Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

its eastern plank in the event of further russian aggression against ukraine. all of these things, to make clear to russia, the costs and consequences of its potential actions. we think that's the best and most effect yive way to convinc russia not to engage in further aggression against ukraine. ukraine is a very valued partner of the united states and other countries in europe as well, but our article v commitment extends to nato allies, something that we are deeply committed to. ukraine is not a member of nato. it's not covered by the article v commitment, but a determination to do everything we can to defend it and to prevent or to deter aggression directed toward it. and as i said, we will continue all of those efforts in the coming days and coming weeks, even as we test whether the path to a diplomatic resolution is possible. and i'm sorry, the first part of the question? >> reporter: the dialogue between the presidents -- >> oh j, yes, thank you. what we've agreed today is that we will share in writing next week our ideas, our response to concerns that russia's raised, concerns that we have that we will share, again in writing with russia. we intend, based on the conversation today, based on that paper, as well as the paper we received from russia, to have follow-on conversations after that. initially at least at the level of foreign ministers, and if it proves useful and productive for the two presidents to meet to talk to engage to try to carry things forward, i think we're fully prepared to do that. president biden has met here in geneva with president putin. he's spoken to him on the phone and via videoconference on a number of occasions. and if we conclude and the russians conclude that the best way to resolve things is through a further conversation between them, we're certainly prepared to do that. >> ben hall? >> reporter: secretary, thank you. i was wondering if, as you keep coming bab for more dialogue and more talk with the russians, they continue to act and mass troops and destabilize ukraine. we do acknowledge the harm they've already done and in turn, why would you bnot considr sanctions at this point if bipartisan support havevcalled for them? and a second question. you said time and time again the pretext that russia gives is false. i'm curious if if he looks you in the eye and tells you lies to your fece and why humor him with written response next week if that's the case? >> thanks. first, again, we're not waiting to take action to counter r russia. as i said a moment ago, we've committed more security assistance to ukraine in the past year. i think something like $650 million than at any previous time going back to 2014, when russia invaded ukraine. we're continuing to provide that assistance. we have additional deliveries that are scheduled in the coming weeks. as noted as well, we've been engaged in stextensive diplomac around the world, rallying allies and partners together in the face of russian against against ukraine. yesterday we announced actions against agents of russian influence who are acting in ukraine and who are acting to destabilize the country and we've made it clear to russia that they will face swift cost cost to their economy if they move forward against ukraine as well as nato reinforcement along its plank. we've engaged in diplomacy. that's my job. but at the same time, we are embarked on a path of defense and deterrence. these things are not mutually inconsistent. in fact, they reinforce each other. even as we're talking, if the russians are continuing to escalate and to build up, we are continuing to strengthen everything we're doing in terms of the assistance we're prying to ukraine for its defense, in terms of the work we're doing at nato to prepare, as necessary, to further reinforce the at license and continuing to define and refine massive consequences for russia, with our allies and partners when it kcomes to financial, economic, and other sanctions. so we're doing both at the same time. now, when it kcomes to the conversations we have, i think the charitable interpretation would be that sometimes we and russia have different interpretations of history. and i have to say today we certainly heard things that we strongly disagree with in terms of that history. but by and large, the conversation was notical. it was direct, business-like, and i think in that sense, useful, and it's important to test whether we can again, resolve these differences through diplomacy and dialogue. that's clearly the way to do it. it's clearly the responsible way to do it, but it's also up to russia. >> we'll take a final question. >> a very important news conference conference following a 90-minute meeting with russian foreign minister. this comes as there are more than 100,000 russian troops near or on the ukrainian boarder and very real fears of invasion. we heard very carefully chosen words from blinken. he said he leaves this meeting with a clear path forward. the u.s. and russians have a better understanding of each other's, positions he says, but no breakthroughs. and he made sure that say that any crossing of the boarder by russian troops would be met with swift and severe and a very united response. i want to bring in cnn's cl clarissa ward who is live in can i ev. nick robertson in moscow. clarissa, what did you hear there? >> reporter: well, what i heard is that diplomacy lives to see another day. there is no indication that either side is backing down from their stances, but he did say they see quote, a clearer path forward, talking about the u.s. responding in writing, as per the russian request, to must have their demands, also raising concerns of their own and saying that beyond that, there will be more consultations or conversations. he even just answering one reporte's question, did not close out the possibility of another meeting potentially, virtual or in person, between president putin and president biden. clearly, a lot can still go wrong and it's easy to be derailed from this path, but i think the primary take-away is at least a minor escalation of relief that at least an invasion does not appear to be imminent in the coming days, depending on how these talks go and how those written statements are received by the russians. the threat still exists, but as blinken said, there is a clearer path forward, and it will be very interesting to see what kind of consensus, if any, the two sides can find, because there is still a chasm between them on these issues of ukr ukraine's sovereignty, of the ability of ukraine to continue to press or push for nato membership one day, and it's difficult to see how these p pivotal issues can potentially be resolved. but at least some inkling of hope that diplomacy has not yet reached a dead dend. john. >> nick, take-away? >> reporter: yeah, i think for the from the russian pers perspective, sergei lavrov is able to come back to the ckremln can say you're going to get the written response from the united states that you wanted. i think that's a tick in a box for the russian side in this. however, sergei lavrov knows this and secretary blinken laid it out very clearly, the written response is not going to be for rus russia the right response. it's not going to turn over essentially the sovereignty of ukraine can be something that russia can have an influence over. that it's united states is not going to deny ukraine membership of nato, neither is nato going to be in the position in the united states not in the position either of saying yes, we'll roll back to 199 -- 1997 level and deployments of nato. clearly the russians on the one hand have got something. on the other hand, what they've got is a definitive version of a no that they know is coming. so you have to look at this and wonder is russia playing down the clock? they have their forces built on the boarder of ukraine. they're amassing forces for military training exercises in belarus, potentially another 100,000 troops there. they put in surface-to-air missiles systems there for military training. that's what they say. they have no intention of invading ukraine. so it is still all in play, potentially diplomatically, but also that military buildup is still going on at the moment. and i think that the fundamental question comes to this point, and it's hard to see how russia can walk away with this. but is it willing to put aside everything that it said about ukraine and membership of nato and all of that about nato and just accept what, for them, would be one point and a big climbdown on arms control and troop deployments and res reciprocity. that's still out there. that's the area where there is still mutual convergence. it seems hard to see how they're going to accept that alone put it in writing in terms of nato. could be a trap but in the m meantime, the world hangs its hope on this idea of a better understanding for now between the united states and russia. much more on this coming up. clarissa and nick, thank you both very much. all right, big news this morning in terms of the legal piredicament for the former president. we will be joined by his former communications director amid reports that trump held secret meetings in the white house ahead of last year's attack on the u.s. capitol. and the very sad breaking news this morning. he was a bat out of hell who would do anything for love, except he wouldn't do that. today the world says good-bye to the legendary meatloaf. ♪ and now broken tide ♪ b it's gentle on her skin, and out cleans our old free detergent. tide hygienic clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. 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>> john, it's just incredible to learn about more evidence, as you put it, of this plot to overturn the 20 20 election, an that is the fact that trump campaign officials, we've learned, along with rudy giuliani, who was really sp spearheading this effort were interclickatly involved. and this is marshal cohen, and dan, and it was a key part of their plan in this alternate reality to pretend like trump won the election and goal here was for the vice president mike pence at the time to accept these fake trump electors over the legitimate biden electors on january 6. we know that didn't happen. but leading up to that point, we learned through these sources that's there were multiple calls between trump campaign officials and state officials and they were really involved in the minutesha, picking out rooms to meet on december 14th, finding supporters that would be the fake electors, sending them these fake certificates to the national archives. they were really involved incrementally step by step in this whole plot to overturn the 20 20 election. in fact, one of those fake e electors boasted about how the trump campaign led this operation. take take a listen to this audio that's a little difficult to make out. >> we fought for investigations into every part of the electio elections. we fought for people to come and testify. we fought to seek electors. >> reporter: that was one of the 16 fake electors there in michigan, basically saying that yeah, we were trying to fight to get -- to replace biden's el electors and this was all led by the trump campaign. i spoke to a source close to the former vice president, who said there was concern by pence and his inner circle that this s scenario could play out. they didn't necessarily know aall the specifics and that this was going on on such a detailed level. but they were concerned that there would be an alternate slate of electors being pre presented. that's why mike pence release ed this detailed statement before he certified the election, was part of that role of january 6 laying out what he can accept and that the soicertificate fro the electors has to be aut authorized by the authority of the state. that was intentional because of concern of something like this plug out. ? and now there will be questions in a couple of states inf this constitutes some activity of fraud, which i know will be investigated. pamela brown, thank you so much and of course, we're all going to be watching your show this weekend. >> thank you. >> and we're learning new details about what donald trump was doing ahead of the january 6 insurrection. according to communications director stephanie enggrisham, told the january 6 committee that trump held off-the-books meetings in the white house residence in the days before the insurrection. we should say that that was part a report in the guardian and joining me now is stephanie english hap. she served as stchief of staff former first lady meanwhilea trump. i want to start with this guardian headline that talks about what you told the january 6 committee. i know you can't specifically speak about to that, but let's talk about the reporting that's now public. secret meetings held in the white house ahead of january 6th. >> yes. so i didn't participate in the guardian reporting at all, but it was pretty accurate. i would say that in my role as chief of staff, just kind for background for you guys for your viewers, i was always told about any meetings that were going to happen in the residence mostly so i could give mrs. trump a heads-up that there would be people in her home. now when mark meadows started that information flow to me stopped, but other people, such as the you usher in the residen would let me know that there is going to be meetings up there i didn't always know who the participants were and sometimes even then i wouldn't be told about meetings and then mrs. trump would let me know that a meeting happened because maybe she wasn't happy that again, people were in her home without her knowledge. so the guardian reporting is accurate. there were meetings taking place up there. i doen't have visibility into what was discussed and all of the people who were there, but i can say that you know, mark meadows would have been there, as well as the legal team that was working on all of the b bonkers little plans that you were actually talking about right before this seg ment with pam. >> so who else would know about these meetings? who would know who was in these meetings, aside from the participants themselves? >> well, see, that was the beauty and also the downfall of having meetings in the residence like that. and the president -- the former president did that often. he did that quite a bit because there was a lot of par anoia about leaks in the white house and so he would have people up to the residence. so as you just asked, it would have been the people who were there, people in the you usher' office, who may have waved them in, which means getting their security information in so that the secret service could elite them in. certainly mark meadows, chief of staff and maybe a body man, depending on what body man the president was had on duty that day. >> so -- >> very. >> i'm sorry, go ahead. >> very, very small circle is all i was going to say and of course, mrs. trump, who was up in the residence, too. she may or may not have been sitting in. she was known for popping into meetings. so she probably knew what was going on as well. >> the committee has also obtained documents, and there are suggestions that perhaps some of this information could be in white house documents that perhaps have already been turned over to the committee. would these secret meetings be part of that, and would the president's potential plans to go with riot ez to the capitol after his speech be part of those documents? >> so you know, as i talked to the committee, i gave them kind a roadmap of how things work and i dont went to get too in the weeds because it's a lot and it could be very boring. but yeah, there is something called a line-by-line and that documents every movement the president is going to make. so potentially it could say you know, the president will conclude his remarks and then it could say he may walk down to the capitol with people. it may say that. it may not. so there is definitely documents that could kind of have all the different options of what he may or may not do. i mean, that's what the advanced teams are supposed to do is anticipate everything and let secret service know. i would say those documents hopefully would have a little bit of help. and any kind of logs of who was waived in that day. whofb waived up to the res residents. that should be somewhere. i was really happy to see that the supreme court is allowing so many documents to be turned over and hoping that some of those are in there and this can be settled once and for all speaking of people who may have been waved up to the residence that day. the committee sent a letter to isvanka trump. do you think they're going to get and and what further steps me they need to take to get information from former president trump's daughter? >> i can't telegrav what i vank is going to do. to me if there is nothing to hide, i'm not sure why any of these people won't just go and talk proudly about what happened that day, right? if they've got nothing to hide and nothing bad happened, go sit down, tell truth and leave. i don't think that probably she will. just like so many others have refused to do it. i do think transparency here would make things so much easier and the fact that they're not doing it just makes you think what do you have to hide? the statements she put out was a little bit murky in terms of what she said that day, but not saying she would you know, go and testify. i think this is just another example, though, of how everyone around him was talking to one another or to people outside, such as sean hannity, knowing that what was going on was wrong and yet nobody would just speak up enough to make it stop and then nobody will speak up now to say hey, this was wrong. we were telling him this is wrong. they are they're all still circling the wagons around him and it's very much the emperor has no clothe can go. ? what was isvanka trump's role leading up to the speech that the president gave on january 6? >> i doen't have any visibility into that. i can say that ivanca was of oftentimes the voice of reason. i can say that staff often and myself included, when i was press secretary, would go to her if we were in a sticky basis and say can you please come help talk to your father about this? and she would be successful. so it doesn't surprise me at all when i saw the testimony from keith kellog saying that they kept asking her to go in sand b the voice of reason. i don't know that day what exactly happened with her, what her role was, but i believe she probably went in in and tried to tell him to stop. and fact that he didn't listen just shows how passionate he was about the people who were in his mind, fighting for him at the capitol. >> let's talk a little bit big picture about all the legal troubles that the trump family has faceed and i know for the former president hais family is one place where he gets particularly agitated often. what's your view of the information we've seen come out targeting the former president's children in the various investigations? >> well, i'm glad to see it happening. again, i think that transparency right now is key in so many ways. i think that certainly in georgia, in the absence of cooperating witnesses, i'm glad that she's trying to convene a grand jury. i hope that this will show the american people kind of who we're dealing with in terms of this family. as somebody who was a true, true believer in the trump family and then seeing things with my own eyes, i'm hopeful is all i can say i'm hopeful with all of these legal things that are happening this week that the american people will just see who they are. >> all right, stephanie enggris, former white house commu communications director, thank you very much for spending some time with us this morning. >> thank you. >> coming up next, new orleans on high alert after a string of shootings on the highway. are they connected? >> and sad news this morning. ♪ that voice meatloaf. the legend has passed away. ♪ b unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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there is no story. i was about eight years old. >> meatloaf was born michael lee aday in dallas, texas. but even texas was not big enough to cor ral has talents. meatloaf would go on to sell more than 80 million records. one of the top selling musicians ever. his albums became staples in college dorms. ♪ the first one selling 43 million copies. >> i was not ready for. i had a nervous breakdown. i went to a psychologist and psychiatrist for two years, and i went with them to deal with the word "star." >> meat started on stage and screen, known for the rocky h horror picture show. ♪ and bob paulsen "bike club." >> first-filed rule is i'm not supposed to talk about it. and the second rule is i'm not supposed to talk about it. and the third rule is -- >> bob, bob. i'm a member. >> off-screen he married twice, became a father to two dau daughters. and meatloaf entered reality tv. donald trump's celebrity ap apprentice. he blistered gary abbusey. >> i am the last person in the bl[beep] world you ever bl[beep want bl[beep] with. >> such harsh yelling, a c contrast to what launched m meatloaf to international adoration. that operatic prevoice. ♪ i would do anything for love ♪ but i won't do that no ♪ no, i won't do that ♪ >> and our thoughts are with his family. he was just so all in. to sing like meatloaf, all in always. >> and all those nsongs instanty recognizable to anyone who hears them. just. we've absolutely lost an icon. and even mitt romney, who he appeared on stage with at a campaign event. saying that he'll be deeply missed. >> mitt romney and meatloaf. very close. >> very close in ddeed. let's go to this pretty tough story. in new york city police are searching for a woman that's accused of shouting anti-smemitc comments at three children before spitting on one of them. cnn's brin. what can you tell us about this terrible incident? >> i want to get right to that video because police are wanting to know who this woman is. take a look at this. they release ready a surveillance video of her while this alleged aggravated harassment happened and of course, afterwards she walks away. the nypd says the woman walked up to a group of children, one of them an 8-year-old, and made anti-jewish statements and a source telling me she made a reference to hitler and told the young kids she knew where they lived, before spit is on them and walk ing away. and the kids weren't physically hurt but another instance a possible hate crime here in new york city, which we know has been on the rise in this pandemic, and we know just a fug huge focus for law enforcement. it's important to mention yesterday manhattan's new district attorney who initially has been criticized for a memo he sent about prosecuting schemes in the city. he did expand on them when it comes to this issue. hate crimes, saying that he'd like to deepen the capacity of the hate crimes unit. so obviously a priority for his office. >> absolutely terrible incident. figure out who this woman is. thank you very much for that reporting. this morning, we have anew cnn investigation on a series of fatal highway shootings in new orleans. police are not saying whether they're random or targeted. cnn's nick joins us now. >> the shootings on new orleans highways just represent a small portion of the city's overall gun violence. but they are on the rise at an alarming rate. so much so that local police say they have an ep idemic of gunfie on the city's highways. two of the shootings happened within 12 hours and the latest shooting is the third in three days. >> new orleans on alert as the city has been experiencing a still eady uptick in highway shootings. 34-year-old whitney watts was fatally shot in new orleans on wednesday. according to police and family members. one of her children was in the car when the shooting occurred. police say watts was pronounced dead at the scene. her family is devastated. >> i'm going with her daughter and my son's daughter and i get a call on the phone saying my daughter's dead. my daughter's got shot. you don't bury your children. you don't bury your children. roisk this weekend last weekend another shooting happened on interstate 10, this time killing a 52-year-old man and injuring a 45-year-old woman. police were investigating a nearby incident when they heard gunshots just after 3:00 a.m. on sunday. responding officers found the two victims in the car. the new orleans police department is asking the public to come forward with any and all information. no suspects or motives have been identified in either shooting. since january, 2021, there have been over 30 interstate shootings in louisiana, according to the new orleans police department. interstate highway shootings have been on a steady incline in new orleans since 2019, and they come with some challenges for law enforcement. >> by the time someone calls 911, it goes through a dis dispatcher. that dispatcher then goes to the police. the police get the call. get up on the express way and look for that. that vehicle is normally gone. >> new orleans is seeing an uptick in homicides. carjackings are up 200% and homicide incidents involving firearms are up 150%. >> what are we going to do yesterday to come up with a plan to attack this violent crime so that no one who is hurting, r robbing, raping, carjacking, ever falls through the crack again? >> such a scary situation there in new orleans. police have not indicated whether the latest shooting was a random or targeted attack. watts family believes that she was the target of potentially a case of mistaken identity. and just quick here, john. in a recent interview with the times local paper there in new orleans, investigators say they believe that many of the shootings are just chance encounters between random motorists that lead to road rage. john? >> it is disturbing. please keep us posted. thank you so much for that report. here is what else to watch today. b[ bell rings ] >> i've seen this movie before. >> you have? b >> the winter olympics just two weeks away. why some of the biggest broadcasters will not be attending? plus, go easy on her. why a tearful aeld is apol apologizing to her fans. ♪ i was still a child ♪ b it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. it's time for sleep number's january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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ever? to once again to quote the famed political analyst i'm not sure it means what she thinks it means. >> we had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban. but we had a bad court. but this administration is running like a fine tuned machine. drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars. you know what uranium is, right? nuclear weapons and other things. things are done including bad things. nobody talks about that. number one, i am the least anti-semitic person you have seen in your life. number two, racism. the least racist person. be very careful because in your hotel rooms and no matter where you go you will probably have cameras. if putin likes donald trump i consider that an asset. not a liability. i'm not ranting and raving. take a look at the cnn polls how inaccurate they were. he was saying that china has total respect for donald trump and for donald trump's very, very large brain. if we brought george washington here and we said we have george washington the democrats would vote against him. i was in front of highly professional people, most are from other countries or the united nations. they weren't laughing at me. they were laughing with me. we had fun. it was a perfect call. it will disappear like a miracle. >> major news this morning. secretary state blinken aiming to diffuse the crisis on the ukrainian border. who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. a tearful adelle announcing she has to postpone the las vegas residency set to start today. >> i'm so sorry but -- my show ain't ready. we've tried absolutely everything that we can to put it together in time. >> somehow we will all pull through. i'm sure she'll get back to the stage. thank you for being here all week. >> great to be with you. brianna will have to reset the alarm clock next week. >> cnn's coverage continues right now. good morning, everyone. >> frank and substantive but not a negotiation. that's how secretary of state blinken describing the talks with the russian counter part following meetings in geneva

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, Mitt Romney , Icon , Campaign Event , Ddeed , Woman , Let S Go , Comments , New York City Police , Spitting , Brin , Three , Police , Incident , Harassment , Look , Video , Surveillance Video , Ing Away , Kids Weren T , Group , Reference , Spit , Hitler , 8 , Law Enforcement , Rise , Hate Crime , District Attorney , Instance , New York City , Fug , Focus , Manhattan , Prosecuting Schemes In The City , Hate Crimes Unit , Memo , Issue , Capacity , Hate Crimes , Investigation , Priority , Figure , Series , City , Highway Shootings , Gun Violence , Portion , Shooting , Highways , Idemic Of Gunfie , Rate , 12 , Still Eady Uptick In Highway Shootings , Whitney Watts , 34 , Say Watts , Car , Family Members , Scene , Call , Son , Got , Roisk , Gunshots , Interstate 10 , On Sunday , 10 , 00 , 3 , 52 , Officers , Public , Victims , Motives , Suspects , New Orleans Police Department , 2021 , January 2021 , Someone , Challenges , Incline , Interstate Highway , Louisiana , 2019 , Dispatcher , Vehicle , Dis Dispatcher , Uptick , Homicides , 911 , Incidents , Crime , Homicide , Firearms , Carjackings , 150 , 200 , Situation , Random , Raping , Crack , Carjacking , Times , Interview , Many , Identity , Target , Investigators , Lead , Road Rage , Encounters , Motorists , Bell Rings , Movie , Tearful Aeld , Plus , Child B , Broadcasters , Fans , B The Winter Olympics , Asthma , Nunormal , Reactions , Add On Treatment , Breathing Problems , Swelling , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Breathing , Asthma Specialist , Headache , Trouble , Injection Site Reactions , Infection , Tongue , Mouth , Shingles , Fatigue , Back Pain , Don T Stop Steroids , Kiss , With Kay , Kisses , Cancer , It , Cancer Discovery , Oxygen Levels , Immunotherapy , Gene Mutation , Tumor Cells , Growth , Egfr , Everywhere , Dana Farber , 75 , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Problem , Bed , Temperature Balancing , Movements , Sale , Cold , 360 , Care , Interest , Science , Queen , Night After , 000 , 0 , 1000 , 36 , 1999 , 999 , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Bath , Bath Fitter , Consultation , Tub Installation , Homes , Schedule , Tub , Bathfitter Com , Two Million , Winter Games , Beijing , Networks , David Culver , Espn , Nbc , China , Realization , Decision , Zero Covid St Strategy , Zero , Olympic Bubble , Virus , Government , Policy , Rules , Isolation , Covid , Rebpublic , Organizers , Arrivals , Currentine Medical Facility , Capital City , Space , Race , Olympic Competition , Athletes , Cases , Airport , Terminal , Olympic Personnel , Immemedi , Theress , 19 , Everybody , Wall Up , App , Into Beijing , Population , Puputting , Health Surveillance , Contact Tracing , Researchers , Making Visitors Uneasy , Everyone Living In Keane , Personnel , Ones , Ed T , Health Data , Burner Phones , Team Usa , Bubble , Olympic Village , Bubbles , Loop System , Venues , Hotels , Buses , Mountain Venues , Credentiald , Immemedia Throug These Gates , Loop Buses , Trains , Outskierts , Separation , Railcars , 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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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its eastern plank in the event of further russian aggression against ukraine. all of these things, to make clear to russia, the costs and consequences of its potential actions. we think that's the best and most effect yive way to convinc russia not to engage in further aggression against ukraine. ukraine is a very valued partner of the united states and other countries in europe as well, but our article v commitment extends to nato allies, something that we are deeply committed to. ukraine is not a member of nato. it's not covered by the article v commitment, but a determination to do everything we can to defend it and to prevent or to deter aggression directed toward it. and as i said, we will continue all of those efforts in the coming days and coming weeks, even as we test whether the path to a diplomatic resolution is possible. and i'm sorry, the first part of the question? >> reporter: the dialogue between the presidents -- >> oh j, yes, thank you. what we've agreed today is that we will share in writing next week our ideas, our response to concerns that russia's raised, concerns that we have that we will share, again in writing with russia. we intend, based on the conversation today, based on that paper, as well as the paper we received from russia, to have follow-on conversations after that. initially at least at the level of foreign ministers, and if it proves useful and productive for the two presidents to meet to talk to engage to try to carry things forward, i think we're fully prepared to do that. president biden has met here in geneva with president putin. he's spoken to him on the phone and via videoconference on a number of occasions. and if we conclude and the russians conclude that the best way to resolve things is through a further conversation between them, we're certainly prepared to do that. >> ben hall? >> reporter: secretary, thank you. i was wondering if, as you keep coming bab for more dialogue and more talk with the russians, they continue to act and mass troops and destabilize ukraine. we do acknowledge the harm they've already done and in turn, why would you bnot considr sanctions at this point if bipartisan support havevcalled for them? and a second question. you said time and time again the pretext that russia gives is false. i'm curious if if he looks you in the eye and tells you lies to your fece and why humor him with written response next week if that's the case? >> thanks. first, again, we're not waiting to take action to counter r russia. as i said a moment ago, we've committed more security assistance to ukraine in the past year. i think something like $650 million than at any previous time going back to 2014, when russia invaded ukraine. we're continuing to provide that assistance. we have additional deliveries that are scheduled in the coming weeks. as noted as well, we've been engaged in stextensive diplomac around the world, rallying allies and partners together in the face of russian against against ukraine. yesterday we announced actions against agents of russian influence who are acting in ukraine and who are acting to destabilize the country and we've made it clear to russia that they will face swift cost cost to their economy if they move forward against ukraine as well as nato reinforcement along its plank. we've engaged in diplomacy. that's my job. but at the same time, we are embarked on a path of defense and deterrence. these things are not mutually inconsistent. in fact, they reinforce each other. even as we're talking, if the russians are continuing to escalate and to build up, we are continuing to strengthen everything we're doing in terms of the assistance we're prying to ukraine for its defense, in terms of the work we're doing at nato to prepare, as necessary, to further reinforce the at license and continuing to define and refine massive consequences for russia, with our allies and partners when it kcomes to financial, economic, and other sanctions. so we're doing both at the same time. now, when it kcomes to the conversations we have, i think the charitable interpretation would be that sometimes we and russia have different interpretations of history. and i have to say today we certainly heard things that we strongly disagree with in terms of that history. but by and large, the conversation was notical. it was direct, business-like, and i think in that sense, useful, and it's important to test whether we can again, resolve these differences through diplomacy and dialogue. that's clearly the way to do it. it's clearly the responsible way to do it, but it's also up to russia. >> we'll take a final question. >> a very important news conference conference following a 90-minute meeting with russian foreign minister. this comes as there are more than 100,000 russian troops near or on the ukrainian boarder and very real fears of invasion. we heard very carefully chosen words from blinken. he said he leaves this meeting with a clear path forward. the u.s. and russians have a better understanding of each other's, positions he says, but no breakthroughs. and he made sure that say that any crossing of the boarder by russian troops would be met with swift and severe and a very united response. i want to bring in cnn's cl clarissa ward who is live in can i ev. nick robertson in moscow. clarissa, what did you hear there? >> reporter: well, what i heard is that diplomacy lives to see another day. there is no indication that either side is backing down from their stances, but he did say they see quote, a clearer path forward, talking about the u.s. responding in writing, as per the russian request, to must have their demands, also raising concerns of their own and saying that beyond that, there will be more consultations or conversations. he even just answering one reporte's question, did not close out the possibility of another meeting potentially, virtual or in person, between president putin and president biden. clearly, a lot can still go wrong and it's easy to be derailed from this path, but i think the primary take-away is at least a minor escalation of relief that at least an invasion does not appear to be imminent in the coming days, depending on how these talks go and how those written statements are received by the russians. the threat still exists, but as blinken said, there is a clearer path forward, and it will be very interesting to see what kind of consensus, if any, the two sides can find, because there is still a chasm between them on these issues of ukr ukraine's sovereignty, of the ability of ukraine to continue to press or push for nato membership one day, and it's difficult to see how these p pivotal issues can potentially be resolved. but at least some inkling of hope that diplomacy has not yet reached a dead dend. john. >> nick, take-away? >> reporter: yeah, i think for the from the russian pers perspective, sergei lavrov is able to come back to the ckremln can say you're going to get the written response from the united states that you wanted. i think that's a tick in a box for the russian side in this. however, sergei lavrov knows this and secretary blinken laid it out very clearly, the written response is not going to be for rus russia the right response. it's not going to turn over essentially the sovereignty of ukraine can be something that russia can have an influence over. that it's united states is not going to deny ukraine membership of nato, neither is nato going to be in the position in the united states not in the position either of saying yes, we'll roll back to 199 -- 1997 level and deployments of nato. clearly the russians on the one hand have got something. on the other hand, what they've got is a definitive version of a no that they know is coming. so you have to look at this and wonder is russia playing down the clock? they have their forces built on the boarder of ukraine. they're amassing forces for military training exercises in belarus, potentially another 100,000 troops there. they put in surface-to-air missiles systems there for military training. that's what they say. they have no intention of invading ukraine. so it is still all in play, potentially diplomatically, but also that military buildup is still going on at the moment. and i think that the fundamental question comes to this point, and it's hard to see how russia can walk away with this. but is it willing to put aside everything that it said about ukraine and membership of nato and all of that about nato and just accept what, for them, would be one point and a big climbdown on arms control and troop deployments and res reciprocity. that's still out there. that's the area where there is still mutual convergence. it seems hard to see how they're going to accept that alone put it in writing in terms of nato. could be a trap but in the m meantime, the world hangs its hope on this idea of a better understanding for now between the united states and russia. much more on this coming up. clarissa and nick, thank you both very much. all right, big news this morning in terms of the legal piredicament for the former president. we will be joined by his former communications director amid reports that trump held secret meetings in the white house ahead of last year's attack on the u.s. capitol. and the very sad breaking news this morning. he was a bat out of hell who would do anything for love, except he wouldn't do that. today the world says good-bye to the legendary meatloaf. ♪ and now broken tide ♪ b it's gentle on her skin, and out cleans our old free detergent. tide hygienic clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. 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>> john, it's just incredible to learn about more evidence, as you put it, of this plot to overturn the 20 20 election, an that is the fact that trump campaign officials, we've learned, along with rudy giuliani, who was really sp spearheading this effort were interclickatly involved. and this is marshal cohen, and dan, and it was a key part of their plan in this alternate reality to pretend like trump won the election and goal here was for the vice president mike pence at the time to accept these fake trump electors over the legitimate biden electors on january 6. we know that didn't happen. but leading up to that point, we learned through these sources that's there were multiple calls between trump campaign officials and state officials and they were really involved in the minutesha, picking out rooms to meet on december 14th, finding supporters that would be the fake electors, sending them these fake certificates to the national archives. they were really involved incrementally step by step in this whole plot to overturn the 20 20 election. in fact, one of those fake e electors boasted about how the trump campaign led this operation. take take a listen to this audio that's a little difficult to make out. >> we fought for investigations into every part of the electio elections. we fought for people to come and testify. we fought to seek electors. >> reporter: that was one of the 16 fake electors there in michigan, basically saying that yeah, we were trying to fight to get -- to replace biden's el electors and this was all led by the trump campaign. i spoke to a source close to the former vice president, who said there was concern by pence and his inner circle that this s scenario could play out. they didn't necessarily know aall the specifics and that this was going on on such a detailed level. but they were concerned that there would be an alternate slate of electors being pre presented. that's why mike pence release ed this detailed statement before he certified the election, was part of that role of january 6 laying out what he can accept and that the soicertificate fro the electors has to be aut authorized by the authority of the state. that was intentional because of concern of something like this plug out. ? and now there will be questions in a couple of states inf this constitutes some activity of fraud, which i know will be investigated. pamela brown, thank you so much and of course, we're all going to be watching your show this weekend. >> thank you. >> and we're learning new details about what donald trump was doing ahead of the january 6 insurrection. according to communications director stephanie enggrisham, told the january 6 committee that trump held off-the-books meetings in the white house residence in the days before the insurrection. we should say that that was part a report in the guardian and joining me now is stephanie english hap. she served as stchief of staff former first lady meanwhilea trump. i want to start with this guardian headline that talks about what you told the january 6 committee. i know you can't specifically speak about to that, but let's talk about the reporting that's now public. secret meetings held in the white house ahead of january 6th. >> yes. so i didn't participate in the guardian reporting at all, but it was pretty accurate. i would say that in my role as chief of staff, just kind for background for you guys for your viewers, i was always told about any meetings that were going to happen in the residence mostly so i could give mrs. trump a heads-up that there would be people in her home. now when mark meadows started that information flow to me stopped, but other people, such as the you usher in the residen would let me know that there is going to be meetings up there i didn't always know who the participants were and sometimes even then i wouldn't be told about meetings and then mrs. trump would let me know that a meeting happened because maybe she wasn't happy that again, people were in her home without her knowledge. so the guardian reporting is accurate. there were meetings taking place up there. i doen't have visibility into what was discussed and all of the people who were there, but i can say that you know, mark meadows would have been there, as well as the legal team that was working on all of the b bonkers little plans that you were actually talking about right before this seg ment with pam. >> so who else would know about these meetings? who would know who was in these meetings, aside from the participants themselves? >> well, see, that was the beauty and also the downfall of having meetings in the residence like that. and the president -- the former president did that often. he did that quite a bit because there was a lot of par anoia about leaks in the white house and so he would have people up to the residence. so as you just asked, it would have been the people who were there, people in the you usher' office, who may have waved them in, which means getting their security information in so that the secret service could elite them in. certainly mark meadows, chief of staff and maybe a body man, depending on what body man the president was had on duty that day. >> so -- >> very. >> i'm sorry, go ahead. >> very, very small circle is all i was going to say and of course, mrs. trump, who was up in the residence, too. she may or may not have been sitting in. she was known for popping into meetings. so she probably knew what was going on as well. >> the committee has also obtained documents, and there are suggestions that perhaps some of this information could be in white house documents that perhaps have already been turned over to the committee. would these secret meetings be part of that, and would the president's potential plans to go with riot ez to the capitol after his speech be part of those documents? >> so you know, as i talked to the committee, i gave them kind a roadmap of how things work and i dont went to get too in the weeds because it's a lot and it could be very boring. but yeah, there is something called a line-by-line and that documents every movement the president is going to make. so potentially it could say you know, the president will conclude his remarks and then it could say he may walk down to the capitol with people. it may say that. it may not. so there is definitely documents that could kind of have all the different options of what he may or may not do. i mean, that's what the advanced teams are supposed to do is anticipate everything and let secret service know. i would say those documents hopefully would have a little bit of help. and any kind of logs of who was waived in that day. whofb waived up to the res residents. that should be somewhere. i was really happy to see that the supreme court is allowing so many documents to be turned over and hoping that some of those are in there and this can be settled once and for all speaking of people who may have been waved up to the residence that day. the committee sent a letter to isvanka trump. do you think they're going to get and and what further steps me they need to take to get information from former president trump's daughter? >> i can't telegrav what i vank is going to do. to me if there is nothing to hide, i'm not sure why any of these people won't just go and talk proudly about what happened that day, right? if they've got nothing to hide and nothing bad happened, go sit down, tell truth and leave. i don't think that probably she will. just like so many others have refused to do it. i do think transparency here would make things so much easier and the fact that they're not doing it just makes you think what do you have to hide? the statements she put out was a little bit murky in terms of what she said that day, but not saying she would you know, go and testify. i think this is just another example, though, of how everyone around him was talking to one another or to people outside, such as sean hannity, knowing that what was going on was wrong and yet nobody would just speak up enough to make it stop and then nobody will speak up now to say hey, this was wrong. we were telling him this is wrong. they are they're all still circling the wagons around him and it's very much the emperor has no clothe can go. ? what was isvanka trump's role leading up to the speech that the president gave on january 6? >> i doen't have any visibility into that. i can say that ivanca was of oftentimes the voice of reason. i can say that staff often and myself included, when i was press secretary, would go to her if we were in a sticky basis and say can you please come help talk to your father about this? and she would be successful. so it doesn't surprise me at all when i saw the testimony from keith kellog saying that they kept asking her to go in sand b the voice of reason. i don't know that day what exactly happened with her, what her role was, but i believe she probably went in in and tried to tell him to stop. and fact that he didn't listen just shows how passionate he was about the people who were in his mind, fighting for him at the capitol. >> let's talk a little bit big picture about all the legal troubles that the trump family has faceed and i know for the former president hais family is one place where he gets particularly agitated often. what's your view of the information we've seen come out targeting the former president's children in the various investigations? >> well, i'm glad to see it happening. again, i think that transparency right now is key in so many ways. i think that certainly in georgia, in the absence of cooperating witnesses, i'm glad that she's trying to convene a grand jury. i hope that this will show the american people kind of who we're dealing with in terms of this family. as somebody who was a true, true believer in the trump family and then seeing things with my own eyes, i'm hopeful is all i can say i'm hopeful with all of these legal things that are happening this week that the american people will just see who they are. >> all right, stephanie enggris, former white house commu communications director, thank you very much for spending some time with us this morning. >> thank you. >> coming up next, new orleans on high alert after a string of shootings on the highway. are they connected? >> and sad news this morning. ♪ that voice meatloaf. the legend has passed away. ♪ b unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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there is no story. i was about eight years old. >> meatloaf was born michael lee aday in dallas, texas. but even texas was not big enough to cor ral has talents. meatloaf would go on to sell more than 80 million records. one of the top selling musicians ever. his albums became staples in college dorms. ♪ the first one selling 43 million copies. >> i was not ready for. i had a nervous breakdown. i went to a psychologist and psychiatrist for two years, and i went with them to deal with the word "star." >> meat started on stage and screen, known for the rocky h horror picture show. ♪ and bob paulsen "bike club." >> first-filed rule is i'm not supposed to talk about it. and the second rule is i'm not supposed to talk about it. and the third rule is -- >> bob, bob. i'm a member. >> off-screen he married twice, became a father to two dau daughters. and meatloaf entered reality tv. donald trump's celebrity ap apprentice. he blistered gary abbusey. >> i am the last person in the bl[beep] world you ever bl[beep want bl[beep] with. >> such harsh yelling, a c contrast to what launched m meatloaf to international adoration. that operatic prevoice. ♪ i would do anything for love ♪ but i won't do that no ♪ no, i won't do that ♪ >> and our thoughts are with his family. he was just so all in. to sing like meatloaf, all in always. >> and all those nsongs instanty recognizable to anyone who hears them. just. we've absolutely lost an icon. and even mitt romney, who he appeared on stage with at a campaign event. saying that he'll be deeply missed. >> mitt romney and meatloaf. very close. >> very close in ddeed. let's go to this pretty tough story. in new york city police are searching for a woman that's accused of shouting anti-smemitc comments at three children before spitting on one of them. cnn's brin. what can you tell us about this terrible incident? >> i want to get right to that video because police are wanting to know who this woman is. take a look at this. they release ready a surveillance video of her while this alleged aggravated harassment happened and of course, afterwards she walks away. the nypd says the woman walked up to a group of children, one of them an 8-year-old, and made anti-jewish statements and a source telling me she made a reference to hitler and told the young kids she knew where they lived, before spit is on them and walk ing away. and the kids weren't physically hurt but another instance a possible hate crime here in new york city, which we know has been on the rise in this pandemic, and we know just a fug huge focus for law enforcement. it's important to mention yesterday manhattan's new district attorney who initially has been criticized for a memo he sent about prosecuting schemes in the city. he did expand on them when it comes to this issue. hate crimes, saying that he'd like to deepen the capacity of the hate crimes unit. so obviously a priority for his office. >> absolutely terrible incident. figure out who this woman is. thank you very much for that reporting. this morning, we have anew cnn investigation on a series of fatal highway shootings in new orleans. police are not saying whether they're random or targeted. cnn's nick joins us now. >> the shootings on new orleans highways just represent a small portion of the city's overall gun violence. but they are on the rise at an alarming rate. so much so that local police say they have an ep idemic of gunfie on the city's highways. two of the shootings happened within 12 hours and the latest shooting is the third in three days. >> new orleans on alert as the city has been experiencing a still eady uptick in highway shootings. 34-year-old whitney watts was fatally shot in new orleans on wednesday. according to police and family members. one of her children was in the car when the shooting occurred. police say watts was pronounced dead at the scene. her family is devastated. >> i'm going with her daughter and my son's daughter and i get a call on the phone saying my daughter's dead. my daughter's got shot. you don't bury your children. you don't bury your children. roisk this weekend last weekend another shooting happened on interstate 10, this time killing a 52-year-old man and injuring a 45-year-old woman. police were investigating a nearby incident when they heard gunshots just after 3:00 a.m. on sunday. responding officers found the two victims in the car. the new orleans police department is asking the public to come forward with any and all information. no suspects or motives have been identified in either shooting. since january, 2021, there have been over 30 interstate shootings in louisiana, according to the new orleans police department. interstate highway shootings have been on a steady incline in new orleans since 2019, and they come with some challenges for law enforcement. >> by the time someone calls 911, it goes through a dis dispatcher. that dispatcher then goes to the police. the police get the call. get up on the express way and look for that. that vehicle is normally gone. >> new orleans is seeing an uptick in homicides. carjackings are up 200% and homicide incidents involving firearms are up 150%. >> what are we going to do yesterday to come up with a plan to attack this violent crime so that no one who is hurting, r robbing, raping, carjacking, ever falls through the crack again? >> such a scary situation there in new orleans. police have not indicated whether the latest shooting was a random or targeted attack. watts family believes that she was the target of potentially a case of mistaken identity. and just quick here, john. in a recent interview with the times local paper there in new orleans, investigators say they believe that many of the shootings are just chance encounters between random motorists that lead to road rage. john? >> it is disturbing. please keep us posted. thank you so much for that report. here is what else to watch today. b[ bell rings ] >> i've seen this movie before. >> you have? b >> the winter olympics just two weeks away. why some of the biggest broadcasters will not be attending? plus, go easy on her. why a tearful aeld is apol apologizing to her fans. ♪ i was still a child ♪ b it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. it's time for sleep number's january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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ever? to once again to quote the famed political analyst i'm not sure it means what she thinks it means. >> we had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban. but we had a bad court. but this administration is running like a fine tuned machine. drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars. you know what uranium is, right? nuclear weapons and other things. things are done including bad things. nobody talks about that. number one, i am the least anti-semitic person you have seen in your life. number two, racism. the least racist person. be very careful because in your hotel rooms and no matter where you go you will probably have cameras. if putin likes donald trump i consider that an asset. not a liability. i'm not ranting and raving. take a look at the cnn polls how inaccurate they were. he was saying that china has total respect for donald trump and for donald trump's very, very large brain. if we brought george washington here and we said we have george washington the democrats would vote against him. i was in front of highly professional people, most are from other countries or the united nations. they weren't laughing at me. they were laughing with me. we had fun. it was a perfect call. it will disappear like a miracle. >> major news this morning. secretary state blinken aiming to diffuse the crisis on the ukrainian border. who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. a tearful adelle announcing she has to postpone the las vegas residency set to start today. >> i'm so sorry but -- my show ain't ready. we've tried absolutely everything that we can to put it together in time. >> somehow we will all pull through. i'm sure she'll get back to the stage. thank you for being here all week. >> great to be with you. brianna will have to reset the alarm clock next week. >> cnn's coverage continues right now. good morning, everyone. >> frank and substantive but not a negotiation. that's how secretary of state blinken describing the talks with the russian counter part following meetings in geneva

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Vehicle , Dis Dispatcher , Uptick , Homicides , 911 , Incidents , Crime , Homicide , Firearms , Carjackings , 150 , 200 , Situation , Random , Raping , Crack , Carjacking , Times , Interview , Many , Identity , Target , Investigators , Lead , Road Rage , Encounters , Motorists , Bell Rings , Movie , Tearful Aeld , Plus , Child B , Broadcasters , Fans , B The Winter Olympics , Asthma , Nunormal , Reactions , Add On Treatment , Breathing Problems , Swelling , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Breathing , Asthma Specialist , Headache , Trouble , Injection Site Reactions , Infection , Tongue , Mouth , Shingles , Fatigue , Back Pain , Don T Stop Steroids , Kiss , With Kay , Kisses , Cancer , It , Cancer Discovery , Oxygen Levels , Immunotherapy , Gene Mutation , Tumor Cells , Growth , Egfr , Everywhere , Dana Farber , 75 , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Problem , Bed , Temperature Balancing , Movements , Sale , Cold , 360 , Care , Interest , Science , Queen , Night After , 000 , 0 , 1000 , 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