Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that n comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. a stalled agenda. president biden set to hold a news conference tomorrow marking one year in office as voting rights and his economic plan look dead in the water. and with covid and inflation on the rise. a slew of subpoenas. issuing subpoenas for the phone roads of eric trump and kimberley gillfoil and separately sending subpoenas to rudy giuliani and three other trump associates. also an american pro-basketball player hit with a racial slur in china. >> [ bleep ]. >> how will american athletes be treated at the winter olympics in beijing which begin in less than three weeks? let's discuss all of the news now. i want to begin with cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein. thank you both for joining. good evening. president biden, he's about to mark one year in office, covid relief. he got infrastructure, but now his signature social spending package is stalled. two senate democrats, 50 republicans have torpedoed any attempt at passing voting rights legislation. is this the worst possible place he could be with mid-terms just around the corner? >> yeah, he's in a weak position. and look, i think the key for biden both in 2022 which is going to be tough for democrats in all likelihood and beyond 2022, it primarily is a question of current conditions in the country. certainly there are lots of democratic activists and people who voted for him who are deeply disappointed about the legislative failures, and that frustration is going to skyrocket nsaidably if in fact manchin and sinema continue to block voting rights. but for the mass of the country the real issue is covid and the price of gas and groceries. and if biden is going to recover in time to affect the mid-term and improve his position for 2024, he needs conditions in the country to recover. that's the key, i think, of his current position. >> okay. but democrats are creating all of this drama around the vote that will fail. we know that. >> yes. >> do you think the democrats' strategy -- do you understand it right now? >> i think i do. look, i think that first of all they have to be seen as going to every possible length to try to pass this both because it is so important to so many key constituencies within the party but also because it's just so important. you know, if manchin and sinema hold to their position and prevent democrats from acting here, in effect requiring a bipartisan super majority that gives republicans a veto, as i said before there is nothing but clear road ahead for red states to steadily tighten the tourniquet on voting throughout this decade because the supreme court, far from restricting what they are doing, really is the one who fired the starters gun for all of this to happen with john roberts' decision on voting rights over the last decade. so that's the first point. they have to do it. they have to signal they're doing everything they can. but i also think, don, they're creating a new norm in the party. i do believe that joe manchin and kyrsten sinema are the last two democratic elected senators who will ever support maintaining the filibuster for at least voting rights and maybe quite a bit beyond that maybe for abortion rights and other constitutional rights. and i think this process is very clearly demonstrating how isolated they are in the party. you saw today ten former centrists and even central right senate democrats people like mary landrew and blanch lincolns and doug jones came out to fill in the process on the filibuster for establishing voting rights. >> stewart, i want to hear from you and know do you think democrats are going to end up being happy the filibuster was preserved if the house and the senate end up in republican hands, which is a very strong possibility. >> no. i think ron's analysis is pretty dead on about the historic moment where we are in the relationship to voting rights. sometimes you don't get into fights bah you think you're going to win because it's good to fight. dow is over 36,000 and these macro economic things. the country is moving forward. but i don't think we can really have it both ways. i don't think those of us who believe the country's in a crisis, which i do and i think a lot of other people agree with me and think there's some easy path out of this. if -- i think we're at the worst moment in the country as far as being divided since 1860. so there's not a simple path forward. all you can do is fight every day, and i think the biden administration understands that. >> you think it's just -- you don't believe -- do you think it's a false narrative about the biden administration that you think the country is actually in a better place than the narrative that's being put out, especially mainly from conservative media? >> well, look, i mean when you work in politics you acknowledge there's lots of different narratives out there. and, you know, that's how a guy like bill clinton is in third place in may of the year that he gets elected president. that's how george bush is at, what, 90% popularity and loses nine months later. people are constantly dealing with different pressures in their lives. i think the overall tone in this country is being set by covid than anything else. i mean, we all thought we were going to head toward the exit door at this, we were going to look at it in our rearview mirror. and now it's back -- >> but, stuart, let me just say -- >> personally i know lots of people that have covid that didn't before. and it's depressing. >> it is. but here's the issue. you have covid and it keeps replicating which causes a mutation or whatever and in large part because of the unvaccinated and people who don't believe in masking and so on. covid is continuing because of them, but then they're complaining about the economy that is persisting because they're refusing to do what will actually help the country. do you understand what i'm saying? >> yeah. look, i understand inflation is a factor in peoples lives, but i would hope we would look and see where history has told us that when you put inflation before democracy you're following the path of the 1930s germany. and we have to, i think, nationalize this election around the threat to democracy. that's not an easy thing to do. only once in the last -- this century has party and power gained seats. in 2002, it's only happened three times in the last 120 years. i was part of that. we were able to nationalize the race around domestic security. we didn't know it would work. it wasn't easy. it was a close thing. but i think that's where the biden administration needs to go. they have to continue to raise the stakes of this moment and remind people. >> thank you, stewart. thank you, ron. always a pleasure. want to bring in now fareed zakar zakaria. president biden is starting a tremendous upheaval at home, a loss of voting rights, a pandemic weary population as we just discussed, the coordinated republican assault on our democracy as we just discussed. how has the administration faced up to all of that? >> look, they had a plan, don, and it was not an unreasonable plan, and they were going to take heroic measures to get people vaccinated and that was going to break the back of covid. that would then usher in economic activity, and, you know, you'd be in a very different place than you were in the last year of the trump administration. they did, in fact, manage to in a really hurculian fashion, get access to vaccines, get the supply of vaccines done. they then hit a brick wall, which was there was a certain number of people, large number of americans who just wouldn't take the vaccine. and that is largely because of this pernicious, dangerous propaganda campaign that has been waged by everything from fox news, encouraged by republican politicians who themselves are all vaccinated but has allowed for us to be in this unique situation. we have the lowest number of vaccinated people in the advance industrial world, 62%. most of europe is 80 plus. so that has been the core of the problem, which they haven't had an act 2. they haven't really figured out what to do given that the first plan, which was a good plan, essentially you couldn't get people vaccinated. 40% of the country aren't vaccinated the virus is going to replicate, spread. it's going tomitate. so they haven't figure out quite what to do about it. if you can break the back of covid, you can bring about that restoration to normalcy that people were looking for. so i would -- i would try harder and maybe, you know, whatever ways you can, vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate because otherwise you're not going to get rid of covid. >> yeah. let's look abroad, okay, fareed. it's no better. big threats to the international order. the white house today expressing real concern about the possibility of war on the russia-ukraine border. listen to this and then we'll talk about it. >> our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation. we're now at a stage where russia could at any point launch an attack at ukraine. >> do you think that will happen? >> look, that's a very difficult question to answer. i would put it this way. putin has ratcheted up the stakes, and he has escalated because he wants major concessions. churchill was once asked about stalin, does he want war. and he said, no, he doesn't want war, he wants the fruits of war. in other words he wants what he would get from a war. so putin is playing a kind of poker game. my own sense is his preferred solution is no war because he understands that would -- first of all, it gets him bogged down in a guerilla war in ukraine with a population that really despises the idea of an occupying russian army. secondly, it would unify nato. it would trigger sanctions and somehow cut russia off from the global economy. but he's willing to take that risk because what he really wants is a subserveiant ukraine. he's made clear to him what his goal is the idea that ukraine which he's always thought of as fundamentally part of russia can be an independent state, can choose its own foreign policy, its own economic policy. and the biden people have been i think appropriately tough and provided assistance to ukraine and rallied the european countries together. but without being foolish in trying to provoke some kind of a war. because that would be -- you know, that would be a catastrophe for everybody. the united states does not want to go to war. the ukrainians don't want to go to war. the europeans don't. everyone is trying to see is there some diplomatic path where you can address some of russia's security concerns without conceding on this fundamental point, which is that ukraine is not going to become a colony of russia's. >> fareed, it's always a pleasure. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. rudy giuliani, eric trump, kimberley gillfoil. who's next in the committee's sights? plus everything we know about the willard hotel, the so-called war room, who was there, what they might have been up to. urance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ hey hun hey, get your own vapors relax with vicks vapobath or with vicks vaposhower. take a soothing vicks vapo moment wherever you chose. ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ ♪ if sweat is your body's natural way of cooling itself down, then condensation is a beer's natural way of saying “drink me.” your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. age before beauty? 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>> i do think, don. and what's critical is really what's happened last week with the sedition conspiracy charge against some of the insurrectionists. and that's because a conspiracy here requires a meeting of the minds. it's that meeting of the minds that's very hard to prove. we saw this in the first impeachment, you know, there's a conspiracy, there's a collusion. the fact the justice department is now working on this idea there was an agreement. an agreement to do what? to overturn an election, that's illegal. you don't have to succeed to actually be guilty of conspiracy, but there's two elements of the conspiracy here. one is the lawyers coming up with a cockamamie, fake, unlawful scheme to snatch the election under the guise of the law from joe biden. and if that didn't work then we've got plan "b" which is to bring the protesters to washington. and i think the question with kimberley guilfoyle given she raised money for the trump campaign and other areas where did the money go? who brought the money to play for plan "b," which when mike pence didn't go with plan one, plan b came into effect. and america is lucky at this moment they didn't succeed. and i appreciate your coverage we might lose democracy the next round, don. that's why this is so important. >> yes. elie, listen, given everything we know about how this committee operates does it seem they want the records from kimberley guilfoyle and eric trump for some specific reason? >> oh, i'm sure they want it for a specific reason. this committee has been very strategic what they've done. for reasons we don't entirely understand right now but they want to know who eric trump spoke with at key times and kimberley guilfoyle spoke with at key times. the phone records will give them who each of them spoke with at very specific times. and i suspect the committee will follow up with who they were calling. but the other folks in those communications may have something to say. >> kim, an attorney for kimberley guilfoyle is saying that the subpoena is of no consequence to her because she has absolutely nothing to hide or be concerned about. and a source familiar with eric trump's thinking says he's not losing sleepover it. should they be worried that these subpoenas for their records are a prerequisite to a future call to testify? >> sure. as elie indicated, it doesn't mean they will. we've seen people defy subpoenas and seen people like jim jordan say they don't care, they have nothing to hide but then they turn around and refuse. as we talked about the here before this is an attempt -- this whole defense is an attempt to run out the clock to the mid-terms. the longer there's a delay the less likely there's an ability to -- requirement to actually testify. so step one is i don't mind. step two is, no, i'm not going to. step three is here are my excuses why i don't come. step four might see some litigation, executive privilege, some attorney-client privilege. we've seen all of this stuff. none of it really is at the end of the day strong arguments for not testifying. but so long as the republicans have the house of representatives in their sights in a few months, this could all go by the wayside with the exception, of course, what's going to happen with this information in the justice department when congress hands it over to the justice department, which i have no doubt is engaging in ongoing -- as we know, ongoing investigations to the fbi on its own. and to your earlier point, yes, it's getting to the president. as elie suggests these people were close to the president and what did he say was part of a conspiracy to snatch the election from joe biden and therefore the electoral college votes and voters themselves. >> elie, rudy giuliani and other top advisers, these people were loudly perpetrating the big lie. and at least two of them rudy giuliani and boris epstein were at the war room or command center, or war room is what they call it on january 5th, the night before the insurrection. do you see any of them complying? >> oh, no, i don't see any of them complying. it's worth remembering here, the role lawyers played in all of this. this coup attempt does not happen without lawyers who were willing to abuse their power, abuse the trust they place in them. this coup attempt does not get off the ground unless they have the blessing of lawyers like rudy giuliani, sydney powell, people willing to abuse that power, spread a lie, put it out in front of courts, put it out in front of the american public. they have to have some real accountability here. they're not going to testify but we need to know and understand what they did and how dangerous it is. >> aren't these supposed to be the people who care about the rule of law. if you subpoena them we won't care but for everybody else, and they want to sue everybody else even if they're called and subpoenaed. like what the hell is going on here? what have we gotten ourselves into? >> i'm so with you. i feel that so deeply. it's such deep hypocrisy from these lawyers, it's painful to watch. >> why aren't they facing sanctions? >> rudy -- >> yeah, kim, quickly because i've got to run. >> what amazes me, don, is just how many people are involved in this and how powerful the human quest for power is. this is about unmitigated power in the united states of america. and lawyers understand that if there are no consequences for breaching -- for breaching rules, laws, morality ethics on the march, march, march to power, then people will break those laws. and lawyers are no different. and we saw as elie indicated both in new york and michigan with sydney powell, the courts pushing back with sanctions. but i think all of this needs to be stepped up tremendously so that people have -- have some disincentive in the future to do what looks like destroy our american democracy itself. >> sanctions, do they even care because they keep rolling past, sanctions, okay, they still keep lying and keep going. all right. >> they raise a lot of money. they raise a lot of money to pay off the stuff. >> it's all a grift. >> from people who want power. >> thank you both. i appreciate it. it's been called the war room or command center. trump insiders gathered at the willard hotel in washington and/or around january 6th. we're going to tell you everything you need to know about who was there and what went on. skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. so, you're recalibrating and reconnecting to the environment. seeing yourself as an artist -legitimate and genuine- can be transformational. daddy! for the best audio entertainment and storytelling. audible. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? 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maybe nothing about what specifically went on in those war rooms, but maybe a lot about who paid the bills. and that could help uncover a whole lot of folks who helped push the lies that led to an insurrection at the willard. don? >> all right, tom foreman, thank you very much. joining me now asha rangappa, cnn legal and national security analyst. thank you for joining us. so you say the trump team's legal strategy was the epicenter of everything and that the january 6th insurrection was just the muscle. isn't that why investigators are so keen to find out what was happening in that war room? >> yes, don. the legal strategy that was led by eastman who was part of this war room was a multipronged effort to derail, disrupt and delay the electoral count certification process. and the insurrection is a part of the delay. when they realized that pence can't go along with this, they need time to send this back to the states. and this is why the conspiracy can touch trump in this way. this is the conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, not necessarily the conspiracy -- the seditious conspiracy that the oath keepers were involved in, which we don't have any direct tie to. but this legal strategy intended to block the certification, to send it back to the states with some idea they would decertify these electors for biden and then certify electors for trump is really what, i think, that the committee is focused on right now. who was a part of that? what were they doing? and to what extent did they go to make that happen? >> so we just heard tom foreman and his report. and he talked about some oath keepers who were photographed with roger stone outside the willard on january 6th. and we know that the group's leader, ten others as well, were charged with seditious conspiracy just last week. how do you think investigators are going to try to find out about potential ties between them and trump allies, asha? >> well, they have communication records. they clearly have some people who are cooperating with -- with the committee. so, you know, they're just going to follow those communication trails. they'll follow the money trails and see how far it goes. you know, again, to be a part of that seditious conspiracy there would have to be an agreement to use force in an effort to impede this law. so, you know, i don't know that it will necessarily extend to the trump campaign. there's nothing in the indictment as it's written now that suggests to trump himself i mean, but it could touch people around him. as you said roger stone seems the most likely person who might get ensnared in that net. >> asha rangappa, thank you very much. appreciate that. ron desantis trying to stack the deck against democrats. the florida governor now proposing one of the most partisan redistricting maps his state has ever seen. ed holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin? 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just how far does this proposed map from desantis go in increasing the state's gop advantage? >> quite a bit, don. the map that he has proposed would give republicans between 2 and 4 additional seats most likely. and, you know, that may not seem like a lot, but remember florida has traditionally been a purple state. voter registration here is pretty evenly divided between democrats and republicans. elections here are often decided by one or two points. so the idea that republicans could potentially walk away from this redistricting process with 20 of 28 seats in florida would really be a game changer and especially when you consider how close the house is right now. florida could determine who controls the u.s. house of representatives after these mid-terms. >> is it typical for the governor of a state to draw their own map and submit is for consideration? and were florida officials expecting this? >> that hasn't been the case traditionally in florida, not in recent memory, at least. and the governor surprised a lot of people including within his own party when he dropped this map in the middle of the night on sunday. i talked to someone, the house -- excuse me me, the senate republican on redistricting and he told me he didn't find out about the governor's plan until he read about it in the news in the morning. so this has been a new development. it has created a lot of confusion in tallahassee in the last 48 hours. and it's not yet clear just where we're headed here. >> i just want to play this for you and our audience, steve. it's what one democratic state representative had to say about this map. watch. >> what i've seen so far it gives me concern there are district amendments that violates constitutional requirements. and so it really puts the legislative republicans in a bind, if you ask me because this is a governor who seems to so far be able to get what he wants. >> so do all democrats feel that desantis will get his way? >> i think there are a lot of democrats that feel that way because that has been the trend in florida. what we've seen over the last three years if the governor says jump and state republican lawmakers largely say how high. they followed him on every pandemic measure he's taken. they've followed him on cultural legislation like banning transgender athletes from womens athletics. so the path that republicans have followed has been largely the one following desantis. you know, up until a couple weeks ago the republicans seem to be headed toward a map that was widely considered fair and competitive. but if the governor decides to use his popularity and his pulpit among republicans to pressure his party to follow his lead, they might not have a choice. >> yeah. thank you. we appreciate it, steve. thanks so much. we have breaking news tonight on the new york attorney general's investigation of the trump organization. this is just coming in. i want to get now to cnn's kara ginel. she joins me on the phone. new york attorney general letitia james and her investigation into the former president, it involves trying to force him to comply with the investigation. what do you know? >> reporter: yeah, don, that's right. so letitia james has subpoenaed the former president and his two adult children, donald trump, jr. and ivanka trump, trying to get them to testify as part of her investigation. in this new filing tonight that spans more than 200 pages she's saying this investigation has identified significant evidence that the trump organization used fraudulent and misleading asset valuations, that they have identified numerous misleading statements and omissions in these financial statements that were used to obtain loans and in tax submissions. and they said they need to -- they have not yet made a final determination about what kind of action they'll take here. she's investing in this as a part of a civil investigation. and two of her lawyers are also working with the manhattan da's office, which is conducting a parallel criminal investigation. but she's saying to get to the bottom of this she needs to talk to the former president and his two adult children. she points out that a number of top executives at the trump organization who have been brought in to testify including his other son, eric trump and allan weisselberg, the chief financial officer, they asserted their fifth amendment rights of incrimination. she also says they have found all these misstatements she alleges were misstatements. and she needs to know what the former president's actual knowledge and what role he had in playing this. he signed off on a number of these statements, so really trying to get to the bottom of what his specific role is and what the role of those two adult children are. ivanka trump was the key liaison with deutsche bank who has loaned the organization over $300 million. and he put his sons in charge of the business. they continued to sign-off on these financial statements. >> kara, let me jump in here. specifically the new york attorney general's office said it is zeroing in on several specific alleged misstatements including, kara, the size of the trump tower penthouse, miscategorized assets outside mr. trump's or trump org as cash, misstated the process by which mr. trump or his associates reached valuations including deviations from generally accounted principles in ways the statements did not disclose. failed to use fundamental techniques evaluation like discounting future revenues and expenses to their present value or choosing as comparables only similar properties in order to impute valuations from public sales data. misstated the purported involvement of outside professionals in reaching the valuations, and failed to advise that certain valuation amounts were inflated by an undisclosed amount for brand valuation. this goes along with her, kara, saying that they have significant evidence indicating the trump organization used nuj stand by. i want to bring in our legal analyst here on cnn. did you hear what we said? can you -- >> yes, don. >> go for it, what do you make of this from the attorney general leticia james? >> well, obviously it's a very strong statement from the attorney general. i think it's a cause for concern any time a state attorney general is saying these kind of things. obviously, the core theory here goes to this valuation idea. did the trump organization selectively and intentionally overvalue assets when it was convenient, or maybe undervalue those same assets? the first question that i'm thinking about is, who can they specifically tie to this conduct? they mentioned the trump organization, and they say the words are chosen very carefully here, that there's some involvement by, and they named some members of the trump family. but in order to make -- let's say there's two possibilities, a civil charge and a criminal charge. you would need to tie specific people to that conduct. so i think this is a real warning sign to the trmp organization as a corporate entity, that could lead to civil liability for some of the individuals who they're talking about here. and potentially, if they can prove criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt and if the manhattan district attorney agrees, that could lead to criminal charges.eneral has gone quite that far in her statement tonight. >> thank you very much. the official statement has come out in the ag's office and we'll get to it here on cnn. thank you to both of you. we'll be right back. of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ things you start when you're 45. coaching. new workouts. and screening for colon cancer. yep. the american cancer society recommends screening starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that n comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. a stalled agenda. president biden set to hold a news conference tomorrow marking one year in office as voting rights and his economic plan look dead in the water. and with covid and inflation on the rise. a slew of subpoenas. issuing subpoenas for the phone roads of eric trump and kimberley gillfoil and separately sending subpoenas to rudy giuliani and three other trump associates. also an american pro-basketball player hit with a racial slur in china. >> [ bleep ]. >> how will american athletes be treated at the winter olympics in beijing which begin in less than three weeks? let's discuss all of the news now. i want to begin with cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein. thank you both for joining. good evening. president biden, he's about to mark one year in office, covid relief. he got infrastructure, but now his signature social spending package is stalled. two senate democrats, 50 republicans have torpedoed any attempt at passing voting rights legislation. is this the worst possible place he could be with mid-terms just around the corner? >> yeah, he's in a weak position. and look, i think the key for biden both in 2022 which is going to be tough for democrats in all likelihood and beyond 2022, it primarily is a question of current conditions in the country. certainly there are lots of democratic activists and people who voted for him who are deeply disappointed about the legislative failures, and that frustration is going to skyrocket nsaidably if in fact manchin and sinema continue to block voting rights. but for the mass of the country the real issue is covid and the price of gas and groceries. and if biden is going to recover in time to affect the mid-term and improve his position for 2024, he needs conditions in the country to recover. that's the key, i think, of his current position. >> okay. but democrats are creating all of this drama around the vote that will fail. we know that. >> yes. >> do you think the democrats' strategy -- do you understand it right now? >> i think i do. look, i think that first of all they have to be seen as going to every possible length to try to pass this both because it is so important to so many key constituencies within the party but also because it's just so important. you know, if manchin and sinema hold to their position and prevent democrats from acting here, in effect requiring a bipartisan super majority that gives republicans a veto, as i said before there is nothing but clear road ahead for red states to steadily tighten the tourniquet on voting throughout this decade because the supreme court, far from restricting what they are doing, really is the one who fired the starters gun for all of this to happen with john roberts' decision on voting rights over the last decade. so that's the first point. they have to do it. they have to signal they're doing everything they can. but i also think, don, they're creating a new norm in the party. i do believe that joe manchin and kyrsten sinema are the last two democratic elected senators who will ever support maintaining the filibuster for at least voting rights and maybe quite a bit beyond that maybe for abortion rights and other constitutional rights. and i think this process is very clearly demonstrating how isolated they are in the party. you saw today ten former centrists and even central right senate democrats people like mary landrew and blanch lincolns and doug jones came out to fill in the process on the filibuster for establishing voting rights. >> stewart, i want to hear from you and know do you think democrats are going to end up being happy the filibuster was preserved if the house and the senate end up in republican hands, which is a very strong possibility. >> no. i think ron's analysis is pretty dead on about the historic moment where we are in the relationship to voting rights. sometimes you don't get into fights bah you think you're going to win because it's good to fight. dow is over 36,000 and these macro economic things. the country is moving forward. but i don't think we can really have it both ways. i don't think those of us who believe the country's in a crisis, which i do and i think a lot of other people agree with me and think there's some easy path out of this. if -- i think we're at the worst moment in the country as far as being divided since 1860. so there's not a simple path forward. all you can do is fight every day, and i think the biden administration understands that. >> you think it's just -- you don't believe -- do you think it's a false narrative about the biden administration that you think the country is actually in a better place than the narrative that's being put out, especially mainly from conservative media? >> well, look, i mean when you work in politics you acknowledge there's lots of different narratives out there. and, you know, that's how a guy like bill clinton is in third place in may of the year that he gets elected president. that's how george bush is at, what, 90% popularity and loses nine months later. people are constantly dealing with different pressures in their lives. i think the overall tone in this country is being set by covid than anything else. i mean, we all thought we were going to head toward the exit door at this, we were going to look at it in our rearview mirror. and now it's back -- >> but, stuart, let me just say -- >> personally i know lots of people that have covid that didn't before. and it's depressing. >> it is. but here's the issue. you have covid and it keeps replicating which causes a mutation or whatever and in large part because of the unvaccinated and people who don't believe in masking and so on. covid is continuing because of them, but then they're complaining about the economy that is persisting because they're refusing to do what will actually help the country. do you understand what i'm saying? >> yeah. look, i understand inflation is a factor in peoples lives, but i would hope we would look and see where history has told us that when you put inflation before democracy you're following the path of the 1930s germany. and we have to, i think, nationalize this election around the threat to democracy. that's not an easy thing to do. only once in the last -- this century has party and power gained seats. in 2002, it's only happened three times in the last 120 years. i was part of that. we were able to nationalize the race around domestic security. we didn't know it would work. it wasn't easy. it was a close thing. but i think that's where the biden administration needs to go. they have to continue to raise the stakes of this moment and remind people. >> thank you, stewart. thank you, ron. always a pleasure. want to bring in now fareed zakar zakaria. president biden is starting a tremendous upheaval at home, a loss of voting rights, a pandemic weary population as we just discussed, the coordinated republican assault on our democracy as we just discussed. how has the administration faced up to all of that? >> look, they had a plan, don, and it was not an unreasonable plan, and they were going to take heroic measures to get people vaccinated and that was going to break the back of covid. that would then usher in economic activity, and, you know, you'd be in a very different place than you were in the last year of the trump administration. they did, in fact, manage to in a really hurculian fashion, get access to vaccines, get the supply of vaccines done. they then hit a brick wall, which was there was a certain number of people, large number of americans who just wouldn't take the vaccine. and that is largely because of this pernicious, dangerous propaganda campaign that has been waged by everything from fox news, encouraged by republican politicians who themselves are all vaccinated but has allowed for us to be in this unique situation. we have the lowest number of vaccinated people in the advance industrial world, 62%. most of europe is 80 plus. so that has been the core of the problem, which they haven't had an act 2. they haven't really figured out what to do given that the first plan, which was a good plan, essentially you couldn't get people vaccinated. 40% of the country aren't vaccinated the virus is going to replicate, spread. it's going tomitate. so they haven't figure out quite what to do about it. if you can break the back of covid, you can bring about that restoration to normalcy that people were looking for. so i would -- i would try harder and maybe, you know, whatever ways you can, vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate because otherwise you're not going to get rid of covid. >> yeah. let's look abroad, okay, fareed. it's no better. big threats to the international order. the white house today expressing real concern about the possibility of war on the russia-ukraine border. listen to this and then we'll talk about it. >> our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation. we're now at a stage where russia could at any point launch an attack at ukraine. >> do you think that will happen? >> look, that's a very difficult question to answer. i would put it this way. putin has ratcheted up the stakes, and he has escalated because he wants major concessions. churchill was once asked about stalin, does he want war. and he said, no, he doesn't want war, he wants the fruits of war. in other words he wants what he would get from a war. so putin is playing a kind of poker game. my own sense is his preferred solution is no war because he understands that would -- first of all, it gets him bogged down in a guerilla war in ukraine with a population that really despises the idea of an occupying russian army. secondly, it would unify nato. it would trigger sanctions and somehow cut russia off from the global economy. but he's willing to take that risk because what he really wants is a subserveiant ukraine. he's made clear to him what his goal is the idea that ukraine which he's always thought of as fundamentally part of russia can be an independent state, can choose its own foreign policy, its own economic policy. and the biden people have been i think appropriately tough and provided assistance to ukraine and rallied the european countries together. but without being foolish in trying to provoke some kind of a war. because that would be -- you know, that would be a catastrophe for everybody. the united states does not want to go to war. the ukrainians don't want to go to war. the europeans don't. everyone is trying to see is there some diplomatic path where you can address some of russia's security concerns without conceding on this fundamental point, which is that ukraine is not going to become a colony of russia's. >> fareed, it's always a pleasure. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. rudy giuliani, eric trump, kimberley gillfoil. who's next in the committee's sights? plus everything we know about the willard hotel, the so-called war room, who was there, what they might have been up to. urance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ hey hun hey, get your own vapors relax with vicks vapobath or with vicks vaposhower. take a soothing vicks vapo moment wherever you chose. ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ ♪ if sweat is your body's natural way of cooling itself down, then condensation is a beer's natural way of saying “drink me.” your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it's true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. age before beauty? 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>> i do think, don. and what's critical is really what's happened last week with the sedition conspiracy charge against some of the insurrectionists. and that's because a conspiracy here requires a meeting of the minds. it's that meeting of the minds that's very hard to prove. we saw this in the first impeachment, you know, there's a conspiracy, there's a collusion. the fact the justice department is now working on this idea there was an agreement. an agreement to do what? to overturn an election, that's illegal. you don't have to succeed to actually be guilty of conspiracy, but there's two elements of the conspiracy here. one is the lawyers coming up with a cockamamie, fake, unlawful scheme to snatch the election under the guise of the law from joe biden. and if that didn't work then we've got plan "b" which is to bring the protesters to washington. and i think the question with kimberley guilfoyle given she raised money for the trump campaign and other areas where did the money go? who brought the money to play for plan "b," which when mike pence didn't go with plan one, plan b came into effect. and america is lucky at this moment they didn't succeed. and i appreciate your coverage we might lose democracy the next round, don. that's why this is so important. >> yes. elie, listen, given everything we know about how this committee operates does it seem they want the records from kimberley guilfoyle and eric trump for some specific reason? >> oh, i'm sure they want it for a specific reason. this committee has been very strategic what they've done. for reasons we don't entirely understand right now but they want to know who eric trump spoke with at key times and kimberley guilfoyle spoke with at key times. the phone records will give them who each of them spoke with at very specific times. and i suspect the committee will follow up with who they were calling. but the other folks in those communications may have something to say. >> kim, an attorney for kimberley guilfoyle is saying that the subpoena is of no consequence to her because she has absolutely nothing to hide or be concerned about. and a source familiar with eric trump's thinking says he's not losing sleepover it. should they be worried that these subpoenas for their records are a prerequisite to a future call to testify? >> sure. as elie indicated, it doesn't mean they will. we've seen people defy subpoenas and seen people like jim jordan say they don't care, they have nothing to hide but then they turn around and refuse. as we talked about the here before this is an attempt -- this whole defense is an attempt to run out the clock to the mid-terms. the longer there's a delay the less likely there's an ability to -- requirement to actually testify. so step one is i don't mind. step two is, no, i'm not going to. step three is here are my excuses why i don't come. step four might see some litigation, executive privilege, some attorney-client privilege. we've seen all of this stuff. none of it really is at the end of the day strong arguments for not testifying. but so long as the republicans have the house of representatives in their sights in a few months, this could all go by the wayside with the exception, of course, what's going to happen with this information in the justice department when congress hands it over to the justice department, which i have no doubt is engaging in ongoing -- as we know, ongoing investigations to the fbi on its own. and to your earlier point, yes, it's getting to the president. as elie suggests these people were close to the president and what did he say was part of a conspiracy to snatch the election from joe biden and therefore the electoral college votes and voters themselves. >> elie, rudy giuliani and other top advisers, these people were loudly perpetrating the big lie. and at least two of them rudy giuliani and boris epstein were at the war room or command center, or war room is what they call it on january 5th, the night before the insurrection. do you see any of them complying? >> oh, no, i don't see any of them complying. it's worth remembering here, the role lawyers played in all of this. this coup attempt does not happen without lawyers who were willing to abuse their power, abuse the trust they place in them. this coup attempt does not get off the ground unless they have the blessing of lawyers like rudy giuliani, sydney powell, people willing to abuse that power, spread a lie, put it out in front of courts, put it out in front of the american public. they have to have some real accountability here. they're not going to testify but we need to know and understand what they did and how dangerous it is. >> aren't these supposed to be the people who care about the rule of law. if you subpoena them we won't care but for everybody else, and they want to sue everybody else even if they're called and subpoenaed. like what the hell is going on here? what have we gotten ourselves into? >> i'm so with you. i feel that so deeply. it's such deep hypocrisy from these lawyers, it's painful to watch. >> why aren't they facing sanctions? >> rudy -- >> yeah, kim, quickly because i've got to run. >> what amazes me, don, is just how many people are involved in this and how powerful the human quest for power is. this is about unmitigated power in the united states of america. and lawyers understand that if there are no consequences for breaching -- for breaching rules, laws, morality ethics on the march, march, march to power, then people will break those laws. and lawyers are no different. and we saw as elie indicated both in new york and michigan with sydney powell, the courts pushing back with sanctions. but i think all of this needs to be stepped up tremendously so that people have -- have some disincentive in the future to do what looks like destroy our american democracy itself. >> sanctions, do they even care because they keep rolling past, sanctions, okay, they still keep lying and keep going. all right. >> they raise a lot of money. they raise a lot of money to pay off the stuff. >> it's all a grift. >> from people who want power. >> thank you both. i appreciate it. it's been called the war room or command center. trump insiders gathered at the willard hotel in washington and/or around january 6th. we're going to tell you everything you need to know about who was there and what went on. skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. so, you're recalibrating and reconnecting to the environment. seeing yourself as an artist -legitimate and genuine- can be transformational. daddy! for the best audio entertainment and storytelling. audible. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? 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maybe nothing about what specifically went on in those war rooms, but maybe a lot about who paid the bills. and that could help uncover a whole lot of folks who helped push the lies that led to an insurrection at the willard. don? >> all right, tom foreman, thank you very much. joining me now asha rangappa, cnn legal and national security analyst. thank you for joining us. so you say the trump team's legal strategy was the epicenter of everything and that the january 6th insurrection was just the muscle. isn't that why investigators are so keen to find out what was happening in that war room? >> yes, don. the legal strategy that was led by eastman who was part of this war room was a multipronged effort to derail, disrupt and delay the electoral count certification process. and the insurrection is a part of the delay. when they realized that pence can't go along with this, they need time to send this back to the states. and this is why the conspiracy can touch trump in this way. this is the conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, not necessarily the conspiracy -- the seditious conspiracy that the oath keepers were involved in, which we don't have any direct tie to. but this legal strategy intended to block the certification, to send it back to the states with some idea they would decertify these electors for biden and then certify electors for trump is really what, i think, that the committee is focused on right now. who was a part of that? what were they doing? and to what extent did they go to make that happen? >> so we just heard tom foreman and his report. and he talked about some oath keepers who were photographed with roger stone outside the willard on january 6th. and we know that the group's leader, ten others as well, were charged with seditious conspiracy just last week. how do you think investigators are going to try to find out about potential ties between them and trump allies, asha? >> well, they have communication records. they clearly have some people who are cooperating with -- with the committee. so, you know, they're just going to follow those communication trails. they'll follow the money trails and see how far it goes. you know, again, to be a part of that seditious conspiracy there would have to be an agreement to use force in an effort to impede this law. so, you know, i don't know that it will necessarily extend to the trump campaign. there's nothing in the indictment as it's written now that suggests to trump himself i mean, but it could touch people around him. as you said roger stone seems the most likely person who might get ensnared in that net. >> asha rangappa, thank you very much. appreciate that. ron desantis trying to stack the deck against democrats. the florida governor now proposing one of the most partisan redistricting maps his state has ever seen. ed holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin? 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just how far does this proposed map from desantis go in increasing the state's gop advantage? >> quite a bit, don. the map that he has proposed would give republicans between 2 and 4 additional seats most likely. and, you know, that may not seem like a lot, but remember florida has traditionally been a purple state. voter registration here is pretty evenly divided between democrats and republicans. elections here are often decided by one or two points. so the idea that republicans could potentially walk away from this redistricting process with 20 of 28 seats in florida would really be a game changer and especially when you consider how close the house is right now. florida could determine who controls the u.s. house of representatives after these mid-terms. >> is it typical for the governor of a state to draw their own map and submit is for consideration? and were florida officials expecting this? >> that hasn't been the case traditionally in florida, not in recent memory, at least. and the governor surprised a lot of people including within his own party when he dropped this map in the middle of the night on sunday. i talked to someone, the house -- excuse me me, the senate republican on redistricting and he told me he didn't find out about the governor's plan until he read about it in the news in the morning. so this has been a new development. it has created a lot of confusion in tallahassee in the last 48 hours. and it's not yet clear just where we're headed here. >> i just want to play this for you and our audience, steve. it's what one democratic state representative had to say about this map. watch. >> what i've seen so far it gives me concern there are district amendments that violates constitutional requirements. and so it really puts the legislative republicans in a bind, if you ask me because this is a governor who seems to so far be able to get what he wants. >> so do all democrats feel that desantis will get his way? >> i think there are a lot of democrats that feel that way because that has been the trend in florida. what we've seen over the last three years if the governor says jump and state republican lawmakers largely say how high. they followed him on every pandemic measure he's taken. they've followed him on cultural legislation like banning transgender athletes from womens athletics. so the path that republicans have followed has been largely the one following desantis. you know, up until a couple weeks ago the republicans seem to be headed toward a map that was widely considered fair and competitive. but if the governor decides to use his popularity and his pulpit among republicans to pressure his party to follow his lead, they might not have a choice. >> yeah. thank you. we appreciate it, steve. thanks so much. we have breaking news tonight on the new york attorney general's investigation of the trump organization. this is just coming in. i want to get now to cnn's kara ginel. she joins me on the phone. new york attorney general letitia james and her investigation into the former president, it involves trying to force him to comply with the investigation. what do you know? >> reporter: yeah, don, that's right. so letitia james has subpoenaed the former president and his two adult children, donald trump, jr. and ivanka trump, trying to get them to testify as part of her investigation. in this new filing tonight that spans more than 200 pages she's saying this investigation has identified significant evidence that the trump organization used fraudulent and misleading asset valuations, that they have identified numerous misleading statements and omissions in these financial statements that were used to obtain loans and in tax submissions. and they said they need to -- they have not yet made a final determination about what kind of action they'll take here. she's investing in this as a part of a civil investigation. and two of her lawyers are also working with the manhattan da's office, which is conducting a parallel criminal investigation. but she's saying to get to the bottom of this she needs to talk to the former president and his two adult children. she points out that a number of top executives at the trump organization who have been brought in to testify including his other son, eric trump and allan weisselberg, the chief financial officer, they asserted their fifth amendment rights of incrimination. she also says they have found all these misstatements she alleges were misstatements. and she needs to know what the former president's actual knowledge and what role he had in playing this. he signed off on a number of these statements, so really trying to get to the bottom of what his specific role is and what the role of those two adult children are. ivanka trump was the key liaison with deutsche bank who has loaned the organization over $300 million. and he put his sons in charge of the business. they continued to sign-off on these financial statements. >> kara, let me jump in here. specifically the new york attorney general's office said it is zeroing in on several specific alleged misstatements including, kara, the size of the trump tower penthouse, miscategorized assets outside mr. trump's or trump org as cash, misstated the process by which mr. trump or his associates reached valuations including deviations from generally accounted principles in ways the statements did not disclose. failed to use fundamental techniques evaluation like discounting future revenues and expenses to their present value or choosing as comparables only similar properties in order to impute valuations from public sales data. misstated the purported involvement of outside professionals in reaching the valuations, and failed to advise that certain valuation amounts were inflated by an undisclosed amount for brand valuation. this goes along with her, kara, saying that they have significant evidence indicating the trump organization used nuj stand by. i want to bring in our legal analyst here on cnn. did you hear what we said? can you -- >> yes, don. >> go for it, what do you make of this from the attorney general leticia james? >> well, obviously it's a very strong statement from the attorney general. i think it's a cause for concern any time a state attorney general is saying these kind of things. obviously, the core theory here goes to this valuation idea. did the trump organization selectively and intentionally overvalue assets when it was convenient, or maybe undervalue those same assets? the first question that i'm thinking about is, who can they specifically tie to this conduct? they mentioned the trump organization, and they say the words are chosen very carefully here, that there's some involvement by, and they named some members of the trump family. but in order to make -- let's say there's two possibilities, a civil charge and a criminal charge. you would need to tie specific people to that conduct. so i think this is a real warning sign to the trmp organization as a corporate entity, that could lead to civil liability for some of the individuals who they're talking about here. and potentially, if they can prove criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt and if the manhattan district attorney agrees, that could lead to criminal charges.eneral has gone quite that far in her statement tonight. >> thank you very much. the official statement has come out in the ag's office and we'll get to it here on cnn. thank you to both of you. we'll be right back. of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ things you start when you're 45. coaching. new workouts. and screening for colon cancer. yep. the american cancer society recommends screening starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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