Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

>> you put up with me. >> i did text you that. more than 50 million people facing winter weather alerts as a powerful and dangerous winter storm batters the east coast this morning. thousands without power. freezing rain, ice, snow stretching as far south as florida. governor kemp is pleading with georgians to stay off the road. high wind and sleet making driving treacherous. more of the same in north carolina where conditions have turned deadly. a tractor trailer slid off a highway, killing two people, multiple tornados touched down in southwest florida. in lee county, 28 homes were destroyed and dozens more declared unlivable. in south carolina, the national guard had to be called in to assist stranded drivers. black ice and snow in the state remain a threat this morning. >> and the storm is expected to hit the northeast next. nearly 3 million people under high wind warnings, including here in new york and boston. philadelphia could get some snow. and travel disrupted. 1,200 flights canceled today. >> polo sandoval on the ground in pittsburgh. dianne gallagher in icy north carolina. and jennifer gray tracking the storm system from atlanta. let's go first to polo in the middle of the snow. >> reporter: john, it started coming down this afternoon. it is still coming down. national weather service snow totals suggesting parts of western pennsylvania, ohio, have received eight to nine inches of snow. the forecast calling for possibly up to three inches of snow the next couple of hours. that translates to really an uphill battle for city officials as they try to keep the roads clear. here in the downtown area, pittsburgh, they haven't made too much progress. we have seen them out and about. the concern is for those who do have to get somewhere this morning, who don't get to stay home this holiday to obviously make the roads as safe as possible. for much of the country, they have not had classes scheduled. they hope most people will heed the warnings to simply stay at home yesterday and today as well. >> there be careful, polo. thank you very much. >> indeed. please do. dianne gallagher in shrcharlotta major airline hub. how has that been affected? >> reporter: it's icy in north carolina, as it is across much of the country. we are looking at nearly 1,300 flights that have been canceled across the country today. believe it or not, that's an improvement from sunday where it was 3,000 flights. and the majority of that on sunday was out of charlotte-douglas international airport. 90% of the flights from that airport yesterday were canceled. today looking a little bit better with more than 400 flights canceled. the roadways also pretty treacherous across the state of north carolina. ice making it hard to drive and fly. officials asking everyone to stay home if you can. >> where is it all going now? jennifer gray in the weather center. where is this storm? >> reporter: well, john, this is making its way up the i-9 5 corridor, northeast, new england. you can see massive amounts of snow. snow across the appalachians and new england. 95 is the dividing line between the rain and the snow. most of the snow is well inland. just a cold miserable rain for all the big cities along the i-9 5 corridor. then, as you mentioned, add in the wind on top of that, and it is going to make for a brutal raw day across the northeast. philadelphia, new york, boston all in the rain. we could get a quick shot of that frozen precipitation. on the backside, the areas shaded in pink across philadelphia, new york, could get a quick hit of that. i don't think we will see anything in the form of accumulation. it's not going to amount to much. most of the snow will be interior sections of new england. this will quickly wrap up by the time we get into the late evening hours. as far as accumulation goes, you can see across northern new england, the higher elevations getting quite a bit more. could see well over a foot. we could see anywhere from four to six inches across the higher elevations of the appalachians and interior sections two to four inches. >> up in the hills, they will want it for skiing. elsewhere, maybe not so much. appreciate it. eleven hours of terror. this morning, new details about the hostage crisis that unfolded saturday at a texas synagogue. the fbi identified a british citizen as the man who held four people hostage before a rescue people entered the building and he was killed. the suspect arrived legally in the u.s. five weeks ago. he wasn't on a u.s. government watch list. during the standoff, he told hostage negotiators he was not going to leave the synagogue alive, according to a source. he can be heard speaking from facebook live stream from saturday morning service. >> joining me now is rabbi jeffrey myers. rabbi, i have called you america's rabbi before. it's always a pleasure to speak with you. i always regret so often it has to be in situations like this. so your reaction this morning? >> well, i could say that at least today i'm doing better. but this has certainly shaken not just me and my community, but jews throughout the united states to the core. how do we say, oh, no, not again. not another. >> and to hear from the rabbi walker, without the instruction, we would not have been able to act and flee when the situation presented itself. i encourage all jewish congregations, religious groups, schools and others to participate in active-shooter and security courses. is that what it has come to, they have to spend a big part of their time preparing for this? >> yes. i have done the same thing. and it's because of the training i had that i'm alive. so, yes, it has come to that. all synagogues, and quite frankly, not just synagogues, all houses of worship. if we look at the landscape the past decade or so, we are talking about the sikh temple, a black church in charleston, a church in southerland, texas. they are no longer the sanctuaries we would hope they would be. that means all have to engage in these forms of practice to be pre prepared. god willing, they never have to use it. but if they do, they can call upon what they learned and respond. >> you also know that over the centuries jews have been targeted, have been attacked. you must face it constantly from people in your congregation who ask, why us? and what do you tell them? >> i wish i had an easy answer to say why us. there's an old joke that goes that if jews didn't exist, the anti essential mights would invent us so they would have someone to pick on. i don't have a why us answer. all i can say is i'm proud to be jewish. and the more anti-semitism, the more jewish i do. in part of my faith and what it represents and what it teaches the world. and anti semites are not going to stop me or the jewish community from continuing on to make the world a better place, because that is our calling. and it's not going to stop us. >> it will not stop us. rabbi, what is your voice to the people in texas who went through this as they go back to their synagogue and place of worship? how can they expect to feel in the coming days and weeks? >> i would anticipate that their feelings in response would be no different than the responses here in pittsburgh. you're talking about layers of trauma. not merely the people who were held hostages. thank god they're all alive. but the families of those held hostage. the congressants who were on facebook live, just members. not just the congregation. this will impact the entire community of colleyville and beyond. it impacts the jewish community of the entire united states. jews are afraid to go into synagogues. ones who think where do i sit? do i sit near the emergency exit? where is there a pew that might be safe to hide behind? where can i quick get out to? how to comfort a community. there is no immediate instant formula. there is the knowledge that you are not alone, that you have an entire world of good, decent people who are an abhorred by this attack, who lift you up and say we will get through this together, just as they did for us in pittsburgh. so, too, pittsburgh will reach out to colleyville so we can all get through this together. >> you are not alone. rabbi jeffrey myers, you are a friend to the entire country. you make us all feel better even when things feel bleak. so thank you. . >> thank you, john. >> very strong, calming message. >> lovely. all right. let's go now to virginia where this morning some school districts are defying the new governor, glenn youngkin's executive order, that bans mask mandates in k-12 schools. they argue state law requires they follow federal guidance which recommends masks in schools and on buses. cnn's eva mccann joins me now. >> reporter: hi. good morning, kasie. parents, not the government, have the fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care of their children. he blasts mask mandates for kids in virginia schools as ineffective and impractical. if you read the four-page executive order, he said the state has not kept up with the science. that 5 to 12-year-olds can now get vaccines. several school districts in northern virginia not having it. arguing kids wearing masks in school is a key mitigation strategy. and their masking requirements will stay in place. youngkin is also adamant about schools staying open. these schools argue this is what allowed us to stay open. listen to what youngkin had to say when told about the decision. >> there the fact that that tweet came out within minutes of my executive order, what that tells me, they haven't listened to parents yet. one thing hopefully everybody heard in november, it is time to listen to parents. over the course of this week, i hope they will listen to parents. because we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what we can do and will do to in order to make sure parents's rights are protected. >> reporter: we are also hearing from the superintendent of fairfax county schools who say, we know our students are best served by in-person instruction. adhering to our layered prevention strategies, especially universal masking, keeps our schools open and safe places for students to learn. so this potentially could pit parents against parents. you might have one parent showing up with their kid without a mask saying to the school, the governor saying this is okay. another parent saying something else. there could be a potential for chaos there. i want to read a text from i got from a parent named monica hutchinson. she desperately wants her kids to stay in school. she does not like the virtual learning format. she said as adults we should be leading by example. she supports the mask mandate for kids. she said a mask mandate should not be a political ping pong. democrats say the virginia legislature passed a law last year and argued that requires virginia schools to follow federal guidance that recommends masks in schools. kasie? >> eva mckend, thank you for that. john, she's right, it will create tension amongst parents. and we have been dealing with the shortage of staff because they have been sick. if you're protecting teachers to allow students to stay in school, that is part of what the school districts are looking at here. >> yeah. and i think there are a lot of parents, and glenn youngkin ran on this. this should be a surprise to nobody. this was the main part of his candidacy. he is delivering on what you promised. i think a lot of parents, in some areas at least are saying, hey, what's going to happen happen when they go back to school? there isn't a lot of clarity there about what is going to happen? i think they're just waiting to see. >> i think one thing it does underscore is the potency of this as an issue heading into the mid-term elections especially. republicans, we know they have had republican governors in the past in virginia. but there was still a level of surprise when youngkin was elected. it was this issue of students and schools that had suburban parents up in arms about all of this. we will be talking about that all the way through. >> if the goal is to keep schools open -- >> that's what we talked to dr. offit about. up next, are ukraine and russia on the brink of war? and what are president biden's options? cnn is live on the ground. plus, who is really the king of florida? we are dying to know here. is it donald trump or is it ron desantis? why their close-knit friendship is ripping apart at the seams. breaking overnight, north korea conducting a fourth missile test this month. does this signal a rise in tensions in the korean peninsula? these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? ...or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. wherever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. i strip on public transit. i strip with the guys. i strip all by myself. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, day or night. 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one option is more diplomacy. and there's been a suggestion that the ukrainian president, president biden and president putin should get-together on a conference call and try to work something out. there's been no response from the americans or from the russians at all. another possibility of course, what we're all bracing for, the possibility of a russian invasion. remember, there are tens of thousands of russian troops that have gathered near to the ukrainian border that have invaded ukraine in the past. there's a school of thought, there's a lot of suggestions that it could be poised to do that again. there are other possible options as well. possibly on the russian side at the possibility of deploying forces or missiles into western russia, possibly into other areas they control as well like crimea to ratchet up the tensions. the truth is, ckasie, there is just one man and he's sitting in the kremlin. >> the ukrainians have been relegated to the role of spectator in all of this as their future hangs in the balance. i wonder to what extent you are hearing about how concerned they are about what's going on. >> reporter: yeah. they are very concerned. one of the big mantras is we are not going to discuss anything about ukraine without ukraine. in fact, what we are seeing is exactly that happen. there have been one-on-one meetings between president biden and president putin, online meetings. u.s. representatives and russian representatives that nato and russia as well. ukraine has been out of the mix. it's easy to forget this is a country that has been fighting a war with russia for seven years and with russian-backed rebels as well. it has had large sways of territory occupied and annexed by russia as well. they are deeply concerned what the next few weeks and months may hold. >> and the lack of reaction playing a significant role in this crisis. matthew chance, thanks very much. joining us now, clarissa ward, chief international correspondent. thank you for being with us. the status quo is white-hot tension in one of the most dangerous regions in europe. i wonder how long status quo is tenable. if this is the best case scenario, how long can this last? >> reporter: there's really one man who has the answer to that, and possibly a small coterie of people around him. no one can claim to have any strong insight into his thinking or his intentions right now, which is exactly how he wants it. he likes to keep people on the back foot. he likes to keep people guessing. and he likes to have an element of surprise which is why we find ourselves in this scenario having no idea whether tomorrow we could be looking at a full scale military invasion of a sovereign country in ukraine, the likes of which we haven't seen since 1939, hitler invading poland. this would be a momentous occasion. or we could see continuation of diplomacy. we could see president putin find some kind of offramp, some kind of way to deescalate tensions, although that doesn't seem likely right now. the u.s. and nato going through five or six different possibilities of what an invasion would even look like, which makes it so difficult for the west, for nato, for the u.s. specifically to come up with and formulate a substantive response for how to deal with this when there is so little understanding of where it's actually going. >> clarissa, just to pick up on that very point you're making, it doesn't seem as though the white house necessarily mass any good options here to potentially deescalate. do you get the sense that whatever is going to happen next has basically already been decided by vladimir putin, or do you think that actions that president biden takes here in the next couple of weeks could actually have any impact at all? i find myself wondering that. >> reporter: yeah. it's a really good question. if you take the kremlin at their word, peskov, there is an opportunity for diplomacy to play out if it had region genuine political will to make the negotiations move ahead. we have seen the demands from the russian side. we have seen the u.s. say they are a nonstarter. it is difficult to see how we could really expect a reasonable continuation with a sort of prospect of success of the diplomatic process, which then leaves the u.s. in kind of an awkward position. they have already testify graphed their pretty draconian response would be if russia decides to invade ukraine. but until there is a stronger sense of what is going to happen, the u.s. is in this unenviable position to prepare itself for any eventuality. trying to keep the diplomatic path going, maintain a strong stance on demands that it has rejected categorically. but at the same time looking into the possibilities of a cyber attack, of missiles being moved. not just western russia but even to cuba or venezuela. we heard this from the national security adviser jake sullivan last week when he was talking about how they could respond to things. he said, listen, all we can do is get ready, and we are ready. but that doesn't give us, you know, as americans, as people watching all around the world to see what happens next, a huge amount of insight into what the u.s.'s response would be if this continues to escalate. >> it really doesn't seem like anyone is trying to sugar coat it or make people feel better about it. that tells you where the situation is. thank you so much for being with us this morning. so the magic words that donald trump is dying to hear from governor ron desantis. and the latest move in ma macron's to tick off the unvaccinated in france. is it working? 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because they had the vaccine. and they're answering it -- the answer is yes but they don't want to say it. because they're gutless. you've got to say it. >> the state of florida does not appear big enough for ron desantis and donald trump. a dispute over vaccines has exposed a growing rift between the governor and former president. trump used the word gutless to describe politicians who duck the question. according to the "new york times", trump has been griping to friends and visitors especially since the republican governor has refused to say that he will step aside if trump runs for president in 2024. i find this dance to be fascinating. he did an interview where he was critical of the initial response. >> that really stood out to me. he said he wishes he had pushed back harder when the trump administration was advocating that communities lock down because of their response to the virus. this is a tricky line to walk for desantis. it's a test of just what hold the former president has over the republican party. are they loyal to him or are the politics -- to trump, i mean. or are the politics of the pandemic essentially taking over that fury. you also have to remember if republicans want to win a general election, they have to win first independent voters. according to some of the polling around the president, the current president, they're not very happy with the way things are going. and i think desantis is picking up on that as well. he clearly is -- doesn't want to bend the knee, which is what trump demands. there is time for trump to continue to kick him. i'm interesting to see where the loyalties will go in the base. . >> one of the most interesting questions is can there be trumpism without trump? how far are republicans willing to push him inside there. and i do think that there are a lot of signs every week that passes that more and more republicans are feeling brave enough to do it. desantis is the highest profile who might have the most individual constituency. it shouldn't be seen in a vacuum where mike rounds wasn't able to speak up and other republicans got in line behind him. glenn youngkin is taking power in virginia, doing a lot of things but has created some distance with trump. i think this bears watching going forward here. because if they can have under cake and eat it too, which is to say if they can have victory and trumpism without all the problems that donald trump brings, i think a lot of republicans would like that. >> that is why the youngkin example is so interesting. he, contrary to desantis, never really attacked donald trump. he just kept his mouth shut about him. he was soft trump. i talked to a lot of republicans in washington, while they would never see it publicly, saying their electoral chances of taking back control of congress, they are much better if they have someone not named trump because of how divisive he is. >> i will watch closely in the coming weeks to see if there are more republicans who do things in more overt ways. in a new video, despite all the evidence to the contrary, donald trump said he won the state of pennsylvania. let's just underscore he did not. he will continue to contest the results that show he lost to joe biden. trump laid out his goal of targeting those who count the votes in future elections. >> we have to be a lot sharper the next time when it comes to counting the vote. a famous statement, sometimes the vote counter is more important than the candidate. and we can't let that ever happen again. they have to get tougher and smarter. >> joining mow now to discuss all of this is former philadelphia republican city commissioner al schmidt. thank you for being on with us. you have come under personal sharp attack and dealt with what that is like from former president trump. i want to ask, what's your reaction to that statement he made about saying sometimes the person that counts the votes is more important? >> well, while i would have him rather quote abraham lincoln or martin luther king when it comes to our democratic process rather than joseph stalin, i think what he is saying deserves our attention. it is very true that in the immediate next two years we're going to see a lot of changes when it comes to election administration across the country. the 2020 election was some time ago. we haven't yet hit the election cycles where in most states governors will be elected who appoint their secretaries of state to run elections. or counties and cities with county commissioners who get elected to run their elections. . >> how much of this do you think we're going to see crop up here in the mid-term elections? is this something we need to be actively worrying about and focused on ahead of that, or is the threat really pushed farther out into the 2004 presidential races and some of the gubernatorial races that you mentioned? >> it's not so much worrying about it as it is doing something about it and making sure when candidates run they are on the record supporting our democratic system of government and they believe that every vote is precious, whether at the state or county level in the leadup to 2024 election. i think he thinks and other things that the election in 2024 will really be decided in the next two years before then. >> let's talk about the politics in pennsylvania. we have a hotly contested senate race. berman and i were just talking a little bit about how republicans are handling ump did you. as someone who knows the ins and outs, talks to people on the ground in philadelphia, around philadelphia, how do you think they will handle this? can someone who ties themselves to donald trump in a very aggressive way win statewide in pennsylvania or not? >> well, i think right now in the commonwealth, because we have an open senate seat, and an open seat for governor, as you've said, there is a lot of competition on the republican side. and a belief this will be a republican year in pennsylvania. it is a crowded field. with that crowded field you have a number of candidates all trying to try themselves even more closely to the former president. whether hiring his former advisers, quoting things that he said about them that were positive. so i think most of the jockeying right now at least in the primary will be trying to pull trump close. >> yeah. no, absolutely. one thing that stood out to us here over the weekend was republican senator bill cassidy of louisiana. he of course republican. he dismissed the notion that voters would reward candidates who support changing voting rules, regulations in their favor. let's take a look at what he had to say and then i want to ask you about it on the other side. >> i can imagine the campaign slogan, vote for me i'm going to cheat in the election. we should not underestimate the american people. the american people are not going to vote for a cheat. if someone says i'm voting because i want to flip an election, they're going to lose their election. and so i think we have to kind of give credit to the american people in the elections, in the process that we have gone to, those ill intents didn't pass. as i pointed out in georgia, they have more permissive laws than delaware and new york. >> one thing i try to do in my coverage is to never underestimate voters and how smart they are. the challenge we have now in this environment is misinformation, disinformation, things people are reading on social media that just scrambles the truth entirely. do you agree with senator cassidy and what he had to say there? . >> well, i think you're absolute lit absolutely right. the majority of my party seems to support the lie that the 2020 election was stolen somewhat, it does shake your faith a little bit in in confidence that people will make the right decision at the end of the day. >> yeah. i think that is certainly, as i covered congress throughout the trump years, there were a lot of republicans who would insist privately everything would be fine, trump era would end. and of course it ended with a riot on our capitol and this continuation of a big lie that now polls show many republicans believe. al schmidt, thank you as always for being with us. we really appreciate your time today. >> thank you. coming up next here, prince harry locked in a legal battle over paying for his security. why he says he doesn't feel safe. and an epic tv rant. the tv host goes off on anti-vaxers. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ well, would ya look at that! it was an accident. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? mm-mmm. no insurance. no. when employees can't enter and manage their own benefits enrollment information, it can be a real pain. not even— nope! with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in a single, easy-to-use software. visit and schedule a demo today. this morning, prince harry said it is too dangerous for his family to visit the united kingdom without protection. he is taking legal action against the federal government to allow him to pay privately. max foster live in england with the latest on this. max, this is loaded with a lot of different aspects all at once here. >> definitely. he does have a security team. it's fine in the u.s. it works there. he needs additional state support when he comes to the uk. he doesn't want to bring his family over until he can get that. there are threats of extremists and fixated people which emerged since the duke of duchess since they left their royal roles. he came over last year. his car was chased by photographers. he felt security was compromised there. what he is saying is he needs police support if he comes over. he is willing to pay for it. that offer is being turned down by the british authorities. in september, he went to a judicial review to try to get an appeal against that to allow him to pay for police security. that is only coming out now because there was a report that came out and they wanted to address it properly. the uk protective security is rigorous and proportionate. it is a security issue, so they didn't want to go into more detail. they don't want to allow precedent for any high-profile person to come into the uk, claim a particular threat, and effectively have british police guns for hire. they don't want to choose when to offer police support. there is a slightly pointed -- i spoke to representatives over the weekend of the sussexs. harry first offered to pay for the police. back in 2020 when he was negotiating with the family on the terms of leaving. so he is pointing it towards the royal family, even though really this is a government and police issue. >> all right. max foster, thank you for helping us understand. appreciate it. all right. a tv host in mexico completely loses it on the air, targeting his frustration at anti-vaxers. watch. >> wow. wow. >> the only issue he called it a gaggle of morons, i think it's technically a flock or a pod of morons. i don't think it's got a murder of morons? >> i do understand what you're saying. my god, isn't it just channeling the frustration? we have to acknowledge people are divided on this issue but people are driving their cars angrily, people are upset about everything small things are touching people off that wouldn't normally and clearly our host here had gotten his frustration out of hands with in this case anti vaxxers. >> flock of morons next time, though. new overnight the french national assembly passed a bill requiring the proof of full vaccination to access a wide range of everyday activities in the country with no options for testing out. the latest battle being drawn between president emmanuel macron and the unvaccinated in france. jim bitterman is live in paris with the latest. >> john, it's about 5.5 million of those unvaccinated people in france, about 8% of the population here, and they're going to be the ones most affected by this vaccination pass that you're now having to display to do just about anything. the pass hasn't gone into effect yet but it will be going into effect probably within the next few days. it has to go past the constitutional court, but that's seen as something of a formality. there's going to be a lot of concern among people who aren't vaccinated because they're not going to be able to go to bars, restaurants and cafes and take long distance transportation and by the way, jim, one of the things that has impacted on or may impact on is that novak djokovic, because the sports ministry said the spokesman for the sports ministry said this morning in fact anybody that takes part in a sporting event including the players themselves would have to be dub vaccinated in order to get into the play. so that could impact novak djokovic if he wants to compete in the roland garros in mid-may. john? >> has the government been asked about djokovic yesterday? have they made it explicitly clear he won't be allowed? >> no, this was the sports ministry spokesman. not quite at the level of a government minister but it will come up, no doubt about that. i think the tournaments before them like indian wells for example will be coming up before roland garros so it's not quite a pressing issue right now but it could be down the line. >> may, june, a long time before the french open but i could see this becoming a huge deal. jim bittermann thank you very much. >> sure. brand new video of novak djokovic back in his home country of serbserbia. he was deported from australia over losing a visa battle over his vaccination status. a crowd greeted him waving flags and chanting "we love novak." he cannot be granted another visa for three years under australia's laws. just in news out of china with just weeks to go until the olympics, what they're telling the public about attending the games. and "america's funniest home videos" says good-bye to its original host. excuses happen. what? 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[ cheers and applause ] >> muggy? muggy? muggy? monkey, monkey, monkey? >> when you did the show you did the voice yoifrs different. you have five voices? >> yes, i would be oh, look out. don't forget to keep your arms straight out. roger, arms out, ready for takeoff. oh, oh, oh! woo! the other one i guess oh, i'm beautiful. >> i love him so much and i have to say i loved the bob saget era of "america's fun mes iniest vi" >> he was on the top ten rated shows, he was on that and "full house." >> i'm so grateful he was there when i was growing up. we'd come home from school watch "full house" always part of those memories that i have along with so many other americans out there. >> glad to know where you got your education. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is monday, january 17th, it's martin luther king, jr., day. i'm john berman. brianna is working nights this week. don't miss it. here with me is casey hunt. >> great to see you, john. >> great to see you. how is it going so far? >> could i ask for a better co-host? >> probably but you haven't so far which is encouraging. >> i don't think i could. more than 50 million people are facing winter weather alerts as a powerful and dangerous winter storm batters the east coast. thousands without power, freezing, rain and ice and snow stretching as far as florida. the governor is pleading for people to stay off the roads, high wind and sleet across the northern part of the state making driving a mess. more of the same in north carolina where the conditions have turned deadly. a tractor trailer slid off the highway that killed two people. multiple tornadoes touched down in southwest florida, in lee county, 28 homes were destroyed, dozens more declared unlivable. in south carolina the national guard had to be called in to assist stranded ifrs, black ice and snow in the state and remain a threat into the morning. >> the storm is expected to hit the 2340r9 east next. nearly 3 million people are under high wind warnings. boston, philadelphia could get snow and travel being disrupted. more than 1,200 flikts were canceled today. >>

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Iniest Vi , Ten , Memories , Education , Casey Hunt , Monday January 17th , Co Host , Snow , Sleet , Ice , Freezing , Making , Mess , Tornadoes , Stranded Ifrs , Wind Warnings , Travel , 2340r9 East Next , Flikts , 2340 ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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>> you put up with me. >> i did text you that. more than 50 million people facing winter weather alerts as a powerful and dangerous winter storm batters the east coast this morning. thousands without power. freezing rain, ice, snow stretching as far south as florida. governor kemp is pleading with georgians to stay off the road. high wind and sleet making driving treacherous. more of the same in north carolina where conditions have turned deadly. a tractor trailer slid off a highway, killing two people, multiple tornados touched down in southwest florida. in lee county, 28 homes were destroyed and dozens more declared unlivable. in south carolina, the national guard had to be called in to assist stranded drivers. black ice and snow in the state remain a threat this morning. >> and the storm is expected to hit the northeast next. nearly 3 million people under high wind warnings, including here in new york and boston. philadelphia could get some snow. and travel disrupted. 1,200 flights canceled today. >> polo sandoval on the ground in pittsburgh. dianne gallagher in icy north carolina. and jennifer gray tracking the storm system from atlanta. let's go first to polo in the middle of the snow. >> reporter: john, it started coming down this afternoon. it is still coming down. national weather service snow totals suggesting parts of western pennsylvania, ohio, have received eight to nine inches of snow. the forecast calling for possibly up to three inches of snow the next couple of hours. that translates to really an uphill battle for city officials as they try to keep the roads clear. here in the downtown area, pittsburgh, they haven't made too much progress. we have seen them out and about. the concern is for those who do have to get somewhere this morning, who don't get to stay home this holiday to obviously make the roads as safe as possible. for much of the country, they have not had classes scheduled. they hope most people will heed the warnings to simply stay at home yesterday and today as well. >> there be careful, polo. thank you very much. >> indeed. please do. dianne gallagher in shrcharlotta major airline hub. how has that been affected? >> reporter: it's icy in north carolina, as it is across much of the country. we are looking at nearly 1,300 flights that have been canceled across the country today. believe it or not, that's an improvement from sunday where it was 3,000 flights. and the majority of that on sunday was out of charlotte-douglas international airport. 90% of the flights from that airport yesterday were canceled. today looking a little bit better with more than 400 flights canceled. the roadways also pretty treacherous across the state of north carolina. ice making it hard to drive and fly. officials asking everyone to stay home if you can. >> where is it all going now? jennifer gray in the weather center. where is this storm? >> reporter: well, john, this is making its way up the i-9 5 corridor, northeast, new england. you can see massive amounts of snow. snow across the appalachians and new england. 95 is the dividing line between the rain and the snow. most of the snow is well inland. just a cold miserable rain for all the big cities along the i-9 5 corridor. then, as you mentioned, add in the wind on top of that, and it is going to make for a brutal raw day across the northeast. philadelphia, new york, boston all in the rain. we could get a quick shot of that frozen precipitation. on the backside, the areas shaded in pink across philadelphia, new york, could get a quick hit of that. i don't think we will see anything in the form of accumulation. it's not going to amount to much. most of the snow will be interior sections of new england. this will quickly wrap up by the time we get into the late evening hours. as far as accumulation goes, you can see across northern new england, the higher elevations getting quite a bit more. could see well over a foot. we could see anywhere from four to six inches across the higher elevations of the appalachians and interior sections two to four inches. >> up in the hills, they will want it for skiing. elsewhere, maybe not so much. appreciate it. eleven hours of terror. this morning, new details about the hostage crisis that unfolded saturday at a texas synagogue. the fbi identified a british citizen as the man who held four people hostage before a rescue people entered the building and he was killed. the suspect arrived legally in the u.s. five weeks ago. he wasn't on a u.s. government watch list. during the standoff, he told hostage negotiators he was not going to leave the synagogue alive, according to a source. he can be heard speaking from facebook live stream from saturday morning service. >> joining me now is rabbi jeffrey myers. rabbi, i have called you america's rabbi before. it's always a pleasure to speak with you. i always regret so often it has to be in situations like this. so your reaction this morning? >> well, i could say that at least today i'm doing better. but this has certainly shaken not just me and my community, but jews throughout the united states to the core. how do we say, oh, no, not again. not another. >> and to hear from the rabbi walker, without the instruction, we would not have been able to act and flee when the situation presented itself. i encourage all jewish congregations, religious groups, schools and others to participate in active-shooter and security courses. is that what it has come to, they have to spend a big part of their time preparing for this? >> yes. i have done the same thing. and it's because of the training i had that i'm alive. so, yes, it has come to that. all synagogues, and quite frankly, not just synagogues, all houses of worship. if we look at the landscape the past decade or so, we are talking about the sikh temple, a black church in charleston, a church in southerland, texas. they are no longer the sanctuaries we would hope they would be. that means all have to engage in these forms of practice to be pre prepared. god willing, they never have to use it. but if they do, they can call upon what they learned and respond. >> you also know that over the centuries jews have been targeted, have been attacked. you must face it constantly from people in your congregation who ask, why us? and what do you tell them? >> i wish i had an easy answer to say why us. there's an old joke that goes that if jews didn't exist, the anti essential mights would invent us so they would have someone to pick on. i don't have a why us answer. all i can say is i'm proud to be jewish. and the more anti-semitism, the more jewish i do. in part of my faith and what it represents and what it teaches the world. and anti semites are not going to stop me or the jewish community from continuing on to make the world a better place, because that is our calling. and it's not going to stop us. >> it will not stop us. rabbi, what is your voice to the people in texas who went through this as they go back to their synagogue and place of worship? how can they expect to feel in the coming days and weeks? >> i would anticipate that their feelings in response would be no different than the responses here in pittsburgh. you're talking about layers of trauma. not merely the people who were held hostages. thank god they're all alive. but the families of those held hostage. the congressants who were on facebook live, just members. not just the congregation. this will impact the entire community of colleyville and beyond. it impacts the jewish community of the entire united states. jews are afraid to go into synagogues. ones who think where do i sit? do i sit near the emergency exit? where is there a pew that might be safe to hide behind? where can i quick get out to? how to comfort a community. there is no immediate instant formula. there is the knowledge that you are not alone, that you have an entire world of good, decent people who are an abhorred by this attack, who lift you up and say we will get through this together, just as they did for us in pittsburgh. so, too, pittsburgh will reach out to colleyville so we can all get through this together. >> you are not alone. rabbi jeffrey myers, you are a friend to the entire country. you make us all feel better even when things feel bleak. so thank you. . >> thank you, john. >> very strong, calming message. >> lovely. all right. let's go now to virginia where this morning some school districts are defying the new governor, glenn youngkin's executive order, that bans mask mandates in k-12 schools. they argue state law requires they follow federal guidance which recommends masks in schools and on buses. cnn's eva mccann joins me now. >> reporter: hi. good morning, kasie. parents, not the government, have the fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care of their children. he blasts mask mandates for kids in virginia schools as ineffective and impractical. if you read the four-page executive order, he said the state has not kept up with the science. that 5 to 12-year-olds can now get vaccines. several school districts in northern virginia not having it. arguing kids wearing masks in school is a key mitigation strategy. and their masking requirements will stay in place. youngkin is also adamant about schools staying open. these schools argue this is what allowed us to stay open. listen to what youngkin had to say when told about the decision. >> there the fact that that tweet came out within minutes of my executive order, what that tells me, they haven't listened to parents yet. one thing hopefully everybody heard in november, it is time to listen to parents. over the course of this week, i hope they will listen to parents. because we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what we can do and will do to in order to make sure parents's rights are protected. >> reporter: we are also hearing from the superintendent of fairfax county schools who say, we know our students are best served by in-person instruction. adhering to our layered prevention strategies, especially universal masking, keeps our schools open and safe places for students to learn. so this potentially could pit parents against parents. you might have one parent showing up with their kid without a mask saying to the school, the governor saying this is okay. another parent saying something else. there could be a potential for chaos there. i want to read a text from i got from a parent named monica hutchinson. she desperately wants her kids to stay in school. she does not like the virtual learning format. she said as adults we should be leading by example. she supports the mask mandate for kids. she said a mask mandate should not be a political ping pong. democrats say the virginia legislature passed a law last year and argued that requires virginia schools to follow federal guidance that recommends masks in schools. kasie? >> eva mckend, thank you for that. john, she's right, it will create tension amongst parents. and we have been dealing with the shortage of staff because they have been sick. if you're protecting teachers to allow students to stay in school, that is part of what the school districts are looking at here. >> yeah. and i think there are a lot of parents, and glenn youngkin ran on this. this should be a surprise to nobody. this was the main part of his candidacy. he is delivering on what you promised. i think a lot of parents, in some areas at least are saying, hey, what's going to happen happen when they go back to school? there isn't a lot of clarity there about what is going to happen? i think they're just waiting to see. >> i think one thing it does underscore is the potency of this as an issue heading into the mid-term elections especially. republicans, we know they have had republican governors in the past in virginia. but there was still a level of surprise when youngkin was elected. it was this issue of students and schools that had suburban parents up in arms about all of this. we will be talking about that all the way through. >> if the goal is to keep schools open -- >> that's what we talked to dr. offit about. up next, are ukraine and russia on the brink of war? and what are president biden's options? cnn is live on the ground. plus, who is really the king of florida? we are dying to know here. is it donald trump or is it ron desantis? why their close-knit friendship is ripping apart at the seams. breaking overnight, north korea conducting a fourth missile test this month. does this signal a rise in tensions in the korean peninsula? these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? what's an office? ...or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. wherever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. i strip on public transit. i strip with the guys. i strip all by myself. breathe right strips open your nose for relief you can feel right away, helping you take in air more easily, day or night. 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one option is more diplomacy. and there's been a suggestion that the ukrainian president, president biden and president putin should get-together on a conference call and try to work something out. there's been no response from the americans or from the russians at all. another possibility of course, what we're all bracing for, the possibility of a russian invasion. remember, there are tens of thousands of russian troops that have gathered near to the ukrainian border that have invaded ukraine in the past. there's a school of thought, there's a lot of suggestions that it could be poised to do that again. there are other possible options as well. possibly on the russian side at the possibility of deploying forces or missiles into western russia, possibly into other areas they control as well like crimea to ratchet up the tensions. the truth is, ckasie, there is just one man and he's sitting in the kremlin. >> the ukrainians have been relegated to the role of spectator in all of this as their future hangs in the balance. i wonder to what extent you are hearing about how concerned they are about what's going on. >> reporter: yeah. they are very concerned. one of the big mantras is we are not going to discuss anything about ukraine without ukraine. in fact, what we are seeing is exactly that happen. there have been one-on-one meetings between president biden and president putin, online meetings. u.s. representatives and russian representatives that nato and russia as well. ukraine has been out of the mix. it's easy to forget this is a country that has been fighting a war with russia for seven years and with russian-backed rebels as well. it has had large sways of territory occupied and annexed by russia as well. they are deeply concerned what the next few weeks and months may hold. >> and the lack of reaction playing a significant role in this crisis. matthew chance, thanks very much. joining us now, clarissa ward, chief international correspondent. thank you for being with us. the status quo is white-hot tension in one of the most dangerous regions in europe. i wonder how long status quo is tenable. if this is the best case scenario, how long can this last? >> reporter: there's really one man who has the answer to that, and possibly a small coterie of people around him. no one can claim to have any strong insight into his thinking or his intentions right now, which is exactly how he wants it. he likes to keep people on the back foot. he likes to keep people guessing. and he likes to have an element of surprise which is why we find ourselves in this scenario having no idea whether tomorrow we could be looking at a full scale military invasion of a sovereign country in ukraine, the likes of which we haven't seen since 1939, hitler invading poland. this would be a momentous occasion. or we could see continuation of diplomacy. we could see president putin find some kind of offramp, some kind of way to deescalate tensions, although that doesn't seem likely right now. the u.s. and nato going through five or six different possibilities of what an invasion would even look like, which makes it so difficult for the west, for nato, for the u.s. specifically to come up with and formulate a substantive response for how to deal with this when there is so little understanding of where it's actually going. >> clarissa, just to pick up on that very point you're making, it doesn't seem as though the white house necessarily mass any good options here to potentially deescalate. do you get the sense that whatever is going to happen next has basically already been decided by vladimir putin, or do you think that actions that president biden takes here in the next couple of weeks could actually have any impact at all? i find myself wondering that. >> reporter: yeah. it's a really good question. if you take the kremlin at their word, peskov, there is an opportunity for diplomacy to play out if it had region genuine political will to make the negotiations move ahead. we have seen the demands from the russian side. we have seen the u.s. say they are a nonstarter. it is difficult to see how we could really expect a reasonable continuation with a sort of prospect of success of the diplomatic process, which then leaves the u.s. in kind of an awkward position. they have already testify graphed their pretty draconian response would be if russia decides to invade ukraine. but until there is a stronger sense of what is going to happen, the u.s. is in this unenviable position to prepare itself for any eventuality. trying to keep the diplomatic path going, maintain a strong stance on demands that it has rejected categorically. but at the same time looking into the possibilities of a cyber attack, of missiles being moved. not just western russia but even to cuba or venezuela. we heard this from the national security adviser jake sullivan last week when he was talking about how they could respond to things. he said, listen, all we can do is get ready, and we are ready. but that doesn't give us, you know, as americans, as people watching all around the world to see what happens next, a huge amount of insight into what the u.s.'s response would be if this continues to escalate. >> it really doesn't seem like anyone is trying to sugar coat it or make people feel better about it. that tells you where the situation is. thank you so much for being with us this morning. so the magic words that donald trump is dying to hear from governor ron desantis. and the latest move in ma macron's to tick off the unvaccinated in france. is it working? 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because they had the vaccine. and they're answering it -- the answer is yes but they don't want to say it. because they're gutless. you've got to say it. >> the state of florida does not appear big enough for ron desantis and donald trump. a dispute over vaccines has exposed a growing rift between the governor and former president. trump used the word gutless to describe politicians who duck the question. according to the "new york times", trump has been griping to friends and visitors especially since the republican governor has refused to say that he will step aside if trump runs for president in 2024. i find this dance to be fascinating. he did an interview where he was critical of the initial response. >> that really stood out to me. he said he wishes he had pushed back harder when the trump administration was advocating that communities lock down because of their response to the virus. this is a tricky line to walk for desantis. it's a test of just what hold the former president has over the republican party. are they loyal to him or are the politics -- to trump, i mean. or are the politics of the pandemic essentially taking over that fury. you also have to remember if republicans want to win a general election, they have to win first independent voters. according to some of the polling around the president, the current president, they're not very happy with the way things are going. and i think desantis is picking up on that as well. he clearly is -- doesn't want to bend the knee, which is what trump demands. there is time for trump to continue to kick him. i'm interesting to see where the loyalties will go in the base. . >> one of the most interesting questions is can there be trumpism without trump? how far are republicans willing to push him inside there. and i do think that there are a lot of signs every week that passes that more and more republicans are feeling brave enough to do it. desantis is the highest profile who might have the most individual constituency. it shouldn't be seen in a vacuum where mike rounds wasn't able to speak up and other republicans got in line behind him. glenn youngkin is taking power in virginia, doing a lot of things but has created some distance with trump. i think this bears watching going forward here. because if they can have under cake and eat it too, which is to say if they can have victory and trumpism without all the problems that donald trump brings, i think a lot of republicans would like that. >> that is why the youngkin example is so interesting. he, contrary to desantis, never really attacked donald trump. he just kept his mouth shut about him. he was soft trump. i talked to a lot of republicans in washington, while they would never see it publicly, saying their electoral chances of taking back control of congress, they are much better if they have someone not named trump because of how divisive he is. >> i will watch closely in the coming weeks to see if there are more republicans who do things in more overt ways. in a new video, despite all the evidence to the contrary, donald trump said he won the state of pennsylvania. let's just underscore he did not. he will continue to contest the results that show he lost to joe biden. trump laid out his goal of targeting those who count the votes in future elections. >> we have to be a lot sharper the next time when it comes to counting the vote. a famous statement, sometimes the vote counter is more important than the candidate. and we can't let that ever happen again. they have to get tougher and smarter. >> joining mow now to discuss all of this is former philadelphia republican city commissioner al schmidt. thank you for being on with us. you have come under personal sharp attack and dealt with what that is like from former president trump. i want to ask, what's your reaction to that statement he made about saying sometimes the person that counts the votes is more important? >> well, while i would have him rather quote abraham lincoln or martin luther king when it comes to our democratic process rather than joseph stalin, i think what he is saying deserves our attention. it is very true that in the immediate next two years we're going to see a lot of changes when it comes to election administration across the country. the 2020 election was some time ago. we haven't yet hit the election cycles where in most states governors will be elected who appoint their secretaries of state to run elections. or counties and cities with county commissioners who get elected to run their elections. . >> how much of this do you think we're going to see crop up here in the mid-term elections? is this something we need to be actively worrying about and focused on ahead of that, or is the threat really pushed farther out into the 2004 presidential races and some of the gubernatorial races that you mentioned? >> it's not so much worrying about it as it is doing something about it and making sure when candidates run they are on the record supporting our democratic system of government and they believe that every vote is precious, whether at the state or county level in the leadup to 2024 election. i think he thinks and other things that the election in 2024 will really be decided in the next two years before then. >> let's talk about the politics in pennsylvania. we have a hotly contested senate race. berman and i were just talking a little bit about how republicans are handling ump did you. as someone who knows the ins and outs, talks to people on the ground in philadelphia, around philadelphia, how do you think they will handle this? can someone who ties themselves to donald trump in a very aggressive way win statewide in pennsylvania or not? >> well, i think right now in the commonwealth, because we have an open senate seat, and an open seat for governor, as you've said, there is a lot of competition on the republican side. and a belief this will be a republican year in pennsylvania. it is a crowded field. with that crowded field you have a number of candidates all trying to try themselves even more closely to the former president. whether hiring his former advisers, quoting things that he said about them that were positive. so i think most of the jockeying right now at least in the primary will be trying to pull trump close. >> yeah. no, absolutely. one thing that stood out to us here over the weekend was republican senator bill cassidy of louisiana. he of course republican. he dismissed the notion that voters would reward candidates who support changing voting rules, regulations in their favor. let's take a look at what he had to say and then i want to ask you about it on the other side. >> i can imagine the campaign slogan, vote for me i'm going to cheat in the election. we should not underestimate the american people. the american people are not going to vote for a cheat. if someone says i'm voting because i want to flip an election, they're going to lose their election. and so i think we have to kind of give credit to the american people in the elections, in the process that we have gone to, those ill intents didn't pass. as i pointed out in georgia, they have more permissive laws than delaware and new york. >> one thing i try to do in my coverage is to never underestimate voters and how smart they are. the challenge we have now in this environment is misinformation, disinformation, things people are reading on social media that just scrambles the truth entirely. do you agree with senator cassidy and what he had to say there? . >> well, i think you're absolute lit absolutely right. the majority of my party seems to support the lie that the 2020 election was stolen somewhat, it does shake your faith a little bit in in confidence that people will make the right decision at the end of the day. >> yeah. i think that is certainly, as i covered congress throughout the trump years, there were a lot of republicans who would insist privately everything would be fine, trump era would end. and of course it ended with a riot on our capitol and this continuation of a big lie that now polls show many republicans believe. al schmidt, thank you as always for being with us. we really appreciate your time today. >> thank you. coming up next here, prince harry locked in a legal battle over paying for his security. why he says he doesn't feel safe. and an epic tv rant. the tv host goes off on anti-vaxers. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ well, would ya look at that! it was an accident. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? 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>> i do understand what you're saying. my god, isn't it just channeling the frustration? we have to acknowledge people are divided on this issue but people are driving their cars angrily, people are upset about everything small things are touching people off that wouldn't normally and clearly our host here had gotten his frustration out of hands with in this case anti vaxxers. >> flock of morons next time, though. new overnight the french national assembly passed a bill requiring the proof of full vaccination to access a wide range of everyday activities in the country with no options for testing out. the latest battle being drawn between president emmanuel macron and the unvaccinated in france. jim bitterman is live in paris with the latest. >> john, it's about 5.5 million of those unvaccinated people in france, about 8% of the population here, and they're going to be the ones most affected by this vaccination pass that you're now having to display to do just about anything. the pass hasn't gone into effect yet but it will be going into effect probably within the next few days. it has to go past the constitutional court, but that's seen as something of a formality. there's going to be a lot of concern among people who aren't vaccinated because they're not going to be able to go to bars, restaurants and cafes and take long distance transportation and by the way, jim, one of the things that has impacted on or may impact on is that novak djokovic, because the sports ministry said the spokesman for the sports ministry said this morning in fact anybody that takes part in a sporting event including the players themselves would have to be dub vaccinated in order to get into the play. so that could impact novak djokovic if he wants to compete in the roland garros in mid-may. john? >> has the government been asked about djokovic yesterday? have they made it explicitly clear he won't be allowed? >> no, this was the sports ministry spokesman. not quite at the level of a government minister but it will come up, no doubt about that. i think the tournaments before them like indian wells for example will be coming up before roland garros so it's not quite a pressing issue right now but it could be down the line. >> may, june, a long time before the french open but i could see this becoming a huge deal. jim bittermann thank you very much. >> sure. brand new video of novak djokovic back in his home country of serbserbia. he was deported from australia over losing a visa battle over his vaccination status. a crowd greeted him waving flags and chanting "we love novak." he cannot be granted another visa for three years under australia's laws. just in news out of china with just weeks to go until the olympics, what they're telling the public about attending the games. and "america's funniest home videos" says good-bye to its original host. excuses happen. what? 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[ cheers and applause ] >> muggy? muggy? muggy? monkey, monkey, monkey? >> when you did the show you did the voice yoifrs different. you have five voices? >> yes, i would be oh, look out. don't forget to keep your arms straight out. roger, arms out, ready for takeoff. oh, oh, oh! woo! the other one i guess oh, i'm beautiful. >> i love him so much and i have to say i loved the bob saget era of "america's fun mes iniest vi" >> he was on the top ten rated shows, he was on that and "full house." >> i'm so grateful he was there when i was growing up. we'd come home from school watch "full house" always part of those memories that i have along with so many other americans out there. >> glad to know where you got your education. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is monday, january 17th, it's martin luther king, jr., day. i'm john berman. brianna is working nights this week. don't miss it. here with me is casey hunt. >> great to see you, john. >> great to see you. how is it going so far? >> could i ask for a better co-host? >> probably but you haven't so far which is encouraging. >> i don't think i could. more than 50 million people are facing winter weather alerts as a powerful and dangerous winter storm batters the east coast. thousands without power, freezing, rain and ice and snow stretching as far as florida. the governor is pleading for people to stay off the roads, high wind and sleet across the northern part of the state making driving a mess. more of the same in north carolina where the conditions have turned deadly. a tractor trailer slid off the highway that killed two people. multiple tornadoes touched down in southwest florida, in lee county, 28 homes were destroyed, dozens more declared unlivable. in south carolina the national guard had to be called in to assist stranded ifrs, black ice and snow in the state and remain a threat into the morning. >> the storm is expected to hit the 2340r9 east next. nearly 3 million people are under high wind warnings. boston, philadelphia could get snow and travel being disrupted. more than 1,200 flikts were canceled today. >>

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, National Weather Service , Have , Ohio , City Officials , Roads , Forecast Calling , Uphill Battle , Three , Nine , Eight , They Haven T , Safe , Concern , Downtown Area , Somewhere , Progress , Holiday , Country , Home , Classes , Yesterday And Today , Icy , Airline Hub , Shrcharlotta , 1300 , Flights , Improvement , Majority , Charlotte Douglas , On Sunday , 3000 , 90 , Bit , Roadways , 400 , Officials , Everyone , Weather Center , Way , Corridor , Amounts , Northeast , New England , I 9 , Appalachians , 5 , 9 , Most , Rain , Cities , Dividing Line , England , Add , Top , 95 , Areas , Shot , In The Rain , Hit , Backside , Precipitation , Raw , Anything , Sections , Form , Accumulation , Elevations , Interior , Foot , Anywhere , Northern New England , Four , Six , Texas Synagogue , Terror , Hostage Crisis , Details , Skiing , Hills , Elsewhere , British , Fbi , Eleven , Government , Man , Citizen , Building , Rescue , Suspect , He Wasn T On A , Five , Standoff , Synagogue , List , Hostage Negotiators , Source , Service , Facebook , Rabbi Jeffrey Myers , Reaction , Rabbi , Pleasure , Situations , Community , Least , Jews , Another , Core , Rabbi Walker , Instruction , Thing , Schools , Part , Security Courses , Groups , Training , Congregations , Shooter , Others , Yes , Synagogues , Houses Of Worship , Landscape , Sanctuaries , A Church In Southerland , Sikh Temple , Black Church In Charleston , Wall , God , Forms , Practice , Pre , Answer , Joke , Congregation , Ask , Someone , Essential Mights , Anti , Jews Didn T Exist , World , Jewish Community , Anti Semitism , Faith , Semites , Place , Voice , Calling , Response , Feelings , Hostages , Hostage , Responses , Families , Trauma , Layers , Congressants , Members , Colleyville , Beyond , Pew , Ones , Emergency Exit , Instant Formula , Knowledge , Attack , Together , Good , Friend , Feel , Things , Glenn Youngkin , Executive Order , School Districts , Message , Bans , Lovely , Masks , Guidance , State Law , Mandates , Cnn , K 12 Schools , Buses , Eva Mccann , 12 , Parents , Kids , Decisions , Mask Mandates , Virginia Schools , Right , Children , Care , Back To School , Vaccines , Northern Virginia , Science , Mitigation Strategy , Masking Requirements , Fact , Decision , Everybody , Tweet , One , Course , Authority , Rights , Resource , Students , Masking , Fairfax County , Prevention Strategies , Superintendent , Places , Parent , Mask Saying , Potential , Kid , Something Else , Example , Learning Format , Chaos , Adults , Monica Hutchinson , Mask Mandate , Virginia Legislature Passed A Law Last Year , Ping Pong , Democrats , Tension , Eva Mckend , Lot , Surprise , Staff , Shortage , Teachers , Saying , Candidacy , There Isn T , Clarity , Nobody , Issue , Governors , Elections , Republicans , Potency , Underscore , Goal , Arms , Level , Eastern Ukraine , Offit , Up Next , Donald Trump , Joe Biden , It , Russia , War , King , Ron Desantis , Options , Brink , Plus , Tensions , Friendship , Missile Test , Seams , Rise , North Korea , Breaking Overnight , Korean Peninsula , Face , Whoa , Some , Intensity , Faces , Millions , Germs , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Work , Last , Ways , Customers , Servicenow Platform , Flow , Challenge , Office , Business , Workplace , Return , Servicenow , Mucinex , Kim , Congestion , Australia , Save It Slimeball , 3 , Nose , Transit , Air , Guys , Relief , Employees , Vo , Number , Phone , Largest , Ground Running , 5g Network , T Mobile , Device , 00 , 800 , Opportunities , 200 , Invasion , Flag , Operation , Military , Matthew Chance , There , Russians , Ukraine Border , Kind , Possibility , Truth , Activity , Allegation , Negotiations , Demands , Denial , President , Question , Nato , End , Guarantees , Vladimir Putin , Expansion , Deadlock , Military Alliance , Do , Something , Diplomacy , Suggestion , Option , Conference Call , Step , Tens Of Thousands , Border , Troops , School Of Thought , Side , Missiles , Suggestions , Forces , Kremlin , Ckasie , Crimea , Ukrainians , Role , What S Going On , Spectator , Extent , Big Mantras , Meetings , Representatives , Mix , Territory , Rebels , Sways , Seven , Crisis , Lack , Clarissa Ward , Case Scenario , Regions , Status Quo , Chief International Correspondent , Europe , No One , Coterie , Insight , Element , Intentions , Scenario , Thinking , People Guessing , Military Invasion , Scale , Idea , Hitler , Poland , 1939 , Continuation , Possibilities , Doesn T , Occasion , Offramp , West , Sense , Understanding , White House , Actions , Impact , Word , Opportunity , Peskov , Region , Will , Nonstarter , Sort , Process , Success , Prospect , Eventuality , Stance , Cyber Attack , Path , Venezuela , Cuba , Jake Sullivan , Security , What Happens Next , Sugar Coat , Anyone , Escalate , Magic Words , Move , Sleep , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , France , Temperature , Movement , Unvaccinated , Ma Macron , 360 , Protein , Energy , Bed , Sale , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Nutrients , Sugar , Health , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu Emu , Doug , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Pay , Liberty , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Emergen C , Blend , Best , Mom , Me And You , Version , Planning , Trees , Green Red , Northwestern Mutual , What A Wonderful World , Prescription Copays , Low , Medicare , Walgreens , Zero Dollars , Zero , Prescriptions , 4 , Booster , Questions , Vaccine , Enough , Dispute , Rift , Politicians , Gutless , Visitors , New York Times , Friends , Duck The Question , Interview , Dance , 2024 , Administration , Virus , Communities Lock , Line , Politics , Test , Voters , General Election , Polling , Fury , Pandemic , Knee , Doesn T Want , Trumpism , Signs , Base , Loyalties , Vacuum , It Shouldn T , Profile , Individual , Constituency , Distance , Mike Rounds Wasn T , Bears , Problems , Victory , Cake , Chances , Mouth , Washington , Congress , Trump , Video , Results , Contrary , Evidence , Statement , Vote , Votes , Vote Counter , Candidate , Republican City Commissioner Al Schmidt , Joining Mow , Person , Former , Joseph Stalin , Abraham Lincoln , Election , Changes , We Haven T , Attention , 2020 , County Commissioners , States , Counties , Secretaries , Crop , Races , 2004 , Candidates , System , Record , County , Leadup , Talk , Let , Race , Berman , Ins , Senate , Ump , Outs , Win , Seat , Commonwealth , Field , Belief , Advisers , Jockeying , Primary , Senator Cassidy , Notion , Louisiana , Look , Voting Rules , Favor , Regulations , Campaign Slogan , Cheat , Credit , Laws , Coverage , Ill Intents Didn T Pass , Georgia , Social Media , Misinformation , Environment , Disinformation , Reading , Party , Lie , Everything , Fine , Confidence , Harry , Capitol , Riot , Polls , Big Lie , Tv Host , Anti Vaxers , Battle , Tv Rant , Doesn T Feel Safe , Epic , Advisor , Challenges , Technologies , Journey , Ride , Dell , Circle , Therapies , Tech Solutions , Nothing , Researchers , Peer Counselors , Medicines , Social Workers , Healthcare , Professionals , Mental Illness , Mental Illness To Wellness , Dose , Migraine Medicine , Migraine , Tracks , Inhibitors , Ubrelvy , 2 , Cyp3 , Car , Experts , Windshield , Music Vo , Tiredness , Nausea , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Side Effects , Insurance Policy , Accident , Accidents , Enrollment , Technology , Singers , Safelite Repair , Insurance , Benefits , Information , Pain , Hr Data , Paycom , Software , Single , Schedule A Demo Today , Visit Paycom Com , Family , United Kingdom Without Protection , Latest , Action , Max Foster , Aspects , Extremists , State Support , Threats , Security Team , Duke , Duchess , Photographers , Roles , He Felt Security , Police , Police Security , Appeal , Authorities , Offer , Judicial Review , Report , Protective Security , Security Issue , Detail , Precedent , Police Support , Guns For Hire , Negotiating , Royal Family , Back , Terms , Leaving , Frustration , On The Air , Mexico , Watch , Morons , Flock , Isn T , Gaggle , Pod , Murder , Host , Wouldn T , Hands , Cars , Vaccination , Activities , Case , Bill , Range , Anti Vaxxers , French National Assembly , Proof , Testing Out , Jim Bitterman , Emmanuel Macron , Paris , 5 Million , The Pass Hasn T , Effect , Population , 8 , Formality , Court , Aren T , Cafes , Restaurants , Bars , Novak Djokovic , Sporting Event , Transportation , Spokesman , Anybody , Sports Ministry , The Way , Order , Play , Players , Dub , Djokovic , Roland Garros , Sports Ministry Spokesman , No Doubt , Tournaments , Government Minister , Indian Wells , June , May , Home Country , Deal , Serbserbia , Crowd , Vaccination Status , Visa , Visa Battle , Flags , We Love Novak , America S Funniest Home Videos , Games , News , Olympics , Public , China , Immune Systems , Excuses , Cvs , Little , Nutrition , Wellness Support Products , Selection , Plan , Owner , Future , Advice , Investor , Access , Tools , Vanguard , Ww , Points , Shopping , Clothes , James Corden , Food , Limits , Ice Cream , Foods , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , Enamel , Repair Toothpaste , Toothpaste , Basis , Pronamel Repair , Pronamel , 17 , January 17th , Support , Help , Glucose Control , Blood Sugar Levels , Muscle Health , Drink , Hunger , Diabetes , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Location , Store Managers , Applicants , Advisors , Jobs , Announcer , Hiring Site , Zzzquil Ultra , Makers , Stuff , Nyquil , Love Event , Charities , Charity , Retailers , Subaru , And , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Company , Car Company , Jeff , None , Bonnie , Robert , Difference , Skin , Dove Body Wash , Reflection , Renewal , Skin Conditioning Ingredients , Love , Bob Saget , Show , Tribute , Afe , Applause , Humor , Cheers , Take A Look , Torch Bob , Bob Being , Honor , Muggy , Monkey , Voices , Takeoff , Arms Out , Oh , Roger , Shows , Full House , America S Fun Mes Iniest Vi , Ten , Memories , Education , Casey Hunt , Monday January 17th , Co Host , Snow , Sleet , Ice , Freezing , Making , Mess , Tornadoes , Stranded Ifrs , Wind Warnings , Travel , 2340r9 East Next , Flikts , 2340 ,

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