Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

his backers will talk about his ratings are so high. in court, a federal judge said he's not to be believed. what's so interesting about that is the as that clearly people do believe him. fox knows . that they're actually using him as a model for other shows and other content. >> well, i think if it's still the same, their prime time is not fact based. it's all opinion based. even their morning show is under the entertainment umbrella, and i think it's just starting at 9:00 in the morning eastern time to their prime time that is episodeedly fact-based journalism. you are right, there are some people doing good journalism there, but, you know, it's becoming harder and harder to find. and also, again, in murdoch-backed media, not just at the propaganda network. >> some of those people, don, they face death threats for reporting the truth. >> yeah. you mean some of the people over at fox, of course, or they have to leave the network. it's really sad. but it's also sad, the extremes on social media. social media is one of the biggest -- something has to be done about social media, i believe, because nothing has to be true on it. and immediately it is pushed out as if it's true and people start to believe it. >> it's also just such a mean place. have you noticed that? you said you stay off it be because -- we were talking about having grace. it's really hard to have grace on twitter, you know? >> every once in a while i have to go on to make sure something is posted, but the person who does social media will say to me, can i post this or do you want me to wait for the firestorm to die down? and i'll say what firestorm. >> don lemon trending. >> i had no idea i was trending but do as you please, whatever you think is right. hopefully i'll be able to go back on there. some personal things i try to get out, but got to stay away from it. by the way, this is not sexist, but that looks great , that green. you look so beautiful tonight. >> oh, thank you. i would compliment you, don -- >> did you notice? >> i actually can't see you, but i know you're always handsome. >> we're wearing the same color. >> we match. thanks, buddy. appreciate it. >> thank you. see you tomorrow. bye, bk. this is "don lemon tonight." we have breaking news. the committee investigating the attack on the capitol on january 6th, this is a cnn exclusive, by the way. multiple sources telling cnn the committee set its sights on a member of the former president's family in what appears to be for the first time ever, subpoenaing phone records from eric trump as well as, speaking of the propaganda channel, she used to work there, impkimberly guilfoy. they're not communicating the contents of the calls. today they subpoenaed rudy giuliani along with a rogues gallery of big proteins, including generjenna ellis sydn powell and boris epstein. >> if we're wrong, we will be made fools of. but if we're right, a lot of them will go to jail. [ cheers ] so let's have trial by combat. >> and then there is jenna ellis, you may remember her, the lawyer standing next to rudy giuliani and then when the whole -- i don't know what it was, if it was hair gel or bronzer or whatever, hair dye, who knows what it was, when it was dripping down. well, jenna ellis who reportedly wrote not one but two memos claiming mike pence could reject or delay the counting of electoral votes from some states, a claim that led rioters to call for his execution on january 6th. >> hang mike pence! hang mike pence! hang mike pence! >> and what about the kraken lady, sidney powell, one of the loudest voices who promised to release the kraken, pushed one back lie after another, including the ludicrous claim that long-dead venezuelan hugo chavez had something to do with it. and boris epshteyn who was in the war room at the willard hotel in the days leading up to jirkt. the committee says he talked to the then-president that morning about how to delay the certification of the election results if pence refused to play ball , which he did. this is happening as the senate majority leader chuck schumer sets up the final showdown on voting rights legislation, which is mired in the senate and all but certain to fail. schumer for a so-called talking filibuster, forcing senators to actually hold the floor and talk and talk and talk and talk if they want to block the bill. once they stop talking, the senate can advance legislation with just 51 votes. >> on something as important as voting rights, if senate republicans are going to oppose it, they should not be allowed to sit in their office. they have to come down to the floor and defend their opposition to voting rights, the well spring of our democracy. >> well, not going to happen. and that's because of two members of the president's own party, joe manchin and sinema, determined to preserve the filibuster, even if it means nothing gets done on voting rights. manchin already shooting down any change to the filibuster tonight, a source telling cnn the senator stood his ground and democrats caucus meeting forced to defend the filibuster as is with several members pushing back. this as many americans, especially people of color, worry, many, many you have never heard of, and some you have. >> any senator who cannot support the protection of voting rights in the united states of america cannot say they support the constitution. stop the hypocrisy. cut the bull-ish, and keep it all the way real. the filibuster is not working for democracy. i want you. >> all right, stevie wonder, thank you, sir. president joe biden's agenda stalled. as he marks his first year in office this week, he's facing huge challenges at home from the assault on voting rights for it blizzard of omicron to inflation and crime. and huge challenges abroad as well with ominous new signs that vladimir putin is planning to invade ukraine. the danger is very, very real. you hear it in the language from the white house. >> so let's be clear. our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation. we're now at a stage where russia called at any point launch an attack in ukraine. >> all of that on the president's plate as he prepares to mark his first year in office answering questions from reporters in the news conference tomorrow afternoon. cnn's special coverage begins at 3:45 eastern time. he plans to do it at 4:00. our coverage starts at 3:45. let's bring in jamie gangel with an exclusive. good evening to you, jiamie. the january 6th committee now has the phone records of members of the trump family. what's up? >> so, don, according to multiple sources, the january 6th committee has subpoenaed, but more important, they have obtained phone records from two people, as you said, very close to former president trump, hisses son, eric trump, as well as kimberly guilfoyle, and is engaged to his other son, donald trump jr. this appears to be the first time the committee has issued a subpoena targeting one of the trump children. and it really underscores just how aggressive the committee is willing to be in its investigation. we reached out to eric trump. he declined to comment on the subpoena, but a source familiar with his thinking tells me, get ready, quote, he's not losing sleep over it. and we also reached out to the attorney for kimberly guilfoyle who said the subpoena is, quote, of no consequence to her because she has absolutely nothing to hide or be concerned about. for the record, the committee declined to comment on the subpoenas. >> as far as we know, didn't subpoena anyone else's phone records in the family. why are they so interest in eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle? >> correct. i'm told the complete is not doing blanket subpoenas. it's my understanding they have made a policy, a practice when it comes to issuing subpoenas. it's for a very specific reason in their investigation. as you said, there's no evidence that they've reached out for the call records for, you know, donald trump's other which i won't be done junior, ivanka, or son-in-law jared kushner. just for context, these call records, they're called call detail records, cdrs. they are giving the committee a phone log. this is date, time, length of incoming, outgoing calls, who's calling whom, same for text messages. but keep in mind it's not the substance. the content of those calls or messages, don. but they think they can make a road map. >> how can that help if it doesn't have content? it does offer bread crumb clues like a gps. >> and you're calling in a witness, if you're about to have a witness come in, you would like to be able to say to that witness, hypothetically, eric trump at 1:42 you called so-and-so. what was that about? let's not forget, they have a lot of text messages, and thanks to former chief of staff mark meadows, they have a lot of very valuable text messages. >> jamie, i want to go back to eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle. i'm not losing any sleep. this is of no consequence to me. i mean, a jedi mind trick or better messaging would be, of course we want to cooperate with the committee because we have nothing to hide. therefore, i'm not losing any sleep over it. we will cooperate to the best of our ability. wouldn't that be a better message and people will go, oh, they have nothing to hide. i don't know if that works in trump world because you have to be defiant in order to survive? >> let's talk about an audience of one, donald trump. eric trump still runs the trump organization, the golf courses. that's his father's business. i will say there was one thing very interesting about the fact that the committee actually obtained these records. some people have pushed back. they've sued to keep the phone records. eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle did not do that, and in many of these cases the phone companies send you a letter, fedex overnight saying this has been asked for. i don't know whether they both got those notifications, but certainly if they did, they let it go through. >> yeah. jamie, stick with me because i want to bring in someone to help us, nixon white house counsel john dean. good evening to you. welcome to the program. this comes as we're learning the committee also subpoenaed rudy giuliani and other top advisers to the former president. we're getting pretty close to the top of the food chain here. does this mean that the committee is nearing the end of its investigation or can we tell at this point? >> i don't think we can draw that out of these latest subpoenas but they're certainly focusing on mr. trump. these are the people who surround him and talk to him. but the subpoenas that were all almost identical or the letters explaining them, they're looking for people. they want to understand why these people were promoting what was clearly a false lie, the big lie. that runs through the thread as all those letters are the same, and while some of these people are lawyers, this is outside their legal responsibilities. so i think they have a pretty good case to actually force them to testify. >> you do? because do you expect these four people will actually cooperate? will they go the way steve bannon did, fight it or take the fifth? what do you think? >> i think the fifth, as you mentioned, is the most likely. none of them want to talk about this. >> jamie, give us your sense of direction on this january 6th investigation. and the path forward. where are they going? >> i think we know the major areas. they want to know who was behind the violence. they want to know -- there's a whole team looking at follow the money. how is this funded? other people are looking at how they fun fund raised off stop the steal. this is a democracy about what they feel was an attempt to overturn the election, but i would keep an eye on the willard war room where these people, as john dean said, who were very close to trump were meeting the night before january 6th and there were calls going back with donald trump. i think the committee is trying to zero in on what was happening there. >> a special look at that in-depth next hour, what you just spoke about. john, we're also learning tonight that the national archives plans to release four pages of trump-era white house documents to the january 6th committee. they'll do that tomorrow. this is going to be first, the committee would get records wants to keep secret. he's having a big fight by that how significant is this? >> well, it's very significant. unless a midnight order comes out from a court that stops that, the archives is on a timetable to release, and that could be very significant material. we don't know what's all in the tranche, but these people left records behind. while they might have destroyed some, we know they left 100 million emails and they're just starting through those. that's not in the tranche tomorrow, but it's going to be revelatory, i think. >> jamie, thank you for your exclusive reporting. voting rights legislation all but certain to fail despite a big push from the white house. the president tripped up by two members of his own party. what happens next is the question. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. 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>> no. i heard worse from the 50 republicans seeking to block this. right now in america we see the average black voter waiting twice as long to vote as the average white voter. in georgia in predominantly white counties they wait times as long. there are things that are functionally disadvantaging native american voters, disabled voters, young voters and their waits on college campuses. these are specifically designed to try to erode democratic voters by universally republican legislatures. not one democratic vote in all of these voting laws are being put forward, not one democratic vote. this is a partisan attack to try to undermine base voters in the democratic party. so this is a republican-fueled fight, and we are not going to just take it, especially because it does have racial implications in creating that disparity that is an insult to our ancestors and all we've overcome. >> you said not one democratic vote, you mean a republican vote. e >> there are principally republicans passing these laws. >> you were talking beyond the senate and the congress in washington. the majority leader chuck schumer says once republicans block these voting rights bill, that he's going to put forward a plan for a talking filibuster. senator manchin said something before that. >> would you consider going back to the old filibuster, sort of like mr. smith goes to washington and jimmy stewart where you want to filibuster, it's not an automatic 60 votes, you got to stay in the senate floor and keep talking? >> the filibuster should be painful. it really should be painful. we made it more comfortable over the years, not intentionally, maybe just evolved into that. maybe it has to be more painful. if you want to make it a little bit more painful, make them stand there and talk, i'm willing to look at any way we can, but i'm not willing to take away the involvement of the minority. >> this is the first time where i'm not quite sure where he is on this. he says one thing, he's for it, but only if it doesn't undermine the 60-vote rule. is he trying to have it both ways? what did he say to you and your colleagues in the meeting tonight? >> you know, we met with him numerous times on the filibuster. have not gotten him there for the important vote tomorrow. but i want to point out, worse than that might seem to you is mitch mcconnell who's been all over the place on this issue too. when it suits him, he changed the filibuster rule. he changed it for the supreme court. he found a way around it for the toxic trump tax cut that was passed on party lines with no democratic votes. the filibuster has been changed 166 times, often for things that are far less important than the fundamental right to vote. so let's be clear. the filibuster has been used principally used from reconstruction to the 1960 to see stop civil rights legislation from being passed. this is something that has only been used like we're seeing it now in those critical years to suppress african-american votes, and now at a time when blacks have twice as long a wait at polls than whites , do we're not finding a way. >> i understand what you're saying and i get it. i agree about the filibuster and what it's been your friend. when i asked about it, you immediately pivoted to mitch mcconnell. one would expect mitch mcconnell to play politics. mitch mcconnell is not a democrat. and i know that, you know, it's hard for you guys to critical joe manchin because you need him, but he doesn't deliver. the issue really is joe manchin and sinema. they are supposed to be democrats. shouldn't they be for these rules? and they're not. mitch mcconnell and republicans, i don't expect republicans in this moment. when they're denying an insurrection, when they won't speak out about a president who fueled an insurrection. but sinema and manchin? i mean, shouldn't our ire be directed at them because he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. he's never there for you guys. >> look, i can't imagine you feel more frustration that we can't change the rules than i am. >> especially over voting rights. >> yeah, and it's clearly my two colleagues that are not giving us the 50 votes we need to change the rules. but we make a mistake when we center this larger problem of voting rights on just two people. and we as people who believe strongly in this can't give up just because of the block. this is going to not end. we're going to continue to put forward efforts and we are ten months out from an election where we could it didn't even pennsylvania and wisconsin. with 52 senators, we have the votes we need, i hope, to get this done. and so to center this all on them, those two, and not the 50 republicans who are blocking it, to center this all on those two and surrender to cynicism about them and not take more responsibility to dig in like they did in darker chapters and keep pushing and keep working on these issues is not acceptable to me. it is what it is in terms of the two of them, but i haven't lost my fight or determination. to do so would insult those who fought to have black people in the senate in the first place. we have work to do and i'm telling you, as my conversations with schumer today we were discussing the different tactics we could use in the days to come to get meaningful voting rights passed. all of us have a responsibility now not just to get frustrated, but get fighting, out working. this is not a time to give up. this is not a time to surrender to cynicism. it's a time to work to make sure this happens like the determination grit and resiliency of those who came before us. >> i hope the democrats have the same fight in them that you seem to have in you. senator booker, thank you. appreciate you joining us here on cnn. good luck. >> thanks for having me. thank you very much. an espn host, stephen a. smith, back on the air after a tough battle with covid. he says if he weren't vaccinated, he wouldn't be here. we're certainly glad he's here and he's here to talk about with me. that's next. defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette do you take aspirin? 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>> i'm okay. how are you doing? >> i'm doing a lot better. it's been a rough few weeks, in doubt about it. went through a lot, but i'm fortunate and very, very blessed to be here. obviously, as you and i had spoken about in the past, i was double vaccinated, i had received the pfizer vaccine in march. i had not been boosted. i was scheduled to get boosted, but i had an endoscopy scheduled the next day and that got pushed back, and then all of a sudden i captured covid. and as a result of that, everything went downhill from there and it was a real fight. but i've been incredibly blessed to survivor and i'm here talking to you now. >> let's talk about this. you know, before we get into the details, listen, this is what i admire about you. no matter what it is or controversy whatever it is you go there, that you talk about it and even if it's a challenge, you turn it into either knowledge for other people or some sort of positive. thank you for doing that. so you tested positive in mid-december. >> yes. >> than you said new year's you spent in the hospital. i mean, that's a while. you know, i mean, how long was it? usually it's like ten days. >> no. it was at least three weeks for me. i mean, you know, i got -- i was informed -- i thought it contracted it. the symptoms were there on the 16th. the 17th it had gotten worse. by that afternoon i was alerted that i had contracted covid. from that standpoint, i was still feeling turned weather for a few days, but i went on espn that tuesday to inform the viewers i wouldn't be back for a while because i had contracted covid and i was expecting to feel a little bit worse before i felt better. and then i even went on the air christmas day because i'm a part of nba countdown and that was an important day for the company. but that particular morning was christmas morning when it really kicked in to another level. i had the fever, i had the coughs, i had the massive headaches. but it went to another level that particular day, and from that standpoint over the next week, week and a half, it was he pure hell. i had already went to the hospital once and then i checked myself into the hospital for two days where they monitor you and what have you and make sure that you're hydrated. they check your blood levels and make sure that, you know, you're okay, at least to some degree. but they made sure to explain you were just going to have to endure it and have to go through it. this was the process of covid. come new year's eve, i knew it was significantly worse than that because i was really laboring with my breathing. the cough had gotten excessively worse. i had already been told that i had pneumonia in both lungs, and the doctor in the emergency room came up to me and they brought me back, you know, back into the back room and they said in all likelihood had you not been vaccinated, based on what we're seeing with your liver and lungs, you may have been gone. and so from that perspective, from that moment they pet me on antibiotics and steroids. i got the monoclonal antibodies as well, but that's only with the delta variant, not necessarily with the omicron variant. >> let me -- >> all those things were things that i was learning and i just had to get through it and fortunate through grace of god and obviously those wonderful doctors who helped me, i got through it. >> and you're right because our health care workers, they're under a lot right now. they've dealt with a lot. you're right to point them out and give them their flowers in this moment. let me go through this, though. because you said that you were double vaxxed but you were waiting to be boosted because you had to have a medical procedure. so you're not anti-booster or anything else. are you encouraged all of us to get boosted now? >> i would encourage people to do so. i definitely understand to some degree -- let me be very, very clear. in my perfect world, i think that everybody should be vaccinated. i think that everybody should be boosted. and i don't see that for me, i say that because the medical professionals have told me that. >> right. >> this is one of the things that they emphasize. i'm not a doctor, i'm not pretending to be. i'm not an expert, i'm not pretending to be. i'm a regular citizen that goes to the doctor when i have a medical issue, and i listen to what the doctor advises, and i try to follow the instructions in order to get better. nobody's perfect, but we certainly listen to your medical professionals, and i have not encountered one single medical professional that has advised me against being vaccinated and being boosted. and so from that perspective, considering the platform that i have when you ask me a question directly about that, would i encourage that? absolutely. there are many people who say, excuse me, i've taken the vaccine and it didn't work or it's made me worse. i don't get into any of that. what i emphasize and what my certain has taught me more than anything, we know that covid-19 is real. we know that the coronavirus is real. billions of people have been vaccinated. hundreds of thousands of people have died in this country. millions have died worldwide. so we know it's real. since we know it's real, at the very least we could wear a mask because, like i said, the person next to you may suffer significantly more than you did, and you don't know that. so why not be thoughtful enough to be protective of the next man and woman next to you? that's my whole thinking. >> let me just say this, stephen. you know how this works, i have to get to the break here. you understand. stephen a. is a healthy individual. you talk about your center who smokes, had covid three or four days, over it. people are under the assumption just because you're healthy and i can get through this, healthy people still get sick and still can face dire consequences from covid-19. give me a quick one on that if you can't, stephen? >> it's factual. i'm living proof because it attacked my lungs. i'm not adonis, i'm 54 years old, i'm in pretty good shape. i don't smoke or do drugs, and it attacked my lungs. i had pneumonia in both lungs. you can't predict what it's going to do to a particular individual. you just don't know, which is why i would emphasize wearing your mask. >> stephen, thank you for doing what you do. we're happy that you're okay. i'm glad you're okay. be safe out there. keep doing it, brother. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. thank you. shocking crimes shaking residents in big cities like los angeles and new york. one woman killed after being pushed in front of a subway in times square. what will it take to get crime under control? 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>> it's criminal justice system that's a mess. it's dysfunctional. it's not doing what it's supposed to do, which is basically prosecute those who are committing crimes. if you take a close look at where crimes are going up dramatically, by and large in our major cities, if you take an even closer look at the major cities, they usually are headed up by mayors, city council, and district attorneys who are engaged in progressive policies that are just not working. they're clearly not working. they can show their policies and procedures are having a positive impact on crime. this is opposite. they are effectively accelerating the increases in crimes and their community, and going to be a while before the america and voting republican wake up to this reality. it's not something that's going to turn around overnight. it's going to take years, unfortunately. it's a mess. that's clearly what's going on, don. we're in a mess. >> let me give you some of the numbers here. listen, we see a lot of mental illness, a lot of people who've been led out of places or institutions where they were housed, especially during covid. now these people are living on the street. violent crime rose last year in cities across the country two weeks in the new year, new york homicides are down. but complaints for rape are up nearly 16%. robberies up more than 25%. los angeles saw a spike in homicides up nearly 12% from last year as well as violent crimes and the numbers of people shot. is this a matter of just -- is it beefing up police presence or is it you got to get everything in order, all of the, you know, criminal justice system as a whole? what is this a matter of? >> criminal justice system is supposed to be a system. at the moment in most cities, it's dysfunctional. a lot of the dysfunction being fueled by these progressive district attorneys. but a lot of it also this idea that somehow by reducing our jail populations to deal with the covid issue, that somehow we're going to be able to let all these people out whether they're waiting for trials or getting out of prison early. you let them out, but they have no place to go, no housing, they have no adequate supervision. so then they express surprise that lo and behold crime is going up, zpord disorder is goi. the streets are less safe. their vision is not working. the vision that worked starting in the 1990s was the vision that i was one of the creators of. community policing, partnership, problem-solving, focus on prevention, not just responding to crime. we got it right over the last 25 years, new york city in 2018 was the safest it's ever been in its history. and then in one year, the state legislature in the state screwed it up immensely. now we have a number of progressive woke district attorneys who are messing it up even more. >> let me -- >> it's not getting better anytime soon. it's going to get worse. >> on that the former police captain who won the job how tough of a balancing act is that you think? >> it's an incredible balancing act. i think of the old age show -- what eric has to do at the moment it's not off to a good start as it relates to crime and disorder. and based on everything i'm reading about the new district attorney and the legislature in albany that was not showing any responsiveness to the growing crime problem, he's got his work cut out for him. the first three weeks are not looking good. i looked at the crime sheets. with the exception of murders and burglaries every other crime category are up over these last three weeks. the shooting incidents are up. so the first three weeks i'm not pretending to be a very hopeful near term future. eric has his work cut out, the new police commissioner has their work cut out. police activity is down and trending down. he is working it out. he shows up at the scene, showing leadership and compassion. but it's not a very promising first three weeks in america. we're in an awful start across the country. >> it's got to show some action, and it's good he is showing up, and there's really got to be some action here. listen, it's very real here, the fear of crime. and especially what happened over the weekend. people are waiting -- and i see them. people are waiting at the stalls, right, waiting at the entrance to the subway because they're afraid to go on the tracks. so they wait for the train to come. they hear the train coming, then they go into the subway system because they're afraid what can happen to them down in the subway system. i've got to run, commissioner. i've got to get to the break. i thank you for being here and you're invited back anytime you want to come and talk about it. mask wars hitting the supreme court. cnn learning one justice is listening to arguments remotely because a bench mate is refusing to wear a mask. doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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(giggling) so take this, a covid mask controversy at the supreme court amid the omicron surge. all of the justices have been wearing masks inside the courtroom during oral arguments. all except justice neil gorsuch who's declining to put one on. sources say justice sote mayor is concerned about covid because she suffers from diabetes and underlying health conditions. she's she's been participating in oral arguments in her chambers instead of the courtroom where she normally sits next to gorsuch. and there is no rule requiring justices to wear one. voting rights on the ropes, americans worried about the economy. it's been a tough first year for president biden. what's ahead in the second ? ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails, my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today.

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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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his backers will talk about his ratings are so high. in court, a federal judge said he's not to be believed. what's so interesting about that is the as that clearly people do believe him. fox knows . that they're actually using him as a model for other shows and other content. >> well, i think if it's still the same, their prime time is not fact based. it's all opinion based. even their morning show is under the entertainment umbrella, and i think it's just starting at 9:00 in the morning eastern time to their prime time that is episodeedly fact-based journalism. you are right, there are some people doing good journalism there, but, you know, it's becoming harder and harder to find. and also, again, in murdoch-backed media, not just at the propaganda network. >> some of those people, don, they face death threats for reporting the truth. >> yeah. you mean some of the people over at fox, of course, or they have to leave the network. it's really sad. but it's also sad, the extremes on social media. social media is one of the biggest -- something has to be done about social media, i believe, because nothing has to be true on it. and immediately it is pushed out as if it's true and people start to believe it. >> it's also just such a mean place. have you noticed that? you said you stay off it be because -- we were talking about having grace. it's really hard to have grace on twitter, you know? >> every once in a while i have to go on to make sure something is posted, but the person who does social media will say to me, can i post this or do you want me to wait for the firestorm to die down? and i'll say what firestorm. >> don lemon trending. >> i had no idea i was trending but do as you please, whatever you think is right. hopefully i'll be able to go back on there. some personal things i try to get out, but got to stay away from it. by the way, this is not sexist, but that looks great , that green. you look so beautiful tonight. >> oh, thank you. i would compliment you, don -- >> did you notice? >> i actually can't see you, but i know you're always handsome. >> we're wearing the same color. >> we match. thanks, buddy. appreciate it. >> thank you. see you tomorrow. bye, bk. this is "don lemon tonight." we have breaking news. the committee investigating the attack on the capitol on january 6th, this is a cnn exclusive, by the way. multiple sources telling cnn the committee set its sights on a member of the former president's family in what appears to be for the first time ever, subpoenaing phone records from eric trump as well as, speaking of the propaganda channel, she used to work there, impkimberly guilfoy. they're not communicating the contents of the calls. today they subpoenaed rudy giuliani along with a rogues gallery of big proteins, including generjenna ellis sydn powell and boris epstein. >> if we're wrong, we will be made fools of. but if we're right, a lot of them will go to jail. [ cheers ] so let's have trial by combat. >> and then there is jenna ellis, you may remember her, the lawyer standing next to rudy giuliani and then when the whole -- i don't know what it was, if it was hair gel or bronzer or whatever, hair dye, who knows what it was, when it was dripping down. well, jenna ellis who reportedly wrote not one but two memos claiming mike pence could reject or delay the counting of electoral votes from some states, a claim that led rioters to call for his execution on january 6th. >> hang mike pence! hang mike pence! hang mike pence! >> and what about the kraken lady, sidney powell, one of the loudest voices who promised to release the kraken, pushed one back lie after another, including the ludicrous claim that long-dead venezuelan hugo chavez had something to do with it. and boris epshteyn who was in the war room at the willard hotel in the days leading up to jirkt. the committee says he talked to the then-president that morning about how to delay the certification of the election results if pence refused to play ball , which he did. this is happening as the senate majority leader chuck schumer sets up the final showdown on voting rights legislation, which is mired in the senate and all but certain to fail. schumer for a so-called talking filibuster, forcing senators to actually hold the floor and talk and talk and talk and talk if they want to block the bill. once they stop talking, the senate can advance legislation with just 51 votes. >> on something as important as voting rights, if senate republicans are going to oppose it, they should not be allowed to sit in their office. they have to come down to the floor and defend their opposition to voting rights, the well spring of our democracy. >> well, not going to happen. and that's because of two members of the president's own party, joe manchin and sinema, determined to preserve the filibuster, even if it means nothing gets done on voting rights. manchin already shooting down any change to the filibuster tonight, a source telling cnn the senator stood his ground and democrats caucus meeting forced to defend the filibuster as is with several members pushing back. this as many americans, especially people of color, worry, many, many you have never heard of, and some you have. >> any senator who cannot support the protection of voting rights in the united states of america cannot say they support the constitution. stop the hypocrisy. cut the bull-ish, and keep it all the way real. the filibuster is not working for democracy. i want you. >> all right, stevie wonder, thank you, sir. president joe biden's agenda stalled. as he marks his first year in office this week, he's facing huge challenges at home from the assault on voting rights for it blizzard of omicron to inflation and crime. and huge challenges abroad as well with ominous new signs that vladimir putin is planning to invade ukraine. the danger is very, very real. you hear it in the language from the white house. >> so let's be clear. our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation. we're now at a stage where russia called at any point launch an attack in ukraine. >> all of that on the president's plate as he prepares to mark his first year in office answering questions from reporters in the news conference tomorrow afternoon. cnn's special coverage begins at 3:45 eastern time. he plans to do it at 4:00. our coverage starts at 3:45. let's bring in jamie gangel with an exclusive. good evening to you, jiamie. the january 6th committee now has the phone records of members of the trump family. what's up? >> so, don, according to multiple sources, the january 6th committee has subpoenaed, but more important, they have obtained phone records from two people, as you said, very close to former president trump, hisses son, eric trump, as well as kimberly guilfoyle, and is engaged to his other son, donald trump jr. this appears to be the first time the committee has issued a subpoena targeting one of the trump children. and it really underscores just how aggressive the committee is willing to be in its investigation. we reached out to eric trump. he declined to comment on the subpoena, but a source familiar with his thinking tells me, get ready, quote, he's not losing sleep over it. and we also reached out to the attorney for kimberly guilfoyle who said the subpoena is, quote, of no consequence to her because she has absolutely nothing to hide or be concerned about. for the record, the committee declined to comment on the subpoenas. >> as far as we know, didn't subpoena anyone else's phone records in the family. why are they so interest in eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle? >> correct. i'm told the complete is not doing blanket subpoenas. it's my understanding they have made a policy, a practice when it comes to issuing subpoenas. it's for a very specific reason in their investigation. as you said, there's no evidence that they've reached out for the call records for, you know, donald trump's other which i won't be done junior, ivanka, or son-in-law jared kushner. just for context, these call records, they're called call detail records, cdrs. they are giving the committee a phone log. this is date, time, length of incoming, outgoing calls, who's calling whom, same for text messages. but keep in mind it's not the substance. the content of those calls or messages, don. but they think they can make a road map. >> how can that help if it doesn't have content? it does offer bread crumb clues like a gps. >> and you're calling in a witness, if you're about to have a witness come in, you would like to be able to say to that witness, hypothetically, eric trump at 1:42 you called so-and-so. what was that about? let's not forget, they have a lot of text messages, and thanks to former chief of staff mark meadows, they have a lot of very valuable text messages. >> jamie, i want to go back to eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle. i'm not losing any sleep. this is of no consequence to me. i mean, a jedi mind trick or better messaging would be, of course we want to cooperate with the committee because we have nothing to hide. therefore, i'm not losing any sleep over it. we will cooperate to the best of our ability. wouldn't that be a better message and people will go, oh, they have nothing to hide. i don't know if that works in trump world because you have to be defiant in order to survive? >> let's talk about an audience of one, donald trump. eric trump still runs the trump organization, the golf courses. that's his father's business. i will say there was one thing very interesting about the fact that the committee actually obtained these records. some people have pushed back. they've sued to keep the phone records. eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle did not do that, and in many of these cases the phone companies send you a letter, fedex overnight saying this has been asked for. i don't know whether they both got those notifications, but certainly if they did, they let it go through. >> yeah. jamie, stick with me because i want to bring in someone to help us, nixon white house counsel john dean. good evening to you. welcome to the program. this comes as we're learning the committee also subpoenaed rudy giuliani and other top advisers to the former president. we're getting pretty close to the top of the food chain here. does this mean that the committee is nearing the end of its investigation or can we tell at this point? >> i don't think we can draw that out of these latest subpoenas but they're certainly focusing on mr. trump. these are the people who surround him and talk to him. but the subpoenas that were all almost identical or the letters explaining them, they're looking for people. they want to understand why these people were promoting what was clearly a false lie, the big lie. that runs through the thread as all those letters are the same, and while some of these people are lawyers, this is outside their legal responsibilities. so i think they have a pretty good case to actually force them to testify. >> you do? because do you expect these four people will actually cooperate? will they go the way steve bannon did, fight it or take the fifth? what do you think? >> i think the fifth, as you mentioned, is the most likely. none of them want to talk about this. >> jamie, give us your sense of direction on this january 6th investigation. and the path forward. where are they going? >> i think we know the major areas. they want to know who was behind the violence. they want to know -- there's a whole team looking at follow the money. how is this funded? other people are looking at how they fun fund raised off stop the steal. this is a democracy about what they feel was an attempt to overturn the election, but i would keep an eye on the willard war room where these people, as john dean said, who were very close to trump were meeting the night before january 6th and there were calls going back with donald trump. i think the committee is trying to zero in on what was happening there. >> a special look at that in-depth next hour, what you just spoke about. john, we're also learning tonight that the national archives plans to release four pages of trump-era white house documents to the january 6th committee. they'll do that tomorrow. this is going to be first, the committee would get records wants to keep secret. he's having a big fight by that how significant is this? >> well, it's very significant. unless a midnight order comes out from a court that stops that, the archives is on a timetable to release, and that could be very significant material. we don't know what's all in the tranche, but these people left records behind. while they might have destroyed some, we know they left 100 million emails and they're just starting through those. that's not in the tranche tomorrow, but it's going to be revelatory, i think. >> jamie, thank you for your exclusive reporting. voting rights legislation all but certain to fail despite a big push from the white house. the president tripped up by two members of his own party. what happens next is the question. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. 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>> no. i heard worse from the 50 republicans seeking to block this. right now in america we see the average black voter waiting twice as long to vote as the average white voter. in georgia in predominantly white counties they wait times as long. there are things that are functionally disadvantaging native american voters, disabled voters, young voters and their waits on college campuses. these are specifically designed to try to erode democratic voters by universally republican legislatures. not one democratic vote in all of these voting laws are being put forward, not one democratic vote. this is a partisan attack to try to undermine base voters in the democratic party. so this is a republican-fueled fight, and we are not going to just take it, especially because it does have racial implications in creating that disparity that is an insult to our ancestors and all we've overcome. >> you said not one democratic vote, you mean a republican vote. e >> there are principally republicans passing these laws. >> you were talking beyond the senate and the congress in washington. the majority leader chuck schumer says once republicans block these voting rights bill, that he's going to put forward a plan for a talking filibuster. senator manchin said something before that. >> would you consider going back to the old filibuster, sort of like mr. smith goes to washington and jimmy stewart where you want to filibuster, it's not an automatic 60 votes, you got to stay in the senate floor and keep talking? >> the filibuster should be painful. it really should be painful. we made it more comfortable over the years, not intentionally, maybe just evolved into that. maybe it has to be more painful. if you want to make it a little bit more painful, make them stand there and talk, i'm willing to look at any way we can, but i'm not willing to take away the involvement of the minority. >> this is the first time where i'm not quite sure where he is on this. he says one thing, he's for it, but only if it doesn't undermine the 60-vote rule. is he trying to have it both ways? what did he say to you and your colleagues in the meeting tonight? >> you know, we met with him numerous times on the filibuster. have not gotten him there for the important vote tomorrow. but i want to point out, worse than that might seem to you is mitch mcconnell who's been all over the place on this issue too. when it suits him, he changed the filibuster rule. he changed it for the supreme court. he found a way around it for the toxic trump tax cut that was passed on party lines with no democratic votes. the filibuster has been changed 166 times, often for things that are far less important than the fundamental right to vote. so let's be clear. the filibuster has been used principally used from reconstruction to the 1960 to see stop civil rights legislation from being passed. this is something that has only been used like we're seeing it now in those critical years to suppress african-american votes, and now at a time when blacks have twice as long a wait at polls than whites , do we're not finding a way. >> i understand what you're saying and i get it. i agree about the filibuster and what it's been your friend. when i asked about it, you immediately pivoted to mitch mcconnell. one would expect mitch mcconnell to play politics. mitch mcconnell is not a democrat. and i know that, you know, it's hard for you guys to critical joe manchin because you need him, but he doesn't deliver. the issue really is joe manchin and sinema. they are supposed to be democrats. shouldn't they be for these rules? and they're not. mitch mcconnell and republicans, i don't expect republicans in this moment. when they're denying an insurrection, when they won't speak out about a president who fueled an insurrection. but sinema and manchin? i mean, shouldn't our ire be directed at them because he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. he's never there for you guys. >> look, i can't imagine you feel more frustration that we can't change the rules than i am. >> especially over voting rights. >> yeah, and it's clearly my two colleagues that are not giving us the 50 votes we need to change the rules. but we make a mistake when we center this larger problem of voting rights on just two people. and we as people who believe strongly in this can't give up just because of the block. this is going to not end. we're going to continue to put forward efforts and we are ten months out from an election where we could it didn't even pennsylvania and wisconsin. with 52 senators, we have the votes we need, i hope, to get this done. and so to center this all on them, those two, and not the 50 republicans who are blocking it, to center this all on those two and surrender to cynicism about them and not take more responsibility to dig in like they did in darker chapters and keep pushing and keep working on these issues is not acceptable to me. it is what it is in terms of the two of them, but i haven't lost my fight or determination. to do so would insult those who fought to have black people in the senate in the first place. we have work to do and i'm telling you, as my conversations with schumer today we were discussing the different tactics we could use in the days to come to get meaningful voting rights passed. all of us have a responsibility now not just to get frustrated, but get fighting, out working. this is not a time to give up. this is not a time to surrender to cynicism. it's a time to work to make sure this happens like the determination grit and resiliency of those who came before us. >> i hope the democrats have the same fight in them that you seem to have in you. senator booker, thank you. appreciate you joining us here on cnn. good luck. >> thanks for having me. thank you very much. an espn host, stephen a. smith, back on the air after a tough battle with covid. he says if he weren't vaccinated, he wouldn't be here. we're certainly glad he's here and he's here to talk about with me. that's next. defines every edge, and three comb lengths for added versatility. one tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. king c. gillette do you take aspirin? 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>> i'm okay. how are you doing? >> i'm doing a lot better. it's been a rough few weeks, in doubt about it. went through a lot, but i'm fortunate and very, very blessed to be here. obviously, as you and i had spoken about in the past, i was double vaccinated, i had received the pfizer vaccine in march. i had not been boosted. i was scheduled to get boosted, but i had an endoscopy scheduled the next day and that got pushed back, and then all of a sudden i captured covid. and as a result of that, everything went downhill from there and it was a real fight. but i've been incredibly blessed to survivor and i'm here talking to you now. >> let's talk about this. you know, before we get into the details, listen, this is what i admire about you. no matter what it is or controversy whatever it is you go there, that you talk about it and even if it's a challenge, you turn it into either knowledge for other people or some sort of positive. thank you for doing that. so you tested positive in mid-december. >> yes. >> than you said new year's you spent in the hospital. i mean, that's a while. you know, i mean, how long was it? usually it's like ten days. >> no. it was at least three weeks for me. i mean, you know, i got -- i was informed -- i thought it contracted it. the symptoms were there on the 16th. the 17th it had gotten worse. by that afternoon i was alerted that i had contracted covid. from that standpoint, i was still feeling turned weather for a few days, but i went on espn that tuesday to inform the viewers i wouldn't be back for a while because i had contracted covid and i was expecting to feel a little bit worse before i felt better. and then i even went on the air christmas day because i'm a part of nba countdown and that was an important day for the company. but that particular morning was christmas morning when it really kicked in to another level. i had the fever, i had the coughs, i had the massive headaches. but it went to another level that particular day, and from that standpoint over the next week, week and a half, it was he pure hell. i had already went to the hospital once and then i checked myself into the hospital for two days where they monitor you and what have you and make sure that you're hydrated. they check your blood levels and make sure that, you know, you're okay, at least to some degree. but they made sure to explain you were just going to have to endure it and have to go through it. this was the process of covid. come new year's eve, i knew it was significantly worse than that because i was really laboring with my breathing. the cough had gotten excessively worse. i had already been told that i had pneumonia in both lungs, and the doctor in the emergency room came up to me and they brought me back, you know, back into the back room and they said in all likelihood had you not been vaccinated, based on what we're seeing with your liver and lungs, you may have been gone. and so from that perspective, from that moment they pet me on antibiotics and steroids. i got the monoclonal antibodies as well, but that's only with the delta variant, not necessarily with the omicron variant. >> let me -- >> all those things were things that i was learning and i just had to get through it and fortunate through grace of god and obviously those wonderful doctors who helped me, i got through it. >> and you're right because our health care workers, they're under a lot right now. they've dealt with a lot. you're right to point them out and give them their flowers in this moment. let me go through this, though. because you said that you were double vaxxed but you were waiting to be boosted because you had to have a medical procedure. so you're not anti-booster or anything else. are you encouraged all of us to get boosted now? >> i would encourage people to do so. i definitely understand to some degree -- let me be very, very clear. in my perfect world, i think that everybody should be vaccinated. i think that everybody should be boosted. and i don't see that for me, i say that because the medical professionals have told me that. >> right. >> this is one of the things that they emphasize. i'm not a doctor, i'm not pretending to be. i'm not an expert, i'm not pretending to be. i'm a regular citizen that goes to the doctor when i have a medical issue, and i listen to what the doctor advises, and i try to follow the instructions in order to get better. nobody's perfect, but we certainly listen to your medical professionals, and i have not encountered one single medical professional that has advised me against being vaccinated and being boosted. and so from that perspective, considering the platform that i have when you ask me a question directly about that, would i encourage that? absolutely. there are many people who say, excuse me, i've taken the vaccine and it didn't work or it's made me worse. i don't get into any of that. what i emphasize and what my certain has taught me more than anything, we know that covid-19 is real. we know that the coronavirus is real. billions of people have been vaccinated. hundreds of thousands of people have died in this country. millions have died worldwide. so we know it's real. since we know it's real, at the very least we could wear a mask because, like i said, the person next to you may suffer significantly more than you did, and you don't know that. so why not be thoughtful enough to be protective of the next man and woman next to you? that's my whole thinking. >> let me just say this, stephen. you know how this works, i have to get to the break here. you understand. stephen a. is a healthy individual. you talk about your center who smokes, had covid three or four days, over it. people are under the assumption just because you're healthy and i can get through this, healthy people still get sick and still can face dire consequences from covid-19. give me a quick one on that if you can't, stephen? >> it's factual. i'm living proof because it attacked my lungs. i'm not adonis, i'm 54 years old, i'm in pretty good shape. i don't smoke or do drugs, and it attacked my lungs. i had pneumonia in both lungs. you can't predict what it's going to do to a particular individual. you just don't know, which is why i would emphasize wearing your mask. >> stephen, thank you for doing what you do. we're happy that you're okay. i'm glad you're okay. be safe out there. keep doing it, brother. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. thank you. shocking crimes shaking residents in big cities like los angeles and new york. one woman killed after being pushed in front of a subway in times square. what will it take to get crime under control? 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>> it's criminal justice system that's a mess. it's dysfunctional. it's not doing what it's supposed to do, which is basically prosecute those who are committing crimes. if you take a close look at where crimes are going up dramatically, by and large in our major cities, if you take an even closer look at the major cities, they usually are headed up by mayors, city council, and district attorneys who are engaged in progressive policies that are just not working. they're clearly not working. they can show their policies and procedures are having a positive impact on crime. this is opposite. they are effectively accelerating the increases in crimes and their community, and going to be a while before the america and voting republican wake up to this reality. it's not something that's going to turn around overnight. it's going to take years, unfortunately. it's a mess. that's clearly what's going on, don. we're in a mess. >> let me give you some of the numbers here. listen, we see a lot of mental illness, a lot of people who've been led out of places or institutions where they were housed, especially during covid. now these people are living on the street. violent crime rose last year in cities across the country two weeks in the new year, new york homicides are down. but complaints for rape are up nearly 16%. robberies up more than 25%. los angeles saw a spike in homicides up nearly 12% from last year as well as violent crimes and the numbers of people shot. is this a matter of just -- is it beefing up police presence or is it you got to get everything in order, all of the, you know, criminal justice system as a whole? what is this a matter of? >> criminal justice system is supposed to be a system. at the moment in most cities, it's dysfunctional. a lot of the dysfunction being fueled by these progressive district attorneys. but a lot of it also this idea that somehow by reducing our jail populations to deal with the covid issue, that somehow we're going to be able to let all these people out whether they're waiting for trials or getting out of prison early. you let them out, but they have no place to go, no housing, they have no adequate supervision. so then they express surprise that lo and behold crime is going up, zpord disorder is goi. the streets are less safe. their vision is not working. the vision that worked starting in the 1990s was the vision that i was one of the creators of. community policing, partnership, problem-solving, focus on prevention, not just responding to crime. we got it right over the last 25 years, new york city in 2018 was the safest it's ever been in its history. and then in one year, the state legislature in the state screwed it up immensely. now we have a number of progressive woke district attorneys who are messing it up even more. >> let me -- >> it's not getting better anytime soon. it's going to get worse. >> on that the former police captain who won the job how tough of a balancing act is that you think? >> it's an incredible balancing act. i think of the old age show -- what eric has to do at the moment it's not off to a good start as it relates to crime and disorder. and based on everything i'm reading about the new district attorney and the legislature in albany that was not showing any responsiveness to the growing crime problem, he's got his work cut out for him. the first three weeks are not looking good. i looked at the crime sheets. with the exception of murders and burglaries every other crime category are up over these last three weeks. the shooting incidents are up. so the first three weeks i'm not pretending to be a very hopeful near term future. eric has his work cut out, the new police commissioner has their work cut out. police activity is down and trending down. he is working it out. he shows up at the scene, showing leadership and compassion. but it's not a very promising first three weeks in america. we're in an awful start across the country. >> it's got to show some action, and it's good he is showing up, and there's really got to be some action here. listen, it's very real here, the fear of crime. and especially what happened over the weekend. people are waiting -- and i see them. people are waiting at the stalls, right, waiting at the entrance to the subway because they're afraid to go on the tracks. so they wait for the train to come. they hear the train coming, then they go into the subway system because they're afraid what can happen to them down in the subway system. i've got to run, commissioner. i've got to get to the break. i thank you for being here and you're invited back anytime you want to come and talk about it. mask wars hitting the supreme court. cnn learning one justice is listening to arguments remotely because a bench mate is refusing to wear a mask. doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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(giggling) so take this, a covid mask controversy at the supreme court amid the omicron surge. all of the justices have been wearing masks inside the courtroom during oral arguments. all except justice neil gorsuch who's declining to put one on. sources say justice sote mayor is concerned about covid because she suffers from diabetes and underlying health conditions. she's she's been participating in oral arguments in her chambers instead of the courtroom where she normally sits next to gorsuch. and there is no rule requiring justices to wear one. voting rights on the ropes, americans worried about the economy. it's been a tough first year for president biden. what's ahead in the second ? ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails, my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? why do we all put up with this? when there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients like an electrolyte, antioxidant, even your tears' own moisturizer. and no preservatives. these ingredients are true to your eyes' biology. see? bio.true. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today.

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Ellis , Sydn Powell , Boris Epstein , Lot , Jail , Fools , Cheers , Trial By Combat , Jenna Ellis , Whole , Hair Dye , Whatever , Hair Gel , Bronzer , Mike Pence , Votes , Led , Claim , Counting , States , Memos , Execution , Rioters , Two , Sidney Powell , Voices , Another , Back Lie , Kraken , Hugo Chavez , Venezuelan , Certification , War Room , Election Results , Jirkt , Willard Hotel , Wall , Senate , Chuck Schumer , Pence , Showdown , Voting Rights Legislation , Ball , Senators , Floor , Talking Filibuster , Legislation , Bill , Talking , Schumer , Voting Rights , Republicans , Office , Opposition , 51 , Filibuster , Democracy , Senator Manchin , Party , Members , Sinema , Senator , Meeting , Democrats , Source , Change , Ground , Many , Protection , Worry , Americans , Constitution , Hypocrisy , The United States Of America Cannot , Bull Ish , Joe Biden , Sir , Thank You , Agenda , Stevie Wonder , Lo And Behold Crime , Inflation , Challenges , Home , Omicron , Signs , Assault , It Blizzard , Planning , View , Stage , White House , Situation , Danger , Language , Ukraine , Vladimir Putin , Point , Coverage , Questions , Plate , Reporters , Answering , News Conference , Russia , Eastern Time , Exclusive , Jamie Gangel , Jiamie , 45 , 3 , 4 , Phone Records , Important , Trump , Son , Kimberly Guilfoyle , Donald Trump Jr , Investigation , Children , Subpoena Targeting , Get Ready , Subpoena , Sleep , Attorney , Consequence , Thinking , Record , Subpoenas , Didn T , Anyone Else , Policy , Blanket Subpoenas , Interest , Practice , Understanding , Correct , Records , Ivanka , Issuing Subpoenas , Reason , Evidence , Call Records , Context , Call Detail Records , Length , Committee A Phone Log , Son In Law , Jared Kushner , Text Messages , Help , Messages , Whom , Substance , Road Map , Witness , Doesn T , Gps , Bread Crumb , Witness Come In , Chief Of Staff , Hypothetically , Mark Meadows , 1 , 42 , Jamie , Messaging , Best , Mind Trick , Jedi , Order , World , Talk , Wouldn T , Message , Works In Trump , Audience , Ability , Let , Trump Organization , Thing , Golf Courses , Business , Father , Phone Companies , Letter , Cases , Fedex , Notifications , Stick , U S , John Dean , Program , Advisers , Top , The Food Chain , Predated , Mr , Big Lie , Letters , Case , Responsibilities , Thread , Runs , Lawyers , None , Fifth , Likely , Steve Bannon , Four , Path , Direction , January 6th Investigation , Areas , Team , Violence , Money , Election , Attempt , Eye , Steal , Fund , Willard War Room , Zero , Look , Plans , Documents , Pages , The National Archives , Fight , Archives , Tranche , Timetable , Release , Material , Emails , Reporting , 100 Million , Question , Big Push , Kids , Mom , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Enjoyment Isn T Part Of The Process , System , Diabetes , Challenge , Musician , Name , Fingersticks , Don T Trust The Process , Austin James , Libre 2 , 2 , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , Scan , 6 7 , 8 2 , Reconnecting , Environment , Storytelling , Audio Entertainment , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Daddy , Medicare Supplement , Unitedhealthcare , Audible , Doctor , What Medicare Doesn T , Medicare , Specialist , Patients , Anywhere , Call Unitedhealthcare , Everyone , Deals , Lollipop , Others , Deal , Aren T , Decision Guide , Both , At T , Customers , Choice , Smartphones , 800 , Voting Rights Bills , Outlook , Rules , Priority , Occasion , Cory Booker , New Jersey , Problem , Voting , Bills , 50 , History , Pathway , Lightning Strike , Agreement , Twhhey Didn , Ways , Setbacks , Defeats , Edmund Pettus Bridget , Covid , Pandemic , Forward , Courts , Priorities , Country , Voters , Voting Laws , Approach , Luxury , Times , Voter , Counties , Georgia , Vote , Legislatures , College Campuses , Native American , Implications , Insult , Disparity , Ancestors , Laws , Congress In Washington , Plan , Voting Rights Bill , Smith Goes To Washington , Jimmy Stewart , 60 , Involvement , Rule , Colleagues , Minority , Mitch Mcconnell , Issue , Tax Cut , Filibuster Rule , Right , Reconstruction , Stop Civil Rights , 1960 , 166 , African American , Blacks , Whites , Mitch Mcconnell To Play Politics , Friend , Guys , Insurrection , Shouldn T , Mouth , Sides , Shouldn T Our Ire , Frustration , Mistake , Efforts , The Block , Ten , Done , Wisconsin , Pennsylvania , 52 , Responsibility , Cynicism , Issues , Terms , Chapters , Dig , Haven T , Determination , Conversations , All Of Us , Out Working , Tactics , Resiliency , Determination Grit , Stephen A Smith , He Wouldn T , Air , Host , Luck , Espn , He Weren T Vaccinated , Battle With Covid , Tool , Versatility , Comb Lengths , Edge , Style , Three , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , King , Ulcers , C Gillette , Heart Attack , Heart Protection , Stroke , Benefits , Advisor , Balance , Planning Effect , Picture , Wealth , Reward , Risk , Beauty , Skin , Bond , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Discover Card , Purchases , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Students , Schools , Teaching , Classroom , Politics , School Board , San Francisco , Start , Leadership , District , Chance , Deficit , School Board Members Collins , LÓpez , February 15th , 25 Million , 125 Million , 15 , Espn S First Take , Battle , Host Stephen , Hospital , Coughing Profusely , Symptoms , Fever , Headaches , Chills , Pool , Sweat , 103 , New Year S Eve Into Day , Doubt , Vaccine , Pfizer , Everything , Result , Endoscopy , Survivor , Back , Matter , Controversy , Details , Knowledge , Positive , Sort , In Mid December , Yes , Standpoint , Weather , 17 , 16 , Part , Countdown , Viewers , Nba , Company , Morning , Level , Coughs , Half , Pure Hell , Degree , Process , Blood Levels , Lungs , Pneumonia , Breathing , Cough , Back Room , Emergency Room , Liver , Likelihood , Perspective , Antibiotics , Well , Steroids , Monoclonal Antibodies , Doctors , Learning , Omicron Variant , Delta Variant , God , Health Care Workers , Vaxxed , Flowers , Anything , Procedure , Everybody , Professionals , Perfect World , Nobody S Perfect , Citizen , Expert , Instructions , Platform , Single , Professional , Work , Thousands , Billions , Coronavirus , Hundreds , Millions , 19 , Mask , Man , Woman , Break , Individual , Center , Works , Consequences , Assumption , Proof , Drugs , Shape , Smoke , 54 , Don T Know , Cities , Crimes , Safe , Los Angeles , New York , Brother , Residents , Subway , Front , Cooking , Kitchen , Times Square , Up , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , Discomfort , Feet , Hands , Weakness , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Me And You , Trees , Green Red , What A Wonderful World , Subaru , Support , Love Event , Charities , Charity , Retailers , And , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car , Difference , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Experts , Car Company , Music Vo , Windshield , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Singers , Service , Temperature , Movement , Safelite Repair , 360 , Bed , Sale , Murders , Attention , Fears , Segment , Train , Control , Statistics , Death , Nation , Rose , 40 , Police , Victim , Store , Encounters , Employee , L A Police Hunting , 24 , Police Commissioner , Killer , Lots , Nurse , L A Police Arresting Homeless Man , Author , Bus Stop , Bill Bratton , Number , Commissioner , Officials , Circumstances , Causes , Streets , Mental Illness , Office Workers , Homelessness , Drug Use , Cop , People Who Don T Feel Safe , Emptier , Reality Check , Mess , Criminal Justice , What S Going On , Mayors , City Council , District Attorneys , Policies , Community , Procedures , Impact , Increases , Reality , Wake , Numbers , Places , Institutions , Complaints , Violent Crime , Homicides , Rape , Robberies , A Spike , The Street , 25 , Police Presence , Just , 12 , Dysfunction , Progressive District Attorneys , Populations , Housing , Goi , Trials , Prison , Supervision , Zpord Disorder , Vision , Creators , 1990 , Community Policing , Partnership , Problem Solving , Focus On Prevention , 2018 , State Legislature , Estate , Progressive , Job , Captain , Show , Age , Balancing Act , Incredible Balancing Act , District Attorney , Disorder , Legislature , Crime Problem , Responsiveness , Albany , Crime Sheets , Burglaries , Exception , Crime Category , Incidents , Work Cut Out , Term , Police Activity , Scene , Compassion , Action , Weekend , Showing Up , Fear , Waiting , Tracks , Stalls , Entrance , Train Coming , Subway System , Mask Wars Hitting The Supreme Court , Justice , Arguments , Listening , Car Insurance , Bench Mate , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Cnn Learning One , Doug , Personal Record , Limu , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Liberty , Pay , Odors , Spaces , Grab Febreze Small Spaces , Room , Febreze , La , Kaleb , I M Good , 13th Surgery , Guess What , Ringing , 13 , Other , 17th Surgery , Care Kids , Surgery , Shriners , Shriners Hospitals For Children , Kind , Because , Hi , Screen , Nurses , Gift , Love , Rescue Blanket , Ooh , Okay , Hold On A Second , Call , Phone , Gifts , Reminder , Loveshriners Org , It Buddy , Pleasure Captain , Operators , Giggling , Alec , Courtroom , Justices , Masks , Mask Controversy , Omicron Surge , Mayor , Neil Gorsuch , Health Conditions , Sote , Chambers , Second , Ropes , Economy , Card , Fee , How Bizarre , Omc , Eyes , Combo , Sandpaper , Strypaper , Ingredients , Preservatives , Electrolyte , Antioxidant , Eye Drops , Moisturizer , Tears , Biology , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Bio True ,

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