Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

congressional correspondent jessica dean with the breaking news on kevin mccarthy refusing to cooperate with the january 6th investigation. >> reporter: in a major development in its investigation, the january 6th committee asking house minority leader kevin mccarthy to voluntarily provide information to the panel. the committee chairman democratic representative bennie thompson writing to mccarthy on wednesday, quote, we also must learn about how the president's plans for january 6th came together and all the other ways he attempted to alter the results of the election. for example, in advance of january 6th you reportedly explained to mark meadows and the former president that objections to the certification of the electoral votes on january 6th was doomed to fail. mccarthy saying late tonight he will not cooperate but that's not what he said back in may. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th if you were asked by an outside commission? >> sure. >> you would. >> next question. >> we'll hold him to that. i would expect anyone who takes the same oath to the constitution that i took in order to serve here would be willing to talk about january 6th and would be willing to talk about what happened that day. >> reporter: mccarthy is the third house gop member the committee has requested cooperation from in its investigation. the other two, representatives jim jordan and scott perry, have made it clear they are not cooperating without a fight. >> i've got nothing to hide. i've been straight forward all along. >> reporter: in a letter to the committee released sunday jordan told the committee he has, quote, no relevant information to offer, and accused the committee of spreading misinformation, quote, to paint a false and misleading narrative. perry wrote in a tweet, quote, i decline this entity's request and will continue to fight the failures of the radical left. now the january 6th committee is looking into how they might compel jordan and perry to cooperate including weighing if they have the constitutional right to subpoena fellow members of congress. >> we are going to continue to appeal to them to come before us. they took the same oath we did to protect and uphold the constitution. >> reporter: the committee believes both perry and jordan hold key information. >> these are people who had conversations with the president, the former president about the conspiracy theories that he continued and those two specifically helped fan those flames but they have key information on what the president was thinking and in the case of my colleague mr. jordan, he admitted that he talked to the president on january 6th, which is important. >> reporter: jordan has previously confirmed he spoke with former president donald trump on january 6th and the committee recently revealed a text message he forwarded to trump's chief of staff mark meadows in the lead up to the certification of the 2020 election results. >> on january 6th, 2021, vice president mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are un-constitutional as no electoral votes at all. >> the facts are necessary. whether he thinks they are important to the investigation or not is truly not up to him to decide. >> reporter: perry played a key role in trump's efforts to pressure the justice department to support his false voter fraud conspiracy theories according to a report from the senate judiciary committee democrats. now the january 6th committee is zeroing in on him and his gop colleagues also requesting the preservation of both perry and jordan's phone records. >> congressman pete aguilar who is a member of the select committee told cnn this evening that they've talked to some 300, 400 people at this point but it remains to be seen, don, if they will ultimately get to talk with mccarthy, perry, and jordan, three people they very much want to speak with. >> all right. jessica dean, thank you very much. a lot to discuss now. cnn white house correspondent john harwood is here and our chief legal analyst mr. jeffrey toobin as well. hello and thanks for joining. john, you heard in jessica's piece that kevin mccarthy was asked in may if he would be willing to testify about his conversation with trump on january 6th. mccarthy said sure. well, tonight he is saying he will not cooperate. is there any surprise -- is that surprising to you considering mccarthy previously went down to mar-a-lago to kiss the ring? >> it's not surprising at all. look, let's step back and remember who we're dealing with. kevin mccarthy is the weakest congressional leader of either party in decades. he is not rooted in principles or values or the truth. we all remember when he went on fox news and boasted about how the benghazi inquiries, which were supposed to be about national security, had tarnished hillary clinton's poll ratings. he pushed liz cheney out of leadership for telling the truth about the 2020 election. on january 6th when the insurrection was going on he thought his personal survival and advancement required him to condemn donald trump so that's what he did. later when he realized that was going to harm his ambition to remain as the republican leader and become speaker if they win the house he went down to mar-a-lago and turned tail and is telling a different story. same thing on whether he is going to cooperate with the committee. yeah, he said, sure i'll cooperate. now he says he won't. the question is now whether the committee can compel him with a subpoena to cooperate and of course if he does cooperate whether he tells the truth. there is no assurance he'll do that either. >> is this really all about trying to keep, or at least not keep but become speaker? because there is a report out now saying that -- >> yes. >> i didn't even finish my question. there is a report out now i think lindsey graham saying i'm not going to support him for speaker unless he can prove he has some sort of working relationship with donald trump. is that what this is all about? >> well, what i saw from lindsey graham was he said that about mitch mcconnell his own leader in the senate and, you know, donald trump condemned mitch mcconnell as a loser in an interview the other day and now lindsey graham, who will do anything to demonstrate his feality to trump is saying, well, i'll only support mitch mcconnell if he is going to be able to work with donald trump. obviously kevin mccarthy knows if he has donald trump as an adversary he is not going to be speaker and he wants to be the speaker. >> i'm glad you clarified. you know mccarthy wants to be the speaker as well so he needs to, you know, get his ducks in a row. in the committee letter to mccarthy they asked about his meeting at mar-a-lago and how mccarthy's public statements changed and they write, i quote here, at that meeting or any other time did president trump or his representatives discuss or suggest what you should say publicly during the impeachment trial if called as a witness or in any later investigation about your conversations with him on january 6th? so the question is, are they trying to get to witness tampering here? what is going on? >> well, there is an abundance of relevant information that kevin mccarthy has for the january 6th committee involving a slew of materials before january 6th, on january 6th when he was in touch with donald trump, and after january 6th regarding the issue of witness tampering. we have seen this incredible transformation from the immediate aftermath of january 6th when kevin mccarthy, when mitch mcconnell, were supposedly outraged like the rest of the country was that this attempted insurrection had taken place. now it is the official policy of the republican party not to cooperate. so no members of congress who are republicans are cooperating. no political figures who want a future in the republican party are cooperating. and that's just where we are. so, yes. witness tampering is one area that they want to look at, but they're not going to get answers from any of these people. >> kevin mccarthy was on with chris wallace back in april. chris asked him about the possibility of witness tampering. watch this and then we'll discuss. >> has the president ever reached out to you since that report came out to discuss what you and he talked about in the january 6th phone call and did you say to him, i can't because we're under oath? >> no. >> that never happened. >> never happened. never even close. >> and if it did happen you would agree that would be witness tampering. >> yeah. but it never happened. never even came close. never had any conversation like that. >> he is vehemently denying what the committee is now asking about. without his cooperation how does the committee figure this out? >> they look at lower level people. they are speaking to 300 people. it is often very effective for investigators to talk to the other people in the room besides the principals. one group that is certainly very important to this investigation, some of whom at least are cooperating, are mike pence's aides, because they are the people who saw what the interactions were between the president and his immediate staff and the vice president. i mean, those are very important people. but, don, the important thing to remember about this issue of will they subpoena kevin mccarthy and will they reach out to anyone at this point, it is the middle of january at this point. there is not even a subpoena issued. by the time they issue a subpoena, have a committee vote, have a house vote, to find someone in contempt who doesn't cooperate, this wouldn't even get to court until the middle of the year, and that's too late to force anyone to testify. the committee is in the position now of only having voluntary witnesses. they can't force anyone because the clock has simply run out at this point. >> john, the committee also writes this to mccarthy. it says, it appears you may also have discussed with president trump the potential he would face a censure resolution, impeachment, or removal under the 25th amendment. it also appears you may have identified other possible options including president trump's immediate resignation from office. if that is the case, isn't this further proof mccarthy and others knew trump was responsible for january 6th? >> well, of course they knew he was responsible. he said so that day. so did mitch mcconnell. there is not any question about that. it's obvious that trump was responsible. but the question here is how do they know the -- to ask that question? they must have gotten some testimony as indicated from people in the room when the discussions were going on because they haven't gotten it from kevin mccarthy. we know one of the accounts of the conversation came from a republican member who overheard the conversation and has recounted it publicly. but there's going to be more information presumably that the committee has gathered that is the foundation of those questions. but as for trump's responsibility, there is no doubt about that. and kevin mccarthy has said so himself. >> john, jeffrey, thank you, sirs. appreciate it. see you soon. so he hung on for nine minutes. nine whole minutes with an actual journalist rather than a synchophant, nine minutes before hanging up. the npr host who got the nine-minute interview with the former president trump here next. >> the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. so, steve, thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> one more question. i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th. he's gone. okay. its highly active peroxide droplets... ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop national university has been focused on the future of higher education for over 50 years. we believe the future is accessible, so we offer four-week classes, online options, and over 75 career-focused programs. and we believe the future is affordable, so we offer scholarship opportunities that help make earning your degree possible. ♪ ♪ national university. your future starts today at i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th the former president taking a rare step out of his comfort zone this week for an interview with npr only to bail out and head right back there. trump clinging to his big lie insisting it is the future of the republican party. >> is it a disadvantage for republicans to keep talking about the 2020 election in 2022? >> no, he think it is an advantage because otherwise they'll do it again in '22 and '24. >> but eventually hanging up after being pressed on his lies about election fraud in 2020. >> the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. so, steve. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> one more question. i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th. judge amit mehta. he's gone. okay. >> gone. hung up. the host of npr's "morning edition." i get to see you instead of just listen to your voice, steve. thank you so much. great interview. i appreciate you doing this. >> thank you. >> you have been trying to interview trump for six years now and were clearly ready for him. these days he normally only does right wing press. he had to have known what he was in store for when talking to a journalist like yourself. what do you think he hoped to achieve by speaking to npr's audience? >> i don't really know. we speculated about that ourselves. it is interesting timing. it's after the anniversary of the january 6th event. it's looking toward the 2022 election. and that is what we wanted to talk about and what he largely agreed to talk about is how he is intending to lead his party in the months and years ahead. that is the reason to talk to this particular former president. some people asked why even talk to donald trump as a private citizen but of course he is very powerful as the leader of the republican party. >> do you think he realized or did someone screw up and they didn't realize it was npr like a fact based journalistic operation? >> honestly, i can't tell you the answer, don. all i know is this time he came to the phone. we did first ask for him in 2015. i was told just before the iowa caucuses in 2016 he will talk to you after iowa. so he kept his word. it is six years later but still after iowa. so he did come to the phone eventually. there have been a number of other times over the years we thought we were going to get a call from him and it didn't happen. this time it did. so we put the questions to him we had on our mind until we ran out of time. >> it was interesting listening to the interview. it was like all the logic and his answers were sort of circular with no evidence. he kept insisting states like arizona saw fraud even though an audit backed by his allies found no evidence of that as you pointed out. this is what he said when you asked him about members of his own party who aren't carrying water for the big lie. here it is. >> why did republican officials in arizona accept the results then? >> because they're rhinos and frankly a lot of people are questioning that. >> why is it that you think the vast majority of your allies in the united states senate are not standing behind you? we did have that statement by mike rounds. >> because mitch mcconnell is a loser and frankly mitch mcconnell if he were on the other side and if schumer were put in his position, he would have been fighting this like you've never seen before. >> it is obvious he doesn't want any dissent in his own ranks. there are some very tiny cracks there. do you think this kind of bullying will work with his pulpit diminished this time? >> well, there are a lot of republican officials and republicans who have run elections or know how elections are run who know his claims are entirely false and also believe they can be politically damaging. let's remember the complexity for the republican party. the vast majority of people who identify as republican tell pollsters that they believe trump's lies about the 2020 election but the vast majority of americans over all do not. so you create a possibility of republicans winning primaries while making claims that turn off voters in the general election and republicans potentially lose seats they could gain in 2022 where things look very favorable for them. so there are a lot of republican office holders, people who know the facts, people who know how elections work who would really like to move on from this. but that splits them from a lot of republican voters and, also, we should be clear a lot of the conservative media, right wing media, right wing radio talk show hosts who have promoted more of trump's side of the argument. and so there is going to be something of a debate this year for republicans about how they position themselves given the real advantages they have this election year. >> the interview was fascinating. i want to play another bit where you really hit on an important point pushing back on the former president. here it is. >> let me ask you this question. how come biden couldn't direct 20 people -- how come when he went to speak in different locations nobody came to watch but all of a sudden he got 80 million votes? nobody believes this. >> if you'll forgive me, maybe because the election was about you. >> a vote against him which he probably doesn't understand. there's always been, for him, always been about optics yet he seems to be unable to see why he lost to joe biden. do you think he still doesn't understand what the 2020 election was about? >> i am not any better than anybody else getting into the president's mind, but i can say in going to interview him we can see how his thinking has adapted to new information, new circumstances. the reality is that his defeat is even more conclusively proven today than it was one year ago. things have happened like the arizona audit by his own allies, which claimed to find a lot of administrative errors but they also admitted that the ballots added up for joe biden to have won arizona. there is more and more evidence against the former president rather than the opposite but he manages to keep expanding his circle of people opposed to him who are disloyal, part of a conspiracy, it is a little vague as to what they are as a matter of fact. but there are more and more culprits that get worked into his theory so that he can continue to insist that he won in spite of even more evidence. >> did he ever at any point during the interview, steve, point out anything factual? because every time you challenged him on it, again, as i said, it was sort of a circular, well, this person is against me, this person is disloyal. they found all of this information. when you say they didn't he says oh, that is just not true. did he ever point to any evidence or facts? >> no, no. a lot of it is not really a fact you can check. a lot of it is a fact you can check and is wrong. like he says joe biden had 20 people at a rally. joe biden didn't have 20 people at rallies. he might not have had as giant a rally as donald trump did and so trump draws on that and says how did he possibly get 80 million votes? well, one thing doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other. and so he is drawing these logical inferences that aren't based on fact. i'm not saying that to be for him or against him or in any way critical but descriptive. it's just what dein the interview. >> it is what it is, the truth. great interview. i appreciate you coming on. keep up the great work. thanks for appearing. >> thank you. glad to do it. so we'll talk about every day items costing more. we'll break down what is going on. and if it'll get better or worse. plus we have breaking news out of australia about the novak djokovic controversy. we'll bring that to you right after this break. don't go anywhere. supplement with vitamin c and by vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? 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>> yeah, and when is it going to go back down? there's a lot of argument about that, of what is causing it. one group thinks that the fed is causing it by not raising rates and they should be trying to cool the economy. another group says that a lot of this is coming straight from the virus. that these sectors are the pandemic affected sectors. the supply chain is needing to be sorted out and once we get it sorted out inflation will slow back down. there was slightly good news in the midst of relatively bad news which were a couple of these headline categories like gasoline, which was going way, way up, gasoline prices have been falling for the last few weeks and the overall price of oil is down so gasoline prices might continue to fall. and most of this inflation, you know, it is 12 months of inflation, 11 of the months we already knew. so the incremental month of december, which is what got added, inflation fell a little bit. so people are hanging their hats on little signals like that. and hoping that it stays in just the goods sector, physical goods and stuff affected by the supply chain, and doesn't spread over to services. >> you know, americans are worried. they feel price hikes on gas and food, you said gas, you know, is coming down but still, still up. how much worse could this get? is that really the unknown here? >> that the unknown. it depends a lot on what happens with the virus. so if we got lucky, omicron virus proves to be milder than before and gives us a quicker route to herd immunity, so that we could go back to spending our money the way we usually do on services, we might be able to ease some supply pressures and inflation might start to dissipate over the next couple months. if the virus gets worse, if we get a spread of what's happened in china where they've got tens of millions of people in lockdown because of the spread of that virus, and we start to get more supply chain problems, it actually could get worse. so i think we definitely want to keep an eye on the virus side of this. >> okay. so listen. i want to go back to something you said. you talked about interest rates, right, and to try to offset it by raising interest rates i think is what you said. if the solution to this will be to raise interest rates what will that mean for people's pocketbooks and their budgets? what will it mean especially for the housing market and so on? >> it wouldn't be good. i mean, in a way, that argument would be that the economy is over heating so we got to cool it down. that means anything that is interest rate sensitive like housing would probably suffer. if you were going to try to buy a new house and get a mortgage the price would go up. we are in a really weird moment, don, which is inflation over the last year has been 7% but the interest rate has been 1.5%, 2%. so in what the economists call the real rate of interest has been a negative number. so it actually, they were paying you to borrow money, and that is not really sustainable. either the inflation has to come down or the rates have got to go up. but something has to happen. this is not a stable situation. >> oh, well. austin, you will be back talking to us many, many more evenings. >> yeah, let's hope it's in happier circumstances. >> i hope so as well. don't want the interest rates to go up, selfishly. no one does. people want to buy houses now. they think the time is good because of the rates. thank you very much. more breaking news to tell you about. vice chair liz cheney not ruling out a subpoena for house gop leader kevin mccarthy after he refused to speak with the select committee. this is what she said exclusively to cnn tonight, and i quote. we're going to evaluate our options but we will get to the truth. i wish that he were a brave and honorable man. he is clearly trying to cover up what happened. he has an obligation to come forward and we'll get to the truth. that is from vice chair, republican vice chair of the committee, the january 6th committee, liz cheney responding to kevin mccarthy refusing to he -- saying at least he will refuse to speak to the committee. we'll continue to follow that. up next dr. fauci saying the omicron variant will find just about everybody and some people are wondering if they should deliberately get infected. my next guest will say that is a bad idea. we're keeping an eye on australia for you. the australian draw postponed last second, no reason given. tennis star novak djokovic, will he play or be kicked out of the country? 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everyone get omicron and get immunity. but you quickly changed your mind. why is that? >> yeah, i think to clarify the fauci comment, too, i don't think he is endorsing let it rip. i think he is being fatalistic. i am less fatalistic. i think there are two big reasons not to let it rip. there are lots and lots of reasons. but number one is it is still -- omicron is killing people. you know, 1800 deaths today. probably most of them from omicron. many more will die. to let it rip intentionally would get a whole lot of people sick faster, and we would lose a lot of people especially those with weakened immune systems. the second is it is nuts to just let a virus go loose. we don't know enough about this virus. it tells us every three or four months we don't know beans about it. just to let it loose is like letting your puppy loose into traffic. i mean, just don't do it because you have no clue. you have no control over the puppy. you have no control over the virus. you just don't do it. it is sort of a -- >> well, you talked about that. you talked about being a novel virus, why it is called a novel coronavirus, people with weakened immune systems. but i think the biggest point to not let it rip you said, furthermore since they have trouble clearing the virus, right, meaning people who get omicron, it may linger for months in their body possibly creating a hot house environment to promote new variants any of which might be the next variant of concern. so you just don't know. that is why it continues to replicate and continues to mutate because, you know, people just sort of let it rip. >> yes. it is one of those ideas that sounds great for about ten seconds and then you go, ah. unintended consequences. >> also the idea of long covid. you still don't know. because people get it. you think immediately. well not immediately but shortly after they get better but do we know? we're not sure about that. >> we are not sure. the first case in america was december 1-ish, first case in the world mid november, early november that we knew of. it is too early to call it long covid. long covid by definition is more than three months so it doesn't seem like it is happening. i feel like we would have seen signals from south africa and maybe even england which are ahead of us. but it is a big unknown. and very strong reason again not to invite it. but to continue to wear masks, mind our ps and qs, and go about our business as safely as possible. >> real quickly before i let you go, when did your sons contract covid? >> mid december. >> okay. how are they now? all good? >> they're totally great, yeah. they are completely themselves. i would say it's the -- as many have said it's about a week. there is fever, aches, really like influenza. and it's maybe an inch worse and they're good as new. >> some people said they have fatigue for a much longer time. they feel better but just get tired. >> yes. the advantages of youth. you know. >> thank you, doctor. be well. i'm glad your sons are okay. >> thank you so much. a decision expected any moment now on whether tennis star novak djokovic can stay in australia or if his visa will be canceled. we are live in melbourne. that's next. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? 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>> reporter: so, don, the draw, we are told, has been postponed for an additional 30 minutes or so. it was set to begin around an hour or so. it looks like it will start 90 minutes late. there is no official explanation as to why it was delayed. at the absolute very last moment. but it was a significant, i guess, milestone in this whole event. a real marker, because djokovic, for as long as he is here, is the number one seed in this tournament. if the draw is released and then the expectation is it would be drawn in such a way he would be expected to play. if for whatever reason after the draw is released he is then told that he cannot stay by the country's immigration minister, then the draw would have to be reshuffled in such a way to compensate for that. there are two things going on in parallel here. one is the australian open and the other is the federal government preparing and we are told investigating novak djokovic to determine whether or not the immigration minister should use his personal powers to cancel his visa once again. now, the immigration minister has implied that he will not be driven by the timetable set by tennis australia and the australian open, but that said, the longer this decision takes, the greater the consequence, the fallout, the circus-like atmosphere that already surrounds this whole saga. so, for all of these reasons there is a great deal of ex expectation that the decision will come today. it has not so far, but we wait for an explanation as to why the draw was delayed and whether or not it is in any way related to djokovic. and also, we are hearing that the country's prime minister, scott morrison, is currently giving a press conference on the country's battle against covid but undoubtedly he will talk about djokovic, be asked about djokovic at some point and we'll be looking there to see if we get any sort of steer to where we're headed in this whole mess, don. >> it would seem, if they say, our decision remains the same, we don't want to discuss it, i'm just speculating here, if it's going the other way, where they say, we've decided to limit the crowds further, blah, blah, blah, let him play -- i don't know. but listen, djokovic thought that he was clearing things up, but his admissions in his statement made his case even more difficult for him, correct? >> reporter: yeah, i think certainly in the court of public opinion, absolutely. djokovic admitted that he tested positive, he says that he didn't get that test result for at least 24 hours or more, it was some time the following day so it meant that between his test and getting the test result, he says, that was why he was photographed at a children's tennis event, for example, in his home city of belgrade, but what he also admits is that after receiving that positive test result, he then canceled some events, some appointments, but proceeded with an interview with a french sports publication. a journalist and photographer spent a great deal of time with him, two days after the test. at no point were they told he tested positive for covid. so, his explanations says, on one hand, i didn't know, when i was hanging out with these people, but he does admit that he made a mistake and that he did spend time with people just after testing positive to covid and did not tell them that he had done so. that doesn't help his general public reputation here. what he's also trying to do, we're told, is convince the government to let him stay. so, in addition to making these sorts of statements, admissions and sort of apologies publicly, the government says that his lawyers have made lengthy submissions to the immigration minister's office, obviously in an attempt to persuade him not to use his personal powers to overturn his visa once more, but that's what's all taking place behind the scenes and that's really what we're waiting to hear, the result of those deliberations. >> phil black, thank you. and we will follow. make sure you stay tuned to cnn. thank you, phil. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at before treating your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® today. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind.

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Tweet , Request , Spreading Misinformation , Members , Right , Failures , Congress , Radical Left , People , Conversations , Us , Case , Mr , Conspiracy Theories , Colleague , Fan , Flames , On January 6th , Chief Of Staff , Text Message , Mike Pence , United States Senate , Lead , Election Results , January 6th 2021 , 2021 , 2020 , Facts , Justice , Efforts , Department , Role , Report , Voter Fraud Conspiracy Theories , Colleagues , Zeroing , Preservation , Democrats , Don T , Point , January 6th Committee Involving A Slew , Congressman Pete Aguilar , Phone Records , 300 , 400 , Right Wing Media , John Harwood , White House , Analyst , Jeffrey Toobin , Three , Thanks , Trump On January 6th , Piece , Hello , Surprise , Mar A Lago , Kiss The Ring , Truth , Leader , Party , Principles , Values , Inquiries , Fox News , Benghazi , Advancement , Leadership , Survival , Security , Poll Ratings , Hillary Clinton , Liz Cheney Out , Donald Trump , Speaker , Ambition , Subpoena , Course , Thing , Story , The Truth , Assurance , Lindsey Graham , Sort , Relationship , Interview , Mitch Mcconnell , Loser , Saying , Feality , Adversary , Meeting , Statements , Representatives , Committee Letter , Row , Witness , Impeachment Trial , Abundance , Materials , Witness Tampering , Aftermath , Issue , Touch , Transformation , Place , Policy , Rest , Figures , Yes , Answers , Any , Area , One , Possibility , Chris Wallace , Phone Call , Committee Figure , Level , Group , Room , Some , Investigators , Principals , Whom , Least , Saw , Aides , Staff , Interactions , Middle , Will , Someone , Wouldn T , Committee Vote , House Vote , Contempt , Doesn T , Clock , Position , Committee , Witnesses , To Mccarthy , Impeachment , Potential , Removal , Censure Resolution , 25th Amendment , 25 , Office , Options , Isn T , Resignation , Others , Proof , It , Testimony , Discussions , Haven T , Accounts , Questions , Foundation , Responsibility , Doubt , Journalist , Thank You , Sirs , Has , Nine , Problem , Synchophant , Steve , Peroxide Droplets , Court Hearing Yesterday On January 6th , Teeth , Faster , Shop Crestwhitesmile Com , 100 , National University , Education , 50 , Classes , Help , Programs , Degree , Scholarship Opportunities , Four , 75 , Nu Edu , World , Meetings , Running , Errands , Plan , Version , Northwestern Mutual , Dream , Advisor , Planning , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Nm Com Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Gasps , Pay , Home , Theaters , Spider Man , December 17th , 17 , Trump Clinging , Step , Comfort Zone , Big Lie , Advantage , Disadvantage , 24 , 22 , 2022 , Election Fraud , Amit Mehta , Hung Up , Gone , Morning Edition , Voice , Six , Press , Timing , Wing , Audience , Store , Anniversary , Reason , Event , Citizen , Wall , Fact , Phone , Operation , Caucuses , Answer , Iowa , 2016 , 2015 , Number , Word , Call , Times , Evidence , Circular , Arizona , Mind , Out Of Time , States , Fraud , Listening , Logic , Audit , Officials , 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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congressional correspondent jessica dean with the breaking news on kevin mccarthy refusing to cooperate with the january 6th investigation. >> reporter: in a major development in its investigation, the january 6th committee asking house minority leader kevin mccarthy to voluntarily provide information to the panel. the committee chairman democratic representative bennie thompson writing to mccarthy on wednesday, quote, we also must learn about how the president's plans for january 6th came together and all the other ways he attempted to alter the results of the election. for example, in advance of january 6th you reportedly explained to mark meadows and the former president that objections to the certification of the electoral votes on january 6th was doomed to fail. mccarthy saying late tonight he will not cooperate but that's not what he said back in may. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th if you were asked by an outside commission? >> sure. >> you would. >> next question. >> we'll hold him to that. i would expect anyone who takes the same oath to the constitution that i took in order to serve here would be willing to talk about january 6th and would be willing to talk about what happened that day. >> reporter: mccarthy is the third house gop member the committee has requested cooperation from in its investigation. the other two, representatives jim jordan and scott perry, have made it clear they are not cooperating without a fight. >> i've got nothing to hide. i've been straight forward all along. >> reporter: in a letter to the committee released sunday jordan told the committee he has, quote, no relevant information to offer, and accused the committee of spreading misinformation, quote, to paint a false and misleading narrative. perry wrote in a tweet, quote, i decline this entity's request and will continue to fight the failures of the radical left. now the january 6th committee is looking into how they might compel jordan and perry to cooperate including weighing if they have the constitutional right to subpoena fellow members of congress. >> we are going to continue to appeal to them to come before us. they took the same oath we did to protect and uphold the constitution. >> reporter: the committee believes both perry and jordan hold key information. >> these are people who had conversations with the president, the former president about the conspiracy theories that he continued and those two specifically helped fan those flames but they have key information on what the president was thinking and in the case of my colleague mr. jordan, he admitted that he talked to the president on january 6th, which is important. >> reporter: jordan has previously confirmed he spoke with former president donald trump on january 6th and the committee recently revealed a text message he forwarded to trump's chief of staff mark meadows in the lead up to the certification of the 2020 election results. >> on january 6th, 2021, vice president mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are un-constitutional as no electoral votes at all. >> the facts are necessary. whether he thinks they are important to the investigation or not is truly not up to him to decide. >> reporter: perry played a key role in trump's efforts to pressure the justice department to support his false voter fraud conspiracy theories according to a report from the senate judiciary committee democrats. now the january 6th committee is zeroing in on him and his gop colleagues also requesting the preservation of both perry and jordan's phone records. >> congressman pete aguilar who is a member of the select committee told cnn this evening that they've talked to some 300, 400 people at this point but it remains to be seen, don, if they will ultimately get to talk with mccarthy, perry, and jordan, three people they very much want to speak with. >> all right. jessica dean, thank you very much. a lot to discuss now. cnn white house correspondent john harwood is here and our chief legal analyst mr. jeffrey toobin as well. hello and thanks for joining. john, you heard in jessica's piece that kevin mccarthy was asked in may if he would be willing to testify about his conversation with trump on january 6th. mccarthy said sure. well, tonight he is saying he will not cooperate. is there any surprise -- is that surprising to you considering mccarthy previously went down to mar-a-lago to kiss the ring? >> it's not surprising at all. look, let's step back and remember who we're dealing with. kevin mccarthy is the weakest congressional leader of either party in decades. he is not rooted in principles or values or the truth. we all remember when he went on fox news and boasted about how the benghazi inquiries, which were supposed to be about national security, had tarnished hillary clinton's poll ratings. he pushed liz cheney out of leadership for telling the truth about the 2020 election. on january 6th when the insurrection was going on he thought his personal survival and advancement required him to condemn donald trump so that's what he did. later when he realized that was going to harm his ambition to remain as the republican leader and become speaker if they win the house he went down to mar-a-lago and turned tail and is telling a different story. same thing on whether he is going to cooperate with the committee. yeah, he said, sure i'll cooperate. now he says he won't. the question is now whether the committee can compel him with a subpoena to cooperate and of course if he does cooperate whether he tells the truth. there is no assurance he'll do that either. >> is this really all about trying to keep, or at least not keep but become speaker? because there is a report out now saying that -- >> yes. >> i didn't even finish my question. there is a report out now i think lindsey graham saying i'm not going to support him for speaker unless he can prove he has some sort of working relationship with donald trump. is that what this is all about? >> well, what i saw from lindsey graham was he said that about mitch mcconnell his own leader in the senate and, you know, donald trump condemned mitch mcconnell as a loser in an interview the other day and now lindsey graham, who will do anything to demonstrate his feality to trump is saying, well, i'll only support mitch mcconnell if he is going to be able to work with donald trump. obviously kevin mccarthy knows if he has donald trump as an adversary he is not going to be speaker and he wants to be the speaker. >> i'm glad you clarified. you know mccarthy wants to be the speaker as well so he needs to, you know, get his ducks in a row. in the committee letter to mccarthy they asked about his meeting at mar-a-lago and how mccarthy's public statements changed and they write, i quote here, at that meeting or any other time did president trump or his representatives discuss or suggest what you should say publicly during the impeachment trial if called as a witness or in any later investigation about your conversations with him on january 6th? so the question is, are they trying to get to witness tampering here? what is going on? >> well, there is an abundance of relevant information that kevin mccarthy has for the january 6th committee involving a slew of materials before january 6th, on january 6th when he was in touch with donald trump, and after january 6th regarding the issue of witness tampering. we have seen this incredible transformation from the immediate aftermath of january 6th when kevin mccarthy, when mitch mcconnell, were supposedly outraged like the rest of the country was that this attempted insurrection had taken place. now it is the official policy of the republican party not to cooperate. so no members of congress who are republicans are cooperating. no political figures who want a future in the republican party are cooperating. and that's just where we are. so, yes. witness tampering is one area that they want to look at, but they're not going to get answers from any of these people. >> kevin mccarthy was on with chris wallace back in april. chris asked him about the possibility of witness tampering. watch this and then we'll discuss. >> has the president ever reached out to you since that report came out to discuss what you and he talked about in the january 6th phone call and did you say to him, i can't because we're under oath? >> no. >> that never happened. >> never happened. never even close. >> and if it did happen you would agree that would be witness tampering. >> yeah. but it never happened. never even came close. never had any conversation like that. >> he is vehemently denying what the committee is now asking about. without his cooperation how does the committee figure this out? >> they look at lower level people. they are speaking to 300 people. it is often very effective for investigators to talk to the other people in the room besides the principals. one group that is certainly very important to this investigation, some of whom at least are cooperating, are mike pence's aides, because they are the people who saw what the interactions were between the president and his immediate staff and the vice president. i mean, those are very important people. but, don, the important thing to remember about this issue of will they subpoena kevin mccarthy and will they reach out to anyone at this point, it is the middle of january at this point. there is not even a subpoena issued. by the time they issue a subpoena, have a committee vote, have a house vote, to find someone in contempt who doesn't cooperate, this wouldn't even get to court until the middle of the year, and that's too late to force anyone to testify. the committee is in the position now of only having voluntary witnesses. they can't force anyone because the clock has simply run out at this point. >> john, the committee also writes this to mccarthy. it says, it appears you may also have discussed with president trump the potential he would face a censure resolution, impeachment, or removal under the 25th amendment. it also appears you may have identified other possible options including president trump's immediate resignation from office. if that is the case, isn't this further proof mccarthy and others knew trump was responsible for january 6th? >> well, of course they knew he was responsible. he said so that day. so did mitch mcconnell. there is not any question about that. it's obvious that trump was responsible. but the question here is how do they know the -- to ask that question? they must have gotten some testimony as indicated from people in the room when the discussions were going on because they haven't gotten it from kevin mccarthy. we know one of the accounts of the conversation came from a republican member who overheard the conversation and has recounted it publicly. but there's going to be more information presumably that the committee has gathered that is the foundation of those questions. but as for trump's responsibility, there is no doubt about that. and kevin mccarthy has said so himself. >> john, jeffrey, thank you, sirs. appreciate it. see you soon. so he hung on for nine minutes. nine whole minutes with an actual journalist rather than a synchophant, nine minutes before hanging up. the npr host who got the nine-minute interview with the former president trump here next. >> the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. so, steve, thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> one more question. i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th. he's gone. okay. its highly active peroxide droplets... ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop national university has been focused on the future of higher education for over 50 years. we believe the future is accessible, so we offer four-week classes, online options, and over 75 career-focused programs. and we believe the future is affordable, so we offer scholarship opportunities that help make earning your degree possible. ♪ ♪ national university. your future starts today at i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th the former president taking a rare step out of his comfort zone this week for an interview with npr only to bail out and head right back there. trump clinging to his big lie insisting it is the future of the republican party. >> is it a disadvantage for republicans to keep talking about the 2020 election in 2022? >> no, he think it is an advantage because otherwise they'll do it again in '22 and '24. >> but eventually hanging up after being pressed on his lies about election fraud in 2020. >> the only way it's not going to happen again is you have to solve the problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020. so, steve. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> one more question. i want to ask about a court hearing yesterday on january 6th. judge amit mehta. he's gone. okay. >> gone. hung up. the host of npr's "morning edition." i get to see you instead of just listen to your voice, steve. thank you so much. great interview. i appreciate you doing this. >> thank you. >> you have been trying to interview trump for six years now and were clearly ready for him. these days he normally only does right wing press. he had to have known what he was in store for when talking to a journalist like yourself. what do you think he hoped to achieve by speaking to npr's audience? >> i don't really know. we speculated about that ourselves. it is interesting timing. it's after the anniversary of the january 6th event. it's looking toward the 2022 election. and that is what we wanted to talk about and what he largely agreed to talk about is how he is intending to lead his party in the months and years ahead. that is the reason to talk to this particular former president. some people asked why even talk to donald trump as a private citizen but of course he is very powerful as the leader of the republican party. >> do you think he realized or did someone screw up and they didn't realize it was npr like a fact based journalistic operation? >> honestly, i can't tell you the answer, don. all i know is this time he came to the phone. we did first ask for him in 2015. i was told just before the iowa caucuses in 2016 he will talk to you after iowa. so he kept his word. it is six years later but still after iowa. so he did come to the phone eventually. there have been a number of other times over the years we thought we were going to get a call from him and it didn't happen. this time it did. so we put the questions to him we had on our mind until we ran out of time. >> it was interesting listening to the interview. it was like all the logic and his answers were sort of circular with no evidence. he kept insisting states like arizona saw fraud even though an audit backed by his allies found no evidence of that as you pointed out. this is what he said when you asked him about members of his own party who aren't carrying water for the big lie. here it is. >> why did republican officials in arizona accept the results then? >> because they're rhinos and frankly a lot of people are questioning that. >> why is it that you think the vast majority of your allies in the united states senate are not standing behind you? we did have that statement by mike rounds. >> because mitch mcconnell is a loser and frankly mitch mcconnell if he were on the other side and if schumer were put in his position, he would have been fighting this like you've never seen before. >> it is obvious he doesn't want any dissent in his own ranks. there are some very tiny cracks there. do you think this kind of bullying will work with his pulpit diminished this time? >> well, there are a lot of republican officials and republicans who have run elections or know how elections are run who know his claims are entirely false and also believe they can be politically damaging. let's remember the complexity for the republican party. the vast majority of people who identify as republican tell pollsters that they believe trump's lies about the 2020 election but the vast majority of americans over all do not. so you create a possibility of republicans winning primaries while making claims that turn off voters in the general election and republicans potentially lose seats they could gain in 2022 where things look very favorable for them. so there are a lot of republican office holders, people who know the facts, people who know how elections work who would really like to move on from this. but that splits them from a lot of republican voters and, also, we should be clear a lot of the conservative media, right wing media, right wing radio talk show hosts who have promoted more of trump's side of the argument. and so there is going to be something of a debate this year for republicans about how they position themselves given the real advantages they have this election year. >> the interview was fascinating. i want to play another bit where you really hit on an important point pushing back on the former president. here it is. >> let me ask you this question. how come biden couldn't direct 20 people -- how come when he went to speak in different locations nobody came to watch but all of a sudden he got 80 million votes? nobody believes this. >> if you'll forgive me, maybe because the election was about you. >> a vote against him which he probably doesn't understand. there's always been, for him, always been about optics yet he seems to be unable to see why he lost to joe biden. do you think he still doesn't understand what the 2020 election was about? >> i am not any better than anybody else getting into the president's mind, but i can say in going to interview him we can see how his thinking has adapted to new information, new circumstances. the reality is that his defeat is even more conclusively proven today than it was one year ago. things have happened like the arizona audit by his own allies, which claimed to find a lot of administrative errors but they also admitted that the ballots added up for joe biden to have won arizona. there is more and more evidence against the former president rather than the opposite but he manages to keep expanding his circle of people opposed to him who are disloyal, part of a conspiracy, it is a little vague as to what they are as a matter of fact. but there are more and more culprits that get worked into his theory so that he can continue to insist that he won in spite of even more evidence. >> did he ever at any point during the interview, steve, point out anything factual? because every time you challenged him on it, again, as i said, it was sort of a circular, well, this person is against me, this person is disloyal. they found all of this information. when you say they didn't he says oh, that is just not true. did he ever point to any evidence or facts? >> no, no. a lot of it is not really a fact you can check. a lot of it is a fact you can check and is wrong. like he says joe biden had 20 people at a rally. joe biden didn't have 20 people at rallies. he might not have had as giant a rally as donald trump did and so trump draws on that and says how did he possibly get 80 million votes? well, one thing doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other. and so he is drawing these logical inferences that aren't based on fact. i'm not saying that to be for him or against him or in any way critical but descriptive. it's just what dein the interview. >> it is what it is, the truth. great interview. i appreciate you coming on. keep up the great work. thanks for appearing. >> thank you. glad to do it. so we'll talk about every day items costing more. we'll break down what is going on. and if it'll get better or worse. plus we have breaking news out of australia about the novak djokovic controversy. we'll bring that to you right after this break. don't go anywhere. supplement with vitamin c and by vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? 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>> yeah, and when is it going to go back down? there's a lot of argument about that, of what is causing it. one group thinks that the fed is causing it by not raising rates and they should be trying to cool the economy. another group says that a lot of this is coming straight from the virus. that these sectors are the pandemic affected sectors. the supply chain is needing to be sorted out and once we get it sorted out inflation will slow back down. there was slightly good news in the midst of relatively bad news which were a couple of these headline categories like gasoline, which was going way, way up, gasoline prices have been falling for the last few weeks and the overall price of oil is down so gasoline prices might continue to fall. and most of this inflation, you know, it is 12 months of inflation, 11 of the months we already knew. so the incremental month of december, which is what got added, inflation fell a little bit. so people are hanging their hats on little signals like that. and hoping that it stays in just the goods sector, physical goods and stuff affected by the supply chain, and doesn't spread over to services. >> you know, americans are worried. they feel price hikes on gas and food, you said gas, you know, is coming down but still, still up. how much worse could this get? is that really the unknown here? >> that the unknown. it depends a lot on what happens with the virus. so if we got lucky, omicron virus proves to be milder than before and gives us a quicker route to herd immunity, so that we could go back to spending our money the way we usually do on services, we might be able to ease some supply pressures and inflation might start to dissipate over the next couple months. if the virus gets worse, if we get a spread of what's happened in china where they've got tens of millions of people in lockdown because of the spread of that virus, and we start to get more supply chain problems, it actually could get worse. so i think we definitely want to keep an eye on the virus side of this. >> okay. so listen. i want to go back to something you said. you talked about interest rates, right, and to try to offset it by raising interest rates i think is what you said. if the solution to this will be to raise interest rates what will that mean for people's pocketbooks and their budgets? what will it mean especially for the housing market and so on? >> it wouldn't be good. i mean, in a way, that argument would be that the economy is over heating so we got to cool it down. that means anything that is interest rate sensitive like housing would probably suffer. if you were going to try to buy a new house and get a mortgage the price would go up. we are in a really weird moment, don, which is inflation over the last year has been 7% but the interest rate has been 1.5%, 2%. so in what the economists call the real rate of interest has been a negative number. so it actually, they were paying you to borrow money, and that is not really sustainable. either the inflation has to come down or the rates have got to go up. but something has to happen. this is not a stable situation. >> oh, well. austin, you will be back talking to us many, many more evenings. >> yeah, let's hope it's in happier circumstances. >> i hope so as well. don't want the interest rates to go up, selfishly. no one does. people want to buy houses now. they think the time is good because of the rates. thank you very much. more breaking news to tell you about. vice chair liz cheney not ruling out a subpoena for house gop leader kevin mccarthy after he refused to speak with the select committee. this is what she said exclusively to cnn tonight, and i quote. we're going to evaluate our options but we will get to the truth. i wish that he were a brave and honorable man. he is clearly trying to cover up what happened. he has an obligation to come forward and we'll get to the truth. that is from vice chair, republican vice chair of the committee, the january 6th committee, liz cheney responding to kevin mccarthy refusing to he -- saying at least he will refuse to speak to the committee. we'll continue to follow that. up next dr. fauci saying the omicron variant will find just about everybody and some people are wondering if they should deliberately get infected. my next guest will say that is a bad idea. we're keeping an eye on australia for you. the australian draw postponed last second, no reason given. tennis star novak djokovic, will he play or be kicked out of the country? 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everyone get omicron and get immunity. but you quickly changed your mind. why is that? >> yeah, i think to clarify the fauci comment, too, i don't think he is endorsing let it rip. i think he is being fatalistic. i am less fatalistic. i think there are two big reasons not to let it rip. there are lots and lots of reasons. but number one is it is still -- omicron is killing people. you know, 1800 deaths today. probably most of them from omicron. many more will die. to let it rip intentionally would get a whole lot of people sick faster, and we would lose a lot of people especially those with weakened immune systems. the second is it is nuts to just let a virus go loose. we don't know enough about this virus. it tells us every three or four months we don't know beans about it. just to let it loose is like letting your puppy loose into traffic. i mean, just don't do it because you have no clue. you have no control over the puppy. you have no control over the virus. you just don't do it. it is sort of a -- >> well, you talked about that. you talked about being a novel virus, why it is called a novel coronavirus, people with weakened immune systems. but i think the biggest point to not let it rip you said, furthermore since they have trouble clearing the virus, right, meaning people who get omicron, it may linger for months in their body possibly creating a hot house environment to promote new variants any of which might be the next variant of concern. so you just don't know. that is why it continues to replicate and continues to mutate because, you know, people just sort of let it rip. >> yes. it is one of those ideas that sounds great for about ten seconds and then you go, ah. unintended consequences. >> also the idea of long covid. you still don't know. because people get it. you think immediately. well not immediately but shortly after they get better but do we know? we're not sure about that. >> we are not sure. the first case in america was december 1-ish, first case in the world mid november, early november that we knew of. it is too early to call it long covid. long covid by definition is more than three months so it doesn't seem like it is happening. i feel like we would have seen signals from south africa and maybe even england which are ahead of us. but it is a big unknown. and very strong reason again not to invite it. but to continue to wear masks, mind our ps and qs, and go about our business as safely as possible. >> real quickly before i let you go, when did your sons contract covid? >> mid december. >> okay. how are they now? all good? >> they're totally great, yeah. they are completely themselves. i would say it's the -- as many have said it's about a week. there is fever, aches, really like influenza. and it's maybe an inch worse and they're good as new. >> some people said they have fatigue for a much longer time. they feel better but just get tired. >> yes. the advantages of youth. you know. >> thank you, doctor. be well. i'm glad your sons are okay. >> thank you so much. a decision expected any moment now on whether tennis star novak djokovic can stay in australia or if his visa will be canceled. we are live in melbourne. that's next. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? 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>> reporter: so, don, the draw, we are told, has been postponed for an additional 30 minutes or so. it was set to begin around an hour or so. it looks like it will start 90 minutes late. there is no official explanation as to why it was delayed. at the absolute very last moment. but it was a significant, i guess, milestone in this whole event. a real marker, because djokovic, for as long as he is here, is the number one seed in this tournament. if the draw is released and then the expectation is it would be drawn in such a way he would be expected to play. if for whatever reason after the draw is released he is then told that he cannot stay by the country's immigration minister, then the draw would have to be reshuffled in such a way to compensate for that. there are two things going on in parallel here. one is the australian open and the other is the federal government preparing and we are told investigating novak djokovic to determine whether or not the immigration minister should use his personal powers to cancel his visa once again. now, the immigration minister has implied that he will not be driven by the timetable set by tennis australia and the australian open, but that said, the longer this decision takes, the greater the consequence, the fallout, the circus-like atmosphere that already surrounds this whole saga. so, for all of these reasons there is a great deal of ex expectation that the decision will come today. it has not so far, but we wait for an explanation as to why the draw was delayed and whether or not it is in any way related to djokovic. and also, we are hearing that the country's prime minister, scott morrison, is currently giving a press conference on the country's battle against covid but undoubtedly he will talk about djokovic, be asked about djokovic at some point and we'll be looking there to see if we get any sort of steer to where we're headed in this whole mess, don. >> it would seem, if they say, our decision remains the same, we don't want to discuss it, i'm just speculating here, if it's going the other way, where they say, we've decided to limit the crowds further, blah, blah, blah, let him play -- i don't know. but listen, djokovic thought that he was clearing things up, but his admissions in his statement made his case even more difficult for him, correct? >> reporter: yeah, i think certainly in the court of public opinion, absolutely. djokovic admitted that he tested positive, he says that he didn't get that test result for at least 24 hours or more, it was some time the following day so it meant that between his test and getting the test result, he says, that was why he was photographed at a children's tennis event, for example, in his home city of belgrade, but what he also admits is that after receiving that positive test result, he then canceled some events, some appointments, but proceeded with an interview with a french sports publication. a journalist and photographer spent a great deal of time with him, two days after the test. at no point were they told he tested positive for covid. so, his explanations says, on one hand, i didn't know, when i was hanging out with these people, but he does admit that he made a mistake and that he did spend time with people just after testing positive to covid and did not tell them that he had done so. that doesn't help his general public reputation here. what he's also trying to do, we're told, is convince the government to let him stay. so, in addition to making these sorts of statements, admissions and sort of apologies publicly, the government says that his lawyers have made lengthy submissions to the immigration minister's office, obviously in an attempt to persuade him not to use his personal powers to overturn his visa once more, but that's what's all taking place behind the scenes and that's really what we're waiting to hear, the result of those deliberations. >> phil black, thank you. and we will follow. make sure you stay tuned to cnn. thank you, phil. and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at before treating your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. plus, right now, you may pay zero dollars for botox®. ask your doctor about botox® today. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind.

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