Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

volcanic eruption overnight in the south pacific. those are the satellite images you're looking at. they show a massive ash cloud and shockwaves. it happened near the island of tonga. a tsunami has hit the island there, sending waves flooding into the capital. back here in the united states, numerous beaches, marinas and boardwalks on the california coast are temporarily closing as a precaution. just moments ago we learned the white house, along with fema and noaa are, quote, closely monitoring the tsunami advisory situation in case any needs arise. natasha chen is at the santa monica pier in california, but we're going to begin with allison chinchar in the cnn weather center. what do people on the west coast and alaska need to know about this advisory? >> so where the advisory is and what it details in the forecast are really going to be the key messages here. again, basically all of the area where you see yellow here, the entire west coast of the lower 48, the western coast of canada and basically the entire southern coast of alaska is under a tsunami advisory. we expect wave heights 1 to 2 feet. and that may not sound like that much, but it's enough water, if you're walking, it's enough to sweep you off your feet. it may not sound like a large number, but it will be. you also have the rip currents in the forecast. this isn't just one wave and it's done. it's multiple waves and will be ongoing for several hours across these areas. we've already have some waves observed. several areas of alaska picking up around 1 foot waves. the advisory that had been in hawaii has come to an end, but these are some of the wave heights that were observed there. the vast majority of them ranging between 1 and 3 feet. so similar to what we expect along the west coast of the united states and california and areas such as that. but maybe on the lower end of that spectrum, closer to 1 to 2 feet, rather than the 2 to 3 foot waves we saw in a couple of locations in hawaii. we talked about this imagery. it's very impressive, because not only can you see the eruption actually take place, but you see some of the shockwaves that go around it as well. again, it's kind of very interesting, jessica, kind of dealing with, and being able to see something like that from space and also see it in real time as you get some of these videos in from along the coast. >> it is absolutely fascinating. allison, thank you to you. let's go to natasha chen live at the santa monica pier. describe to us what you're seeing. >> reporter: jessica, i spoke to the l.a. county fire department lifeguard division and they describe today as a good dry run for a potentially much larger tsunami impact that could come in the future. so what they mean by that is they were patrolling up and down the coastline today, telling people to be aware of this. and also warning those people with boats in the harbors and marinas, because when allison is talking about that 1 foot tidal surge, when you've already got a current of 4 to 6 foot waves here, 1 foot difference may not be easily seen at the beach here, but you can see that water rushing in and out much more rapidly when you're looking at a marina or a harbor. so telling those boat owners to check those dock lines for those vessels, make sure they don't snap or break if there's a rush of water coming in. we did talk to someone as well who was here very early in the morning and here's how he described how this saturday morning's water right here in santa monica looked different to him than other weekends when he's been here. >> this morning is different than a regular saturday morning, because the waves are normally just coming in in sets and it's no bother. well, today it seemed very disturbed and at one point the waves -- i tried to take cell phone pictures, it didn't capture it. but the waves were kind of going backwards and everything seemed disturbed. it wasn't the normal rhythm of the ocean on a saturday morning. so the waves were kind of going -- i want to say sideways, backwards. a little disturbed. >> reporter: while the l.a. county beaches do not plan to close, orange county has closed those beaches out of an abundance of caution. and i want to also mention some bullet points from the national weather service here, telling people not to go to the shore. the first wave may not be the largest. later waves may be larger. waves and currents can drown or injure people in the water and some impacts could continue for many hours, even days after the arrival of the first wave. so warning people to move out of the water, off the beach, away from the harbors and marinas, to be alert and follow instructions from your local emergency officials. and that's also actually what we just saw from governor gavin newsom, who tweeted a few minutes ago that they are monitoring this and telling people, please follow instructions from local officials. >> natasha chen, allison chinchar, thank you so much to both of you. i want to bring in chief rob young who leads the santa cruz fire department. thank you for being there. we just saw video and we know there's been minor flooding in the harbor. walk us through your immediate concerns as we start to see the waves making their way to shore. >> yeah, so our concern this morning -- thanks for having me, by the way. and we have the advisory, the tsunami advisory, which is, you know, low on the level. however, what we also had was a high tide at the same time as the tsunami advisory was preparing us. we had had our first initial wave of it at 7:40, approximately 7:40 this morning. and what that did was right at the peak of the high tide it brought in a 1 to 2 foot wave, and that subsided after the first one. and then we had our largest one at 8:49. i was at our harbor where our surge was approximately 7 feet. so before we have the wave come in to increase the level, it draws everything out of the harbor and then it comes in. and so it was about a 7 foot increase inside of about 3 minutes, so it creates a strong current and then damage occurred in the harbor to some of the docs. and then we had some flooding in one of the parking lots. and then for our city of santa cruz, itself, our wharf we shut down. we're having that assessed right now for any piling damage. and then it flooded our beaches up to our first surface street. so just light flooding there. but when it comes, it comes quickly. that's the difference. not just a 1 foot wave, but it comes in a surge because it draws all the water out first and then it comes in. and like i said, the swing is about 6 feet. >> right. and i think that helps people at home kind of understand what we're talking about, because we're saying 1 to 2 foot waves, which i think if you're just sitting at home or you've never lived on a coast, you think that sounds not that bad. but it sounds like what you're saying is it's how quickly it comes. it sucks everything out and it comes in so quickly. >> exactly, yeah. everybody that was walking up to us in between said, well, it's 1 to 2 feet, what's the big deal. and then when they saw the high mark on these docks, they realized that's 6 feet higher than right now, and the swing happens that fast. so if you're out on a beach and you have a 6 foot increase in the water level inside of three minutes, you may be stuck in the water and not able to exit. so we've closed all the beaches, like i said. we have them at least closed until noon right now. our last surge was at 10:10 and that was diminished. 8:49 was the high, then we had another one at 9:40 that was about 2 feet less at the harbor. and then our last surge was at 10:10, about an hour ago, 55 minutes ago. >> and we know just a few moments ago fema reiterated the importance of being prepared for this sort of hazard. obviously you all have closed your beaches for that reason. but how else do you suggest people in that area, if they're watching, anything else to keep in mind or how do they prepare for the rest of the day? >> i think for the rest of the day and for any time you get these advisories, the recognition that when we close beaches, even though they don't look like they're dangerous at the time, there's a reason for it. like i said, a 1 to 2 foot wave, people hear that and they get lured into thinking that's all it's going to be. but these surges create 6 foot plus differences in the water level in two to three minutes. so, you know, it's being prepared in the sense, evacuated areas, of not to re-enter them before it's been lifted. we're having that issue at the harbor where people are wanting to go out on their docs to check their boats and the harbor master can't because he has another surge coming and he doesn't know when they're going to end. the weather service can provide you the information, but not the exact timing of it, and when they're going to subside, what's going to be the largest surge. so heed warnings. evacuate low-lying areas when asked by any officials. and recognize that when you hear it, you don't need to wait to be told if you're on a beach, walk off of it. >> right. don't be lulled into thinking that it's safer than it actually is. chief young, thank you so much. you guys stay safe out there. we appreciate you taking time in the middle of this. >> thank you. still ahead today, the battle against the omicron variant continues to rage across the country. hospitalizations reaching an all-time high and the cdc just updating its mask guidance. we're going to bring you details on that. we're also continuing to monitor a major winter storm that could dump several inches of snow and ice across much of the country, stretching from the southeast up to new england. that storm hitting the midwest, parts of iowa seeing several inches of snow overnight, and crippling ice is expected to hit the carolinas. that could leave millions of people without power. several governors have declared a state of emergency in anticipation of those severe conditions. we're going to have more details for you on this in just a moment. riders, the lone wolves of the great highway. all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas. their only friend? the open road. i have friends. 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>> jessica, thanks for having me. i'm living it every day. i worked late into the evening yesterday, i'm working today. i don't wear the white coat just for cnn interviews. i'm working today and working tomorrow. we're very much in it. no one really has a good idea, everybody is trying their best to understand what we can do. and as you said, we're 20 plus months into this pandemic. i would sure like to get it in the rearview mirror as opposed to our passing lane. we have a lot of work we're doing now and a lot of work ahead of us. >> and we know the white house is preparing to increase access to testing and we just went through it. starting today people can use their private insurance to get those at-home tests for free. and then next week, starting next week, americans are going to be able to sign up to receive these at-home tests from the government. but given where we are right now, do you believe that the administration should be doing more? is there more they could be doing? >> well, as i said, we're all doing what we can do with the changing scientific environment. testing, i always wish we had more tests yesterday. on the front lines, i'm telling my patients, please get tested if you have any questions of symptoms or exposure, or if you've been sick and infected and then trying to get back to work or school. we would like for you as soon as you can to get a negative test before you go back. but shortages are concerning all of us. we really need to have more testing supplies, no question of it. >> and just to follow up on that, i've been talking with friends today. i think people do get confused. they say, well, i've just had a headache. should i get a test? would you advise someone who has one symptom, maybe they just have a tickle in their throat, should they be getting tested? >> that's a real good question. i get that question every day. people call me up and say, dr. harmon, i've got a sinus infection or a headache, would you see me or do you think i should take some medicine. i ask them, if you have any risk of exposure and if they've been immunized, and the symptoms of the omicron variant are a little more sneaky. it does have a little more bite than bark on it. i tell them, if you can find a test, let's get tested. and i tend to believe the results of the test. >> right, stick with that. we know that you were very critical of the cdc's updated guidance for isolation and quarantine. i'm curious what you think about their new recommendations for masks. they're saying that the n95s, kn95s are the best option and use those if you can. what do you think about that? >> we understand and we agree with the cdc and we appreciate them giving us updated guidance for the public, because the better the mask, and masking works, it's one of the most effective weapons in the battle against the spread. masking does work. what i tell my patients is wear the best mask you can use and have access to and that you can wear comfortably. typically the best mask -- of course the n95 is what i wear in i'm in a covid rich environment like health care, delivering care, the n95 has to be properly fitted and sealed to be the best effective. but even the medical disposable masks always work better if they're fitting properly and you don't have leaks around them. >> we also saw this week the supreme court ruled against the white house blocking the vaccination and testing mandate for large employers. do you have a reaction to that? obviously we know vaccinated people are going to do better, that the vaccines do work. but do you have any reaction to the blocking of that mandate? >> well, i do, and the ama has made a public statement over my name about that. first off, we appreciate the supreme court allowing -- supporting the cms requiring health care workers to get vaccinated. i want my health care workers, i want people to know that i'm vaccinated and i'm working alongside folks who have done all they can to protect them and me from getting infected. our patients need to know when they come to us for medical care that they're in a safe environment to get care. however, what we really wanted to see was a broader use of that requirement for those larger employers to have their employees vaccinated. that's been a very effective weapon against transmission of the spread and it really does work. so we encourage large employers, despite the supreme court's willing to consider require it and suggesting it individually for their employees, it protects them, their families, the communities at large. >> it protects everybody. dr. gerald harmon, thank you so much. good luck on the job today. stay safe. thank you. >> it's a privilege to be with you and a privilege to be able to help these folks. thank you. still to come, north korea test fires two ballistic missiles on friday, raising new questions about how the u.s. should respond. you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. each one with a story that breaks your heart. like ravette... every step, brought her pain. their only hope: mercy ships. the largest floating civilian hospital in the world. bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. so don't wait, call the number on your screen. or donate at ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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how do they do this in your opinion? >> thanks, jessica. first of all, we should be clear that what north korea claimed, that they can shoot a hypersonic missile from a train, that's pretty amazing if that's true. if it is true, what it means is that all of our missile defenses in asia, all of our plans for how to deal with the missile threat have to be totally rewritten and it means that the arms race is speeding up fast and we're slow to react. and, you know, that means that we can't ignore this growing threat, even though dealing with kim jong-un is tough and the negotiations usually don't work, but what i said in the "washington post" is very simple. there's one thing that's different right now and that's covid. and kim jong-un is evil, but he's rational and he wants vaccines just like every other leader in the world. and he won't even take the bad vaccines, the chinese vaccines. he's worried about their efficacy. so why not think outside the box a little. that's my pitch to the biden people, give them all the vaccines and see if they'll take it, and here is the cool part. even if they don't come out of their diplomatic shell, they need vaccines anyway, because north korea is a huge unvaccinated population, which is a petri dish for new variants. and omicron should have caught us if we leave these poor countries with no vaccines, it will eventually come back to bite us. >> it always comes back to covid these days. and i heard you at the beginning of your answer talking about if this is true, if they did shoot this off of a rail car. we know that north korean state media, obviously, overstate, lie, don't tell the truth. do you think it's potential that this could have happened? is there even a potential for that? >> not only is there a potential for that, but if it didn't work this time, it will sooner or later. in other words, north korea is testing missiles and advancing their nuclear program all the time. they're stockpiling nuclear weapons, they have dozens of them now. that's why they're doing this. they're getting better and better. that's why getting them into a negotiation, even though it's politically risky and can be crazy for the negotiators, is the only rational and sensible thing to do. the more we ignore them, eventually they're going to get a pile of nukes that they can put on top of weapons that can hit us, if they don't have them already. so ignoring the problem makes it more dangerous and it gets the whole region up in a tizzy. we have to take some leadership. i understand why biden people don't want to deal with this right now. they're dealing with a possible war in europe and a pandemic and all of the other stuff that's on their plate. but their current policy is not working. they've spent a year waiting for the north koreans to come to us and how is that going? and so in year two it seems like kim jong-un is determined to make sure that we remember that there's this country called north korea and they have all these dangerous weapons. and now i think the biden administration in its second year is going to have to do something. they're going to have to respond before it's too late. >> right. and you talk about the region itself. is this escalation any more worrisome because we know we have the upcoming winter olympics next month in beijing, we also have a presidential election in south korea march 9th. there are all of these things happening kind of in and around. >> well, that's right. there's a lot going on. in addition to that, the chinese military is expanding, our allies, japan and south korea are getting very nervous. taiwan, there's a ton of tension around taiwan these days. if you just think about that, we're supposed to have a foreign policy that pivots to asia that deals with security in a diplomatic way. without north korea that just doesn't work. and, yeah, what's going to happen if we continue to ignore it is eventually kim jong-un is going to do something really crazy and test another nuclear weapon or he's going to attack a south korean ship like he did before once, and then we'll be in a crisis. and you never want to deal with these things in the crisis. you want to try to deal with it before the crisis. and that time is now. and i get it, there's a lot of places on fire in the world, but this is one that we can't just let sit, because once north korea becomes a crisis, it's going to be probably the worst crisis in our planet right now. and so let's try to make sure that doesn't happen. >> josh rogan saying the lights are blinking there. thank you so much. we appreciate it. the u.s. believes that russia's domestic intelligence agency has arrested the person responsible for the may ransomware attack that forced a major u.s. fuel pipeline to shut down for days. the cyberattack against colonial pipeline prompted the company to shut down fuel distribution operations and you'll remember the closure led to widespread shortages at gas stations along the east coast. it marks a rare instance of russian kcooperation and it follows direct appeals from president biden to russian president putin. coming up after the break, senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will take up voting rights legislation on tuesday, but with key democratic senators not on board, they simply do not have to votes to pass those bills. fut l essential oils into a mist. air wick essential mist. connect to nature. 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who can help. slack. where the future works. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. president biden is vowing to keep fighting for voting rights, even though two democrat senators continue to withhold their support for changes that would allow that legislation to pass with just democratic votes. senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will take up voting rights next week, but without support from senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin to change the senate rules, the measures are likely to fail. cnn's suzanne malveaux joining us now. take us through the timeline of what we expect to happen next week. >> reporter: jessica, the hope was by senate majority leader chuck schumer, this would get a vote by the martin luther king holiday on monday. that is not going to happen, although we expect quite a bit of activity after that. we are talking about a hearing and potential debate on voting rights legislation, which would be very different than what we've seen before. the way they were able to do this is that the house, in fact, on thursday passed those two pieces of democratic voting legislation, the john lewis act, as well as the freedom to vote act. they put them together, combined the text, and then put it in a previously approved and passed piece of legislation dealing nothing with voting, but with nasa. that allows them essentially to call up this nasa bill on the floor and open it up and start debating on voting rights. that's what they're going to do. chuck schumer wants everybody on the record. that will fail. it will not get the 60 vote threshold needed in order for it to pass. then fast forward, schumer will then introduce something that very likely will change the 60 vote flthreshold, change the filibuster rule, if you will, to a simple majority. that, too, will fail, jessica, because we know senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema making it very clear they're not about changing the rules here. so there are some alternatives, not that would make everybody happy, looking at the electoral count act, perhaps reforming that. some democrats as well as republicans say, hey, let's take a look at that and reform it, make it krystal clear the vice president's role is simply ceremonial, there is no question about that. there also is another camp that still says let's keep up the pressure on manchin and sinema. >> even though they both have made it abundantly clear they're not changing their minds. suzanne malveaux at the capitol, thank you so much. we have a professor of sociology from the university of maryland who joins us now. thank you so much for taking time to be with us this afternoon. we just heard from suzanne. democrats making the case this is big enough of an issue to change the rules, that voting rights is a big enough issue that the rules should be changed that it can pass with a simple majority. do you believe that's the right tactic at this time? >> i think so. first, thanks as always for having me on. i think so. look, this is a civil rights issue. voting is one of the most fundamental thing that we can do as americans and it's been very clear that that has not happened for certain americans. i think we need a civil rights exemption to the filibuster and it's important for people to know that this exception has been made before, for supreme court picks, for selecting judges. and it's unfortunate that when it comes to something as fundamental as voting rights that there are some senators who don't want to get on board with this. >> right, because we have seen republicans use essentially what's called a carveout, a fancy term that they use on the hill. what they're essentially doing is saying these rules changes can apply to this one issue, but you have to have all of your people on board. and schumer simply does not have manchin and sinema willing to do this. where do you see him navigating if they can't get the rules changes? >> i think there's a couple of things for people. first, there have been a series of broken promises that democrats have laid out. for example, this was supposed to be taken up on monday. of course people are saying the mlk day is a day on and not a day off to fight for voting rights. i think the other thing is these broken promises have all those voters that came out for democrats in last fall's election, they are a bit uneasy, unnerved. they feel as though things have not happened. and we have to be clear as we approach mlk day. mlk day wrote letters from a birmingham jail, and it was just written about, that sinema and manchin are part of the white moderate that mlk wrote about, where he was saying that they preferred order over what was morally correct, and we are seeing that in this particular case. >> and walk us through a little bit -- we talk about these voting rights bills a lot on our shows. walk us through what these two bills would actually do. some of the things that they would do, because instead of just painting with the brush, what would these things actually do and why do you think that matters, especially to this particular constituency you're talking about? you're talking about black americans who overwhelmingly showed up in favor of president biden in 2020. >> yeah, i mean, look, this is definitely an issue for black americans, but i think for all americans. we saw in 2020 that even though biden won over trump, that more people came out to vote even for a republican candidate than we've seen before. the john lewis voting rights act actually restores some of the rights that were taken away from the voting rights act of 1965. it's really important for people to know the shelby versus holder decision made it where the federal government does not have to provide oversight when localities want to make changes. that led to wide, sweeping changes after the obama election, in north carolina, texas, florida, georgia, places where we know there are now purple battleground states, people are waiting in line for an extremely long time. the other larger part of the legislation ensures that equity is put in place, so that people have the same rights to be able to drop off mail-in ballots, to be able to get to the polls, so if they go to work they will still have time after that to be able to vote. again, look, voting is the most fundamental right we have as americans, not just for black americans, but for all americans. for people living in rural america who might have voted for trump, who might favor some of the things that are going on. we need to ensure that everyone can get to the polls. the john lewis voting rights act, as well as the broader act on voting rights will ensure that. it's unfortunate that not just those two democratic senators, but even all of the republicans who don't want to vote for it are voting against these particular legislations. >> right, and i think it is important to note that republicans have blocked democrats from even bringing this to debate on the floor several times in the last year. so we've heard from people like kyrsten sinema, who want republicans to get on board and talk about any potential rules changes, anything like that. but republicans don't even want them to be debating this issue. and it looks like at this point that these bills just simply aren't going to get passed. so what do you think the potential impact is on upcoming elections? i mean, we're staring down at the 2022 elections in november. >> i think it's going to be huge. look, i think james baldwin's quote is so poignant here. we hear what you're saying but we see what you do. we can't necessarily believe what you're saying because we see what you're doing. for democrats, even though president biden has been making these really emphatic and empathetic speeches, they don't go far enough because people are seeing what is happening in their local communities. they see they're not going to have the same opportunities. these are some of the things that democrats promised americans, that if you gave us congress, if you kept the house, if you gave us the senate, tie-breaker, and also gave us the presidential election, we would do these things. and not only have we not gotten voting rights, but police reform failed at the federal level, build back better is still stalling. and then of course we see images of democratic senators meeting with senator mitch mcconnell. these are the kind of things that are fueling. we see what you're doing and we hear what you're saying. we hear that you're saying that you are backing the voting rights act, but you are unwilling to do the things that need to be done. on the eve of mlk day, part of thinking about this is this is a white moderate that he wrote about in letters from a birmingham jail. people should read that and see where we are having a repeat of history in this moment. >> we've got to leave it there. thanks again for making time. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> we'll be right back. and get back to your rhythm. ♪ the relief you need. the cash you want. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at it's your home. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase 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he died last week after performing a show in florida. as cnn's randi kaye reports, tributes to the late comedian are still pouring in. >> to those who knew and loved bob saget, he was more than just a tv dad. ♪ >> a word that came up a lot was the sweetest, and bob was the sweetest, he was the sweetest man. >> an emotional jimmy kimmel paid tribute to his friend on his late night show. >> he had something funny to say about everything and nothing bad to say about anyone. he was very kind to everyone and he had no problem telling you that he loved you and what you meant to him. >> now his loved ones and friends are sharing what he meant to them. after the actor's sudden death in an orlando hotel room sunday. his close friend and fellow cast member from "full house" john stamos posted this picture on instagram, i'm not ready to accept that he's gone, i'm not going to say goodbye yet, i'm going to imagine him out there, still on the road, doing what he loves, with all his heart and humor. >> we're on the 405. remembering bob saget. >> saget's close friends, musician john mayer and comedian jeff ross are picking up pieces of his life. they made this live instagram video as they retrieved saget's car from los angeles airport. >> i am saying that i wish to god i had 100 more things like this to do, because that to me, it is awesome to lean on each other. >> and tomorrow we will pick up his dry cleaning. >> bring bob home. let me go out and help. >> windshield wipers for our eyes. >> "snl" star keenan thompson clearly moved by saget's death, he told "the view," he had seen saget recently in l.a. >> you know, it meant a lot. he never put that air on of, you know, being a diva or anything like that, because of his status, he was just a genuinely great person. >> sirius xm host rich eisen stunned by the sudden death of his friend remembered his humor and big heart. >> he would open his mouth and the filthiest things would come out, and that was his style, that was his sense of humor. he was just so nice. and his heart was so big. part of that big heart and his love of life and family, his sister died of an awful, awful disease called sclerroderma, it killed his sister and he spent his entire public and working life raising money for the scleroderma research foundation. >> actor tom arnold mourning the loss of his friend and great comedian. >> he was an amazing, amazing comic. i think being a standup comic was the most important thing to him and he certainly has the respect of every one of us. >> bob saget, a friend to so many, a loss too great to comp helped. i'm jessica dean in for fredricka whitfield. cnn newsroom continues with jim acosta in a moment. but first, a young woman works through grief and depression to win an olympic silver. in today's "human factor". >> i started swimming competitively when i was six years old, a big part of it was my dad was a swimmer, he played a big role of teaching me to enjoy the sport. he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. my mom was in a position of taking care of my dad. i felt really alone during that time. i started to realize i would get around, right before my dad died, i'm going through the turmoil of coming out while my dad is going through his illness. my dad passed away when i was 16 years old. i made the national team for the first time three weeks after he passed. i couldn't even get to swim practice anymore. i pushed everything down for so long. to try not to feel anything. my coach got me a therapist. nine hours of therapy a week for six months. the whole mental health and coming out, i was just lucky to have a support system behind me. the moment i won the silver medal in tokyo, in the olympics, it felt like i was living a dream. i feel like i represent america, i am queer, i'm asian american, my mom is a first generation immigrant, having other people be able to look at me and be like oh, i see myself in her, oh, may maybe i can be that, too, it's more rewarding than the medal around my neck. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. we're live in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. we start with breaking news just coming in to cnn, there is an active s.w.a.t. situation in texas just outside the dfw airport, by the local congregation of beth israel. the police department there saying all residents of the immediate area have been evacuated. they're being evacuated right now, they're telling people to please avoid the area. let's bring in cnn national security analyst,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240709

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volcanic eruption overnight in the south pacific. those are the satellite images you're looking at. they show a massive ash cloud and shockwaves. it happened near the island of tonga. a tsunami has hit the island there, sending waves flooding into the capital. back here in the united states, numerous beaches, marinas and boardwalks on the california coast are temporarily closing as a precaution. just moments ago we learned the white house, along with fema and noaa are, quote, closely monitoring the tsunami advisory situation in case any needs arise. natasha chen is at the santa monica pier in california, but we're going to begin with allison chinchar in the cnn weather center. what do people on the west coast and alaska need to know about this advisory? >> so where the advisory is and what it details in the forecast are really going to be the key messages here. again, basically all of the area where you see yellow here, the entire west coast of the lower 48, the western coast of canada and basically the entire southern coast of alaska is under a tsunami advisory. we expect wave heights 1 to 2 feet. and that may not sound like that much, but it's enough water, if you're walking, it's enough to sweep you off your feet. it may not sound like a large number, but it will be. you also have the rip currents in the forecast. this isn't just one wave and it's done. it's multiple waves and will be ongoing for several hours across these areas. we've already have some waves observed. several areas of alaska picking up around 1 foot waves. the advisory that had been in hawaii has come to an end, but these are some of the wave heights that were observed there. the vast majority of them ranging between 1 and 3 feet. so similar to what we expect along the west coast of the united states and california and areas such as that. but maybe on the lower end of that spectrum, closer to 1 to 2 feet, rather than the 2 to 3 foot waves we saw in a couple of locations in hawaii. we talked about this imagery. it's very impressive, because not only can you see the eruption actually take place, but you see some of the shockwaves that go around it as well. again, it's kind of very interesting, jessica, kind of dealing with, and being able to see something like that from space and also see it in real time as you get some of these videos in from along the coast. >> it is absolutely fascinating. allison, thank you to you. let's go to natasha chen live at the santa monica pier. describe to us what you're seeing. >> reporter: jessica, i spoke to the l.a. county fire department lifeguard division and they describe today as a good dry run for a potentially much larger tsunami impact that could come in the future. so what they mean by that is they were patrolling up and down the coastline today, telling people to be aware of this. and also warning those people with boats in the harbors and marinas, because when allison is talking about that 1 foot tidal surge, when you've already got a current of 4 to 6 foot waves here, 1 foot difference may not be easily seen at the beach here, but you can see that water rushing in and out much more rapidly when you're looking at a marina or a harbor. so telling those boat owners to check those dock lines for those vessels, make sure they don't snap or break if there's a rush of water coming in. we did talk to someone as well who was here very early in the morning and here's how he described how this saturday morning's water right here in santa monica looked different to him than other weekends when he's been here. >> this morning is different than a regular saturday morning, because the waves are normally just coming in in sets and it's no bother. well, today it seemed very disturbed and at one point the waves -- i tried to take cell phone pictures, it didn't capture it. but the waves were kind of going backwards and everything seemed disturbed. it wasn't the normal rhythm of the ocean on a saturday morning. so the waves were kind of going -- i want to say sideways, backwards. a little disturbed. >> reporter: while the l.a. county beaches do not plan to close, orange county has closed those beaches out of an abundance of caution. and i want to also mention some bullet points from the national weather service here, telling people not to go to the shore. the first wave may not be the largest. later waves may be larger. waves and currents can drown or injure people in the water and some impacts could continue for many hours, even days after the arrival of the first wave. so warning people to move out of the water, off the beach, away from the harbors and marinas, to be alert and follow instructions from your local emergency officials. and that's also actually what we just saw from governor gavin newsom, who tweeted a few minutes ago that they are monitoring this and telling people, please follow instructions from local officials. >> natasha chen, allison chinchar, thank you so much to both of you. i want to bring in chief rob young who leads the santa cruz fire department. thank you for being there. we just saw video and we know there's been minor flooding in the harbor. walk us through your immediate concerns as we start to see the waves making their way to shore. >> yeah, so our concern this morning -- thanks for having me, by the way. and we have the advisory, the tsunami advisory, which is, you know, low on the level. however, what we also had was a high tide at the same time as the tsunami advisory was preparing us. we had had our first initial wave of it at 7:40, approximately 7:40 this morning. and what that did was right at the peak of the high tide it brought in a 1 to 2 foot wave, and that subsided after the first one. and then we had our largest one at 8:49. i was at our harbor where our surge was approximately 7 feet. so before we have the wave come in to increase the level, it draws everything out of the harbor and then it comes in. and so it was about a 7 foot increase inside of about 3 minutes, so it creates a strong current and then damage occurred in the harbor to some of the docs. and then we had some flooding in one of the parking lots. and then for our city of santa cruz, itself, our wharf we shut down. we're having that assessed right now for any piling damage. and then it flooded our beaches up to our first surface street. so just light flooding there. but when it comes, it comes quickly. that's the difference. not just a 1 foot wave, but it comes in a surge because it draws all the water out first and then it comes in. and like i said, the swing is about 6 feet. >> right. and i think that helps people at home kind of understand what we're talking about, because we're saying 1 to 2 foot waves, which i think if you're just sitting at home or you've never lived on a coast, you think that sounds not that bad. but it sounds like what you're saying is it's how quickly it comes. it sucks everything out and it comes in so quickly. >> exactly, yeah. everybody that was walking up to us in between said, well, it's 1 to 2 feet, what's the big deal. and then when they saw the high mark on these docks, they realized that's 6 feet higher than right now, and the swing happens that fast. so if you're out on a beach and you have a 6 foot increase in the water level inside of three minutes, you may be stuck in the water and not able to exit. so we've closed all the beaches, like i said. we have them at least closed until noon right now. our last surge was at 10:10 and that was diminished. 8:49 was the high, then we had another one at 9:40 that was about 2 feet less at the harbor. and then our last surge was at 10:10, about an hour ago, 55 minutes ago. >> and we know just a few moments ago fema reiterated the importance of being prepared for this sort of hazard. obviously you all have closed your beaches for that reason. but how else do you suggest people in that area, if they're watching, anything else to keep in mind or how do they prepare for the rest of the day? >> i think for the rest of the day and for any time you get these advisories, the recognition that when we close beaches, even though they don't look like they're dangerous at the time, there's a reason for it. like i said, a 1 to 2 foot wave, people hear that and they get lured into thinking that's all it's going to be. but these surges create 6 foot plus differences in the water level in two to three minutes. so, you know, it's being prepared in the sense, evacuated areas, of not to re-enter them before it's been lifted. we're having that issue at the harbor where people are wanting to go out on their docs to check their boats and the harbor master can't because he has another surge coming and he doesn't know when they're going to end. the weather service can provide you the information, but not the exact timing of it, and when they're going to subside, what's going to be the largest surge. so heed warnings. evacuate low-lying areas when asked by any officials. and recognize that when you hear it, you don't need to wait to be told if you're on a beach, walk off of it. >> right. don't be lulled into thinking that it's safer than it actually is. chief young, thank you so much. you guys stay safe out there. we appreciate you taking time in the middle of this. >> thank you. still ahead today, the battle against the omicron variant continues to rage across the country. hospitalizations reaching an all-time high and the cdc just updating its mask guidance. we're going to bring you details on that. we're also continuing to monitor a major winter storm that could dump several inches of snow and ice across much of the country, stretching from the southeast up to new england. that storm hitting the midwest, parts of iowa seeing several inches of snow overnight, and crippling ice is expected to hit the carolinas. that could leave millions of people without power. several governors have declared a state of emergency in anticipation of those severe 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>> jessica, thanks for having me. i'm living it every day. i worked late into the evening yesterday, i'm working today. i don't wear the white coat just for cnn interviews. i'm working today and working tomorrow. we're very much in it. no one really has a good idea, everybody is trying their best to understand what we can do. and as you said, we're 20 plus months into this pandemic. i would sure like to get it in the rearview mirror as opposed to our passing lane. we have a lot of work we're doing now and a lot of work ahead of us. >> and we know the white house is preparing to increase access to testing and we just went through it. starting today people can use their private insurance to get those at-home tests for free. and then next week, starting next week, americans are going to be able to sign up to receive these at-home tests from the government. but given where we are right now, do you believe that the administration should be doing more? is there more they could be doing? >> well, as i said, we're all doing what we can do with the changing scientific environment. testing, i always wish we had more tests yesterday. on the front lines, i'm telling my patients, please get tested if you have any questions of symptoms or exposure, or if you've been sick and infected and then trying to get back to work or school. we would like for you as soon as you can to get a negative test before you go back. but shortages are concerning all of us. we really need to have more testing supplies, no question of it. >> and just to follow up on that, i've been talking with friends today. i think people do get confused. they say, well, i've just had a headache. should i get a test? would you advise someone who has one symptom, maybe they just have a tickle in their throat, should they be getting tested? >> that's a real good question. i get that question every day. people call me up and say, dr. harmon, i've got a sinus infection or a headache, would you see me or do you think i should take some medicine. i ask them, if you have any risk of exposure and if they've been immunized, and the symptoms of the omicron variant are a little more sneaky. it does have a little more bite than bark on it. i tell them, if you can find a test, let's get tested. and i tend to believe the results of the test. >> right, stick with that. we know that you were very critical of the cdc's updated guidance for isolation and quarantine. i'm curious what you think about their new recommendations for masks. they're saying that the n95s, kn95s are the best option and use those if you can. what do you think about that? >> we understand and we agree with the cdc and we appreciate them giving us updated guidance for the public, because the better the mask, and masking works, it's one of the most effective weapons in the battle against the spread. masking does work. what i tell my patients is wear the best mask you can use and have access to and that you can wear comfortably. typically the best mask -- of course the n95 is what i wear in i'm in a covid rich environment like health care, delivering care, the n95 has to be properly fitted and sealed to be the best effective. but even the medical disposable masks always work better if they're fitting properly and you don't have leaks around them. >> we also saw this week the supreme court ruled against the white house blocking the vaccination and testing mandate for large employers. do you have a reaction to that? obviously we know vaccinated people are going to do better, that the vaccines do work. but do you have any reaction to the blocking of that mandate? >> well, i do, and the ama has made a public statement over my name about that. first off, we appreciate the supreme court allowing -- supporting the cms requiring health care workers to get vaccinated. i want my health care workers, i want people to know that i'm vaccinated and i'm working alongside folks who have done all they can to protect them and me from getting infected. our patients need to know when they come to us for medical care that they're in a safe environment to get care. however, what we really wanted to see was a broader use of that requirement for those larger employers to have their employees vaccinated. that's been a very effective weapon against transmission of the spread and it really does work. so we encourage large employers, despite the supreme court's willing to consider require it and suggesting it individually for their employees, it protects them, their families, the communities at large. >> it protects everybody. dr. gerald harmon, thank you so much. good luck on the job today. stay safe. thank you. >> it's a privilege to be with you and a privilege to be able to help these folks. thank you. still to come, north korea test fires two ballistic missiles on friday, raising new questions about how the u.s. should respond. you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. each one with a story that breaks your heart. like ravette... every step, brought her pain. their only hope: mercy ships. the largest floating civilian hospital in the world. bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. so don't wait, call the number on your screen. or donate at ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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how do they do this in your opinion? >> thanks, jessica. first of all, we should be clear that what north korea claimed, that they can shoot a hypersonic missile from a train, that's pretty amazing if that's true. if it is true, what it means is that all of our missile defenses in asia, all of our plans for how to deal with the missile threat have to be totally rewritten and it means that the arms race is speeding up fast and we're slow to react. and, you know, that means that we can't ignore this growing threat, even though dealing with kim jong-un is tough and the negotiations usually don't work, but what i said in the "washington post" is very simple. there's one thing that's different right now and that's covid. and kim jong-un is evil, but he's rational and he wants vaccines just like every other leader in the world. and he won't even take the bad vaccines, the chinese vaccines. he's worried about their efficacy. so why not think outside the box a little. that's my pitch to the biden people, give them all the vaccines and see if they'll take it, and here is the cool part. even if they don't come out of their diplomatic shell, they need vaccines anyway, because north korea is a huge unvaccinated population, which is a petri dish for new variants. and omicron should have caught us if we leave these poor countries with no vaccines, it will eventually come back to bite us. >> it always comes back to covid these days. and i heard you at the beginning of your answer talking about if this is true, if they did shoot this off of a rail car. we know that north korean state media, obviously, overstate, lie, don't tell the truth. do you think it's potential that this could have happened? is there even a potential for that? >> not only is there a potential for that, but if it didn't work this time, it will sooner or later. in other words, north korea is testing missiles and advancing their nuclear program all the time. they're stockpiling nuclear weapons, they have dozens of them now. that's why they're doing this. they're getting better and better. that's why getting them into a negotiation, even though it's politically risky and can be crazy for the negotiators, is the only rational and sensible thing to do. the more we ignore them, eventually they're going to get a pile of nukes that they can put on top of weapons that can hit us, if they don't have them already. so ignoring the problem makes it more dangerous and it gets the whole region up in a tizzy. we have to take some leadership. i understand why biden people don't want to deal with this right now. they're dealing with a possible war in europe and a pandemic and all of the other stuff that's on their plate. but their current policy is not working. they've spent a year waiting for the north koreans to come to us and how is that going? and so in year two it seems like kim jong-un is determined to make sure that we remember that there's this country called north korea and they have all these dangerous weapons. and now i think the biden administration in its second year is going to have to do something. they're going to have to respond before it's too late. >> right. and you talk about the region itself. is this escalation any more worrisome because we know we have the upcoming winter olympics next month in beijing, we also have a presidential election in south korea march 9th. there are all of these things happening kind of in and around. >> well, that's right. there's a lot going on. in addition to that, the chinese military is expanding, our allies, japan and south korea are getting very nervous. taiwan, there's a ton of tension around taiwan these days. if you just think about that, we're supposed to have a foreign policy that pivots to asia that deals with security in a diplomatic way. without north korea that just doesn't work. and, yeah, what's going to happen if we continue to ignore it is eventually kim jong-un is going to do something really crazy and test another nuclear weapon or he's going to attack a south korean ship like he did before once, and then we'll be in a crisis. and you never want to deal with these things in the crisis. you want to try to deal with it before the crisis. and that time is now. and i get it, there's a lot of places on fire in the world, but this is one that we can't just let sit, because once north korea becomes a crisis, it's going to be probably the worst crisis in our planet right now. and so let's try to make sure that doesn't happen. >> josh rogan saying the lights are blinking there. thank you so much. we appreciate it. the u.s. believes that russia's domestic intelligence agency has arrested the person responsible for the may ransomware attack that forced a major u.s. fuel pipeline to shut down for days. the cyberattack against colonial pipeline prompted the company to shut down fuel distribution operations and you'll remember the closure led to widespread shortages at gas stations along the east coast. it marks a rare instance of russian kcooperation and it follows direct appeals from president biden to russian president putin. coming up after the break, senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will take up voting rights legislation on tuesday, but with key democratic senators not on board, they simply do not have to votes to pass those bills. fut l essential oils into a mist. air wick essential mist. connect to nature. 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who can help. slack. where the future works. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. president biden is vowing to keep fighting for voting rights, even though two democrat senators continue to withhold their support for changes that would allow that legislation to pass with just democratic votes. senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will take up voting rights next week, but without support from senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin to change the senate rules, the measures are likely to fail. cnn's suzanne malveaux joining us now. take us through the timeline of what we expect to happen next week. >> reporter: jessica, the hope was by senate majority leader chuck schumer, this would get a vote by the martin luther king holiday on monday. that is not going to happen, although we expect quite a bit of activity after that. we are talking about a hearing and potential debate on voting rights legislation, which would be very different than what we've seen before. the way they were able to do this is that the house, in fact, on thursday passed those two pieces of democratic voting legislation, the john lewis act, as well as the freedom to vote act. they put them together, combined the text, and then put it in a previously approved and passed piece of legislation dealing nothing with voting, but with nasa. that allows them essentially to call up this nasa bill on the floor and open it up and start debating on voting rights. that's what they're going to do. chuck schumer wants everybody on the record. that will fail. it will not get the 60 vote threshold needed in order for it to pass. then fast forward, schumer will then introduce something that very likely will change the 60 vote flthreshold, change the filibuster rule, if you will, to a simple majority. that, too, will fail, jessica, because we know senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema making it very clear they're not about changing the rules here. so there are some alternatives, not that would make everybody happy, looking at the electoral count act, perhaps reforming that. some democrats as well as republicans say, hey, let's take a look at that and reform it, make it krystal clear the vice president's role is simply ceremonial, there is no question about that. there also is another camp that still says let's keep up the pressure on manchin and sinema. >> even though they both have made it abundantly clear they're not changing their minds. suzanne malveaux at the capitol, thank you so much. we have a professor of sociology from the university of maryland who joins us now. thank you so much for taking time to be with us this afternoon. we just heard from suzanne. democrats making the case this is big enough of an issue to change the rules, that voting rights is a big enough issue that the rules should be changed that it can pass with a simple majority. do you believe that's the right tactic at this time? >> i think so. first, thanks as always for having me on. i think so. look, this is a civil rights issue. voting is one of the most fundamental thing that we can do as americans and it's been very clear that that has not happened for certain americans. i think we need a civil rights exemption to the filibuster and it's important for people to know that this exception has been made before, for supreme court picks, for selecting judges. and it's unfortunate that when it comes to something as fundamental as voting rights that there are some senators who don't want to get on board with this. >> right, because we have seen republicans use essentially what's called a carveout, a fancy term that they use on the hill. what they're essentially doing is saying these rules changes can apply to this one issue, but you have to have all of your people on board. and schumer simply does not have manchin and sinema willing to do this. where do you see him navigating if they can't get the rules changes? >> i think there's a couple of things for people. first, there have been a series of broken promises that democrats have laid out. for example, this was supposed to be taken up on monday. of course people are saying the mlk day is a day on and not a day off to fight for voting rights. i think the other thing is these broken promises have all those voters that came out for democrats in last fall's election, they are a bit uneasy, unnerved. they feel as though things have not happened. and we have to be clear as we approach mlk day. mlk day wrote letters from a birmingham jail, and it was just written about, that sinema and manchin are part of the white moderate that mlk wrote about, where he was saying that they preferred order over what was morally correct, and we are seeing that in this particular case. >> and walk us through a little bit -- we talk about these voting rights bills a lot on our shows. walk us through what these two bills would actually do. some of the things that they would do, because instead of just painting with the brush, what would these things actually do and why do you think that matters, especially to this particular constituency you're talking about? you're talking about black americans who overwhelmingly showed up in favor of president biden in 2020. >> yeah, i mean, look, this is definitely an issue for black americans, but i think for all americans. we saw in 2020 that even though biden won over trump, that more people came out to vote even for a republican candidate than we've seen before. the john lewis voting rights act actually restores some of the rights that were taken away from the voting rights act of 1965. it's really important for people to know the shelby versus holder decision made it where the federal government does not have to provide oversight when localities want to make changes. that led to wide, sweeping changes after the obama election, in north carolina, texas, florida, georgia, places where we know there are now purple battleground states, people are waiting in line for an extremely long time. the other larger part of the legislation ensures that equity is put in place, so that people have the same rights to be able to drop off mail-in ballots, to be able to get to the polls, so if they go to work they will still have time after that to be able to vote. again, look, voting is the most fundamental right we have as americans, not just for black americans, but for all americans. for people living in rural america who might have voted for trump, who might favor some of the things that are going on. we need to ensure that everyone can get to the polls. the john lewis voting rights act, as well as the broader act on voting rights will ensure that. it's unfortunate that not just those two democratic senators, but even all of the republicans who don't want to vote for it are voting against these particular legislations. >> right, and i think it is important to note that republicans have blocked democrats from even bringing this to debate on the floor several times in the last year. so we've heard from people like kyrsten sinema, who want republicans to get on board and talk about any potential rules changes, anything like that. but republicans don't even want them to be debating this issue. and it looks like at this point that these bills just simply aren't going to get passed. so what do you think the potential impact is on upcoming elections? i mean, we're staring down at the 2022 elections in november. >> i think it's going to be huge. look, i think james baldwin's quote is so poignant here. we hear what you're saying but we see what you do. we can't necessarily believe what you're saying because we see what you're doing. for democrats, even though president biden has been making these really emphatic and empathetic speeches, they don't go far enough because people are seeing what is happening in their local communities. they see they're not going to have the same opportunities. these are some of the things that democrats promised americans, that if you gave us congress, if you kept the house, if you gave us the senate, tie-breaker, and also gave us the presidential election, we would do these things. and not only have we not gotten voting rights, but police reform failed at the federal level, build back better is still stalling. and then of course we see images of democratic senators meeting with senator mitch mcconnell. these are the kind of things that are fueling. we see what you're doing and we hear what you're saying. we hear that you're saying that you are backing the voting rights act, but you are unwilling to do the things that need to be done. on the eve of mlk day, part of thinking about this is this is a white moderate that he wrote about in letters from a birmingham jail. people should read that and see where we are having a repeat of history in this moment. >> we've got to leave it there. thanks again for making time. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> we'll be right back. and get back to your rhythm. ♪ the relief you need. the cash you want. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at it's your home. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase 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he died last week after performing a show in florida. as cnn's randi kaye reports, tributes to the late comedian are still pouring in. >> to those who knew and loved bob saget, he was more than just a tv dad. ♪ >> a word that came up a lot was the sweetest, and bob was the sweetest, he was the sweetest man. >> an emotional jimmy kimmel paid tribute to his friend on his late night show. >> he had something funny to say about everything and nothing bad to say about anyone. he was very kind to everyone and he had no problem telling you that he loved you and what you meant to him. >> now his loved ones and friends are sharing what he meant to them. after the actor's sudden death in an orlando hotel room sunday. his close friend and fellow cast member from "full house" john stamos posted this picture on instagram, i'm not ready to accept that he's gone, i'm not going to say goodbye yet, i'm going to imagine him out there, still on the road, doing what he loves, with all his heart and humor. >> we're on the 405. remembering bob saget. >> saget's close friends, musician john mayer and comedian jeff ross are picking up pieces of his life. they made this live instagram video as they retrieved saget's car from los angeles airport. >> i am saying that i wish to god i had 100 more things like this to do, because that to me, it is awesome to lean on each other. >> and tomorrow we will pick up his dry cleaning. >> bring bob home. let me go out and help. >> windshield wipers for our eyes. >> "snl" star keenan thompson clearly moved by saget's death, he told "the view," he had seen saget recently in l.a. >> you know, it meant a lot. he never put that air on of, you know, being a diva or anything like that, because of his status, he was just a genuinely great person. >> sirius xm host rich eisen stunned by the sudden death of his friend remembered his humor and big heart. >> he would open his mouth and the filthiest things would come out, and that was his style, that was his sense of humor. he was just so nice. and his heart was so big. part of that big heart and his love of life and family, his sister died of an awful, awful disease called sclerroderma, it killed his sister and he spent his entire public and working life raising money for the scleroderma research foundation. >> actor tom arnold mourning the loss of his friend and great comedian. >> he was an amazing, amazing comic. i think being a standup comic was the most important thing to him and he certainly has the respect of every one of us. >> bob saget, a friend to so many, a loss too great to comp helped. i'm jessica dean in for fredricka whitfield. cnn newsroom continues with jim acosta in a moment. but first, a young woman works through grief and depression to win an olympic silver. in today's "human factor". >> i started swimming competitively when i was six years old, a big part of it was my dad was a swimmer, he played a big role of teaching me to enjoy the sport. he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. my mom was in a position of taking care of my dad. i felt really alone during that time. i started to realize i would get around, right before my dad died, i'm going through the turmoil of coming out while my dad is going through his illness. my dad passed away when i was 16 years old. i made the national team for the first time three weeks after he passed. i couldn't even get to swim practice anymore. i pushed everything down for so long. to try not to feel anything. my coach got me a therapist. nine hours of therapy a week for six months. the whole mental health and coming out, i was just lucky to have a support system behind me. the moment i won the silver medal in tokyo, in the olympics, it felt like i was living a dream. i feel like i represent america, i am queer, i'm asian american, my mom is a first generation immigrant, having other people be able to look at me and be like oh, i see myself in her, oh, may maybe i can be that, too, it's more rewarding than the medal 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breaking news just coming in to cnn, there is an active s.w.a.t. situation in texas just outside the dfw airport, by the local congregation of beth israel. the police department there saying all residents of the immediate area have been evacuated. they're being evacuated right now, they're telling people to please avoid the area. let's bring in cnn national security analyst,

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Information , Harbor Master , Warnings , Timing , Heed , Biden People Don T , Country , Cdc , Hospitalizations , Battle , Omicron Variant , Mask Guidance , You Guys , Middle , Ice , Snow , Winter Storm , Storm , Midwest , New England , Iowa , Millions , Governors , State Of Emergency , Power , Anticipation , Conditions , Details , Carolinas , Riders , Wolves , The Great Highway , Friends , Friend , Chuckles , Bike , Gas , Tank , Open Road , Jeremy , Protection , Matter , Shipping Manager , Lack , Progressive , Find Themself , 79 , Asthma , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Surprise Parties , Asthma Attacks , Yoga , Dupixent , Du More Beginners , Aww , Things , More , Du , Types , Add On , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Treatment , Lung Function , Help , Infection , Doctor , Reactions , Steroids , Breath , Shortness , Numbness , Chest Pain , Anaphylaxis , Tingling , Limbs , Rash , Asthma Treatments , Asthma Specialist , Don T Change , Therapies , Circle , Social Workers , Medicines , Healthcare , Mental Illness , Researchers , Professionals , Science , Home , Wayfair , Peer Counselors , Lives , Mental Illness To Wellness , No Other , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , Chase First Banking , Tools , Debit Card , Kids , Money Habits , Set , Allowances , Chores , Spending , Wall , Service Fee , Mobile App , Alerts , Account , Savings Goals , Chase , Firefighters , Chlorine Manufacturing Plant , Alarm Fire , 11 , Hospital , Point , Intensity , Firefighter , Blaze , Flames , Debris , New York City , New Jersey , Masks , Guidance , N95 , Georgia , Testing Shortages , Testing Sites , Trouble , Options , Uphill Battle , Coronavirus , Black Americans , Tests , Government , Insurance , Members , Demand , Testing , Biden To , Infections , Screen , Party , Rollout , Tide , President , Pandemic , Capacity , Icus , American Medical Association , 15 , 155000 , Dr , Gerald Harmon , Cases , Hospitals , Stats , Skyrocketing , Patients , Position , No One , Coat , Interviews , Idea , 20 , Lot , Doesn T Work , Access , Rearview Mirror , Passing Lane , Administration , Lines , Doing , Changing Scientific Environment , Test , Questions , Symptoms , Shortages , Exposure , All Of Us , School , Question , Headache , Testing Supplies , Friends Today , Medicine , Sinus Infection , Symptom , Throat , Tickle , Risk , Little , Immunized , Bark , Bite , Recommendations , Quarantine , Results , Stick , Isolation , Mask , Public , Masking Works , Option , Kn95s , N95s , Weapons , Masking , Spread , Course , Care , Effective , Health Care , Covid Rich Environment , Employers , Mandate , Supreme Court , Vaccination , Leaks , Vaccines , Reaction , Statement , Name , Blocking , Ama , Folks , Health Care Workers , Cms , First Off , Environment , Use , Requirement , Employees , Weapon , Transmission , Privilege , Communities , Job , Luck , Stay Safe , Plan , Missiles , North Korea , Owner , Future , Advice , Vanguard , Heart , World , Step , Hope , Pain , Story , Female Narrator , Thousands , Mercy Ships , Ravette , Surgeries , Surgery , Suffering , Don T Wait , 19 , Musician , Diabetes , System , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Austin James , My Name , Libre 2 , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , 6 7 , 8 2 , Freestylelibre Us Moving , Address , Services , Handful , Kidding , Xfinity , Internet , Movers , Offers , Money , Save , Yep , Foster Kid Need , Show Up , Manicure , First Day Of School , Wrong , Helpfosterchildren Com , Foster Kids , Relief , Leg , Living , Back Pain Relief , Pain Radiating , Retailer , Announcer , Magnilife , Rail Car , State Media , Tensions , Attack , Tony Blinken , Missile Test , Response , U N Security Council , Sanctions , Violation , Foreign Minister , Launches , Josh Rogan , Analyst , Piece , Resolutions , Washington Post , Thing , News , Logjam , Choice , Kim Regime , Missile , Opinion , Train , Plans , Missile Threat , Missile Defenses , Arms Race , Asia , Kim Jong Un , Negotiations , Growing Threat , Don T Work , Is Evil , Leader , Efficacy , Box , Pitch , Covid , Chinese , Cool Part , Petri Dish , Population , Shell , Omicron , Countries , Variants , Beginning , Answer , Potential , Tell The Truth , Overstate , Lie , Words , Program , Dozens , Negotiation , Pile , Negotiators , Nukes , Problem , Region , Top , Leadership , Tizzy , Stuff , Policy , War , Plate , Europe , Election , Escalation , Winter Olympics , Beijing , South Korea March 9th , March 9th , South Korea , Ton , Allies , Tension , Addition , Taiwan , Chinese Military , Japan , Foreign Policy , Deals , Security , Crisis , Ship , Doesn T , Planet , Places , Fire , Sit , Person , Lights , Intelligence Agency , Russia , May Ransomware , Gas Stations , Led , Fuel Distribution Operations , Company , East Coast , Fuel Pipeline , Colonial Pipeline , Closure , Cyberattack , Break , Instance , Appeals , Russian Kcooperation , Putin , Senators , Bills , Senate , Chuck Schumer , Votes , Democratic 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Role , Count , Act , Make It Krystal Clear The Vice President , Camp , Pressure , Minds , On Manchin , Enough , Capitol , Professor , Sociology , University Of Maryland , First , Tactic , Rights , Filibuster , Exemption , Picks , Exception , Judges , Called A Carveout , The Hill , Promises , Example , Series , Mlk Day , Voters , Letters , Birmingham Jail , Moderate , Voting Rights Bills , Mlk , Shows , Matters , Constituency , Brush , Favor , We Saw , 2020 , Voting Rights Act , Trump , Candidate , John Lewis , Shelby Versus , Localities , Holder , Oversight , North Carolina , Texas , Florida , Obama , 1965 , Battleground States , Line , Equity , Ballots , Polls , Broader Act On Voting Rights , Times , Legislations , Don T Want , Elections , Aren T , James Baldwin , Speeches , Opportunities , Us Congress , Tie Breaker , Police , Images , Mitch Mcconnell , Eve , Repeat , History , Cash , Rhythm , Running , Meetings , Dream , Errands , Northwestern Mutual , Version , Planning , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Tremfya , Adults , Emerge Tremfyant , Vaccine , Ability , Wallet , Takeout , Cash Back , Dining , You Guys Aren T Gonna , Chase Freedom Unlimited , C Mon , Kev , Humor Me , Oooohhh , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Fee , Stop , Dishes , Jetdry 3in1 , Problems , Dishwasher , Residue , Spots , Fault , Finish Jetdry 3in1 , Bob Saget , Comedian , Show , Tributes , Funeral , Randi Kaye Reports , Los Angeles , Sweetest , Word , Tv Dad , Jimmy Kimmel , Tribute , Man , Anyone , Late Night Show , Actor , Death , Member , Cast , Loved Ones , Orlando , Hotel Room , Humor , On The Road , Instagram , Full House , John Stamos , John Mayer , Life , Car , Los Angeles Airport , Remembering , Jeff Ross , 405 , Each Other , God , 100 , Snl Star Keenan Thompson , Dry Cleaning , Eyes , Bob Home , Windshield Wipers , The View , Air , Diva , L A You , Rich Eisen , Mouth , Style , Sudden Death , Sirius Xm , Sister , Family , Love Of Life , Sclerroderma , Comic , Loss , Amazing , Working Life Raising Money , Scleroderma Research Foundation , Tom Arnold , Comp , Many , Respect , Olympic , Cnn Newsroom , Human Factor , Grief , Depression , Woman , Jim Acosta , Dad , Mom , Sport , Swimmer , Teaching , Esophageal Cancer , Six , Illness , Turmoil , 16 , Time , Therapy , Coach , Team , Practice , Therapist , Nine , Mental Health , Olympics , Silver Medal , Support System , Tokyo , Asian American , Immigrant , Generation , Dentistry Work , Dentistry , Medal , Rewarding , Exam , Neck , Corner , Treatment Plan , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Walk In , Aspen Dental , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , 800 , Recording Artist , Students , Comcast , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Situation , Possibilities , Swat , Washington , Dfw Airport , Residents , Police Department , Congregation , Cnn National Security , Beth Israel ,

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