Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

legal jeep difficult. new york attorney general leticia james says her office has uncovered, quote, significant evidence of fraud and misleading statements in financial documents presented by the trump family business. there's also big developments in washington. the house select committee investigating the insurrection has obtained phone records from donald trump's son eric and donald trump jr.'s fiancee, kimberly guilfoyle. the committee issuing new subpoenas for rudy giuliani and other trump associates who helped push his massive lie about the election. we're also watching the white house this morning as president biden is gearing up to hold a news conference to mark one year of his presidency. let's begin our coverage with cnn's kara scannell who is in new york with breaking news on the investigation into the trump organization. >> this came in a filing overnight where the new york attorney general leticia james is trying to compel the testimony of the former president, his son and daughter. they found over the course of this multiyear investigation -- significant evidence of fraud and misleading statements in these financial statements. these were financial statements given to lenders and insurers and helped inform filings that went to the irs. through these statements james' office is pointing to a number of different areas, a number of properties including 40 wall street. that's the building in lower manhattan. numerous golf courses, one in scotland and one in los angeles and other properties. she's saying the key to her civil investigation here and what kind of decision she will make is what did donald trump know. in the filings she writes, mr. trump's actual knowledge of and intention to make the numerous misstatements and omissions made by him or on his behalf are essential components to resolving oag's investigation in an appropriate and just manner. then she also tweeted last night after this filing hit the docket that donald trump, donald trump jr. and ivanka trump have all been closely involved in the transactions in question, so we won't tolerate their attempts to evade testing in this investigation. donald trump took over the family business when his father became the president. he signed off on a number of financial statements and was involved in the lower manhattan building. ivanka trump was one of the key liaisons with deutsche bank who has loaned the trump organization over $300 million. whether or not they testify will be up to a judge. we should note that when eric trump was subpoenaed and called to testify he took the fifth amendment to over 500 questions. >> cara, thank you. let's turn to the other investigation into donald trump. the house insurrection committee obtained phone records from eric trump and donald trump and don jr.'s fiancee kimberly guilfoyle, making this the first known subpoenas targeting members of the trump family. that's not all. the panel has issued subpoenas for rudy giuliani and others close to trump before, during and after january 6th. key players pushing the election fraud conspiracies. cnn's evan perez is watching this for us from washington. evan, what are they looking for? >> reporter: kate, let's take the subpoenas of the former president's lawyers first. those are very important subpoenas. in the case of rudy giuliani we know he was sort of the face of this effort to claim that there was fraud and that there was reason to doubt the victory of president biden. we know that these subpoenas -- we know the committee has testimony from other people that talk about, for instance, giuliani's push to seize -- he wanted the homeland security office to seize voting machines around the country, something that the homeland security department told him they didn't have the power to do. we know there's a lot of testimony the committee has that these people, they want to know confront with to see what they can learn about what was going on behind the scenes around january 6th. with regard to the former president's son eric, she spoke at the rally on january 6th. kimberly guilfoyle, her phone records, along with eric trump's, apparently are part of the larger effort to see what was going on in the days leading up to january 6th, who were they talking to, what were their communications like. in the case of guilfoyle, she was a big fund-raiser for the so-called stop-the-steal efforts. clear lir the commit tee has a lot more work to do, clearly have a lot of information from other witnesses. so now they're trying to put some of this together. kate. >> evan, thank you for laying that out for us. joining me right now is cnn senior legal affairs correspondent paula reid and cnn senior legal analyst elie hoenig, former state and federal prosecutor. elie, let's start with the information coming from the new york attorney general investigation. what's the most important thing you see here in this response? >> kate, i think the big headline is that the new york attorney general has substantial evidence that there was not just fraud but major fraud worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. that is going to be relevant to the civil action that the attorney general is looking at right now and her effort to subpoena and depose donald trump and members of his family. it's really important to make sure people understand, that is separate from the criminal case. it's one thing to say i can demonstrate there was fraud in the trump organization and people were involved, to use let tisha james' language. that's to show beyond a reasonable doubt that a specific individual knew about and had criminal attempt. i would not read into it that there's likely going to be criminal indictments imminently. >> paula, the ag puts this out in making the argument to the judge of why she needs testimony from donald trump and family. that's kind of the entire point of this response. do you see that she needs trump's testimony to get at this, the information she's trying to get at? >> kate, of course it would help if the former president showed up and admitted to committing fraud. clearly that would make it a lot easier do bring a civil enforcement action, potentially criminal charges as well. that's not the way most cases are built. here she has documents, she has witnesses she can use to bring a civil enforcement action. she tries to lay out the reasons why that's not enough. specifically she says trump has not complied with subpoenas for some of the records that they have sought. interesting they say they have over a dozen current and former trump employees that trump was involved in the preparing of his tax returns. it is highly unlikely the former president is going to come in and cooperate as our colleague kara scannell noted. his son came in and pled the fifth to about 500 questions. this is similar to the challenges that her colleague faced in a criminal investigation into the trump organization. it's difficult to get witnesses willing to go against the former president. >> ellie, with everything that paula laid out there, how hard of a case do you think this is to prove. real estate valuations can be subjective. >> there's an element of subjectivity, i think the variations laid out in this document that was filed last night go maybe beyond subjectivity. we're talking about tens and hundreds of millions of dollars of difference. it's important to understand it's not enough for a criminal case to say, well, the valuations varied and the guy in charge must have known about it. let's use common sense. his name is on the building. therefore, he's guilty. that's not going to cut it in a criminal case. you need specific proof, whether in a text, a recording, a reliable inside or cooperating witness to say donald trump knew about this, knew it was a fraud, had intent to go through with it, told me to do it. i don't see evidence that letitia james has that. she said in her filing last night the reason i need to take their depositions is because i don't exactly know their criminal intent. >> great point. paula, let's turn to the january 6th committee now going after kimberly guilfoyle and eric trump. it's the first kind of direct action that we know of that the committee has taken against the trump family. is it clear what kind of information and detail the committee is getting that they were able to obtain from these phone records? >> with these specific records they obtained, they're not getting the contents of conversations. instead, they're getting some information about incoming, outgoing calls, the date of the calls, the lengths of the calls, a log for text messages but not the actual messages themself. as you noted, this appears to be the first time the committee has directly targeted a member of the trump family. the committee appears to be interested in eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle because of their involvement in the stop the steal rally. this information and data they're gathering, it may not be specifically for eric trump or kimberly guilfoyle. they can use this to match up what they know about other potential witnesses as they try to piece together who was talking to who ahead of the january 6th rally. >> add to this the four subpoenas that the committee issued for trump attorneys and an adviser, elie. does it tell you anything about the direction? >> it tells me that the committee is taking a holistic, 360-degree look at this entire scandal, this entire coup attempt. i think of it like this, the muscle. the final who stood at that rally and physically stormed the capitol. obviously the committee is focussed on them. doj is focused on them. then you have what i'll charitiable brain power. how can we pressure the vice president, what are his powers which is based on a lie, of course, dubious, at best, legal advice. is there a specific connection between those two things? we'll find out. this tells me the committee is looking at this from all different angles. >> great to see you guys. thank you for that. coming up, in just hours president biden will hold a news conference at the white house, the president sure to promote his first-year accomplishments. how does he address the crises also facing his administration? that's next. i'm talking existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile... let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers, can upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? nah, we're gonna get creamed... but we'll be on t-mobile! i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? 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>> reporter: one thing president biden will be doing during this news conference is reaching for the reset button after one of the roughest stretches of his presidency. you have decades' high inflation numbers, record coronavirus and hospitalizations, a legislative agenda that is stalled and a potential russian invasion of the u.s.'s ally in ukraine. at the same time president biden is expected to acknowledge where he has come up short. but he'll also be looking to tout some of his accomplishes in office, like the bipartisan infrastructure legislation, record job creation over the last year and a vaccination campaign that has gotten three-quarters of americans vaccinated. he's expected to acknowledge where he came up short and talk about the ways he came up short, talking about having laid the foundation for progress. one of the things he will taught tout today are the n95 masks made available to americans. late next week americans will be able to get these masks, three per person at pharmacies and community health centers around the country, more than 10,000 locations. this program is expected to be fully up and running by february. this is one of the ways the president can talk about the latest steps to tackle this unrelenting covid pandemic. joining me is cnn kmeef political analyst gloria borger. i want to read some of the headlines the president is facing and that the white house is sensitive to which is "the washington post" saying the long side inside biden's declaring popularity as he struggles with multiple crises. politico, dems stare down another failure to deliver for their base, and axios stating biden's epic failures. >> i think you'd have to call it something like a defensive crouch because they're playing defense right now. even though folks in the administration when i talk to them will talk rightly so about how many jobs they've added, the progress they've made on vaccines, et cetera, et cetera, they are being hit in the face with inflation, with foreign policy crises, and on the pandemic, which used to be joe biden's strong point, the public is now not giving him as much credit and they're much more worried about the economy and, by the way, he's also pleading independent voters, and those are the people who were so important to him because they believed he was going to govern from the center, and they believe that he really hasn't done that. so i think he's got a long way to go to convince people that he is who he said he was when he got elected. >> that's a really interesting way of putting it. david axelrod was on earlier today, and he is, of course, someone who wants the biden administration to succeed. let me play for everyone how he puts it. >> this is a point in time -- he's gone through a bad stretch here. we don't know where we're going to be six months from now. but you have to draw some lessons from mistakes that have been made over the last year. >> as axelrod puts it, is that what the president really needs to do, to lay out in his press conference today not only the successes as every president should and would lay out, but also really acknowledging the failures. >> yeah, but he shouldn't over do it. obviously a dose of humility is always welcome. biden has always gotten out there and said we didn't have enough tests, for example, we should have done more in testing, but we didn't anticipate omicron, et cetera, et cetera. i think he'll talk about that. what he has to do substantively is sort of say, look, we're going to get parts of build back better done. you'll recall because we covered it all the time, the democrats spent months arguing with each other. it's no surprise the american public believes the democrats didn't really have a governing majority because they couldn't believe they could govern on some things. they did the rescue plan, they did infrastructure. nowi think he has to do what bill clinton did after his shellacking and lost both houses in '94. what he's got to do is sort of say, okay, this part of build back better we can get done. maybe he'll get some republicans to do it with him. maybe he'll get something on prescription drugs which is really popular, for example nks universal pre-k. why not try things like that? it worked for bill clinton. you can't say this is the end of the biden administration, but i do think it takes a real realignment here. >> you raised something interesting. i want to ask you about what former clinton press secretary joe lockhart has put it, he sees this real disconnect we obviously know exists between washington and the rest of the country. he sees it as a potential advantage to the president. >> people have experienced cross currents here. the economy is strong, jobs are strong. inflation is a problem although most economists believe it's transitory based on some outside influences. the president has to speak to the rest of the runt who i think is a little less skeptical and maybe cynical than those of us who spend a lot of time in d.c. >> is that a little bit what you're getting at gloria, with how he needs to govern going forward? >> yeah, i think it is. look, his popularity is way down. as i was saying before, independent voters, really, he's losing them. he's got to show them who he really is. we don't really know the answer to that yet, do we? he ran one way and governed in another way. i think what joe is saying is, look, this president kind of has to step up and speak to the american public and say, as his former boss bill clinton did, i feel your pain, i know what you're going through. biden is pretty good at that. but then he has to have a way out of it. what people are feeling is frustration. they're feeling frustration with the pandemic and they want to get back to some sense of normalcy because that's what they were promised. they don't feel that yet. >> or a new normal, whatever that is. cnn's special coverage of president biden's news conference will begin at 3:45 this afternoon, leading off with jake tapper. coming up still this hour, america's top diplomat is in ukraine trying to prevent a russian invasion. the latest developments from the region. that's next. 3 redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? 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>> reporter: the very latest, kate, is there's been a press conference with secretary of state blinken and his ukrainian counterpart, the ukrainian foreign minister where he explains that he's briefing them on the outcome of the meeting held last week on the russian demand that ukraine never be allowed to join the nato military alliance. it comes at a time of particularly heightened pressure in the country and tension, and that military threat by russia on the borders with ukrainian defense officials telling cnn there are more than 127,000 russian troops according to their latest assessment that are potentially poised to take part in a russian invasion of ukraine. secretary of state blinken making it clear during his online press conference with his ukrainian counterpart that the u.s. assessment is, if it comes to a russian invasion, the figures, the troop numbers could be much higher than that. take a listen. >> we know there are plans in place to increase that force even more on very short notice, and that gives president putin the capacity also on very short notice to take further aggressive action against ukraine. >> reporter: secretary blinken also coming here in a show of symbolic support stressing again there will be crushing u.s. sanctions imposed on russia if it does decide to undertake some sort of invasion or incursion. the ukrainians have publicly welcomed that. behind the scenes, there's frustration there's not more military aid coming in from the u.s. to ukraine so it can battle and resist what they regard as an impending russian threat. >> matthew, thank you for that. let's go to cnn's fred pleitgen live in moscow with more on what the russians are saying this morning. fred. >> reporter: hi there, kate. the russians have a very different view of that. they also said they believe the situation down there in that part of europe is extremely dangerous at the moment. however, they also say they forces are on their territory as they put it. i was able to speak to the russian dechity foreign minister today and ask him how big the russians believe the threat of war is right now. here is what he had to say. >> we do not want and will not take any action of aggressive character. we will not attack, strike, invade, quote, unquote, whatever, ukraine. >> reporter: i also asked him why the russians are taking this hard line all of a sudden. he said the russians right now feel that ukraine is somehow already being integrated into nato structures, as he put it. he said that's a big concern for russia's security. the russians, of course, saying they want written guarantees from the united states that ukraine will never become a member state of nato. the u.s. already saying that's a non-staert. one of the other drefting things i picked up from the deputy foreign minister today is he said alternatively the russians might settle for the u.s. giving a legally binding response saying they would never vote for ukraine or other countries to get into nato. of course, very difficult to see the u.s. agreeing to that. very interesting talks happening between secretary state blinken and sergey lavrov on friday. >> for more on this, let me bring in ian bremer, the president of eurasia group nz media. let's start with the stakes. i was interested to hear you say yesterday that this is the first major foreign policy crisis of the biden administration, when you have the afghanistan mess and continued provocations coming from north korea. why does this current crisis with russia and ukraine set itself apart? >> one, we're not still really talking about afghanistan and the united states right now. if this blows up with russia, we'll be talking about it through the biden administration and beyond. it does have much more significant global consequences for relations between major powers. in that regard, as much as afghanistan was significant and was devastating to the people living there and the people that served, it's a very different order crisis than what we're looking at presently with russia. >> i think that's really interesting. your assessment right now is there is a lower likelihood of a full-scale invasion of ukraine. yet i'm seeing -- we hear what's coming out of ukrainian officials. i see reporting from ukrainian military that russia moved a type of missile to the border that's capable of targeting -- capable of hitting targets including the capital city of kiev. you still think putin does not intend to invade at this point? >> two points. put tien clearly has ordered that he has the option. that option is both aligned with coercive diplomacy, maximum pressure and seeing what happens. it's also aligned with an invasion. i don't think you can determine that putin has made a decision to attack on the basis of the fact that he wants the capabilities there. secondly, diplomacy is on going, and not only does president biden want a climb down, he would much prefer this to end without escalation and hostilities with the russians, but putin has also sent such signals. a couple things i wouldn't mention, putin said there wasn't going to be further diplomacy, high-level meetings until after there was a direct written response by americans to their demands. they haven't gotten their response yet. we see the secretary of state is meeting with the foreign minister of russia on friday in geneva. number two, you'll remember back in geneva when president biden first sat down and met for a couple hours with president putin, biden drove that agenda, and his top issue at that point, his red line was that the russians had to put an end to the criminal sinned cats that were attacking u.s. critical infrastructure by cyber. it was right after the colonial pipeline attack. the russians responded on that. they absolutely did put an end to a lot of those attacks. the americans appreciated it. furthermore, last friday, which was the same day the russians engaged in cyberattacks against ukraine, they also announced they had shut down the organization revo which was behind the attacks on the colonial pipeline and arrested 14 people. i'm not saying that that means diplomacy is going to yield a breakthrough, but it's very clear. that's not a coincidence. that's the kremlin sending a message directly to the united states that the issue that was your top priority we've responded to. we've now told you what our top priority is. are you going to respond to it? there's absolutely a conversation that is going to be going on on friday between the top foreign policy officials of both countries that hopefully will set up a conversation between the two presidents to address whether or not diplomacy can continue. >> so fascinating. hope you can join me again on friday. coming up, the u.s. sets a new record for covid hospitalizations. up next, we'll take you inside one kentucky hospital that is overwhelmed with unvaccinated patients in their er. unique z. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? 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>> reporter: this was st. clair health care in moorehead, kentucky, a regional hospital that serves 11 rural counties in northeastern kentucky. it's bad. it's as bad as it was in september. some days are worse than others, and they are not sure where they are on this current wave and even if they get through it, they're not sure if there is another wave coming. health care workers are flat-out tired of it all. it's difficult not only to manage the number of coronavirus cases, but everything else that everyone has been suffering that they have to deal with on a day-to-day basis, they are battling not only the virus, but false information as well, and also trying to balance work and life. >> with the increased number of covid patients that we see at times, it decreases any kind of capacity we have. we have difficulty transferring patients to other facilities that are experiencing the same things. so i worry about my children. i've got several kids at home. and if they were injured and the other hospitals that we typically transfer to don't have capacity, that could lead to a very bad outcome. even people not experiencing covid symptoms, you worry about the ability for health care systems to provide them the appropriate level of care. >> reporter: so when we were here in september, that was during the delta wave. the highest number of cases they saw on any given week in kentucky was over 30,000. the past week the numbers are over 72,000 cases of those testing for the coronavirus. it goes without saying, if you have vaccinated, it makes a huge difference. most deaths and hospitalizations and cases are all among the unvaccinated. kate. >> absolutely. miguel, your perspective on this is so critical. thank you. i appreciate it. joining me is dr. gene morazzo from university of alabama for more on all of this. that's the view in kentucky. nationally there are over 158,000 people hospitalized with covid, a new high. the cdc put out some interesting analysis digging into hospital numbers, looking at data from november and saw hospitalization rates among unvaccinated people were 13 times higher than fully vaccinated people. what story does that tell? what should that mean for everyone? >> kate, i think it returns us to the fundamental observation that even though the vaccines that we have available probably aren't fantastic at preventing you from getting infected with omicron -- we've seen data out of israel that even a fourth booster dose is not going to protect you, it still protects you significantly against severe disease and hospitalization. honestly, to get on top of this situation with our hospital's critical shortages of staff getting infected, still overwhelming patients coming to the emergency department for symptoms and getting tested, we really need to rely on immunization, especially before we get to a new variant which i very much hope we don't. >> absolutely. the biden administration as part of this just announced it's going to be distributing 400 million n95 masks to the public for free. masks are key. what impact, though, do you see this having at this point in the pandemic? >> well, i think it's a good thing. i wish it had happened earlier. i think it sends a message to people in general that masks are one of the fundamental tools to help us get out of this. it also sends a message that a better mask, ie, a less permeable mask, a denser mask is better than a cloth mask that's going to let things through. the message to me is, if you can wear a very strong mask, then you should. if it's comfortable enough and you can keep it on, it's absolutely going to be essential and it will protect you. remember, we don't want perfect to be the enemy of the good. the best mask you wear is the one that you wear. we really want people to use these masks, and to the extent they can, use the n95s. it really should help us. >> great point. the american academy of pediatrics is reporting that nearly 1 million cases of covid infections have happened in kids just last week. kids and covid has been one of the more complicated aspects of the pandemic, doctor. by and large they fare better. but when you see numbers like this, what does it mean in alabama? >> it's really worrisome. alabama is one of several states now, i think in the double digits, that have shattered records for pediatric hospitalization. we've got around 100 kids hospitalized. earlier we were seeing many of these cases diagnosed. they were hospitalized for other reasons and their covid tests were positive. we're now seeing more kids getting hospitalized specifically with covid-related illness. that's typically related to pneumonia. it can require intubation. if you look at the cases of covid in young kids, 10% over the cases added in kids were added in the last week. what this is telling us is omicron is ravaging kids for a number of reasons. first of all, in kids 5 to 12 the rates are low. of course, we don't have a vaccine for younger kids. this is really turning out to be one of the biggeri would say unanticipated challenges of this surge. >> good to see you, doctor. thank you very much. coming up for us, airlines are canceling flights over safety concerns related to the 5g rollout. the latest impact on air travel next. #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start?! join today for 50% off at hurry! offer ends january 24th! your skin isn't just skin. it's a beautiful reflection of everything you've been through. dove body wash, with 5 skin conditioning ingredients, boosts skin's ceramides renewal for hydrated, visibly moisturized skin. renew the love with dove body wash. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? explore over 75 programs and four-week classes at national university. your future starts today at developing this morning, british prime minister boris johnson is refusing to resign during a fiery session of parl parliament. he faces a growing revolt, though, of accusations that he repeatedly broke his own administration's covid rules by staffers holding parties at downing street during the height of pandemic lockdowns. johnson issuing a new apology. >> i recognize the enormous sacrifice people have made. i apologize for an error in judgment i may have made, but please may i ask you to wait for the inquiry to conclude. >> some are rejecting his excuses at this point. listen. >> i'll remind him of a quotation all too familiar to him. you have struggled too long with the damage you've done. >> there are new covid restrictions in the u.k. that takes effect next wednesday. several airlines are cancelling flights in the u.s. over concerns about the rollout of 5g technology. pete with us with the latest. it changes every hour, pete. what's wrong now? >> reporter: after at&t and verizon agreed to delay this rollout, but only over certain airports. now the airlines say they don't have enough information about that and they're moving forward with cancelling some flights. delta airlines says, while this is a positive development toward preventing widespread disruptions to flight preparation, some flight restrictions may still remain. this list keeps growing. british airways, lufthansa, emirates, air india, all nippon airways, japan airlines suspending flights coming into the u.s. on airlines, on cargo planes, on helicopters, they're called altimeters. they send a radio signal to the ground, it gets beeped back to the plane and it gives them an idea of how high they are from the ground. that runs on a similar radio spectrum to these 5g towers, and pilots say that could cause critical interference when they are low to the ground in low visibility when they say they really need this the most. listen. >> the bottom line is, as the faa said, this affects 17 systems on my airplane if things go wrong. if bombarding my airplane with signal interference, that is unsafe. >> reporter: at&t and verizon are behind this 5g push. it begs mentions at&t owns cnn's parent company. in a statement it says this is really on the faa. it had two years to fix this, so a lot of finger pointing here, kate. we're only seeing just the start of it. >> thank you very much, pete, for the latest there. before we go, we also do want to note the passing after an icon. andre leon talley has died after battling an illness. at 6'6", he was a booming presence in the fashion world, not to mention his larger than life personality and so much more. talley served as long-time director at "vogue" and later the editor at large, making him the only black editor in a field of minorities. andre leon talley was 70 years old. thank you for joining us. 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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240709

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legal jeep difficult. new york attorney general leticia james says her office has uncovered, quote, significant evidence of fraud and misleading statements in financial documents presented by the trump family business. there's also big developments in washington. the house select committee investigating the insurrection has obtained phone records from donald trump's son eric and donald trump jr.'s fiancee, kimberly guilfoyle. the committee issuing new subpoenas for rudy giuliani and other trump associates who helped push his massive lie about the election. we're also watching the white house this morning as president biden is gearing up to hold a news conference to mark one year of his presidency. let's begin our coverage with cnn's kara scannell who is in new york with breaking news on the investigation into the trump organization. >> this came in a filing overnight where the new york attorney general leticia james is trying to compel the testimony of the former president, his son and daughter. they found over the course of this multiyear investigation -- significant evidence of fraud and misleading statements in these financial statements. these were financial statements given to lenders and insurers and helped inform filings that went to the irs. through these statements james' office is pointing to a number of different areas, a number of properties including 40 wall street. that's the building in lower manhattan. numerous golf courses, one in scotland and one in los angeles and other properties. she's saying the key to her civil investigation here and what kind of decision she will make is what did donald trump know. in the filings she writes, mr. trump's actual knowledge of and intention to make the numerous misstatements and omissions made by him or on his behalf are essential components to resolving oag's investigation in an appropriate and just manner. then she also tweeted last night after this filing hit the docket that donald trump, donald trump jr. and ivanka trump have all been closely involved in the transactions in question, so we won't tolerate their attempts to evade testing in this investigation. donald trump took over the family business when his father became the president. he signed off on a number of financial statements and was involved in the lower manhattan building. ivanka trump was one of the key liaisons with deutsche bank who has loaned the trump organization over $300 million. whether or not they testify will be up to a judge. we should note that when eric trump was subpoenaed and called to testify he took the fifth amendment to over 500 questions. >> cara, thank you. let's turn to the other investigation into donald trump. the house insurrection committee obtained phone records from eric trump and donald trump and don jr.'s fiancee kimberly guilfoyle, making this the first known subpoenas targeting members of the trump family. that's not all. the panel has issued subpoenas for rudy giuliani and others close to trump before, during and after january 6th. key players pushing the election fraud conspiracies. cnn's evan perez is watching this for us from washington. evan, what are they looking for? >> reporter: kate, let's take the subpoenas of the former president's lawyers first. those are very important subpoenas. in the case of rudy giuliani we know he was sort of the face of this effort to claim that there was fraud and that there was reason to doubt the victory of president biden. we know that these subpoenas -- we know the committee has testimony from other people that talk about, for instance, giuliani's push to seize -- he wanted the homeland security office to seize voting machines around the country, something that the homeland security department told him they didn't have the power to do. we know there's a lot of testimony the committee has that these people, they want to know confront with to see what they can learn about what was going on behind the scenes around january 6th. with regard to the former president's son eric, she spoke at the rally on january 6th. kimberly guilfoyle, her phone records, along with eric trump's, apparently are part of the larger effort to see what was going on in the days leading up to january 6th, who were they talking to, what were their communications like. in the case of guilfoyle, she was a big fund-raiser for the so-called stop-the-steal efforts. clear lir the commit tee has a lot more work to do, clearly have a lot of information from other witnesses. so now they're trying to put some of this together. kate. >> evan, thank you for laying that out for us. joining me right now is cnn senior legal affairs correspondent paula reid and cnn senior legal analyst elie hoenig, former state and federal prosecutor. elie, let's start with the information coming from the new york attorney general investigation. what's the most important thing you see here in this response? >> kate, i think the big headline is that the new york attorney general has substantial evidence that there was not just fraud but major fraud worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. that is going to be relevant to the civil action that the attorney general is looking at right now and her effort to subpoena and depose donald trump and members of his family. it's really important to make sure people understand, that is separate from the criminal case. it's one thing to say i can demonstrate there was fraud in the trump organization and people were involved, to use let tisha james' language. that's to show beyond a reasonable doubt that a specific individual knew about and had criminal attempt. i would not read into it that there's likely going to be criminal indictments imminently. >> paula, the ag puts this out in making the argument to the judge of why she needs testimony from donald trump and family. that's kind of the entire point of this response. do you see that she needs trump's testimony to get at this, the information she's trying to get at? >> kate, of course it would help if the former president showed up and admitted to committing fraud. clearly that would make it a lot easier do bring a civil enforcement action, potentially criminal charges as well. that's not the way most cases are built. here she has documents, she has witnesses she can use to bring a civil enforcement action. she tries to lay out the reasons why that's not enough. specifically she says trump has not complied with subpoenas for some of the records that they have sought. interesting they say they have over a dozen current and former trump employees that trump was involved in the preparing of his tax returns. it is highly unlikely the former president is going to come in and cooperate as our colleague kara scannell noted. his son came in and pled the fifth to about 500 questions. this is similar to the challenges that her colleague faced in a criminal investigation into the trump organization. it's difficult to get witnesses willing to go against the former president. >> ellie, with everything that paula laid out there, how hard of a case do you think this is to prove. real estate valuations can be subjective. >> there's an element of subjectivity, i think the variations laid out in this document that was filed last night go maybe beyond subjectivity. we're talking about tens and hundreds of millions of dollars of difference. it's important to understand it's not enough for a criminal case to say, well, the valuations varied and the guy in charge must have known about it. let's use common sense. his name is on the building. therefore, he's guilty. that's not going to cut it in a criminal case. you need specific proof, whether in a text, a recording, a reliable inside or cooperating witness to say donald trump knew about this, knew it was a fraud, had intent to go through with it, told me to do it. i don't see evidence that letitia james has that. she said in her filing last night the reason i need to take their depositions is because i don't exactly know their criminal intent. >> great point. paula, let's turn to the january 6th committee now going after kimberly guilfoyle and eric trump. it's the first kind of direct action that we know of that the committee has taken against the trump family. is it clear what kind of information and detail the committee is getting that they were able to obtain from these phone records? >> with these specific records they obtained, they're not getting the contents of conversations. instead, they're getting some information about incoming, outgoing calls, the date of the calls, the lengths of the calls, a log for text messages but not the actual messages themself. as you noted, this appears to be the first time the committee has directly targeted a member of the trump family. the committee appears to be interested in eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle because of their involvement in the stop the steal rally. this information and data they're gathering, it may not be specifically for eric trump or kimberly guilfoyle. they can use this to match up what they know about other potential witnesses as they try to piece together who was talking to who ahead of the january 6th rally. >> add to this the four subpoenas that the committee issued for trump attorneys and an adviser, elie. does it tell you anything about the direction? >> it tells me that the committee is taking a holistic, 360-degree look at this entire scandal, this entire coup attempt. i think of it like this, the muscle. the final who stood at that rally and physically stormed the capitol. obviously the committee is focussed on them. doj is focused on them. then you have what i'll charitiable brain power. how can we pressure the vice president, what are his powers which is based on a lie, of course, dubious, at best, legal advice. is there a specific connection between those two things? we'll find out. this tells me the committee is looking at this from all different angles. >> great to see you guys. thank you for that. coming up, in just hours president biden will hold a news conference at the white house, the president sure to promote his first-year accomplishments. how does he address the crises also facing his administration? that's next. i'm talking existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile... let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers, can upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? nah, we're gonna get creamed... but we'll be on t-mobile! i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? 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>> reporter: one thing president biden will be doing during this news conference is reaching for the reset button after one of the roughest stretches of his presidency. you have decades' high inflation numbers, record coronavirus and hospitalizations, a legislative agenda that is stalled and a potential russian invasion of the u.s.'s ally in ukraine. at the same time president biden is expected to acknowledge where he has come up short. but he'll also be looking to tout some of his accomplishes in office, like the bipartisan infrastructure legislation, record job creation over the last year and a vaccination campaign that has gotten three-quarters of americans vaccinated. he's expected to acknowledge where he came up short and talk about the ways he came up short, talking about having laid the foundation for progress. one of the things he will taught tout today are the n95 masks made available to americans. late next week americans will be able to get these masks, three per person at pharmacies and community health centers around the country, more than 10,000 locations. this program is expected to be fully up and running by february. this is one of the ways the president can talk about the latest steps to tackle this unrelenting covid pandemic. joining me is cnn kmeef political analyst gloria borger. i want to read some of the headlines the president is facing and that the white house is sensitive to which is "the washington post" saying the long side inside biden's declaring popularity as he struggles with multiple crises. politico, dems stare down another failure to deliver for their base, and axios stating biden's epic failures. >> i think you'd have to call it something like a defensive crouch because they're playing defense right now. even though folks in the administration when i talk to them will talk rightly so about how many jobs they've added, the progress they've made on vaccines, et cetera, et cetera, they are being hit in the face with inflation, with foreign policy crises, and on the pandemic, which used to be joe biden's strong point, the public is now not giving him as much credit and they're much more worried about the economy and, by the way, he's also pleading independent voters, and those are the people who were so important to him because they believed he was going to govern from the center, and they believe that he really hasn't done that. so i think he's got a long way to go to convince people that he is who he said he was when he got elected. >> that's a really interesting way of putting it. david axelrod was on earlier today, and he is, of course, someone who wants the biden administration to succeed. let me play for everyone how he puts it. >> this is a point in time -- he's gone through a bad stretch here. we don't know where we're going to be six months from now. but you have to draw some lessons from mistakes that have been made over the last year. >> as axelrod puts it, is that what the president really needs to do, to lay out in his press conference today not only the successes as every president should and would lay out, but also really acknowledging the failures. >> yeah, but he shouldn't over do it. obviously a dose of humility is always welcome. biden has always gotten out there and said we didn't have enough tests, for example, we should have done more in testing, but we didn't anticipate omicron, et cetera, et cetera. i think he'll talk about that. what he has to do substantively is sort of say, look, we're going to get parts of build back better done. you'll recall because we covered it all the time, the democrats spent months arguing with each other. it's no surprise the american public believes the democrats didn't really have a governing majority because they couldn't believe they could govern on some things. they did the rescue plan, they did infrastructure. nowi think he has to do what bill clinton did after his shellacking and lost both houses in '94. what he's got to do is sort of say, okay, this part of build back better we can get done. maybe he'll get some republicans to do it with him. maybe he'll get something on prescription drugs which is really popular, for example nks universal pre-k. why not try things like that? it worked for bill clinton. you can't say this is the end of the biden administration, but i do think it takes a real realignment here. >> you raised something interesting. i want to ask you about what former clinton press secretary joe lockhart has put it, he sees this real disconnect we obviously know exists between washington and the rest of the country. he sees it as a potential advantage to the president. >> people have experienced cross currents here. the economy is strong, jobs are strong. inflation is a problem although most economists believe it's transitory based on some outside influences. the president has to speak to the rest of the runt who i think is a little less skeptical and maybe cynical than those of us who spend a lot of time in d.c. >> is that a little bit what you're getting at gloria, with how he needs to govern going forward? >> yeah, i think it is. look, his popularity is way down. as i was saying before, independent voters, really, he's losing them. he's got to show them who he really is. we don't really know the answer to that yet, do we? he ran one way and governed in another way. i think what joe is saying is, look, this president kind of has to step up and speak to the american public and say, as his former boss bill clinton did, i feel your pain, i know what you're going through. biden is pretty good at that. but then he has to have a way out of it. what people are feeling is frustration. they're feeling frustration with the pandemic and they want to get back to some sense of normalcy because that's what they were promised. they don't feel that yet. >> or a new normal, whatever that is. cnn's special coverage of president biden's news conference will begin at 3:45 this afternoon, leading off with jake tapper. coming up still this hour, america's top diplomat is in ukraine trying to prevent a russian invasion. the latest developments from the region. that's next. 3 redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? 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>> reporter: the very latest, kate, is there's been a press conference with secretary of state blinken and his ukrainian counterpart, the ukrainian foreign minister where he explains that he's briefing them on the outcome of the meeting held last week on the russian demand that ukraine never be allowed to join the nato military alliance. it comes at a time of particularly heightened pressure in the country and tension, and that military threat by russia on the borders with ukrainian defense officials telling cnn there are more than 127,000 russian troops according to their latest assessment that are potentially poised to take part in a russian invasion of ukraine. secretary of state blinken making it clear during his online press conference with his ukrainian counterpart that the u.s. assessment is, if it comes to a russian invasion, the figures, the troop numbers could be much higher than that. take a listen. >> we know there are plans in place to increase that force even more on very short notice, and that gives president putin the capacity also on very short notice to take further aggressive action against ukraine. >> reporter: secretary blinken also coming here in a show of symbolic support stressing again there will be crushing u.s. sanctions imposed on russia if it does decide to undertake some sort of invasion or incursion. the ukrainians have publicly welcomed that. behind the scenes, there's frustration there's not more military aid coming in from the u.s. to ukraine so it can battle and resist what they regard as an impending russian threat. >> matthew, thank you for that. let's go to cnn's fred pleitgen live in moscow with more on what the russians are saying this morning. fred. >> reporter: hi there, kate. the russians have a very different view of that. they also said they believe the situation down there in that part of europe is extremely dangerous at the moment. however, they also say they forces are on their territory as they put it. i was able to speak to the russian dechity foreign minister today and ask him how big the russians believe the threat of war is right now. here is what he had to say. >> we do not want and will not take any action of aggressive character. we will not attack, strike, invade, quote, unquote, whatever, ukraine. >> reporter: i also asked him why the russians are taking this hard line all of a sudden. he said the russians right now feel that ukraine is somehow already being integrated into nato structures, as he put it. he said that's a big concern for russia's security. the russians, of course, saying they want written guarantees from the united states that ukraine will never become a member state of nato. the u.s. already saying that's a non-staert. one of the other drefting things i picked up from the deputy foreign minister today is he said alternatively the russians might settle for the u.s. giving a legally binding response saying they would never vote for ukraine or other countries to get into nato. of course, very difficult to see the u.s. agreeing to that. very interesting talks happening between secretary state blinken and sergey lavrov on friday. >> for more on this, let me bring in ian bremer, the president of eurasia group nz media. let's start with the stakes. i was interested to hear you say yesterday that this is the first major foreign policy crisis of the biden administration, when you have the afghanistan mess and continued provocations coming from north korea. why does this current crisis with russia and ukraine set itself apart? >> one, we're not still really talking about afghanistan and the united states right now. if this blows up with russia, we'll be talking about it through the biden administration and beyond. it does have much more significant global consequences for relations between major powers. in that regard, as much as afghanistan was significant and was devastating to the people living there and the people that served, it's a very different order crisis than what we're looking at presently with russia. >> i think that's really interesting. your assessment right now is there is a lower likelihood of a full-scale invasion of ukraine. yet i'm seeing -- we hear what's coming out of ukrainian officials. i see reporting from ukrainian military that russia moved a type of missile to the border that's capable of targeting -- capable of hitting targets including the capital city of kiev. you still think putin does not intend to invade at this point? >> two points. put tien clearly has ordered that he has the option. that option is both aligned with coercive diplomacy, maximum pressure and seeing what happens. it's also aligned with an invasion. i don't think you can determine that putin has made a decision to attack on the basis of the fact that he wants the capabilities there. secondly, diplomacy is on going, and not only does president biden want a climb down, he would much prefer this to end without escalation and hostilities with the russians, but putin has also sent such signals. a couple things i wouldn't mention, putin said there wasn't going to be further diplomacy, high-level meetings until after there was a direct written response by americans to their demands. they haven't gotten their response yet. we see the secretary of state is meeting with the foreign minister of russia on friday in geneva. number two, you'll remember back in geneva when president biden first sat down and met for a couple hours with president putin, biden drove that agenda, and his top issue at that point, his red line was that the russians had to put an end to the criminal sinned cats that were attacking u.s. critical infrastructure by cyber. it was right after the colonial pipeline attack. the russians responded on that. they absolutely did put an end to a lot of those attacks. the americans appreciated it. furthermore, last friday, which was the same day the russians engaged in cyberattacks against ukraine, they also announced they had shut down the organization revo which was behind the attacks on the colonial pipeline and arrested 14 people. i'm not saying that that means diplomacy is going to yield a breakthrough, but it's very clear. that's not a coincidence. that's the kremlin sending a message directly to the united states that the issue that was your top priority we've responded to. we've now told you what our top priority is. are you going to respond to it? there's absolutely a conversation that is going to be going on on friday between the top foreign policy officials of both countries that hopefully will set up a conversation between the two presidents to address whether or not diplomacy can continue. >> so fascinating. hope you can join me again on friday. coming up, the u.s. sets a new record for covid hospitalizations. up next, we'll take you inside one kentucky hospital that is overwhelmed with unvaccinated patients in their er. unique z. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? 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>> reporter: this was st. clair health care in moorehead, kentucky, a regional hospital that serves 11 rural counties in northeastern kentucky. it's bad. it's as bad as it was in september. some days are worse than others, and they are not sure where they are on this current wave and even if they get through it, they're not sure if there is another wave coming. health care workers are flat-out tired of it all. it's difficult not only to manage the number of coronavirus cases, but everything else that everyone has been suffering that they have to deal with on a day-to-day basis, they are battling not only the virus, but false information as well, and also trying to balance work and life. >> with the increased number of covid patients that we see at times, it decreases any kind of capacity we have. we have difficulty transferring patients to other facilities that are experiencing the same things. so i worry about my children. i've got several kids at home. and if they were injured and the other hospitals that we typically transfer to don't have capacity, that could lead to a very bad outcome. even people not experiencing covid symptoms, you worry about the ability for health care systems to provide them the appropriate level of care. >> reporter: so when we were here in september, that was during the delta wave. the highest number of cases they saw on any given week in kentucky was over 30,000. the past week the numbers are over 72,000 cases of those testing for the coronavirus. it goes without saying, if you have vaccinated, it makes a huge difference. most deaths and hospitalizations and cases are all among the unvaccinated. kate. >> absolutely. miguel, your perspective on this is so critical. thank you. i appreciate it. joining me is dr. gene morazzo from university of alabama for more on all of this. that's the view in kentucky. nationally there are over 158,000 people hospitalized with covid, a new high. the cdc put out some interesting analysis digging into hospital numbers, looking at data from november and saw hospitalization rates among unvaccinated people were 13 times higher than fully vaccinated people. what story does that tell? what should that mean for everyone? >> kate, i think it returns us to the fundamental observation that even though the vaccines that we have available probably aren't fantastic at preventing you from getting infected with omicron -- we've seen data out of israel that even a fourth booster dose is not going to protect you, it still protects you significantly against severe disease and hospitalization. honestly, to get on top of this situation with our hospital's critical shortages of staff getting infected, still overwhelming patients coming to the emergency department for symptoms and getting tested, we really need to rely on immunization, especially before we get to a new variant which i very much hope we don't. >> absolutely. the biden administration as part of this just announced it's going to be distributing 400 million n95 masks to the public for free. masks are key. what impact, though, do you see this having at this point in the pandemic? >> well, i think it's a good thing. i wish it had happened earlier. i think it sends a message to people in general that masks are one of the fundamental tools to help us get out of this. it also sends a message that a better mask, ie, a less permeable mask, a denser mask is better than a cloth mask that's going to let things through. the message to me is, if you can wear a very strong mask, then you should. if it's comfortable enough and you can keep it on, it's absolutely going to be essential and it will protect you. remember, we don't want perfect to be the enemy of the good. the best mask you wear is the one that you wear. we really want people to use these masks, and to the extent they can, use the n95s. it really should help us. >> great point. the american academy of pediatrics is reporting that nearly 1 million cases of covid infections have happened in kids just last week. kids and covid has been one of the more complicated aspects of the pandemic, doctor. by and large they fare better. but when you see numbers like this, what does it mean in alabama? >> it's really worrisome. alabama is one of several states now, i think in the double digits, that have shattered records for pediatric hospitalization. we've got around 100 kids hospitalized. earlier we were seeing many of these cases diagnosed. they were hospitalized for other reasons and their covid tests were positive. we're now seeing more kids getting hospitalized specifically with covid-related illness. that's typically related to pneumonia. it can require intubation. if you look at the cases of covid in young kids, 10% over the cases added in kids were added in the last week. what this is telling us is omicron is ravaging kids for a number of reasons. first of all, in kids 5 to 12 the rates are low. of course, we don't have a vaccine for younger kids. this is really turning out to be one of the biggeri would say unanticipated challenges of this surge. >> good to see you, doctor. thank you very much. coming up for us, airlines are canceling flights over safety concerns related to the 5g rollout. the latest impact on air travel next. #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? 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>> reporter: after at&t and verizon agreed to delay this rollout, but only over certain airports. now the airlines say they don't have enough information about that and they're moving forward with cancelling some flights. delta airlines says, while this is a positive development toward preventing widespread disruptions to flight preparation, some flight restrictions may still remain. this list keeps growing. british airways, lufthansa, emirates, air india, all nippon airways, japan airlines suspending flights coming into the u.s. on airlines, on cargo planes, on helicopters, they're called altimeters. they send a radio signal to the ground, it gets beeped back to the plane and it gives them an idea of how high they are from the ground. that runs on a similar radio spectrum to these 5g towers, and pilots say that could cause critical interference when they are low to the ground in low visibility when they say they really need this the most. listen. >> the bottom line is, as the faa said, this affects 17 systems on my airplane if things go wrong. if bombarding my airplane with signal interference, that is unsafe. >> reporter: at&t and verizon are behind this 5g push. it begs mentions at&t owns cnn's parent company. in a statement it says this is really on the faa. it had two years to fix this, so a lot of finger pointing here, kate. we're only seeing just the start of it. >> thank you very much, pete, for the latest there. before we go, we also do want to note the passing after an icon. andre leon talley has died after battling an illness. at 6'6", he was a booming presence in the fashion world, not to mention his larger than life personality and so much more. talley served as long-time director at "vogue" and later the editor at large, making him the only black editor in a field of minorities. andre leon talley was 70 years old. thank you for joining us. 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Decision , Intention , Mr , Knowledge , Behalf , Misstatements , Omissions , Components , Resolving Oag , Ivanka Trump , Transactions , Question , Manner , Docket , Testing , Attempts , Father , Lower Manhattan Building , Eric Trump , Organization , Judge , Liaisons , Whether , Deutsche Bank , 300 Million , 00 Million , House Insurrection Committee , Questions , Amendment , Cara , Let , Donald Trump And Don Jr , 500 , Family , Members , Panel , Others , January 6th , 6 , Kate , Evan Perez , Election Fraud Conspiracies , Players , Lawyers , Case , Reason , Face , Effort , Victory , People , Homeland Security Office , Instance , Voting Machines , Giuliani S Push , Lot , Country , Something , Power , Scenes , Homeland Security Department , Rally , Regard , Part , Communications , Information , Witnesses , Some , Work , Efforts , Lir , Fund Raiser , Tee , Paula Reid , Senior , Laying , Elie Hoenig , Estate , Legal Affairs , Response , Thing , Headline , Prosecutor , Elie , Action , Tens , Hundreds , Dollars , Fraud Worth , Depose , Language , Tisha James , Attempt , Individual , Indictments , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Point , Argument , The Ag , Way , Enforcement , Charges , Records , Reasons , Civil Enforcement Action , Employees , Challenges , Colleague , Tax Returns , Fifth , Everything , Valuations , Real Estate , Ellie , Document , Variations , Subjectivity , Element , Last Night Go Maybe Beyond Subjectivity , It , Difference , Charge , Name , Common Sense , Guy , Intent , Recording , Witness , Text , Proof , Depositions , Great Point , January 6th Committee , Direct Action , Calls , Messages , Text Messages , Contents , Conversations , Log , Lengths , Time , Member , Stop , Involvement , Data , Attorneys , Adviser , Add , January 6th Rally , Anything , Four , Direction , Coup Attempt , Scandal , Muscle , Holistic , Final , Capitol , 360 , Vice President , Brain Power , Charitiable , Doj , Things , Powers , Connection , Advice , Guys , Angles , Best , Two , Crises , Coming Up , Accomplishments , Customers , Ronald , T Mobile , Iphone On T Mobile , Iphone 13 , 13 , Plan , Life Insurance , Program , Half , Gonna Get Creamed , Colonial Penn , 50 , 85 , Price , Budget , Ps , Three , Medications , Increase , 54 , 65 , 95 , 9 95 , 1 , 80 , Rate , Lifetime Rate Lock , Health Questions , Exam , Acceptance , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Leg , Pain Radiating , Announcer , Back Pain Relief , Relief , Living , Retailer , Magnilife , Nation , Pandemic , Throes , One Thing , Jeremy , Invasion , Agenda , Hospitalizations , Inflation Numbers , Stretches , Reset Button , Ally , Record Coronavirus , Vaccination Campaign , Record Job Creation , Infrastructure Legislation , Ways , Progress , Foundation , Tout , Person , Community Health Centers , Locations , Pharmacies , 10000 , Gloria Borger , Headlines , Steps , Kmeef , Politico , Popularity , Dems Stare , Side , Failure , Washington Post , Folks , Defense , Epic Failures , Base , Crouch , Axios , Vaccines , Inflation , Jobs , Et Cetera , Foreign Policy Crises , Hit , Economy , Voters , Public , Credit , Hasn T , Center , Everyone , David Axelrod , Someone , Stretch , Press Conference , Mistakes , Lessons , Six , Dose , Failures , He Shouldn T , Successes , Humility , Say , Build , Example , Omicron , Parts , Tests , Democrats , Each Other , American , Surprise , Nowi , Bill Clinton , Infrastructure , Rescue Plan , Houses , Majority , Shellacking , 94 , Prescription Drugs , Republicans , Nks Universal Pre K , Joe Lockhart , End , Realignment , Clinton , Rest , Advantage , Disconnect , Problem , Economists , Cross Currents , Influences , Little , Runt , Answer , Saying , Pain , Boss , Frustration , Feeling , Sense , Normal , Normalcy , Jake Tapper , 45 , 3 , Diplomat , Region , Lives , Next 3 , Doesn T , Contracture , Dupuytren S Contracture , Get Treatment , Hand Specialist , Surgery , Certified , Treatments , Table , Hand , The Next Step , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Doctor , What Medicare Doesn T , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Help , Unitedhealthcare , Medicare Supplement , Patients , Medicare , Specialist , Anywhere , Decision Guide , Call Unitedhealthcare , Secretary Of State , Leaders , Weapons , West , Fears , Tony Blinken , Kremlin , Latest , Reporter , Capital City , Matthew Chance , Foreign Minister , Blinken , Meeting , Outcome , Counterpart , Pressure , Nato , Tension , Military Threat , Demand , Military Alliance , Assessment , Troops , Borders , 127000 , Numbers , Troop , Figures , Capacity , Plans , Notice , Listen , Force , Place , Support , Sanctions , Show , Secretary Blinken , Threat , Ukrainians , Sort , Incursion , Military Aid , Behind The Scenes , Situation , Russians , View , Fred , Fred Pleitgen Live In Moscow , Forces , Territory , War , Europe , Dechity , Character , Strike , Whatever , Line , Invade , Unquote , Member State , Security , Concern , Guarantees , Structures , Non Staert , Binding , Drefting , Deputy , Countries , Ian Bremer , Secretary State Blinken , Talks , Sergey Lavrov , Foreign Policy Crisis , Stakes , Nz Media , Eurasia Group , Crisis , Mess , Afghanistan , Provocations , North Korea , Consequences , Relations , Beyond , Order Crisis , Likelihood , Missile , Targeting , Hitting Targets , Border , Type , Ukrainian Military , Diplomacy , President Putin , Option , Points , Kiev , Basis , Capabilities , Fact , Going , Signals , Escalation , Hostilities , Climb Down , Meetings , Demands , Haven T , Mention , Written , Wasn T , Issue , Geneva , Biden First Sat Down , Attacks , Cats , Cyber , Pipeline Attack , Sinned , Red Line , Cyberattacks , Revo , Pipeline , Breakthrough , Coincidence , 14 , Conversation , Message , Top Priority , Priority , Presidents , Foreign Policy , Hospital , Record , Kentucky , Covid Hospitalizations , Up Next , Er , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , It Shortens Colds , Cold , Unique Z , Zicam , Retirement , Bills , Cash Payment , Income , Pay , Friend , Coventry , Asset , Research , Payments , Coventry Direct , Don T , Policy Lapse , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , 00000 , 100000 , Insurance , Screen , Music , Tm Light Under Control , Colors , Music Vo , Car , Windshield , Decompression Zone , Transitionstm Vo , Signature Gen , 8 , 4 , Experts , Technology , Service , Singers , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Benefits , Aetna , Treatment , Combination , Immunotherapies , Vision , Hearing , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Dental , Aetna Medicare Advantage , Adults , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Immune System , Gene , Positive , Cell Lung Cancer , Alk , Spread , Egfr , Pd L1 , Problems , Yervoy , Opdivo , Cancer , Body , Lead , Changes , Confusion , Memory Problems , Eye Problems , Stomach Pain , Muscle Pain , Chest Pain , Constipation , Shortness , Irregular Heartbeat , Death , Breath , Appetite , Thirst , Urine , Fainting , Vomiting , Rash , Nausea , Dizziness , Tiredness , Diarrhea , Itching , Cough , Side Effects , Fever , Nervous System Problems , Joint Pain , Organ , Chest Radiation , Stem Cell Transplant , Conditions , Flushing , Weakness , Trials , Brink , 158000 , Start , Hospitals , Commonwealth , Positivity Rate , Miguel Marquez , Testing Positive , Counties , Clair Health Care , Moorehead , 11 , Wave , Health Care Workers , Suffering , Coronavirus Cases , Virus , Life , Times , Covid Patients , Well , Kids , Facilities , Difficulty Transferring Patients , Home , Symptoms , Health Care Systems , Care , Ability , Level , Delta Wave , 72000 , 30000 , Perspective , Deaths , Unvaccinated , University Of Alabama , Cdc , Dr , Gene Morazzo , Hospitalization , Rates , Hospital Numbers , Analysis , Saw , Story , Observation , Aren T , Booster Dose , Israel , Top , Disease , Shortages , Emergency Department , Staff , Variant , Immunization , 400 Million , Impact , A Less Permeable Mask , Cloth , Tools , Ie , Enemy , American Academy Of Pediatrics , Mask , Reporting , Good , Extent , N95s , Covid Infections , Aspects , 1 Million , Alabama , States , Pediatric Hospitalization , Digits , Illness , Many , 100 , Young Kids , Pneumonia , Intubation , 10 , Vaccine , 5 , 12 , Delta Airlines , Flights , Surge , Biggeri , Safety , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , Eczema Symptom Relief , 5g Rollout , Bond , Air Travel Next 1 , Skin , Investors , Markets , History , Unforeseeable , Landscape , Gold , Path , Potential , Mission , Nutrition , Strength , Returns , Energy , Vitamins , Minerals , Protein , Woo Hoo , 27 , 30 , Feel , Sugar , Electorlytes , Pedialyte , Powder Packs , Ww , Ice Cream , Clothes , Shopping , James Corden , 28 , Food , Limits , Foods , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , Ww Com , January 24th , Dove Body Wash , Love , Reflection , Renewal , Skin Conditioning Ingredients , 24 , Actions , Programs , Classes , Achievements , National University , 75 , Boris Johnson , Session , British , Nu Edu , Accusations , Parties , Lockdowns , Staffers , Revolt , Height , Parl Parliament , Covid Rules , Downing Street , Apology , Judgment , Sacrifice , Error , Excuses , Quotation , Inquiry , Restrictions , Damage , Rollout , Effect , Concerns , 5g Technology , At T , Airports , Pete , Verizon , Development , Disruptions , Flight Preparation , Flight Restrictions , List , Air India , British Airways , All Nippon Airways , Emirates , Lufthansa , Radio Signal , On Cargo Planes , Helicopters , Altimeters , On Airlines , Japan Airlines , Ground , Radio Spectrum , Plane , Interference , 5g Towers , Idea , Pilots , Most , Airplane , Bottom Line , Visibility , Faa , 17 , Statement , Signal Interference , 5g Push , Parent Company , There , Want , Finger , Passing , Andre Leon Talley , Presence , Personality , Fashion World , Icon , Editor , More , Director , Field , Minorities , Vogue , Inside Politics , John King , 70 , Mental Health , Body Movements , Twitching , Jerking , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Hands , Td Movements , Thoughts , Liver Problems , Feelings , Inflammation , Attention , Behaviors , Throat , Depression , Mood , Insomnia , Sleepiness , Huntington S Disease , Problems Thinking , Reserpine , Restlessness , Muscles , Parkinson S Disease , Heartbeat , Movements , It S Time , Fast , Tetrabenazine , Sweating , Jackie , Valbenazine , Td , Thousands , Narrator , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Five Billion , Healing , Surgeries , Causes , Hope , Mercy Ships , Hygienist , Cleaning , Cleans , Round Head , Give Today , Oral B , Wow , Low , Prescription Copays , Walgreens , Zero Dollars , Zero , Mucinex , Kim , Prescriptions , World , Save , Congestion , Australia , Save It Slimeball , Students , Classroom , Teaching , School Board , San Francisco , Politics , Schools , Leadership , Deficit , District , School Board Members Collins , February 15th , 25 Million , 125 Million , 15 , LÓpez , Hello ,

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