Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

to maine. 50 million people under winter weather alerts at this hour. snow falling in philadelphia overnight. forecast to switch over to rain as the temperatures warm up along the front. officials in states up and down the east coast urging people to stay off the roads if at all possible. this is what it looks like behind the wheel there in washington, d.c. more than 1200 flights canceled in the u.s. today, more than 180,000 customers without power. mostly in the southeast. now the storm center is moving into the northeast. meteorologist tyler maldin is standing by with the forecast this morning. first let's go to cnn's paulo sandoval in hard-hit pittsburgh. paulo, i can see the snow coming down. how bad is it? >> reporter: frozen wintry mess. we're experiencing some lulls since we began to see the snowfall yesterday. nonetheless, it has been piling up here. pennsylvania's governor has been urging residents of the state to simply stay home as of yesterday because, again, that precipitation continues to come down. the big challenge in pittsburgh, laura, has been to try to keep the streets clear. we had a major snow event at the beginning of the month here and the city recognized their response fell short. many side streets became a frozen mess. they did not anticipate a refreezing event so the big challenge and focus is trying to keep these roads and highways clear should the temperature of course plummet as we expect to see throughout much of the affected areas. the big issue here has also been an aging fleet of snow plows and snow removal equipment. the city said on friday they have well over a dozen vehicles already ordered to try to keep up with snowplowing and snow removal operations but those haven't come in but they're on back order due to supply chain issues due to covid. nonetheless, the city here, laura, says they can expect -- residents can expect a significant improvement in the way the city handles these kinds of storms. >> hopefully most folks stay at home. i see very few cars out there. okay, paulo? thank you. let's get the very latest on the storm with cnn meteorologist tyler maldin for us. how bad is this going to get and how long is it going to stick around? >> this system is moving up to the north and east and in its wake it has left behind melted snow and rain across the south. some freezing temperatures. that spells black ice potential for us this morning and maybe on into tomorrow as well. we also have winter weather alerts from northeast georgia all the way up into maine. millions under winter weather alerts because of the system. clearing out in the carolinas. mid-atlantic. heavy snow across all of new york, much of pennsylvania on into ohio. that's rounding the base of that low pressure system and moving up. new york city, dealing with a little bit of shower and thunderstorm activity right now. boston, you're about to see some snowfall really pick up in intensity here soon. this system will continue to push up to the northeast. we'll deal with it all day long. rainfall and thunderstorms. on the cold side we continue with the heavy snowfall. we could see, laura, we could see in the higher elevations more than a foot of snow. >> tyler, thank you. new this morning, the investigation into that day-long siege at a texas synagogue deepening with two teenagers arrested in the u.k. further details about their possible connection to the case have not been released so far. a loud boom could be heard outside as the ordeal came to an end sunday with the gunman shot dead after a nearly 11 hour standoff. all four hostages were freed unharmed thankfully. the fbi has identified saturday's gunman as 44-year-old british citizen ma'lik akram. he entered as the sunday morning sabbath was live streamed. >> hard to hear there. they believe he may have been trying to get the release of affia saddiki. she was convicted for the 2010 attempted murder of u.s. officers in afghanistan. dig in a little deeper on all of this this morning. julia kaye, so nice to have you this morning. i know you've been following this all weekend. does it strike you as odd that neither u.s. officials nor u.k. officials appear to have had the suspect on any watch list? >> odd only in the sense that we're looking at this from hindsight after he's attacked the synagogue and now he's dead, but the challenge for information is that someone has to do something derogatory before they would even be part of an investigation let alone make the kind of list that would pivot them from coming to the united states. the no fly list has a certain number of standards that are required to be satisfied by a potential suspect before they are on the no fly list. it's meant to be limited, to be quite targeted. why there was no derogatory information, why they didn't know much about him may have to do with the fact he seems to have drifted for huge chunks of his life, what we know right now. he certainly drifted in the united states for a couple of weeks and he may not have been tied to any formal group or had any interaction with law enforcement. i'll tell you, laura, the one question i have is how did he get access to weaponry? that's the biggest question. he's in the united states. we don't know what he had on him specifically, but how did he get -- if true, how did he get wea weaponry? >> appeared to have been drifting, living in a homeless shelter for a period of time. >> yes. >> a lot of questions there. >> the fbi put up this statement calling it a terrorism related matter in, quote, which the jewish community was targeted. it was a synagogue. here's what the fbi said saturday. >> i do not have any information right now that indicates that this is part of any kind of ongoing threat. we obviously are investigating. we'll continue to voekt. we do believe from our engagement with this subject he was singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the jewish community. >> help me reckoncile whoot fbi is saying here. can you parse this out? why target a synagogue if the aim was to get this person released from prison? >> right. the fbi does such an incredible job so that was an unfortunate statement. obviously sediki, the woman hooves focus of a potential release request is a well-known antisemite. during her trial she insisted that the jury take blood tests to make sure they had no jewish blood in them. you can get a sense of what her ideology is. so clearly her anti-semitism is part of her attraction to people like the culprit on saturday and his targeting of the synagogue can therefore only be seen related to that. she was a church. he chose amos b mosque. what the fbi meant was there was no belief any other synagogues would be attacked. >> thank you appreciate it. >> thank you. and coming up for you, russia's vladimir putin and the threat of war over ukraine. what is president biden willing to do to stop him? plus, a nurse accused of faking covid shots for anti-vaxxers. and a remarkable scene captured from space. a powerful explosion under water. that's next. 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jake tapper was told not so fast. >> there are parts of the country, new york in particular, and other parts of the northeast where we are starting to see a plateau and early decline in cases. the challenge is the entire country is not moving at the same pace. omicron started later so we shouldn't expect a peak in the next coming days. >> some states numbers are dropping like new york. let's bring in dr. elizabeth nori. she's a pediatric medical physician. an "early start" reiser here with me. doctor, what do you think it means for the rest of the country that we're seeing this drop in cases in those early hot spots like new york? >> any drop in numbers we're certainly going to take. no one's going to complain about that, but i think it's important we remember looking at the macro numbers, something that needs to be controlled at a micro level is important. new york numbers are town to about 50,000 cases. that's still more than twice where we were in early december. the cases are still quite significant. those are coming from down state. upstate new york has many regions where the positivity rate is 20% or higher. we need to be focusing on what's happening within the community levels. again, we'll take the lower levels. there's a lot of communities that are still very much in the thick of it. ongoing mitigation efforts are still important. >> the cdc says cancel football, choir. is this sort of guidance at this stage in the pandemic helpful given sort of the credibility issues that the cdc is facing? >> it's tough because i think kids want to be back to normal and they want to participate in the fun part of their school day, but we know in school with vaksing and even in communities that had have excellent numbers in schools we're seeing outbreaks in sports and other activities. we've seen that in my community. it's not the sports, it's the bus drive to the event, locker room, things a lock those lines. if your community data is showing you those are the mike rowe level hot spots then, yes, i do think we need to cut back on some of those things. the north star is keeping them in place. but if we're startling to see those numbers a priority. if it's a problem, we've got to follow it. >> as you've often said, there is no one size fits all. you have to tailor it to what your community is going through. >> you're dealing with young covid patients, seeing them every day, every week. how much difference do you think final improvement r wait being. >> the collective sigh will be heard worldwide when that comes through. young children do a great job of spreading illness to each other. we've always known that is the case. from the very young babies or toddlers having trouble keeping themselves hydrated. anything we can do to prevent disease is so very important. if we can get this last portion of our population an extra layer of protection with the vaccination, i think it's going to be great and a great comfort to parents who have been so very worried about their little ones getting them into day care, back into the school settings with an extra layer of protection is going to be great. >> every day we see the negative covid test is a good day in our household. we wait and keep going as we have been. >> thank you. >> bye-bye. >> hope to see you back soon. now to this remarkable case overseas. a nurse in palermo, italy, has been arrested for helping anti-vaxxers by draining the syringes before giving them the shots. 58-year-old woman emptying the vaccine into gauze showing the patients before injecting the patient with an empty needle. police say she received a fake shot herself with the help of another nurse who was arrested in december for allegedly administering fake vaccinations. among them a leader in italy's antivax movement. coming up for you, a nuclear submarine makes an appearance in a port. >> cowboys fans stunned. super bowl dreams stamped. ...and t-mobile will pay for it! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile... let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers, can upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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well, you make it to both games of course. donna kelce was at her son's game and then headed to the airport and she made it for the second half. >> yes, it's your mom. >> what's up, mom. glad you made it. >> i know. i actually made it. disappointing tampa game. this was an elation. that's what makes sports so great because you can be depressed in the morning and elated in the evening. >> i tell you what, laura, that's some dedication right there. i guess you have no choice, right? you either go to neither game or go to both if you don't want to pick a favorite. >> a mother's dedication has no bounds. i love that. just wonderful. >> thanks, andy, appreciate it. up next, president biden's warnings doing little to deter vladimir putin. can he do anything to stop russia from invading ukraine? brittain's boris johnson in trouble. o good. try centrum multigummies. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ do you think we are in a new cold war with russia? >> i do. i do because i think putin again smells weakness here. he knows if he's ever going to invade ukraine, now is the time. i hope he doesn't make that miscalculation, but the fact is, if he does invade ukraine, what is the united states, what is our commander in chief prepared to do to stop it? >> strong words from the top republican on the house foreign affairs committee talking about growing u.s. tensions with russia over its massive troop buildup on the ukraine border. cnn was first to report showing russia has prepositioned operatives to potentially conduct a false flag operation to create a pretexts for russian invasion. we have team coverage with cnn's jasmine wright traveling with the president in delaware and first fred pleitgen joins me live from moscow. good morning. >> a lot of new information coming out over the weekend and today as well. >> the russians are saying in talks with dmitry peskov said that right now the u.s. and russia, as he put it, are on completely different tracks. he called that disturbing as well. the russians want guarantees, namely no more nato expansion. not because they are afraid of ukraine but they are afraid nato could put weapons that could hurt russia into ukraine. one of the things befound out this morning, we were on a call with the kremlin, he said some of the suggestions we heard that russia would not rule outputting nuclear weapons in places like cuba or venezuela. keep in mind he poured kould water over those suggestions. it's ramping up, rather than letting down. >> let's get the white house angle on this. what is president biden prepared to do to stop putin from invading ukraine. let's bring in cnn's jasmine wright. what are you hearing from your sources? >> well, laura, white house officials have been really clear they are ready to impose stops on russia. they will be big, high impact. more severe than what russia has seen before and able to impact everyday life. one thing that we haven't heard from u.s. officials yet is official attribution, aka, who is behind the latest cyber attack. jake sullivan, he said yesterday that he wouldn't be surprised if russia was behind it as it is part of their playbook, but he wouldn't go any further than that when talking about sanctions for the specific cyber attack. he wanted to wait for attribution. one thing he said is a metric of success is whether the u.s. ends up in a better strategic position and russia ends up in a worse strategic position. that's a test that happens over weeks and months. while that happens, before then president biden has a lot at stake and he is going to be judged especially if russia does really defy the u.s. and defy his instruction and invade ukraine. so there is a lot on the line as he heads to mark his first year in office. >> a lot on his plate foreign and domestic. jasmine, thank you. joining me now to discuss all of this, cnn political and national security analyst david sanger, a white house national security correspondent for the "new york times." do you think president biden should proceed? a lot of talk but at a certain point it won't be enough. >> that's certainly right. some doubt within the administration about whether the tough talk and the threat of sanctions is going to be enough to deter him. they're stuck in a sort of odd place here, one of putin's major demands is that ukraine never join nato. never is a long time, but ukraine isn't joining nato any time soon. so it sounds like there could be some room there. and another big demand is working out something to keep american nuclear weapons at some distance. that's what we had in the past treaties as possibly you could imagine that being renegotiated. >> david, at the same time we saw this rare show of strength for the u.s. in the indoe pacific region. carrying 20 ballistic missiles and dozens of nuclear warheads. what message are they trying to send with a showing of strength? >> well, you know, our nuclear submarine patrolled the pacific for a long time but usually you don't see them. here there's sort of a double message going on, i think. one, of course, is to china at a moment that there is an effort by the chinese again to push the u.s. sort of out to the next island chain and make sure that they are seen as the dominant power in the region, but the second is to north korea which has picked the past four or five days, past couple of weeks to shoot off a number of their different missiles after a long moratorium and, you know, a reminder that this show of frustration on their part that they haven't gotten the world's attention can be responded to. i'm not sure these kinds of demonstration are effective. >> china, russia, rivals around the globe, is it time for the administration to do a reset or is this just sort of bad timing on a lot of fronts? >> well, look, i think we've got a couple of things going on. the first is china has been more aggressive, more up front in pushing its role in the indoepacific and around the world than anybody expected. that started really during the last of the obama years and proceeded through the trump years and i think you're now seeing a full flowering of it. i think that putin's moves on ukraine and his broad demands right now, that was a bit of a surprise to everybody and he is probably sensing a bit of the president's weakness here at home, at least the fact that the president is dealing with so many different issues. it's a moment that the president has to recognize that his own prescription, building strength at home is the key to building it abroad, is really where he's got to start. >> certainly has a lot going on at the same time but he is the president. david senger, thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. great to be with you. in the u.k. the partygate scandal has prime minister boris johnson clinging to his job. he's facing growing calls to resign after news emerged at numerous parties at 10 downing street while the rest of the u.k. was in lockdown. nina dos santos joins me. can the president survive all of these crises one after another? >> reporter: good morning. well, at the moment because of the mechanics meaning you have to have 53 letters expressing in writing no confidence from his party is premature. the wheels are coming off a little bit and the car is going faster and faster downhill. that's the sense at downing street. more allegations of these parties that have been taking place during lockdown including a couple of parties that seem to be taking place at a time when the nation and queen are mourning and parties that might have taken place hours before the queen was about to walk down the aisle in the chapel where the funeral was taking place for her husband of 74 years on her own because of the social distancing regulations. that has prompted outrage across the british public, prompted a number of ruling members design and they'll reset the narratives to go with the rules as well. >> helpful to understand the roles and context. an erupting underwater volcano in the south pacific captured in the spectacular satellite images triggering tsunamis in hawaii, japan and the largest island tongue gee. tyler maldin, welcome back in. the pictures are remarkable. >> take a look at the satellite image behind me. the ash cloud was lofted into the air 43 to 63,000 kilometers and now it's pushing other queensland. moving over australia. giving poor air quality. no threat to aviation at this time. the eruption was, get this, 6,000 miles away as fairbanks, alaska. this -- we were able to find saon or pick up on saon all the way up to the observatory in fairbanks, alaska. just to add to this, it was so powerful the shock wave was reported all the way into the u.k. so just really crazy stuff. >> just incredible. tyler, thank you. appreciate you coming back. still ahead, prince harry locked in a legal fight over paying for his security in the u.k. why he wants to foot the bill himself. and a moving tribute to bob sag get after his sudden death. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette jeff's been to the bottom of the ocean. the tops of mountains. and wherever this guy runs off to. a life well lived should continue at home. with home instead care, older adults can stay home, safe, and happy. home instead. to us, it's personal. i'm still drawn to what's next. even with higher stroke risk due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin that's a trail i want to take. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. now to a legal battle with prince harry. it's his own help. cnn's max foster joins me live from london to explain it all. he wants to take his kids over to see their grandmother but it's too dangerous and he's pointing to some scary incidents in the past. >> reporter: yes. he's saying since they left their royal roles, he's been threatened by extremists and therefore they need police support if they come over to the u.k. their private security won't be enough. this story came out because a british tabloid got information and the sussexs wanted to make sure it was all right they say. what they're saying is they're taking the home office to judicial review to not provide or let harry pay for police support. that explains why they haven't been over. they say this can't be allowed. it means the british police are guns for hire for any celebrities for any -- that want to come over to the u.k. this is when they're pointing to the family. they talked to the family about this. >> you remember all of the talk about the security issues and the story with oprah. thank you for reporting. appreciate it. the tributes continue to pour in for beloved comedian bob saget. the latest from the 90s show he mosted first, america's funniest home videos. they had so much material to work from. of what they called bob being bob. remember when he was on full house he was on another hit show america's funniest home videos. he starred as the host from 1989 to 1997, eight seasons. they did this amazing compilation of some of his best moments. take a look. >> as you've heard, the world lost a legend last week. afe lost a family member. bob saget is with us to this day and this show wouldn't have been the same without his unique sense of humor. it's been my honor to continue carrying the torch bob sobriesobriety -- so brightly lit. take a look back at bob. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that song, you guys, brings me back to my early childhood. >> i know. >> watching that with my family. it makes me so nostalgic. that was alfonso rivero. so many tributes and his funeral was over the weekend. i also want to mention on a different note. in case you were wondering if spider man topped the box office. it has been dethroned. >> scream. they have made over $30 million at the box office. far exceeded any expectation that the movie was going to do. i have to find out who is ghost face killa. >> i haven't seen it but i know the reviews are excellent. chloe, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. thanks so much for joining me, everyone. i'm laura jarrett. "new day" is next with the storm making travel tricky in cities like pittsburgh and philadelphia. thanks so much. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start?! don't pay until spring! join today at hurry! offer ends january 17th! 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Expert Team , Backing , Business , Deal , Prepaid Card , Ready , Value , Set , Save , Sale , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 500 , 24 7 , 00 , U S , Everyone , January 17th , Monday January 17th , 17 , Laura Jarrett , Start , Thanks , New York , Travel Conditions , All Around The World , Viewers , Winter Storm Front , Northeast Georgia , Christine , 5 , A Thousand , Officials , People , Temperatures , States , Front , Snow Falling , Philadelphia , East Coast , 50 Million , Power , Roads , Customers , Southeast , Flights , Behind The Wheel , Washington D C , 1200 , 180000 , Meteorologist Tyler Maldin , Snow , Northeast , Hit Pittsburgh , Paulo , Storm Center , Forecast , First Let S Go To Cnn Paulo Sandoval In Hard , Governor , Reporter , Lulls , Frozen Wintry Mess , Pennsylvania , Home , Challenge , Residents , Estate , Streets , Precipitation , Snow Event , City , Refreezing Event , Mess , Side Streets , Response , Focus , Issue , Temperature , Snow Removal , Highways , Areas , Course Plummet , Equipment , Fleet , Snow Plows , Order , Snow Removal Operations , Supply Chain Issues , Haven T , Snowplowing , Vehicles , Way , Storms , Kinds , Improvement , Cars , Folks , Covid , System , Cnn , Storm , Winter Weather , South , Rain , Black Ice Potential , North , Wake , Wall , Much , Clearing , Millions , Maine , Carolinas , Mid Atlantic , Ohio , Bit , Snowfall , Shower , Pressure System , Thunderstorm Activity , Intensity , Base , Boston , Side , Foot , Rainfall , Thunderstorms , Elevations , Case , Synagogue , Investigation , U K , Details , Connection , Siege , Teenagers , Texas , Two , Gunman , Ordeal , Standoff , Boom , Hostages , Four , 11 , Whoot Fbi , Ma Lik Akram , Sunday Morning Sabbath , Saturday , 44 , Release , Affia Saddiki , 2010 , Little , Officers , Murder , Dig , Afghanistan , Julia Kaye , Weekend , Sense , Odd , Watch List , Suspect , Hindsight , Something , Information , Part , Kind , Someone , List , Number , Fly List , Standards , Potential Suspect , Fact , Life , Couple , Group , Chunks , Question , Weaponry , Interaction , Law Enforcement , One , Lot , Statement , Wea Weaponry , Yes , Questions , Homeless Shelter , Jewish Community , Matter , Terrorism , Quote , Threat , Engagement , Subject , Voekt , Person , Target , Prison , Aim , Help Me Reckoncile , Job , Woman , Antisemite , Request , Trial , Hooves Focus , Obviously Sediki , Blood , Anti Semitism , Blood Tests , Jewish , Attraction , Ideology , Jury , Culprit , Targeting , Church , Amos B Mosque , Synagogues , Belief , Biden , Ukraine , Nurse , Russia , Vladimir Putin , Anti Vaxxers , Plus , War , Covid Shots , Scene , Water , Space , Explosion , Help , Support , Protein , Confidence , Blood Sugar Levels , Glucose Control , Muscle Health , Drink , Hunger , Diabetes , Brain Performance , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Science , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , Six , Energy , Sugar , Health , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Plug In , Technology , Scent , Febreze Fade Defy Plug , La , 50 , Schools , Glenn Youngkin , Masks , Mask Mandates , Governor Facing Push , Arlington , Herricko , Three , Staff , Mask Requirement , Mandate , Students , Richmond , Parents , School Systems , Orders , School District , Authority , Resource , Rights , Teachers , Administrators , Safety , Spread , Decision , Arlington Public Schools , Jen Psaki , White House Press Secretary , Some , Country , Spots , The Beginning Of End , Parts , Particular , Omicron Variant , Variant , Jake Tapper , Cases , Plateau , Decline , Pace , Omicron , Numbers , Elizabeth Nori , Peak , Dr , Doctor , Drop , Rest , Pediatric Medical Physician , No One , Micro Level , Town , 50000 , Regions , Community Levels , Positivity Rate , Upstate New York , Down State , 20 , Communities , Levels , Thick , Sort , Football , Choir , Mitigation Efforts , Guidance , Stage , Cdc , Issues , School , Facing , School Day , Given , Credibility , Sports , Outbreaks , Vaksing , Things , Community , Lines , Level , Lock , Event , Activities , Locker Room , Bus , Community Data , Mike Rowe , Place , North Star , Problem , Priority , Size , Patients , Difference , Improvement R Wait Being , Each Other , Sigh , Children , Illness , Anything , Trouble , Babies , Toddlers , Layer , Protection , Portion , Vaccination , Day Care , Disease , Population , Comfort , Household , Covid Test , Settings , Bye , Hope , Syringes , Italy , Palermo , Police , Vaccine , Patient , Needle , Fake , Gauze , 58 , Vaccinations , Leader , Antivax Movement , It , T Mobile , Super Bowl , Submarine , Port , Cowboys Fans , Appearance , Plan , Half , Ronald , Iphone On T Mobile , Iphone 13 , 13 , Gonna Get Creamed , The Tightness , Moderate , Skin , Tremfya , Adults , Pain , Plaque Psoriasis , Emerge Tremfyant , Risk , Symptoms , Ability , Reactions , Infections , Infection , 16 , Sign , Gum Line , Gum , Gum Repair , Floss , Gum Damage , Plaque Bacteria , Parodontax , Eyes , Sandpaper , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Combo , Emails , Strypaper , Ingredients , Preservatives , Antioxidant , Eye Drops , Electrolyte , Tears , Moisturizer , Biology , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Vo , Speaking , Reason , Bio True , Everything , Progress Isn T , Fun , Daring , World , Running , Meetings , Dream , Errands , Planning , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Boarding A Plane , Star , Tennis , Nm Com The Australian Open , Novak Djokovic , Title , Melbourne , Australia On Sunday , Dubai , Paula Hancocks , Scott Morrison , Fallout , Visa Fiasco , Conditions , Ban , Put , Opening , Reaction , Grounds , Saying , Rules , Others , Mess Up , Game , Reporting , Same , Playoffs , Paula , Everyone Else , Dallas Cowboys , Nfl , Cowboys , Jerry Jones , Playoff Losses , Quarterback , Idea , Draw , Dak Prescott Ran A , 32 , 80 , 41 , 14 , 49 , Play , Refs , Umpires , Ball , Zone , The End , Zero , Umpire , Collision , 23 , Line , Mechanics , Communication , Sideline , Clock , 30 , Thing , Chiefs , Steelers , 49ers , Packers , The Field , 7 , 0 , Ben Roethlisberger , Switch , Touchdown Passes , Patrick Mahomes , 42 , 21 , 35 , Five , Guys , God , Career , Bucs , Players , Football Team , Fans , Opportunity , Blessing , Tom Brady , Brady Looking , Performance , Title Defense , Eagles , Old Buddy , Rob Gronkowski , 105 , Look , Bengals , Cardinals , Score , Schedule , Titans , Rams , Winner , 31 , 15 , Billings , Tundra , Sons , Green Bay , Course , Donna Kelce , Games , Son , Airport , Mom , Tampa , Dedication , Choice , Evening , Elation , Both , Favorite , Bounds , Mother , Warnings , Andy , Up Next , Boris Johnson , Brittain , More , Movie , Cities , Ultra , Times , Network , Ultra Wideband , 5g , Verizon , Centrum Multigummies , Mindy , O Good , 10 , Jelly , Crowd , Text , Claire In Hd Clarity , Steve , Mom Becomes A , Yep , Places , David Sanger , Psoriasis , Choices , Splash , Entrance , Don T , Pill , Otezla , Cream , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , 75 , Treatment , Depression , Headache , History , Weight Loss , Feelings , Weight , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Medicines , Husband , Makeup Artist , 52 , Experiences , Love , 2002 , Cosmetic , Eye Problems , Effects , Frown Lines , Forehead , Injection , Feet , Breathing , Difficulty Swallowing , Crow , Fda , Side Effects , Botulinum Toxins , Muscle Weakness , Condition , Injection Site Pain , Medications , Skin Infection , Muscle , Eyelid Swelling , Nerve , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Beauty , Inner Voice , Small Business Owner , Owner , Hand Gestures , Bond , Window , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Kombucha Brewer , Sneaker , Intuit Quickbooks , Voice , Furniture Maker , Furniture , Business Finances , Lost , Voltaren , Business Stands , Arthritis Pain Gel , Success Starts , Alternative , Pills , Man , Discount , Burke , Gel , Policies , Movement , Farmers , Arthritis Pain Relief , Auto Insurance , Wife , Hon , Honey , Discounts , Coverage , Jet Skis , Boat , Farmers Policy Perks , Forty Five , Bum , Sup , Dad , Garage , Kid , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Weakness , Cold War , Commander In Chief , House Foreign Affairs Committee , Tensions , Republican , Words , Miscalculation , Operatives , Troop Buildup , Flag , Ukraine Border , President , Operation , Team Coverage , Pretexts , Invasion , Fred Pleitgen , Moscow , Delaware , Dmitry Peskov , Russians , Talks , Nato , Guarantees , Tracks , Weapons , Expansion , Suggestions , Call , Kremlin , Mind , Venezuela , Cuba , Kould , Angle , Jasmine Wright , Sources , White House , Stops , Impact , Attribution , Jake Sullivan , Cyber Attack , We Haven T , Wouldn T , Aka , Sanctions , Playbook , He Wouldn T Go , Position , Metric , Success , Test , Instruction , Stake , Office , Plate , White House National Security , New York Times , Correspondent , Administration , Talk , Point , Doubt , Demands , Ukraine Isn T , Demand , Distance , Room , Strength , Show , Pacific Region , Treaties , Indoe , Message , Missiles , Showing , Dozens , Warheads , Island Chain , Effort , China , Second , Region , North Korea , Reminder , Moratorium , Attention , Frustration , Demonstration , Globe , Rivals , Up Front , First , Fronts , Reset , Timing , Last , Role , Anybody , Indoepacific , Flowering , Obama , Everybody , Moves , Surprise , Prescription , Key , To Be With You , David Senger , Parties , News , Partygate Scandal , Clinging , Calls , Downing Street , 10 Downing Street , Lockdown , Another , Crises , Nina Dos Santos , Party , Car , Wheels , Letters , 53 , Allegations , Queen , Funeral , Nation , Chapel , Aisle , Mourning , 74 , Members , Distancing , Public , Regulations , Outrage , Ruling , Roles , Context , Narratives , Erupting Underwater Volcano In The South Pacific , Satellite Images , Island Tongue Gee , Tsunamis , Pictures , Hawaii , Japan , Ash Cloud , Satellite Image , 63000 , 43 , Aviation , Australia , Giving Poor Air Quality , Queensland , Eruption , Saon , Observatory , Saon All The Way , Alaska , Fairbanks , 6000 , Harry , Shock Wave , Add , Stuff , Tribute , Fight , Bill , Bob Sag Get , Death , Smoking , Nicorette , Bottom , Tops , Mountains , Guy , Cold Turkey , The Ocean , Nicorette Jeff , Stroke Risk , Afib , Care , Safe , Heart Valve Problem , Stop Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Warfarin , Trail , Stroke , Bruise , Bruising , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Procedures , Battle , Max Foster , Kids , Pointing , Grandmother , Incidents , London , Extremists , Story , Security , Home Office , Tabloid , Review , Sussexs , Pay , Any , Hire , Celebrities , Guns , Family , Security Issues , Tributes , Bob Saget , Latest , The 90s Show He Mosted First , Oprah , 90 , Bob Being , Material , America S Funniest Home Videos , House , Host , Seasons , Hit Show America S Funniest Home Videos , 1997 , 1989 , Eight , Take A Look , Family Member , Compilation , Legend , Afe , Honor , Humor , Bob Sobriesobriety , Childhood , Song , Alfonso Rivero , Box Office , Spider Man , Note , Dethroned , Scream , 0 Million , Expectation , 30 Million , Reviews , Chloe , Ghost Face Killa , Storm Making Travel Tricky , Cough , Rob , Works , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Liz , Nerd , 12 , Ww , Points , Coughs , Shopping , Mucinex Dm , James Corden , Ice Cream , Food , Sandwiches , Foods , Clothes , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , 28 , Limits , Phone , Device , 800 ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

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to maine. 50 million people under winter weather alerts at this hour. snow falling in philadelphia overnight. forecast to switch over to rain as the temperatures warm up along the front. officials in states up and down the east coast urging people to stay off the roads if at all possible. this is what it looks like behind the wheel there in washington, d.c. more than 1200 flights canceled in the u.s. today, more than 180,000 customers without power. mostly in the southeast. now the storm center is moving into the northeast. meteorologist tyler maldin is standing by with the forecast this morning. first let's go to cnn's paulo sandoval in hard-hit pittsburgh. paulo, i can see the snow coming down. how bad is it? >> reporter: frozen wintry mess. we're experiencing some lulls since we began to see the snowfall yesterday. nonetheless, it has been piling up here. pennsylvania's governor has been urging residents of the state to simply stay home as of yesterday because, again, that precipitation continues to come down. the big challenge in pittsburgh, laura, has been to try to keep the streets clear. we had a major snow event at the beginning of the month here and the city recognized their response fell short. many side streets became a frozen mess. they did not anticipate a refreezing event so the big challenge and focus is trying to keep these roads and highways clear should the temperature of course plummet as we expect to see throughout much of the affected areas. the big issue here has also been an aging fleet of snow plows and snow removal equipment. the city said on friday they have well over a dozen vehicles already ordered to try to keep up with snowplowing and snow removal operations but those haven't come in but they're on back order due to supply chain issues due to covid. nonetheless, the city here, laura, says they can expect -- residents can expect a significant improvement in the way the city handles these kinds of storms. >> hopefully most folks stay at home. i see very few cars out there. okay, paulo? thank you. let's get the very latest on the storm with cnn meteorologist tyler maldin for us. how bad is this going to get and how long is it going to stick around? >> this system is moving up to the north and east and in its wake it has left behind melted snow and rain across the south. some freezing temperatures. that spells black ice potential for us this morning and maybe on into tomorrow as well. we also have winter weather alerts from northeast georgia all the way up into maine. millions under winter weather alerts because of the system. clearing out in the carolinas. mid-atlantic. heavy snow across all of new york, much of pennsylvania on into ohio. that's rounding the base of that low pressure system and moving up. new york city, dealing with a little bit of shower and thunderstorm activity right now. boston, you're about to see some snowfall really pick up in intensity here soon. this system will continue to push up to the northeast. we'll deal with it all day long. rainfall and thunderstorms. on the cold side we continue with the heavy snowfall. we could see, laura, we could see in the higher elevations more than a foot of snow. >> tyler, thank you. new this morning, the investigation into that day-long siege at a texas synagogue deepening with two teenagers arrested in the u.k. further details about their possible connection to the case have not been released so far. a loud boom could be heard outside as the ordeal came to an end sunday with the gunman shot dead after a nearly 11 hour standoff. all four hostages were freed unharmed thankfully. the fbi has identified saturday's gunman as 44-year-old british citizen ma'lik akram. he entered as the sunday morning sabbath was live streamed. >> hard to hear there. they believe he may have been trying to get the release of affia saddiki. she was convicted for the 2010 attempted murder of u.s. officers in afghanistan. dig in a little deeper on all of this this morning. julia kaye, so nice to have you this morning. i know you've been following this all weekend. does it strike you as odd that neither u.s. officials nor u.k. officials appear to have had the suspect on any watch list? >> odd only in the sense that we're looking at this from hindsight after he's attacked the synagogue and now he's dead, but the challenge for information is that someone has to do something derogatory before they would even be part of an investigation let alone make the kind of list that would pivot them from coming to the united states. the no fly list has a certain number of standards that are required to be satisfied by a potential suspect before they are on the no fly list. it's meant to be limited, to be quite targeted. why there was no derogatory information, why they didn't know much about him may have to do with the fact he seems to have drifted for huge chunks of his life, what we know right now. he certainly drifted in the united states for a couple of weeks and he may not have been tied to any formal group or had any interaction with law enforcement. i'll tell you, laura, the one question i have is how did he get access to weaponry? that's the biggest question. he's in the united states. we don't know what he had on him specifically, but how did he get -- if true, how did he get wea weaponry? >> appeared to have been drifting, living in a homeless shelter for a period of time. >> yes. >> a lot of questions there. >> the fbi put up this statement calling it a terrorism related matter in, quote, which the jewish community was targeted. it was a synagogue. here's what the fbi said saturday. >> i do not have any information right now that indicates that this is part of any kind of ongoing threat. we obviously are investigating. we'll continue to voekt. we do believe from our engagement with this subject he was singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the jewish community. >> help me reckoncile whoot fbi is saying here. can you parse this out? why target a synagogue if the aim was to get this person released from prison? >> right. the fbi does such an incredible job so that was an unfortunate statement. obviously sediki, the woman hooves focus of a potential release request is a well-known antisemite. during her trial she insisted that the jury take blood tests to make sure they had no jewish blood in them. you can get a sense of what her ideology is. so clearly her anti-semitism is part of her attraction to people like the culprit on saturday and his targeting of the synagogue can therefore only be seen related to that. she was a church. he chose amos b mosque. what the fbi meant was there was no belief any other synagogues would be attacked. >> thank you appreciate it. >> thank you. and coming up for you, russia's vladimir putin and the threat of war over ukraine. what is president biden willing to do to stop him? plus, a nurse accused of faking covid shots for anti-vaxxers. and a remarkable scene captured from space. a powerful explosion under water. that's next. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. does your plug-in fade too fast? try febreze fade defy plug. it has built-in technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell first day fresh for 50 days. la la la la la. new this morning, schools, masks, and a governor facing push back. three schools aren't following governor glenn youngkin's order to lift mask mandates. arlington and herricko near richmond said they are maintaining mask requirement for students and staff. youngkin lifted the mandate on saturday. he was asked what he plans to do about school systems that defy his orders? >> we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what we can do and will do in order to make sure that parents rights are protected. >> now some parents are applauding their school district's decision to stick with the masks. among them, white house press secretary jen psaki. thank you to arlington public schools for standing up for our kids, teachers, administrators and their safety. meantime, the spread of the omicron variant seems to be slowing down in some of the earliest hot spots so is this the beginning of the end for the highly contagious variant? jake tapper was told not so fast. >> there are parts of the country, new york in particular, and other parts of the northeast where we are starting to see a plateau and early decline in cases. the challenge is the entire country is not moving at the same pace. omicron started later so we shouldn't expect a peak in the next coming days. >> some states numbers are dropping like new york. let's bring in dr. elizabeth nori. she's a pediatric medical physician. an "early start" reiser here with me. doctor, what do you think it means for the rest of the country that we're seeing this drop in cases in those early hot spots like new york? >> any drop in numbers we're certainly going to take. no one's going to complain about that, but i think it's important we remember looking at the macro numbers, something that needs to be controlled at a micro level is important. new york numbers are town to about 50,000 cases. that's still more than twice where we were in early december. the cases are still quite significant. those are coming from down state. upstate new york has many regions where the positivity rate is 20% or higher. we need to be focusing on what's happening within the community levels. again, we'll take the lower levels. there's a lot of communities that are still very much in the thick of it. ongoing mitigation efforts are still important. >> the cdc says cancel football, choir. is this sort of guidance at this stage in the pandemic helpful given sort of the credibility issues that the cdc is facing? >> it's tough because i think kids want to be back to normal and they want to participate in the fun part of their school day, but we know in school with vaksing and even in communities that had have excellent numbers in schools we're seeing outbreaks in sports and other activities. we've seen that in my community. it's not the sports, it's the bus drive to the event, locker room, things a lock those lines. if your community data is showing you those are the mike rowe level hot spots then, yes, i do think we need to cut back on some of those things. the north star is keeping them in place. but if we're startling to see those numbers a priority. if it's a problem, we've got to follow it. >> as you've often said, there is no one size fits all. you have to tailor it to what your community is going through. >> you're dealing with young covid patients, seeing them every day, every week. how much difference do you think final improvement r wait being. >> the collective sigh will be heard worldwide when that comes through. young children do a great job of spreading illness to each other. we've always known that is the case. from the very young babies or toddlers having trouble keeping themselves hydrated. anything we can do to prevent disease is so very important. if we can get this last portion of our population an extra layer of protection with the vaccination, i think it's going to be great and a great comfort to parents who have been so very worried about their little ones getting them into day care, back into the school settings with an extra layer of protection is going to be great. >> every day we see the negative covid test is a good day in our household. we wait and keep going as we have been. >> thank you. >> bye-bye. >> hope to see you back soon. now to this remarkable case overseas. a nurse in palermo, italy, has been arrested for helping anti-vaxxers by draining the syringes before giving them the shots. 58-year-old woman emptying the vaccine into gauze showing the patients before injecting the patient with an empty needle. police say she received a fake shot herself with the help of another nurse who was arrested in december for allegedly administering fake vaccinations. among them a leader in italy's antivax movement. coming up for you, a nuclear submarine makes an appearance in a port. >> cowboys fans stunned. super bowl dreams stamped. ...and t-mobile will pay for it! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile... let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers, can upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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well, you make it to both games of course. donna kelce was at her son's game and then headed to the airport and she made it for the second half. >> yes, it's your mom. >> what's up, mom. glad you made it. >> i know. i actually made it. disappointing tampa game. this was an elation. that's what makes sports so great because you can be depressed in the morning and elated in the evening. >> i tell you what, laura, that's some dedication right there. i guess you have no choice, right? you either go to neither game or go to both if you don't want to pick a favorite. >> a mother's dedication has no bounds. i love that. just wonderful. >> thanks, andy, appreciate it. up next, president biden's warnings doing little to deter vladimir putin. can he do anything to stop russia from invading ukraine? brittain's boris johnson in trouble. o good. try centrum multigummies. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ do you think we are in a new cold war with russia? >> i do. i do because i think putin again smells weakness here. he knows if he's ever going to invade ukraine, now is the time. i hope he doesn't make that miscalculation, but the fact is, if he does invade ukraine, what is the united states, what is our commander in chief prepared to do to stop it? >> strong words from the top republican on the house foreign affairs committee talking about growing u.s. tensions with russia over its massive troop buildup on the ukraine border. cnn was first to report showing russia has prepositioned operatives to potentially conduct a false flag operation to create a pretexts for russian invasion. we have team coverage with cnn's jasmine wright traveling with the president in delaware and first fred pleitgen joins me live from moscow. good morning. >> a lot of new information coming out over the weekend and today as well. >> the russians are saying in talks with dmitry peskov said that right now the u.s. and russia, as he put it, are on completely different tracks. he called that disturbing as well. the russians want guarantees, namely no more nato expansion. not because they are afraid of ukraine but they are afraid nato could put weapons that could hurt russia into ukraine. one of the things befound out this morning, we were on a call with the kremlin, he said some of the suggestions we heard that russia would not rule outputting nuclear weapons in places like cuba or venezuela. keep in mind he poured kould water over those suggestions. it's ramping up, rather than letting down. >> let's get the white house angle on this. what is president biden prepared to do to stop putin from invading ukraine. let's bring in cnn's jasmine wright. what are you hearing from your sources? >> well, laura, white house officials have been really clear they are ready to impose stops on russia. they will be big, high impact. more severe than what russia has seen before and able to impact everyday life. one thing that we haven't heard from u.s. officials yet is official attribution, aka, who is behind the latest cyber attack. jake sullivan, he said yesterday that he wouldn't be surprised if russia was behind it as it is part of their playbook, but he wouldn't go any further than that when talking about sanctions for the specific cyber attack. he wanted to wait for attribution. one thing he said is a metric of success is whether the u.s. ends up in a better strategic position and russia ends up in a worse strategic position. that's a test that happens over weeks and months. while that happens, before then president biden has a lot at stake and he is going to be judged especially if russia does really defy the u.s. and defy his instruction and invade ukraine. so there is a lot on the line as he heads to mark his first year in office. >> a lot on his plate foreign and domestic. jasmine, thank you. joining me now to discuss all of this, cnn political and national security analyst david sanger, a white house national security correspondent for the "new york times." do you think president biden should proceed? a lot of talk but at a certain point it won't be enough. >> that's certainly right. some doubt within the administration about whether the tough talk and the threat of sanctions is going to be enough to deter him. they're stuck in a sort of odd place here, one of putin's major demands is that ukraine never join nato. never is a long time, but ukraine isn't joining nato any time soon. so it sounds like there could be some room there. and another big demand is working out something to keep american nuclear weapons at some distance. that's what we had in the past treaties as possibly you could imagine that being renegotiated. >> david, at the same time we saw this rare show of strength for the u.s. in the indoe pacific region. carrying 20 ballistic missiles and dozens of nuclear warheads. what message are they trying to send with a showing of strength? >> well, you know, our nuclear submarine patrolled the pacific for a long time but usually you don't see them. here there's sort of a double message going on, i think. one, of course, is to china at a moment that there is an effort by the chinese again to push the u.s. sort of out to the next island chain and make sure that they are seen as the dominant power in the region, but the second is to north korea which has picked the past four or five days, past couple of weeks to shoot off a number of their different missiles after a long moratorium and, you know, a reminder that this show of frustration on their part that they haven't gotten the world's attention can be responded to. i'm not sure these kinds of demonstration are effective. >> china, russia, rivals around the globe, is it time for the administration to do a reset or is this just sort of bad timing on a lot of fronts? >> well, look, i think we've got a couple of things going on. the first is china has been more aggressive, more up front in pushing its role in the indoepacific and around the world than anybody expected. that started really during the last of the obama years and proceeded through the trump years and i think you're now seeing a full flowering of it. i think that putin's moves on ukraine and his broad demands right now, that was a bit of a surprise to everybody and he is probably sensing a bit of the president's weakness here at home, at least the fact that the president is dealing with so many different issues. it's a moment that the president has to recognize that his own prescription, building strength at home is the key to building it abroad, is really where he's got to start. >> certainly has a lot going on at the same time but he is the president. david senger, thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. great to be with you. in the u.k. the partygate scandal has prime minister boris johnson clinging to his job. he's facing growing calls to resign after news emerged at numerous parties at 10 downing street while the rest of the u.k. was in lockdown. nina dos santos joins me. can the president survive all of these crises one after another? >> reporter: good morning. well, at the moment because of the mechanics meaning you have to have 53 letters expressing in writing no confidence from his party is premature. the wheels are coming off a little bit and the car is going faster and faster downhill. that's the sense at downing street. more allegations of these parties that have been taking place during lockdown including a couple of parties that seem to be taking place at a time when the nation and queen are mourning and parties that might have taken place hours before the queen was about to walk down the aisle in the chapel where the funeral was taking place for her husband of 74 years on her own because of the social distancing regulations. that has prompted outrage across the british public, prompted a number of ruling members design and they'll reset the narratives to go with the rules as well. >> helpful to understand the roles and context. an erupting underwater volcano in the south pacific captured in the spectacular satellite images triggering tsunamis in hawaii, japan and the largest island tongue gee. tyler maldin, welcome back in. the pictures are remarkable. >> take a look at the satellite image behind me. the ash cloud was lofted into the air 43 to 63,000 kilometers and now it's pushing other queensland. moving over australia. giving poor air quality. no threat to aviation at this time. the eruption was, get this, 6,000 miles away as fairbanks, alaska. this -- we were able to find saon or pick up on saon all the way up to the observatory in fairbanks, alaska. just to add to this, it was so powerful the shock wave was reported all the way into the u.k. so just really crazy stuff. >> just incredible. tyler, thank you. appreciate you coming back. still ahead, prince harry locked in a legal fight over paying for his security in the u.k. why he wants to foot the bill himself. and a moving tribute to bob sag get after his sudden death. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette jeff's been to the bottom of the ocean. the tops of mountains. and wherever this guy runs off to. a life well lived should continue at home. with home instead care, older adults can stay home, safe, and happy. home instead. to us, it's personal. i'm still drawn to what's next. even with higher stroke risk due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin that's a trail i want to take. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without 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private security won't be enough. this story came out because a british tabloid got information and the sussexs wanted to make sure it was all right they say. what they're saying is they're taking the home office to judicial review to not provide or let harry pay for police support. that explains why they haven't been over. they say this can't be allowed. it means the british police are guns for hire for any celebrities for any -- that want to come over to the u.k. this is when they're pointing to the family. they talked to the family about this. >> you remember all of the talk about the security issues and the story with oprah. thank you for reporting. appreciate it. the tributes continue to pour in for beloved comedian bob saget. the latest from the 90s show he mosted first, america's funniest home videos. they had so much material to work from. of what they called bob being bob. remember when he was on full house he was on another hit show america's funniest home videos. he starred as the host from 1989 to 1997, eight seasons. they did this amazing compilation of some of his best moments. take a look. >> as you've heard, the world lost a legend last week. afe lost a family member. bob saget is with us to this day and this show wouldn't have been the same without his unique sense of humor. it's been my honor to continue carrying the torch bob sobriesobriety -- so brightly lit. take a look back at bob. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that song, you guys, brings me back to my early childhood. >> i know. >> watching that with my family. it makes me so nostalgic. that was alfonso rivero. so many tributes and his funeral was over the weekend. i also want to mention on a different note. in case you were wondering if spider man topped the box office. it has been dethroned. >> scream. they have made over $30 million at the box office. far exceeded any expectation that the movie was going to do. i have to find out who is ghost face killa. >> i haven't seen it but i know the reviews are excellent. chloe, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. thanks so much for joining me, everyone. i'm laura jarrett. 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Forty Five , Bum , Sup , Dad , Garage , Kid , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Weakness , Cold War , Commander In Chief , House Foreign Affairs Committee , Tensions , Republican , Words , Miscalculation , Operatives , Troop Buildup , Flag , Ukraine Border , President , Operation , Team Coverage , Pretexts , Invasion , Fred Pleitgen , Moscow , Delaware , Dmitry Peskov , Russians , Talks , Nato , Guarantees , Tracks , Weapons , Expansion , Suggestions , Call , Kremlin , Mind , Venezuela , Cuba , Kould , Angle , Jasmine Wright , Sources , White House , Stops , Impact , Attribution , Jake Sullivan , Cyber Attack , We Haven T , Wouldn T , Aka , Sanctions , Playbook , He Wouldn T Go , Position , Metric , Success , Test , Instruction , Stake , Office , Plate , White House National Security , New York Times , Correspondent , Administration , Talk , Point , Doubt , Demands , Ukraine Isn T , Demand , Distance , Room , Strength , Show , Pacific Region , Treaties , Indoe , Message , Missiles , Showing , Dozens , Warheads , Island Chain , Effort , China , Second , Region , North Korea , Reminder , Moratorium , Attention , Frustration , Demonstration , Globe , Rivals , Up Front , First , Fronts , Reset , Timing , Last , Role , Anybody , Indoepacific , Flowering , Obama , Everybody , Moves , Surprise , Prescription , Key , To Be With You , David Senger , Parties , News , Partygate Scandal , Clinging , Calls , Downing Street , 10 Downing Street , Lockdown , Another , Crises , Nina Dos Santos , Party , Car , Wheels , Letters , 53 , Allegations , Queen , Funeral , Nation , Chapel , Aisle , Mourning , 74 , Members , Distancing , Public , Regulations , Outrage , Ruling , Roles , Context , Narratives , Erupting Underwater Volcano In The South Pacific , Satellite Images , Island Tongue Gee , Tsunamis , Pictures , Hawaii , Japan , Ash Cloud , Satellite Image , 63000 , 43 , Aviation , Australia , Giving Poor Air Quality , Queensland , Eruption , Saon , Observatory , Saon All The Way , Alaska , Fairbanks , 6000 , Harry , Shock Wave , Add , Stuff , Tribute , Fight , Bill , Bob Sag Get , Death , Smoking , Nicorette , Bottom , Tops , Mountains , Guy , Cold Turkey , The Ocean , Nicorette Jeff , Stroke Risk , Afib , Care , Safe , Heart Valve Problem , Stop Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Warfarin , Trail , Stroke , Bruise , Bruising , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Procedures , Battle , Max Foster , Kids , Pointing , Grandmother , Incidents , London , Extremists , Story , Security , Home Office , Tabloid , Review , Sussexs , Pay , Any , Hire , Celebrities , Guns , Family , Security Issues , Tributes , Bob Saget , Latest , The 90s Show He Mosted First , Oprah , 90 , Bob Being , Material , America S Funniest Home Videos , House , Host , Seasons , Hit Show America S Funniest Home Videos , 1997 , 1989 , Eight , Take A Look , Family Member , Compilation , Legend , Afe , Honor , Humor , Bob Sobriesobriety , Childhood , Song , Alfonso Rivero , Box Office , Spider Man , Note , Dethroned , Scream , 0 Million , Expectation , 30 Million , Reviews , Chloe , Ghost Face Killa , Storm Making Travel Tricky , Cough , Rob , Works , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Liz , Nerd , 12 , Ww , Points , Coughs , Shopping , Mucinex Dm , James Corden , Ice Cream , Food , Sandwiches , Foods , Clothes , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , 28 , Limits , Phone , Device , 800 ,

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