Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

arlington, virginia just outside of d.c. a few miles from the capitol. the doj is talking about those qrf teams in this from the indictment, i'll read it for you, while certain oathkeeper members and affiliates inside of washington, d.c. breached the capitol grounds and building, others remained stationed just outside of the city in qrf teams. the qrf teams were prepared to rapidly transport firearms and other weapons into washington, d.c. in support of operations aimed at using force to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power. the dojjen kats here this plot continues. stewart rhodes who was arrested today allegedly bought almost $18,000 in weapons and ammunition leading up to january 20th. jake, he was calling for members of the oath keepers to form militias to stop and commit violence against the biden administration. >> ryan these right wing groups are also an important part of the investigation by the select committee investigating the january 6 attack. tell us more about the committee's focus on the role played by these far right wing groups. >> reporter: there is no doubt it is very important. from the very beginning, the january 6 select committee has been very interested in the role that the oath keepers, the proud boys, the three percenters, other right wing extremist groups played in creating violence and chaos here on january 6th. what this evidence revealed today, one reason it is so important for the committee's investigation is for two reasons. one, the committee has been insistent on creating a narrative of exactly what happened on january 6th and making sure it is clear to the american people just how deadly and violent this day was. and of course there have been individuals that have attempted to white wash the events of january 6th suggesting perhaps that it wasn't an armed insurrection. this evidence obviously proves otherwise. and then the other part is the preplanning of all of this. this is a very important part of the committee's investigation. this evidence showing that there was a great deal of preplanning leading up to january 6th, jake. >> jessica, we are now more than a year removed from the january 6th attack. the justice department is noting the extensive, multi state investigation that led to this indictment. >> reporter: yes. this is a massive investigation nationwide. but specifically for this indictment they had to use law enforcement from several different states. stuart rhodes for example was arrested today in texas but the other oath keeper members lived in other states including florida, alabama, georgia, ohio. so law enforcement from around the country have been working this case and the others, hundreds of others for the past year, jake. >> ryan, more breaking news we're learning of new subpoenas just issued by the january 6th committee. >> reporter: that's right. the committee now demanding that four major social media companies, that would be alphabet which owns youtube, meta which owns facebook, twitter, reddit, hand over information they say is vital to their investigation. the committee asked the groups to voluntarily hand over this information over the summer. they say now that they've been given an inadequate response from these social media giants. the committee now forcefully asking for that information as they believe it is important for them to get to the bottom of what happened here on january 6th. >> thanks to both of you. let's talk about this. before these charges were announced republican senator marco rubio was on the senate floor. i want to be clear here. he condemned the january 6th attack and said it was a terrible thing. the criminals should -- there should be consequences for the criminals, etcetera, but also seemed to downplay the seriousness of what happened that day with this comment. >> you're not going to convince at least most normal, and sane people, that our government last year was almost overthrown by a guy wearing a viking hat and speedos. >> due think these charges that illustrate armed individuals, paramilitary training, a conspiracy to stop the counting of electoral votes, do you think this will stop individuals downplaying the seriousness of that day? >> listen, i think it will for some members of congress. members of congress like marco rubio, of course he is up for re-election this year. he wants to sound as closely aligned with donald trump as he can. so i think that is sort of where he is coming from. but you have had other members of congress essentially say this was just, you know, sort of a spontaneous, nonthreatening gathering. a tourist event if you will. if it was a tourist event why were people cowering in their offices? why were members of congress reaching out to donald trump saying call off this riot? these are your people. make an announcement and call it off. they were in fear for their lives because we -- of what we all saw on television. the gallows that were hung there. folks with confederate flags. so it was very much a violent and chaotic scene with a purpose. that was to interfere with the certification of joe biden's election and these details of the case that this, the fbi is laying out now with these recent charges. certainly speaks to how complex and serious a threat it was on january 6th. >> jennifer, do you believe the justice department is trying to send a signal by charging these 11 defendants with seditious conspiracy which is of course a much graver charge than a lot of the individuals have been charged with so far? >> well, the justice department does more than send signals with this, jake. it is speaking out loud. it is saying, what happened in the months leading up to january 6th, and remember this indictment charges from november 2020 all the way through january of 2021, this was sedition. this was not just breaking into the capitol. this was not just assaulting police officers. this was not even just obstructing a proceeding. this was sedition. this was actually interfering with the lawful transfer of power as set out in the constitution. if it is sedition for these guys, you better believe it is also sedition for people who took part in other plots or this plot spread further out to actually stop that transition of power from happening. so the fact they have labeled it as such through this indictment means to me finally we know that the justice department is serious and they're going after other people for this as well. >> phil, prosecutors say the oath keepers were training, recruiting, and gathering guns, ammo, gear before the attack on the capitol. are you surprised the fbi didn't stop them or catch them before this happened? >> no, i'm not. if you look at what we're talking about in the days before you are talking about a political rally sponsored by the president of the united states. say, jake, you go to a hearing in the weeks before the january 6th event, a hearing that includes both republicans and democrats, republicans who will be favoring president trump in the hearing you say we have informants or we have technical coverage meaning you are reading people's phones, texts, e-mails, political rallies of the united states. i would do it today. i wouldn't want to do it on january 5th. i think that would have been explosive before we realized exactly what was going on here. >> given the detailed plot in this indictment, given the seriousness of the charge, seditious conspiracy, might that give house republicans pause about killing the january 6th committee if they do in fact take control after the midterms? >> no. i think they will absolutely kill this investigation, this committee, because that is what donald trump would want them to do. i mean, that is who they are taking orders from. kevin mccarthy should he be speaker, he will want to remain speaker and he will want to remain in good standing of donald trump. the committee certainly knows that they have a timeline. they are working under enormous pressure. they've had enormous success so far. they've interviewed something like 350 people. most of the people they have subpoenaed have cooperated with those subpoenas. they are obviously trying to talk to sitting members of congress who so far said they won't comply but so far they have made a tremendous amount of ground in terms of trying to lay out a full narrative of what was going on that day. >> phil, so far the fbi has arrested 700 people related to the insurrection. they say they are trying to arrest, seeking to arrest around 200 more. would you expect more charges related to seditious conspiracy? >> i would just as a numbers game. if you look, you talked about 700 maybe reaching 900 plus people. only 11 are in the case today. if you assume there's going to be another 890 plus or more, 900 plus arrested, you have to believe nobody else was involved in a conspiracy like that. i have to believe there are more cases. the reason we haven't seen this is they have 700 cases already to prosecute and this one is so much more complicated to prove. we'll see more of this, jake. i am pretty sure of it. >> does this signal the justice department is going to be pursuing more extremist groups in relation to the insurrection? >> i think so for sure. the oath keepers was only one of the groups involved. we know the three percenters, the proud boys, all sorts of other groups. i think they are looking at all of them. i think they are looking at their links together. i think they are looking at what they did with people in the white house, in congress, and others who were involved potentially in this broader plot to stop the transfer of power. i think they are looking at all of it now. we'll have to see where it goes. >> thanks to all of you. a really rough 24-hour period for president joe biden, including not getting what he wanted after a trip down pennsylvania avenue thanks to democratic senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin and the supreme court delivering a big loss to the biden administration blocking the vaccine mandate. the secretary of labor will join us to respond, ahead. starts the night before.lay my sleep number 360 smart bed tracks my circadian rhythm, average heart rate, and breathing rate so i know how well i'm sleeping. it's also temperature balancing so i stay cool. and it senses my movement and automatically adjusts to help keep me comfortable all night. sleep number takes care of the science so i can focus on other things. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. only from sleep number. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? 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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. we have breaking news now. cnn can report that california governor gavin newsom has decided to overrule parole for sirhan sirhan, of course the man who assassinated senator robert kennedy in 1968. governor newsom overruling that decision by the california parole board. sirhan sirhan will remain in prison. in our politics lead president joe biden arrived on capitol hill this afternoon vowing to keep fighting for election reform just moments after democratic senator kyrsten sinema of arizona reiterated she will not support the so-called nuclear option to get rid of the 60-vote rule to stop a filibuster in order to pass the election legislation. and now as cnn's phil mattingly reports it appears senate democrats are left spearheading yet another futile effort just to get on the same page. >> the honest to god answer is i don't know whether we can get this done. >> reporter: for president biden a day of road blocks and setbacks. a presidential trip to capitol hill for a voting reform bill doomed to fail. >> as long as i have a breath in me, as long as i am in the white house, as long as i am engaged at all, i'm going to be fighting to change the way these legislatures are moving. >> president biden will be calling on and will continue to call on businesses to immediately join those who have already stepped up. >> reporter: even as a separate requirement for health care workers was given the green light, rulings that came at a moment of peak exhaustion with the pandemic in its third year >> i know we're all frustrated as we enter this new year. omicron variant is causing millions of cases and record hospitalizations. >> reporter: all as senate democrats press toward votes on a sweeping voting reform measure. >> every senator will be faced with the choice of whether or not to pass this legislation to protect our democracy. >> reporter: no clear path over unified republican opposition. >> nobody in this country is buying the fake hysteria that democracy will die unless democrats get total control. >> reporter: two key centrist democrats both supportive of the voting measures. >> while i continue to support these bills -- >> reporter: but both also still opposed to unilateral changes to senate rules to do away with the filibuster >> i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> reporter: a reality that throws cold water on the week biden went all in on passing the voting measures. >> do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull connor? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? >> reporter: but biden's speech served to only more deeply entrench gop opposition both to the bill and to his rhetoric. >> i've known, liked, and personally respected joe biden for many years. i did not recognize the man at the podium yesterday. >> reporter: leading democratic leaders barreling toward a doomed effort to change senate rules arguing state gop efforts to change voting laws have forced the so-called nuclear option to the forefront. >> in the coming days, we will confront this sobering question. >> reporter: jake, the effort may be doomed but president biden is not giving up. we are told senators sinema and manchin will head to the white house to meet with president biden at some point this evening, the topic voting rights, and while it is very clear where they stand ob filibuster changes right now what is unclear is what are the next steps? both for voting rights but also for the president's broader agenda. obviously it is a midterm year now. most things look stuck. those are the two critical senators. they'll be meeting with president biden tonight. >> thanks so much. let's discuss this with democratic senator debby stab now of michigan. what was biden's message at today's lunch with democrats? >> it is always wonderful to be with you and i think the president was very powerful today. he was clear as somebody who has, who loves the senate, that he is coming to this decision about changing the rules very seriously and reluctantly based on what is happening right now. donald trump trying to take over the election process and stop the election process with violence on january 6th, the strategy across the country which is totally partisan including in michigan. not one democrat, this is not a bipartisan effort on voting reforms. this is a republican effort to take away people's freedom to vote. and so we're at a crossroads as a country and i really believe that. i really believe we are at a point where folks are going to look back in history about where were you when there was a strategy by republicans whether by violence or by changing laws in states, an effort to take away people's freedom to vote in the united states of america. and that's what's happening. >> senator sinema says getting rid of the filibuster is merely treating the symptom of the partisanship that is in the senate and not the underlying problem. what did you make of her speech right before president biden came to capitol hill? >> well, with all due respect, i've told the senator directly that we have a big disagreement on that. if the filibuster worked to bring people together we'd be coming together, right? because we have it right now. but what we've seen is a perversion of the rules of the senate. they're now being just used to stop everything. and for the republicans to try to get and keep power. what i support is what the founders originally saw as the filibuster is let people talk. if you want to try to stop legislation in the united states senate stand up. talk. keep talking. and when you have been heard, i mean the minority has every right to be heard, and should be heard. but then when you're done, we should do what hamilton said and madison said, which is to allow the majority to make the decision for the country not the super majority. the majority. >> with all due respect, i've been covering the senate for a long time and when democrats are in the minority that is not how democrats operate. >> well, we should be doing the exact same thing. the truth of the matter is over the years, the filibuster has been used more and more in a dilatory way. you can phone it in, jake. you know that. i don't have to go to the floor to object. i call the cloak room. and then somebody objects and then that stops a bill from moving forward and then it takes 60 votes. that should be reformed. so that i can't do that or that other members can't do that either. the truth is, we're now at a point where this has been so eroded and perverted, we have the tyranny of the minority. and whether it is democrats or republicans that should stop. and the truth of the matter is, we have never used it as it has been used now. and i think that it makes sense we move forward in a way where it is a majority of people in the united states not a super majority. we're the united states of america. constitution says the majority are the ones that decide what happens. >> right. there's also the idea of the senate being the cooling saucer from the hot tea of the house. but to senator sinema's point, if the rules get changed, she might be concerned just based on reading her statements and listening to her that when republicans take over the majority again, which will happen, you and i know that will happen at some point. >> sure. >> that what is to stop them from saying, well, the democrats got rid of the filibuster for their election reform bills. we'll get rid of it and pass a nationwide abortion ban. i mean isn't that a risk? >> jake, you know mitch mcconnell. he will say or do whatever is necessary in terms of a rationale to do what he wants to do, right? i mean, do you think he would have allowed us truly through the filibuster to stop donald trump's supreme court nominees from being put on the supreme court? whether or not we had changed the rules for federal district judges? no. there is no way. there is no way. >> i know that president trump pressured mcconnell throughout his presidency to get rid of the filibuster and mcconnell didn't. >> he got rid of the filibuster for the things he wanted to accomplish. which was judges and supreme court judges. and if he has something else that he wants to accomplish, he will do the same thing regardless of what we do. i mean, the reality is they're not focused on legislation. i think they would just as soon that we stop some of the more radical things that come out of their side. and so, you know, he will move forward with whatever rationale works. merrick garland, hold up a supreme court nominee. on the other hand, amy coney barrett, no, no, no. there is no need. we can do it right before the election. mitch mcconnell will use whatever rationale works for him at the moment to accomplish his goals. >> michigan democratic senator debbie stabenow thanks for joining us today. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. how will the white house respond to this latest blow from the supreme court? the secretary of labor will join us live next. stay with us. l picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. ♪ ♪ ♪ making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries♪ ♪sure would help a lot♪ ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away?♪ ♪ ♪sometimes you want to go♪ ♪where everybody knows your name♪ ♪and they're always glad you came♪ ♪ ♪you want to be where you can see♪ ♪our troubles are all the same♪ ♪you want to be where everybody knows your name♪ ♪ ♪ you want to go where people know♪ ♪people are all the same♪ ♪you want to go where everybody knows your name♪ ♪ it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. topping our health lead today the united states supreme court today blocking the biden administration's nationwide vaccine and testing mandate for private businesses of 100 employees or more. however, in a separate case the court is allowing a mandate to take effect for federally funded health care facilities. joining us live to discuss the secretary of the department of labor marty walsh. secretary walsh, thanks for joining us. so the court's decision to block the osha mandate, that is occupational safety and health administration which protects workplace safety, is a big blow to the biden administration, but i am wondering if you were surprised. it seemed like this was going to be the ruling based on arguments that we heard earlier. >> well, what it is, it is disappointing. it is disappointing the court ruled this way. it is disappointing the court ruled against workers to keep them protected in america. as we were putting this together we talked to medical experts and we talked to legal experts who all said they have the right to do this. it is really unfortunate today. you know, last week when we heard the oral arguments, i am not a lawyer but certainly the arguments that were put on your station tv certainly weren't the best as far as what the justices were saying but we were in court today so we were in court last week so we did it. now what we have to do is find other ways we make sure to keep americans safe >> i want to read a quote from the majority opinion, quote, although covid-19 is a risk that occurs in many work places it is not an occupational hazard in most. covid-19 can and does spread at home, in schools, during sporting events, and everywhere else people gather. that kind of universal risk is no different from the day-to-day dangers all face from crime, air pollution, or any number of communicable diseases, unquote. they are saying covid isn't an occupational hazard for everyone and, therefore, is not, should not be covered by this. you disagree obviously. why? >> i certainly do because the intention of what we wanted to do was make sure that people that work, went to work every day, that were vaccinated knew the people around them that weren't vaccinated would be tested once a week and were also going to be wearing masks and to create a safe environment for the work place. that was the intention behind this. this is not a mandate. this was certainly well thought through and well thought out. we said we'll do a vax and/or test as we move forward and that is one of the things we were going to do. as i said earlier on the show today, you know, the first friday of the month is jobs day and people are going to say, what is keeping people out of work? one of the reasons why people aren't going back into the work place is because they are concerned about their own health. >> yeah. individual employers of course can still choose to impose their own in house vaccine mandate or testing mandate on employees. many companies like united airlines have done this. does the biden administration plan to incentivize in some way to promote that option? >> i wouldn't say incentivize but certainly encouraging companies to do that and any company that would like our assistance we would gladly help them whether here, the department of labor, or osha. we'll continue to encourage people. it is really important as we go through the coronavirus and the ongoing issue around the virus we're seeing right now with the omicron variant raising opportunities for people who have the vaccine. they are not dying. they're getting sick but are in better shape. we just need to encourage people to get vaccinated. >> let me ask you, the federal government in the past has made rulings, decisions we're not going to do business with companies that discriminate. given this ruling and also the other one that allowed the administration to impose a mandate on companies that take medicare and medicaid dollars, might you do that and say, if you want to do business with the united states government you have to have a vaccine mandate? is that something you're considering? >> no, we're not. today's ruling was a ruling that we put a lot of work and emphasis on talking to medical experts, talking to legal experts. what we'll do now here at the department of labor just like right now to you i am encouraging companies in america that if you want, will take the route of vaccines for your employees and testing and making sure your work place is safe, if you need help, we have all the guidelines and we would love to work with you on that. >> secretary of labor marty walsh, thanks so much for your time. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. losing a mother, a brother, a troubling uptick in police officers being targeted and killed and the loss they leave behind. stay with us. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ (peaceful music) ♪ ♪ ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ (dragon roar from phone) ♪ ♪ why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> all right. josh campbell in lamgos angelesr us. thanks so much. one of the highest honors given to a boy whose death helped spark a civil rights movement. stay with us. yep! subways got so much new like the new turkey cali fresh, that they couldn't fit it in their ads. so, they bought space on your jerseys. go long italian b.m.t.® nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit can dove stop 98% of daily hair damage? sandra treats one lock of hair with dove. glowing areas represent hair damage. dove precisely repairs so there are almost no signs... of visible damage. dove intensive repair. number one beauty brand not tested on animals. what can i du with less asthma? 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>> it's being distributed with effectively a direct to beneficiary arrangement, so there are about 150 humanitarian agencies. the great majority of them local ngos and national afghan ngos who receive funding very generously from your government, but through the big agencies who fund those ngos to deliver food support, medical supplies the security in afghanistan, of course, is better now than it has been for many years. so we're able to get out across the country to do that, but the problem that we're facing is that without cash in the economy, you can't pay for the gas to get the fuel to get to the people. you can't pay salaries, the front line health workers. teachers haven't been paid since 15th of august. so it's getting the cash into the economy which is as important as getting funding into the aid program. >> when you talk about that, the salaries of key public sector workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, not being paid in months, what can the international community do about that? >> there's a number of things we're putting on the table tomorrow. first of all, fund the aid program. that's the money that will most quickly get to those beneficiaries. secondly, reprogram some of the money that was in the world bank and other assets to put it through, again, aid agencies to get money straight to the beneficiaries. these are short-term measures. what we're also saying is that to get liquidity into the economy, you need to provide for the support of the local currency, the afghanis and that needs to be backed up by dollars. before the 15th of august, the united states had a very, very long-term and detailed support to the banking system. when the u.s. left, that support stopped. the banking system hasn't functioned since. you've got to get the banking system back -- jump-started to enable us to meet local costs. >> i assume one of the problems here is the reluctance of individuals throughout the world to send anything to afghanistan that the taliban could use for violence. how do you guard against that? >> it's a very good question, and we're very conscious of the issue. we're well aware that paying civil servants, public officials, is not the same as paying taliban officials and taliban leaders. it's the same as in your country or mine. paying the health service doesn't mean paying the democratic party, but we make sure of this through the arrangements that i've described as direct delivery. we pay directly to those who are doing the work and who need the aid. the job of the aid agencies is to make sure that leakage doesn't happen. >> martin griffiths, thank you for the work you do. >> thank you very much, jake. internationally, emmitt lewis till, the 14-year-old boy savagely beaten and murdered, will be awarded a posthumous congressional gold medal. his mother will also get one. she famously decided to have an open casket funeral for her boy because she, quote, wanted the world to see what they did to my baby. the recognition comes a month after the justice department officially disclosed its investigation into one of the most guerisly and horrific murds in the jim crow era. one of the most iconic actresses, but underneath was a savvy woman ahead of her time. this sunday a new cnn original series reexamines marilyn monroe's life and legacy including her headline making marriage to new york yankees legend joe dimaggio. >> the romance that thrills the world. >> after two years of dating, marilyn and joe's marriage captivates the message. >> just because it was a publicity stunt doesn't mean they couldn't have had a real relationship after that. it does seem to be what happens. >> he has a very sensitive nature in many respects. when he was young, he had a very difficult time. so he understood some things about me, and i understood some things about him. >> there's no surprise in the fact it attracted a record crowd to the san francisco court where the ceremony was performed. >> there were hundreds of reports. i think we can assume that joe didn't tip them off because he hated all that stuff. >> the story was that it was actually marilyn who called up the journalists. she recognized that this was an opportunity. >> reframed, marilyn monroe premiers this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. coming up in "the situation room," my friend wolf blitzer will speak to the surgeon general dr. vivek murthy. that's ahead. see you tomorrow. avor-fullest? 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Lights , Conversation , Badge , Mirror , Uniform , Josh Campbell , Children , Police Officer , Partners , Authorities , Friends , Baltimore , Sister , Working , Fire , Patrol Car , Joy , Roift , Life , Danger , Police Department , Keona Holley , Policing , Statistics , Murder , Faith , Officers , Cops , Gunfire , 46 , Another , Dogs , Veteran , Coast To , Colorado , Bradley , Illinois , 26 , 9 11 , Reports , Killings , Ambush , 33 , Indictments , Criminal Justice , System , Trials , Disruption , Grand Juries , Many , Police , Policy , Jail Pending Trial , Criminal Justice Reform Advocates Say Practices Like Cash Bail , Policies , Color , Changes Led , Income , Parts , Criminologists , Nation , Head , Street , Law Enforcement Profession , Offenders , Police Union , Sentiment , Lack , Toll , Reoffend , Community , Relationships , Series , Profile Cases , Must , Kinds , Causes , Rise , Root , Answers , Class , Men , Outcries , Women , Graduating , George Floyd , Breonna Taylor Which , Build Relationships , Crime Level , Recruits , Task , Law Enforcement Leaders , Surge , Attention , Lawmakers , Cops Last , Tom Tillis , Law Enforcement Officer , North Carolina , Lamgos Angelesr , Boy , Subways , Death , Honors , Ads , Jerseys , Space , Spark A Civil Rights Movement , Turkey Cali Fresh , Nicorette , Smoking , Cold Turkey , Go Long Italian , Bmt , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Hair Damage , Areas , Dove , Hair , Damage , Repair , Signs , Lock , Animals , Sandra , 98 , Asthma , Du , Teamwork , Walks , Yardwork , Treatment , Types , Asthma Attacks , Breathing Problems , Add On , Lung Function , Steroids , Breathing , Rash , Numbness , Asthma Treatments , Chest Pain , Asthma Specialist , Limbs , Tingling , Shortness , Afghanistan , Collapse , Funding Appeal , Brink , United Nations , 4 Billion , 4 Billion , Economy , Martin Griffiths , Crisis , Withdrawal , Emergency Relief Coordinator , Affairs , Taliban Takeover , Program , Needs , Starvation , Systems , Afghans , Resources , Catastrophe , Double , Population , 24 Million , Aid Doesn T , Malnutrition , Hunger , A Million , Five , Aid , 5 Billion , Billion , Relationship , Meetings , Beneficiary Arrangement , Secretary Blinken , Ngos , Funding , Agencies , 150 , Food Support , Cash , Fuel , Security , Gas , Aid Program , Salaries , Health Workers , Front Line , Teachers Haven T , 15th Of August , 15 , Doctors , Nurses , Public Sector , Money , Beneficiaries , Assets , Table , World Bank , Aid Agencies , Afghanis , Liquidity , Measures , Currency , Banking System , Left , Hasn T Functioned , Banking System Back , Problems , Reluctance , Costs , Anything , Taliban , Officials , Health Service , Delivery , Job , Arrangements , Emmitt Lewis , Leakage Doesn T , Mother , Medal , 14 , Recognition , Casket , Funeral , Baby , Underneath , Guerisly , Actresses , Horrific Murds , Jim Crow , Marilyn Monroe , Joe Dimaggio , Headline Making Marriage , Legacy , Sunday A New Cnn Original Series , New York Yankees , Romance , Marilyn , Dating , Publicity Stunt , Marriage , Respects , Nature , They Couldn T Have , Surprise , Crowd , Ceremony , San Francisco , Joe Didn T , Story , Opportunity , Journalists , Tip , Stuff , Reframed , Surgeon General , Wolf Blitzer , Situation Room , Vivek Murthy , Eastern , 9 , 00 , Avor , Panera , , 1 , T Mobile , Customers , Choices , Psoriasis , Magenta , Iphone 13 , 13 , Otezla , Pill , Cream , Plaque Psoriasis , Entrance , Splash , 75 , Depression , Weight Loss , Feelings , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Thoughts , Medicines , Headache , Weight , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Running , Errands , Dream , Advisor , Version , Bath , Tub Installation , Tub , Northwestern Mutual , Investors , Bath Fitter , Consultation , Homes , Gold , Bathfitter Com , Schedule , Landscape , Two Million , Asset , Prices , Potential , Returns , Season , Pressure Points , Sleep , Movements , Base , Ends Monday , 1000 , 000 , Business Ne , Making It Easyear , Ready , Save , Expert Team , Installation , Internet , Backing , Price Guarantee , Voice , 64 99 , 24 7 , 4 99 , Value , Prepaid Card , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 500 , Leader , Group , House Republican Leader , Capitol Riot Investigation , Ten , Comments , Communications , Defeats , January 6th Select Committee , Deflects , Refusal , Dodges , Reaction , Test Rule , Vacciner ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

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arlington, virginia just outside of d.c. a few miles from the capitol. the doj is talking about those qrf teams in this from the indictment, i'll read it for you, while certain oathkeeper members and affiliates inside of washington, d.c. breached the capitol grounds and building, others remained stationed just outside of the city in qrf teams. the qrf teams were prepared to rapidly transport firearms and other weapons into washington, d.c. in support of operations aimed at using force to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power. the dojjen kats here this plot continues. stewart rhodes who was arrested today allegedly bought almost $18,000 in weapons and ammunition leading up to january 20th. jake, he was calling for members of the oath keepers to form militias to stop and commit violence against the biden administration. >> ryan these right wing groups are also an important part of the investigation by the select committee investigating the january 6 attack. tell us more about the committee's focus on the role played by these far right wing groups. >> reporter: there is no doubt it is very important. from the very beginning, the january 6 select committee has been very interested in the role that the oath keepers, the proud boys, the three percenters, other right wing extremist groups played in creating violence and chaos here on january 6th. what this evidence revealed today, one reason it is so important for the committee's investigation is for two reasons. one, the committee has been insistent on creating a narrative of exactly what happened on january 6th and making sure it is clear to the american people just how deadly and violent this day was. and of course there have been individuals that have attempted to white wash the events of january 6th suggesting perhaps that it wasn't an armed insurrection. this evidence obviously proves otherwise. and then the other part is the preplanning of all of this. this is a very important part of the committee's investigation. this evidence showing that there was a great deal of preplanning leading up to january 6th, jake. >> jessica, we are now more than a year removed from the january 6th attack. the justice department is noting the extensive, multi state investigation that led to this indictment. >> reporter: yes. this is a massive investigation nationwide. but specifically for this indictment they had to use law enforcement from several different states. stuart rhodes for example was arrested today in texas but the other oath keeper members lived in other states including florida, alabama, georgia, ohio. so law enforcement from around the country have been working this case and the others, hundreds of others for the past year, jake. >> ryan, more breaking news we're learning of new subpoenas just issued by the january 6th committee. >> reporter: that's right. the committee now demanding that four major social media companies, that would be alphabet which owns youtube, meta which owns facebook, twitter, reddit, hand over information they say is vital to their investigation. the committee asked the groups to voluntarily hand over this information over the summer. they say now that they've been given an inadequate response from these social media giants. the committee now forcefully asking for that information as they believe it is important for them to get to the bottom of what happened here on january 6th. >> thanks to both of you. let's talk about this. before these charges were announced republican senator marco rubio was on the senate floor. i want to be clear here. he condemned the january 6th attack and said it was a terrible thing. the criminals should -- there should be consequences for the criminals, etcetera, but also seemed to downplay the seriousness of what happened that day with this comment. >> you're not going to convince at least most normal, and sane people, that our government last year was almost overthrown by a guy wearing a viking hat and speedos. >> due think these charges that illustrate armed individuals, paramilitary training, a conspiracy to stop the counting of electoral votes, do you think this will stop individuals downplaying the seriousness of that day? >> listen, i think it will for some members of congress. members of congress like marco rubio, of course he is up for re-election this year. he wants to sound as closely aligned with donald trump as he can. so i think that is sort of where he is coming from. but you have had other members of congress essentially say this was just, you know, sort of a spontaneous, nonthreatening gathering. a tourist event if you will. if it was a tourist event why were people cowering in their offices? why were members of congress reaching out to donald trump saying call off this riot? these are your people. make an announcement and call it off. they were in fear for their lives because we -- of what we all saw on television. the gallows that were hung there. folks with confederate flags. so it was very much a violent and chaotic scene with a purpose. that was to interfere with the certification of joe biden's election and these details of the case that this, the fbi is laying out now with these recent charges. certainly speaks to how complex and serious a threat it was on january 6th. >> jennifer, do you believe the justice department is trying to send a signal by charging these 11 defendants with seditious conspiracy which is of course a much graver charge than a lot of the individuals have been charged with so far? >> well, the justice department does more than send signals with this, jake. it is speaking out loud. it is saying, what happened in the months leading up to january 6th, and remember this indictment charges from november 2020 all the way through january of 2021, this was sedition. this was not just breaking into the capitol. this was not just assaulting police officers. this was not even just obstructing a proceeding. this was sedition. this was actually interfering with the lawful transfer of power as set out in the constitution. if it is sedition for these guys, you better believe it is also sedition for people who took part in other plots or this plot spread further out to actually stop that transition of power from happening. so the fact they have labeled it as such through this indictment means to me finally we know that the justice department is serious and they're going after other people for this as well. >> phil, prosecutors say the oath keepers were training, recruiting, and gathering guns, ammo, gear before the attack on the capitol. are you surprised the fbi didn't stop them or catch them before this happened? >> no, i'm not. if you look at what we're talking about in the days before you are talking about a political rally sponsored by the president of the united states. say, jake, you go to a hearing in the weeks before the january 6th event, a hearing that includes both republicans and democrats, republicans who will be favoring president trump in the hearing you say we have informants or we have technical coverage meaning you are reading people's phones, texts, e-mails, political rallies of the united states. i would do it today. i wouldn't want to do it on january 5th. i think that would have been explosive before we realized exactly what was going on here. >> given the detailed plot in this indictment, given the seriousness of the charge, seditious conspiracy, might that give house republicans pause about killing the january 6th committee if they do in fact take control after the midterms? >> no. i think they will absolutely kill this investigation, this committee, because that is what donald trump would want them to do. i mean, that is who they are taking orders from. kevin mccarthy should he be speaker, he will want to remain speaker and he will want to remain in good standing of donald trump. the committee certainly knows that they have a timeline. they are working under enormous pressure. they've had enormous success so far. they've interviewed something like 350 people. most of the people they have subpoenaed have cooperated with those subpoenas. they are obviously trying to talk to sitting members of congress who so far said they won't comply but so far they have made a tremendous amount of ground in terms of trying to lay out a full narrative of what was going on that day. >> phil, so far the fbi has arrested 700 people related to the insurrection. they say they are trying to arrest, seeking to arrest around 200 more. would you expect more charges related to seditious conspiracy? >> i would just as a numbers game. if you look, you talked about 700 maybe reaching 900 plus people. only 11 are in the case today. if you assume there's going to be another 890 plus or more, 900 plus arrested, you have to believe nobody else was involved in a conspiracy like that. i have to believe there are more cases. the reason we haven't seen this is they have 700 cases already to prosecute and this one is so much more complicated to prove. we'll see more of this, jake. i am pretty sure of it. >> does this signal the justice department is going to be pursuing more extremist groups in relation to the insurrection? >> i think so for sure. the oath keepers was only one of the groups involved. we know the three percenters, the proud boys, all sorts of other groups. i think they are looking at all of them. i think they are looking at their links together. i think they are looking at what they did with people in the white house, in congress, and others who were involved potentially in this broader plot to stop the transfer of power. i think they are looking at all of it now. we'll have to see where it goes. >> thanks to all of you. a really rough 24-hour period for president joe biden, including not getting what he wanted after a trip down pennsylvania avenue thanks to democratic senators kyrsten sinema and joe manchin and the supreme court delivering a big loss to the biden administration blocking the vaccine mandate. the secretary of labor will join us to respond, ahead. starts the night before.lay my sleep number 360 smart bed tracks my circadian rhythm, average heart rate, and breathing rate so i know how well i'm sleeping. it's also temperature balancing so i stay cool. and it senses my movement and automatically adjusts to help keep me comfortable all night. sleep number takes care of the science so i can focus on other things. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. only from sleep number. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? 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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. we have breaking news now. cnn can report that california governor gavin newsom has decided to overrule parole for sirhan sirhan, of course the man who assassinated senator robert kennedy in 1968. governor newsom overruling that decision by the california parole board. sirhan sirhan will remain in prison. in our politics lead president joe biden arrived on capitol hill this afternoon vowing to keep fighting for election reform just moments after democratic senator kyrsten sinema of arizona reiterated she will not support the so-called nuclear option to get rid of the 60-vote rule to stop a filibuster in order to pass the election legislation. and now as cnn's phil mattingly reports it appears senate democrats are left spearheading yet another futile effort just to get on the same page. >> the honest to god answer is i don't know whether we can get this done. >> reporter: for president biden a day of road blocks and setbacks. a presidential trip to capitol hill for a voting reform bill doomed to fail. >> as long as i have a breath in me, as long as i am in the white house, as long as i am engaged at all, i'm going to be fighting to change the way these legislatures are moving. >> president biden will be calling on and will continue to call on businesses to immediately join those who have already stepped up. >> reporter: even as a separate requirement for health care workers was given the green light, rulings that came at a moment of peak exhaustion with the pandemic in its third year >> i know we're all frustrated as we enter this new year. omicron variant is causing millions of cases and record hospitalizations. >> reporter: all as senate democrats press toward votes on a sweeping voting reform measure. >> every senator will be faced with the choice of whether or not to pass this legislation to protect our democracy. >> reporter: no clear path over unified republican opposition. >> nobody in this country is buying the fake hysteria that democracy will die unless democrats get total control. >> reporter: two key centrist democrats both supportive of the voting measures. >> while i continue to support these bills -- >> reporter: but both also still opposed to unilateral changes to senate rules to do away with the filibuster >> i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> reporter: a reality that throws cold water on the week biden went all in on passing the voting measures. >> do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull connor? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? >> reporter: but biden's speech served to only more deeply entrench gop opposition both to the bill and to his rhetoric. >> i've known, liked, and personally respected joe biden for many years. i did not recognize the man at the podium yesterday. >> reporter: leading democratic leaders barreling toward a doomed effort to change senate rules arguing state gop efforts to change voting laws have forced the so-called nuclear option to the forefront. >> in the coming days, we will confront this sobering question. >> reporter: jake, the effort may be doomed but president biden is not giving up. we are told senators sinema and manchin will head to the white house to meet with president biden at some point this evening, the topic voting rights, and while it is very clear where they stand ob filibuster changes right now what is unclear is what are the next steps? both for voting rights but also for the president's broader agenda. obviously it is a midterm year now. most things look stuck. those are the two critical senators. they'll be meeting with president biden tonight. >> thanks so much. let's discuss this with democratic senator debby stab now of michigan. what was biden's message at today's lunch with democrats? >> it is always wonderful to be with you and i think the president was very powerful today. he was clear as somebody who has, who loves the senate, that he is coming to this decision about changing the rules very seriously and reluctantly based on what is happening right now. donald trump trying to take over the election process and stop the election process with violence on january 6th, the strategy across the country which is totally partisan including in michigan. not one democrat, this is not a bipartisan effort on voting reforms. this is a republican effort to take away people's freedom to vote. and so we're at a crossroads as a country and i really believe that. i really believe we are at a point where folks are going to look back in history about where were you when there was a strategy by republicans whether by violence or by changing laws in states, an effort to take away people's freedom to vote in the united states of america. and that's what's happening. >> senator sinema says getting rid of the filibuster is merely treating the symptom of the partisanship that is in the senate and not the underlying problem. what did you make of her speech right before president biden came to capitol hill? >> well, with all due respect, i've told the senator directly that we have a big disagreement on that. if the filibuster worked to bring people together we'd be coming together, right? because we have it right now. but what we've seen is a perversion of the rules of the senate. they're now being just used to stop everything. and for the republicans to try to get and keep power. what i support is what the founders originally saw as the filibuster is let people talk. if you want to try to stop legislation in the united states senate stand up. talk. keep talking. and when you have been heard, i mean the minority has every right to be heard, and should be heard. but then when you're done, we should do what hamilton said and madison said, which is to allow the majority to make the decision for the country not the super majority. the majority. >> with all due respect, i've been covering the senate for a long time and when democrats are in the minority that is not how democrats operate. >> well, we should be doing the exact same thing. the truth of the matter is over the years, the filibuster has been used more and more in a dilatory way. you can phone it in, jake. you know that. i don't have to go to the floor to object. i call the cloak room. and then somebody objects and then that stops a bill from moving forward and then it takes 60 votes. that should be reformed. so that i can't do that or that other members can't do that either. the truth is, we're now at a point where this has been so eroded and perverted, we have the tyranny of the minority. and whether it is democrats or republicans that should stop. and the truth of the matter is, we have never used it as it has been used now. and i think that it makes sense we move forward in a way where it is a majority of people in the united states not a super majority. we're the united states of america. constitution says the majority are the ones that decide what happens. >> right. there's also the idea of the senate being the cooling saucer from the hot tea of the house. but to senator sinema's point, if the rules get changed, she might be concerned just based on reading her statements and listening to her that when republicans take over the majority again, which will happen, you and i know that will happen at some point. >> sure. >> that what is to stop them from saying, well, the democrats got rid of the filibuster for their election reform bills. we'll get rid of it and pass a nationwide abortion ban. i mean isn't that a risk? >> jake, you know mitch mcconnell. he will say or do whatever is necessary in terms of a rationale to do what he wants to do, right? i mean, do you think he would have allowed us truly through the filibuster to stop donald trump's supreme court nominees from being put on the supreme court? whether or not we had changed the rules for federal district judges? no. there is no way. there is no way. >> i know that president trump pressured mcconnell throughout his presidency to get rid of the filibuster and mcconnell didn't. >> he got rid of the filibuster for the things he wanted to accomplish. which was judges and supreme court judges. and if he has something else that he wants to accomplish, he will do the same thing regardless of what we do. i mean, the reality is they're not focused on legislation. i think they would just as soon that we stop some of the more radical things that come out of their side. and so, you know, he will move forward with whatever rationale works. merrick garland, hold up a supreme court nominee. on the other hand, amy coney barrett, no, no, no. there is no need. we can do it right before the election. mitch mcconnell will use whatever rationale works for him at the moment to accomplish his goals. >> michigan democratic senator debbie stabenow thanks for joining us today. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. how will the white house respond to this latest blow from the supreme court? the secretary of labor will join us live next. stay with us. l picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. ♪ ♪ ♪ making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries♪ ♪sure would help a lot♪ ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away?♪ ♪ ♪sometimes you want to go♪ ♪where everybody knows your name♪ ♪and they're always glad you came♪ ♪ ♪you want to be where you can see♪ ♪our troubles are all the same♪ ♪you want to be where everybody knows your name♪ ♪ ♪ you want to go where people know♪ ♪people are all the same♪ ♪you want to go where everybody knows your name♪ ♪ it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. topping our health lead today the united states supreme court today blocking the biden administration's nationwide vaccine and testing mandate for private businesses of 100 employees or more. however, in a separate case the court is allowing a mandate to take effect for federally funded health care facilities. joining us live to discuss the secretary of the department of labor marty walsh. secretary walsh, thanks for joining us. so the court's decision to block the osha mandate, that is occupational safety and health administration which protects workplace safety, is a big blow to the biden administration, but i am wondering if you were surprised. it seemed like this was going to be the ruling based on arguments that we heard earlier. >> well, what it is, it is disappointing. it is disappointing the court ruled this way. it is disappointing the court ruled against workers to keep them protected in america. as we were putting this together we talked to medical experts and we talked to legal experts who all said they have the right to do this. it is really unfortunate today. you know, last week when we heard the oral arguments, i am not a lawyer but certainly the arguments that were put on your station tv certainly weren't the best as far as what the justices were saying but we were in court today so we were in court last week so we did it. now what we have to do is find other ways we make sure to keep americans safe >> i want to read a quote from the majority opinion, quote, although covid-19 is a risk that occurs in many work places it is not an occupational hazard in most. covid-19 can and does spread at home, in schools, during sporting events, and everywhere else people gather. that kind of universal risk is no different from the day-to-day dangers all face from crime, air pollution, or any number of communicable diseases, unquote. they are saying covid isn't an occupational hazard for everyone and, therefore, is not, should not be covered by this. you disagree obviously. why? >> i certainly do because the intention of what we wanted to do was make sure that people that work, went to work every day, that were vaccinated knew the people around them that weren't vaccinated would be tested once a week and were also going to be wearing masks and to create a safe environment for the work place. that was the intention behind this. this is not a mandate. this was certainly well thought through and well thought out. we said we'll do a vax and/or test as we move forward and that is one of the things we were going to do. as i said earlier on the show today, you know, the first friday of the month is jobs day and people are going to say, what is keeping people out of work? one of the reasons why people aren't going back into the work place is because they are concerned about their own health. >> yeah. individual employers of course can still choose to impose their own in house vaccine mandate or testing mandate on employees. many companies like united airlines have done this. does the biden administration plan to incentivize in some way to promote that option? >> i wouldn't say incentivize but certainly encouraging companies to do that and any company that would like our assistance we would gladly help them whether here, the department of labor, or osha. we'll continue to encourage people. it is really important as we go through the coronavirus and the ongoing issue around the virus we're seeing right now with the omicron variant raising opportunities for people who have the vaccine. they are not dying. they're getting sick but are in better shape. we just need to encourage people to get vaccinated. >> let me ask you, the federal government in the past has made rulings, decisions we're not going to do business with companies that discriminate. given this ruling and also the other one that allowed the administration to impose a mandate on companies that take medicare and medicaid dollars, might you do that and say, if you want to do business with the united states government you have to have a vaccine mandate? is that something you're considering? >> no, we're not. today's ruling was a ruling that we put a lot of work and emphasis on talking to medical experts, talking to legal experts. what we'll do now here at the department of labor just like right now to you i am encouraging companies in america that if you want, will take the route of vaccines for your employees and testing and making sure your work place is safe, if you need help, we have all the guidelines and we would love to work with you on that. >> secretary of labor marty walsh, thanks so much for your time. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. losing a mother, a brother, a troubling uptick in police officers being targeted and killed and the loss they leave behind. stay with us. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ (peaceful music) ♪ ♪ ♪ (battle sounds from phone) ♪ ♪ (battle sounds stop) ♪ ♪ (dragon roar from phone) ♪ ♪ why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> all right. josh campbell in lamgos angelesr us. thanks so much. one of the highest honors given to a boy whose death helped spark a civil rights movement. stay with us. yep! subways got so much new like the new turkey cali fresh, that they couldn't fit it in their ads. so, they bought space on your jerseys. go long italian b.m.t.® nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit can dove stop 98% of daily hair damage? sandra treats one lock of hair with dove. glowing areas represent hair damage. dove precisely repairs so there are almost no signs... of visible damage. dove intensive repair. number one beauty brand not tested on animals. what can i du with less asthma? 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>> it's being distributed with effectively a direct to beneficiary arrangement, so there are about 150 humanitarian agencies. the great majority of them local ngos and national afghan ngos who receive funding very generously from your government, but through the big agencies who fund those ngos to deliver food support, medical supplies the security in afghanistan, of course, is better now than it has been for many years. so we're able to get out across the country to do that, but the problem that we're facing is that without cash in the economy, you can't pay for the gas to get the fuel to get to the people. you can't pay salaries, the front line health workers. teachers haven't been paid since 15th of august. so it's getting the cash into the economy which is as important as getting funding into the aid program. >> when you talk about that, the salaries of key public sector workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, not being paid in months, what can the international community do about that? >> there's a number of things we're putting on the table tomorrow. first of all, fund the aid program. that's the money that will most quickly get to those beneficiaries. secondly, reprogram some of the money that was in the world bank and other assets to put it through, again, aid agencies to get money straight to the beneficiaries. these are short-term measures. what we're also saying is that to get liquidity into the economy, you need to provide for the support of the local currency, the afghanis and that needs to be backed up by dollars. before the 15th of august, the united states had a very, very long-term and detailed support to the banking system. when the u.s. left, that support stopped. the banking system hasn't functioned since. you've got to get the banking system back -- jump-started to enable us to meet local costs. >> i assume one of the problems here is the reluctance of individuals throughout the world to send anything to afghanistan that the taliban could use for violence. how do you guard against that? >> it's a very good question, and we're very conscious of the issue. we're well aware that paying civil servants, public officials, is not the same as paying taliban officials and taliban leaders. it's the same as in your country or mine. paying the health service doesn't mean paying the democratic party, but we make sure of this through the arrangements that i've described as direct delivery. we pay directly to those who are doing the work and who need the aid. the job of the aid agencies is to make sure that leakage doesn't happen. >> martin griffiths, thank you for the work you do. >> thank you very much, jake. internationally, emmitt lewis till, the 14-year-old boy savagely beaten and murdered, will be awarded a posthumous congressional gold medal. his mother will also get one. she famously decided to have an open casket funeral for her boy because she, quote, wanted the world to see what they did to my baby. the recognition comes a month after the justice department officially disclosed its investigation into one of the most guerisly and horrific murds in the jim crow era. one of the most iconic actresses, but underneath was a savvy woman ahead of her time. this sunday a new cnn original series reexamines marilyn monroe's life and legacy including her headline making marriage to new york yankees legend joe dimaggio. >> the romance that thrills the world. >> after two years of dating, marilyn and joe's marriage captivates the message. >> just because it was a publicity stunt doesn't mean they couldn't have had a real relationship after that. it does seem to be what happens. >> he has a very sensitive nature in many respects. when he was young, he had a very difficult time. so he understood some things about me, and i understood some things about him. >> there's no surprise in the fact it attracted a record crowd to the san francisco court where the ceremony was performed. >> there were hundreds of reports. i think we can assume that joe didn't tip them off because he hated all that stuff. >> the story was that it was actually marilyn who called up the journalists. she recognized that this was an opportunity. >> reframed, marilyn monroe premiers this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. coming up in "the situation room," my friend wolf blitzer will speak to the surgeon general dr. vivek murthy. that's ahead. see you tomorrow. avor-fullest? 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Senator , Laws , Problem , Symptom , Partisanship , All Due Respect , Perversion , Disagreement , Founders , Minority , Stand Up , Hamilton , Majority , Respect , Madison , More , Truth , Matter , Cloak Room , Objects , Perverted , Super Majority , Sense , Ones , Idea , Cooling Saucer , Hot Tea Of The House , Statements , Listening , Risk , Mitch Mcconnell , Reform Bills , Isn T , Abortion Ban , Rationale , Nominees , Judges , Presidency , District , Mcconnell Didn T , Need , Works , Nominee , Amy Coney Barrett , Merrick Garland , Debbie Stabenow , Goals , Stay , Blow , Planning Effect , Investing Strategies , Picture , Brain Performance , Someone , Indicators , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Neuriva Plus , Yes , Neuriva , Tv , Six , The World Today , Break , Worries , Name , Everybody , Troubles , Kids , Students , Remote Learning , Parent , Teachers , Best , 18 , Schools , Start , Classroom , Sake , School Board Members , School Board , Mandate , Employees , Vaccine , Testing , Health Lead , 100 , Occupational Safety And Health Administration , Osha , Secretary , Effect , Health Care Facilities , Department Of Labor , Marty Walsh , Secretary Walsh , Ruling , Arguments , Workplace Safety , Experts , Workers , Justices , Station Tv , Oral Arguments , Lawyer , Weren T , Work , Quote , Ways , Occupational Hazard , Majority Opinion , Covid 19 , 19 , Number , Crime , Home , Kind , Sporting Events , Everywhere , Face , Spread , Communicable Diseases , Covid , Air Pollution , Intention , Covid Isn T An Occupational Hazard , Everyone , Work Place , Masks , Environment , Show , Test , Vax , Companies , Health , Place , Employers , United Airlines , Company , Option , Assistance , Issue , Coronavirus , Virus , Omicron Variant Raising Opportunities , Shape , Business , Dollars , Decisions , Medicare , Say , Emphasis , United States Government , Safe , Vaccines , Route , Brother , Uptick , Guidelines , Woman , Vo , Windshield , Car , Safelite Autoglass , Service , Safety Systems , Technology , Camera , Glass , Singers , Safelite Repair , Battle Sounds From Phone , Phone , Battle Sounds Stop , Dragon Roar , Skin , Dupixent , Moderate , Eczema , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Under Control , Atopic Dermatitis , Relief , Step , Itch , Adults , Anaphylaxis , Doctor , Infection , Reactions , Don T , Vision Changes , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Asthma Medicines , Don T Change , Change , Feels , Eczema Specialist , Preservision , Vision Loss , Multivitamin , Piece , Macular Degeneration , National Eye Institute , Nutrient Formula , Preservision Areds 2 , 2 , With Preservision , Progression , Eye Experts , Studies , Cities , Ultra , Times , Network , 5g , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , Movie , Mindy , Yep , Mom Becomes A , Let S Work Offsite , 10 , Safer , 5g Internet , Places , Public , Cable , Wi Fi , Play , Law Enforcement Officers , 73 , Duty , Line , Christopher Wray , Opinion , Practice , High , Sheriff , Wall Street Journal , Officer , Calls , Flashing Lights , Conversation , Badge , Mirror , Uniform , Josh Campbell , Children , Police Officer , Partners , Authorities , Friends , Baltimore , Sister , Working , Fire , Patrol Car , Joy , Roift , Life , Danger , Police Department , Keona Holley , Policing , Statistics , Murder , Faith , Officers , Cops , Gunfire , 46 , Another , Dogs , Veteran , Coast To , Colorado , Bradley , Illinois , 26 , 9 11 , Reports , Killings , Ambush , 33 , Indictments , Criminal Justice , System , Trials , Disruption , Grand Juries , Many , Police , Policy , Jail Pending Trial , Criminal Justice Reform Advocates Say Practices Like Cash Bail , Policies , Color , Changes Led , Income , Parts , Criminologists , Nation , Head , Street , Law Enforcement Profession , Offenders , Police Union , Sentiment , Lack , Toll , Reoffend , Community , Relationships , Series , Profile Cases , Must , Kinds , Causes , Rise , Root , Answers , Class , Men , Outcries , Women , Graduating , George Floyd , Breonna Taylor Which , Build Relationships , Crime Level , Recruits , Task , Law Enforcement Leaders , Surge , Attention , Lawmakers , Cops Last , Tom Tillis , Law Enforcement Officer , North Carolina , Lamgos Angelesr , Boy , Subways , Death , Honors , Ads , Jerseys , Space , Spark A Civil Rights Movement , Turkey Cali Fresh , Nicorette , Smoking , Cold Turkey , Go Long Italian , Bmt , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Hair Damage , Areas , Dove , Hair , Damage , Repair , Signs , Lock , Animals , Sandra , 98 , Asthma , Du , Teamwork , Walks , Yardwork , Treatment , Types , Asthma Attacks , Breathing Problems , Add On , Lung Function , Steroids , Breathing , Rash , Numbness , Asthma Treatments , Chest Pain , Asthma Specialist , Limbs , Tingling , Shortness , Afghanistan , Collapse , Funding Appeal , Brink , United Nations , 4 Billion , 4 Billion , Economy , Martin Griffiths , Crisis , Withdrawal , Emergency Relief Coordinator , Affairs , Taliban Takeover , Program , Needs , Starvation , Systems , Afghans , Resources , Catastrophe , Double , Population , 24 Million , Aid Doesn T , Malnutrition , Hunger , A Million , Five , Aid , 5 Billion , Billion , Relationship , Meetings , Beneficiary Arrangement , Secretary Blinken , Ngos , Funding , Agencies , 150 , Food Support , Cash , Fuel , Security , Gas , Aid Program , Salaries , Health Workers , Front Line , Teachers Haven T , 15th Of August , 15 , Doctors , Nurses , Public Sector , Money , Beneficiaries , Assets , Table , World Bank , Aid Agencies , Afghanis , Liquidity , Measures , Currency , Banking System , Left , Hasn T Functioned , Banking System Back , Problems , Reluctance , Costs , Anything , Taliban , Officials , Health Service , Delivery , Job , Arrangements , Emmitt Lewis , Leakage Doesn T , Mother , Medal , 14 , Recognition , Casket , Funeral , Baby , Underneath , Guerisly , Actresses , Horrific Murds , Jim Crow , Marilyn Monroe , Joe Dimaggio , Headline Making Marriage , Legacy , Sunday A New Cnn Original Series , New York Yankees , Romance , Marilyn , Dating , Publicity Stunt , Marriage , Respects , Nature , They Couldn T Have , Surprise , Crowd , Ceremony , San Francisco , Joe Didn T , Story , Opportunity , Journalists , Tip , Stuff , Reframed , Surgeon General , Wolf Blitzer , Situation Room , Vivek Murthy , Eastern , 9 , 00 , Avor , Panera , , 1 , T Mobile , Customers , Choices , Psoriasis , Magenta , Iphone 13 , 13 , Otezla , Pill , Cream , Plaque Psoriasis , Entrance , Splash , 75 , Depression , Weight Loss , Feelings , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Thoughts , Medicines , Headache , Weight , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Running , Errands , Dream , Advisor , Version , Bath , Tub Installation , Tub , Northwestern Mutual , Investors , Bath Fitter , Consultation , Homes , Gold , Bathfitter Com , Schedule , Landscape , Two Million , Asset , Prices , Potential , Returns , Season , Pressure Points , Sleep , Movements , Base , Ends Monday , 1000 , 000 , Business Ne , Making It Easyear , Ready , Save , Expert Team , Installation , Internet , Backing , Price Guarantee , Voice , 64 99 , 24 7 , 4 99 , Value , Prepaid Card , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 500 , Leader , Group , House Republican Leader , Capitol Riot Investigation , Ten , Comments , Communications , Defeats , January 6th Select Committee , Deflects , Refusal , Dodges , Reaction , Test Rule , Vacciner ,

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