Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709

for the very latest on its path, meteorologist tom seder is in the cnn weather center. it's coming down big time in d.c. right now. i was just looking out the window in the d.c. bureau. it is just -- there is the capitol right there. you can't even see it. that's how much it's snowing here in washington, but things are tough all over, as we know. >> yeah. where you are, jim, i forecasted in d.c. for years that i-95 corridor is a really tricky area to forecast because you're right on the rain/snow line. and more northern parts may start as snow but generally will chain over to rain. let's explain the watches and the mornings right now. what a storm, pushed out of the dakotas over a foot of snow, 14 in des moines, they got 9 inches in mississippi. tupelo could see a little bit more. these warnings do not include boston, new york city. philly's going to be a little interesting. i do want to show you the radar, and i included florida here because we had a rare january tornado, and there were injuries. more on that in a moment. we are getting some good news. it looks like it's coming to an end soon in the nashville area. east of there it was really significant icing. still a bit of icing in problem areas where the temperatures are trying to drop low enough that it's all snow in the south. but even in atlanta they're getting more south of atlanta. but everything's going to refreeze overnight tonight. some good news for raleigh. their temperatures are rising so their snow has changed to rain which means the peak has probably passed. but northward there are areas of concern in the piedmont and virginia and will lose power probably for millions in the next 24 hours. here's the storm moving up. coastal flooding a concern. coastal jersey up into connecticut and rhode island, long island as well, significant snowfall not just in the appalachians. but if you look at this snow in areas inland, the concern really eastern ohio, western pennsylvania, pittsburgh, cleveland, buffalo. widespread power outages, but the ice, jim, i'm really concerned about, i do want to take you down to florida because at 7:30 a tornado developed right near areas of fort myers. this was an ef-2 declared by the national weather service, that means maximum winds at 118 miles per hour, it only lasted five minutes, 108 homes damaged, 30 of them completely destroyed, some of them even off their foundations. that concern has at least come to an end. but the winds will pick up with blizzard conditions in the north. >> wow, that is a powerful storm. all right, tom, busy night for you. thanks so much for that. we appreciate it. turning now to saturday's terrifying hostage situation at a synagogue in colveal, texas. officials say four people including a rabbi who were held hostage are now safe after an 11-hour ordeal after the suspect is now dead. he was armed with a gun as he entered the synagogue. it was live streamed. let's go to cnn's ed lavandera who is on the scene for us in colleyville, texas. we were just following it all day yesterday, we were just worried sick about that. but we now have audio from inside that building. ed, what more are we learning? >> reporter: hey, jim. we reported extensively on this yesterday what it was like for congregation members of the beth israel synagogue here in colleyville, texas, to watch the beginnings of this hostage situation unfold on the live stream of the sabbath services. several congregation members told us they were listening to the suspects screaming frantically on there, vacillating emotionally between being apologetic and angry. this is a sampling of what some of those synagogue members were listening to. >> you know, you can make out some of that -- how some of it is incoherent. that reference to his sister is not his biological sister, but it is someone who authorities told us is aafi siddiqui who is a jihadist imprisoned, and he was supposedly there due to get this prisoner free. in this statement, it does offer some new details of how the end of this hostage situation unfolded. i'm going to read that statement to you now. he says, over the years my congregation and i have participated in multiple security courses from the colleyville police department, the fbi, the antidefamation league, and secure community network. we are alive today because of that education. i encourage all jewish congregations, religious groups, schools and others to participate in active shooter security courses. and this is where the rabbi offers new details. in the last hour of our hostage crisis, the gunman became increasingly belligerent and threatening without the instruction we received we would not have been prepared to act and flee when the situation presented itself. there is no question that this was a traumatic experience. we appreciate all the love, prayers and support from our local community and throughout the world. we are grateful for the outcome, we are resilient, and we will recover. so the rabbi there alluding to how all of this unfolded at the very end that it had become much more belligerent. remember, the hostage rescue team that was flown in from virginia for the fbi had just arrived just a few hours before all of this ended. jim? >> all right, ed lavandera, just some dramatic details there. thank you very much. and this just in, the brother of the suspect has put out a statement on facebook saying, quote, and we can show this to you, we are absolutely devastated as a family, we as a family do not condone any of his actions and would like to sincerely apologize wholeheartedly to all the victims involved in the unfortunate incident. my brother was suffering from mental health issues. and sources tell cnn the suspect was inspired by his desire to free a federal prisoner named aafia siddiqui, who is currently serving an 80-year sentence in texas after being arrested. while most americans have never heard her name before, experts say she is an icon among islamic terrorists. joining me now is the person who led the prosecution against aafia siddiqui, cnn legal ana analyst preet bharara. >> she's been in prison for over 12 years. her trial was 12 years ago almost to the week. her case began when she was a person who was suspected of having terrorist ties. she was radicalized after 9/11. she's a highly educated, extremely smart person who became a neuroscientist, educated at m.i.t., got her phd at brandeis university. but there came a time in the mid-2000s when she was being looked for by authorities. she was found in afghanistan in 2008. and on her person or in a bag on her person were found, among other things, two pounds of sodium cyanide, bombmaking plans, what looked like an apparent list of targets including grand central station, the statue of liberty. and she was taken to be questioned in a building in a small town in afghanistan. and while she was on the second floor, members of the 101st airborne of the united states military showed up to join in the question. and in the moment that was unexpected by the folks who were doing the questioning, she took a firearm, an m4 from one of the people who was in the room and she began firing at everyone in the room. luckily it didn't hit anyone. while she was firing, she was stating anti-american sentiment "i want to kill as many effing americans as i can." she was taken into custody after being shot and taken care of and then sent to new york after being prosecuted. the trial took place in january of 2010. during that trial, by the way, for parts of the trial, and this is highly unusual, because of outbursts that she engaged in, including things of anti-semitism and also disruptive of the trial, she had to watch from her prison cell much of her own trial by live feed, camera feed. so she got a very significant sentence after being convicted because of the nature of the crime, because of the terrorism enhancement, the discharge of the weapon. and so some people who are anti-american and who are jihadist think that she is a martyr for them because she got sentenced to 86 years in prison, and for a lot of people because she is a woman in that position and a highly educated person, they think that her case was unfair and they use it in ways extreme and, like we saw over the weekend, quite extreme acts of violence to show solidarity with her and try to get her released. and it's sad and unfortunate that that happened and i want to add my voice to all those who are in making sure all the hostages were released and unharmed. >> but people who are obsessed with siddiqui's case and siddiqui's story, do those kinds of messages show up on social media? do they enter into sort of a threat stream analysis that law enforcement looks at? is that something that law enforcement should be looking at moving forward? i mean, if people are making statements that they are going to act out on her behalf, i suppose that is something law enforcement is going to have to keep an eye out for. >> yeah, no, absolutely. she's not the only one. there are other people who have been imprisoned in connection with terrorist acts, the first world trade center bombing. and there are people all the time all over the place who are under surveillance either electronically or human intelligence gathering to make sure that an eye is being kept on those folks. she was one of those people in the first place. the reason she came into custody in the first place in 2008 because she was doing and saying and interacting with people, things that caused concern to military officials and intelligence officials, and law enforcement officials in the united states of america. so, you can't catch everything in advance. i don't know yet, i haven't seen the reporting or the investigation as to what this person who engaged in the hostage taking, what signals he might've given and how persuasive they were and how much it really looked like he would do something. but there's a lot of this that goes on, thousands of people in the american government who pay attention to this every day. >> fascinating, preet, thank you very much for that important insight. coming up, call it the origin story of the man accused of planning a massively bloody revolution of joe biden took office, the leader of what appears for the military wing against the war of democracy gave little reason to believe he would ever be rushing to the aid of donald trump, when i first spoke with him in 2009. >> our role is not to be obedient to whoever happens to be the leader. our role is to defend the constitution and the republic. >> are the oath keepers a militia group? >> no. we don't need d to be. we're e the military and police. dove 0% aluminum deodorant lasting protection that's kinder on skin.n. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? they're banking, with bank of america. his girlfriend just caught the bouquet, so he's checking in on that ring fund. that photographer? he's looking for something a little more zen, so he's thinking, “i'll open a yoga studio.” and as for the father of the bride? he's checking to see if he's on track to do this all over again... and again. bank of america's digital tools are so impressive, you just can't stop banking. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ the new ww personal points program. it's particular to you. what's your favorite food? avocado. you can fill a bathtub. i love it. with guacamole. all over. helps the skin, helps the body. join now, pay later. get three months free at hurry! offer ends january 17th. so, i had this segment laid out where i was going to call out all of the people who were prolonging this pandemic with phony covid cures and antivaccine garbage. i was going to talk about ex-football player and republican candidate for u.s. senate in georgia herschel walker who raved about what he calls a dry mist that can kill covid in an interview in 2020. >> they can bring you into a building that will clean you from covid as you walk through this mist. as you walk through the door it will kill any covid on your body, epa, fda approved. when you leave, it will kill the virus. they don't want to talk about that. >> maybe because it doesn't work. now, i was going to point out that walker was talking to right-wing personality glenn beck who says he's unvaccinated and announced this past week that he has caught the virus for a second time. >> it's now into my lungs today, and it's a little disturbing. but i'm on all the medication and treatment and everything else. the monoclonal doesn't seem to be working for the new strain. i'm on ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, what is it, fluvoxamine. >> i was going to say, glenn, the, i did my own research crowd, has already moved on to viagra. and, hey, why not mention the guy in alabama telling people to drink their own urine to cure covid? >> the antidote that we've seen now -- and we have tons and tons of research -- is urine therapy. and i know a lot of you this sounds crazy. but god's given us everything we need. >> please don't do that either. all of this to reiterate the point there are people out there trying to make a buck or find fame on the internet or do what we hear in washington so often, people fundraising for their political campaigns, a point raised by dr. anthony fauci in his fiery exchange with republican senator rand paul last week. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there, and i have threats upon my life, harassments of my family and my children with obscene phone calls because people are lying about me. so i ask myself, why would senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website, and you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says, contribute here. you can do $5, $10, $20, $100. so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> and all of that fundraising may be great for your re-election, but it won't save lives. the vaccine will. the war on science and our scientists and on the truth it's killing us. i was going to get into all of that, and i suppose i just did. but something happened last thursday afternoon that changed everything and served as a reminder of this ongoing war on our democracy, which is still in peril today. thursday afternoon was when the justice department announced that the leader of the far-right group the oath keepers and ten others had been charged with seditious conspiracy for their alleged actions on january 6th. the group's leader stewart rhodes told his followers to prepare for a bloody and desperate fight. another defendant is accused of going on a recon michigan to waf just after the election. federal investigators say some of those charges, stockpiled weapons in a hotel. was to stop the transfer of power to president biden. i interviewed rhodes back in 2019, and at the time he said this about his organization. >> our role is not to be obedient to whoever happens to be the leader, our role is to defend the constitution and the republic. >> are the oath keepers a militia group? >> no. we don't need to be. we're the military and police. >> defend the constitution and the republic, he once told me. doesn't look like that in the video from january 6th. not a lot of oath keeping going on there. now, rhodes has been charged with seditious conspiracy. he has pleaded not guilty. but these new charges run counter to what tucker carlson has been saying. where are all the sedition charges, he has asked. >> oh, it was an insurrection. so how many of the participants in that insurrection have been charged with insurrecting, with sedition, with treason? zero, by the biden justice department, said they've been charged with effectively trespassing. >> i guess tucker forgot about the previous court documents entered in the oath keepers' case showing what appears to be gun cases being moved around that hotel in virginia. for tourists, it was a lot of luggage. the oath keepers were spotted hanging with trump adviser roger stone outside the willard hotel on january 6th. stone, who are has denied any wrongdoing, told reporters last month he pleaded the fifth to the january 6th committee. >> in fulfillment of a federal subpoena, i did my civic duty, and i responded as required by law. [ inaudible ] i did invoke my fifth amendment rights to every question. >> we're talking about the same willard hotel where trump allies like john eastman, rudy giuliani, and others, according to the january 6th committee were working on a plan to have then vice president mike pence toss out the official electors that would make biden president in fate of a different. this revelation by american oversight involving trump allies who sent phony documents -- there they are -- to the national archives, declaring that trump won a bunch of key battleground states instead of biden. yes, that happened. the bogus documents appear to have been sent from local gop operatives posing as electors in places like pennsylvania and arizona. these documents are fake. reporters in arizona caught up with one of that state's gop lawmakers who signed these documents posing as an alternate ele elector for trump. we have reached out to him for comment, have not heard back, but here's how he explains it. >> what authority did you find yourself as an elector? >> so in unprecedented times, unprecedented action, there is no case law, there is no precedent that exists as to whether or not an election that is currently being litigated in the courts has due standing, which is why we felt it appropriate to provide congress and the vice president with dueling opinions. >> did you have direction from anybody in doing this? was it you yourself doing this? or did someone give you advice on the manner in which you could do it? >> i was one of the electors. i'm not in charge of the elector. >> how did you hear about it? were you just told to be somewhere? >> you would need to ask the party chair that. >> phony electors, a fake cure for trump's real election loss, kind of like the ivermectin of our democracy. back in december of 2020 white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany told -- >> the only metro areas where joe biden beat hillary clinton ironically in those states there has been an alternate slate of electors voted upon that congress will decide in january. >> all of this raises a crucial question that's at the heart of everything, what exactly was trump doing during the insurrection? he was letting it play out on tv, we know. one former white house official recently told me that. but trump was also talking to kevin mccarthy. he made the choice to serve as trump's lackie, announced he will not voluntarily cooperate with the january 6th committee. he high-tailed it out of a news conference this week after being pressed on how he once said he would cooperate. he just couldn't handle the questions, just like trump, who could not defend the big lie on national public radio. >> how come when he went to speak in different locations, nobody came to watch? but all of a sudden he got 80 million votes? >> if you'll forgive me, maybe because the election was about you. are you telling republicans in 2022 that they must press your case on the past election in order to get your endorsement? is that an absolute -- >> they're going to do whatever they want to do. people have no idea how big this issue is, and they don't want it to happen again. and the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. >> mr. president, if i -- whoa, one more question i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th. judge emit meta, he's gone. >> yeah, he hung up. that's because all of the lies are catching up with the lord of the lies. trump, his advisers, his allies in congress and on conservative media. they are all drowning in trump's swamp of lies. and that swamp is not draining. but there is a cure for what ails them and us and our democracy. it's called the truth. and while you're at it, get the courage booster. i hear that works, too. we'll be right back. i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. doesn't that look like your papa? that's your great grandfather. it's like opening a whole 'nother world that we did not know existed. you finally have a face to a name. we're discovering together... it's been an amazing gift. 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get relief finally, with magnilife® leg and back pain relief. and get living. available at your local retailer. it was the same old lines and same old lies that donald trump's first rally of 2022. spoiler, he's still doing the sad elvis bit ranting and raving about the last election. behold groundhog day take number 439. >> last year we had a rigged election, and the proof is all over the place. we have a lot of proof and they know it's proof. they always talk about the big lie. they're the big lie. they continue to refuse to talk about it. they say while it is unsubstantiated and the big lie, the big lie is a lot of bull -- that's what it is. >> if you look at the background there, you can see the people looking at their phones not paying attention to him. joining me now is a former homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to vice president pence, olivia troye. great to see you. thanks so much for being with us. you and other former trump staffers were recently having a meeting about ways to stop trump, and more broadly trumpism. is there any insight you can give us as to what was discussed, is the group growing? any names that come into the fold that, i guess, give you hope that this is gaining momentum? >> jim, thanks for having me. look, it was a preliminary discussion. it's the first time we've all come together as a group. this is a group of people that have worked across the trump administration at varying levels, whether it be national security or more on the political side of the house, and in different departments. i did find it encouraging that it was a much larger number of people who participated in this meeting than i actually expected it to be. and it was very clear that there is grave concern amongst these circles about what is happening, about the fact that trump continues to play such a significant role in influencing our u.s. politics, and also what it means for this movement that continues to follow him and the movement that he continues to enable. >> i want to ask you about this op-ed written by former vice president mike pence. it includes his public comments about what actually transpired on january 6th. quote, on january 6th an angry mob ransacked the capitol largely to try to get congress and me as president of the senate to use federal authority to overturn results of the presidential election that had been certified by all 50 states. so he does admit that this was a violent effort to interfere with joe biden becoming president, it wasn't a tourist visit and so on. what's your reaction to that? and there are parts of the op-ed that make you think that he's still sort of giving credence to trump's, you know, lies. >> well, he is. he certainly is. i read that op-ed, and while i was, like, okay, finally, you're actually publicly acknowledging that this was an angry mob and it was a dangerous situation that day. but then he doubles back on the claims of election integrity, which is basically code for the big lie. so when he does that, he's by de facto enabling it. that's what he's doing. you're enabling the big lie that almost led to your death. and i think he's doing that because he really has no other choice. he is right now scrambling to figure out where his political home is in the republican party. and, look, it's a party of trumpism right now. and the sooner mike pence realizes this and comes to the conclusion that 2024 is an extreme long shot for him, the better it will be. but secondary on that op-ed, my concern is when i read that op-ed, i thought to myself, what does this mean for pence's cooperation with the january 6th committee? because, in that, is sort of a hidden message the way he sort of attacks democrats and he says, you know, biden is pushing january 7th as this narrative under the guise of protecting voting rights. i find that really discerning. so i hope that this isn't him messaging to them saying i'm not going to actually come forward and work with you on this. >> that's interesting. and from a national security perspective, how important was it that the justice department filed these sedition charges in connection with january 6th against those 11 members of the oath keepers, do you think? we were just talking about the oath keepers in a previous segment, a right-wing talking point has been where are the sedition charges. now we have them. >> right, now we have them in plain view. and i think those are very serious charges. i think that it's important that if they feel that the evidence is there, they need to pursue this. these groups are continuing to recruit. they're continuing to recruit across military ranks and former military ranks. and they are out there recruiting still today. so i think it's important to hold these people accountable. they were there that day, it was a coordinated effort, and even more frightening the level of coordination that those charges show that was happening amongst the oath keepers. >> and as a former staffer on the white house covid task force, i've got to ask you about your take on trump going after politicians who won't reveal if they got the covid booster. he's been taking little veiled jabs at ron desantis and so on. let's play a little bit of this. >> i watched a couple of politicians be interviewed. and one of the questions was, did you get the booster? because they had the vaccine. and, oh, oh, they're answering it -- the answer is yes but they don't want to say it. because they're gutless, you got to say it whether you had it or not, say it. >> i mean, it's nice that he said that, but it would've been nice if he had gotten the covid shot in person on camera in front of the world in the way that other world leaders have, including the current president, joe biden. >> right. and it's pretty ironnic to see donald trump do that. good on him for finally calling out the effectiveness of the vaccine and calling people out on it. but it's just using it as a political narrative, and it's a convenient narrative for him right now to attack others when he feels like ron desantis is gaining some traction, and he's probably feeling threatened, that's what donald trump loves, he lashes out when he feels his political gravitas threatened. so i think that's why he's doing that. during the rally speech last night he talked about covid in a very real way. even though he used it to push completely divisive rhetoric about white people not being able to get treatment and being put at the back of the line. those are complete lies. >> it was sick. olivia, do you think sometimes -- is there something wrong with trump? do you ever just think about that? you know, when he says things like this, it just seems like there's something very wrong with him. >> this is a deranged individual who has no connection to actual reality. i'll say this. one of the things that really stood out to me in his speech, and i'm really just trying not to watch him, but he talks about supply change, which he meant supply chain, and he talks about tiffanys. how disconnected are you from probably the people attending that rally talking about supply chain issues at tiffanys, really? when people are trying to feed their families and put food on the table. you're not even talking about grocery stores. you're talking about tiffanys, a jewelry store. that is where your head is? but yet these people continue to be loyal to him and follow him when he really just doesn't actually care about them, which is why it's so infuriating to watch. he is the official master con man. >> all right. we'll leave it there. olivia troye, thanks, as always, it's great talking to you. see you soon. coming up, tennis super star novak djokovic gets deported right before the australian open. how he reacted to the judge's ruling, next. like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? 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Cleveland , Western Pennsylvania , Ef 2 , Winds , Weather Service , Fort Myers , 118 , 7 , Five , 2 , 30 , Some , Wow , Blizzard Conditions , Foundations , North , 108 , People , Rabbi , Thanks , Hostage Situation , Officials , Texas , Synagogue , Colveal , Four , Suspect , Ed Lavandera , Hostage , Ordeal , Gun , 11 , Building , Scene , Sick , Audio , In Colleyville , Reporter , Congregation Members , Beginnings , Beth Israel Synagogue , Vacillating , Suspects , Sabbath Services , Stream , Synagogue Members , Angry , Sampling , Sister , Reference , Someone , Siddiqui , Authorities , Jihadist , Aafi , Aafia Siddiqui , Statement , Details , Groups , Security Courses , Congregation , Congregations , Community Network , Education , Colleyville Police Department , Fbi , Antidefamation League , Jewish , Others , Shooter Security Courses , Schools , Gunman , Hostage Crisis , Instruction , Question , World , Love , Situation , Community , Support , Experience , Prayers , Outcome , It , Hostage Rescue Team , On January 6th , Brother , Saying , Facebook , Family , Issues , Mental Health , Actions , Victims , Incident , Suffering , Desire , Sources , Sentence , 80 , Person , Name , Icon , Terrorists , Prosecution , Islamic , Experts , Ana , Trial , Prison , Preet Bharara , 12 , Case , Neuroscientist , Terrorist Ties , 9 11 , Bag , Afghanistan , Phd , Mit , Brandeis University , 2000 , 2008 , Bombmaking Plans , Statue Of Liberty , Grand Central Station , List , Sodium Cyanide , Targets , Town , Two , Folks , Questioning , Members , Floor , United States Military , 101st Airborne , 101 , One , Everyone , Firing , Room , Sentiment , Didn T , Firearm , M4 , Hit Anyone , Place , Custody , Care , 2010 , January Of 2010 , Camera Feed , Anti Semitism , Prison Cell , Outbursts , Disruptive , Live Feed , Discharge , Nature , Weapon , Terrorism Enhancement , Crime , Lot , Woman , Ways , Martyr , Position , Acts , 86 , Voice , Violence , Hostages , Solidarity , Law Enforcement , Sort , 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Former , Mob , Results , States , Authority , Certified , 50 , Wasn T A Tourist Visit , Op Ed , Effort , Reaction , Credence , Giving , Election Integrity , Claims , Death , De Facto , Conclusion , It S A Party Of Trumpism , Home , 2024 , Pence , Shot , Cooperation , Narrative , Isn T Him , Message , Attacks , Guise , Voting Rights , Democrats , January 7th , Perspective , Talking Point , Plain View , Military Ranks , Evidence , Level , Coordination , Politicians , Staffer , Jabs , Ron Desantis , Task Force , Covid Booster , Oh , Booster , Couple , Answer , World Leaders , Camera , Front , Effectiveness , Calling , Threatened , Loves , Traction , Gravitas , Rally Speech , Rhetoric , Put , Individual , Speech , Reality , Supply Change , Supply Chain , Tiffanys , Grocery Stores , Store , Families , Head , Table , Jewelry , Master Con Man , Point Novak Djokovic , Australian Open , Ruling , Combo , Tennis Super Star , Talking To You , Ingredients , Electrolyte , Antioxidant , Biotrue 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Essential Oils , Fragrance , Air Wick Essential Mist , Connect To Nature , Life Changing , Blood Clots , Ton , Staffing , Master , Size , Memory Supplements , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Neuriva Plus , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuriva , Six , Save , Ready , Set , Sale , Backing , Expert Team , Installation , Deal , Price Guarantee , Prepaid Card , Value , 64 99 , 500 , 24 7 , 4 99 , Weather , Winter Storm Bringing Freezing Rain , Travel Nightmare , Storm System , Cities , Big Snow Totals , Shenandoah Valley , West ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709

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for the very latest on its path, meteorologist tom seder is in the cnn weather center. it's coming down big time in d.c. right now. i was just looking out the window in the d.c. bureau. it is just -- there is the capitol right there. you can't even see it. that's how much it's snowing here in washington, but things are tough all over, as we know. >> yeah. where you are, jim, i forecasted in d.c. for years that i-95 corridor is a really tricky area to forecast because you're right on the rain/snow line. and more northern parts may start as snow but generally will chain over to rain. let's explain the watches and the mornings right now. what a storm, pushed out of the dakotas over a foot of snow, 14 in des moines, they got 9 inches in mississippi. tupelo could see a little bit more. these warnings do not include boston, new york city. philly's going to be a little interesting. i do want to show you the radar, and i included florida here because we had a rare january tornado, and there were injuries. more on that in a moment. we are getting some good news. it looks like it's coming to an end soon in the nashville area. east of there it was really significant icing. still a bit of icing in problem areas where the temperatures are trying to drop low enough that it's all snow in the south. but even in atlanta they're getting more south of atlanta. but everything's going to refreeze overnight tonight. some good news for raleigh. their temperatures are rising so their snow has changed to rain which means the peak has probably passed. but northward there are areas of concern in the piedmont and virginia and will lose power probably for millions in the next 24 hours. here's the storm moving up. coastal flooding a concern. coastal jersey up into connecticut and rhode island, long island as well, significant snowfall not just in the appalachians. but if you look at this snow in areas inland, the concern really eastern ohio, western pennsylvania, pittsburgh, cleveland, buffalo. widespread power outages, but the ice, jim, i'm really concerned about, i do want to take you down to florida because at 7:30 a tornado developed right near areas of fort myers. this was an ef-2 declared by the national weather service, that means maximum winds at 118 miles per hour, it only lasted five minutes, 108 homes damaged, 30 of them completely destroyed, some of them even off their foundations. that concern has at least come to an end. but the winds will pick up with blizzard conditions in the north. >> wow, that is a powerful storm. all right, tom, busy night for you. thanks so much for that. we appreciate it. turning now to saturday's terrifying hostage situation at a synagogue in colveal, texas. officials say four people including a rabbi who were held hostage are now safe after an 11-hour ordeal after the suspect is now dead. he was armed with a gun as he entered the synagogue. it was live streamed. let's go to cnn's ed lavandera who is on the scene for us in colleyville, texas. we were just following it all day yesterday, we were just worried sick about that. but we now have audio from inside that building. ed, what more are we learning? >> reporter: hey, jim. we reported extensively on this yesterday what it was like for congregation members of the beth israel synagogue here in colleyville, texas, to watch the beginnings of this hostage situation unfold on the live stream of the sabbath services. several congregation members told us they were listening to the suspects screaming frantically on there, vacillating emotionally between being apologetic and angry. this is a sampling of what some of those synagogue members were listening to. >> you know, you can make out some of that -- how some of it is incoherent. that reference to his sister is not his biological sister, but it is someone who authorities told us is aafi siddiqui who is a jihadist imprisoned, and he was supposedly there due to get this prisoner free. in this statement, it does offer some new details of how the end of this hostage situation unfolded. i'm going to read that statement to you now. he says, over the years my congregation and i have participated in multiple security courses from the colleyville police department, the fbi, the antidefamation league, and secure community network. we are alive today because of that education. i encourage all jewish congregations, religious groups, schools and others to participate in active shooter security courses. and this is where the rabbi offers new details. in the last hour of our hostage crisis, the gunman became increasingly belligerent and threatening without the instruction we received we would not have been prepared to act and flee when the situation presented itself. there is no question that this was a traumatic experience. we appreciate all the love, prayers and support from our local community and throughout the world. we are grateful for the outcome, we are resilient, and we will recover. so the rabbi there alluding to how all of this unfolded at the very end that it had become much more belligerent. remember, the hostage rescue team that was flown in from virginia for the fbi had just arrived just a few hours before all of this ended. jim? >> all right, ed lavandera, just some dramatic details there. thank you very much. and this just in, the brother of the suspect has put out a statement on facebook saying, quote, and we can show this to you, we are absolutely devastated as a family, we as a family do not condone any of his actions and would like to sincerely apologize wholeheartedly to all the victims involved in the unfortunate incident. my brother was suffering from mental health issues. and sources tell cnn the suspect was inspired by his desire to free a federal prisoner named aafia siddiqui, who is currently serving an 80-year sentence in texas after being arrested. while most americans have never heard her name before, experts say she is an icon among islamic terrorists. joining me now is the person who led the prosecution against aafia siddiqui, cnn legal ana analyst preet bharara. >> she's been in prison for over 12 years. her trial was 12 years ago almost to the week. her case began when she was a person who was suspected of having terrorist ties. she was radicalized after 9/11. she's a highly educated, extremely smart person who became a neuroscientist, educated at m.i.t., got her phd at brandeis university. but there came a time in the mid-2000s when she was being looked for by authorities. she was found in afghanistan in 2008. and on her person or in a bag on her person were found, among other things, two pounds of sodium cyanide, bombmaking plans, what looked like an apparent list of targets including grand central station, the statue of liberty. and she was taken to be questioned in a building in a small town in afghanistan. and while she was on the second floor, members of the 101st airborne of the united states military showed up to join in the question. and in the moment that was unexpected by the folks who were doing the questioning, she took a firearm, an m4 from one of the people who was in the room and she began firing at everyone in the room. luckily it didn't hit anyone. while she was firing, she was stating anti-american sentiment "i want to kill as many effing americans as i can." she was taken into custody after being shot and taken care of and then sent to new york after being prosecuted. the trial took place in january of 2010. during that trial, by the way, for parts of the trial, and this is highly unusual, because of outbursts that she engaged in, including things of anti-semitism and also disruptive of the trial, she had to watch from her prison cell much of her own trial by live feed, camera feed. so she got a very significant sentence after being convicted because of the nature of the crime, because of the terrorism enhancement, the discharge of the weapon. and so some people who are anti-american and who are jihadist think that she is a martyr for them because she got sentenced to 86 years in prison, and for a lot of people because she is a woman in that position and a highly educated person, they think that her case was unfair and they use it in ways extreme and, like we saw over the weekend, quite extreme acts of violence to show solidarity with her and try to get her released. and it's sad and unfortunate that that happened and i want to add my voice to all those who are in making sure all the hostages were released and unharmed. >> but people who are obsessed with siddiqui's case and siddiqui's story, do those kinds of messages show up on social media? do they enter into sort of a threat stream analysis that law enforcement looks at? is that something that law enforcement should be looking at moving forward? i mean, if people are making statements that they are going to act out on her behalf, i suppose that is something law enforcement is going to have to keep an eye out for. >> yeah, no, absolutely. she's not the only one. there are other people who have been imprisoned in connection with terrorist acts, the first world trade center bombing. and there are people all the time all over the place who are under surveillance either electronically or human intelligence gathering to make sure that an eye is being kept on those folks. she was one of those people in the first place. the reason she came into custody in the first place in 2008 because she was doing and saying and interacting with people, things that caused concern to military officials and intelligence officials, and law enforcement officials in the united states of america. so, you can't catch everything in advance. i don't know yet, i haven't seen the reporting or the investigation as to what this person who engaged in the hostage taking, what signals he might've given and how persuasive they were and how much it really looked like he would do something. but there's a lot of this that goes on, thousands of people in the american government who pay attention to this every day. >> fascinating, preet, thank you very much for that important insight. coming up, call it the origin story of the man accused of planning a massively bloody revolution of joe biden took office, the leader of what appears for the military wing against the war of democracy gave little reason to believe he would ever be rushing to the aid of donald trump, when i first spoke with him in 2009. >> our role is not to be obedient to whoever happens to be the leader. our role is to defend the constitution and the republic. >> are the oath keepers a militia group? 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avocado. you can fill a bathtub. i love it. with guacamole. all over. helps the skin, helps the body. join now, pay later. get three months free at hurry! offer ends january 17th. so, i had this segment laid out where i was going to call out all of the people who were prolonging this pandemic with phony covid cures and antivaccine garbage. i was going to talk about ex-football player and republican candidate for u.s. senate in georgia herschel walker who raved about what he calls a dry mist that can kill covid in an interview in 2020. >> they can bring you into a building that will clean you from covid as you walk through this mist. as you walk through the door it will kill any covid on your body, epa, fda approved. when you leave, it will kill the virus. they don't want to talk about that. >> maybe because it doesn't work. now, i was going to point out that walker was talking to right-wing personality glenn beck who says he's unvaccinated and announced this past week that he has caught the virus for a second time. >> it's now into my lungs today, and it's a little disturbing. but i'm on all the medication and treatment and everything else. the monoclonal doesn't seem to be working for the new strain. i'm on ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, what is it, fluvoxamine. >> i was going to say, glenn, the, i did my own research crowd, has already moved on to viagra. and, hey, why not mention the guy in alabama telling people to drink their own urine to cure covid? >> the antidote that we've seen now -- and we have tons and tons of research -- is urine therapy. and i know a lot of you this sounds crazy. but god's given us everything we need. >> please don't do that either. all of this to reiterate the point there are people out there trying to make a buck or find fame on the internet or do what we hear in washington so often, people fundraising for their political campaigns, a point raised by dr. anthony fauci in his fiery exchange with republican senator rand paul last week. >> what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there, and i have threats upon my life, harassments of my family and my children with obscene phone calls because people are lying about me. so i ask myself, why would senator want to do this? so go to rand paul website, and you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says, contribute here. you can do $5, $10, $20, $100. so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. >> and all of that fundraising may be great for your re-election, but it won't save lives. the vaccine will. the war on science and our scientists and on the truth it's killing us. i was going to get into all of that, and i suppose i just did. but something happened last thursday afternoon that changed everything and served as a reminder of this ongoing war on our democracy, which is still in peril today. thursday afternoon was when the justice department announced that the leader of the far-right group the oath keepers and ten others had been charged with seditious conspiracy for their alleged actions on january 6th. the group's leader stewart rhodes told his followers to prepare for a bloody and desperate fight. another defendant is accused of going on a recon michigan to waf just after the election. federal investigators say some of those charges, stockpiled weapons in a hotel. was to stop the transfer of power to president biden. i interviewed rhodes back in 2019, and at the time he said this about his organization. >> our role is not to be obedient to whoever happens to be the leader, our role is to defend the constitution and the republic. >> are the oath keepers a militia group? >> no. we don't need to be. we're the military and police. >> defend the constitution and the republic, he once told me. doesn't look like that in the video from january 6th. not a lot of oath keeping going on there. now, rhodes has been charged with seditious conspiracy. he has pleaded not guilty. but these new charges run counter to what tucker carlson has been saying. where are all the sedition charges, he has asked. >> oh, it was an insurrection. so how many of the participants in that insurrection have been charged with insurrecting, with sedition, with treason? zero, by the biden justice department, said they've been charged with effectively trespassing. >> i guess tucker forgot about the previous court documents entered in the oath keepers' case showing what appears to be gun cases being moved around that hotel in virginia. for tourists, it was a lot of luggage. the oath keepers were spotted hanging with trump adviser roger stone outside the willard hotel on january 6th. stone, who are has denied any wrongdoing, told reporters last month he pleaded the fifth to the january 6th committee. >> in fulfillment of a federal subpoena, i did my civic duty, and i responded as required by law. [ inaudible ] i did invoke my fifth amendment rights to every question. >> we're talking about the same willard hotel where trump allies like john eastman, rudy giuliani, and others, according to the january 6th committee were working on a plan to have then vice president mike pence toss out the official electors that would make biden president in fate of a different. this revelation by american oversight involving trump allies who sent phony documents -- there they are -- to the national archives, declaring that trump won a bunch of key battleground states instead of biden. yes, that happened. the bogus documents appear to have been sent from local gop operatives posing as electors in places like pennsylvania and arizona. these documents are fake. reporters in arizona caught up with one of that state's gop lawmakers who signed these documents posing as an alternate ele elector for trump. we have reached out to him for comment, have not heard back, but here's how he explains it. >> what authority did you find yourself as an elector? >> so in unprecedented times, unprecedented action, there is no case law, there is no precedent that exists as to whether or not an election that is currently being litigated in the courts has due standing, which is why we felt it appropriate to provide congress and the vice president with dueling opinions. >> did you have direction from anybody in doing this? was it you yourself doing this? or did someone give you advice on the manner in which you could do it? >> i was one of the electors. i'm not in charge of the elector. >> how did you hear about it? were you just told to be somewhere? >> you would need to ask the party chair that. >> phony electors, a fake cure for trump's real election loss, kind of like the ivermectin of our democracy. back in december of 2020 white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany told -- >> the only metro areas where joe biden beat hillary clinton ironically in those states there has been an alternate slate of electors voted upon that congress will decide in january. >> all of this raises a crucial question that's at the heart of everything, what exactly was trump doing during the insurrection? he was letting it play out on tv, we know. one former white house official recently told me that. but trump was also talking to kevin mccarthy. he made the choice to serve as trump's lackie, announced he will not voluntarily cooperate with the january 6th committee. he high-tailed it out of a news conference this week after being pressed on how he once said he would cooperate. he just couldn't handle the questions, just like trump, who could not defend the big lie on national public radio. >> how come when he went to speak in different locations, nobody came to watch? but all of a sudden he got 80 million votes? >> if you'll forgive me, maybe because the election was about you. are you telling republicans in 2022 that they must press your case on the past election in order to get your endorsement? is that an absolute -- >> they're going to do whatever they want to do. people have no idea how big this issue is, and they don't want it to happen again. and the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. >> mr. president, if i -- whoa, one more question i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th. judge emit meta, he's gone. >> yeah, he hung up. that's because all of the lies are catching up with the lord of the lies. trump, his advisers, his allies in congress and on conservative media. they are all drowning in trump's swamp of lies. and that swamp is not draining. but there is a cure for what ails them and us and our democracy. it's called the truth. and while you're at it, get the courage booster. i hear that works, too. we'll be right back. i want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. doesn't that look like your papa? that's your great grandfather. it's like opening a whole 'nother world that we did not know existed. you finally have a face to a name. we're discovering together... it's been an amazing gift. 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get relief finally, with magnilife® leg and back pain relief. and get living. available at your local retailer. it was the same old lines and same old lies that donald trump's first rally of 2022. spoiler, he's still doing the sad elvis bit ranting and raving about the last election. behold groundhog day take number 439. >> last year we had a rigged election, and the proof is all over the place. we have a lot of proof and they know it's proof. they always talk about the big lie. they're the big lie. they continue to refuse to talk about it. they say while it is unsubstantiated and the big lie, the big lie is a lot of bull -- that's what it is. >> if you look at the background there, you can see the people looking at their phones not paying attention to him. joining me now is a former homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to vice president pence, olivia troye. great to see you. thanks so much for being with us. you and other former trump staffers were recently having a meeting about ways to stop trump, and more broadly trumpism. is there any insight you can give us as to what was discussed, is the group growing? any names that come into the fold that, i guess, give you hope that this is gaining momentum? >> jim, thanks for having me. look, it was a preliminary discussion. it's the first time we've all come together as a group. this is a group of people that have worked across the trump administration at varying levels, whether it be national security or more on the political side of the house, and in different departments. i did find it encouraging that it was a much larger number of people who participated in this meeting than i actually expected it to be. and it was very clear that there is grave concern amongst these circles about what is happening, about the fact that trump continues to play such a significant role in influencing our u.s. politics, and also what it means for this movement that continues to follow him and the movement that he continues to enable. >> i want to ask you about this op-ed written by former vice president mike pence. it includes his public comments about what actually transpired on january 6th. quote, on january 6th an angry mob ransacked the capitol largely to try to get congress and me as president of the senate to use federal authority to overturn results of the presidential election that had been certified by all 50 states. so he does admit that this was a violent effort to interfere with joe biden becoming president, it wasn't a tourist visit and so on. what's your reaction to that? and there are parts of the op-ed that make you think that he's still sort of giving credence to trump's, you know, lies. >> well, he is. he certainly is. i read that op-ed, and while i was, like, okay, finally, you're actually publicly acknowledging that this was an angry mob and it was a dangerous situation that day. but then he doubles back on the claims of election integrity, which is basically code for the big lie. so when he does that, he's by de facto enabling it. that's what he's doing. you're enabling the big lie that almost led to your death. and i think he's doing that because he really has no other choice. he is right now scrambling to figure out where his political home is in the republican party. and, look, it's a party of trumpism right now. and the sooner mike pence realizes this and comes to the conclusion that 2024 is an extreme long shot for him, the better it will be. but secondary on that op-ed, my concern is when i read that op-ed, i thought to myself, what does this mean for pence's cooperation with the january 6th committee? because, in that, is sort of a hidden message the way he sort of attacks democrats and he says, you know, biden is pushing january 7th as this narrative under the guise of protecting voting rights. i find that really discerning. so i hope that this isn't him messaging to them saying i'm not going to actually come forward and work with you on this. >> that's interesting. and from a national security perspective, how important was it that the justice department filed these sedition charges in connection with january 6th against those 11 members of the oath keepers, do you think? we were just talking about the oath keepers in a previous segment, a right-wing talking point has been where are the sedition charges. now we have them. >> right, now we have them in plain view. and i think those are very serious charges. i think that it's important that if they feel that the evidence is there, they need to pursue this. these groups are continuing to recruit. they're continuing to recruit across military ranks and former military ranks. and they are out there recruiting still today. so i think it's important to hold these people accountable. they were there that day, it was a coordinated effort, and even more frightening the level of coordination that those charges show that was happening amongst the oath keepers. >> and as a former staffer on the white house covid task force, i've got to ask you about your take on trump going after politicians who won't reveal if they got the covid booster. he's been taking little veiled jabs at ron desantis and so on. let's play a little bit of this. >> i watched a couple of politicians be interviewed. and one of the questions was, did you get the booster? because they had the vaccine. and, oh, oh, they're answering it -- the answer is yes but they don't want to say it. because they're gutless, you got to say it whether you had it or not, say it. >> i mean, it's nice that he said that, but it would've been nice if he had gotten the covid shot in person on camera in front of the world in the way that other world leaders have, including the current president, joe biden. >> right. and it's pretty ironnic to see donald trump do that. good on him for finally calling out the effectiveness of the vaccine and calling people out on it. but it's just using it as a political narrative, and it's a convenient narrative for him right now to attack others when he feels like ron desantis is gaining some traction, and he's probably feeling threatened, that's what donald trump loves, he lashes out when he feels his political gravitas threatened. so i think that's why he's doing that. during the rally speech last night he talked about covid in a very real way. even though he used it to push completely divisive rhetoric about white people not being able to get treatment and being put at the back of the line. those are complete lies. >> it was sick. olivia, do you think sometimes -- is there something wrong with trump? do you ever just think about that? you know, when he says things like this, it just seems like there's something very wrong with him. >> this is a deranged individual who has no connection to actual reality. i'll say this. one of the things that really stood out to me in his speech, and i'm really just trying not to watch him, but he talks about supply change, which he meant supply chain, and he talks about tiffanys. how disconnected are you from probably the people attending that rally talking about supply chain issues at tiffanys, really? when people are trying to feed their families and put food on the table. you're not even talking about grocery stores. you're talking about tiffanys, a jewelry store. that is where your head is? but yet these people continue to be loyal to him and follow him when he really just doesn't actually care about them, which is why it's so infuriating to watch. he is the official master con man. >> all right. we'll leave it there. olivia troye, thanks, as always, it's great talking to you. see you soon. coming up, tennis super star novak djokovic gets deported right before the australian open. how he reacted to the judge's ruling, next. like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? 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Rescue Team , On January 6th , Brother , Saying , Facebook , Family , Issues , Mental Health , Actions , Victims , Incident , Suffering , Desire , Sources , Sentence , 80 , Person , Name , Icon , Terrorists , Prosecution , Islamic , Experts , Ana , Trial , Prison , Preet Bharara , 12 , Case , Neuroscientist , Terrorist Ties , 9 11 , Bag , Afghanistan , Phd , Mit , Brandeis University , 2000 , 2008 , Bombmaking Plans , Statue Of Liberty , Grand Central Station , List , Sodium Cyanide , Targets , Town , Two , Folks , Questioning , Members , Floor , United States Military , 101st Airborne , 101 , One , Everyone , Firing , Room , Sentiment , Didn T , Firearm , M4 , Hit Anyone , Place , Custody , Care , 2010 , January Of 2010 , Camera Feed , Anti Semitism , Prison Cell , Outbursts , Disruptive , Live Feed , Discharge , Nature , Weapon , Terrorism Enhancement , Crime , Lot , Woman , Ways , Martyr , Position , Acts , 86 , Voice , Violence , Hostages , Solidarity , Law Enforcement , Sort , Story , Kinds , Messages , Threat Stream Analysis , Unharmed , Social Media , Something , Making Statements , Eye , Behalf , Connection , Human Intelligence , Terrorist Acts , Surveillance , Gathering , World Trade Center Bombing , Reason , Interacting , Intelligence , Law Enforcement Officials , Investigation , Haven T , Hostage Taking , Advance , Reporting , Government , Attention , Thousands , Preet , Fascinating , Leader , Democracy , Joe Biden , Insight , Coming Up , War , Man , Origin Story , Office , Wing , Planning A Massively Bloody Revolution , Oath Keepers , Role , Donald Trump , Constitution And The Republic , Aid , 2009 , Police , Militia Group , Cough , Protection , D , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Nerd , Kinder On Skin N Liz , You , 0 , Works , Phones , Coughs , Rob , Doing , Wonder , Mucinex Dm , Photographer , Thinking , Banking , Ring Fund , Girlfriend , Bouquet , Zen , Bank Of America , Track , Yoga Studio , Tools , Stop Banking , Father Of The Bride , Nutrition , Mission , Protein , Energy , Strength , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , Points Program , Ww , 27 , Body , Skin , Food , Bathtub , Guacamole , Avocado , Offer Ends January 17th , 17 , January 17th , Three , Wall , Segment , Cures , Pandemic , Phony Covid , Mist , Covid , Player , Interview , Candidate , Who , U S Senate , Republican , Herschel Walker , Antivaccine Garbage , 2020 , Door , Fda , Doesn T Work , Virus , Epa , Glenn Beck , Walker , Lungs , Treatment , Doesn T , Medication , Disturbing , Strain , Everything Else , Hydroxychloroquine , Research , Ivermectin , Fluvoxamine , Urine , Viagra , Crowd , Guy , Alabama , Antidote , Urine Therapy , Tons , Don T , Point , Buck , Sounds Crazy , God , Internet , Anthony Fauci , Rand Paul , Fame , Dr , Campaigns , Exchange , Life , Sudden , Threats , Crazies , Harassments , Children , Senator , Phone Calls , Website , Box , Epidemic , Gain , Fire Dr , , 5 , 00 , 20 , 10 , 100 , Science , Truth , Vaccine , Won T , Fundraising , Scientists , Re Election , Save Lives , Group , Department , Justice , Peril , Reminder , Ten , Election , Leader Stewart Rhodes , Fight , January 6th , Seditious Conspiracy , Followers , Defendant , Recon , Waf , Michigan , 6 , Charges , Hotel , Weapons , Investigators , Transfer , Organization , Rhodes , 2019 , Republic , Constitution , Video , Oath Keeping , Tucker Carlson , Sedition Charges , Insurrection , Participants , Many , Insurrecting , Gun Cases , Court Documents , Sedition , Treason , Case Showing , Trespassing , The Biden Justice Department , Zero , Roger Stone , Tourists , Luggage , Willard Hotel , January 6th Committee , Reporters , Fifth , Wrongdoing , Duty , Subpoena , Fulfillment , Allies , Law , Rights , John Eastman , Fifth Amendment , Inaudible , Rudy Giuliani , Mike Pence , Electors , Plan , Fate , Documents , Battleground States , Yes , Revelation By American Oversight Involving Trump , Bunch , The National Archives , Lawmakers , Estate , Places , Operatives , Arizona , Elector , Back , Times , Comment , Action , Ele Elector For Trump , Congress , Standing , Precedent , Case Law , Courts , Manner , Charge , Dueling Opinions , Anybody , Direction , Trump , Cure , Party Chair , Somewhere , Phony Electors , Election Loss , Kind , Kayleigh Mcenany , White House Press Secretary , December Of 2020 , Beat , Slate , Heart Of Everything , Hillary Clinton , Tv , Official , White House , Choice , Lackie , News Conference , Kevin Mccarthy , He High , Questions , Nobody , Big Lie On National Public Radio , Locations , Republicans , Endorsement , Absolute , Order , Votes , 2022 , President , Issue , Problem , Idea , Mr , Lies , Judge , Court Hearing Yesterday On January 6th , Meta , Lord , Swamp , Advisers , Media , Drowning , Courage Booster , Daughter , Ancestors , The Truth , Grandfather , Papa , Whole , Face , Music , Gift , What A Wonderful World , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Candidates , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire Wow , Polygons , Crunching Tons , Fund , Worry , What S Going On , Innovations , Cgi , Invesco Qqq , Regina , Ladonna , Nasdaq 100 , Innovation , Agent , Qqq , Thing , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , Kid , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Flexibility , Service , Emotions , Foster Kids , Business , Line , Lines , Small Business , Network , Data , Match Data Options , Mix , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , Possibilities , Contract , Term , Comcast Business , Fees , Living , Leg , Relief , Back Pain Relief , Pain Radiating , Announcer , Magnilife , Retailer , Rally , Elvis , Groundhog Day , Spoiler , Behold , 439 , 2022 Spoiler , Big Lie , Proof , Homeland Security , Background , Counterterrorism Adviser , Bull , Meeting , Vice President , Staffers , Olivia Troye , Names , Momentum , Fold , Trumpism , Security , Time , House , Discussion , Levels , Administration , Side , Departments , Number , Movement , Politics , Fact , Happening , Circles , Comments , Op Ed Written By Former , Mob , Results , States , Authority , Certified , 50 , Wasn T A Tourist Visit , Op Ed , Effort , Reaction , Credence , Giving , Election Integrity , Claims , Death , De Facto , Conclusion , It S A Party Of Trumpism , Home , 2024 , Pence , Shot , Cooperation , Narrative , Isn T Him , Message , Attacks , Guise , Voting Rights , Democrats , January 7th , Perspective , Talking Point , Plain View , Military Ranks , Evidence , Level , Coordination , Politicians , Staffer , Jabs , Ron Desantis , Task Force , Covid Booster , Oh , Booster , Couple , Answer , World Leaders , Camera , Front , Effectiveness , Calling , Threatened , Loves , Traction , Gravitas , Rally Speech , Rhetoric , Put , Individual , Speech , Reality , Supply Change , Supply Chain , Tiffanys , Grocery Stores , Store , Families , Head , Table , Jewelry , Master Con Man , Point Novak Djokovic , Australian Open , Ruling , Combo , Tennis Super Star , Talking To You , Ingredients , Electrolyte , Antioxidant , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Strypaper , Preservatives , Status Meeting , Tears , Moisturizer , Eyes , Biology , Bio True , Orrr , Slack , Team , Updates , Share , Asthma , Dupixent , Du , Teamwork , Walks , Asthma Attacks , Yardwork , Types , Steroids , Add On , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Lung Function , Doctor , Help , Asthma Treatments , Breath , Numbness , Chest Pain , Reactions , Anaphylaxis , Shortness , Limbs , Tingling , Rash , Infection , Don T Change , More , Where , Cancers , Healthcare Company , Asthma Specialist , Johnson , Building A Future , Strokes , Joints , Isn T One , Definition , 3 , Health Info , 23andme , Dna , 23 , Health , Info , Control , 8 , Part , Tennis Star , Country , Title , Federal Court , Australia , Being Unvaccinated , Djokovic , Tennis , Nothing , In The End , Phil Black , Melbourne , Failure , Ability , Lengths , Stubbornness , Determination , Play , Battles , Uncertainty , Immigration Detention , Cancelation , Visa , Options , Court Ruling , Lawyers , Arguments , Decision , Focus , Minister , Application , Game , Tournament , Flight , Airport , Sunday Night , Dubai , Report , Police Protection , Inside Prince Harry , Uk , Problems , Finish Jetdry 3in1 , Thirty , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , The World Today , Worries , Break , Everybody , Harry , Max Foster , Visit , Personally , Royal Family , Sign , Goodness , Relations , Rest , Summit , Roles , Departure Conditions , Sussexs , Queen , Prince Charles , Prince William , Hasn T , Security Team , Safe , Police Support , Photographers , State Support , Car , Duchess , Threat , Individuals , Extremists , Taxpayer , Review , Duplex , Home Office , Feeling , Sussexes , Marilyn Monroe , Preview , Legacy , Series , Terms , Intellect , Destiny , Sexuality , Career , Agency , Dice , Women , Mirror , Production Company , Ideas , Films , Influencer , On Cnn , Reframed , Money , Sofi , Debt , Personal Loan , Rate , Essential Mist , Candle , Wick , Essential Oils , Fragrance , Air Wick Essential Mist , Connect To Nature , Life Changing , Blood Clots , Ton , Staffing , Master , Size , Memory Supplements , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Neuriva Plus , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuriva , Six , Save , Ready , Set , Sale , Backing , Expert Team , Installation , Deal , Price Guarantee , Prepaid Card , Value , 64 99 , 500 , 24 7 , 4 99 , Weather , Winter Storm Bringing Freezing Rain , Travel Nightmare , Storm System , Cities , Big Snow Totals , Shenandoah Valley , West ,

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