Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240709

tennis star novak djokovic has lost his bid to stay in australia and defend his title in the australian open. he now faces deportation. the hearing was djokovic's last attempt to stay in the country despite having his visa revoked now twice over his covid vaccination status. but the court ultimately sided with australia's immigration minister, who revoked the visa over concerns the unvaccinated star's presence could spur a rise in anti-vaccine sentiment. cnn is covering every angle of this story around the globe. scott mcclain is standing by in belgrade, serbia, with reactions from djokovic's home country. we also have reporters on the ground in australia. we want to go first to our own phil black who's been following all of this from melbourne. the judges a little while ago making that announcement. and i think beyond the actual decision, they really had some interesting things to say about what they were deciding in this case and what they weren't deciding in this case. >> paula, a little over an hour ago novak djokovic and everyone else around the world watching closely discovered his application to the court to overturn the cancelation of his visa was unsuccessful. the judges, before making that point, said that they weren't -- it wasn't their job to essentially rule on the merits of the original decision, it was just they were asked to review that decision based upon particular legal grounds that had been submitted by djokovic's lawyers. and as it turns out, those arguments, those grounds put forward by his lawyers, did not persuade any of the judges sitting at the bench to hear this case. it was a unanimous decision. his application was dismissed. as i say, a little over an hour ago, but we already have a statement from novak djokovic that came through a few moments ago. we can look at some of the key points in which he says that, off the top he's going to take some time to rest and recuperate. he's extremely disappointed with the decision which means he can't stay in australia, can't participate in the australian open. but crucially he says, and this is the specific reaction to what's happened, to what he's going to do next, i respect the court's ruling and i will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country. he says he's uncomfortable with having been the focus of the past few weeks, and he hopes that can now return to the game and the tournament that he loves. i would like to thank -- i would lish to wish the players, tournament officials, staff, volunteers, fans all the best for the tournament. he thanks his supporters, friends, team, fans, and fellow serbians for their continued support, saying, you have all been a great source of strength to me. so a gracious acceptance of what is now a legal reality. novak djokovic remains in mandatory detention in australia. currently he is still in his lawyer's office, which is just behind me here. you can see people waiting here for a sign of his departure. from here we would expect that he would presumably go back to the detention center where he slept last night and slept -- spent a few days in the previous week as well in central melbourne. as arrangements are made to facilitate his departure from the country. so he says he's going to cooperate wither on fishes here. that means they will work to get him on a flight that is convenient for him that will return him either to his point of departure, spain, or probably his homeland, serbia, one or the other. we'll wait to see how quickly that can happen. djokovic has now accepted after such a long saga, such a long legal battle, really showing you would have to say incredible determination to try and take part in this australian open. he now accepts that that cannot happen, that he will not be looking for a tenth australian open title this year. he will not be vying to claim the 21st grand slam record, which would make him statistically the greatest player of all-time. >> yeah, and no doubt in his profound disappointment, as you point out, that statement does take the temperature down a little bit. it was as you point out quite gracious. i take it your point, that right now he's not exactly a free man in australia. we'll wait to see what unfolds in the coming minutes and hours. i want to point out during the court, they had said it was not for the court to decide on the merits of the government's decision, but phil, you following this so closely, this is your home as well. in terms of the context here, it was untenable, wasn't it, for the government to do anything but try and deport him at this point? >> the government had -- politically the government had few options. having initially shown such an uncompromising attitude towards his arrival here, having backed the initial decision by australian border enforcement officers so strongly when they first canceled his visa, the fact that he was able to overturn that in court last monday, that was certainly an embarrassment to the government. given the imbrace minister's specific, very wide-ranging personal powers to cancel visas, politically he was always going to look at doing that. and probably follow through on that, if at all possible. i think prance the surprise for some people was that he took so long to do it. he considered the matter for some four days. but that i think is widely accepted as a reflection of what was at stake politically for the government here. they were dealing with someone who clearly had the means, the determination, and the resources to appeal a second cancelation if and when it happened. and that's exactly what played out here. so the decision to cancel it again was made very late on friday evening. and novak djokovic's lawyers went to work very quickly. a court hearing that evening set into play a legal process which has continued over the weekend, into sunday, today, where there were detailed arguments and a lengthy hearing about the merits of the -- about the legality, specifically a judicial review of the immigration minister's decision whether or not he made that decision following australian law in such a way. now we know that djokovic's lawyers argued against that. specifically it's worth considering the grounds the immigration minister tried to make this happen. that was only on the basis he argued, his lawyers continue to argue here that his presence here represented a threat through essentially firing up, galvanizing, anti-vaccine sentiment in this country. his lawyers tried hard to argue against that but failed to convince the three judges of the federal court that heard those arguments today. >> yeah, and again, we have to think about what his lawyers raised. the fact that they feel that perhaps it might raise anti-vaccine sentiment now, now that he's being deported. i know you'll continue to say to this story. i thank you for the thorough and detailed approach you've given us so far the last few days. we'll wait and see where mr. djokovic goes to now. ben rothenberg in melbourne, host of "no challenges remaining" podcast. you've had a front-row seat to this. there are likely no winners here. what do you think the reaction will be from the other players, and also just the atmosphere around the tournament that remains? >> there will be some relief the saga has ended in time for the australian open to begin and the main draw and that it can move on from this story which has hijacked the tournament, preoccupying the players in the men's and women draw to see djokovic suck up all the oxygen at this tournament which is usually known for being full of sunshine and happiness and freshness for players, new hope, the beginning of a new season. it's been very, very dour mood, very preoccupying, frustration from the players. there will be sympathy for sure for djokovic as he leaves australia a defeated man and is deported with his dreams of 21 winning a 21st grand slam dashed until at least the french open in june. but there will be sympathy, but a lot of frustration will remain that he came here seeking exemption, seeking a way to be special or different from everyone else are, and resentment for the tournament director who designed this exemption process with the explicit intention of getting djokovic around the rules. that has backfired and cast a pall over the event. he's going to have accountability to face up to for sure, for designing this problem for djokovic. djokovic did create his problem by staying unvaccinated but tylee facilitated it. >> djokovic's statement, it went a ways at least to conciliation, taking the temperature down. if we talk about not even just djokovic's legacy, but the fact that this is the beginning of the tennis calendar, really. this is going to take -- you're going to follow him all over the globe. you talked about going to france, going to the united states, wimbledon hasn't weighed in on this. will this follow him around? and also, will it follow the organizers of those tournaments throughout the globe? >> absolutely it will. this is something australia set the tone on firmly by saying, we will not allow an unvaccinated tennis player around our country, around the rules, just to play a tennis tournament. it's going to be a precedent set and djokovic had soul searching to do, as somebody who clearly is pretty resolutely against vaccination, clearly been opposed to it. it's one of the things judges were arguing, his current state of mind, how explicitly anti-vax or not he is. he made a calculation to show upn vaccinated, made things much more complicated. the way to solve that is to get vaccinated quickly, in time for the next tournaments. otherwise, he's still trying to get exemptions, still trying to get side doors into tournaments and countries in the future, a lot more headaches for him and less patience for him continuing to do that after this saga. >> again, rafael nadal pointed out he could avoid all this and get vaccinated. ben rothen berg, we'll continue to lean on you, the happy slam, is about to get under way. we hope that those players can put this behind them and play in the tournament so many of them have been looking forward to. ben rothenberg in melbourne, thank you. scott mcclain in belgrade, serbia. djokovic said in a statement he respects the decision of the court. i think the issue is, will his staunch supporters in his home country accept it? >> i talked to a couple people here, this is the message we've been hearing as we've been here the last few days. i can sum it up in three words. "this is political." that is what people think this was on the part of the australian government. in fact, the state broadcaster summed it up even more succinctly. their headline simply read, "disgrace." this does not look good for the australian government. when you heard the judge announce this ruling earlier today, he explained it in part because of the way this was being framed in serbia, and his words might as well have been directed at the serbian president who put out a scathing statement on friday saying that, look, australia likes to preach to serbia about the rule of law, but he finds it absolutely incredible that you could have a politician overruling the will of an australian court. and oddly enough, actually, today is is day when serbia will vote in a referendum to change the constitution to make the judicial system more independent. i'm getting news the president is actually voting in that referendum this morning. we're trying to get some idea of what he said. what we know so far that is he is supportive of novak djokovic and pretty much the whole country is here. again, australia does not look good in this situation. if you ask people, they will say, look, it's not about whether australia should or should not have let him in or whether australia has the right to control its borders and make rules around vaccination. the issue is they gave him a visa, allowed him to fly there, then ended up with this whole mess. that's been the president's message as well, framing this as a moral question. a little bit more from what the president is saying this morning as he's voting. he said they were harassing him for ten days only to bring a decision they already had made for ten days. it seems, even if you talk to novak djokovic's father, who said earlier in november that he was planning to miss the australian open because he wouldn't be able to comply with the vaccination entry requirement. and so it seems like novak djokovic went to australia with the idea, with the intention, that he would actually get to play. certainly he could not have foreseen this. what i'm interested to see is where he goes back to. obviously he has a home in spain as well. probably in other places. whether he comes back here to belgrade. the way that this is being framed in other places is that novak djokovic is this anti-vaxxer, but that is not the way that people see it here. even from novak djokovic's statement that he just put out, he made clear that he is uncomfortable with the focus being on him. and perhaps by extension he is also uncomfortable with the fact that he's been framed in this way. i spoke to one of his friends and former teammates the other day who said, look, maybe novak will get the vaccine in the future in order to get into other tournaments, but that's not what this is about today. >> it will be interesting as it's just in the morning there, almost 9:15 in belgrade. no doubt you'll get more reaction you can bring to us, scott. changing gears to our other breaking news story at cnn. a hostage standoff at a north texas synagogue is now over with all hostages rescued and the attacker dead. the crisis began when the assailant stormed the congregation beth israel in colleyville on saturday. it was during a small service, and four people were taken hostage. the event was being livestreamed, if you can believe it, as the attack began. people were listening to this for about an hour. here's how one synagogue member described what unfolded. >> my mother called and told me there was a hostage situation going on at our synagogue, which is almost unbelievable. so i dialed into the livestream. i heard the perpetrator speaking. he alternated between english and his native tongue. and very, you know -- just hateful. hateful rhetoric. you know, he hates the jews. he talked about israel and palestine. he blamed the jews, you know, for everything that's going on in the world. >> local and federal law enforcement surrounded the synagogue. one hostage was released but three remained in harm's way. as night fell, officials made the decision, they had to go in. loud bang and gunfire was heard as the final hostages were rescued alive and safe. cnn's ed lavandera was there as all of this unfolded and filed this report a little earlier. >> reporter: nearly 11 hours after a suspect entered the beth israel synagogue here in colleyville, texas, we have learned the suspect is dead and that all four of the hostages are alive and well. one of the hostages had been released earlier in the day around 5:00 central time. but law enforcement officials say they have identified the suspect, but they are not ready to announce who that person is as they continue their investigation into the motives behind this attack on this synagogue. it was a frightening and harrowing day for the members of this synagogue, which is a small synagogue here in colleyville, about 150 members. they were watching desperately and frantically throughout the day, waiting for and praying for this outcome they saw unfold here this evening. many members of the congregation we spoke with say that members had not been attending the services here at this synagogue because of covid pandemic restrictions, that it was -- most people were at home watching on the livestream, and that is where they began to see all of this unfold just before 11:00 in the morning. and they heard what was described as the ranting and raving and harrowing screaming coming from the suspect inside the synagogue. but tonight all of them celebrating the fact that four of their synagogue members are now alive and well. >> our thanks to ed lavandera. we're also hearing what may have been happening behind the scenes before that hostage rescue team moved to end the standoff. earlier we spoke with cnn security analyst juliette kayyam who served as assistant secretary for homeland security. shouldn't one big factor for investigators was time. >> for a hostage negotiator, in most instances, it's not an active shooter or situation. those are two different situations. in a hostage situation, you're really trying to buy time. so we call it -- you're trying to extend the runway, give more time. that's essentially what happened. so why are you buying time? the hostage may give up, the -- the hostage-taker may give up, he may release a hostage as we saw earlier today. he may tire. or he may become more agitated, but even if he does that's given the fbi -- basically they were on the ground for eight, nine hours -- a lot of time to figure out how to get into the building and get the hostages out safely. those are precision operations, right? the boom, the entry, and the protection of the hostages. and as we now know, the killing of the perpetrator. that's basically what happened behind closed doors, rightfully so. you have the continuing negotiation, the buying of a long period of time, and then the entry. what triggers it may either be -- there's only one or two. one is the hostage is exposed to vulnerability and they're going to come in, or they've lost contact with the hostage-taker and want to get in relatively quickly. >> kayyam said the suspect did not seem to be sophisticated in carrying out his attack and did not seem to have an exit strategy. parts of the united states are being hit with heavy winter weather. everything you need to know right now as this storm is about to approach. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin? at new chapter its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness well done plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging... ...the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. tens of millions of people in the ear third of the u.s. are now bracing for potentially devastating snow, ice, and freezing rain. look at that map. as a massive storm system hits the region. meteorologist derek van dam joins me now. i normally like pink, i did not like that map. if i know you, you've been tracking this in your off time as well. how is it shaping up? >> yeah, mother nature taking a figurative bowling ball and throwing a strike across the southeast. just look at this water vapor imagery. classic upper level low closing off, strengthening as it does so. take note of where it's drawing the moisture from. the gulf of mexico. so abundant moisture, but also warm temperatures into the middle levels of the atmosphere. so this is throwing all kinds of chaos into what type of precipitation falls from the sky. will it be rain, will the be snow, will it be a mixture, will it be ice? the radar map busy. interesting to note it's snowing near jackson, mississippi. some of the hyperlocal indications here across northern georgia, the snow starting to mix in across the atlanta metro region near the cnn center. i want to pay attention to what's going to occur and is occur curing across the interior of the carolinas, an area we believe a crippling ice storm could unfold in the next 12 hours. this is amongst the backdrop of over 75 million americans impacted by this particular winter storm ranging from the deep south all the way to northern new england. but let's focus on the carolinas. some of our various computer models indicating between .5 to 1 inches of ice and sleet accumulation across this area. you factor in wind gusts over 40, 50 miles per hour with high wind warnings in place, this will accumulate on the branches, the limbs, as well as the power lines here, and eventually take out some of the electricity across this area. that is our concern. not to mention the treacherous travel conditions that will unfold across this area. high wind warnings for the atlanta metro region. you can see the storm moving across the east coast later today and into monday which is a public holiday across the united states. but the warm notes of precipitation that i showed you in the satellite coming from the gulf of mexico is going to play a major role in what type of precipitation we see over the major metropolitan areas of the east coast, new york to boston. we believe this will be a rain event mainly east of i-95. inland, we're talking about albany to cleveland all the way to pittsburgh, that's where we have the potential for several inches of snow if not over a foot of snow for that location. so here's the details. you can see a wide swath of snow for the inland communities to the mid-atlantic and northern new england. it will be all rain for the east coast. but coastal problems with strong winds and also some coastal surge issues as well as we coincide this storm with a full moon. all kinds of implications here across the east coast. >> i see you've got tips there for us. we'll continue to hope that the ice is not as bad as perhaps it could be, as forecast. now saturday's attack on jewish worshippers in texas is another painful reminder of anti-semitism in the u.s. and beyond. we'll hear from the c.o.o. of the anti-defamation league coming up. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. 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also for this beginning, this inauguration of the tennis year? it is usually such a joyful, even though competitive, event. >> the happy slam. unprecedented. never have i witnessed anything like this in the buildup to the australian open, nor indeed any grand slam tennis tournament. i said last hour, we've been wanting to hear from the man himself, novak djokovic. now we have, to some degree. you do feel moving forward, without question, he is going to have to address this whole issue in more depth. so many questions remaining unanswered. we need those answers. a few things breaking through for me from that statement, because all along we've been wondering about the emotional toll, the mental toll. in that statement a short while ago, quote, i will now be taking some time to rest and to recuperate before making any further comments beyond this. i am extremely disappointed with the court ruling to dismiss my application for judicial review of the minister's decision to cancel my visa, which means i cannot stay in australia and participate in the australian open. i respect the court's ruling, and i will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country. i am uncomfortable that the focus of the past weeks has been on me, and i hope that we can all now focus on the game and tournament i love. i would like to wish the players, tournament officials, staff, volunteers, and fans all the best for the tournament. finally, i'd like to thank my family, friends, team, supporters, fans, and fellow serbians for your supported support, you've all been a great source of strength to me. djokovic, who was hoping for a crack at a men's record 21st grand slam title, now won't get that chance. nor will he get the chance to win a 10th aussie open crown. earlier in the day, tournament organizers announced djokovic was scheduled to play the last match out on monday night there on the famed rod laver arena against his young compatriot miramir but that is now not happening. we'll wait until may, june of this year before he gets another crack at the grand slam, the french open in paris. by then healing turning 35. so many questions unanswered. is he going to have to reassess his whole approach to playing the game, the sport he so adores? >> because this will follow him, right? there are ramifications to not being vaccinated. it's not just in australia. what do you think his approach will be going forward? i know you've interviewed him, you know this man. >> absolutely, he's always been, you know -- briefly i've had time with him. he's engaging, very personal. he does a lot of wonderful work for charity. he's an irspiring fig. . very generous with his time. we do want to hear a lot more from him on a whole broad range of topics to shed more light on his reasons for the course of action he took in preparing to go down under, making that decision. there's no question that in his mind he felt that he was on terra firma in terms of gaining entry into the country. we now know that whole situation has led to an extraordinary fight from him. the legal battles. all he put himself through just to give him a crack. this was all about number 21. he wants to become the most-decorated and successful men's player of all-time. tied for 20 along with fellow greats rafe nadal and roger federer right now. but look, this is ever-evolving, an ever-changing world. how will the world look in six months from now in terms of the global pandemic when it comes to that french open at roland garros, then wimbledon, then the u.s. open in new york city? he's had stumbles before, trying to get the 21. two years ago, remember that incident when he was defaulted when the ball was struck and the assistant linesperson -- there was that incident. last year he got to the final at flushing meadows to lose in three sets. getting to 21 is not straightforward. now he's given himself another big hurdle that he may well want to re-evaluate. who knows? that's why we need answers. >> yeah, there are times as a tennis fan, he's a competitor that sometimes it's hard to root for. yet some of that has changed in the last few months. i've been harping on this. the atp. in terms of tour directors, tour governance, could they not have avoided an international incident just by making their own rules clear over the last few months? >> tennis australia as well, the tournament organizers. there are many, many issues that they need to address as well. the information that was given to the player, how he interpreted it. as i say, when he got on that plane, he made that social media announcement that really triggered all this going back to the best part of two weeks, there's no doubt in his mind, as i said earlier, he felt he had valid passage to compete in the season's first grand slam. so i don't think there's any real winners here whatsoever. i think it's been a really disappointing start for the sport of tennis. you know, 127 other players on the men's side of the draw for days now have just been wanting to focus on the tennis. they just want to get started. rafe nadal referring to it all as a circus. gabby muguruza saying, look, this could all have been avoided if he'd been fully vaccinated ahead of the tournament. >> yeah, in agreement, right? even djokovic agrees the focus should now be on tennis. patrick snell, as always, thanks so much. going to our other breaking news here in the last few hours, a hostage standoff at a texas synagogue is over with all hostages rescued and the attacker dead. the assailant stormed the congregation of beth israel in colleyville saturday during a small service, four people were taken hostage. local and federal law enforcement surrounded the synagogue. one hostage was released earlier in the day. three were still trapped. as night fell, law enforcement made the decision to go in, an elite fbi team sent to breach the building. a loud bang and gunfire were heard as the final hostages were rescued alive and safe. the leader of a major anti-hate group says the synagogue attack feels all too familiar to him. the c.o.o. of the anti-defamation league told us earlier, jewish houses of prayer have been targeted many times before. >> i feel like we've been here before. this is the first time that anyone at adl can recall a hostage-taking at a synagogue. but unfortunately, jewish sites have been targeted again and again and again by extremists over the years. and unfortunately, this fits into that pattern very neatly. the reality is that, there's a reason why synagogues as well as jewish day schools, jewish community centers, jewish communal offices, all have intense security. because they face a series of threats. despite the spread of the highly contagious omicron variant, pandemic-weary europeans hit the streets over covid restrictions this weekend. nothing kills morere viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. finally getting the best! but with febreze freshness in your car... ...driving there is pretty darn good too. enjoy 30 days of freshness with febreze car. ♪ la, la, la, la, la ♪ i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ after my car accident, ♪ call owondnder whahatmy c cas. eight million ♪ so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris scandal over covid restrictions is putting the position of britain's prime minister into question. a new poll for "the observer" shows 63% of voters want prime minister boris johnson to quit. that follows allegations that at any 10 downing street held a series of office parties during lockdowns and possibly broke pandemic rules the rest of the country had to follow. salma adele aziz reports now. >> reporter: more allegations of partying and more problems for prime minister boris johnson. the latest coming from a british newspaper reporting that "wine time fridays" were held during coronavirus lockdown periods. essentially, downing street staff were having drinking sessions despite lockdown rules being in place on a regular basis. it's the latest in a string of allegations stretching from the summer of 2020 to the spring of 2021 that downing street staff, those in government, those in power, who were setting the rules, were not following the rules. the allegation is coronavirus restrictions were being broken at 10 downing street itself. the latest, i'm sorry, came on friday, to the queen herself, to buckingham palace, after "the telegraph" reported two parties were held inside downing street the night before prince philip's funeral. it really struck at the heart of the matter. the iconic image of the queen sitting alone in the chapel following the rules that resonated with people, people making great sacrifices even in their most tragic moments. apparently those very rules were being broken by those who set them. the hypocrisy has caused outrage across the country and calls for the prime minister to resign, one conservative lawmaker saying the position is untenable. there is an investigation under way right now looking into all of these allegations of partying by downing street. then we expect results of that in the coming days. reputationally, the damage is done here. overwhelmingly, critics of prime minister johnson feel he's the party prime minister of britain. salma abdelaziz, london. the u.s. crossed 65 million total coronavirus cases on saturday. that number has been fueled in recent days by the fast-spreading omicron variant. as you can see here, in places like arkansas, california, oklahoma, and oregon have been especially hard hit. this comes as the u.s. crosses an even more chilling number. more than 850,000 people have died since the pandemic began. officials are hoping to combat the rising infections by making testing more available. as of saturday, many americans are going to be able to get reimbursed for home tests through their private insurance companies. now to europe and a look at covid headlines. not just in europe but around the world. in china, a neighborhood in beijing was locked down after the city reported its first case of omicron on saturday. authorities have begun mass testing people living there. this comes as beijing is set to host the winter olympics in less than three weeks. the vaccine pass continues to be a lightning rod in france. thousands marched in opposition to it saturday in paris and the french parliament began debating the bill that would require most people to be vaccinated in order to enter public spaces such as bars, restaurants, and long-distance public support. for more on that i'm joined by cnn's jim bittermann in paris. good to see you, jim. this debate continues in france. i know this were several thousands there, but in the majority, does it seem despite covid fatigue, people in france understand that perhaps these are measures they have to accept? >> reporter: well, i think there's kind of an understanding of that, paula. if you can judge by the numbers that turn out at these demonstrations. yesterday's demonstration here was in fact somewhat smaller, comfortably smaller than the previous weeks. what's more, i think there's an inevitability about all this. the covid vaccination pass that you were talking about there has now passed both the assembly and the senate as of last night. they just have to reconcile some small differences between the two bills and then it goes to the constitutional court. in all likelihood, the government's going to succeed in its wish to get that vaccination pass in play by the end of this week. as a consequence, that will mean that people will have to show vaccination -- proof of vaccinations in order to do the smallest of very public things, like go into a bar, cafe, restaurant, theater, cinemas, that sort of thing. you're going to have to have a vaccination pass that shows you've been vaccinated. there is going to be acceptance one way or another, i think, as time rolls on here. elsewhere in europe, i think the situation is somewhat similar to what we're seeing in france. there's a little glimmer of hope. in france, for example, the number of icu cases over the last three days has dropped slightly. we're also seeing some decline in numbers in britain. it's the lowest level of new cases in a month in britain. so there's a hope here that the peak may have been reached. it's too early to say that, but there is at least a glimmer of hope. "le monde," the big daily newspaper here put it that way last night. >> unfortunately, perhaps the numbers may not go down as quickly as they've risen. jim bittermann, thank you for that update, appreciate it. countries throughout the pacific are assessing the impact after a massive volcanic eruption triggered multiple vo tsunami waves. sore throat lozenges.stasoothe show your sore throat who's boss. new mucinex instasoothe. works in seconds, lasts for hours. on fanduel sportsbook, new customers can bet 30-to-1 odds on any team in the playoffs. ♪ ♪ so you can make every catch... ♪ ♪ feel like the catch of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new customers can make every moment more during the nfl playoffs with 30-to-1 odds on any team to win their playoff game. bet $5 to win $150. only on fanduel, america's number one sportsbook. my hygienist cleans with a round head. so does my oral-b my hygienist personalizes my cleaning. so does my oral-b oral-b delivers the wow of a professional clean feel every day. what makes febreze air effects different? while cheaper aerosols rely on artificial propellants... febreze uses a 100% natural propellant. check it out! pressure created by what's in your air makes the bottle spray. which means freshness everyone will love. febreze. wet dishes? residue? spots? it's not your dishwasher's fault. simply add finish jetdry 3in1 to rinse, dry and shine your dishes. solve 3 problems at once with finish jetdry 3in1. new zealand's prime minister says tsunami waves from an underwater volcanic eruption made a significant impact on tonga. waves crashed ashore saturday. you see some of it there, flooding coastal areas, damaging shops, even reaching the grounds of tonga's world palace. authorities are still working to assess the damage. the enormous eruption spewed ash and smoke more than 12 miles into the atmosphere and triggered tsunami waves that reached japan and hawaii. cnn's blake essig joins me from tokyo. it caught my attention as the tsunami warning was so widespread, right? even reaching the united states and canada. is it alarming that we still don't know, really, the damage involved with this? >> reporter: yeah, you know paula, more than 24 hours after this underwater volcano erupted off the coast of tonga, still a lot of questions and answers we don't know. specifically, the damage that was done on the island of tonga. here in japan, tsunami advisories for several coastal communities across the country were only just lifted a few hours ago. the alerts went out early sunday morning local time with emergency management officials asking hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate from eight coastal prefectures around japan. here's what people in iwate heard early this morning. >> they're pretty devastating to local populations too. they can collapse the roofs of buildings. they can stop jet engines from working. they'll smother crops and pollute water supplies. so yeah, the folks nearby are going to be feeling the effects of this eruption for quite a few months, i would say, at the very minimum. >> reporter: vulcanologist jess phoenix talking to cnn earlier today. in the hours that followed, several communities that reported 2 to 3-foot waves, including iwate, reporting waves as high as 9 feet. take a look at these satellite images that captured the moment the volcano, located about 30 kilometers off the coast of tonga, erupted. from above you can see the plume of ash that reached about 20 kilometers into the air, sent shock waves that generated from this eruption that resulted in tsunami waves all across the pacific. here's a video posted to twitter of the tsunami wave crashing onto the shore of tonga a short time later. the video shows several small waves crossing the shoreline and flooding into the capital. but of course, tsunami isn't the only environmental impact to result from the eruption as vulcanologist jess phoenix said earlier. a lot of impact to the local communities. the impact of yesterday's volcanic eruption has been felt across the pacific. videos hosted on social media from chile, peru, and california show waves flooding coastal areas as a result of the eruption. as you mentioned, according to new zealand's prime minister who addressed the ongoing situation in tonga as the country struggles to restore lines of communication. no injuries or deaths have been recorded so far. the prime minister says that while the volcano does seem stable for now, further eruptions can't be ruled out. >> that's a key point there, right? the fact that this is still active and they still could have repercussions, again from the eruption, again listening that not all of those remote regions have been reached yet. blake essig, appreciate the update. i want to thank you for watching "cnn newsroom." we continue to follow the breaking news out of australia. novak djokovic is not a free man in australia and will be deported in the coming hours. be back with the top stories and more in just a moment. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because my sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so i stay cool. and senses my movement and effortlessly adjusts to help keep me comfortable. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. only from sleep number.. from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers the reity of living with moderate to severe ulcetive colitis or crohn's disease... means you might be dealing with a lot of symptoms... which can change your plans at any time gut-focused entyvio is made for you. entyvio is the only medicine just for uc and cd that is gut-focused. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. it may help you, too. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen... during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio. find out if entyvioconnect can help... with the cost of treatment, whether you are insured or not. entyvio, made for the gut, made for remission, made for you. did you know that even after you sanitize a surface, every touch can leave new bacteria behind? 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tennis star novak djokovic has lost his bid to stay in australia and defend his title in the australian open. he now faces deportation. the hearing was djokovic's last attempt to stay in the country despite having his visa revoked now twice over his covid vaccination status. but the court ultimately sided with australia's immigration minister, who revoked the visa over concerns the unvaccinated star's presence could spur a rise in anti-vaccine sentiment. cnn is covering every angle of this story around the globe. scott mcclain is standing by in belgrade, serbia, with reactions from djokovic's home country. we also have reporters on the ground in australia. we want to go first to our own phil black who's been following all of this from melbourne. the judges a little while ago making that announcement. and i think beyond the actual decision, they really had some interesting things to say about what they were deciding in this case and what they weren't deciding in this case. >> paula, a little over an hour ago novak djokovic and everyone else around the world watching closely discovered his application to the court to overturn the cancelation of his visa was unsuccessful. the judges, before making that point, said that they weren't -- it wasn't their job to essentially rule on the merits of the original decision, it was just they were asked to review that decision based upon particular legal grounds that had been submitted by djokovic's lawyers. and as it turns out, those arguments, those grounds put forward by his lawyers, did not persuade any of the judges sitting at the bench to hear this case. it was a unanimous decision. his application was dismissed. as i say, a little over an hour ago, but we already have a statement from novak djokovic that came through a few moments ago. we can look at some of the key points in which he says that, off the top he's going to take some time to rest and recuperate. he's extremely disappointed with the decision which means he can't stay in australia, can't participate in the australian open. but crucially he says, and this is the specific reaction to what's happened, to what he's going to do next, i respect the court's ruling and i will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country. he says he's uncomfortable with having been the focus of the past few weeks, and he hopes that can now return to the game and the tournament that he loves. i would like to thank -- i would lish to wish the players, tournament officials, staff, volunteers, fans all the best for the tournament. he thanks his supporters, friends, team, fans, and fellow serbians for their continued support, saying, you have all been a great source of strength to me. so a gracious acceptance of what is now a legal reality. novak djokovic remains in mandatory detention in australia. currently he is still in his lawyer's office, which is just behind me here. you can see people waiting here for a sign of his departure. from here we would expect that he would presumably go back to the detention center where he slept last night and slept -- spent a few days in the previous week as well in central melbourne. as arrangements are made to facilitate his departure from the country. so he says he's going to cooperate wither on fishes here. that means they will work to get him on a flight that is convenient for him that will return him either to his point of departure, spain, or probably his homeland, serbia, one or the other. we'll wait to see how quickly that can happen. djokovic has now accepted after such a long saga, such a long legal battle, really showing you would have to say incredible determination to try and take part in this australian open. he now accepts that that cannot happen, that he will not be looking for a tenth australian open title this year. he will not be vying to claim the 21st grand slam record, which would make him statistically the greatest player of all-time. >> yeah, and no doubt in his profound disappointment, as you point out, that statement does take the temperature down a little bit. it was as you point out quite gracious. i take it your point, that right now he's not exactly a free man in australia. we'll wait to see what unfolds in the coming minutes and hours. i want to point out during the court, they had said it was not for the court to decide on the merits of the government's decision, but phil, you following this so closely, this is your home as well. in terms of the context here, it was untenable, wasn't it, for the government to do anything but try and deport him at this point? >> the government had -- politically the government had few options. having initially shown such an uncompromising attitude towards his arrival here, having backed the initial decision by australian border enforcement officers so strongly when they first canceled his visa, the fact that he was able to overturn that in court last monday, that was certainly an embarrassment to the government. given the imbrace minister's specific, very wide-ranging personal powers to cancel visas, politically he was always going to look at doing that. and probably follow through on that, if at all possible. i think prance the surprise for some people was that he took so long to do it. he considered the matter for some four days. but that i think is widely accepted as a reflection of what was at stake politically for the government here. they were dealing with someone who clearly had the means, the determination, and the resources to appeal a second cancelation if and when it happened. and that's exactly what played out here. so the decision to cancel it again was made very late on friday evening. and novak djokovic's lawyers went to work very quickly. a court hearing that evening set into play a legal process which has continued over the weekend, into sunday, today, where there were detailed arguments and a lengthy hearing about the merits of the -- about the legality, specifically a judicial review of the immigration minister's decision whether or not he made that decision following australian law in such a way. now we know that djokovic's lawyers argued against that. specifically it's worth considering the grounds the immigration minister tried to make this happen. that was only on the basis he argued, his lawyers continue to argue here that his presence here represented a threat through essentially firing up, galvanizing, anti-vaccine sentiment in this country. his lawyers tried hard to argue against that but failed to convince the three judges of the federal court that heard those arguments today. >> yeah, and again, we have to think about what his lawyers raised. the fact that they feel that perhaps it might raise anti-vaccine sentiment now, now that he's being deported. i know you'll continue to say to this story. i thank you for the thorough and detailed approach you've given us so far the last few days. we'll wait and see where mr. djokovic goes to now. ben rothenberg in melbourne, host of "no challenges remaining" podcast. you've had a front-row seat to this. there are likely no winners here. what do you think the reaction will be from the other players, and also just the atmosphere around the tournament that remains? >> there will be some relief the saga has ended in time for the australian open to begin and the main draw and that it can move on from this story which has hijacked the tournament, preoccupying the players in the men's and women draw to see djokovic suck up all the oxygen at this tournament which is usually known for being full of sunshine and happiness and freshness for players, new hope, the beginning of a new season. it's been very, very dour mood, very preoccupying, frustration from the players. there will be sympathy for sure for djokovic as he leaves australia a defeated man and is deported with his dreams of 21 winning a 21st grand slam dashed until at least the french open in june. but there will be sympathy, but a lot of frustration will remain that he came here seeking exemption, seeking a way to be special or different from everyone else are, and resentment for the tournament director who designed this exemption process with the explicit intention of getting djokovic around the rules. that has backfired and cast a pall over the event. he's going to have accountability to face up to for sure, for designing this problem for djokovic. djokovic did create his problem by staying unvaccinated but tylee facilitated it. >> djokovic's statement, it went a ways at least to conciliation, taking the temperature down. if we talk about not even just djokovic's legacy, but the fact that this is the beginning of the tennis calendar, really. this is going to take -- you're going to follow him all over the globe. you talked about going to france, going to the united states, wimbledon hasn't weighed in on this. will this follow him around? and also, will it follow the organizers of those tournaments throughout the globe? >> absolutely it will. this is something australia set the tone on firmly by saying, we will not allow an unvaccinated tennis player around our country, around the rules, just to play a tennis tournament. it's going to be a precedent set and djokovic had soul searching to do, as somebody who clearly is pretty resolutely against vaccination, clearly been opposed to it. it's one of the things judges were arguing, his current state of mind, how explicitly anti-vax or not he is. he made a calculation to show upn vaccinated, made things much more complicated. the way to solve that is to get vaccinated quickly, in time for the next tournaments. otherwise, he's still trying to get exemptions, still trying to get side doors into tournaments and countries in the future, a lot more headaches for him and less patience for him continuing to do that after this saga. >> again, rafael nadal pointed out he could avoid all this and get vaccinated. ben rothen berg, we'll continue to lean on you, the happy slam, is about to get under way. we hope that those players can put this behind them and play in the tournament so many of them have been looking forward to. ben rothenberg in melbourne, thank you. scott mcclain in belgrade, serbia. djokovic said in a statement he respects the decision of the court. i think the issue is, will his staunch supporters in his home country accept it? >> i talked to a couple people here, this is the message we've been hearing as we've been here the last few days. i can sum it up in three words. "this is political." that is what people think this was on the part of the australian government. in fact, the state broadcaster summed it up even more succinctly. their headline simply read, "disgrace." this does not look good for the australian government. when you heard the judge announce this ruling earlier today, he explained it in part because of the way this was being framed in serbia, and his words might as well have been directed at the serbian president who put out a scathing statement on friday saying that, look, australia likes to preach to serbia about the rule of law, but he finds it absolutely incredible that you could have a politician overruling the will of an australian court. and oddly enough, actually, today is is day when serbia will vote in a referendum to change the constitution to make the judicial system more independent. i'm getting news the president is actually voting in that referendum this morning. we're trying to get some idea of what he said. what we know so far that is he is supportive of novak djokovic and pretty much the whole country is here. again, australia does not look good in this situation. if you ask people, they will say, look, it's not about whether australia should or should not have let him in or whether australia has the right to control its borders and make rules around vaccination. the issue is they gave him a visa, allowed him to fly there, then ended up with this whole mess. that's been the president's message as well, framing this as a moral question. a little bit more from what the president is saying this morning as he's voting. he said they were harassing him for ten days only to bring a decision they already had made for ten days. it seems, even if you talk to novak djokovic's father, who said earlier in november that he was planning to miss the australian open because he wouldn't be able to comply with the vaccination entry requirement. and so it seems like novak djokovic went to australia with the idea, with the intention, that he would actually get to play. certainly he could not have foreseen this. what i'm interested to see is where he goes back to. obviously he has a home in spain as well. probably in other places. whether he comes back here to belgrade. the way that this is being framed in other places is that novak djokovic is this anti-vaxxer, but that is not the way that people see it here. even from novak djokovic's statement that he just put out, he made clear that he is uncomfortable with the focus being on him. and perhaps by extension he is also uncomfortable with the fact that he's been framed in this way. i spoke to one of his friends and former teammates the other day who said, look, maybe novak will get the vaccine in the future in order to get into other tournaments, but that's not what this is about today. >> it will be interesting as it's just in the morning there, almost 9:15 in belgrade. no doubt you'll get more reaction you can bring to us, scott. changing gears to our other breaking news story at cnn. a hostage standoff at a north texas synagogue is now over with all hostages rescued and the attacker dead. the crisis began when the assailant stormed the congregation beth israel in colleyville on saturday. it was during a small service, and four people were taken hostage. the event was being livestreamed, if you can believe it, as the attack began. people were listening to this for about an hour. here's how one synagogue member described what unfolded. >> my mother called and told me there was a hostage situation going on at our synagogue, which is almost unbelievable. so i dialed into the livestream. i heard the perpetrator speaking. he alternated between english and his native tongue. and very, you know -- just hateful. hateful rhetoric. you know, he hates the jews. he talked about israel and palestine. he blamed the jews, you know, for everything that's going on in the world. >> local and federal law enforcement surrounded the synagogue. one hostage was released but three remained in harm's way. as night fell, officials made the decision, they had to go in. loud bang and gunfire was heard as the final hostages were rescued alive and safe. cnn's ed lavandera was there as all of this unfolded and filed this report a little earlier. >> reporter: nearly 11 hours after a suspect entered the beth israel synagogue here in colleyville, texas, we have learned the suspect is dead and that all four of the hostages are alive and well. one of the hostages had been released earlier in the day around 5:00 central time. but law enforcement officials say they have identified the suspect, but they are not ready to announce who that person is as they continue their investigation into the motives behind this attack on this synagogue. it was a frightening and harrowing day for the members of this synagogue, which is a small synagogue here in colleyville, about 150 members. they were watching desperately and frantically throughout the day, waiting for and praying for this outcome they saw unfold here this evening. many members of the congregation we spoke with say that members had not been attending the services here at this synagogue because of covid pandemic restrictions, that it was -- most people were at home watching on the livestream, and that is where they began to see all of this unfold just before 11:00 in the morning. and they heard what was described as the ranting and raving and harrowing screaming coming from the suspect inside the synagogue. but tonight all of them celebrating the fact that four of their synagogue members are now alive and well. >> our thanks to ed lavandera. we're also hearing what may have been happening behind the scenes before that hostage rescue team moved to end the standoff. earlier we spoke with cnn security analyst juliette kayyam who served as assistant secretary for homeland security. shouldn't one big factor for investigators was time. >> for a hostage negotiator, in most instances, it's not an active shooter or situation. those are two different situations. in a hostage situation, you're really trying to buy time. so we call it -- you're trying to extend the runway, give more time. that's essentially what happened. so why are you buying time? the hostage may give up, the -- the hostage-taker may give up, he may release a hostage as we saw earlier today. he may tire. or he may become more agitated, but even if he does that's given the fbi -- basically they were on the ground for eight, nine hours -- a lot of time to figure out how to get into the building and get the hostages out safely. those are precision operations, right? the boom, the entry, and the protection of the hostages. and as we now know, the killing of the perpetrator. that's basically what happened behind closed doors, rightfully so. you have the continuing negotiation, the buying of a long period of time, and then the entry. what triggers it may either be -- there's only one or two. one is the hostage is exposed to vulnerability and they're going to come in, or they've lost contact with the hostage-taker and want to get in relatively quickly. >> kayyam said the suspect did not seem to be sophisticated in carrying out his attack and did not seem to have an exit strategy. parts of the united states are being hit with heavy winter weather. everything you need to know right now as this storm is about to approach. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin? at new chapter its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body really 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strike across the southeast. just look at this water vapor imagery. classic upper level low closing off, strengthening as it does so. take note of where it's drawing the moisture from. the gulf of mexico. so abundant moisture, but also warm temperatures into the middle levels of the atmosphere. so this is throwing all kinds of chaos into what type of precipitation falls from the sky. will it be rain, will the be snow, will it be a mixture, will it be ice? the radar map busy. interesting to note it's snowing near jackson, mississippi. some of the hyperlocal indications here across northern georgia, the snow starting to mix in across the atlanta metro region near the cnn center. i want to pay attention to what's going to occur and is occur curing across the interior of the carolinas, an area we believe a crippling ice storm could unfold in the next 12 hours. this is amongst the backdrop of over 75 million americans impacted by this particular winter storm ranging from the deep south all the way to northern new england. but let's focus on the carolinas. some of our various computer models indicating between .5 to 1 inches of ice and sleet accumulation across this area. you factor in wind gusts over 40, 50 miles per hour with high wind warnings in place, this will accumulate on the branches, the limbs, as well as the power lines here, and eventually take out some of the electricity across this area. that is our concern. not to mention the treacherous travel conditions that will unfold across this area. high wind warnings for the atlanta metro region. you can see the storm moving across the east coast later today and into monday which is a public holiday across the united states. but the warm notes of precipitation that i showed you in the satellite coming from the gulf of mexico is going to play a major role in what type of precipitation we see over the major metropolitan areas of the east coast, new york to boston. we believe this will be a rain event mainly east of i-95. inland, we're talking about albany to cleveland all the way to pittsburgh, that's where we have the potential for several inches of snow if not over a foot of snow for that location. so here's the details. you can see a wide swath of snow for the inland communities to the mid-atlantic and northern new england. it will be all rain for the east coast. but coastal problems with strong winds and also some coastal surge issues as well as we coincide this storm with a full moon. all kinds of implications here across the east coast. >> i see you've got tips there for us. we'll continue to hope that the ice is not as bad as perhaps it could be, as forecast. now saturday's attack on jewish worshippers in texas is another painful reminder of anti-semitism in the u.s. and beyond. we'll hear from the c.o.o. of the anti-defamation league coming up. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. 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also for this beginning, this inauguration of the tennis year? it is usually such a joyful, even though competitive, event. >> the happy slam. unprecedented. never have i witnessed anything like this in the buildup to the australian open, nor indeed any grand slam tennis tournament. i said last hour, we've been wanting to hear from the man himself, novak djokovic. now we have, to some degree. you do feel moving forward, without question, he is going to have to address this whole issue in more depth. so many questions remaining unanswered. we need those answers. a few things breaking through for me from that statement, because all along we've been wondering about the emotional toll, the mental toll. in that statement a short while ago, quote, i will now be taking some time to rest and to recuperate before making any further comments beyond this. i am extremely disappointed with the court ruling to dismiss my application for judicial review of the minister's decision to cancel my visa, which means i cannot stay in australia and participate in the australian open. i respect the court's ruling, and i will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country. i am uncomfortable that the focus of the past weeks has been on me, and i hope that we can all now focus on the game and tournament i love. i would like to wish the players, tournament officials, staff, volunteers, and fans all the best for the tournament. finally, i'd like to thank my family, friends, team, supporters, fans, and fellow serbians for your supported support, you've all been a great source of strength to me. djokovic, who was hoping for a crack at a men's record 21st grand slam title, now won't get that chance. nor will he get the chance to win a 10th aussie open crown. earlier in the day, tournament organizers announced djokovic was scheduled to play the last match out on monday night there on the famed rod laver arena against his young compatriot miramir but that is now not happening. we'll wait until may, june of this year before he gets another crack at the grand slam, the french open in paris. by then healing turning 35. so many questions unanswered. is he going to have to reassess his whole approach to playing the game, the sport he so adores? >> because this will follow him, right? there are ramifications to not being vaccinated. it's not just in australia. what do you think his approach will be going forward? i know you've interviewed him, you know this man. >> absolutely, he's always been, you know -- briefly i've had time with him. he's engaging, very personal. he does a lot of wonderful work for charity. he's an irspiring fig. . very generous with his time. we do want to hear a lot more from him on a whole broad range of topics to shed more light on his reasons for the course of action he took in preparing to go down under, making that decision. there's no question that in his mind he felt that he was on terra firma in terms of gaining entry into the country. we now know that whole situation has led to an extraordinary fight from him. the legal battles. all he put himself through just to give him a crack. this was all about number 21. he wants to become the most-decorated and successful men's player of all-time. tied for 20 along with fellow greats rafe nadal and roger federer right now. but look, this is ever-evolving, an ever-changing world. how will the world look in six months from now in terms of the global pandemic when it comes to that french open at roland garros, then wimbledon, then the u.s. open in new york city? he's had stumbles before, trying to get the 21. two years ago, remember that incident when he was defaulted when the ball was struck and the assistant linesperson -- there was that incident. last year he got to the final at flushing meadows to lose in three sets. getting to 21 is not straightforward. now he's given himself another big hurdle that he may well want to re-evaluate. who knows? that's why we need answers. >> yeah, there are times as a tennis fan, he's a competitor that sometimes it's hard to root for. yet some of that has changed in the last few months. i've been harping on this. the atp. in terms of tour directors, tour governance, could they not have avoided an international incident just by making their own rules clear over the last few months? >> tennis australia as well, the tournament organizers. there are many, many issues that they need to address as well. the information that was given to the player, how he interpreted it. as i say, when he got on that plane, he made that social media announcement that really triggered all this going back to the best part of two weeks, there's no doubt in his mind, as i said earlier, he felt he had valid passage to compete in the season's first grand slam. so i don't think there's any real winners here whatsoever. i think it's been a really disappointing start for the sport of tennis. you know, 127 other players on the men's side of the draw for days now have just been wanting to focus on the tennis. they just want to get started. rafe nadal referring to it all as a circus. gabby muguruza saying, look, this could all have been avoided if he'd been fully vaccinated ahead of the tournament. >> yeah, in agreement, right? even djokovic agrees the focus should now be on tennis. patrick snell, as always, thanks so much. going to our other breaking news here in the last few hours, a hostage standoff at a texas synagogue is over with all hostages rescued and the attacker dead. the assailant stormed the congregation of beth israel in colleyville saturday during a small service, four people were taken hostage. local and federal law enforcement surrounded the synagogue. one hostage was released earlier in the day. three were still trapped. as night fell, law enforcement made the decision to go in, an elite fbi team sent to breach the building. a loud bang and gunfire were heard as the final hostages were rescued alive and safe. the leader of a major anti-hate group says the synagogue attack feels all too familiar to him. the c.o.o. of the anti-defamation league told us earlier, jewish houses of prayer have been targeted many times before. >> i feel like we've been here before. this is the first time that anyone at adl can recall a hostage-taking at a synagogue. but unfortunately, jewish sites have been targeted again and again and again by extremists over the years. and unfortunately, this fits into that pattern very neatly. the reality is that, there's a reason why synagogues as well as jewish day schools, jewish community centers, jewish communal offices, all have intense security. because they face a series of threats. despite the spread of the highly contagious omicron variant, pandemic-weary europeans hit the streets over covid restrictions this weekend. nothing kills morere viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. finally getting the best! but with febreze freshness in your car... ...driving there is pretty darn good too. enjoy 30 days of freshness with febreze car. ♪ la, la, la, la, la ♪ i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ after my car accident, ♪ call owondnder whahatmy c cas. eight million ♪ so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris scandal over covid restrictions is putting the position of britain's prime minister into question. a new poll for "the observer" shows 63% of voters want prime minister boris johnson to quit. that follows allegations that at any 10 downing street held a series of office parties during lockdowns and possibly broke pandemic rules the rest of the country had to follow. salma adele aziz reports now. >> reporter: more allegations of partying and more problems for prime minister boris johnson. the latest coming from a british newspaper reporting that "wine time fridays" were held during coronavirus lockdown periods. essentially, downing street staff were having drinking sessions despite lockdown rules being in place on a regular basis. it's the latest in a string of allegations stretching from the summer of 2020 to the spring of 2021 that downing street staff, those in government, those in power, who were setting the rules, were not following the rules. the allegation is coronavirus restrictions were being broken at 10 downing street itself. the latest, i'm sorry, came on friday, to the queen herself, to buckingham palace, after "the telegraph" reported two parties were held inside downing street the night before prince philip's funeral. it really struck at the heart of the matter. the iconic image of the queen sitting alone in the chapel following the rules that resonated with people, people making great sacrifices even in their most tragic moments. apparently those very rules were being broken by those who set them. the hypocrisy has caused outrage across the country and calls for the prime minister to resign, one conservative lawmaker saying the position is untenable. there is an investigation under way right now looking into all of these allegations of partying by downing street. then we expect results of that in the coming days. reputationally, the damage is done here. overwhelmingly, critics of prime minister johnson feel he's the party prime minister of britain. salma abdelaziz, london. the u.s. crossed 65 million total coronavirus cases on saturday. that number has been fueled in recent days by the fast-spreading omicron variant. as you can see here, in places like arkansas, california, oklahoma, and oregon have been especially hard hit. this comes as the u.s. crosses an even more chilling number. more than 850,000 people have died since the pandemic began. officials are hoping to combat the rising infections by making testing more available. as of saturday, many americans are going to be able to get reimbursed for home tests through their private insurance companies. now to europe and a look at covid headlines. not just in europe but around the world. in china, a neighborhood in beijing was locked down after the city reported its first case of omicron on saturday. authorities have begun mass testing people living there. this comes as beijing is set to host the winter olympics in less than three weeks. the vaccine pass continues to be a lightning rod in france. thousands marched in opposition to it saturday in paris and the french parliament began debating the bill that would require most people to be vaccinated in order to enter public spaces such as bars, restaurants, and long-distance public support. for more on that i'm joined by cnn's jim bittermann in paris. good to see you, jim. this debate continues in france. i know this were several thousands there, but in the majority, does it seem despite covid fatigue, people in france understand that perhaps these are measures they have to accept? >> reporter: well, i think there's kind of an understanding of that, paula. if you can judge by the numbers that turn out at these demonstrations. yesterday's demonstration here was in fact somewhat smaller, comfortably smaller than the previous weeks. what's more, i think there's an inevitability about all this. the covid vaccination pass that you were talking about there has now passed both the assembly and the senate as of last night. they just have to reconcile some small differences between the two bills and then it goes to the constitutional court. in all likelihood, the government's going to succeed in its wish to get that vaccination pass in play by the end of this week. as a consequence, that will mean that people will have to show vaccination -- proof of vaccinations in order to do the smallest of very public things, like go into a bar, cafe, restaurant, theater, cinemas, that sort of thing. you're going to have to have a vaccination pass that shows you've been vaccinated. there is going to be acceptance one way or another, i think, as time rolls on here. elsewhere in europe, i think the situation is somewhat similar to what we're seeing in france. there's a little glimmer of hope. in france, for example, the number of icu cases over the last three days has dropped slightly. we're also seeing some decline in numbers in britain. it's the lowest level of new cases in a month in britain. so there's a hope here that the peak may have been reached. it's too early to say that, but there is at least a glimmer of hope. "le monde," the big daily newspaper here put it that way last night. >> unfortunately, perhaps the numbers may not go down as quickly as they've risen. jim bittermann, thank you for that update, appreciate it. countries throughout the pacific are assessing the impact after a massive volcanic eruption triggered multiple vo tsunami waves. sore throat lozenges.stasoothe show your sore throat who's boss. new mucinex instasoothe. works in seconds, lasts for hours. on fanduel sportsbook, new customers can bet 30-to-1 odds on any team in the playoffs. ♪ ♪ so you can make every catch... ♪ ♪ feel like the catch of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new customers can make every moment more during the nfl playoffs with 30-to-1 odds on any team to win their playoff game. bet $5 to win $150. only on fanduel, america's number one sportsbook. my hygienist cleans with a round head. so does my oral-b my hygienist personalizes my cleaning. so does my oral-b oral-b delivers the wow of a professional clean feel every day. what makes febreze air effects different? while cheaper aerosols rely on artificial propellants... febreze uses a 100% natural propellant. check it out! pressure created by what's in your air makes the bottle spray. which means freshness everyone will love. febreze. wet dishes? residue? spots? it's not your dishwasher's fault. simply add finish jetdry 3in1 to rinse, dry and shine your dishes. solve 3 problems at once with finish jetdry 3in1. new zealand's prime minister says tsunami waves from an underwater volcanic eruption made a significant impact on tonga. waves crashed ashore saturday. you see some of it there, flooding coastal areas, damaging shops, even reaching the grounds of tonga's world palace. authorities are still working to assess the damage. the enormous eruption spewed ash and smoke more than 12 miles into the atmosphere and triggered tsunami waves that reached japan and hawaii. cnn's blake essig joins me from tokyo. it caught my attention as the tsunami warning was so widespread, right? even reaching the united states and canada. is it alarming that we still don't know, really, the damage involved with this? >> reporter: yeah, you know paula, more than 24 hours after this underwater volcano erupted off the coast of tonga, still a lot of questions and answers we don't know. specifically, the damage that was done on the island of tonga. here in japan, tsunami advisories for several coastal communities across the country were only just lifted a few hours ago. the alerts went out early sunday morning local time with emergency management officials asking hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate from eight coastal prefectures around japan. here's what people in iwate heard early this morning. >> they're pretty devastating to local populations too. they can collapse the roofs of buildings. they can stop jet engines from working. they'll smother crops and pollute water supplies. so yeah, the folks nearby are going to be feeling the effects of this eruption for quite a few months, i would say, at the very minimum. >> reporter: vulcanologist jess phoenix talking to cnn earlier today. in the hours that followed, several communities that reported 2 to 3-foot waves, including iwate, reporting waves as high as 9 feet. take a look at these satellite images that captured the moment the volcano, located about 30 kilometers off the coast of tonga, erupted. from above you can see the plume of ash that reached about 20 kilometers into the air, sent shock waves that generated from this eruption that resulted in tsunami waves all across the pacific. here's a video posted to twitter of the tsunami wave crashing onto the shore of tonga a short time later. the video shows several small waves crossing the shoreline and flooding into the capital. but of course, tsunami isn't the only environmental impact to result from the eruption as vulcanologist jess phoenix said earlier. a lot of impact to the local communities. the impact of yesterday's volcanic eruption has been felt across the pacific. videos hosted on social media from chile, peru, and california show waves flooding coastal areas as a result of the eruption. as you mentioned, according to new zealand's prime minister who addressed the ongoing situation in tonga as the country struggles to restore lines of communication. no injuries or deaths have been recorded so far. the prime minister says that while the volcano does seem stable for now, further eruptions can't be ruled out. >> that's a key point there, right? the fact that this is still active and they still could have repercussions, again from the eruption, again listening that not all of those remote regions have been reached yet. blake essig, appreciate the update. i want to thank you for watching "cnn newsroom." we continue to follow the breaking news out of australia. novak djokovic is not a free man in australia and will be deported in the coming hours. be back with the top stories and more in just a moment. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because my sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so i stay cool. and senses my movement and effortlessly adjusts to help keep me comfortable. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. only from sleep number.. from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers the reity of living with moderate to severe ulcetive colitis or crohn's disease... means you might be dealing with a lot of symptoms... which can change your plans at any time gut-focused entyvio is made for you. entyvio is the only medicine just for uc and cd that is gut-focused. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. it may help you, too. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen... during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio. find out if entyvioconnect can help... with the cost of treatment, whether you are insured or not. entyvio, made for the gut, made for remission, made for you. did you know that even after you sanitize a surface, every touch can leave new bacteria behind? 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Battles , Fight , Led , Look , Greats , Rafe Nadal , Roger Federer , Six , 20 , Incident , Ball , U S Open , Stumbles , Assistant Linesperson , Final , Sets , Hurdle , Flushing Meadows , Competitor , Times , Tennis Fan , Harping , Tennis Australia , Tour Directors , Tour Governance , Atp , Information , Social Media Announcement , Plane , Passage , Side , 127 , Gabby Muguruza , Circus , Agreement , Law Enforcement , Beth Israel , Leader , Group , Synagogue Attack , Houses , Prayer , Time , Anyone , Sites , Hostage Taking , Extremists , Jewish Community Centers , Reason , Pattern , Fits , Day Schools , Omicron Variant , Series , Offices , Security , Threats , Spread , Surfaces , Streets , Viruses , Virus , Nothing , Europeans , Disinfectant Spray , Lysol , Morere , 19 , Nutrients , Qunol Sleep Formula , Febreze Freshness , La , Car , Qunol , Febreze Car , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , Barnes , Worth C Call , Result , Eight Hundred , Firm , Car Accident , Call Owondnder Whahatmy C Cas , Eight Million , Rich Barnes , Youour Cidedentase E , Yoyou , Position , Scandal , Ght T Beurprpris , Boris Johnson , Allegations , Downing Street , Britain , Office Parties , Voters , Poll , The Observer , 63 , 10 Downing Street , Partying , Newspaper , Rest , Lockdowns , Salma Adele Aziz , Latest , Lockdown Rules , Lockdown , Drinking Sessions , Wine Time Fridays , Allegation , Power , String , Summer , Spring , 2021 , 2020 , Queen , Parties , Coronavirus , I M Sorry , Buckingham Palace , The Telegraph , Philip , Heart , Chapel , Image , Sacrifices , Funeral , Moments , Calls , Conservative , Hypocrisy , Outrage , Reputationally , Results , Lawmaker , Of Britain , Critics , London , Salma Abdelaziz , 65 Million , Cases , California , Arkansas , Oklahoma , Oregon , Testing , 850000 , City , Companies , Insurance , Neighborhood , At Covid Headlines , Beijing , China , Set , Lightning Rod , Winter Olympics , Omicron On Saturday , Thousands , Bill , Restaurants , Bars , Opposition , Public , Spaces , French Parliament , Debate , Jim Bittermann , Majority , In Paris , Numbers , Demonstration , Kind , Understanding , Demonstrations , Measures , Covid Vaccination Pass , Inevitability , Assembly , Senate , Last Night , Vaccination Pass , Consequence , Bills , Differences , Wish , Likelihood , The End , Smallest , Vaccinations , Restaurant , Thing , Bar , Cinemas , Cafe , Theater , Proof , Hope , Glimmer , Another , Elsewhere , Icu , Example , Decline , Big Daily Newspaper , Peak , Le Monde , Glimmer Of Hope , Eruption , Impact , Tsunami , Waves , Update , Pacific , Vo , Sore Throat , Works , Mucinex Instasoothe , Boss , Customers , Fanduel Sportsbook , Odds , Playoffs , Catch , Hygienist , Round Head , Playoff Game , Cleans , Lifetime , Nfl , Bet , Cleaning , Oral B , Propellants , Aerosols , Air , Dishes , Pressure , Dishwasher , Propellant , Residue , Spots , Bottle Spray , Jetdry 3in1 , Fault , Finish Jetdry 3in1 , Tonga , Tsunami Waves , New Zealand , Ash , Shops , Smoke , Flooding Coastal Areas , World Palace , Tsunami Warning , Japan , Don T Know , Blake Essig , Hawaii , Tokyo , Canada , Volcano , Coast , 24 , Alerts , Island , Emergency Management , Sunday Morning , Tsunami Advisories , Hundreds , Iwate , Water Supplies , Buildings , Populations , Roofs , Jet Engines , Crops , Vulcanologist Jess Phoenix , Folks , Satellite Images , Feet , Reporting Waves , 2 , Video , Plume , Shock Waves , Shore , Shoreline , Flooding , Tsunami Wave Crashing , Capital , Tsunami Isn T , Social Media , Videos , Felt , Peru , Chile , Communication , Show , Injuries , Lines , Eruptions , Deaths , Repercussions , Regions , Stories , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Bed , Movement , Sale , 360 , Touch , Pediatrician , Pampers , Entyvio , Medicine , Plans , First , Colitis , Crohn S Disease , The Reity Of Living , Remission , Infusion , Patients , Cd , Uc , Liver Problems , Sores , Pml 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