Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

good evening. we begin tonight with breaking news. two major developments from the house january 6th select committee. both suggesting it is now aiming higher and closer to the former president than ever before. first, subpoenas for three of the attorneys in its bid to overturn the election, rudy giuliani, jenna ellis, and sidney powell, as well as campaign adviser boris epstein who was working with giuliani at the willard command center. then, there is this and marks a serious escalation for the committee exclusive reporting on subpoenas naming a trump child and possible future in-law that has already gotten results. cnn special correspondent jamie gangel broke the news tonight. joins us now. so who in the former president's family does the subpoena involve? >> so, anderson, according to multiple sources, the january 6th committee has subpoenaed and obtained phone records from two people very close to former-president trump. his son, eric trump. as well as kimberly guilfoyle who is engaged to his other son, donald trump jr. and as you pointed out, this appears to be the first time the committee has issued a subpoena targeting one of the trump children. it really underscores just how aggressive the committee is willing to be in its investigation. we reached out. eric trump declined to comment on the subpoena of his call records but a source familiar with his thinking tells me, quote, he's not losing sleep over it. we also reached out to an attorney for kimberly guilfoyle who told us the subpoena is, quote, of no consequence to her because she has absolutely nothing to hide or to be concerned about. for the record, anderson, the committee declined to comment on the subpoenas. >> so, in your reporting, do you know why the committee's interested in kimberly guilfoyle and eric trump's phone records? >> so, we don't know yet. but it's my understanding the committee has made it a practice when it comes to issuing subpoenas, it's for a very specific reason. these are not just blanket requests for records. so as an example, there is no evidence that the committee reached out for call records for trump's other children, don jr., ivanka, or his son-in-law jared kushner. and just for context, i want to explain a call detail record -- we reported on this in the fall -- or a cdr. this gives the committee a phone log of the date, time, and length of incoming and outgoing calls. it's also a phone log of text messages but it is not the substance or content of the calls or messages. it is, however, a critical investigative tool as the committee pieces together really a roadmap of who was communicating with whom before, during, and after january 6th. >> as mentioned before, the former president's one-time lawyers and advisers have also been subpoenaed. what is the committee hoping to learn from them? and any sense whether they will comply? >> i think the chances are slim to none of any four complying, maybe none to none. but the committee is making a record. they are -- they are saying these are critical witnesses and when you look at these four names, they are all involved in perpetuating the big lie. and at least two of them -- giuliani and boris -- were at the willard hotel on january 5th, the night before in that war room. we understand, communicating with then-president trump. so, i think this is critical. these are four critical people that the committee wants to say we're going after you whether or not you comply. >> jamie gangel, appreciate it. let's drill down more on this, we are joined by cnn chief legal analyst, jeffrey toobin. former fbi deputy director, andrew mccabe. also, senior political correspondent, abby phillip, host of inside politics sunday. so, andrew, how significant could these call logs or -- or phone records be to the investigation? >> so, anderson, the records are exactly as jamie described them. they give you the incoming and outgoing numbers that were called from that person's account and the time of -- the time the calls went through and their duration. they are crucial in setting up a timeline of that person's contacts and communications. they don't tell you what they said but they tell you exactly when they talked to specific other people. it is usually a -- a record that you want to see very closely before you call that person in for an interview because you want to be able to ask very specific questions about, did you speak to this person? when you spoke to them, what did they say? what did you discuss? those sorts of things. so i would look at these subpoenas as possibly a signal that subpoenas for testimony from these two people would probably be forthcoming. >> jeff, i mean to be clear, would eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle have been aware their phone records were being subpoenaed? would they have had means to try to stall it? or do they have to agree to it? >> um, the answer is they are probably told by the phone company that the records have been subpoenaed. that's the custom. but they have no re -- they have no legal right to stop it. this is a -- a subpoena to the phone company. um, their participation is not invited or allowed, so -- um -- the -- the great advantage of this kind of evidence gathering by the committee is that the subjects really have no ability to delay which, of course, is such a big problem in this investigation. >> abby, just in terms of, you know, the politics, political impact, what could the fallout be to this, the fact the committee seized records pertaining to one of the president's sons? >> well first of all, i mean, i think these individuals are among the closest to former-president trump, and so it just highlights that the investigation is every -- everyone around him, including members of his own family. i was also struck because i think this is a -- a basic practice for -- in trump world. a lot of the things that president trump does, does not go through official channels. it goes through people who are on the outside. in fact, the first time president trump was impeached, it was because he was using outside channels to -- to allegedly conduct his effort to dig up dirt on joe biden. and so, it would not surprise me that these subpoenas that seem to be inching closer and closer to the president don't involve people with white house titles. they involve people on the outside, who are in close communication with him and i think that actually highlights even more how serious they are and what information they could potentially have about the president's involvement or lack of involvement in the riots and -- and the january 6th rally. >> and, andrew, in a case like this, do they have to have specific information in order to get this information from phone companies? i mean, why not -- you know, if they haven't gone after donald trump jr.'s phone records, does that mean they have some specific thing they are interested in -- in guilfoyle and -- and eric trump about? >> the -- the standard for a subpoena of this sort is basic -- is a simple relevance standard. that the phone records might contain information that is relevant to the investigation. that's pretty broad. but i think what jamie said is accurate. it seems from the subpoenas that we've seen come out of the committee so far, they are actually going after specific people, specific times, and -- and likely, specific conversations. so, i would expect that there was a fairly specific motivation behind these. but in truth, on the legal level, you don't -- you don't need that sort of specificity. >> and, jeff, now you got these new subpoenas for giuliani, sidney powell, jenna ellis. kind of the whole rose galley of attorneys. i just want to remind people of the caliber of arguments they were making in the early days of the big lie. let's watch. >> so we have mathematical evidence in a number of states of massive quantities of trump votes being trashed. just simply, put in the trash like you would on your computer with any file. and biden votes being injected. >> so that didn't happen. um, what do you make of -- i mean, even if they didn't cooperate, what is the point of doing this? >> well, because you -- you have to say, at the end of your investigation, we sought the testimony of these relevant figures, especially if, in your final report, you're gonna say they engaged in improper behavior. but let's remember, rudy giuliani is under very serious criminal investigation in the southern district of new york. there has already been a search warrant, um, for -- for his electronic devices. his lawyer can talk all they want about executive privilege, about attorney-client privilege. the reason rudy giuliani is not gonna testify is he is going to take the fifth because any intelligent lawyer would tell his client to take the fifth under those circumstances. very similar with sidney powell, who is also under a different kind of criminal investigation. um, so the chances of them testifying are nonexistent. but i think the committee is doing its due diligence in saying, hey, we want to hear from you if you want to talk. >> and, andrew, i mean, again, going after attorneys for the former president -- how problematic is that? >> i mean, it's incredibly problematic, right? under -- under the best circumstances, there are all sorts of attorney-client privilege and executive privileges that could apply. those are all, you know, formidable grounds for opposing the subpoenas. and let's face it. in this crowd, we know they like to litigate. they like to obstruct. they like to delay. so, you can pretty much guarantee that that's gonna happen. >> i mean, this is the kind of thing, you know, abby, that they -- i mean, i don't know how sidney powell makes a living but if she does fundraising or sells t-shirts or whatever, this is something she, you know, that person of that caliber would like to use. the fact that they've been asked and -- and are, you know, fighting back. >> oh, 100%. i mean, both giuliani and sidney powell are two individuals who use these types of investigations as fodder to gin up support among the president's base. and, you know, whether or not they use that to help, you know, raise money or do whatever they -- they do, it's part of -- of how, you know, the president's supporters build sort of a wall of support among people who believe these lies that they have been spewing. and -- and they use it actually to bolster their position. i mean, just a couple of days ago, president trump was at a rally basically calling all of this political prosecution. the prosecution of january 6th rioters. i imagine he will be saying much of the same thing about these individuals who were very close to him, and who he relied on, frankly, as the source of all of this nonsense around the 2020 election. >> yeah. abby -- >> can i -- can i offer a bit of dissent from that? you know, these -- it's going to cost giuliani, powell hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. and donald trump never helps anybody but himself. they are going to be on the hook for all that -- all that money. i don't think this is good for them. i don't think they are going to make -- make a lot of money off this. i think this is a bad deal for them. >> jeff toobin, andrew mccabe, abby phillip. the biden administration preparing for an invasion it says could come any moment. senator chris murphy back from ukraine joins us. later, the supreme court justice who wrote a book arguing for greater civility. my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm surprising my team with a preview of the latest sneaker drop. because i can answer any question about any shoe. but i'm stumped when it comes to payroll. intuit quickbooks helps you easily run payroll in less than 5 minutes... you can stay... one step ahead. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. omega-3 from fish oil is an important nutrient for heart health. qunol's ultra purified omega -3, is sourced only from wild caught ocean fish, not farm raised and comes in an easy to swallow mini pill. the brand i trust is qunol. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. cough cough sneeze sneeze... 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>> anderson, the idea here is to grow lethal military assistance to the ukrainian military both from the u.s. and its nato allies in a host of ways. to increase supplies of anti-tank, armor-piercing missiles known as javelins. to increase supplies of anti-aircraft, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile systems those from nato allies. mortars, as well. you see pictures of those javelin missiles. but also, increasing presence of u.s. special only -- operations forces trainers for the ukrainian military. they already regularly rotate in and out in ukraine but increasing that presence. and -- and the goals here are, one, to increase the cost of a potential russian invasion. frankly, in the simplest terms, to make it potentially bloodier for the russian military. but also, to, over time, prepare the ukrainian military for sustained resistance to a russian occupation. in other words, equipping them for the long haul here. >> are there signs that diplomacy has failed or is failing? >> not clear that it is failed, yet. but they came out of a week of meetings in europe last week with no signs of any breakthroughs or -- or really any concrete progress. so, increasing pessimism among administration officials i speak to, people in the pentagon that diplomacy is providing the outcome that the administration wants here. they are not closing those doors. an important conversation today between antony blinken and sergey lavrov. but the sad fact is that the diplomatic off ramp the u.s. has offered russia -- it hasn't taken. so, they are making preparations for raising the cost for russia if that's, indeed, where we end up. and anderson, you know, i have been talking to folks for months about this situation. and -- and it -- it's clear that the pessimism is frankly increasing. >> jim sciutto, appreciate it. joining us now democratic senator chris murphy who is just back from kyiv where he and a bipartisan congressional delegation met with ukraine's president. senator murphy, appreciate you joining us. do you think the u.s. should and will move to increase the lethality of weaponry to ukraine? >> well as you know, anderson, the united states has been the most significant security partner with ukraine since the initial russian incursion into ukrainian territory in 2014. we've provided lethal assistance, nonlethal assistance. we have had literally thousands of trainers inside ukraine and i expect that security commitment will continue. in fact, it should grow. the united states congress just a few weeks ago passed legislation increasing the authorization for direct military assistance to ukraine and i think it's incredibly important right now that we make russia understand that while there may not be u.s. brigades on the ground fighting russian soldiers, there is going to be continued u.s. assistance. assistance to an army that is ready to fight and a population that is not just going to let russia march into the center of ukraine. putin seems to be getting absolutely horrible advice. people telling him he is going to be greeted as some kind of liberator in a country that has turned against russia over the last ten years and is going to fight for its survival but i agree that is a time for the united states to increase their security commitment. that was the purpose of the trip to have republicans and democrats there showing ukraine, showing russia more importantly that despite the sort of divisions you see in washington between republicans and democrats on other issues, we are going to be together supporting more assistance to ukraine. >> so you think there would be bipartisan support in the united states, in congress, for -- for helping ukraine? >> i do. i mean listen. there may be outliers on both parties that might oppose certain lethal assistance to ukraine. but i think it's absolutely critical that we continue to be a security partner. but remember, we're -- we're just helping ukraine so that they can decide for themselves their future. russia is invading because they want to force ukraine to orient to the east. the united states supports ukraine's right to decide for themselves whether they want to have an alliance with nato or eu or whether they want to have an alliance with russia. we are supporting ukraine's democratic future. whereas, russia is proposing or threatening an invasion to force the ukrainian people into an alliance with russia they don't want. >> having been there, do you have a sense of what a conflict would -- would look like for -- for ukraine? i mean, obviously, russia has massive military might. but it's not like annexing crimea where there is a large, you know, pro-russian population. the rest of ukraine is much different than that. >> so back in 2012, before russia invaded ukraine's east, you know, there was probably 20-30% support in ukraine for joining nato. today, that number is 60-70%. this is a country that has awakened since the initial russian invasion, and it has become, um, you know, inherently anti-russia. they are going to fight for their country and so this to me would be the biggest mistake of vladimir putin's career. he will get bogged down inside ukraine just like his predecessors got bogged down in afghanistan in 1980 and 1981. the ukrainians are going to fight for their lives. there will be a long-term counterinsurgency. it will be bloody, it will be drawn out, and it will be a black mark on russia that could end up leading to russia's downfall as the afghanistan invasion arguably contributed to the soviet union's downfall. so this is a big-decision moment for putin and while i am not sure we are going to get some magical diplomatic agreement, we can certainly raise the costs to putin and make clear to him that is going to be long, drawn out, and very ugly and in the end, he will wish he never set foot any further inside ukraine. >> what is your sense of why russia is doing this now? i mean, obviously, there are concerns about ukraine joining nato are well known. why now? >> listen. i think putin sort of sees the end of his career coming. he has long believed the breakup of the soviet union was the worst thing that happened to his nation and he sees his legacy attached to some version of the old ussr. i think he has also been given very bad information. there are reports suggesting that he has been told that ukraine is actually just waiting to be invited back into the soviet empire and he will be greeted as a liberator. um, so i think part of this stems from sort of his completion of a legacy project. but part of this is also due to, you know, his -- his bad advice. and the last piece of this is that he knows the time is running out. ukraine is getting more anti-russian, more interested in joining the west every single day. there is not going to be an election which results in a ukrainian leader ultimately deciding to do an alliance with russia. the only way they can force ukraine back in his orbit is through his own use of force. so he's gotten to this point at which the only thing he can do is to propose and move forward with an invasion like this. we have just got to make sure that we raise the prospective costs. >> you sit on committee of foreign relations obviously. do you feel as though the united states and european allies are on the same page when it comes to how to deal with the threat from russia? >> i think it's taken a little time to convince our european allies of the seriousness of this threat. remember, russia had tens of thousands, close to 100,000 -- maybe a little bit more -- troops on ukraine's border in the spring conducting exercises. i think we have had to spend some time with our european allies to convince them that this is serious. and that, together, our proposed sanctions that we make clear to russia should they invade will be imposed could, in fact, be the necessary deterrent. so, my sense is the british have been with us from the beginning and that other european allies are coming along to our view and are now finally willing to sort of put up a set of potential sanctions that may ultimately be dispositive in convincing putin it's just not worth it. >> well let's hope that works. senator chris murphy, thank you. virginia's new governor has rescinded new mask mandates, but some school districts are keeping it in place. why and how parents are reacting, next. big boi house. big boi kitchen! big boi waterfall shower! big boi crawl space. big boi sold sign, big boi logo. to each their home. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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>> because i'm scared. i am scared for my kid. i am scared for her classmates. yeah. i feel like this is -- what other protection do we have? >> reporter: mccormick is the mother of a 4th grader. >> your school district says we are not listening to the governor. >> right. >> we want our kids in our school to still wear their mask. how do you feel about that? >> i feel they are protecting us. they are protecting our kids i love it. >> notably, one of the governor's children goes to a private out of state high school that does have a mask mandate. we wanted to ask the governor about that. and about school districts in his state defying his order but our request to speak with him was declined. however, his spokesperson did send us a statement saying the governor is allowing virginians to opt out of the mask mandates so that parents can choose what's best for their children. over the weekend, the governor did say on camera that school districts need to listen to parents. >> because we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what -- what we can do and will do in order to make sure that parents' rights are protected. >> reporter: and he does indeed get some support from parents at the richmond school. >> it still should be a choice. nobody should be able to be forced to do anything. >> you agree with the governor? >> yes. >> reporter: robin is the grandmother of a 2nd grader. >> i know what it feels like for me to have a mask on. and it's hard for me to breathe, so i can only imagine how they feel. the children. >> reporter: but at this school, a majority of parents we talked to feel differently. governor says it should be up to the parent. shouldn't be up to the schools. parent should make the decisions for their own children. your reaction? >> i don't know if i agree with that because their decisions affect my child. >> reporter: it's not clear what governor youngkin can do, wants to do, or will do when it comes to school districts that disobey his executive order. either way, though, this district shows no signs of backing down. are you concerned your school district could be punished by the governor for not listening to what he is saying? >> i think we will have to take it day by day and of course if there are any repercussions, we will do our very best to defend ourselves and to continue forward with what we believe is right. >> reporter: this parent agrees with that plan of action. >> because i think -- i care about everyone and we're responsible for everyone. >> so everyone should be responsible for each other. >> exactly. >> gary joins us now from richmond. so you are outside a school board meeting. i take it they will be discussing this issue? >> they just discussed it, anderson, and they passed a resolution endorsing the decision made by their superintendent. i can tell you, there are a number of districts around this state that either say we are sticking with the mask mandate or still considering it. and private schools are part of this, too. the order affects private schools. i talked to a spokesperson for the diocese here. and they are maintaining a mask mandate right now. however, they said they will seek guidance from the virginia department of health. they will review the governor's order, and then announce if they are going to make any change before the deadline when this all takes effect this-coming monday. anderson. >> thanks very much. now, to the supreme court where justice sonia sotomayor today who has diabetes, a pre-existing condition, took part in oral arguments remotely. this while justice neil gorsuch, again, was the only member to enter the courtroom without a mask. he is also the justice who recently wrote a book decrying the lack of civility in the country. more on this from cnn supreme court reporter ariane de vogue. so the supreme court, what is going on here? >> right, well justice sonia sotomayor suffers from diabetes so she is in the high-risk category here and from the start of the term, at every argument that i have attended, she is always been wearing a mask. the other justices haven't been wearing a mask. but then, in january, when the infection rates really started to soar, the court released a statement saying that justice sonia sotomayor would now be participating remotely. and the court spokesman made clear that she was not ill. well now, sources tell us that sonia sotomayor feels uncomfortable sitting on the bench in her colleagues are un-masked. and they say that she made that concern clear to chief justice john roberts, although we're not quite sure what john roberts did with the information. so, when that argument started -- the first argument of the january term -- all eight justices appeared in the courtroom wearing masks, except for justice neil gorsuch. now, during arguments, some of the justices took off their masks for a period of time. although, the two liberals kept the mask and they keep the masks on at all times even when they are asking questions. so we have asked the supreme court to give us some comment about gorsuch, why he is choosing not to even bring a mask to oral arguments and they haven't responded. it's worth noting that all of the justices are vaccinated. they have received their boosters, and they are also frequently tested. >> um, i want to read something from justice gorsuch's book titled "a republic if you can keep it." it reads to be worthy of our freedoms, we all have to adopt certain civic habits that enable others to enjoy them, too. he went on to talk about a civility crisis this country is facing. um, which, you know, is certainly accurate. it's just kind of interesting given this latest reporting. can chief justice roberts determine what people -- whether people wear masks on the court or not? >> well, i think it's been proven the last few weeks chief justice john roberts only has one vote on this court and i think he doesn't see this as his responsibility to mandate masks. that said, i covered an event -- a zoom event with gorsuch and sotomayor last year where they talked a lot about civility, together, and their own friendship. but she is being very cautious here because she is high risk. and i did have a source tell me that sotomayor never directly asked gorsuch to wear a mask. and one other important thing is the fact that just recently, the court did block president biden's vaccine mandate. they were on opposite sides, and during oral arguments, sotomayor spent a lot of time talking about the impact of the pandemic on people with pre-existing conditions. >> hmm. ariane de vogue, appreciate the reporting. thank you. up next, look at president biden's first year in office and the challenges he has faced both here and abroad. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration card for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me away. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. - [narrator] as you get ready for what's next, custom gear from custom ink can help make the most of these moments. we've developed new tools to make it easy for you. custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. upload your logo or start your design today at mount everest, the tallest mountain on the face of the earth. keep dreaming. 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working. bilal is the best shot we have for meaningful change. i'm bilal mahmood, and i know our city can become a beacon of hope once again. president biden set to hold a press conference tomorrow at 4:00 on the eve of his first anniversary in office. it's been a year afflicted with a global pandemic, opposition for both the former president, his supporters, president's own strategic and policy blunders, and several global crises. cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny captures the year's ups and downs. >> this is our historic moment of crisis and challenge. and unity is the path forward. >> reporter: as president biden enters his second year in office, that unity is elusive with the very same crisis and challenge still burning red hot and complicating his path forward. the optimism from biden's inaugural address -- >> bringing america together. >> reporter: -- tempered by the bitter reality of a capital and nation even more divided and a president scrambling to find his footing. from an unrelenting pandemic to stubborn inflation to dangerous threats to democracy at home and across the globe, the white house is trying to reset and restore a floundering presidency. tonight, election reform on the cusp of failing in the senate. the latest example of the limits of presidential power in today's washington where republicans are loathed to cooperate and democrats with a razor-thin majority, struggle to compromise. >> there has been a lot of progress made. we need to build on that. the work is not done. the job is not done. and we are certainly not conveying it is. >> reporter: still in march, biden signed a $1.9 trillion american rescue plan to ease the economic fallout from covid-19. and months later, a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan. a landmark accomplishment that has eluded presidents of both parties. >> despite the cynics, democrats and republicans can come together and deliver results. >> reporter: but that bipartisan bridge did not extend to the second part of his economic agenda, the build back better plan. stalled in the senate and facing an uphill road in this midterm election year. but above all, top white house officials concede the first year of the biden presidency has been complicated and consumed by coronavirus. remarkable gains were made on vaccines but the president's summertime declaration of success proved utterly premature. >> no longer controls our lives. it no longer paralyzes our nation. and it's within our power to make sure it never does again. >> reporter: a fall wave of the delta variant, followed by a winter surge of omicron, laid bare the failures in covid testing and eroded confidence, once again, in the administration's grasp of the crisis. >> it's clearly not enough. if i had -- we had known, we would have gone harder, quicker if we could have. >> reporter: on the world stage, biden reassured allies after the whiplash of the trump era. >> america is back. >> reporter: yet the prospect of a new cold war is now an urgent fear. that was not apparent with biden's summit with vladamir putin in june, which focused on cyber attacks. a threat overshadowed by russia's aggression toward ukraine. >> look ahead in three to six months, and say did the things we agreed to sit down and try to work out -- did it work? >> reporter: biden sought to reset the russian relationship. now, putin is testing biden and western allies. for all the challenges outside any president's control, one of the most devastating periods of biden's first year was a decision that he made and stands behind. >> i was not going to extend this forever war. and i was not extending a forever exit. >> reporter: the swift fall of the afghanistan government and the chaotic evacuation that followed, including 13 americans killed in a suicide bombing, raised critical questions about competence that biden and his team still struggle to shake six months later. >> i take responsibility for the decision. >> reporter: yet, taking responsibility marks a noted change between biden and his predecessor, who looms even larger one year out of office. that point was clear on the anniversary of the capitol attack. >> he is not just a former president. he is a defeated former president. >> reporter: and that, advisers say, it is a glimpse into biden's current mindset. he is no longer ignoring trump, the outcome of this second year will help shape how biden answers the biggest question of all -- likely by this time next year -- will he run again? now, we are told the president spent a majority of his day preparing for that press conference but, anderson, also we are told he has been reflecting on his first year in office. no one has ever come into the presidency with as much experience as president biden. the question now is howl how will he use that experience going forward in the second year? will he be offering any big changes? the white house is not saying that directly. they say he will tout his progress tomorrow as well as, you know, owning up to some shortcomings. but the key question -- will there be be any big changes going into year two? we may get a glimpse tomorrow. >> jeff zeleny, appreciate it. the president's press conference, 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. of course, cnn will have full coverage of it. disgraced south carolina attorney alex murdaugh is facing nearly 50 criminal charges and tonight new details on how there could be even more. next. droplets...y active peroxide ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at . . do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. alex maurdaugh lost his request to lower his bond.facin is requesting additional cases that's related to him. 360 tonight takes a look at one of those cases. >> reporter: hakeem thought they found the perfect lawyer to handle the case, his name is alex murdaugh. the someone that's stealing million of dollars from former clients and having to explain a botch-fixed suicide attempt. >> alex murdaugh was as predator who did not care about your life circumstances. >> reporter: bamber who's a south carolina's state representative say murdaugh defrauded people almost a million dollars. >> hathe car rolled over in hampton county south carolina. hakeem was unable to move his arms and legs. hakeem's mother who was driving suffered grave injuries along with his sister and cousin. alex murdaugh sued the company. murdaugh arranged for this man to akct as hakeem's guardian. this is where things get complicated. >> what ends up happening at the end of the day is the trusting injured honest person who just believes their lawyer ends up getting duped. >> the case was sent to hampton county asking for records including murdaugh and lafeit. money that murdaugh should have sent to his client was sent to palmetto state bank and deposited to a bank account there. >> the money vanishes and even today, we have no idea where that money went. >> hakeem passed away in 2011. this check for more than $309,000 was withdrawn. the check was made out to palmetto's state bank instead of ha hakeem's family. the check in question was discovered by murdaugh's law firm. they include the 60,000 check that was paid to palmetto state bank. the memo says it was for a conservator's fee. >> every penny of this money was intended for these people to be able to take care of themselves. >> legal council for the bank also said they are deeply concerned of the troubling allegations regarding hakeem settlement funds and are looking into it. lafitte had not been charged with the crime and did not response for our request. >> it's the same exact pattern in scheme that we saw in the sadderfield's case. >> the housekeeper died after falling down the steps at murdaugh's home. it was not until december, he agreed to a $4.3 million judgment against him. money he kept for himself all these years. randy kay, cnn, palm beach county, florida. >> that saga continues. we'll be right back. we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. 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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

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good evening. we begin tonight with breaking news. two major developments from the house january 6th select committee. both suggesting it is now aiming higher and closer to the former president than ever before. first, subpoenas for three of the attorneys in its bid to overturn the election, rudy giuliani, jenna ellis, and sidney powell, as well as campaign adviser boris epstein who was working with giuliani at the willard command center. then, there is this and marks a serious escalation for the committee exclusive reporting on subpoenas naming a trump child and possible future in-law that has already gotten results. cnn special correspondent jamie gangel broke the news tonight. joins us now. so who in the former president's family does the subpoena involve? >> so, anderson, according to multiple sources, the january 6th committee has subpoenaed and obtained phone records from two people very close to former-president trump. his son, eric trump. as well as kimberly guilfoyle who is engaged to his other son, donald trump jr. and as you pointed out, this appears to be the first time the committee has issued a subpoena targeting one of the trump children. it really underscores just how aggressive the committee is willing to be in its investigation. we reached out. eric trump declined to comment on the subpoena of his call records but a source familiar with his thinking tells me, quote, he's not losing sleep over it. we also reached out to an attorney for kimberly guilfoyle who told us the subpoena is, quote, of no consequence to her because she has absolutely nothing to hide or to be concerned about. for the record, anderson, the committee declined to comment on the subpoenas. >> so, in your reporting, do you know why the committee's interested in kimberly guilfoyle and eric trump's phone records? >> so, we don't know yet. but it's my understanding the committee has made it a practice when it comes to issuing subpoenas, it's for a very specific reason. these are not just blanket requests for records. so as an example, there is no evidence that the committee reached out for call records for trump's other children, don jr., ivanka, or his son-in-law jared kushner. and just for context, i want to explain a call detail record -- we reported on this in the fall -- or a cdr. this gives the committee a phone log of the date, time, and length of incoming and outgoing calls. it's also a phone log of text messages but it is not the substance or content of the calls or messages. it is, however, a critical investigative tool as the committee pieces together really a roadmap of who was communicating with whom before, during, and after january 6th. >> as mentioned before, the former president's one-time lawyers and advisers have also been subpoenaed. what is the committee hoping to learn from them? and any sense whether they will comply? >> i think the chances are slim to none of any four complying, maybe none to none. but the committee is making a record. they are -- they are saying these are critical witnesses and when you look at these four names, they are all involved in perpetuating the big lie. and at least two of them -- giuliani and boris -- were at the willard hotel on january 5th, the night before in that war room. we understand, communicating with then-president trump. so, i think this is critical. these are four critical people that the committee wants to say we're going after you whether or not you comply. >> jamie gangel, appreciate it. let's drill down more on this, we are joined by cnn chief legal analyst, jeffrey toobin. former fbi deputy director, andrew mccabe. also, senior political correspondent, abby phillip, host of inside politics sunday. so, andrew, how significant could these call logs or -- or phone records be to the investigation? >> so, anderson, the records are exactly as jamie described them. they give you the incoming and outgoing numbers that were called from that person's account and the time of -- the time the calls went through and their duration. they are crucial in setting up a timeline of that person's contacts and communications. they don't tell you what they said but they tell you exactly when they talked to specific other people. it is usually a -- a record that you want to see very closely before you call that person in for an interview because you want to be able to ask very specific questions about, did you speak to this person? when you spoke to them, what did they say? what did you discuss? those sorts of things. so i would look at these subpoenas as possibly a signal that subpoenas for testimony from these two people would probably be forthcoming. >> jeff, i mean to be clear, would eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle have been aware their phone records were being subpoenaed? would they have had means to try to stall it? or do they have to agree to it? >> um, the answer is they are probably told by the phone company that the records have been subpoenaed. that's the custom. but they have no re -- they have no legal right to stop it. this is a -- a subpoena to the phone company. um, their participation is not invited or allowed, so -- um -- the -- the great advantage of this kind of evidence gathering by the committee is that the subjects really have no ability to delay which, of course, is such a big problem in this investigation. >> abby, just in terms of, you know, the politics, political impact, what could the fallout be to this, the fact the committee seized records pertaining to one of the president's sons? >> well first of all, i mean, i think these individuals are among the closest to former-president trump, and so it just highlights that the investigation is every -- everyone around him, including members of his own family. i was also struck because i think this is a -- a basic practice for -- in trump world. a lot of the things that president trump does, does not go through official channels. it goes through people who are on the outside. in fact, the first time president trump was impeached, it was because he was using outside channels to -- to allegedly conduct his effort to dig up dirt on joe biden. and so, it would not surprise me that these subpoenas that seem to be inching closer and closer to the president don't involve people with white house titles. they involve people on the outside, who are in close communication with him and i think that actually highlights even more how serious they are and what information they could potentially have about the president's involvement or lack of involvement in the riots and -- and the january 6th rally. >> and, andrew, in a case like this, do they have to have specific information in order to get this information from phone companies? i mean, why not -- you know, if they haven't gone after donald trump jr.'s phone records, does that mean they have some specific thing they are interested in -- in guilfoyle and -- and eric trump about? >> the -- the standard for a subpoena of this sort is basic -- is a simple relevance standard. that the phone records might contain information that is relevant to the investigation. that's pretty broad. but i think what jamie said is accurate. it seems from the subpoenas that we've seen come out of the committee so far, they are actually going after specific people, specific times, and -- and likely, specific conversations. so, i would expect that there was a fairly specific motivation behind these. but in truth, on the legal level, you don't -- you don't need that sort of specificity. >> and, jeff, now you got these new subpoenas for giuliani, sidney powell, jenna ellis. kind of the whole rose galley of attorneys. i just want to remind people of the caliber of arguments they were making in the early days of the big lie. let's watch. >> so we have mathematical evidence in a number of states of massive quantities of trump votes being trashed. just simply, put in the trash like you would on your computer with any file. and biden votes being injected. >> so that didn't happen. um, what do you make of -- i mean, even if they didn't cooperate, what is the point of doing this? >> well, because you -- you have to say, at the end of your investigation, we sought the testimony of these relevant figures, especially if, in your final report, you're gonna say they engaged in improper behavior. but let's remember, rudy giuliani is under very serious criminal investigation in the southern district of new york. there has already been a search warrant, um, for -- for his electronic devices. his lawyer can talk all they want about executive privilege, about attorney-client privilege. the reason rudy giuliani is not gonna testify is he is going to take the fifth because any intelligent lawyer would tell his client to take the fifth under those circumstances. very similar with sidney powell, who is also under a different kind of criminal investigation. um, so the chances of them testifying are nonexistent. but i think the committee is doing its due diligence in saying, hey, we want to hear from you if you want to talk. >> and, andrew, i mean, again, going after attorneys for the former president -- how problematic is that? >> i mean, it's incredibly problematic, right? under -- under the best circumstances, there are all sorts of attorney-client privilege and executive privileges that could apply. those are all, you know, formidable grounds for opposing the subpoenas. and let's face it. in this crowd, we know they like to litigate. they like to obstruct. they like to delay. so, you can pretty much guarantee that that's gonna happen. >> i mean, this is the kind of thing, you know, abby, that they -- i mean, i don't know how sidney powell makes a living but if she does fundraising or sells t-shirts or whatever, this is something she, you know, that person of that caliber would like to use. the fact that they've been asked and -- and are, you know, fighting back. >> oh, 100%. i mean, both giuliani and sidney powell are two individuals who use these types of investigations as fodder to gin up support among the president's base. and, you know, whether or not they use that to help, you know, raise money or do whatever they -- they do, it's part of -- of how, you know, the president's supporters build sort of a wall of support among people who believe these lies that they have been spewing. and -- and they use it actually to bolster their position. i mean, just a couple of days ago, president trump was at a rally basically calling all of this political prosecution. the prosecution of january 6th rioters. i imagine he will be saying much of the same thing about these individuals who were very close to him, and who he relied on, frankly, as the source of all of this nonsense around the 2020 election. >> yeah. abby -- >> can i -- can i offer a bit of dissent from that? you know, these -- it's going to cost giuliani, powell hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. and donald trump never helps anybody but himself. they are going to be on the hook for all that -- all that money. i don't think this is good for them. i don't think they are going to make -- make a lot of money off this. i think this is a bad deal for them. >> jeff toobin, andrew mccabe, abby phillip. the biden administration preparing for an invasion it says could come any moment. senator chris murphy back from ukraine joins us. later, the supreme court justice who wrote a book arguing for greater civility. my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm surprising my team with a preview of the latest sneaker drop. because i can answer any question about any shoe. but i'm stumped when it comes to payroll. intuit quickbooks helps you easily run payroll in less than 5 minutes... you can stay... one step ahead. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. omega-3 from fish oil is an important nutrient for heart health. qunol's ultra purified omega -3, is sourced only from wild caught ocean fish, not farm raised and comes in an easy to swallow mini pill. the brand i trust is qunol. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. cough cough sneeze sneeze... 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>> anderson, the idea here is to grow lethal military assistance to the ukrainian military both from the u.s. and its nato allies in a host of ways. to increase supplies of anti-tank, armor-piercing missiles known as javelins. to increase supplies of anti-aircraft, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile systems those from nato allies. mortars, as well. you see pictures of those javelin missiles. but also, increasing presence of u.s. special only -- operations forces trainers for the ukrainian military. they already regularly rotate in and out in ukraine but increasing that presence. and -- and the goals here are, one, to increase the cost of a potential russian invasion. frankly, in the simplest terms, to make it potentially bloodier for the russian military. but also, to, over time, prepare the ukrainian military for sustained resistance to a russian occupation. in other words, equipping them for the long haul here. >> are there signs that diplomacy has failed or is failing? >> not clear that it is failed, yet. but they came out of a week of meetings in europe last week with no signs of any breakthroughs or -- or really any concrete progress. so, increasing pessimism among administration officials i speak to, people in the pentagon that diplomacy is providing the outcome that the administration wants here. they are not closing those doors. an important conversation today between antony blinken and sergey lavrov. but the sad fact is that the diplomatic off ramp the u.s. has offered russia -- it hasn't taken. so, they are making preparations for raising the cost for russia if that's, indeed, where we end up. and anderson, you know, i have been talking to folks for months about this situation. and -- and it -- it's clear that the pessimism is frankly increasing. >> jim sciutto, appreciate it. joining us now democratic senator chris murphy who is just back from kyiv where he and a bipartisan congressional delegation met with ukraine's president. senator murphy, appreciate you joining us. do you think the u.s. should and will move to increase the lethality of weaponry to ukraine? >> well as you know, anderson, the united states has been the most significant security partner with ukraine since the initial russian incursion into ukrainian territory in 2014. we've provided lethal assistance, nonlethal assistance. we have had literally thousands of trainers inside ukraine and i expect that security commitment will continue. in fact, it should grow. the united states congress just a few weeks ago passed legislation increasing the authorization for direct military assistance to ukraine and i think it's incredibly important right now that we make russia understand that while there may not be u.s. brigades on the ground fighting russian soldiers, there is going to be continued u.s. assistance. assistance to an army that is ready to fight and a population that is not just going to let russia march into the center of ukraine. putin seems to be getting absolutely horrible advice. people telling him he is going to be greeted as some kind of liberator in a country that has turned against russia over the last ten years and is going to fight for its survival but i agree that is a time for the united states to increase their security commitment. that was the purpose of the trip to have republicans and democrats there showing ukraine, showing russia more importantly that despite the sort of divisions you see in washington between republicans and democrats on other issues, we are going to be together supporting more assistance to ukraine. >> so you think there would be bipartisan support in the united states, in congress, for -- for helping ukraine? >> i do. i mean listen. there may be outliers on both parties that might oppose certain lethal assistance to ukraine. but i think it's absolutely critical that we continue to be a security partner. but remember, we're -- we're just helping ukraine so that they can decide for themselves their future. russia is invading because they want to force ukraine to orient to the east. the united states supports ukraine's right to decide for themselves whether they want to have an alliance with nato or eu or whether they want to have an alliance with russia. we are supporting ukraine's democratic future. whereas, russia is proposing or threatening an invasion to force the ukrainian people into an alliance with russia they don't want. >> having been there, do you have a sense of what a conflict would -- would look like for -- for ukraine? i mean, obviously, russia has massive military might. but it's not like annexing crimea where there is a large, you know, pro-russian population. the rest of ukraine is much different than that. >> so back in 2012, before russia invaded ukraine's east, you know, there was probably 20-30% support in ukraine for joining nato. today, that number is 60-70%. this is a country that has awakened since the initial russian invasion, and it has become, um, you know, inherently anti-russia. they are going to fight for their country and so this to me would be the biggest mistake of vladimir putin's career. he will get bogged down inside ukraine just like his predecessors got bogged down in afghanistan in 1980 and 1981. the ukrainians are going to fight for their lives. there will be a long-term counterinsurgency. it will be bloody, it will be drawn out, and it will be a black mark on russia that could end up leading to russia's downfall as the afghanistan invasion arguably contributed to the soviet union's downfall. so this is a big-decision moment for putin and while i am not sure we are going to get some magical diplomatic agreement, we can certainly raise the costs to putin and make clear to him that is going to be long, drawn out, and very ugly and in the end, he will wish he never set foot any further inside ukraine. >> what is your sense of why russia is doing this now? i mean, obviously, there are concerns about ukraine joining nato are well known. why now? >> listen. i think putin sort of sees the end of his career coming. he has long believed the breakup of the soviet union was the worst thing that happened to his nation and he sees his legacy attached to some version of the old ussr. i think he has also been given very bad information. there are reports suggesting that he has been told that ukraine is actually just waiting to be invited back into the soviet empire and he will be greeted as a liberator. um, so i think part of this stems from sort of his completion of a legacy project. but part of this is also due to, you know, his -- his bad advice. and the last piece of this is that he knows the time is running out. ukraine is getting more anti-russian, more interested in joining the west every single day. there is not going to be an election which results in a ukrainian leader ultimately deciding to do an alliance with russia. the only way they can force ukraine back in his orbit is through his own use of force. so he's gotten to this point at which the only thing he can do is to propose and move forward with an invasion like this. we have just got to make sure that we raise the prospective costs. >> you sit on committee of foreign relations obviously. do you feel as though the united states and european allies are on the same page when it comes to how to deal with the threat from russia? >> i think it's taken a little time to convince our european allies of the seriousness of this threat. remember, russia had tens of thousands, close to 100,000 -- maybe a little bit more -- troops on ukraine's border in the spring conducting exercises. i think we have had to spend some time with our european allies to convince them that this is serious. and that, together, our proposed sanctions that we make clear to russia should they invade will be imposed could, in fact, be the necessary deterrent. so, my sense is the british have been with us from the beginning and that other european allies are coming along to our view and are now finally willing to sort of put up a set of potential sanctions that may ultimately be dispositive in convincing putin it's just not worth it. >> well let's hope that works. senator chris murphy, thank you. virginia's new governor has rescinded new mask mandates, but some school districts are keeping it in place. why and how parents are reacting, next. big boi house. big boi kitchen! big boi waterfall shower! big boi crawl space. big boi sold sign, big boi logo. to each their home. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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>> because i'm scared. i am scared for my kid. i am scared for her classmates. yeah. i feel like this is -- what other protection do we have? >> reporter: mccormick is the mother of a 4th grader. >> your school district says we are not listening to the governor. >> right. >> we want our kids in our school to still wear their mask. how do you feel about that? >> i feel they are protecting us. they are protecting our kids i love it. >> notably, one of the governor's children goes to a private out of state high school that does have a mask mandate. we wanted to ask the governor about that. and about school districts in his state defying his order but our request to speak with him was declined. however, his spokesperson did send us a statement saying the governor is allowing virginians to opt out of the mask mandates so that parents can choose what's best for their children. over the weekend, the governor did say on camera that school districts need to listen to parents. >> because we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what -- what we can do and will do in order to make sure that parents' rights are protected. >> reporter: and he does indeed get some support from parents at the richmond school. >> it still should be a choice. nobody should be able to be forced to do anything. >> you agree with the governor? >> yes. >> reporter: robin is the grandmother of a 2nd grader. >> i know what it feels like for me to have a mask on. and it's hard for me to breathe, so i can only imagine how they feel. the children. >> reporter: but at this school, a majority of parents we talked to feel differently. governor says it should be up to the parent. shouldn't be up to the schools. parent should make the decisions for their own children. your reaction? >> i don't know if i agree with that because their decisions affect my child. >> reporter: it's not clear what governor youngkin can do, wants to do, or will do when it comes to school districts that disobey his executive order. either way, though, this district shows no signs of backing down. are you concerned your school district could be punished by the governor for not listening to what he is saying? >> i think we will have to take it day by day and of course if there are any repercussions, we will do our very best to defend ourselves and to continue forward with what we believe is right. >> reporter: this parent agrees with that plan of action. >> because i think -- i care about everyone and we're responsible for everyone. >> so everyone should be responsible for each other. >> exactly. >> gary joins us now from richmond. so you are outside a school board meeting. i take it they will be discussing this issue? >> they just discussed it, anderson, and they passed a resolution endorsing the decision made by their superintendent. i can tell you, there are a number of districts around this state that either say we are sticking with the mask mandate or still considering it. and private schools are part of this, too. the order affects private schools. i talked to a spokesperson for the diocese here. and they are maintaining a mask mandate right now. however, they said they will seek guidance from the virginia department of health. they will review the governor's order, and then announce if they are going to make any change before the deadline when this all takes effect this-coming monday. anderson. >> thanks very much. now, to the supreme court where justice sonia sotomayor today who has diabetes, a pre-existing condition, took part in oral arguments remotely. this while justice neil gorsuch, again, was the only member to enter the courtroom without a mask. he is also the justice who recently wrote a book decrying the lack of civility in the country. more on this from cnn supreme court reporter ariane de vogue. so the supreme court, what is going on here? >> right, well justice sonia sotomayor suffers from diabetes so she is in the high-risk category here and from the start of the term, at every argument that i have attended, she is always been wearing a mask. the other justices haven't been wearing a mask. but then, in january, when the infection rates really started to soar, the court released a statement saying that justice sonia sotomayor would now be participating remotely. and the court spokesman made clear that she was not ill. well now, sources tell us that sonia sotomayor feels uncomfortable sitting on the bench in her colleagues are un-masked. and they say that she made that concern clear to chief justice john roberts, although we're not quite sure what john roberts did with the information. so, when that argument started -- the first argument of the january term -- all eight justices appeared in the courtroom wearing masks, except for justice neil gorsuch. now, during arguments, some of the justices took off their masks for a period of time. although, the two liberals kept the mask and they keep the masks on at all times even when they are asking questions. so we have asked the supreme court to give us some comment about gorsuch, why he is choosing not to even bring a mask to oral arguments and they haven't responded. it's worth noting that all of the justices are vaccinated. they have received their boosters, and they are also frequently tested. >> um, i want to read something from justice gorsuch's book titled "a republic if you can keep it." it reads to be worthy of our freedoms, we all have to adopt certain civic habits that enable others to enjoy them, too. he went on to talk about a civility crisis this country is facing. um, which, you know, is certainly accurate. it's just kind of interesting given this latest reporting. can chief justice roberts determine what people -- whether people wear masks on the court or not? >> well, i think it's been proven the last few weeks chief justice john roberts only has one vote on this court and i think he doesn't see this as his responsibility to mandate masks. that said, i covered an event -- a zoom event with gorsuch and sotomayor last year where they talked a lot about civility, together, and their own friendship. but she is being very cautious here because she is high risk. and i did have a source tell me that sotomayor never directly asked gorsuch to wear a mask. and one other important thing is the fact that just recently, the court did block president biden's vaccine mandate. they were on opposite sides, and during oral arguments, sotomayor spent a lot of time talking about the impact of the pandemic on people with pre-existing conditions. >> hmm. ariane de vogue, appreciate the reporting. thank you. up next, look at president biden's first year in office and the challenges he has faced both here and abroad. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration card for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me away. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. - [narrator] as you get ready for what's next, custom gear from custom ink can help make the most of these moments. we've developed new tools to make it easy for you. custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. upload your logo or start your design today at mount everest, the tallest mountain on the face of the earth. keep dreaming. 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working. bilal is the best shot we have for meaningful change. i'm bilal mahmood, and i know our city can become a beacon of hope once again. president biden set to hold a press conference tomorrow at 4:00 on the eve of his first anniversary in office. it's been a year afflicted with a global pandemic, opposition for both the former president, his supporters, president's own strategic and policy blunders, and several global crises. cnn chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny captures the year's ups and downs. >> this is our historic moment of crisis and challenge. and unity is the path forward. >> reporter: as president biden enters his second year in office, that unity is elusive with the very same crisis and challenge still burning red hot and complicating his path forward. the optimism from biden's inaugural address -- >> bringing america together. >> reporter: -- tempered by the bitter reality of a capital and nation even more divided and a president scrambling to find his footing. from an unrelenting pandemic to stubborn inflation to dangerous threats to democracy at home and across the globe, the white house is trying to reset and restore a floundering presidency. tonight, election reform on the cusp of failing in the senate. the latest example of the limits of presidential power in today's washington where republicans are loathed to cooperate and democrats with a razor-thin majority, struggle to compromise. >> there has been a lot of progress made. we need to build on that. the work is not done. the job is not done. and we are certainly not conveying it is. >> reporter: still in march, biden signed a $1.9 trillion american rescue plan to ease the economic fallout from covid-19. and months later, a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan. a landmark accomplishment that has eluded presidents of both parties. >> despite the cynics, democrats and republicans can come together and deliver results. >> reporter: but that bipartisan bridge did not extend to the second part of his economic agenda, the build back better plan. stalled in the senate and facing an uphill road in this midterm election year. but above all, top white house officials concede the first year of the biden presidency has been complicated and consumed by coronavirus. remarkable gains were made on vaccines but the president's summertime declaration of success proved utterly premature. >> no longer controls our lives. it no longer paralyzes our nation. and it's within our power to make sure it never does again. >> reporter: a fall wave of the delta variant, followed by a winter surge of omicron, laid bare the failures in covid testing and eroded confidence, once again, in the administration's grasp of the crisis. >> it's clearly not enough. if i had -- we had known, we would have gone harder, quicker if we could have. >> reporter: on the world stage, biden reassured allies after the whiplash of the trump era. >> america is back. >> reporter: yet the prospect of a new cold war is now an urgent fear. that was not apparent with biden's summit with vladamir putin in june, which focused on cyber attacks. a threat overshadowed by russia's aggression toward ukraine. >> look ahead in three to six months, and say did the things we agreed to sit down and try to work out -- did it work? >> reporter: biden sought to reset the russian relationship. now, putin is testing biden and western allies. for all the challenges outside any president's control, one of the most devastating periods of biden's first year was a decision that he made and stands behind. >> i was not going to extend this forever war. and i was not extending a forever exit. >> reporter: the swift fall of the afghanistan government and the chaotic evacuation that followed, including 13 americans killed in a suicide bombing, raised critical questions about competence that biden and his team still struggle to shake six months later. >> i take responsibility for the decision. >> reporter: yet, taking responsibility marks a noted change between biden and his predecessor, who looms even larger one year out of office. that point was clear on the anniversary of the capitol attack. >> he is not just a former president. he is a defeated former president. >> reporter: and that, advisers say, it is a glimpse into biden's current mindset. he is no longer ignoring trump, the outcome of this second year will help shape how biden answers the biggest question of all -- likely by this time next year -- will he run again? now, we are told the president spent a majority of his day preparing for that press conference but, anderson, also we are told he has been reflecting on his first year in office. no one has ever come into the presidency with as much experience as president biden. the question now is howl how will he use that experience going forward in the second year? will he be offering any big changes? the white house is not saying that directly. they say he will tout his progress tomorrow as well as, you know, owning up to some shortcomings. but the key question -- will there be be any big changes going into year two? we may get a glimpse tomorrow. >> jeff zeleny, appreciate it. the president's press conference, 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. of course, cnn will have full coverage of it. disgraced south carolina attorney alex murdaugh is facing nearly 50 criminal charges and tonight new details on how there could be even more. next. droplets...y active peroxide ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at . . do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the 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man to akct as hakeem's guardian. this is where things get complicated. >> what ends up happening at the end of the day is the trusting injured honest person who just believes their lawyer ends up getting duped. >> the case was sent to hampton county asking for records including murdaugh and lafeit. money that murdaugh should have sent to his client was sent to palmetto state bank and deposited to a bank account there. >> the money vanishes and even today, we have no idea where that money went. >> hakeem passed away in 2011. this check for more than $309,000 was withdrawn. the check was made out to palmetto's state bank instead of ha hakeem's family. the check in question was discovered by murdaugh's law firm. they include the 60,000 check that was paid to palmetto state bank. the memo says it was for a conservator's fee. >> every penny of this money was intended for these people to be able to take care of themselves. >> legal council for the bank also said they are deeply concerned of the troubling allegations regarding hakeem settlement funds and are looking into it. lafitte had not been charged with the crime and did not response for our request. >> it's the same exact pattern in scheme that we saw in the sadderfield's case. >> the housekeeper died after falling down the steps at murdaugh's home. it was not until december, he agreed to a $4.3 million judgment against him. money he kept for himself all these years. randy kay, cnn, palm beach county, florida. >> that saga continues. we'll be right back. we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. 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