Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709 : compare

Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709

burnett. out front tonight, biden's pivot. the president trying to regain his footing as his agenda son the republican rocks. today, finally promotes his $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill win. these investments are consequential. we are just getting started. we are building back better than ever before. >> you know, it is amazing, right, trump couldn't get infrastructure through. obama couldn't get it through. perhaps, now he is realizing he should have been pounding the table on that win loudly and a long time ago because now, he is in the midst of what one famous children book's writer called a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad time. all week, the white house has watched as headlines detailed a setback, misstep, a miscalculation. covid tests and spread. biden's domestic agen that. foreign policy crises. crises, plural. and it is call all coming to a head on what is essentially the one-year mark of biden's term. his push to change senate rules so he can pass voting rights -- dead. his build back better bill, at best, stalled. his vaccine mandate for big businesses, blocked. consumer prices, soaring. covid hospitalizations, surging. covid tests and treatments, in short supply. and these are just the issues that biden is facing in the united states. overseas, at least two dangerous situations unfolding by the hour. overnight, north korea firing what the pentagon believes were two more ballistic missiles. this was kim jong un's third pest in the past two weeks. north korea state media says one was a hypersonic missile with a detachable warhead. but the test this week set off panic and confusion. officials were unsure if it could hit the united states, so the faa actually grounded some planes along the west coast. one u.s. lawmaker briefed on the launch tells cnn that it was, quote, ugly, and that defense officials quote didn't have a good feel for its capabilities. think about that for a moment. the united states' military did not know if a north korean missile was going to hit the united states. that is a huge problem. and tonight, north korea upping the ante, warning the u.s. of a, quote, stronger and certain reaction if washington imposes more sanctions in response to the recent surge in tests. and while washington watches north korea on the ground in ukraine, an ominous development today. u.s. intelligence indicating vladimir putin has placed russian operatives trained in urban warfare inside ukraine. now, the reason this matters, we understand, is that their mission, our natasha bertrand reports is to conduct a false-flag operation, meaning going into ukraine, carrying out attacks against russian forces, which would then given putin a reason to invade and claim he is acting in seflg self-defense. this caps a tough week for biden. days of diplomatic talks aimed getting putin to back down, yielded absolutely no breakthroughs. in fact, may have emboldened putin. ukrainian government is now pointing the finger at the russian president. after a massive cyberattack and that just' a happened overnight after the talks. biden is now being tested like he has never been tested before. and the question tonight is can he deliver on what he says is the reason he got elected? >> when i took office, i decided that it was a fairly basic, simple proposition and, that is, i got elected to solve problems. >> katd lien collins is out front live at the white house, to begin our coverage tonight. so, kaitlan, how is the white house looking at this week? >> well president biden himself is acknowledging the disappointment surrounding what he has not been able to tick off his to-do list just yet. and while he was voicing confidence today that eventually they will be able to get those priorities across the finish line, erin, it is still really unclear how they plan to do so. because when it comes to election reform wills, which we know senator sinema essentially said here is a brick wall yesterday when she said she is not going to support an exception when it comes to the fill usht be to get those passed. there is no clear path forward. because yes, senator schumer is saying they will vote on it next week. it will be a record of who voted to pass it and who did not vote to pass it but it's not going to go anywhere. if you look at the map. and the white house fully recognized that and that is a similar situation playing out when it comes to the president's economic and climate bill. that bill that senator manchin said, back in december, he could not support as it stands. he confirmed yesterday that they had not had any negotiations ongoing about how to change that to get his vote, to get his support. and so, that also remains stalled for now. so those are two big priorities of the president's, of course, when it comes to covid-19, the white house did today detail the -- what's going to happen with these free tests and the distribution they are planning next week, that it is going to happen. but still going to be another seven to twelve days before tests actually go out, so of course that is a concern as well. coming on the heels of the supreme court swatting down his biggest effort, yet, to get more americans vaccinated. that vaccine mandate. and so, it has been a string of defeats for this white house and, erin, i think you have to look at the timing here. because we are approaching one year of biden taking office, just next week. he is going to hold a press conference the day before he hits that one had year mark, and that is often a period of reflection where presidents talk about accomplishments talk about what they want to do in the year ahead. and of course, he has a lot of chamg chal ledges from week athat he is going to be asked about. >> i want to go now to gloria borger, chief political analyst, along with david gregory, also political analyst. so, david, obviously, this is, you know, i reference the alexander book. remember, terrible, no good, very bad, horrible. i am putling them in the wrong order but that is the situation here, right? the voting rights push this week. you know, goes all the way to georgia to give the speech. knowing he doesn't have the votes. and now, the white house is left trying to say well, he didn't mean to call anybody who was against this exact bill and this exact way segregationists and a racist. um, that's not -- it's -- to say the obvious, what they want to spend their time doing. covid testing. you got democratic senators sending a letter to the white house saying what the heck is going on here? so -- this is coming, you know, a lot of this, from his own party. stacey abrams didn't even show up at the speech in georgia. i mean, it is all sides of his party. >> yaerks it's worse than a bad week. i mean, if it were just a bad week, there would be some reason for hope. he is politically weaker than that and i just think there is two big factors that stand out. it is the pandemic. i think he was elected to solve that problem. this is a really hard problem to solve. nevertheless, the biden team told us they would get it under control and for lots of reasons, it's not under control. and there have been misstep bis this administration and communication lapses and people are frustrated and sick and they want to be done. it is a tough thing to deal with when you are president. the thing is he doesn't have control over his party. and a party can't get stuff done. big stuff done. he said he was going to solve problems, he can't do that because he can't get democrats under control and they feel, politically, emboldened enough to criticize him. his base. even more moderates in the party. he looks weak when they do that. donald trump didn't suffer that problem because he had a republican party under heel. so, those are two things i think speak to how difficult a position biden is in. >> yeah, gloria, it's -- as -- as dave points out, it's not just this weak, right? but you are one year into office and he had that major win on the infrastructure bill. right? and at the time, it was -- you know, it look a hlong time and again, because of problems within his own party. >> uh-huh. >> but then, you know, could have been this moment to tout and brag, you know, where trump failed and obama failed, i have succeeded. but instead, it was immediately into the build back better. right? it was right into the next thing. it was right into things that, thus far, have failed. and you know, in his own party, you have -- you have people like bernie sanders slamming him. and then, on the other side, people like representative spanberger. nobody like lekted him to be fdr, they just elected him to be normal. it is his own party on both sides. >> yeah. i mean, are you say ing he can' win no matter what he does? yeah, look, he is getting attacked from his own party. he has joe manchin and -- and kyrsten sinema to the white house for a meeting. and they leave without being convinced of anything. we are watching this play out publicly. he goes to capitol hill to make his case. and we are watching this play out publicly. he goes to atlanta to make a speech, and as you pointed out, stacey abrams doesn't go. so, he doesn't look strong. he looks like a president who cannot control a governing majority. now, david knows this because he has covered presidents. they always say they have a larger mandate than they really have when they first get into office. that's really common. biden did the same thing, and he has tiny margins. tiny margins. so, what the white house folks are telling me is, look, you know, everyone forgets we did the american rescue plan right away. and then, we got infrastructure. and now, we're moving onto something else. and, you know -- you know, economy is coming back, look at the jobs numbers, et cetera. but that snts good enough when people are concerned about inflation and what is going on with their jobs and covid. you know, covid has moved down the list as the number one priority. the number one priority is the economy but this isn't to say that people aren't still worried about covid. and -- and biden promised a return to normalcy and they haven't seen it. >> no, certainly not normal in what way, right? 40-year high in prices surging. rent surging. so, david, okay. so now, we talk about what is going on in the democratic party. and obviously, you have near-uniform opposition in the rrch republican party, although, there were opportunities to do -- have certain things with someone like murkowski or romney on various things that he has not yet seize but in the new quinnipiac poll this week has biden at 33% approval. and -- and here is what's even worse -- that's the overall. 25% among independents. right now, self-identified as the lion's share in this country. the -- our colleague chris cillizza today pointed out the white house deputy chief of staff put out a memo today push back on the poll saying it was an outlier. and pointing to a poll of polls that puts biden's approval at 43%, which is still not at all good, and by the way, they say like every other quinnipiac poll and outlier. how many times is something an outlier? i don't know. but these are -- these are not the numbers they want to see. and -- and it's not just because republicans don't like him. >> right. well, let's start where -- where we began, which is that his own party is disappointed. his base is disappointed. right? so if they're not as active, that's bad. if moderates in the party think he can't get something done, that's bad. that shows soft support with your own party. now, you jump to independents. who are independents? in my experience, a lot of times they are basically lapsed republicans. so, they are -- they are people who probably voted for trump but then couldn't stand what trump was doing, and probably we saw the suburban voters, et cetera, said okay, we know this biden character. moderate guy. he is going to bring us a little back to normal. now, they are looking and saying consistent abide by this biden and decrease -- and the woke left. it's too much for me. maybe i will give trump another look. i mean, i am getting ahead of us, obviously. but that mindset, that softening of support and even if it's not in a one versus one situation, it is a general sense of malaise, right? it's what jimmy carter had to face in high inflationary times when he was in office. and it is a sense we are just -- we are off on the wrong heading in the country. and government's not really up for it. i am a big believer in this idea people kind of look up and say does government know what is what it's doing? and when you look at the -- whether it's covid, you look at the afghanistan withdrawal, there is lots of reasons people are looking up and say i just don't think it's working for me. >> and, gloria, that -- that -- with all of this conversation that we're having, right, thus far, has been domestic. but you have got what's going on with kim jong un. you have got the broader point that i raise, which is much bigger than joe biden. but about, you know, what the military does or doesn't even know about the capabilities of -- of foes. and you have vladimir putin empowered and em bboldened and testing. so they see president biden that we are talking about and they are pushing. >> yeah. look. i think when joe biden was elected, he really ran a lot on his foreign policy credentials and as you point out, the withdrawal from afghanistan, while the public wanted to get out of afghanistan, what they witnessed was humiliating and, um, awful. and deadly. and they didn't like it. and if you go back and you look at the president's poll numbers from that moment, you can see that they have -- that that was sort of a moment when people were judging competency, and then they started to tank because they didn't like those pictures they saw. so it's not about afghanistan, itself. you have a president saying to our allies we're back. we're here. we are what we were is and they are skeptical because they see what is going on with the question of democracy in this country. and joe biden saying we have to, you know, we have to show that democracy is back. and then, you see what's going on with the january 6th committee. the insurrection. republicans opposing it. and they are scratching their heads saying, well, is america back? or what is america anymore? and i think that's a huge question that looms over everything. >> the existential one, everywhere. thank you, both, so very much. and next, as we talk about democracy, the leader of the oath keepers charged with a dishts conspiracy, making his first appearance in federal court today. plus breaking news on the hearing just ending for novak djokovic after australia's immigration minister revoked his visa. going to go to australia for the latest tonight. and hospitals shut. reports of food shortages. tonight, we are going to take you inside beijing where china is waging a brutal war against covid just weeks before the winter olympics begin. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪nothing is everything♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ new tonight. the founder of the oath keepers pleading not guilty to charges of seditious conspiracy. stuart rhodes facing a judge for the first time after being charged yesterday by the justice department over the deadly capitol insurrection. he will be held behind bars until next thursday when the same judge will decide if he is granted bail. out front now, evan perez, our senior justice correspondent. and donald ayer, who was deputy attorney general under president george h.w. bush. i appreciate both of you. so, evan, let me just start with you with the reporting today. rhodes' lawyers say that, you know, he's gonna be -- should be released. they say he is not a danger to the public. obviously, the charges he is facing -- the evidence in the indictment suggests that he was behind an imminent threat of violence, that he organized one, that he amassed weapons for one, and then when it failed, said that there should be more. um, so where does this go? >> right. exactly. and i think one of the things they are also probably going to argue at his detention hearing, erin, is that look, he was inter interview by the fbi in some months ago. i believe early summer last year. and he sat down with the fbi probably not the best idea. his lawyers would probably argue. but -- but he did. and he stuck around, obviously, and was there in time for -- for the raid that the fbi carried out yesterday. but if you look at this -- at this indictment, what they -- prosecutors are building a case around is they have -- they are focusing it on the idea of violence, not only the violence that occurred on january 6th but the one -- but violence that was threatened thereafter, including him buying $17,000 worth of guns and ammunition and other equipment, which they said he -- in -- in -- according to prosecutors, they talked about going to the mountains and -- and starting a, i guess, civil war 2.0 if the usurper took office on january 20th. >> and this is a rare charge, speaking of civil war. it comes from the civil war. that is when seditious conspiracy charge dates from, originally. and the last time it was filed was against members of a michigan militia. that was in 2010. now, they were eventually acquitted. but it was a militia. you know, sort of a domestic-terror type situation. similar to this, in that -- in that narrow regard. does that concern you? th their acquittal? >> no, i mean, i think that january 6th is a -- a -- by the way, thank you for having me -- um, january 6th is an event like no other in our lifetimes. this is a very serious statute intended probably as much as anything to prevent things from happening that most people would -- would think probably never would happen. and then we have january 6th come along, and one of the most impressive thing, frankly about this indictment is the array of facts and the detail with which the story is laid out. if you put these facts -- which go on as indicated for 48 pages -- if you put them alongside the allegations -- the -- the elements and the ways you can violate this statute, it appears that the facts, if proven, would support a violation in at least three different categories of ways the statute can be violated. it's a very significant indictment, among other things that's very significant as indicative of where the justice department is and where the attorney general is, in terms of moving forward with what he committed to in his speech last week. >> and we should note, these charges being -- all of them, i mean, it's many, many years in prison if -- if -- if convicted. i mean, this is -- this is not a few -- yeah. so -- so, evan, rhodes has a history of statements pushing the big lie in the run-up to january 6th and he said them publicly. here he is. >> i think about half this country will recognize biden as legitimate. everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect. >> we have men already stationed outside d.c. as a nuclear option in case the attempt to remove the president illegally, we will step in and stop it. >> use the insurrect -- insurrection act to drop the hammer on them. he needs to know from you that you are with him, that he does not do it now, while he is commander in chief, we are going to have to do it ourselves later in a much more desperate, much more bloody war. >> i mean, evan, he said it. and he said it. and he said it, again. >> right. i mean, if someone tells you, you know, the old adage if someone tells you what they are planning to do, you know, sometimes you should believe them and -- and i think that's what prosecutors are arguing here. look, i think one of the things that i think you can read from this -- from this indictment is, you know, they keep -- they kept it very, very tight, and very focused. and that is an indication of this attorney general who, you know, had some qualms about this charge when prosecutors were -- were trying to do this some-nine months ago. and he made them go back and do more work to try to make sure, before they took this extraordinary step, that they had some of these facts and i tk the things that you just played are gonna be some of -- some of what prosecutors are going -- are going to argue as this case goes forward and not only it's him as a leader of this group, right? because, you know, he was there and according to prosecutors, was telling them where to -- where to stage before they entered the building. >> i mean, yeah, it is pretty incredible when you read the 48 pages, it reads like a hollywood script, except it's reality. it happened. so, donald, you wrote an op-ed saying any january 6th investigation should include donald trump, himself. that it must focus there. obviously trump has never taken responsibility in they way for what happened but according to an interview our k-file found from six days after the insurrection, minority leader kevin mccarthy says that trump did -- he did take some blame privately. >> i say he has responsibility. he told me, personally, that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do. >> and, don, you see still the problem, of course, though, that the -- mccarthy will not speak to the january 6th committee. says he has said everything he has to say. how big of an issue is that, a block? >> well, i want to go back to a few steps from -- from where you have taken us here. i -- i want to go back to this indictment, which -- which is a very significant development and a very significant answer, um, to a number of people. i was -- i was one of three who wrote, as you indicated, a column in -- in "the new york times" basically making clear that it's really important that this investigation needs to be considering everybody, all the way up to the top. certainly, not just president trump. but -- but everybody who was up in the leadership, as well as the people, um, who are at lower levels. and this indictment is really, i think, very clear evidence that the attorney general is doing exactly what he, um, said he was going to do when he spoke last week. or said that he was doing. and that is, working his way up from the evidence that -- that they have, and working toward gathering evidence on the leadership that's involved. so here, you have a very serious case brought against about a dozen people, including the leader of the oath keepers and evidence that's really thorough and detailed and specific in the form of lots and lots and lots of individual communications and documents and things like that. and what seems to be the case is they are definitely following through and working their way up. um, mccarthy making statements about what trump said is a sideshow. um, mccarthy is a sideshow. mccarthy is the remarkable example of a human being who can face one way, and then turn around a few days later and face conta exactly the opposite way. and so far, in the framework of our current republican party, he has been able, apparently, to get away with that. but he is a joke. he is a joke and a sideshow. what matters is the development of the evidence that's there -- whatever it is -- and we're not in a position to know right now. >> yeah. >> we are not a in position to know the -- the justice department is investigating this. we are in a position to know they're doing the best they can, which is quite good with the resources they have and our job is to wait and be patient, and be respectful and they are on the job, and they are pursuing this. >> well certainly, what they indicate from these 48 pages, right, is they -- they were doing a lot that no one was fu fully aware. so as you point out, they do seem to be on that -- on that path. thank you, both, so much. i appreciate it. >> thanks. >> thank you. thanks for having me. next, breaking news. will novak djokovic be deported? a hearing just wrapping up in australia after the top immigration official there revoked djokovic's visa again. and a shocking number. 86% of independent restaurants that didn't get government funds are now at risk of closing. what could be done to help? top chef is my guest. financ. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. you booked a sunny vrbo ski chalet. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. but the thing they'll remember forever? grandpa coming out of retirement to give a few ski lessons. the time to plan your get together is now. find it on vrbo. hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops in honey lemon chill for fast acting sore throat relief ♪ahhh!♪ wooo! vaporize sore throat pain with i like that my plan is built just for me. with the new ww personalpoints program, you take an assessment, enter your goals, the foods you love and what fits into your lifestyle. you don't have to eat diet food. i can enjoy the things that i really love like wine... cheese. you can add points for eating vegetables or being active. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. the all new ww personalpoints program. don't pay until spring! join today at hurry! offer ends january 17th! it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. tonight, a court hearing just ending in the case of novak djokovic, who is back in detention in australia as i speak waiting to find out if he is going to be deported ahead of the stral yeen. the country's immigration minister revoked his visa, saying djokovic entered country without a valid exemption the vaccine mandate. paula hancocks out front here to begin our coverage on the ground in melbourne. and, paula, the big question is whether all of this will be settled in time for djokovic to play because he's scheduled to play on monday. so, what did the court decide today? >> well, erin, certainly what the lawyers for djokovic are hoping. they have already pointed out in the friday night hearing time is of the essence. so this hearing that we had this morning was really a procedural hearing, setting the scene for the more detailed arguments to be heard from 9:30 a.m. sunday morning. so, tomorrow. both sides have to submit filings. the judge, also, said that he is deciding if it is just him that hears this case or if there will be three federal judges. clearly, showing he understands the gravity of getting this right. so, djokovic today is in detention. he is able to meet with his lawyers, to -- to set out a plan. but he will be escorted by two australian border force officials at all time. and then, saturday night -- tonight -- he will be in detention, once gain. we don't know if it will be the same facility as he was in last week. so, what we understand at this point is from the immigration minister's statement and also the hearing last night. it appears that the argument to deport him this time is because that it is in the public interest. saying that -- that there's concerns he could excite anti-vax sentiment within the community, something which djokovic's lawyers, unsurprise lig, have her rejected but a very different premise to this hearing than what we saw just a week ago. and -- and really one of the best-case scenarios for djokovic's lawyers at this point is they could get a bridging visa, meaning he could work, i.e. play, while the court is ongoing. erin. >> as they delay. thank you very much. paula. so let us gae now to christopher cleary, "new york times" tennis correspondent in melbourne covering the australian open. one of the leads experts on the sport. i know you have covered more than 100 grand slam tournaments, more than a dozen olympic games and you know novak djokovic very well. you have been covering since he was 17. so let me get straight to it. christopher, the judge has a new hearing coming tomorrow. his team is gonna argue djokovic should be allowed to stay. what are the chances that djokovic plays on monday? >> look, erin, i think the situation is changing because the grounds for the -- for the obstruction for his visa have changed now. we are talking about him being a risk to the community because of his sort of declared anti-vax views. i think they are trying to raise vaccination and booster rates in australia. so they are kind of using him as a impoposter child of this effo and they are concerned, the immigration minister, he would be detrimental to that effort. personally, what i am reading here, i am not a legal expert but i have the sense the burburden of proof is still pretty high for novak djokovic and his good lawyers. i think the chances are -- are low but they are not nonexistent so i think there is a chance we will see him. and i have covered over 100 grand slams as you said, never seen one like this one, erin. >> obviously, looming loorj over the rest of the players and the tournament. by the way, i believe all but -- all of them have -- are v vaccinated, right, because that was the rule. djokovic would be there for his tenth australian open title. you have been talking to so many of these players. what do they think? >> we talked to one of the leading australian players about 10, 15 minutes ago in this media day here and alex was i think very, very frank and honest he felt like i think there was some resentment for the distraction this is causing. these are athletes who are in peak-performance condition, ready to play one of the most important tournaments of their lives and all anybody is talking about is knovak djokovic and hi vaccine. and so, tsa big distraction for players trying to focus on their own careers and also i feel there is a sense from the player community, people i have talked to that jnovak is is somebody wo is who made a different choice than all the players. partly because of the rules here in australia. and i think their resentment he took a different route. >> and you have, as i mentioned, been covering him since he was 17 years old. nearly half of his life, right? souf bso you have been watching him. tonight a serbian health official tels cnn djokovic -- that they had tests. they said those would have been e-mailed to him that day. that -- that he has a valid document. that he got late in the evening in his inbox. djokovic said he did not get it. and he didn't see it until late the next day after. this is really important because it moves the timeline again. because he had this positive pcr he says he didn't open it until, right, in between he appeared publicly with a group of kids, no mask. so, you look at this. you could see a lot of people have a lot of, you know -- there is a lot of frustration and resentment. but you have known him for half his life and he is a complicated person, you say. what do you make of all of this? >> just to that point quickly, erin, i would say no matter whether or not he saw it on the 17th or 16th, he still appeared in front of a french journalist on the 18th. he should have been in isolation and he was not. but as far as novak, he is a -- a complex shakespearian character in many ways. he is somebody -- i call him a seeker. he is always trying to optimize, tinker with his career, with his methods. he is somebody who has done some very generous and magnanimous things. and somebody who also has done some very self-interested and, frankly, very -- he is his own worst enemy in many cases. i think this is another example of that. and he has for a guy who speaks so many languages, he has some serious communication issues as well. >> thank you so much, kribtd fer. really appreciate your time, your insight, and just watching this with fascination of where you are. thanks so much 6789. >> my pleasure. so next, restaurants now at risk of closing shop because the pandemic, again. chef tom colicchio is my guest and he has a message for washington. plus, winter olympics exactly three weeks away and china is cracking down in an epic way on covid cases. tonight, we are going to take you inside the capital city. >> a fortress with many restrictions to get in and out. which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm surprising my team with a preview of the latest sneaker drop. because i can answer any question about any shoe. but i'm stumped when it comes to payroll. intuit quickbooks helps you easily run payroll in less than 5 minutes... you can stay... one step ahead. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ tonight, another warning sign for the u.s. economy. retail sales dropped almost 2% in december. usually, obviously, they they rise in december for the holidays. and it possibly shows american shoppers having real difficulty with record inflation and, of course, some of the impact of omicron as well. this as more than two dozen mayors across the united states are asking congress to save the restaurant industry. they write in a letter, quote, restaurants and bars are months beyond struggling. they are dying in plain sight. they have 22 months of debt from missed rent, supplier and utility payments squrks putting off repairs that needed to be addressed months ago. cold weather ended outdoor dining and now the omicron variant is reinvigorating fears in guests who are afraid to eat indoors. tom colicchio, he is the co-founder of the independent restaurant coalition and founder of crafted hospitality in new york. tom, obviously, you and i have talked during this pandemic. i'm sorry to be talking to you under these circumstances. how dire is the situation right now? >> well, erin, first, thanks for having me on and thanks for, you know, continued reporting on this issue. it's -- it's getting really bad out there. i mean, december, it starts to get better. november, december, those are our best months for our industry. and -- and we saw a light at the end of the tunnel. and clearly, with omicron, it just put -- put an end to that. and we're -- we're really slow and really desperate and, you know, i think the bigger problem that we have is that, you know, federal government did a great job of getting the restaurant revitalization fund out there. and senator schumer did an amazing job, along with senators wicker and -- and senator sinema to -- to really sort of address the issues with restaurants. um, but the money that was allotted to us -- we all knew was going to fall really short. and so, for the 300,000 restaurants that applied, only about one-third or 100,000 of those restaurants actually got the grant money. and so, that's created the haves and have-nots. and the restauranteurs have receive that money are set. and -- and they are going to get through this. the restaurants that did not -- they are struggling and so, we had a report of independent restaurants we actually interviewed 1,500 restauranters. and restauranteurs. and the data shows restaurants that didn't reach funding, they are on the verge of closing. they are digging into making personal loans to keep their restaurants afloat. they are actually hiring wiless people. um, and they're accumulating personal debt. and so -- so yeah, we are at a crisis moment right now. >> so, you know, there -- there is that issue and then there is also the difficulty of getting workers, right? and we have seen that during the delta variant and now. you know, i know your survey says 91% of strunts are having problems with hiring. more americans quitting their jobs than ever before. look, it is incredibly razor thin industry, even when things are going well, right? and now, you have workers that -- that want more. will there be permanent changes and compensation for restaurant workers and can the industry even do that given the way it's structured? >> you know, i think the industry can. i mean, you know, new york -- in new york city, the wages are -- are higher. well-above minimum wage even for tipped employees and we're okay. i mean, as long as we can raise prices and i think we are able to right now -- um, clearly restaurants like mine that are higher priced have more elasticity in pricing than sort of the mom and pops. >> right. >> but we are also realizing we can get along with fewer people. um, but right now, there is not an issue because we are laying people off, again, because no one is coming into our restaurants. people are afraid, they are scared. so many people are sick. so many employees are sick. and so, we're -- you know, no matter where we turn, we're running into some major problems whether it's getting employees -- now that we have employees, employees are getting sick. restaurants are slowing down. um, we need help. we're -- we're going to see is -- we're back to where we are in the early stages of the pandemic where we are starting to look at -- at restaurants that are -- are just going to start dying out, um, in pretty large numbers if we don't get help soon. >> and one final question for you in terms of testing. are you able to test your workers? obviously, you can't necessarily test your customers. >> well, we -- we -- we could ask for proof of vaccine. um, but we -- we -- so, when omicron first hit and me being a bit of a news junkie, saw it coming, we ordered a punch of tests. combination of pcrs that we mail in, and rapid tests the binax rapid tests so we have them available for staff. and so, what we did was we were able to make sure that the -- the -- the -- the pandemic wasn't moving through our restaurant. but clearly, a lot of our employees came in, tested positive, and they were sent home. so, we were able to. but i'm -- again, the data shows us that restaurants can't get and we are knowing this now, you can't buy rapid tests anymore. there is a backlog on those tests. and so, um, it's becoming more and more difficult to get tests. >> right. well, tom, thank you very much. hope people hear you loudly and clearly. >> thank you. and next, a story you will see only out front. we are going to take you inside beijing tonight. officials are taking extreme measures to control covid just weeks before the olympics. wait till you see what is happening there. and 50 million tonight people tonight in the path of what could be a crippling-winter storm this weekend. and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. meet ron. that man is always on. and he's on it with jardiance for type 2 diabetes. his underhand sky serve? 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limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ tonight, winter olympics are exactly three weeks away and china is on zero-tolerance covid. millions in the country, being put under strict lockdowns, even if, you know, just like a case po upons up. the drastic measures are actually having deadly consequences. david culver is out front. >> reporter: cities across china are back in wartime mode. scrambling to identify and isolate cases of covid-19. recent outbreaks have some 20 million people under strict lockdowns, confined to their homes. officials are conducting multiple rounds of mass testing, and shuttling tens of thousands of residents to centralized quarantine. state media showing these makeshift encampments built within days. it is eerily reminiscent to the start of the covid crisis. but now, authorities know what they are looking for. and they are tracking those of us living here through our cell phones to go into most places, you have to scan and they can flag us should we come into contact with a confirmed case. china is proud of its zero-covid approach. that is, one case is one too many. and the months that followed the initial outbreak in wuhan, it seemed to work. though, brutal at times. >> this strategy has indeed been effective until very recently. >> reporter: this latest surge is most concerning, and perhaps embarrassing given its timing. we are three weeks from the start of the winter olympics. beijing opened this -- the second pandemic olympics -- would be a chance to showcase its success over covid. the games are, in part, why the capital city is so heavily protected. a fortress with many restrictions to get in and out. at one point, the biggest concern was cases brought in by arrive athletes, olympic personnel, and media from around the world. it's for that reason, they have created a closed-off system, which will include the area that we are in right now. no physical contact between those coming in and those of us already here in beijing. but the virus is now spreading outside the olympic bubble. and images like these are surfacing on chinese social media. people packing in to get tested in nearby tianjin. some quarantined residents complaining about food shortages. two hospitals were ordered shut for three months by municipal health authorities after hospital employees were accused of putting covid protocols above basic healthcare. in one case, refusing to dadmita man who later died of a heart attack. in another, a woman eight months pregnant initially turned away because she did not have a valid covid test. she later suffered a miscarriage. >> chinese ask about the necessity of that zero covid strategy. i think the public support to that strategy remains very strong. >> reporter: state media showing a far more orderly public response to the strict containment measures. most here trusting the policies. in the three weeks until the start of the winter games, china might still prove effective in containing the virus. returning to a covid-free country -- at least officially. but for how long? and, erin, the latest outbreak happening in china's financial hub, shanghai. health officials blaming it on a chinese traveler, returning from the u.s., who they say infected at least four others, despite having done 14 days of centralized quarantine and testing negative multiple times. these rising numbers of so-called imported cases that's really behind the possibility that all commercial flights from the u.s. to china are likely to stop by this time next week. it is unprecedented, erin. >> that is incredible. all stunning. those images of the people at the testing and the stories from the hospitals is unbelievable. thank you so much for the fantastic report. and next, everyone from georgia to maine tonight bracing for a dangerous-winter storm that could leave millions stranded and without power. this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. more than 50 million people are in the path of hazardous winter weather this weekend. a major storm will move from the midwest, then the saekt, and up the east coast. snow and ice warnings in south carolina, north carolina, and georgia. iowa, as it moves east, is already getting clobbered with white-out conditions. a sign of what's to come for new york, they say. where the windchill may be in the negative teens. snow is forecast for sunday and monday. thanks so much for joining us. anderson starts now. good evening. whether we left you last night, 11 so-called oath keepers had been charged with seditious conspiracy in connection with january 6th. here they are. today, their leader and found issue, guy named stuart rhodes, made his first court appearance in plano, text terks, and entered a plea. in had a moment, we will have more on who he is and how his group came to spearhead right-wing

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, Heads Saying , 6 , January 6th , Everything , Both , Leader , Everywhere , Existential One , Dishts Conspiracy , Hearing , Immigration Minister , Novak Djokovic , Visa , Breaking News , Australia , Appearance , Hospitals , Food Shortages , Federal Court , Beijing , Heart , China , War , Winter Olympics , Butter , Trouble , Pop , Criminal , Talk , Boogie , Rock , Beat , Heat , Baby , Moon , Side Step , Step , Kids , Mom , Risk , Version , Planning , Infections , Skin , Moderate , Northwestern Mutual , Doses , Plaque Psoriasis , Skyrizi , 2 , 3 , 90 , 4 , Vaccine , Doctor , Infection , Treatment , Fever , Symptoms , Chills , Nothing , Coughs , Ability , Tuberculosis , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Chance , Combination , Immunotherapies , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Dermatologist , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Ways , Adults , Immune System , Positive , Gene , Cancer , Cell Lung Cancer , Alk , Egfr , Pd L1 , Death , Yervoy , Parts , Opdivo , Lead , Chest Pain , Breath , Shortness , Cough , Family , 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Office On January 20th , January 20th , 2 0 , 20 , Militia , Type Situation , Members , Michigan , 2010 , Event , A , Lifetimes , No Other , Regard , Acquittal , Statute , Facts , Story , Array , 48 , Pages , Violation , Elements , Allegations , Three , Indicative , Categories , Justice Department , Attorney General , Terms , Many , Being , Prison , Statements , Few , History , Big Lie In The Run Up To January 6th , Insurrection Act , Effect , Option , Force , Attempt , Mouth , Men , Hammer , Commander In Chief , Adage , Indication , Qualms , Who , Nine , Gonna , Some , Work , Group , Investigation , Building , Script , Reality , Hollywood , Op Ed , Kevin Mccarthy , Responsibility , Blame , Our K File , Six , Don T , Issue , Steps , Block , Number , The New York Times , Which , Answer , Column , Leadership , Everybody , Top , Levels , Communications , Form , Specific , Sideshow , Documents , Example , Human Being , Framework , Conta , Joke , Job , Resources , Best , Patient , Thanks , There Revoked Djokovic , Immigration , Restaurants , Closing , Guest , Chef , Funds , Balance , Reward , Didn T Get , Financ , 86 , Planning Effect , Grandpa , Views , Peaks , Retirement , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Sore Throat Pain , Sore Throat Relief Ahhh , Honey Lemon Chill , Ski Lessons , Vicks Vapocool , Vrbo , Honey Lemon , Hello , Plan , Lifestyle , Assessment , Program , Goals , Ww Personalpoints , Foods , Points , Vegetables , Diet Food , Cheese , Ww Personalpoints Program , 26 , 17 , January 17th , Sleep Number , Pressure Points , Sleep , Movements , Temperature Balancing , Season , Bed , 360 , Delivery , Ends Monday , 000 , 1000 , Sale , Ready , Save , Internet , Business , Voice , Backing , Value , Expert Team , Deal , Installation , Price Guarantee , Prepaid Card , 500 , 4 99 , 24 7 , 64 99 , 00 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Detention , Court Hearing , Knovak Djokovic , Paula Hancocks , Exemption , Stral Yeen , Djokovic , The Big Question , Melbourne , Scene , Arguments , Essence , Sunday Morning , 9 , 30 , Djokovic Today Is In Detention , Right , Judges , Filings , Gravity , Facility , Saturday Night , Border Force , Gain , Statement , Argument , Sentiment , The Public Interest , Last Night , Unsurprise Lig , Premise , Scenarios , Christopher Cleary , Bridging Visa , Experts , Gae , I E , Australian Open , Tournaments , Olympic Games , Sport , Grand Slam , 100 , Chances , Team , Grounds , Obstruction , Djokovic Plays On Monday , Vaccination , Child , Sort , Booster , Rates , Kind , Impoposter , Proof , Expert , Burburden , Players , Rest , Tournament , Loorj , Rule , Title , Athletes , Resentment , Alex , Distraction , Condition , 10 , 15 , Somebody , Player Community , Careers , Jnovak , Hi , Lives , Tsa Big Distraction , Life , Souf Bso , Half , Route , Choice , Health , Tels Cnn Djokovic , Serbian , Timeline , Evening , Document , Inbox , Pcr , Person , Mask , Frustration , Journalist , Isolation , 18th , French , 16 , 18 , Career , Optimize , Seeker , Methods , Tinker , Complex Shakespearian , Cases , Enemy , Languages , Issues , Fascination , Pleasure , Shop , Insight , Kribtd Fer , 6789 , Tom Colicchio , Capital City , Epic Way On Covid , Message , Fortress , Restrictions , Care , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Walks , Old , Amazing , Ugh Inner Voice , Jerry , Trust Me , Payroll , Intuit Quickbooks , Owner , Sneaker Drop , Preview , Shoe , Sneaker , 5 , Shingles , Doesn T Care , Moves , Shinges , Bike , Protection , 1 , Shingrix , Immune System Declines , Reactions , Dose , Ingredients , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , 50 , Headache , Pain , Stomach , Shivering , Injection Site , Redness , Swelling , Pharmacist , Shingles Doesn T Care , Google , Difficulty , Sales , Warning Sign , Holidays , Shoppers , Retail , Omicron , Struggling , Impact , Mayors , Sight , Restaurant Industry , Debt , Guests , Weather , Repairs , Supplier , Fears , Dining , Rent , Payments , Utility , 22 , New York , Hospitality , Co Founder , Restaurant Coalition , Circumstances , Industry , Light , The End Of Tunnel , November , First , Restaurant Revitalization Fund , End , Money , Address , Wicker , Restauranteurs , Grant Money , Haves , Have Nots , 100000 , 300000 , Report , Restauranters , 1500 , Data , Reach Funding , Loans , Verge , Wiless , Workers , Crisis , Survey , Delta Variant , Strunts , Hiring , 91 , Restaurant Workers , Compensation , Wages , Minimum Wage , Employees , Pricing , Pops , Elasticity , Sick , Stages , Customers , Omicron First Hit , Staff , News Junkie , Punch , Bit , Pcrs , Saw , Binax , Home , Now , Backlog , Car , Measures , Olympics , 50 Million , Questions , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Stop Taking Jardiance , Man , Type 2 Diabetes , Spot , Meet Ron , Carvana , Pill , A1c , Grilling Game , Underhand Sky Serve , Heart Disease , On Fire , Ketoacidosis , Dehydration , Urinary Tract Infections , Weight , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Jardiance May , Insulin , Perineum , Dialysis , Blood Sugar , Sulfonylurea , Meetings , Running , Errands , World , Dream , Generation , On A Faraway Beach , Advisor , Greatest , Tyranny , Nm Com Narrator , Preacher , Bridge , Oval , Nuclear War , Selma , Alabama , Generations , Continent , Call , Gate , Enemy Superpower Tear , West Berlin , Freedom , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Leaders , Ideals , The Call , Insurance , John Lewis , Voting Rights Act , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Liberty Tonight , Liberty , Lockdowns , Millions , Case Po Upons Up , Zero , Reporter , Consequences , Mode , Scrambling , Cities , David Culver , Tens Of Thousands , Residents , Mass Testing , Outbreaks , Homes , Rounds , 20 Million , Start , Quarantine , Authorities , Living , Places , Cell Phones , Covid Crisis , Encampments , Contact , Approach , Zero Covid , Outbreak , Wuhan , Part , Games , Over Covid , Media , System , Area , Olympic Personnel , Around The World , Virus , Images , Bubble , Social Media , Surfacing , Hospital Employees , Tianjin , Covid Test , Another , Healthcare , Heart Attack , Woman , Dadmita , Eight , Strategy , Miscarriage , Necessity , Ask , Policies , Winter Games , Containment Measures , Health Officials , Traveler , Financial Hub , Shanghai , Possibility , Others , Flights , 14 , Four , Stories , Stunning , Georgia To Maine , Storm , Planning Options , Binders , Plans , Consultant , Page , Options , Broker , Power , Help , Uh Carl , 188 , House , Retirement Plan , Schwab , Uhhh , Students , District , Schools , Teaching , Classroom , School Board , Politics , San Francisco , Children , Deficit , School Board Members Collins , February 15th , LÓpez , 25 Million , 125 Million , Snow , Warnings , Ice , East , Path Of Hazardous Winter , East Coast , South Carolina , North Carolina , Midwest , Saekt , Iowa , Sign , Forecast , Windchill , Teens , Anderson , Connection , 11 , Plano , Wing , Text Terks ,

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Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240709

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burnett. out front tonight, biden's pivot. the president trying to regain his footing as his agenda son the republican rocks. today, finally promotes his $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill win. these investments are consequential. we are just getting started. we are building back better than ever before. >> you know, it is amazing, right, trump couldn't get infrastructure through. obama couldn't get it through. perhaps, now he is realizing he should have been pounding the table on that win loudly and a long time ago because now, he is in the midst of what one famous children book's writer called a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad time. all week, the white house has watched as headlines detailed a setback, misstep, a miscalculation. covid tests and spread. biden's domestic agen that. foreign policy crises. crises, plural. and it is call all coming to a head on what is essentially the one-year mark of biden's term. his push to change senate rules so he can pass voting rights -- dead. his build back better bill, at best, stalled. his vaccine mandate for big businesses, blocked. consumer prices, soaring. covid hospitalizations, surging. covid tests and treatments, in short supply. and these are just the issues that biden is facing in the united states. overseas, at least two dangerous situations unfolding by the hour. overnight, north korea firing what the pentagon believes were two more ballistic missiles. this was kim jong un's third pest in the past two weeks. north korea state media says one was a hypersonic missile with a detachable warhead. but the test this week set off panic and confusion. officials were unsure if it could hit the united states, so the faa actually grounded some planes along the west coast. one u.s. lawmaker briefed on the launch tells cnn that it was, quote, ugly, and that defense officials quote didn't have a good feel for its capabilities. think about that for a moment. the united states' military did not know if a north korean missile was going to hit the united states. that is a huge problem. and tonight, north korea upping the ante, warning the u.s. of a, quote, stronger and certain reaction if washington imposes more sanctions in response to the recent surge in tests. and while washington watches north korea on the ground in ukraine, an ominous development today. u.s. intelligence indicating vladimir putin has placed russian operatives trained in urban warfare inside ukraine. now, the reason this matters, we understand, is that their mission, our natasha bertrand reports is to conduct a false-flag operation, meaning going into ukraine, carrying out attacks against russian forces, which would then given putin a reason to invade and claim he is acting in seflg self-defense. this caps a tough week for biden. days of diplomatic talks aimed getting putin to back down, yielded absolutely no breakthroughs. in fact, may have emboldened putin. ukrainian government is now pointing the finger at the russian president. after a massive cyberattack and that just' a happened overnight after the talks. biden is now being tested like he has never been tested before. and the question tonight is can he deliver on what he says is the reason he got elected? >> when i took office, i decided that it was a fairly basic, simple proposition and, that is, i got elected to solve problems. >> katd lien collins is out front live at the white house, to begin our coverage tonight. so, kaitlan, how is the white house looking at this week? >> well president biden himself is acknowledging the disappointment surrounding what he has not been able to tick off his to-do list just yet. and while he was voicing confidence today that eventually they will be able to get those priorities across the finish line, erin, it is still really unclear how they plan to do so. because when it comes to election reform wills, which we know senator sinema essentially said here is a brick wall yesterday when she said she is not going to support an exception when it comes to the fill usht be to get those passed. there is no clear path forward. because yes, senator schumer is saying they will vote on it next week. it will be a record of who voted to pass it and who did not vote to pass it but it's not going to go anywhere. if you look at the map. and the white house fully recognized that and that is a similar situation playing out when it comes to the president's economic and climate bill. that bill that senator manchin said, back in december, he could not support as it stands. he confirmed yesterday that they had not had any negotiations ongoing about how to change that to get his vote, to get his support. and so, that also remains stalled for now. so those are two big priorities of the president's, of course, when it comes to covid-19, the white house did today detail the -- what's going to happen with these free tests and the distribution they are planning next week, that it is going to happen. but still going to be another seven to twelve days before tests actually go out, so of course that is a concern as well. coming on the heels of the supreme court swatting down his biggest effort, yet, to get more americans vaccinated. that vaccine mandate. and so, it has been a string of defeats for this white house and, erin, i think you have to look at the timing here. because we are approaching one year of biden taking office, just next week. he is going to hold a press conference the day before he hits that one had year mark, and that is often a period of reflection where presidents talk about accomplishments talk about what they want to do in the year ahead. and of course, he has a lot of chamg chal ledges from week athat he is going to be asked about. >> i want to go now to gloria borger, chief political analyst, along with david gregory, also political analyst. so, david, obviously, this is, you know, i reference the alexander book. remember, terrible, no good, very bad, horrible. i am putling them in the wrong order but that is the situation here, right? the voting rights push this week. you know, goes all the way to georgia to give the speech. knowing he doesn't have the votes. and now, the white house is left trying to say well, he didn't mean to call anybody who was against this exact bill and this exact way segregationists and a racist. um, that's not -- it's -- to say the obvious, what they want to spend their time doing. covid testing. you got democratic senators sending a letter to the white house saying what the heck is going on here? so -- this is coming, you know, a lot of this, from his own party. stacey abrams didn't even show up at the speech in georgia. i mean, it is all sides of his party. >> yaerks it's worse than a bad week. i mean, if it were just a bad week, there would be some reason for hope. he is politically weaker than that and i just think there is two big factors that stand out. it is the pandemic. i think he was elected to solve that problem. this is a really hard problem to solve. nevertheless, the biden team told us they would get it under control and for lots of reasons, it's not under control. and there have been misstep bis this administration and communication lapses and people are frustrated and sick and they want to be done. it is a tough thing to deal with when you are president. the thing is he doesn't have control over his party. and a party can't get stuff done. big stuff done. he said he was going to solve problems, he can't do that because he can't get democrats under control and they feel, politically, emboldened enough to criticize him. his base. even more moderates in the party. he looks weak when they do that. donald trump didn't suffer that problem because he had a republican party under heel. so, those are two things i think speak to how difficult a position biden is in. >> yeah, gloria, it's -- as -- as dave points out, it's not just this weak, right? but you are one year into office and he had that major win on the infrastructure bill. right? and at the time, it was -- you know, it look a hlong time and again, because of problems within his own party. >> uh-huh. >> but then, you know, could have been this moment to tout and brag, you know, where trump failed and obama failed, i have succeeded. but instead, it was immediately into the build back better. right? it was right into the next thing. it was right into things that, thus far, have failed. and you know, in his own party, you have -- you have people like bernie sanders slamming him. and then, on the other side, people like representative spanberger. nobody like lekted him to be fdr, they just elected him to be normal. it is his own party on both sides. >> yeah. i mean, are you say ing he can' win no matter what he does? yeah, look, he is getting attacked from his own party. he has joe manchin and -- and kyrsten sinema to the white house for a meeting. and they leave without being convinced of anything. we are watching this play out publicly. he goes to capitol hill to make his case. and we are watching this play out publicly. he goes to atlanta to make a speech, and as you pointed out, stacey abrams doesn't go. so, he doesn't look strong. he looks like a president who cannot control a governing majority. now, david knows this because he has covered presidents. they always say they have a larger mandate than they really have when they first get into office. that's really common. biden did the same thing, and he has tiny margins. tiny margins. so, what the white house folks are telling me is, look, you know, everyone forgets we did the american rescue plan right away. and then, we got infrastructure. and now, we're moving onto something else. and, you know -- you know, economy is coming back, look at the jobs numbers, et cetera. but that snts good enough when people are concerned about inflation and what is going on with their jobs and covid. you know, covid has moved down the list as the number one priority. the number one priority is the economy but this isn't to say that people aren't still worried about covid. and -- and biden promised a return to normalcy and they haven't seen it. >> no, certainly not normal in what way, right? 40-year high in prices surging. rent surging. so, david, okay. so now, we talk about what is going on in the democratic party. and obviously, you have near-uniform opposition in the rrch republican party, although, there were opportunities to do -- have certain things with someone like murkowski or romney on various things that he has not yet seize but in the new quinnipiac poll this week has biden at 33% approval. and -- and here is what's even worse -- that's the overall. 25% among independents. right now, self-identified as the lion's share in this country. the -- our colleague chris cillizza today pointed out the white house deputy chief of staff put out a memo today push back on the poll saying it was an outlier. and pointing to a poll of polls that puts biden's approval at 43%, which is still not at all good, and by the way, they say like every other quinnipiac poll and outlier. how many times is something an outlier? i don't know. but these are -- these are not the numbers they want to see. and -- and it's not just because republicans don't like him. >> right. well, let's start where -- where we began, which is that his own party is disappointed. his base is disappointed. right? so if they're not as active, that's bad. if moderates in the party think he can't get something done, that's bad. that shows soft support with your own party. now, you jump to independents. who are independents? in my experience, a lot of times they are basically lapsed republicans. so, they are -- they are people who probably voted for trump but then couldn't stand what trump was doing, and probably we saw the suburban voters, et cetera, said okay, we know this biden character. moderate guy. he is going to bring us a little back to normal. now, they are looking and saying consistent abide by this biden and decrease -- and the woke left. it's too much for me. maybe i will give trump another look. i mean, i am getting ahead of us, obviously. but that mindset, that softening of support and even if it's not in a one versus one situation, it is a general sense of malaise, right? it's what jimmy carter had to face in high inflationary times when he was in office. and it is a sense we are just -- we are off on the wrong heading in the country. and government's not really up for it. i am a big believer in this idea people kind of look up and say does government know what is what it's doing? and when you look at the -- whether it's covid, you look at the afghanistan withdrawal, there is lots of reasons people are looking up and say i just don't think it's working for me. >> and, gloria, that -- that -- with all of this conversation that we're having, right, thus far, has been domestic. but you have got what's going on with kim jong un. you have got the broader point that i raise, which is much bigger than joe biden. but about, you know, what the military does or doesn't even know about the capabilities of -- of foes. and you have vladimir putin empowered and em bboldened and testing. so they see president biden that we are talking about and they are pushing. >> yeah. look. i think when joe biden was elected, he really ran a lot on his foreign policy credentials and as you point out, the withdrawal from afghanistan, while the public wanted to get out of afghanistan, what they witnessed was humiliating and, um, awful. and deadly. and they didn't like it. and if you go back and you look at the president's poll numbers from that moment, you can see that they have -- that that was sort of a moment when people were judging competency, and then they started to tank because they didn't like those pictures they saw. so it's not about afghanistan, itself. you have a president saying to our allies we're back. we're here. we are what we were is and they are skeptical because they see what is going on with the question of democracy in this country. and joe biden saying we have to, you know, we have to show that democracy is back. and then, you see what's going on with the january 6th committee. the insurrection. republicans opposing it. and they are scratching their heads saying, well, is america back? or what is america anymore? and i think that's a huge question that looms over everything. >> the existential one, everywhere. thank you, both, so very much. and next, as we talk about democracy, the leader of the oath keepers charged with a dishts conspiracy, making his first appearance in federal court today. plus breaking news on the hearing just ending for novak djokovic after australia's immigration minister revoked his visa. going to go to australia for the latest tonight. and hospitals shut. reports of food shortages. tonight, we are going to take you inside beijing where china is waging a brutal war against covid just weeks before the winter olympics begin. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪nothing is everything♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> right. exactly. and i think one of the things they are also probably going to argue at his detention hearing, erin, is that look, he was inter interview by the fbi in some months ago. i believe early summer last year. and he sat down with the fbi probably not the best idea. his lawyers would probably argue. but -- but he did. and he stuck around, obviously, and was there in time for -- for the raid that the fbi carried out yesterday. but if you look at this -- at this indictment, what they -- prosecutors are building a case around is they have -- they are focusing it on the idea of violence, not only the violence that occurred on january 6th but the one -- but violence that was threatened thereafter, including him buying $17,000 worth of guns and ammunition and other equipment, which they said he -- in -- in -- according to prosecutors, they talked about going to the mountains and -- and starting a, i guess, civil war 2.0 if the usurper took office on january 20th. >> and this is a rare charge, speaking of civil war. it comes from the civil war. that is when seditious conspiracy charge dates from, originally. and the last time it was filed was against members of a michigan militia. that was in 2010. now, they were eventually acquitted. but it was a militia. you know, sort of a domestic-terror type situation. similar to this, in that -- in that narrow regard. does that concern you? th their acquittal? >> no, i mean, i think that january 6th is a -- a -- by the way, thank you for having me -- um, january 6th is an event like no other in our lifetimes. this is a very serious statute intended probably as much as anything to prevent things from happening that most people would -- would think probably never would happen. and then we have january 6th come along, and one of the most impressive thing, frankly about this indictment is the array of facts and the detail with which the story is laid out. if you put these facts -- which go on as indicated for 48 pages -- if you put them alongside the allegations -- the -- the elements and the ways you can violate this statute, it appears that the facts, if proven, would support a violation in at least three different categories of ways the statute can be violated. it's a very significant indictment, among other things that's very significant as indicative of where the justice department is and where the attorney general is, in terms of moving forward with what he committed to in his speech last week. >> and we should note, these charges being -- all of them, i mean, it's many, many years in prison if -- if -- if convicted. i mean, this is -- this is not a few -- yeah. so -- so, evan, rhodes has a history of statements pushing the big lie in the run-up to january 6th and he said them publicly. here he is. >> i think about half this country will recognize biden as legitimate. everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect. >> we have men already stationed outside d.c. as a nuclear option in case the attempt to remove the president illegally, we will step in and stop it. >> use the insurrect -- insurrection act to drop the hammer on them. he needs to know from you that you are with him, that he does not do it now, while he is commander in chief, we are going to have to do it ourselves later in a much more desperate, much more bloody war. >> i mean, evan, he said it. and he said it. and he said it, again. >> right. i mean, if someone tells you, you know, the old adage if someone tells you what they are planning to do, you know, sometimes you should believe them and -- and i think that's what prosecutors are arguing here. look, i think one of the things that i think you can read from this -- from this indictment is, you know, they keep -- they kept it very, very tight, and very focused. and that is an indication of this attorney general who, you know, had some qualms about this charge when prosecutors were -- were trying to do this some-nine months ago. and he made them go back and do more work to try to make sure, before they took this extraordinary step, that they had some of these facts and i tk the things that you just played are gonna be some of -- some of what prosecutors are going -- are going to argue as this case goes forward and not only it's him as a leader of this group, right? because, you know, he was there and according to prosecutors, was telling them where to -- where to stage before they entered the building. >> i mean, yeah, it is pretty incredible when you read the 48 pages, it reads like a hollywood script, except it's reality. it happened. so, donald, you wrote an op-ed saying any january 6th investigation should include donald trump, himself. that it must focus there. obviously trump has never taken responsibility in they way for what happened but according to an interview our k-file found from six days after the insurrection, minority leader kevin mccarthy says that trump did -- he did take some blame privately. >> i say he has responsibility. he told me, personally, that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do. >> and, don, you see still the problem, of course, though, that the -- mccarthy will not speak to the january 6th committee. says he has said everything he has to say. how big of an issue is that, a block? >> well, i want to go back to a few steps from -- from where you have taken us here. i -- i want to go back to this indictment, which -- which is a very significant development and a very significant answer, um, to a number of people. i was -- i was one of three who wrote, as you indicated, a column in -- in "the new york times" basically making clear that it's really important that this investigation needs to be considering everybody, all the way up to the top. certainly, not just president trump. but -- but everybody who was up in the leadership, as well as the people, um, who are at lower levels. and this indictment is really, i think, very clear evidence that the attorney general is doing exactly what he, um, said he was going to do when he spoke last week. or said that he was doing. and that is, working his way up from the evidence that -- that they have, and working toward gathering evidence on the leadership that's involved. so here, you have a very serious case brought against about a dozen people, including the leader of the oath keepers and evidence that's really thorough and detailed and specific in the form of lots and lots and lots of individual communications and documents and things like that. and what seems to be the case is they are definitely following through and working their way up. um, mccarthy making statements about what trump said is a sideshow. um, mccarthy is a sideshow. mccarthy is the remarkable example of a human being who can face one way, and then turn around a few days later and face conta exactly the opposite way. and so far, in the framework of our current republican party, he has been able, apparently, to get away with that. but he is a joke. he is a joke and a sideshow. what matters is the development of the evidence that's there -- whatever it is -- and we're not in a position to know right now. >> yeah. >> we are not a in position to know the -- the justice department is investigating this. we are in a position to know they're doing the best they can, which is quite good with the resources they have and our job is to wait and be patient, and be respectful and they are on the job, and they are pursuing this. >> well certainly, what they indicate from these 48 pages, right, is they -- they were doing a lot that no one was fu fully aware. so as you point out, they do seem to be on that -- on that path. thank you, both, so much. i appreciate it. >> thanks. >> thank you. thanks for having me. next, breaking news. will novak djokovic be deported? a hearing just wrapping up in australia after the top immigration official there revoked djokovic's visa again. and a shocking number. 86% of independent restaurants that didn't get government funds are now at risk of closing. what could be done to help? top chef is my guest. financ. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. you booked a sunny vrbo ski chalet. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. but the thing they'll remember forever? grandpa coming out of retirement to give a few ski lessons. the time to plan your get together is now. find it on vrbo. hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops in honey lemon chill for fast acting sore throat relief ♪ahhh!♪ wooo! vaporize sore throat pain with i like that my plan is built just for me. with the new ww personalpoints program, you take an assessment, enter your goals, the foods you love and what fits into your lifestyle. you don't have to eat diet food. i can enjoy the things that i really love like wine... cheese. you can add points for eating vegetables or being active. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. the all new ww personalpoints program. don't pay until spring! join today at hurry! offer ends january 17th! it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. tonight, a court hearing just ending in the case of novak djokovic, who is back in detention in australia as i speak waiting to find out if he is going to be deported ahead of the stral yeen. the country's immigration minister revoked his visa, saying djokovic entered country without a valid exemption the vaccine mandate. paula hancocks out front here to begin our coverage on the ground in melbourne. and, paula, the big question is whether all of this will be settled in time for djokovic to play because he's scheduled to play on monday. so, what did the court decide today? >> well, erin, certainly what the lawyers for djokovic are hoping. they have already pointed out in the friday night hearing time is of the essence. so this hearing that we had this morning was really a procedural hearing, setting the scene for the more detailed arguments to be heard from 9:30 a.m. sunday morning. so, tomorrow. both sides have to submit filings. the judge, also, said that he is deciding if it is just him that hears this case or if there will be three federal judges. clearly, showing he understands the gravity of getting this right. so, djokovic today is in detention. he is able to meet with his lawyers, to -- to set out a plan. but he will be escorted by two australian border force officials at all time. and then, saturday night -- tonight -- he will be in detention, once gain. we don't know if it will be the same facility as he was in last week. so, what we understand at this point is from the immigration minister's statement and also the hearing last night. it appears that the argument to deport him this time is because that it is in the public interest. saying that -- that there's concerns he could excite anti-vax sentiment within the community, something which djokovic's lawyers, unsurprise lig, have her rejected but a very different premise to this hearing than what we saw just a week ago. and -- and really one of the best-case scenarios for djokovic's lawyers at this point is they could get a bridging visa, meaning he could work, i.e. play, while the court is ongoing. erin. >> as they delay. thank you very much. paula. so let us gae now to christopher cleary, "new york times" tennis correspondent in melbourne covering the australian open. one of the leads experts on the sport. i know you have covered more than 100 grand slam tournaments, more than a dozen olympic games and you know novak djokovic very well. you have been covering since he was 17. so let me get straight to it. christopher, the judge has a new hearing coming tomorrow. his team is gonna argue djokovic should be allowed to stay. what are the chances that djokovic plays on monday? >> look, erin, i think the situation is changing because the grounds for the -- for the obstruction for his visa have changed now. we are talking about him being a risk to the community because of his sort of declared anti-vax views. i think they are trying to raise vaccination and booster rates in australia. so they are kind of using him as a impoposter child of this effo and they are concerned, the immigration minister, he would be detrimental to that effort. personally, what i am reading here, i am not a legal expert but i have the sense the burburden of proof is still pretty high for novak djokovic and his good lawyers. i think the chances are -- are low but they are not nonexistent so i think there is a chance we will see him. and i have covered over 100 grand slams as you said, never seen one like this one, erin. >> obviously, looming loorj over the rest of the players and the tournament. by the way, i believe all but -- all of them have -- are v vaccinated, right, because that was the rule. djokovic would be there for his tenth australian open title. you have been talking to so many of these players. what do they think? >> we talked to one of the leading australian players about 10, 15 minutes ago in this media day here and alex was i think very, very frank and honest he felt like i think there was some resentment for the distraction this is causing. these are athletes who are in peak-performance condition, ready to play one of the most important tournaments of their lives and all anybody is talking about is knovak djokovic and hi vaccine. and so, tsa big distraction for players trying to focus on their own careers and also i feel there is a sense from the player community, people i have talked to that jnovak is is somebody wo is who made a different choice than all the players. partly because of the rules here in australia. and i think their resentment he took a different route. >> and you have, as i mentioned, been covering him since he was 17 years old. nearly half of his life, right? souf bso you have been watching him. tonight a serbian health official tels cnn djokovic -- that they had tests. they said those would have been e-mailed to him that day. that -- that he has a valid document. that he got late in the evening in his inbox. djokovic said he did not get it. and he didn't see it until late the next day after. this is really important because it moves the timeline again. because he had this positive pcr he says he didn't open it until, right, in between he appeared publicly with a group of kids, no mask. so, you look at this. you could see a lot of people have a lot of, you know -- there is a lot of frustration and resentment. but you have known him for half his life and he is a complicated person, you say. what do you make of all of this? >> just to that point quickly, erin, i would say no matter whether or not he saw it on the 17th or 16th, he still appeared in front of a french journalist on the 18th. he should have been in isolation and he was not. but as far as novak, he is a -- a complex shakespearian character in many ways. he is somebody -- i call him a seeker. he is always trying to optimize, tinker with his career, with his methods. he is somebody who has done some very generous and magnanimous things. and somebody who also has done some very self-interested and, frankly, very -- he is his own worst enemy in many cases. i think this is another example of that. and he has for a guy who speaks so many languages, he has some serious communication issues as well. >> thank you so much, kribtd fer. really appreciate your time, your insight, and just watching this with fascination of where you are. thanks so much 6789. >> my pleasure. so next, restaurants now at risk of closing shop because the pandemic, again. chef tom colicchio is my guest and he has a message for washington. plus, winter olympics exactly three weeks away and china is cracking down in an epic way on covid cases. tonight, we are going to take you inside the capital city. >> a fortress with many restrictions to get in and out. which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm surprising my team with a preview of the latest sneaker drop. because i can answer any question about any shoe. but i'm stumped when it comes to payroll. intuit quickbooks helps you easily run payroll in less than 5 minutes... you can stay... one step ahead. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ tonight, another warning sign for the u.s. economy. retail sales dropped almost 2% in december. usually, obviously, they they rise in december for the holidays. and it possibly shows american shoppers having real difficulty with record inflation and, of course, some of the impact of omicron as well. this as more than two dozen mayors across the united states are asking congress to save the restaurant industry. they write in a letter, quote, restaurants and bars are months beyond struggling. they are dying in plain sight. they have 22 months of debt from missed rent, supplier and utility payments squrks putting off repairs that needed to be addressed months ago. cold weather ended outdoor dining and now the omicron variant is reinvigorating fears in guests who are afraid to eat indoors. tom colicchio, he is the co-founder of the independent restaurant coalition and founder of crafted hospitality in new york. tom, obviously, you and i have talked during this pandemic. i'm sorry to be talking to you under these circumstances. how dire is the situation right now? >> well, erin, first, thanks for having me on and thanks for, you know, continued reporting on this issue. it's -- it's getting really bad out there. i mean, december, it starts to get better. november, december, those are our best months for our industry. and -- and we saw a light at the end of the tunnel. and clearly, with omicron, it just put -- put an end to that. and we're -- we're really slow and really desperate and, you know, i think the bigger problem that we have is that, you know, federal government did a great job of getting the restaurant revitalization fund out there. and senator schumer did an amazing job, along with senators wicker and -- and senator sinema to -- to really sort of address the issues with restaurants. um, but the money that was allotted to us -- we all knew was going to fall really short. and so, for the 300,000 restaurants that applied, only about one-third or 100,000 of those restaurants actually got the grant money. and so, that's created the haves and have-nots. and the restauranteurs have receive that money are set. and -- and they are going to get through this. the restaurants that did not -- they are struggling and so, we had a report of independent restaurants we actually interviewed 1,500 restauranters. and restauranteurs. and the data shows restaurants that didn't reach funding, they are on the verge of closing. they are digging into making personal loans to keep their restaurants afloat. they are actually hiring wiless people. um, and they're accumulating personal debt. and so -- so yeah, we are at a crisis moment right now. >> so, you know, there -- there is that issue and then there is also the difficulty of getting workers, right? and we have seen that during the delta variant and now. you know, i know your survey says 91% of strunts are having problems with hiring. more americans quitting their jobs than ever before. look, it is incredibly razor thin industry, even when things are going well, right? and now, you have workers that -- that want more. will there be permanent changes and compensation for restaurant workers and can the industry even do that given the way it's structured? >> you know, i think the industry can. i mean, you know, new york -- in new york city, the wages are -- are higher. well-above minimum wage even for tipped employees and we're okay. i mean, as long as we can raise prices and i think we are able to right now -- um, clearly restaurants like mine that are higher priced have more elasticity in pricing than sort of the mom and pops. >> right. >> but we are also realizing we can get along with fewer people. um, but right now, there is not an issue because we are laying people off, again, because no one is coming into our restaurants. people are afraid, they are scared. so many people are sick. so many employees are sick. and so, we're -- you know, no matter where we turn, we're running into some major problems whether it's getting employees -- now that we have employees, employees are getting sick. restaurants are slowing down. um, we need help. we're -- we're going to see is -- we're back to where we are in the early stages of the pandemic where we are starting to look at -- at restaurants that are -- are just going to start dying out, um, in pretty large numbers if we don't get help soon. >> and one final question for you in terms of testing. are you able to test your workers? obviously, you can't necessarily test your customers. >> well, we -- we -- we could ask for proof of vaccine. um, but we -- we -- so, when omicron first hit and me being a bit of a news junkie, saw it coming, we ordered a punch of tests. combination of pcrs that we mail in, and rapid tests the binax rapid tests so we have them available for staff. and so, what we did was we were able to make sure that the -- the -- the -- the pandemic wasn't moving through our restaurant. but clearly, a lot of our employees came in, tested positive, and they were sent home. so, we were able to. but i'm -- again, the data shows us that restaurants can't get and we are knowing this now, you can't buy rapid tests anymore. there is a backlog on those tests. and so, um, it's becoming more and more difficult to get tests. >> right. well, tom, thank you very much. hope people hear you loudly and clearly. >> thank you. and next, a story you will see only out front. we are going to take you inside beijing tonight. officials are taking extreme measures to control covid just weeks before the olympics. wait till you see what is happening there. and 50 million tonight people tonight in the path of what could be a crippling-winter storm this weekend. and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. meet ron. that man is always on. and he's on it with jardiance for type 2 diabetes. his underhand sky serve? 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limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ tonight, winter olympics are exactly three weeks away and china is on zero-tolerance covid. millions in the country, being put under strict lockdowns, even if, you know, just like a case po upons up. the drastic measures are actually having deadly consequences. david culver is out front. >> reporter: cities across china are back in wartime mode. scrambling to identify and isolate cases of covid-19. recent outbreaks have some 20 million people under strict lockdowns, confined to their homes. officials are conducting multiple rounds of mass testing, and shuttling tens of thousands of residents to centralized quarantine. state media showing these makeshift encampments built within days. it is eerily reminiscent to the start of the covid crisis. but now, authorities know what they are looking for. and they are tracking those of us living here through our cell phones to go into most places, you have to scan and they can flag us should we come into contact with a confirmed case. china is proud of its zero-covid approach. that is, one case is one too many. and the months that followed the initial outbreak in wuhan, it seemed to work. though, brutal at times. >> this strategy has indeed been effective until very recently. >> reporter: this latest surge is most concerning, and perhaps embarrassing given its timing. we are three weeks from the start of the winter olympics. beijing opened this -- the second pandemic olympics -- would be a chance to showcase its success over covid. the games are, in part, why the capital city is so heavily protected. a fortress with many restrictions to get in and out. at one point, the biggest concern was cases brought in by arrive athletes, olympic personnel, and media from around the world. it's for that reason, they have created a closed-off system, which will include the area that we are in right now. no physical contact between those coming in and those of us already here in beijing. but the virus is now spreading outside the olympic bubble. and images like these are surfacing on chinese social media. people packing in to get tested in nearby tianjin. some quarantined residents complaining about food shortages. two hospitals were ordered shut for three months by municipal health authorities after hospital employees were accused of putting covid protocols above basic healthcare. in one case, refusing to dadmita man who later died of a heart attack. in another, a woman eight months pregnant initially turned away because she did not have a valid covid test. she later suffered a miscarriage. >> chinese ask about the necessity of that zero covid strategy. i think the public support to that strategy remains very strong. >> reporter: state media showing a far more orderly public response to the strict containment measures. most here trusting the policies. in the three weeks until the start of the winter games, china might still prove effective in containing the virus. returning to a covid-free country -- at least officially. but for how long? and, erin, the latest outbreak happening in china's financial hub, shanghai. health officials blaming it on a chinese traveler, returning from the u.s., who they say infected at least four others, despite having done 14 days of centralized quarantine and testing negative multiple times. these rising numbers of so-called imported cases that's really behind the possibility that all commercial flights from the u.s. to china are likely to stop by this time next week. it is unprecedented, erin. >> that is incredible. all stunning. those images of the people at the testing and the stories from the hospitals is unbelievable. thank you so much for the fantastic report. and next, everyone from georgia to maine tonight bracing for a dangerous-winter storm that could leave millions stranded and without power. this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. more than 50 million people are in the path of hazardous winter weather this weekend. a major storm will move from the midwest, then the saekt, and up the east coast. snow and ice warnings in south carolina, north carolina, and georgia. iowa, as it moves east, is already getting clobbered with white-out conditions. a sign of what's to come for new york, they say. where the windchill may be in the negative teens. snow is forecast for sunday and monday. thanks so much for joining us. anderson starts now. good evening. whether we left you last night, 11 so-called oath keepers had been charged with seditious conspiracy in connection with january 6th. here they are. today, their leader and found issue, guy named stuart rhodes, made his first court appearance in plano, text terks, and entered a plea. in had a moment, we will have more on who he is and how his group came to spearhead right-wing

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, Heads Saying , 6 , January 6th , Everything , Both , Leader , Everywhere , Existential One , Dishts Conspiracy , Hearing , Immigration Minister , Novak Djokovic , Visa , Breaking News , Australia , Appearance , Hospitals , Food Shortages , Federal Court , Beijing , Heart , China , War , Winter Olympics , Butter , Trouble , Pop , Criminal , Talk , Boogie , Rock , Beat , Heat , Baby , Moon , Side Step , Step , Kids , Mom , Risk , Version , Planning , Infections , Skin , Moderate , Northwestern Mutual , Doses , Plaque Psoriasis , Skyrizi , 2 , 3 , 90 , 4 , Vaccine , Doctor , Infection , Treatment , Fever , Symptoms , Chills , Nothing , Coughs , Ability , Tuberculosis , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Chance , Combination , Immunotherapies , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Dermatologist , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Ways , Adults , Immune System , Positive , Gene , Cancer , Cell Lung Cancer , Alk , Egfr , Pd L1 , Death , Yervoy , Parts , Opdivo , Lead , Chest Pain , Breath , Shortness , Cough , Family , 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Office On January 20th , January 20th , 2 0 , 20 , Militia , Type Situation , Members , Michigan , 2010 , Event , A , Lifetimes , No Other , Regard , Acquittal , Statute , Facts , Story , Array , 48 , Pages , Violation , Elements , Allegations , Three , Indicative , Categories , Justice Department , Attorney General , Terms , Many , Being , Prison , Statements , Few , History , Big Lie In The Run Up To January 6th , Insurrection Act , Effect , Option , Force , Attempt , Mouth , Men , Hammer , Commander In Chief , Adage , Indication , Qualms , Who , Nine , Gonna , Some , Work , Group , Investigation , Building , Script , Reality , Hollywood , Op Ed , Kevin Mccarthy , Responsibility , Blame , Our K File , Six , Don T , Issue , Steps , Block , Number , The New York Times , Which , Answer , Column , Leadership , Everybody , Top , Levels , Communications , Form , Specific , Sideshow , Documents , Example , Human Being , Framework , Conta , Joke , Job , Resources , Best , Patient , Thanks , There Revoked Djokovic , Immigration , Restaurants , Closing , Guest , Chef , Funds , Balance , Reward , Didn T Get , Financ , 86 , Planning Effect , Grandpa , Views , Peaks , Retirement , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Sore Throat Pain , Sore Throat Relief Ahhh , Honey Lemon Chill , Ski Lessons , Vicks Vapocool , Vrbo , Honey Lemon , Hello , Plan , Lifestyle , Assessment , Program , Goals , Ww Personalpoints , Foods , Points , Vegetables , Diet Food , Cheese , Ww Personalpoints Program , 26 , 17 , January 17th , Sleep Number , Pressure Points , Sleep , Movements , Temperature Balancing , Season , Bed , 360 , Delivery , Ends Monday , 000 , 1000 , Sale , Ready , Save , Internet , Business , Voice , Backing , Value , Expert Team , Deal , Installation , Price Guarantee , Prepaid Card , 500 , 4 99 , 24 7 , 64 99 , 00 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Detention , Court Hearing , Knovak Djokovic , Paula Hancocks , Exemption , Stral Yeen , Djokovic , The Big Question , Melbourne , Scene , Arguments , Essence , Sunday Morning , 9 , 30 , Djokovic Today Is In Detention , Right , Judges , Filings , Gravity , Facility , Saturday Night , Border Force , Gain , Statement , Argument , Sentiment , The Public Interest , Last Night , Unsurprise Lig , Premise , Scenarios , Christopher Cleary , Bridging Visa , Experts , Gae , I E , Australian Open , Tournaments , Olympic Games , Sport , Grand Slam , 100 , Chances , Team , Grounds , Obstruction , Djokovic Plays On Monday , Vaccination , Child , Sort , Booster , Rates , Kind , Impoposter , Proof , Expert , Burburden , Players , Rest , Tournament , Loorj , Rule , Title , Athletes , Resentment , Alex , Distraction , Condition , 10 , 15 , Somebody , Player Community , Careers , Jnovak , Hi , Lives , Tsa Big Distraction , Life , Souf Bso , Half , Route , Choice , Health , Tels Cnn Djokovic , Serbian , Timeline , Evening , Document , Inbox , Pcr , Person , Mask , Frustration , Journalist , Isolation , 18th , French , 16 , 18 , Career , Optimize , Seeker , Methods , Tinker , Complex Shakespearian , Cases , Enemy , Languages , Issues , Fascination , Pleasure , Shop , Insight , Kribtd Fer , 6789 , Tom Colicchio , Capital City , Epic Way On Covid , Message , Fortress , Restrictions , Care , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Walks , Old , Amazing , Ugh Inner Voice , Jerry , Trust Me , Payroll , Intuit Quickbooks , Owner , Sneaker Drop , Preview , Shoe , Sneaker , 5 , Shingles , Doesn T Care , Moves , Shinges , Bike , Protection , 1 , Shingrix , Immune System Declines , Reactions , Dose , Ingredients , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , 50 , Headache , Pain , Stomach , Shivering , Injection Site , Redness , Swelling , Pharmacist , Shingles Doesn T Care , Google , Difficulty , Sales , Warning Sign , Holidays , Shoppers , Retail , Omicron , Struggling , Impact , Mayors , Sight , Restaurant Industry , Debt , Guests , Weather , Repairs , Supplier , Fears , Dining , Rent , Payments , Utility , 22 , New York , Hospitality , Co Founder , Restaurant Coalition , Circumstances , Industry , Light , The End Of Tunnel , November , First , Restaurant Revitalization Fund , End , Money , Address , Wicker , Restauranteurs , Grant Money , Haves , Have Nots , 100000 , 300000 , Report , Restauranters , 1500 , Data , Reach Funding , Loans , Verge , Wiless , Workers , Crisis , Survey , Delta Variant , Strunts , Hiring , 91 , Restaurant Workers , Compensation , Wages , Minimum Wage , Employees , Pricing , Pops , Elasticity , Sick , Stages , Customers , Omicron First Hit , Staff , News Junkie , Punch , Bit , Pcrs , Saw , Binax , Home , Now , Backlog , Car , Measures , Olympics , 50 Million , Questions , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Stop Taking Jardiance , Man , Type 2 Diabetes , Spot , Meet Ron , Carvana , Pill , A1c , Grilling Game , Underhand Sky Serve , Heart Disease , On Fire , Ketoacidosis , Dehydration , Urinary Tract Infections , Weight , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Jardiance May , Insulin , Perineum , Dialysis , Blood Sugar , Sulfonylurea , Meetings , Running , Errands , World , Dream , Generation , On A Faraway Beach , Advisor , Greatest , Tyranny , Nm Com Narrator , Preacher , Bridge , Oval , Nuclear War , Selma , Alabama , Generations , Continent , Call , Gate , Enemy Superpower Tear , West Berlin , Freedom , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Leaders , Ideals , The Call , Insurance , John Lewis , Voting Rights Act , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Liberty Tonight , Liberty , Lockdowns , Millions , Case Po Upons Up , Zero , Reporter , Consequences , Mode , Scrambling , Cities , David Culver , Tens Of Thousands , Residents , Mass Testing , Outbreaks , Homes , Rounds , 20 Million , Start , Quarantine , Authorities , Living , Places , Cell Phones , Covid Crisis , Encampments , Contact , Approach , Zero Covid , Outbreak , Wuhan , Part , Games , Over Covid , Media , System , Area , Olympic Personnel , Around The World , Virus , Images , Bubble , Social Media , Surfacing , Hospital Employees , Tianjin , Covid Test , Another , Healthcare , Heart Attack , Woman , Dadmita , Eight , Strategy , Miscarriage , Necessity , Ask , Policies , Winter Games , Containment Measures , Health Officials , Traveler , Financial Hub , Shanghai , Possibility , Others , Flights , 14 , Four , Stories , Stunning , Georgia To Maine , Storm , Planning Options , Binders , Plans , Consultant , Page , Options , Broker , Power , Help , Uh Carl , 188 , House , Retirement Plan , Schwab , Uhhh , Students , District , Schools , Teaching , Classroom , School Board , Politics , San Francisco , Children , Deficit , School Board Members Collins , February 15th , LÓpez , 25 Million , 125 Million , Snow , Warnings , Ice , East , Path Of Hazardous Winter , East Coast , South Carolina , North Carolina , Midwest , Saekt , Iowa , Sign , Forecast , Windchill , Teens , Anderson , Connection , 11 , Plano , Wing , Text Terks ,

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