Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

>> and virgin galactic released a similar statement, saying he does not reflect that company. the u.s. is staging a diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics. it's a brand new hour. we are happy that you're with us. i'm victor blackwell. >> and i'm alisyn camerota. the u.s. is trying to deter russia from invading ukraine. cnn has learned that the biden administration is considering new military options to help ukraine defend itself from a possible russian invasion. >> secretary of state antony blinken will meet face-to-face with his russian counter part in geneva. in a few hours, he'll travel to kiev to meet with the ukrainian president tomorrow and on to germany in search of european allies to avoid war. world leaders are on edge because of increased military drills near the ukrainian border. frederik pleitgen is in moscow. what are the russians saying about all of this. >> reporter: the russianings continue to say they believe they are not the ones threatening anybody. one of the interesting things is also before secretary of state blinken is going to meet the german foreign minister in b berlin. she mess with sergiy lavrov. the germans key in all of this because of the pipeline, the project between russia and germany. if there are further military advances by the russians, that pipeline project could seriously be affected and certainly the international community is feeling as though russia definitely is threatening ukraine. let's listen in to what she had to say. >> translator: over the past few weeks, more than 100,000 russian troops, equipment and tanks have been deployed in the ukraine for no reason. it's hard not to see that as a threat. >> now, the russians continue to say that they have their security concerns and they of course have put forward demands to the united states, including that ukraine should never become a member of nato, which the u.s. has said is a nonstarter. the russian foreign minister for his part once again said that he believes the russians are the once that need increased security. let's listen in to what he had to say. >> we do not threaten anyone, but we hear threats against us. i hope that all of this only reflects the emotions that certain forces invoke in the camp of western countries. we will be guided by concrete steps and deeds. >> as you can see there, the russians and the u.s. and its allies still very far apart on a lot of these points. i do have to give you an update also on what's going on there in the key areas. the russians have started moving troops into belarus. they're going to do large scale exercises in that country. and one of the things we know, the southern border of belarus is the northern border of ukraine, so the ukrainians feeling increasingly encircled, guys. >> frederik pleitgen, thank you for that report. to the latest on airplane security. president biden just thanked verizon and at&t for delaying their rollout of 5g technology near some airports. hence in a statement, this agreement will avoid devastating disruptions to passenger travel, cargo operations and our economic recovery while allowing 90% of wireless tower deployment to occur as scheduled. the company announced the day after airlines expressed concerns that 5g signals would interfere with some important plane radar, and some international airlines announced they will cancel flights starting tomorrow amid the uncertainty of the rollout. the emirates said they will suspend flights into nine u.s. airports and they are working closely with aircraft manufacturers and authorities to resume services as soon as possible. and air india announced the cancellation of flights into four u.s. airports via twitter. congressman peter defaz owe joins me now, the chair of the house transportation committee, and called for the delay yesterday to prevent any d disruptions. thank you so much for being here. whose fault is it that they got to the 11th hour, and pilots had to express concern, and this sort of last minute cancellation. >> it's actually the fault of a good named aget hi, the head of the fcc under trump. several years ago, we said to him, myself, the aviation community, don't sell the c band close to the radiator frequency, this will jeopardize aviation. he made fun of us, belittled our concerns on twitter, and he sold it and then the industry would not provide data about their deployment until the wednesday before christmas. so since then we have been scrambling to understand the impact on america's aviation system. i mean, today i was talking to head of united. they cancelled their overseas flights today because if they had gone to china, they might not have been able to come back and land. so this temporary delay is critical, and the fact is, every other country on earth has regulated the telecoms. they make them point their signals away from flight paths. they make them operate at lower power. they have exclusion zones. here it's a wild west free for all, and the industries says, hey, we can put these towers wherever we want, and it's proprietary information. we're having trouble working through this. >> i understand. and explain to me why the trump administration would be so cavalier about having a technology that could disrupt the plane's system that allows pilots to know what altitude they're flying at. how would that have helped americans? >> well, they just were looking at getting the sale price for the speck trum and they didn't want to narrow the spectrum and take $2 billion less for them. and they didn't want to condition the spectrum because they thought the bids would be lower. they were just trying to raise a pile of money, $80 billion by selling the spectrum indiscriminately. >> here's what at&t said. they're quite frustrated. they don't blame the trump administration. they blame the faa. here it is, we are frustrated by the faa's inability to do what 40 countries have done, to safely deploy 5g technology without disrupting aviation services and we urge to do in a timely manner. does the faa bear responsibility? >> i would the faa has not done a great job with this. they were jammed. they didn't get the data until the wednesday before christmas. they are discovering that certain airplane types are affected even more than we thought. there was a prospect of grounding half of the u.s. fleet. what at&t is saying, is not accurate. in every other country these things are directed away, shielded from flight paths. they operate at a much lower power. in japan they operate at 5% of the power that's proposed here. no one has let this go forward at this power with no restrictions looking at aviation. >> so how are we going to fix this in the near term if that's even possible with all of these modifications that you're saying have to happen? >> well, the industry has agreed for towers approximate to these airports to not turn them on. they'll turn on about 90% of their system. don't worry, you'll be able to stream high d video games while you drive your car or walk across the street starting tomorrow in many parts of the country. just not right near airports and not in flight paths. and then we've got to work through airport by airport, what they can do for long-term mitigation. redirecting the signals. operating those at a lower power. i'm not an engineer, i don't know the solutions. the faa needs to have a list, work methodically, give the industry some certainty and have a schedule on how we're going to do this. >> how long do you think that's going to take? >> that's a question i'm going to ask the administrator tomorrow. my last conversation with him proved to be incorrect about this problem. and i'm going to say how long does it take you to do an airport. let's just say tomorrow you wanted to do seattle, tacoma, today wouldn't have had any flights. because of low visibility. how long to analyze each airport. let's have a schedule. let's move forward and give predictability to both industries. both aviation and to the telecoms. >> i have ten seconds left. do pilots have a point that this threatens their very safety and the safety of the flying public? will we be able to do this safely? >> if deployed massively without these protections, you have the probability that in low visibility, planes would get inaccurate readings and potentially crash. that's not good. >> congressman, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. the transmissibility of the omicron variant is putting a huge strain on u.s. hospitals. in oklahoma city, leaders from four major hospitals tell cnn that they are at a breaking point with no icu beds available. they write in part this, soon, you or a loved one may need us for life saving care, whether a stroke, emergency appendectomy or trauma from a car accident and we might not be able to help. we need your help. get vaccinated. get boosted. wear your mask. socially distance. stay home if you are sick. our next guest is the regional chief medical officer for ssm health oklahoma, dr. wenfry. thank you very much for being with us. there's a line that jumps out from what you tell us about what's happening in oklahoma that i want to read here. it's like asking wounded soldiers to come out of the hospital and go back to the battlefield before they're even remotely healed. give us an idea of what it looks like in your hospitals. >> well, we are very crowded. under ordinary circumstances, we have an inward and outward flow of patients that's pretty much in balance. right now, we have the perfect storm of a highly contagious virus that's infecting more and more people every day. we have an unprecedented seven-day average of 10,000 cases, that includes our staff. that's where the perfect storm comes in. without staff, we cannot keep our hospital beds open for the patients that need to be in them. >> so you say that soon neighbor you'll have to -- you may not be able to help people that need the emergency appendectomy or stroke, have you had to turn people to other facilities or hospitals because yours are full. >> we started looking at other facilities quite a while back. unfortunately they're dealing with the same circumstances we are with regards to the gridlock of patients within our systems that we can't seem to move either direction. so with all of that being said, we're doing the best we can to identify the medically necessary and time sensitive cases that need to be done and getting those done with whatever means that we have. we're a very collaborative community, so we do have some patients that are moving back and forth, but again, that's very limited because we're all dealing with the same gridlock. >> and we know it's not just the flood of patients who are coming in. it's that the resources, the human resources are being depleted because many of your doctors, nurses, support staff are at home isolating because they have covid. >> correct. we came into this with very limited staffing just because of the prior delta variant surge. we never completely recovered from that and got back on balance with our staffing before the omicron and the very highly contagious omicron came in and began to affect our staff. we have an unprecedented number of staff that are out because of infections and we're doing the best we can to keep those staff positions filled or replaced but it's taking people and extending them sometimes beyond their means with regards to how many patients that they can take care of as it relates to nursing. >> give me a little more on that. when you say extending how many they can take care of, a nurse would typically take one or two, and now three or four? fill that out. >> exactly right. that would be a typical ratio, a nurse patient ratio in an intensive care unit on a general care unit we would have a larger ratio. we have had to extend some of those numbers beyond really what we would consider a reasonable patient assignment for a single nurse. . >> you know, we have said because this is what the numbers have shown that this is really a story about the unvaccinated who are filling hospitals because of covid. we know there are people who are there for other reasons and test positive for covid because, you know, they're there for some other reason, but can you tell us the percentage, rough numbers of the people who are in your hospitals because of covid, how many of them are unvaccinated, what percentage. >> so i would say that 80 to 90% of the people that we have to hospitalize with covid complications are unvaccinated. >> they need your help there in oklahoma. get vaccinated, get boosted, wear your mask, socially distance, all the things we have known worked the entire pandemic. dr. winfrey, thank you. >> thank you, victor. president biden has not given many press conferences in the past year but he's about to as he deals with the covid surge, voting rights in jeopardy, and multiple foreign crises, how he will frame it all, next. 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what's the accelerant that he's going to potentially push for the next year in his presidency? >> that's the big question. i think a lot of people are looking to the white house to find out what is the strategy moving forward. we all kind of know where things stand right now. we know that this president is at basically a low point. in his presidency. also a low point when he's compared to other presidents and around this time in office. however, there's still almost a year left of this year, and it's a critically important political year. there needs to be, i think, for a lot of democrats who are looking on, a plan for how to deliver for the voters who put joe biden into office, how to deliver on priorities, whether it's on voting rights or immigration on other things, and it might need to be smaller, so will he say, yes, i know i'm not going to get the big fish but i'm willing to take a portion of something else if it means moving the ball forward. i think we don't really know how he's going to approach that yet. >> john, what are your thoughts? does the white house have a sense of why president biden's poll numbers are suffering so much? >> oh, i think they've got a very good sense of it, alisyn, it began last summer when the delta variant made the pandemic resurge just after it had appeared that vaccinations were really tamping it down and the president was celebrating that. so that was one thing. the afghanistan pullout, which was so chaotic and looked terrible to the american public, that was another thing. and then inflation, which as phil discussed in his report is overshadowing all of the good economic news that they're talking about. the question now is whether you can get an upward trajectory later this year from a couple of things. one, economists expect that inflation is going to moderate this year. recently measured at 7%, they're looking at 3 or 4% this year, so that would be in the right direction, and secondly, the possibility that the pandemic will move from the emergency phase, which we have all been dealing with for a couple of years, to the endemic phase where people are living with it. omicron, if it's borno out that those are milder infections and people are getting a lot of them, so it's conferring a lot of immunity on people, that has the potential for turning this battleship of the pandemic in a favor direction. no guarantee of that at all. but that's the scenario for biden to try to come back, as well as trying to revive that build back better plan, not in the form that it was killed by joe manchin. they think they've got a reason shot of some form of passing that bill, even if they can't get voting rights which of course is going to go down this week. >> nine months, ten months out from an election here. abby, are we seeing any dissatisfied progressives or even moderates start to pull away a bit from the president, considering the legislative narrative and those polling numbers? >> well, i mean, two data points. you've got two very powerful, it seems, moderates in the senate who are not going out of their way to make their president look good. they have done some things in the last week, whether it was kyrsten sinema going to the senate floor just before joe biden showed up in the senate to essentially embarrass him. that's one data point on the moderates. i think there's a sense there that joe biden doesn't have any political sway over them, and when it comes to liberals, there is dissatisfaction here. many of these progressives held their nose and voted for joe biden even though they did not believe he was progressive enough, and now they want to see receipts. they want to see results. and there has been less progress on some of the things that they really care about. how the white house manages that dissatisfaction is going to be the most important question of this year. midterms are for the base. it's when you got to get your people out, and if they can't find a way to energize those folks and tell them there's more coming down the road, they're going to have a real problem in this election cycle. >> john, that leads us to former president trump and his plans. i think that for a while we thought he was definitely going to run. it sounds like he's waiting and watching. also, what's his trigger. >> well, first of all, that's the answer to the question you were just discussing with abby about the democratic base, as well as the republican base. donald trump galvanizes the republican base but he's also a useful foil for democrats. they're going to look to elevate him just as trump's looking to elevate himself. this moment right now is a very good moment for trump comparatively because biden is low. but we're going to have to see, a, the effect on the midterm elections, and, b, where biden is next spring. gabby orr and her fine piece today, describes advisers, if biden is in the low 40s next spring, trump will be in if he's up in the high 40s, then trump will stay out. well, presidents tend to rise after their midterm elections, so it is an uncertain picture from a year from now when trump is going to make the decision. right now, he's still got a grip on the party, and he's enjoying it. >> thank you so much, great to talk to both of you. be sure to join us for coverage of president biden's press conference tomorrow, and of course, abby phillip and john harwood will continue to provide analysis. thanks, guys. there's a state of emergency in tonga, parts of the country are completely cut off from communications after an underground volcano eruption. we have new images ahead. from the price of gas to the price of orange juice, inflation is not the only reason you are paying more. touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. two events in arizona over the martin luther king holiday weekend, with two very different views of what democracy is and its future in american. >> cnn's donie o as 'sullivan s with people at the trump rally, and at a march for voting rights in phoenix, attended by members of the king family. >> no celebration without legislation. >> we all have a voice in this country in which we live, and voting is that opportunity that we have. >> hey, hey, ho, ho, the filibuster has got to go. >> this martin luther king jr. day weekend in arizona, a battle for the future of american democracy. >> we wanted to come on this day because there's also a senator, senator sinema, who seems to be blocking democracy instead of being on the side of advancing democracy. >> reporter: the king family here calling on arizona democratic senator kyrsten sinema to stand up for voters' rights. >> she says she wants voting rights but how do you want voting rights without creating a path for that to happen. that is inconsistent and that is unacceptable. >> reporter: sinema and fellow democratic senator joe manchin of west virginia are blocking the passage of a pair of veotin rights bills, aimed at counter acting restrictive voting rights at the state level. not i . >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> reporter: that stands music to the ears of some trump supporters this weekend, at hand on a rally for trump in sinema's home state. >> god bless kyrsten sin sinema what and she's doing. good for her. she's our representative. she represents the state. she's not along party lines. she's what's good for the cou country. >> reporter: do you like kyrsten sinema. >> absolutely. and manchin, in fact, i have sent e-mails to them encouraging them to stand up and do what's right for the people of arizona. >> reporter: those supporters in line for trump's rally on saturday. also in attendance, a hodgepodgeover election deniers like mike lin dell, congressman paul gozar, and one of the -- and was recently called in front of the january 6th house select committee. are you worried that you might get indicted? >> thank you, arizona. thank you. thank you. >> reporter: trump giving his support to two election deniers who are running to control elections in the state. kari lake is running for governor. >> there's a few other people i would like to send right down to the prison down here in florence. anybody who was involved in that corrupt, shady, shoddy election of 2020. lock them up. >> reporter: and mark fincham who previously said he was an oath keeper and is now running for secretary of state. >> donald trump won. >> reporter: he has echoed qanon-type conspiracy theories about elected officials. >> there's a lot of people involved in a pedophile network in the distribution of children, and unfortunately there's a whole lot of elected officials that are involved in that. >> reporter: and he continues to falsely attack the legitimacy of the 2020 election here in arizona. >> i look forward to the day that we set aside an ire redee redeemablily flawed election. should be certified with cause by the legislature. >> reporter: that's part of a national trend. a "washington post" tally finding 163 republicans who have embraced trump's false claims are running for statewide positions that would give them authority over the administration of elections. arizona's current secretary of state, katie hobbes now running for governor. >> i think we're at a defining moment. i mean, in 2020 democracy prevailed, and 2020 and after 2020, democracy prevailed because people on both sides of the aisle did their jobs, and what we're seeing now is this just multipronged attack, and one of those prongs is trump trying to instill his loyalists into key positions that have some level of determination over how elections are certified and conducted. and that's pretty scary. >> we will pass this bill. >> reporter: and on this martin luther king jr. day weekend, his 13-year-old granddaughter following in her grandfather's foot steps with a warning for today. >> i think it's so important to vote, and it's so important to have the right to vote. because right now our country is at stake. >> reporter: donie o'sullivan, cnn, phoenix, arizona. >> victor, it's so disturbing. it's so disturbing to hear the delusional thinking that is still going on at these rallies, the ones of the trump supporters. >> and now these are people who want to have some control over elections. that's the scary part is that they're taking that conspiracy theory and going to apply it to these elections across some really crucial states. >> we will continue to cover it every single day as well as try to find solutions. all right, now to this about the economy. we have the latest item to put a squeeze on your wallet, get it, matt egan is going to tell us what i'm alluding to if you haven't figured it out. >> i feel like we get it. i feel like we get it. get decision tech from fidelity. 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"the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. you get a test. and you get a test. and you get a test. "the lead" starts right now. the white house website to request free at-home covid tests goes live as the omicron variant continues blazing its ugly trail. and it was supposed to roll out across the country in just hours, but several airlines sa

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, Belittled , Aviation System , Impact , Scrambling , United , Telecoms , Fact , Land , China , Earth , Flight Paths , Power , Signals , Industries , Exclusion Zones , Wild West , Towers , Trump , Trouble , Technology , System , Plane , Information , Altitude , Spectrum , Sale Price , Speck Trum , Bids , Pile , Money , 2 Billion , 80 Billion , Billion , 0 Billion , Faa , Inability , 40 , Job , Aviation Services , Responsibility , Manner , Airplane Types , Prospect , Saying , Half , U S Fleet , Country , No One , Lower , Go , Japan , Term , Restrictions , Modifications , Car , Video Games , Street , Don T Worry , Parts , Airport By , Mitigation , Solutions , Schedule , Engineer , Certainty , List , Question , Problem , Airport , Administrator , Conversation , Visibility , Wouldn T , Seattle , Tacoma , Point , Safety , Public , Flying , Predictability , Ten , Probability , Planes , Readings , Protections , Hospitals , Leaders , Congressman , Strain , Transmissibility , Beds , Icu , 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Press Conferences , Covid Surge , Liberty , Pay , Limu , Personal Record , Team , Limu Emu Squawks , Owner , Sneaker Drop , Preview , Shoe , Inner Voice , Sneaker , Sleep Number , Sale , Bed , Payroll , Step , Intuit Quickbooks , Cold , 360 , Sleep , Temperature Balancing , Smart Bed , Movements , Night After , Business , Science , T Mobile , Vo , Interest , Queen , Plus , Smart Beds , 1000 , 0 , 999 , 000 , 24 , 1999 , Phone , Device , 00 , 800 , Community Garden , Relief , Nose , Air , Take Off , Squeak E , Don T Ya Leave , Doorbell , Delivery , Delivery Fees , Dashpass , Inflation , Office , Winds , News Conference , White House , Phil Mattingly , Vaccine Mandate , Voting Rights Legislation , Supreme Court , Spread , Failure , Senior , Issues , Set , Complex , Terms , Fixes , Restive , Agenda , Senate , Voting Rights Bill , Plate , Officials , Side , Foreign Policy , Series , Success , Horizon , Frustration , 39 , Everything , Successes , Vaccination Efforts , Haven T , 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Narrative , Bit , Kyrsten Sin Sinema , Dissatisfaction , Liberals , Floor , Sway , Progress , Results , Enough , Receipts , Base , Folks , Midterms , Plans , Election Cycle , Road , Watching , Waiting , Trigger , Donald Trump , Answer , Foil , Republican , Effect , Elections , Gabby Orr , Advisers , B , Spring , Piece , Decision , Grip , Picture , High 40s , Party , Thanks , Both , Coverage , Biden S Press Conference Tomorrow , Analysis , Touch , Gas , Price , Images , Communications , State Of Emergency , Tonga , Orange Juice , Volcano Eruption , Car Insurance , Skin , Brand , Pediatrician , Baby , First , Pampers , Liberty Mutual , 1 , Record , Someone , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Ooo , Investors , Landscape , Subway , Path , Gold , Avocado Game , Asset , Returns , Refresh , Record Label , Ingredients , Sea Salt , Tastebuds , Double , Taking Off , Hand , Hass Avocados , Visit Indeed Com Hire New Year , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , New Start , Ready , Save , Voice , Internet , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Installation , Backing , 24 7 , 2 , 4 99 , 64 99 , Deal , Possibilities , Prepaid Card , Value , Comcast Business , 500 , Efforts , Eruption , Headlines , Waves , Island , 49 , Tsunami , Globe , Ash , Air Show , Melbourne , Paula Hancocks , Agencies , Eight , Prime Minister , Homes , Priority , Aid , Drinking Water , Shelter , Runways , Boris Johnson , Denials , Accusation , Aides , In London , Salma Abdelaziz , Dominic Cummings , Event , Claim , 2020 , May 20 2020 , 20 , Partying , String , Lock , May , Work Function , Allegations , Downing Street , May Of 2020 , Citizens , Strategies , Investigation , Nina Dos Santos In London , Greece , 60 , 19 , Yoolsand , Immunity Gap , Italy , Population , Southern Europe , Shots , Correspondents , Tale , 50 , Supporters , Children , Martin Luther King Jr , Estate , Arizona , Rallies , Views , Reality , Birthday , Landmarks , Heart , Viking , Life , Treasures , Excursions , Ship , Extras , Viking Longships , Wi Fi , Cultural Enrichment , Tv , Cruise Line , Readers , Neuroscientist , Neuriva Plus , CondÉ Nast , River , Skyrizi , Woman , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Plaque Psoriasis , Yes , Neuriva , Six , Nothing , Hand In , Most , Starter Doses , Study , Doctor , Infection , Chills , Risk , Treatment , Tuberculosis , Ability , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Symptoms , Coughs , Fevers , Vaccine , Dermatologist , Customization , Dj , Mucinex , Liberty Kim , Congestion , Throwback , Save It Slimeball , Australia , Events , Martin Luther King Holiday Weekend , Donie O As , Phoenix , Trump Rally , Members , March For Voting Rights , Family , King , Voting , Opportunity , Legislation , Celebration , Ho , Jr , Sinema , Battle For The Future Of American Democracy , Rights , Passage , Pair , West Virginia , Veotin , Level , Rights Bills , Bills , Actions , Disease , Rally , Sinema S Home State , Division , Music , Ears , God , Party Lines , Representative , E Mails , Attendance , Election Deniers , January 6th House Select Committee , Front , Mike Lin Dell , Hodgepodgeover , Congressman Paul Gozar , 6 , January 6th , Support , Governor , Few , Prison , Kari Lake , Corrupt , Florence , Shady , Mark Fincham , Conspiracy Theories , Oath Keeper , Them Up , Qanon , Legitimacy , Distribution , Pedophile Network , Redee Redeemablily , Republicans , Legislature , Claims , Cause , Trend , Washington Post , 163 , Authority , Sides , Attack , Loyalists , Aisle , Jobs , Prongs , Certified , Determination , Granddaughter , Vote , Foot , Grandfather , Warning , 13 , Donie O Sullivan , Thinking , Stake , States , Conspiracy Theory , Control , Matt Egan , Squeeze , Right , Wallet , Item , Alerts , Decision Tech From Fidelity , Market Events , Insights , Cellphone Vibrates , Trading Decisions , Trades , Etf , Stock , Zero , Isn T , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Whistle , Vulture Squawks , Oh Boy , Sec , Doug , Stop Trulicity , Daughter , Type 2 Diabetes , Type 1 Diabetes , It Isn T , Change , Dose , Blood Sugar , A1c , Use , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Vision , Neck , Swelling , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Taking Trulicity , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Play , Heart Rate , Breathing Rate , Circadian Rhythm , Movement , Oil Prices , Gas Prices , Prediction , Barrel , Crude Oil , 2014 , 100 , Energy Price , Oil Market , Crude , The One , Intervention , Barrel On December 1 , Energy Markets , December 1 , 65 , 30 , Energy Rally , Pump , Goldman Sachs , Move , Prices , Screen , Blow , Oil , Hasn T , Fanfare , Hype , Amount , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , Pressure , Peak , Pennies , Late December , 14 , 3 31 , 31 , Break , Oranges , Squeeze Pun , Smallest , Orange Crop , Let , Experts , Orange Juice Prices , Calling , Drinkers , Harvest , Usda , Florida Orange Harvest , World War Ii , Citrus Graining , Grocery Stores , Consumers , Example , Highs , Weather , Supply Crunch , Website , Tests , Cost , Thank You , Orders , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Cancer , Oxygen Levels , Immunotherapy , Place , Cancer Discovery , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Egfr , 75 , Everywhere , Dana Farber , Ground Running , Employees , Largest , 5g Network , Facebook , 200 , Taking Align , Customers , Opportunities , Discomfort , Millions , Bloating , Health , Quality Probiotic , Pros , Gut , Users , Try Align , Alignprobiotics Com , Dualbiotics , Jay Conroy , Fantastic Floor Director , Papers , Show , Jay , Times , Sir , Newsroom , Floor Director , Charm , Warm Presence , Water , Audio Clip , Smile , Cups , Kiss Screaming , Paul Stanley , Tv News , Everybody , Routine , Aerosmith Superfan , Me Jay S , Shows , Respect , Aerosmith , Jay A , 1978 , 120 , Newcomers , New York , Paper , Sheet , Press Release , The Box , April Of 2020 , On The Radio , Song , Highway , Death , Living On The Edge , Concert , Sky , Lead , Jake Tapper , Home Covid , Trail , Airlines Sa ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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>> and virgin galactic released a similar statement, saying he does not reflect that company. the u.s. is staging a diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics. it's a brand new hour. we are happy that you're with us. i'm victor blackwell. >> and i'm alisyn camerota. the u.s. is trying to deter russia from invading ukraine. cnn has learned that the biden administration is considering new military options to help ukraine defend itself from a possible russian invasion. >> secretary of state antony blinken will meet face-to-face with his russian counter part in geneva. in a few hours, he'll travel to kiev to meet with the ukrainian president tomorrow and on to germany in search of european allies to avoid war. world leaders are on edge because of increased military drills near the ukrainian border. frederik pleitgen is in moscow. what are the russians saying about all of this. >> reporter: the russianings continue to say they believe they are not the ones threatening anybody. one of the interesting things is also before secretary of state blinken is going to meet the german foreign minister in b berlin. she mess with sergiy lavrov. the germans key in all of this because of the pipeline, the project between russia and germany. if there are further military advances by the russians, that pipeline project could seriously be affected and certainly the international community is feeling as though russia definitely is threatening ukraine. let's listen in to what she had to say. >> translator: over the past few weeks, more than 100,000 russian troops, equipment and tanks have been deployed in the ukraine for no reason. it's hard not to see that as a threat. >> now, the russians continue to say that they have their security concerns and they of course have put forward demands to the united states, including that ukraine should never become a member of nato, which the u.s. has said is a nonstarter. the russian foreign minister for his part once again said that he believes the russians are the once that need increased security. let's listen in to what he had to say. >> we do not threaten anyone, but we hear threats against us. i hope that all of this only reflects the emotions that certain forces invoke in the camp of western countries. we will be guided by concrete steps and deeds. >> as you can see there, the russians and the u.s. and its allies still very far apart on a lot of these points. i do have to give you an update also on what's going on there in the key areas. the russians have started moving troops into belarus. they're going to do large scale exercises in that country. and one of the things we know, the southern border of belarus is the northern border of ukraine, so the ukrainians feeling increasingly encircled, guys. >> frederik pleitgen, thank you for that report. to the latest on airplane security. president biden just thanked verizon and at&t for delaying their rollout of 5g technology near some airports. hence in a statement, this agreement will avoid devastating disruptions to passenger travel, cargo operations and our economic recovery while allowing 90% of wireless tower deployment to occur as scheduled. the company announced the day after airlines expressed concerns that 5g signals would interfere with some important plane radar, and some international airlines announced they will cancel flights starting tomorrow amid the uncertainty of the rollout. the emirates said they will suspend flights into nine u.s. airports and they are working closely with aircraft manufacturers and authorities to resume services as soon as possible. and air india announced the cancellation of flights into four u.s. airports via twitter. congressman peter defaz owe joins me now, the chair of the house transportation committee, and called for the delay yesterday to prevent any d disruptions. thank you so much for being here. whose fault is it that they got to the 11th hour, and pilots had to express concern, and this sort of last minute cancellation. >> it's actually the fault of a good named aget hi, the head of the fcc under trump. several years ago, we said to him, myself, the aviation community, don't sell the c band close to the radiator frequency, this will jeopardize aviation. he made fun of us, belittled our concerns on twitter, and he sold it and then the industry would not provide data about their deployment until the wednesday before christmas. so since then we have been scrambling to understand the impact on america's aviation system. i mean, today i was talking to head of united. they cancelled their overseas flights today because if they had gone to china, they might not have been able to come back and land. so this temporary delay is critical, and the fact is, every other country on earth has regulated the telecoms. they make them point their signals away from flight paths. they make them operate at lower power. they have exclusion zones. here it's a wild west free for all, and the industries says, hey, we can put these towers wherever we want, and it's proprietary information. we're having trouble working through this. >> i understand. and explain to me why the trump administration would be so cavalier about having a technology that could disrupt the plane's system that allows pilots to know what altitude they're flying at. how would that have helped americans? >> well, they just were looking at getting the sale price for the speck trum and they didn't want to narrow the spectrum and take $2 billion less for them. and they didn't want to condition the spectrum because they thought the bids would be lower. they were just trying to raise a pile of money, $80 billion by selling the spectrum indiscriminately. >> here's what at&t said. they're quite frustrated. they don't blame the trump administration. they blame the faa. here it is, we are frustrated by the faa's inability to do what 40 countries have done, to safely deploy 5g technology without disrupting aviation services and we urge to do in a timely manner. does the faa bear responsibility? >> i would the faa has not done a great job with this. they were jammed. they didn't get the data until the wednesday before christmas. they are discovering that certain airplane types are affected even more than we thought. there was a prospect of grounding half of the u.s. fleet. what at&t is saying, is not accurate. in every other country these things are directed away, shielded from flight paths. they operate at a much lower power. in japan they operate at 5% of the power that's proposed here. no one has let this go forward at this power with no restrictions looking at aviation. >> so how are we going to fix this in the near term if that's even possible with all of these modifications that you're saying have to happen? >> well, the industry has agreed for towers approximate to these airports to not turn them on. they'll turn on about 90% of their system. don't worry, you'll be able to stream high d video games while you drive your car or walk across the street starting tomorrow in many parts of the country. just not right near airports and not in flight paths. and then we've got to work through airport by airport, what they can do for long-term mitigation. redirecting the signals. operating those at a lower power. i'm not an engineer, i don't know the solutions. the faa needs to have a list, work methodically, give the industry some certainty and have a schedule on how we're going to do this. >> how long do you think that's going to take? >> that's a question i'm going to ask the administrator tomorrow. my last conversation with him proved to be incorrect about this problem. and i'm going to say how long does it take you to do an airport. let's just say tomorrow you wanted to do seattle, tacoma, today wouldn't have had any flights. because of low visibility. how long to analyze each airport. let's have a schedule. let's move forward and give predictability to both industries. both aviation and to the telecoms. >> i have ten seconds left. do pilots have a point that this threatens their very safety and the safety of the flying public? will we be able to do this safely? >> if deployed massively without these protections, you have the probability that in low visibility, planes would get inaccurate readings and potentially crash. that's not good. >> congressman, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. the transmissibility of the omicron variant is putting a huge strain on u.s. hospitals. in oklahoma city, leaders from four major hospitals tell cnn that they are at a breaking point with no icu beds available. they write in part this, soon, you or a loved one may need us for life saving care, whether a stroke, emergency appendectomy or trauma from a car accident and we might not be able to help. we need your help. get vaccinated. get boosted. wear your mask. socially distance. stay home if you are sick. our next guest is the regional chief medical officer for ssm health oklahoma, dr. wenfry. thank you very much for being with us. there's a line that jumps out from what you tell us about what's happening in oklahoma that i want to read here. it's like asking wounded soldiers to come out of the hospital and go back to the battlefield before they're even remotely healed. give us an idea of what it looks like in your hospitals. >> well, we are very crowded. under ordinary circumstances, we have an inward and outward flow of patients that's pretty much in balance. right now, we have the perfect storm of a highly contagious virus that's infecting more and more people every day. we have an unprecedented seven-day average of 10,000 cases, that includes our staff. that's where the perfect storm comes in. without staff, we cannot keep our hospital beds open for the patients that need to be in them. >> so you say that soon neighbor you'll have to -- you may not be able to help people that need the emergency appendectomy or stroke, have you had to turn people to other facilities or hospitals because yours are full. >> we started looking at other facilities quite a while back. unfortunately they're dealing with the same circumstances we are with regards to the gridlock of patients within our systems that we can't seem to move either direction. so with all of that being said, we're doing the best we can to identify the medically necessary and time sensitive cases that need to be done and getting those done with whatever means that we have. we're a very collaborative community, so we do have some patients that are moving back and forth, but again, that's very limited because we're all dealing with the same gridlock. >> and we know it's not just the flood of patients who are coming in. it's that the resources, the human resources are being depleted because many of your doctors, nurses, support staff are at home isolating because they have covid. >> correct. we came into this with very limited staffing just because of the prior delta variant surge. we never completely recovered from that and got back on balance with our staffing before the omicron and the very highly contagious omicron came in and began to affect our staff. we have an unprecedented number of staff that are out because of infections and we're doing the best we can to keep those staff positions filled or replaced but it's taking people and extending them sometimes beyond their means with regards to how many patients that they can take care of as it relates to nursing. >> give me a little more on that. when you say extending how many they can take care of, a nurse would typically take one or two, and now three or four? fill that out. >> exactly right. that would be a typical ratio, a nurse patient ratio in an intensive care unit on a general care unit we would have a larger ratio. we have had to extend some of those numbers beyond really what we would consider a reasonable patient assignment for a single nurse. . >> you know, we have said because this is what the numbers have shown that this is really a story about the unvaccinated who are filling hospitals because of covid. we know there are people who are there for other reasons and test positive for covid because, you know, they're there for some other reason, but can you tell us the percentage, rough numbers of the people who are in your hospitals because of covid, how many of them are unvaccinated, what percentage. >> so i would say that 80 to 90% of the people that we have to hospitalize with covid complications are unvaccinated. >> they need your help there in oklahoma. get vaccinated, get boosted, wear your mask, socially distance, all the things we have known worked the entire pandemic. dr. winfrey, thank you. >> thank you, victor. president biden has not given many press conferences in the past year but he's about to as he deals with the covid surge, voting rights in jeopardy, and multiple foreign crises, how he will frame it all, next. 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what's the accelerant that he's going to potentially push for the next year in his presidency? >> that's the big question. i think a lot of people are looking to the white house to find out what is the strategy moving forward. we all kind of know where things stand right now. we know that this president is at basically a low point. in his presidency. also a low point when he's compared to other presidents and around this time in office. however, there's still almost a year left of this year, and it's a critically important political year. there needs to be, i think, for a lot of democrats who are looking on, a plan for how to deliver for the voters who put joe biden into office, how to deliver on priorities, whether it's on voting rights or immigration on other things, and it might need to be smaller, so will he say, yes, i know i'm not going to get the big fish but i'm willing to take a portion of something else if it means moving the ball forward. i think we don't really know how he's going to approach that yet. >> john, what are your thoughts? does the white house have a sense of why president biden's poll numbers are suffering so much? >> oh, i think they've got a very good sense of it, alisyn, it began last summer when the delta variant made the pandemic resurge just after it had appeared that vaccinations were really tamping it down and the president was celebrating that. so that was one thing. the afghanistan pullout, which was so chaotic and looked terrible to the american public, that was another thing. and then inflation, which as phil discussed in his report is overshadowing all of the good economic news that they're talking about. the question now is whether you can get an upward trajectory later this year from a couple of things. one, economists expect that inflation is going to moderate this year. recently measured at 7%, they're looking at 3 or 4% this year, so that would be in the right direction, and secondly, the possibility that the pandemic will move from the emergency phase, which we have all been dealing with for a couple of years, to the endemic phase where people are living with it. omicron, if it's borno out that those are milder infections and people are getting a lot of them, so it's conferring a lot of immunity on people, that has the potential for turning this battleship of the pandemic in a favor direction. no guarantee of that at all. but that's the scenario for biden to try to come back, as well as trying to revive that build back better plan, not in the form that it was killed by joe manchin. they think they've got a reason shot of some form of passing that bill, even if they can't get voting rights which of course is going to go down this week. >> nine months, ten months out from an election here. abby, are we seeing any dissatisfied progressives or even moderates start to pull away a bit from the president, considering the legislative narrative and those polling numbers? >> well, i mean, two data points. you've got two very powerful, it seems, moderates in the senate who are not going out of their way to make their president look good. they have done some things in the last week, whether it was kyrsten sinema going to the senate floor just before joe biden showed up in the senate to essentially embarrass him. that's one data point on the moderates. i think there's a sense there that joe biden doesn't have any political sway over them, and when it comes to liberals, there is dissatisfaction here. many of these progressives held their nose and voted for joe biden even though they did not believe he was progressive enough, and now they want to see receipts. they want to see results. and there has been less progress on some of the things that they really care about. how the white house manages that dissatisfaction is going to be the most important question of this year. midterms are for the base. it's when you got to get your people out, and if they can't find a way to energize those folks and tell them there's more coming down the road, they're going to have a real problem in this election cycle. >> john, that leads us to former president trump and his plans. i think that for a while we thought he was definitely going to run. it sounds like he's waiting and watching. also, what's his trigger. >> well, first of all, that's the answer to the question you were just discussing with abby about the democratic base, as well as the republican base. donald trump galvanizes the republican base but he's also a useful foil for democrats. they're going to look to elevate him just as trump's looking to elevate himself. this moment right now is a very good moment for trump comparatively because biden is low. but we're going to have to see, a, the effect on the midterm elections, and, b, where biden is next spring. gabby orr and her fine piece today, describes advisers, if biden is in the low 40s next spring, trump will be in if he's up in the high 40s, then trump will stay out. well, presidents tend to rise after their midterm elections, so it is an uncertain picture from a year from now when trump is going to make the decision. right now, he's still got a grip on the party, and he's enjoying it. >> thank you so much, great to talk to both of you. be sure to join us for coverage of president biden's press conference tomorrow, and of course, abby phillip and john harwood will continue to provide analysis. thanks, guys. there's a state of emergency in tonga, parts of the country are completely cut off from communications after an underground volcano eruption. we have new images ahead. from the price of gas to the price of orange juice, inflation is not the only reason you are paying more. touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. two events in arizona over the martin luther king holiday weekend, with two very different views of what democracy is and its future in american. >> cnn's donie o as 'sullivan s with people at the trump rally, and at a march for voting rights in phoenix, attended by members of the king family. >> no celebration without legislation. >> we all have a voice in this country in which we live, and voting is that opportunity that we have. >> hey, hey, ho, ho, the filibuster has got to go. >> this martin luther king jr. day weekend in arizona, a battle for the future of american democracy. >> we wanted to come on this day because there's also a senator, senator sinema, who seems to be blocking democracy instead of being on the side of advancing democracy. >> reporter: the king family here calling on arizona democratic senator kyrsten sinema to stand up for voters' rights. >> she says she wants voting rights but how do you want voting rights without creating a path for that to happen. that is inconsistent and that is unacceptable. >> reporter: sinema and fellow democratic senator joe manchin of west virginia are blocking the passage of a pair of veotin rights bills, aimed at counter acting restrictive voting rights at the state level. not i . >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> reporter: that stands music to the ears of some trump supporters this weekend, at hand on a rally for trump in sinema's home state. >> god bless kyrsten sin sinema what and she's doing. good for her. she's our representative. she represents the state. she's not along party lines. she's what's good for the cou country. >> reporter: do you like kyrsten sinema. >> absolutely. and manchin, in fact, i have sent e-mails to them encouraging them to stand up and do what's right for the people of arizona. >> reporter: those supporters in line for trump's rally on saturday. also in attendance, a hodgepodgeover election deniers like mike lin dell, congressman paul gozar, and one of the -- and was recently called in front of the january 6th house select committee. are you worried that you might get indicted? >> thank you, arizona. thank you. thank you. >> reporter: trump giving his support to two election deniers who are running to control elections in the state. kari lake is running for governor. >> there's a few other people i would like to send right down to the prison down here in florence. anybody who was involved in that corrupt, shady, shoddy election of 2020. lock them up. >> reporter: and mark fincham who previously said he was an oath keeper and is now running for secretary of state. >> donald trump won. >> reporter: he has echoed qanon-type conspiracy theories about elected officials. >> there's a lot of people involved in a pedophile network in the distribution of children, and unfortunately there's a whole lot of elected officials that are involved in that. >> reporter: and he continues to falsely attack the legitimacy of the 2020 election here in arizona. >> i look forward to the day that we set aside an ire redee redeemablily flawed election. should be certified with cause by the legislature. >> reporter: that's part of a national trend. a "washington post" tally finding 163 republicans who have embraced trump's false claims are running for statewide positions that would give them authority over the administration of elections. arizona's current secretary of state, katie hobbes now running for governor. >> i think we're at a defining moment. i mean, in 2020 democracy prevailed, and 2020 and after 2020, democracy prevailed because people on both sides of the aisle did their jobs, and what we're seeing now is this just multipronged attack, and one of those prongs is trump trying to instill his loyalists into key positions that have some level of determination over how elections are certified and conducted. and that's pretty scary. >> we will pass this bill. >> reporter: and on this martin luther king jr. day weekend, his 13-year-old granddaughter following in her grandfather's foot steps with a warning for today. >> i think it's so important to vote, and it's so important to have the right to vote. because right now our country is at stake. >> reporter: donie o'sullivan, cnn, phoenix, arizona. >> victor, it's so disturbing. it's so disturbing to hear the delusional thinking that is still going on at these rallies, the ones of the trump supporters. >> and now these are people who want to have some control over elections. that's the scary part is that they're taking that conspiracy theory and going to apply it to these elections across some really crucial states. >> we will continue to cover it every single day as well as try to find solutions. all right, now to this about the economy. we have the latest item to put a squeeze on your wallet, get it, matt egan is going to tell us what i'm alluding to if you haven't figured it out. >> i feel like we get it. i feel like we get it. get decision tech from fidelity. 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"the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. you get a test. and you get a test. and you get a test. "the lead" starts right now. the white house website to request free at-home covid tests goes live as the omicron variant continues blazing its ugly trail. and it was supposed to roll out across the country in just hours, but several airlines sa

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Senator Manchin , Voting Rights , Senator , Message , You Tube Channel , Protection , The United States Of America , Cannot Say , One , Democracy , Wow , Filibuster , Constitution , Owners , Won T You , Golden State Warriors , Things , Care , Uyghurs , Rest , Don T Care , Truth , Uyghurs On Saturday , Nobody , Line , Empathy , Comments , Billionaire Investor , Group , Warriors , Organization , Statement , Company , Boycott , Beijing Olympics , Virgin Galactic , Ukraine , Russia , Alisyn Camerota , Victor Blackwell , Joe Biden Doesn T , Administration , Cnn , Part , Russian , Secretary Of State , Counter , Invasion , Options , Antony Blinken Will Meet Face To , President , Allies , World Leaders , War , Military Drills , Germany , Geneva , Edge , European , Wall , Reporter , Katie Hobbes , Border , Russianings , Anybody , Ones , Frederik Pleitgen , Moscow , Foreign Minister , Blinken , B Berlin , Sergiy Lavrov , Community , Pipeline Project , Feeling , Pipeline , Project , Advances , Reason , Translator , Troops , Equipment , Tanks , 100000 , Russians , Course , Nato , Security Concerns , Nonstarter , Threat , Member , Has , Demands , Once , Security , Threats , Anyone , Forces , Countries , Emotions , Steps , Camp , Deeds , Lot , Cou Country , What S Going On , Areas , Points , Update , Scale , Belarus , Report , Ukrainians , Airplane Security , Guys , Airports , Rollout , Verizon , 5g Technology , At T , Disruptions , Cargo Operations , Agreement , Passenger Travel , 5 , Concerns , Airlines , Recovery , 5g Signals , Plane Radar , Tower Deployment , 90 , Flights , Authorities , Services , Uncertainty , Aircraft Manufacturers , Emirates , Nine , Cancellation , Delay , D Disruptions , House Transportation Committee , Chair , Twitter , Congressman Peter Defaz , Air India , Four , Pilots , Fault , Concern , Sort , 11th Hour , 11 , Don T , Head , Fcc Under Trump , Aviation Community , C Band , Aget Hi , Aviation , Data , Industry , Deployment , Radiator Frequency , Fun , Belittled , Aviation System , Impact , Scrambling , United , Telecoms , Fact , Land , China , Earth , Flight Paths , Power , Signals , Industries , Exclusion Zones , Wild West , Towers , Trump , Trouble , Technology , System , Plane , Information , Altitude , Spectrum , Sale Price , Speck Trum , Bids , Pile , Money , 2 Billion , 80 Billion , Billion , 0 Billion , Faa , Inability , 40 , Job , Aviation Services , Responsibility , Manner , Airplane Types , Prospect , Saying , Half , U S Fleet , Country , No One , Lower , Go , Japan , Term , Restrictions , Modifications , Car , Video Games , Street , Don T Worry , Parts , Airport By , Mitigation , Solutions , Schedule , Engineer , Certainty , List , Question , Problem , Airport , Administrator , Conversation , Visibility , Wouldn T , Seattle , Tacoma , Point , Safety , Public , Flying , Predictability , Ten , Probability , Planes , Readings , Protections , Hospitals , Leaders , Congressman , Strain , Transmissibility , Beds , Icu , Breaking Point , Omicron Variant , Oklahoma City , Help , Emergency Appendectomy , Stroke , Loved One , Trauma , Car Accident , Life Saving Care , Home , Distance , Dr , Mask , Chief Medical Officer , Guest , Ssm Health Oklahoma , Wenfry , Oklahoma , Soldiers , Hospital , Battlefield , Patients , Balance , Circumstances , Inward , Idea , People , Staff , Hospital Beds , More , Cases , Virus , Average , Storm , Perfect Storm , 10000 , Seven , Neighbor , Regards , Facilities , Gridlock , Best , Direction , Systems , Being , Dealing , Flood , Human Resources , Resources , Forth , Covid 19 , Doctors , Many , Staffing , Correct , Delta Variant Surge , Omicron , Positions , Number , Infections , Nurse , Ratio , Nursing , Care Of , Three , Two , Some , Numbers , Unit , Intensive Care Unit , Nurse Patient Ratio , Test , Story , Unvaccinated , Reasons , Filling Hospitals , Patient Assignment , Positive , Percentage , 80 , Pandemic , Complications , Winfrey , Get , Victor , Crises , Jeopardy , Press Conferences , Covid Surge , Liberty , Pay , Limu , Personal Record , Team , Limu Emu Squawks , Owner , Sneaker Drop , Preview , Shoe , Inner Voice , Sneaker , Sleep Number , Sale , Bed , Payroll , Step , Intuit Quickbooks , Cold , 360 , Sleep , Temperature Balancing , Smart Bed , Movements , Night After , Business , Science , T Mobile , Vo , Interest , Queen , Plus , Smart Beds , 1000 , 0 , 999 , 000 , 24 , 1999 , Phone , Device , 00 , 800 , Community Garden , Relief , Nose , Air , Take Off , Squeak E , Don T Ya Leave , Doorbell , Delivery , Delivery Fees , Dashpass , Inflation , Office , Winds , News Conference , White House , Phil Mattingly , Vaccine Mandate , Voting Rights Legislation , Supreme Court , Spread , Failure , Senior , Issues , Set , Complex , Terms , Fixes , Restive , Agenda , Senate , Voting Rights Bill , Plate , Officials , Side , Foreign Policy , Series , Success , Horizon , Frustration , 39 , Everything , Successes , Vaccination Efforts , Haven T , Infrastructure Proposal , Unparalleled , Historic , Economy , Growth , Job Growth , Degree , Something , Work , Objective , White House Press Secretary , Jen Psaki , Progress Made , It , Way , Refocus , Reset , Foundation , Talk , Thing , Number One , Issue , Polls , Approval , Down , Mood Down , Abby Phillip , John Harwood , Correspondent , Anchor , Say Tomorrow , Inside Politics , Rescue Plan , Infrastructure Bill , Effort , Difficulties , 12 , Strategy , Presidency , Pivot , Accelerant , Big Question , Presidents , Kind , Voters , Plan , Priorities , Democrats , It S On Voting Rights , Immigration , Portion , Ball , Thoughts , Big Fish , Sense , Poll Numbers , Suffering , Pullout , Vaccinations , Resurge , Afghanistan , News , Couple , Trajectory , Economists , Possibility , 7 , 4 , 3 , Phase , Emergency Phase , Borno , Potential , Build , Immunity , Guarantee , Scenario , Battleship , Election , Bill , Form , Shot , Moderates , Progressives , Polling Numbers , Data Points , Narrative , Bit , Kyrsten Sin Sinema , Dissatisfaction , Liberals , Floor , Sway , Progress , Results , Enough , Receipts , Base , Folks , Midterms , Plans , Election Cycle , Road , Watching , Waiting , Trigger , Donald Trump , Answer , Foil , Republican , Effect , Elections , Gabby Orr , Advisers , B , Spring , Piece , Decision , Grip , Picture , High 40s , Party , Thanks , Both , Coverage , Biden S Press Conference Tomorrow , Analysis , Touch , Gas , Price , Images , Communications , State Of Emergency , Tonga , Orange Juice , Volcano Eruption , Car Insurance , Skin , Brand , Pediatrician , Baby , First , Pampers , Liberty Mutual , 1 , Record , Someone , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Ooo , Investors , Landscape , Subway , Path , Gold , Avocado Game , Asset , Returns , Refresh , Record Label , Ingredients , Sea Salt , Tastebuds , Double , Taking Off , Hand , Hass Avocados , Visit Indeed Com Hire New Year , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , New Start , Ready , Save , Voice , Internet , Expert Team , Price Guarantee , Installation , Backing , 24 7 , 2 , 4 99 , 64 99 , Deal , Possibilities , Prepaid Card , Value , Comcast Business , 500 , Efforts , Eruption , Headlines , Waves , Island , 49 , Tsunami , Globe , Ash , Air Show , Melbourne , Paula Hancocks , Agencies , Eight , Prime Minister , Homes , Priority , Aid , Drinking Water , Shelter , Runways , Boris Johnson , Denials , Accusation , Aides , In London , Salma Abdelaziz , Dominic Cummings , Event , Claim , 2020 , May 20 2020 , 20 , Partying , String , Lock , May , Work Function , Allegations , Downing Street , May Of 2020 , Citizens , Strategies , Investigation , Nina Dos Santos In London , Greece , 60 , 19 , Yoolsand , Immunity Gap , Italy , Population , Southern Europe , Shots , Correspondents , Tale , 50 , Supporters , Children , Martin Luther King Jr , Estate , Arizona , Rallies , Views , Reality , Birthday , Landmarks , Heart , Viking , Life , Treasures , Excursions , Ship , Extras , Viking Longships , Wi Fi , Cultural Enrichment , Tv , Cruise Line , Readers , Neuroscientist , Neuriva Plus , CondÉ Nast , River , Skyrizi , Woman , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Plaque Psoriasis , Yes , Neuriva , Six , Nothing , Hand In , Most , Starter Doses , Study , Doctor , Infection , Chills , Risk , Treatment , Tuberculosis , Ability , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Symptoms , Coughs , Fevers , Vaccine , Dermatologist , Customization , Dj , Mucinex , Liberty Kim , Congestion , Throwback , Save It Slimeball , Australia , Events , Martin Luther King Holiday Weekend , Donie O As , Phoenix , Trump Rally , Members , March For Voting Rights , Family , King , Voting , Opportunity , Legislation , Celebration , Ho , Jr , Sinema , Battle For The Future Of American Democracy , Rights , Passage , Pair , West Virginia , Veotin , Level , Rights Bills , Bills , Actions , Disease , Rally , Sinema S Home State , Division , Music , Ears , God , Party Lines , Representative , E Mails , Attendance , Election Deniers , January 6th House Select Committee , Front , Mike Lin Dell , Hodgepodgeover , Congressman Paul Gozar , 6 , January 6th , Support , Governor , Few , Prison , Kari Lake , Corrupt , Florence , Shady , Mark Fincham , Conspiracy Theories , Oath Keeper , Them Up , Qanon , Legitimacy , Distribution , Pedophile Network , Redee Redeemablily , Republicans , Legislature , Claims , Cause , Trend , Washington Post , 163 , Authority , Sides , Attack , Loyalists , Aisle , Jobs , Prongs , Certified , Determination , Granddaughter , Vote , Foot , Grandfather , Warning , 13 , Donie O Sullivan , Thinking , Stake , States , Conspiracy Theory , Control , Matt Egan , Squeeze , Right , Wallet , Item , Alerts , Decision Tech From Fidelity , Market Events , Insights , Cellphone Vibrates , Trading Decisions , Trades , Etf , Stock , Zero , Isn T , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Whistle , Vulture Squawks , Oh Boy , Sec , Doug , Stop Trulicity , Daughter , Type 2 Diabetes , Type 1 Diabetes , It Isn T , Change , Dose , Blood Sugar , A1c , Use , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Vision , Neck , Swelling , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Taking Trulicity , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Play , Heart Rate , Breathing Rate , Circadian Rhythm , Movement , Oil Prices , Gas Prices , Prediction , Barrel , Crude Oil , 2014 , 100 , Energy Price , Oil Market , Crude , The One , Intervention , Barrel On December 1 , Energy Markets , December 1 , 65 , 30 , Energy Rally , Pump , Goldman Sachs , Move , Prices , Screen , Blow , Oil , Hasn T , Fanfare , Hype , Amount , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , Pressure , Peak , Pennies , Late December , 14 , 3 31 , 31 , Break , Oranges , Squeeze Pun , Smallest , Orange Crop , Let , Experts , Orange Juice Prices , Calling , Drinkers , Harvest , Usda , Florida Orange Harvest , World War Ii , Citrus Graining , Grocery Stores , Consumers , Example , Highs , Weather , Supply Crunch , Website , Tests , Cost , Thank You , Orders , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Cancer , Oxygen Levels , Immunotherapy , Place , Cancer Discovery , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Egfr , 75 , Everywhere , Dana Farber , Ground Running , Employees , Largest , 5g Network , Facebook , 200 , Taking Align , Customers , Opportunities , Discomfort , Millions , Bloating , Health , Quality Probiotic , Pros , Gut , Users , Try Align , Alignprobiotics Com , Dualbiotics , Jay Conroy , Fantastic Floor Director , Papers , Show , Jay , Times , Sir , Newsroom , Floor Director , Charm , Warm Presence , Water , Audio Clip , Smile , Cups , Kiss Screaming , Paul Stanley , Tv News , Everybody , Routine , Aerosmith Superfan , Me Jay S , Shows , Respect , Aerosmith , Jay A , 1978 , 120 , Newcomers , New York , Paper , Sheet , Press Release , The Box , April Of 2020 , On The Radio , Song , Highway , Death , Living On The Edge , Concert , Sky , Lead , Jake Tapper , Home Covid , Trail , Airlines Sa ,

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