Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

he has been meeting with president zelensky, the president of ukraine, where he is going to be briefing him on the outcome of negotiations that were held in various places last week with russian officials. what will be discussed on friday in geneva when secretary of state blinken sits down with sergey lavrov. the idea that he has come to brief the ukrainians is something that the ukrainian officials, ukrainians said they're grateful for. >> translator: i would like to thank you and president biden and the u.s. administration for the support, for the military aid, for the help that was already given by the u.s. we hope that in the future this support will continue. >> it is up to ukrainians and no one else to decide their own future, and the future of this country. so the president asked me to underscore once again our commitment to ukraine integrity, sovereignty, to its independence. and i know that is a message you have heard not just from us but from so many partners throughout europe. >> very much a united front being put up by the two figures, these two countries. behind the scenes privately, officials say there is frustration with the u.s. stance. they want more than just words of support. they want military aid and sanctions to be imposed on russia ahead of time as a deterrence. and they want to discuss loan guarantees as well. lack of foreign investment has led to billions of dollars of losses, they say, which they want compensated for. . >> matthew chance for us in kiev. thanks for being with us. at the top we mentioned the united states feels russia has all but completed its military buildup along the border with ukraine. and white house press secretary jen psaki said we are now at a stage where russia could at any point launch an attack in ukraine. joining me now is white house communications director kate bedingfield. >> thanks for having me. >> if vladimir putin wants to launch an attack, what can president biden do to stop it? >> reporter: well, the aim here is if he determines, if he decides to launch an attack is to make him regret that decision. the president has said, in no uncertain terms, he will impose sanctions, that he will impose retaliation. that will be a problem for russia and the russian economy. ultimately at the end of the day, if this is a decision that president putin decides to make, it will not bear out well for russia in the end. what president biden has been able to do, as you saw from secretary blinken being on the ground, an intensive work, he has been able to work with european allies to bring them together to be united around this issue which i think you will remember from having covered it. it is a drastically different tack than the previous president took. president biden has been clear if president putin makes this decision, he will impose sanctions and ultimately this will be a terrible decision for the russian people and the russian economy. >> but those actions will be taken after, right? i guess one thing to make clear is it's possible that all of those bad events to russia and vladimir putin would only happen after troops are in ukraine, right? >> we are continuing to try to create an environment of de-escalation. that's what you see with secretary blinken doing intensive work. president biden has been involved in doing intensive work trying to create an environment of de-escalation. ultimately, if president putin makes this decision, that is a decision he will make, and the united states will respond. >> kate, the president is giving a news conference today. thank you for that. i think the american people are grateful to hear from president biden today. you know he's going to face a series of questions. you know what many are. one i imagine will be what grade will you give yourself on this first year in office? what has he done well, briefly, and where do you think he will admit he needs to do better? >> reporter: well, i think what you will hear from the president this afternoon he believes he has laid down a foundation for progress. if you look at what we have been able to achieve in the first year of this administration, we have gotten shots in arms and saved lives. 2 million vaccinated people to over 200 million people vaccinated now. we have been able to create 6 million jobs. we brought the unemployment rate down faster in one year than any other president in history. the biden agenda has gotten people back to work. and he had two significant legislative victories. it gave schools and businesses across the country the resources they needed to stay open. and the bipartisan infrastructure law he was able to pass with republican votes which people said was not possible in washington anymore. he had enormous success. he will say there is a lot more to do. you will hear from him on this this afternoon. >> anything that he thinks he needs to do better? >> he has been laser focused on taming covid and growing the economy. we have made enormous progress. if you look at where we were on testing, for example. we now have 375 million at-home tests being administered every month, up from 2 million from when the president took office. we have made big progress, but there's more to do. >> i want to ask you about something that democrats, or i suppose independents, bernie sanders and democratic elizabeth warren have said. there's been a suggestion that they would support primaries. democratic opponents in arizona and west virginia against these two senators. how does president biden feel about the possibility of democratic primary opponents for those senators? >> well, i'll tell you from my position here at the white house, john, i leave the politics to you all and to the pundits and to others. here at the white house, we are focus used on deliver for the american people and delivering results. i am not really at liberty to talk about politics from my position here. >> the president is, right? do you expect he has an opinion on it? >> reporter: if the president has an opinion on it, he will certainly share it when he's asked about it. >> one of the things that has not gone the way the president has hoped is passing the build back better agenda. joe manchin standing in the way of that. it has not passed yet, right? it has not passed yet, right? manchin said he won't vote for it as-is. how supportive would the president be of passing smaller versions or piecemeal versions of that? >> reporter: i would dispute your characterization as a big spending bill. it does not raise taxes on anybody making less than $400,000 a year. to call it big spending bill is a misnomer. is the president going to push forward on the priorities that he has laid without in build back better? yes, he believes it is fundamental to the ability to grow our economy, to get people back to work, to reduce the cost of things like prescription drugs and child care, which is exactly what this bill will do. it will reduce the cost of insulin for the mother who is trying to afford insulin for her child. that is for president biden not just a question of cost but a question of dignity. yes, he is going to continue to work with leaders in congress, continue to push forward. he believes this is critical to bringing down costs on the things that people rely on in this country. >> would he do it in parts? does he mind doing it in pieces and parts? >> reporter: he's not going to lay out a strategy right now in front of the public. it gets done one on one with congress as we work on how to get it done. i'm not going to lay out a legislative strategy here in this very view. he will do everything in his power to get the pieces done because they are critically important. >> i want to leave one announcement the white house did make this morning is 400 million. did i get that number right? >> reporter: yes. n-95s. they will be available at community health centers and pharmacies and locations around the country. they will start shipping soon. you can go to your local pharmacy and pick one up. >> kate bedingfield, i will only say the build back better plan will cost money and that money will be spent whether or not it is equalled in revenue increases -- >> reporter: but it is deficit neutral. and economists say it will reduce the deficit over time because of the investments it's making. it is important to put that context out there to people. >> kate bedingfield, thank you. >> reporter: nice to see you this morning. . >> very interesting interview there, john. couple things. they have not hesitated in the past to talk about their legislative strategy for build back better, which is to do one giant piece of legislation with all of this in there. it tells me, okay, we're rethinking this. let's go back to the press conference and the conversation we had with david axelrod. even more than the specific questions that the president has asked today, i think the major thing people will be watching for, does the president seem like he's coming from a position of strength or weakness? that is important across a whole host of issues, whether it's the legislative agenda or probably more critically at this point vladimir putin, troops amassed on the ukrainian border trying to figure out whether and when to potential i invade ukraine. >> the ukraine situation is no small crisis. it is frank but not reassuring. i'm not saying it should be. they're not saying that vladimir putin isn't going to invade ukraine because i think the possibility very much exists that he will. president biden, it's interesting, if you remember back to his news conference after he met with vladimir putin, to me it was among the most animated i have seen him energized. and i say that not qualitatively. it was an area he was deeply engaged in and cared a lot about. if asked about that, you will see a president who is engaged with the subject even if he doesn't have easy answers about it. >> mr. he flashed anger at kaitlan collins for pressing him. i will see if he keeps his temper in check today. that will give us a little bit of insight into how the white house is feeling. >>. >> if kate said the president will speak frankly and admit where things aren't going well, president biden is someone who does occasionally tell you what's on his mind even maybe when he shouldn't. >> he does. >> it is very possible. >> he very much does. >> it is possible he could say i could do this better. or i could have done this. is it perceived to be a position of strength. >> strength or weakness. new york attorney general's office have identified several misleading statements and omissions in the trump organization's financial statements. joining us now cnn correspondent kara scannell and co-host of "early start" and attorney at law, laura jarrett. bring us up to speed on this investigation. >> reporter: this investigation has been going on now for -- since 2019. letitia james's office subpoenaed a lot of documents and records. what she wants now is the testimony of the former president donald trump, his son donald trump jr. and ivanka trump. through this filing that came out overnight, james's office alleged they have substantial evidence of misleading statements, omissions in these financial statements provided to lenders, provided to insurers and that were used, some of these appraisals used in filings with the irs. they say that this covers a range of their properties, including a commercial building in lower manhattan, golf courses in scotland and in los angeles, several of their properties involving a lot of loans. they say they need to speak with the former president because he signed these financial statements. he was okaying memorandums that related to them. also, they need to speak with donald trump jr. because he was involved in this property in lower manhattan. once his father became president, he took over running the company with his brother eric and also signed off on the financial statements. and they want to speak with ivanka trump, she was the key lee a san with deutsche bank, who lent more than $300 trillion. this is something that will ultimately be up to a judge to decide whether these subpoenas for testimony will go through. we have just gotten some response from the trump organization this morning. they have issued a statement where they say the only one misleading the public is letitia james. she based her entire candidacy on a promise to get trump at all costs without having seen a shred of evidence and in violation of every conceivable ethical rule. three years later she is now faced with the stark reality that she has no case. so, in response to trump suing her and filing multiple ethical complaints, and on the heels of her failed governor's race, she has no choice but to mislead the public yet again by miss re realming. he is saying this is a window directing, that she has abused her office and saying this is all part of her bid to revive her political career. >> laura, le sheurbtitia james, substantial evidence of fraudulent opportunity. to san extent she will need. these aren't easy cases to make. >> they are not easy cases. i think we have to pause and note how extremely rare it is to see this type of move from the attorney general in new york. she is going on the record in a filing after 11:00 p.m. last night in a tweet saying significant evidence against the former president of the united states and his closest family members. we know that she has had a number of high-level executives into the grand jury, as kar a's has done so much great reporting on that. she wants the top-level people. she is saying she has evidence they're connected. she is laying out here in devastating detail a pattern of fraud. that's what this is at bottom. and the question is just how who is responsible? and from her perspective, the only way she can get at who exactly is responsible is to actually sit them down for a deposition and get her hands on the documents. >> all right. kara scannell, laura jarrett, thank you for your reporting and insights. we really appreciate it. new cnn reporting just in. growing resentiment toward kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. plus, a live look, live you can tell by the hair of british prime minister boris johnson getting grilled by parliament. so what did he know about these parties during lockdown? when did he know it, and could this lead to his ousting? this is a gamechanger, who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest f fabrc keeping her comfortable, protected, and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thihing stronger than us, is you. when you're e looking for answe, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the diffence. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're loong for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the 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ellis, and sidney powell and former trump campaign adviser boris epshteyn. they obtained records of phone records of eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle, engaged to donald trump jr. anchor of "inside politics" sunday, abby phillip, and national reporter at "axios", jonathan swan. great to have both of you on board this morning. jonathan, i want to start with you. you have reported extensively on this period of time. in fact, the letter to sidney powell that subpoenaed her to talk to the committee includes some of the reporting that you have done. and you say that you absolutely cannot do a serious investigation without focusing on these three people. who are your takeaways from the committee? >> reporter: well, it turns out now both sidney powell and rudy giuliani subpoenas my reporting on trump's final days. it is important for people to remember the context. by mid-december of 2020, these fringe lawyers, rudy giuliani, jenna ellis, sidney powell, had supplanted the professional lawyers in the white house and at the republican national committee. and they told trump what he wanted to hear, which is his own lawyers were weak and treasonness and unwilling to fight for him. instead, they laid out this elaborate plan to commandeer the department of homeland security to go around the country and seize voting machines. this was illegal. plainly, illegal. and in the view of the white house lawyers, deranged. but this all sort of culminated in this oval office meeting on december the 18th, which was a shouting match, almost became a fistfight, as i laid out in the reporting, between michael flynn, sidney powell, this very interesting character patrick burn, pat cipollony, eric hirshman. it was this truly bizarre meeting that went over the course of four or five hours and ended up in trump's personal residence. any serious investigation of the insurrection has to lead back to this powell-giuliani crew because they imprinted in trump's mind the idea that there was actually a path using government resources, an illegal path to overturn the election. >> sidney powell just put out a response saying she's going to go. she's going to talk to the committee, abby. that will be something. >> reporter: well, yeah. she made it cleaver, she believes the lies, plans to espouse them in the setting of the committee. jonathan makes an important point, as we try to understand what the subpoenas and requests for records indicate, it actually does indicate that this committee is laser focused on what mechanisms there might have been for their there to have been interactions between the president and people involved in the stop the steal rally, people involved in the january 6th conspiracy to overthrow the election. this is a president who, for most of his tenure in office, spent amount of time using outside advisers, outside lawyers, outside allies to really do a lot of this work, to really establish relationships between himself and people on the outside of the white house. to me this indicates that they really are kind of focusing on the ways in which the official channels were left out of this conspiracy and might have allowed president trump to have communications or even engagement in organize this round. >> jonathan, what democrats are doing in the senate is essentially attempting to continue this process of changing the senate rules. we know that senators manchin and sinema are not on board with it. our manu raju is reporting frustration is building. you have feminist groups, emily's list threatening to pull support from kirsten sinema over this. what do democrats gain from having this fight today in your view. >> had the goal of congressional democrats is to drive senator joe manchin out of the party and into the welcoming arms of mitch mcconnell. maybe it's not desperation. but why they believe based on recently history that publicly threatening joe manchin will succeed in getting him to capitulate to democrats. he represents a state that donald trump won by almost 40 percentage points. beat joe biden by almost 40 percentage points. joe manchin is a unicorn democrat in west virginia. >> probably the last one ever. >> reporter: maybe. all of his political in sent if's push him not to the democratic party but the republican party. okay. you can have progressives threatening him. but he's privately told people that helps him back home. anyone who has two brain cells can see that. i don't actually understand. maybe it is just venting and frustration and there is no strategy. but if there is a strategy, i'd like someone to explain it because it doesn't seem particularly coherency to me. >> i tried to drag kate bedingfield into it. she can't get into it because of the hatch act while she's standing there. >> however. >> however, it wasn't like she said we love joe manchin and kyrsten sinema either, even though she can't touch it. if the progressives in the center are getting into this fight with manchin and sinema, i pwoubt that it is the same fight the white house wants to get into. >> reporter: not at all. frankly, joe biden can't step foot in west virginia at all. because it's just not a place where he has much political juice. even in arizona as well, there is talk of a progressive challenge to kyrsten sinema. you have congressman gallego being very critical of her. this is a state joe biden won by a relatively low margin. former president trump was there just a few days ago. there is a fine line putting pressure on sinema to get her to do something she repeatedly said she will not do and pressuring her to the point that you push her or another candidate so far left they can't win in that state. it's a real question mark here for democratic activists. and from the white house's perspective, it doesn't seem like that kind of pressure is going to work. what they need is an actual legislative strategy. what are the proposals that can get some of these senators over the line that make them believe there might be the possibility for bipartisan progress. it's not clear what the proposals are. but right now there is a complete lack of a plan. we will see if president biden provides more clarity at his press conference. >> anyone who thinks arizona is anything other than a swing state at this point is really not paying attention. abby phillip, jonathan swan, thank you both very much. great to have you here. happening now, in the united kingdom, members of parliament grilling prime minister boris johnson. can he survive the swirl of scandal? we'll go live to london. and ascending from the jim crow south to the highest echelons of fashion's elite. we remember the legendary andre leon talley. ♪ your dell technologies advisisr can help you find the right tecech solution. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? it just fits. call now or visit to book your free consultation. happening now, british prime minister boris johnson getting grilled by members of parliament. he is accused of breaking covid rules that his administration imposed, laws, by holding multiple parties and gatherings during the height of the pandemic at downing street. this is a bit of a lashing he took. >> it was, well, nobody told me what the rules were. >> does the prime minister realize how ridiculous that sounds. >> finally take responsibility, resign, go, prime minister. >> live in london at 10 downing street. and bianca nobilo. what news did the prime minister make on the floor there? >> reporter: johnson back in parliament trying the good old strategy of denial and deflection. if you wanted ans about partygate, he was not going to give them to you. he kicked the can down the road. members of his own party are losing patience. they are fed up. there was a dramatic moment where a member of his own party defected, crossed the aisle and sat with the opposition. and the hits kept on coming. former brexit secretary standing up and saying for goodness sake, just go. and we already know of a small handful of mps calling on him to resign, submitted letters to trigger a no confidence vote. look, johnson is a great political survivor. he has survived many a scandal. but he's going to need houdini-like powers to get out of this one, john. now he has two ways in which he could be pushed out of parliament. if he is caught lying to parliament, the custom in this country is you must resign. if his own party turns against him, that could also cost him his job. john. >> bianca, what is it going to take to push him over the edge? if you lie to parliament, you must step down? do you think he will abide? or what will it take to get his members to say, that's enough. we're done with you. >> reporter: boris johnson does like to be liked. i think he would struggle a lot more than theresa may who soldiered on when she was becoming increasingly unpopular. and members of his own party were asking her to go week upon week. as salma was saying, he could resign. if found he did lie to parliament, the convention is he would have to go. i think it would be increasingly untenable for him to remain. there's also the option that he is booted out by his party if the threshold of these no confidence letters is reached. that would be about 54 of his own mps writing letters to the 1922 committee of rank and file members of the conservative party. now, that looks more and more plausible as the day goes on. when i was speaking to you last week, i was speaking to mps and they felt it was unlikely they would reach that threshold until may. that's when there are local elections in the united kingdom. that would give a crystal pwhraoer bellwether whether or not boris johnson could continue. now when i'm speaking to mps, they say, no, it will be sooner than that. the country has no say because boris johnson, conservative party, will remain in power. in terms of whether or not he can survive, he is something of a political vampire. he's come back from the brink many times over. what is different here is the fact that the key elements of his political brand that made him a success, that gave him this rather remarkable colorful political career, his political mischief, his defiance of norms, of rules, of laws, are precisely the things that are weakening him and leaving now an indelible stain on his party and his reputation. >> bianca bobbi low, salma abdel aziz, thank you. one is time. clearly he's trying to buy himself some time. yep. i just don't know if he has it. >> it's very unclear. although we have compared him oftentimes to our former president trump in this country and the way he conducted himself. she was making the point that he has a political brand around breaking the rules. you know, what he changed strategy when he started to apologize. i think that was a real recognition of just how bad this is and apologizing not a trumpian move. >> not a bit. here's what else to watch today. all right. drama in the supreme court. why one justice refused to wear a mask even if it would protect his colleague. long gone are the days of not inhaling. ♪ got my hair ♪ why our next guest is taking a more blunt approach to his campaign. ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. [school bus passing by] [kids laughing] [bikes passing] [fire truck siren] [first responder] onstar, we see them. [onstar advisor] okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. [first responder] thank you, onstar. [driver] my son, is he okay? [first responder] your son's fine. [driver] thank you. there was something in the road... [first responder] it's okay. you're safe now. welcome back. you remember the days when we demanded this from our politicians? >> when i was in england, i experimented with marijuana a time or two and i didn't like it. and i didn't inhale and never tried it again. >> didn't inhale. maybe that's why he didn't like it. those days are long gone. fast forward 30 years to today and this campaign ad now running down in louisiana where there is an open u.s. senate seat. >> every 37 seconds, someone is arrested for possession of marijuana. since 2010, state and local police have arrested an estimated 7.3 million americans for violating marijuana laws. most of the people police are arresting aren't dealers but rather people with small amounts of pot just like me. i'm gary chambers, and i'm running for the u.s. senate, and i approve this message. >> and joining us now is the democratic senate candidate in louisiana. forgive me it's not an open seat. he is running against senator john kennedy. gary chambers, you have our attention, sir, which i imagine is a big reason we saw this ad from you. what do you hope people take away from it? >> good morning. and thank you for having me. first of all, i hope people take away the glaring statistics in recognizing where louisiana and the country are as it relates to this. louisiana is the second most incarcerated place in the world. and so if we're going to have a conversation and talk about what needs to change, i think we need to talk about the lack of opportunity and a part of that lack of opportunity comes as a result of the policies that we have on drugs in this country. >> so, sir, you ran in the special election to fill cedric richmond's seat. can you talk about what drove your success there. running for senate more difficult in a deep red state like louisiana. why now? >> well, we're proud of the race re we ran in 2021. people donated and contributed from all over the country. we joked if we had another $100,000 or another week we would have been into the runoff. we touch the 64 parishes of the state. i don't think there's been a candidate that has been able to draw as much national attraction to louisiana, the state ranks 50th in the nation. 23 we're going to progress this state beyond where we are, we have to have leaders who can make the leaders pay attention to what's happening in louisiana. >> let's talk about john kennedy, a senator who garnered national attention with his quips, one liners, things he says in the hall ways of the u.s. senate. he of course was once a democrat. what is your number one reason for believing he shouldn't be there anymore. >>. >> i think you look at the condition of our state and where our country is. louisiana is 50th in the nation in crime, 49 in opportunity, 47 in health care, 46 in education. you name it. and kennedy has been elected almost as long as i have been alive. you can't take responsibility for our good culture and gumbo and all the flavor we have but not responsibility for where we are as a state in comparison to our neighbors. and so my generation and others are looking at the leadership. we don't want senator frog horn leghorn. we want somebody to go to d.c. and represent the people. we have a senator who voted against the infrastructure bill, right. we have a d or f grade in infrastructure. we ranked 47 in the country in infrastructure. the billions of dollars will help fix our crumbling roads and bridges. you go to new orleans, small towns around the state, there are potholes you can step inside and be knee-deep to waist-deep. having a u.s. senator who doesn't prioritize the people of louisiana, would rather spend time on fox news maybe quips whether we taste like chick tone a bear, those are not things that value or bring value to the voters of louisiana or this country. we need leadership that is going to talk about health care, that's going to talk about education, the child tax credit, how do we advance this democracy, protect the right to vote for every american citizen in this country instead of being an obstructionist to the process of democracy. that's what we have in the u.s. senator that represents louisiana. and i think we can do better. >> let me circle back. you mentioned the crime rate in louisiana. and you of course are in this ad smoking marijuana. there have been moves in your home state perhaps making penalties not quite as aggressive, perhaps expanding medical marijuana. but we were having a conversation earlier in the show about crime rates across the country and how they have gone up. do you think that maybe further moves on this particular issue is something that americans are prepared or interested in doing right now considering there is they very least a perception that crime is increasingly becoming a problem? >> i absolutely think americans want to move on this issue. cannabis is not a contributor to crime. louisiana ranks 50th in crime, and we have had record-breaking homicides, car thefts, vandalism, right. we want our police officers focused on solving those crimes, not chasing people who smoke a joint. people who do better than we do have legalization fully in their state. it is a myth. it is something that has been a dog whistle to certain groups of people to criminalize certain groups of people. white people and black people smoke at the same rate, yet black people are jailed four times more than white people are. so i don't think it benefits us to have this archaic policy still in place. what we need is policies that give our police officers opportunities to actually address the causes of crime that are scaring our communities, right, the violent crime. i don't want my cop chasing somebody with a joint. in california, virginia, colorado, illinois, 19 states now, i believe it is, that have legalized recreational marijuana while louisiana, alabama, mississippi, all these southern states that are also in the bottom 10 of every major category in the country, these people are still jailing people or giving people citations for cannabis. it's stupid, period. 6. >> all right. gary chambers, perhaps a high point for your campaign. thanks for joining us. wah, wah. . >> i know we're supposed to be more mature than this, but i'm curious what happens in the debate between gary chambers and john kennedy. >> if there is one. >> if there is one. challenge senator kennedy to par take. i'm just saying. >> hey, you know, i guess "stranger things" have happened. all right. moving on, coming up next, supreme court justice sonia sotomayor working apart from her colleagues to protect her own health. we'll tell you why. heart-pounding moments that the police officer rushes into a burning building . ish i. this morning an unusual rift in the u.s. supreme court. justice sonia with diabetes took part in oral arguments via zoom because of gorsuch refusing to wear a mask. nina, thanks for joining us this morning. what happened here? >> well, she has diabetes so she's at risk for serious illness or death if to catch covid and zest been quite aggressive about protecting her herself, the court only went back to work this fall when cases were way down and now they're way up and she made clear to the chief justice and others i assume that she really would not be there in the court room in person if other members of the court weren't wearing a mask. i mean, everybody else in the courtroom you understand is wearing a mask. it's only a select group of reporters and the court staff and we all wear masks and the court has not been wearing masks but given the uptick and that's mildly putting it in d.c. that's been a center of the omicron surge, she said she wouldn't go if everybody in the courtroom wasn't masked so the other members of the court masked up but she did not and it was arranged for her to be able to participate with a microphone setup in her chambers instead and that also means that she's not going to the judge's justice's weekly conference in person, which is in a room around a table and if they're not going to all mask up, i should say she sits next to justice gorsuch on the bench so this is nots is not for her a m triviality. >> what's up with justice gor gor gorsuch? if the other conservative members of the court are willing to go along with this, why not him? >> i don't know. he hasn't said and, you know, he is a libertarian and sometimes a prickly personality on the court. the court today is made up of six very conservative justices and the only one who you could remotely say is centrists is the chief justice and they don't need his vote anymore so they can do what they want without him, and as a result, there is a lot of rivalry for who is going to be the intellectual leader. there's much less drive to reach a consensus that everybody can sign on to then there is sort of a sense that this is my -- this is the ideology i think we should be taking, no it's me, no it's me, no it's me. there are long buried and not so buried resentments on the court. the notion that justice alleto thought he would be the chief justice and because of a series of events that didn't happen. >> nina, thank you for being with us today. supreme court justices are human beings are sewith resentments a vulnerabilities. >> cnn's coverage continues after this. for nutrition, sleep, immune systems and energy, cvs can help them happen a little less. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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he has been meeting with president zelensky, the president of ukraine, where he is going to be briefing him on the outcome of negotiations that were held in various places last week with russian officials. what will be discussed on friday in geneva when secretary of state blinken sits down with sergey lavrov. the idea that he has come to brief the ukrainians is something that the ukrainian officials, ukrainians said they're grateful for. >> translator: i would like to thank you and president biden and the u.s. administration for the support, for the military aid, for the help that was already given by the u.s. we hope that in the future this support will continue. >> it is up to ukrainians and no one else to decide their own future, and the future of this country. so the president asked me to underscore once again our commitment to ukraine integrity, sovereignty, to its independence. and i know that is a message you have heard not just from us but from so many partners throughout europe. >> very much a united front being put up by the two figures, these two countries. behind the scenes privately, officials say there is frustration with the u.s. stance. they want more than just words of support. they want military aid and sanctions to be imposed on russia ahead of time as a deterrence. and they want to discuss loan guarantees as well. lack of foreign investment has led to billions of dollars of losses, they say, which they want compensated for. . >> matthew chance for us in kiev. thanks for being with us. at the top we mentioned the united states feels russia has all but completed its military buildup along the border with ukraine. and white house press secretary jen psaki said we are now at a stage where russia could at any point launch an attack in ukraine. joining me now is white house communications director kate bedingfield. >> thanks for having me. >> if vladimir putin wants to launch an attack, what can president biden do to stop it? >> reporter: well, the aim here is if he determines, if he decides to launch an attack is to make him regret that decision. the president has said, in no uncertain terms, he will impose sanctions, that he will impose retaliation. that will be a problem for russia and the russian economy. ultimately at the end of the day, if this is a decision that president putin decides to make, it will not bear out well for russia in the end. what president biden has been able to do, as you saw from secretary blinken being on the ground, an intensive work, he has been able to work with european allies to bring them together to be united around this issue which i think you will remember from having covered it. it is a drastically different tack than the previous president took. president biden has been clear if president putin makes this decision, he will impose sanctions and ultimately this will be a terrible decision for the russian people and the russian economy. >> but those actions will be taken after, right? i guess one thing to make clear is it's possible that all of those bad events to russia and vladimir putin would only happen after troops are in ukraine, right? >> we are continuing to try to create an environment of de-escalation. that's what you see with secretary blinken doing intensive work. president biden has been involved in doing intensive work trying to create an environment of de-escalation. ultimately, if president putin makes this decision, that is a decision he will make, and the united states will respond. >> kate, the president is giving a news conference today. thank you for that. i think the american people are grateful to hear from president biden today. you know he's going to face a series of questions. you know what many are. one i imagine will be what grade will you give yourself on this first year in office? what has he done well, briefly, and where do you think he will admit he needs to do better? >> reporter: well, i think what you will hear from the president this afternoon he believes he has laid down a foundation for progress. if you look at what we have been able to achieve in the first year of this administration, we have gotten shots in arms and saved lives. 2 million vaccinated people to over 200 million people vaccinated now. we have been able to create 6 million jobs. we brought the unemployment rate down faster in one year than any other president in history. the biden agenda has gotten people back to work. and he had two significant legislative victories. it gave schools and businesses across the country the resources they needed to stay open. and the bipartisan infrastructure law he was able to pass with republican votes which people said was not possible in washington anymore. he had enormous success. he will say there is a lot more to do. you will hear from him on this this afternoon. >> anything that he thinks he needs to do better? >> he has been laser focused on taming covid and growing the economy. we have made enormous progress. if you look at where we were on testing, for example. we now have 375 million at-home tests being administered every month, up from 2 million from when the president took office. we have made big progress, but there's more to do. >> i want to ask you about something that democrats, or i suppose independents, bernie sanders and democratic elizabeth warren have said. there's been a suggestion that they would support primaries. democratic opponents in arizona and west virginia against these two senators. how does president biden feel about the possibility of democratic primary opponents for those senators? >> well, i'll tell you from my position here at the white house, john, i leave the politics to you all and to the pundits and to others. here at the white house, we are focus used on deliver for the american people and delivering results. i am not really at liberty to talk about politics from my position here. >> the president is, right? do you expect he has an opinion on it? >> reporter: if the president has an opinion on it, he will certainly share it when he's asked about it. >> one of the things that has not gone the way the president has hoped is passing the build back better agenda. joe manchin standing in the way of that. it has not passed yet, right? it has not passed yet, right? manchin said he won't vote for it as-is. how supportive would the president be of passing smaller versions or piecemeal versions of that? >> reporter: i would dispute your characterization as a big spending bill. it does not raise taxes on anybody making less than $400,000 a year. to call it big spending bill is a misnomer. is the president going to push forward on the priorities that he has laid without in build back better? yes, he believes it is fundamental to the ability to grow our economy, to get people back to work, to reduce the cost of things like prescription drugs and child care, which is exactly what this bill will do. it will reduce the cost of insulin for the mother who is trying to afford insulin for her child. that is for president biden not just a question of cost but a question of dignity. yes, he is going to continue to work with leaders in congress, continue to push forward. he believes this is critical to bringing down costs on the things that people rely on in this country. >> would he do it in parts? does he mind doing it in pieces and parts? >> reporter: he's not going to lay out a strategy right now in front of the public. it gets done one on one with congress as we work on how to get it done. i'm not going to lay out a legislative strategy here in this very view. he will do everything in his power to get the pieces done because they are critically important. >> i want to leave one announcement the white house did make this morning is 400 million. did i get that number right? >> reporter: yes. n-95s. they will be available at community health centers and pharmacies and locations around the country. they will start shipping soon. you can go to your local pharmacy and pick one up. >> kate bedingfield, i will only say the build back better plan will cost money and that money will be spent whether or not it is equalled in revenue increases -- >> reporter: but it is deficit neutral. and economists say it will reduce the deficit over time because of the investments it's making. it is important to put that context out there to people. >> kate bedingfield, thank you. >> reporter: nice to see you this morning. . >> very interesting interview there, john. couple things. they have not hesitated in the past to talk about their legislative strategy for build back better, which is to do one giant piece of legislation with all of this in there. it tells me, okay, we're rethinking this. let's go back to the press conference and the conversation we had with david axelrod. even more than the specific questions that the president has asked today, i think the major thing people will be watching for, does the president seem like he's coming from a position of strength or weakness? that is important across a whole host of issues, whether it's the legislative agenda or probably more critically at this point vladimir putin, troops amassed on the ukrainian border trying to figure out whether and when to potential i invade ukraine. >> the ukraine situation is no small crisis. it is frank but not reassuring. i'm not saying it should be. they're not saying that vladimir putin isn't going to invade ukraine because i think the possibility very much exists that he will. president biden, it's interesting, if you remember back to his news conference after he met with vladimir putin, to me it was among the most animated i have seen him energized. and i say that not qualitatively. it was an area he was deeply engaged in and cared a lot about. if asked about that, you will see a president who is engaged with the subject even if he doesn't have easy answers about it. >> mr. he flashed anger at kaitlan collins for pressing him. i will see if he keeps his temper in check today. that will give us a little bit of insight into how the white house is feeling. >>. >> if kate said the president will speak frankly and admit where things aren't going well, president biden is someone who does occasionally tell you what's on his mind even maybe when he shouldn't. >> he does. >> it is very possible. >> he very much does. >> it is possible he could say i could do this better. or i could have done this. is it perceived to be a position of strength. >> strength or weakness. new york attorney general's office have identified several misleading statements and omissions in the trump organization's financial statements. joining us now cnn correspondent kara scannell and co-host of "early start" and attorney at law, laura jarrett. bring us up to speed on this investigation. >> reporter: this investigation has been going on now for -- since 2019. letitia james's office subpoenaed a lot of documents and records. what she wants now is the testimony of the former president donald trump, his son donald trump jr. and ivanka trump. through this filing that came out overnight, james's office alleged they have substantial evidence of misleading statements, omissions in these financial statements provided to lenders, provided to insurers and that were used, some of these appraisals used in filings with the irs. they say that this covers a range of their properties, including a commercial building in lower manhattan, golf courses in scotland and in los angeles, several of their properties involving a lot of loans. they say they need to speak with the former president because he signed these financial statements. he was okaying memorandums that related to them. also, they need to speak with donald trump jr. because he was involved in this property in lower manhattan. once his father became president, he took over running the company with his brother eric and also signed off on the financial statements. and they want to speak with ivanka trump, she was the key lee a san with deutsche bank, who lent more than $300 trillion. this is something that will ultimately be up to a judge to decide whether these subpoenas for testimony will go through. we have just gotten some response from the trump organization this morning. they have issued a statement where they say the only one misleading the public is letitia james. she based her entire candidacy on a promise to get trump at all costs without having seen a shred of evidence and in violation of every conceivable ethical rule. three years later she is now faced with the stark reality that she has no case. so, in response to trump suing her and filing multiple ethical complaints, and on the heels of her failed governor's race, she has no choice but to mislead the public yet again by miss re realming. he is saying this is a window directing, that she has abused her office and saying this is all part of her bid to revive her political career. >> laura, le sheurbtitia james, substantial evidence of fraudulent opportunity. to san extent she will need. these aren't easy cases to make. >> they are not easy cases. i think we have to pause and note how extremely rare it is to see this type of move from the attorney general in new york. she is going on the record in a filing after 11:00 p.m. last night in a tweet saying significant evidence against the former president of the united states and his closest family members. we know that she has had a number of high-level executives into the grand jury, as kar a's has done so much great reporting on that. she wants the top-level people. she is saying she has evidence they're connected. she is laying out here in devastating detail a pattern of fraud. that's what this is at bottom. and the question is just how who is responsible? and from her perspective, the only way she can get at who exactly is responsible is to actually sit them down for a deposition and get her hands on the documents. >> all right. kara scannell, laura jarrett, thank you for your reporting and insights. we really appreciate it. new cnn reporting just in. growing resentiment toward kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. plus, a live look, live you can tell by the hair of british prime minister boris johnson getting grilled by parliament. so what did he know about these parties during lockdown? when did he know it, and could this lead to his ousting? this is a gamechanger, who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest f fabrc keeping her comfortable, protected, and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thihing stronger than us, is you. when you're e looking for answe, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the diffence. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're loong for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the 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ellis, and sidney powell and former trump campaign adviser boris epshteyn. they obtained records of phone records of eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle, engaged to donald trump jr. anchor of "inside politics" sunday, abby phillip, and national reporter at "axios", jonathan swan. great to have both of you on board this morning. jonathan, i want to start with you. you have reported extensively on this period of time. in fact, the letter to sidney powell that subpoenaed her to talk to the committee includes some of the reporting that you have done. and you say that you absolutely cannot do a serious investigation without focusing on these three people. who are your takeaways from the committee? >> reporter: well, it turns out now both sidney powell and rudy giuliani subpoenas my reporting on trump's final days. it is important for people to remember the context. by mid-december of 2020, these fringe lawyers, rudy giuliani, jenna ellis, sidney powell, had supplanted the professional lawyers in the white house and at the republican national committee. and they told trump what he wanted to hear, which is his own lawyers were weak and treasonness and unwilling to fight for him. instead, they laid out this elaborate plan to commandeer the department of homeland security to go around the country and seize voting machines. this was illegal. plainly, illegal. and in the view of the white house lawyers, deranged. but this all sort of culminated in this oval office meeting on december the 18th, which was a shouting match, almost became a fistfight, as i laid out in the reporting, between michael flynn, sidney powell, this very interesting character patrick burn, pat cipollony, eric hirshman. it was this truly bizarre meeting that went over the course of four or five hours and ended up in trump's personal residence. any serious investigation of the insurrection has to lead back to this powell-giuliani crew because they imprinted in trump's mind the idea that there was actually a path using government resources, an illegal path to overturn the election. >> sidney powell just put out a response saying she's going to go. she's going to talk to the committee, abby. that will be something. >> reporter: well, yeah. she made it cleaver, she believes the lies, plans to espouse them in the setting of the committee. jonathan makes an important point, as we try to understand what the subpoenas and requests for records indicate, it actually does indicate that this committee is laser focused on what mechanisms there might have been for their there to have been interactions between the president and people involved in the stop the steal rally, people involved in the january 6th conspiracy to overthrow the election. this is a president who, for most of his tenure in office, spent amount of time using outside advisers, outside lawyers, outside allies to really do a lot of this work, to really establish relationships between himself and people on the outside of the white house. to me this indicates that they really are kind of focusing on the ways in which the official channels were left out of this conspiracy and might have allowed president trump to have communications or even engagement in organize this round. >> jonathan, what democrats are doing in the senate is essentially attempting to continue this process of changing the senate rules. we know that senators manchin and sinema are not on board with it. our manu raju is reporting frustration is building. you have feminist groups, emily's list threatening to pull support from kirsten sinema over this. what do democrats gain from having this fight today in your view. >> had the goal of congressional democrats is to drive senator joe manchin out of the party and into the welcoming arms of mitch mcconnell. maybe it's not desperation. but why they believe based on recently history that publicly threatening joe manchin will succeed in getting him to capitulate to democrats. he represents a state that donald trump won by almost 40 percentage points. beat joe biden by almost 40 percentage points. joe manchin is a unicorn democrat in west virginia. >> probably the last one ever. >> reporter: maybe. all of his political in sent if's push him not to the democratic party but the republican party. okay. you can have progressives threatening him. but he's privately told people that helps him back home. anyone who has two brain cells can see that. i don't actually understand. maybe it is just venting and frustration and there is no strategy. but if there is a strategy, i'd like someone to explain it because it doesn't seem particularly coherency to me. >> i tried to drag kate bedingfield into it. she can't get into it because of the hatch act while she's standing there. >> however. >> however, it wasn't like she said we love joe manchin and kyrsten sinema either, even though she can't touch it. if the progressives in the center are getting into this fight with manchin and sinema, i pwoubt that it is the same fight the white house wants to get into. >> reporter: not at all. frankly, joe biden can't step foot in west virginia at all. because it's just not a place where he has much political juice. even in arizona as well, there is talk of a progressive challenge to kyrsten sinema. you have congressman gallego being very critical of her. this is a state joe biden won by a relatively low margin. former president trump was there just a few days ago. there is a fine line putting pressure on sinema to get her to do something she repeatedly said she will not do and pressuring her to the point that you push her or another candidate so far left they can't win in that state. it's a real question mark here for democratic activists. and from the white house's perspective, it doesn't seem like that kind of pressure is going to work. what they need is an actual legislative strategy. what are the proposals that can get some of these senators over the line that make them believe there might be the possibility for bipartisan progress. it's not clear what the proposals are. but right now there is a complete lack of a plan. we will see if president biden provides more clarity at his press conference. >> anyone who thinks arizona is anything other than a swing state at this point is really not paying attention. abby phillip, jonathan swan, thank you both very much. great to have you here. happening now, in the united kingdom, members of parliament grilling prime minister boris johnson. can he survive the swirl of scandal? we'll go live to london. and ascending from the jim crow south to the highest echelons of fashion's elite. we remember the legendary andre leon talley. ♪ your dell technologies advisisr can help you find the right tecech solution. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? it just fits. call now or visit to book your free consultation. happening now, british prime minister boris johnson getting grilled by members of parliament. he is accused of breaking covid rules that his administration imposed, laws, by holding multiple parties and gatherings during the height of the pandemic at downing street. this is a bit of a lashing he took. >> it was, well, nobody told me what the rules were. >> does the prime minister realize how ridiculous that sounds. >> finally take responsibility, resign, go, prime minister. >> live in london at 10 downing street. and bianca nobilo. what news did the prime minister make on the floor there? >> reporter: johnson back in parliament trying the good old strategy of denial and deflection. if you wanted ans about partygate, he was not going to give them to you. he kicked the can down the road. members of his own party are losing patience. they are fed up. there was a dramatic moment where a member of his own party defected, crossed the aisle and sat with the opposition. and the hits kept on coming. former brexit secretary standing up and saying for goodness sake, just go. and we already know of a small handful of mps calling on him to resign, submitted letters to trigger a no confidence vote. look, johnson is a great political survivor. he has survived many a scandal. but he's going to need houdini-like powers to get out of this one, john. now he has two ways in which he could be pushed out of parliament. if he is caught lying to parliament, the custom in this country is you must resign. if his own party turns against him, that could also cost him his job. john. >> bianca, what is it going to take to push him over the edge? if you lie to parliament, you must step down? do you think he will abide? or what will it take to get his members to say, that's enough. we're done with you. >> reporter: boris johnson does like to be liked. i think he would struggle a lot more than theresa may who soldiered on when she was becoming increasingly unpopular. and members of his own party were asking her to go week upon week. as salma was saying, he could resign. if found he did lie to parliament, the convention is he would have to go. i think it would be increasingly untenable for him to remain. there's also the option that he is booted out by his party if the threshold of these no confidence letters is reached. that would be about 54 of his own mps writing letters to the 1922 committee of rank and file members of the conservative party. now, that looks more and more plausible as the day goes on. when i was speaking to you last week, i was speaking to mps and they felt it was unlikely they would reach that threshold until may. that's when there are local elections in the united kingdom. that would give a crystal pwhraoer bellwether whether or not boris johnson could continue. now when i'm speaking to mps, they say, no, it will be sooner than that. the country has no say because boris johnson, conservative party, will remain in power. in terms of whether or not he can survive, he is something of a political vampire. he's come back from the brink many times over. what is different here is the fact that the key elements of his political brand that made him a success, that gave him this rather remarkable colorful political career, his political mischief, his defiance of norms, of rules, of laws, are precisely the things that are weakening him and leaving now an indelible stain on his party and his reputation. >> bianca bobbi low, salma abdel aziz, thank you. one is time. clearly he's trying to buy himself some time. yep. i just don't know if he has it. >> it's very unclear. although we have compared him oftentimes to our former president trump in this country and the way he conducted himself. she was making the point that he has a political brand around breaking the rules. you know, what he changed strategy when he started to apologize. i think that was a real recognition of just how bad this is and apologizing not a trumpian move. >> not a bit. here's what else to watch today. all right. drama in the supreme court. why one justice refused to wear a mask even if it would protect his colleague. long gone are the days of not inhaling. ♪ got my hair ♪ why our next guest is taking a more blunt approach to his campaign. ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. [school bus passing by] [kids laughing] [bikes passing] [fire truck siren] [first responder] onstar, we see them. [onstar advisor] okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. [first responder] thank you, onstar. [driver] my son, is he okay? [first responder] your son's fine. [driver] thank you. there was something in the road... [first responder] it's okay. you're safe now. welcome back. you remember the days when we demanded this from our politicians? >> when i was in england, i experimented with marijuana a time or two and i didn't like it. and i didn't inhale and never tried it again. >> didn't inhale. maybe that's why he didn't like it. those days are long gone. fast forward 30 years to today and this campaign ad now running down in louisiana where there is an open u.s. senate seat. >> every 37 seconds, someone is arrested for possession of marijuana. since 2010, state and local police have arrested an estimated 7.3 million americans for violating marijuana laws. most of the people police are arresting aren't dealers but rather people with small amounts of pot just like me. i'm gary chambers, and i'm running for the u.s. senate, and i approve this message. >> and joining us now is the democratic senate candidate in louisiana. forgive me it's not an open seat. he is running against senator john kennedy. gary chambers, you have our attention, sir, which i imagine is a big reason we saw this ad from you. what do you hope people take away from it? >> good morning. and thank you for having me. first of all, i hope people take away the glaring statistics in recognizing where louisiana and the country are as it relates to this. louisiana is the second most incarcerated place in the world. and so if we're going to have a conversation and talk about what needs to change, i think we need to talk about the lack of opportunity and a part of that lack of opportunity comes as a result of the policies that we have on drugs in this country. >> so, sir, you ran in the special election to fill cedric richmond's seat. can you talk about what drove your success there. running for senate more difficult in a deep red state like louisiana. why now? >> well, we're proud of the race re we ran in 2021. people donated and contributed from all over the country. we joked if we had another $100,000 or another week we would have been into the runoff. we touch the 64 parishes of the state. i don't think there's been a candidate that has been able to draw as much national attraction to louisiana, the state ranks 50th in the nation. 23 we're going to progress this state beyond where we are, we have to have leaders who can make the leaders pay attention to what's happening in louisiana. >> let's talk about john kennedy, a senator who garnered national attention with his quips, one liners, things he says in the hall ways of the u.s. senate. he of course was once a democrat. what is your number one reason for believing he shouldn't be there anymore. >>. >> i think you look at the condition of our state and where our country is. louisiana is 50th in the nation in crime, 49 in opportunity, 47 in health care, 46 in education. you name it. and kennedy has been elected almost as long as i have been alive. you can't take responsibility for our good culture and gumbo and all the flavor we have but not responsibility for where we are as a state in comparison to our neighbors. and so my generation and others are looking at the leadership. we don't want senator frog horn leghorn. we want somebody to go to d.c. and represent the people. we have a senator who voted against the infrastructure bill, right. we have a d or f grade in infrastructure. we ranked 47 in the country in infrastructure. the billions of dollars will help fix our crumbling roads and bridges. you go to new orleans, small towns around the state, there are potholes you can step inside and be knee-deep to waist-deep. having a u.s. senator who doesn't prioritize the people of louisiana, would rather spend time on fox news maybe quips whether we taste like chick tone a bear, those are not things that value or bring value to the voters of louisiana or this country. we need leadership that is going to talk about health care, that's going to talk about education, the child tax credit, how do we advance this democracy, protect the right to vote for every american citizen in this country instead of being an obstructionist to the process of democracy. that's what we have in the u.s. senator that represents louisiana. and i think we can do better. >> let me circle back. you mentioned the crime rate in louisiana. and you of course are in this ad smoking marijuana. there have been moves in your home state perhaps making penalties not quite as aggressive, perhaps expanding medical marijuana. but we were having a conversation earlier in the show about crime rates across the country and how they have gone up. do you think that maybe further moves on this particular issue is something that americans are prepared or interested in doing right now considering there is they very least a perception that crime is increasingly becoming a problem? >> i absolutely think americans want to move on this issue. cannabis is not a contributor to crime. louisiana ranks 50th in crime, and we have had record-breaking homicides, car thefts, vandalism, right. we want our police officers focused on solving those crimes, not chasing people who smoke a joint. people who do better than we do have legalization fully in their state. it is a myth. it is something that has been a dog whistle to certain groups of people to criminalize certain groups of people. white people and black people smoke at the same rate, yet black people are jailed four times more than white people are. so i don't think it benefits us to have this archaic policy still in place. what we need is policies that give our police officers opportunities to actually address the causes of crime that are scaring our communities, right, the violent crime. i don't want my cop chasing somebody with a joint. in california, virginia, colorado, illinois, 19 states now, i believe it is, that have legalized recreational marijuana while louisiana, alabama, mississippi, all these southern states that are also in the bottom 10 of every major category in the country, these people are still jailing people or giving people citations for cannabis. it's stupid, period. 6. >> all right. gary chambers, perhaps a high point for your campaign. thanks for joining us. wah, wah. . >> i know we're supposed to be more mature than this, but i'm curious what happens in the debate between gary chambers and john kennedy. >> if there is one. >> if there is one. challenge senator kennedy to par take. i'm just saying. >> hey, you know, i guess "stranger things" have happened. all right. moving on, coming up next, supreme court justice sonia sotomayor working apart from her colleagues to protect her own health. we'll tell you why. heart-pounding moments that the police officer rushes into a burning building . ish i. this morning an unusual rift in the u.s. supreme court. justice sonia with diabetes took part in oral arguments via zoom because of gorsuch refusing to wear a mask. nina, thanks for joining us this morning. what happened here? >> well, she has diabetes so she's at risk for serious illness or death if to catch covid and zest been quite aggressive about protecting her herself, the court only went back to work this fall when cases were way down and now they're way up and she made clear to the chief justice and others i assume that she really would not be there in the court room in person if other members of the court weren't wearing a mask. i mean, everybody else in the courtroom you understand is wearing a mask. it's only a select group of reporters and the court staff and we all wear masks and the court has not been wearing masks but given the uptick and that's mildly putting it in d.c. that's been a center of the omicron surge, she said she wouldn't go if everybody in the courtroom wasn't masked so the other members of the court masked up but she did not and it was arranged for her to be able to participate with a microphone setup in her chambers instead and that also means that she's not going to the judge's justice's weekly conference in person, which is in a room around a table and if they're not going to all mask up, i should say she sits next to justice gorsuch on the bench so this is nots is not for her a m triviality. >> what's up with justice gor gor gorsuch? if the other conservative members of the court are willing to go along with this, why not him? >> i don't know. he hasn't said and, you know, he is a libertarian and sometimes a prickly personality on the court. the court today is made up of six very conservative justices and the only one who you could remotely say is centrists is the chief justice and they don't need his vote anymore so they can do what they want without him, and as a result, there is a lot of rivalry for who is going to be the intellectual leader. there's much less drive to reach a consensus that everybody can sign on to then there is sort of a sense that this is my -- this is the ideology i think we should be taking, no it's me, no it's me, no it's me. there are long buried and not so buried resentments on the court. the notion that justice alleto thought he would be the chief justice and because of a series of events that didn't happen. >> nina, thank you for being with us today. supreme court justices are human beings are sewith resentments a vulnerabilities. >> cnn's coverage continues after this. for nutrition, sleep, immune systems and energy, cvs can help them happen a little less. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. >> woman: what's my safelite story? 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Parties , Lead , Gamechanger , Lockdown , Ousting , Bladder Leaks , Smoothest , Softest , Answe , Thihing , Information , Diffence , Depend , At Humana , Things , Screen , Medicare Supplement Should Have , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Seven , Call , Obligation , Agent Producer , Rest , Expenses , Medicare , 80 , Medicare Doesn T , Plans , Humana , Insurance , Copayments , Doctor Visits , Deductibles , Emergency Care , Care , Anywhere , Doctors , Hospital Stays , Ones , Referrals , Trust , Service , Healthcare Partner , Premium , Healthcare , Save You , Ways , Budget , Needs , Guide , Call Humana , Making Healthcare Simpler , Won T , Last , Answer , Challenge , Customers , Servicenow Platform , Workplace , Safe , Return , Flow , Salonpas , Doctor , Business , Relief , Guy , Back Pain , Stomach , Pill , Servicenow , Hair Damage , Areas , Medicine , Dove , Lock , Signs , Sandra , 98 , Kids , Damage , Repair , Animals , Mom , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Former , Attorneys , Rudy Giuliani , Jenna Ellis , House Committee Investigating The January 6th Capitol Riot , January 6th , 6 , To Sidney Powell , Boris Epshteyn , Phone Records , Kimberly Guilfoyle , Abby Phillip , Both , Inside Politics , Anchor , Jonathan Swan , Sunday , Axios , Committee , Fact , Letter , Takeaways , Mid December , December Of 2020 , 2020 , Lawyers , Fringe Lawyers , Republican National Committee , Plan , Treasonness , Sort , Voting Machines , Department Of Homeland Security , Fistfight , Shouting Match , Michael Flynn , 18 , December The 18th , Course , Character , Patrick Burn , Pat Cipollony , Four , Five , Path , Insurrection , Residence , Crew , Election , Government Resources , It Cleaver , Lies , Setting , Interactions , Requests , Mechanisms , Advisers , Stop , Amount , Rally , Tenure , Outside , Relationships , Kind , Channels , U S Senate , Communications , Round , Engagement , Emily S List , Process , Senators Manchin , Senate Rules , Manu Raju , Fight , Goal , Kirsten Sinema , Conservative Party , Mitch Mcconnell , Desperation , Estate , Points , Unicorn Democrat , Beat , 40 , Home , Progressives , Anyone , Brain Cells , Hatch Act , It Wasn T , Center , Either , Place , Frankly , Congressman Gallego , Talk , Juice , Margin , Candidate , Pressure , Pressuring , Fine Line , Proposals , Question Mark , Activists , Line , Attention , Swing State , Clarity , Members , Scandal , Swirl , London , Technologies Advisisr , Ascending , Echelons Of Fashion S Elite , Jim Crow , Dell , Andre Leon Talley , Solution , Nothing , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Life , Bath , High Standards , Quality , Two Million , Homes , Consultation , Bath Fitter , Bathfitter Com , Laws , Height , Pandemic , Gatherings , Lashing , Downing Street , Breaking Covid Rules , She Wouldn T Go , Responsibility , Rules , Nobody , Sounds , Prime Minister , News , Floor , Bianca Nobilo , 10 Downing Street , 10 , Road , Partygate , Deflection , Denial , Ans , Member , Opposition , Patience , Aisle , Sat , Mps , Letters , Brexit Secretary , No Confidence Vote , Handful , Hits , Goodness Sake , Powers , Survivor , Job , Over The Edge , Theresa May , Party , Convention , Saying , Lie , Option , Salma Abdel Aziz , Threshold , Confidence , Rank And File , 54 , 1922 , Elections , Crystal , Say , Pwhraoer Bellwether , Times , Vampire , Whether , Brand , Elements , Mischief , Defiance , Norms , Stain , Reputation , Bianca Bobbi Low , Yep , Recognition , Apologizing , Justice , Drama In The Supreme Court , Mask , Campaign , Guest , Approach , Soul , Colleague , Mouth , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Nutrients , Best , Emergen C , Blend , School Bus Passing By , Bikes Passing , Onstar , First Responder , Driver , Vehicle , Advisor , Injuries , Fire Truck Siren , Fine , Marijuana , Inhale , Politicians , Didn T Inhale , England , Louisiana , Seat , Possession , Campaign Ad , Fast Forward , 37 , 30 , Police , Marijuana Laws , Amounts , Pot , Dealers , 2010 , 7 3 Million , Gary Chambers , Sir , Reason , Statistics , Ad , Policies , Result , Drugs , Cedric Richmond , Red State , 2021 , Runoff , Parishes , 100000 , 64 , Attraction , 50 , 23 , Liners , Quips , Let , Crime , Condition , Nation , 47 , 49 , Health Care , Education , Comparison , Gumbo , Flavor , Culture , Kennedy , 46 , Leadership , Senator , Somebody , Generation , Neighbors , Frog Horn Leghorn , Infrastructure , Infrastructure Bill , Roads , Dollars , Crumbling , Bridges , Towns , Potholes , Knee Deep To Waist , New Orleans , Doesn T Prioritize , Value , Voters , Bear , Fox News , Chick Tone , Democracy , Obstructionist , Child Tax Credit , Citizen , Moves , Smoking Marijuana , Crime Rate , Penalties , Crime Rates , Show , Cannabis , Contributor , Perception , Police Officers , Joint , Crimes , Car Thefts , Vandalism , Homicides , Groups , Rate , Myth , Dog Whistle , Legalization , Causes , Policy , Opportunities , States , Cop Chasing Somebody , Communities , Illinois , Colorado , California , 19 , Category , Citations , Mississippi , Alabama , High Point , Period 6 , Wah , Debate , Par Take , Moving On , Coming Up Next , Sonia Sotomayor , Police Officer , Colleagues , Health , Supreme Court Justice , Ish , U S Supreme Court , Rift , Diabetes , Gorsuch , Oral Arguments , Zoom , Nina , Death , Illness , Risk , Court , Chief Justice , Covid , Zest , Everybody , Person , Court Weren T , Court Room , Courtroom , Masks , Reporters , Wear Masks , Group , Uptick , Staff , Wasn T , Omicron Surge , Conference , Chambers , Room , Table , Microphone Setup , Mask Up , Nots , Bench , I Don T Know , Gor Gorsuch , He Hasn T , Personality , Libertarian , Six , Centrists , Vote , Rivalry , Leader , Consensus , Drive , Sense , Alleto , Resentments , Ideology , Notion , Didn T , Coverage , Human Beings , Nutrition , Immune Systems , Energy , Sleep , Vulnerabilities , Sewith Resentments , Patients , Cvs , Dentistry Work , Dentistry , Little , Exam , Corner , Treatment Plan , Step , Aspen Dental , 20 , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Walk In , 800 , 1 , Car , Woman , Windshield , Vo , Safelite , Story , Wheels , Decompression Zone , Experts , Technology , Safety Systems , Glass , Camera , Me And You , Green Red , Trees , Singers , Safelite Repair , Music , What A Wonderful World , B ,

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