Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

and figure out what and who is behind these mysterious attacks. >> kylie, this is very interesting and i know it's going to raise a lot of eye brows and a nlot of new qu questions. thank you so much for your reporting. new day continues right now. b >> good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is thursday, january 20th. i'm john bedrrman. briana is working nights this week. casey hunt here in the chair to mark the one-year anniversary with the biden presidency. >> good to be here. >> the white house is trying to make clear the president did not somehow give permission for v vladimir putin to launch a minor incursion into ukraine. his remarks at his one-year news conference raised alarm of what he sees as a likelihood of a russian invasion. and that was in addition to other major developments in the news conference, one where for the first time he said bhe woul be willing to break pup his domestic agenda bill. refused to say the next el elections would be legitimate. he confessed surprise by the lack of flexibility among republicans in a lingering power of donald trump. but finally the most immediate concern this morning deals with ukraine. >> his comments come at a tipping point as russia completing buildup of forces, an invation biden suggests, all but inefvitable. >> russia will be held acc accountable if it invades -- and depends on what it does. it's one thing if we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. but if they actually do what they're capable of doing, it is going to be a disaster for russia. my guess is he will move in. he has to do something. >> the white house quickly attempted to clean up those remarks. here is what vice president kamala harris said just moments ago. >> we will interpret any violation of ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity by russia and vladimir putin as an aggressive action, and it will be met with cost, severe and certain. >> joining us now chief washington correspondent, anchor of the lead-in. jake tapper, who was in the chair during this news conference. and this morning, jake, i think the key question is where is the white house now? how would you assess how they're trying to manage this situation? >> well, i mean, they have a few things to clean cup, from the press conference. look, president biden often says what's on his mind. sometimes that can be seen as refreshing. sometimes it can be seen as confusing, and sometimes perhaps it could be seen as dangerous, and in giving his assessment of the reality of the unianimity o nato, which is that they are united on some things but not for instance a quote , unquote minor incursion, he caused problems for the nato coalition. he caused problems for ukraine. heard matthew chance's reporting out of euukraine, out of cakiev individuals worried that president biden essentially gave a quote, green light to putin, that is certainly what the white house wanted the president to convey. but as we know, vladimir putin watches american politics very sharply, very keenly, like a hawk, and i don't think that necessarily the president said anything that putin didn't already know in terms of what he could get away with and what he cannot get away with. but i do perhaps it gives him further pretext to carry out an invation, especially when you consider that it did sound to ukrainian officials as though president biden was disti distinguishing between a minor incursion can a major invasion, and in their view, giving a green light for the minor incursion. >> jake, do you think that this pro jects weakness to have actually said this out loud as commander sin chief? >> i don't think it conveys what nato allies would have wanted the president to say, which would have been a very clear deterrent. don't do this. this is what's going to happen. no shades of gray. no distinguishing trying to convince putin it was not in his interest to invade. that doesn't mean there is anything necessarily president biden woulcould have said. he's going to do what he's going to do. but i don't think it was the kind of clear, concise do not do this, this is why that i'm sure even people in the national security apparatus for the biden administration, much less germany and other nato countries would have wanted him to say. >> jake, shifting gears to the domestic agenda. and again, what this all really portends going forward. the president said he was surprised by republican in intransigents that he couldn't get republicans to work with him as much as he'd like. although he did pass the infrastructure bill, which n notably had bipartisan support, which seems to be an exception to the rule, which calls into his question whether or not his view of the rule is exactly how envisions it and surprised by the lingering power of donald trump and somehow say change he says. so what does that mean? >> well, i don't know if he's actually surprised by it or not. he was the vice president for barack obama and mitch mcconnell met right after the election of barack obama and said that his goal was to make obama a o one-term president. the idea that republican intransigents is something new or partisan politics in washington is something new. i think this was probably more for domestic consumption. but he does have a major bipartisan accomplishment in the infrastructure bill and instead of choosing to talk about that and herald that major accomplishment, which alluded previous presidents, he chose to talk about republican intance gents and that's a midterm election strategy. obviously, i'm not saying that there isn't republican int intransigents. there is. but there are ways and places where they could cooperate. but that of course is why biden got the job. he told the american people that he could do this. he was a deal maker. >> jake, i want to go back to, while we're on the domestic agenda and talk about a little bit about little bit about voting and the sanctity of our free and fair elections here, because it's pretty clear to me that president biden had the base of the democratic party in mind when he was talking about voting rights and the importance of passing voting rights legislation. but he did it in such a way that questioned the legitimacy potentially of the midterm elections in 2022. we just talked to senator chris coons. he said there is a bipartisan meeting to talk about threformi the electoral count act and i have questions about whether progressive democrats are going to be willing to go along with it. how dangerous do you think it is and what should he do next? >> it's never good for an american president to sow seeds of doubt in the legitimacy of american elections unless he has some sort of overwhelming reason as to why he's making that argument. and i do not see that. i don't think that president biden should have said what he said about how he's not guaranteeing the legitimacy of the midterm elections. of course not. first of all j, where's the evidence, as we would say with president trump for what you're talking about? second of all, second of all, it's demoralizing for your own votes, as we saw in georgia in january, 2021, when president trump did that and depress his own base. so that's a second reason. and the third reason is look, we can't pretend that it is as easy for the average minority voter, african american or latino voter to vote this country. native-american voter, as it is for the average white voter. it is not. and we can't pretend tathere isn't an effort right now on the state level to make it tougher to vote in 2022 than it was in 20 20. but all that being said, if we are now saying that any election like that is an i will le legitimate election, then point to me to one american election that's been legitimate. the effort to disenfranchise american voters is not a new one. the effort to make it tougher is not a new one. so are we ready to say that because that is part of the process in this country, as h hideous as it is, we've never had a legitimate american election? i mean, that's a road that i'm not ready to go down and i doubt president biden is either. >> jake tapper, a pleasure to have you on with us this mo morning. thank you very much. and you can, of course, catch jake at 4:00 p.m. eastern time today. breaking overnight, the supreme court rejected a request by president trump to seal hundreds of white house records related to january 6 under claims of executive privilege. some of that material has already been handed over to the january 6 committee, of which our next guest is a member. joining me now is congressman pete aguilar of california. congressman, what do you have now in terms of those records? >> well, the committee will start to go through those records promptly. we've received some already, and we will continue to receive some in the days ahead. but it's important to just note how important this is for us in our seek, in our desire to get to the ruth and to seek justice. this is important. this is an important step. the former president did not want these records out there, and we're going to find out exactly why. >> let me ask you about some of the specifics in the records that were requested there. the videos, the outtakes of some of the messages that he sent during the insurrection. why are those important? >> well, those are important because we're trying to piece together what former president was doing in these 187 minutes that he may have been in the study off of the oval watching the attack on the capitol and what his demeanor was like, why didn't he go to the press room and call off these individuals, why didn't he tell them not to do this? those are some questions that we have. and the speeches he gave or the rose garden tweet that was put out, there may have been mu multiple takes, we have heard, and so we would be interested in what some of those other drafts and other takes would look like. so that is, been something that we have asked about call logs. what might they reveal to you in terms of who and when those calls were made? >> well, the call logs and some of this other information, the notes from mark meadows himself is part of this kind of trove of documents. all of these will help us piece together and clarify some of the information that we have from public reporting but also some of the information that we have received through depositions and interviews. and so this becomes a corroborating and connective tissue that will help us piece together the puzzle of what exactly happened on january 6th, the lead-up to that, and what we need to do to protect democracy and to make shure that this doesn't happen again. >> from a legal perspective, why does the former president's state of mind during those 187 minutes, which you might get a bigger window into now. that's a lot of information that you have today that you didn't have yesterday. why does that state of mind matter? >> well, i think it's important to know what the president was doing during those 187 minutes, and we have asked individuals who were around him, some of those questions. but i think it's important to get to why didn't he help us? i was in the capitol. i was on the house floor. members of congress on the other side of the aisle were reaching out to mark meadows and to others in the white house. why didn't he do anything about it? and you know, what was his intent? what did he want to see happen? those are some of the things that i think are important if we're seeking to tell the truth to the american public when will the public learn what's in these documents? >> well, we're still just going through them. and we've said before that we're in the investigative stage of our work. we will have a public stage that will include public hearings in the future, and that may be an opportunity where we can share what we have learned broadly through depositions and interviews and through some of the evidence and information that we see here today. so the answer is we're still working through this and we'll know more soon congressman pete aguilar, thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks, john. >> just in, bob saget's widow obeying her silence after the committee and sudden death. what she says about their final days together. plus, if you had a breakthrough covid infection, are you able to return to living like it's 2019? we'll ask an expert. and we'll be joined this hour by espn's steven smith who says without the covid vaccine, he wouldn't be here. b with our unique tub over tub installation in just a day, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your busy schedule. why have over two million people welcocomed bath f fitter into their homes? it just fits. bath fitter. call now or visit to book your free consultation. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version ofinancial planning helps y live your dreams today. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at this is a gamechanger, who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest fabric keeping her comfortable, protected, and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. as president biden defends his first year in office, he declined to say yesterday if upcoming election would be fair and legitimate in the absence of voting rights reforms. >> i'm not saying it's going to be legit. the increase in the prospect of being i will legitimate is a direct proportion of us not being able to get these reforms passed. >> turjoining me is james clybu of south carolina, who of c course, many credit with the fact that joe biden is in the white house today, having we weighted in at a crimitical momt in the president's campaign. i want to start by asking your view. we heard what the president had to say about whether the elections would be i will le legitimate in 2022 if the vote rights bills are not passed. are you concerned that without these voting rights bills, the election results won't be le legitimate? >> i'm absolutely concerned about that. first of all j, thanks for havi me. let me remind the audience that in 1965 at the time of the a advent of the voting rights act, only 3% of african americans in alabama were registered to vote. we come in with the 1965 voting rights act and look what we have now. nine years ago, the supreme court took direct aim at that act in she belby v. holder and rid of preclearance. i want people to understand. it means that if you change your voting laws and you've got a history of discriminating against black people or other minorities, you have to submit those changes to the justice department or to a federal court and explain why they are not discriminatory. and if they're not discr discriminatory, then you go ahead and do it. so that's what we're doing here. we know the history of alabama. we know the history of georgia, florida, texas, south carolina, north carolina. we know that history. and so they are now making these changes. and one change is if you give somebody a drink water standing in line, it's a felony. that is crazy. so how could it be a legitimate election if you've got those kinds of things haning over you? that's what we're trying to do here, sput putt some federal oversight so when people make these kinds of flownis ac accusac k indication sations at the voting booth, you can do something about it or at least prevent it. >> sir, i absolutely take your point on the history and what's at stake and you are a critical voice on that. i'm wondering in the context of today where you have repu republicans, many believing president trump's big lie that the election was stolen in 2020, do democrats not need to make sure that there is confidence and faith in our election systems, even though as you point out, they're currently imperfect? >> please tell me how we can make shure. you've got 19 states that already passed 34 laws to make it harder to vote, to make the lines longer, getting rid of drop boxes so that people who don't have the convenience of voting. and you tell me you want the democrats to make shure that its fair? do the republicans have any responsibility for this? it's their state. they are the majority in the ledgislature where these laws ae being passed. please talk to the republicans and ask them why are you doing this? what are you afraid of? what is it about democracy you do not want to have? why install some as you app applaudeded and the cult leader as you your presidential no nominee? these are questions that i think need to be asked of the republican party. they are the ones making these changes. >> so big picture, sir and i absolutely hear the frustration in your voice around what republicans are doing. what do you think is the level of frustration among democrats and among your own party with how the president is doing? we saw stacyey abrams declined o attend the president's voting rights speech down in georgia, arguing that perhaps it was too little -- skuls, others arguing that it was too little too late on voting rights. how do you think that the president has handled his push to try and address all of these problems you've pointed out. >> well, let me tell you something. i really, really believe in this president, and i agree the way he is seeking these things. i've been saying to people pretty much all my life that the first thing you need to do with any individual is make shure tht their health is good because if their health is not good, nothing else matters to them. and so when this president came into office, the first order of business was to stop diet. get people well. get shots in people 's arms and do what we can to get beyond this pandemic. if people say the first order should have been voting, i respectfully disagree. the first order of business is is to get people healthy and then you worry about voting. he did the rescue act and then we got people back to work with the infrastructure bill and then he turned his attention to voting. now, you are telling me that if we had done this first, that it would have stopped the f filibuster? i don't think so. i've been around washington long enough to know that if people get dug in on fphilosophical things like keeping people from voting, there is not much you can do with them. so he was not going to stop this filibuster if he had done it way back in february of last year. i don't think so. >> all right, congressman james clyburn. it's an honor, always to have you here. thank you so much for your perspective this morning. pretty significant. >> thank you very much for having me. >> it is -- and look. one of the issues here is that to some extent donald trump broke the way that people talk about the electoral process here and what he tried to basically the question existence of truth period. anin legitimacy of elections. so president biden is being compared to something that it's almost impossible to compare to when he's asked will the elections be legitimate? you want your president to say the elections is legitimate. he nsomehow is trying to threada needle and suggest without these voting rights laws and also with the likely election of people who are running on lies about elections, that he doesn't know, he doesn't know. will they warp the election process. but the language that's being used is clearly concerning. it was interesting to hear james clyburn flat out say that he has no problem calling elections i will legitimate. this is going to be interesting for democrats and clyburn's response tells me that that's the kind of person he had in mind. he was thinking about how african americans rright africa american voters across the country and especially of people like congressman clyburn would respond and react. coming up next, how far are we from getting past the omicron peak? maybe not far at all? we have the latest outlook on the pace of the pandemic. and we're just minutes away from getting weekly jobless numbers. this is very important data coming. we'll tell you what it says. b ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ gotot my mouth ♪ ♪ i got l life ♪ this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> welcome back. as breakthrough infections of omicron continue to sweep the country, scientists are pointing to a fephenomenon they call hybd immunity. a recent study showed that vaccinated healthcare workers with breakthrough infections have significantly higher levels of antibodies compared to a vaccinated control group that had not had natural infections. the findings suggest a dra drastically he elevated level o protection after a breakthrough infection. joining us now is dr. jod, dean of brown university school of public health. always good to see you. thank you so much for being here. so help us understand this a little bit. why is it possible that this is happening and does this mean that people who had haa breakthrough infection could party like it's 2019? >> we know that infections confer immunity for a short period of time. for the first 90 days after infection, you get a pretty robust immune response. the big iquestion on natural aimmunity is how long does it last? once you get 90 days, you still have a prot olot of protection. a lot of people with breakthrough infections and if you're vaccinated and boosted and you've had a breakthrough infection, you have a very high level of immunity right now. probably for the next 90 days. beyond the next 90 days harder to stay. if i were in that position, i would say you certainly can relax a bit more. i don't know that i would party like it's 2019. that said, i think you should feel a lot more confident that you're not going to get re reinfected. not in the next few months. >> obviously, this doesn't mean that people should run out and try to get infected because the best solution is never getting it at all, right? listen, i am -- >> very, very clear about that. no doubt. like this is not a prescription for going out and getting i infect. because the consequences, even if you've had a breakthrough infection, everybody i know has had a breakthrough infection, they haven't gotten in the hospital. but they've been pretty h miserable for a bunch of days and i'm not sure why you'd want to subject yourself to that when the bottom line is that getting vaccine-induced immunity is quite terrific as well. so i do not recommend omicron parties now. >> i'm obsessed with the data from new york, boston, washington, d.c., that really does seem that the worst of omicron is over quickly, too. the cases are dropping pre precipitously. hospitalizations are dropping precipitously and i just want to know what this means going forward. i understand it's going through other parts of the country and hopefully the cases drop there but what does this mean for all of us going forward, especially because so many people have become infected? are we about to enter a phase, maybe one of the better phases that we've been in since this all began? >> yeah, so here is what i think where we are now. i do think, as you said, cases are dropping in the eastern seaboard from new york down to florida and other parts of the city still rising. nationally we have peaked, and we have started turning that corner. let me make two points about that. in the short run, we're still going to see an enormous number of infections. probably as many people infected as the cases drop. once we get beyond that, i expect infection numbers to get much, much lower across the country. and for us to be in a phase or a period of time where infectios are low. we should not assume that the pandemic is over. we should start assuming that we're going to get another variant. we got to prepare for future surges, and we've got to build of our stockpiles to get ready for that. but we should enjoy that time, he the reprieve that is definitely coming, i think, after this surge is over entirely justified. i am obsessed with when we're going to have a vaccine for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. i've got a 2 1/2-year-old at home. i'm officially not an unbiased journalist in asking this question. new news from dr. fauci, who said that perhaps this could come a little bit more quickly than some parents were saying. he talked about studies showed that they actually did have the correct dose and that the dose that was used in kids between 6 and 24 months was not an inferior response to that in adults. can you tell us a little bit about what he was talking about and whether there is a reason for parents like us to be o optimistic? >> yeah, foremost, i think there is a reason for parents of kids under 5. i do believe we're going to see some sort of authorization in the next four to six weeks. basically what happened was in that age group the pfizer trial ran with a much, much lowered data suggested that the level of antibody response was not a adequate in certain kids. what we're doing now with the studies are is following those kids over a long period of time, giving a third dose and seeing if the third dose is helpful. all of that put together, i think we're going to have compelling evidence, i'm hoping in the next few weeks, so show that we can begin the vaccination schedule for kids under 5. let's look at the data. i would be on ptimistic that wee going to be able to get it. >> dr. jad, thank you so much for being here. we really appreciate your expertise. all right in a surprising development this morning, why did the fbi just raid the home of a democratic congressman? and now we're getting word of a second location that was raided. and just released, the w weekly unemployment report. we'll tell you what it says and what it means for the next few weeks, months, year in this economy. b . and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neneuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain p performance? 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>> looks to me like omicron disruption in a pretty strong job market. 286,000 layoffs. first-time unemployment claims and that is the highest i can see since october. so what we have seen, big picture you can see it there. is just a fantastic-looking pictureover aoverall for layoff. companies don't want to lay people off in such a strong job market. we saw more than 50,000 extra layoffs in there. that could be omicron at work as some companies are cutting shohours and we'll have to see how that plays out. the trend there is what has been so important, and that is still very close to the lowest in 50 years jobless claims because of the engine of the job market in this economy. 3.9% is the unemployment rate. happened quickly over the past couple of years. overall a strong picture for jobs but in the most recent week, we have seen a surprising uptick in layoffs. still near the lowest in 50 years. >> christine romans, thank you very much. here is what else to watch t today. >> i've seen this bemovie befor. b >> the hero searches for hope. and a mystery figure remind her that she has the guaranteed replacement costs and that her home will be rebuilt regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. >> that's really something. >> a lot of something with p perks. i didn't ruin the ending, did i? >> yeah, yeah, you did. b >> that's brooklyn nets star chkyrie irving standing by his decision to not get vaccinated even if it means he can't play home games in new york city. joining me now is espn host and executive producer of steven's world. steven smith. thank you for being with us. steven, you say it's bad for the nba if the nets win, and that caused quite a stir. what do you mean? >> what i mean is that they've got a part-time player that they are relying upon and they went and compromised themselves and went against their own rules and stipgs. once the mandate came down in new york that you had to be vaccinated otherwise you wouldcouldn't play at madison s garden and places like the b barclay center or things of that nature, the brooklyn nets made it clear that they weren't interested in a part-time p player. you're either in or out. that's the position that they took. then while they were the number one seed in the eastern conference, because of the amount of work sand load that i put on shoulders of the kevin durant and right others, they decided to go against their own policy and bring chkyrie irving back. now if fairness to them, they still have to pay him for the most part not to mention the fact that there is a luxury tax that kicks in that they have to pay as well. so they don't get a reprieve from any of that. but in end you had a policy and then you compromised yourself in pursuit of a championship. my position is again, if you're missing games and you're a p part-time player and somehow some way you still win a championship anyway, then that gives players a license to move forward in the future and say hey, the season isn't that much a priority as long as i make sure i'm ready for the playoffs i'm good and those 82 games during the regular seasons and people are paying their ha hard-earned money to come to watch people play. you're not there and this will be the perfect excuse for something like that to continue. how in god's name is that possibly good for the game of basketball? i desoen't see that. >> fair to say chkyrie irving w in his stance on covid in terms his battle with the nba? >> first of all j, they didn't n a championship yet. secondly and more importantly, we don't know if they're going to win a championship. miami, milwaukee, golden state and other franchises might have something to thsay about that a in the enti -- end in you're no there to play in order to be successful is absent because you didn't play together, then i don't see how he wins. let me give you a sncenario. >> i didn't mean win agregames. i meant winning his battle to get vaccinated and getting what he wants, which is to play. >> that's what i mean because at the end of the day you're playing road games and on top of it all you might not win the championship because of it. i doen't view that as a win. >> steven, i want to say here you're not just the president of the hair club and not someone commenting on covid rules in the nba. you're a covid survivor now. >> yeah. >> how has that affected your view of what the nba is doing? >> well, i think it's buffered to some degree and i can't say what the nba. i think the nba has done a tremendous job oin terms of beig people being tested. over 97% of the league is vaccinated, according to the reports. i'm not one those guys. do i think people have shh get vaccinated? of course. do i think they should get b boosted? of course, i do. but i doen't say that as some individual with a political position. sai say that as a human being tt went to my doctors and my doctors vise advised me to do so. i have not run across a medical professional that has advised against being vaccinated or boosted. and before covid ever came a about, usually when all of us were feeling unhealthy, we'd go to our doctor and we'd hear their recommendations. we follow their suggestions. plain and simple. somehow, some way, that didn't seem to be the case with covid, and i sincerely don't understand why that is the case. if medical professionals are advising you to do something, any time we follow that, all of a sudden we're not doing that and that doesn't make any sense to me. >> and how are you feeling t today? this has been a hell of a battle for you. do you feel lucky to be alive? >> i'm very lucky to be live. when you have 103-degree fever every night and sweating pr profusely. you've got a nasty cough that continues to get worse day after day after day. my grain headaches as well. you're deteriorating with each passing day and then you're in the hospital on new yaear's eve and they tell you that if you weren't vaccinated, you probably would not be here. that's something that's devastating to hear. it's hellified scary. i'm 54 years of age. i'm not an adonis by any stretch of the imagination but i work out. i'm in the gym. i'm in decent shape and for me to find myself for the first time in my life in a position where they told me that i probably wouldn't be here had it not been for a vaccine and that i'm lucky to be alive because both of my lungs were attacked. i had npneumonia of both lungs and i had my liver deteriorating as well. for me to find myself that that position was incredibly alarming and scary and i sit here today feeling like i'm a very lucky man to be alive. >> first of all j, you're a fine-looking specimen. second of all, i do know it's quite a thing to be told that this thing that separates you from death is a single shot. and i'm sure it makes you look at things differently. steven a. smith, i'm so glad that you're doing better. i wish you continued recovery. thank you so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me. bob saget's widow speaking out just moments ago, following the comedian's sudden death. her emotional words. b i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ . welcome back. kelly rizzot widow of beloved actor and comedian bob saget speaking out this morning in her first tv interview since her husband's unexpected death. >> everything that i have been surrounded by has been a reminder of him and a memory of him, so it's been very, very sat but also very beautiful. and i was telling people today that today is really almost the first day that, you know, there's only so many tears that your body will let you cry. >> what was the last text? >> just, i love you so much and i can't wait to see you tomorrow, and i love you so much. >> what was the last conversation, phone call? >> he was just on his way home or back to his hotel and telling me what a wonderful show he had. he was just happy and loving what he did. it made him so happy. to just bring laughter to people. he just wanted to spread love and laughter and he did it so amazingly, and i'm just so proud of him, because he truly brought people together. and i mean, he was just so wonderful and i was just so honored to be his wife and to be able to be a part of it and bring him any bit of happiness that i could because he deserved it so much. >> what would you like to share that we weren't privy to that you would like for us to know about bob? >> he had the biggest heart of anyone i've ever known. he put everybody first. he did everything for everybody. if you had a problem, he was the first person that was going to take care of it and help you, and he was just the most caring and kind and thoughtful person. he was so thoughtful. he just -- he did -- he was just the most absolutely wonderful husband that i ever could have dreamed of. >> his fake family became his real family. >> every single one of them has been so kind and supportive and they have been there every step of the way, and they have just assured me that they'll be there for me, and i know that would make bob very happy. it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. so, just in, a study that will get a lot of americans talking today, maybe slurring today, depending on how they take it. according to the world heart federation, no amount of alcohol is good for your heart. none. the american heart association has long said moderation is key, but this study suggests that drinking any amount of alcohol increases your risk of cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure or stroke. >> i need the breakout results of this study for red wine, specifically. my drink of choice. because historically, everyone has always said, hey, you know, a glass of red wine could be good for your heart. i guess they're reversing it. >> i guess. i mean, to be clear, and i'm not endorsing any kind of behavior here, but i'm not drinking to get healthy. >> i know. >> that's not my main goal. i do other things to get healthy, but that's not what i'm after. >> i mean, is anyone really after that? i can't imagine. i guess this means we shouldn't have mimosas tomorrow to toast friday. >> or we should have just had them. cnn's coverage continues cnn's coverage continues right now. -- captions by vitac -- very good thursday to you. i'm jim sciutto. >> not if, but when. president biden making an ominous prediction, saying that he believes vladimir putin will send russian troops into ukraine. the white house warning today that if that happens, the price will be high. >> the president and i work closely together, and i know his position, because he's been consistent in that regard. if vladimir putin and russia takes aggressive action, it will

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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and figure out what and who is behind these mysterious attacks. >> kylie, this is very interesting and i know it's going to raise a lot of eye brows and a nlot of new qu questions. thank you so much for your reporting. new day continues right now. b >> good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is thursday, january 20th. i'm john bedrrman. briana is working nights this week. casey hunt here in the chair to mark the one-year anniversary with the biden presidency. >> good to be here. >> the white house is trying to make clear the president did not somehow give permission for v vladimir putin to launch a minor incursion into ukraine. his remarks at his one-year news conference raised alarm of what he sees as a likelihood of a russian invasion. and that was in addition to other major developments in the news conference, one where for the first time he said bhe woul be willing to break pup his domestic agenda bill. refused to say the next el elections would be legitimate. he confessed surprise by the lack of flexibility among republicans in a lingering power of donald trump. but finally the most immediate concern this morning deals with ukraine. >> his comments come at a tipping point as russia completing buildup of forces, an invation biden suggests, all but inefvitable. >> russia will be held acc accountable if it invades -- and depends on what it does. it's one thing if we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. but if they actually do what they're capable of doing, it is going to be a disaster for russia. my guess is he will move in. he has to do something. >> the white house quickly attempted to clean up those remarks. here is what vice president kamala harris said just moments ago. >> we will interpret any violation of ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity by russia and vladimir putin as an aggressive action, and it will be met with cost, severe and certain. >> joining us now chief washington correspondent, anchor of the lead-in. jake tapper, who was in the chair during this news conference. and this morning, jake, i think the key question is where is the white house now? how would you assess how they're trying to manage this situation? >> well, i mean, they have a few things to clean cup, from the press conference. look, president biden often says what's on his mind. sometimes that can be seen as refreshing. sometimes it can be seen as confusing, and sometimes perhaps it could be seen as dangerous, and in giving his assessment of the reality of the unianimity o nato, which is that they are united on some things but not for instance a quote , unquote minor incursion, he caused problems for the nato coalition. he caused problems for ukraine. heard matthew chance's reporting out of euukraine, out of cakiev individuals worried that president biden essentially gave a quote, green light to putin, that is certainly what the white house wanted the president to convey. but as we know, vladimir putin watches american politics very sharply, very keenly, like a hawk, and i don't think that necessarily the president said anything that putin didn't already know in terms of what he could get away with and what he cannot get away with. but i do perhaps it gives him further pretext to carry out an invation, especially when you consider that it did sound to ukrainian officials as though president biden was disti distinguishing between a minor incursion can a major invasion, and in their view, giving a green light for the minor incursion. >> jake, do you think that this pro jects weakness to have actually said this out loud as commander sin chief? >> i don't think it conveys what nato allies would have wanted the president to say, which would have been a very clear deterrent. don't do this. this is what's going to happen. no shades of gray. no distinguishing trying to convince putin it was not in his interest to invade. that doesn't mean there is anything necessarily president biden woulcould have said. he's going to do what he's going to do. but i don't think it was the kind of clear, concise do not do this, this is why that i'm sure even people in the national security apparatus for the biden administration, much less germany and other nato countries would have wanted him to say. >> jake, shifting gears to the domestic agenda. and again, what this all really portends going forward. the president said he was surprised by republican in intransigents that he couldn't get republicans to work with him as much as he'd like. although he did pass the infrastructure bill, which n notably had bipartisan support, which seems to be an exception to the rule, which calls into his question whether or not his view of the rule is exactly how envisions it and surprised by the lingering power of donald trump and somehow say change he says. so what does that mean? >> well, i don't know if he's actually surprised by it or not. he was the vice president for barack obama and mitch mcconnell met right after the election of barack obama and said that his goal was to make obama a o one-term president. the idea that republican intransigents is something new or partisan politics in washington is something new. i think this was probably more for domestic consumption. but he does have a major bipartisan accomplishment in the infrastructure bill and instead of choosing to talk about that and herald that major accomplishment, which alluded previous presidents, he chose to talk about republican intance gents and that's a midterm election strategy. obviously, i'm not saying that there isn't republican int intransigents. there is. but there are ways and places where they could cooperate. but that of course is why biden got the job. he told the american people that he could do this. he was a deal maker. >> jake, i want to go back to, while we're on the domestic agenda and talk about a little bit about little bit about voting and the sanctity of our free and fair elections here, because it's pretty clear to me that president biden had the base of the democratic party in mind when he was talking about voting rights and the importance of passing voting rights legislation. but he did it in such a way that questioned the legitimacy potentially of the midterm elections in 2022. we just talked to senator chris coons. he said there is a bipartisan meeting to talk about threformi the electoral count act and i have questions about whether progressive democrats are going to be willing to go along with it. how dangerous do you think it is and what should he do next? >> it's never good for an american president to sow seeds of doubt in the legitimacy of american elections unless he has some sort of overwhelming reason as to why he's making that argument. and i do not see that. i don't think that president biden should have said what he said about how he's not guaranteeing the legitimacy of the midterm elections. of course not. first of all j, where's the evidence, as we would say with president trump for what you're talking about? second of all, second of all, it's demoralizing for your own votes, as we saw in georgia in january, 2021, when president trump did that and depress his own base. so that's a second reason. and the third reason is look, we can't pretend that it is as easy for the average minority voter, african american or latino voter to vote this country. native-american voter, as it is for the average white voter. it is not. and we can't pretend tathere isn't an effort right now on the state level to make it tougher to vote in 2022 than it was in 20 20. but all that being said, if we are now saying that any election like that is an i will le legitimate election, then point to me to one american election that's been legitimate. the effort to disenfranchise american voters is not a new one. the effort to make it tougher is not a new one. so are we ready to say that because that is part of the process in this country, as h hideous as it is, we've never had a legitimate american election? i mean, that's a road that i'm not ready to go down and i doubt president biden is either. >> jake tapper, a pleasure to have you on with us this mo morning. thank you very much. and you can, of course, catch jake at 4:00 p.m. eastern time today. breaking overnight, the supreme court rejected a request by president trump to seal hundreds of white house records related to january 6 under claims of executive privilege. some of that material has already been handed over to the january 6 committee, of which our next guest is a member. joining me now is congressman pete aguilar of california. congressman, what do you have now in terms of those records? >> well, the committee will start to go through those records promptly. we've received some already, and we will continue to receive some in the days ahead. but it's important to just note how important this is for us in our seek, in our desire to get to the ruth and to seek justice. this is important. this is an important step. the former president did not want these records out there, and we're going to find out exactly why. >> let me ask you about some of the specifics in the records that were requested there. the videos, the outtakes of some of the messages that he sent during the insurrection. why are those important? >> well, those are important because we're trying to piece together what former president was doing in these 187 minutes that he may have been in the study off of the oval watching the attack on the capitol and what his demeanor was like, why didn't he go to the press room and call off these individuals, why didn't he tell them not to do this? those are some questions that we have. and the speeches he gave or the rose garden tweet that was put out, there may have been mu multiple takes, we have heard, and so we would be interested in what some of those other drafts and other takes would look like. so that is, been something that we have asked about call logs. what might they reveal to you in terms of who and when those calls were made? >> well, the call logs and some of this other information, the notes from mark meadows himself is part of this kind of trove of documents. all of these will help us piece together and clarify some of the information that we have from public reporting but also some of the information that we have received through depositions and interviews. and so this becomes a corroborating and connective tissue that will help us piece together the puzzle of what exactly happened on january 6th, the lead-up to that, and what we need to do to protect democracy and to make shure that this doesn't happen again. >> from a legal perspective, why does the former president's state of mind during those 187 minutes, which you might get a bigger window into now. that's a lot of information that you have today that you didn't have yesterday. why does that state of mind matter? >> well, i think it's important to know what the president was doing during those 187 minutes, and we have asked individuals who were around him, some of those questions. but i think it's important to get to why didn't he help us? i was in the capitol. i was on the house floor. members of congress on the other side of the aisle were reaching out to mark meadows and to others in the white house. why didn't he do anything about it? and you know, what was his intent? what did he want to see happen? those are some of the things that i think are important if we're seeking to tell the truth to the american public when will the public learn what's in these documents? >> well, we're still just going through them. and we've said before that we're in the investigative stage of our work. we will have a public stage that will include public hearings in the future, and that may be an opportunity where we can share what we have learned broadly through depositions and interviews and through some of the evidence and information that we see here today. so the answer is we're still working through this and we'll know more soon congressman pete aguilar, thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks, john. >> just in, bob saget's widow obeying her silence after the committee and sudden death. what she says about their final days together. plus, if you had a breakthrough covid infection, are you able to return to living like it's 2019? we'll ask an expert. and we'll be joined this hour by espn's steven smith who says without the covid vaccine, he wouldn't be here. b with our unique tub over tub installation in just a day, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your busy schedule. why have over two million people welcocomed bath f fitter into their homes? it just fits. bath fitter. call now or visit to book your free consultation. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version ofinancial planning helps y live your dreams today. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at this is a gamechanger, who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest fabric keeping her comfortable, protected, and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. as president biden defends his first year in office, he declined to say yesterday if upcoming election would be fair and legitimate in the absence of voting rights reforms. >> i'm not saying it's going to be legit. the increase in the prospect of being i will legitimate is a direct proportion of us not being able to get these reforms passed. >> turjoining me is james clybu of south carolina, who of c course, many credit with the fact that joe biden is in the white house today, having we weighted in at a crimitical momt in the president's campaign. i want to start by asking your view. we heard what the president had to say about whether the elections would be i will le legitimate in 2022 if the vote rights bills are not passed. are you concerned that without these voting rights bills, the election results won't be le legitimate? >> i'm absolutely concerned about that. first of all j, thanks for havi me. let me remind the audience that in 1965 at the time of the a advent of the voting rights act, only 3% of african americans in alabama were registered to vote. we come in with the 1965 voting rights act and look what we have now. nine years ago, the supreme court took direct aim at that act in she belby v. holder and rid of preclearance. i want people to understand. it means that if you change your voting laws and you've got a history of discriminating against black people or other minorities, you have to submit those changes to the justice department or to a federal court and explain why they are not discriminatory. and if they're not discr discriminatory, then you go ahead and do it. so that's what we're doing here. we know the history of alabama. we know the history of georgia, florida, texas, south carolina, north carolina. we know that history. and so they are now making these changes. and one change is if you give somebody a drink water standing in line, it's a felony. that is crazy. so how could it be a legitimate election if you've got those kinds of things haning over you? that's what we're trying to do here, sput putt some federal oversight so when people make these kinds of flownis ac accusac k indication sations at the voting booth, you can do something about it or at least prevent it. >> sir, i absolutely take your point on the history and what's at stake and you are a critical voice on that. i'm wondering in the context of today where you have repu republicans, many believing president trump's big lie that the election was stolen in 2020, do democrats not need to make sure that there is confidence and faith in our election systems, even though as you point out, they're currently imperfect? >> please tell me how we can make shure. you've got 19 states that already passed 34 laws to make it harder to vote, to make the lines longer, getting rid of drop boxes so that people who don't have the convenience of voting. and you tell me you want the democrats to make shure that its fair? do the republicans have any responsibility for this? it's their state. they are the majority in the ledgislature where these laws ae being passed. please talk to the republicans and ask them why are you doing this? what are you afraid of? what is it about democracy you do not want to have? why install some as you app applaudeded and the cult leader as you your presidential no nominee? these are questions that i think need to be asked of the republican party. they are the ones making these changes. >> so big picture, sir and i absolutely hear the frustration in your voice around what republicans are doing. what do you think is the level of frustration among democrats and among your own party with how the president is doing? we saw stacyey abrams declined o attend the president's voting rights speech down in georgia, arguing that perhaps it was too little -- skuls, others arguing that it was too little too late on voting rights. how do you think that the president has handled his push to try and address all of these problems you've pointed out. >> well, let me tell you something. i really, really believe in this president, and i agree the way he is seeking these things. i've been saying to people pretty much all my life that the first thing you need to do with any individual is make shure tht their health is good because if their health is not good, nothing else matters to them. and so when this president came into office, the first order of business was to stop diet. get people well. get shots in people 's arms and do what we can to get beyond this pandemic. if people say the first order should have been voting, i respectfully disagree. the first order of business is is to get people healthy and then you worry about voting. he did the rescue act and then we got people back to work with the infrastructure bill and then he turned his attention to voting. now, you are telling me that if we had done this first, that it would have stopped the f filibuster? i don't think so. i've been around washington long enough to know that if people get dug in on fphilosophical things like keeping people from voting, there is not much you can do with them. so he was not going to stop this filibuster if he had done it way back in february of last year. i don't think so. >> all right, congressman james clyburn. it's an honor, always to have you here. thank you so much for your perspective this morning. pretty significant. >> thank you very much for having me. >> it is -- and look. one of the issues here is that to some extent donald trump broke the way that people talk about the electoral process here and what he tried to basically the question existence of truth period. anin legitimacy of elections. so president biden is being compared to something that it's almost impossible to compare to when he's asked will the elections be legitimate? you want your president to say the elections is legitimate. he nsomehow is trying to threada needle and suggest without these voting rights laws and also with the likely election of people who are running on lies about elections, that he doesn't know, he doesn't know. will they warp the election process. but the language that's being used is clearly concerning. it was interesting to hear james clyburn flat out say that he has no problem calling elections i will legitimate. this is going to be interesting for democrats and clyburn's response tells me that that's the kind of person he had in mind. he was thinking about how african americans rright africa american voters across the country and especially of people like congressman clyburn would respond and react. coming up next, how far are we from getting past the omicron peak? maybe not far at all? we have the latest outlook on the pace of the pandemic. and we're just minutes away from getting weekly jobless numbers. this is very important data coming. we'll tell you what it says. b ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ gotot my mouth ♪ ♪ i got l life ♪ this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> welcome back. as breakthrough infections of omicron continue to sweep the country, scientists are pointing to a fephenomenon they call hybd immunity. a recent study showed that vaccinated healthcare workers with breakthrough infections have significantly higher levels of antibodies compared to a vaccinated control group that had not had natural infections. the findings suggest a dra drastically he elevated level o protection after a breakthrough infection. joining us now is dr. jod, dean of brown university school of public health. always good to see you. thank you so much for being here. so help us understand this a little bit. why is it possible that this is happening and does this mean that people who had haa breakthrough infection could party like it's 2019? >> we know that infections confer immunity for a short period of time. for the first 90 days after infection, you get a pretty robust immune response. the big iquestion on natural aimmunity is how long does it last? once you get 90 days, you still have a prot olot of protection. a lot of people with breakthrough infections and if you're vaccinated and boosted and you've had a breakthrough infection, you have a very high level of immunity right now. probably for the next 90 days. beyond the next 90 days harder to stay. if i were in that position, i would say you certainly can relax a bit more. i don't know that i would party like it's 2019. that said, i think you should feel a lot more confident that you're not going to get re reinfected. not in the next few months. >> obviously, this doesn't mean that people should run out and try to get infected because the best solution is never getting it at all, right? listen, i am -- >> very, very clear about that. no doubt. like this is not a prescription for going out and getting i infect. because the consequences, even if you've had a breakthrough infection, everybody i know has had a breakthrough infection, they haven't gotten in the hospital. but they've been pretty h miserable for a bunch of days and i'm not sure why you'd want to subject yourself to that when the bottom line is that getting vaccine-induced immunity is quite terrific as well. so i do not recommend omicron parties now. >> i'm obsessed with the data from new york, boston, washington, d.c., that really does seem that the worst of omicron is over quickly, too. the cases are dropping pre precipitously. hospitalizations are dropping precipitously and i just want to know what this means going forward. i understand it's going through other parts of the country and hopefully the cases drop there but what does this mean for all of us going forward, especially because so many people have become infected? are we about to enter a phase, maybe one of the better phases that we've been in since this all began? >> yeah, so here is what i think where we are now. i do think, as you said, cases are dropping in the eastern seaboard from new york down to florida and other parts of the city still rising. nationally we have peaked, and we have started turning that corner. let me make two points about that. in the short run, we're still going to see an enormous number of infections. probably as many people infected as the cases drop. once we get beyond that, i expect infection numbers to get much, much lower across the country. and for us to be in a phase or a period of time where infectios are low. we should not assume that the pandemic is over. we should start assuming that we're going to get another variant. we got to prepare for future surges, and we've got to build of our stockpiles to get ready for that. but we should enjoy that time, he the reprieve that is definitely coming, i think, after this surge is over entirely justified. i am obsessed with when we're going to have a vaccine for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. i've got a 2 1/2-year-old at home. i'm officially not an unbiased journalist in asking this question. new news from dr. fauci, who said that perhaps this could come a little bit more quickly than some parents were saying. he talked about studies showed that they actually did have the correct dose and that the dose that was used in kids between 6 and 24 months was not an inferior response to that in adults. can you tell us a little bit about what he was talking about and whether there is a reason for parents like us to be o optimistic? >> yeah, foremost, i think there is a reason for parents of kids under 5. i do believe we're going to see some sort of authorization in the next four to six weeks. basically what happened was in that age group the pfizer trial ran with a much, much lowered data suggested that the level of antibody response was not a adequate in certain kids. what we're doing now with the studies are is following those kids over a long period of time, giving a third dose and seeing if the third dose is helpful. all of that put together, i think we're going to have compelling evidence, i'm hoping in the next few weeks, so show that we can begin the vaccination schedule for kids under 5. let's look at the data. i would be on ptimistic that wee going to be able to get it. >> dr. jad, thank you so much for being here. we really appreciate your expertise. all right in a surprising development this morning, why did the fbi just raid the home of a democratic congressman? and now we're getting word of a second location that was raided. and just released, the w weekly unemployment report. we'll tell you what it says and what it means for the next few weeks, months, year in this economy. b . and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neneuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain p performance? 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>> looks to me like omicron disruption in a pretty strong job market. 286,000 layoffs. first-time unemployment claims and that is the highest i can see since october. so what we have seen, big picture you can see it there. is just a fantastic-looking pictureover aoverall for layoff. companies don't want to lay people off in such a strong job market. we saw more than 50,000 extra layoffs in there. that could be omicron at work as some companies are cutting shohours and we'll have to see how that plays out. the trend there is what has been so important, and that is still very close to the lowest in 50 years jobless claims because of the engine of the job market in this economy. 3.9% is the unemployment rate. happened quickly over the past couple of years. overall a strong picture for jobs but in the most recent week, we have seen a surprising uptick in layoffs. still near the lowest in 50 years. >> christine romans, thank you very much. here is what else to watch t today. >> i've seen this bemovie befor. b >> the hero searches for hope. and a mystery figure remind her that she has the guaranteed replacement costs and that her home will be rebuilt regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. >> that's really something. >> a lot of something with p perks. i didn't ruin the ending, did i? >> yeah, yeah, you did. b >> that's brooklyn nets star chkyrie irving standing by his decision to not get vaccinated even if it means he can't play home games in new york city. joining me now is espn host and executive producer of steven's world. steven smith. thank you for being with us. steven, you say it's bad for the nba if the nets win, and that caused quite a stir. what do you mean? >> what i mean is that they've got a part-time player that they are relying upon and they went and compromised themselves and went against their own rules and stipgs. once the mandate came down in new york that you had to be vaccinated otherwise you wouldcouldn't play at madison s garden and places like the b barclay center or things of that nature, the brooklyn nets made it clear that they weren't interested in a part-time p player. you're either in or out. that's the position that they took. then while they were the number one seed in the eastern conference, because of the amount of work sand load that i put on shoulders of the kevin durant and right others, they decided to go against their own policy and bring chkyrie irving back. now if fairness to them, they still have to pay him for the most part not to mention the fact that there is a luxury tax that kicks in that they have to pay as well. so they don't get a reprieve from any of that. but in end you had a policy and then you compromised yourself in pursuit of a championship. my position is again, if you're missing games and you're a p part-time player and somehow some way you still win a championship anyway, then that gives players a license to move forward in the future and say hey, the season isn't that much a priority as long as i make sure i'm ready for the playoffs i'm good and those 82 games during the regular seasons and people are paying their ha hard-earned money to come to watch people play. you're not there and this will be the perfect excuse for something like that to continue. how in god's name is that possibly good for the game of basketball? i desoen't see that. >> fair to say chkyrie irving w in his stance on covid in terms his battle with the nba? >> first of all j, they didn't n a championship yet. secondly and more importantly, we don't know if they're going to win a championship. miami, milwaukee, golden state and other franchises might have something to thsay about that a in the enti -- end in you're no there to play in order to be successful is absent because you didn't play together, then i don't see how he wins. let me give you a sncenario. >> i didn't mean win agregames. i meant winning his battle to get vaccinated and getting what he wants, which is to play. >> that's what i mean because at the end of the day you're playing road games and on top of it all you might not win the championship because of it. i doen't view that as a win. >> steven, i want to say here you're not just the president of the hair club and not someone commenting on covid rules in the nba. you're a covid survivor now. >> yeah. >> how has that affected your view of what the nba is doing? >> well, i think it's buffered to some degree and i can't say what the nba. i think the nba has done a tremendous job oin terms of beig people being tested. over 97% of the league is vaccinated, according to the reports. i'm not one those guys. do i think people have shh get vaccinated? of course. do i think they should get b boosted? of course, i do. but i doen't say that as some individual with a political position. sai say that as a human being tt went to my doctors and my doctors vise advised me to do so. i have not run across a medical professional that has advised against being vaccinated or boosted. and before covid ever came a about, usually when all of us were feeling unhealthy, we'd go to our doctor and we'd hear their recommendations. we follow their suggestions. plain and simple. somehow, some way, that didn't seem to be the case with covid, and i sincerely don't understand why that is the case. if medical professionals are advising you to do something, any time we follow that, all of a sudden we're not doing that and that doesn't make any sense to me. >> and how are you feeling t today? this has been a hell of a battle for you. do you feel lucky to be alive? >> i'm very lucky to be live. when you have 103-degree fever every night and sweating pr profusely. you've got a nasty cough that continues to get worse day after day after day. my grain headaches as well. you're deteriorating with each passing day and then you're in the hospital on new yaear's eve and they tell you that if you weren't vaccinated, you probably would not be here. that's something that's devastating to hear. it's hellified scary. i'm 54 years of age. i'm not an adonis by any stretch of the imagination but i work out. i'm in the gym. i'm in decent shape and for me to find myself for the first time in my life in a position where they told me that i probably wouldn't be here had it not been for a vaccine and that i'm lucky to be alive because both of my lungs were attacked. i had npneumonia of both lungs and i had my liver deteriorating as well. for me to find myself that that position was incredibly alarming and scary and i sit here today feeling like i'm a very lucky man to be alive. >> first of all j, you're a fine-looking specimen. second of all, i do know it's quite a thing to be told that this thing that separates you from death is a single shot. and i'm sure it makes you look at things differently. steven a. smith, i'm so glad that you're doing better. i wish you continued recovery. thank you so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me. bob saget's widow speaking out just moments ago, following the comedian's sudden death. her emotional words. b i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ . welcome back. kelly rizzot widow of beloved actor and comedian bob saget speaking out this morning in her first tv interview since her husband's unexpected death. >> everything that i have been surrounded by has been a reminder of him and a memory of him, so it's been very, very sat but also very beautiful. and i was telling people today that today is really almost the first day that, you know, there's only so many tears that your body will let you cry. >> what was the last text? >> just, i love you so much and i can't wait to see you tomorrow, and i love you so much. >> what was the last conversation, phone call? >> he was just on his way home or back to his hotel and telling me what a wonderful show he had. he was just happy and loving what he did. it made him so happy. to just bring laughter to people. he just wanted to spread love and laughter and he did it so amazingly, and i'm just so proud of him, because he truly brought people together. and i mean, he was just so wonderful and i was just so honored to be his wife and to be able to be a part of it and bring him any bit of happiness that i could because he deserved it so much. >> what would you like to share that we weren't privy to that you would like for us to know about bob? >> he had the biggest heart of anyone i've ever known. he put everybody first. he did everything for everybody. if you had a problem, he was the first person that was going to take care of it and help you, and he was just the most caring and kind and thoughtful person. he was so thoughtful. he just -- he did -- he was just the most absolutely wonderful husband that i ever could have dreamed of. >> his fake family became his real family. >> every single one of them has been so kind and supportive and they have been there every step of the way, and they have just assured me that they'll be there for me, and i know that would make bob very happy. it's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. so, just in, a study that will get a lot of americans talking today, maybe slurring today, depending on how they take it. according to the world heart federation, no amount of alcohol is good for your heart. none. the american heart association has long said moderation is key, but this study suggests that drinking any amount of alcohol increases your risk of cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure or stroke. >> i need the breakout results of this study for red wine, specifically. my drink of choice. because historically, everyone has always said, hey, you know, a glass of red wine could be good for your heart. i guess they're reversing it. >> i guess. i mean, to be clear, and i'm not endorsing any kind of behavior here, but i'm not drinking to get healthy. >> i know. >> that's not my main goal. i do other things to get healthy, but that's not what i'm after. >> i mean, is anyone really after that? i can't imagine. i guess this means we shouldn't have mimosas tomorrow to toast friday. >> or we should have just had them. cnn's coverage continues cnn's coverage continues right now. -- captions by vitac -- very good thursday to you. i'm jim sciutto. >> not if, but when. president biden making an ominous prediction, saying that he believes vladimir putin will send russian troops into ukraine. the white house warning today that if that happens, the price will be high. >> the president and i work closely together, and i know his position, because he's been consistent in that regard. if vladimir putin and russia takes aggressive action, it will

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, Accomplishment , Domestic Consumption , Choosing , Isn T , Int Intransigents , Presidents , Gents , Midterm Election Strategy , Intance , Course , Deal Maker , Job , Ways , Voting , Voting Rights , Base , Voting Rights Legislation , Democratic Party , Sanctity , Importance , Way , Legitimacy , Chris Coons , Meeting , Threformi The Electoral Count Act , 2022 , Seeds , Doubt , Reason , Sort , Argument , Wall , Evidence , Second , Trump , Demoralizing , Votes , All J , We Saw In Georgia January , Voter , Look , Minority , 2021 , January 2021 , Country , Level , Estate , Tathere Isn T An Effort , African American Or Latino Voter , Being , Part , Effort , Voters , Process , Road , Pleasure , Mo Morning , Supreme Court , Claims , Executive Privilege , Hundreds , Request , Catch Jake , Breaking Overnight , 6 , January 6 , 4 , 00 , Pete Aguilar , Committee , Some , Records , Member , Guest , Material , California , Step , Justice , Desire , Ruth , Outtakes , Specifics , Insurrection , Messages , Videos , Study , Capitol , Oval , 187 , Press Room , Demeanor , Speeches , Tweet , Other , Takes , Drafts , Rose Garden , Information , Mark Meadows , Calls , Call Logs , Logs , Trove , Notes , Interviews , Documents , Piece , Depositions , Public Reporting , Perspective , Democracy , Connective Tissue , Shure , Lead , Corroborating , Puzzle , January 6th , Window , State Of Mind , It , House , Congress , Meadows , Side , Floor , Aisle , Members , Didn T He , Truth , Intent , Public , Stage , Hearings , Opportunity , Answer , Widow , Infection , Plus , Thanks , Bob Saget , Sudden Death , Silence , Breakthrough Covid , Wouldn T , Steven A Smith , Covid Vaccine , Expert , Espn , 2019 , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Homes , Bath , Tub , Tub Installation , Schedule , Consultation , Bathfitter Com , Two Million , Someone , Kids , Planning , Mom , Dreams , Northwestern Mutual , Version Ofinancial , Diabetes , Fingersticks , Glucose Numbers , System , Austin James , Musician , Challenge , Scan , My Name , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Smoothest , Gamechanger , Bladder Leaks , Softest , Depend , Enamel , Repair Toothpaste , Toothpaste , Basis , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Office , Increase , Voting Rights Reforms , Absence , Prospect , Fact , C Course , Credit , Proportion , Joe Biden , Reforms , South Carolina , James Clybu , Vote Rights Bills , Campaign , Crimitical Momt , Election Results Won T Be Le , Audience , Havi , African Americans , Advent , Voting Rights Act , Alabama , 3 , 1965 , Preclearance , Aim , Act In She Belby V Holder , Nine , Changes , History , Minorities , Voting Laws , Discriminating , Court , Department , History Of Alabama , History Of Georgia , Change , Line , Somebody , Felony , Drink Water Standing , North Carolina , Florida , Texas , Kinds , Oversight , Sput Putt , Sir , Point , Voting Booth , Indication Sations , Flownis Ac Accusac K , Context , Voice , Confidence , Many , Election Systems , Stake , Faith , Big Lie , 2020 , Laws , States , 34 , 19 , Vote , Convenience , Drop Boxes , Lines , Majority , Responsibility , Laws Ae Being , Ledgislature , Applaudeded , Picture , Cult Leader , Nominee , O , Frustration , Party , Democrats , Stacyey Abrams , Speech , Georgia , Skuls , Health , Order , Individual , Business , Nothing , Diet , All My Life , Pandemic , Shots , Arms , Rescue Act , Filibuster , First , Attention , Congressman Clyburn , Right , Honor , Issues , Extent , Question Existence , Anin , Voting Rights Laws , Threada Needle , He Nsomehow , Language , Lies , He Doesn T Know , Person , Problem , African Americans Rright Africa American , React , Omicron Peak , Data , Numbers , Pace , Outlook , Heart , Life , Brains , Ears , Mouth , Soul , Students , Elodia , Recording Artist , Comcast , Recording , Internet , Millions , Projectup , 10 , 10 Million , 1 , Tools , Possibilities , 1 Billion , Billion , Breakthrough Infections , Immunity , Omicron , Scientists , Levels , Healthcare Workers , Fephenomenon , Breakthrough Infection , Infections , Dr , Control Group , School Of Public Health , Dra , Protection , Antibodies , Jod , Brown University , Dean , Bit , Haa , Big Iquestion On Natural Aimmunity , 90 , Prot Olot Of Protection , Position , Solution , Reinfected , Everybody , Prescription , Consequences , No Doubt , Hospital , Omicron Parties , Haven T , Miserable , Bunch , New York , Worst , Pre Precipitously , Boston , Washington D C , Parts , Mean , Hospitalizations , Dropping Precipitously , Forward , Phase , Think , Eastern Seaboard , Number , Points , City , Run , Corner , Infectios , Infection Numbers , Variant , Surges , Stockpiles , Reprieve , Vaccine , Surge , Children , Ages , 5 , 2 1 , Fauci , Home , Studies , Parents , News , Journalist , Dose , Inferior , Adults , 24 , Authorization , Four , Six , Age Group , Much , Pfizer Trial Ran , Antibody Response , Show , Vaccination Schedule , Put , Morning , Expertise , Development , Wee , Jad , Ptimistic , Fbi , Economy , Location , Unemployment Report , Word , The W Weekly , Brain Performance , Indicators , Science , Memory Supplements , Neuriva , Neuriva Plus , Yes , Brain P Performance , Neneuriva Plus , Healthier , Room , Excuses , Offer , Wellness Support Products , Extrabucks , Cvs , 0 , 30 , Stocks , Trades , Fidelity , Etfs , Decision Tech , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Zero , Vision , Progressive Lenses , Point Of View , Limits , Experts , Detail , Varilux Lenses , Essilor , Sharp Focus , Place , Nutrients , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Best , Emergen C , Emergen C Weekly , Job Market , Cnn , Christ , Looks , Yooiine Romans , Omicron Disruption , Layoffs , Highest , Unemployment , 286000 , Companies , Layoff , Pictureover Aoverall , 50000 , Unemployment Rate , Trend , Engine , Shohours , Plays Out , 50 , 3 9 , Lowest , Christine Romans , Jobs , Uptick , Hero , Hope , Mystery Figure , Bemovie Befor , Replacement Costs , Materials , P Perks , Ending , Brooklyn Nets , Star Chkyrie Irving Standing , Host , World , Decision , Executive Producer , Play Home Games , Nba , Player , Stir , Nets Win , Rules , Mandate , Nature , Places , Wouldcouldn T Play At Madison S Garden , B Barclay Center , Stipgs , Amount , Seed , Shoulders , Work Sand Load , Number One , Eastern Conference , Kevin Durant , Policy , Tax , Chkyrie Irving , Fairness , Championship , Games , Any , Pursuit , Ap , Playoffs , Players , License , Priority , Money , Seasons , Excuse , 82 , Battle , Covid , Game , J , Stance , Basketball , They Didn T Na Championship , God S Name , Chkyrie Irving W , Fair , Franchises , Enti , Milwaukee , Miami , Sncenario , Win Agregames , Win , Top , Road Games , Survivor , Buffered , Covid Rules , Hair Club , Job Oin Terms , Reports , Degree , League , 97 , Doctors , Human Being , Guys , Sai , Professional , About , Case , Doctor , Recommendations , Suggestions , Professionals , Hell , Sense , Cough , Pr Profusely , Grain Headaches , Fever , 103 , Yaear , Passing Day , Weren T , Eve , Hellified Scary , 54 , Imagination , Adonis , Stretch , Gym , Shape , Lungs , Both , Liver , Npneumonia , Death , Shot , Specimen , Man , Comedian , Words , Bi , Protein , Energy , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Appointment , Couldn T , Thought , Whispers , Care , Results , Feel , Healthcare , Letsgetchecked , Test , Treatment , Home Health Testing , Good , Neuroscientist , Tv , Kiss , Kisses , Led , With Kay , Credit Card Debt , Debt , Rate , Sofi , Personal Loan , Farmers , Quote Today , Forgiveness , Bum , Forgiveness Ness , Woman , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Everything , Kelly Rizzot , Husband , Interview , Widow Of Beloved Actor , Tears , Memory , Reminder , Phone Call , Conversation , Body , Text , Hotel , And I Love You So Much , I Love You , Laughter , Love , Wife , Happiness , We Weren T Privy To , Anyone , Family , Migraine Medicine , 52 , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , Abbvie , Immunotherapy , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Cancer , Oxygen Levels , Cancer Discovery , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Growth , Egfr , 75 , Everywhere , Dana Farber , Alcohol , None , American Heart Association , World Heart Federation , Red Wine , High Blood Pressure , Drinking , Drink , Moderation , Stroke , Risk , Choice , Everyone , Historically , Glass , Behavior , Shouldn T Have Mimosas , Coverage , Captions , Vitac , Prediction , Troops , Price , Warning , Jim Sciutto , Regard ,

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