Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

be met with a cost that will be severe. >> here at home, after biden's domestic agenda takes a hit again, the president is now considering changes to his economic strategy, including breaking up the build back better plan into what he called chunks. will senators manchin and sinema get on board? and a brand-new report released just moments ago, states with weaker gun laws have higher rates of firearm-related homicides and suicides. we have those numbers ahead. but we begin with what by all accounts could be an impending invasion. joining us now is cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson live from moscow and cnn national security correspondent kylie atwood at the state department. nic, let's begin with you on the latest, that russia says that it would welcome another call between biden and putin. of course, this coming after president biden saying yesterday that he would be open to perhaps another summit between the two leaders as well. what more are we hearing? >> yeah, i think there's some sort of work going on at the kremlin at the moment to try to figure out precisely what president biden was meaning. every day, peskov, president putin's spokesperson, has a call with journalists and he was asked, do you interpret anything president biden has said as a softer approach, and his answer was kind of careful and cautious, and it said, there seems to be some willingness to discuss some issues, but he did go on, when he was asked if president putin would meet with president biden, he said, yes. the pair of them could meet, president putin would be open to that for this face-to-face meeting, but -- and this is a huge caveat that he put in front of that -- and the caveat is this. that the united states needs to respond to russia's security concerns as they put them down, security demands, as they're seen, the idea that ukraine can't become a member of nato, that united states must respond to that in writing, okay? what we heard from secretary of state blinken yesterday saying that when he meets with russia's foreign secretary in geneva tomorrow, he's not going to provide him with those written responses, with united states written position, so at the moment, the threshold for that face-to-face meeting, it doesn't seem to be there. the kremlin is, as i say, trying to figure out precisely what president biden means. >> trouble is, saying that ukraine will never become a member of nato is something that the u.s. has said repeatedly is a nonstarter. kylie, we've been reporting for sometime that part of the u.s. plan to bolster ukraine's defenses is to send anti-aircraft, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles and that would come from nato allies. what are we learning and how soon could this aid go? >> reporter: jim, here we are. we reported that has been part of the discussion. that is now in motion. the state department approving export licenses for three baltic nations, lithuania, latvia, and estonia. they are, of course, right there, very close to ukraine and russia. they have this weaponry of u.s. origin and they are now going to be sharing it with ukraine. they needed approval from the united states, from the state department, to share it because they aren't legally available allowed to do that unless they get the seal of approval, the green light from the united states, and that has now happened. we don't know exactly when that new weaponry, that anti-tank weaponry in addition to other things is actually going to get to ukraine, so we'll be watching for that, but this is significant. it demonstrates the biden administration is willing to make moves right now to inflict a higher cost on russia if they do invade ukraine. this is some of the weaponry that ukraine has been asking for, of course, in addition to the defensive weaponry that the united states has been providing ukraine, and i think it's significant that this happened in a quick period of time. now, the state department, not confirming or denying this, but saying they have been in touch with ukraine, with nato allies, and they are moving to expedite situations like this where they can provide more assistance to ukraine, basically saying that, yes, they went through with this so it's a situation we'll be watching. we'll be watching to see if ukraine gets any more security military assistance from the united states and from nato allies. >> kylie atwood and nic robertson, thank you, and jim, i can't help but think here we are on perhaps a precipice of what would be the largest war on european soil since world war ii perhaps, thinking back to where you were this past summer, the geneva summit between president biden and putin, where president biden said that he was hoping to come out of it with a stable relationship and a predictable relationship with russia, and he said, ask me six months later. well, here we are, and it's anything but that now. >> no, it's not. and by the way, russian forces already in ukraine, they've already violated their borders. significant questions as to whether they're willing to do that even more so now. >> yeah, we'll continue to cover this story throughout the morning. also this morning, after failing to pass voting rights reforms, democrats are now focused on making changes to the electoral count act through bipartisan talks. this as president biden raises concerns surrounding the 2022 midterms. >> the increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these reforms passed. >> cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox is on capitol hill. lauren, biden's comments on legitimacy sparked an understandable reaction. now, there's been some attempt to clarify them afterwards, but first question is, what was the president actually saying here? and how will it impact democrats' efforts as they pursue at least an attempt at bipartisan legislation? >> reporter: yeah, you saw a number of republicans yesterday saying, wait a minute. if the president is saying that the election may not be legitimate, if these bills do not pass the u.s. senate, he's starting to sound a little bit like the former president, donald trump. that was a comment made from mitt romney of utah. one thing to keep in mind here is that democrats are expected to pivot now from their voting rights push and their senate rules change push back to the electoral count act and the hope is they can bring republicans and democrats together to find a way forward to actually deal with how the u.s. congress certifies elections, and the argument from some republicans is, this is the kind of legislation that would actually make sure that you don't have a situation like you did going into january 6th where there were questions about what the vice president's role should be, whether or not that person was going to get pressure from the president to overturn the results of the election, so there is some hope in this group of bipartisan senators is expected to have a conversation later today to discuss the future of that legislation. look, this is going to take weeks, perhaps months, but it is a turning point for democrats and republicans to try to do something related to election security. >> yeah, and lauren, it's notable that republicans have gone on the record, saying this is something they would be open to supporting. the president trying to sound as optimistic about his agenda going into the midterms as possible, but he did say that he's open now to breaking up the build back better plan. manchin saying that it will be like starting all over. what's the appetite now in washington for pushing through smaller portions of this legislation? >> reporter: well, democrats are going to have to make a decision, how much time do they want to spend on something that may still go nowhere in the end? remember, they had five months of negotiations with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema and in the end, manchin could not get to yes. is there something smaller they could break apart to pass with just democratic votes? perhaps. are there really tiny pieces that perhaps they could reach across the aisle and get some republican support for? maybe. that's a further stretch. but i think that the question now is, how much time and how many resources did democrats want to spend in an election year to focus on this piece of legislation that is not going to look anything like what already passed the house of representatives. so, a lot of discussions moving forward. i think there are going to be some democrats who want to pick up the pieces and keep negotiating this legislation, but at the end of the day, it's going to be a call of leadership as to how much time they want to spend on this. >> controlling prescription drug prices, right? that's something even manchin said he would support and by the way, some republicans. it would be a difficult vote against that. we'll see if they can follow through. lauren fox on the hill, thank you very much. president biden has signalled a change as he heads into his second year in office. that includes taking a harder line with the gop. and some of his comments last night in the press conference were pretty forward leaning. >> yeah. a bit of a reality check for the president one year in. cnn white house correspondent jeremy diamond is on the north lawn with more, and jeremy, biden says republicans are, quote, obstructionist, more so than they were during the obama years where, of course, he served as vice president. so what is his plan going forward then in getting any of his legislation passed, given that? >> reporter: well, listen, if 2021 was the year that president biden hoped and tried to get republicans on board with his agenda, 2022 is certainly the year that he is going to ramp up his criticism of republicans, and he did exactly that yesterday. we heard president biden repeatedly laying his stalled agenda at the feet of republican lawmakers in congress. president biden directly going after mitch mcconnell, for example, and talking about all that he is doing to try and stop the president's agenda. listen. >> the idea that -- mitch has been very clear. he'll do anything to prevent biden from being a success. and i get on with mitch. i actually like mitch mcconnell. we like one another. but he has one straightforward objective, make sure that there's nothing i do that makes me look good in the mind, in his mind, with the public at large. and that's okay. i'm a big boy. i've been here before. >> reporter: and as you mentioned, president biden even going so far as to say that he believes republicans are more obstructionist against his presidency and his agenda than they were against president barack obama's time -- during president barack obama's time in office. ultimately, though, there is a certain irony in the fact that one of the major accomplishments the president was touting was this bipartisan infrastructure deal that did pass with the support of republicans, and ultimately, hours after this press conference, yes, republicans opposing these pieces of voting rights legislation, but it was the president's failure to unite his own caucus, that slimmest of slim majorities of 50 democrats, to get around changes to the filibuster that stalled that push on voting rights, same issue with the build back better plan as well. but president biden making clear he's going to strike a much stronger contrast with republicans heading into this midterm year, repeatedly saying, what are you for? i think that's something we'll hear on the campaign trail this year. >> jeremy diamond, thank you as always. well, this just in to cnn. a jump in jobless claims last week. 286,000 americans filed for unemployment. that's the most new claims since october, and it comes as president biden throws his support behind the federal reserve's efforts to fight rising costs. >> a critical job in making sure that the elevated prices don't become entrenched rests with the federal reserve, which has a dual mandate, full employment and stable prices. >> cnn's chief business correspondent christine romans joins us now and i try to look at the big picture trend lines here. help fit this snapshot number in with the broader trend in terms of jobs in this economy. >> you're so right. look, omicron disruption. those are the two words that i would say here, 286,000 first-time unemployment claims. that's a jump, but you look at the overall trend, we're still here, you know, not too far from the lowest levels in 50-some years when you look at over weekly jobless claims so this is a disappointing one week within a trend that has been pretty good and the job market overall has been pretty, pretty strong. you can see that far right there, that's that blip we're talking about here and some economists this morning are saying they think as omicron starts to fade, these numbers will resume again because we have a 3.9% unemployment rate in this country. employers don't want to lay people off. they're trying to hire workers. so that's the strong part of the covid contradiction economy. the other part is the thing that's really been bedevilling so many consumers and that is inflation. the president talked about it yesterday. he seemed to thacitly endorse te fed getting it under control but inflation has been hard to get a handle on. 7% consumer price inflation over the past year. that's something that eats into higher paychecks, eats into family budgets. it really hurts people who are lower income, so this is what the real focus is here now. not so much this -- still pretty strong job market but that inflation picture here in 2022, that's going to be the big story. you can look category by category and on that first one there, you guys, on gas, i spoke with a gas analyst this morning who said he's expecting $4 a gallon national average by memorial day. seasonally, these prices start to go up and he says that's a covid problem here, not necessarily a white house problem. once again, the white house doesn't have that many levers to pull in terms of gas and oil prices. big global market heading into a time of the year you usually see those prices rise. >> we'll have a chance to press the administration next hour, going to be speaking to the commerce secretary. thank you very much. coming up next, the january 6th committee is now getting its hands on 700 pages of documents from inside the trump white house. details on what those documents could include. plus, what we know about an fbi search at the home of a democratic congressman, henry. cnn has confirmed that agents also searched his campaign office. and republicans are advancing a bill through the florida senate that would make it illegal to teach anything that makes people feel, quote, discomfort based on their race on gender. critics say it's just an attempt to protect white people from america's racist past. more on that up ahead. wrinkles send the wrong message. help prevent them with downy wrinkleguard. feel the difference with downy. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound enginr. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (computer keys clicking) (mouse clicks) - shriners hospitals for children is awesome! my favorite people in shriners are the doctors and the nurses because they help people through life. wow, i was a really cute kid! 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all you have to do is pick up your phone, or go to, and you'll be a part of something special too. thank you so much! the house committee investigating the january 6th capitol attack will soon receive hundreds of records from the trump white house. the supreme court rejected a request by the former president to keep those documents secret, citing executive privilege. those records could shed light on the events leading up to the insurrection. some of the material has already been handed over to the january 6th committee. joining me now to discuss is former u.s. assistant attorney kim waley. welcome to the program. we know former president trump and his lawyers have been aggressively fighting from this very decision from happening. >> right, so, a few points. one is the court, interestingly, held that it did not or indicated in its decision, didn't have to decide between dua duelling presidents. trump's position was, i'm former president, i get to have a position that could supercede a sitting president. the court said even if trump was president say, there was no basis for executive privilege so that's significant, not just for these documents but also for the witnesses that are now lining up, refusing to testify before the united states congress on the grounds of executive privilege that donald trump, in theory, might exert. so the fact that the court has gone out of its way to say, you know what? even if he was president, this would not be withheld from the public and the reason is, bianna, because we're talking about a bloody insurrection at the capitol and all americans need to get to the bottom of what went on here, and i think the walls are closing in, frankly, on donald trump and the people in the white house and frankly in the congress that were working together, apparently, to take a valid election away from the american people. very serious stuff. >> yeah, and as we mentioned, the committee is already getting its hands on some of these documents as we speak. what exactly could they be learning from these documents? what would these documents reveal that they don't already know? >> it's important to keep in mind, of course, if there was nothing to hide in the documents, i don't think donald trump would have been -- fought so hard to keep them from the january 6th committee. we don't know, of course, what's in them. we do know representative jamie raskin has indicated it's going to be a shocking disclosure to the american people when these hearings start unfolding in the spring as far as what went on. and so, just to be clear, we'll know more than we knew in the second impeachment where jamie raskin laid out what happened that day. the question is not so much what happened at the capitol but what happened behind the scenes? and we know the justice department has already indicted 10 or 11 oath keeper people in that group for conspiracy, conspiracy. that requires a meeting of the minds, very high bar, and so i think the question from these documents is, did donald trump -- was he part of what looks like now a potential conspiracy? did he weigh in? did he agree to take steps to subvert a valid election? that would be unlawful. so, it's getting into the minds of the president and inside the white house and his handlers and potentially communications with congress. that's the actual hurt of, i think, what the committee is looking at right now. >> and it helps provide them with realtime information, right? we've talked and reported at great length about these subpoenas that have gone out to witnesses, but between courts and the extensions there and perhaps them pleading the fifth or exerting privilege, they may be actually -- the committee itself may be able to get more information from this paper trail than they could from some of the witnesses that they are hoping to hear from. >> right. as i tell my law students, documents don't lie. they don't die. and they don't misremember. to have something that is in black and white or in an email chain, that's different from someone coming in, as you indicate, in a witness context and saying, i can't really remember. hedging that. the other thing is, these documents now can be used to question the witnesses. listen, here's your name on the email. here's your name on the document. why did you put your name here? what was the context in which that was drafted? and these are americans' documents. these come straight from the national archives so it's a little piece of history in addition to potentially a stepping-stone to more criminal charges coming out of doj ultimately plus the report from the january 6th committee. >> on that point, quickly, will the public have access to these documents? >> well, they're not grand jury material so there's no secret lock on them like there would be in that context. so, potentially, yes. i mean, it's hard to say whether it would be now or 10 or 20 years from now. the archivist would have to decide that but i don't think this is going to be shielded ultimately from history and that's absolutely crucial given that we're in this moment where american democracy is hanging on by a thread in part due to what's happening in the u.s. senate regarding voting. very important that we see what happened. >> kim wehle, thank you so much. new this morning, a new study finds a clear link between gun laws and the number of gun-related deaths and killings in each state. plus, we are moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stocks look poised for some gains, actually, today. this despite an unexpected rise in jobless claims for the third week in a row. since president biden took office one year ago today, the dow is up more than 12%. the s&p has risen 18%. one stock to watch today, netflix. the streaming giant is set to report earnings later this afternoon. amazing. jerry, you gotta to s see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh with unitedhealthcare medire advantage plans, thers so much to take advantage of. like $0 copa on virtual visits... - wow! - uh-huh. ...$0 copays on primary care visits... ...and lab tests. - wow. - uh-huh. plus, $0 copays on tier 1 & tier 2 prescription drugs. - wow. - uh-huh. unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. most plans have a $0 premium. take advantage now. wow! ♪ add downy to your wash for all the freshness and softness of home. even when you're not at home. feel the difference with downy. 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new york. >> reporter: this coming from every town, the country's largest nonprofit that advocates for gun control and is giving this data first to our colleagues, emma tucker and priya krishna kumar. the nonprofit's hope is just the visual of this will be the tool lawmakers, journalists, supporters of gun control need to make their case clear that more gun control measures has an impact on violence and deaths by guns in this country. and so what every town did was analyze data from the cdc which looked at each state's rate of gun deaths in 2020 and then compared that with 50 policies that it says are scientifically proven to work in preventing gun violence, like required background checks, permits to carry concealed guns in public and laws requiring secure storage of guns. so let's look at these two maps to help you further understand what's going on here. according to everytown's research, the darker blue the state, the higher the score got for strength in gun laws. focus on california, for example. it has strong gun laws. then look at one of the states in white like mississippi. now let's look at a different map and compare it to this which shows each state's gun death rate per 100,000 people. california now shaded lightly, meaning a allow number of deaths, mississippi in dark red are gun laws are not strict with a 28.6% gun-related death rate. so, again, guys, this study, according to everytown's leaders, proves gun laws save lives and the hope again is it will help with legislative efforts moving forward. >> you know, it's interesting, bryn and bianna, when i have spoken to law enforcement in states that have stricter gun laws, they say one problem they have are guns coming in from states with less restrictive gun laws. there's a pipeline there, so even they have been affected by this. it's notable. >> pretty eye-opening study and data there. thank you. well, this also just in to cnn. cnn has learned that the fbi has searched a building housing democratic representative henry cuellar's campaign office as well as searching the congressman's home in laredo. >> cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez following this story. evan, i know it's early, but what more do we know at this point? >> reporter: yeah, jim and bianna, we knew the fbi was at the congressman's home yesterday and then later on, we learned that the fbi also was conducting a search at a building that houses his campaign office there in laredo, texas. what we know is, from the fbi, is that they say that they were conducting a court authorized activity which is the fbi's language for essentially a search warrant being executed. reporters there on the scene reported seeing agents coming out with bags and bins full of what we believe are evidence as well as a computer, taking photographs of some items as well. and as you pointed out, at this point, we don't know exactly what this is about. cuellar's office put out a statement saying they will cooperate with any investigation that is ongoing. we know, at this point, jim and bianna, that the prosecutors who handle public integrity cases, this is the public corruption unit of the justice department, are among those who are involved in this investigation. beyond that, we don't know exactly what the specifics of this investigation are at this point. jim and bianna? >> we know you'll stay on top of it. evan perez, thank you very much. florida's republican governor, ron desantis, is now backing a bill that would ban public schools and private businesses from making people feel discomfort on the basis of race, sex, or national origin. the bill just passed out of committee on a party line vote. >> so, here's what it does. it prohibits training or instruction that could cause any guilt or anguish in one group based on the actions of their ancestors. critics say it's an obvious attempt to whitewash history. here's how the governor has defended the bill. >> if you think about what mlk stood for, he said he didn't want people judged on the color of their skin but on the content of their character. you listen to some of these people nowadays, they don't talk about that. >> we should note, mlk, martin luther king jr., also said, quote, whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a massive effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. it is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of america believe they have so little to learn. bianna, consistent phenomenon here, right, taking quotes out of context. >> people choose to hear and repeat what they want to. let's bring in cnn anchor of early start, laura jarrett. from a legal perspective, what else do we know about this bill? >> guys, good morning. so, the bill is known as individual freedom, but as you pointed out, aside from selective mlk quotes, the bill actually appears to be limiting freedom not only in schools, as we've seen across the country, but this one actually takes aim at what's happening in workplaces, specifically workplace training. so you went through a little bit of this. but let's just sort of walk through what the bill actually does. the most controversial part, it seems, is that it bans making people feel uncomfortable, to use its words, discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress, not only on account of race but sex. so you can imagine someone sitting through a workplace training on sexual harassment, feeling under attack about that, they would now be able to do something about it and say that's unlawful. the bill also talks about teachers addressing things in an age appropriate manner, and then it also prohibits employee trainings that make people feel guilty on account of what others of their race have done, essentially going after white guilt. now, you can imagine there is some pushback, some strong pushback from the democrats on this bill. one was on new day, here's what he said. >> i taught in a predominantly white school, and no time did a parent or a child come up and say, during black history month or any other time, that they were uncomfortable. this is a continuation of donald trump's and his allies and his base carrying over to ron desantis and his allies and his base of the big lie that the critical race theory is the biggest issue of our time, and it's just not. >> so, you hear jones there really cueing in on the fact that this is a part of a much larger conversation about race and how history is taught in schools, but teachers you see here say, basically, it's a solution in search of a problem. that critical race theory is not being taught in schools. children are not being taught that white people should feel guilty about slavery, and what this is really going to do is open the door to censorship and lawsuits that's really going to stifle academic freedom, guys. >> yeah, making it much more difficult for teachers and really complicated, right, to navigate how you even enforce this law. >> yeah, the language is so broad and so vague. it's going to get challenged. >> laura jarrett, thank you so much for breaking that down for us. still ahead, cnn is learning that an investigation found pope benedict knew about priests abusing people when he was archbishop of munich despite his repeated long standing denials. a live report straight ahead. feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ - family. - family. - family. - family is everything. - [girl 1] family is with us through all of life's great moments. - bye, bye! - [girl 2] family is who we count on, inner greatest time of need because they're always by your side when we need them the most. - and for the past 100 years, shriners hospitals for children has become family to over 1.5 million kids. - [girl 2] in 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family members who give each month by calling this special number on your screen right now. - it's so good to know that we have a family like you, who cares enough to stand by our side. - thank you. - thank you. - thank you. - [girl 3] please, call or go online right now to with your monthly gift. - [boy 1] you'll make a difference in our lives, every day. the cia says the mysterious havana syndrome, which has sickened hundreds of u.s. officials around the globe, is unlikely a widespread campaign against u.s. personnel by foreign actors. >> this is a notable development. cnn reporter katie joins us now with more. katie bow, cia says this is not a, quote, sustained worldwide campaign, but they are still looking at some of these incidents, so i suppose, clarify for us what they're saying here, what you have learned and what they're not eliminating here. >> yeah, so, for years, u.s. service members, spies, diplomats overseas have been being struck by this sort of mysterious constellation of symptoms, it's everything from headaches to nausea to head pressure. in some cases, u.s. personnel have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and have been so ill that they have been forced to retire. there's been a thousand of these reports, roughly, that have come in over the last few years from around the globe. now, what we have learned is that the cia task force that has been investigating these incidents and trying to figure out who or what is behind them have issued interim findings that the majority of those thousand reports can actually be attributed to other things. they can be attributed to previously undiagnosed medical conditions, for example, or environmental factors. now, officials have really stressed that this does not mean that they don't believe havana syndrome is real. what it means is that they have been able to assess that it's unlikely that russia or any other nation is carrying out some sort of vast campaign globally to try to harm u.s. personnel in dozens of hot spots around the globe. but they have zeroed in on about two dozen cases that the cia doesn't have an explanation for from any other known cause, and in those instances, they have not ruled out the possibility that the episodes have been caused by some kind of attack. but the bottom line here is, those two dozen cases, even though they've become the focal point of the cia's investigation, are some of the toughest ones that the cia has to look into, and they don't really have any evidence that any other nation state is behind it. they don't really have any evidence or sort of common data patterns to help them draw conclusions about attribution at all. at the end of the day, as one cia official put it to us last night, this is one of the hardest analytical problems that the cia has been faced with in years. >> it will be interesting to see how this answer is received, because as you know, katie bo, this is an issue of major, major concern among u.s. diplomats and others deployed overseas. new this morning, investigators say that pope benedict knew about priests who abused children when he was the arch b archbishop of munich in the late '70s and early '80s. >> major revelation, lawyers just saying in revealing findings of an inquest into sexual abuse over several decades. the new revolutions are a damning judgment on the former pope, following years of speculation about just how much he knew. cnn's delia gallagher is live in rome and joins us now. what is the vatican saying in response to this? >> reporter: well, look, the report has just come out about two hours ago. it was prefaced by a press conference from germany on the part of the investigators who gave some details, so the vatican has issued an initial statement saying this. the holy seat considers that appropriate attention should be paid to the document whose contents are presently unknown. in coming days, following its publication, the holy see will be able to give it a careful and detailed examination. so they say that obviously because they were not privy to this document before it came out although it was commissioned by the archdiocese of munich as many catholic diocese have been doing for a historical reckoning, stpanned 75 years of abuse. it will take time to comb through and get the details but the principal findings, we know because the investigators reported them at the press conference, which implicate the pope emeritus, when he was archbishop there in mishandling four cases and most importantly the current archbishop implicated in mishandling two cases of sexual abuse. we're going to hear from cardinal marx in about 45 minutes. he will give a statement. we have not yet heard from pope benedict, but presumably, the vatican will be coming up with a response to these findings in the coming days as they say. >> yeah. >> delia gallagher, i know you will be covering the story for us as we do hear more from the vatican in response to these damning allegations and reports. well, you heard it before. red wine is good for your heart, right? but is it really? new information that may make you want to reconsider that next drink. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. a u.s. marine has been charged after a military tactical vehicle he was driving overturned in north carolina on wednesday. the 19-year-old driver was trying to make a right turn at the intersection when it overturned into the median, throwing passengers out. a second military vehicle was also being operated at the time but was unable to come to a stop and hit one of the ejected passengers. a total of two service members were killed, 17 others injured. the driver now faces one count of exceeding a safe speed and two counts of misdemeanor death by motor vehicle. >> two service members killed. two men have been arrested in england as part of the ongoing investigation into the texas synagogue hostage in incident. authorities say both men remain in custody for questioning as they try to find out why a 44-year-old british national held four people hostage at beth israel synagogue last weekend. the standoff lasted for about 11 hours before a rescue team entered the building, killed the hostage-taker. thankfully, all the hostages were safely released. shifting gears now, the world heart federation is warning that no amount of alcohol is good for your heart, even bianna, with all we've heard about, say, the benefits of red wine. >> this is despite previous suggestions that moderate amounts of red wine may decrease the risk of heart disease. cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins us now. elizabeth, one could be forgiven for being confused by all of this seemingly conflicted data and studies that come out suggesting wine is good for you and now that it's not. what does this report reveal? >> reporter: that's right. what this report looks at is deaths from heart disease as well as from other diseases due to alcohol. i know we heard for decades wine is good for you, alcohol was good for you, but really research that's been done since then shows that maybe that wasn't right. maybe red wine is good for you, but the flavonoids and other elements in it, you can get that in blueberries and grapes. it doesn't need to be wine. let's take a look at this study and what they found regarding deaths due to alcohol and also illness. so what they found is that heart problems have been associated with alcohol as well as high blood pressure, stroke, and several types of cancer. now, when we're talking about cancer, it's really interesting because some cancer deaths have been associated even with people who are moderate drinkers who really aren't drinking all that much. so all of the sort of hype we heard for decades that alcohol might be good, research since then, because we know research continues on and on, research since then has shown that maybe that wasn't quite right. there don't seem to be health benefits of alcohol. and, in fact, there are many problems are drinking alcohol. i haven't even talked about mental health issues and all of that. so the general agreement here is that no amount of alcohol is else inially good. it doesn't mean that small amounts are bad, but don't think, oh, i'm doing something good for myself if you decide to drink. >> pass on the wine and eat some grapes instead, right? >> don't tell that to the italians, myself included, or john boehner, by the way. >> exactly. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks very much. an alarming prediction from president biden. he says that russia in his view will ultimately move into ukraine. more on what exactly he, the u.s., its nato allies plan to do with if that happens. 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so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga. >> i'm jim sciutto. a show of unity this morning after a dire prediction. one day after president biden predicted that russia's vladimir putin will likely send troops into ukraine, and after the president sparked confusion over what the western response would be to any russian attack, secretary of state antony blinken is meeting with european allies in berlin, hoping to leave no doubt tha

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Background Checks , Policies , Gun Violence , 2020 , Research , Laws , Strength , Maps , Score , Everytown , Storage , California , Darker Blue , White , Map , Gun Death Rate , Mississippi , 100000 , Death Rate , Gun Laws Save Lives , 28 6 , Pipeline , Law Enforcement , Justice , Correspondent Evan Perez , Laredo , Search , Building , Congressman , Home Yesterday , Texas , Language , Activity , Reporters , Scene , Search Warrant , Evidence , Photographs , Computer , Bags , Items , Bins , Investigation , Statement , Cases , Prosecutors , Office Put , Corruption , Integrity , Unit , Specifics , Schools , Ron Desantis , Discomfort , Sex , Businesses , Guilt , Training , Anguish , Instruction , Party Line Vote , Ancestors , Obvious , Content , Character , Skin , Color , What Mlk , Whites , Selective Mlk , Effort , Quotes , Superiority , Ignorance , Sense , Phenomenon , Aspect , Freedom , Perspective , Laura Jarrett , Repeat , Anchor , Actually , Workplaces , Aim , Walk , Form , Attack , Teachers , Account , Workplace Training , Distress , Sexual Harassment , Employee Trainings , Manner , Pushback , Child , School , Parent , Continuation , Base , Race Theory , Big Lie , Children , Door , Solution , Slavery , Censorship , Lawsuits , Law , Pope , Archbishop , Benedict , Munich , Down , Denials , Money , Move , Feel , Credit Card Debt , Debt , Personal Loan , Sofi , Fees , Everything , Girl , Side , Need , Life S Great Moments , Times , 1 5 Million , 100 , Haven T , Screen , 3 , Love , Rescue , Family Members , Lives , Boy , Officials , Cia , Globe , Mysterious Havana Syndrome , Personnel , Katie Bow , Development , Actors , Incidents , Diplomats , Service , Spies , Symptoms , Head Pressure , Constellation , Headaches , Traumatic Brain Injury , Task Force , Reports , Have , Thousand , A Thousand , Findings , Majority , Conditions , Factors , Believe Havana Syndrome , Nation , Dozens , Spots , Instances , Possibility , Explanation , Cause , Episodes , Nation State , Ones , Focal Point , Data Patterns , Official , Conclusions , Attribution , Last Night , Investigators , Major , Concern , Katie Bo , Priests , Inquest , Revelation , Archbishop Of Munich , Arch B , 80 , 70 , Abuse , The Vatican , Speculation , Revolutions , Judgment , Rome , Delia Gallagher , Response , Prefaced By A Press Conference , Germany , Contents , Publication , Examination , Seat , Holy See , Archdiocese , Diocese , Emeritus , Reckoning , Stpanned , 75 , Sexual Abuse , Pope Benedict , Cardinal Marx , 45 , Four , Heart , Eyes , Red Wine , Allegations , Sandpaper , Combo , Preservatives , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Biotrue , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Strypaper , Infusions , Scent , Immunotherapy , Cancer , Place , Cancer Discovery , Oxygen Levels , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Growth , Egfr , Everywhere , Man , Master , Staffing , Size , Dana Farber , Investors , Landscape , Gold , Age , Asset , Returns , Potential , Path , Protein , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Nutrients , 16 , U S Marine , Driver , Passengers , Turn , Intersection , Vehicle , Military Vehicle , North Carolina , Members , Misdemeanor Death , Stop , Counts , Total , Speed , 17 , Men , Questioning , Motor Vehicle , Custody , Texas Synagogue Hostage In Incident , England , Authorities , Standoff , Hostage Taker , Rescue Team , Beth Israel Synagogue , British , 44 , Alcohol , World Heart Federation , Hostages , Benefits , Gears , Elizabeth Cohen , Heart Disease , Risk , Amounts , Suggestions , That S Right , Studies , Diseases , Flavonoids , Wasn T Right , Grapes , Heart Problems , It Doesn T , Look , Blueberries , Elements , Illness , Stroke , High Blood Pressure , Drinkers , Cancer Deaths , Types , Hype , Wasn T , Health Benefits , Drinking Alcohol , Agreement , Wine , Don T Think , Italians , View , John Boehner , Gain , User , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Death , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Weight , Don T Take Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Needles , Reuse , Pens , Share , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Insulin , Stop Ozempic , Neck , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Nausea , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , 5 , 25 , Prescription , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , Reactions , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Infections , Infection , Ability , Vaccine , Experts , Music Vo , Car , Windshield , Singers , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Students , Teaching , District , Pandemic , Classroom , School Board , Politics , 25 Million , Start , Deficit , School Board Members Collins , LÓpez , February 15th , 125 Million , Unity , Everyone , Show , Tha , Confusion , Doubt , Berlin ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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be met with a cost that will be severe. >> here at home, after biden's domestic agenda takes a hit again, the president is now considering changes to his economic strategy, including breaking up the build back better plan into what he called chunks. will senators manchin and sinema get on board? and a brand-new report released just moments ago, states with weaker gun laws have higher rates of firearm-related homicides and suicides. we have those numbers ahead. but we begin with what by all accounts could be an impending invasion. joining us now is cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson live from moscow and cnn national security correspondent kylie atwood at the state department. nic, let's begin with you on the latest, that russia says that it would welcome another call between biden and putin. of course, this coming after president biden saying yesterday that he would be open to perhaps another summit between the two leaders as well. what more are we hearing? >> yeah, i think there's some sort of work going on at the kremlin at the moment to try to figure out precisely what president biden was meaning. every day, peskov, president putin's spokesperson, has a call with journalists and he was asked, do you interpret anything president biden has said as a softer approach, and his answer was kind of careful and cautious, and it said, there seems to be some willingness to discuss some issues, but he did go on, when he was asked if president putin would meet with president biden, he said, yes. the pair of them could meet, president putin would be open to that for this face-to-face meeting, but -- and this is a huge caveat that he put in front of that -- and the caveat is this. that the united states needs to respond to russia's security concerns as they put them down, security demands, as they're seen, the idea that ukraine can't become a member of nato, that united states must respond to that in writing, okay? what we heard from secretary of state blinken yesterday saying that when he meets with russia's foreign secretary in geneva tomorrow, he's not going to provide him with those written responses, with united states written position, so at the moment, the threshold for that face-to-face meeting, it doesn't seem to be there. the kremlin is, as i say, trying to figure out precisely what president biden means. >> trouble is, saying that ukraine will never become a member of nato is something that the u.s. has said repeatedly is a nonstarter. kylie, we've been reporting for sometime that part of the u.s. plan to bolster ukraine's defenses is to send anti-aircraft, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles and that would come from nato allies. what are we learning and how soon could this aid go? >> reporter: jim, here we are. we reported that has been part of the discussion. that is now in motion. the state department approving export licenses for three baltic nations, lithuania, latvia, and estonia. they are, of course, right there, very close to ukraine and russia. they have this weaponry of u.s. origin and they are now going to be sharing it with ukraine. they needed approval from the united states, from the state department, to share it because they aren't legally available allowed to do that unless they get the seal of approval, the green light from the united states, and that has now happened. we don't know exactly when that new weaponry, that anti-tank weaponry in addition to other things is actually going to get to ukraine, so we'll be watching for that, but this is significant. it demonstrates the biden administration is willing to make moves right now to inflict a higher cost on russia if they do invade ukraine. this is some of the weaponry that ukraine has been asking for, of course, in addition to the defensive weaponry that the united states has been providing ukraine, and i think it's significant that this happened in a quick period of time. now, the state department, not confirming or denying this, but saying they have been in touch with ukraine, with nato allies, and they are moving to expedite situations like this where they can provide more assistance to ukraine, basically saying that, yes, they went through with this so it's a situation we'll be watching. we'll be watching to see if ukraine gets any more security military assistance from the united states and from nato allies. >> kylie atwood and nic robertson, thank you, and jim, i can't help but think here we are on perhaps a precipice of what would be the largest war on european soil since world war ii perhaps, thinking back to where you were this past summer, the geneva summit between president biden and putin, where president biden said that he was hoping to come out of it with a stable relationship and a predictable relationship with russia, and he said, ask me six months later. well, here we are, and it's anything but that now. >> no, it's not. and by the way, russian forces already in ukraine, they've already violated their borders. significant questions as to whether they're willing to do that even more so now. >> yeah, we'll continue to cover this story throughout the morning. also this morning, after failing to pass voting rights reforms, democrats are now focused on making changes to the electoral count act through bipartisan talks. this as president biden raises concerns surrounding the 2022 midterms. >> the increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these reforms passed. >> cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox is on capitol hill. lauren, biden's comments on legitimacy sparked an understandable reaction. now, there's been some attempt to clarify them afterwards, but first question is, what was the president actually saying here? and how will it impact democrats' efforts as they pursue at least an attempt at bipartisan legislation? >> reporter: yeah, you saw a number of republicans yesterday saying, wait a minute. if the president is saying that the election may not be legitimate, if these bills do not pass the u.s. senate, he's starting to sound a little bit like the former president, donald trump. that was a comment made from mitt romney of utah. one thing to keep in mind here is that democrats are expected to pivot now from their voting rights push and their senate rules change push back to the electoral count act and the hope is they can bring republicans and democrats together to find a way forward to actually deal with how the u.s. congress certifies elections, and the argument from some republicans is, this is the kind of legislation that would actually make sure that you don't have a situation like you did going into january 6th where there were questions about what the vice president's role should be, whether or not that person was going to get pressure from the president to overturn the results of the election, so there is some hope in this group of bipartisan senators is expected to have a conversation later today to discuss the future of that legislation. look, this is going to take weeks, perhaps months, but it is a turning point for democrats and republicans to try to do something related to election security. >> yeah, and lauren, it's notable that republicans have gone on the record, saying this is something they would be open to supporting. the president trying to sound as optimistic about his agenda going into the midterms as possible, but he did say that he's open now to breaking up the build back better plan. manchin saying that it will be like starting all over. what's the appetite now in washington for pushing through smaller portions of this legislation? >> reporter: well, democrats are going to have to make a decision, how much time do they want to spend on something that may still go nowhere in the end? remember, they had five months of negotiations with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema and in the end, manchin could not get to yes. is there something smaller they could break apart to pass with just democratic votes? perhaps. are there really tiny pieces that perhaps they could reach across the aisle and get some republican support for? maybe. that's a further stretch. but i think that the question now is, how much time and how many resources did democrats want to spend in an election year to focus on this piece of legislation that is not going to look anything like what already passed the house of representatives. so, a lot of discussions moving forward. i think there are going to be some democrats who want to pick up the pieces and keep negotiating this legislation, but at the end of the day, it's going to be a call of leadership as to how much time they want to spend on this. >> controlling prescription drug prices, right? that's something even manchin said he would support and by the way, some republicans. it would be a difficult vote against that. we'll see if they can follow through. lauren fox on the hill, thank you very much. president biden has signalled a change as he heads into his second year in office. that includes taking a harder line with the gop. and some of his comments last night in the press conference were pretty forward leaning. >> yeah. a bit of a reality check for the president one year in. cnn white house correspondent jeremy diamond is on the north lawn with more, and jeremy, biden says republicans are, quote, obstructionist, more so than they were during the obama years where, of course, he served as vice president. so what is his plan going forward then in getting any of his legislation passed, given that? >> reporter: well, listen, if 2021 was the year that president biden hoped and tried to get republicans on board with his agenda, 2022 is certainly the year that he is going to ramp up his criticism of republicans, and he did exactly that yesterday. we heard president biden repeatedly laying his stalled agenda at the feet of republican lawmakers in congress. president biden directly going after mitch mcconnell, for example, and talking about all that he is doing to try and stop the president's agenda. listen. >> the idea that -- mitch has been very clear. he'll do anything to prevent biden from being a success. and i get on with mitch. i actually like mitch mcconnell. we like one another. but he has one straightforward objective, make sure that there's nothing i do that makes me look good in the mind, in his mind, with the public at large. and that's okay. i'm a big boy. i've been here before. >> reporter: and as you mentioned, president biden even going so far as to say that he believes republicans are more obstructionist against his presidency and his agenda than they were against president barack obama's time -- during president barack obama's time in office. ultimately, though, there is a certain irony in the fact that one of the major accomplishments the president was touting was this bipartisan infrastructure deal that did pass with the support of republicans, and ultimately, hours after this press conference, yes, republicans opposing these pieces of voting rights legislation, but it was the president's failure to unite his own caucus, that slimmest of slim majorities of 50 democrats, to get around changes to the filibuster that stalled that push on voting rights, same issue with the build back better plan as well. but president biden making clear he's going to strike a much stronger contrast with republicans heading into this midterm year, repeatedly saying, what are you for? i think that's something we'll hear on the campaign trail this year. >> jeremy diamond, thank you as always. well, this just in to cnn. a jump in jobless claims last week. 286,000 americans filed for unemployment. that's the most new claims since october, and it comes as president biden throws his support behind the federal reserve's efforts to fight rising costs. >> a critical job in making sure that the elevated prices don't become entrenched rests with the federal reserve, which has a dual mandate, full employment and stable prices. >> cnn's chief business correspondent christine romans joins us now and i try to look at the big picture trend lines here. help fit this snapshot number in with the broader trend in terms of jobs in this economy. >> you're so right. look, omicron disruption. those are the two words that i would say here, 286,000 first-time unemployment claims. that's a jump, but you look at the overall trend, we're still here, you know, not too far from the lowest levels in 50-some years when you look at over weekly jobless claims so this is a disappointing one week within a trend that has been pretty good and the job market overall has been pretty, pretty strong. you can see that far right there, that's that blip we're talking about here and some economists this morning are saying they think as omicron starts to fade, these numbers will resume again because we have a 3.9% unemployment rate in this country. employers don't want to lay people off. they're trying to hire workers. so that's the strong part of the covid contradiction economy. the other part is the thing that's really been bedevilling so many consumers and that is inflation. the president talked about it yesterday. he seemed to thacitly endorse te fed getting it under control but inflation has been hard to get a handle on. 7% consumer price inflation over the past year. that's something that eats into higher paychecks, eats into family budgets. it really hurts people who are lower income, so this is what the real focus is here now. not so much this -- still pretty strong job market but that inflation picture here in 2022, that's going to be the big story. you can look category by category and on that first one there, you guys, on gas, i spoke with a gas analyst this morning who said he's expecting $4 a gallon national average by memorial day. seasonally, these prices start to go up and he says that's a covid problem here, not necessarily a white house problem. once again, the white house doesn't have that many levers to pull in terms of gas and oil prices. big global market heading into a time of the year you usually see those prices rise. >> we'll have a chance to press the administration next hour, going to be speaking to the commerce secretary. thank you very much. coming up next, the january 6th committee is now getting its hands on 700 pages of documents from inside the trump white house. details on what those documents could include. plus, what we know about an fbi search at the home of a democratic congressman, henry. cnn has confirmed that agents also searched his campaign office. and republicans are advancing a bill through the florida senate that would make it illegal to teach anything that makes people feel, quote, discomfort based on their race on gender. critics say it's just an attempt to protect white people from america's racist past. more on that up ahead. wrinkles send the wrong message. help prevent them with downy wrinkleguard. feel the difference with downy. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound enginr. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (computer keys clicking) (mouse clicks) - shriners hospitals for children is awesome! my favorite people in shriners are the doctors and the nurses because they help people through life. wow, i was a really cute kid! 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all you have to do is pick up your phone, or go to, and you'll be a part of something special too. thank you so much! the house committee investigating the january 6th capitol attack will soon receive hundreds of records from the trump white house. the supreme court rejected a request by the former president to keep those documents secret, citing executive privilege. those records could shed light on the events leading up to the insurrection. some of the material has already been handed over to the january 6th committee. joining me now to discuss is former u.s. assistant attorney kim waley. welcome to the program. we know former president trump and his lawyers have been aggressively fighting from this very decision from happening. >> right, so, a few points. one is the court, interestingly, held that it did not or indicated in its decision, didn't have to decide between dua duelling presidents. trump's position was, i'm former president, i get to have a position that could supercede a sitting president. the court said even if trump was president say, there was no basis for executive privilege so that's significant, not just for these documents but also for the witnesses that are now lining up, refusing to testify before the united states congress on the grounds of executive privilege that donald trump, in theory, might exert. so the fact that the court has gone out of its way to say, you know what? even if he was president, this would not be withheld from the public and the reason is, bianna, because we're talking about a bloody insurrection at the capitol and all americans need to get to the bottom of what went on here, and i think the walls are closing in, frankly, on donald trump and the people in the white house and frankly in the congress that were working together, apparently, to take a valid election away from the american people. very serious stuff. >> yeah, and as we mentioned, the committee is already getting its hands on some of these documents as we speak. what exactly could they be learning from these documents? what would these documents reveal that they don't already know? >> it's important to keep in mind, of course, if there was nothing to hide in the documents, i don't think donald trump would have been -- fought so hard to keep them from the january 6th committee. we don't know, of course, what's in them. we do know representative jamie raskin has indicated it's going to be a shocking disclosure to the american people when these hearings start unfolding in the spring as far as what went on. and so, just to be clear, we'll know more than we knew in the second impeachment where jamie raskin laid out what happened that day. the question is not so much what happened at the capitol but what happened behind the scenes? and we know the justice department has already indicted 10 or 11 oath keeper people in that group for conspiracy, conspiracy. that requires a meeting of the minds, very high bar, and so i think the question from these documents is, did donald trump -- was he part of what looks like now a potential conspiracy? did he weigh in? did he agree to take steps to subvert a valid election? that would be unlawful. so, it's getting into the minds of the president and inside the white house and his handlers and potentially communications with congress. that's the actual hurt of, i think, what the committee is looking at right now. >> and it helps provide them with realtime information, right? we've talked and reported at great length about these subpoenas that have gone out to witnesses, but between courts and the extensions there and perhaps them pleading the fifth or exerting privilege, they may be actually -- the committee itself may be able to get more information from this paper trail than they could from some of the witnesses that they are hoping to hear from. >> right. as i tell my law students, documents don't lie. they don't die. and they don't misremember. to have something that is in black and white or in an email chain, that's different from someone coming in, as you indicate, in a witness context and saying, i can't really remember. hedging that. the other thing is, these documents now can be used to question the witnesses. listen, here's your name on the email. here's your name on the document. why did you put your name here? what was the context in which that was drafted? and these are americans' documents. these come straight from the national archives so it's a little piece of history in addition to potentially a stepping-stone to more criminal charges coming out of doj ultimately plus the report from the january 6th committee. >> on that point, quickly, will the public have access to these documents? >> well, they're not grand jury material so there's no secret lock on them like there would be in that context. so, potentially, yes. i mean, it's hard to say whether it would be now or 10 or 20 years from now. the archivist would have to decide that but i don't think this is going to be shielded ultimately from history and that's absolutely crucial given that we're in this moment where american democracy is hanging on by a thread in part due to what's happening in the u.s. senate regarding voting. very important that we see what happened. >> kim wehle, thank you so much. new this morning, a new study finds a clear link between gun laws and the number of gun-related deaths and killings in each state. plus, we are moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stocks look poised for some gains, actually, today. this despite an unexpected rise in jobless claims for the third week in a row. since president biden took office one year ago today, the dow is up more than 12%. the s&p has risen 18%. one stock to watch today, netflix. the streaming giant is set to report earnings later this afternoon. amazing. jerry, you gotta to s see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh with unitedhealthcare medire advantage plans, thers so much to take advantage of. like $0 copa on virtual visits... - wow! - uh-huh. ...$0 copays on primary care visits... ...and lab tests. - wow. - uh-huh. plus, $0 copays on tier 1 & tier 2 prescription drugs. - wow. - uh-huh. unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. most plans have a $0 premium. take advantage now. wow! ♪ add downy to your wash for all the freshness and softness of home. even when you're not at home. feel the difference with downy. 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(jackie) talk to your doctor about's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit no ink! ugh! i need you to print, i need you. you think you're empty? i'm empty. do you suffer from cartridge conniptions? be conniption-free, thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! you're mocking me. not again! the epson ecotank. just fill & chill. growing up, bilal was obsessed, obsessed with superman! not because he could fly, but because superman stood up for people. maybe it's because of our family's own immigrant story, or he's just that nerdy. throughout his career in the obama administration and the private sector, bilal has never stopped helping others. we don't need a superhero to solve san francisco's biggest problems like crime and homelessness, just the innovation and courage to lead. join me. this just in to cnn. a new study that shows states with weaker gun laws have higher rates of both firearm-related homicides and suicides. >> cnn's bryn joins us from new york. >> reporter: this coming from every town, the country's largest nonprofit that advocates for gun control and is giving this data first to our colleagues, emma tucker and priya krishna kumar. the nonprofit's hope is just the visual of this will be the tool lawmakers, journalists, supporters of gun control need to make their case clear that more gun control measures has an impact on violence and deaths by guns in this country. and so what every town did was analyze data from the cdc which looked at each state's rate of gun deaths in 2020 and then compared that with 50 policies that it says are scientifically proven to work in preventing gun violence, like required background checks, permits to carry concealed guns in public and laws requiring secure storage of guns. so let's look at these two maps to help you further understand what's going on here. according to everytown's research, the darker blue the state, the higher the score got for strength in gun laws. focus on california, for example. it has strong gun laws. then look at one of the states in white like mississippi. now let's look at a different map and compare it to this which shows each state's gun death rate per 100,000 people. california now shaded lightly, meaning a allow number of deaths, mississippi in dark red are gun laws are not strict with a 28.6% gun-related death rate. so, again, guys, this study, according to everytown's leaders, proves gun laws save lives and the hope again is it will help with legislative efforts moving forward. >> you know, it's interesting, bryn and bianna, when i have spoken to law enforcement in states that have stricter gun laws, they say one problem they have are guns coming in from states with less restrictive gun laws. there's a pipeline there, so even they have been affected by this. it's notable. >> pretty eye-opening study and data there. thank you. well, this also just in to cnn. cnn has learned that the fbi has searched a building housing democratic representative henry cuellar's campaign office as well as searching the congressman's home in laredo. >> cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez following this story. evan, i know it's early, but what more do we know at this point? >> reporter: yeah, jim and bianna, we knew the fbi was at the congressman's home yesterday and then later on, we learned that the fbi also was conducting a search at a building that houses his campaign office there in laredo, texas. what we know is, from the fbi, is that they say that they were conducting a court authorized activity which is the fbi's language for essentially a search warrant being executed. reporters there on the scene reported seeing agents coming out with bags and bins full of what we believe are evidence as well as a computer, taking photographs of some items as well. and as you pointed out, at this point, we don't know exactly what this is about. cuellar's office put out a statement saying they will cooperate with any investigation that is ongoing. we know, at this point, jim and bianna, that the prosecutors who handle public integrity cases, this is the public corruption unit of the justice department, are among those who are involved in this investigation. beyond that, we don't know exactly what the specifics of this investigation are at this point. jim and bianna? >> we know you'll stay on top of it. evan perez, thank you very much. florida's republican governor, ron desantis, is now backing a bill that would ban public schools and private businesses from making people feel discomfort on the basis of race, sex, or national origin. the bill just passed out of committee on a party line vote. >> so, here's what it does. it prohibits training or instruction that could cause any guilt or anguish in one group based on the actions of their ancestors. critics say it's an obvious attempt to whitewash history. here's how the governor has defended the bill. >> if you think about what mlk stood for, he said he didn't want people judged on the color of their skin but on the content of their character. you listen to some of these people nowadays, they don't talk about that. >> we should note, mlk, martin luther king jr., also said, quote, whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a massive effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. it is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of america believe they have so little to learn. bianna, consistent phenomenon here, right, taking quotes out of context. >> people choose to hear and repeat what they want to. let's bring in cnn anchor of early start, laura jarrett. from a legal perspective, what else do we know about this bill? >> guys, good morning. so, the bill is known as individual freedom, but as you pointed out, aside from selective mlk quotes, the bill actually appears to be limiting freedom not only in schools, as we've seen across the country, but this one actually takes aim at what's happening in workplaces, specifically workplace training. so you went through a little bit of this. but let's just sort of walk through what the bill actually does. the most controversial part, it seems, is that it bans making people feel uncomfortable, to use its words, discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress, not only on account of race but sex. so you can imagine someone sitting through a workplace training on sexual harassment, feeling under attack about that, they would now be able to do something about it and say that's unlawful. the bill also talks about teachers addressing things in an age appropriate manner, and then it also prohibits employee trainings that make people feel guilty on account of what others of their race have done, essentially going after white guilt. now, you can imagine there is some pushback, some strong pushback from the democrats on this bill. one was on new day, here's what he said. >> i taught in a predominantly white school, and no time did a parent or a child come up and say, during black history month or any other time, that they were uncomfortable. this is a continuation of donald trump's and his allies and his base carrying over to ron desantis and his allies and his base of the big lie that the critical race theory is the biggest issue of our time, and it's just not. >> so, you hear jones there really cueing in on the fact that this is a part of a much larger conversation about race and how history is taught in schools, but teachers you see here say, basically, it's a solution in search of a problem. that critical race theory is not being taught in schools. children are not being taught that white people should feel guilty about slavery, and what this is really going to do is open the door to censorship and lawsuits that's really going to stifle academic freedom, guys. >> yeah, making it much more difficult for teachers and really complicated, right, to navigate how you even enforce this law. >> yeah, the language is so broad and so vague. it's going to get challenged. >> laura jarrett, thank you so much for breaking that down for us. still ahead, cnn is learning that an investigation found pope benedict knew about priests abusing people when he was archbishop of munich despite his repeated long standing denials. a live report straight ahead. feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ - family. - family. - family. - family is everything. - [girl 1] family is with us through all of life's great moments. - bye, bye! - [girl 2] family is who we count on, inner greatest time of need because they're always by your side when we need them the most. - and for the past 100 years, shriners hospitals for children has become family to over 1.5 million kids. - [girl 2] in 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family members who give each month by calling this special number on your screen right now. - it's so good to know that we have a family like you, who cares enough to stand by our side. - thank you. - thank you. - thank you. - [girl 3] please, call or go online right now to with your monthly gift. - [boy 1] you'll make a difference in our lives, every day. the cia says the mysterious havana syndrome, which has sickened hundreds of u.s. officials around the globe, is unlikely a widespread campaign against u.s. personnel by foreign actors. >> this is a notable development. cnn reporter katie joins us now with more. katie bow, cia says this is not a, quote, sustained worldwide campaign, but they are still looking at some of these incidents, so i suppose, clarify for us what they're saying here, what you have learned and what they're not eliminating here. >> yeah, so, for years, u.s. service members, spies, diplomats overseas have been being struck by this sort of mysterious constellation of symptoms, it's everything from headaches to nausea to head pressure. in some cases, u.s. personnel have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and have been so ill that they have been forced to retire. there's been a thousand of these reports, roughly, that have come in over the last few years from around the globe. now, what we have learned is that the cia task force that has been investigating these incidents and trying to figure out who or what is behind them have issued interim findings that the majority of those thousand reports can actually be attributed to other things. they can be attributed to previously undiagnosed medical conditions, for example, or environmental factors. now, officials have really stressed that this does not mean that they don't believe havana syndrome is real. what it means is that they have been able to assess that it's unlikely that russia or any other nation is carrying out some sort of vast campaign globally to try to harm u.s. personnel in dozens of hot spots around the globe. but they have zeroed in on about two dozen cases that the cia doesn't have an explanation for from any other known cause, and in those instances, they have not ruled out the possibility that the episodes have been caused by some kind of attack. but the bottom line here is, those two dozen cases, even though they've become the focal point of the cia's investigation, are some of the toughest ones that the cia has to look into, and they don't really have any evidence that any other nation state is behind it. they don't really have any evidence or sort of common data patterns to help them draw conclusions about attribution at all. at the end of the day, as one cia official put it to us last night, this is one of the hardest analytical problems that the cia has been faced with in years. >> it will be interesting to see how this answer is received, because as you know, katie bo, this is an issue of major, major concern among u.s. diplomats and others deployed overseas. new this morning, investigators say that pope benedict knew about priests who abused children when he was the arch b archbishop of munich in the late '70s and early '80s. >> major revelation, lawyers just saying in revealing findings of an inquest into sexual abuse over several decades. the new revolutions are a damning judgment on the former pope, following years of speculation about just how much he knew. cnn's delia gallagher is live in rome and joins us now. what is the vatican saying in response to this? >> reporter: well, look, the report has just come out about two hours ago. it was prefaced by a press conference from germany on the part of the investigators who gave some details, so the vatican has issued an initial statement saying this. the holy seat considers that appropriate attention should be paid to the document whose contents are presently unknown. in coming days, following its publication, the holy see will be able to give it a careful and detailed examination. so they say that obviously because they were not privy to this document before it came out although it was commissioned by the archdiocese of munich as many catholic diocese have been doing for a historical reckoning, stpanned 75 years of abuse. it will take time to comb through and get the details but the principal findings, we know because the investigators reported them at the press conference, which implicate the pope emeritus, when he was archbishop there in mishandling four cases and most importantly the current archbishop implicated in mishandling two cases of sexual abuse. we're going to hear from cardinal marx in about 45 minutes. he will give a statement. we have not yet heard from pope benedict, but presumably, the vatican will be coming up with a response to these findings in the coming days as they say. >> yeah. >> delia gallagher, i know you will be covering the story for us as we do hear more from the vatican in response to these damning allegations and reports. well, you heard it before. red wine is good for your heart, right? but is it really? new information that may make you want to reconsider that next drink. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. a u.s. marine has been charged after a military tactical vehicle he was driving overturned in north carolina on wednesday. the 19-year-old driver was trying to make a right turn at the intersection when it overturned into the median, throwing passengers out. a second military vehicle was also being operated at the time but was unable to come to a stop and hit one of the ejected passengers. a total of two service members were killed, 17 others injured. the driver now faces one count of exceeding a safe speed and two counts of misdemeanor death by motor vehicle. >> two service members killed. two men have been arrested in england as part of the ongoing investigation into the texas synagogue hostage in incident. authorities say both men remain in custody for questioning as they try to find out why a 44-year-old british national held four people hostage at beth israel synagogue last weekend. the standoff lasted for about 11 hours before a rescue team entered the building, killed the hostage-taker. thankfully, all the hostages were safely released. shifting gears now, the world heart federation is warning that no amount of alcohol is good for your heart, even bianna, with all we've heard about, say, the benefits of red wine. >> this is despite previous suggestions that moderate amounts of red wine may decrease the risk of heart disease. cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins us now. elizabeth, one could be forgiven for being confused by all of this seemingly conflicted data and studies that come out suggesting wine is good for you and now that it's not. what does this report reveal? >> reporter: that's right. what this report looks at is deaths from heart disease as well as from other diseases due to alcohol. i know we heard for decades wine is good for you, alcohol was good for you, but really research that's been done since then shows that maybe that wasn't right. maybe red wine is good for you, but the flavonoids and other elements in it, you can get that in blueberries and grapes. it doesn't need to be wine. let's take a look at this study and what they found regarding deaths due to alcohol and also illness. so what they found is that heart problems have been associated with alcohol as well as high blood pressure, stroke, and several types of cancer. now, when we're talking about cancer, it's really interesting because some cancer deaths have been associated even with people who are moderate drinkers who really aren't drinking all that much. so all of the sort of hype we heard for decades that alcohol might be good, research since then, because we know research continues on and on, research since then has shown that maybe that wasn't quite right. there don't seem to be health benefits of alcohol. and, in fact, there are many problems are drinking alcohol. i haven't even talked about mental health issues and all of that. so the general agreement here is that no amount of alcohol is else inially good. it doesn't mean that small amounts are bad, but don't think, oh, i'm doing something good for myself if you decide to drink. >> pass on the wine and eat some grapes instead, right? >> don't tell that to the italians, myself included, or john boehner, by the way. >> exactly. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks very much. an alarming prediction from president biden. he says that russia in his view will ultimately move into ukraine. more on what exactly he, the u.s., its nato allies plan to do with if that happens. that's coming up. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your 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so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga. >> i'm jim sciutto. a show of unity this morning after a dire prediction. one day after president biden predicted that russia's vladimir putin will likely send troops into ukraine, and after the president sparked confusion over what the western response would be to any russian attack, secretary of state antony blinken is meeting with european allies in berlin, hoping to leave no doubt tha

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Focal Point , Data Patterns , Official , Conclusions , Attribution , Last Night , Investigators , Major , Concern , Katie Bo , Priests , Inquest , Revelation , Archbishop Of Munich , Arch B , 80 , 70 , Abuse , The Vatican , Speculation , Revolutions , Judgment , Rome , Delia Gallagher , Response , Prefaced By A Press Conference , Germany , Contents , Publication , Examination , Seat , Holy See , Archdiocese , Diocese , Emeritus , Reckoning , Stpanned , 75 , Sexual Abuse , Pope Benedict , Cardinal Marx , 45 , Four , Heart , Eyes , Red Wine , Allegations , Sandpaper , Combo , Preservatives , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Biotrue , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Strypaper , Infusions , Scent , Immunotherapy , Cancer , Place , Cancer Discovery , Oxygen Levels , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Growth , Egfr , Everywhere , Man , Master , Staffing , Size , Dana Farber , Investors , Landscape , Gold , Age , Asset , Returns , Potential , Path , Protein , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , 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