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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

good morning, and welcome to your "new day." it is saturday, january 15th, glad to be with you, christi. >> glad po to be with you, boris. we want to talk about the wicked storm plowing through parts of the country right now. 65 million of you from the midwest to the east coast are right now under winter weather alerts. but take a look at what we've seeing here. a lot of states preparing for what meteorologists warn could be a crippling ice storm for parts of the deep south. all the way up to virginia. >> some regions are expected to see rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, all of that in just 24 hours. the governors in both georgia and south carolina have now issued states of emergencies. let's get straight to allison chinchar live from the weather center. this is a complicated storms with hazardous conditions an the effects might be felt for several days after it is gone. >> that is right. we take a look at where the storm is itself. we have the low pressure system that is diving down to the south. we're already starting to see the change over from rain into snow for cities like st. louis and kansas city. but that is going to continue to push down to the south and in very, very slowly make its way across the south east before finally shooting back up into the mid-atlantic and the northeastern regions. s in why you have all of the winter alert products, winter storm warnings and weather advisories and a ice storm warning across the carolinas and georgia. that is the big concern with this storm. yes, we have a lot of snow and a lot of rain but we also have the potential for a significant amount of ice. here is a look at that system as it continues to make its way over towards the south and east. and again, because of its slow movement it gives it a lot of time to dump the moisture into some of the areas. but the biggest concern is going to be the ice. widespread locations where you see pink up to about a quarter of an inch but there will be many spots that pick up half an inch, three quarters of an inch. the weight of the ice on the trees and power lines is likely to cause widespread power outages in addition to causing some dangerous conditions on roadways and likely some cancellations in the air, too. overall, outside of the ice, you have heavy rain across florida and georgia. and some pretty heavy snow. the bulk between nashville and charlotte. now once you get into the higher elevations of the southern appalachian mountains, now you're talking about accumulations of well over a foot of snow. some of those areas could even top out at two feet total of snow. from there the system again gradually making its way across the southeast before beginning to shift to the north. this is now when we're starting to see the transition to snow for areas like washington, d.c. and interior new england by late sunday and into the day early monday. now one thing to notice, the eastern seaboard cities like boston and new york likely to be rain but even if you go, 10, 20 miles inland, now you're talking substantial snowfall accumulations. >> a big mess ahead with a series of headaches. pack warm and plan for some difficult times. allison, thank you so much. so two years into the coronavirus pandemic, more than one in five eligible americans have yet to receive a single dose of a covid 19 vaccine. new cases are exploding across nearly every state. look at all of the red on that map. hospitalizations now at record levels nationally, the cdc is also urging everyone to wear the most protective mask they can find now. saying that swapping the cloth masks for n-95 masks offered better protection against the virus. >> and you've all probably have experience with testing for covid-19, that is still a major obstacle here in the u.s. the democrats say president biden should be doing more to remedy the testing shortage. natasha chen has the latest. >> reporter: starting today, many americans can get an at-home covid-19 test for free through their private insurance. that is if they're available from pharmacies retailers or online vendors. all part of biden administration's effort to increase access to testing around the u.s. free test kits will also be available to order starting wednesday from covidtest.gov. this is in the wake of the omicron variant crippling the work force, particularly medical staffing. on friday fema announced expanding flexibility for national guard members to support hospitals and is deploying teams to ohio, michigan, rhode island, new jersey, new york and new mexico. >> these teams are in addition to more than the more than thousand staff that are already deployed to 26 states, two territories, the district of columbia and 24 tribal nations. >> reporter: as of friday, u.s. health and hume services data shows 18 states and the district of columbia have less than 15% capacity in their icus. seven of them have less than 10% of icu capacity. >> hospitals, many of which, including mine are at capacity and we're seeing the worst of it currently. >> reporter: on friday, the cdc updated guidance to recommend wearing the most protective mask or respirator that fits well and could be warn consistently and saying that n-95 and kn-95 offer the highest protection. >> it is not just filtering particles, it is attracting particles. >> reporter: another important tool in the fight, vaccinations. but the rate of new cases is currently about double that of new vaccinations. the supreme court on thursday reinstated a federal vaccine mandate for certain health care workers in 24 states. they'll have until march 15th to be fully vaccinated. another 25 states and d.c. continue to face a february 28th deadline for health care workers to be fully vaccinated as the mandate had not been blocked there. some religious and medical exceptions may be allowed. all the while children under five are still not eligible to get a covid-19 vaccine. >> it is just really frustrating and i think with older kids, at least you have that option, at least they're able to vocalize how their faeeeling when they d get sick. it is difficult for parents to work remotely, when there is day care and school closes. you can't pop a 3-year-old in front of the tv by you for 15 minutes but that is about it. >> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, los angeles. >> thanks, natasha, for that report. here to discuss all things covid is dr. rob davidson. he's a west michigan emergency room physician. and the executive director of the committee to protect health care. doctor, always great to have you on. appreciate your time. let's get your reaction first off to the cdc updating its guidance on masking saying that cloth masks provide the least protection against the virus. what did you make of the new guidance? >> i think it is probably been a long time coming. but i do understand where they were coming from early on. we didn't have enough n-95s for health care personnel who are in the thick of it, treating people who are being intubated or on oxygen and spreading the virus more. i think now we know definitively they're better. we've always known that. but we can't let that mean that masks of any kind aren't better than no mask. it is still better to wear a cloth mask than none at you will. it is better to wear a surgical than a cloth. but n-95 are the best. >> are you concerned with so much guidance coming out from the cdc and so many adjust. s, the message isn't going through to the folks that it as effects the most. >> the biggest part of public health is messaging and i think it is been a bit messy. but it is in the midst of a pandemic. being burn out by all of us under the hot lights of 24/7 news cycle and political campaigns. but the problem around me is where 45% are vaccinated and 55% are not. and i go into a store briefly and the county where i work and one or two people are wearing masks including me. the people who need to be doing this aren't listen to the cdc. they're listening to other news networks, they're listening to politicians that are unfortunately still making our lives harder with disinformation. >> and that has to be frustrating as we noted earlier this hour, the united states and in different areas breaking records for hospitalizations. i'm wondering how things are in the emergency room that you're in day in and day out. >> it is still just bad. there are a couple of days where we might have a couple of beds in a few hours in the hospital but we've filled them out but i worked a long stretch of days and i'm going into a stretch of nights and every single shift, there is multiple people waiting and by the end of the shift there are more people waiting to be transferred to hospitals that have accepted them but still don't have a bed. and we call back and say where are they on the list. they're number nine on the list. we'll get you through eventually. our msystem, is we have 600 employees out with covid. having covid when you are vaccinateds is different but they are still not able to work for up too five days. when you have a nurse nis missing a day from a shift, that hampers your ability to take in the normal flow of patients and the people boarding and waiting for beds. we can't state it enough. it is truly a crisis and we need to do better to get through this and get the vaccines and do the right thing. >> and the booiden administrati providing at-home covid tests for free. there is a bit of a delay when it comes to ordering them. they could take up two weeks to reach certain folks. what did you make of that decision to the white house to provide the tests for free. >> i think it is great. i don't want to minimize the importance of having the availability of these tests. i think it is critical. now it is challenging with insurance companies not really prepared to offer them for free. people might have to save receipts and get reimbursed. i don't have a lot of insurance -- i had a patient that ended up back in the hospital because they couldn't afford blood thinner. so i think it is a challenge. but we're still stuck in this place where the most important thing we can do is get more people vaccinated. i hope osha looks at the ruling from the supreme court and they could identify certain industries and certain businesses where they can enact the vaccine mandate, the supreme court left that open. to me that is the most important issue that we could talk about right now. >> it remains the most effective way to lessen the consequences of potentially getting covid and it is hurtful to hear that some 55% of people where you are still unvaccinated. doctor rob davidson, we appreciate your work and we appreciate your sharing your expertise with us this morning. >> thanks, boris. >> of course. listen, this morning fire crews are batting an 11-alarm firing at a chlorine manufacturing plant in new jersey. take a look there. you could see it from miles away. authorities are still right now trying to secure some control over this. >> a fire is still raging. we're going to continue to throw water on. so we have confirmed that the building was vacant. it was used for storage of plastics and pallets. a portion of the building had did chlorine in it. that seems to be under control at this time. we'll be monitoring that also throughout the night but certainly we're far from having this control of the fire. >> thank goodness for the firefighters. we should point out one was injured and his been transported to a nearby hospital. crews are getting water from a nearby river to supplement the tremendous amount of water needed here and the governor is asking people who leave in the area please keep your windows and doors closed so you could stay safe. still this morning, tensions are escalating between russia and ukraine. as u.s. intelligence suggests russia is looking at options on how to get away with invading ukraine. we're live in kiev with the latest. and next, president biden dealt a crushing blow by fellow democrats 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>> well, christi, there will be similar examples. it is hard to find that many glenn youngkins. he has never run for public office until this past year. he has no voting record. there was very little to attack and, oh, by the way he's worth $400 million and could toss $20 million into this campaign. it is surprising how many people out there seem to have tens of millions ready to spend on campaigns. but it isn't as common as people think it is. so i'm not sure how many carbon copies they're going to be of glenn youngkin. what will be similar is what elected youngkin, which is low popularity ratings for president biden, the inaction of democrats on kcongress on key matters and the pandemic and inflation and all of the other problems that are bedevilling the democrats. that is what republicans will use around the country and in many places, particularly competitive states as well as of course republican rock webbed red states, it will work. >> so you just mentioned it. let me ask you, has the virus done enough damage to help republicans' argument that the president and they are not up to the task or is it dependent on where this virus is in the -- as we head into, you know, full pledged election season? >> well, it is a funny thing about elections. you would think that everything mattered right up to election day. and sometimes it does. but generally speaking, the public mood gets set probably by early, late spring and late summer. and it is really difficult to make believe that things have changed substantially. because they're just naturally suspicious, whether democrats are in power or republicans are in power. they assume that things are being manipulated and maybe the image is not the reality. so i would say real progress has to be made. either by accident, that is by nature, or because of the measures being taken on pandemic. by may, june, july, somewhere in that general sphere, inflation is the same thing. i don't think just because you have a couple of positive economic reports in say, october, that it is going to have a major impact that is favorable to democrats. so they have a relatively short window. they have several months. three or four or five months maine to show real progress. the election is nine and a half months away. they don't have nine and a half months. >> and the president at this point has kind of a stagnant agenda. the build back better bill isn't going anywhere. you've got voting rights and gun restrictions and immigration reform that just is not moving at the moment. so, out line the picture for us of the republican strategy and the democratic strategy if the democrats for some reason cannot check -- check off a legislative win. >> well, again, they've got to raise president biden's approval ratings. the job approval of a president, it is a very good indicator of the general atmospherics of the campaign. >> but how is that done? i mean you've been watching it. how is that done, larry, right now? >> first of all, you get some good luck, christi. i would think president biden hasn't had a whole lot of good luck recently, has he. the pandemic has to be tamed. either be tamed or tame itself or run out of steam. that is number one. and then they do, through the federal reserve and other means, have to find a way to tame inflation. and then you get to the legislation. would it have helped democrats if they've been able to get the voting rights bills passed? of course. but they're not going to be able to do did, or so it appears today. and the other legislation, build back better program that is somewhere between $1.5 and $2 trillion, well that is probably not going pass either. but maybe they could get several chunks of it passed. there are things they could do if they work together and they have almost all democrats in the house and 48 of 50 democrats in the senate. the problem for them is they need all 50 unless they could get a couple of moderate republicans like susan collins or lisa murkowski to go along and so far they have said no, no, no, no. >> larry, always appreciate hearing your perspective and your insight. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, christi. >> of course. a cyberattack takes aim at ukrainian government websites and the country said russia is to blame. the latest on growing tensions as eastern europe stands on the press a pis of war after the break. ♪ for skin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at freestylelibre.us (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness... 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ new for you this morning, ukraine has invited president biden and president vald vald to take part in a virtual meeting. think about that. now in part, this is to discuss the security situation in the region because cnn has learned russia may be preparing to conduct an operation in eastern ukraine and this could be, it is believed, an attempt to create an excuse for an invasion of that country by russia. >> let's get to kiev and cnn's senior international correspondent sam kiley following this for us. a spokesperson for vladimir putin said the reports are unfounded. but we wouldn't expect them to acknowledge that they're planning a false-flag operation, right? >> reporter: kind of spoils the game, didn't it. if you give people advance warning you're going to cheat in the game of war. no, the very serious aspect to this story, and it is two different tor story, making a public announcement citing secret intelligence on what they say is an active plot to carry out this false-flag attack under the american intelligence allegedly in donbast which is under occupation by russian back rebels and there are cooperatives planning to conduct an attack on their own side to blame on ukraine. and almost simultaneously with that, the ukrainians say they have intelligence of a similar plot against russian troops in mauld ova, equally to be blamed on ukraine. but in both cases, they say that the false-flag attack, this type of attack that's been used and they have a further military incursion into the country. and this all occurring during what has been the biggest cyberattack against ukraine in many years with about 70 government websites being shut down in a pretty sophisticated but in the end not very damaging cyberattack. >> sam kiley from kiev, ukraine. thank you so much. u.k. prime minister boris johnson is facing backlash following reports that downing street held parties on the eve of prince philip's funeral. the country was on lockdown at the time and even the queen was forced to sit alone during her husband's funeral as the royal family limited attendance to just 30 people. >> cnn reporter salma abdulaziz is from london right now. we know that the prime minister spokesperson apologized to buckingham palace. how did that happen and what was said? >> reporter: more, i'm sorry from ten downing street, more apologies coming from the prime minister and directly to the queen. saying it was regrettable that on the day before the queen buried her husband of more than seven decades there were two parties held inside of downing street. i know you have that imfaj for ow veers. i want to bring that up because it gets you to the heart of the matter. it is the queen sitting alone in a chapel with no one beside here, mask on. she was following covid rules even on one of the most difficult days in her life. but apparently those rules were being broken inside of ten downing street just the night before. and it is not the only incident we have of those who make the rules, breaking the rules. you now have multiple incidences spanning from the summer of 2020 into the christmas season of 2020 all way now into 2021. and what is important to remember here is that covid rules were not just followed, they were enforced. police handed out fines. they knocked down door on illegal parties. funerals were kept to 30 people at times. it has added to this overwhelming sense in this country that there is one rule for us, the people, and another for them, the government. it is the hypocrisy of the situation that has many calling for prime minister boris johnson to resign. and more allegations are surfacing every day. the latest just coming today of wine time fridays. apparently during pandemic lockdowns, downing street taf would gather for wine. social gatherings that were limited, restricted, they were breaking the rules for wine time fridays. and it is not going away for the prime minister. there is an investigation into all of the allegations, spanning multiple years and multiple lockdowns and in a few days time we'll find out what happens and if the prime minister is himself implicated in this behavior. >> salma abdulaziz, thank you for breaking it down for us. still ahead, we have some incredible video of an underwater volcano in the south pacific. the moment that triggered a tsunami when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? 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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ the leader of the far right group the oath keepers stewart rhodes pled not guilty in court on friday. this is after the justice department charged him and ten other defendants with seditious conspiracy following the january 6 attack on the capitol. >> this comes as we're learning merrick garland was reluctant to bring the charge. evan perez is covering this story for us. evan, what more do we know? >> reporter: good morning, boris and christi. the justice department decision to bring charges under a rarely used seditious conspiracy law fol followed months of work by the phish and investigators and prosecutors to build a case focused not the only on the events of january 6. some federal prosecutors wanted to bring these seditious conspiracy charges more than nine months ago. but attorney general merrick garland has some qualms about whether the case was ready to bring. sources told cnn, in the months since, investigators gathered information from cooperators and encr encrypted communications among some of the oath keepers, a right wing extremist group. the charges in thursday's indictment against the oath keepers founder stewart rhodes and ten others provide details that was a conspiracy went beyond impeding the certification of the vote and went so far as to plotting to block president joe biden from taking office. now a key piece of the alleged conspiracy prosecutors say is in the indictment was, quote, continuing to plot after january 6, 2021, to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power. rhodes has denied wrongdoing and at his initial appearance at court on friday he planned to plead not guilty. in the indictment prosecutors citing conversations that the group was having discussing continuing to fight after january 6. rhodes and others allegedly meat in a restaurant in virginia on the night of the insurrection to discuss next steps. and prosecutors say that rhodes spent more than $17,000 on firearms and other items such as scopes and ammunition between mid-january and inauguration day. and on the day that president biden took office, another oath keeper, a defendant messaged about starting a civil war 2.0. prosecutors say that rhodes talked about organizing local militias against a new biden administration. boris and christi. >> thank you so much. appreciate that. a tsunami has hit tonga's largest island after an underwater volcano and you'll see it right here, that this is in south pacific, it exploded and that violent eruption and satellite video that caught it. >> let's bring in allison chinchar, what do we know about the sutsunami? >> it happens at 5:27, that is woman been 11:00 p.m. eastern time and locally some high tsunami waves around where the volcano eruption took place. now some really fascinating video coming in. taking a look at this. you could see the initial eruption and shock wave that takes place because of the eruption. you could see around the outer edges here after the eruption takes place. again just really incredible to kind of show the scope of the volcano eruption. but, yes, it was an under water volcano. so as it is pushing it, it is displacing the water around it so you will get some decent size tsunami waves, around the local region. from tonga and hawaii and norfolk island, australia, ending up with the highest so far observed wave at about 4.2 feet. now one thing to note, the pacific tsunami center are keeping a close eye on this and saying if there were any unusual wave heights to arrive along the west coast of the u.s., it wouldn't be until about 6:15 a.m. pacific time or about 9:15 a.m. eastern time. >> and we'll be watching to see if it is ultimately felt on the west coast. thank you so much. >> thank you, allison. novak djokovic back into detention and his status in the australian open in question after his visa was revoked for a second time. now we're hearing from other tennis stars. what they're saying about the 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that the australian champ needs to be reminded that nobody is bigger than the game. >> good morning, boris and christi, 97% are vaccinated. we heard players saying djokovic has to deal with the consequences he's made. the serbian tennis seen was taken back to the place where he first landed in melbourne ten days ago. several players at media day yesterday said while they felt the world number one tennis star had been treated a bit unfairly at times by australian government. he wouldn't be in this situation if they had followed the rules. cnn caught up with nadal down in australia. >> nobody is more important than the sport. the players, the sport stays, and the australian open will be great with or without novak djokovic. >> now, if the court rules in favor of djokovic, the the three-time defending aussie champ would face kachmonvic. nfl kickoff today starting this afternoon with an incredible doubleheader raiders at bengals. finally a chance for postseason success. the bengals, boris and christi hasn't won since 1991. that's before text messaging started in '92. the raiders won in 2003. and with the jon gruden drama, they now become the first 60 seasons to make it after a midseason coaching change. here's the quarterback. >> for me, it's an exciting time, obviously, something i've dreamed of since i was drafted. that's all i want to do, get to the playoffs, try to win a championship. >> it was exciting, you feel the intensity in the locker room. as soon as you walk in, music playing guys with pep in their step, guys are ready to go. and the night cap, the 125th division meeting of division rivals patriots and bills. this is the second time they'll meet in the playoffs. the other 1963, in the afl. bill belichick leading them back. first time post-brady era. and going up against the best defense in the league. the bills finishing in five key categories including the most important ones, fewest point as allowed but somehow none of their players on defense made it to the pro bowl. they're going to come with a chip on their shoulder, freezing temperatures negative temperatures, feels-like temps. playing in buffalo, your boy playing in the frigid cold, your fingers go numb. josh allen the star quarterback said the toes go numb. it's going to be fun. it's going to be heated on that field. >> that's awesome. >> one of their games was so tough to watch because it was so cold out there, coy. it's impressive you were able to play in that weather. as a dolphins fan, i'll be cheering you guys on to beat the patriots. >> i'll say. go, bills. >> coy wire, thank you so much. stay with cnn. we'll be right back.k. fidelity r looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smartrt investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' 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, Adam Kinzinger , Investigation , Commission , Thanks You , Anthony Gonzalez , Impeaching , Campaign , Glenn Youngkin , Endorsement , Education , Ma Am , 2009 , Strategy , Question , Larry Sabatto , Voters , Issues , Base , Midterms , Center Por Politics , 2022 , Bat , Replicating , Glenn Youngkins , Office , Voting Record , Examples , 400 Million , 00 Million , Millions , Tens , Carbon Copies , 0 Million , 20 Million , Is , Ratings , Inaction , Popularity , Elected Youngkin , Kcongress On Key Matters , Inflation , Problems , Places , Damage , Republican Rock Webbed Red States , Argument , Season , Task , Everything , Elections , Public , Mood , Progress , Reality , Image , Somewhere , Accident , Measures , Nature , Sphere , May , July , June , Reports , October , Impact , Say , Window , Point , Bill Isn T , Election , Build , Agenda , Four , Cannot , Gun Restrictions , Anywhere , Immigration Reform , Job , Indicator , Approval , Approval Ratings , Win , Atmospherics , Luck , Number One , Other , Reserve , Means , Steam , Program , Chunks , Trillion , 2 Trillion , 50 , 5 , 1 5 , 48 , Perspective , No , Lisa Murkowski , Susan Collins , Australian Government , Cyberattack , Websites , Aim , Insight , Press , Eastern Europe , A Pis Of War , Skin , Break , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , Eczema Symptom Relief , Bond , Silver 1 , Don T Settle , Diabetes , Glucose Numbers , Musician , Fingersticks , Scan , My Name , Austin James , Libre 2 , Farmers , Mystery , Forgiveness , 8 2 , 6 7 , Woman , Something , Home , Quote Today , Bum , Forgiveness Ness , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Operation , Region , Meeting , Security Situation , Vald , Attempt , Invasion , Excuse , Senior International Correspondent , Spokesperson , Sam Kiley , Unfounded , Vladimir Putin , Game , Aspect , Story , Tor Story , Warning , War , Spoils , Making A Public Announcement , Plot , Occupation , Donbast , Side , Rebels , Cooperatives , Ukrainians , Type , Troops , Mauld Ova , Ukraine , Military Incursion , 70 , Boris Johnson , Backlash Following , U K , Queen , Parties , Husband , Funeral , Downing Street , Philip , Royal Family , Lockdown , Attendance , Eve , Salma Abdulaziz , Prime Minister , London , Buckingham Palace , 30 , Apologies , Ten , Chapel , Heart , No One , Matter , Mask On , Ow Veers , Imfaj , Life , Incident , Inside , Rules , Summer , Incidences , 2020 , 2021 , Rule , Another , Police , Hypocrisy , Door , Funerals , Sense , Fines , Situation , Allegations , Lockdowns , Calling , Wine Time Fridays , Downing Street Taf , Fridays , Gatherings , Restricted , Video , Behavior , Tsunami , Underwater Volcano , South Pacific , Fee , How Bizarre , Omc , Points , Ww , Card , Shopping , James Corden , Food , Clothes , Limits , Foods , Ice Cream , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , Zeposia , Don T , Pay , Ulcerative Colitis , Uc Achieve , 17 , January 17th , Heartbeat , Heart Attack , Mini Stroke , First , Heart Failure , Remission , Pacemaker , Stroke , S1p Receptor Modulator Approved For Uc , Don T Take Zeposia , Infections , Death , Blood Pressure , Liver , Sleep , Brain , Heart Rate , Narrowing , Blood Vessels , Zeposia May , Maois , Macular Edema , Treatment , Medications , Birth Control , Brain Infection , Pml , Law , Health Coverage , Baby , 182 , 82 , Stress , Vision , Assistance , Coverage , Dental , Meds , 4 , 14 , Daughter , Prices , Ancestors , Oh My God , World , Name , Papa , Grandfather , Whole , Face , Music , What A Wonderful World , Gift , Leader , Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes , Defendants , Department , Seditious Conspiracy , Merrick Garland , Charge , Evan Perez , Department Decision , Conspiracy , Case , Investigators , Prosecutors , Events , Seditious Conspiracy Law Fol , Phish , Cooperators , Qualms , Sources , Information , Others , Indictment , Oath Keepers , Details , Communications , Wing , Extremist Group , Encr , Joe Biden , Quote , Certification , Piece , Transfer , Appearance , Wrongdoing , January 6 2021 , Virginia On The Night , Restaurant , Group , Conversations , Meat , Firearms , Steps , Inauguration Day , Scopes , Items , Ammunition , 17000 , 7000 , Defendant Messaged , Militias , Oath Keeper , Civil War 2 0 , 2 0 , Island , Tonga , Eruption , Satellite Video , Eastern Time , Volcano Eruption , Sutsunami , 5 , 00 , 27 , Shock Wave , Show , Scope , Edges , Waves , Size , Water Volcano , Wave , Australia , Note , Highest , Norfolk Island , Hawaii , 4 2 , It Wouldn T , Pacific Time , Heights , West Coast , 9 , Allison , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Status , Tennis Stars , Back Into Detention , Experts , Service , Fiasco , Singers , Technology , Safelite Repair , Safelite Autoglass , Me And You , Green Red , Wonderfuworld , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Money , 05 , Hair Damage , 98 , Lock , Dove , Hair , Repair , Animals , Signs , Sandra , Circle , Healthcare , Therapies , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Researchers , Mental Illness , Science , Professionals , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Mental Illness To Wellness , Symptoms , Adults , Tremfya , Reactions , Emerge Tremfyant , Infection , Memories , Growing Up , Love , Cooking , Mom , Kitchen , Meal , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , 49 , Custody , Judge , Is Unvaccinated , 34 , Coy Wire , Nobody , Rivals , Champ Needs , Players , Djokovic , 97 , 97 , He Wouldn T , Star , Media Day , Melbourne , Sport , Sport Stays , Nadal Down , Champ , Aussie , Kachmonvic , Nfl , Chance , Doubleheader Raiders , Postseason Success , Christi Hasn T Won , Bengals , 1991 , Quarterback , Text Messaging , Seasons , Raiders , Midseason Coaching Change , Jon Gruden Drama , 2003 , 92 , Playoffs , Intensity , Championship , Locker Room , Playing Guys With Pep , Division , Guys , Patriots , Night Cap , 125th Division , 125 , Defense , Post Brady , League , Bill Belichick , Afl , 1963 , Temperatures , Ones , Categories , Shoulder , Chip , Pro Bowl , Playing , Temps , Fingers , Cold , Boy , Toes , Josh Allen The Star , Buffalo , Fun , Games , Field , Coy , Dolphins Fan , Stay , Go , Back K Fidelity , Whatever , Planning Effect , More , Investing Strategies , Road , Wealth , Tax Smartrt , Driftin , Fidelity , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Biktarvy , H I V , Save , Cure , Lab Test , Research , Sex , Can , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Buildup , Kidney , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Headache , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Cost , Security , Pause Wifi , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity , Family Safe Browsing , Reframed Marilyn Monroe , Beauty , Bombshell , Feminist Trail Blazer , Preview , Reckoning , Alisyn Camerota , Material Girl , Feminist , Agency , Marilyn Arrived In Hollywood , Superstar , Marilyn , Transformation , Studio System Governing Hollywood , Norma Jean Dougherty , 1946 , Head , Men , Columbia Pictures , Hollywood , Marilyn Rebuffed Harry Cohen , Nude Photos , Article , Wolves I Have Known , Anything , Calendar , Photo Shoot Calendar , Production Company , Contract , 20th Century Fox , Rolls , Bona Fide , Experiment , Battle , Studio , Disaster , Humiliation , Idea , Freedom , Director Approval , Raise , Films , 1955 , Tragedy , Legacy , Doesn T Overwrite Everything , Activist , Icon , Actress , Biden Administ , 8 ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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good morning, and welcome to your "new day." it is saturday, january 15th, glad to be with you, christi. >> glad po to be with you, boris. we want to talk about the wicked storm plowing through parts of the country right now. 65 million of you from the midwest to the east coast are right now under winter weather alerts. but take a look at what we've seeing here. a lot of states preparing for what meteorologists warn could be a crippling ice storm for parts of the deep south. all the way up to virginia. >> some regions are expected to see rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, all of that in just 24 hours. the governors in both georgia and south carolina have now issued states of emergencies. let's get straight to allison chinchar live from the weather center. this is a complicated storms with hazardous conditions an the effects might be felt for several days after it is gone. >> that is right. we take a look at where the storm is itself. we have the low pressure system that is diving down to the south. we're already starting to see the change over from rain into snow for cities like st. louis and kansas city. but that is going to continue to push down to the south and in very, very slowly make its way across the south east before finally shooting back up into the mid-atlantic and the northeastern regions. s in why you have all of the winter alert products, winter storm warnings and weather advisories and a ice storm warning across the carolinas and georgia. that is the big concern with this storm. yes, we have a lot of snow and a lot of rain but we also have the potential for a significant amount of ice. here is a look at that system as it continues to make its way over towards the south and east. and again, because of its slow movement it gives it a lot of time to dump the moisture into some of the areas. but the biggest concern is going to be the ice. widespread locations where you see pink up to about a quarter of an inch but there will be many spots that pick up half an inch, three quarters of an inch. the weight of the ice on the trees and power lines is likely to cause widespread power outages in addition to causing some dangerous conditions on roadways and likely some cancellations in the air, too. overall, outside of the ice, you have heavy rain across florida and georgia. and some pretty heavy snow. the bulk between nashville and charlotte. now once you get into the higher elevations of the southern appalachian mountains, now you're talking about accumulations of well over a foot of snow. some of those areas could even top out at two feet total of snow. from there the system again gradually making its way across the southeast before beginning to shift to the north. this is now when we're starting to see the transition to snow for areas like washington, d.c. and interior new england by late sunday and into the day early monday. now one thing to notice, the eastern seaboard cities like boston and new york likely to be rain but even if you go, 10, 20 miles inland, now you're talking substantial snowfall accumulations. >> a big mess ahead with a series of headaches. pack warm and plan for some difficult times. allison, thank you so much. so two years into the coronavirus pandemic, more than one in five eligible americans have yet to receive a single dose of a covid 19 vaccine. new cases are exploding across nearly every state. look at all of the red on that map. hospitalizations now at record levels nationally, the cdc is also urging everyone to wear the most protective mask they can find now. saying that swapping the cloth masks for n-95 masks offered better protection against the virus. >> and you've all probably have experience with testing for covid-19, that is still a major obstacle here in the u.s. the democrats say president biden should be doing more to remedy the testing shortage. natasha chen has the latest. >> reporter: starting today, many americans can get an at-home covid-19 test for free through their private insurance. that is if they're available from pharmacies retailers or online vendors. all part of biden administration's effort to increase access to testing around the u.s. free test kits will also be available to order starting wednesday from covidtest.gov. this is in the wake of the omicron variant crippling the work force, particularly medical staffing. on friday fema announced expanding flexibility for national guard members to support hospitals and is deploying teams to ohio, michigan, rhode island, new jersey, new york and new mexico. >> these teams are in addition to more than the more than thousand staff that are already deployed to 26 states, two territories, the district of columbia and 24 tribal nations. >> reporter: as of friday, u.s. health and hume services data shows 18 states and the district of columbia have less than 15% capacity in their icus. seven of them have less than 10% of icu capacity. >> hospitals, many of which, including mine are at capacity and we're seeing the worst of it currently. >> reporter: on friday, the cdc updated guidance to recommend wearing the most protective mask or respirator that fits well and could be warn consistently and saying that n-95 and kn-95 offer the highest protection. >> it is not just filtering particles, it is attracting particles. >> reporter: another important tool in the fight, vaccinations. but the rate of new cases is currently about double that of new vaccinations. the supreme court on thursday reinstated a federal vaccine mandate for certain health care workers in 24 states. they'll have until march 15th to be fully vaccinated. another 25 states and d.c. continue to face a february 28th deadline for health care workers to be fully vaccinated as the mandate had not been blocked there. some religious and medical exceptions may be allowed. all the while children under five are still not eligible to get a covid-19 vaccine. >> it is just really frustrating and i think with older kids, at least you have that option, at least they're able to vocalize how their faeeeling when they d get sick. it is difficult for parents to work remotely, when there is day care and school closes. you can't pop a 3-year-old in front of the tv by you for 15 minutes but that is about it. >> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, los angeles. >> thanks, natasha, for that report. here to discuss all things covid is dr. rob davidson. he's a west michigan emergency room physician. and the executive director of the committee to protect health care. doctor, always great to have you on. appreciate your time. let's get your reaction first off to the cdc updating its guidance on masking saying that cloth masks provide the least protection against the virus. what did you make of the new guidance? >> i think it is probably been a long time coming. but i do understand where they were coming from early on. we didn't have enough n-95s for health care personnel who are in the thick of it, treating people who are being intubated or on oxygen and spreading the virus more. i think now we know definitively they're better. we've always known that. but we can't let that mean that masks of any kind aren't better than no mask. it is still better to wear a cloth mask than none at you will. it is better to wear a surgical than a cloth. but n-95 are the best. >> are you concerned with so much guidance coming out from the cdc and so many adjust. s, the message isn't going through to the folks that it as effects the most. >> the biggest part of public health is messaging and i think it is been a bit messy. but it is in the midst of a pandemic. being burn out by all of us under the hot lights of 24/7 news cycle and political campaigns. but the problem around me is where 45% are vaccinated and 55% are not. and i go into a store briefly and the county where i work and one or two people are wearing masks including me. the people who need to be doing this aren't listen to the cdc. they're listening to other news networks, they're listening to politicians that are unfortunately still making our lives harder with disinformation. >> and that has to be frustrating as we noted earlier this hour, the united states and in different areas breaking records for hospitalizations. i'm wondering how things are in the emergency room that you're in day in and day out. >> it is still just bad. there are a couple of days where we might have a couple of beds in a few hours in the hospital but we've filled them out but i worked a long stretch of days and i'm going into a stretch of nights and every single shift, there is multiple people waiting and by the end of the shift there are more people waiting to be transferred to hospitals that have accepted them but still don't have a bed. and we call back and say where are they on the list. they're number nine on the list. we'll get you through eventually. our msystem, is we have 600 employees out with covid. having covid when you are vaccinateds is different but they are still not able to work for up too five days. when you have a nurse nis missing a day from a shift, that hampers your ability to take in the normal flow of patients and the people boarding and waiting for beds. we can't state it enough. it is truly a crisis and we need to do better to get through this and get the vaccines and do the right thing. >> and the booiden administrati providing at-home covid tests for free. there is a bit of a delay when it comes to ordering them. they could take up two weeks to reach certain folks. what did you make of that decision to the white house to provide the tests for free. >> i think it is great. i don't want to minimize the importance of having the availability of these tests. i think it is critical. now it is challenging with insurance companies not really prepared to offer them for free. people might have to save receipts and get reimbursed. i don't have a lot of insurance -- i had a patient that ended up back in the hospital because they couldn't afford blood thinner. so i think it is a challenge. but we're still stuck in this place where the most important thing we can do is get more people vaccinated. i hope osha looks at the ruling from the supreme court and they could identify certain industries and certain businesses where they can enact the vaccine mandate, the supreme court left that open. to me that is the most important issue that we could talk about right now. >> it remains the most effective way to lessen the consequences of potentially getting covid and it is hurtful to hear that some 55% of people where you are still unvaccinated. doctor rob davidson, we appreciate your work and we appreciate your sharing your expertise with us this morning. >> thanks, boris. >> of course. listen, this morning fire crews are batting an 11-alarm firing at a chlorine manufacturing plant in new jersey. take a look there. you could see it from miles away. authorities are still right now trying to secure some control over this. >> a fire is still raging. we're going to continue to throw water on. so we have confirmed that the building was vacant. it was used for storage of plastics and pallets. a portion of the building had did chlorine in it. that seems to be under control at this time. we'll be monitoring that also throughout the night but certainly we're far from having this control of the fire. >> thank goodness for the firefighters. we should point out one was injured and his been transported to a nearby hospital. crews are getting water from a nearby river to supplement the tremendous amount of water needed here and the governor is asking people who leave in the area please keep your windows and doors closed so you could stay safe. still this morning, tensions are escalating between russia and ukraine. as u.s. intelligence suggests russia is looking at options on how to get away with invading ukraine. we're live in kiev with the latest. and next, president biden dealt a crushing blow by fellow democrats 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>> well, christi, there will be similar examples. it is hard to find that many glenn youngkins. he has never run for public office until this past year. he has no voting record. there was very little to attack and, oh, by the way he's worth $400 million and could toss $20 million into this campaign. it is surprising how many people out there seem to have tens of millions ready to spend on campaigns. but it isn't as common as people think it is. so i'm not sure how many carbon copies they're going to be of glenn youngkin. what will be similar is what elected youngkin, which is low popularity ratings for president biden, the inaction of democrats on kcongress on key matters and the pandemic and inflation and all of the other problems that are bedevilling the democrats. that is what republicans will use around the country and in many places, particularly competitive states as well as of course republican rock webbed red states, it will work. >> so you just mentioned it. let me ask you, has the virus done enough damage to help republicans' argument that the president and they are not up to the task or is it dependent on where this virus is in the -- as we head into, you know, full pledged election season? >> well, it is a funny thing about elections. you would think that everything mattered right up to election day. and sometimes it does. but generally speaking, the public mood gets set probably by early, late spring and late summer. and it is really difficult to make believe that things have changed substantially. because they're just naturally suspicious, whether democrats are in power or republicans are in power. they assume that things are being manipulated and maybe the image is not the reality. so i would say real progress has to be made. either by accident, that is by nature, or because of the measures being taken on pandemic. by may, june, july, somewhere in that general sphere, inflation is the same thing. i don't think just because you have a couple of positive economic reports in say, october, that it is going to have a major impact that is favorable to democrats. so they have a relatively short window. they have several months. three or four or five months maine to show real progress. the election is nine and a half months away. they don't have nine and a half months. >> and the president at this point has kind of a stagnant agenda. the build back better bill isn't going anywhere. you've got voting rights and gun restrictions and immigration reform that just is not moving at the moment. so, out line the picture for us of the republican strategy and the democratic strategy if the democrats for some reason cannot check -- check off a legislative win. >> well, again, they've got to raise president biden's approval ratings. the job approval of a president, it is a very good indicator of the general atmospherics of the campaign. >> but how is that done? i mean you've been watching it. how is that done, larry, right now? >> first of all, you get some good luck, christi. i would think president biden hasn't had a whole lot of good luck recently, has he. the pandemic has to be tamed. either be tamed or tame itself or run out of steam. that is number one. and then they do, through the federal reserve and other means, have to find a way to tame inflation. and then you get to the legislation. would it have helped democrats if they've been able to get the voting rights bills passed? of course. but they're not going to be able to do did, or so it appears today. and the other legislation, build back better program that is somewhere between $1.5 and $2 trillion, well that is probably not going pass either. but maybe they could get several chunks of it passed. there are things they could do if they work together and they have almost all democrats in the house and 48 of 50 democrats in the senate. the problem for them is they need all 50 unless they could get a couple of moderate republicans like susan collins or lisa murkowski to go along and so far they have said no, no, no, no. >> larry, always appreciate hearing your perspective and your insight. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, christi. >> of course. a cyberattack takes aim at ukrainian government websites and the country said russia is to blame. the latest on growing tensions as eastern europe stands on the press a pis of war after the break. ♪ for skin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at freestylelibre.us (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness... 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[echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ new for you this morning, ukraine has invited president biden and president vald vald to take part in a virtual meeting. think about that. now in part, this is to discuss the security situation in the region because cnn has learned russia may be preparing to conduct an operation in eastern ukraine and this could be, it is believed, an attempt to create an excuse for an invasion of that country by russia. >> let's get to kiev and cnn's senior international correspondent sam kiley following this for us. a spokesperson for vladimir putin said the reports are unfounded. but we wouldn't expect them to acknowledge that they're planning a false-flag operation, right? >> reporter: kind of spoils the game, didn't it. if you give people advance warning you're going to cheat in the game of war. no, the very serious aspect to this story, and it is two different tor story, making a public announcement citing secret intelligence on what they say is an active plot to carry out this false-flag attack under the american intelligence allegedly in donbast which is under occupation by russian back rebels and there are cooperatives planning to conduct an attack on their own side to blame on ukraine. and almost simultaneously with that, the ukrainians say they have intelligence of a similar plot against russian troops in mauld ova, equally to be blamed on ukraine. but in both cases, they say that the false-flag attack, this type of attack that's been used and they have a further military incursion into the country. and this all occurring during what has been the biggest cyberattack against ukraine in many years with about 70 government websites being shut down in a pretty sophisticated but in the end not very damaging cyberattack. >> sam kiley from kiev, ukraine. thank you so much. u.k. prime minister boris johnson is facing backlash following reports that downing street held parties on the eve of prince philip's funeral. the country was on lockdown at the time and even the queen was forced to sit alone during her husband's funeral as the royal family limited attendance to just 30 people. >> cnn reporter salma abdulaziz is from london right now. we know that the prime minister spokesperson apologized to buckingham palace. how did that happen and what was said? >> reporter: more, i'm sorry from ten downing street, more apologies coming from the prime minister and directly to the queen. saying it was regrettable that on the day before the queen buried her husband of more than seven decades there were two parties held inside of downing street. i know you have that imfaj for ow veers. i want to bring that up because it gets you to the heart of the matter. it is the queen sitting alone in a chapel with no one beside here, mask on. she was following covid rules even on one of the most difficult days in her life. but apparently those rules were being broken inside of ten downing street just the night before. and it is not the only incident we have of those who make the rules, breaking the rules. you now have multiple incidences spanning from the summer of 2020 into the christmas season of 2020 all way now into 2021. and what is important to remember here is that covid rules were not just followed, they were enforced. police handed out fines. they knocked down door on illegal parties. funerals were kept to 30 people at times. it has added to this overwhelming sense in this country that there is one rule for us, the people, and another for them, the government. it is the hypocrisy of the situation that has many calling for prime minister boris johnson to resign. and more allegations are surfacing every day. the latest just coming today of wine time fridays. apparently during pandemic lockdowns, downing street taf would gather for wine. social gatherings that were limited, restricted, they were breaking the rules for wine time fridays. and it is not going away for the prime minister. there is an investigation into all of the allegations, spanning multiple years and multiple lockdowns and in a few days time we'll find out what happens and if the prime minister is himself implicated in this behavior. >> salma abdulaziz, thank you for breaking it down for us. still ahead, we have some incredible video of an underwater volcano in the south pacific. the moment that triggered a tsunami when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? 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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ the leader of the far right group the oath keepers stewart rhodes pled not guilty in court on friday. this is after the justice department charged him and ten other defendants with seditious conspiracy following the january 6 attack on the capitol. >> this comes as we're learning merrick garland was reluctant to bring the charge. evan perez is covering this story for us. evan, what more do we know? >> reporter: good morning, boris and christi. the justice department decision to bring charges under a rarely used seditious conspiracy law fol followed months of work by the phish and investigators and prosecutors to build a case focused not the only on the events of january 6. some federal prosecutors wanted to bring these seditious conspiracy charges more than nine months ago. but attorney general merrick garland has some qualms about whether the case was ready to bring. sources told cnn, in the months since, investigators gathered information from cooperators and encr encrypted communications among some of the oath keepers, a right wing extremist group. the charges in thursday's indictment against the oath keepers founder stewart rhodes and ten others provide details that was a conspiracy went beyond impeding the certification of the vote and went so far as to plotting to block president joe biden from taking office. now a key piece of the alleged conspiracy prosecutors say is in the indictment was, quote, continuing to plot after january 6, 2021, to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power. rhodes has denied wrongdoing and at his initial appearance at court on friday he planned to plead not guilty. in the indictment prosecutors citing conversations that the group was having discussing continuing to fight after january 6. rhodes and others allegedly meat in a restaurant in virginia on the night of the insurrection to discuss next steps. and prosecutors say that rhodes spent more than $17,000 on firearms and other items such as scopes and ammunition between mid-january and inauguration day. and on the day that president biden took office, another oath keeper, a defendant messaged about starting a civil war 2.0. prosecutors say that rhodes talked about organizing local militias against a new biden administration. boris and christi. >> thank you so much. appreciate that. a tsunami has hit tonga's largest island after an underwater volcano and you'll see it right here, that this is in south pacific, it exploded and that violent eruption and satellite video that caught it. >> let's bring in allison chinchar, what do we know about the sutsunami? >> it happens at 5:27, that is woman been 11:00 p.m. eastern time and locally some high tsunami waves around where the volcano eruption took place. now some really fascinating video coming in. taking a look at this. you could see the initial eruption and shock wave that takes place because of the eruption. you could see around the outer edges here after the eruption takes place. again just really incredible to kind of show the scope of the volcano eruption. but, yes, it was an under water volcano. so as it is pushing it, it is displacing the water around it so you will get some decent size tsunami waves, around the local region. from tonga and hawaii and norfolk island, australia, ending up with the highest so far observed wave at about 4.2 feet. now one thing to note, the pacific tsunami center are keeping a close eye on this and saying if there were any unusual wave heights to arrive along the west coast of the u.s., it wouldn't be until about 6:15 a.m. pacific time or about 9:15 a.m. eastern time. >> and we'll be watching to see if it is ultimately felt on the west coast. thank you so much. >> thank you, allison. novak djokovic back into detention and his status in the australian open in question after his visa was revoked for a second time. now we're hearing from other tennis stars. what they're saying about the 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that the australian champ needs to be reminded that nobody is bigger than the game. >> good morning, boris and christi, 97% are vaccinated. we heard players saying djokovic has to deal with the consequences he's made. the serbian tennis seen was taken back to the place where he first landed in melbourne ten days ago. several players at media day yesterday said while they felt the world number one tennis star had been treated a bit unfairly at times by australian government. he wouldn't be in this situation if they had followed the rules. cnn caught up with nadal down in australia. >> nobody is more important than the sport. the players, the sport stays, and the australian open will be great with or without novak djokovic. >> now, if the court rules in favor of djokovic, the the three-time defending aussie champ would face kachmonvic. nfl kickoff today starting this afternoon with an incredible doubleheader raiders at bengals. finally a chance for postseason success. the bengals, boris and christi hasn't won since 1991. that's before text messaging started in '92. the raiders won in 2003. and with the jon gruden drama, they now become the first 60 seasons to make it after a midseason coaching change. here's the quarterback. >> for me, it's an exciting time, obviously, something i've dreamed of since i was drafted. that's all i want to do, get to the playoffs, try to win a championship. >> it was exciting, you feel the intensity in the locker room. as soon as you walk in, music playing guys with pep in their step, guys are ready to go. and the night cap, the 125th division meeting of division rivals patriots and bills. this is the second time they'll meet in the playoffs. the other 1963, in the afl. bill belichick leading them back. first time post-brady era. and going up against the best defense in the league. the bills finishing in five key categories including the most important ones, fewest point as allowed but somehow none of their players on defense made it to the pro bowl. they're going to come with a chip on their shoulder, freezing temperatures negative temperatures, feels-like temps. playing in buffalo, your boy playing in the frigid cold, your fingers go numb. josh allen the star quarterback said the toes go numb. it's going to be fun. it's going to be heated on that field. >> that's awesome. >> one of their games was so tough to watch because it was so cold out there, coy. it's impressive you were able to play in that weather. as a dolphins fan, i'll be cheering you guys on to beat the patriots. >> i'll say. go, bills. >> coy wire, thank you so much. stay with cnn. we'll be right back.k. fidelity r looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smartrt investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' 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, Virginia On The Night , Restaurant , Group , Conversations , Meat , Firearms , Steps , Inauguration Day , Scopes , Items , Ammunition , 17000 , 7000 , Defendant Messaged , Militias , Oath Keeper , Civil War 2 0 , 2 0 , Island , Tonga , Eruption , Satellite Video , Eastern Time , Volcano Eruption , Sutsunami , 5 , 00 , 27 , Shock Wave , Show , Scope , Edges , Waves , Size , Water Volcano , Wave , Australia , Note , Highest , Norfolk Island , Hawaii , 4 2 , It Wouldn T , Pacific Time , Heights , West Coast , 9 , Allison , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Status , Tennis Stars , Back Into Detention , Experts , Service , Fiasco , Singers , Technology , Safelite Repair , Safelite Autoglass , Me And You , Green Red , Wonderfuworld , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Money , 05 , Hair Damage , 98 , Lock , Dove , Hair , Repair , Animals , Signs , Sandra , Circle , Healthcare , Therapies , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Researchers , Mental Illness , Science , Professionals , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Mental Illness To Wellness , Symptoms , Adults , Tremfya , Reactions , Emerge Tremfyant , Infection , Memories , Growing Up , Love , Cooking , Mom , Kitchen , Meal , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , 49 , Custody , Judge , Is Unvaccinated , 34 , Coy Wire , Nobody , Rivals , Champ Needs , Players , Djokovic , 97 , 97 , He Wouldn T , Star , Media Day , Melbourne , Sport , Sport Stays , Nadal Down , Champ , Aussie , Kachmonvic , Nfl , Chance , Doubleheader Raiders , Postseason Success , Christi Hasn T Won , Bengals , 1991 , Quarterback , Text Messaging , Seasons , Raiders , Midseason Coaching Change , Jon Gruden Drama , 2003 , 92 , Playoffs , Intensity , Championship , Locker Room , Playing Guys With Pep , Division , Guys , Patriots , Night Cap , 125th Division , 125 , Defense , Post Brady , League , Bill Belichick , Afl , 1963 , Temperatures , Ones , Categories , Shoulder , Chip , Pro Bowl , Playing , Temps , Fingers , Cold , Boy , Toes , Josh Allen The Star , Buffalo , Fun , Games , Field , Coy , Dolphins Fan , Stay , Go , Back K Fidelity , Whatever , Planning Effect , More , Investing Strategies , Road , Wealth , Tax Smartrt , Driftin , Fidelity , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Biktarvy , H I V , Save , Cure , Lab Test , Research , Sex , Can , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Buildup , Kidney , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Headache , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Cost , Security , Pause Wifi , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Xfinity , Family Safe Browsing , Reframed Marilyn Monroe , Beauty , Bombshell , Feminist Trail Blazer , Preview , Reckoning , Alisyn Camerota , Material Girl , Feminist , Agency , Marilyn Arrived In Hollywood , Superstar , Marilyn , Transformation , Studio System Governing Hollywood , Norma Jean Dougherty , 1946 , Head , Men , Columbia Pictures , Hollywood , Marilyn Rebuffed Harry Cohen , Nude Photos , Article , Wolves I Have Known , Anything , Calendar , Photo Shoot Calendar , Production Company , Contract , 20th Century Fox , Rolls , Bona Fide , Experiment , Battle , Studio , Disaster , Humiliation , Idea , Freedom , Director Approval , Raise , Films , 1955 , Tragedy , Legacy , Doesn T Overwrite Everything , Activist , Icon , Actress , Biden Administ , 8 ,

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