn the election by using fake electors. marshall cohen joins me with more on that one. let's talk about this plot to use fake electors in seven states to try and change the outcome in 2020. what was this all about? >> kate, as you know, americans go to the polls in november. electors meet in december. that's when they actually certify the results of the election and crowned biden in 2020 as the president-elect. but our reporting is shedding new light on what republicans under the trump campaign were doing at that same time to try to subvert the process. so multiple sources are telling us that trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani were overseeing this seven-state effort in critical states that biden won and trump lost. but this was an effort to subvert those results, overturn the will of the people, and line up fake electors to sort of try to get trump in office. it's critical because this was part of the john eastman plan, the six-step plan to have mike pence throw out biden's electors and replace them with republicans on january 6th. so, our reporting is telling us that the trump campaign was involved in state-by-state-level developments. they were trying to line up these electors, get them rooms to meet, and even created fake certificates to send to the national archives. >> who's looking into this, marshall? >> a lot of people, kate. some of the attorneys general in these states, places like michigan, nevada, new mexico, they say they're aware of it. the democratic a.g. in michigan said she thinks this is a clear-cut crime, but she referred it to federal prosecutors for further investigation. you're looking here at the fake certificates that a lot of people think may have been part of possibly criminal effort because you can't really send forgeries or fake documents to the national archives. so not only that, but the january 6th committee, they're also looking into it, and there's potentially a lot more to find. kate? >> sure seems like it. marshall, great to see you. thanks so much. joining me for more on this is cnn legal analyst paul callan. let's start if we can with this indictment that came down this breaking news indictment that evan perez was reporting on. what do you think of this indictment against a man for making death threats to election workers in georgia? the first of a doj kind of task force, how significant is this? >> well, it's rally gong to depend on how big a conspiracy is involved here, if this is just some crazy person placing an ad on craigslist. it's send a message, the indictment, in that it will advise other people around the country that you're going to get arrested for this kind of conduct. of course the investigation may reveal a larger number of people involved, and i would note also the indictment only listed official a, official b. we really don't even know who the people are who were threatened specifically. so i think we have to see what develops from this. >> that's a great point. let's talk about what marshall cohen was laying out there. i'm sure some will say this is hard to believe, but, you know, you have to believe impossible when it comes to what we saw play out with 2020. a plan to pull together fake electors to help overturn the election. when i saw this, i thought this goes way beyond placing a phone call to try to pressure someone or any of the public statements that trump has made that the election was rigged and should be investigated. what do you think of this? are there legal consequences that giuliani and others you think could face? >> there could be tremendous legal consequences. we're now looking at a number of investigations pending against the president from investigations related to the insurrection, to the georgia special grand jury that's been impaneled, and now this one, which really outlines a threat to the peaceful transition of power in the united states. it's a very, very serious charge. so we'll have to see what develops. but of course this was part of the mike pence plan. pence was supposed to say i'm not going to certify the election, and then giuliani and friends would have put together this whole slate of phony, fake electors who would come in and elect trump. we're just seeing the details of the plot that they had in mind when -- on the day that the election was being certified. >> so let's talk a little bit more about, you know, the attempts to overturn the election in one key state. the fulton county, georgia, d.a. requesting a special grand jury to be pulled together as part of the probe that she has into trump's election interference there. i want to remind everyone the part of one damning phone call that kind of led up to this. listen to this. >> all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> and so much more. what does a special grand jury indicate to you here? >> what it indicates is that the prosecutor in fulton county is having tremendous trouble in developing evidence in this case due to noncooperation of witnesses. she's been trying to get cooperation. she's been trying to interview witnesses. and she's been having problems. the only way she can get around that is to impanel a special grand jury that has subpoena power and can force you to come in, raise your right handle, and take an oath and answer honestly. so this gives her a tremendous increase in the power to investigate what was going on in georgia and what kind of pressure the president and his supporters were putting on duly elected election officials to change the election results. >> paul, thanks so much. good to see you. >> good to see you, kate. coming up next, protesters are gathering for an annual anti-abortion march washington as the supreme court is considering a major case that could overturn roe v. wade. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. 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>> the only thing that matters to me is it's closure, healing and safety for student athletes and students to make sure that this never happens again. >> when you say closure, does this -- what does it mean to you? does this -- does this close a chapter? what does it do to your journey toward healing? >> that somebody cared and had the guts and the knowledge and wherewithal to do something about it. >> yeah. >> nick, you represent matt and over 200 other survivors. you were co-lead counsel for the plaintiffs negotiating this settlement. how do you see this settlement? >> i think this is a good step forward towards the healing process for all survivors. this was the largest settlement predominantly for male victims, survivors in the country, and it helps sow transparency and accountability and obtain justice on the behalf of the survivors. that's one of the key things, kate, that we're trying to achieve in changing the culture across this nation. >> matt, the scale of the abuse here is so shocking and so hard to understand how many people robert anderson preyed on for so many years. to died more than ten years ago now. the sexual assault that you suffered happened when you were i believe just 10 years old. >> that's correct. >> what do you want the world to know about what he did, the impact the abuse has had? >> that it has been a -- i don't think i'd be overstating it but it's been catastrophic for me within my family and personally, and i have been wanting an opportunity to stand up, make this known and hopefully be some part of an effort to make sure this can't happen to people again. >> matt, your father is bo schembechler, a legend at michigan and he is wrapped up in this. you told him what happened to you and you said he swept it under the rugs. some of his former players have said the same. how does that complicate this for you? >> it doesn't. he's not my biological father, and we never had much of a close relationship, but this posed a threat even at the time to his beloved football program. >> and if i may add, kate, the biggest thing is the believe survivors. it matt been believed, over 1,000 other survivors would have been prevented. that's the goal. we have to hold these enablers accountable. >> and to that point, mick, i mean, you also represented survivors of larry nassar's abuse, and that went on -- that abuse went on for years before people believed. what needs to happen to make real change so this kind of abuse doesn't go on for decades and decades? >> well, sadly, we're going to see a lot of these cases come forward because that was the culture of the past, and for the first time in history from the nasser survivors people are listening and actually helped matt and other survivors in this case come forward. if any message i could give to anybody is tell the adults in the room if something goes wrong. the adults should be telling the proper authorities but in the end the adults in the room must believe the children and other adults if something of this nature occurs. no one wants to be a victim, kate. no one wants to be in this position, so believe, and everybody else out there, if you have a story, there are many of us that do believe. please come forward. >> and if i may, there was a time during the time of my assaults, there was no option. this is something that was not to be spoken of, and thanks to people like -- like nick and -- and his professionalism and care there's an option. >> there is an option. >> it's good to have you speak out and now it gives you -- helps you to get to a place of being able to speak up and have your voice heard, too. matt, thank you very much. mick, thank you as well. >> thank you for being here, everyone. 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