Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

to block any trump comeback. we begin though with the looming moment of truth for voting rights. the senate will be gavelled into session momentarily, and we will hear from the democratic majority leader, but the more critical action today will be in private. democrats caucus tonight and the current explain for a vote tomorrow. the current math adds up to a stinging defeat for the president and his party. let's get straight to our chief congressional correspondent manu raju. a big day for the democrats, but math isn't changing, is it? >> reporter: it's not changing, and the question is how far do democrats continue to push this issue and try to set up future votes once this certain-to-fail vote happens which will occur tomorrow. now, the way it will play out is this. in a matter of moments chuck schumer will address the senate and talk about what he views as the way forward, and the way forward tomorrow, a key vote to try to overcome a republican-led filibuster to pass two sweeping measures to overhaul voting laws and also to change electoral laws across the country to ease access to the ballot that. has no chance of passing because it does not have 60 votes, meaning ten republicans are not going to side with democrats. then the question for chuck schumer will be how far will he go to change the senate rules? he had said that he plans to go forward with that, but the vote -- the map is simply not there. joe manchin, seertsin sinema had been clear that they won't go along with this effort but nevertheless schumer has made this a trop priority this year and plans to push this issue, even though vulnerable democrats like mark kelly of arizona have yet to say that they also support this measure, so after tomorrow schumer has some big decisions to be made and whether they essentially drop this effort and try to move on to other footing, not high-profile failures that lead to divisive democratic debates but potentially issues that could unify them ahead of a difficult mid-term election season, but, john, it all starts in a matter of moments when the majority leader addresses the senate which is deeply divided. >> let me keep you here for one question. normally if you're facing certain defeat you would pull the vote but the democratic base demands this vote. you raise a key question. how many democrats? how many democrats might deschneck is there any chance that chuck scheemer says he doesn't have the votes? >> reporter: i asked him last week why go through the vote if you know it's going to fail. and he says we have to vote. perhaps he won't go all the way through that, and one reason why if republicans take back the majority, they will point back to that vote to change the filibuster rules as precedent potentially to go forward with filibuster rule changes themselves. that's what some people fear they will do even though mitch mcconnell said he won't change the senate filibuster rules. nevertheless, that's a risk for them if they do go forward in a failed vote that perhaps republicans could use that enough as precedent to change the rules themselves even though the rules will not be changed on this particular vote, so the question is does he actually force members to go on record which is why they are having that caucus meeting tonight. he's going to take the temperature of his caucus, decide which way to go and see if there's any decision to pull back from this push that is certain to fail. >> all right. and deep in this conversation necessarily about some of the rules in the process of the senate, a giant fundamental moment for the democratic priority. with me to share their reporting, cnn abby philip, cnn political analyst and co-author of "political playbook" and a write we are mcclatchy. abby, let me start with you. chuck schumer has to make a decision. do you bring a vote to the floor that will be embarrassing to the president of the united states and for the democratic leader of the senate and a lot of house democrats, particularly democrats of color, they want this vote because they want to know, listen to jim clyburn they, want to know how many democrats will defy the president and the party. >> the president has been pressing this issue. he doesn't have a vote in the senate, and we've got two senators on the democratic side, amend i'm not sure there's only two. there are two that everybody is focusing on, but i've been talking to senators, and i'm not too sure that we don't have others who will hide behind these two. >> such an interesting moment and, again, the rawness of this debate. those house democrat like leader klei burn there, they want to know, how many, who are you? >> not just democrats but activists who spent the weekend pressing this issue. they want to see a roll call of who is going to vote against these voting rights bills in the senate, and -- and congressman clyburn is absolutely right. it's not just kyrstin sinema and joe manchin. it's others. you heard manu raju talking about mark kelly, some of the other members who are in potentially tough races, senate races coming up who don't want to go there. others who are maybe more institutionalist than they are perceived to be and are not quite red to get rid of the filibuster in order to do this. the activist wing of the democratic party, progressives in the house, they want to put these members on the spot to force them to say to their base we are not willing to get rid of the filibuster over voting rights, and that is going to be -- it's part of this litmus test that's developing, but i think it's also something that could be potentially very damaging to democrats as they go into their own primaries and go into a mid-term cycle in which they are already behind the eight pal. >> we just showed faces. 30 voting rights demonstrators sitting on the steps of the capitol. as you noticed from the faces most of them young. that's one of the interesting moments. most young faces here, and you also have established civil rights leaders including the namesake of dr. martin luther king. martin luther king iii saying yesterday we want this vote. we want it recorded because we want the names and he says history will remember the names of the listen. >> history will be watching what happens tomorrow. black and brown americans will be watching what happens tomorrow. in 50 years students will read about what happens tomorrow and know whether our leaders had the integrity to do the right thing. >> it is, again, franscesca, a fascinating moment in a lot of the same civil rights leaders are mad that president biden waited so long to make this his number one priority and talk about this so consistently, but we're about to mark one year in office for president biden, and this would be a defining defeat, but, again, a lot of groups say have the vote. we want accountability. >> and the activists i'm hearing, from john, are frustrated with president biden. they feel that he's doing too little. he waited too long in order to articulate his position on a filibuster carve-out on this issue but democrats feel like from a messaging standpoint the best thing they can do for themselves is to get caught trying, john, to at least have this vote to say that they did everything that they could possibly do to try and get the votes for this, even if, and rightly this vote does fail tomorrow because at this point they are asking what's the plan to get senators manchin and sinema on board. there's a plan for debate, but what's the plan to actually get them and potentially others as you were talking about before on board for this vote? >> and rachel this, voting rights decision is just one of many strategic decisions, calculations, that democrats need to make including leader schumer that the key juncture in the biden presidency. you're about to hit the one-year mark and we're at the beginning of the year of the mid-term elections. there's build back better and by senate rules it's reconciliation. it has climate, home health care, a slew of democratic priorities. a number of more moderate members, swing district democrats in need of mid-term reboot push leadership. they want to break it up and take the pieces and bring the most popular pieces to the floor separately. voting rights is the vote of the moment but this is another decision. do the democrats break up what they say is a critical big plan into small pieces? >> a lot of the frontliners who are concerned about losing their seats next fall they are talking about cutting their losses and just moving on. there's a fear if democrats keep sort of having these big votes and generating all these headlines only to fail, it's only going highlights you know, what they didn't get done when it comes to their re-election so that's why you're hearing moderates push the leadership to go for one-off bills. the ramp with that is that could create complications in terms of getting something passed in the senate. that would likely mean the votes would be subject to a 60-vote threshold which means they need reap dan buy-in in the senate, and let's be honest. things are not looking great right now in terms of getting anything bipartisan done in the upper chamber. look, democrats have to decide. will they focus on messaging right now and try and blame republicans for not getting things done moving towards the single bill strategy, or are they going to try to work past manchin and get something passed using the reconciliation measure even if it's not what they originally wanted to do? >> we'll keep an eye on leader schumer and see if there's any updates or changes in the strategy on voting rights and more. coming up, a just released study highlights the sad mental impact of covid on children and their help. e the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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depression, trauma, and interestingly child abuse reports from schools went down. now, first you think that's might good but that's actually bad. schools are, you know, relied upon to give reports when children are abused, but, of course, since they were shut down for much of this, they weren't making those reports and so you shudder to think of the situations that might have been happening that weren't getting report. now the study was published in a medical journal against this backdrop with the omicron variant going crazy, as you know. it now accounts for 99% of all of the samples that were tested in the u.s. they don't test every single sample that comes from, you know, someone who has covid, but of the ones that they tested, 99% omicron. john? >> just a remarkable number. elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. let's get perspective and insight from dr. liena wen, the former city of baltimore health commissioner. are you've been talking about this if you can, it makes sense if you can to keep your children in a school because that's where kids are safe. the american academy of pediatrics said across the country we witnessed dramatic increases in emergency apartment visits for issues including suspected suicide attempts. this compilation gives us a great sense though of just this devastating, as a parent i say it and devastating tool that this has taken on our children. >> we have failed our children throughout this entire pandemic. we have not prior tides our kids and now we're seeing the effect. we're seeing the mental health impact as you mentioned, but we're also seeing the impact on nutrition and physical activity. these studies have showing that the lockdowns have an inpact on childhood obesity which has implications with heart disease and diabetes with kids growing up so we need to take school closures off the table as a policy response. they need to be the first to open and last to close and as long as there's bars and restaurants open we should not be discussing at all school closures. >> and we're at the strange moment, is it irony or sad or whatever, i don't know the right term, you mention you should keep schools open, most have come up around that hand 1,800 school districts are closed, some for a day or two of remote warning and some blaming it on the bad weather in the northeast and some are saying with omicron cases spiking, where we were, more than 15 million cases just since december. they are saying we can't fully staff. we have teachers sick, janitors sick. we have to have some remote learning, right? >> i understand the issues of shortages among workers, but we also need to start considering teachers and staff as essential workers who need to be in school, and so i think we just have to have different policies to account for this. look at the dealt ark surge. in the middle of the tella surge we were able to keep schools open. delta is more virulent than omicron and also at that point we didn't have pediatric vaccinations. we now are able to vaccinate children 5 and older. we know that wearing masks protect the wearer, even if the other people around you are not wearing masks there. real shouldn't be a good reason for schools to be closed at this point. >> you mentioned we now have pediatric vaccinations. i just want to bring this up right here. 60% of the 16 to 17-year-olds are vaccinated. a little more than half 12 to 15. what do you think explains the lagging? it's only 18%, a little more than that of children aged 5 to 11 who are eligible and not vaccinated. why is that number still below 20%? >> i think because there's been a fallacy that somehow children don't get very ill from covid-19 which we know is just not true. yes, it is true that compared to adults kids tend to not get as ill but we've seen tens of thousands of kids have been hospitalized. hundreds of children have died and as a parent i know that if i have the opportunity to take the -- something that's low risk in my children to something that's virtually zero risk i would do that in a heartbeat, and so i hope that other parents who have made the decision to vaccinate themselves will also vaccinate their children because this is will allow their entire family to go back to pre-pandemic normal. >> if you look at the numbers, as our team does all the time, i just want to bring this up. this is just at the john hopkins data that we know. we know covid cases are underreported but based on the reporting we have one in five americans, one in five americans have been infected with covid-19. what do you think the actual number is, if that's the baseline from what we know, even the johns hopkins officials say they suspect it's well higher than that. >> right. i also think that it's much higher than that, and that's because we're undercounting. a lot of people may have had sniffles and didn't get tested because they don't have access to testing. also many people are taking rapid tests and most of these rapid tests are not being included in the county or statewide totals, and so i would estimate that we're undercounting by a factor of five to ten. >> wow. >> and as a result i agree with what many people have been saying which is that we're all going to come in contact with omicron unless we take extraordinary measures, and that's the reason why we all want to be vaccinated and boosted for when we come in contact with it so that we are as well protected against severe illness as possible. >> dr. wen as always, thank you so much. up next for us, breaking news on russia. we're learning new details about biden administration considerations what have to do next, that as the secretary of state, tony blinken, speaks to his russian counterpart and announces a trip tomorrow to ukraine. you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship 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options in ukraine to try to dissuade the russian president vladimir putin for instance saiding. cnn's jim sciutto part of the reporting team on this. what have you been learning? >> reporter: what we're learning is the white house, the biden administration, now considering additional military support to ukraine with really two intentions here, one, to raise the cost for russian president vladimir putin should he choose to invade ukraine, make it costlier for russian military forces, but, two, as well, to prepare for the possibility of supporting the ukranian military for a long, sustained russian military operation. what is involved? what kind of military options are we talking about? we're talking about further ammunition, further anti-tank weapons known as javelin missiles. they are armor-piercing missiles. other options include mortars and anti-aircraft missile systems which we should note would likely come from the u.s. but from nato al us. now, president biden, as you know, john, sending u.s. combat troops to ukraine is off the table. however, u.s. special forces already rotate in and out of the country to provide training and assistance to ukranian forces, and senior administration officials said it is possible that other agencies could provide additional support in that category, additional special operations forces. >> jim, this reporting comes at a testing time for diplomacy. secretary blinken about to head to kiev and germany to consult with allies and then will meet with the russian foreign minister, sergei lavrov on friday. so far the talking hasn't gotten anywhere. do we expect anything, or is this just stay at table? >> the expectations are frankly low, and part of the reason you have these additional military support options being discussed and planned right now, john, is because last week's attempt at diplomacy did not provide by all accounts any real breakthroughs. doesn't mean the administration has given up on its diplomatic track, and that's why there is some importance to seeing lavrov and blinken speaking today, but i would say this as well, that the administration is going into this clear-eyed. they have not seen yet any evidence of russian pullback here, and they have noted some alarm with just how far out russian positions, are right, because russia is asking for a return really to a soviet sphere of influence and demanding things that nato that nato is not willing to do, like promising ukraine will never be in nato. right now it's good that they are talking, but they are preparing for the worst. er in preparing for greater russian military intervention. >> and at a highly tense moment like this everyone is watching. the russians will watch what you just reported. the united states watching everything the russians do including this account in the "new york times" that the russians have been drawing down staff, mostly family members, but significantly drawing down staff at its embassies within ukraine. could it be a bluff or a sign to get the women and children snout. >> with russia you always have the possibility of a faint as opposed to something that's genuine action base psy-ops, branda are always part of its shadow war and hybrid warfare tactics, but it's a significant move so the u.s. is taking it seriously. i should also note this, john. my colleague barbara starr reporting this hour that the u.s. has noticed an increased deployment of troops along the ukranian bothered. that not a positive sign. >> not at all and a very, very tense moment in world affairs. appreciate the breaking news reporting very much. and some more breaking news, this one here on the home front. at&t is it, quote, voluntarily delaying some of its 5g rollout because of the pushback from the aviation administration. we're from us trade by the faa's ability to do what nearly 40 countries have done. with over launching our advanced 5g services elsewhere as planned. let's get more from pete muntean. >> reporter: the 5g network was supposed to be rolled out tomorrow, the changes coming at the 11th hour. at&t saying they will voluntarily turn off some of the 5g towers near commercial airports, certain airports in particular though it doesn't list which ones with. what does tissue here, airlines say, is that the 5g cell spectrum is so close to the frequency of a specific type of instrument that's critical to the safety of flight called a radar altimeter, sends a beam down to the ground and gets bounced back to the plane to get a hyper accurate reading to see how high the plane is abovthe ground. it's critical for commercial airlines, cargo planes, for helicopters, especially in low visibility conditions when seconds really count very low to the ground. at&t has said it will pause this rollout after so much pushback from the aviation administration. it says the aviation administration has not utilized two years that they have had to responsibly plan for this deployment, so a lot of frustration from at&t. mind you at&t is the parent company of warner media which is our parent company here at cnn. this all comes after this letter from ten airline ceos to the department of transportation and the biden administration in which they say the ripple effects across both passenger and cargo operations are workforce and the broader economy are simply incalculable. this according to airlines would have caused thousands of flight delays, disruptions and carnslations, a really big issue for the airlines, after they have dealt with so many flight cancellations recently. now the telecom industry has said that this is really not all that much of an issue in 40 countries. they have found solutions for aviation and 5g to co-exist. we know according to the white house that talks were taking place today between the biden administration and the faa and the fcc, the aviation industry and equipment manufacturers, and those talks really focused on trying to build a buffer zone near those critical airport runways where this could have posed a real issue, john. it seems like we're getting chose toss that. we've not also heard from verizon which is the other company that is rolling out 5g as planned tomorrow. this was already delayed once. >> just stunning to me that these things that have been obvious for some time always get left to the last second. pete muntean, appreciate the new reporting. coming up, donald trump looks to 2022 as his chance to strengthen his hold on the republican reporting. some brand new reporting on the former president's plans next. ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ feel stuck with student loan debt? ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi- and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ 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"the times" account includes this gem from ann coulter. trump is done, you should say in an email. you should stop obsessing over him. ann coulter knows better. she wishes trump would disappear. there are a strong core of republicans who wish he would disappear, but everything we see and everything you and your colleague report is just to the contrary. he has -- he's not going to disappear, and, in fact, he's planning on having a big year. >> that's right, john, look, i would say that ann coulter knows better than anyone, you know, you can't just wish donald trump away because she tried that before he became the nominee and then had a change of heart years before he became the nominee. look, trump doesn't go away. that's not anything he's ever done in his history and just because he doesn't get coverage in mainstream media doesn't mean he ceases to exist. he's got an aggressive rally schedule, two a month or so, may not be exactly, that close enough and he's going to try to push a bunch of candidates through in republican primaries and in general elections, and this is going to be a test of his strength, john, because in some cases he's making people, you know, pledge some fealty to his false claims about the 2020 election having been stolen and that biden is somehow not a legitimate president. if trump does not do well in those primaries, then i think that you will see some republicans in 2023 lock more closely at challenging him. you may see that anyway, but at the moment trump remains the leader of the republican party the same way every former president is until there's another nominee of their party and that's where we're at. >> you've spent a lot of time on this. help me understand what you see as the 2022 mid-term test, if you will, from gabby's orr's piece that i mentioned at the top of the program, brian lanza says it's clear the republicans are likely to have a good year. president trump wants to be a leading indicator of why the gop had a good year at the ballot box. you can travel and the republicans can have a god year and you can claim credit. you mentioned involvement in the primaries and trying to enforce his litmus test or fealty test. how did you say at the start of the year that this is a good year for donald trump? >> there's a handful of endorsements he's made in either primaries, in specific race or candidates who, for instance, he's trying to vault ahead like max miller in ohio who is an aide of his, max miller had been running against congressman anthony gonzalez in a primary in ohio. gonzalez was one of the republicans who voted to impeach the president in his second impeachment trial and trump is trying to pick off those republicans. he's had soum some success. this is lass bad climate for most members of congress in any party and a bunch would rather retire than continue kind of grinding away in this partisan gridlock so there's a lot of factors going into why people aren't running but in the end trump gets to claim credit. do trump's candidates win in these races is a big sign? every single one, probably not, but the bulk of them, if they do, that's going to be a sign that the wind is at trump's back within the rope can base and that in some places, in more purple districts, purple states, if trump is able to do well with his candidates, and that's a real open question, john, the main thing that you have heard from trump folks over and over is voters don't care that much about the january 6th riot at the capitol, and that may more may not be true. that doesn't mean that it's not deserving of the attention that it's getting, but it might not be the issue that voters are investigate on. >> one of the things we'll watch. you and your colleague jonathan martin at the top have a face fating piece on ron desantis, one of trump's favorite, because he won't rule out running and lately he's criticized trump. in the piece you say mr. trump and his aides are mindful of the increasing public fatigue of the drama that trails mr. trump. mr. desantis is the first name republicans cite as a trump-style contender not named trump and that gets under trump's skin, right? >> that's a big piece of it. that's not the only thing. i think trump is genuinely angry that, you know, desantis does not show him the deference that he thinks he deserves because desantis was very unlikely to win his primary against a better known challenger if trump had not endorsed him and lent him staff and i think that those are real things that his people point to that he cares about. it's not just having a ring kissed for the sake of it. that having been said there are people who have their own political careers and lives, and trump's view of loyalty is that if he does something for someone he believes he's owed, you know, in perpetuity for whatever he wants, and i think that that is a big piece of where we're at. desantis is, you know, in the middle of a re-election campaign. i don't think he actually wants to have a distracting fight with trump in the middle of that so watching desantis' moves will be very interesting here. >> one of the many fascinating things to watch in the year ahead. grateful for your time and reporting. thank you. a rare and big event for president biden, his news conference and his challenges at the one-year mark. r vending macs and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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>> yeah. i mean, it depends on what they are going to do, and a lot of democrats will be watching this press conference to see specifically what tone does he take? does biden try to double down on we're going to get these things done, we'll pass build back better and continue to push on voting rights or does he try to lower expectations and say look, we tried. we did our best but we're going to move on and get something more narrower done. can they pass a couple of bills through the congress to actually say that they had something and they can run on something that was in build back better but they removed. a lot of democrats, again, will be looking to take a signal from biden. does he stick to his original plan in does he totally change, and i think at this point nobody knows what he's really going do. >> and part of the struggle for the president, abby is, presidents get too much cred whit things go well and get too much blame when things go bad. we're in the middle of the covid funk that's affecting the economy, look at the price of food and price of chicken and seafood is up, price of a meal in a restaurant is up. again, this is a global pandemic with global supply chain issues affecting things at home. he's the president and he's responsible for the numbers whether you can fix them or not. >> he's between a rock and a hard place. so many in the base saying why didn't you work on these issues, why did you focus on infrastructure and all of this other stuff as your first priority, and the biden thinking was if we get covid under control and get the money in people's pockets then we have a better chance of going into the mid-term election cycle. they didn't foresee the impacts of covid and on that extra money in -- in people's pockets on inflation, and so they are in a really tough spot because they made some choices a year ago that are coming back to them in a way that they did not anticipate and at the same time that that is happening their base is so angry that all of those other things on the list that you ticked off at the beginning run done, and there's not any time or really any political will right now to get most of them done. >> and one of the issues is two challenges, full. when you show thatly, the democratic base says, hey, you raised our hopes and we won the georgia seats. we should have done more with our power when we had it. those are washington conversations or democratic party conversations. the country writ large is more focused on this if you just show the covid case count across the country. back in july the support an optimist and back in july he gave an optimistic speech about the summer freedom and then omicron came along, delta and omicron, 13,000 cases back on july 4th to nearly 100,000 cases now. i guess the question is by the next july 4th when people are thinking to about how to vote in november, we might be having a different conversation. >> exactly. while a lot of democrats are angry they didn't pass something and say that's going to hurt them next year, when you look at voters and what they care about it's the covid numbers. it's the economy right now. it's supply chain issues, and so, you know, if the economy sort of continues to sort of do well and inflation starts to come down and those covid numbers start to come down, sure, democrats will absolutely get a boost. the problem though as abby just pointed out that that's entirely out of their control right now and there's no way to sort of predict that going into an election year. >> franscesca, the president to his credit, his optimism normally serves him well. is that what he brings tomorrow or is it a bit more zoner? >> the white house has been pushing the message, john, that they are a year in, have three more years and before the mid terms they have several month before that so they are trying to push an optimistic message that they can still get this done. however, there is a lot of, how do you say it among democrats, more than frustration at this point, outright pessimism about being able to get parts of the agenda done before the mid-term elections and in time for it to have the kind of effect that democrats would need, and while you mentioned that this is a conversation that's often taking place within democratic party and activists, those are the voters that the democrats need to turn out in the election, the energize the voters in the democratic party base that they are now getting very concerned will not turn out. >> that's a critical point. motivation is the biggest issue in a mid-term year. thanks for coming in for the smart reporting. when we come bark the former new york city mayor bill de blasio makes be a announcement about his future plans and look up, a giant asteroid bigger than the empire state building will whiz by earth today. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. i would've called yesterday. but... i could've called yesterday. but... i should've called yesterday, but... would've, could've, should've. we hear that a lot. hi. i'm jonathan, an insurance professional and manager here at colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes, people put off calling about life insurance. before you know it, another year has passed. and when they do call, they say, "i wish i'd called sooner." call right now for free information on the $9.95 plan. are you between age 50 and 85? 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January 6th , Jonathan Martin , One Of Trump , Fating , Favorite , Mr , Drama , Contender , Fatigue , Criticized Trump , Skin , Deference , Challenger , Ring , Sake , Whatever , Careers , View , Lives , Perpetuity , Loyalty , Fight , Moves , Campaign , Challenges , News Conference , Event , Vending Macs , 100 , Questions , Offer , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Value , Prescription Copays , Low , Walgreens , Carvana , Zero Dollars , Protein , Prescriptions , Blood Sugar , Save , Carbsteady , Glucerna , Burke , Man , Discount , Auto Insurance , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Discounts , Home , Dad , Sup , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Seventeen , Forty Five , Bum , Garage , Pa Dum , Food , Love , Kitchen , Growing Up , Mom , Memories , Cooking , Meal , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Press Conferences , Nm Com , Presidents , Poll Numbers , Big First Year , Source , Red , Graphic , Wins , Yes , Infrastructure , Hopes , Report , Close , Take A Look , Reforms , Immigration , Criminal Justice , Francesca Chambers , Wasn T , Energy , Narrative , Approval Rating , 42 , Focus On , Reservoir , Trust , Poll , Polls , Disapproval , Rachael , 53 , Campaigns , Decline , 49 , Bit , Press Conference , Tone , Couple , Cred Whit Things , Signal , Struggle , Abby , Nobody , Price , Seafood , Restaurant , Chicken , Covid Funk , Supply Chain , Between A Rock And Hard Place , Control , Pockets , Biden Thinking , Stuff , Inflation , Impacts , Choices , Political , List , Run Done , Conversations , Country Writ Large , Power , Georgia , Washington , Thatly , Optimist , July , Summer Freedom , Speech , Case Count , Delta And Omicron , 13000 , July 4th , 4 , 100000 , Supply Chain Issues , Covid Numbers , Sort , Do , Boost , Problem , Message , Optimism , Zoner , Done , Pessimism , Parts , Agenda , Thanks , Smart Reporting , Motivation , Critical Point , Bill De Blasio , Empire State Building , Asteroid , Announcement , New York City , Silver 1 , Earth , Will 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Go , Mary Schiavo , T ,

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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240709

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to block any trump comeback. we begin though with the looming moment of truth for voting rights. the senate will be gavelled into session momentarily, and we will hear from the democratic majority leader, but the more critical action today will be in private. democrats caucus tonight and the current explain for a vote tomorrow. the current math adds up to a stinging defeat for the president and his party. let's get straight to our chief congressional correspondent manu raju. a big day for the democrats, but math isn't changing, is it? >> reporter: it's not changing, and the question is how far do democrats continue to push this issue and try to set up future votes once this certain-to-fail vote happens which will occur tomorrow. now, the way it will play out is this. in a matter of moments chuck schumer will address the senate and talk about what he views as the way forward, and the way forward tomorrow, a key vote to try to overcome a republican-led filibuster to pass two sweeping measures to overhaul voting laws and also to change electoral laws across the country to ease access to the ballot that. has no chance of passing because it does not have 60 votes, meaning ten republicans are not going to side with democrats. then the question for chuck schumer will be how far will he go to change the senate rules? he had said that he plans to go forward with that, but the vote -- the map is simply not there. joe manchin, seertsin sinema had been clear that they won't go along with this effort but nevertheless schumer has made this a trop priority this year and plans to push this issue, even though vulnerable democrats like mark kelly of arizona have yet to say that they also support this measure, so after tomorrow schumer has some big decisions to be made and whether they essentially drop this effort and try to move on to other footing, not high-profile failures that lead to divisive democratic debates but potentially issues that could unify them ahead of a difficult mid-term election season, but, john, it all starts in a matter of moments when the majority leader addresses the senate which is deeply divided. >> let me keep you here for one question. normally if you're facing certain defeat you would pull the vote but the democratic base demands this vote. you raise a key question. how many democrats? how many democrats might deschneck is there any chance that chuck scheemer says he doesn't have the votes? >> reporter: i asked him last week why go through the vote if you know it's going to fail. and he says we have to vote. perhaps he won't go all the way through that, and one reason why if republicans take back the majority, they will point back to that vote to change the filibuster rules as precedent potentially to go forward with filibuster rule changes themselves. that's what some people fear they will do even though mitch mcconnell said he won't change the senate filibuster rules. nevertheless, that's a risk for them if they do go forward in a failed vote that perhaps republicans could use that enough as precedent to change the rules themselves even though the rules will not be changed on this particular vote, so the question is does he actually force members to go on record which is why they are having that caucus meeting tonight. he's going to take the temperature of his caucus, decide which way to go and see if there's any decision to pull back from this push that is certain to fail. >> all right. and deep in this conversation necessarily about some of the rules in the process of the senate, a giant fundamental moment for the democratic priority. with me to share their reporting, cnn abby philip, cnn political analyst and co-author of "political playbook" and a write we are mcclatchy. abby, let me start with you. chuck schumer has to make a decision. do you bring a vote to the floor that will be embarrassing to the president of the united states and for the democratic leader of the senate and a lot of house democrats, particularly democrats of color, they want this vote because they want to know, listen to jim clyburn they, want to know how many democrats will defy the president and the party. >> the president has been pressing this issue. he doesn't have a vote in the senate, and we've got two senators on the democratic side, amend i'm not sure there's only two. there are two that everybody is focusing on, but i've been talking to senators, and i'm not too sure that we don't have others who will hide behind these two. >> such an interesting moment and, again, the rawness of this debate. those house democrat like leader klei burn there, they want to know, how many, who are you? >> not just democrats but activists who spent the weekend pressing this issue. they want to see a roll call of who is going to vote against these voting rights bills in the senate, and -- and congressman clyburn is absolutely right. it's not just kyrstin sinema and joe manchin. it's others. you heard manu raju talking about mark kelly, some of the other members who are in potentially tough races, senate races coming up who don't want to go there. others who are maybe more institutionalist than they are perceived to be and are not quite red to get rid of the filibuster in order to do this. the activist wing of the democratic party, progressives in the house, they want to put these members on the spot to force them to say to their base we are not willing to get rid of the filibuster over voting rights, and that is going to be -- it's part of this litmus test that's developing, but i think it's also something that could be potentially very damaging to democrats as they go into their own primaries and go into a mid-term cycle in which they are already behind the eight pal. >> we just showed faces. 30 voting rights demonstrators sitting on the steps of the capitol. as you noticed from the faces most of them young. that's one of the interesting moments. most young faces here, and you also have established civil rights leaders including the namesake of dr. martin luther king. martin luther king iii saying yesterday we want this vote. we want it recorded because we want the names and he says history will remember the names of the listen. >> history will be watching what happens tomorrow. black and brown americans will be watching what happens tomorrow. in 50 years students will read about what happens tomorrow and know whether our leaders had the integrity to do the right thing. >> it is, again, franscesca, a fascinating moment in a lot of the same civil rights leaders are mad that president biden waited so long to make this his number one priority and talk about this so consistently, but we're about to mark one year in office for president biden, and this would be a defining defeat, but, again, a lot of groups say have the vote. we want accountability. >> and the activists i'm hearing, from john, are frustrated with president biden. they feel that he's doing too little. he waited too long in order to articulate his position on a filibuster carve-out on this issue but democrats feel like from a messaging standpoint the best thing they can do for themselves is to get caught trying, john, to at least have this vote to say that they did everything that they could possibly do to try and get the votes for this, even if, and rightly this vote does fail tomorrow because at this point they are asking what's the plan to get senators manchin and sinema on board. there's a plan for debate, but what's the plan to actually get them and potentially others as you were talking about before on board for this vote? >> and rachel this, voting rights decision is just one of many strategic decisions, calculations, that democrats need to make including leader schumer that the key juncture in the biden presidency. you're about to hit the one-year mark and we're at the beginning of the year of the mid-term elections. there's build back better and by senate rules it's reconciliation. it has climate, home health care, a slew of democratic priorities. a number of more moderate members, swing district democrats in need of mid-term reboot push leadership. they want to break it up and take the pieces and bring the most popular pieces to the floor separately. voting rights is the vote of the moment but this is another decision. do the democrats break up what they say is a critical big plan into small pieces? >> a lot of the frontliners who are concerned about losing their seats next fall they are talking about cutting their losses and just moving on. there's a fear if democrats keep sort of having these big votes and generating all these headlines only to fail, it's only going highlights you know, what they didn't get done when it comes to their re-election so that's why you're hearing moderates push the leadership to go for one-off bills. the ramp with that is that could create complications in terms of getting something passed in the senate. that would likely mean the votes would be subject to a 60-vote threshold which means they need reap dan buy-in in the senate, and let's be honest. things are not looking great right now in terms of getting anything bipartisan done in the upper chamber. look, democrats have to decide. will they focus on messaging right now and try and blame republicans for not getting things done moving towards the single bill strategy, or are they going to try to work past manchin and get something passed using the reconciliation measure even if it's not what they originally wanted to do? >> we'll keep an eye on leader schumer and see if there's any updates or changes in the strategy on voting rights and more. coming up, a just released study highlights the sad mental impact of covid on children and their help. e the love event, we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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have no other hope. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. so don't wait, call the number on your screen. or donate at a just-released review of the pan demek ice mental health toll on teenager and children showed school closures drove increased stress and anxiety. there were 36 studies over 11 countries. any discussion about closing schools should factor in the clear negative mental health toll. let's get more from our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. a compilation, i guess you would call it, of several big studies. >> reporter: studies from 11 different countries including the u.s., john, and when they did is tracked studies that were published or looked at data from february to july of 2020, and so, in other words, the time when lockdowns were happening, when schools were closing down. let's take a look at what they found. what they found is that there was -- there were increased rates of children showing symptoms of anxiety, depression, trauma, and interestingly child abuse reports from schools went down. now, first you think that's might good but that's actually bad. schools are, you know, relied upon to give reports when children are abused, but, of course, since they were shut down for much of this, they weren't making those reports and so you shudder to think of the situations that might have been happening that weren't getting report. now the study was published in a medical journal against this backdrop with the omicron variant going crazy, as you know. it now accounts for 99% of all of the samples that were tested in the u.s. they don't test every single sample that comes from, you know, someone who has covid, but of the ones that they tested, 99% omicron. john? >> just a remarkable number. elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. let's get perspective and insight from dr. liena wen, the former city of baltimore health commissioner. are you've been talking about this if you can, it makes sense if you can to keep your children in a school because that's where kids are safe. the american academy of pediatrics said across the country we witnessed dramatic increases in emergency apartment visits for issues including suspected suicide attempts. this compilation gives us a great sense though of just this devastating, as a parent i say it and devastating tool that this has taken on our children. >> we have failed our children throughout this entire pandemic. we have not prior tides our kids and now we're seeing the effect. we're seeing the mental health impact as you mentioned, but we're also seeing the impact on nutrition and physical activity. these studies have showing that the lockdowns have an inpact on childhood obesity which has implications with heart disease and diabetes with kids growing up so we need to take school closures off the table as a policy response. they need to be the first to open and last to close and as long as there's bars and restaurants open we should not be discussing at all school closures. >> and we're at the strange moment, is it irony or sad or whatever, i don't know the right term, you mention you should keep schools open, most have come up around that hand 1,800 school districts are closed, some for a day or two of remote warning and some blaming it on the bad weather in the northeast and some are saying with omicron cases spiking, where we were, more than 15 million cases just since december. they are saying we can't fully staff. we have teachers sick, janitors sick. we have to have some remote learning, right? >> i understand the issues of shortages among workers, but we also need to start considering teachers and staff as essential workers who need to be in school, and so i think we just have to have different policies to account for this. look at the dealt ark surge. in the middle of the tella surge we were able to keep schools open. delta is more virulent than omicron and also at that point we didn't have pediatric vaccinations. we now are able to vaccinate children 5 and older. we know that wearing masks protect the wearer, even if the other people around you are not wearing masks there. real shouldn't be a good reason for schools to be closed at this point. >> you mentioned we now have pediatric vaccinations. i just want to bring this up right here. 60% of the 16 to 17-year-olds are vaccinated. a little more than half 12 to 15. what do you think explains the lagging? it's only 18%, a little more than that of children aged 5 to 11 who are eligible and not vaccinated. why is that number still below 20%? >> i think because there's been a fallacy that somehow children don't get very ill from covid-19 which we know is just not true. yes, it is true that compared to adults kids tend to not get as ill but we've seen tens of thousands of kids have been hospitalized. hundreds of children have died and as a parent i know that if i have the opportunity to take the -- something that's low risk in my children to something that's virtually zero risk i would do that in a heartbeat, and so i hope that other parents who have made the decision to vaccinate themselves will also vaccinate their children because this is will allow their entire family to go back to pre-pandemic normal. >> if you look at the numbers, as our team does all the time, i just want to bring this up. this is just at the john hopkins data that we know. we know covid cases are underreported but based on the reporting we have one in five americans, one in five americans have been infected with covid-19. what do you think the actual number is, if that's the baseline from what we know, even the johns hopkins officials say they suspect it's well higher than that. >> right. i also think that it's much higher than that, and that's because we're undercounting. a lot of people may have had sniffles and didn't get tested because they don't have access to testing. also many people are taking rapid tests and most of these rapid tests are not being included in the county or statewide totals, and so i would estimate that we're undercounting by a factor of five to ten. >> wow. >> and as a result i agree with what many people have been saying which is that we're all going to come in contact with omicron unless we take extraordinary measures, and that's the reason why we all want to be vaccinated and boosted for when we come in contact with it so that we are as well protected against severe illness as possible. >> dr. wen as always, thank you so much. up next for us, breaking news on russia. we're learning new details about biden administration considerations what have to do next, that as the secretary of state, tony blinken, speaks to his russian counterpart and announces a trip tomorrow to ukraine. you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship 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options in ukraine to try to dissuade the russian president vladimir putin for instance saiding. cnn's jim sciutto part of the reporting team on this. what have you been learning? >> reporter: what we're learning is the white house, the biden administration, now considering additional military support to ukraine with really two intentions here, one, to raise the cost for russian president vladimir putin should he choose to invade ukraine, make it costlier for russian military forces, but, two, as well, to prepare for the possibility of supporting the ukranian military for a long, sustained russian military operation. what is involved? what kind of military options are we talking about? we're talking about further ammunition, further anti-tank weapons known as javelin missiles. they are armor-piercing missiles. other options include mortars and anti-aircraft missile systems which we should note would likely come from the u.s. but from nato al us. now, president biden, as you know, john, sending u.s. combat troops to ukraine is off the table. however, u.s. special forces already rotate in and out of the country to provide training and assistance to ukranian forces, and senior administration officials said it is possible that other agencies could provide additional support in that category, additional special operations forces. >> jim, this reporting comes at a testing time for diplomacy. secretary blinken about to head to kiev and germany to consult with allies and then will meet with the russian foreign minister, sergei lavrov on friday. so far the talking hasn't gotten anywhere. do we expect anything, or is this just stay at table? >> the expectations are frankly low, and part of the reason you have these additional military support options being discussed and planned right now, john, is because last week's attempt at diplomacy did not provide by all accounts any real breakthroughs. doesn't mean the administration has given up on its diplomatic track, and that's why there is some importance to seeing lavrov and blinken speaking today, but i would say this as well, that the administration is going into this clear-eyed. they have not seen yet any evidence of russian pullback here, and they have noted some alarm with just how far out russian positions, are right, because russia is asking for a return really to a soviet sphere of influence and demanding things that nato that nato is not willing to do, like promising ukraine will never be in nato. right now it's good that they are talking, but they are preparing for the worst. er in preparing for greater russian military intervention. >> and at a highly tense moment like this everyone is watching. the russians will watch what you just reported. the united states watching everything the russians do including this account in the "new york times" that the russians have been drawing down staff, mostly family members, but significantly drawing down staff at its embassies within ukraine. could it be a bluff or a sign to get the women and children snout. >> with russia you always have the possibility of a faint as opposed to something that's genuine action base psy-ops, branda are always part of its shadow war and hybrid warfare tactics, but it's a significant move so the u.s. is taking it seriously. i should also note this, john. my colleague barbara starr reporting this hour that the u.s. has noticed an increased deployment of troops along the ukranian bothered. that not a positive sign. >> not at all and a very, very tense moment in world affairs. appreciate the breaking news reporting very much. and some more breaking news, this one here on the home front. at&t is it, quote, voluntarily delaying some of its 5g rollout because of the pushback from the aviation administration. we're from us trade by the faa's ability to do what nearly 40 countries have done. with over launching our advanced 5g services elsewhere as planned. let's get more from pete muntean. >> reporter: the 5g network was supposed to be rolled out tomorrow, the changes coming at the 11th hour. at&t saying they will voluntarily turn off some of the 5g towers near commercial airports, certain airports in particular though it doesn't list which ones with. what does tissue here, airlines say, is that the 5g cell spectrum is so close to the frequency of a specific type of instrument that's critical to the safety of flight called a radar altimeter, sends a beam down to the ground and gets bounced back to the plane to get a hyper accurate reading to see how high the plane is abovthe ground. it's critical for commercial airlines, cargo planes, for helicopters, especially in low visibility conditions when seconds really count very low to the ground. at&t has said it will pause this rollout after so much pushback from the aviation administration. it says the aviation administration has not utilized two years that they have had to responsibly plan for this deployment, so a lot of frustration from at&t. mind you at&t is the parent company of warner media which is our parent company here at cnn. this all comes after this letter from ten airline ceos to the department of transportation and the biden administration in which they say the ripple effects across both passenger and cargo operations are workforce and the broader economy are simply incalculable. this according to airlines would have caused thousands of flight delays, disruptions and carnslations, a really big issue for the airlines, after they have dealt with so many flight cancellations recently. now the telecom industry has said that this is really not all that much of an issue in 40 countries. they have found solutions for aviation and 5g to co-exist. we know according to the white house that talks were taking place today between the biden administration and the faa and the fcc, the aviation industry and equipment manufacturers, and those talks really focused on trying to build a buffer zone near those critical airport runways where this could have posed a real issue, john. it seems like we're getting chose toss that. we've not also heard from verizon which is the other company that is rolling out 5g as planned tomorrow. this was already delayed once. >> just stunning to me that these things that have been obvious for some time always get left to the last second. pete muntean, appreciate the new reporting. coming up, donald trump looks to 2022 as his chance to strengthen his hold on the republican reporting. some brand new reporting on the former president's plans next. ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ feel stuck with student loan debt? ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi- and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ 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"the times" account includes this gem from ann coulter. trump is done, you should say in an email. you should stop obsessing over him. ann coulter knows better. she wishes trump would disappear. there are a strong core of republicans who wish he would disappear, but everything we see and everything you and your colleague report is just to the contrary. he has -- he's not going to disappear, and, in fact, he's planning on having a big year. >> that's right, john, look, i would say that ann coulter knows better than anyone, you know, you can't just wish donald trump away because she tried that before he became the nominee and then had a change of heart years before he became the nominee. look, trump doesn't go away. that's not anything he's ever done in his history and just because he doesn't get coverage in mainstream media doesn't mean he ceases to exist. he's got an aggressive rally schedule, two a month or so, may not be exactly, that close enough and he's going to try to push a bunch of candidates through in republican primaries and in general elections, and this is going to be a test of his strength, john, because in some cases he's making people, you know, pledge some fealty to his false claims about the 2020 election having been stolen and that biden is somehow not a legitimate president. if trump does not do well in those primaries, then i think that you will see some republicans in 2023 lock more closely at challenging him. you may see that anyway, but at the moment trump remains the leader of the republican party the same way every former president is until there's another nominee of their party and that's where we're at. >> you've spent a lot of time on this. help me understand what you see as the 2022 mid-term test, if you will, from gabby's orr's piece that i mentioned at the top of the program, brian lanza says it's clear the republicans are likely to have a good year. president trump wants to be a leading indicator of why the gop had a good year at the ballot box. you can travel and the republicans can have a god year and you can claim credit. you mentioned involvement in the primaries and trying to enforce his litmus test or fealty test. how did you say at the start of the year that this is a good year for donald trump? >> there's a handful of endorsements he's made in either primaries, in specific race or candidates who, for instance, he's trying to vault ahead like max miller in ohio who is an aide of his, max miller had been running against congressman anthony gonzalez in a primary in ohio. gonzalez was one of the republicans who voted to impeach the president in his second impeachment trial and trump is trying to pick off those republicans. he's had soum some success. this is lass bad climate for most members of congress in any party and a bunch would rather retire than continue kind of grinding away in this partisan gridlock so there's a lot of factors going into why people aren't running but in the end trump gets to claim credit. do trump's candidates win in these races is a big sign? every single one, probably not, but the bulk of them, if they do, that's going to be a sign that the wind is at trump's back within the rope can base and that in some places, in more purple districts, purple states, if trump is able to do well with his candidates, and that's a real open question, john, the main thing that you have heard from trump folks over and over is voters don't care that much about the january 6th riot at the capitol, and that may more may not be true. that doesn't mean that it's not deserving of the attention that it's getting, but it might not be the issue that voters are investigate on. >> one of the things we'll watch. you and your colleague jonathan martin at the top have a face fating piece on ron desantis, one of trump's favorite, because he won't rule out running and lately he's criticized trump. in the piece you say mr. trump and his aides are mindful of the increasing public fatigue of the drama that trails mr. trump. mr. desantis is the first name republicans cite as a trump-style contender not named trump and that gets under trump's skin, right? >> that's a big piece of it. that's not the only thing. i think trump is genuinely angry that, you know, desantis does not show him the deference that he thinks he deserves because desantis was very unlikely to win his primary against a better known challenger if trump had not endorsed him and lent him staff and i think that those are real things that his people point to that he cares about. it's not just having a ring kissed for the sake of it. that having been said there are people who have their own political careers and lives, and trump's view of loyalty is that if he does something for someone he believes he's owed, you know, in perpetuity for whatever he wants, and i think that that is a big piece of where we're at. desantis is, you know, in the middle of a re-election campaign. i don't think he actually wants to have a distracting fight with trump in the middle of that so watching desantis' moves will be very interesting here. >> one of the many fascinating things to watch in the year ahead. grateful for your time and reporting. thank you. a rare and big event for president biden, his news conference and his challenges at the one-year mark. r vending macs and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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>> yeah. i mean, it depends on what they are going to do, and a lot of democrats will be watching this press conference to see specifically what tone does he take? does biden try to double down on we're going to get these things done, we'll pass build back better and continue to push on voting rights or does he try to lower expectations and say look, we tried. we did our best but we're going to move on and get something more narrower done. can they pass a couple of bills through the congress to actually say that they had something and they can run on something that was in build back better but they removed. a lot of democrats, again, will be looking to take a signal from biden. does he stick to his original plan in does he totally change, and i think at this point nobody knows what he's really going do. >> and part of the struggle for the president, abby is, presidents get too much cred whit things go well and get too much blame when things go bad. we're in the middle of the covid funk that's affecting the economy, look at the price of food and price of chicken and seafood is up, price of a meal in a restaurant is up. again, this is a global pandemic with global supply chain issues affecting things at home. he's the president and he's responsible for the numbers whether you can fix them or not. >> he's between a rock and a hard place. so many in the base saying why didn't you work on these issues, why did you focus on infrastructure and all of this other stuff as your first priority, and the biden thinking was if we get covid under control and get the money in people's pockets then we have a better chance of going into the mid-term election cycle. they didn't foresee the impacts of covid and on that extra money in -- in people's pockets on inflation, and so they are in a really tough spot because they made some choices a year ago that are coming back to them in a way that they did not anticipate and at the same time that that is happening their base is so angry that all of those other things on the list that you ticked off at the beginning run done, and there's not any time or really any political will right now to get most of them done. >> and one of the issues is two challenges, full. when you show thatly, the democratic base says, hey, you raised our hopes and we won the georgia seats. we should have done more with our power when we had it. those are washington conversations or democratic party conversations. the country writ large is more focused on this if you just show the covid case count across the country. back in july the support an optimist and back in july he gave an optimistic speech about the summer freedom and then omicron came along, delta and omicron, 13,000 cases back on july 4th to nearly 100,000 cases now. i guess the question is by the next july 4th when people are thinking to about how to vote in november, we might be having a different conversation. >> exactly. while a lot of democrats are angry they didn't pass something and say that's going to hurt them next year, when you look at voters and what they care about it's the covid numbers. it's the economy right now. it's supply chain issues, and so, you know, if the economy sort of continues to sort of do well and inflation starts to come down and those covid numbers start to come down, sure, democrats will absolutely get a boost. the problem though as abby just pointed out that that's entirely out of their control right now and there's no way to sort of predict that going into an election year. >> franscesca, the president to his credit, his optimism normally serves him well. is that what he brings tomorrow or is it a bit more zoner? >> the white house has been pushing the message, john, that they are a year in, have three more years and before the mid terms they have several month before that so they are trying to push an optimistic message that they can still get this done. however, there is a lot of, how do you say it among democrats, more than frustration at this point, outright pessimism about being able to get parts of the agenda done before the mid-term elections and in time for it to have the kind of effect that democrats would need, and while you mentioned that this is a conversation that's often taking place within democratic party and activists, those are the voters that the democrats need to turn out in the election, the energize the voters in the democratic party base that they are now getting very concerned will not turn out. >> that's a critical point. motivation is the biggest issue in a mid-term year. thanks for coming in for the smart reporting. when we come bark the former new york city mayor bill de blasio makes be a announcement about his future plans and look up, a giant asteroid bigger than the empire state building will whiz by earth today. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. i would've called yesterday. but... i could've called yesterday. but... i should've called yesterday, but... would've, could've, should've. we hear that a lot. hi. i'm jonathan, an insurance professional and manager here at colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes, people put off calling about life insurance. before you know it, another year has passed. and when they do call, they say, "i wish i'd called sooner." call right now for free information on the $9.95 plan. are you between age 50 and 85? 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School Board , San Francisco , 125 Million , 25 Million , Start , School Board Members Collins , February 15th , LÓpez , Trump Debate , Call , Grip , Gabby S Orr , Jake Tapper , Ron Desantis , Insiders , Inside Look At Trump , Trump Comeback , The Times , Unhappiness , Florida , Gem , Email , Obsessing , Ann Coulter , Planning , Colleague Report , Contrary , Fact , Core , Nominee , Anyone , A Change Of Heart , Trump Doesn T Go Away , Coverage , Mainstream Media , Rally Schedule , Bunch , Test , Fealty , Strength , Claims , Trump , Lock , Anyway , 2023 , Piece , Top , Party , Republicans , Ballot Box , Indicator , God , Brian Lanza , Credit , Fealty Test , Handful , Involvement , Endorsements , Ohio , Max Miller , Primary , Anthony Gonzalez , Aide , Instance , Race , Impeachment Trial , Success , Soum , In The End , Do Trump , Factors , Gridlock , Bulk , People Aren T Running , Back , Wind , Places , Districts , Rope , Purple , Voters , Care , Attention , Folks , January 6th Riot , 6 , January 6th , Jonathan Martin , One Of Trump , Fating , Favorite , Mr , Drama , Contender , Fatigue , Criticized Trump , Skin , Deference , Challenger , Ring , Sake , Whatever , Careers , View , Lives , Perpetuity , Loyalty , Fight , Moves , Campaign , Challenges , News Conference , Event , Vending Macs , 100 , Questions , Offer , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Value , Prescription Copays , Low , Walgreens , Carvana , Zero Dollars , Protein , Prescriptions , Blood Sugar , Save , Carbsteady , Glucerna , Burke , Man , Discount , Auto Insurance , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Discounts , Home , Dad , Sup , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Seventeen , Forty Five , Bum , Garage , Pa Dum , Food , Love , Kitchen , Growing Up , Mom , Memories , Cooking , Meal , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Press Conferences , Nm Com , Presidents , Poll Numbers , Big First Year , Source , Red , Graphic , Wins , Yes , Infrastructure , Hopes , Report , Close , Take A Look , Reforms 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Go , Mary Schiavo , T ,

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